The Patriot and commercial advertiser. (Savannah, Ga.) 1806-1807, April 23, 1807, Image 4

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4i .'li ,4’ A A. At- 4>.. 4k A, A ‘vi tK KMwkiigf l&U. jp * 4 *£> A: Court of A[ioUo. ?C ’hi, s^ rjr -r-r , ~ ;u > 777/; IRISHMAN. The savage loves his native shore, Though rude the soil, and chili the air; Well then may Erin’s sons a dore Their isle that nature formed so fair. Wiiat flood reflects a shore so sweet, As glorious Bov ne, or pastoral, Ban! And who a friend or foe can meet, So gen’rous as an Irishman f His hand is rash, his heart is w arm, But Principle is still his guide; None mote repents a deed of harm, And noi.-e forgives with nobler pride. ile may be dup’d, but wont be dat’d; Fitter to practice than to plan, He ably tarns hi poor reward, And spends it like an Irishman. If strai g ■ and poor, fur you he’ll P a y . , And guide you where you safe may be; Are you his comrade—-while you stay His cottage holds a jubilee: His inmost soul he will unlock; And il he may your merits scan, ’ll our confidence lie scorns to mock, For faithful is an Irishman. By Honor bound, in woe or weal VV hate’er she bids he dares to do ; Tempt him with bribes, or if you fail, Try him in fire, and find him true . He seeks not safety, let his post Be, where it ought, in Danger’s van ; And ii tiie field of fame be lost, ’Twill not be by an Irishman. jFp in, lov'd land, from age to age Alav you become more fam'd more f. e May peace * - ira —or il you wage Defensive war—cheap victory! May plenty bloom in every field Your Healthful breezes softly hill, And pleasure’s smiles serenely g'W, The breast of ev’ry Irishman. From the Sentimen al Magazine* GRAMMA 11C AL hfljil'LK To Miss SALLY SY.Vi AX. * Madam, Antongft the numeral pro • j bo futons towards a ma.t iruoiti at union with your aimabeper fa, i hope you’ll not decline the interjection ol my pieinm r.ary pretences. 1 liiouid not wtih to be a mere noun adiec • five to you in all cases, but 1 pojuivtly declare, that compa ratively ipeakmg, 1 lhoulu be fuperlauvely happy to agree wtin you in the jubjundive mood. I trult you il not opi ate me finguJar, lor deliting to have the plural in my fami ly ; 1 shall iabrtcate no u rbal oiation, to prove how 1 long to have our affettions in com’ monos two : but I prHnme, that in cale ol a conjunction co pulative, you’ll u!e no indica tive felicitation to be in the im perative mood , as I am deter mined to be m ihcpotential ac‘ mic, while you are in the fu ture pafiive, or in the supine : jor it is the optative of my foul to become your relative, by the antecedent of regular conju- as this alone can con ttitute a lawful concord with the feminine gender, and afford t.-s a part a pic of Jitbjlanlivc happiness. Every article pof [efifive or genitive shall become a dative tranflalion to you ; nothing shall he accufaiive a* gaidfl your government; and your sweet nominative without a pronoun or even ad verb shall be my vocative, till death the great ablative of all Jiving by the gradual declcnjion of •nr corporal nature puts a final termination to the present tenfie, and time through an infinite progrejfion of ages may render us preterpcrfeEl in the future tense ; in the interim my prin r cipal part of speech in its pri mitive or derivative extension is to the end that you may put the moft charitable conflruQion on this simple proposition, and that your definitive refioluiion may he consonant to the wishes of your very indeclinable lo ver MICHAEL DE MAIM BUS. Dialogue between a Dutchman and his wife. Man —You tarn pich, I vifh you was tead. Wise —Vy you vifh me tead ? Man —Ten I know vat I’d put on your crave. Wise —Vat vould you put on my crave Spalpeen f Man —’Tisbear I vould put, Here lies mine vife.oot plessed pe, She alvjiys usM to scolt at me— flhentie reader, quit the sot, Or she will scolt ul you, py Cot ! Sheriffs Sales. ■At the court-house in the city of Savanna i, WILL BE SOLD, On Tuesday the seventh doy of May next, Lot No. 5, Moore Tything Percival Ward,with the buildings and improvements ; taken in exe cution as the property of the es tate of John Wereat, deceased, to satisfy a judgment in favor of .Owen Owens. T. ROBERTSON, s. c. c. March 5. 