The Patriot and commercial advertiser. (Savannah, Ga.) 1806-1807, January 19, 1807, Image 3

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0 tl,s atnfinr of the foo'ifli a , a r\ife(lo which lie had dila ted for fourteen years, iho’ he did not dare to deny that he had lanftioncd it with his fig’ nature.” ji was remarked that, dur ing this converfaion, the cm “or, with that warmth with w hich he is fometirnes anima: jed, repeated often —“ to o r verthrow and destroy the ha’ Stations of peaceable citizens, is a crime which can be repair ed with time and money; but to dilhonor an armv by de k to fly out of Germany before the Prufiian eagle, is a balenefs, that he only who could counfei it, could corn’ rajt.” Mr. de Luchefini is always at head quarters; the emperor has refuted to fee him; but it is observed, that he has fre quent conferences with the grand marshal of the palace, ihiroc. ‘ flic emperor has ordered that a prelcnt (hall be made out of the great quantity of fcnglifh cloth found at Leip*” lick, of a complete suit for tach officer, and a coat and cap for each folcher. The imperial quarters are at Kropltadt. ACQUITTAL OF COL. BURK. Frankfort, (Ken.) Dec. 5. “ The grand jury are happy to inform the court, that no violent disturbance of the public tran ytilitj') or breach of the Laws, m come o their knowledge. We have no hesitation in de claring, that having carefully ex amined and scrutinized all the itstimoay which has come be ore us, as well on the charges Against Aaron Burr, as those contained in the indictment pre yed to us against John Adair, ate a senator of the U. States, ‘hat there has been no testimony itfore us which dot s in the snud degree criminate the conduct jf either of those persons; nor :>n we from all the inquiries and nvestigation of the subject, dU :oveJ that any thing improper )r injurious to the of the pvernment of the (J. States, or contrary to the laws thereof, is iesigtied or contemplated by ei iher of them. December 5,1806. Abr. Hate, Fireman, William steel, George Madison, John Pa nder Thomas Lewis, Richard Epperson, P. B, OrmsleyTGeo. Richd. Davenport, E M. -ovtngton, Abr. Owen, Thomas iohnjton Hubert Johnston, Nich. -afton. John Kenton, N. Iviillor, ‘• racieche, it. Fox, Richard ■fiee Nmhante! Hart, j. Bacon, *bmas Her pas s. true copy from the records i>t my office as clerk of the dis* :c t court of the United States, t and tor the Kentucky district, f,li s[ h day ‘of December, 1 suG, ndol tlie Independence ot tfie States, the 3*u Altai, * THOMAS T UK ST AIL, Clerk Ken. Dtsi. Court. There were seventeen witnes ts mostly the intimate friends >fCol. burr. It appeared clearly n the examination, that the ru nour circulated thioughout the Waited States, iftat coi. Bun’s %ct was to divide the Union, i“d to separate the eastern iron, he Weitem stales, n totally iaise ®d groundless. 1 he whule proceedings will be ‘ublishtcl in u tew days, connoti ng the testimony ot all the wu tosses, among whom are otrcct ‘‘‘dWootl, cutters oi the \Ves ern World, which will, we art uthoiisecl to say, give entire su 'slattiori to me puonc, as vveli as 0 fu! - ourr, ana acquit mm >4 .i aapiciou o; improper views. Culiamutu Office, Ft unkjort, (K'j Dec. 5, I suit PATRIOT. SAVANXAII, Jam \9 : ISO 7. YESTERDAY arrived the sloop Two Friends , capt. Hub hard, in 17 days from New-Or leans ;by him we have been fa vored with the following infor mation : That previous to his leaving that place, they were in great hustle, organizing and training the volunteer Corps which appeared to be completely equipped and expert at their dis cipline, to the number of from 5 to 700 men; The tegular troops of the place were estimated at a j bout 1500 men—the militia were to he in requisition in a few days, supposed to amount to about 1000 men. Commodore Shaw in the Bomb ketch Vesuvius, was re cruting with great activity, for the purpose of manning the