The Patriot and commercial advertiser. (Savannah, Ga.) 1806-1807, April 16, 1807, Image 1

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SiF.iyy.Ui: -jmuntki> am > puu.-s ... ,„„ ‘,;“ , w . , . ”"’ ‘ ” ‘ ‘.7 • ’"•’ A>,: ’ . -U’ (.:)'. VS !’ V t.>u*>ii. ii \ A\ •>!’ \'? •*:>•• 1* .. •’> ‘-in/, n-jr tj <>‘.p ,;i,. ih,. / v’ i_> L. 111. -s'). 4 j.l T F, I? \I S j of t;ie * PATRIOT : at itl ft):,l M2R.CI AL A I)V 2 •'• TJSS.X. ‘firms of subscription ms six |iLt.-V- : ' :; :l ‘VW , 'tW : /S ‘/./V /,j Ar ndullsix time ofsubsn'ibin-i a id ir i'C‘it‘ii‘iJc:r at the e rpirtttimi of cr inon!':s —mi I ii/t />■!'>■•>■< will f,e fiUnits J until o rile red to the. emu [r, mj. A hurtis'renc'its rs no mwe fliijf thl/uu bread 1 h rrc inserted;:! \)cents, fm’ the first insertion, tin / isfor, e.ick coniinn-itim. A li i,'fill nil,wince in rfe to bse mho wish to adberiise b j the w. N&W-YOKK, M irch 13. tfsirs, I.'ing St? Turner. B> giving a rev/ insertions to |tifollowing;, you will render an rswntial service to shipprrr an 1 ihip-owtiers who have titcir ve*. lob in the Baltic rrsi-lr: I'hoi.’ H o already ex perienred the con lequences of not conforming with heqa:tta;uiae law-; in Dcntn.trk, feed n>t a of this. — Fhe publication is intended to invent future losses. G. II AM ME KEN. Dollish Consul, 1 New York. J “ As the saraa degree with rnich vessels prooeeding from fef U. States to Dunisa ports ire liable to threaten the public ifcife of health, in n<> less degree lists with those bound to oilier Orta or. the Baltic, ills fs government has iuvited the qjhboring powers to adapt si iiar precautions with vessels land from the United Saties to Vj ofpthvir respective ports, as f the royal ordinance of the sth ~Ylay, 18 )5, has been pre tribed for Danish vessels as reii as Olivers proceeding from e U. S. for any I) .nish por ; . — this in con sequence thereof unagreed between iii* majes ft government and the govern i-nts of Sweden, Buss.a, and, th’.t consular certifi es s' r ,11 henceforth be fuiui.U ----1 either by Dan bn consuls or ice consuls, where tiiose powers ‘caiseives have no commercial jiiiiis, or by theirs, v .ce vetca, ■We no Danish consul or vice nnui resides. Any vessel, therefore, to what, fer n.itioli it may fieluug, wn.ou fer public notice has been giv- Eot this arrangement, sh di pro ud iroiTi the United Stales to >y Danish port, or to any port #thr Baltic, without being pso ierd with .i consuLr ceitm—at— {health, will absolutely, on i > rival at ttie sound, or its port f destination, if koi bound to lie Haitic, be subjected to qua. antir.e for a lo.'jp'.r ur shorter use, according to circumstances tvrnif it should be provided with bills of health Ircnn d'e ic feciive authorities.” q’[ I£ . Printers ihioughout it states ai e requested io give it above a ftw insertions. •lout the Nut iso nut ii ite Ns mil c>. City o? Washington, Mai est idt/i, ion/. Having been iniormcd that were several, •od proßafily some spurious pub* kaiions now p epmaug l<n > ills Ns, on the subject ot my i- lie to nr to the Pacific Ocea-i, by m-, feda’als entireiv onk.iowh to **^ll have considered it a uutV l owe to tne public as w n myself, to put ou tueir with respect to such **•!>• | ’jj “ Ijr If’J’ “ijj) .r . *y t" 1T T . 1 P T"J r'l T . TT , __ . , . . • ‘ • -t W 1 A i*. j \ \ } V * “V * u t' !•- / *“’ •?*—• f J *---4 ->i V .ji k... jt o ’i.-iuium, ?.. t fom the p-actic ul such hull i-himn they ni w be y-gut t : meriaie Or. l w<Kth of t ‘e wore w:>irh I am tn self pre i:irnig >o* cuib’ic rion, bvl'o-e i can pos-ibly app.Mrj as m ,ch ti !.; luran l expenen a.-c *!;. so'Uiciy n ice .s.v y m order to doj.istica to the .several subjects which it will embrace— n view fhrrcioic, to prevent the pi nctic.