The Patriot and commercial advertiser. (Savannah, Ga.) 1806-1807, March 23, 1807, Image 4

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A4 & * 1 MiM J ; i; (mrt of Apolio . Uoswrl! observes in !iis life of J)r. John-on, that “ the cus tom of e<t’iocr <J ifjsat Ota,.c:te, being mentioned, Goldsmith observed that this was u so a custom in China, anil that a <1 % butcher was as common as any o'her butcher.” Some wag nt England, thus poett cailv and rerrily describes THE CHINESE DINNER- A fact winch occuired during i oru lViacarttte3’s Embassy to China. Po< t Folio. The feast prepar’d, the splendour round Allow’d the eye no rest; The wealth of “Ormusand the I ud” Appeared to greet the guest. No idle tongue, no converse light, The solemn silence broke, Because,’its fam'd, our English man No word of Chinese spoke! Now here, now there, he pick’d a bit Os what lie conld not name, And all lie ktlew tv,. that, iii lact, They made turn kk the same. Chino, his host, prms’d on cii disc, With’d Chinese grace, And elicit Chino timugln. he le lisli’d : iciii At every ugiy face. At last he swore he’d eat no mm. e, (’Twas written in his looks!) “ For zounds,” he said. “ the De vil here • “ Sends both the meat and cooks!” But, covets chang’d he brighten’d up, And thought himself iti luck, When close before him, what he saw, Seem’d something like a duck. Still cautious grown, and to be SUl'ifa Ilis set to rack; At length nfmjrn’d to one behind, And, pointing, cried, lt Quack, quack 1 /” The Chinese gravely shook his head, Next m<. e arev’rent bow, And then express’d what dish it was. By uti’ring, “ Bow, wow, wow! VARIETY. In the rough b:a. t heaves the b 1- low, In ti e tight air waves the willow; Eve y thing of m vteg kind V hiE's >v;tii (tie veeii g wind : M have. I to d<> with thee, Dull, tii j >j on- Constancy. Sombre tale, and satire witty, Spfightiv git e and doieful duty, Aie.tsui'd sighs, and roundelay, Vv t Iconic ah! bu r do not s i’AV, Wbat have lto ih> with thee, Dull unjoyous Constancy. —-**(s *■— The celebrated Michael Angelo having received fome insult l-ora one of the cardi nals of Rome in revenge paint ed a mod (inking likeneis of his enemy, and placed him a mong the damned luffermg the torments of hell. The la, tire had its efFetl. It was the topic of general admiration Sc merriment. The cardinal, Hung with the bitterness of the caricature, complained to Ins holiness. Pope Leo was too much a lover oi the line arts to gratify the cardinal’s ('elite, arid he therefote told him, that j he £kid it not m his power to punjlh tlie offend r. 4i If,” laid he, “ th m ult had been laid m heaven or the earth, or even it purgutot v, I coui . perhaps nave tcdtelfed you,tot . I have something to fay in f thel'e place ,; , hid I have no in terrjl in hell.” I.ord F.tfkine, a few days a go, upon a calc of lunacy, in the Court of Chancery, (aid, that he confiidered the various trulls with which he was in veiled in a manner as nothing, when compared with the lacred duty of protecting thof'e who wete viiited with so severe a calamity as that of tnania. He laid it was as much a dilealc as any other with winch it pleaf.d God to atilicl mankind, Sc that he was lure it was always ex afperaied in its symptoms, and ftcquemly rendered incurable by unkind and rigorous treat merit. Thar, he never would peimit lunaticks to be Ihut up jrorn the common ule of air and their own limbs when they were capable of enjoying pro tedded enlargement, without dancer to others or to them selves: and that, in the manage ment of the tHates ol lunad, k>, be would n t allow remain der, nor to conlider them as incumbrances, or to think that the pt< piriv wa.> not to accu mulate lor their benefit, but he would a ways examine with the mod anxious attention, how much comfort and Uusfuthon the Innatick was capable of >e ceiving from the enj ivmeut o: that which was his own. It is impodihie for the pen to defenbe the emotion or the ienlibiiity which this declarati on from the Bench produced on eveiy auditor in the Court, and we are lure it will he tell with equal interest and fympa’ thy by every one of our rea ders.