dif ferent government vesseis, and such as might be afterwards tak en up by government. Reports in Trculation were, that Burr’s infamous adherents consisted of from 3 to 7000 men, &encr#a.,jng daily—that the great est unanimity prevailed among he inhabitants and the military, who in conjunction with Commo dore Shaw, were anxiously wait ing the arrival of the enemy. The fortifications were under going repairs, and the Negroes from the plantations were order ed to asit in putting rhe place in a proper state of defence— such whs the general impulse. No apprehensions were enter tained by the inhabitant* of Burr’s success. A great number of vessels were in the port, and the embar go still continued. Capt. H. had previous to his sailing, to obtain a Passport from Governor Clai borne, which enabled him to pus3 the ports and armed vessels in the rive. Three of his men entered or board U. S. vessels in port. — Museum. London, Nov. 3. The power of Pruifia wc conuder as sunk and annihilat ed. She has rniiTed the f “. gold jen opportunity,” ’..hen ihc | might have claimed the bleff j digs of Europe. In her tardy effort l'he hat 101 l herfelf. E ven hi the bitternels of heart, which mull ever accompany | bhe triumphs of Bonaparte, ! few tears will he filed on the defunct Houle of Bianden burg. It was'naturally to be supposed, that the tatter would adopt all the humility of loli citaiion. It is laid, that Luco hefini has offered Eaff Friel land, Bayreuth and Wefipba i‘2, as the price of peace.— These are terms fulheientiy ho. miiiating, but Bonaparte will Itill throw “ his (word into the fcaie.” BOSTON, December 29. The trial of T. O. Self ridge, E;q. on an indictment of Man slaughter which commenced be fore the Supreme Court, sitting i a this town on Tuesday last, continued until Friday noon, when after this long and interest ing hearing, Judge Parker sum med up the evidence, and gave the cause to the jury, with his ac customed perspicuity and impar tiality. The Court adjourned front 2 o’clock to 4, when the ju ry came in with a verdict of Nut Guilty. W e understand that the jury were but 15 minutes in a greeing on the r -erdict; it was composed ol gentlemen of each political party ; and the only per son challenged, was a federalist, and a personal trteuci ol the de teadain. NEW-YORK, Dec. 29. Communicated for the Mercantile Adiisrtisi r PARIS, Scpi, Ist, 1896. Sir —I have had the harior f rereh mg.vnnr L-iter of the jjth inst. in which you express an in terest in the confinement of Mr. Shaw. IBs liberation w'th that of the other , Americans, has been lately demanded by bis F.xcelltn cv the Minister Plenipotentiary of tire United States, ihe Min ister at War transmitted with his answer, a copv of ‘-he Mrpricu lar list, or register, on which M r. Shaw’s name is inserted ; and, opposite to his name, it is stated, that Riciirad Siiaw, was a ni val Surgeon, on board the frigate Shannon. Before an American can be enlarged, who is consider ed as an English prisoner, four things are required by the .Minis ter at War. lstly. lie must exhibit proofs that he is an American. 2d!y. T hat he was not a Com batant, and did not belong io the crew of the vessel in which he was taken. 3,<ily. He is to designate the vessel, and 4thly. He must mention the Port into winch he was conduct ed. We have received documents which prove that Air. Shaw is an American citizen. The others are required , and I have written to him on this subject. It is unfortunate, that a dis tinction is made by the French government, between natives, and the adopted citizens of the United States ; and equally so is the opinion, that there is nothing more easy than to procure certi ficates of citizen-ship, although a foreigner may have resided but a few months or weeks in the coutu try. You mnv be assured, Sir, that the American Minister has, as mnch as in bis power, exerted his authority for Shaw's