The Patriot and commercial advertiser. (Savannah, Ga.) 1806-1807, February 09, 1807, Image 4

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A,#- A T .tfvv*. Hi. r,t ** Court of A1 polio . I’ TO A LADY MOTf! KISSES** Can there than l, ~ happier be? How envied must I live! When I, Ohextaev! to thee Kisses unnutnber’d give! But where can 1 find words t* ex press The fulness of niv bliss, When even von yourself confess ‘l hat sweet is ev’ry kiss. * Barley Sugar drops. • Fr om the Literary Magazine. Verses Translated from the French. Mv so and, my soul! ye powers of Jove! J’ve lost nivsoul! fn yonder jVlvrtilla’s bower, me nymph I found Asleep upon the flowery ground. One ebeefc a violet sod conceal’d, T’other its rosy light reveal’d, Jbut this so bright that you would swear The blush cf both was center’d there. ]!.■<• svlphs forgetful of tlicir keeping, Among Uie honey-bells were sleep, ii'g. While a young humming-bird in clin'd The ripest rose of all to find, Poi::M o’er her lips hts dazzling ,A H I ‘ M>i gh he’d found the pride i of spring. Stop! honey-thief, \is I must tate 1 breathless cried. My soul ill haste Fiew quivering to mv glowing lip, From tier’s the nectar’:! dew to sip. Lips of delight! oh s veets divine! What banquet then could mutch with mine! One, kiss more, ami then forbear, Hash plundered liy the waking fair. Then, wild Desire, I snapt your chain, And hurried through the grove a gain; 1 (lew, but aid. what grief to find J Ufr mv dar!’ 1 <=oul b -hind! When Irotn her ~ps I mints with drew, In her sweet mouth away it flew. Perhaps, poor soul! unus’d to stray, ’Tw'ixt our two mouths it lost its way, And now bewitch’d will is re treat T s revels in ambrosial sweet, Forgetful of us native breast, Now U<st to joy, and robb’d of rest, With tears and plaintive cries in vain Ii all the wanderer back again. Ah, no! regardless of uiv prayer, )t still remains and nuts Ur n ; I iom that sweet place it will not move, Thn-c bps, the coral gates of love. Wilt re Cupids peeping o!t are j seen, The pearly palisades be;ween; It will not quit a place so blest, j To dwell in my distracted br> a.-t. | Ah! and thy bosom pitv warms, ‘Fake me, Myruiia to thy aims j Ttien my lost scui you will re- j store, Which ne’er shall -play thu truant j moi For love sial? weave a fiow’ry te- i titer, And bind our happy souls toge ther. Disastrous Tale of Lnd.j Grange. 1 From Buchanan** account cf St. j Ft nt a. j This ifiand will continue to j be iutiurus, from its being ti e i place oi nrpi Aonmetit oi die; lon. Lady ( >n>;e, vho was > I|y ca va a ini: ;gue, :- * and “'it o. her own noun, ‘no vi •fly |.of on board a’ ei - j >h, i,t iknown tc guy T > A. an> ;ei! bet greci I v. in the poiieili on of that very who en tered into this horrid cy again!! her; he lent her to this wild isle, where Ihe was ftarharoufly used, srd at lalt finifiied her rr.iforaMe life a mong dte*e ignorant people, who could not (peak her lan-, gtiage. i A poor old woman told me, I chat when {he fervfcd her there, - her whole time was devoted to weeping, and wrapping up letters sound pieces of cork, hound up with yarn, Sc throw ing them into the lea, to try if any favourable wave would v aft them to fome chriilian, to j inform feme humane perjon j v here fiie resided, in expitta, non of carrying tid.ngsto licr | hiendt at Edinburgh. This affair happened a!.out the year 1733, owing to lonic priva'e nalundei liandmg be tween her lady (hip and lord Grange, whom {he 11 ftmu nately