The Patriot and commercial advertiser. (Savannah, Ga.) 1806-1807, February 19, 1807, Image 2

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CHARLESTON, I'cb. 9. By the brig F.ttphem'a. rapt. Torrev f/arr ivf and testerdwy *n W c]'4vs V; (.’in Nc\v'(.)rle;tns, “c have received ‘l' l ’ papers ol ‘-’lilt •city to the 21st lilt. 1 ‘to papers pre entirely silent, <r. tint present ’ sotuatiorrof that-cowntrj ; !#**'-■ e learn, verbally, that the ! V siill continued in the greatest !er• mcmatiop—many arrests k&d t-ken plate: among the; most ton spiciiott*, persons aro-med, w< re kn. Jo! in Adair, 1 late a Senator in the \C-on)jV*fSs of the’ United Stater, from the., state of Ke't fiickv, wlvi had bn sent on t° Balli'more. Judge ’.Workman, l.t’.e a resident in tlt'is city, had also been arrested arid, anti was incottfiitemem; as also Mr, Iliad ford, t lie printer cl one of the newspapers in thtxt city. • Commodore lab aw ball issued orders that fife vessel, boat ot barge; sh child be permi-.trtl to a mend thi'Mtssiifclppi, having on boat and any at ros, aninjun tion, or naval stores, without a puss Itotii Governor Claiborne Jhe Le gislature ol New-Oileans met on the 14th ult. arid bat! continued •the if tension fur several days wiib closed'(loot c, during winch tt-rne -general Wilkinson lad iVtttr.did let- ihe purpose or couinvua-teas ing so nr*, important ir. term Hi on. It win reported that iidltti Into descended to within sixty Hides of Natchez, With about 2GOO men;. Col. Claiborne had been dispatched lip the riVfr .with a bout 300 men, to intercept Cot. Jiurr, assisted by die tan at lurce uu.icr coiiiriioduie Shaw,. who had Received a ictfer Is ei'ui- hlr. ot the Navy, ordering him to, and ,i nv- Cessart, delroy fill Duals, e.c. belonging in iiui i jOi any one hold ing an appointment under him. i he iiritiyh brig i hom, ‘-apt. Teat, arrived at New-York on the Jifyh ult. from K. iugston, U •) January 3d, was L'.-uttyci. U} a liritisli litigate, and iutoi oied that Cur.bacoa had been lajtep by ad* re;r‘.d Cochrane. A I .ondbn paper of the. 30 h December saj s —“ Vy e feel hi’i cercly Imps ytU being aide to state that the beAvec'n this cautuiy and Amep icit is proceed ing in the very best iriiin; that tire difficulties attepding it are id-most- all surmounted, and that such a completion of i\ may be speedily louktd lor, as will iu siive the permanent good under standing and mutual benefit ot both coutiuies iu Louie. ’ A general embargo is ordered st Hambugh, and no lo utral is allowed to sail, even it', ballast; the American consul bus remon strat'd on the Ol cu m;tj luu in vain. Hambuirh, on die 1 I h, w as garrisoned by about 800 itu lians. Letters received at London from Copenhagen ,of die 9.h De cember, mention, that Lord iltuchitu.on bad proceeded on his mission, i’t < Lxibiy to Ait- Kiel or Konigsberg- Messrs. Smith, Blanker, Bnr rmvs, and other iMeti ber* of the British Factory at Hamburgh, wet c on the Sih otderetl to pio cettd to Verdun, but their depar ture was suspended til! the 14th. They had not, however, been ordered i.lFthe l6ih. A considei able Itoilv of troops, &c. are about to he sent to the Lie of Wight, to embark for Jersey, Guernsey and Alderney, bt-verai light K fast sailing ships of Witt ait also to be stationed in that quarter. Tire I’nrdan General Man stein,-commands 1 ? ,000 men in Dantzic. fit had found it n.- cts-aiv to disarm the inhabitants St.d t-> pmti It several oi them, V,hosouyht to imp.tie the ttiea- Hines tic bad order cd |e>r tne Uc ‘ 01 tiie city. Denmark ruu-rtimt', serious apprehensions with reaped to .he Icstgnt of the French, and are -epanng for roistaucc. Fri* | ‘"ntc fetters of t'c 1 fit 1 1 Drcerr - | her add, that her apprehensions | are well founded, an 1 that a rt*u -1 sidttrable foice -is ro Feting t- 1 the neighborhood ol Hamburgh, for the purpose, ; t i supposed, of taking possession of Holstein-. I Hamburgh, it is feared will be I occupied as a conquest, and that j even the little share of authority , at presefit enjoyed bv the senate, \ il be rrpeedilv annihilated. — ! There is tfen some (bead ol five , i in