Every evening. (Savannah, GA.) 18??-18??, October 08, 1875, Image 2

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illy fiUiift.l AUaIiIAV4 offk i: Hii it a v siki:i:i ItVTWKFS RItAVTON AM) AhKItCOBN. This paper owns the exclusive privilege of being distributed in the Theatre at perform antes, and will be placed each evening on the tea-tables of tin hotels, thus bringing adver tisers into certain and direct contact with the people and visiting strong, rs not reached through any other channel. AM MOtM< 'KVI i: VO'. Enlarged and improved, The Every Evening appears this afternoon, with tin view to supply in a not over pretentious way what is regarded hy many just now as a want in Savannah, namely, more than one daily It doesn’t come into the world with arinoi on its tender limbs, and buckler on its dim pled shoulders and lance held in rest by chubby hands, to do battle with a long-tried veteran in journalistic lists, but quietly assumes its modest place in the arena, deter mined not to rashly rush upon difficulty an< danger, but to meet them should they come The paper will be essentially and prima rily local, while giving attention to the affairs and news of the State. The interest.- of Savannah will be, in all weather, iis in terests- and the maintainance and building up of her business, trade and commerce will enlist its best efforts and energies. With a low rate of subscription and liberal terms for advertisments, the paper and the advantages of its columns will be in icach oi everybody, and we trust everybody will make it their paper and its columns their means of communicating with everybody else. CARTER & SNEED. GEORGIA M RS. Columbus trotters are in training for the matches at the State Fair, among them Mr. Moseley’s “Spider,” that walked away with the fastest purse at the last fair. Jobbing business is looking up in Colum bus. Savannah needs an attack of the same fever. Chattahoochee claims to be the most civil ized county, not having had a court in over a year, and Cu-seta only supporting one lawver, where formerly four flourished. The farmers are too busy to trouble with legal squabbles, happy in the settled fact that they will make two-thirds crops of corn and cot ton, despite the drouth. The Atlanta battallion is in a muss. There are five or six military companies there and they all take sides in the quarrel. The Times cheeringly remarks: The spirit of life, energy and activity is at work in our cotton factories, and there is no town in the country that in this respect is more alive than Columbus. Says the Sparta Times and Planter: Bishop Pierce left last Monday for the West. The parting, as described to us by an eye witness, was truly affecting. His father, and, we believe, his children were there. The old doctor- is very unwell, and we expect that they both felt that this might be their final parting—that they might not again see each other on earth. This, of itself, was enough, outside of parting with his own family to go so far, to make it truly impres sive. The bishop, too, we learn, was feeling weak and unwell. He holds his first con ference in Indian Territory, then goes to Texas, where he holds six conferences, and will return about the 20th of December. The Middle Georgia hair will begin at