— London Paper. Lord H****. —Sitting with Lord H. (who was much ad diQed to the bottle) previous to amafquerade night, healked Fo6'e“what new charattei he ought to appear in i’ ’ “New charaHer !” laid the other, paw ling tor lime time, “ iuppofe you go f ber tny Loid !” The Discovery. A gentleman prading the personal charms ! of a very plain woman before Foote, the latter whispered him, “And why don’t you lav t aim lo such an accornplifiicd beauty ?” Vv hat right have 1 to her ?’fa id the other. “Eve ry light h\ the law of nations, as the firji difeoverer /” NOTICE. ICI ij ■ & I. -V vw n s TWO Runaway Negroes, one an African born, calls himself TOM, lie is a tail, slim fellow, between 23 and -0 years of agt; tL.e other a country born, call* himself PETER, a stout, well set fellow, nearly the same age. Note—These Negroes were advertised b\ Robert Powers, Is. quire, lan of MHntosh countv, m a 6 barieston paper, (T he Times) and in he Georgia Republican. The owner or owners can have them bv a> plying to 1). GARVIN, Est Flat )da, opposite the 7 own ol St. Mary’s. Martin's Island ) rm v ob Gill March i 9. ) tO” 1 ltc-c N■ groc.s were ad vertised nearly tw > years since. Blank Manifests &c. Ter Sa : c at tins Office. supfriup rmiliT, January l erm. 1 SO 7. The following person*, having been rein rued duly summoned, made default, viz. Grand \‘furors . Cbas. Odingstils, John Bacon, Francis Doyle, Solomon Sltad, Barack Gibbons, T hoaias Newell, sen. Thomas Newell, jun. Arclii bald S. Bulloch. 1. S. L)e Moni molbn, Andrew M’C redie, Gemge Anderson, William I. Spencer. Petit Jurors. Wm. sawyer, Andre"’ Knox, Josiah Gorier, Joseph Pinner, William Jenkins, John N. Fry, Frederick Shaffer, Godfrey Ho* vrr, John Fryer, George L. Cope, Joseph Longworth, Robert Scott, Siep eo t’ratt, Robert S. Gibson, S-tmtiel II ly. It is ordered bv Hie court, that the said d'fanliing Grand Jurors i be fined in the sum of forty dol lars each; and the said detaultiug petit jurors in the sum of twenty dollars each—unless they several ly do shew good and sufficient cause of excuse, to he made on oath, before anv justice of the peace, and filed in the clerk’s of fice of this court, within thirty da vs. Ext net from the minutes, this 17 . h March , 1807- IOBT BOLLF.S, Cl/c. March 19. 36 81 i lie Merchant’s and, Planter’s Cojfec-H use & Hotel , ( N T7IE BAY. Thomas Bay ley, sen. IN TF ‘DS r p n ; ng the aliove HOUSE on the 25th March next, and slitters himself, from the ‘ong experience he has had in that line, it will be in his pow er to give genera! satisfaction, St begs leave to solicit the patron age of the Gentlemen, Mer chants and Planters. Those who honour him with their favours, will find every attention paid, N. 11. A constant Larder— Wines and Spirit* of the first quality. *** Foreign and American News. Papers will be taken in. Savannah,'March 2. 31 t< PUBLIC BATHS. THE SUBSCRIBER, Tj) F I’URNShisrespcctful thanks ins friends and the inhabi tants of Savannah, for the gene rous encouragement, they have granted him, in the two establish merits he lias formed in tiiis city. Jit has the honor to inform the public, that by the first of April, she BATHS wifi be open in the •same place it was kept at last sea son. Tile improvements he has ifio’t indispensable to make by render ing the rooms larger, and by giv ing them that degree of air ne cessary in the warm season of this country, lead him to hope for the continuation of encouragement, and kind patronage of his custom ers. The price of the subscription for the season, six months, ten dollars—six dollars for 3 months —atid 25 cents ter each Bath. L. GLFISLN. March 12 34 8t REMOVAL. E. Pillion, Respectfully informs his friends and the public gene rally. that he lias removed to the iiouse on the Bay, formerly oc cupit'u by Mr. Germaine, dec. where he continues to carry on i he Tayloring Business m all its various Branches. He returns thanks for favours alrea dy received, and solicits a contin uance of them. March 12 34 ts Apprentices Inden tures for sale at this of fice. FOR SALE, BY THE SUBSCRIBER, rpiIAT well situated HOUSE I and LOT No. 37, Wash ington Ward. Also, bis House and I.ot in Franklin Ward, No. j 7. One half of the Wharf and j Buildings on Lot No. 11, in said i Ward, adjoining CaigH to the j east,and Ricliaid Wayne’s to die west. One undivided moiety of j the Beaverdam Mill Tract —2600 acres of land on Black creek, Bulloch county. 