Every evening. (Savannah, GA.) 18??-18??, December 27, 1873, Image 4

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oossip.0ossip. —That was a good hen, even if she was near-sighted, which mistook sawdust for Indian meal and ate heartily thereof, then laid a nest full of wooden bureau knobs, and in three weeks hatched out a set of parlor furniture. A boy, eight years old, in one of our public schools, having been told that a reptile “is an animal that creeps,” on being asked to name one, on examination day. promptly and triumphantly replied, “A baby!” —Some one says: “Insects generally must lead a truly jovial life. Think what it must be to lodge in a lily. Im agine a palace of ivory or pearl, with pillars of silver and capitals of gold, all exhaling such a perfume as never rose from human censer. Fancy again, the fun of tucking yourself up for the night in the folds of a rose, rocked to sleep by the gentle sighs of the Summer’s air; and nothing to do when you awake but to wash yourself in a dew-drop, ami fall to eat your bedclothes.” —“John,” said a stingy old hunks to his hired man, as he was taking dinner, “do you know how many pancakes you have eaten?” “No.” “Well, you’ve eaten fourteen.” “Well,” said John, “you count and I’ll eat.” COFFEES. RIO. JAVA, MOCHA. AND LAGUYjU. T FAS. OOLONG. ENGLISH BREAKFAST, BASKET. 01 N POWDER, IMPERIAL, AND HYSON. SPICLS. Mace, Nutmegs, Cinnamon, Cloves, Allspice , Gin ger. The above Spices, ground <>r whole, just the thing for Housekeepers. Coffees parched and "round every day, at the RED STORE, • Bn eh ton Street. ' H. BURNS dec23-tf Proprietor. EIMSTMS 111 THE IMS i 75 CASES OF China and Fancy Goods, Imported direct. Also a large and weU assorted Stock of Domestic Goods, Consisting partly of Hoixse Furnishing Cxoo&s of every de< ription. All of the above goods - propose to sell at PANIC PRICES. a W. ALLEN, l<j ; TStnmyliton Street, (Between J*-;g is -u a: and?■ ■uigmu -vy.) dec2'2tf ROO Large, Pleasant Koi in? "•‘ci or ' |( 'J ran be procured at N<>. t - av-'. : a- ■ .. . ween Bull nu<\ Wi< 1 -i.er. e.r-: funioT’u, rn r# N rp.vsl £± als R‘> 1A .?-) W J E,il ;i:TER •-F Hm. f :: p.:e; * ome lie .Sugars A b ' r coJ Spanisu Hints, liwli beer, Erma Lager. AND BOTTLED LIQUORS. Hot Scotch, Tom aid Jerry. Jflrrehaut*' 1 I- J Bull A't. ev< ry Ur • a, in. •’ ■ b-uul BRESNAN’S mini . HOUSE, 156,158,160 and 162 BRYAN ST. The Proprietor of the above House, in order to supply the constantly increasing business, has made several improvements and additions, chief among which is a BE AWT ON THE European Plan, where the traveling public can at all hours, either day or night, have served up to them, at. such pri ces as to be within the reach of all, the substantial* and delicacies of this and the Northern markets. HOARD AND LODGING, $1.50 PER DAY Requesting a share of the public patronage, I guarantee complete satisfaction to all who visit my House. BALLS and PARTIES supplied with SUPPER on reasonable terms. . T ol ‘ N BR Yti'\A N, Proprietor. ml DROP IN AT FRANK MOLINA’S, Corner of Hull and State Streets , And supply yourself with Cigars after the Theatre is out. 4® You can select from all the popular brands, decliul SAVANNAH CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC, 11J Perry Street. S. N. HNFIELD, Director. Instruction in Piano, Organ, Cultivation of the Voice, Violin. Flute, Harp, Harmony and Musical Composition in private or class lessons. Office Hours from 12 to 1, and from 5 to 6 p. n; novlOtf _ J. A. MERCEEK, Conisslon Mr- rcl l :■ v i . IV. ", <-or. Bn ya ml AV?? it -1>• ■' ' IT ART.) and S’ iFT - -k, £'* ’ , * ' T' • :■ m \ . .and to all parts of ''■■■■ * in • • i ! ! . |?I! q <; ' ; Pjff : : ;w; ■y V * t*; l'j C ‘ l ii U•’ !E 1 •-• ! 1 - A ‘J. - j v. o.n 0o- . ■ ii@ i ■ ■ ' ■ ■, . . B<x>k-keeplng, ¥* nnaanship, ( on in tion, and all - e* ether Li. ■- -- - i • iOffi r ial I e ) diet I>U ■' M> ] uches as ligner Mathe :r.af.. -. In , • . ~ii. r DcparUucut. boy from ten to t.iu , b‘--n ’■ ,-f age are taught Writing. .... dinary English branches. . i, :. i. in. to 1J; p. m. At uight, l u-imibj to 9% o’clock. ’-I -a , ■ i >ll at the Institution, or ad m n. McCarthy, a. m.. ],.