-, of those deceptions, the pub.ic are intormod ihtt ii,e for subr'cnptioni whi(.h have be,-n j)mu ~'guvtl by myself, are b-ttditi tv::!i me 5.ib ( .',;. 1(r ,> p,, )Q . pec US, an i that lilu-.o Who wish to possess if.c genuii:.-; work may ii by cmeiiag rheir u ■. nes o.dhose lia s, frie- prospectus w,u i VfT 1 M'-v the clistrib.iii on and content* of the work. iha m.ip tviil most probably b>* published by the latter end of °' :t<,bcr “ “ lt ’ 1 the first vol, of if.-; ivoi k übout the h. ,t. Jti iiumylSOJ; me two re mil lai-r volume* iviil tallow j., on a . early as they c .,„ , K >,s,i,iy be prepmeti fur publication. As early as a just estimate of the price of the several oarts of i bis woi ft e:mb.: formed,’ p t ,bl;c nolice Will be given of Ulo s ,ruit;, Utrough the medium of the 1 iess. i; ... v I o Robert Frazier only has permission been given by Gvn : G liliam C.ini'k or m self, to publish any thing in relation to our late voyage. When the pro A posals were first drawn in Octo*’ tier last, lor the publication of the journal of that mm, they 4 were submitted to me forcorrec* tion;l then eccpurigeunhe promise which had been made, that i!k work should contain information in relation to the natural history of the country through which we had passed and cautioned the persons concerned in the publica tion not lc> promise the world any thing with which they had not the means of complying; but as the hope ot gain seems to have outstripped tb. ir good fiith in this respect; I think it my duty to declare, tnat Robert Ftazier, who was only a private on this expedition, is entirely unac quainted with cele.M‘ and observati ons, mmeralojry, botany or zoo iogy, and therefore cannot pos sibly give any accurate informa tion on the is subj nor on thoi of geography, and that the whole wnich can be rxpecte:. from hi. j iKinal is ineiciy a b mited uc.ail ot our daily trans actions. With respect to ali mi* authorised publications relative to tins voyage, i presume that they cannot have stronger pre tension* to accuracy or mfoim i” tun., tbait that ol a-21 i ii * • Jih lUWt.TMEIt LliV* i.*. PHOT PTC. TU‘i Os Lewis and Ceaek’s tour to tiieT-'acific Ocean, through the interior of the continent ot jS’nrih America, pci formed by order of the Government ol the United dtales, du;ing the years 18‘od, 1805 St 1306. ■This work wi l he prepared by captain Meriwether Lewis, and will be divided into two pans, the whole comprised in ”l Volume*, octavo, con tainining Irom four to five hundred pages, each; primerl on gooii p iper, and a .air 1 icu tip-.. Idle several vol ume; in succession will be put to press at ai early periods as the avocation* of him to prepare them t>r pubuca.iu.i. T H U It S D A y, Av.ul .5, .So?. Part the First—in Try j Volumes. Volume :kst— Will c mtain a nsrriiiive of -he v■avacy/vi l *> *. description o’ .ome of the m > re murk able phtet-s in those ai therio unknown wilds of Ame rica. accompanied h-a [sl ip of good size, and euVovili-diev! wuh a view of the great Ca aract of the Missouri; the plan, on n large, of the connected labs of that river, as also, of those of the falls, narrows and gteat r*. pid* of the Columbia, wuh their hcv Tal portages. For the in formation of future voyagers, the re wil be added in tin- m-que! of this volume, some observati ons and lenimks on the tiaviga tio of ibe iViiesowri and Lblum hia rivers, pointing out the pre cautions wh.icn must necessarily be taken, in older to insure suc cess, together with an itinerancy ol the mo'-.t direct and practica ble route across the comineu of North Atncnca, bom me con* iftience of ihe ni, nun and Mi ~ .sii.sipi livers tn the ciiscliarge of the Columbia into tfie Pacific ocean. Volume src. nd —Whatever properly appertains to geography —embracing a descrip, ion of the rivers, mountain*, climate, soil and face of the country} a view of the Indian nations