Calhoun weekly times. (Calhoun, GA.) 1873-1875, December 08, 1870, Image 3

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CALHOUN TIMES. at Fairmount. <’ol. h N. Trammell, Democratic didate for the State Senate, l’roin isfDistrict, will address the citizens of county, at F.irmount, on lues ■L v the 13th inst. Other candidates are invited te be present. ■ ... returned.— Mr. C. A. Harris has returned from Atlanta, where he has boen negotiating for the sjdendid and silver winches, jewelry, &c., that constitute some of the prizes to be raffled, in connection with valuable real esuite, fine stock, Ac., by 11. Iv. Dicks A Cos., in this place on tho 2Ctli. The contract for prizes in this line was given to fleo. Sharp. (u Atlanta. \ * Mvstkiiious Death.— Mr. R.. B. Speeds, an old citizen o" this county, died at the residence of C. K. Laze dy, ten miles from Ca’houn. on Tuesday night. He was spending i <fi n'yt v. Ith Mr. Lazenley, and went to bed appar ently as well as usiv 1 for a meu of his n , :C —he was oh seventy—a id was found dead in h s bed the next nioru jn'f—the portion of b'sbo ’y i idicat,'ng that he d'ed without a struggle. — Atlanta Business Caros. —We have hut one new card this week from the merchants of Atlanta. Mr. W. L. Martin has opened a large stock of gro ceries and confectioneries, to which lie calls the attention of our readers; and from what we have bean able to see of him. we are persuaded that success will crown his efforts. lie also proposes to give special attention to the real estate business. \ f A ‘reliable gentleman, just from tlie front/ informs us that there will be a general change fn the schedule of both passenger and freight trains on the State Road next Sunday. We got no particu lars further than that the up passenger train will dine here. If there is anybody in the country un acquainted with the fact already, they can soon learn that our veteran hotelist, E. It. Sasseen, knows how to feed. — ' Mr. Editor : You will please announce, by prbVsh- in<r nils card that lan no. r. candidate for the Legislature. I have had no in tention f’ov the beginning of engaging in any canvass controversy ; or discussion, and as I do not wish to give even a p/e --text so; my be’.ig placed in the idsc po sition of favoring a Dciiiocml’c defeat, by dividing ibe votes o’ the party, 1 tldnk t my dc v to withdraw uy name altogether as a candidate. It. Gael ngton. Calhoun, Dec. 7. Peterson’s Magazine for January, 1871, is already out, and is a marvel of beauty and merit. We do not know 7 when w T e have seen lovlier engravings than the two steel plates. “Gracic’s Pet ” and “Coasting/ tho latvcr makes us blow our fingers, it is so cold. The fashion plates of ‘ Peterson” are always most excellent, and the one in the Jan uary number is a perfect gem of loveli ness. The stories are all unusually good even for “Peterson.” By a 1 ! means sub scribe for this Magazine for 1881. It both the cheapest and the best. The tore two dollars a year, with great re ductions to clubs, viz.: 5 copies for SB, or 8 for sl2, with boJi an extra copy and a superb premium engraving, to the person getting up the club. Spec imens are sent gratis to those wishing to get up clubs. Address Chas. J. Peter son, 20G Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. Agricultural Society. Calhoun, Ga., Dec. 6, 1870. Gordon County Agricultural Society met according to adjournment—Presi dent in the chair. Roll called and absentees roa ked.— Minutes of last meeting read and ap proved. On motion the following naxies were added to the committee to select location and sobcit subscriptions for fab ground, and committee allowed unit] Maxell to vepart —W. J. Cantrell, H. C. Hunt., Capt. Wiley Dyre, D. C. Irwin. On motion it was requested, that each member supply himself with a die-/ and record his transactions during the next year; Mr. Elam Christian requested to ascertain cost of same. The following resolution adopted: Resolved, That the constitution be amended so as to read “third Saturday” instead of “first Tuesday,” in a-tide first, sect toil sth of the constitution of thw society. Signad. A. Ross. Members requested to meet at eleven o’clock. < ultivation of corn and oats, subject tor discussion at next regular meeting; 3d Saturday in January, 1871. JAS. ROGERS, Pres. C. A. Haer-s, Sec. Homicide of Col. Ames. lhe Macon Telegraph and Messen ger. of the 3d says : Ihe following special dispatch f-om Dawson giving the result of the trial of • <mn Kelly for the murder of Colonel Ames, will surprise the public; but we now nothing of the evidence before the