The Patriot and commercial advertiser. (Savannah, Ga.) 1806-1807, February 12, 1807, Image 1

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SAVAN * AII PRINTED AND PUBLISHED ON MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS BY DOUGHERTY D ('A It \WA VT> J O . on t-ie .> iif . nearly o-p site the Exchange. VOL. 111. No. 26.]. TER M S OF THE PATRIOT and COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER. I Terns of subscription arc six [■ollap.s a year—one half to be I ft id at the time of subscribing and [rtf remainder at the expiration of I six months—and aft- parsers trill be I mtinued until ordered to the con trary. Advertisements of no more I length than breadth are inserted at I }0 cents, for the first insertion, and 125 for each continuation. A . li- I btral allowance will be made to I those who wish to advertise by the [year. I For PLYMOUTH, (Eng.) The faft failing COMMERCE, ■ Nathaniel Ray, master, will sail lin all this month,having her cargo |ngag*d. For passage apply t® [the master on board, at Mr. Jas. ■ Wallace’* wharf. FOR SALE , I On Heard, direct from Cork, I A quantity of [KISH POTA- I TOES, ®f the best kind. | Teb. 5. 24 ts [ Wm. WILSON, I ffas received per the ships Eliza I and Volant, a. large part of his ■Fall Supply of Goods, I IT Which with his Hock, ■before on hand, makes his af ■fortment very complete. ■Amongfl as great a variety of ■nicies, as are commonly set ■forth in lengthy advertisements ■is a large quantity of ■White & ccbred Negro I CLOT 11. ■ As this article was purchaf’ led lad Winter for ca(h, and ■ a moderate advance only, ■vill be now exafied, it is con ceived that it will he an objetl ■orthy the attention of Plan, ■ters, and others, who will) to ■urchafe by the piece or pack age. Payment will be expeht ■d in Cash, Cotton, or ap ■roved town notes. ■ Savannah, Sept. IS. 90 ts ■J- & A. Mcliss & Cos. ■ HAVE OX HAND, B 4n Extensive Supply rs ■ dry goods, hard- I WARE AND GLASS. ■ WARE, I Carefully felettcd by one of ■;‘6 Partners in Britain, of the ■ lrrt Qualities, and at very re ■uccd Prices—which they will ■'tpose of at a reasonable advance ■ Cash, P r duce, or approved Notes. ts ts I Wanted to Hire, ■ A Smart Negro BOY, about ■,' e v c or fourteen Years of age ■ t] r , l j“ cr rands. Generous “ ages ■ e given for a boy of this 2e w h is well acq'Jaj ntei! i KU; the I Apprentices lnden- or sale at this of- THE PATRIOT AND CO MM E R CIA LADV E R TIS ER. Z>. Douglass & Cos. Respectfully inform the public, that they are now opening next door to Mar yland and Paulding’s, A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF Ph ILAUELHHIA AND Nevv- York Boots & Shoes, Os the first quality, Liquid and Cake Blacking, LIK E W 1 SE, A few thousand pair of Negro SHOES, which will be disposed ot on the most reasonable terms, for CASH or approved Notes io town, November J3. ts 105. Prime Feed Rice. FOR SALE , A QU \NTITY of P.ime SEED RICE, entii'dv tree from red grains, being the production of River Swamp, the fir-t year’s planting. Tin* Price is One Dol lar per bushel. — Apply to the sub scriber, at his residence, St. James’ Square. JOHN H. MOREL Dee. 25. 12 ts DISTRICT COUR T. DISTRICT of GEORGIA. In the Admiralty The President of the Unite States to the Marshal of the said district, greeting: WHEREAS, a libel bath been filed and exhibited in the said court, against the Brig Sal ly, her cargo, & Messieurs Wm. Gilmor and George Wilson, own ers of said brig, lor a ceitaiu sum of money due to Richard Loines and James Loines, by a bsttome rv contract, on the said brig, her tackel, furniture and apparel, to„ gether with tier freight and car go:— Note therefore, von are comman ded to cite ann admonish, the Mas ter <st Owners, A all other person whatsoever, who Have, or preteus to have, any r igbt, title, interest, property, claim or demand in, to, or upon the said brig, called the Sally, now riding at anchor in the port of Savannah, whereof G. Wilson now is, or lute tvas, Mas ter, to be and appear before the lion: WILLIAM STEPHENS, Judge of the District Court, at Savannah, on the 11th day of February next, at lOo’clock, of the forenoon of the same day, to answer the said RicharJ & James Loines on the merits of the said libel, so that justice rnay be done in the premisses. fFitness the honorable William Stephens, Judge ts the Dis trict Court of said District , this 27 th day of January, 1 307. Wm. Stephens. T. U. P. Charlton, Proctor for Libellants. 