The Patriot and commercial advertiser. (Savannah, Ga.) 1806-1807, February 26, 1807, Image 3

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aT* co wn3^V r ; n chief imme .|v issued owWra so s e*n m (i!.';n„ a detach mcnt of die militia im-2* h'>u:s. 275 men were collected on cue bank oi the river icsclv to receive marching orders- before sun-set oil Wed nesdsv, the detachment embark ti under the command of Col. I’erdinanc! L. Claiborne, and as cended by water, to ttie mouth of Cole’s creek, where he was i lined by a considerable body o! the Jefferson county militia. 7 he detachment was here met be Major Shields and capt. Poin - dexter, aids-de-camp to the Go vernor, who at the moment the detachment embarked, received orders to proceed in haste to col. Barr’s encampment, and to an nounce to him the movement of our troops, and to invite his sur render. An Armistice was sign ed by the parties, and col. Burr agreed to meet the Governor the nrxt day at Mr. Calvit’s, near col. Claiborne’s encampment, & to-be attended by col, Fitzpatrick of JcT-r.on county. Me arrived at the mouth ot the creek about two o’clock, parsed an hour m -amp. and accompanied by seve- K.l officers of ttie Jefferson* troop cfhorse, was conducted to die appointed place. He surrendered himseii a prisoner at discretion, and a detachment ot troops as cended to the mouth of Bayou Pierre, to take possession ot uis arms and other military* stores- On Sunday the commander in chief an'ved at Col C’s encam p- anti addressed the deui'-U ----ment in handsome urms— which tlie troops were immedi ately embarked on board meir boats, and returned to inis piece in the evening, all in good health. CO v MU NIC AT ION. The executive of the Missis., tippi territory, in order to ascer tain the views of col. Burr, on the I.7th in r. depuied Mess-s. Shields and Poindexter, to visit the quarters of that gentleman, near the mouth of B tyou Pierre, and to hull a conversation with him on the subject. On the l(kh an amicable agreement was en ■tmd iuto between ihe partis * n ■the following words, viz. 1“ The hon. Cowles Mead, acting I es Governor of th* Mississippi I Territory, with a view to re I store public tranquillity, propos- B es to Aaron Burr, as follows : I “ That an interv ew shall take ■place between them, at the house ltd Thomas Calvit, on Cole’s ■creek at two o’clock to-morrow. I “I he said Cowles Mead ■pledges himself to protect the ■said Aaron Burr, during his stay ■in the territory and th.u he shall ■" e returned to his present posi pon in ,i suitable m mner, as soon ■alter the interview as he may ■please—that in the mean time, Vnere shall be no restraint on nis ■person, no violence or molesta ■hon to his boats or people, and ■That the military of the district ■wall not until tire return of the ■taid A. Burr approach nearer to ■bis present quatters than the ■ttouth of Cole’s c* eek. ■ A. Burr on his part, engages ■ hat in the mean time, no violence B*tinj;jry shall be offered bv any people to the inhabitants ■° *he Mississippi Territory,- B* u d that they shah keep the peace Bard not infringe any law ot the ■baited otbtes, or either of its ■territories. s ■ ,e 1 antes above named, nm ■*Ua‘‘y pledge th eir honor for the ■’"florinhq i-c of this agreement. SUB o 1,. ‘ COWLES MEAD, by K' 1 ®* Shields, PISDEXTER, ■ ■ : g r >ed in presence cf Thomas B| 11 R| January IS 1307.” H fa conformity w ith the above ■s’setnent, uie proposed inter ■'tw took place, which resulted ■ n a voluntary submission on the ■att of col. Burr, to the civil au* ■ f| or.ty ot the territory, and also ■ s urrender of whatever military ■PJiaratus might be found on ihe boats under his (litre- A commutes was immedi ■“v sppointed to the ue cessnrv exam nation, and reoort forthwith to (lie governor, tin number ind det* ription of such milium* stores as the- mignt di ,- cover on board s ti*! bo its. It is surely a Source of felicity to every philanthropic mind, that the laws and constitution of the United States are maintain- i in volute, without the catastrophe ol a civil contest. CONGRESS. HOUSE OF REPRESENTA TIVES. Thursday Feb. 5. Mr. Sc ancon offered the fol lowing refoUition Resolved , That a committee be appointed to enquire into the expediency of making pro vision by law to authorize the President of the United States to caule to be erected in luit able places on the margin of the ocean at his otferetion, not exceeding arsenals & docks (or the ccornmodation and Ipeedy lepaiiiog of public armed Hups and veiiels that may be rendered unfit (or ler, vice by gales of wind, or in aclion with the enemies of the United States, and that they have leave to repot t by bill or other wife. The question was iinmcdu ate.y taken without debate, and the rcloluti >n difagreecl to. Monday , Feb. 9. Mr. Early , from the com mittee of Commerce and Man ufactures, prelented a bill an thorifmg veflels