The Patriot and commercial advertiser. (Savannah, Ga.) 1806-1807, April 09, 1807, Image 1

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t/ifi V# A £Tr—printed and publiihed on Monday v:;d Thursdays by ITUJGIiEKiT and OAR MONT, on the Baif, neurit, „*>* th- ExeCtnie. VOL. 111. No. 42.] ■ TERMS ■ OF THE ■ PAT II POT and BjMMERCIAL ADVERTISER. Hym-’ of subscription are s'x a year—one. huh’ to it H the time of <abs< ribiup and at the erp-ru'c —and all paper* •.'// ie Hjkiiu until ordered to t ic ton ■ Hr hert’sements of no more breadth arc insertedat ] Hr.’iD. tor the first insertion, and ■y each continuation. Ali- | H allowance will be made to \ HtD wish to advertise by the i f|||| . ■ ■ / 0 f PHILADEI.PHIA, ■ To sail m SIX days, Hr%- The l}ri z ENFEHi MKNT, John Bocktus, Her. For freight or ap- Hto'.he captain on board, at Hoard's wharf, or to ■ JACOB IDLER & Cos. Ho have received and for Sale, : Hbarrels lre>ii superniic Flour, H barrels Beer. Hboxes Soap, Hums Bar Iron, ■ HhcU. NorthernGia, Hi kegs Butter, Hilo. Lartf, B boxes Chocolate, ■ dozen C'nir?, Blinds. Old Irish Whisky, *1 I the first Quality, ■D Apples and Peaches, Wkctrch 19. 3C 6t ■or PLYMOUTH, ( L ng.) The fait failing KWu Ship COMMERCE, Btanid Rav, master, will sail ■ailthis month,having her cargo fcgtd. For passage apply to Bmaster on board, at Mr. Jas. Bllace’s wharf. ufthuary j, 24- if. IwR WILSON, received per the ships Eliza wo/ Volant, a large part of his ■all Supply of Goods, I*3” Which with his bock, ■tore on hand, makes his af Bument very complete. ■fflongft as great a variety of ■kies, as are commonly let ■'thin lengthy advert dements la large quantity of |>nite & colored Negro I CLOT 11. I As this article was purchaf’ P ‘ a it Winter for ca'fh, and I a modeiate advance only, B 1” he now exabied, it is con lAed that it will he an cbjefc! |°nhy the attention of i'ian. ■'hand others, who wilh to Pfthafe by the piece or pack” l? e> Payment will be expeti F in Cash, Cotton, or ap- I'aved town notes. Srfif. 18, 90 ts Seven cents Jtfezvard. \l-SEHTED from on board the Nip Commerce, oi Phiiadci -1 h Nathaniel Ray- master, a ’ a ' kb ‘v, 19 veins of aut, an ?i ,r '.ttyce to ilie firm cf James ;'"' n, N Cos. ol Philadelphia— yersOn that will apprehend Dj ’ t ai| ti secure him in the d’R Prick House, so til be en- L to l, ie above reward. Hatch 5, HI T •itt'’ o v /OiHp i riiL rA i itiOl AND C O M I IE R CIA LA D V ERTIS ER. COPARTNERSHIP John Meliss y David Taylor , fun. A An drew Meliss. TT EG lea ve to inform tiie pub” TANARUS) lie that they have entered O'to Partneffcliin as GENV.RAI. MERCHANTS, and IMPOR TERS of BRITISH GOODS, ! under the firm of ! Aleliss, Taylor id Cos. They have at present on hand, j a very exter>i'e assortment el j GOODS, vvt,ll calculated for the | present and approaching season, : j which they w.!i dispose of on vt rv , I moderate terms. Their Store j ; will continue in Gibbons’ Build■ I 1 ings till ttit* first,ot April, when I they will remove ‘o the one lately oecmpii dbv David Tavlor, jun. now fitting up on purpose. March 16. 35 ts -- r ... TO LEASE, For one or More Years. r a TIE large anil commodious i HOUSE, lately occupied bv Airs. Buiir, as a Hoaidehg House, corner of Franklin square a; and hry..n street. I: contains ten rooms, lias a good stabT, and o t ier necessary out buddings—For terms apply at this office. March 5. 32 ts Prime Seed A ice. FOR SALE, A QUANTITY of Prime SEED RICE, entirely free from red grants, being the production of River Swarnp, the lir-4 year’s planting. The Price is One Hol lar ‘per bushel. —Apply to the sub” so iber, at ins residence, St. James’ Square. JOHN H. MOREL. Dec. 2.5. 12 ts Administrader s Sale, On Saturday the 11 th day of A v pril next WILL BE SOLD At the J'rchangc. in this rift,-, a Valuable Negro wench, EI IV named He.-a, late the pro per! y or Robert Diilo 1, dee. v. on” ditiuns Cash. _ Wj., LIMBERT, Adm'r. March 2. 