22 4t NOTICE. On Wednesday the 25th inst. WILL HE SOLI), At Cedar Hill, the late residence of the htn. gen. James Jackson deceased- ALL the Personal Propeity of Robert Dillon, late of Chat ham cunty, Planter, dec. con sisting of four Negroes-Horsea, Waggons, Carts, Chair and har ness, cow3 and calves, sheep, hogs, plantation tools, h®usehold and kitchen Furniture—with ma ny other useful articles. Sale to commence at 11 o’clock, A. RI. Conditions Cash before delivery. Wm. JLIMBEKT, Ailm’r. Teb. S. 24, 4,1 I H L R S D A Y, Fr.snuMtY u, 1807, WPEPifapinW **y*Nffr'Htuyvi Foreign Intelligence Rece'ved by the Ship Eliza, 35 from Liverpool. LONDON, Dec. £9. The mails from Hnsum have brought a large mass of impor tant Intelligence. Previously to their arrival, the public mind had been agitated by rumours of a j very contradictory nature. It I was reported by some yesterday, j that the Russians had gained ve j rv considerable advantages over (heFrench—others affirmed that the Russian army had been de feated in a general battle, Jr that it had lost between 30 & 40,000 me n. A Danish ship is arrived in the river from the coast of Norman dy, whence she siled on the 20ih. The captain states, that two davs before he left Caen, a Bulletin, said to be the 38th, was published, with an account of tiie battle, but the captain did not knew when and where live battle took place, nor the date of the Bulletin. The mails from Husum, how ever, enable 11s to state that 110 general battle has taken place— at least that none of consequence has taken place in Poland, the account of which could have roached Caen by the 18th, the day on which the Danish captain is said to have heard the Bulletin read. The latest Intelligence from Berlin by the mails is the 13th. The French have entered Warsaw, and crossing the Vis tula have occupied Praga, oppo site Warsaw. Whatever light ing there was before the French advanced to tne Polish capital, was partial, and led to “no impor tant consequences—There was an affair at l.owics, between Da voustV division and a body of Cossacks, in which the latter ap, pVar, from the French accounts, tu Dave been successful—The Russians, we are glad to find are adopting the principle ot carry ing on for the present, a protrac ted warfare, and ®f lading back j befoie tile advancing Fiend*— i h - latter wished to bring on a general action ou the V istula, nut the Russians 1 cured, mul have their head-quarters at Ka imniec—Lome l crsous stem to have imagined, that tuis ivaim mec is the Capital ot Podol:a, on the borders cl -noidavia—but the Russians retiring liom VV; would not, ot ewurse,- take that direction, which would prevent ail possibility ol co-opt lat mg with, or joining the Prussian. ; and wwind rentier u dihacult lor them to receive leinlsicements or supplies from Russia. The Kaminiec, to which they have retired, is situated on the borders of a little river which runs into the Bag, and is about 100 miles east ®i Warsaw. Where the Prussians are is not stated with certainty. Tne Russian generals i’olstoy and Buxhowden are said to have joined thou —-1 he King is gone to Koenigsberg-—.lire* divisions oi the Fiench aivy are at War saw, Murat’s,- bouU’a and l)a ----voust’s—Bonapaite was at Po sm a: tne date of the la t at counts, but he meant to proceed 10 Warsaw immediately —1 he German papers state, that Glo gau has surrendered, with Bresiaw, i horn aid G'uu. dernz; but this is not mentioned officially. Ihe surrender oi GP guu is announced tu accounts from Paris, of the 29;h tilt. Gram dent a is said to have capitulated on the 2otn ult. & Thorn about tlie same time. But our readers will recollect, that the date of the last Bulletin received (the S6th) was ©! tile Ist December; it made no mention of. these e vents, said ta have taken place ten days before. Dantzig is pt e paied fora siege, it is garrisoned by ] 7,000 men. 1 he details of the conferences between Bonaparte and the Po lish Deputies arc interesting— the latter seem to wish that Bo naparte would immediately tie dare Poland independent—but Bonaparte desires first that the Poles should prove themselves ! worthy ot Independence, in | 1 her wards, that they should i rai e a large army, and assist him in his design against Russia. Nwtwi hstanding DuinbiO.vs ki’s Proclamations St tße French Bulletin which boast so much of the enthusiam with which the Fiench are received, it is evident that the Poles have not taken up arms in such numbers or with such readiness as Bonapaite ex pected.