The Patriot and commercial advertiser. (Savannah, Ga.) 1806-1807, December 22, 1806, Image 1

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SAVANNAH: —printed an;) published on Mondays and Thursdays by JOHN DOUGHKRTY, Xo. Whitaker street % n<\ir the Bay. VOL. HI- No. ii.] ■ terms I oF THE I PAT RIOT I and ■wvrEßCl AI. ADVERTISER. of subscription fire six H,, s <i year — oc half to he ■ jfjj/i'me of subscribing and mender at the. crpi ration o<’ mL n fhs—and nil papers will he Eifi until ordered to the con ■ If dverlhemenfs of no wore Bq than breadth arc inserted at fc/f, for the first insertion, an ! Mir each continuation. A />- ■/ allomnce xoill he made to L [iitO u'lsii to advertise by the ■ FOR SALE, fine staunch new Ship ENTERPUIZE, Krthci) 184 Tons, no-v on her ■ voyage- If not sold within ■lav's, She will take freiglr, for Hr York, nr Rhode I land. Horterms anyth* on It >ard to ■ G ARNER SMI TH, ■ecember 15 M hemi ah Beckforcl, H,; DDLER V HARSES V ■ MAKER , informs his ■ friends and the public, that. returned from the Notth and taken the store lately by Peacock if Beach, he offers for sale a ASSORTMENT Os ■sa 1 > OLE R. Y, con si ~ ri>; g m elrgant Eve Saddles, |Hm low priced ditto Shaflf’o ditto Plated Spurs, Bridles ol every description ■t-o & brass mounted Harness, ■ Ml > iSt Silver mounted Whips, H r Nets, Htvellinv ti portmanteau Trunks variety of common hair do. ■dt.-d Bauu'sfor draught ! lorses, Hnudi superior to the collar and both lor ease and conve- H" e 'ice, Hied Harness Furniture, ■Hi Stirrups, Ho Saddle Nails, Hto Sharp Pelham, & Bardoon | Bins ( orb Chains, •■"° toiler Buckles, Beading tor Saddlers’ and Chair makers’ use, almost every ankle called |Hf ;, r in Ins line, which lie will dis °l as low as they can be ■ Wight in tite State. ■ Hc hopes, by his attention to to give satisfaction to who mav empb>y him. ■ #£ HAS ON HAND , ■ iBJ.H o, a superior quality, & H m ir. barrels. ■ N °vember 27. if. 4. 1 S. FOOT, I) ESPc.CTFULLY informs tlie Bln-^* U^'C l ’iat he has returned * s city, and taken the house ■’ tarnieriy occupied in Bull opposite the Auction Store ‘ v “j Stackhouse where he ;ids carrying on the BOOT ■7 ,oe .making business, H* ‘it meriy. W on hand , a conjiderablc i quantity of I Boots & Shoes, 1.. °f the firfi quality, ■"id) he Offers FOii SALE at re prices 9 Member 4. ts 6. •TK U PATRIOT r 2j Jl ia. jL iilU JL AN D COM ME R CIAI . A,D VE R TIS ER. A. Scribner & Cos. HAVE JUHf RECEIVED Per the Brig Dean from A exo- York, A LARGE SUPPLY OF Bools , Shoes & Slippers, OF AN EXCELLENT DUALITY. Which* m addition to their lomier supply, makes their assortment very extensive; \Viuch they offer FOR SALE, a* reduced prices, at their store on the Bay, nearly op posite the Exchange. November 24. Cotton Ginned, THE SUB sen JBE RS, H I AVIN G establithed in Yamacraw, on the lot where j f> feph Hill ereded a Corn. Mill, & adjoining to the honfe of the Rev. Mr, Clay, a roiiei CO T TON GINS, Oil ail ap proved and luperior construc tion, oifer to Gin Cotton at the reduced puce of 5 cents per pound. They will obligate them (elves to stipulate a time of de livery for Cotton received 10 be ginned, and will store the lame, after being prepared for markei, until convenient for the proprietors to remove it, without making the ufua! charge of storage, and will al. so purchase Cotton in the feed at the fair market price. ALEX. JAFFKEY, WM. WILKIE. Savannah, Sept. 4, !S O V> -68 Just opened andfor sale, in Bry an street, near the Market, on. fsositethe late residence of Messrs Mein and Ivlackay. A MOST Elegant a (Fort ment of Ladies BONX ETS, and other at tides in the .Mil linery and Dry Goods line, too tedious to mention.— A !