42 ini Sheriffs Sales. ON the first Tuelday in May next , be tween the hours oj to and 3 o'clock Will be Sold, at the Court Jioufc in the city of Savannah. All that tract or parcel of la id, containing 1660 acres more or less situate in—— countv on Bus fabjc-creek near the head of iitile Satilla river bounded bv lands of Samuel West and others, taken under execution, at the suit of the Executors of Gilbert vs. Execu tors of George llaist. T. ROBERTSON, S.C. C. Sheriffs Sales. On the first Tuesday in Mar / next between the hours of ten and three o'clock , WILL BE SOLD, At the Court house in the city of Savannah , AH that tract of land, situate on the Augusta road, about three miles from Savannah, known by the name of the 3 mile House, containing 45 acres, with the improvements thereon; taken un tier execution, Wiscnhaker, vj. Executrix of Benjamin Putnam, deceased. T. ROBERTSON, s.c. c. March 2. 42 1 m Prime Seed Rice. FOR SALE, A QUANTITYof Prime SEED RICE, entirely free from red grains, being the production of River Swamp, the first year’s nlanting. The Price is One Dol lar per bushel. Apply to the sub” •Htriber, at Ins residence, St. James’. Square. JOHN H. MOREL. Dec. 25. 12 ts NOTICE. NINE months Sifter ap plication will be made to the Justices of the Inferior Court, tor leave to sell the half lot No. 3, Ist Tvtliing, Anson Ward, belonging to the estate of James YVhitefield, deceased, for the benefit of the Th. WHITEFJELD, Ex'r. Jan. 1. 1807. 14 lam9m Notice is hereby Given, That at the expiration of nine months from the date hereof, application will be made to the Honourable the Inferior Court of Chatham County, for leave to fell the following tracts of Land, be r longing to the estate of James Doors, decealed, viz : Two hundred and Fifty a eres, old survey, situate, lying and being in Chatham Coun ty, bounded by Great Oge* chee river, land of Goidivire, and land now of Joseph Well’ cher, Esq.—The fame being for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of the laid James Doors, deccafe THO’s. MILLS, Adm’r Savannah, Sept. 4, 1806. ‘ notice; Nine months after date, ap plication will be made to the honorable court 0; ordinary of Tatnal county for leave to fell atiad of land -containing 190 acres on the Altarnahaw river in laid county adjoining Mar lin Harden, alio 402 1-2 a cres in Wilkinson County, in the second diffrift Lot No. tio, the properly of John Sharp fen. deceased, to be fold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors. JOHN SH ARP, Acministrator. Sept, t. 85. FOR SALE, CHEAP FOR CASH, A HANDSOME YOUNG MARE, five years old— She draws weli in a Chair, and has gone in the plough for some I f'mt.—Apply at this Office. March *3. i7 ts Null CE. ($3- THE Subscriber will attend to receive the returns of taxable proper tv, for the present year, for the comity of Chatham, at the following places, to wit; At Cherokee Hill, on Wednesday the 25th March, the Ist and Bth of April; at the house formerly Airs M'Knight’s oolite 27th of March and 3'! and I O'. It of April; at the Win bluff meeting house, on the 29dt Match, the 4th and 11th of April; and at his office, in Savannah, at any time (the fore going days excepted). J. POOLER, Receiver of Tax Returns. Sav. March 23. 1807. NO L iCE. P 0 TWO Runaway Negroes one an African born, calls himself TOM, lie is a tall, slim fellow between 25 and 30 years of a the other a country born, calls himself PETER, a stout,’ well set fellow, nearly the same age. Note—These Negroes were advertised by Robert Powers, Fs quire, late of M'lntosh county, in a Charleston paper, ('Lite Times) and in the Georgia Republican. The owner or owners can have them by applying to D. GARVIN, East Florida, opposite the Town oj St. Mary's. Martin's Island , \ March 19. j 6m These Negroes were ad vertised nearly two years since. A dmmistralors Sales, Will he sold, on Thursday the. 2 * si day of May next, in front of the Exchange, Savannah. Eight negroes, belong in<r to th*. estate ol Sebastian Blache deceased, viz. Adam, Peter, Milly, Mind*, Zeal, Eruns way, David and Joe. Sale to commence at i 1 o’clock, A. M. Conditions Cash before delivery. A. BLACHE, Adrrir. April 10. 