Every evening. (Savannah, GA.) 18??-18??, January 29, 1875, Image 3

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bifocal Shimmers* Arrival and nosing ot (lie Mails Northern mail arrives..7:3oa. m. and 3:30 p. m Northern mail closes. ..8:30 a. m. and 6:30 p. m Western mail arrives... .7:30 a. m. and 5:30 p. m Western mail closes.... 7:30 a. m. and 6:30 p. m Southern and F orida mail arrives 8:30 a. m Southern and Florida mail closes 3:30 p. m Office will he kept open until 7 o'clock p. in icr delivery of mail matter. The following is the report of the Cotton Mar ket, from the Savannah Cotton Exchange, up to 2 P. M. to-day : Oood Middling 15 Middling 14-V Low Middling 14. >4 Good Ordinary, 13, 5 * Ordinary 11 fi Receipts 2,795 bales. Sales after 1 p. m. yes terday, 207 bales,. Sales up to Ip. in. to-day 1,332 bales. Market quiet. > > 70$* Tbe ladies wiil do well to remem ber that Dixon’s clearance sale, as adver tised iu enr columns; commences on Monday the 11th inet. ► -*- m* ♦ The finest Wines and Brandies for Medicinal purposes,at Poihiil’s Drag Store No. 27s Ball Street. +—4 One of the large .t best assortments of Vases, aDd Toilet Setts, at L C Strong’s, Bull Street, near Perry, Latest Styles in Hats, and Gents Furnishing Goods at Hiilyard & Stillwell’s, No. HO Congress street. ►- 4 Tlie Matinee. The Fifth Avenue Combination will give a grand Matinee to-morrow afternoon, and the manager in compliance with the re qoest of a camber of citizens, has substi tuted ‘ Divorce” for “Ahxe” for the Mati nee, and Alixe will be presented to-mor row evening instead of “Article 47 ’ as pre vionsly announced. Ladies and children who cannot conveniently attend the Theatre at nigh:, should not neglect this opportunity of seeing the beautiful society play of “Divorce.” Something Handsome. We were shown this morning a banl eome Solid Silver Pitcher, which was pre sented to Dr. Thomas Smith, by the Widows Society a Christmas present.. It bears the following inscription. Widows Society of Savannah to Taomae Smith, M. D., in grateful remeinbranoe of many years of professional service. -* ♦ -* . Funeral of Lapt. John Lama. The laneral services of Captain Jjbn Lanai, took place from his residence on Liberty street at half past nine o’clock this morning. His remains were followed to the Catholic Cemetery by the Chatham Artillery, the French Society, and a large concourse of friends. HOTEL ARRIVALS FULASEI HOUSE. HG Brooks, N Y; J McDougall, Jr, Baltimore; A J DaPont and wife, Ky; Mrs H B Bowman, Miss Billings, Alton, III; P H Cotter, Conn; W C Kirland, N Y; C A Collier and wife, Ga; A Craig, N J; W H BeDt, Phila; P B Hazeltine and wife, Mrs Chapman, B Cunningham and wife, Mies J Cunningham, F Cunningham, D W Nilde and wife, N Y; J Douglas Eober ton, SC; A J Coe, Boston; L C Perry, Dublin; G Selden, Erie; T A Smith and wife, NY;C Epping, Ga; N A Tower, C F Smith, Bcs'on. O. A. I\ LOOK AT THIS! \ I‘PLF.S, Almonds, llaisins, Currants, Nuts, Figs, assorted Jellies and Preserves, Pickled Oysters. Olives, Sardines, Totted Ham, Turkey and Tongue. Assorted Pie Fruits, Cranberry Sauce Worces tershire, Jockey Club, Baltimore and Oys ter Sauce. Tickles, Catsups, etc., etc. Fancy Toilet Soap, in great variety, h ancy Candy, in 5 pound boxes. Whole and Ground Mace, Cinnamon and Cloves. Atmore's Mince Meat and Plum Pudding Gordon and Dilworlh, Kemp, Day & To., and Munscn & Sons’ Preserves, at low figures. Wines and Liquors equal to the best in the city, for family or