The Patriot and commercial advertiser. (Savannah, Ga.) 1806-1807, April 23, 1807, Image 3

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t |, e arm chert to get our )3 |j arms in order to pursue emin the boat, but found ev-had thrown them all o aboard. Our flecks being || of empty casks, it was me time before we cou'd get y gun to bear upon them— : fired one of the bow guns tit did no execution. We uld find nothing of the cook and steward, but found Mr. oomfield, dead between cks. v , It appears that after I went low, Mr. B. feeing one of : Malays fitting on the hen op, with his clothes wrapped und him, thought he had len the sugar that was ta-k ---out of the cannilter, and and the boy he would go and -but the boy went Hrlt to him, and found him caft j off the line, and fattening : companion door back (but :bov thought nothing of it] order, I suppose, to creele a* I came up from below, i. B. came round to fearcli :man for the sugar—he took his clothes, and as I sup fe the fellow had his naked ef.’ under them, and sup„ fmg himfelf deteded, made j :ofthecreefe bv thruftmji ! nto Mr. B’s. bosom. I'he I maker went to fee what s the matter, and he was acked by the fame fellow, 10 made several thrults at n which he parried, but got reral very bad wounds, and :n tun and jumped down : main hatch way. The rpenier, and the man who is at work with him, jumped oone of the boats, hie took the woods—and in an hour :v returned and found we and poffefiion of the sh ip again, on after this we had about i proas full of men well arm along fide to alfilt us ; but lid not admit but a few of :m on board. On informa., nos the affair being (cut to wn to the head numlter, he imediately dilpatched leve- I proas in quest of the vil. ns who had risen upon the >p. — I found every attention id me from the Sultan ana ad men, therefore I have no Ton to fulpetl that the Sul n knew any thing ol such an I going forward. The men ‘o role upon the lhip be t'ging higher up the river tuiba.” We understand, that fudge •tf/e will preside at the enfu gcircuit court, to be held at ichmond, before which, it is keved, Burr will appear, to ifwer for the offences by him id to be commuted. Mow ippery is fortune ! But a lit t while since judge Chafe was ttaigned before the buiate f the United States, where ur r fat as judge, to answer ‘arges of the molt serious ua lre, preferred against hun — ad now he fits as chief jultice n l he cale of Burr, who is ar dgoed as a t raitor ! Baltimore Paper. Alness of boxa. parte. The London. Sunday Re. ,ew of January 35, fay.-, f hrough an authen ic chan” djW r e have received advice iat Bonaparte’s health has ? cn so much impaired by the lll gueand anxiety to which e has of late been expoled, stoimprefs his Medical ai dants with the molt serious Pprehenlioas for Ins Safely. He hs for fome’ time la boured under a dropsical com plaint; arid contrary 10 the ad vice of his phy ficioii , perfiils in a profulie use of opium. Me also diinks excessive quarii ties of coffee, without either sugar or cream ; a practice winch is fuppoled to have con tributed to that langour and debility which occalionaliy op pief’s him in such a degree, as to render him incapable of a ny ordinary exertion. London Paper. Extraß of a Inter from a gen tleman in Wafhinglon , to kis Jriend in Richmond. ii It appears extraordinary that fome of the public prints, whillt they admit observations reflecting on the character and conduct of Gen. VVilkinloti, should not give publicity to such things as are in his favor. That his late conduct has fav’ ed New Orleans (aud perhaps prevented a reparation ol the Union) cannot be doubted. He is charged with a traiterous correspondence wuh governor Miro, to whom he presented a memorial in 1787 or 1788, for which manorial he receiv td ihe thanks ©f Kentucky in full convention, (proceedings of that convention I have now in my Poffelfion) that is, he is charged in 18; 7, with an ad as of a trealonable nature, for which he recieved the thanks of his country an 1786. He is charged witfrnaving receiv ed money from the Spaniards. Mr. Daniel Claike, delegate from New-Or!eans, assures that it is lalfe to his own knowledge, for, that with a view to infor mation on this fubjed, he ask ed the intendant geneial of New Oileans, who assured hirn on his honor that gen. W. had never received one dollar from die Spanifli government; but to fiitisfy you fully, fa id he inundant, J wiil lubmit the leeret service money book to your inspection ; he did 10, Sc Mr. C. lays he examined 11 v£ith cait, and declares that there was no