The daily dispatch. (Savannah, GA.) 1893-18??, June 23, 1894, Image 2

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a ' ' l illm.ii> ■‘p'liin.-liG .4 ,!r:u... - of.i democrat than S.itan an angel robed in the borrowed a saint. only has Gov. Tillman brought unrest upon the state, bitter divisions and strife among its people and sought to de prive them ot their vested rights, but he has shown an utter disregard of conservative counsel, and has done much to detract from the credit and the good name of the state by his vagai ies and by his demagogy. Whether he will succeed in fostering the antagonism which he has sought to create in the country districts against the cities remains to beseem If the thoughtful citizens of South Carolina will listen to the voice of reason and not be influenced by the passionate appeals of this ambitious demagogue, there is no doubt lint that tie will be retired to private station T he state has been sufficiently injured by him at home and abroad, and her people should endeavor to obviate the disgrace of giving him a wider field te> still further humiliate it in the higher branch of congress. is the 150 to be represented on the legislative ticket by some one barret that can be tapped early and the sachems of Frogtown and "de Mote how quick the morning paper, the enemy of organized labor, is to publish the lull text of a decision that is antagonistic to labor,and how Studiously it suppresses any thing that interests the workingman. No wonder the latter despise it, and will support ' no one in sympathy with it. Wiil the city administration ignore the pe- i titivii of nearly 3,000 citizens asking that Bilbo canal shall not be permitted to longer I kpr ison the air we breathe, and sow the seeds ®kdisease and death on every hand? Does; ignore it? If it does, the defeat |folwill be the mote crushing and i ■ Murderous biute deserved to lee Hhy about her neck it was the mui.lcied her pji.miou:. jgfturied ti’.e pieces !>ci Raj played «>i> her oigan ovti Oih My God to Thee" until the HHlallow grave became so stov.g Emlisirte: and cremate the h-ig ffl&jd return to het instrument Lover of Mv Soul' ait.l lltr a " anel T lct - Aynch convenes h’s comt S 'clt’l w hile he ii.n er sti tick ■PWfathegave btek blow tor taught his enemies t > respect him The Constitution, with all its boasted circu lation, found it could not afford to assault this matchless knight, for when assailed he turned aside and floored it before the peo ple, and it was glad to cry quits. Less than two weeks latter it had hauled down the Evans tlag and run up the Atkinson colors. And now midway the canvass this invinc ible knight stands the unchallenged leader of the democratic host in Georgia, and he will lead it to certain victory as he directed its victr nous inarch in 1893. Hip, hip, hip. Il in rah for Atkinson! The candidacy of Maj. G. A Whitehead to l railroad commissioner, to till the vacancy oc casioned by the death of Col. Virgil i'oweit, should have more than ordinary consideration at the hands of the governor. Maj. White head has grown up in the railroad service, and would bring to the office the fullest knowledge ot railroad affairs. A man of unchallenged integrity, experienced in all branches of rail road traffic, no one could be selected for the