The Patriot and commercial advertiser. (Savannah, Ga.) 1806-1807, May 07, 1807, Image 3

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R 3 2. ■ Change Minis I ru, duke of Portland who. at Hijiajesjv’* command, L>s un- Btiiken to f° rm a p;v :i >l min i -; on , continues or ; spied in K important, and wa incline Hhink, arc! tons arrangement. Hj Hardwicke yesterday at ■ded his majesty at Windsor; ■in the evening a meeting of ■ new cabinet look plane at ■lingtoti lion *e, to receive the Hher communication of the H a | pleasure. ■ has been stremp'ed to re- Hcile the discordant feelings H n rds Sidmouth and Melville; Hive understand lord Eldon, ■communicating to the king, ■ difficulty'which occurred on Hlteaci,enquired ifhis majesty H dt-si rocs that lord Sidmouth Hold continue in the cabinet— He replv is stated to have b-en, Hi, a matter of perfect indill.i- H- to me.” We have reason ■believe that the duke of Port” Hi ha*, in consequence, made ■ election of lord fvs elville, and Ht the admiralty is again to ■ve the benefit of his lordships Hive and brilliant administrati ■The prince bad a meeting of ■ friends yesterday at Cal lion Hme; and it was afterwards Hnoured, ‘bat loid Moira and ■r. Sheridan were to retain Hir present offices. We should BoSct at the circumstance; but H believe it otherwise, h that ■total change is to take place. ■A dissolution of Parliament, ■tuppestd, will he the unavoid ■!e consequence of this a>-a. ■re. Lord Sidmouth it is re* ■rted, can influence two or ■fee and twenty rotes; and with ■is accession, the new ministry H>uid have considered them* ■lves sufficiently strong, with* lit the necessity of a dissoluti” ■; while in opposition, their ut lost powers could not muster ■ty voices. Their arguments Ell doubtless acquite infinite Irce and acumen in their deh- Iry from the treasury bench; but |e still think t.iat, without dis ■ion in the late administration, Htr successors must speedily Real to the sufliagea or the Hople. Ilhe new Ministry is, we he lve, settled in all its details, Ebject of course to the approba lon of his majesty. The out fit of it was yesterday submit* Id to him, and on Wednesday I pleasure will be declared on Be subjecr. Several lists are in Irculation of the new Admim iraiion. The following is the lost probable, although it is pubtless inaccurate. Ilhe duke of Poitland, idist Bid of the Treasury. I Lord Hawkesbury, Secretary’ It the Foreign department. jLcrd Hardwicke* Secretary’ lor iHtonie department. Lord Castlereagh, Secretary irthe War department. Lord Melville, first lord of the Admiralty. iMr. Peroival, Chancellor cf Je Exchequer. Lord Eltion, lord chancellor. Lord Camden, President of “* Council. Lord Chatham, Privy Seal. Lord Mulgrave, Ordinance. /Mr. Canning, Treasurer of the y’avy. Mr. Rose and Mr. Iluekisson, Luke of Montrose snd Lord Westmoreland, situations in the lou sthold. Marquises of Stafford, or A trcoin, Lord Lieutenant of reland. Mr. Forster, Chancellor of the nsh Ejxchequer. Lords Limerick, Dartmouth, Lde.-dale. Glenberve, and Pcl lai” Messrs. Long, S. Bourne, n I most of the members of the itl Administrauon, are to have in the new ministry, A French iquadron, con ifttng of three iaii of the line 11 U frtgate, which, for I’ome 1;!le j had been lying in the lli G/atd hit; hour of Bicfi, ■ ready for tea, appears, by let*- I ter: which reached yes- I lerday f*om Plymouth; to have ! escaped thiough the p'-flogc* • Du Raz. It is conjeciured j that they are bourn] to Airier | ica, to relieve she two ships j blockaded there by Briijfh crui, i zers. Vefterdav was unnrorluflivc j of any arrivals from the Con • incut, A report was in eircu ; lation, that the Paris papers | had arrived with advice that the French funds had fallen to per cent, in cor. sequence of | unfavorable accounts from the j enemy. ; The Marquis I.ucchesini, ! during his flay at Vienna, was : challenged by a Pm