The Patriot and commercial advertiser. (Savannah, Ga.) 1806-1807, December 08, 1806, Image 1

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\ sA yANNAH:- priced and published on Mondays and Thursdays by JOHN DOUGHERTY, No. 3, ifaitaker street, next diorto Mr. Jobber, neartheßay VOL. 111. No. 7.] T E It M S l OF THE i PATRIOT I and ■ tOMMERCIAL ADVERTISER. I Terms of subscription arc six Biil.ars a year—one bait to be m Ua i the time of subscribing and H, ffwundcr at the expiration ot Est. mnths —and all pavers will be Ui/inued until ordered to the con • |n/’ H Advertisements of no more ft. : than breadth arc inserted at H cents, for the first insertion, and H/iv each continuation. Ali- Hi/ allowance will be made to a ‘ho wish to advertise by the I For Liverpool, ■ r>v the ship KOk. BOST ON, ■jfjgj't. Captain Trott, Rue staunch fast sailing vessel ■ 2 years old, will be ready in a ■ davs tocommence loading ami Rfi be dispatched as soon as pos„ For freight apply to said or to. ■ R. fe J. BOLTON. - 1. Kthemiah Beckford, Waddle it it harness I maker , ■ informs Lis B. friends and the public, that Bias returned from the Nortli- B, and taken the store lately Spied by Peacock id Beach, he offers for sale a Rimplete assortment of RfIDDLERY, consisting B . oF ’ ■fs’elegant Eve Saddles, Ho low priced ditto Rtlemen’s Shaffto ditto Halted & common ditto R Plated Spurs, Bridles ol every description Bik brass mount-d Harness, R> k Silver mounted Whips, He Nets, 1 of common hair do. Haines for draught Horses, superior to the collar and both for ca>e anti conve ■ >ce, Harness Furniture, ■ Stirrups, ■ Saddle Nails, Sharp Pelham, Sc Bardoon ■lias ■ f’tirb Chains, Roller Buckles, |H Beading for Saddlers’ and makers’ use, almost every article called |Hinhis line, which he will dis ■~ of us low as they can he in the Si ate. [R hopes, by his attention to JH e A, to give satisfaction to v ho niav employ him. HAS ON HAND, of a superior quality, & PATOES in harrelss. I* Scribner & Cos. ■T just received Uu Brig Dean from Neui ■ York, MLARGE SUPPLY OF Shoes & Slifjiers, Kr x ’ EXCELLENT duality. H 111 il( kittion to their fotnier makes their assortment which they offer UALE, at reduced prices, at Hthe °r th i e Bay nearly °P’ e Exchange# THE PATRIOT AND COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER. Medical Store, THE SUBSCRIBERS Hare recently received in Addition to their former Stock , a targe c.ssortment of Drugs & Medicines, Among ridiich are the following articles, VIZ. Rod and Yclloivfelalap, Bark, §Opi utn, Glauber & Ro-Upeeacnaiiha, chell Sails, 4La vender Water, Salt Petre Pulv. § Vlagnesia, Cream Tartar, §Manna, Camphor, Glace, Copperas, Pot & Pearl Ash, Alum, §Senna, Sulphur Roll, §Sweet Spirit* Calomel, § Nitre, fee. Etc. ALSO, A VARIETY OF Patent Medicines, ” hid. they offer FOR SALE at their store in Whitaker stivet, (lately occupied by Mr. John Gardner and immediatly opposite Mr. Ulric Tobler’s) at reduced prices tOR CASH, or approved credit. GREEN & BELDEN. December 4. ts 6. Great Bargains. THE SUBSCRIBER Having■ taken the store of Mrs. Wytly's, opposite Doctor Ha has .am'.-,, Bull Street, OFFERS FOR SALE THE PILLOW. ING GOODS AT REDUCED PRICES. 3000 pair of Negro Shoes of the first quality, 2000 do. ol mens, lined & bound ditto 1500 Ladies Morocco & leather Slippers, 550 hot s & girls Shoes & ditio 500 pieces of liumiiums, do. gres and Suiinaiis, 300 do.ot Fine fe coarse callicocs 30 do. of broadcloths & coat ings 1 trunk of Ladies Gipsies’ Hats anti Bonnet is, of the latest fashions Rochester Chip & Porcupine ditto 16 boxes of cotton & wool cards 10 cases of mens tine & coarse Hats, 9 Hods, us Northward Rum, 6 do. Jamaica Sugar, 100 casks of Stone E rne, Package and travelling Trunks, JOSEPH ‘ll AWES November 24. ts. :i. The Subscriber, HAVING returned io his city, begs leave to acquaint his friends and the public gemril y that he lias