Griffin next Monday. Col. Clarke has shipped his boats from New York for the Okefenokee swamp expe dition of the Atlanta Constitution. The Rising Fawn iron company, near Dal ton, is daily turning out about thirty-five tons of pig iron. p as t Saturday Augusta received i,iBS bales of cotton, the largest receipts of the season. Sales amounted to 837. The total amount received since September Ist, 14,854. It has got down to \2% for good middling, which is distressingly low. From this time to the Ist of November the receipts will be over 1,000 per day. Superintendent Johnson, of the Georgia railway, intends, on the 12th of Octobei, to show the condition of his road by starting a train from Augusta that afternoon at 4 o’clock, and arriving in Atlanta at 10 o’clock, thus making the distance of 171 miles in six hours. Trains on the Brunswick and Albany rail road will run to the bridge in Albany about . tst pf November, fSprcinl afire*;. Interesting. The Proprietor of an old, well established house ON A FIRM BASIS, In tliis city, will dispose of the entire busines ON REASONABLE TERMS, Or retain an interest with a reliable party. Pc* sire to sell produced by a freak ot fortune, offer iig rare inducements elsewhere, Address for particulars, “BAT STREET," Care Proprietors of this paper. ootß-2t Eenaioa of Sz-Ccnf.do:ato Soldi:r£ and Sailors of G-oorgi:*.. The Survivors’ Association of ex-Confederate Soldiers and Sailors of Georgia will meet 111 Ma con on the tilth (lay of October, 1575, at 12 o’clock, m. All Confederate Soldiers and Sailors - da who feci an Interest in the social and benevo lent objects of toe association are earnestly re quested to be present. The Executive Committee will hold a prelimi nary meeting in Macon on the 18th, and every member of the committee is requested to attend. Papers friendly to the objects of the Associa vill please copy. J. E. Johnston, President. Jno. Muxedok, Secretary. Oh.! G-ccrg2. Mary had a juvenile lamb That cut some merry capers, But it always went to The Broughton street News pepot To buy its Magazines and papers oet7-tw Of J. A. Doyle a Br.o. Ijatch; and Restaurants. pavilion" hotelT P. J. HOBAKT, Proprietor. Come? Bull and South Broad Streets, Savannah. FARE ONLY £3 PER DAY. THIS HOTEL IS SITUATED IN THE MOST delightful and fashionable part oi the 1 ity, con venient to the railroad depots and steamboat landings, public offices, and all places of public amusement. The rooms are comfortable, well ventilated and handsomely furnished. The office is open day and night. Families can be tar nished with suites of capacious aud convenient rooms, and no trouble is spared to promote the comfort of the guests. oefti-tf COTTON GXOUAStiE Restaurant and Cafe, (Late McConnell’s,) Nos. (I aiifl 8 DRAYTON ST., NOW OPEN FOR THE SEASON" OYSTERS, FISH, GAME, STEAKS, CHOPS, And other delicacies in season. THE LARDER SUPPLIED FROM THE NORTH ERN AND SOUTHERN MARKETS. The second-story Dining Rooms EXCLUSIVELY FOR LADIES AND GENTLE MEN AND FAMILIES. The Cuisine unapproachable, making this the only first-class Restaurant in Savannah, and the only Restaurant in the city patronized by Ladies. Open till midnight. ,T. H. FBEIL, oct6-6m Proprietor and Manager. CIGARS. CHEWING AND SMOKING TOBACCO at E. C. STRONG’S, 