married. Put the teal cajife continues a beret, {nice hot ladyship n^verreturned. This (hocking affair would tu ver have been heard o! from that quarter, whete Icerecy is reduced into a (olid lyltem of dargeioux- intrigue ag i- (1 re fining, hut u neon netted itran gersy had noi.hcr lady 111 ; p p; - vailed on ti e nrmltei s wtlc togo with a letter concealed under her clothes a'l the way to Clenelg, beyond ail the dies, and deliver the letter in to the po(l-office, where it found its way to her friends. They immediately applied to parliament, to make enquiry into this barbarous confpitac) ; and though a vefTel was fitted out Leith immediately, yet it was supposed a courier was dispatched over land by her enemies, who had anivid at St. Kilus lome time before the vtflcl. Vv hen the lattir arrived, to their lad dilanpoift merit, they foui and die lady m In r grave. Whether file tied by the visitation of God, or the wickedness of man, will forever remain a foCte - ; as theif whole address cor ‘d not prevail or. the minillci and his j wife, though brought to E- ! dinburgh to declare low it happened, as both wete afraid of offending tlre pren men ol that countiy, among whom ilu-v were fetced to relide. Some people imagined, that foe knew fomethingot the re~ bcliion that broke out itt 17 45 at that time, and meant > have divulged the secret, which is not vet) pi o table. Anecdotes of Edward Drinker. Edward Drinker was born in a cottage, on the spot where the ci v of Philadclphii no.v {lands, which was inhabited, at the time of his bun. by In dians and a lew Swcffii aid Hollanders. He often talk T of picking black hemes* and catch; , wi’d rabbits, where lies popu lous city is now leased. tie remembered the a.-iivai of \V. Penn, and tiled to point out the ! pot v, here ;h.* cabin doc- i in whie.n that adventurer and his fii ;Js were accj.n.uodat ed on Ji dr arrival. He h.w the fine spot of earth, in the course of his ov. n u!e, covered with woods and bn !i , the 1 ct-p-acles of wild iesfls ..mi birds of prey, af to wards become the (eat of a /eat and SI moThing city, not o-i!y the iirtl in wealth and a-is .ii Amcrico, hut equalled blit by few in Europe. I-Ie I v fp lend id churches rife upon moralles, where lit used to hear nothing but the croaking of Frogs. — Great wharves and warehou lex, where he bad often seen lavages draw their fifh from the liver; he law that liver afterwards re j r eiving flops and merchandize i from every part of the globe, which, in bis voutb, had no thing bigger than an Indian canoe. He had been the fohjett of many crowned heads; hut when he heard of the oppreliive and ! unconflitutional a els passed in | Briiain, Ire bought them all, and gave them to his grandsons to make kites “f; and embra cing the liberty .md irydepen uence of his country, a'ter iceing the beginning and end of the Briiifh empire in Fenn lylvania, and after triumphing in the eftablilluncnt of Iree dom, he died in November, 178-, one hundred and live years old. NOTICE. TAKFN up ad secured in < uiiulen couniv )a i, 011 the iiist. a cla,k ci inplected ne gro man, “ho cal's liinis’ il FEK GUS, abo-it 5 fcc.r ioinches i.iyl 4 , -a* s tui.t lie gel !i s tn etlcm at Uit* death o! h - .lolm Suther land, oi Mdntosh county, Gtor g a—t u ceruficaie ol Ins Irtadom ‘hut he prniint'ihas the mark of the -• ■ i< l J>*;!) Sutlu-rkiiirf, and is witness, and y'David !i. Ga. all, I .I nais ~li and laiiic- |> ilands, ad app- r i>n to |>r* the same hand writing { tui owe or, by proving pr< ; a-; Iy, and py ng cliaigcs, tiu.y iiave s .id negro. 