-j ‘ " Priru ipai. TO THE LADIES! CALL AT IIS 11 STORE, Corner Jefferson and McDonough Sis. P'Aud inspect his fine Stock of PERFUMERY aud TOH.LT ARTICLES, LUBIN’S EXTRACTS, ATKINSON’S EXTRACTS. SIDNEY & CO EX TRACTS W *.IGHT’ EXTRACTS dec7ml FOREST OTT MTiSHOE STORE SPANIER & ELIAS. Ml Proughton Street , PKALRItS IN BOOTS, SHOES, &c. We would call the attention of the citizens of Savannah to our large and well assorted Stock of Ladies, Gents and Misses BOOTS AND SHOES, Which we are offering at prices to suit the times, to cash buyers. N. B.—We make a specialty of Philadelphia Boots and Shoes. uov6tn2 SPANIER <fc ELIAS. CALIFORNIA PEARS I have just received a fine lot of WINTER PEARS, direct from California. For sale in lots to suit purchasers, at my Fruit Store, No. 6 Whitaker street, near Bryan. declO-lm M. JACOBY. BOOTS and SHOES N. T. FINDER & CO. 13U>i Broughton St. Would call the attention of the public to the large aud well assorted stock of Boots and Shoes, which they have just received. Parents are invited to examine their extensive assortment of Misses’, Boys’ and Children’s Shoes, of which they have one of the most complete stocks ever offered in this citv. deolml R. M. MARLOW, 43 Whitaker St., Dealer in FRUITS. PRESERVES CONFECTIONARY &o deciml REOPENED. Mrs. E. Steiger, having secured the services of a first-class Artist from New York, will reopen the PHOTOGRAPHIC GALLERY formerly kept by her husband, on the first of December next. The rooms have been newly fitted up and supplied with all the latest improvements in the Photo graphic line, and persons visiting the Gallery may rely ou the work bi ing satisfactory in every pa r tienlar. and ecS-ti - I’ I ', lit l :i< )b ,'E r<A? Trv ' 'Mcr?/-, • 7-ra '■ W-' ifiCi GO TO ' >-1 jvin Vi • : vn g 5 ,■' i -> ,- if. 5 \/ | y 2 • i : *, % ; i ill h I i h yI |i \ IVl'i fJiliUuii I / pre T 0:0’ L > i..p 1,-j D >. ~ < d,>i . I V;-: V.Sr Oh h !b. hi F.l i 1 < ■* -a - *v' s * ; . a ()• 1::ml aud made to order. ru L. T. Whitcomb, Agt. WH()LEB.'.LF, rn. .;.FJi IN W -st India Frt;ils, otrpiniilus, 11iiy Grain, 1 oc.l, d’o. TERMS CASH. ‘:v atre* t, 8\ c r: ah, G*. > >VI7-2in Key West Cigars! From the celebrated GWYN CIGAR MANUFACTORY, Key West, Fla. For sale at WHOLESALE in lota to suit purchasers, by L. M. SHAFFER, ootSKf over Ives’ Storo. CORMACK HOPKINS, DEALER IN STOVES, TIUNT —AND— HOUSE-FURNISHING GOODS, tfi7 RroT?o-j,top St. declml Savannah Sale Stable ,T. P. FOX, Proprietor, West Broad, Opposite Street. FTNE HORSES AND BUGGIES FOR HIRE. —Also— SADDLE IIOU~ EB. HORSES AND MULES Always ou hand, for Sale for Cash or approved City acceptance. decD-tf C. K. OSGOOD, DEALER IN KEROSENE OIE, LAMPS, &C, Special attention given to the delivery of Kero sene, by Wagons, in any quantity, and to any part of the City. Depot: Corner GWINNETT and MONTGOMERY STREETS. office " L Bull street novs' ESTABLISHED 185S. McKEE &BENNETT, C-orner Baj and West Broad Streets, o-A.. Having none but first-class mechanics in every department connected with our business, wo are prepared to Repair and Manufacture ■I Bill TICK H. At most Moderate Kates. Satisfaction guaranteed. W-.• ..'v i.av.- '.:i our Show Rooms one of the best an,: iargr s ; o -!:s of V Lit JULES of every dcscrip * : w’ir.'ih v.e ire soiling .o prices to suit the tunes. Aii vranr :Wt v r- will ’ • protect; i. lm Wm* ■he Jf-foti Ii <>T TOM ;>iid JiIRRY, llou ’ - OOTCH. r* Wit : iq - Cigars, Ac , Dublin Stout, S .. ;ll ,;v r .|| (ii; :VO.) and a fine Liu.wli spread scry day mli a. ru. to Ip. in., at THE OUR HOUSE, iail 'Nile: ... P. MOItIAKTY, novlS-tf ' 1 ri< tor - PREPARE FO ; WINTER Cc >A I ! COAL! Si,-Vf. ;<!-•: i EIZE, for Grates, Stovea and BROKEN and LUMP, for Steamer* and Foun ' H .Rlv.’ vN ■ and LIGLLSH SOFT COAL, for ... !mb'at:- arul Steami r use. BLACKSMITHS' COAL, for Forges. For sale by F. M. MYRELL, Charleston Wharf.