The Patriot and commercial advertiser. (Savannah, Ga.) 1806-1807, February 23, 1807, Image 3

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H cnt , liln'l, with H r and energy as the calc ■.rU, endeavor to bung offenders, ■rnune than two weeks ■ H i have made it a ■ to make myfelf acqtiainc ■ the loading and, fibiati- H a il boats defending the As vet there has no B,hc leaf! alarming appear ■On or abmu the 3id ult. H, e ! Burr, late Vice Prell- Bof the United Si nes pas- Bhis with about con boats Btlerent defciiptions, navi- B with about fix men each, Big nothing on board, that Bid even (offer a conjecture B than a man bound to Bi-t. ‘He has defeended Birrr towards Orleans, Bd my thing, to niy know transpire ioterediing to Brnmcnt, I will give the ■ early notice in rny pow- Bavc the honor to he, rcs- ■ u !1,, hr, your obedient ■ llt , I) AX. BISS EL, ■ Commanding Captain. M.'Andrew Jackson , Nafii- B, Tenneflee. BaSIIINGTON, Feb. 6. ■ |kf) in this citv on Sunday at 4 o’clock, Ist met. of ■lmmick disease, brigadier ■ raILKVI C ASKY, of S. ■ i na, in the 59m year of his ■he fatal illness of this aniitt- tie man was hut of short ■ticn; his closing moments passed with that serenity , Htharises from the re lie t ion ( ■a well spent He,- hts fast Hith was drawn with a calm- j resulting only fiotn true fur- i ■brand virtue. ■arlv in the revolutionary war ■•Casey received the com ‘ ■lot’ a company, with which ■llamlv assisted at the si g‘‘ ■ Savannah, in the attempt ■tin the A mi-ricans St French the British works, Le ■ afterwards distinguished as ■ave and prudent officer in the ■les of Rocky Mount, Hnng- B Rock, IMusgrovcs, King’s ■rotain, Fi htiam ford, Black kits, and at the Cowpens — ■ere he performed very im* ■tant services to gen. Morgan, ■rough the whole war he en- Hcrf, ns a brave and valuable Beer, the applause,f, ic-ndshtp Sc ■tfidcnce of gen, Sumpter. Bering many yea’s after (he Bse of that war, it) wr.ich, his Bduct was so important and ■cctssful, he represented New ■ry district in the state legisla- Be, both iii the Senate Sc House ■ Representatives, and was, at le time of his death, on the ■urth term of service in Con ■ess, a represetitative from S, Bmlina. friends and family of no have more cause to lament ■ r -s of this kind than those of Ca'ev; for in sweetness equanimity °f temper, he t qoallrcl hy few; in the ten- of affection, of domestic surpassed hy none. He ■as, since the rei oiution, a uni” patriot; he has hft behind ■">l, the surest testimony of pub - ■ c confidence and private wefrth, universal lo\ e of his neiglj- Painful as the regrets W Ms family tnust he, they v.ill some consolation fiom the r, rkecl respect which was paid ■ fix funeral hy the national le- B'siature- In this too will’ the ■M revolutionary soldier partk'i- B* ,f because he will see in it, B* 6 memory of the brave i. not Begotten. i B >s said that a ship at rived at ■"'■tisr.cola from Jamaica, bring ■nP accounts that the Knglish B ,r e acknowledged Miranda, B <•'5,000 troops have arrived B c barbarities; and that the duke B i3 expected at Jamai- Bb'vith a squadron of 10 or IS B h, P* of the line. PATRIOT, S-J l r .INNAII, Feb. 19. 1807. • ■ MARRIED, in this cltv, on .Wednesday evening Ust, bv the Re/- Mr. Kollock, Air. Charles HovvAßn,merchant,to Mi'ss Jane Wallace, both of this place. A matchless Pile; I With equ and virtue form'd, and e aual grace The same■ distinguish'd by their sex alone: Her's the mild lustre of the blooming morn, And his the radiance of the risen day. THOMSON. 