from places beyond the Cap? of Good Hope to epte r at Fiymouih ; and establishing a port oi de livery at Auguda, in the dis trict of Maine, whicl was refer* ed to a committee of the wnole on Wednesday. Mr. Lattimore presented a memorial from the grand ju ro: in the county of VVafhing ton and territory of Mississippi, praying for an exemption from taxes during the continuance of the vexations expetienced from the obftrucied navigati on of the (Mobile, for donati ons of land in certain calcs of pre eruption rights, and for aid in the eflablifhvnent of schools ; which was referred to the committee on public lands. O 1 motion of Mr. Parke , Resolved, That a committee be appointed to enquire whe ther any, and if any, what al terations ought to be made in the laws fixing the salaries of the fecretarie.s and judges of the Indiana, Louisiana, and Michigan territories, and that they have leave to repoit by bill or otherwise. Referred 10 MefTirs. Parke, Morrow of Ohio, Sandford, J. N’elfon, and T'ift. The Houle resolved itfelfiu to a committee of the whole— Mr. Varnum in thevhair —on the hill prohibiting the impor tation ol fJaves into the United States. The provision, punching the importation of (laves with imprisonment, was ftrickcnout, and the punishment of death fubffituted. The committee having pas sed on to the seventh feCtion, it w read as follows : “ That all such neg-oes, mu’ lattoes, or perlons ot colour, as may be forfeit and by virtue of this a&, fliall, at the ex pence of the United States, be conveyed to such place 01 p!a ce:- in the Uni’ed State.'-, as inc President thereof may direct, and there be indentuted asap prentices ot fetva.its, or other wife emi loyed, as the T.di dent may judge mofl henefici* al for them, and mol! fafe for the Um ed States; Provided. That no such iug>o, mulatto, or person of cole., fliall he in dcntuied or employed as afore laid, except in lame slate or territory, in which flavety is not permitted, or in which pro vihon is now made lor a gra dual abolitionof flavcry; nor in any slate, in which such per sons are neat permitted by law to he indentured or employed as aforefaid ; and if any such negro, mulatto, or person of color, when (o indentured or employed, fhal! be under the age of years, the term of such indenture or employment fhal! not extend beyond the age of twenty-one years; and if above the age of years, the term (hall not exceed vears.” Mr. Early moved to flrike out all the words of the fsetion from die word aB, Sc to insert in lieu tbereofThe following; Shall be by tbe tnarfhal of the diffriel orterritori having cus r tody of the fame he delivered over to such officer of the slate or territorial government as may by any law of the slate or territory be direffed to re ceive them, to be disposed of as by any such law may be pros ided. This motion was warmly ad vocated by MefTrs. Early, Ma rion, J. Clay, Holland, D. R. Williams, and Alflon ; and strenuously opposed by Meffts. Smilie, Sloan, Bedinger, and Goldfborpugh. Tuesday, February 10. A meflage was received fiom the President, furnish ing the information requdted by the Mouse on the fubjcct of gun-, boats. After the tranfaflion of a good deal of minor bufineis, the lloufe again resolved itfell into a committee of the whole Mr. Varnum in the chair ; on the bill prohibiting the im’ portation of Haves into the U. States. Considerable progress was made in the difeuflion of the provilions of the btli, w’hen the comrnittee rose and obtained leave to fit again. CHARLESTON, Feb. 21. Capt. Perry, arrived - this morning, informs us that the Britiih Governor of Trinidad has prohibited the importation of Sait Provisions, and the ex portation ol Sugar, from that tfiand, in neutral velfds. FOR SALE , BY THE SUBSCRIBER, THAI’ well .situated HOUSE and LOT No. 37, Wash ington Ward. Also, hia House j and Lot in Franklin Ward, No. 7. One half of the Wharf and j Buildings on Lot No. 11, in said Ward, adjoining Caig’s to the east, and Richard Wayne’s to the wes f . One undivided moiety of the Beaverdam Mill 7’ract —2600 acres of land on Black creek, BulJoch county. 287 1-2 acres on the Alatamahn Anew fi nished H mse, and Lot No. 1, in Milledgevilie, renting at present for 200 dollars. If the above property is not sold at Private Sale before the fust Tuesdav in March, it will, on .hat da., he sold at PUBLIC SALE. Conditions Cash, or Notes on Liverpool or London. riENRY PUTNAM- Sav Teh. 10, 1807. 20 It N. B. I will also sell one fourth part of Lot No. , at present occupied bv Mrs- Anti M‘Cica by. PATRIOT. SAVANNAH, Feb. 26. 1807. * ——cbs—-- - COMMUNICATION. It is irnlv astonishing when we view* the rapid progress ofpopula lion in this county. At the iasi election for members to represent us in the state legislature the votes amounted to 530, and the dec* tioo was a contested one. I have, within the course of <1 few days past, questioned, parr-ularlv, t very candidate for the Superior and Inferior Courts (or the friends of every uncut them), respecting tile number of votes thev were certain ot, and find on summing up, rhete are 16! 