— 1 tie intelligence witii respect to Russia and the Porte is of g'eal importanceone account communicates the terms of an offensive and dclen ive alliance betwetn tile two powers which stipulates in one ( tne articles that die French ambassador shall be immediately sent away from C-oßbtaniinople. Subsequent ac , counts however represent the two Powers to be at war, Russia having declared war against the Porte and having actually invest ed Bender and Checksum and entered \Valiuchia.—i-luciuaiiug as the Councils ol TurKcy, ana indeed oi all weak powers are, it is highly probable ttiut a treaty signed before tne coiiiuieuce mciit of hostilities between Prus sia and France would be annul led as soon as the account aim ed ol the deteat of the Piussiau ai my. Some dissatisfaction is said ta have been manifested by Aust, j., at the designs of Bonaparte wills tespect to Poland ; Yet the troops in Bohemia and Gallicia are tailing buck to their former quarters.—Bonaparte will hold out to the cabinet of Vienna, the prospect of indemnities and ac quisitions of territory, so long as he is engaged in war wall Rus sia ami Pi ussia. Measures of severity are still in force against our trade in Hanover, Hamburgh b all the North oi Germany. Domiciliary visas have been made in fian ovei —1 he utmost distress per vades Gei many—and the horrors of a famine are apprehended—lt is not true that the Duke of Brunswick in his la it moments, or that his son solicited permis sion that his corpse should he de_ posited in the tomb of his an cestors. aw nis wdl the Duke desires to be buri -d in the place where lie may hap ell to and c—But the le quest t® bui'v hi, bed) a: Brun,.. v* ick, w is made by the states oi Brunswick ; and Bonaparte In raged that the people sn®uld e vince any affection tr attachment i® their legitimate sovereign, re. turned hat insolent tuid unmanly tuvver tv hi ch has been publisned , m ail the pape is.—• FRA? KFOR i’, Dec. 6. l-i J ne passage oi ttoops lor the. French armies is as b. tsx aa ev er— lire number oi Prussian pri soner 1 wiio have passed through tins lowu unuouut t about 35,000. [Whole Number 226. | Three thousand of the Polish 1 Legion arrived in our city’ ou the second. 1! \ ITS BON, Dec. 3d. Letters from Vienna, from persons deserving of credit, male in positive terms that every thing is very pacific in that city, and that tlu- Imperial court of Aus tr, ‘ vil i “ot in any event tak part in the present war. LANDSHUT, (IN riLESfAj, Navvinher 22. We have none ol th. Fiench in our neighbourhood. The Bava rians have been bombarding Glog hi these 15 days. VV C Lain from private letters Irony Q uit, zic’that 17 000 Prusshht have assembled there, under the com. maml of General Alounstein, who in spite of all the representatutos that tuvj been made to them on the part of the city, are deter inined to maiacain it, and oppose the entrance of the French. ALTON A, Dec. 5. Her Majesty the Queen of Piiissia and (he rest of the Royal Family are arrived at St, Peters burgh. December 12. In cotilequerice of an ar rangement which had been concluded at Peierlbngh be tween the Prussian ‘Major Ktufemarck and the Rufhan Mi.uilfry t I war, an army of BOjOqo men commenced “their march on the ill of Odoher. I'o accelerate their march, th.-y left behind of their ai.tilery and -fit to be lurn idled with artillery and other articles, from the Pruliian ar id) a Is. 1 his army pctuallv arrived a bout the end of ()ctli in Prus sian PAland, and advanced to Bionic, whii-t its advanced guard was pushed two leagues on the other side of K.-dtsii. From thence this division, bavin/ re ceived intelligence of th c fiaulc of Jena, and ti.e total ruut ol the Prussians, fell back on the prin cipal army, the g'eatest part of which repassed die Vistula near Warsaw, in oider to place itself in a position u> receive rcin/uice* iinn.s ; at the same iinie the courc ot Kassia invited all thc Rovai family <d Prussia to repair to Pe tersburgh. During the short stay of the Russians in Prussian Ps laiid, they every where visited the houses in the towns and mi e country, and look away alt tile’ arms. Several persons were eilo arreltcd. A coni.dcrab.u t. .ii.i ber of Copies ol ti.e Ft. em ulation of Genu al Dorn blow lk', have been ie .t by the Polls acrols Shelia, . lui - have been ciiciliated in all pails of Poland. COPENHAGEN Dec. 6. The AlDea Frigate, which conveyed Lord HiiicbuUun, has received so nuicn dam ne by linking near Anholt, that Ihe is now in our 1).<: k t*> i>u r jMt.cci.—His Lo ;!ii 0 ha> g >nu 11 a incicl.ant ilitp to Da.utzig. and will Ih> >u reuc.i the Pt • llian ai m'. if loaders of Turk y Nov. 22. i On the lit Oct. an ailian <2 orfutfive and defen v- \v.;i concluded betw’tcn the ru and Ruiita.