Evening journal. (Savannah, Ga.) 1871-18??, April 06, 1872, Image 3

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EVENING JOURNAL. .SATURDAY EVENING, APRIL f>. SEVEN OUD. A® SUNG EY SAM COLLINS, DUTCH COMEDIAN. Oh, ycre is my pocket book now gone to V Os you vait, I vill told id to you now, Yesterday von I came into dis cidv, i met a roosder mit a red eye prow, U nd lie asked me it I vould play cards den mit him, Yust for to bass away de dime, ibid my pocket-book und gold vatcli it vas tooken, .Al a lectio game dat lie blayed so line. cnonus. Called—Seven ond, seven oud, Dat'* de game dat ketched me rite away; Seven oud, seven oud, 1 Jut's de game vat dat roosder lie did blay. Yen I losed me den, 1 vent to a boliees, >Und I told him all about it rite avav, lie took dat roosder to de station houses, Und de judge lie asged me vat I had to say, ! tole him dat dat feller vas a swindler, Und dat I didn't know how it vas myself, Dat he gave to me de High de Low de Jack, too, Und dat lie held de same cards to himself, In—Seven ond, seven out, etc. De judge lie den says—“l’ll discharge debrisoner," “He's got my vatcli” —I gwickly den cried out, “1 know dat,” says de judge, “und as for you sir HI give you six months of you don't gwick hold your mouth.” 1 shut up gwick, und vent home to my family, Und tole my boy about it (who was lame), Hind I take him on my knee now every evening, Hut, I tole him for to never blay dat game Called—Seven oud, seven out, etc. Ash’s Hat Stoke.— Everybody who wants a nice new hat of the latest sty le, anti •at a reasonable figure, should not fail to vC ai l and examine the large and well as sorted stock of Spring styles just received bv Mr. C. B. Ash, 137 Congress srieet. To a Well-Wisher. —Yours received. .Many thanks foa your kind expressions. We shall profit by your suggestion, and -publish a piece of poetry very soon (not •crignal), that will make your hair stand on -end, and remind you very forcibly of “days ig one by." Finn. —An alarm of fire was struck from box o, at 1.15 this afternoon, which drew ;> crowd of firemen and citizens out C 2 : n the South Eastern part oi the city, when it was discovered that some of Mr. 1L B. iiODpard's houses, situated near Ins mill ..id caught on fire from sparks flying from ;o-3 smoke-stack of the mill* i iie alarm was so verv indefinite that it wots sometime fore the firemen could determine where the fire was, and as the wind was blowing the time the buildings would have been entirely consumed had it not been for the -..Torts of the mill hands, who immediately brought a donkey engine into requisition, which extinguFhed the fire before the arri val of the engines. Only the roofs of the -ousts were burnt. Loss about s3oo. Fully insured in the Liverpool, London .and Globe Insurance Company. GO TO WILSON’S i-is lsnouGirTox street, FOR YOLK STEREOSCOPIC Bird's Eye Views of Savannah. Feb27-lmo Dlt. J. A. MAYEII, n AS REMOVLi) AC ROSS THE STREET To the store formerly occupied by J. 15. Robin son & Cos.. Hull street near Broughton. PRESCRIPTIONS PREPARED DAY and NIGHT. Residence, State street, Third door West of Drayton. 2-22-1 m REMOVAL. Mess, baker & bro.. ship chandlers, would inform the public that they have es tablished an oftieeon the. corner of Hay and Abercorti Streets, store occupied by Me®.*. Dillon & Stetson, o-l o Ira E. H. McIIUGH. ALES, WINES, LIQUORS SC. ALSO, CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES, COR. DRAYTON & YORK ST. LANE. Georgia House, NO. 4 WHITAKER SWEET, (Cor. Bar Lime.) ALES, WINES, LIQUORS AND SEGARS ALWAYS ON HAND. A specialty i* made of Fresh Lager Beer: ®. c s*KisKArM, j Proprietors. $1 KID GLOVES $1 IN ALL SHADES, ONLY ONE DOLLAR A PAUL AT Bonney’s, 138 Broughton St. A. Til IE ME. Watchmaker & Jeweller, HULL SWEET. Store formerly occupied by Dr. Mayer. ADo keep on hand a line assoiiuieut of fanny Candies, Jellies, Fruits, etc. 2-20-1 ip SPECIALTY ! O-eo. illlen- BASEMENT 03 BAY STREET, l (Next door to ThompM r. & Walter.) Fine Butter, Cheese and Laid, ••DI'EFIEDA '••JSKA i!(iBASS” And other celebrated brands of Sugar O ur e and. TL a m s. Mail-2m WIIOI.ESALE DEPOT FOB Sugars and Syrups, Poultry. Eggs. Game, evict. 180 Bay' St., Foot of Barnard. MaiMm CEO. S. HERBERT. How to be Happy 2 Provide yourself with a dozen ol our cele brated PATENT SPONGE CLOTHS. Universally useful in tbe Kitchen, B-*d room and Nursery. Prico, lE\ 'IMS; or, O\E R'UAK ITU foZfcW. J. ii. a w. t *ii:ioin\)N, -1-1 U Congre** Strct-f, S(*LK AOKNTS I'oii GEORGIA. Gr O T O E. D. SMYTHE’S, On Congress & St. Julian Sts., FOIL YOU It CROCKERY, CHINA, GLASS "W AHE AND— House-Furnishing Goods, JUST RECEIVED! A Beautiful and well * elected stock of MILLINERY GOODS roXMMUNG OF Paris Hats and Bonnets FRENCH FLOWERS I v I B B O NV S o> AM, THE MAV -if \I3E-. ' AD< >. a Heart!iltd assortment ct Ladies Nciirls nnd I iisfenvear* KID (iLOYES, IIAIR GO()DS THOMPSON’S GLOYF-FiTTiNG CO7.3FTS, .all«i»j.i And all the novelties of the sea®!.::, will In* I-I. CL HOUSTON’S XO. 22 JiI’LL STlU:iXl\ 2-22 lm i m’er M;t.®o!ii<' Ha;!. CROWN SHERRY! A Per Case. £'.* tH): Per Gallon, $2 5-). IMPORTED DIRECT FROM CADIZ, SPAIN, BY A. L. RICHARDSON, Feb2h-!m lit lIAY STREET.