important position better equipped for the duties of a commissioner and none who would be more scrupulously just in determining mat ters brought beiote (lie commission. We com mend Maj. Whitehead to Gov. Norihen as a gentleman whose appointment would reflect credit to iiitnwJf and honor to the state. /a OFF ON ALL STRAW HATS. We are determined to close out our entire stock of Straw Hats, consequently will allow a discount of 33i % on present prices. Do not miss the chance, Our Shirt Waist Sale Still Continues, See Our Specials in Undershirts, APPEL & SCHAUL. carefully priest and quality needed. We can save you considerable money by dealing with us? as we sell the peerless HALLET & Davis, the popular Estey and the Gordon pianos, the best instruments for the money in the country. We have made especially low prices for this sea son and the most accommodat ing terms. Our Wilcox & White and Estey organs cannot be sur passed for tone, finish, style, variety and cheapness. In Sta tionery we have the largest and most select stock in Savan nah embracing such grades as Ward's, Hurd’s, Crane’s and Whiting’s goods, and for fash ionable PAPETERIE we carry the fullest lines. Look at our se lect music, vocal and instru mental, six pieces for sl, Rosenfeld & Murray ?1 WHtTAKER STREET. \ ' /^WWW*V’”«? w W K 3 you pick of a lot of | E STYLISH K 15.00 AND $16.50 i ®Wt make believe $15.00 ■J $16.50 Suits, but suits pat are worth it were sold It that price here and for ■ore elsewhere. | How can we do it? | That’s our biz. ■ You bring the money—we Bo the rest M.DRYFUS, Congress and. Jefferson Streets. .Sim. iu-c Miring. Free. presenting the greatest number of ittese cupons. cut from The Daily Dispatch bv July 1,1894, they will be presented a round trip ticket to Suwanee Springs via Savannah, Florida and West ern railway, one week's board at that famous reso ; T ’ vitv Dispatch : ; Free tic ;e Suwanee Springs. Fla-, ; . and re u: > . ; Sav., Fla- and West. R. K. and one v« >.- board. : Name... Address.. Cut this ,u; cl present at Andrew lev’s. 37 Wlii .ker street A. J. KYNETTE, Root Painter, 551-2 AST BROAD STREET, Reuairii.u Painting of Metal Roofs YOUR SOLI: NEEDS SAVING TUBERDT Will. SAW-: IT FOR YOU WITH HIS ANE SHOES RICHMOND’S —7 Shorthand, Typewriting, Bookkeeping, Penmanship, Enghsn Branches. OPPOSITE HOSTOFFICE. Whitaker and President Streets SMITH'S TICKLER Can be trusted. It's a Busy Box, and its wooden stomach never gets tired. Put your things in it, and on the day wanted they come up sure as death and taxes. LET US SEND YOU A TICKLER It costs no more than the feed of one man for a day, but remembers more than ten men can. We have a TICKLER museum con taining thousands or letters, fyll of cheery satisfaction; nearly lO.OfiO of them say; “V, didn't do business without it at ten times its cost.” SOUTHERN TYPEWRITER EMPORIUM <SO Broad Street, Charleston, S, C. THE SUN. The flr.-tof American Newspapers. CHARLES A. DANA. Editor. The Kineiiean Constitution, the American Idea the Atne ican Spirit. These fust, last, mid all the tiuir, forever. THE SUNDAY SUN is the greatest Sunday Newspaper in the world Price se. a copy. Bv mail, $2 a year Daily, by mail sf, a ytar I laily and Sunday, by mail . . sSayeur The Weeklysl a year THE SUX. N.a, Yoil;. 