The Patriot and commercial advertiser. (Savannah, Ga.) 1806-1807, December 18, 1806, Image 1

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SA VANN A //.-—printed AND pubihshed on Mondays and Thursdays by JOHN DOUGHERTY, No. 0, Whitaker Street, near the ID./ VOL. 111. No. 10.] ■ T RUMS I OF THE I PATRIOT ■ ami AL advertiser. Hr> rr nj of subsevipfio'n arc sin E i A ;j a year —one hah’ to he time of ’ suhscribins and H . finder at. the . vpiratbm of M ,, A, — am! all papers will he jm/md until ordered to the con■ ■ Ujdvertisemen/s of nr more Hr/A thin breadth arc inserted al Hffl/.!, for the first in-ertion, an ! H,v each continuation. A !i- H/ allowance will he made to H t who wish to advertise bj the Hr. ■ FOR SALK, ■ new Ship HMy ENTEKPKIZE, HuryelT lß4 Tons, no.v on her Bv/yage. If not so'd within Hilavs. She will t-ike freighq for Hw York, or Rhode I land. Bor terms apple on board to ■ GARNER SMITH. H)cfcaibrr 1.5 9 fchemiah Beckfonl, Middle it a harness H maker , HeSPECTFULLY informs his friends itmJ tlie public, lot Hms returned from the Noit i ■il.aml taken th.e store lately Hupied by Peacock if Beach, Here he offers for. sale a Hcmplete ASSORTMENT OF ■SADDLERY, consisting H Ol', Bin’ elegant Eve Saddles, |Ht9 low priced ditto Siiaffio ditto & common ditto ■t Plated Spurs, ■d Bridles ol everv description A brass mounted Harness, ■l & Silver mounted Whips, B Nets, B'eliiug & portmanteau ’l'nu'ks variety ol common hair do. Hi and Haines for draught Horses, Hwcb superior to the collar and Hwies, both lor ease and eonve- Hlnce, ■ ‘ Harness Furniture, H Stirrups, HoSadille Nails, Ho Sharp Pelhaui, St BarJoon ■ Bias H Curb Chains, Ho ler Buckles, H’ Beading for Saddlers’ and H/ bair makers’ use, H almost every article called Hi Ids line, which he will din* H’ e nt as low as they can he M £lit in the S'ate. hopes, by his attention to to give satisfaction to e *'bo may employ him. fl HAS ON HAND, ot a superior quality, & 0 [ A POES in barrels. Hweniber 27. if. 4. I S. FOOT, informs the Public that lie lias returned and taken the house occupied in Bull opposite the Auction Store H r : IL Stackhouse where lie B, carrying on the BOOT B'° E MAKING business, B' ias 011 hand, a conjitlsrable H quantity of B Soots 8c Shoes, H °f the jirfl quality , ->Boffers FOR SALE at re- H (l prices, Bcembur 4. ts 6. THE PATRIOT AND COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER. A. Scribner & Cos. HAVE JUST RECEIVED Per the Brig Dean from A cw- Tortr , A LARGE SUPPLY Os Bools, Shoes & Slijifiers, OF \N EXCELLENT DUALITY. Which in addition to their tenner supply, makes their assortment very extensive; which they offer FOR SALE, at reduced prices, at their store on the Bay, nearly op pospe the? Exchange. November 24. Cotton Ginned, THE SUB S Clt IB E MS, Having established in Yamacraw, on the lot where jofeph Hill etetted a Corn. Mill, Si adjoining to the house of the Rev. Mr. Clay, 2 roller COTTON GINS, on an ap proved and (uperior construc tion, offer to Gin Cotton at the reduced price of 5 cents per pound. They will obligate them, helves to stipulate a lime of de livery for Cotton received to be ginned, and will store the lame, after being prepared for market, until convenient lot* the proprietors to remove it, without making the usual charge of storage, and will al. so purchase Cotton iri the leed at the lair market price. AT.EX. J AFFREY, WJI. WILKIE. Savannah, Sept. 4, i8o r > 68 Just opened andfor su e. in tin/- an street, near the Market, op. he the late residence of Messrs Mein and Mack iy. A MOST Elegant aflort ment of Ladies BONNETS, and other articles in the Mil linery and Dry Goods line, too tedious to mention.—Al so, expects per full arrivals an additional supply. Sewing done in the neatelt manner. 08 oher 27. 