jury: Dawson, Ga., Decmber 2. fthtor* Telegraph J* Messenger : The Nerd let of the jury in the case of the • tate against John Kelly, for the mur- J r \t Ames, proprietor of e New Orleans Circus, in November last, was “AW guilty" PREMIUM WAGONS AJnI) THE CELEBRATED AV liitewater W agons . have been justly awarded the highest Premium at the great State Fairs, recently held at Atlanta, Ga., Jaud St. Louis, Mo. r Nov. 22, 1870. The Whirling of Fortune. At the time when a daugher of the King of Italy is a fugitive from Re publican France a son of the same mon arch has been iovited to mount the throne of Spain. And his acceptance of tlie i ivi atiou is officially announced. This is another tu r n of the whirligig of fortune fate or destiny. The new King of Spain is the \hlrd son of the present King of Italy. lie was born on the JOih of May, 1845, and Is 25 years of age. His Royal Highness bolds the commission of Lieutenant-General in the Italian army and chief of a brigade of cavah-v. lie was married on ihc 30. h of May, 1807, to the Princess ! Marie Victoire Charlotte Henrietta Jean, daughter of Prince Charles Eman uel Cistern a and Louisa Caroline, Cbis laiiie, Coumess de Merode. He belongs to the noble house of Savov, and is a gentleman of courage and repuie. In Italy, the P<Wce has always been popu lar with Ihc masses, on account of his supposed leaning in favor of more ad vanced and liberal views on the subject of government. This will be one point to his score with the Spanish people.— Bui he accepis a throne under unfavor able circumstances. IJe is the choice of lcades who cheated the Spaniards out of ihe legitimate fruits of a revolu tion which banished the Bourbon wo man from power and authority. In stead of Prim and his associates consult ing the men w 7 ho made the revolution a success as to its after f uit,s, they began negotiations with other Powers on the subject of a candidate for the Imperial pu pie, and denounced, and in some cases, butchered ibe Republicans. This embittered ibe masses, and they will look with suspicion and hatred upon a King, no matter what sentiments he may hold or represent. The people of Spain, like those of France, desire a re public. They wiU be satisfied with nothing less. 7'’'in may seat a .scion of the House of Savoy upon the throne, but iha* act wdl not satisfy ihe Repub licans, They will continue agitation, and thus educate the people to the de sired point of. changing the government in a sure and elective manner. Sketches in Paris—A Dismal Picture. A letter from Paris, in the Bostou Journal says: “Broken—utterly bro ken—is the commerce of both Franco and Ge many to-day. We hardly re alize how tremendous is ibe duel goim* on. I ranee is not wholly under the Prussian knife, but ihe clouded politics and deserted vineyards and fields are disheartening. Paris, clearing bouse number iwo of this continent, is block ed. The seven hundred and fi ’ y thous and worki >g meu and women do noth ing but hammer at cannon, mould bul lets, and bod wounds. Still an ac quaintance who came out in the last squad of Americans says that the opera is certainly to be opened shortly at Paris, and that cantatas of liberty will be sung there. At ihe Fraucais, the other day the “ Misanthrope’’ was put upon the stage, the gentlemen appearing in costume Re v ile. The most dramatic city ii the world cannot l.cep its theaters long closed. Although ihe ladies all dress in sonib-e colons, and the audience rooms are lighted with candles, the people manage to be very jolly. Mademoiselle Agar, fiesh, piquant beamy! may all bombs spare thee! recites ibe Ma»se’l laise, with the tears in her great black eyes. The street peddlers snarl out. “Cos •- of ihe Imperial family! One son !” O l d ladies sell candle-e ids which they have hoarded for many months and now they get exorbitant piiccs for them, because no one knows how soon light may be greatest of lux uries. Republican songs, and dubiously moral caricatures—but qu'ie as moral as were ihc persons whom they carica ture—appear in the shop windows.