The Patriot and commercial advertiser. (Savannah, Ga.) 1806-1807, April 02, 1807, Image 3

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. T now nhon* *° This T' pf “ n(rn f s>t Mnttt’J'-ail.onvM ~ .vith -ca-e f-nm f*"r to fiv.- ’VI nipn f > South-America, verv hnle p,,, of ‘ime, n- deviation i'| |P ir vsvage. The t | as c war, cap f red Go -e ■ £; f nr<ral. on the coast of a „. P re conveyed by a fleet |iamen. |, e report of the defeat of •renrh ha* been IN widely latrd in the north of Eu that we think there can lie the smallest do"bt of nthenricity. Intelligence is effe'd wan received at ,on Friday night, and „ n red to the pnblic the morning bv the follow nicle in the Caledonian Capt. Wilkinson, of tits fly's {loop Nightingale, edat Leith last night, from ; v der, which he left folate i Tuesday last. He was me d hv Capt. Mott, of lajefty’s fh'p ,in the :r, on the tß'h inst. that id a letter from the emu lating the total defeat of French, with the lols of y thousand men. The Ruffians, Captain tinfon reports, met with ltd checks, and retreat ith the loss of levera! pie s cannon and many men h had induced the French dvarice conficlerably be* 1 Warsaw, where they had ditneceffiry to go into r quarters, or perhaps r to entrench themselves. islituation, the Ruffians, collecting all their fotces, :up with the French and ked them, the result of h was the mod bloody ry ever obtained. *apt. Mott left the Master ifh p at Tonningen, in ■to bring off the le'es came by the mail, hut be not returned to the’ sh p i Capt. Wilkinson left the :r. It was, however, flat hat the Emperor of Ruf ad proclaimed his brother (famine K’ng of Poland; hat the lait account from iia bring intelligence of Archduke Charles being f to rtrike a blow in Sile hpt. Wilkinson brought no under hit convoy, as none of .eith ships had come down Tonningen when he came Besides Capt. Mott’s ship, h the Starling gun-brig in lyder.” ABSTRACT ‘Russian Official Accounts. Daily fkirmiffies from the December preceded the le of the *6th, when Ben fen having been reinforc v a division under Prince itzen, resolved to make a th The French were uti the immediate command of aparte, who confided the upon the Ruffian wings and Lannes —they e ared to have made lb me session in the early part of attack. Ddvoult forced ■ Haggortaut back; the latter having been m ptly reinforced,Davoull’s § r efs was effectually check Mean while Lannes war eavoring totuin tne Ruf r *ght wing. The princi attack anu heat of the bat appears to have been i Quarter. Bonaparte dt the operations in perion. underwood favored the >r °ach of’ the French,who ibli s, ! the Ruffian advanced ! guaru to fall back upon the | main body. Ben en had ! forefeen that the c 1 , effort-, of the enemy would be made upon his right wing, and hid thrown up a rnafked lottery between the front oi his main body and the advanced guard that had been polled to cover it. So soon therefore as the advanced guard was forced by the impetuoufity of the a'tack made upon it to fall back, the rnafked battery opened upon the enemy a inoft galling fire of grape shot which soon checked theii ptogiefs. Gen eral Tolly, who had the com mand of the advanced guatd, puffier! forward again, but was again obliged to fall back, and the enemy attempted to out flank the battery. Benning” fen law that this was ihecritt cal moment, and with great promptitude, {kill, and deer fion, ordered his right wing to change front ; reinforced Gori. folly from his centre, and having thus (topped the pro gress of the enemy,made an at tack upon them himfeif, Gen eral Oftcrman advancing with his divifton towards the right, and Benningfen supported him with a Itrong train of artillery and 20 squadrons of cavalry. He ordered also the remainder of the cavalry to fonn their front in his centre, which had the effea of kee ping the centre of the French- from making a movement to support their left wing. Ihe attack and the defence were furious and san guinary ; the F tench fought with defperatioti, but were o bilged at last to fall backhand were driven in cenfufion from the field.” BRESLAU, January 10. On the 6th inst. our worthy magistrates issued the follow* ing Proclamation to the in habitants, after the furrer.aer of the place : ** Citizens and Inhabitants of Breflau -Your long con* tinued lufferings a-.e now at an end. It has been made known to us by the Royal Prullian Governor of Breflau, that a capitulation has been agreed upon wi h his Imperial High, nefs Prince Jerome Napole on* . , ii We are commanded to give you notice of this, and at the fame time earnestly to