95. GEORGIA, 4 By Laae Crews, (L. S.) ■ clerk of the court Isaac Crews, }of Ordinary for the County of Camden, in the slate afore said. Whereas David Goodgame Jones, esq. applies for letters of admini stration on the estate and effect* ol William Jones, Lie of St. Marys deceas’ and, as nearest of kin. These are therefore to cite and admonish ail and singular, the kin dled and creditors of the deceased to file their objections (ifany ibev have)in my r ffree on or before the first Monday in January next, o dicrube letters of administration will he grained him. Given under my hand and seal tlris ninth day of November 1806, and in the 31st year of American Independence. December ), 5 N O ‘l 1C E. Nine months after date appl: cation wi.l be made to the lor nf erior Court of C hatham com y, for leave to sell a tract of 45 acres of land in said county, ad joining Mr. Butler and Beliuß t lands, on Little Ogechee, for tht benefit of the heirs and creditors WILLIAM WRIGHT, Adm't E • G ARIAS, A dm'a June 16 ts 63 Blank Manifests &c. Tor Sale at tins Office, I il U R S D A Y, Dkckmbvr 18, 1806. Medical Store, THE SUBSCRIBERS Have recently received in Addition to their former Stock, a large assort merit ot Drugs & Medicines, Among which are the following articles, VIZ. Red and Yellow Bark, Glauber h Ro olk'll Salts, 1 Salt Pet re Pulv. Cream Tartar, Camphor, Copperas, Alum, Sulphur Roll, Calomel, ALSO, A VARIETY OF Patent Medicines, which they offer FOR SALE at their store in Whitaker street, (lately occupied by Mr. John Gardner and unniediatlv opposite Mr. Ultic Tobler’s) at reduced prices FOR CASH, or approved credit. GREEN Sc 3ELDEN. December 4. ts 6. Great Bargains THE SUBSCRIBE!? Having taken the store of Airs. Wy fly's , opposite Doctor Ha bersham's, Bull Street, OFFERS FOR SALE THE FOLLOW. ING GOODS AT REDUCED PRICES. 3000 pair of Negro Shoes of the first quality, 2000 do. ol mens, lined & bound ditio 1500 Ladies Morocco & leather Slippers, 350 bovs & girls Shoes & ditto 500 pieces of Idumhutns, selo gres and Hannahs, 300 do.of Fine & coarse callicoes 30 do. ol broadcloths & coal ings * 1 trunk of Ladies Gipsies’ Hats anti BonrieMs, of the latest fashions Rochester Chip fa. Porcupine ditto 16 boxes of cotton & wool cards 10 eases of mens fine & coarse Jlats, 9 Illids. of Northward Rum, 6 do, Jamaica Sugar, 100 casks of Stone Lime, Package and travelling Trunks, JOSEPH HAWKS. November 21. ts. 3. The Subscriber, HAVING returned toihiscitv, begs leave to acquaint his friends and the public gem rally that he lias received at his cabi net warehouse in Bull Street, opposite the Exchange, An extensive and handsome assoi t ment of Furniture, JVhich he warrants of the first quality, amongst which ate: Sideboards, new patterns, Secretaries and Book Cases, Hair Sofas, Bureaus, Dining Tables, with & without ends Tea ’Tables, Card ditto, Candle and Bason stands, Portable Desks, <Xc. lie has likewise received’, AN EXTENSIVE ASSORTMENT OF Windsor and Fancy setting Chairs, which he will dispose of on mode rate terms, for Cash or approved paper. JOHN SCOTT. ZXff’ Cabinet Furniture made and repaired with neatness and dispatch. Nov. 24. f. 3. ALL KINDS Of’ PRINTING Done at this Office, with Neat, ness Accuracy and Dispatch. Ij Jalap, lopiumU S Lavender Water, § Magnesia, § dace, § l> ot &Peayl Ash, fs'senna, |Sweet Spirits | Nitre, fcc.&c. CHEAPNESS, COMBINED WITH ELEGANCE AND UTILITY. By the hate arrivals from LIVER POOL and GLASGOW, Andrew Low & Cos. Have received the largest and best selected, as well as the cheap est assortment of GOODS, which they have e ver offered for sale. —COMPRISING Womens and Mens Cotton Hosi* ery Ditto ditto silk ditto, Buys k Misses cotton &silk ditto Cotton and silk Gloves, all sizes Men’s linen thread Stockings Patent White and black Laces Cotton and thread Laces and Veils Footings and Trimmings Habit siiirts and Caps, cotton and lace Patent Garters Black embossed and coloured Velvet Silk and cotton Fringes Velvet net Trimmings and orna* merits Bracelets, Beaufont Ruffs Ribbons, velvet ditto Rich