43 6t ATTENTION! THE Subscriber offers for sale, the following Tracts of LAND, lying in Burke coun ty, vix. One hundred aerrt of prime oak and hickory land, ott Savan nah river, originally granted to John Kennedy. Two hundred acres of first quality pine land, lying on the waters of Big Sweet- water, origi nally granted to James Barrett, Two hundred and forty acres divided into three tracts, oak and hickory land, on Little Sweet water, granted to the heirs of William Willliams. The above land will be sold low for Caslt or Negroes. Apply at this office, or to THOMAS WALSH. Notice is hereby Given. THAT at the expiration of nine months from the date hereof, application will be made to the Honorable the Inferior Court of Chatham County,-: for L ave to sell the following Tract LAND in the County of Bul lock, containing five hundred acres, of F. Rest er, for the benefit of the heira & Creditors of John A. Eirick. MARY EIRICK, Adm'x- April 6. 41 lam 9m Notice is hereby Given. THAT after the expiration of nine months from the date hereof, application will be made to the honorable the inferior court of Chatham county, for leave to sell the follow mg lots k tracts of land, being the real es tate of Mrs. Barbarv Wright, late of the city of Savannah (wi dow) deceased, for the benefit of the heirs, viz. One lot in the city of Savannah; 60 feet in front, and 90 feet in depth, known by he number 2. In Ty thing, Heath cote ward. ALSO, One lot in Yamacraiv, known by the number 10, being 95 feet wide, and 100 feet in depth, bounded to the west on Farm st ret. AND ALSO, A tracj of 100 acres of Land on Buck-Head, in Burke coun ty, adjoining Davis Austin, at the time of the original survey thereof Wm. WRIGHT, Adm’r. ELIZABETH GABLE,Adnt’x April?. 42 latn 9m Four Dollars Reward. ABSENTED herself a few days ago, a Mulatto Gir', named LUCY, about 14 or 15 years of age, has large eye*, and some Rmgworms on her face She is a native of Virginia, but speaks good French. The above Reward will be paid to any per. son who will deliver her to the Subscriber. JOSEPH CADET. April 6. 41 4t TO LEASE, For one or More Years. THE large and commodious HOUSE, latelv occupied by Mrs. B, air, as a Bearding House, comer of Franklin square and Bryan street. It contains ten rooms, has a good stable, and o ther necessary out buildings—For terms apply at this office, ° March 5. 32 if Blank Manifests &c. For Safe at. this Offer, ffss* wy tj-sj I NEW-YORK .t Ni ; \ i j> s SAVANNAH, \ S s’ s BOOT if SHOE UTOReA A. Scribner & Cos If ATE JUST liRCFIIf From A ew-Tork, by f lt brig Luka, an elegant assortment Boots, Shoes & Slijiji er ) Os a Superior Quality, „ ud / ter the English fashion ALSO, Misses Slififiers & Q//, drens bhoes, Which in addition to thur forme, suppty, makes their very extensive; which they 0 il t FOR, SALE, at reduced prices,n their store on the Bay, nearly L posite the Exchange. Sheriff's Sales^ ON the first Tuesday in JG next, WILL BE SOLD, tt tkt Court. House in this city tween the hours of IQ and | o'clock. ALL those buildings im improvements, on the N. W half part of Lot No. —, Deck er Ward, belonging to th heirs of Philip Minis, deceals —formerly occupied and own ed by Maurice Lchiff. A fifty acre lot, known bj the number 8, the heuie l present occupied by Jofepl Arnold, in Anson Ward and three lots, being part of 1 five acre lot, adjoining the town, formerly belonging t, the estate of John Currie, dec taken under execution as the property of Joseph Arnold,! the suits of Benjamin Bally furvjving copartner and Bmj Bufly, jun. T.’ ROBERTSON, S. C.C March 3. 42 lm Just Received AT THE NEW.YORK & SAVANNAH BOOT fcf SHOE STORE, On the Buy, opposite the La change, Philadelphia Boots, Gentlemen’s SHOES, & L* dies’ SLIPPERS, of every defertption, and of a su perior quality. A. SCRIBNER & C March 36. 31 ts NOTICE. NINE months after date, ap plication will be made t the honorable the Inferior Com of Camden county, for leave t sell about seven hundred aers land, lying on the head of Cro ed river, about two hundred * cres of White Oak, and a n ura ber of Lot* in the town of ] c^(1 son, in the county aforesaid; sp pertaining to the estate of W liam Jone*, deceased, late ot th town of St. Mary’s, for thebe nefit of the heirs and creditors. D. G. JONES. Administrate St. Mary’s, Jan. IJ, I*o7. Notice. THE Subscriber forbids persons, front this date, • give any credit on his accoi’ 111 without a written order from E lO J ; A. MOUKICE. April 13 43. WANTED, A YOUTH of 12 or 14 y r of age, of decent connecti ons, as an Apprentice to the Ptri ir.g Business. Apply at this 01 lice. March 2. FOR SALE, J few Military Dm® Bv JVI. WHITLEY. Market Sfitif March 23. M. ts