force me tiff of more rigorous j mewurts against the trade With Jin; land than any which have betnap yetyadopted. February 14-. Mention has been made of a party of men who call them li-lves * Thrcjhers in Ireland, who oppose them‘elves to the collection of tyiVies. The fal lowing is a copy of one of their proclamations : • u i'o the.. Clergy, Farmers,.and-’ Prccldrs, and ail others con* * ‘ cirncd therein.” , u Gert;!emc::——l, John Rearing.the inhabi tants of the parish of A lohiic are fore opprcfled by the a hove mentioned, I mean to in. font foil that 1 art! arrived in the pa-ifh of Kilkibfct, fuion-Fn a long and fatiguin'# jdurney, having been this long’ time hack circulating my laws thro’ iKc counties. of Mayo and SU. go, which I have moil flri&Uy cfK'ded by die aid,of the No. biitty of’ (aid counties ; so 1 hope you’ll take this as a fore warning not to take pride in op pt\ fiing the poor. Let me not hear for‘the future, that thete (hail he any undertakers for Tythes—for I’ll admit none hut the R eefors ; arid take care that the Clergy do not ex. tort on the Roor. viz, for Mar riage, which {half he only as. 6d, 1- •pj in is. and extreme unition, nothing at ah. 1 hope you’ll not give me the trouble of corning to lee you, pr if you do, rilusethe icvcrcli means 1 I podibly can. ho I remain j your affectionate fiiend, if you ; merit it.” “ John the Thrusher.” God save the King. “ Castj.eSia.” It is laid *hat Sir Sidney Smith was recalled by the Brit ish government from the Mc ditterraneanj and that they have dilapproyed of his conduct tliere with the revolvers in the Calabria. The following is given in the Neapolitan jour nal :, Sept. 23. The Neapolitan journal has published the inflriicfions given by the English Admiral, Sir Sidney Smith, (of which the Government Has the ori ginal.’! to Guariglia, the chief of the Malles. The following is the comrmflion of Guang ha : “ SF.CRRT ORDERS.” J'alcrmo'yune 25, 1806. “ Major Guariglip, belong i iivg to the Royal Militia of Palermo, will it Tee at Capri, and coulorm himlelf to the fol ic wing mduidions : To make all his partisans rile in ini'ur. rettion, to excite the country to revolt, to point out the holli es which fltould he given to pillage, to give the names of the persons declated rebels and enemies to the Hate, who illould fuller military execu tic.n, and to diretl tlie other o. pmaiions. lie is to neglett no thing to procure all poflible information as to the petition of the tnetny, from Scales to S.V.ciiiunt, as we l as ad the info; matioh relative to the milfion that is eoufided to hi in.” “ Sidney Smith.” This oider v< acccntpani cd with ;n in 11 ruff ton in 14 articles, on the manner in which Guariglia was to cxe. cute (he order* of ihc Admiral. I'o fay that thole pieces have fallen info the hands of the Mi. lir ary Authorities of the King dom of Naples, is to announce that the modi, fee ret intrigues of the Engldli do not eleape the active fuperiniendance of Govei nment. Gazette de France. BURR'S CONS PIRACY. rp.or.or.TcWN, (s. c.) Feb. 11. ■C.'rjni of a letter from the Hon. Joseph Alston , to his Excellen cy Charles Pinckney. Oaks, G lh Feb. 1807. Dear Sir, Tliavc received and read the President's message with deep mortifientihn arid ‘ concern, lfut the letter annexed to d', stated T 6 be a communication in cyphers from Col; Burr to gen. YVilkin sOn, excites my unfeigned asto nishment. I solemnly avow that when that ietu-r was written, l bad never heard, directly or m direcdy from col. Burr or any other person, ot the meditated attack on Nesv-Orieaus, nor bad 1 any more reason to suspect an attack on that place, or an;, other paitol the U. S. than I have at th's moment to suspect that our militia will be forthwith ordered on an expedition against Gibral tar. On tiie other hand, I had long had strong gro Vds for be lieving that col. Burr was engag ed by other objects, of a very different nature from those attri buted to him,and which i confess the best sentiments of mv heart approved.’ I need not add that those objects involved not the in terestj'of mv country.'’ Without adverting to that in- I trgrity of principle, which even i my enemies, I trust, have a!- j lowed me,can it be supposed that Ia man situated as I am, descen -1 ded from a family which has ne j verlcnown dishonor,happy in the ! affection and esteem of a large j number of relations & friends, | p©Hi:fled of ample fortune, 1 and (landing high in the ton” fidence of his fellow-ertizens, could harbour, for an indant, a thought injurious to the country which was the feeneof those bleflings? The supposi tion would be monstrous. No lir. It was but a fliort period I before the imprellion became \ general, that apprehended the ! pojfibility of Mr. Burr’s inten j nous being holtile to the u ’ nion; and the moment which j gave bioh to that apprehenfr on, gave birth to the resoluti on which became a citizen.— | I confcls, however; there are ! times even now, when, in spite ; of the flrong fatts which have i been exhibited, I am almost , inclined to believe my fufpici* ; oiss injurious. Whatever may be thought I of the heart of Mr. Burr, lus j talents are great beyond quef. 1 tion; and to teconci'e with iuch talents, the chimerical projefci of dismembering the Union, or wresting f-om it a ny pait of its territory is dtfli j cult indeed. 1 travelled thro’ | a part of the Weflern country j during the la It lummer, and j have no hesitation in laying, j that either of those piojebis would have been as much le orobated there as in the Allan tic States. With relped, how ever, to the communication annexed to theprefident's rneli - Cage; which occalions you the trouble ot this letter; after my foiemn afluranevs to you. that 1 lad never given col. Burr or any other person the fmal lclt tcafon to imagine tiiat 1 could be induced to engagUn any project againlliny county; it would be inlinitcly iatisfato ry to me, could I explain to 1 you, with the fame cerUnty j the motive which led hi* to intioduce my name as lwdid. I But here, unfortunately, ill is j conjeOuie. Two motiveon. jly I'uggelt themselves. He i imagined perhaps, which by j the way, he had no ligli to do—rhat his inlluence vou Id j he fufficienify gteat to iiluce j my aflcm, and thought, tcre r i fore, he might as well corider I it already obtained —or, vrich I is more probable, he light l have imagined that (by the apparent concert of a nuFcr of per foils from differ ent ji\es, I a jironger imFrejfioa -iconic be made upon his co-> rcjpondenr— Considerable ejjdl, too, ms no doubt, anticipated by lr. Burr’s dtfeernment from he perfeß self confidence wkh would have been manifefld bv his taking with him is daughter, receiving Mt.c'O t, / peiation, arid thus embarkig in the fell erne the fortunes f his infant grandson —tire on/ relative, except ins danghte, that he has. But whatever the motive which drew from col. Bu: the assertions contained in hi idler to Gen. Wilkin Ton; fuel.. incontrovertible jails, prov that he had no authority so making them. His daughte did not go zuith him; the navj of the United States is fit faithful to its duty; com. Trux ton, lam told, at the very moment he was have gone to the Weft-Indies, was in Philadelphia, which I know not whether he has ever left; and I, in Head of following v.i h a corps of worthies, am now at my usual re fidence — where I have been ever f nee the adjournment of the legijlature , peaceably directing the plough ing of my 1 ice-fields and pre paring my lands for the enfu’ ing crop. This is conclusive. A conspirator againlt the hap piness or liberties of his coutr try, would have been, at this moment, very differently em ployed. Conspirator! the blood that burns my check, as I write the word—but I tnegnt to confine tnyfelf limply to the dtfavowal, I have made you, of a Tingle aßion or thought holtile to inv country. To feel even that difavowa! necessary is fufficicntly painful: I have yielded, however, to circumstances, and made it. My unequivocal manner of making it, I trult will not leave a doubt upon one candid or honest mind. Still I am aware that tlie common interchange ■ of good offices with a man, j with whom I have been lon j nearly co-nnefcied, may have (given tile to\tircumllances which, however innocent