— The omnibuses run from Bicetre under fire down into ihe city, and hacks ply in ihe same dreamy, devil-may-care fashion. All good citizens now confine them selves io bread and coffee, and let ihe weaker and poorer have ihe meat. The vegetarians are in ecstasies. The poor servant women and sewing girls—you will remember that I have once given you an idea wbat ihese latter earn—are suffering horribly in the siege. Many of them in the and melee, can get nothing to eat; their last bit of money is gone, and suicide or the hospital is their only relief. The number of self murders does not seem to have been so large since the investment of Paris as before. This is a somewhat noteworthy fact. The excitement probably makes misery somewhat more supportable. Butter. —An exchange advises peo ple to do without bu- ter, or at least to use much less ihan ihey have been in the habit of doing. As for girls, it says if they only knew of ihe ravages that butter makes upon their complex ions, how it ehanges the lillies and roses of their cheeks into a “perfectly horrid” billious yellow and makes every one of them look five years older, they would as soon wear last year’s bonnets as to eat an ounce of the stuff. PITTS & JOHNSON, Calhoun, Greor<ria. CANDIDATES. FOR SHERIFF. We are authorized to announce the name of JOHN HUDGINS, as a candidate for Sheriff of Gordon county, at the ensu ing election in December next. ~ WE ARE AUTHORIZED to an nounce the name of JOHN H. ARTHUR, as a candidate for the office of Treasurer of Gor don county, at the ensuing election in Decem ber nexl. WE ARE AUTHORIZED to an nounce the nam? of N. J. BOAZ, as a candi date for the office of Treasurer of Gordon county, at the ensuing election in December next. ~ WE ARE AUTHORIZED to an nounce the name of D. E. BARRETT, as a candidate for tlie office of Clerk of the Supe rior Court of Gordon county, at the ensuing election in December next. WE ARE AUTHORIZED to announce tlie name of T. J. NORTON, as a candidate for the office of Tax Collector of Gordon county, at the ensuing election in December next. WE ARE AUTHORIZED to an nounce the name of W. G. C. DILLARD, Sr., as a candidate for the office of Tax Collector of Gordon county, at the ensuing election in December next. FOR TAX RECEIVER. Wo are authorized to announce the name of J. 11. McCOOL, as a candidate for the office of Tax Receiver of Gordon county. Election in December next. FOR TAX RECEIVER. We are authorized to announce the name of W. M. RUSSELL, as a candidate for Tax Receiver of Gordon county, at the ensuing election in December next. FOR TAX RECEIVER. We eve authorized io announce the name of J A MES M. REEVES, as a candidate for die office of Tax Receiver of Gordon couniy, ai she ensuing election in December. FOR SHERIFF We are authorized »o announce the name of JOHN GRESHAM, as a candidate for She/off of Gordon couniy, at the ensuing election in December next. If, M>*. G. W. TAYLOR sviH se*ve as Deputy She *i IT. FOR TAX CO ELECTOR. W e are er. >o announce .be nr me o T. A - . K j'.’S as :• carulYiue for Tiu Cos oc o• o" Go r oil eon ny. E'ec on iu Decern kv* ncx.. seal'll.e FOR TAX RECEIVER. We at e authorized <o announce ibe name of PRESTON C. MOSS, as acs/ncVdMe for Tax Receiver of Gordon county. E'cc tion in December next. M’\ Moss is an orphan boy and has a fam ily dependent on him for ibe'<• support. FOR CHE SHEERIOR COURT. WE ARE ,\ IjTiIOBiZPO io announce the name o" C. A. Harr s S. as a candi date foe Clerk o“ .ae Sr >c : o ' Cou' iof Go •- don courty, r.i die ensuing c l cciion in December nex... Sept 22-ui FOR TAX COLLECTOR. WE abe at thohizeT) to announce the name of CLEMENT ARNOLD, ESQ., as a suit able man for the office of Tax Collector of Gordon county. Election in December next. scpi3-1870tc MARKETS. CALHOUN PRICKS CURRENT. CORRBCTEW WEEKLY. Times Office, Dec. 8 1870. Bo tier—oo from wagons. Cot. on— 1 2£ Bacon—S •oohlcrs, 'p ft 150,10 Clear T'.‘l) Sides. 18010. CVp • S'aes. 19020. T> Vft H:'.\‘s, IS. Cos ‘1 — Sew, 60 C>*c ei'v —' o a wagons, 15020 Cos Tec—O’o 04 ft 22^023. .1: v. Gooos K , —'on wagons, 20cts. Plo. • —'’‘oin wagons, 3 cents. G Ti' • Apples—7s cents. Honey—lool Sc. Iron—'p ft 4103. Lard ft 18020. Lea 'ter—Sole, 'p ft 30040. Upper, 500. t 00. Kip Skins, cacti, 84 000$5 00. C.4"Skins, $4 00087 00 Lo vbe-—Dry, M. f... 815020 Me' I —"'‘otn coun.’-y mills 65. NaOs—Cut. $5 250.88 00. Oil—Tanner’s {4 gal., 81 200140. Kerosene, “ 750 80. Esirella, it 11 40a50. Cas.or, p»s., $6 25. ! ‘£ “ S3 60. Poia.o-'v—Sweet, 40a50. 1 v’sh. 44 busliel, SOO>OO Peaches—Dried, unpecled, 4as—peeled Ga 7. A-.-t'cs-CaU Eye—76 lings—Cotton, 3 cts., from wagons. Rope—Manilla Ip 1b 280 33 cts. Machine, “ “ 11»12£ cts. Conon, “ “ 30a50. gal —sack. $2 25. Suga r —Tlrow”. 