The Patriot and commercial advertiser. (Savannah, Ga.) 1806-1807, June 04, 1807, Image 3

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atone* 1 tie Ri -’er 3 ink, mis. CoVtT'Hl iri.l't ut H ‘,)• - Os i.Oitie ypnn, slicking nut of the Ground'; i'.it took it hip with Its melaiiehoiv trontPnlS —— Wit, f HAG MENTi OF am IMF AN fN SCULL - is supposed to have been de bv A d'lg, inr Hi pte.-sOnt scarcely aim” prowls through sic* to'.yn. Th'i bloodv remain* with ;i Mj-itre piece of board were car ried to Sep ire D’, the .ie live tmgi st ia- ooj > li, s place ‘i - j m iudiate!v caused enquiry to b; jn .Je, a jury <-I Ma r.jn> was sun jn’vie I, and the person suspected examined ; front uieir report it wonl'l app-Mvf lit it she hid bam late'y delivered of a child .'die Ncd wile believed, about to ir or live days back), it is understood this unfortunate yooiijj girl is li .oik!, bv proper securities, to lie torih coining whenever the Law re quires •—( h I'OHlde. PATRIOT. ~ SJrjNXAU, June 4, 1807. On Mm<iv l id an Fl.-flion was held in lhh city fur Officers to command the ytli n-l 6h ’ ontp-ni-t of th-> I>l Butalinn of Militia —when, f.r the ytli Company fob *T. HolUt wit elected --Captain, .* ‘Tufts, laeutenaut, and T bt.-tuirt, ErGgn. lor the 6:h Campnv Hotel Atoors was elect ed Captain, ffafrph H. Clark, Lieutenant, and $ K AWye, L:;!ijn. COM .V4UMICATION. THE FOURTH D VY OF JULY! o U K NATIONAL JUWI.EE! In a few weeks the 4th day of July will dawn upon this happy land—and are ary plans thought of by our fellow’ citiz?ns.f :r all appropriate celebration of the magnificent and glorious tvenl, which that uay com memorate !• ? The Military Afiocutions, will of course offer up all the honors which euftom has rjidled fri<m them But will that be fulficient? Is it n t the duty of every Re publican American, whether he belongs toafeleft Military Allocution, or only occafiona ly takes up a mufquet in the ranks of the Militia, to coutribiuc his mite towards the celebration ot a day, which aniounccc! ti the whole v/ >rlJ ? that tl)2 UtllriD 3J Arts OF AMERICA WCTC wkf.* and Indepenuen r? The of the 4th of July, fbotlld not be confined to this or that tlafsof citizens It fliould beemfidered as a C(V:C jubilee, iutereftinn to the hap pine fs and liberty of every citizen, and it if therefore the duty of every citizen to participate in it. Afel eiu tlie open Kiel h adjufled to a fyftvm of ce Mirimy, to which the purlc of every indufh'ioiu and difcrect citizen would b? a l equate, w mid certainly be the mod eligible and patriotic mode of commemorating the day. Hundreds of eit'Zn* (i ting down to the fame Table, would not only preleut a fpcßacle, in the highest (h j'ee grand <* ,4 d refpr but would ailo ieave iinprcili oiih up m the iniu 13 and hearts of your children, my felh W'citizens.not cafily to he obliterated. The gratifications of tlie* pa late and epicurifm are not so much to be attended to on f > great a ul momentous an oceafion, as what would be proper food, for the feelings and morality of pitri. t ifm. The more fi np’e the fare, the wider will be the range of facilities to an inter change of cheerfuluefs —ot pitrioiic frn tinent, and temperate conviviality, with every rcfpeckablc fellow citizen An arrangement rhat promises the pro duftion of these effects, ought Curdy to be more acceptable to every man who feels like an American, than tha f w lie ’* by °C* feri.ig grearer luxuries in the ch-fe apart ments of Inns or Hotels neceiTirdy ex cludes rite larger portion of the peopi & as