1) G. JONES, s c c. Camden ronnt.r/, St Mary'?, fan 2 !Bn7. Willi nn Kennedy , Lad e und Gen lenreri's lfair D t’iSir ‘.'rid Cutter, T3 I’ ‘ d h-t 111 1 I info, rti XN. the PvMk, ;hui he has cm m. need b.ismesr, in the abo e i hoc. in I; \ m> stteet, next door to ! ivich.m! L. ake, K-q. He fi.,.ters ! Ilium-It that Imh tiis dexteriev ! in the 11 .ol h., profesaiun, ami atten ion to his bit-mess, he w t merit a share of toe pub.ic ii onat;<“. *y* He will attend Ladies who favor him uTh th.-ir ceo.,oui at their respective .muses. Tills Mi>. Ladie , full divs.ed, S 0 75 Lo. Cutting-£4 ciicasing, 100 Chi dren do, Uo. o 5 J Feh. 5. 21 ts bheritl ’ Sales. 0 .1 The j ! r/2 ‘ t.cidtiv in April j next, Yv M‘ !>e ioltl in ihe town of 7ejeifur, betwen the hour i of 10 and. 3 o'clock. Acer am negt > 11 ve nam ed Du!, to satisfy- the amount due 011 a mortgage by JoscpU Howe 1 1, which h.s been duly ore In-. and. As ah o, a cmt,dn uegio Have 1 named T ib; sand i as the pro pr.r’y cf Lev.-is k yv, to satisfy 1h- amount die on a mortgaga, which i;as brni duly ton-closed ‘in faionrof the administrator of J .n d.i ii rsoi , dee. Coudu.ons Cush. Li. G- JO NTS, s. c. c. I t h. 5. ‘-4 1 hi . .Sheriffs Sales. GN the first 7 ue'day in March next, at the Court-House m this city be ii ccii 1, s hours of 10 and o o'cloi ‘:, V. ILL l!L HOLD, A negro wench named Mira, by virtue of an execution idm km and Rubertfon vs. john L.ove executor of Eliza Whitfield. Continued from lafl faies. Conditions ( ash. T. UQ.BLU rst)N, s. C. c Jan. *. I* City'Shefifs Sales* C'rt the first Tuesday in March next, WILT. HE SOLD, At the court-home in the c ty cf Savannah. between tie hours of ten a>;d three o'clock, ANEGKO weitch namod A MAKE ITA. arid her ctuF; levied on as \be property of I h zabeth Volloton, to satisfy Geo. Enoe. Cord irons Cash. J. WILLI VMS, s. c. s 23 tin Sheriffs Sales. At the court-house in the city cf Savanna 4, WILL BE SOLD, On Tuesday the third day cf ..March next, A MOIWTY ol tiie Distillery X Jk. at Spring-Hill, with all the buildings improvement* a nd aj partenaoces thereto belonging, & lease of the land whereon ;h same is situate; sold as the pro perty of Job) F.. Haroidge, nn. der a mortgage duly fureeioued to W lit. W’iison. ALSO, All that tenement, house tnd Store, improvements, and jiart < f lot No. 3, Jekj i T\thing, Darbv Ward, Savannah; seized in exe cution, & to be sold a- the proper ty ol George Enoe, at tile suit of Win. Crawford A 1 SO, Lot No. .5, IVioore Tytfu’ng, PereiVal Ward, with the buildings and improvem m ; taken m exe c:i ion as the property of the es tate of John Wtreat, deceased, I to satisfy a jndgmeut in favor of Owen Owens. ‘l'. ROBI RTSON, s. c. c. Jan. 30. 23 1111 Sheriffs Sale c OX the first Tuefdpy in March nextfetv een the hours of 10 and 3 o'clock Will be Su'd, at ihe. Courtshoitfe in the ci.y of Savannah, /~\\K nn.livitied hf li part of ‘-A 403 .u ies ol land, adjoining lue ( trpii.m House lands, v..lua hie for provisions and cotton. . also, On undivided fntit part of that : tv .1 kiioivii island, >n the river 1-s ivun nail, commonly called j Junes’ I land; taken .as the pro j ta rot Fniant cl Rengiil, under sundry executions’. ALSO, Ali diat tr, c: rparcel of land, rnnrj, ting Ipg.l tes more ov •xs s” tat • in county on Bus i d'ie cr. 1 i; i ; : r ‘he head of iitile ‘’■i-din rivet bounded hv lands ot Samuel West and other*, taken under execu'ion, at. the suit of the Executors of Gilbert vs. Execu tor* of Vjeorge efaist. v. HOBK.