67 RULE St. oct7-lin -the OFFICE,” IV Kn X EKt *k MART i JV. Proprietors. HAVING FITTED UP A SALOON AT 113 KAY STREET, Next to the Central Railroad Bank. WE ARE NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS, AND would beg to call the attention 01 the public to the iact that we are determined to make “THE OFFICE ” A FIRST CLASS SALOON IN EVERY RESPECT. THE IS Alt 18 SUPPLIED WITH THE VEItY BEST OP Ales, Wines, Liquors, Etc., Etc., And is in chargo of un experienced Mixologist. Our C'igsor Stand Is supplied with all of the popular brands of IMPOSED & DOMESTIC CIGARS. Alißo, — A Pleasant Heading Room ATTACHED. lii f .ct, the VERY PLACE for a social party. If you want to upend a pleasant hour, call at ‘s THE OFFICE.” octß-tf f “OUR HOUSE.” MORIM’S oyster and chop house, NOS. 116 audios ERTAN Street. ELEGANT DINING ROOM : FIRST-CLASS Saloon. Oysters in every style, a specialty; Cut lets, Chops, and Liquors aud Cigars as good as those that have made the reputation ot OUR uniiflu tf Jr. AIU.UJ.Aivi x, H pKin Proprietor, Tfofck aud extant antx. MerOXXKI.B/M European House AND KEM rAtIJRA^T, Open from C< a. m. til! midnight. I.ndSrs* D<‘i:r(ntC‘!if SpparaJp Enlnnoo. 116 * 118 BRYANT STREET, opposite SCREVEN HOUSE, SAVANNAH, GA. I Board, with room. - - $2 00 per day. Rooms, without board, 75 cts. to SI 00 per day. Rrstanraut Kniquliod wii.li Oys ters in every Style. FISH, GAME, STEAKS. CHOPS. AND OTHER delicacies in season, from V rilid-n and Southern markets, making this the only first class restau rant in tin 1 city. A. FKEC SA TV S)EZ, octS-tf Manager. SAYANNAHAND CEDAR KEYS OYSTER BAT AND COFIT IG IC si oJJf* E , 121 YORK ST., OPPOSITE THE COURT HOUSE. Open from 9 A. M. to 12 midnight. Oysters served in every style. This Restaurant is opened especially- for the benefit of LADIES AND GENTLEMEN. N. B.—No Liquor sold. Oyster Soup and Hot Gooffee served at all hours. Capt. B. L. BLONK, Proprietor. Special Notice.—No disreputable characters will be entertained. octO-tf “THE GEI” STILL SPARKLES DURING THE DAY AND NIGHT AT ©former Dray tom and ISay Lane, V—’ ALEX. FERNANDEZ, Proprietor. t!B* Champagne is “ THE GEM" top-dressing for those supera Cocktails. octT-tf (groceries and J! tqtwrs. p e iiynnpw s, un wholesale dealers, Es b Iliil/llLi If UU U Otj 105 STATE &TEEET, Few Haven, Cornu We Cure the Cele- ~-- a bratod “NEW HAVEN / HAMS,SHOULDERS, | and BACON." Every , y ; , ... ' ■RR :.and iTdj Ham warranted. Every K -eg Ham branded. \ P Ask for our Goods, 4 ; ? f.nd take no other. j:.- Tney are the best in market. FOR SALE BY €. & N. I.KDLIE. octß-tf No, 152 BRYAN STREET. El OR CHAPS, USE “ LILY OF THE VALLEY,” prepared by L. C. STRONG, Druggist. 7-lm G. B PIUTCHAIUX W a. MOBBKLL. (Formerly with Davant. WaplesJfc Cos.) S>HIT< IIAKSI A MORREIL. Ciceiieral Mice Brokers No. 66 BAY Street, Stoddard’s Lower Range. SAVANNAH, GA. Will give special attention to sale of RICE, in Rough and Clean, and to purchase and shipment of this grain. Refer, by permission, to Messrs. Duncan, John ston & Cos., Messrs. Yv. H. Stark & Cos., Messrs. Tison & Gordon. Messrs. Purse & Thomas, Col. R. J. Davant, John 0, Rowland, Esq. octC-2m (fir atari ex and Xtqnorx. :n. .s. m>YU5<;. dkat,i:h in 1 GROCERIES, CHIB, LIIJHORS, ETC., ETC, MARKET SQUARE. SOLE AGENT FOR T. BEVERIDGE k CO.’S Celebrated .