'p 1b 12}a17 Syrup—Muscavado, "p gal., 05a75. Cuba Molasses, 50c {4 gallon. Golden, "p gal., slal 25. Sorghmn, 'ip gal., 60a75 cts. Tobacco—Leaf. *p ft 20a30. Medium, “ “ 60a75. Prime, “ “ 90a$l 25. Tea—s 1 25a S2 25. Wheat—lal 15. Wool—Washed, 'ip lb 25a45 cts. Feathers- - ’p ft6o. Reas wax— "p ft 28. Tallow-- ““ 10 Barley— 'p bush 90a 1 00. Oats- - “ “ 50. Peas- -i 0 MOO'D THIS 2 ALL ne sorts indebted lo us a~e requested to call aud help us raise funds io pay for the monster stock now being open ed in ocr Store. We know times are light, but we have relied upon some friends ioitelp us when p essed fqr funds, they have used our goods, and we hope it is only necessary to remind them that we need the money. Oct.iatf. BOAZ, BA It RETT & CO. imriflTUE. Male and Female. THE next Session of this Institution wTM commence on the second Monday in Jan uary, 1871. Rates of Tuition: First Glass, per session of 5 months $7.50 Second “ “ “ “ “ 1(1,00 Third “ “ “ “ “ 15.00 Fourth “ “ “ “ “ 20,00 Instrumental and Vocal Music, 20,00 This School is at Sonora, Gordon county, Ga., in a good morid neighborhood, ten miles East of Cklhoun. and consequently, free from ihe demoralizing influence of towns and vil lages, upon the young. Board, including washing, can he had in the vicinity at §llO a month. Studem sdesiring id can rent rooms ai low rates and board themselves. The MUSIC DEPARTMENT, as heretofore, is un«ler the supervision of Mbs N. Matuxpa Smith, a graduate of the School for the Blind, Macon, Ga. As to the character of this School, weres pec fully refer to the numerous citizens of Go’-don and adjoining counties, who have ex tens' vely patronized us for the past two years. In addition to the educational opportuni ties, -hat we have, heretofore, been able to offer, we announce to ihose seeking an educa ion, the following improvements in this Schoo l for tlie year 1871: The services of MissJl. S. Alexander, of Mobile. Ala., have been procured as Teacher of French. Miss Alexander is a thorough French Scholar, speaks the language fluently, and we guaran tee success in this Department. During the present vacation, the buildings will undergo such repairs ay will render them convenient and comfortable. We have purchased a set of Su-veying ins.ruments, and we propose to teach this science practically. A good Piano has also been procured. For the encourage ment of Oratory, a suitable prize will be awarded to the best Declaimer at ihc Bose of each spring session. We call the attention of the public to the cheapness of our school, both in reasonable board and to the fact that many of our best students rent rooms and hoard themselves, at. a trifle above what it would cost them to live at home. T. M. FULTON. A, M., F*d icinel. Sonora, Gordon county, Ga., Dec. 1,70-ts CALHOUN ACAHIII. TD R cxcrcscs of this Insulation will | be resumed on Monday. January 9. j 1 1 J ‘ * • O i 1. Air. G EO. S. FULTON who has been t*ecli iog in the Academy for the present yea' te te ns his sincere thanks .o his paPons rod »’ 'ends for tbc’r liberal patronage and sup povt in ihe nasi, and by close and assiduous attention to his business, hopes io merit their encouragement in the future. The town of Calhoun is most beatiifully sit uated, the centre of one of ihe richest coun ties in the Btaie and possessing in an emi nent degree, those desirable at.iihutes— wealth and plemy. li is the intention of the P’ ' tcipal to make Calhoun Academy iiUc’ ior .o none in the advantages conferred unon hose p’epa'ing ihcmselvcs for College. A genCcmau of a libcal education possessing a tho’ough knowledge of six different lan guages and having some expc’iencc in his cnU "g o" teaching, he will ever devote him self o the best inte’ests. both moral as well as iotellectoal. of bis pupils. Assistants of exVe’ ienced ahibty wiß he secured as ihe ne ces .'ties of the Insti u iou may require. RATES OF TUITION: 1 si Cffiss—O-ihography, Reading, Wri t' ng &Pi imary mondi, si,oo 2nd (.’ass—English Grammar, Geogra phy and Avi ill metre, per month, 2.00 ord C'ass—Higher English Branches and Element'y vllgehia, per month, 2,f>o 4th C'la^s—Anc’ent and Mode l n Lan guages and Mailiematic*. per month, 3.00 All students will he charged from time of entrance to the close of the Term, save in cases of protracted sickness. Good hoard can be obtained in Calhoun ) rom eight to ten dollar s per month. Where students mess togeihei, i hey can lire at much tower 7 a es. Tm'.iort lequircd monthly. GEO. 8. FULTON A. 8.. Principal. Cji’ /omi Ga., December 1, 1070-if “OLD SANTA CLAUS!” —AT — C. J. THAYER & CO.’S. We 1 1 Suppled with ‘Goodies’* for ihe Li k l *. Young Foils, Old Folks aod everybody else, coni n' ising a fine nsso’ tu»vu> of CANDIES, of evere variety and sfvle FRUITS. NUTS, LAY Ell RATS* NS, TOYS, FIRE CRACKERS Fine Chewing and Siuok’ng Tobacco, Cigars. Pipes, Ale, Fine wines, Brandies, & whiskey by the qunre or boule. And vtery t l)'ng uj be found in a firsf-eless conhci