received at his cabi net ware Hr use in Bud Street, opposite the Exchange, v An extensive and handsome assort ment of Furniture, Which he warrants of the first quality , amongst which ate: Sideboarus, new patterns, Secretaries and Book C ases, Hair Sofas, Curtails, DiningTables.w it:i & withoutends Tea Tables, Card ditto, Candle an 1 Bason spoils, Portable Desks, Ac. He has likewise received, AN EXTENSIVE ASSORTMENT OF Windsor and Fancy setting Chairs, which he will dispose of on mode., rate terms, for Cash or approved paper. JOHN SCOTT. S3* Cabinet Furniture mad. and repaired with neatness and dispatch. Nov. 24. if. 3. ALL KINDS OF PRINTING Done at this Office, with Neat ness Accuracy and Dispatch. M O N D A Y, December 8, 1806. CHEAPNESS, combined with flegance and UTILITY. By the late arrivals from 1 AVER POOL and GLASGOW, Andrew Low & Cos. Have received the largest and best selected, as well as the cheap est assortment of GOODS, which they have c ver offered Jor sale. • —COMPRISING Womens and Mens Cotton Hosi ery Ditto ditto silk ditto, Boys & Misses cotton & silk ditto Cotton and silk Gloves, ail sizes Men’s linen thread Stockings Patent White and black Laces Cotton and thread Laces and Veils Footings and Trimmings Habit shirts and Caps, cotton and lace Patent Garters Black embossed and coloured Velvet Silk and rotton Fringes Velvet net Trimmings and orna ments Piracelets, Beaufont Buffs Ribbons, velvet ditto Rich Sarsenets, Modes and Lut strings A few rich India shawls Lace Cambric and Leno do; very low Leno and Picquet Veils Plain Muslins, all kinds Figured and colonade ditto Figured Cambrics, Cambric Di mities 4-4 linen and cotton Checks 4-4 Apron Checks, very good Children's Leather Caps Children and youth’s Hats Men’s Hats, common and fine Bombazines uud Bombazetts Black Cambric and Book Muslins Black Leno and Picquet ditto Black Pee Shades and Cloaks Romal & Pullicat Handkerchiefs Fine linen pocket Handkerchiefs Children’s ditto Printed Calicoes, ofevery descrip tion Dimities, Muslinets White and coloured Marseilles Tlucksetts, Corduroys Velvet teens Fustians, Jeans, Nankenets Cotton Kerseymeres Cotton Shirtings Cotton Cambrics, every width and price Cotton and Silk Cbambrays and Luttres Handsome plaid andcorded Cam brics Clouting, Toweling and Table Cloth Diapers Coarse and fine Sheetings 7-8 and 4-4 Linens, Huckabacks Long Lawns ad French Cambrics Britantnas and Platillas Brown Linens anti Sheetings Parasols and Umbrellas Fans in great variety Adelplh threads in paper and var nished boxes Marking ditto Ounce and Lisle threads Coloured, Stitching & Oznaburgs ditto Best White Chapel Needles i’aper and pound pins Sewing silks and twists Button moulds and shirt buttons iMaiking Canvass Fashionable plated and gilt but tons Ditto pearl ditto Marseilles Quilts, Counterpanes H; dticks Furniture fringes and tassels Aiik handkerchiefs and shawls Coloured Cambrics A lew dozen fleecy hosiery, for invalids Pavillion Gauze, white and co loured Best Flax and Tow Osnaburg AND JUST OPENED. India Lutstrings, Bandannas and Humhunr.s Hyson and Imperial Teas Blue Cottons, fee. With many other articles not enumerated. S3* Merchants who find it convenient to purchase for Cash, or orders upon good people in town, will find these goods worth their attention. IV!va 2S. 56 Wm. WILSON, Has received per the ships Eliza and Volant, a large part of his Fall Supply of Goods, Which with his Rock, before on hand, makes his al’ fortment very complete. Among!! as great a variety of articles, as are commonly let forth in lengthy advertisements is a large quantity of White & ccbred Negro CLOTII. As this article was purchas ed lafl Winter for cash, and as a moderate advance only, will be now exatted, it is con ceived that it will be an objetl worthy the attention of Plan, ters, and others, who wish to purchase by the piece or pack age. Payment will be expell ed in