\l. ~ Newburgh juvwcry, N. Y lam buying ami he! ing exclusively fir Cash. I’uivha rs iV.-inc, l ! bur aiu- on iliis basis bad better examine my prices before buying else win re. Patrons will find a large :u.d select stock of such goods 11- a-e usually kind 1 n a first-class jobbing, liquor aud provi; . 11 I— la'.uistimeut. ociH-lm ~ SAVANNA M STEAM COFFEE HOUSE THOM. MONK, s’ropri^tor, urn Broughton street. Teas, Coffee, -Spices, Etc. COFFEE PARCH’ D FRESH EVERY DAY. Orders from families will meet with prompt attention. Goods delivered to any part of (lid city, N. I’,.— HIE ONLY TEA AND COFFEE STORE IN THE CITY’. oct7-6m JUJLIUS HOOX, DEALER IN Choice Family Groceries Cor. Drayton ami Perry sts. FRESH GOODS RECEIVED BY EVERY Steamer. Goods delivered to any part of the city. Also, Agent for E. Ankeuscv k Co.’s ST. LOUIS LAG I R BEER. Also. Proprietor ot the GREEN ROOM, SAVANNAH THEATRE. Drop down between the acts and rfresh your self. octß-6m /“HOMES. BRUSHES AND TOILET ARTICLES V at L. C. STRONG'S, 67 BULL St. oct7-tm O. ‘ A. I*. A. TTENT IO IST! IF YOU WANT GOOD COFFEE, TEA OR Sugar, Sardines, Olives, Capers, Salad Oil, Brandy Peaches. Pears, or Cherries, Piakh-s, Catsup, Sauces, Alin re Meat. Egg Nogs, Plum Pudding, Condensed Milk. Fine Butter, Cheese or Lard, Baskets,Buckets, Tubs, Brooms or Brushes, call od M. T. QUINAN, 103 Broughton, corner Drayton street. ALSO, FINE LIQUORS, WINES ETC’., FOR FAAIILY OR MEDICINAL USE. oct7-3m CONGRESS IST., (Next to Lovell & Lattimore’s.) DEALERS IN GROCERIES, LIQUORS, CIGARS and Produce. Butter, Chickens and Eggs received daily. Also a fine assortment of choice oct7-Gm FAMILY GROCERIES. PILVTT’S ASTRAL OIL. Safest ami Mesi. ALSO, BEST KEROSENE AT 25 CTS. PER GAL LON, sent to any part ot the city. Parties TAKING FIVE GALLONS will be furnished with Faucet Cans, at W.VI. SCHEIHING’S Oil and Lamp Store, opp. Marshall House. octß-1m JIOLIXAX C2g*M* 3Sm|orinm 9 Cor. BULL and STATE Streets. CIG ARS, FiPiiS, SMOKING AND CHEWING TOBACCO, 1 bee to call the attention of our citizens and the traveling public to the quality and prices of my goods. Also, the latest Daily, Weekly and Monthly Publications received by every mail. A fine as sortment of i tereoscopic Views. oct6-tf OTA HUTS.&¥; DEALER IN IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC CIGAR:. TOBACCO, PIPES, SNUFF and SMO KERS’ ARTICLES. LAGER BEER, WINES. LIQUORS, Etc. 14.0,6$ OONfiHKW Near Whitaker, Sava .nah, Ga, Lunch at 11 A. M. octG-2m , • .. u , v.- -T4r: SWBBBHE t&JmiSSX**,**. ******* * "S. SSBUST, BETI OT, 170 COIVOKK'A-i tr-i’l’ltlElET, SAVANNAH, GA. Cor. Mulberry and Second. MACON, GA., MAY BE CONSULTED DAILY ON THE LATEST invented and unequalled patent--, lor mounting Artificial Teeth. From one tooth to a complete set of mineral incorrodible teeth, of exquisite shape, workmanship, lightness and purity, is made and filled in a lew hours, with perfect accu racy and early comfort, without wires, springs or clasps, and with such inimitable resemblance as to prevent detection. Satisiactinn in all branches inevitable. Terms Cash. Prices Low. octß-U BEYS S.