The Patriot and commercial advertiser. (Savannah, Ga.) 1806-1807, March 12, 1807, Image 4

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£Mdutafcd& M Court of ApoUo. ( .jsZf •** • J- j-j-j- rs s-s * J S-S-SJ J, •. • The captive Queen. These lines at e supposed to he spo ken by a J fiend oj the unjot - tuniUC .IN f UiJI ETTfc. With radiance ro>,e tliv morning snn, Fair promise of a happy day; Bui, luckless, ere it reach'd its noon, Tlie IMfiid of darkness dimm’d I lie ray. \\ hat though the brightest gifts are thine, And distant nations pour thy praise; While, raptur’d, on thy form di vine The eyes of Love and IVotuler gait? The voice of Joy, forever unite, Must yield tJ aigiu that modi'll in vain; And Pity come with sweetest lute To sooth thy sorrows with her strain. /j> - . J Tl.c Syr eh Hope, who won thy ! car, Must charm no more the dang’- 1 mis hoar; The warning voice of ravens hear, ‘ ! ’nat croak thy doom on yon der tow’r. what is life, ’mid Flo.ror’s reign, lere Murder’* triumph cleaves the sky ; Where heaves with cleat It the groaning scene, And dungeons lod for renge. mice cry ? Yet what is life to spotless fame ? And tliiru to latest time shall bloom The blow that sinks that beaute ous frame Gives all the virtues to the tomb. ANACREONTIC FIF., Si Ivia ‘. wiiy so gravely look, R ■ lusea k ss or two I to k ! Those lusn ouh lips lo gin thou s t ds grant— Rich ragues that never feel the want* So I'ntle in\be kiss l r,m, A hundred tWrtV'm.iy’st take front me. Rut, since, like misers o’er their store. Thou tiat’st to give, though run ning oe’r ; I scorn to cause the slightest pain Bo pr’ythee take them back again Nay, with good int’rest be it done Tiiou’rl welcome to take ten lor one, LOVE. Mental love is a thing as pure as light, sacred as a tem ple, lading as the world. That love that can cease, as laid an ancient was never true. Men tal love contains in it all iweet ncis, all society, all felicity, ail piudence, and ail wisdom. It is an union of all things ex cellent; it contains proportion iaiisfatiion, rclf, and confi dence. The eyes ofa wife are then lair as the light ol hea ven ; a man may then case ins cares, and lay dow.i his sor rows upon her ! ap, and can retire home as to his ianduary and refectory, and his gardens of i weetnefs and ol chalte te frelliment. A handsome young woman who was a witness in a trial of ctitn. con. before Lord Manf fiefd, was interrogated by Counfellor D ——, who think” ing to con Fife the woman, made Let take oft her bon net, that he might have a view of her counter-a nee, and Lee (for ad cotinfelloTS arc com pletejudge's of phyftognomy) whether the truth came from her lips. After he had put many ridiculous quell ions to her, he allied her whether her miff refs had ever communica ted the important fee ret to her ? “ No, fir, (fa id the wo man ) she never did.” And how can you swear to her in fidelity ?** Brcaufe I saw a nothcr gentleman besides my mailer in bed with her.” In deed! (laid the Counfellor) “ Yes, indeed, fir.” And pray my good woman, (laid the model! Counsellor, thinking to ftlence her at once) did your mailer, (for I fee you are very , handsome) in return for his ; wife’s infidelity, go to bed to j \ou? ii That trial (fays the fpinted woman) does not come , on to day, Mr. Shbberchops !” j Lord M. was ticked to ihe l foul, he tfirult his hand into the waiflband ol hi . breeches, (his culiom when highly tic. | ligh ed and allied I) *f ne j had anv more interrogaiot res e c/ to put ? “ No, my Lord, have done,” laid the chop fl. ien Orator, leafing his wig and fitting down. From the Lii wary Magazine. Cri-.tins, or Swiss Idiots. THE cretins, idiot ,whoex hibit the hum. n loan in a i mod deplorable It at c of ini be- . cility, happily do not propa’ gate themlelves. One is Ire- j cpiently brim in a family of j half a dozen children, the rest of Whom have gcneiaily full hex! h -lid fatuities. 1 lie, cretins are treated with a fuprrif jiious regard ; and, in I’ome fam-iies, a child of this cicicription i valued more than ihe other chiiciicn, under the luca that it is a medium of tir te'ary orureflion. This kind of fu peril it ion is known to pre vai 1;n oihcr parts of the world, and procures relpett to idi otilin in lome countries, where a defpoi -and savage policy (ports freely with the ul'efu! life of man ! The indudry of philofo* phers has not yet been able to tiifeover any local canfe to which the idiocy peculiar to the cietini can be plausibly as ligned. Horns.