1 1 “ We understand by a gentle- j man direct from Demerara, j which place he left on the 14th I of December last, that on the 13th of the same month, a pro. clarnntlon was issued, prohibit ing the importation of any arti cles except lumber and Fish, the return cargo lor the same Hum i and Molasses. Aurora. We find by the Richmond En quirer. that John Graham, Esq. I was the gentleman authorised by the President o! the IT. States to follow the footsteps of col. Burr, and his adherents, to notice their measure--,to discover their vi rws, anti if possible to get full posses sion of t.htir plan of operations, j lie acted in this business with j such prudence and dexterity, j that he was never suspect'd, and I overtures were made to him by Blannerhassot arid others, to join them in their scheme. STiis gen tleman was the secretary of Le gation at Md il, while the pre- j sent governor of this state was j minister there; he is now the Se cretary of Wew-Orleaas Terri tory. — Chut. City Guz. M urine In te Hi gen t :e. *•1 ‘-xr SS>- *w*>neri> | POET OF SAVAFEAH j ARRIVED. Sch’r Esther, Wright, St. Mary’s | Cruz Dolphin, Valentine, Long- j Isiantl (Bah.) CLEARED. Ship Gen. Eaton, uloore, N. Y. Gen, Hamilton, Williams Amsterrl jiu | Barque Roboteus, Ward, Ham burgh ! Brig Rambler, Elliot, Jamaica | Ann, Remmond, Antwerp Gray, , Saunders,. West- Indies ! Caledonia, Stewart, Green ock j Schr. Samuel Si Jane, Kelly, I iiuidad. Port cf Charleston, Pelt, 1". | Arrived hip Hope, Ci-le, 14 | days from Matanzies. Captain Cole ailed ft urn Matanzies in company wi.h sci r. Republican, Kollo., for New-Yotk. Ship j Charlotte, (Pelham) for do. vvas 1 to sail next day,- brig Fox, john ! son, of this port, was loading ior Baltimore. The schr. Polly St Eliza, Geer, from N. York, for , N. Orleans, was wrecked on Point Jacko, about the 18th lilt. ; A ship belonging to Warren, R. j 1- was wrecked at the same place j about the 25th ult. and also the sloop Polly, Addington, of N. i Yolk, the last vessel was on a wrecking voyage. $ ‘J he schr. Belvidere, Crom well, wlvch sailed trom this port on the 7ih ins tv ior Matanzies, returned in distress yesterday, having lost her rudder the day after sailing. Ship Jason, Salter, from Do • minico,and St. 1 hennas’. Capt. Salter lei c at Dominico, on the 21st ult. tile brig Fame, capt. 1 olm in, to sail in 12 or 14 days for Savannah. Left at St. i bonus’ on the 2 ith ulu brig Two Brothers, of • oston, captain Fo ter, bound to Wilmington, IV, C. Capt, Sal ter spoke, on the “Oh January, the velar. Manvvell. capt. Price, from Malaga, bound to New Or leans, I at. 23, 11 long. C>7. Fe bruary 4, spoke ‘ht brig Henry, capt. Allen, from Guadaloup-, bound to Baltimore, l it. 27, 8 i, long. 78, 30. Off Cape Remain, on Saturday last, cap!. Dill spoke the schr. Tryall, Barker, 14 Java from St. Bartholomew’**, \< r Wilmington N. C. Captain Barker had on board capt. Fanning, late master of the ship Dan, of New York, which vessel bail foundered at sea, in lat. 47 long.A4, 17. The ship Orlando, of and for Philadelphia, sailed from •Madeira on the 16th January— schooner Three Sisters, Rich, for Norfolk, sailed same day with capt. Grow. The ship Ga len, capt. Snow, from Barcelona to N. Orleans, touched at Ma deira on the Ist January—like wise, the schooner Rebecca, capt. Calhoun,from Leghorn, for N. Orleans. Capt. Robins, of the schooner Safeguard, arrived at New-York left Curracoa on the 21st of De cember, and contradicts the re port of its being taken by a Bri tish squarbon. He says that no British ships of wat were off the port at the time of his sailing. Capt. Grow arrived yesterday, informs, that sir S. Hood, w’uh one 74 and a frigate, touched at Madeira on the 16th January, on his way to Buenos Ayres. A great number of merchantmen fk transports for the same place, had touched at Madeira while Capt. Grow lay there. i he bug f’o'owmack from Bal timore for St. .Ligo, was captured by a French privateer on the 4th u/t. -Ik carried into Barracoa— Some time beiore captain Butler sailed, a pilot boat schooner ol &. lor Philadelphia,sailed with 556000 in specie on board. A boat from -the shore pursued & boarded her,, massacred her crew, and brought the money back into