ioiierv. C. J. THAYER & CO." Calhoun, Dee. 1, 1870. lm Extra Heavy Bagging! WE have just received a large lot of heavy baggirg--2 pounds to the ya’d—which we are offering at 83 cents ner ya rd. nov24.f BOAZ. EA BRETT & CO. DEJornxKTT & Sox. Rome, Ga., will always pay the very highest market price for Coun try Froduee. Gordon Couniy Farmers, whenever you visit Rome don’t fail to call on DeJournett A Son for Groceries. Always on hand, the very best and cheapest of Groceries. For sale bv Df-JOUKNETT & SON, Got. Broad & Bridge sta,, Rome, Ga. Bev. A. Martin, ATTORXEY AT LA IU, DAHLONEGA, ... GEO Nov 10 1870 ts Ah 7 QITANTITT "Fine Virginia Loaf” and Manufactured fobaccos at DkJOURNETT & SON'S. Cox. Broad k Bridge sta., Rome, Ga. nov24.f i r itmmii & co., Wholesale Merchants —AND N. W. flt S. W. Corners Public Square, JASPER, - TENN. o Dry Goods Department: CANEDONIAN DRESS TARTANS, Beautiful Styles—Only 22 £ cents. Corded Alpaca— 27l «s. peryard. AMUKES —Beat >ttftil SSTVUES, At *22J cents per yard. Mohair Poplins —Double Width, At 33 J cents per yard. POPLIN ALPACA—DoubIe Width. At 30 per yard. SILVER SHIELD —DoubIe Warp, BLACK ALPACAS. We will sell No. 15, 4fl cents. No. 35. 50 cents. No. 25, 45 cents. No. 45, t>o cents. No. 55, 05 cents. Also, we would call especial nttention to onr “Royal Standard” Black Alpacas. (Trade Mark Registered in England,) IMPORTED TO US. They are especially ndapted for the Fall Trade, and on account of their extra weight, they hang ip tlic dress and snit. and are de signed to take the place of the Poplin Alpaca, and at far less cost. PRICK LIST, NO. NO. 3, 37 lc 55, 67 5, 42ic 75, 75c 15, 45c 85, B(hj 25, 50c 99, 85c 35, 55c 115, 95c 45, 60c 125, 1.10 We have reduced the price of our JAPANESE SILK POPLIN ROBES To $10.75 each. These are the cheapest goods in the mar ket. We have all shades. The above prices are as low as some goods can be bought in New York at Wholesale.— Send for samples. 20,000 Yards SEQUATCHEE A No. 1 DOESKINS, In Steel-Mixed, Grey, Blue, Gold. Red and B -own, At G 2 1-2 Cents Per Yard. These goods are guaranteed une qualled. Send orders. The Empire Boulevard Skirt, At One Dollar and Twenty-five Cents. This is New York Wholesale prices. CQTTOI'I YAW. We are wholesale agenls for the Em pire State Cotton Mills, and will sell Cot ton Yarns in any quantity, at manufac turers’ prices. We quote to-day: No. 500, 12? cents. “ GOO, 12} “ “ 700, 10 « Short Hank, one dollar and thirty-five cents per bale of five pounds. This thread is guaranteed unequalled. ■gaOIHcI HSYO JS A "MOT 5 ,,0I l Ai J 0 ‘nioo joj ofcmnpxo jo *» [t?« ioj •siioJritfjvi OAoq« eq*-jins oj Bsfaruuq ojqtiop ‘jCAuoq ‘oKjy •oijqnd oqj pojqyo avou suoavji pu« o[qs * urn ini him WE call the attention of our consu mers to or : brands of Irish Linen & Linen Hamlkercli’fs. No. 1 1 isii Linen, 40 cents. No. 2 •* a 45 cents. No. 3 “ “ 60 cents. \Yc hr re Hh.vgy’s Liven 1 - ke c’’> sat 75c. 5., SI.OO. $l2O and $2.00 per do/e ?. We also call to our Table Linens and out* Linen .Shirt Fronts. We hare Pa ’e L’.kti Sh' and P ’oo.s p.t 10c.s each ; r’so p.t 12}, Jo. 20 25 30 and. JOccn.s each—ihelp.-.ev usually sohl a t SI.OO. The above p 'oesja ’e gue.»*ameci'. .obe'ess than Im l r .he user I p *'ce« cl arged for came goods by Rend l V'cfcltan.s. Will sell 5000 dozen Best American 3 cord Spool Thread —Warranted 200 yards, AT 35 CENTS PER DOZEN. Send us an early order. E. F. REDFIELD k CO. Jasper, Tennessee. o Agricultural Department. Cahoon’s Broadcast Seed Sower, Til KB EST IX USE. PRICE TEN DOLLARS. Wil 1 save its price in one barrel of seed. Age ins wanted. Send for circulars. Also, we will sell: 225 Dodge Perfect Plows, No. 1, $9. 250 “ “ “ No. 2, $lO. 500 “ “ “ No. 3. $lO. 250 “ “ “ No. 4,312. 150 ££ “ ££ No. 5. sls. 250 Dodge Double Shovel Plows, $9. 1000 Dodge Kentucky Stock Bells at manufacturers prices. 1000 Cahoon’s Seed Sowers, $lO. 250 Pittsburg Steel Peacock Plows, No. 1. $9. 250 Steel Peacock Plows, No. 2. $lO. 500 Pittsburg Steel Plows. No. 3. sll 200 Steel Peacock Plows, No. 4. sl2. And five hundred other Steel Plows at manufacturers prices. See terms to clubs and send orders. We have at all times an immense stock of Agricultural Implements and Machin ery. all of which will be sold at manu facturers prices. We have a large invoice of ten-inch Monkey Wrenches, which we will sell at 75 cents. TERMS TO CLUBS; We oiTer the following great induee me»’ s in •"mno’\s c'a'oi'aj .oge.lier for their iculairgl Implements: We have over o >c thousand plows—all sold iu Mrn»’sve.u’*e T *s’ net prices. WITHOUT FnE'GUT. To eluhs ordering ten plows at ? one time, we will give one ex.ra plow, same s'ze as o Jers ordered. YYe have ?a sock, over one thousand Ca hoon's Broadcast Seed Sowers. To clubs or de *ing six at one time, we will send one ma chine FREE. We seH Gale's Copper Si rip Feed, and warrant it to he the best in use. To c’ubs onie'-ing 10 at one time, we will send 1 free. We sell die S*ar Co-m-Shellcr- bo.h double and single, wr ?