3- -T- <T~ -T T- T * A The Daily Dispatch 4 * THIS CQUPON and TEN CENTS in « money or sumps entitles the holder to one b pgrt of any ot the following three books ; 4 ' MARIE BURROUGHS * ART PORTFOLIO OF * STAGE CELEBRITIES, j DORE’ BIBLE GALLERY. ! v h AMERICA’S GREATEST if MEN AND WOMEN. ( I f Frank Leslie’s Scenes of the War, I ' Or this coupon and thirteen cents in money a or stamps will be accepted for one part of * ’ PICTURESQUE WORLD'S FAIR. | | Always state what part is wanted. y 'rHWDAII.Y UISPATCH, 1 ! G Whitaker street, |k A | SAVANNAH. GA. ’ SHEET METAL WORKER, i 123 STATE STREET. Galvanized Iron Cornice. Door and Win- I dow Cap- a Specialty. Tin Dooling, Re- ; pairing. Estimate* t liceritiilv Furnished. THE WEST SIDE BAKERY. | CORNER OF WEST BROAD AND ANDER 6QN STREETS. ‘GEORGE BALL. Fresh BREAD, CAKES AND ROLLS every ‘ day. Prompt delivery toeverv part of the city, i lias stove Coupon. The housekeeper guessing nearest the number of gas stoves in use in Savannah on i June 1 will be entitled to a gas range put up i ready for use by the Mutual Gas Light Com- i panv. :Name; i Number in use The Daily Dispatch : * | All coupons must be left at the gas com-! pany’s office, 129 Congress street, in a sealed envelope. No guess received unless on a Duly Dispatch coupon. WHAT WE HAVE DONE * A FOR OTHERS WE > (I CAN DO FOR 1/ B YOU gill It is a Simple Statement and Admits ol no Aigutieut. flßHWilWfr WE CAN SURELY SATISFY Yu ' !N s n <> k s. ''p " --rdB”: •a r - ', 3CBROS. 145 BROlk. iON ST. COBWEB WHITA Z '-R. STPvEET. OUR BASE BALL CLUB I b IS SOMEWHAT KNOCKED * OUT, >1 But. we are still in the ring with a full supply of Retrigera i ators Mailings, Hammocks and ail oilier Summer Roods, ■ which we are offering al Hard Time Prices. Come and see ■ us at ihe corner : BROUGHTON AND | PLANT SYSTEM. J ; Charleston and Savannah Railway. Savannah, Florida and Western Railway. |l ddINU sot fn hi a ll i..iwn 11 r. < \ i;i>. ! a " ' i>t F • . ;> . -.jj- ;« In En-i-.v . May 211, IS»I. _ I ' | 78 i » | B, ■.... ipin ttOOam i.v. X'" York Ari 1' ■ ■»>. “ W’am ;• II loam i.v.... Hili’. ivlelpllia... . Ar;ll»..oil, 3 JSam, B .'.™ 2 13}.in I.v iwltimore Ar, r . 'anv 2 4wm. , a t'l'io:, 3 .lupin I.v ... . ...Washington Ar, , P iiuv'll lUpm Bl I '.lir.iu.i: 7 llpm l.v Iliclimond Ar a ppm ; ■ I , i.v WiliirugtonAr II Innin |l ' ' ,|. r „ ; ■ . i , ••>;, Ar JJ .ni'.iun S awSLilSpli SOTamTv.. Charleston \r I Hiun 12 Stipm Lv Vigusta Ar -'li d ••_••• • I.v' Beaufort Ar I. . , r Il'otoi, « I n*,,,. . . I.v Aamassee Ar: ! : '.i lltan I A 2C:.a., Ar ...L.SV V*vN X A11 ’ I'2 I “ '£!!!!!£ i / ■;: < / r-'T TTi'C .. ■ W ", ?Jp a • 1 ~n lo'lopm' rCiOan !“22am Ar Waycross I.v 610 pm 3 atom .~, , lonin'i" :,.'oin Ar Ja :.sunviile tv . 0 r.i:3 20pm . tXlpm -■ ... 3 .’ Th im Ar ■■..ldosta I.v ■ 3 »2pm 11 Wpm1....... « .1I 174,110 Ar ■! .masville I.v 2 SOpm 10 -1»1C 3 . < ,m Ar Mm.Wello I.v .11 .Vam 6 :.npm .1,.,,, ;7i,m Ar Batabrldgo Lv I “2pm » IJjnu S | ',, : ; ' '• ..Ville I.v pt)3sam Saipm. 3 1 ' , ini 1 -j itiuii' > i'ptr. Vr S;n:i,-r<l lA* 1 I • m) »O 20am I•■ • ■ X ". Yr.p. ppm iv.n.! a. ; -i Lv ' ?1 >.*i|I|iM WibWil.. h. .'.T I.’. ..lil 10 t-’piii j.... .< ■ ’■"•tn | •• " I'tp'ii \ r L'.iitA I.v . 730 am 7<3oprtjl 7 '• ’a t lu : • uh’ SfGpiu Ar AT . inery Lv ‘ »opipi 7 ISam’ 2 4. r >piu| T.’E'p. -._’i i.. '>■!