in* treat you to maintain order Sc tranquillity. Conduct your fclves, worthy citizens and inhabitants of Bieflau, w' l ' l quiet obedience in your new circumltances, and confide iu the magnanimous difpotitions of the mighty Prince, in whose hands your deltiny is now placed, and who knows howto honor thole feelings by which you were formerly attached to your good king. “ His Impetial Highnels has folcmnly pledged himfeif for the security of your per. sons and ptopetiy. Every-ex* cels commi'tcd by his loldiers, will be severely punifheti she garrison, lying in and a* bout the town will be Icffened in Older to alleviate, as mush as possible the rndeties watch our good town has buffered during the late bombardment. “ We expett, with the ful led confidence, that you wnl experience the oenevolent d'L jofitioiis of the magnanimous ooqueror, and that you wnl >,l your parts, follow with im plicit obedience, those regula tions which his Imperial High, n-rls may be plea led to dictate. Such implicit obedience can alone mitigate your destiny. Dtfobediencc will only make you mite:able. “ Given at Breflau 6th Jan . uatv 1807.” “ By the Directors, Bi/rgO’ mafias and Council.” Nothing can exceed the ex emplary conduct di(played by the inhabitants during the liege. As the soldiers could be very leldom spa red from their polls on the walls, in order to pur chafe or cook their victuals, the inhabitants were in the ha. bit cf carrying warm victuals and drink to th m when at their ports. Ihe citizens even dilt nbuted money among the military, to encourage them to do their duty j n making a gal. lain resistance. BOSTON, March 1?. A gentleman from Holland informs, that he there law ma ny of tire new conscripts es corted to join the army, hand* Cuffed and guarded by the gens d'artnts. Gentlemen from France, give a (imilar account. The Emperor Napoleon ; has fold Hamburgh, Lubec, ; anu Bremen, to his brother of Holland,for an annual sum, in i ready rhino. Singular Phenomenon. Capt. Lewis Alexander Sen drey7, of the three masted schoon er LL States, of New-Orleans, who sailed from the Mississippi, for Trinidad, in the island of Cu ba, reports, That on the 221 of September, 1806, at noon, perceived the land, being tbe higher part of Trinity ; he made all sail, intend ing if the wind which blew from s. s. e. continued, to anchor at Cayo Blar.cho. At 3 o’clock, a quantity of Clouds appeared of various colors which absolutely prevented the sight of land and reached the Ze nith. The horizon, dreadfully dark communicated its shade to the upper part of tbe sky ; as it advanced, the horizonof the earth bore the same appearance as that ofttiesea,so that at 5 o’clock, p. M- the wind ceased and he found himself bet wen both. This was frightful the whole of the horizon of a jetty black, polar circles of a dark pale white, be spangled with flashes ol fire ;tiie vault oi heaven or the Zenith, of a frightful equinox, avid present, ed the most gloomy horrais of nature- In this situation, the captain k crew did not feel comtoi table ; by farce, they resigned them selves to their fate, when, all at l once, at three quarters past 8, die vessel being off the n. e. part oi the city of Trinity, there appear* i c d, in the polar circle, the ap ■ uearance of an eye ol large di- I mension, out of which there came a huge waterspout, which im mediately made an abundant dis chai ge, about one leaga* trout the vessel. Examining with attention this phenomenon, what was the cap tain’s surprise on perceiving ten minu;es after (hat, the spout com menced discharging, that it a (•acted his vessel towards it, and that in the space oi six minutes it had been attracted half a ieag ie. Consternation was per crivable in ad p esent, the captain felt the necessity of having guns on board ; he looked on hiuvve is lost without redemption, at Providence did not tn erpose m h.a behalf. The discharge from the water-spout was immense, which gave them hope* th it .voutd soon spend ilselt. Ine. were in error, for if a shower horn northward hud nut provt ientialfv fallen, they would nave .nevttaWy been dm vit within u vortex ; ie made all possible sat! hr th--: Cape to the s. w. during one quarter of an hour, which .roved his salvation. Had not he variation of wind taken place ‘he schooner & crew would have v--e n lost. The same shower from th northward had not yet ceased, when the wind shifted instantly ‘o that part where the spout had burst. The rain and wind conti nued with violence during one hour, they were obliged to run under bare poles before the wind —lmmediately a calm ensued, and on every side the water pour cd down of the thickness of a finger until midnight, so that the scuttles scarcely sufficed for the discharge of tiie rain. PATRIOT^ S.l TANS!AII, Ajiril 2. 