in themselves, malignity will de light in dillorting, and the il liberal among my political ad vet laries exult in difleminat iug. 1 am awaic that there will be men bale enough—for I you and 1 have, not longs nee, j lven proof's ol it—to wntlper ) even the circumiiance oi my J conneßion, by marriage, with j col. Burr, as a circuuiltance ; warraniing jvfpxcion. About 1 the opinions ol Juch men 1 am j indifferent- i o tlie more in genuous and better part of my lellow-citizens, of whatever leß or party, I can only lu lemniv repeat, as i have done to you, icon or would 1 have pertfhed than harboured a thought subversive of the It- lerties.tfe happineL or tl.c’ g-ality of my country, j'! ]fie always be judged h v )r , twn alls, and I fha-l b e ‘[f icd. If Mr. JBkn gen. Wilkmfon ever f );i( ] thing to urge a gain It !nr< jr| it be adduced. My reiider is well known, and j f| )a !| f. ver (brink from ir>vcftigatioa Nay more, prefumptiov, wheii I cannot repel ii by pefitof proof, fit all he received M good evidence, and the f-ighteS ff pi Cion, which 1 can no; fbe falomly explain, (lull be ad mitted as guilt. I remain, n y dear Sir, W’t'h much respect St regard Ycui’s always, JOSEPH ALSTON- Deposition of James 1.. Donald. SON, In open court perscnillv a pears James Lowry Donaidsoa, who berng duly sworn, O c poseth and saith, thru he was it the city of New-Orl-ans, in th< Oilcans territory, and the end. rons of said city, from the 1J t of October to die 10th day 0 | December, 1806 —that dutitu the latter part of this time he >as frequently in the company ol (general James Wilkinson, sm visited the General the d.tyaiV bisariivalat New-Orleau*. 0 this occasion this deponent tt ce i\ed in conn'depct li-o n On rpl Wilkinson 'ir.fjrrniaticn toil, following purport; That the (in era! had undoubted and indisp;: talrle evidence o f a trcason.ibi design formed by Aaron Burr 5 others to disrnt mber the the i nion, by a separation of the wet tern states and teriitories ft on the Atlan* c states —that New Ot leans was in immediate da-’ ger, and that he had concluded hastv cetnpromhe with -he Spa tiiards, so as to lie able to with draw his troops instantly t this the immediate object of at tack and gteat vulnerable point That he had received a lent from Burr holding forih pit inducements to him to heemvm party, of which lie shewed nt the original in cypher, and am ther written paper pm porting t be a decyphered copy ot the It ter. He expressed great intlij nation at the plot, & sat prise thi one so ‘veil acquainted with tut as Burr should due to it.ale 1 him so degrading a proposal, declared his determination 1 defeating the enutprize, or PJ fishing in the attempt; Ik c served in addition that t'j‘ were many agents of l )Ul theq in the town, who had ■ ready been assiduous in t.'c ,r ’ sits, and towards, whom he *■ determined to act with cautioi ambiguity, so a* at Hie >J ti me to become possessed cl ‘ whole extent ot the plan, the P sons eng ‘ged, and the time of > execution, and also 10 prete. any atterript on nis P e,son \ ‘ which he declared he had !Cllo ’ 1 apprehensions. —Os the nutn j of these agents he was not : but mentioned the name <>! 1,1 i of whom he w as certain, a *" 1 j Bollman and Alexan !er. l' re | j time to time, as litis tirpon* | had interviews v.i.h B- nf J i Wilkinson, he informed thi* u j potient that he had received a ditional information respect the movements and desig ll ’ ; Burr by means ol ik-t> ; a s :tl! j of whom he considered bo. I as tiie principal. In the cr j of there transaction.*, thi* “b I nent was employed by urf ! ‘ j Wilkinson in the cop\itig°* cc I tain papers and do:um£iit’> *! j preparing certain cispaicni’ I the general government, vv ‘ l,< i the general intended to | urffjl |by the brig ‘i heii.. Walky 3 j tinpiojed at the Beneral { ings, this deponent fius ictna upou two diffeient uccast jk-i person kuoik f.>r admit iani:c “* door with a window m i‘ °,’i l the table wheie this dep’' 0 , | r 1 .1! W..S NtLUi g, iv no Hits “ I . was informed bv Geaeiai kinsnn was U . jjolhi’.a i. these occasions tue (jcue'll tuddculy iisen from hi* *'■'’