28” 1-2 acres on the Alatamaha. Anew fit nished House, and Lot No. 1, in Milledgeville, renting at presen for 200 dollars. Il the above property is not sold at Private ! before the first Tuesday in April, it will, on that day, lie sold at PUBLIC SALE. Conditions Cash, or Bills on Liverpool or London. HENRY PUTNAM- March 9 3d N. B. I will also sell one fourth part of Lot No. , at present occupied by’ Mrs. Ann M‘Crea* dy. NOTICE. r T''HE Subscriber hereby public- X ly notifies such person or per-ons as wish, or are inclined to purchase Mr. Henry Putnam’s “ one half of tlie wharf and build ings on lot (No. 11.) adjoining Caig’s to the east, and Richard Wayne’s to die west.” The t.i_ des of said lot are in my possess!, on, as administrator of the estate of Herman Hersou, as security oil a mortgage, duly foreclosed, and judgment obtained by* the estate against T. U. P. Charlton and Henry Putnam, at the last Supe rior Court in tins countv. C. F. THFIBNFR, Admr. of the estate cj 11. Her son. N. 15. The above advejtisement would have appeared much soon er, had I the least notice of the property being advertised for sale. It was not before this day that 1 read said advertisement in the Patriot —Not being a Subscriber to that paper, and very seldom peruse it. C. F. T. Suv. March 5* 32 6t NEW-YOKK and i J S SAVANNAH, s J \ BOOT H SHOE STORE. \ A. Scribner & Cos. ; HAVE JUST IIFAIFIVEI) From Few- York, by the bug Luha, I an elegant assortment or j Boots, Shoes Slijipers, ’ Os a Superior Qualify, made af ter the English fashion, ALSO, Misses Slippers & Chil dren s Shoes, j Which in addition to their former ! supply, mikes their assortment very extensive ; which they oiler FOR SALE, at reduced pi tees, at their store 011 the Bay, nearly op posite the Exchange. Isiotice is hereby Given HAT 2t the expiration cf nine months from the date hereof, application will be made to the Honourable the Inferior Court of Chatham County, for leave to fell the following tracts of Land, be longing to the estate of James Doors, deceased, vis : Two hundred and Fifty a eres, old survey, situate, lying and being in Chatham Coun ty, bounded by Great Oge. chee river, land of Goldivire, anci land now of Joleph Well” cher, Esq.—The fame being tor the benefit of the heirs and realtors of the said James Doors, deceased. THO’s. MILLS, Adm’r ou\anuah. Sept. 4, sScS. Chambers. Chatham In ‘rrinr C. Present his JOHN 11. SK)| itl Wm. Hobi;.-son, ) ad sm Edward Quinn. ) T J FUN the petition 0 f wt: U Robinson. Mining confined in the jail of ij;i Sr . , for debt, by process Justices Court, that t, e ■ U) pay iris debts, or t 0 „ ike , to answer the san-.e, or SU „. himself during his confi m .,n', attd praying to be admit-r j to benefit of the at is pa-sefi j n , state for relief u! imoivnu,;, ors, It is ordered, That not;,, this application be pnbueuj one t)f the Savami.rli G., i that tlie creditors of tin- ,e„\\\ Rohinson mav, on ’!: 1 ||, day in April next, bcinre tiuj ticts oi the I.lienor Court if: (our.ty, ;.t the cr urt lieu t| , cause, if any they have, win prayer of the said pcuiij should not he grained. JOHN 11. MORE! Sav. March 11. sj New China , Dei [la Staffordshire lift The Subscriber has jad nay Jrom Lira pom. & t//m( sale, at his Store, m 1 1A the cornerofDrayton i; ( < S the Bay, ,1 small, lm Elegant .Jssorlineal op China DelplicT.Nafß ford shire WARrI Among which arc the /irsH ARTICLES, \IZ. ■ Tea Sets, of China, c-'nyH A great variety of C'lnnii y I Table Ornaments, . Lustre, China ar.d I.ikuuH YVare, of the latest holroiiH Blue printed Breaklast .iijH Sets I Plates, Twifkrs, Muffins, Efl and Basons, H Bine and Green Ldgui IHiH all kin-J.', With a \ariefv cf o;!>cr - f S too tedicns to tin tJ’.eratv. H whole t'i wliicb wid br w><H moderate tenns. for Cu.-h ton. ■ EDWARD CGl'i™ sty He Siili r(.>P>. measurement 0/ Li .i.'.-’ Feb. 26. 9 JVa nis E niff A YOUNG MAN -9 weil acquainted wuli Li ing and Accent:!:-, wcuk! cfl to be employed .. - ! Retail Store—-A line U *'■ Printers, addressed to J. be (ltd v attended to 9 March 5- Mr. Jose[i hliu ‘a® Prom South * AKKS tins nu t!tccl - the Gentlemen Lanels on the waters of tiiat lie wishes to ei:;.n:g Jj Rice Planting ifi l W And Iris cxper:cnt;e i j wl H Draining and Planting, yH will merit their enco'.. , r,ii, tl A line left at ‘f’ H Boarding House, - v i J,c,tl '9| will be attended to. ■ PA>. 26. To i H by I Nine raon'J s alter plication will be honorable court o( ir ' Tatnal county for atra£t of land contaiM* acres on the i„ (aid county acjott-,* tin Harden, alio ff U cres in Vv iikmh' ri H the second oHfiAt 1 to, the property ■ Sharp fen. deccafco. lor the benefit of ltie 1 H creditors. john J Acniin !s,r ® Sept. I- ■