Ilian Noble’ I man, who accused him of trea I son to his country. Lucche firii declined tlie meeting, and ; let off for Lucca, but the Pruf > fian has followed him to Italy, j I his Marquis has made very S extensive purchafcs at Lucca. The crew of the Dutch fri- I gate lately wrecked on Suncia i I Hand, one of the Orkney:, j have, surrendered to the Vo | lunteerswho went from Thur ; f° against them, and are a. t iv |ed at Kbkwai!. Several of j them are Itau-dto have petifh* j ed from the leveri'y of the wea- J ther. GEORGE K. Additional inflrußions to the Commanders of Ships of War and privateers , and to the Judge of the High Court of | Admiralty , and to the Judg. J es of ike Courts of Vice-Ad” niirally ... Given at our Court at Si. James’s the eighteenth day of February , 1807, and in the / orty - Seventh Year of i our Reign. “ Our will and plrafure is, ! that the ships and goods be ! longing to die inhabitants of j Hamburgh, Bremen, and o l ther places and countries iin the Nonh of Germany, which vefiVls and goods (ball he employed in a trade to or from the ports of our United Kingdom (ball, until .further order, be fuffered to pal, free and unmoiefted, notwithlland ing that the laid count:ics are, or may be in the pofFflion, or under the controul of France and her allies ; and all inch ships and goods ib tiading which may have been already detained, fhail be forthwith li berated and reflored. “ Bv his Majesty’s Command, (Signed) “ SPI’.NCER ’ Downing Street, March 11,1807. NEW-YORK, April 10. Ry the ship Nevv-York, from Jiimaica.we have received Kings ton papers to the 15th iMarch A postscript to the Royal Ga zette of the 14th says: “By the Eagle Guineaman, arrived here from 7 rinidad we learn, that a vessel had arrived there on the 27th ult. with ac counts of Cuoiana, on the Spa | nish Maine, having been taken 1 by gtn. Cranford, who sailed, j from England early in Novem j ber last, in the Spencer, of 74 j guns; the honorable commodore ! Stopford, accompanied by the Theseus,Ganges and Captain, of 74 guns each, and several other vessels of war.- 1 J. Extract <f a lent ter to tt gentle ! man of Sew York, dated l. ti- J near, Aov.S, 1806. j “On she 26th October, 1806. j his Dani h majesty was pleased | to order, through his commissi ; on for the management of qua ’ rantine aff-urs —'i hat in const I of advices receive, * henceforward, and until contra ry orders, th - porta of N. \ork . Rbilarlflpisia, Providence, ar-d New-Havm, are only to In considered as suspected, and hot j infected, consequently only sub- 1 I jeet to quarantine of four <!a\s I iior. i hat the ether harbors j and ports in the states of New 'Vork, Pennsylvania, Connect!* ! cut and Rhode-tsiand, are no t longer to be considered as sus pected. ’1 he ships to be provi tied v ith the Danish Consul’s ! certificate, wanting which they 1 ! will Ire treated as heretofore.” 1 * nay n. Port mi Pr ince. March 10. j Extract, cf the Journal of the se nate. in their .session, March 0. ! 807, sth i/ettr of the Jude j pendenc.e of iluuti: “ i he senate assembled agree at'ly to the 68ih article of the constitution. ** A member observed that i s 'nce the rebellion of Henry j ChrjsTophe, nominated presi | dent of Hrtvti, by the constitu j ent assembly, in its session of ) the 28th December, 1806, the ; presidency had been vacant; and | that the public good imperiously j required that it should proceed ! without delav, to the election of ! anew president, conformably to i the lOGih and loath articled of the constitution. “ The subject being deliberat ed upon, it wa resolved unani mously to proceed to the electi on of anew Pi evident; arid urgen cy decreed: “ 1 he ballots being taken there were found to be 16 votes, and that gen. Petion had 13 votes. *—Whereupon Gen. Petion was I proclaimed president of Hayti. BA RIA ITER, President “ la the name of the republic• “ The president of Hayti or