-an.ed the loesi in use. Single Slar wo-iii ST3. Double Sar woiih S2-*.— Clubs ordering ten at one time, will receive one. same size, fee. Wc freely wn’—pni every,h'ng we sell, and ihe above w'll enable iO obtain .heir farm impleiuenis cheaper than they can from any other market. We furnish illus.ra.ed price v sis ami catalogues, when desired. Send orders iimnedia.e’y to E. F. REDFIELD k CO., Wholesale Merchants k Manufacturers, Public Square, Jasper Tcnu. BO?10’70-ly W . „1) . II Ov T & CO . DRUGS, MEDICIN KH, AND DRUGGIST SUNDRIES, No. 43, Broad st., ROME, GA. Wlioiosalo Agonts ipoi* Rosadalis, Plantation Bitters, California Vinejrar Liftoff* Ed Wilder k, Co’s. Preparations, Pemberton. Taylor k * ’ »’s pr >a Ayer & Co’s. Preparations, White L ad. and Lins, and n,l * All of which will be sohl at Manufacturer's Trices. F , ~, j-, . $6,000 For One Dollar! S3(XOOO~ Worth of Real Estate Personal Property, To be Ruffled for at Calhoun, Ga., DECEMBER 26, 1870. Every Ticket Guaranteed a Prize. $«,000 For One Dollar! $6,000 For One Dollar ! Raffle to he conducted by six sworn Com missioners. Aokxts Wanted—to whom a liberal com mission will be given. & W. H. Dabney. Atlanta* Oa., and county officers. Send for efrcubi'rs, tickets. &e. to * H.. K. Hl( -KSd^CO., oct2otd Calhoun. m IOO,OOO JX GEE EXE A CES, AWAY! A FORTUNE FOR Aa V tC , TAVO LLA R S.I O bJ , No Bogus Gift Enterprise! But a Genuine Institution! THR ALABAMA IMMIGRANT ASSOCIA TION, incorporated under the laws of the State of Alabama, have resolved to give one GRAND ENTERTAINMENT! In the city of Montgomery. Ala., on Sat urday, December 81, 1870, or. as soon before as the Tickets ure all sold, at which time ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS in U. S. currency wil! be given away, to holders of Tickets, as follows: 1 Gift in U. S. cur’cy of $25,000, is $25,000 1 “ “ “ of 10,000, is 10,000 2 Gifts “ *• of s.o(K),iu*c UMKM) 5 “ “ “ of 2,000, f»rC 10.000 10 « “ “ of l,ooo.arc 10,000 20 “ “ “ of 500,arc 10,000 100 “ “ “ of lOO.are 10.000 1500 “ “ “ of lO.are 15,000 1030 Gifts of SIOO,OOO The Award of Gifts WILL be made under tl e supervision of three Sworn Commissioners, gentlemen of well-known integrity and high standing. Af ter deducting the expenses of the Entertain ment, the balance of the money will he ap propriated to the objects for w hich the Asso ciation was formed, viz: the introduction of European Labor in the Southern States. The reputation and cluv acter of the Incor porators of this Association, coupled wity ev ery safe-guard that the law of the land can throw around it, is a guarantee that the dis tribution will be Honestly and Fairly made, and that every protection will he given hold ers of Tickets in every part of the country. In order to give all, Rich and Poor, an op portunity at this Grrand Soiiemo! By vvluch iliev may become eu -idled in an hou v , the Price of Tickets has been put at ONLY TWO DOLLARS. A discount of ten per ceui. wid be made to purchasers of SSO, and ad’icooni. of 20 per cent, to purchasers of SIOO wort h of Tic kets. WE HAVE NO AGENTS. 125,000 Tickets Oi»ly will be Sold. Pa- t es at a distance devring to purchase Ticke.s must renet ihe money, direct to the ‘•Associa.'on,’’ as peratV -ess below. ALABAMA IMMIGRANT ASSOCIATION, Monivome’-y, Alabama. Read what the ne r y city papers that know tue geu.leu'en, who a -e theniana gc'-s am incorno ors of ties Association, have to srv as io iheir i-eUr.bili.y audhonesty: ( F. om the Dady Alabama Siate Jnurnal.) The Ame-rcan people rre strictly a perude of forivnc ; ihev likt; to take a chanre ai a frig so -tune fo»-a nmallmui ofiuonev. This scheme aifo -ds them tliis opportunity. The first award and the highest is $25,000. The low est is ten dollars. Tlie price of tickets is on ly iwo dollars. YY lien was «ueh an oppono nLy presented to make a “pile*’ ou such u small investment ? The of the Association a*-e Julien Ifomans and Odo Selierf. Jr., of New York, and J. G. Stokes and it. Gveene. of Montgomery. For the benefit of the public, we will siaic that the As sociation is perfectly solvent—the gentlemen whocompose it are of character and integri ty. and we believe they will see to