— -At the refloration of Charles 11. doctor Bull, af terwards bishop of St. David’s, who had zealoully supported the royal caule ir. the time of ihe rebellion, was presented by the king with the grant of his former living, which the chan cellor Hyde, made fome diffi | culty to confirm. Thedofctor I found his pocket exhauflcd by i this delay, but being a man of ’ wit, and knowing the king’s humour, be took occalion one day to tel! biin that he had just had his pocket picked, and had not a Hulling left- Well (aid the king, and can’t you tell the thirl ? Why. replied Bull, if I may speak the truth, I have caught your majedy’s hand in it, and out he pulled the grant. Cod's ft jh ! fays the king, are you not yet presented to your liv ing y No replied Bull, nor ever fit dll with your chancellor’s Leave. On this the king gave • hint a grant of a better prefer | nrseiif, which was then vacant, I with a peremptory order to the | chancellor to present him. I When he waited on his loid r Ihin, the chancellor Hired him [ Ins name, Bull, tnfwered he. Evil! fait! the chancellor, v,here are your horns ? Please \ our honor, repik and Bull, the horns always go along with the Ilyde. NOTICE. 00- The Subscriber hav ing been elected Scavenger, in forms the citizens of Tavanr.ah, ! thai the regular days for throwing out lititr and rubbish, a r e Mon day , Wednesdays and Fridays. Such ms do not avail themselves of this Notice, may rely on be- , inc informed again*!. < HARI.ES COPE. Much 2. 5 1 3t NOTICE. “VTINE months after date, ap ! -L v plication will be made to the honorable the Inferior Couit of Camden county, for leave to i (tell about sev.n hundred aers of | land, 1) ingen the head ot Crook - I ed liver, about two hundred a cres ol Wliite Oak, and a num. ber of Lots in the town ol JtHtr. son, in the county aforesaid; ap. pertaining to the estate of Wil lium Jones, deceased, late ot the town of St. Marj’’?, fur (he be nefit- of tiie heirs and creditors. D. G JONES, Ad,tpinhtrato'r -St. Mary’s, Jan. 15, ISO 7. N OTIC £. Nine months alter date applL cation will bo made to the hoi ink nor Court of t h.itham com ty, for leave to sell a tract of 45 acres of land in said county, ad joining Mr. Butler and Beliur ’ lands, on Little Ogechee, for th( benefit of the heirs md creditors; WILLIAM WEIGHT , Adm'i E- GABLE , Admx June 16 ts 63 NO 1 iuE All persons having any de mands against the estate of i Bohn t DiLon, dec will present then] proper!\ attested, on or he ore the it h day of April next, j and those indebted will please call ami make immediate payment to Wm. LIMBI* RT, Adrn’r. 3av March 2. 2! St NO i ICE. NINE months alter date, ap p ication will be made totiie Justices of tiie Inferior Court, for leave to si il the half lot No. 3, Ist Tvihing, Anson Ward, belonging to the estate of James Whitttfteld, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs. Th. WHITEFIELD, Ex'r. Jan. 1, 1807. 14- lamptn Aezv China, Deljih and Staffordshire Ware % Tke Subscriber has just imported , Jrom Liverpool. & offers for sale, at his Store, next door to the ernerojDray (onstreet & the Bay, a small, but Elegant Assortment OF | China Delph Staf fordshire WARE. Among ztiiich are the following ARTICLES, VIZ. Tea Sets, of China, complete j A great variety of Chimin y and I’able Ornaments, of Sinter j Lustm , China anu Enameled j Ware, of the latest fashion, Blue printed Breakfast and Tea Sets Plates, Twiftera, Muffins, Ewers auo Basons, Tdi e un.i Green Edged Ware of ah K.uds, With a variety of other articles too teutons tQ enumerate. -The whole of winch will be sold on moderate terms, for Cash er Cot ton. EDWARD COWRTNAY. EC” He St.ll continues the Ad• measurement of LVMB E ii. Ecb. 2ti. 30 ts Mr. Joseph Butler, From Scut/hCarolina. TAKES tins method to inform the Gentlemen who have Lands on the waters of Savannah, j that lie wishes to engage in the j A ice Planting -Busf ness: And Ins experience in Banking, Draining anti Planting, he hopes will merit their encouragement. 13-- A line left at Mr. Clark’s i Boarding House, Market-street, will be attended to. Feb. 26. SO ts Five Dollars Reward , ABSEN TED herself from the Subscriber, on Thursday e. veiling, the 19th mst a Negro Wench named S.