The Patriot and commercial advertiser. (Savannah, Ga.) 1806-1807, March 23, 1807, Image 3

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ri .j, rcfpcft to the i'no-r i j ,jed of iinprcllmcnt \me'ic an ships on the ‘l'as; and that it is acco-n ---> w i[h a declaration on ■ait of the Hi itifh govcrrr ,hat the (ignatnre of its pjflioners is not to bind ratify ‘he treaty, or to j () g fron realising u res againlt the late ch decree, unless it (hall rt viouflv allured by the ‘nations or conduct of the e i States, that they will je a fatisfacdory course a i(tthe infringenueut <>lllloll’ al rights by that decree. e ] c arn all'othat Mr. Pur ;c was the per Icm appoint our coininidionet-s, to be carer of the treaty, ami accompanying dispatches, (,5! he left Loud >n on the ,f lantiaiy. His arrival confequemly r*e hourly and for. — Nat. Intel. frmthe 10'1’H H’ )U-E > or COX GKft.Ss. old merfchan', h it al-o in iraliitionarv mat —nj wh > iar(<f no inconsiderable s.i- MO establish our blessed nment and liberties, feels lea and itv’ to throw in his Mt iiofadvice with all the d.i i3 due to the repre lives of he people, care placed in a very criti ddelicate situation, as re loreign nations—mb al [hwe could not render to ;i ---l th"m such service if we War disposed to join with a thtm, as could alter in anv the affairs of the wo Id ; I doubt that from die o 1 msire of men to get togeth- Wtah streng'h as th-v can, odeprive their enemies of Title ad vanug , thev would J<l to get us involved. was from this consideration tohear that president Jes * w/i8 long ugh in favor of measures as would keep us f*the squabbled of Europe, to measure appears to he so advised as taut for suspend it least during the wa<, the 01 ts drawbacks. be geat tails which have felt by the Amriic-va com. e,ha* - been through the me -lof what is prop rl v called overing l'rade—everv man Vis h td anv thii g to do with or who hat been at se i be Satisfi and of the abuses Used, bv false papers, and e cruel fal ac sweating which ictmrages. The Xmerican ‘Cter suffers over the whole on this account, when in *}' *he abuses in 9u cases cl 100 arc practised by per who have .no interests n >r bments to America, f will •fore offer a few plain rea >n support of ton laudable lure. W 'H not affect in any shape rc: >l or natural commerce ; na y have a very good effect Jv °r of the exportation of p produce. Will nor diminish our reve but will radicr tend in *r it. U| isave ns from many dart and vexations, and disputes foreign nations; because those who are enenf# ol bcited States and seek to rse Bag only as a cloak, arc the I'r.solsnt anrl venomous ca >ntors of oor country and rnnient, and who labor to ve Us in war. !he os.U dif ‘ccthat it will make to re he drawback laws are he amount of He drawbacks showed, will be added 10 the r where the goods are sold. n ~ quantity importtd ve 1! 1 !o materially dimmish, as to * ° Ur own shipping or our Btl: Poiinufactuters ,because trade will b as bri-k ‘ Cr ,anti the state us all other nat’ons now vie't ’h *t we are really til- ori neutral nation that has esenp ti -r is likely to escape from the opernMoo of the war ; so that even the lair car ivir.g trade will not lie matcriaih diminished, though the unfair Oi covering trade may. Our own commercial interests. Our agricultural interests. Our financial interests. Our interests as to peace. Our duty as n utrals. All these call lor tile law. None can oppose it. but those who are concerned in duett com merce or those who would dis grace or endanger the country, to obtain tenor twenty per cent, more or less on a cargo. OLD ALA lid. PHILADELPHIA, March 3. YVe understand that a copy of the treaty 7 between this country and Great Britain, passed thro’ this city,on Sunday last, per er p ess. Another report rays, that this document was received per the Mississippi, and that the Senate are already engaged in delibe rating on it. FRENCH DECREE. The in-urance companies of this citv, on the receipt of the French decree of November 21, addressed to the department of state a letter requesting informa tion on the subject. We learn that an answer to this application was this morning received from Mr. Madison- It refers general ly for the information requited to the President’s message, and adds, that as a matter of security for the American commerce, M. Turreau had been induced to forward to the French West- Indies, copies of the explanation given to Mr. Armstrong by Mr. Deeres minister of marine. Philadelphia. Gumettc, We. have much pleasure to communicate the arrival, at Portsmouth, on board his Ma jesty’s ship Neptune, of that ac coin'dished Nobleman, Viscount ValfntiAj in good heal h, on his re: u ti fr->ia India bv the wav of Suez, with his secretary Air. Salt, after nearlv five v an ab sence fro n England, in various parts of India. His Lordship made several months stay in the Red Sea, & the a ‘j icuu Coasts ; and has made some valuable charts of those different places. Hi-. Lordship had, by order of the government of India, t.v: Panther, (Company’s Cruize r ) captain Court to assist ru m. Mr- Salt, his lordship’s secretary, made an excursion into Anvssi* riia, with Major Andie, of 1 Honorable Company’s Service as far an the capital Con. Ur. Lord Valemia’s ame of hea’di, at this period would not pern!it him to accompany Air. Salt. 1 no Public will be exceedingly grati fied by much valuable informa tion, collected by his Lordship, during his long, laborious a •■! laudable research. A young A.. byssinian Prince is in his Lord ship’s suite, who is a near rela tion of Ncgide 131 M-diomei, one of the principal O iicers ct State, so often mentioned by that celebrated traveller, me Abyssi nian I3ruce, as being his friend- This young Prince appears pos sessed of great natural endow ments, and anxious to become acquainted with the manners & customs oi Great-Britain. London paper. The British and Foreign Bi ble Sicirty, has commenced a correspondence with the aichoi shop of Moscow, with a view to the printing the Scriptures in th Russian language. At presen . it is said, there is hut one Bib., to 16 OiO Russians. Ine Suai etv nasal o voted* considerable sum of money to some well dis posed persons in Den nark, woo are printing ‘2OOO Icelandic New Tes aments, to enable tnem to add MOO more to the u unoer, and intend to assist them bereat ,er iu F U..g U PATRIOT. SJ rANN AII, March 215. 1807. - - TUESD AY , lire ‘ 7 h inst. be i.or St. )• vrntt K’s i) \y, a 5 ,,. !•-< t p.-'Ov of Natives of %*■ a LIT- TiK IsLr. IK TTT” Pc; A with nuuiv of tiicir rlrser-nd oils, assem bled at the Filature, lor tile pur pose of celebrating the auspicious H,.y, and after partaking of an handsome Dinner,provided for the occasion, the following TO AS I’S *orc drank, accompanied with reiterated marks of attachment, conviviality and harmony 1. THE DAY—May Irishmen never forget the country that gave them birth. 2. Tite memories of the Tu telar Saints of Ireland & America —mav their sons and daughters be united by r the most affectionate ties- The memories of St. George, St. Andrew, St. David anti St. Dennis. 4. The President of the United States. 1 The memory of George Washington, the father of tiis country. 6. The United States—Having taken rank amongst the nations of the earth, may they continue one, and retain their consequence. 7- The Governor and State of Georgia. 8. The Land of Erin—miv it be the emulation of her children, to excel in honor and lion- stv. 9. Agriculture and Commerce —As they are necessarily united, may they zealously support each other. 10. The memory of onr Conn trymeh, who hare fallen in line establishment of American inde pendence If. Tlie Patriots of ’yg—mav tliev grow grey in the gratitude of their country, and the evening of their days be happy. 12. Tile Liberty of the Press, restrained by nought but truth. 1 3. Tiie Powers of the World __l > Peace, friends—in War, enemies. 14. Peace with ail the world, at lasting as Honorable’. 1.5. The real nodi gnised friends of America, may they never want protection nov support. lfl Peace Commerce & Friend ship with all nations, entangling alliances with none. 1 ~ ‘The Fair ot America. I Bv the Mayor. The Sons of ; St. Patrick —Citizensof the U- I nited States, let not their virtues I he depreciated by national pre judice. Col. Habersham—-The mem ory of General Montgomery, a worthy son rd St. Patrick, who bravelv fell in the defence of his adopted country, America. After the Mayor retired—'The Mai or of Savannah. ’ VOLUNTEF-iIS. Mav the bliamraek never be tarnished bv the influence of self interest, ot sordid gam. The memory ol Gvn. Hamil ton. l he memory of Judge Patter son, a native of Ireland. The memory ot Edmund Liui ke. independence or a g-ave. Captain John Cummimc., was on Wednesday last, elected Ma jor of the Ist Battalion, Chatham Regiment, in the room of Major Doyle, resigned. Meriwether Lewis, Esq. has been nominated to the Senate of the United States as Gover nor ol Upper Louisiana, in the place oi gen. James Wilkinson. We mentioned a few days ince, that the state of Rhode-Isl and had received very consul. ruble damage by the immense quantt y ol lain which had fallen. lc appea s that tie hand.ome village oi Pawtucket, a few miles from Providence, lias been near ly dealtoyed. In .he middle of the village, and in the place • where rronv indiv triom Jk tViv j ing men had been constantly e o olov* and ii> the iron m.mnficto r i<-- not a trace tens h.