~ IIAMT, 124 BRYAN STREET. Notary Public and Ex-Offlcio Justice of the Peace, Ctov ernor’s Commission. BUSINESS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO ; Mon*ys paid over as soon as collected; officers always on hand; charges less than regular tee bill. ‘ Hours—7 A. M. to 6P. M. octo-4t A LOT OF FINE AND CHEAP TOILET SOAPS at L. C. STRONG’S, Druggist. oct7-lra Uloofii and sJwcx, G s BISON Jk J. A. W . No. 113 Congress SI reel. DEALERS IN LADIES’. GENTS’, MISSES AND CHILDREN'S BOOTS, SHOES, ETC WE ARE NOW OFFERING A LARGE AND well assorted i.tocl: o. Un- i.b.ive im liti uied Goods, \Uliell we sell at prices to suit tin- tiiucH. oct(i-lm .B. SToot and No. 112 BULL STREET. ALSO, A FINE ASSORTMENT OF GENTS’ Ready-Made Boots and Shoes, always on hand. 0016*6111 V. f riJKKKIY, U!C IitUH.’GIITON Ktvec-t, Bi.twi-.kn But.r. and Wmr.uu-.n, DEALER IN LOOTS. SHOES, ETC. HAVING JUST RECEIVED LARGE ADDI TIONS to my stock of Ladies’, Gents’, Misses’ and Boys’ Boots and Shoes, I am now offering one of the best assortments to be funnel in the city. 1 -ilcmeiiihcr the place. No Jo BROUGHTON Street. oct7-tf SECOND GIFs CONCERT FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE JACKSON ARTILLERY, OF MACON", BTOiUAY, (bet. 22, 1H75. 5,000 TiCKCTS at $2.00 Kaeh. 500 Gifts Amounting to $5,000. I CASH GIFT SI,OOO 1 CASH GIFT suo 1 CASH GIFT 900 2 CASH GIFTS, $250 each f>oo 6 CASH GIFTS, 100 each 6uo 10 CASH GIF IS. 50 each 500 20 CASH GIFTS, 25 each 500 20 CASH GIFTS, 10 each 200 40 CASH GIFTS, 5 each 200 400 CASH GIFTS, 2 each 800 500 $5,000 One Ticket $ 2 00 Fourteen Tickets 25 00 Thirty Tickets 50 00 Sixty-one Tickets 100 00 W. A. BUFF, President Board of Trustees. T. L. MASSENBURG, Agent and Mauager. Agent in Savannah, OSCEOLA BUTLER. octß-td CHEAP KEROSENE LAMPS AT L. C. STRONG’.--, No. 67 BULL St. oct7-lm E. J. Kennedy, MERCHANT TAILOR, REMOVED TO THE CORNER OF BULL and YORK .Sts. HAVING RECENTLY RETURNED FROM NEW York, where I selected my Goods in person, I am offering a large and well assorted stock of Cloths, Cassimeres, Vestings, Diagonal and Worsted Coating, for fall and winter wear. Also, a fine assortment of English and French Pants Pat terns, all of which I am prepared to make up in the latest styles, and by first-class workmen. oct7-lm C i. W. PARISH, MANUFACTURER OF PLOWS, WROUGHT IRON, CAST IRON AND STEEL AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, WAGONS, CARTS AND TRUCKS. 190 ml 192 ST. JULI AN Street. oct7 tf wood "and” lumber - . 1,000 fonh Wood Mow on 31 ami GREEN OAK, DRY OAK, LTGHTWOOD, PINE and Kindlings. Now is the time to lay in your winter’s supply. Lumber of all kinds, dressed or rough. Also, Shingles, Pickets and Mouldings. SCROLL SAWING and TURNING done to order. 100,000 PLASTERING LATHS at $2 per thou sand. All orders left at Mill, corner East Broad and Liberty's treats, or at D. C. Bacon’s office, No. 120 Bay street, or in Boxes at Solomon <fc Co.’s. G. M. Heidt’s, C. M. Hillsman’s, W M. Mills’, Chat ham Square Drug Store. VV. M. Reid & Co.’s, Dr. B. F. Ulmer’s, J. A. Polhill’s, will receive prompt attention. BACON k BOWLES. Age..ts. oct6-Gm _______ FMFm \ I BOI'QUETS and 6 FLOWERS. DESIGNS for f WEDDINGS and FUNERALS. & Choice BULBS, in variety. BULB GLASSES, FLOWER JARS, J. H. PARSONS & CO., State yfeet, rear of Lutheran Church; also, Pa, vjion Gardens, No. 54 Bull street, pte-tf