charge theiein lor money paid gen. W. or any way whatever could be conlliucled as for his uie.” From a Loudon Paper. The following is a copy of a curious Election Bill, actually delivered in loan English Mem* her oi Parliament, by a Publican, after the late general election. /. s. and. To Eating 16 Freehol ders above stairs, lor sir John, at 3s. ‘Sd. e very head, 2 12 6 To Eating 11 more be low stairs, and tw® Clergy men alicr sup per; 1 IT 9 To mx beds in one room, and tout in another, at 2 guineas cveiy bed, tin ec 01 four in a bed evcr> mgnt, 2S 15 V To _3 lior o s 10 theyard ail night, at 13d. every one ofiuem, and lor a man warning them all night, 1 5 5 To oteakfast and tea the ; next day,tor every one oi them, and as many as they brought with them, as near as i cau guess, 4 12 0 To beer porter,and punch for the fir3t day I am not sure, hut I think for the three hrst days and a half of the e” lection, as little as I can guess, and be very exact, is. in all, thereabouts, 7o **s 5 To shaving, dressing 5t cropping the heads or 43 freeholders, for sir John, at 13d lor every one of them, “ 25 6 £. 1 i6 i 7 in place of Jemmy Carr, ’ JOHN HODGES. PATRIOT? HA VANN All, ‘April 23, 1807 DIED, on tt)C 2 1 si ull. at Fort Hunter, near Hamsburgh, Male oi Peusytvauia, in the 2odi year oi her age, Mr-.. Catharine M’ LLISTI.R, the ami idle consort of Mr. George W. M’.Uhstcr. She ieft there, an infant daughter and a uiscwnsolale husband, aud iiere, aloud mother, brother ami sisttr. Mrs. M’Allister had taken cold by too early an exposure, which mla in Ily attentions, or med ical aid could remove. Soon aware oi the sorrowful event, she dis played all the resignation i,d for titude, which a Cuaste, innocent, and unspotted life, ever affords, in her, society have lost a pro mising young member ; and mr relatives and acquaintances, a va luable tneuii. Appian Way —We are in formed that there will very lhortly be cffeicd t© the pub lic, a fcherne for opening a road to be c died the Appian Way, which ihail eftabiilh a tlioi t and excellent c, mmiiiii - cation with the West ern Wa ters- iV. Y. E. Post. From the Carolina Weekly Messenger. Good food for Milch Cows. Lett up in a mortar dry corn cobs; pour boiling water over them, or boil them in a pot; stir them frequently when boiling ; & when cold, give it to your cows, which is nearly as good as boiled pease for milch cows, and certain ly a very ecomnn a! loud. The experience which I have had of this cheap food, induces me to re commend it to my brother plan ters. A PLANTER. From the National Intelligencer , The enemies of the adminis tration are industriously engag ed in endeavoring to produce two effects. First to excite the public in dignation against general Wil kin,on on account of the arrests made by him at New-Orleans. And secondly, 1® produce the impression that these acts are sanctioned by the admintsira. non. it is not our purpose, at pre sent, to cuter into an argument on these two points. But as it is highly desirable that the peo ple, who in this country are the ultimate judges of every politi cal question, should have as much light shed on this subject as circumstances allow, sve re commend the perusal of £ indley’s history of the Pennsylvania in surrection oi |794>. Which will shew — 1 hat the miloary invasion of civil power,oi which the federal ists so vehemently complained, were committed on that occasion as well as recently. That they were committed du ring the administration ol gene ral Washington. 1 hat there were many of them commuted, il not by ins author 1- cy, by an army under his com mand. That he deprived no officer of his commission for committing them. That he did not even censure them. . . That they were principally committed at the direction ol Alexander Hamilton,an enuntnc lawyer, who could not, as Vv i- Irinson perhaps to a certain ex tent might, plead ignorance ol the law in justification. That they were committed at places incomparable freer from danger than that apprehended at New-Orleans The blood of innocent unof. fending men was spilt. That* several of these viola tions of law took place, although a federal judge was present w ith the arrm , wh was above ail sus picion of being concerned in the insurrection. 