Sarsenets, Modes and Lut strings A few rich India shawls Lace Cambric and Leno do. very low Leno and Picquet Veils Plain Muslins, all kinds Figured and colonade ditto Figured Cambrics, Cambric Di mities 4- 4 linen and cotton Checks 4-4 Apron Checks, very good Children’s Leather Caps Children and youth’s Hats Men’s Hats, common and fine Bombazines and Bombazetts Black Cambric and Book Muslins Black Leno and Picquet ditto Black ! ce Shades and Cloaks Romal & Pullicat Handkerchiefs Fine linen pocket Handkerchiefs Children’s ditto Printed Calicoes, ofevery descrip tion Dimities, Muslinets White and coloured Marseilles Thickset ts, Corduroys Velvet teens Fustians, .Jeans, Nankenet9 Cotton Kerseymeres Cotton Shirtings Cotton Cambrics, every width and price Cotton and Silk Chambrays and Luttres Handsome plaid andcorded Cam brics Clouting, Toweling and Table Cloth Diapers Coarse and fine Sheetings 7-8 and 4-4 Linens, Huckabacks Long Lawns ad French Cambrics Britannias and Platilias Brown Linens anti Sheetings Parasols and Umbrellas Fans in great variety Adelplii threads in paper and var nished boxes Marking ditto Ounce and Lisle threads Coloured, Stitching & Oznaburgs ditto Best White Chapel Needles Paper and pound pins Sewing silks and twists Button moulds and shirt buttons Marking Canvass Fashionable plated and gilt but tons Ditto pearl ditto Marseilles Quilts, Counterpanes Bedticks Furniture fringes and tassels Silk handkerchiefs and shawls Coloured Cambrics A few dozen fleecy hosiery, for invalids [Whole Numb hr 210 Pavillion Gauze, white and co loured Best Flax and T w Osnahnrg AND JUST OPENED. India Lutv.iings, Bandannas and Ilumhuius Hyson and Imperial Teas Blue Cottons, &c. With many other articles not enumerated. Merchants who fin! it convenient to purchase for Cash, or orders upon good people in town, will find these goods worth their attention. Mva 28. 56 Wm. WILSON, Ills received per the ships Eliza and Volant, a large part of his Fall Supply of Goods, Which with his Rock, before on hand, makes his af- Ibrtment veiy complete. Among ft as great a vaiieiy of articles, as aie commonly let so lih in lengthy advertifeinents is a large quantity of VV hite & col Dred c L O T IL I? As this article was purchase cd la ft Winter for cash, and as a moderate ad”ancc only, will he now exatted, it is con ceived that it will he an objefct worthy the attention of Plan ters, arv.i others, who vtifh to purchase by the piece or pack* - age. Payment will be expett ed in Cldlii, Cotton, or ap proved town nore;. Savannah, Srpt. is, 9,) t s D % Douglass & Cos. TANARUS) ESP EC ii - inform £Y the public, that they are now opening next door to Mar quand and Paulding’s, A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF Philadelphia and New- York Boots & Slices, Os the fit st quality , Liquid and Luke Blacking, LIKEW I S E, A few thousand pair of Negro SHOE'*, which will be disposed of on the most reasonable terms, for CASH or approve I Notes in town, NnvntnUvr 13. ts iOS - 11 CE. ‘ SUCH Mib.cribers as were in ad. vance to ti e “ SCU i IIERN I A 1 RD I ,” previous 10 tne first dav ot October last; are rv quest ed to preset t their accounts,for ba -1 ‘Dices due them, (O tile subscriber, at tbo coiner ol J-il rson and Sr. Julian stre ts, where they will ba immediately discharged. —Those who formerly patronized that pa per, are ndorm and. diat all emolu ments arising from that establish ment. Irom ihe a bo” e date, are partible to Mr. J. Dougherty, the present proprietor. J UIF.S 11 ELY. D rember 1 ■ HO6 4t 5. WAN l ED, ‘J O DUNG LADS, from 13 to 16 years or age, as apprentices to the Book-Binding Business None need apply without good 1 ecomnieiiJnl lol -s. —— Hoply to if B- Thompson. Novenib r u ,f. , 05> Wanted immediately Al tins offi_e, a Jum neyrjiaa i rintcr-—a stiAtly’ \ Ming man, who 11 a govrd Composiiof ai>' ( P 1 ess man, will meet with,, encooragoment, and urploj 111 cut.