The Patriot and commercial advertiser. (Savannah, Ga.) 1806-1807, March 16, 1807, Image 1

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- - **. ~,zz~z~zz. VOL. 111. No. 35.] TERMS OF THE PAT RIOT and MJtERCIAL AOVERTIiER. n/iJ 0/” subscription are six ip.s a year—one half to he tike tune of subscribing and minder at the evpira'ion o mths—and all papers will he i ml until ordered to the core forfisemc nts of m more ithan breadth are inserted al its,/•• the. fir and insertion, and etch cnntLnu.iti>n. A U allowance will he made to ■ko wish to advertise by the Plymouth, (Eng.) The faft failing Ship W COMMERCE, laiel Rav, master, will sail his month,having her cargo ed. for passage apply to ister on board, at Mr. fas. rh wharf ‘ If’M. WiLbO V, tcrived per the ships Elizq Volant, a large part of his Supply of Goods, • Which with his Itock, eon'ha nd, makes his af ent very complete. igfl as great a variety of :s, as are commonly set in lengthy advertisements tge quantity of te & colored Negro CLOTH. this article was purchaf’ i Winter for calh, and moderate advance only, enowexatied, it is con - ithat it will be an objetl y the attention of Plan, ind others, who with to iafeby the piece or pack’ Payment will be expeft- Cash, Coitc , or an. and town notes. rnnah, Sept. IS, 91 ts ‘rime Seed Rice. for sale , QUANTITY of Piimc RICE, entirely free from fams, being the production er Swamp, the li year’s ‘?• The Price is One Dol bushel.— Apply to the sub” ,at his residence, St. James’ JOHN H. MOREL. . 12 ts Wanted, UUTH of 12 or 14 years ” of decent connecii ’a” Apprentice to the Print Apply at this ot . sch 2. Sheafs Sale . ; IL i. be sold, I % S ‘ Tue “riy in April fjff court house in ihc ■L{ > mkn ’ tetvecn the •J. U>nl & O'clock, o sati J T MAN “ a " t ' d Sam > Q f i, * I d ” e xec ution in t u l,l R- Holzeodort Conmti .£- G * JONES, 3 . c.c. 30 THE PATRIOT AND COM ME R CIA L ADVERTISER. GEORGIA, Hancock county. Forty Dollars, for the two , or Twenty for either of theft Boys. TJ UN-A Way, on the night T N \. of the 20;ii January lau, two Negro Men, one named CHARLES, the other GIBB, probably, they twav add to, or change the if n imcs. Cn ari.< s about q feet high, 40 years old very thick lips, his upper teeth out, his the mark of a fish on his right cheek, which is considera bly blacker th tn any other pirtof , h”® Lee, had when he ‘.vent away, two suits, one a very das k, the other a blue. Gibb is about lg years oid, a trim, well made boy, weigh* about J 35 pound, has a kind of stoppage in his speech. Air. Rice, in Savannah, the ship Carpenter, ov/n* his mo ther, and knows the boy. Any person that lodges these boys in jail, and writes me word, so I get them again, will receive the above reward. JOHN HILL. March 2. 31 it 25 Dollars Reward, RUN AWAY from rapt. A. D. Abrahams, in Savannah, some tune in September last, a Negro Fellow named TONY, a bout 5 Icet 6 inches high, and ü bout 2<j years ol age, stout made, his eyes and mouth large. He was taken up at Cowsawhatclue, and made bis escape—All persons are for war tied from hiring or har bouring him. The above Re ward will be paid to arty person who will deliver him to the sub scriber, or secure him in any jail. ISAAC ABRAHAMS. Jan. 29. 22 Notice is hereby Given r , JL HAS at the expiration of nine months from the date hereof, application will be made to the Honourable the Inferior Court of Chatham County, for leave to fell the following tiacts of Land, be’ longing to the estate of James Doors, decealed, viz : Two hundred and Fifty a rres, old survey, iiiuate, lying arid being m Chatham Coun ty, bounded by Great Oge. chee river, land of Goldivirc, and land now of jofeph Well’ cher, Eiq.