ders, that the above act of the senate be published and execut ed; and hr sealed with the seal of the republic. “ PETION.” NORFOLK, April 8. The information received by the Louisa, from Jamaica, ai though coming in a circuitous direction is later than any thing j which tve have received from J Barbadoes, and Trinidad, j It appears that the Rochefort | fleet is out and destined for Mar j tinique. The British force con i sisis of fiv? shijts of the line mentioned under;*the Jamaica j head. Ihe KatnUie of 74 gun* j had also arrived fit Barbadoes, I and will if necessary, be added, j which will make tire two fleets I equal in number, in which case, j the event of a battle may be cal culated upon with certainty. R j is not without the scope of pro j babilitt, that the Rochefort fleet I may make its appearance oil our ! Capes, with a view to relieve the ! Patriot and Cybelle, now block i aded by the British force m the j bay. j We have it from good autho ! rity, that there are now in circu„ I lation in this place foigecl notes ol the Baltimore Bank for 100 j dollars signed Jus. Cook, Cash” | ier, and George Wiimote, Pre sident ?, they can be detected by i minutely investigating the Cash* i ier’s name which is badiy exeeut -1 ed. ___ Defence of the Seaports. Among the means of pro tecting the seaports of the U niied States, none seem more rational, practicable and pro miitrig than an abundant pro” vision of the instruments, in A plements, and utenfie. of de fence for the militia in their vi cinity : Cannon, battering and field, iron and brass; ovens for ; heating balls; mortars Sc shells; j ho He artillery ; muskets, rifles, j piltols, (words and bayonets, j To meet ships at every point I and every pass with artillery ol ! ever- ii/e and red hot balls; j to check an enemy on their | landings bv alert and well rnr j ed .corps; to deft roy them if 1 thev do land in order to j lun’’ der, are periiaps as eOWiiual and f<u huda hie defencesggain(t material injuries, as regular ck: colt 1 v fouifications. If the latter are ereded, the former fiiouid bcahnndantly provided. Public Advertiser. Copy of a letter from .V. Orleans, tinted 1 ‘ith-, 1807. ‘ My bear sir, ]t has been contended on j die floor of Congress, by and ole who ate ever 1 early to (beak of /f wint they do not !inder(tarvd, that the current of jnflire here was undiilnrlied, and that, ge neral \Vilkinion’s nfurpations in lazing and fending to the United States the known . r ',f[o’ cates of Burr,was not only un warrantable, but untie cefTary; & yet we have f'een J .1;. Work man and Lewis Kerr acquitted here wifi triumph, although it was proved by two witnesses they’ had attempted to corrupt the army, and pro no fed faz ing on the banks and fhtpping | —Alas! what is to become of | us, whilst private views and | personal tel titments continue to influence our national coun cils. This city has at several moments been on the verge of a civil war; and if gen. Wilkin son had omitted the decisive heps which he adopted, the calamity would have been un ; avoidable, and a fee he of car nage and horror would have dined—And by whom was Inch dreadful commotions ad vocated ? By republicans, by the friends of equal rights and liberty?—No fir; by advo cates of revolution and anar chy, and despotism ; by those who have exprefled the opin ion ; that popular influence ‘’ jhould be employed to intro -1 “ duet defpolifin,” the clamor- J ers for a itrong, armed, ener j getic government, and the scandalous vilihers ol our pre irnt I'yflnns and our prelent adminiilration ; And what, was this for? the more effectually to secure Burr’s poffelfion of this city, vviierc, il he had once erected his flarniatd, ins force would have tticrtafcd with ra jiidity, and fuuiifhcd him with every means of defence, <xc. j he would have put his country ! at defiance, & probably mam - ; tained his hold until lotne Eu ropean power might have tak