medicinal use. All delivered free tojany part ol the city, together with Fire W orks to set them off. Call early and vote often for M. T. QUIN AN, decls-lw 103 Broughton, corner Drayton sts. JBKESSaT’S ” European House 156, 163, 160 and 162 JBRYAN’ STREET, Savannah, Ga. rr<IIE Proprietor, having completed the neces * sary additions and improvements, can now offer to his guests all the comforts to be ob tained at other Hotels at less than HALF THE EXPENSE. A Restaurant ON THE EUROPEAN FEAN Eas been added, where guests can * A T ALL HO URS Order whatever can be obtained in the market. ROOMS, WITH BOARD, $2 00 Per Day. Determined to be Outdone by None, Conveyances at a’l Railroads and Steamers to convey Passengers, FREE OF CHARGE" Liberal contracts made with Travelling Com panies. All 1 ask is a TRIAL, confident that complete satisfaction will be given. JOHN UK ESN ANT, oct7-6m PROPRIETOR. Wilbors, Marvin’s, Burnett’s, and others Cod Liver Oils for sale by L. C, STRONG, Drug gist, oct7-Cm FOR FLORIDA. INLAND ROUTE. THE ELEGANT SIDE WHEEL PAS SENGER STEAMER. lAZ/Yi: IIAKUH, Catt. P. La ROSE, MAYING been thoughly overhauled and re -*■- fitted, will resume her regular trips, leaving Savannah EVERY WEDNESDAY MORNING, at 9 o’clock for Doboy, Darien, Brunswick ami St. Mary’s. Ga., Fernandina. Jacksonville, Paiatka, and all Intermediate landings on the St. John's Fla., touching at Darien botb ways. Returning will leave Palutka Friday, Jackson ville Saturday, arriving in Savannah Sunday morning. Rates as low as by any other liue. For freight or passage, having superior accom modations, applv to • A. n. RICHARDSON. Agent. oct7-tf Padhdord s Wharf. PAVILION HOTEL. SAVANNAH, : : GEORGIA. P. J. HOBART, Proprietor. POPULAR WINTER RESORT. Transient Hoard $3.90 per Day. Liberal dis count to Permanent Guest--. oct7-9m IVES’ THE TAILOR Eas a large and rich assortment of Clothes, Casiliters and Testings For fine and medium Custom Work, under the superintendence of MR. H. I). PHILLIPS, (Who is acknowledged the best artist in the South in his lire.) Fit, fiStyle and Elegance unsurpassed. Acme Shirts and Drawers. TIES, SCARFS, SURPKXDEUS, GLOVES, AC. Also the most complete line of gentlemen's HATS, at lower prisees with corresponding quality than ever before offere .1 to the citizens of this city. Call and see IVES. novl7-lm iTTrIIII ends a,\ iPmr I’lm.itg | IIA V E opened a first class Boot and Shoe Store at No. 161 Broughton Street, Spanier’s old stand, where I have on hand and am constantly receiving a large number of Gent’s, Ladies’, Misses’ and Children’s Boots and Shoes of the latest style; also a nice assortment of Trunks, Valises, Reticules, etc,, which 1 will sell at prices to suit the times, Give me a call. R. BROWN. nov7-sn? TO KENT, A Store on Bryan St., AND ONE ON BULL STREET, M° s T desirable for any kindfjjof business. Apply to nov9-tf DANIEL McCONNELL. NEAT, CHEAP, RAPID; ‘ ♦ ♦♦ l LARGEST * REST APPOINTED [PRIMING CONCERN IN THE SOUTH. Six Pom er Pi ’esses, AN ]MMENSr.| ASSORTMENT of TYPE, A COMITETB hook bindery AKD— Blank Book Manufactory, A FULL STOCK OF PAPERS OF ALL KINDS, GI YE THE Morning -News I’KI XTI N( J lIOUSK FACILITIES NOT EXCELLED HY ANY ES TABLISHMENT HERE OR ELSEWHERE.I Good Work and Fair Prices! No Slop Work! Satisfaction Guaranteed ! ? 4—■ Send in your orders for anything from a VISITING CARD to a MAMMOTH POSTER; from a CHECK HOOK to an IMPERIAL LEDGER. Nothing i 9 too; iarge for us to do’ REMEMBER THE PLACE. 11l Bay Street. janl6-tf