—The fame being for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of the laid James Doors, deceased. THO’s. MILLS, Adtn’r Savannah, Sept. 4, 1806. jMJ 1 ICE. ~ Nine months after date, ap plicatton will be made to the honorable court of ordinary of Tatna! county for leave to Sell atrafct of land containing 190 acres on the Altamahavv river in laid county adjoining Mar tin Harden, alio ion t-z a cres in Wilkinlon County, in the second difhid Lot No. tic, the property of John Sharp fen. deceased, to he fold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors. JOHN SHARP, Acministrator. Sept. t. US. /.pi rcnt’ces Inden tures tor sale at this of fice. M () N D A Y, March 16, ISO 7. I he Merchant’s and Planter’s Coffee-House fit Hotel , IN TIIK BAT. Thomas Bay ley , sen. IN TENDS.owning the above HOUSE on the 25 th March next, and slitters himself, from •he long experience he has had in that line, it will be in his pow er to give general satisfaction, & begs leave to solicit the patron age of the Gentlemen, Mer chants and Planters. Those who honour him with their favours, wnl find every attention paid. N. R. A constant Larder— Wines and Spirits of the first qualirv. *** Foreign and American News. Papers will be taken in. Savannah, March 2. Si ts hVilliim Kennedy , Ladies and Gen'lemm's Hair Dresser and Cutter , R ESP EC IFI LLY informs the Public, that he has com menced business in the above line, (rack of Gibbons’ buildings, opposite J. Pooler’s. He flatte rs himself that from his dexterity in the line cf his profession, and atten ion to his business, he will merit a share of the public pa tronage. *** He will attend Ladies who favor him with their custom j at their respective houses. TERMS. Ladie*, full dressed, g O 75 Do. Cutting & dressing, I*o Children do. do, 0 50 Tel. 5. 24 ts n- ■ ir. Sheri lF sSales, ON the first Tuesday in Apr l next, Will. BE SOLD, at the Court House in this city be tween the hours of 10 and 3 o'clock. ALL those buildings and improvements, on the N. YV. half part of Lot No. —, Deck er Wad, b longing to the heirs ol Philip Minis, decealed formerly occupied and own ed by Maurice Leltifi. A,negro boy named Csefar, about 15 years of age. A fifty acre lot, known by the number 8, the house at present occupied by Joseph Arnold, in Anson Watd and three lots, being patt of a five acre lot, adjoining the town, formerly belonging to the ellate of John Currie, dec, taken under execution as the property of Joleph Arnold, at the Inits of Benjamin BIIUV. surviving copartner and Benj. Buffv, jun. T. ROBERTSON, S. C. C PI arch 5. 32 Im NoTTCeT •npHE Subscriber being ap jL pointed Guardian ol Jacob Gould, a minor, calls on all pet son*, in possession of Negroes, Books, Bonds, Note., and papers of every description, belonging to said minor, to deliver up the same without delay, on or before the first day ol March next, as after that day suits will be enter, ed against all defaulters ; and all person* indebted to said minor, called on tor payment, i'hose who neglect this notice, will find * heir accounts in the hands of j. Cuvier, esq. for recovery. J AMES ALLISON, Guardian. SherifFsSales. On the first Tuesday in April next between the hours of ten and three o'clock, WILL RE SOLD, At the Court house in the city af Savannah, All those several tracts or par- | cels of land containing 3249 acres more or less, situate in B trke county, fronting on Savannah ri ver; seized under several exe cutions, as the property of the estate of Alary Hall, deceased, to satisfy the debts and legacies, due by tire deceased, on judg ments against, the executor. ALSO, The following Negroei, viz. Wallace, 24 years of age; Sid ney, aged 18 years—Jack 14 years ok!—Nellv, 45 years; and young Nelly, 34 years of age; t.jktui as the property of Joint Shellman, under an execution ob taiiied by Joseph Mi ler,Survivor. ALSO, All that tract of land, situate on the Augusta road, about three miles ftoin Savannah, known bv the name of the 3 mile House, containing 45 acres, with the improvements thereon; taken un* der execution, Wisenhaker, us. Executrix of Benjamin Putnam, deceased. T. ROBERTSON, s. c.c. March 2. 