\RAH, about 18 years of age, black complexion, Airmail bom, speaks no English, and it is not probable she can ‘ell her owner’s name She was bought trout Messrs. Dickson & Johnson abont five months since. Any person delivering her to the Subscriber, or lodging her in Sa vannah Gaol, shall receive the a hove Reward. Masters of vessels and others, are cautioned against harbouring or carrying her od. PETER MILLER. Feb. 26. 30 3t vNheriffs Sales. WILL be Sold, at the Court-house m the city of Savannah , between < the hours cf 10 and 2 o'clock, on j TUESDAY , the Ith day of April next, SIX Negro SLAVES, named, Jim, Black Sam, Jerry. C’aig, Billy and Maris, levied on by vir tue of an execution, at the suit of Jeremiah Cutler against the estate of John Glass, deceased, by virtue of Mortgage. T. ROBERTSON, s. c. c. March 5 32 SheriiTs Sales. WILL be sold on the Ith day of April next * (being the first Tuesday in the month,) at the Com t house in Savannah, in the county of Chatham, between the hours oj eleven and two o'clock, ALL that tract of LAND on the north Branch of Little Oge clue, commonly called Silk Hope containing three thousand seven hundred and sixty three acres, to satisfy an Execution in favor of Joseph Clay against James Haber sham. T. ROBERTSON, s. c c. Mrach 5 32. Srod/i cents Reward. Deserted nom on board the Snip Commerce, of Philadel phia, Nathaniel Ray master, a black boy, 19 years of age, an Apprentice to the finn cf James Brown & Cos. ol Philadelphia.— Any person that will apprehend s aid buy, and secure him in the t irong Brick House, shall be en illed to the above reward. March 5. 32 3t Administrator s Sale . On Saturday the 11 th day of A pril next WILL BE SOLD At the Exchange, in this city, AV ALU A RLE Negro wench, named Delia, late the pro perty of Robert Dillon, dee. Con” ditions Cash W M . LIMBERT, Adm'r. March 2. 31 Si I- —- Now landing from on board the SchT.Wf.ssaweskeeg, and for sale by S. Ix C. Howcid, Twenty thousand feet North ward clear PINE BOARDS— -100 Bushels Nova-Scotia POTA i TOES—One Hundred Boxes first qualitysmoak’d HERRINGS. N. B. Said Schooner will take freight for Philadelphia, having part of her cargo already engaged —She will be dispatched until ail convenient speed—For Freight or Passage, apply on board, or to S- 3i 0. HOWARD. ’ March 5. 32 3t Blank Manifests &c. For Sr V at this Office. <+ KL r - r . . S NF -Yu.t.k .... (■ U,J ■ ■ s ■ : I V s BOOT SSL . g"'■■ A. Scribner & (; f , ■ If AYE JUST lur horn A ew-York, /),,,/'■ brig Luna, “ I AN ELEGANT A'-SORTMI Boots, Shoes & Os a .Superior Quality, Ui ! c ■ ter tiie English tushiun ■ A I SO, ’ ■ Misses Slippers (5 cj dren s Shoes, I Which iu addition to their supply, makes their very extensive ; which tiny ( 1 FOR SALE, at reduced their store on the Bay, rub r I posite tiie Exchange. ■ March 5. I IVavis Employ mam A YOUNG Ma > I well acquainted v.ith f, h ing and Accounts, wtudei n. J to be employed 111 a whaiis* c I Retail Store — A iitie if; -a. 1 Printers, atldressed to A. i , be duly attended 10 9 March 5. 32if I ~ToTEASEr| For one or More y* J r T''HE laige and ctniiinJ JL HOUSE, lately ocajjl by Mrs. B.air, as * J House, corner of Dai kin and and Bryan street. It (on'a'isl rooms, lies a good stahie, and I ther necessary out buildings-M terms apply at tins office I March 5. 32 ts 1 Sheriff’s Sales. I ON the Jirst Tuefc?y I April nexy between the - I oj 10 and 3 o'clock Will I Sold, at ihe CovrLhcp. I the city of Savannah, I All that tract or parcel of 1)9 containing 1669 acres morn I less situate in- countv mi I* faioe creek near t lie head of in 9 Sat ilia river bounded by lambi Samuel We3t and r.ti.rrs, v under execution, at the suluM Executors of Gilbert vs. Ex* tors of George Haist. I T. ROBERTSON, S.C.CI March 5. 32 | Sheriff’s Sales. I At the court-house in ihe cl)I .Savanna), I WILL BE SOLD, I On Tuesday the sxo/uncy 4 April vert, I Lot No. s, Moore rytliifl Perciva! Ward, with the buildul and improvemenin; taken iwta cm ion as the property u: tale of John Wereat, <ieceal to satisfy a judgmeut in Owen Owens. I T. ROBERTSON,*. c- March 5. 32 ln> Sheriff’s Sales. On the jirfl Tuefdav next) Will be told i.orxio of Jtjferftn, hours of 10 and 3 A certain negio fla venal ed Daniel, to satisfy the an due on a mortgage hv • Howell, which has been foreclosed. , As also, a certain nep o ” named Keith; sold as I,e j. perty of Lewis I. ev V> tJ 3 . the amount due on a n> oll j> - which has been dutv iorf ” in favour of the aditi’t st,s ' 1 John Patterson, clec. Conditions Cash. D. G-JONFS,’ ■ Feb. 5. 24 IMU^ BACON HAM 5 For Sale by M. WHITI-b'’ Market March 3. 51