it that the project is honestly andfaithfully carried out. (From the Montgomery Daily Mail.) The incorporators are two well-known and wealthy New Y'oikersi, Messrs Otto Scheif, Jr., and Julien Homans, and Messis.J. G. Stokes and R. Gieene, of Montgomery. These gentlemen will faithfully carry out the designs of the asso ciation, which p oposijs to give a series of mag nificent enlertammen s, at the first of which one hundred thousand dollars in currency will be given away to holders of tickets, in sums ranging irom #lO to $20,000. The Company will open their Mon gumerv office at once. REFERENCES—Auv Banker, Merchant, or Business man of reputation in the city, novititd 40.1HH). Office 11. K. Hicks k Cos., 4 Agents, Calhoun, Ga., OcDtber 22, 1870. Owing to a large number of our agents failing to make returns in time, and to the tickets not being all sold, the Grand Raffle and Sale Ls postponed to the 26th of DE CEMBER, 1870, or sooner, if the tickets arc o ! l sedd— due notice of which will be given. The Managing Agents return their thanks the liberal patronage bestowed upon the enterprise, and respectfully so lieit a continuance of the same for a short time, to complete the sale o'* all the tickets. Let none hesiirte to bay tickets, for this is no New York hum bug, but only go tten up to dispose of property, and that by good citizens of the county. On the day of the raffle, the whole matter goes into the hands of the six commissioners selected by ticket holders, and not interested in the raffle or in tickets, giving all an equal chance, though absent, of drawing a prize. Agents must m ake returns by the 20th of December, or four days previous to the raffle. Respect fully, 11. K. HICKS & CO., noY3td Agents. SO,OOO For One Dollar! SICKNESS. PAIN & DEATH I legitimately re* ill natural Istw,. f»nm which t.cncccnjc. j The faded check, the jw.lcand wan the dull cm, tha cloud, and in»cllt»)Ct t th v and rti heaving *igb, the feeble ar-d em.tnated frame thed- i-*cied brow, the I,uteri*, gait. n t| ind, r 'te P i>v M u , I lim.ivw-.ydv ol law. K»..v that ->raK-raan oa’mn is the thief if lime, all intrlifet rl b> it g, I apply for tome temedr *■«.. n ee4*rrhn s: t , c*a permit; whiD th.iee who do not act open ttia principle that “de ujs are dargen-ua.'' gotu ta’t* lose umrr ns* and pay mot* m-KCT. 9 I Tho«j»uda of wtalhera and daughtef. In all ,fa | lions and condemns of life. ar« euCet *rg. Unrcr lingaml dying ft m the iff tie cl soau dreaded and dreadful That claims its viciituH thr> u-hiavt tL« lei elk and of our land. * Many females MtfTer in some trnnl eecli tv*rn\. ly petit and; vwiitf eitls are iu gieut jwtil at the com met) cement of mens' tuutiuu, while other ui es dread its decline at the "turn of life.” Sometimes Ihe menstrual 11 w is ton mu, h, or t„n little, nr mav be at tended with p..iu ; niav b« irrrrttlw ur entirely ch eked, nr ii/apjvearaoce, at tended with other dist*er.«irg svtnpfoms. In,, coirboia, or the “Whiten,” f.tqiientiy drains the system or u!c«.ati, m of ihe vvou b out criatepuiu and rails* rat id prns'rM'ion. hAjirg of ihe w«.nib is an exceedirglv common compl int. giving much trouble end d.siress, wh en, under ordiuary treatment, i# difficult to cure. Hvstencs. Green Siiknces, liriUbility of the tt otnb, aid oiher set i.-us and fata complaints toU low th- lemale sex throughout life, lores ‘here a medical genilenian who has or can re I sere the fait sex of Ihe above tr< üblesf Not o'anv there uo combination of lemedial a C enUthat will come to her loscue ? We answer. Yes. ENGLISHFem'uc BITTERS^ The only acl now (edged Uterine Tonic at and Ftmnla known, will curt 1 all coniulaintt above mentioned in *tt incu-diblj shot t time. The Bitters ut ouce aroases, strengthens and res*ore» the womb to its natural condition, temoting ol> structions, relieving pain and regulating th 6 monthly period. Y under stands a pale, feelde and languid girl, just bursting into vvomsnhooo : sbe is the pride of all, but hatk! »he silently su-als a pickle, eats chalk, or * slate pencil; no appetite lor fo«>d ; el e turns with a dull eye and seeks sol itude; Ler eye no longer spuik'es; let merry laugh is no longer heatd through the niL she mopes about with b’o dlt* Bß lips nnii with headache, palpitation, constipalion, swim, mtng ol the lie d,cold feci and bands, melancbol : she has a routed tongue. ( If nsire breath, aad * host of other evils too mtnietous to mention. YY hen neglected all these symptoms become aggravated, there is sick stomach, heartburn, a da>k line settles under ihe «ves, the legs nnd ankle* a e swollen, the hair