■» .m .Ar ihile Lvj 12 2<Utn| j U2r»pi .1- 11 • ’.’Orleans ..I.v' . j 750pni| j Traill . la. 2 : .”.5 and 7- run daily 'J i_■n 12 leaves Kavenei d dly, except Sunday, at 4 2ft p-u fcr Cl.'.i b—ti»n.h Ti in 11 leaves Charlestv’ daily except Sutiday at SOO am for Ravenel. Train '• leaves Charleston " 10 am Sundays <mly a;.cl an ves Savannah 10 42 hu . Train 10 leaves Savannah 1 pm Sund.As only and arrives Chailedon 9 pm. Trains •’>, 6, 9 an.< i ? stop at all stations. SLEEPING CAR SERVICE AND CONNEi \ NS. Ti.'.ins TJ and •'<-..rry I'nlln -in Lail-. t s‘- , hig cars brtw • n New \ >. . . nd Port Tampa. Trains 23 and 7S carry Pullman buU -L U -pinx car V< \ ross to Want.pinery, N. ville, Louisville and Cin ciiin.iii Tt.-.ins •'» ami'l c.or. Pullnian bu'Tt. ' eping cars L-tw a ■.. > .»h and Ocda. Trams U and 2:; carry rullman sb-epo g cars bet- .' -' .imlah md Jacks )nvi ; . Paneng jrs for Jackson- ville Ly t> ii i: ■ can enter si mg car .i v pi; IT.wk >. I’» and J) .uikeclosa ca.m i 'or I Mobile. New ’ n leans .md the oiithwust. Tickets -<dd to ail ponds and slc-pingc c: • lus secured at passeng . i‘aon, and ti:k »t oillce 2- i Bull street. C. S. GADSDEN. R. G. > I.». Ml NG, W M. DAVIDSON, Supt. C. S. li'y. Supt I- \V. It'y, n. Pass. Agent, Ch ■.! leston, S. C. '.v aah, Ga. Jacksonville. Fla. THE DEADLY PARALLEL COLUII-N. AiLESSON IN ARITHMETIC. Avtrag'.- daily consumption of be-..r in this city May Ist to October Ist, annually, 200 KEGS PER DAY. Average tbily’ consumption of ice in same time, 80 TONS PER DAY. 111 iris. Price of above ice | Price of ice when when competition is.brewers protect their wiped out ' vents per ; customers. 20 cents per hundred; per t*>n. • Irandred: per ton. Total cost of >z iGi’.s j Total cost of So tons per day to the people, pur day under thissys tern. S-liaO. Net saving per day to tlie people, £ GO Net saving p er the season of IS4 days f >s.- 320. • I UST THINGS! $88,320 00. This is what yon pay over and above good value for an article ot nccessity'when any one has a cinch dp the business. See how piohtable it Would be to give away hve or ten thousand dollars' worth of beer in order to obtain control of this market on ice! But the people are too well read and in telligent to be caught with this spider and fly trap. Without doubt, the beer is the tiling that has come to the rescue. Consumers, McKinley’s tariff is a gentleman compared to this monster. Your interests are at stake, and in our hands will be as jealously guarded for the future as they have been in the past. All we ask is a fair field ana a shaie of your favors for the world renowned FAUST -—AND—, PREMIUM PALE BEER - —AND OUR OWN MEYER BEER. RESPECTFULLY, ns Ml George Meyer, GENERAL MANAGES. STOMACHS WILT REPUDIATE MEAN BEKR, And no mon . oca or combini’ ti ins can make . pie believe CHEAP BEEk IS GOOD BEER. The people of Sivannah appreciate the product of Home Industry because they k.,'jw tug Is brewing the FINEST BEER IN THE WORLD In its EXTRA PALE CABINET, An analysis by the highest au thority shows it io be the superior of any of its Competitors on this side of the Atlantic. ITS CHA Al PAG N Id BEEH CANNOT BS SURPASSED. ] Every first-class saloon in Savannah sells our beer. SAVANNAH Brewing (qq„ PIONEERS OF LOW PRICES FOR FIRST-CLASS GOODS.