distribut'd over that vast region, shewing their 1 1 adit ion*, habits, customs, national character, sta ture, complexion*, dress, <i vei lings, arms, and domestic uie.n siis. with wi.uiv other interesting particulars in relation to them Also, observations and reflecti ons on the subjects ot CtVlilZ'Hg, governing, and mainiaining a friendly intercourse \v .tb those ni'ions. /V view of the fur trade of North America, setting forth a plan for its extension, and shew ing the immense advantages which would accrue to the mercantile interests of the United States, by combining iho sune with a direct trade to the least indies, through the continent of North America. This volume will be cmb. Ilisiied with a number of plates, illustra tive of the dress and general ap~ pe.irauce of such hull m nations as differ matenailv from each outer; of their habitations, thtur wea pons ami habiliments used in war; tin ir hunting and fishing appara tus, domestic utensils, is.c. In an apoendix tuere wifi also be gi ven a diary of die weadtei, kept with great attention throughout the whole of the voyage, shew mg also the dailv rise an I fall of the | ,r ineijai water courses winch were oavieatcii hi me course ol O the susie'. P,irt the second —in one Volume. Tliis part ol r : e work wifi lie tt.xrltisivtriy t-> sCit-‘ntniC research, nufl to me natural bis ory of those hitherto unknown region*. It will ion laiii a full dissertation on such subjects as have fallen within Hie notice of the anther, and wlncfi n>a’ properly be distributed un der tbeheads of boianc, niiuerai ogv, and zoofoy v, togctoei wiin some strictures on tits origin ot die l Vairies, the cause of the macs di.acss of the ioissouri, of yoha iiie a jipeat'aiicef, and natural pue nouiena, wincii wire met with in the course < f tins iiitercctiug tour q’ids volume will also coicaiua comparative view of twenty-three vocabularies of distinct luuiaii languages, procured by captain* Lcivis anil Clark on die voyage, an J will be ornamented and cm belched with a much greater liu i.b*r of plates than wifi be be stowed on the fr.t part of tile it ii liiiesuled eve j/ subject of natural liisforv wliicli j is entireiv iii'"', and of winch it ere are :i consid.-rable numb; r, •.n.,,i be .actnu), aided by an ap .•ropnaic 11. graving illustrative of if. ! ids disrr botion of the work has boon m with ;v view to the .iceommu,!.! ion of every oVserip ti'in of renders, and is iierc off..i •xi to tiic tron.rge of the puude in such shape, ifiat all persons wishing to become subscribers, mac accommodate themseivos** “'it' l eidier ot the parts, or tluj entire work, a* it shall be most convceieiH to diemieives. Detached from ties work there will be published on a large scale, as soon as a sufficient number of subscribers can ire obtained to de fray ttio expellee, Lewis & Ci.ark’s .'YAP of NORTH AMERICA. Fro i lonpr. 9 deg. tV to the Paci fic Oenu, and between fib de-?-. and j 2 .V. /at. Embracing a!! ’lieir bite iii=cr). veries, and t.bat part of the conti nent heretofore tbe least known. I his map will be compiled from the best maps now extant as well published as in manuscript, from the collective inloraiarioti of tbe best informed travellers through the various portions of that regi on, and corrected by a series of several hundred celestial obser vations, made by Capt. Lewis du ring iiis late tour. for the convenience of subscri bers , these works will be deliver ed at the most respectable com. lie rcial towns, and at the seats of government of tbe respective state# and territories within the union; No advance is .required, nor will payment be required un til such ueiivciy is made* Knowing that a considerable proportion of the t xpence of such publications depends on tbe en gravings which ernoeiitslt or form them, and that the