Barracoa— Tbre eof the pirates have been apprehended, and are confined on board of the king’s gun brig. One ol them was a clerk in the house w *ucii shipped the money. To the Electors of Chatham County. I take the liberty of announcing myself to you as a Candidate for tiie offices of Clerk of the Superior & Inferior Courts of this county. Amidst the great number of Can didates, 1 hope niv pretensions may not be thought presumptu ous; particularly as it is well known, that I have served in that Office for one year past, with di ligence and fidelity. BEN, SHEET ALL. Feb. 23. I beg leave through the me dium of your ufeful paper to announce to the public that, 1’ HOMA SF. WIL LIAMS Esq. is a candidate at the en fiung Election for the Clerk’s office of the Superior and In ferior Courts of Chatham county. His talents, abilities, integrity, principles, and ne cefhtics, are known lo this community. A CITIZEN. Feb. 12 26 aw t e THE SUBSCRIBER. Announces himself to the Electors of Chatham County, as a Candidate for the Office of Clerk of the Superior ami-Inferi or Courts. JOB T. BOLI.F.S. February 16 2” Wanted to Rent, A SMALL HOUSE, in a retired part of the city, for which a gene rous price will be given —Enquire of the pi in ter. Feb. ag. 29 ts By Saturday Night's Mad. LONDON, Deeemher ■?(), Avery ev.vaorduiarv report hns prevailed for days past in tie ehy. It 0 suited that British ships of war are actually employ ed, with the consent of the Spa nish government, in transporting the treasures of South America to Europe. It is said that seven millions of Dollars, already laden on board of an English frigate, in order to be sent home from New . Spain, have been partly under written at LI y I’s; that the quan tity of dollar- expected to be thus brought to Europe, is 25,000,090, and that a British .64 is now on her way to receive a cargo of this valuable specie at Vera Crus. Jt is confidently imported that Mr. Tierney is appointed Chan cellor of the Exchequer, vice Henry Petty, who exchanges for the. Presidency of the Board of Contronl. Tim-following enumeration was, we understand,received on Thurs day In government, whose dis. patches from St. IVersburgli are of the I9h November — There are in Poland, Russians I 10,000 —Cossacks 30,000—Prus sians under Kaikrcutli 28,000 Russians at Riga 30,000 —In Volhvnia 25,000. Making a total Inrce of 220,000 The ship Asia arrived at Pro vidence the 25th January from Amsterdam. She left the Texel the 28th nt November; a report reached tiiat place a day or two previous to the Asia’s sailing, that war was declared between Denmark and England. JV. 2". Mcr. Ado. Comfort for the Afflicted !p Extract of a tetter h am / rintdad, dated Da cmbei 50, receded by a mercantile house in this, city. Bonaparte had overrun'“near ly the whole continent, hut his late defeats bv the combined ar mies of Russia and Prussia near Posen, will, I trust, give, such a t urn to liis allaii s its may procure him a passage to Siberia. He is said to have lost in tfu three hat ties three days successively 60,000 men killed, wounded and m-ison ers. In short he was completely routed. Orders have issued for mart Inng the conscripts from every part of France.—Great Commoti ons it is said, prevail at Paris this we have from Martinique where the news had also arrived by express !! ! This will change the face of all Europe.”— lbid. Extract of a letter from Washing ton. “ 1 have the pleasure to inform you that the secretary of state lias taken up the subject of the late captures on our coast by British ships of war, and the condemns li on at Jlahjax'. He has given Mr. Erskine (it is reported) a concise view of the consequences that must result, if such conduct is continu ed.’