1 hat the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus was actually suspended, not merely while the accused was in his passage from one plac* to another, but for months alter wards at the then seat of the general government. These circumstances are n*t adduced as proofs cither of the correctness of the ptoceedings in the insurrection of 1794, or of the recent proceedings at New- Orleans ; but to shew, that on emergencies of imminent p. ril, real or apprehended, the regular course of justice is frequently obstructed ®r abandoned ; and also to shew that measures were pursued under general VVashing tion, tne purity of whose motives are not questioned, which in fringed the civil authority t o a touch greater extent than those I taken by Wilkinson. <>-> a - Intelligence. pokr 01* savannah CLEA II E I). Louisiana, Burnham, New- Ymk Ticomc, St John, Liverpool L>i ig trgo, Howard, New-York Mchr. Swift, Swift, To, A CO ACE ii T Will be given ut the Exchange, on Saturday Everting the 25th inst. by C. H. GILFERT. Arrangement ts the Music. ACT FIRST. Grand Sjmphony, Pleyel, Bong, by an Amateur, A Naval Engage- '\ ment (for the f Piano Tone) >C. H. Gilfert with accompa 1 nmicnta. Minuet, Hayd’n Va;iations on the Piano Forte, Charles Gillert Finale, Mozart ACT SECOND- Overture, on the pia-j s . belt no lor tc, lor . hands, J Song, By an Amateur Variations on ihe J > .... Gilfert piano lorte, J Grand Overture, Mozart The Concert to begin precisiy at half past seven o’ clock. **l* Pickets —One Dollar each—to be had at Gilfert' s Mil linery Ware Room, and the E venmg of Pei lotinaticc, at the door. April 23. WAN i ED, A YOUNG MAN, 10 attend a Retail Gioce/y Stare Ajrpiy at this UtiLe. Apt il 22; 46 ts Removal, E. Wilton, Respectfully informs hi, friends aud the public gene rally, tiiat lie has removed toili liuu.e on the i>ay, formerly oc cupied by Mr. Germaine, dec. where he continues to carry o l he Tayloring Business in all its various oraneln-s. I> reiurfls thanks tor favours a Ire a dy received, and solicits a coutin uauce of them. Mmcli 12 34 Subscriptions Ate Received at this ({fee r-R LEWIS U? CLARK’S TOUR to tire Pr-cific Ocean, through the continent of North A nietica, now preparing for. the Pies*, by Capt. Mcrtw>- ther Lewis, in three volume# octavo. Also, For J■ 11 OFF's Ltd;:ir>n of Domestic Medicine. (Now publishing in Charleston J To which are act tied, Observations on DCt, AND Advice to Mothers, By r s illium Buchan, M. I). Fel. low of the l-toyai College of Physicians, ’ Edinburgh. fJtjL - As the Vaccination , or Coro Pax, has become an imp >r~ tant Branch in rhe Medical Art, this Edition will contain the rresc information on this bead. 1 he Advice to Mothers, which wih he added, is a h tc p-m'l.ten on of this celebrated Physician. Price of Subscription S dollars. To Archi ects. P iE Subscriber being appoin i- ted to obtain plans and tatt ma es, lor a plain, substantial h commodious Brick Church, with Mceple and Clock, to he erected in this city. He herein off rs a premium ol ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS to anv person who may furnish to him on or b,.-fre the first day of August next, the plan and estimate of said build ing, whici) mav hp approved of, tand finally adopted. It is rtq ested .hat in sj c h plan, as may be offered, special 1 egard be had for olrtaining a copious admission and std’e cir culation of fresh air. Also that the pc ws be single, and in num - ber at least one hundred; each cufiicien'ly large for the accoirf modatton oi six or eight peisons. Such plan- and Aiimar c as may no, be up/,-.. , 4 Jof, will be returned, (ii desired) in c<>nfor nmy 10 any instructions which muy accompany them. JOHN MURRAY". The Printetb in Savan. nah, Charleston, Baltimore, VV.ishinguin. Piiiladelphia, -vtw York and Boston, are requested to insert this advertisement, and to for waul t'hcii- bills to the ous ters of tlie Augusta Hcridu. Augusta, G. sign! 9. NOTICE. ABSEN 1 i'.D lutiisell on the 11 Ui u:t. JsCIPiO, a Ni gt.j luiiow, by trade a Cooper , ui will work at any oilier business ; y el low complect uni, about i feet 8 incites high, about 40 years Ten Dollars will De paid on deliverin'’ him in J..d or on Telfair* wharf, to TAGS. DOLLAGIiAN. Feb. 12. 26 il Detect the VilUiin! YpI7TK)EYLIt detects or gives y y me correct lnlorniatniii of the Thiel who took my HORSE from his halter.out of my grounds about midnight last Friday, ,nd in lieu of him left a dying black JJoise. at the Bridge near my House, shall be amply rewarded or he litief ( fa white man), ft Five Doth* re, with reason. ,bl* cnaigis for the Horse, winen was bought omv .- tx days aow of a •> • Daniel Mackintosh in town. FJe IS a small sorrel, blaze free, brisil tai!&. has a bh in su in hi., left ey c, between 7 & 8 years old. V. s. MILLER. O a Road vpoo site Potto i; s Jiiic/i yard. April 20 Blank Manifests &c. F or.So eat into Cg-te.