en him bv the hand and wrelt ( ed from us the wealth and com merce of the Miliitiippi. When gen. Adair popt into I the city, whiilier it has i)e< n pro ! veil be was sent by ilurr in Nash* i ville, the exultations of the re -1 voiutionists was loud and public; : for he led them to b.dicve Burr 5 was at hand: Judge Rievost, i accosting lieutenant Bhaw in the : street, exclaimed with passion— j “ Wcii, sir, 1 give you joy, geu. J Adair ban arrived; he dimes at Madame Forages, and is mucii at the service of gen. Wilkinson, and to-morrow or next day, we expect col. Burr.” Proof has j been given that gen. Adair said I to a confidant, after his arrest, j that *’ if gen. Wilkinson had gi* ! veil him twenty-lour hours in j Ncw-Orleans, lie could not have ! made him prisoner, its he, (A- I tlair) had more friends than ne, j f Wilkinson;” yet the envenom, j cd tongue, directed by the ma ■ lignaut heart of a dcelauncr, has ; iatiourcd to derogate from the services, and to stigmatize the j conduct of the man wiio, by die j exescise ol a dread rcaponsiOiiy. j tus saved tins puce horn unci ruin, bname on such conduct. ijaii. American. Ap^rentices’s Inden tures for sale at this of fice. *!|‘ Y a r ir-i • yf f JL X .JL }\ JL \_> a SJF.iXXsUI, fun/ 7. IBo7*. Bti Thursday next will be launch ed, (weather permittingj !\K-*sr* Robert ik, John Bolton’s now Ship —die first that has been h idr in j 1 Ids Port, since the I.uicp mdonce of America. -s*f. ■*&*’• -jaa. ss> *as> Marin eln tellipen ce. ! ?•*''&**<•& -**s>***>:’ <**, #> FOR r OF savannah! c I. E A /(> E D, \ SLIP Prosperity, R av , Liverpool I *Mh>MJij)pt, Drummond, j Greenock i Brig ( atlierine, Newbok!, s t , 1 Croix j’r Friendship, Patterson,Wis cisset j ?lr 'op Factor, Dexter, N. YoT j ~ L'bertv, Bowles, ditto j Ship Nimby, Ruler, Liverpool Liberty, M'Pherson, ditto i Sheriff’s Sales', j Cn the Eirsl 1 uesdaij in June next, WILL BE SOLD, j Ac the court-house in the city of I Savannah, betxvecn the hourt i of 10 anil 3 o'clock, ALL thole buildings and I improvements, onthe N. W. | half part of Lot No. —, Deck ! cr U'a and, belonging to the j heirs of Philip Minis, decealed j —formerly occupied and own ! p d by Maurice Lehiff. j A fifty acre lot, known by 1 the number 8, the lioui'e at j present occupied by joleph Arnold, in Ardon Ward—• and three lots, being part of 3 j Lve acre loi, adjoining the | town, formerly belonging to 1 the ellate of John Currie, dec. | taken under execution as the | property of Joseph Arnold, at ! the suits of Benjamin Buffy, j fu reiving copaitner afld Benj. ! Buffy, j tin. nverj Postponed from Mav Sale*. [ T. ROBER TSON, S. C. C May 7 50 Sheriff’s IN a Ics. j At the court-house in the city 9f j Savannah, WILL BE SOLD, ! On the. first Tuesday in f une next, Lot No. 6, Moore Tythiug Percival Ward,w;:h the bmkling* and improvements ; taken in exe cution as the jirnpenv of the es tate of John Wvr-ai, decease I, to satisfy a judgment in favor of j Owen Owmis. A f.SO, All that tract nr parcel of land | containing 1660 acres more or j less situate in county on Bus- I faloe creek near the head of iittie ! Satilla river bounded by lands of i Samuel ‘Vest and others, taken under execution, at tin: suit ol iho Executors of Gilbert vs. Execu tors of George I laiit, ALSO, Ail that lot or parcel of land, at Montgomery, with the im proverneuis thereon, at present i occupied bv Hr van More!; taken j to satisfy sundry executions a i gainst him. i Postponed from Mtv Sales. T. ROBERTSON, s. c. c. May 7 50 ; ST KAY ED ’ I TNTO the subscriber’s planta ; il tation on Saturday last, a deep 1 sorrel HORSE, branded on the ! neck and thigh of the rising side, ; I>. with a flower de luce over it 1 marked a good deal with the sad* tile, and collar, .-.ikl is about ta hands high. Lire owner may have him on pm ing tor this ad veriisimnt, and reasonable ex* | [rentes. , JOSHUA BUCKII ALTER, j Ed. l y 7. 1 1