release, as well as that of the other prison ers. His feelings would be much gratified by their immediate en lai gement. I am, Sir, with high esteem, Your mosc obed’t & humble serv’t. (Signed) D. W. Warden, Secretary, He. Lawson Alexander, Esq. American Cos null, Rotterdam. January 6. Capt- Dayton, of the brig Julia, from St. Andero, in Spain, informs us that alter Bcmapcrie had entered Leritn lie appointed twelve commii fioners, to whom were intr ul tra the ca.e of the city police, end the temporary government ot the Republic of Pruifia. The king was represented to be in a .filtration which irrvolv ed his personal fafety—being furroutided by the troops of France, and hardly a pc labi lity of effecting his escape. The emperor Napolean was foid to be on his return to Pa ris. T he Ruffians after fotne com munications with the French army, were retiring towards their own territory, after wit nessing, a* idle fpeclators, the disasters of their ally, £■. were a bout to make an iruptton into the dominions cl the Grand Signior, whose integrity Bo naparte was preparing to de fend.. CHARLESTON, Jan. l“. i he following is s pollscript to a letter, received by Satur day night's mail, dated at Philadelphia, the 28th uit. “ The King of Pruifia is fatd to have been wounded, and the Queen a captive; and that the King of Holland, with an had entered Copen hagen.” The above letter is from a gentleman of the fir it reipecla biiity; but no mention is made ol the channel through which the news v. as received at Phi ladelphia. Doctor EmtiCri Rollman, who was brought a lew clays ago 1 as a state prisoner Lam N*v- C'rlcans, and is now confined at Fort Johnson, b*s applied to be removed, by a habeas carpus, to this city, that he might have a hearing before his honor Judge Prr; but as. the orders captain Kaltiesen has received from gen. Wilkinson, state peremptorily, that the said prisoner is to be Icrpt safelv by him, until be re ceives further orders trom the Presicjen of the United Slates, capt. Keltiesen conceives himself warranted iu not giving him up to the civil authoritv. Captain Kaltiesen’s orders from general Wilkinson, direct, that no per son but a commissioned ollicer be permitted to converse with the prisouer, and that he be not per mitted to write any letters to any person. January IJ. Extract from the Log-Bosk sfthe 1 brig Reliance, capt. Darrell , from Cadiz. Sunday, the 9th of November with difficulty got under way in Cadiz Bay. b lowing a gale of wind from the eastward ; between 4 and 5 in the afternoon, passed lord Colling wood’s blockading squadron, consisting of eleven ships of the line, two of which were adnvrul’s ships, two frigates and three heavy gun- brigs—about 5 P. M. was brought to by the i English frigate Hyder, of 30 guns, treated politely & soon dismissed. The officer (a lieutenant) who boarded me, told me he had been only two days from Gibraltar ; & that from the most impartial in telligence received there, that it was a drawn battia only, that was lately fought between the French and Prussian armies. Mr. Gilbert Deldois, of Bos ton has arrived at New York from Monte Vedio, via Cayenme he Iclt the former place on the 25th October. He furnishes a very circumstantial detail of the proceedings at that place since the first landing of the British.- by which the recapture of Buenos Ayres, by the Spaniards, is plac ed beyond a doubt. Gen. Beres ford and his troops had been sent to Cordovir, about 1050 miles from Buenos Ayres. It was stated when Mr. D. left that place, that Sir Home Popham had received a icinforceir-ent of 3500 men from .he Cape of Good Hope, with which it was expect ed he would make an attack on Monte Viedo. A fire took place at Ports mouth (n. h.) on the 24th uit. which consumed a considerable part of Bow-street—the loss was estimated at 100 to 150,000 dol lars. James L- Cathcart Esq, has been appointed consul of the United States for the Island, of Madeira, vice Mr. Lemur, de ceased. By a gentleman from Frankfort (who was present when the grand jury examined the chaiges against Burr) we learn that toe amount ot the testimony was—that Burr was concerned m the purchase ot -too, 000 acres of land in Louisiana, nearly opposite the Natclies—that the young and enterprizing per sons who were to embark with him, were to settle on the land— i that each Lad a musket and was to act as a soldier under Burr a gainst the Spaniard, in case of a v/ar, provided the executive ap proved ot it-—anu that Ivlr.