Every evening. (Savannah, GA.) 18??-18??, January 29, 1875, Image 4

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Go to McCounell’s after the Thea tre is out, and try some of his fine Bine Point and Saddle Dock Oysters. tf I inc Wines ad Liquors. Ten thoneand bottles of assorted (do mestic ard imported) Wines, Whiskey, Brandies, Gins, etc. Something good aud pure at reasonable pricos. George S. Hehukut, Produce Exchange. ♦ John Y. D.xou has made immense reductions in Dress Goods, and all classes of Winter Dry Goods. Mens of file Day Condensed Hie Honor the clerk of the weather favored us with a shower or two this morning. He hasn’t recovered from that same old drunk yet. “Hons. Alphonse” at the Theatre to night. A very heavy dne has been falling most all day, and now is a good time to watch your Parasol. Charlie Gassman, the Taileur de Ger many, will move to No. 139 Congress street (next to Schreiner’s music store) to morrow, and it you want a good tit drop in with the ‘’Rhino.” > ii - Lines to i>ly Umbrella. Ah! what is that companion dumb That autnmn, winter, spring, orsam- Mer I should always have? My um- Pcrella ! But ah ! too oft when showers come, What is’t, as Yankees say, “at hum” That I have left behind ? My um- Eerelia ! What does too oft a loan become To friends whose honesty is numb? (Friendship meets no return) My am- LV:ella ! Henceforth, then, foul or fair, by gum! Whether or no they hoist the drum, I’ll never part from thee, my urn- Berella ! Henceforth, too, I'll my latest crumb, My latest drop, my fortune’s sum, Give to my friend—but not my um- B<?rella ! hotelT"arrivals MARSHALL HOUSE. W 0 Wadlev, Millen; T J Whidden, J B Calisle and wife, Miss Cardisle, Boston: C Butcher, Maine; G C Benton and wife, Miss Stephens, 111; D C Seymour, St Louis; J G Blitch, T S Armour, Ga; T C Merrill, La; W T Dix, Va; C Loveday, G C Boniface and wife, Miss M Stella, Miss D Pike, B G Porter, F W Sanger, H Hawk, J Lant, G W Farren, Fifth Avenue Combination. TO THE PUBLIC. ’ ONE of the finest assortments of Resl Meer schaum Fines and Segar Holders, Si-gar Oases, Segar Stands, Tobacco Boxes and line Briar fqiee, has just been received, especially lor Holi day Gifts, at MOLINA’S EMPORIUM Coi, Bull and State St. (Opp, Court House.) Also a large supply of Fine Imported and Do mestic Segars; Le e Jack, Bob White, Durham New Orleans, Perrique and other popular brands of Virginia and North Carolina Smoking Tobac co. Th e Celebrated Stultz AA A A and other tine qualities of Chewing Tobaccos. I would call the Hpecial attention of the public to my assortment of Meerschaum Pipes and Segar Holders. A more acceptable present can’t be made to a gentleman. dec-l.lm PLANTS. #BOQUETd"and FLOWERS. DESIGNS'for Weddings and Choice BULBS. ALSO, BULB GLASSES, FLOWER JARS, &c J. I?. PARSONS & CO. State street, rear of Luthern Church. Also Pavilion Gardens, No. 54 Bull street. oct7-6m ' J. FLEMING," Boot and Shoe Maker S3 BILL STREET. FULL STOCK of gentleman’s Boots and Shoes always on hand aud made to order. oct2l-6m WOOD? QOO Cords Oak. 100 Cords Pine. 100 Cords Kindlings. Sawed or unsawed, at lowest market rates. Orders lett at BACONS WOOD YARD, or of fice No. 76 Bay street, will received prompt at tention ocn-ou. __ A. V A. N IN’ -A. H STEAM COFFEE HOUSE, 139 Urougton Street, between. Bull and Whitaker Streets, PSavarmali, • • 1 Ga. COFFEES PARCHED EVERY DAY Mocha, Java and Bio. also TEAS OF ALL GRADES, also FRESH GROUND SPICES. OC t7-6m H. BURNS, Proprietor. R.B. CASSELS, WOOD DEALER, ATLANTIC AND UULF R. R. (Cor. Taylor and East Broad sts.,) Keeps constantly on hand a large