- so, expects per firlt arrivals an additional (upplv. Sewing done in the neatefl manner- Oflober 27. g,-. GEORGIA, j By Isaac Crews, (L. S.) ,- clerk of the court Isaac Crews, ) of’ Ordinary fur the C ounty of Camden, in tilt; state afore said. Whereas David Goodgatne Jones, esq. applies for letters of admini stration on the estate and effect* o 1 William Jones, late of St. Marys deceased, as nearest of kiu. These are therefore to cite* and admonish all ancFsingular, the kin dred and creditors of ihedeet ased to file their objections (if any they have) in mv olHee on or before tin; first Monday'in January next, o iherwise letters of adniinistraiion will be granted him. Given under mv hand and seal this ninth day of November 1806, and in the3istvear of American Independence. December J, 5 NO T I C E. Nine monthsafter date- ippT c cation will be made to the hot n/erior Court of Chatham cour y, for leave to sell a tract of 45 acres of land in said county, ad-, joining Air. Butler and Beliur lands, on Little Ogechee, for the benefit of the heirs aud creditors. WILLIAM WRIGHT, IP GABLE, Adrifx Jtirw 16 ts 63 Blank Manifests &c- For Sale ct this Office. M O N p A Y, DECEMBER 22. j 806. Great Bargains TIIE SUBSCRIBER flavin? taken the store of Airs. Wijlltf sopposite Doctor Ha bersham's, Bull Street, OFF FRS FOR SAI.E THE FOLLOW. IKG GOODS AT REDUCED PRICES. 3000 pair oi Negro Shoes of the first quality, 2000 do. of mens, lined ik bound ditio 1500 Ladies Morocco & leather Slippers, 550 boys & girls Shoes & ditto 500 pieces of Htunbums, seio_ gres and Sanuahs, 300 dn.of Fine & coarse callicoes 30 do, of broadcloths & coat ings ! trunk of Ladies Gipsies’ Hats and Bonneits, of the latest fashions Rochester Chip & Porcupine ditto 16 boxes of cotton & woo! cards 10 cases of mens fine &. coarse I tills, 9 Hhds. of Northward Rum, C do. Jamaica Sugar, 100 casks of Stone Lime, Package aim travelling Trunks, JOSEPH lIAWi-.S. November 24. ts a. 1 he Subscriber, HAVING returned tt) 1 liis ei; v, begs leave to ucq taint his Irtends and the public gem rally that he has received at Ins cabi net WAREHOUSE in Buil Street, opposite the Exchange, An expensive and handsome assort went of Furniture, If Inch he warrants of the first quality , amongst rr/uch me: Sideboards, new patterns, Secretaries and Book Eases, Hair Solas, Bureaus, Dining Tables, with & w ithout ends Tea Tables, Card ditio, Candle and Bason stands, Portable Dusks, txc. He has likewise received, AN EXTENSIVE ASSORTMENT OF Windsor and Fancy setting Chairs, which he will dispose of on mode rale terms, for Cash or approved paper. JOHN SCOTT. ff3r’ Cabinet Furniture made and repaired with neatness and dispatch. Nov. 24. ts. 3, R OBEK FMTXHJG ALL Has removed from Jones’ Wharf, and taken a Coun ting room in the Store of Mr. Samuel H. Stackhou fc, on the BAY, oppolite the Ex change, where he Hill conti. nues in the FAC TORAGE and COMMISSION BUSI NESS —and will endeavour, by his attention to their inter est, to merit the Patronage of those friends, who may think proper to commit their bu iinefs to his care. December 15 9. To be Leased, FOR A TERM OF YEARS THE House on the Bay, for merly occupied by Mr. Gunn, and last bv Mrs. Sears as a Boarding House for which it is better calculated than any other house in Savannah. There are twenty-one bed rooms.On the first floor are two large halls, the se cond floor is one long room It has a largo (dollar, and there are on the promises good stabler., a pump and every convenience re quisite. For further particulars enquire of JOHN ANDERSON. December 1 5 CHEAPNESS, COMBINED WITH FI.EGANCE AND UTILiTY. By the late arrivals from LIVER POOL and GLASGOW, Andrew Low & Cos. Have received the largest and bes * selected, as well as the cheap est assort ment of GOODS, which they have e ver offered for sale. • —COMPRISING Womens and Mens Cotton Ilosi cr-v . •Ditto ditto silk ditto, Boys h Misses cotton & silk ditto Cotton and silk Gloves, all sizes Men’s linen thread Stockings Patent White and black Laces Cotton and thread Laces aud Veiia Footings and Trimmings Habit shirts and Caps, cotton and la co Patent Garters Black embossed and coloured Velvet Silk and cotton Fringes Velvc. net Trimmings and orna ments Bracelets, Beaufont