loses its gloss and lulls off, there is brittleness and splitting ol tbu finger-nails, swollen abdomen, extreme nervous ness, Iretfulness, pains and »ch»s, dry cottgW, Hysterical Fits, rap'd t rust rati n, epilepsy and dea'h! If you, or any of your friends, me thus afflicted, send at once for a Bottle ot English Fe male Bitters and be cured. It- effects ere magical in such complaints. Sorely no mother will post pone and delay this duty until DEATH IS AT THE^IOORI In all Ihese c< mj.lainfs the svstem eridecflr s> ows a want of ted blood, and Mr. Chmchill, in hiawoiknn Diseasesof Females, navs : “Bearing in mind ih tl ihe blood is remarkably deficient iu red corpuscles, and ihe known ptopertv of mox to correct this cot d.iion, theory snggee's it as ihe most to be rebed on, the best of which is ihe Citrate. Citrate of Iron enters I tgely intr ibe coioj*osittoe o' English Female Bitters, combined with powerful vegetable tonics of rate qualith-e. Among the mountains of and the ptnev woods of Mis i sippt, is 'ound a gei tain hard and flinty root, which has been in tncrrt iu»e by some old uiidwivea for many years, poMessing magic |»"wers in r< g dating nnd testot ing all fe nrrales suflerii g wiih any affection of Ihe womb. Inis root we tiare obtained gave it a fair lest in our practice and it is now one ol the princ pie in gredients in thej-e Bitters Other powerful nt-iine and general fan tea also enter into its cotrT*.sitioD YY e also odd Lepta. d-a or Black root, sufficient to act upon the liver and kicp the bone's oj>en. Lib-a.-.*.- -va.! Iv* BLOOMING YOUNG GIRLS. PA jnwiMßr^-y, Middle aged matrons, those at the cißlcal period aud the aged grandmother, are all clued bv tbs use of onr English Female Bufets, now iuescnbed and used by physicians all over the countrv. If you are troubled with Falling of the W* mb attended with a sense of weight and beating dnw r» pain in the back nnd side, and other attet dant evtis, English Eemale Bitteis will give eutue re lief. Th'.se at the “turn of life,” mn'be>« ester con fiiieraeni. atuj all others (Umie or lemalef a bo are convale*cents Dorn any pn trai led or complaint, who gain stieigth slowly, and whose digestion is slow and imperfect, w ill fiud Luters the very thing their systrni dtmaads. li gives a powerful apjwtife, aids and assists diges tion, arom-es the brer, strengthens mentally arid physically, and fills the whole system with j ure crimson biota? ceursirg thiougb its chancel*. Gfcg-Shop^itte^. En pty Bitter Bolt es, of various styles, can be found amund almost every dwelling and cabin throughnnt the land. Tbeir ta-te is p’easanf, and are jtPVKim«Ki> to cure aloir«t every disease, w-hi'ie the manufacturers know t! ey fiorseas to medicinal prosifies whatever. They are so many and sifiiises for i-xceediturly ownuiion bevetages which do not. nor cannot possibly cure ary one. Bcwate of these piea ant bitters in qtiati bet lies, they contain a sting for your vitals, and be wlo buys them ca ii s » “toper’s” g - og 'Dto bis home. One man who knows nothing ab- u' med icine, sa s hi* big bottles of common stuff will cure cbil.s and fever, rbumafisai and cum-uo.u - ton ; another, whose bottle is verv fancy, cures all impurities of the blood, makes old im-nTonng, casts out deviis, restores sight to the blind, and’ Domerous other mi.acks; while yet another, who preenm-s every man a drunkard, proposes fod»«re cr.lic, ingrowing nails, vetlow frrer, heart diiuMse and lovesick inaitkna!! We know tbev make no Fitch cutes, we know the people at large are deceived and swindled, srd as we desire to ren liiate these common humbugs, make the follow irg ibailenge to one and ail: Mj "i n—bosj ■' ii min iwi—an ON^HU^^E^^OLLARS That or.e fcaspoonful of ENGLISH FEMALE BITTERS contains as much medicinal properties as one bottle of air of the pleasantly t*st*d com mon advertised bitte's ot ihe r’ay ! The medical pro'esMon to deride the qnest ion. Be it nnderc stood that English Female Hi'lem is not a bever age, but is a powerful Iron and Vegetable Tonic combined, curing long staedmg chronic female complaints in every direction. Put up in large bottles at $ 1.5 G rer battle, or six bottles for fS.nO, and sold by Drrggiafg and Merchants everywhere J. P. DROMGOOLE ft CO., Prop’s. Memphis, Tenn. DRGMGOOLE '& CO.'S BUCHU. The best and chespcs* combination for all af fecti ns of the Kidneys md Bladder ever offered to the pnblic. It is prepared by regular physi-> cians and used by the profession. Pr ; ee #1 or six bottles tor $5. Sold by gists and Merchanti everywhere. J. P. DROMGOOLE k CO,. sept297o-ljr Memphis, Tmo.