31 lm NOTICE. ALL persons are hereby cau tioned not to hire any of the Negroes belonging to ELIZA BURKE, (my infant Ward,) from any one except mvself, or other person duly authorised by me. S \RAH H ANDLE,Y ~ NOTICE. NOW in Camden county Jail, a negro Ga l, about live feet 3 or 4 incites bgh, says she is French, but speaks English—— Cails herselt SiLV Y, and says site belongs to Mr. James Smith of Savannah and was brought oif to this place by a Frenchman. D. G. J JNES- Feb. 26 30 A 0 TICE. Nine months afterdate, appli cation will be made to the non. inferior court of Effingham coun ty for leave to sell a tract of and in said county, containing 100 acres, lying on the Sunbury Hoad, lor the benefit of the heirs nd creditors. WILLI iM WRIGHT, Adtrir L. GABLE, Adrrix. She riff’s Sale, On the First Tuesday in April next, WILL BE SOLD, At the court-house in the city of Savannah, between the hours of 10 and 3 o'clock, 1 en Negroes, Levied on by virtue oi several executions, obtained against the estate ol John Carrhway Smith. T. ROBERTSON, s.c.c. Match 9. notice;. qy~f- The Subscriber hav ing been elected Scavenger, in forms the citizens ol Savannah, that the regular days for throwing out litter and rubbish, are Mon” days, Wednesdays and Fridays. Such as rlo not avail themselves of this Notice, may rely on be ing informed against. CHARLES COPE. Mwah 2. 5i 3t Wh ii.e Number fS']. NOTICE. T'.K N up and secured it* < anul 11 con: ty iu ), on the t-'t inst. a da> k cempi cted ne gro man, who cails him-, if FER GUS, about 5 feet 10 ncht s Iry h, says that he got his freedom at . death 11 his ma ter John Suthe r, land, of M'lidosh count*, : , G. or gia—the certificate of his fre< pom, ►hat he produces, lias the marU’ cf the said John Sutherland, and is witnessed by IJ-vd H. Guv rail, Thomas Deal and James Kbauds, all app arinir to be the same band .ritin<r. The o*v or, l.v Irm ing property, and paying charges, my havesdd negro: G. JONES, s. c. c. Camden county , St Mary's, fan 2. l’so7. *l7 no file ‘VTINE months after date, ap- Jl x plication v. and be made to the honorable the I 1 >r Go irt of Camden county , for Ira'e lu sell about seven lm, and cd acts ot land, lying on the l ead o 1 Crook - ed river, about two hur.u ‘ 1 a * cres of White Oak, ana num ber of L >ts in the - own 01 J U r son, in the coumv almvaa ; 4)- pertaining to he estate of Vv bi liam Jones, deceased, late o* t.-ie town of St. Alary’s, fur die be nefit of the heirs and cietliu-.s. D. (. JONES. jidatinistraio r •St. Alary 1 !-., Jan. 15, IHU 7. N O T I C E. Nme inonihsalter bat*, apt/., cation will be made to dm at i inferior Com t of i buthatn c an ty, for leave to sella i.wt of 4 5 acres of land in saldirJrni , ad joining Air. Butter*!&ff lleitu: i lands, on Little Ogech<; . io- tins benefit of the heirs ud credo or:,. WILLIAM W BIG Hi, Adm r II ■ GABLE} aam a June ■’ “ ’ l\ G k ; . A ALL persons having any de mands against .the esta'o of Robot Dillon, d/c. will present them properit attested, on or he me tile Huh day oi April m-xt, Hud those indebted will please call and make immediate payment to Wm. LIMBER F, Adai r. Sav March 2. 3 l NoTkg-:. j XT INF. ntoiuits after date, ap i i.plication will be made to the j justices of the I derior COO1 1, for | leave to sell the half lot No. 3. Dt j r i yt'iiug, Anson Ward, bvlonging | to tin estate of James V.T,beheld, i decerned, for the benefit of the. | heirs. Th. WHITEFIFLD, Ex'r. Jan. 1, ! 807. 3 4 W Now lanrliuff from on board the ScIdr.WvfsAWF.sKEEC, and for sale bv 8. G C. Howerd, Twenty thousand feet North ward clear FINE BOARDS— -100 Bushels Nova- Scotia POT A. I OKS—*On Hundred Boxes first quality smoak’d HERRINGS- N. B. Baid Schooner ivil! take freight for New-York, having part of her cargo already engaged —She will br dispatched with alt | convenient speed—For Freight j or Passage, apply on board, or to S- a C. HOWARD. 1 IV. arch 3. 32 3t BACON hams ‘ For S'gU by M. \\ HITLEY. Matkct Square, March S. ftn