Cash, Cotton, or ap proved town note;. Savannah, Sept, is, 90 tj FACTORAGE - A N D Commission Business. THE fublcriber has taken the wharf which has for fome time been occupied by Mellrs Havens & Bilbo , on which he has convenient and fate Stores sot the reception of Produce, and will be happy to serve his friends and the public, in the above line. ROBERT M’DOUG AI L. October 2 93 ts D % Douglass & Cos. R ESP EC I h ULLY inform the public, that they are now opening next door to Mar quaud and Paulding’s, A COMPLETE assortment of Philadelphia and New- York Bools & Shoes, Os the fist quality, Liquid and Cake Blacking, LIKE W 1 S A few thousand pa.r of Negro SHOES, which will be disposed ot on tho most reasonable terms, for CASH or approved Notes in town. November i3. if 105. N J I 1 CE. SUCH subscritiers as were in ad_ vanceto the “ SOUTHERN PA PKIOT,” previous to the first day of October fast; are reonest ed to present their accounts,for ba lances due them, to the nbscr her, at the corner of Jefferson and S . Julian streets, where they wiil be immediately discharge (I.—Those who formedv patronized that pa lter, are n formed, that all i niolu. meats arising lrout that establish ment, from tlie above dat •, are pa sable to Mr. J. Dougherty, the present proprietor. JAMES PELY. December i- Hfo6 5. fVw-roiE Numrk* 2C 7. S. FOOT, T-? ‘ LULLY informs the JLV 1 übhc that lie has r< turned Jo this city, anti tnk-n the fm.i*e he formerly occupied in B„l| Street o..(,osite the Auction Store of Mr. S. H. S atkhou e where he intends Parrying on the BOOT & SHOE MAKING BUSINESS as fortmily. * He has on hand, a confiderabU quantity of Boots & Shoes, of the f rjl quality , which he offers FOR SALE at re 6need prices Dee mix r 4. f f fust npened and for sate in Bry an street, near the Market, op. poste the la <e residence of Met. Jrs ■Mein and Mackat. A MOST Elegant effort merit of Ladies BONNETS and other articles in the Mil! linery and Dry Goods line, 100 tedious to mention.- Al fl >, expects per fi ft arrivals an additional (upply. Sewing done in the neatest manner. Odoher 27. 95 . GEORGIA, By I-aac Crews, (L. S.) c clerk <4 the court Isaac Crews, Jof Ordinary f„r the County of Camden, m the state afore said. \\ iiereas David Goodgame Jones, esq- applies for letters of admini stratio,, on the estate and eff cts of Will,am Jones, late of St. Marys deceased, as nearest of kin These are th, r , ture to cife a|M | admonisii all and singular, the kin dted and creditors ~i the deceased to file their 1 b'meiious (if any they *-*v,) m ,„v office before the hist Monday in January next, 0. Ml r ' vlse hitlers of administration wifi be granted him. Give,, under mv hand and stal t,lls nu,ill d -'y ‘f November 1806, and in the 3 Ist rear of American ludep. ndenc?. ( 20 Dollars Reward, TANARUS) UN-AW AY front ‘be subscri- J.V b. r in Washington County on the i7t li of tebruitrv last aii ofricau Negro Man named Rich ard about 5 f , t 11 niches hig!,, veiy black, si eaks a tittle KtiyiiAi he was bough, of Caig ik Mitchell, and left me on m V wav home, has a scar on hi, ti bow, the toe next,o the little one, on die left loot |, as been broke arid turns to the left ■ lie has a very thick nck and is We made, ai y person tlint will se cure the said Negro so that the suisc.tbcr may get h again shad be entitled to the above re ward and all expo,ices paid. BLACK SHEAR, November 24. 3 Lo be Leased, FOR A TI'KM OF YEARS, The House on the Bay, so nurlv occupied by Mr Gunn and last by Mrs. Soars as a hoarding House fir which it is bettor calculated than any other house 111 Savannah. I here tire t w bed rooms.On the first floor are two large hails, t| )e se. coi and Hour is one l< ng room L has a large Cellar, anu there are on the j remises good st;.b ea a pump and eveiy convenience Ve- I'nsite i*or Imther paniccJart caqutre of JOHN ANDERSON. Decemb r I g B'ank Manifests &c. Tor Calc ot this (ffc