supply of Oak, Pine and Lightwood. ORDER BOXES: N B Knapp’s Saddlery store, corner Congress and Barnard. .. „ , O L Smith’s Drug store, corner South Broad and Whitaker. B F Ulmer’s Drug store, corner Broughton and Houston. . , , J A Polhill’s Drug store, corner Abercorn and Jones. j G Mehrtens, corner Drayton and State. oetl2-3m S. C. STEWART, Agent, Dealer in all kinds of WOOD AND COAL, On Canal, foot of Margaret Street, Order Box at Branch & Cooper’s, corner of Broughton and Barnard streets, o:V? lin CHRISTMAS AND HOLIDAY GOODS AT MRS. R. M. HUNT, Corner Whitaker and State Streets. A FINE assortment of Toy’s and Fancy Goods, Fine Wax and Imlistructable Dolls, which we offer at low prices. French and American Confectionary. The public are invited to call aud examine Goods and Prices. decl4-lm WANTED, LARGE FURNISHED ROOM, by a single gentleman. Address NOTTOC, at this office. dec3i-3t AGENTS WANTED ALL over the State to sell the popular work of the American Publishing Company of Hart; ford, Conn,, including “The Great South.’, Mark Twain’s works, “My Opinions and Betsey Bobbets,” Unwriten History “Every Body’s Friend’’—by Josh Billings, etc. " Call early to secure choice of territory at 59 York street troin 9 to 10 a. m., or 7 to 8 p. in., or address j3. WILLIAMS. dec2l-tf Savannah, Ga. New York Oysters Just arrived by the Steamship Leo, , —AT— McConnell’s, BLUE POINT —AND— SADDLE ROOK novl6-bui BRYAN STREET. Ferrotypes, Ferrotypes. Strickland & Calder, ART GALLERY, 177 CONGRESS STREET. (Over J & W Rutherfords store.) Ferrotypes in various styles, copying old pic tures a specialty. Pictures taken in all kinds oi weather. Transfering taught at this gallery. nov2d-2m JAS. F. WATKINS & GO. Wholesale dealer in DRY GOODS, NOTIONS,a and HATS AND STRAW GOOD3, 125 and 127 Congress Streets, oct7-tf Savannah, Ga. JOHN SMITH, Whitaker Street, 1 door from Bay. The best ALES, WINES, & LIQUORS. ALWAYS OS HAND. oct7-lim Toilet sets and Vases, at priees to suit the times, call aud see them at L. C. STRONGS, Drugstore Cor. Bull and Perry street Lane. oct7-6m D. J. BYAIN’B STEREOSCOPIC AM) ART GALLERY, 139 j Congress Street. STEREOSCOPIC VIEWS Photographs Albums, Frames, &c. The handsomest Gallery in the South. oct7-f>m WILLIAM B. FERRELL, RESTAURANT, NO. 5 NEW MARKET (Basement.) Congress Street, Savannah, Ga. On and after the 15th inst., wili keep open all night. oct7-6oa "choice OYSTERS! OYSTERS!! Fine Ales, Wines, Liquors ami Sesrars. Some genuine Corn Whisky, Apple and Peach Brandies, from the mou’nains of North Carolina Guineas’ Stout, Bass and Alsopps’ Ales ON DRAUGHT, AT P. MORI ARTY'S, No. 146 (j Bryan Street Free Lunch every day from 11 to 1. novl6-tt OYSTERS, nSIpSEK SOMETEING WOIITE KNOWING. PROFESSOR HOGAN OF THE ARCADE SALOON, Cor. Broughton und Drayton Sts. LS now prepared to supply FAMILIES, at there own residence with OYSTERS in SHELL or COOKED in any STYLE. First class accommodation for SUPPER PAR TIES. Drop in, the Professor will attend to you, and remember that THE ARCADE SALOON, is always supplied with the best of ALES, WINES. LIQUORS, CIGARS, etc, oct2B-tf HAVE YOU A Sill SEWING IMF, IF NOT NOW IS THE TIME TO BUT. LARGE shipment of these Celebrated Ma chines have just arrived. Get a "Singer” and have music in your house. Office 172 Brougton street, Savannah. oct22-6ai A fine assortment of Tooth and Nail Brushes, always on hand at L. C. STRONG’S. oct7-6m Cor, Bull and Ferry street Lane. S. P. Hamilton, DEALER IN WATCHES JEWELRY -AND— SILVER W A H E Cor. Congress, Whitaker and St. Julien Street l WATCHES, JEWELRY, &c., repaired by experiencedjworkmen octT-Qm