1 Stop! a Voter has this moment informed me of his arrival in town, whose vote will make 1612. Now let Burr assail us even with his “ Fi ery Steeds of IV or.’’ A Friend to Population. The Duke of Richmond died at bis re it at Goodwood on tlie 29th of December* He is sue ceedetf by I>l, Lenox of the Guards, who some years since fought a duel with the Duke of York. Col. Lenox man ied one of the daughters of the Duke of G yidon. MARRIED, on Sunday Evening la the Rev. Mr. Koilock, Mr. Tofts, Merchant, to Miss >u.sannah Wereage, both of this cuy. AUCTION. On Wednesday the 4th of March next, WILL BE SOLD, Before my Store , Market square, in lots to suit purchasers, ONE hundred acres excellent OAK & HICKORY LAND, situate within three miles ol Ihe city, and near the Turnpike road, well covered with Ship ‘1 iinber is Fire wood. Conditions made known at the time of sale. Sale to commence at 10 o’clock. N. M‘LEOD, AucCr. Feb. 26. 30 2t Mr. Joseph Butler , Prom South- Carolina. this method to inform JL the Gentlemen who have Lands on the waters of Savannah, that he wishes to engage in the Rice Planting Business: And his experience in Banking, Draining and Planting, he hopes will merit their encouragement. g'T’ A line left at Mr. Clark’s Boarding House, Market-street, will be atteuded to. Feb. 26. SO ts Five Dollars Reward, ABSENTED herself from the Subscriber, on Thursday e. veiling, the 19th inst, a Negro Weneli named SARAH, about 18 vears of age, black complexion, African burn, speaks no English, and it is not probable she can tell her owner’s name, She was bought from Messrs. Dickson Sc Johnson about live months since. Any person delivering her to the Subscriber, or lodging her in Sa vannah Gaol, shall receive the a bove Reward. Masters of vessels and othes, are cautioned against harbouring or earn ing her nfl. ” PETER MILLER. Feb. 26. 30 3t Sheriff's Sale. W ILL BE SOLD, On the first Tuesday in April next, at the court house in the county of Camden, he tween the hours ot 10 and 3 o'clock, A NEGRO MAN named Sam, to sii’i'iy an execution in favour ot John L,. K. Ho.zendorf against R-.bert Powers. Conditi ons Gash. D. G. JONES s. c. Feb. 2*. A-J Ne:v China , Del/ih and ‘ > / ;// or ils h ire }Fare, The Subtleriher has Just imported , from Liverpool, & offers for sale, at Ills Store, vert door to the corner of D canton street V the Ban a small, but Elegant Assortment OF China De!ph t-f Staf fordshire WARE. Among which ere the following ARTICLES, VIZ. Pea Sets, of China, complete A great variety of Cffinim y and Table Ornaments, of Silver Lustre, China and Enamell’d Ware, of the latest fashion, Blue printed Breakfast and Tea Sets | Plates, Twiflers, Muffins, Ewers I and Basons, 1 Blue and Green Edged Ware of all kinds, With a variety of other articles too tedious to enumerate. The whole of which will be sold on moderate terms, for Cash or Cot ton. EDWARD COURTNEY. Feb. 26. 3t> if FOR NEW-YORK, rTK The Brig GERES, Vh, Captain Wood. For freight apply to the Captain on board,#r J. CAIG & R. Mi l CHELL. Evb. 26 30 NOTICE. NOW in Camden county Jail, a negro Girl, about five (eet 3or 4 inches hgh, says she rs French, bus speaks I nghsh—— (..tills herself SILV ) , and says she belongs to Mr. James Smith of Savannah and was brought iff to this place by a Frenchman. D. G, J ON ES* Feb. 26 ‘ 30 jpr Mr. E OBELLI LIA BLE SHAM is declared a Can didate for Clerk of the Sp-pcii. or and Inferior Courts, and is recommended 10 the Elettors of Chatham Cot;n>y. A VOTER. Feb. 26 30 t e. To the EleFtors of Chatham County. I take the liberty ol announcing myself to you as a Candidate for the offices of Clerk of the Superior i & Inferior Courts of this county. Amidst the great number of Can didates, I hope my pretensions may not be thought presumptu ous; particularly as it is well known, that. I have served in that Office for one year past, w ith di ligence and fidelity. BEN. SHEFTALL. Feb. 23. I beg leave through tlie me dium of your ufeful paper to announce to the public that, TH ()M ASF. WI LLI AM S Esq. is a candidate at the en fumg Election for the Clerk’s : office of the Superior and In j ferior Courts of Chatham county. 11 is talents, abilities, integrity, principle*., and i*.e ceffities, are known to tins comm unity. A CITIZEN. THE SUBSCRIBER.’ Announces Innrst ls to the Electors of Chatham County, as a Candidate for tbe Office of Clerk of the Superior and Inferi or Courts. JOB T. ROLLER. February 16 27 tN 0 r / 1. 1. Nine months after elute, appl*- union will be made tK> she J* nlerior conit of Effiiiohs* p ty to. Lave to v U ;i and 1 r said county, < IOC acres, lying 011 * j Iw.ui for the be iit.iL j and ci ditors. I IVi ■IIM v li, < ...