3 1 8t K f\HP 5 f'’ V rv KJ 1 i LA, A LL persons are hereby can £"X- riontd not to lure ai v of the Negroes beionging to ELIZA. BLTUvE, (my infant Th am!,) from any one except myself, ..r oilier person tiuly authorised bv me. S ‘.RAM [J wdi r;y January 26. ts Sheriff ; s Sale, 6>n the First Tuesday in Play next, WILL BE SOLD, At the ceurt-house in the city of Savannah, between the huns cj 10 and 3 o'clock, \ TRAC'F of i and in EiEug- bain county, supposed to contain 1 iOj acres, h< tmUL g to the nortn ou Savannah nver, and adjoining lands ot Janus Goid John Gold wire, Jas. Ki; g, and others; sold a. me propeitv of Janies Habersham, at tae suit ol Joseph Clay. Ali that lot or parcel of land, at .Montgomery, with the im provements thereon, at present occupied by Bryan Morel; taken to'satisfy sundry cXi tuitions u gain t him. i . ROBERTSON, s. c.c. April 1. 4i lui 1 II U R S D A Y, April q 1807. ‘1 he Merchant’s aud, Planter’s Coffee-House A Hotel , I N THE BAY. Thomas Barley, sen. ! . ; “ 7 ;JfN I E V DS opening the abov ib HOUSE on the 25th March next, and Hatters himself, f*on> : the long h.e has had in that line, it will he in his pow er *0 give genera! satisfaction, St begs leave 1 n solicit the patron age of tie Gentlemen, Met chants and Planters. ‘I hose who honour him their favours, will find every attention paid. N. B. A constant Larder— Wines and Spirits of the first quality. *■** Foreign ap I American News Papers will be ifktn in. Savannah, Match -. 3! if Just Received AT THE N F W -YOB K fe SAV AN N A ll BOOT fcf SHOE Si ORE, On the Bay, opposite the Ex t hange, Philadelphia Boots, 1 I 7 Gentlemen's SHOES, Sc l,a r | dies’ SLIPPERS, of ever y defeription, and t,f a fu petior quality. A. SCRIBNER & Cos. ; March 26. 3 1 ts WAN 1 KD. Asa BAR-KEEPEIL an active, sober young, who understands accounts, .uni can j write a plain Enquire ot tiie Printers. April fi. 3t Fi nr Dollars Reward. j A BSLN 1 ii) uciseji a It w ; JL~\ day* tit", a niatto Gir'. j 1 ■ tmed LL ‘ \ , i.b nit 1+ cr 15 i Vtais of ag , nus la is, and > spn'ie Ring worms on iter face— j She is a naive of Virginia, bu: I speaks good French. I'he atom c • Reward wiii n-.- p.-gj to any per- ( son v i)o will dclivw her to tiie ! i Subscriber. j JOSEPH CADET. ; April fi. 41 4t Just Received , Per schooner cifizi s, Captain William Sin if A, J / ora St Ih o mas’ 594 Bags Prime GREEN COF FEE. And by schooner Ids,'her, Ca\>t. Smith from St. .t ugitst int. ’ 500 Cubic (eyt oi excellent Cedar, , A tew Bales Deer Bkms, Do. do. barrels Orancre Juice FOR SALE BY ° JOHN V. WHITE &. Co-. March 30. :)0 3r -■— ■ ■ • Notice is hereby Given, nPIIAT at ti.e expiration of T nine months from the date hereof, application will be made to the Honorable the liifeiior Court cf Ciii'iii i.n County, for ; leave ? seb the following Tract i and LAND n t::e County of Hui lock, cpmaining’ five hundred acres, adjoining lan J of F. Rcst er, for tiie benefit pi the heirs ft Cieditors of John A. Eiiick. MAIiV EL RICK, Adm'x. April ft. 4 i Ia in 9m i Blank Manifests 6cc. For Su>e at this Office. Foreign Intelligence. Accounts CRadl and Private. *t. PexsitsßUßG, 25th Decem ber O S. or 6th jamiatv , Vafft’zikoff Die courier, ar rived from the army in Poland ydterday at 11 o'clock, and brought the aiifpiciou’ tidings that our brave loidiers hadde fe.Htd the Flench in a maker Iv Ryle, with the loss on th tide ot the c: c.ny of 4000 inert killed, aid coco pr.f'.tiei.s. I he particular? areas follows : li 1 he scarcity of proviiio ts in the French army, and the hope ot ending the campaign by a decilive btow, coocurrca to n uce Bonaparte to pass du* Y iliuia at the head of 60, coo men. On the 23d Dec. he advanced to the out polls o’ General Benningfen’s annv, wheie General Orienn.ui com manded. Although Benning leu s force was toimidable, (5*5C00 men,) he preferred at toll the prudent alternative ol ict 1 eating on the 23d, 24th, & 25'h intt. On each or these days tkumifhes took place, but 011 the 26th, the two armies made a Rand in light of each other, ai a village called Selim, which lay between them. This village Bonapaite, who com manded in perlon, let on hre, to cover his attack on the Rut bans, whom tie thus thought to envelope in ftuoke. This