‘! tof either house or shop- The veiv earth sva gone, and the solid craggy rock ilk tie rva® left unmoved, Ir if supposed that it will cost .sOt): ’ dollars to tepair the damage done to the streets and lanes in Newport. Courier. At the present session of the Legislature of Rhode Island 500 dollars were voted towards repairing Pawtucket Bridge. In she Senate an add) ess was unani mously voted to the President ofthe United States, requesting him <0 stand a candidate at the next Presidential election; but in tile house of Representatives 1 (bv a majority of 7) it was in ferred to a cominiuee of 10, 5 ~f them federalists and a it publi cans. who were to report on Fri day last. No publick business of great importance has been trans acted at this session, which has been principally occupied in heal ing and disposing of private petitions. Ibid. The committee of the Senate ofthe United States to whom was referred the memorial of sundry merchants of Philadel phia, praviug the bent lit of draw back on certain articles exported I notwithstanding the formalities i ol the laws, by unavoidable ra. j snalties, have not been complied with ; reported on Tuesday, ! “ That tlte said memorial be re- j ferred to the secretary of the j treasury, to examine the me-us 1 o I Urn individual claims of the i petitioners, and that ne report 1 the same to the Senate, at liicir next session.” Ibid. CH AR LEs l ON, March 14. Died, on Wednesday last William Roberts, aged 18 years ; an apprentice in the Times Office, lie was a youth of uncommon talents greatly im proved by very considerable and well directed study, the good ness of bis heart, and the arnia bletiess <>f his manners, and de portment, are attested by all who knew him. His malady was a consumption, under which he jabored several months.. EPITAPH OnWIU.IAM ROBERTS, hie of lhe Time* Office You’ve seen a Ltv’r wfiose silken leaves The sun’s first; orient smile re ceive®, Expand mg to the vernal gale, Perfuma and paint the grassy dale } When, long ere noon, the storm and; sc< ndt, And all its transient glory ends ; bo fell this youth, in nature’s bloom, An early victim to the tomb : If worth and talents claim a tear, ] hen, reader, pay that tribute here 1 T. M arise In teliigence. I'UK 1 Os SAVAN NA 1 i A R RIVE D. Btig Fame, Ham, New-York ——-F.xperiment, liockius, Phiia delphia Srh’r Caty Ann, Hughes, N. Y. Sloop Favorite, Sneed Philadel phia C L E A R K I). Brig Industry, Wheeler, S'. Croix Sailv, Borland, West-ladies Love ly Lass, Wheeler, N. Y. Stlfr Agenoria, Driscoll, Balti- M ore Hiram, Ryan, Trinidad Lively, Davis, Guad.iloope James, Adams, Martinique Bloop, Susan & Nkuicj, V\ clueii Charleston Blank Manifests 6cc. Fir Sale at this Office. AUCTION. THIS DAT, (//:■ ‘.■:/! >ret ‘V 1 i. M. !•; SO! D, On Ro/teii’x Wharf, u\l:tit lUixe.i to Hluls. vm t>ii n-"’ \L !;;f: *s rK>. ill qua!i;y Sugar -6 Pun herons Bedim; Rum. Corel:.ior.s—all Itsms over yOO D .liars, Nwith ::p. ;uo\( .i ludoilcrs a? 6d days. Sc/e to comm'-nee at l? o'clock S 11. STAC kin • ..JME Auefr. March 23. * liii. Suoki iDoi ex’ peels in a few days i<> receive a quamirv of ROUGH RICE , wlllCll W;.J DC I,Ud !OW ,I'applied for immediate v. JOS ILUiEKSH Ad. Mar ell 23 3? 3t (~ .) FOit SALK, A few Aliiitary Hr urns By M. WHITLIO. Market Square. Mnrcli 2.3. 37. t s for hale, On hour cl the Setwoner Pollu V ROM EDKN i'uN, 1 tj L/O Btl lit els Coi 11 10.000 W. O. lJarrel Staves Suitable fir trie Livedo A or Irish Market, 40 jO lied Oak find. Staves 1 1 ruuk Coarse .Shoes and some empty t ru„ks, N'lTvjo N. oumhoa hoard at Sin/tti &ho Hike's wharf Ma> eh 23. :f 7 FOR HALE, CHEAP roil CASH, Ail A N DSO Yl E VO UNO MAKE, live years old She draws well in a Chair, and has gone in the plough for suint time.—-Apply at this Office. March 23. s'/ ts A ITEM 1 lU\! r |~MIK Subscriber 1 Phi for A. ‘ sale, the lollow’y ( Tracts of I,AND, lying m v /irtee coon ty, viz. One hundred acres of prime oak and hickory land, on Savan nah river, originally granted to Joint Kennedy. Two hum)red acres of first quality pine land, lying on the \vatcr> ot Big Sweet- water, origi nally granted to James Barrett. T"’o hundred an i forty acres divided into three tracts, oak and hickory land, on L’ttle Sweet.* water, granted to the heirs of William Willli ants. ‘f lie above laud will be sold low for Cash or Negroes. Apply at this office, or to THOMAS WALSH. Sav March 23. 3 7 ts NOTICE. g IT” THE Subfcrihrr will attend to receive the returns of taxable property, for the year, lor the comity of Chatham, at the following places, to wit;—. At Cherokee Hill, on Wednesday the 25di March, the Ist and 3th of April; at the house formerly Mrs. M'Knight’s 00 the 27 h of March and 3 I and 10th of April,* at the White-bluff meeting house, on the 29th Match, the 4> ii and llth of April; and at his office, in Savannah, at anytime (.he fore going days excepted). J. POOLER., Receiver of Tax Returns. Sav. March 23, I £O7, NOTICE. ABSEN LED li tmell on the ll'huit. SCll’iO, a Negro leliow, bv trade a Cooper but will work at any other business *, yel low complect ion, ah nit 5 feet 8 inches iit.rf 1 , about 40 t ears Ten Dollars v. di bo pant 01 delivering him in J id or on Tell airs wharf, to Til OS. DO II.AGH AN. FYb. 12. 2* tt