-iTSON, g.c. . FT- 7 2.3 lm. Sheriff s bales, l 7 j OX the first I uesday in Match next, M ILL BE SOLD, at the Court-tlouse tu this city be tween the hours cf IQ and J o'clock. ALL those buildings and improvements, on the N. W. ’ ad part of Lot No. —, Deck ’ tr \v c. and, belonging to the heirs cf Philip Mini*, decealeu lot met iy occupied and ovvn cu .-y Maurice i.ehiff. fitly acie lot, known by tiie number 8. the houle p'C.'-ent occupied by joieph Aumoid, in .Anion \\ aid ana three lots, being part of „ (ivy acre lot, adjoining the ‘vwn, formerly belonging to theelldie 01 John Currie, dec taken undet execution as the property of'Joleph Arnold,at snits ol iicnjumio Huffy, ittrvlying copaitncr at.d JJe.nj. Luff-, jun. T.’ ROBERTSOS, S. C. C. daH. 1. £ Z im. Apprentices Inden tures for sale at this of fice. NOJICF ■ THE Subscriber ;. ; l day, will not be ccconVJJ for any contiadts enter,.-! , J by his wife Ann 6 t.ri the turn, U r ir ii;r ~1-J Law', I io: bid any c. ■ bouring her. I A. S. RHODES I 2 : I ‘cousfvrjxl NOTICE. I To the Inhabitants J the four rcntdiM trials of Chut ham County and litkcm of Savannah. I THE Subscriberil now ready to vcceiJ the Taxes for the lasl year 1806, and those! that do not pay theil ‘J ax by Wednesday, thJ 1 Bth day of Febnurtl next, will be in dcLuitl and on T huraday thJ 19th, Executions win be issued out of oiiicJ as the law directs! Those that have no| paid their Taxes fcl 1 805, will have r.o fur-1 ther indulgence. I Office hours, fronl 9 o’clock in the mornl ing until 2 in the after! noon. I PETER DEVEAUX, I Tax Collector, 0. C. I J.m. 12. 61 17 I citA iff AM SUifoKlOil I COURT, I January Term, ISO 6. ■ Christina Dasher, A I vs, / Petition I 7he f ei: sand re- > lor loredii present at ncs of \ stir;. I John Hu apt. dec. ) I UPON the peti ipn of Citiirlil na. Dailitr, pray ing the loisl ch.-urc of the equity ul i'etii m,* non mi tiie followu g I'nir.bes: I lot ol l-mi in the ci ■ of Savannah, known by the bur five, tlnul lydiu g hvynolfl Ward, contuinig * xtv Let ‘I wnltliand niuet, Lei n> depth I wiiii the improvem.-tu* t.. >ici'| mortgaged hv Li.z but It h-'M'l now Elizabeth Dowub, I* J'-'l Bolton, St .iu*t us Hu run n Stlit-J her, guardians of the ptn i ‘I the said John Uaupt, ai ti to of the property of tin: i.iiti Joßl llauj.t, bv virtue of a.i ortier t| the lion, the supct.or c-ettrt oi Chatham Cotitvtv ,for'*a.d in *'l said Clu istina Dasiw-r, for t bo su-ij of eighty ptmmls :ier!ii g, to tl.roe hundred aid ii .t 11, l tiuilar* eighty -ii ve certs ‘- £V 'l mills and one-si nth u it s *l the United Statis, on the -'XJ day of May, v. b elt was in your one stveu 1 undrtt ainl l ine!y-ii'i.o, fit on motion ■ Mr. CL Yi.EU, Aiioriuy ft w pel it hi ner. I!’ so ORDERED BY THE COURT, that the principal, ‘* iere t and costs due upon mor g-'gtd property , be j aa. !l,t C< urt within twelve montm ‘ r : this dale, and unless the —n a so paid, the equity of relcnip'-'-’ shall thenceforth be foreclosed “ a other proceedings take place P 1? suant to the act of a-si yi ) 1 sue case made at and provide;. And it is further <nJ<r" ll ) | pursuance of said act iha l ‘L* rl j: be publiiiod in cue < f the Gazettes, of this state at lca in evtry Mouth until t’n e pointed for payment, ors.i’- l “ the Mortgagers, or th; r ’ - l h ( agetit, at least *ix months ! ,r c us to the time the sa.d ax'- ordered to be paid into Ltn |l afrresaid.