a.uiKe, however, was toon lui iicti againit him tell, for Bcn ntngien ditcovering his intend. on, lnllantlv tomicu hisielerve into a hollow tquare, which ad vancer’, unpeiceived, under the imekeor the vnl ue. i Iris gaiiant Coiqs matcuH with Lau bayonets; the Kudian | i: c opened then hies to let them pats lino’, and tiny nc-, ver uopj'cd until they icaciied the ctnue of the Eitnch. Here uii obttinate confliel took place; but the Rulkans lucceedeu noc only in routing the centre oi the enemy, but aifo tuna g * both their wings. Ihe leu wing of the Fitncli being ihak en by the Rufhaii iniamry, was entiitiy hornc down anu by Gcrieial Giiaoiitz, at the head ; oi the cavalry, who killed 2000 ; mu. Then light wing liiai- J td a {initial fate Irorri General j Kozcn, at the iieaa of the >a- j geis. The route ot the French j was complex. Davouft, Lan- | nes, Bonaparte limited, ail lieu in contusion to Puitulii, winch is ri miles fioia the icene of j action, a;.a had been Benmng” ien’s ii. Q. untii the 23a lnlt. ‘•it is inconceivable what exultations this viciorv lias taideu throughout Bt. Teteil curg. Bcnmiigleu is by otr.h j a isdiro ver urn ; nut luch is the enihuitaim lor Biiiam in Ku*- j ba, mat the people peiiill 1.1 i vaitnig him an idiighGimau. rils vTCloiy :s geneiai!’, cum n pa ted to the bathe of Aiaiua. iiotlioi theie tuetiioc blc events have ptoved, that tiie only way of hgnuiig me Licucii is ,o ■ charge them with the bay unci, j f Y hols Number 242. “The Cos flacks psrlindarly fignalizcd themlc-lves in glorious affair. \ l.etr genti .i ordcis f:om Kami: fkov. are to mill ventre a -'err, , into ttw- v e ry I'eait < ( the I to ttiler\. It vas this at idler; wi. soli an* hoycd tie Ruffians (o dread > uliy at AtiiU'i.i'.z; but wc tiiui cur brave Wicguiars, the COIT tks and Bcfnl-.-ts, v. id prove an ovein>:ihh lor it : >.j wi'ico case Kitininu.o; li;>s oc clarcd he v ill fi:iuc iu tl.-e fiKcels of the war, Luce our uiiiuitiy is dtctdtd'y iupeti. 1. Bonapaites Ipu s ap>>. ar* to have been as uufuc’ el.* .0! as his loidiers. Vt hen Kj* mirdkoy was at Grodno, one of 11 e;e pretendi gto be a I‘iufiian General, btougit a letter lignetl apparentlv by Lh Pndhun m-jetiy, ~ud ‘i t ,idl ing a conhciential commutiica iiou of the intended route of the Ruffian fottes. The fuga cious veteran inflantl; pene trated die fraud. J \fo Cof facb flapped the wretch, and after adminifiering to iiim fome salutary correfction, Laminf koy ordered him to 1 cairn to Bonaparte, and to shew i*> n on his back the route of the Ruf fian army. “ I be account I have giv en you has been ptrfoiwdy confi; ined by Vr. filli z! kjif the cornier, wbo was an ev e vvit* neb of the aition ; and 1 i. ud it you by a who ts on the point of de aifurc for England.” - A I ON DON, 1 übruarv P. 1 lie Mcflengus on Satur day, Lom St. Petti fbuigh Diought ike ofi, -iai (as in a preceding coltitrnt) of tfic batiie of iiic 20th Decem ber. Ii eoirobniaie, me let ter ol Bernungieii, as to the general it full oi me battle of r uliuik, anu comaiiis (cnie m it rtiling paiiicuiais of the btii lijuiexploit, liiai Bonaparte was completely joiied on that occaiion is evident, ;>om iiorn me Ruffian official icport, aid !ns own bulletins. It wou and appear, fiorn theobfimaev . nd perfeveianee of his attack, as i! he expected that the events oi that oay wtie to remiinate die campaign, aim leave Inin ii,e ablo.uie (ioaiiiiion of the whole of Poland. We can” not account let the fnence of this repoit, any nioie than tiint ot Beiinniglen s letter, as to the a.tack made by tnc Frduch Buxhovden’s eoips. It o nuiiattd io ciicuinitaiiiully m the 48th buiiew.'i, that it u icaiceay poflibie 11 iluuid tiot fjave taken place ami ;et we luppole tiiaL in iiti puiUml a ciicumltance would not be omitted in the report of a Commander in Chiei to his hove, t.pii. it is po ill blc, however, that Benin -glen * corps was engaged u:i ‘hat oav, rid that the l tench, moruci toihiow aveiioverß otigiace, have iinemnfna >y, tne numt.-ei *4 t*>,; ixUntaiio. it tins C:*i jettutC oe we.i-loundcu, the Ruffians