1807. At an election held yesterday, agreeably to Battalion Orders, Capt. Edward Warden was e- Jected Major ed the 2d Battalion Chatham Regiment, vice Major Scriven, resigned. An election was yesterday held at the Exchange, for a command. ; ing officer and two subaltern?., for tlie Savannah Guards, when Lieut. Marshall was elected Captain,vice Capt. Camming pro moted ; Ensign Bourse, Lieu* tenant,vice Lieut. Marshall, pro. mated / and Se.ij’t Reynolds, Ensign, vice Ensign Bourkc pro moted. On Fridav last, Dr. Geore Harral was elected Alderman to represent Fianklin Ward, in the roam of John Gumming, Esq. resigned. Gapt. Clarke, who acccom panied Capt. (now Governor) Lewis, to the Pacific Ocean, has been made a Lieutenant colonel. The following is the title of the prefect Grand Seignior. The concluding part of it ii laid to have given great of fence ro Bonaparte. , “ We, the Servant Sc Lord I of the mod honored and blelt ! citv, the venerable houles and (acred places before whom all nations bow ; of Mecca, which God delights to honor; of the resplendent Medina, and the holy city of Jerusalem ; of the Impetial and deferable cities of Cooftantinople, Adrianople, and Buna ; Emperor alio of Babylon, Datnafcus, of the tiagiant Paiadiie, and the hr comparable Egypt; of ail A’ rabia, Aleppo, and many o ther highly celebrated and me morable places, cities, and faithful veftels, Emperor ; Em peror of Emperors, the molt gracious and all powerful Sul tan,” &c. Marine Intelligence. PORT Ur SAVANNAH AR R IT ED. Brig Gentian Leggy, Northam, Havanna I Sc hr. Leggy, Marshall, Newbern N. C. ——Esther, Smith, St. Auguatine C L E A R E D. Ship Abeona, Shaw, Flushing !t annrket Brig Cleopatra, Hoadley, N. Y. Sclir. Dolphm, Gale, do. Cfctv-Aiin, Crooker, do. —— Columbia, Hawes, Norloik Sloop Favorite, Sneed Lliilad. .Orion, Mason, Darien On tne 24th January, was spo ken off Davor, the Ship Lucy h Eliaabeit). Stokes, of this port. “"Blank Manifests &c. /'or Sa’t nt this Qffkc. jExecutive Department, Ger I Louisville, 2Gtli March, ISO - ] A letter dated “'near Au ( nvsta,” the 25th insr. f, nn J he hnnorablr John MiHtdge. I rne of the Senators of tiv?| I’tate in the Congress of the jlJnited States, bring reern- Id, in which the death of hi I ol!eague,ihe Hon. ABRAM pALDWIN, is announced I 1 the words following: • “ 1 Bud tfie honor to write I ‘ VOU on the s>h inst. fron I c the city of Washington j announcing the death of r nv much esteemed ml I leao-u r, ABRAM BA]]) I WIN that mournful - I rent took place on the da’ I her congress had •adjourn- I•* and. The sable has been I hardly laid aside hv on; I ■ icfl Jw-eitizens, when thev I- 1 will again resume it as an I - ' emblem of sorrow for th< I 'demise of another di-tin I ‘ guishrd Patriot and Sena 1“ tor. From an early periccl 1“ pf his life he ha-, been dr I 1 voted to the service of hi’ I 1 country-1 service in whai ii ‘ he has uniformly rnanilt: I” ted such a 2eal for, am’ I ‘ knowledge of, the sacred S ‘ principles of our govern* J ‘ ment, as places him be -9 * yond anv praise in m> I ‘ power to bestow.” ■ she Executive, penetrat I:d with deep regret for tin I oss the state has sustained. B" , v the death of so faithful T | lament a public servant, re | unamends to all officers both I’v 1 1 and military, and all l anks of citizens belongin’ 9 hereto to manifest their re ■ lard for his memory, b 8 earing crape lonnd the left Mt m for the space ofG weeks, 1.0 commence on the 15th of 3 \ pi il next. Ordered, !8 1 hat the foregoing he pub~ Hiishtdin the several Gazettes 8 t thj- stare. Attest , JAMES BOZINMAN AUCTION. Fifty Puncheons Detnerara RUM. WILL BE SOLD, At public Sale on J. Caig •and K. Mitchci's Wharf, on Fri day the Hurd instant at eleven o’clock. Conditions—Notes at 60 days, with approved indorse is. April 2. just Received, A small quantity of Northward Butter, Os an excellent quality—put up m pounds for Family use- English Cheese, Ot the first quality. A Chest of the verv best, and latest imported Ilyson Tea, Just opened,and for sale by ROBERT ftiAC'KIE. Aprils. Just deceived , Per schooner citizen, Captain William Smith , Jrom St. -I ho mas'. 194 Bags ptime GREEN COFFEE. And by schetner Esther, ('apt. Smi.ii from St. Augustine, 500 Cubic feet of excellent CEDAR A Cw bales Deer Skins, Do. do. barrels Orange Juice, FOR SALE BT JOHN Y. WHITE k Cos. March SO. SVJU _ Apprentices Inden tures lor sale ;il this co ffee.