—lbid. FOR SALE , BY THE SUBSCRIBER, T'HAT well situated HOUSE and LOT No. 37, Wash ington Waul. Also, his House and. Lot in Franklin Ward, No. 7. One half of the Wharf and Buildings on Lot No. 11, in said Ward, adjoining Caig’s to the east,and Richaid Wayne’s to the west. On* undivided moiety ®f the Beaverdam Mill Trace—26oo acres of land on Black creek, Bulloch county. 2 *7 1-2 acies on the Alutainaha. Anew h ntaht-d House, aud Lot No. 1, in Milledgcviile, renting at present lor 2(A) uollui s. If the above property is not sold at Private Sale before the first Tuesdav m March, it wid, on that da-., be sold at PUBLIC SALE. Conditions Cash, or Note, on Liverpool or Loudon. HENn Y PUTNAM. Sav Feb. JO, l HO2. *9 -t E, N. B. I will also sell one fourth part ol Loc No. , at present occupied by Mis. Ann M‘Crca dv. AUCTION. /HIS IX U WILL Iff SOLD, 1,1 to <A oif, roitho’t. am/ re serve, on ’ the ( oft’r - lie sc ’ Vhnrf, in lots to slut Pun ba ser*, 36'co Uufhels (more nrfefi) JLLUM SAL I', Imported in the schooner Dol phin, from Long- Island, Ba hamas. Terms made, known at the time of sple. N. JVM.ROD, Auct'r. Teh 23. “ 9A A O J R E. HP IIE Subscriber being ap -1 pointed Guardian < f Jacob Gould, a minor, c:#!ls on all per sons in possession of Negroes, Books, Bonds, Notes and papers of every description, belonging to said minor, to deliver up the same vi it hour delay, on or before the first day of March next,-as after that tlav suits wifi he enter ed against all defaulters ; and ail persons indebted to said minor, are called on t or payment. Those who neglect this notice, will find their accounts in the hands of J. Cuvier, esq. for recovery. JAMES ALLISON, Guardian. Feb. 23, 29 lawfi v Chambers, lnjenor Cowt, Chat ham Coun'jj, I4i7t February, J 307. Present his 1 ionor, JOHN II MOREL. LJ PON the petition of John Bexlc-y, stating that In- is confined in prison in this county lot eh Jit, at the suit of Alexander and Kenneth Irvine and William Chauvit), liy process ol Ca Ba is sued out of the Mayors court, of the city of Savannah, that he is unable to pay the debt for which he is confined, or to satisfy the ; nie, or to support himself in confinement, but ts willing to de liver up all his estate real and personal for the benefit of his cre ditors, and praying to be admii url to the benefit of the acts pas sed for tiic rtlitf of insolvent debtors. * It is Ordered that notice of this application he served on the. cte diiors of the said John Bexley, that they he and appear before the honorable the Ju-ufces of the Inferior court, at the Cport-house in Savannah, on tl K#fourth dav of March next, to shew cause,it any they have, why the prayer of die petitioner should not r>e granted. JOHN H. JMOjuF.L. Feb.. 19 28. Chambers, Inferior Cowl, Chat ham, County, 14 th February, 1 807. Present his honor, JOHN H. MOREL. UPO N the petition of William John Davies, stating that he is confined in prison in this count' 7 lor debt, at the suit of Dnnkley and Smith, bv process of Ca -Sa issued out of the Supe rior court of Chatham Countv, ihat he is unable to pay the debt for which fie is confined, or to satisfy the same, or to support himself in confinement, Imt is willing to deliver up ail his es tate real and personal, ler the be nefit of his creditors, and pray ing to be admitted to the benefit of the acts passed for the relief of insolvent debtors, and it appear ing that the judge ol the Superi or Court is absent. It is Ordered that notice of this application he served on the ere. ditors ol the said William John Davies, that they t#e and appear before the honorable, the Justices of the said Inferior Comt, at the ( ourt-house in Savannah, on the fourth day of March next to shew cause, ii any they have, why the prayer of the petitioner should not be granted. John n. Morel. Feb. 19 fin. lv U 1 l CL. ALL persons me hereby ran dom (1 not 10 litre anv ,f ihe Negroes belonging to J-I.J/A BLR KK, (my inf. oil \\ trti,) I com any one except myself, or other person duly a.iiboriseu by me. SARAH HANDLLY