precise num ber of such engravings, particu larly a* it regards the second part of she work, fiave not yet been settled: it is difficult lor the author at tins moment to fix a price ou them—he therefore declares to tiie public, that his late voyage wit s not iif ken with a view to po cuni.irv advantages, and pledges himself that the estimate which he w:i! in this instance set on ins liti •rar\ labours.shall be of the most rnodcraie description; Ins princi pal reason mdceu tor purposing a sub cripfioo at ad, is, tnat lie may be t-uabieu to form some es timate of the number of copies ic tic struck off. * * Lititors i t Public Prints in the United Matts, disposed to aid die publication ol this tvoik, are requested to give the bun going a fe ins lions. ISO i ICE. Subscriber being ap- JL pointed Guaidirtiiof Jacob Gould, a n.iuor, calls ou ail per sons ia possession ot .Negroes, Looks, Boucis, Notes arid papers or every description, belonging to said minor, to dedver up the same without delay, on or bclore ihe first day of March next, as alter that day suits wifi be enter ed against ad defaulters ; a> and Dl person;, indebted to said minor. ] arc called on ior payment, ‘i hose who nr-gbet this notice, will find ■ iteii- accounts tn die Lands ol j. Cuyb i. e‘q. for ter.oveiy. J A M l 3 A LI. I SON, Guardian. February Ti ’ Blank Morfu-m-. for lab a: this oHi so. [ ‘ V HOLE \ b'Mtt Sft r,iJ, i- ■ ( heru>y Given. ’ r TNt y r ... ,■ | ‘ ‘ K 0 f -L mu.’ months ,e ■ , . 1 or>l f rn du'- ‘'Ppiic.iMo:! w;i n . j ’ 1 - 1 • ‘moifthb. ,| r r ■ Cos.) tr{ r . • l iter,',r , 1 { "‘ > 1,l ! m Po'iirv f r UaVi: 1( * stii ,|„ fVj, ■, f o’ ,r °f LANd •„ ,j “*s r^ct J n ! 1 lui ,u. l( i T.S’ i her 'b gZZ S II;'-. alt. r the *q-Vr.i:io,„f uni.j moutfi, fVn. ■ ’ ?•’ M ph-ition will b.. ,n lll!S ° 1:10 -mnorabiu j p — v ie I’MVC t v s! *j I ill- f‘ -i t.aet.of Ur.,,, being ,h t r r ;7^ :’ e * t: ‘-'l> re v,i ,h , Lteof tuec,,,. ( ,j V;Ulll(li| (w . u.’ ■ t• c( a'-ed, for ib c baiieiic of the Ueirs, V;z. ( >'Ki lot IU theory of Ivanna).; °E'et m from, aud no ten J„ d.ipili, known by dm a in U lhillg, M arheote w; lr j AI.SO, One lot in Yaiuacriw, known 1 JV‘*'" un 'IKT 10, beirg nieec vub und 100 her ( y m h, bounded to iii.- w t . ’ l,| c West on par in street. AND ‘LSO, A traoj of foo acre* of Li <d o Bu. k-U.-ad, i„ Burk ‘ -7’ . ;K '.l ,, H"ng I;„vis Austin „t !5 e l ’T ut li, ~ wrigioai * ur vcy thereof 7 Wm. WRIGHT, mV ELIZABETH GABLi'.A.b.., V' 1 *- 4d |.^ Fur Dot'... „ Rrmrd. yA BSLN I •,:.> herself a f f . v and X .lavs ago. a .y ulatto Gir* muned LULA, nbont f4 or 15 years of, !>s S huge eve, ;m .l some Bingivor ms .... her fi. e 3he is a naib’e of Vi, tr i,,ia, but speaks good Freeh. The abm u Raw aril will l. paid t 0 a „ v |if . r> son who will and I,V. r her t 0 tf w ou b.-criber. JOSEi’H CADET. April 6. 414- TO LEASE, For one or At ore Years. 1^11!'. largo and commodious , lately oenmi; ,1 .I. Jur *’ L ’ “ir, es a (tin* /tense, corner of Nnoklin ~r . ant! Bry .ii direct. It contains rooics, has a good ...mb.V, autl ... i rn. cessary out luti'diu*.* p or tcruisamdv at this ofliee March 3. 3 j (f - ri. Mierbi ’s Sa ? e, On the First Ttindaij tn May next, WILL UK SOLD. At the court-house in the city 0 f Savannah, between the hone oj 10 und 3 o'clnk, A ElL\( 1 ol laid in f.'fj, 0.,._ ‘’ “b cm: ty, iiop- 5 ,..i i,, contain | s(>/j .uar.s, l. inuli.ig t ;) die nor:ti on Kavaimab river, a.'d adjoint:,<> ,'an‘is of Jam, s . V ile. Join) Gulifwire, Ki i r, ami o’ fiei's; as I . , ;r ( ”v’ of .1 mics Habersham, a tiesuit of Jm. pi, G i tv. -G. ii.,u lot e,r pareei of lae.i, at MontgOiii. ry, wuh tbe im j)f!>v'.'!:;:'i,ts tiH.-eor, ;i t me*,'it. OCeii;);. li by J{| .VII v*(!-I; i;,’, n ‘O S.'tUsfi Mti'tli V IX <"’! ‘0,i... ... •gainst Li*,.. T. KOBEIITSO.N, s. .c. * 'P • Li.