Ruffs Ribbons, velvet ditto Rich Sarsenets, Modes and I.ut striugs A few rich India shawls Lace Cambric and Leno do; very low Leno and Picquet Veils Plain ?vlusliiiN, ail kinds Figured and colonade ditto Figured Cambrics, Cambric Di mities 4-4 linen and cotton Checks 4-4 Apron Checks, very good Children’s Leather Caps Children and youth’s Hats Men’s Hats, common and fine Bombazines and BoinbaZetts Black Cambric and Book Muslins Black Leno and Picquet ditto Black lace Shades and Cloaks Romal & Pullicac Handkerchiefs Fine linen pocket Handkerchiefs Children’s ditto Printed Calicoes, ofevery descrip tion Dimities, Muslinets White and coloured Marseilles Tincksetts, Corduroys Velvet teens Fustians, Jeans, Nankenets Cotton Kerseymeres Cotton Shirtings Cotton Cambi ics, every width and price Cotton and Siik Cliambrays and l.uttrey Handsome plaid andcorded Cam brics Clouting, Toweling and Table Cloth Diapers Coarse and line Sheetings 7-8 and 4-4 Linens, Huckabacks Long Lawns ad French Cambrics Britanmas and Platillas Brown Linens and Sheetings Parasols and Umbrellas Fans in great variety Adclphi threads in paper and var nished boxes Marking ditto Ounce and Lisle threads Coloured, Stitching Sc Uznaburgs * ditto Best V bite Chapel Needles i<tper and pound pins Sewing silks and twists Button moulds and shirt buttons Maiking Canvass Fashionable plated and gilt but tons Ditto pearl ditto Marseilles Quilts, Counterpanes Bt dticks Furniture fringes and tasseH Silk handkerchiefs and shawls Coloured Cambrics A lew dozen fleecy hosiery, for invalids [Whoi.s Number 211 Paviilion Gattae, white and co loured Best Flax and Tow Osnahtirp AND JUST OPENED. India Lutsiringa, Bandannas and Humhunis Mvson and Imperial Teas Blue Cottons, Stc. With manv other articles not enumerated. Merchants who find it convenient to purchase for Cash, or orders upon good people in town, will find these goods worth their attention. Mva 2. Wm. WILSOT,*’’ Has received per the ships Ellzz and Volant, a Lu ce part of his Fail Supply of Goods, &3* Which with his flock, before on hand, make's his at fofiment vetv complete.— Aincngll as great a variety of articles, as are commonly set forth in lengthy advertisements is a large quantity of White & coLred Ncpro CLOTH. As this article was purebaf 'cd hit Winter for ctdh, and as a moderate advance only, will be now rxafcled, it is con ceived that it. vcill be an objed worthy the attention of Plan, tets, and others, who wilh to purchase by the piece or track age. lHyn et will be expect ed in Cafli, Cotton, or ap. proved town notes. SaiMovah, Srph. n, po if jj t JJougLiss ksi Cos. P ESiTC t FULLY ‘ uitursu iV. tin; puhhe, they ate now open ng mxt door to t\h*r qnaud and Paulding’s, A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF FniLA DELPHI A ANO NeW- YoRK Bools Sc Shoes, Os the tii st tfitalitj, Liquid and Case Bl.n f. mg, I. 1 IC E /VISE,” A few thousand pair of SHOES, uJncli ill be disposed of on the most reasonable terms, for C \S or approve ! Notes m town, Nnvendi r 13. 1 f 1(j j. no i’TcZ CUCHsnb .enU'M'N .is were in ad_ O valid-to the “ SOU HI Kit M PATiilO I’,” previous .0 me first day of October la -t; arc request ed topreseri their ageounts,for ba lances <lue thorn, to tile subscriber, at the corner of Jefl rson and S . Julian sire ts, where they will be immediately discharged, —Those who fonnei!v pa'ronused that pa per, are inform and. tint all cirtolu moots arising Irom that estabiisn nient, luan die ; b > e date, are payable to Air. .1. Dougherty, the present proprietor. JAMES lIFLY. Dcc.-mb r 1 • I*o6 4t j. WANTED, ~ TWO young lads, from 13 to 16 ye rs ot age, as a ipreieu > s to the Hook- Binding Business. — None need app y wi hout good recouiiiiciid.itions Ann’>4 to B. It. THUMPS >Hi Nore mi) r 1:< f (0,5 lit Ui i i'.lC 30dolb. Northern T> liter, of an excellent qaaiitv, at *s cents per pound,— jult receiv ed, and for Sale hv rhe Sub ienber, on Hardens Wharf FARNUM WHITE. Di ceir.her i5. 9,