-Jeffer son was many months since ac quainted with Burr’s enterprise. He added that one year’s provi sions for the support oftlte settlers iiad been purchased at 40,000 dol lars, and that as much more had beer, expended for instruments ot agriculture. Burr is daily expect ed at Washington. — Wash. Fed. A letter dated Batavia, 14th Sent. 1806. (received at Phila delphia) says- ‘ The Dutch Spice f leet,from the Moluccas for thi place, has ueeu captured by an English Country ship ci frigate. This ilect in valued at three 01 four minions of Spanish Do lors —i loss which must he most scti • * ooslv f' ! t?>y the Cnmpynv at ihN moment. ’ j The governor of Lpgho<"V ftr/*. , has givr-n information. r a-’ ‘n I consequenreof the rerr .'ov 3 .|. ~ , made-to the imperial io V ..r-..-e f .-r from the government of IrMv the following decree has been is.’ snedt-Bt. All English orrdure j ot the first nrressttv shad be r>-r- I mined to |>e freely imported. | -'l- Provisions of all kinds, grf. Raw materials necessary to err manufactories, will enjov tke same privilege. 4th. English goods shipped at a port, in which the aforesaid law, (prohibiting the importation of British pro duce, See.) might not he in force, and if its existence here was not known, will be admitted, provid ed they may not be English ma nufactures. s;h. In case of their being English manufactories, they may be landed in the king’s ware-house for exportation. Ball. Fed. Gvz . Capt. Garrow, of the fchr. Caroline, 7 days from JVla tanzies, in Cuba, informs, that about lixteen da) s finte, a EriiHh force entered the port of Barraroa, and de stroyed the place by fire. Iu conlequence of which, the go vernment of Cuba, fearing a similar attempt on Matanzies, had lent aOOO troops from Ha vannah to that place. The expedition, we under (land, was not accompanied by any troops, but (onlilied only of officeis and (eatnen of the na vy, and marines. NorfUk Ledger , Dec 29_ Marine Intelligence . PORT OF SAVANNAH ARRIVED. Ship Ulyasua, Patterson, Liver pool Brig Nancy, Huggins, Jnmaic** William Gray, Saunders* Boston Canton, Case Martiniqua Snow Fanny, Warner ditto Sch’r Elizabeth, Gage Beaton Sloop Two Sisters Hubbard. New-Orlear ‘ cl: rf.d. Ship Mississippi, Dunlap, Gree nock, Holland, Nichols, Jamaica, ...... 1. Hut on, Clark, Liverpool, Brig Industry, Wheeler, St. Croix, Burnt Anchor, Rosing, St. Thomas’. Brig German Peggy, Northara, Havaana Lovely Lass, Douglass. N. York Mount Vernon, Martin, Providence Sell r Cere?, Thorn, Flj mouth, North-'J.ircliiia, Chur lesion, fan. 15. Ihe ship Vnus, L'oney of Uew-Yotk, was lost at Rio Eue -110, (Jam.) on the Sth uit. in a gale. The ship and her cargo, supposed to be worth 30,000 dol lars are totally lost. Capt- Brown left at Falmouth ship Favorite, Maclav. for Sa vannah, in todays. Gif Florida, on the Ist inst.—spoke sfim Two Sisters, 12 days from Kingston for Norfolk. January 13; Schooner Sabtruitlt, Weston, has arrived at Boston from thi* port. On Sunday week, in lac. aa, 23, lung. 73 capt. Shach iotd, I poke Jtij Eliza, John. lon, lour day:-, item N. York ior New Provide tie'?. •: . ‘■* * HI T W Marshal’s Sales, On Tuesday the tilth instant, WILL BE SOLD, At the Cun l-Liaise r.-TTKv TANARUS!; * Trig SAI v '*Ai )>*:*... her - arid! a.e .. : ■ r-u-i,b s! k Seaman’s \V age>. B. V.’ALL, At. Jan. 19. It)