necciTariiv tends to perpetuate the (pirit of perfina! and political enmity. It may be well enough to quarrel and wrangle >u common occasions, but the 4th day ot jay ought not to be prodituted to any purpofe:—lr is a day on which every Pa triot America* fhou’d join heart and hand:—lr is adav on wtiich Pat r.j ---•t American fliould fervently thank Al mighty God, for tlie blessings it brings with it:—lt is a day c’ nfecrated by cv -ry virtue that can render the American Pa - Tt cot nob'e—honefl —illuflrious, and an obj <sl of imitation for the world—• Let evc cv Pat riot American then, j )iu in its celebration. , ladcpendent of the excellency of fuen *n eianp'e of unanimity and enthuiid-n to your children how grateful would be the found of your united plaudits to the im mortal ihadcs of WASHINGTON! WAII’iKN! GHEKNK! GATES! MON i'GOMEKYI MERCK)!: WOOSTER! WAYNE! FRANK lUN! AnH the whole hnls ol’ Patriot*, wh* are Dow looking down frorA Her.vcn upon you —who fouglit—wh ) wrote —wlio bled, & who died, for the pern-aiient eliakliliintcnt °f the principle! of tfic 4ih clay of July, 1776. 4-e: uj all ] jiu in the celebration of that glorious day- i.rt no Pdf. i . from l'upcrioc l'icii: s taLut i.llu iil !i-• 1 nity—or pnliiica! t'.ehif.-.t, f.parate o’ie 1 fr0..1 the other. Every unit who is ho- j •ntft, virtuous, and an American in his I principles and attachment*, though he be .poor, is a fit afijcUte arid companion on that oceafion for the highest and the great ed. The adventiiioua fplendonr of wealth and ftalion,*have nothing to do with ti politic.l equality cf Republican Ame rica—that equality, which is bottom ed on Virtue, Honor,, amt a Love <r Country—that equa l v, which is breath ed through the beneficent principle! of the Federal Confliiuiion—that equality avhich it guaranteed hy the ever m inora ble 4th of July, 1776. ONE OE THE PEOPLE, j A Subscription Paper upon the p'an fuwefteef bv the ah >ve writer, is i-lt at this office, fir the S-guature* <if the Ci*i r.ens. Itis firopofrd to have the Fete under j lbwitb*. to be ereeked on tha Cos nm in, and I to limit the txpence to three dollars each Subscriber. ■ MARRIED, at CharUftou, on Tnefjay I Evenitix, L’6ih 11b bv the Rev. Mr. Faber, j Mr JOHN H. DF.UBF.LL, Merchant, to | the amial'l’ and well accomp'ifhcd Miss j NANCY r.ERCHES, both of this city. ! —-—, at St. Miry’s on the j.Sth ii’fl n',by 1 Jas. Seagrovc, cfq. Mr. Giioros Sr.mur, merchant, to ‘Vlifs Margaret H ouiTson, both of that p'ace. DIED, In t!im citv on tbit 2d itisr. ,Mr. James Allison, Coop er, h Native ot iScwikiti.l. Marine Intelligence, O I s=*> 9> *9 ?> ~ r?> .5^ PORT OF SAVANNAH i arrived , Ship Louifiaua, Peior New York, A. enoria,, Baltimore Sloop Rmg->r, Beck Alexandr-a ! The feh >oer Rolla, Fofdick, from thi* : port, arived at New-York the llth ult.— fevea slays passage. Port cf Charleston, APiy 80’ Admiral Hardy, in the Triumph, wish the Bellona, and one or two frigat>'s, has arrived iu Hampton Road* from bet- j mud a. On his outward pafTage to Martinique, j Capt Learork of Sale n wai Jjoardcd, alter j a chafe of five Jtours, from a French (loop of war capt Bart range, Horn Guala'oupe, and received them (1 abulive language and iuj'i ri;*u treatment frotnthe Hoarding offi cer, who rohbea him of a number of arti cles, and even drew his hanger fjveral times aerofs Capi. I.earock’s throat Ano ther officer told him that they tvottivery veiT. I they me; with from E.igliffi por s. Capt I'dwirsl Swaio, of the bris! Peace, i s; N wbur y P >rt wrecked on the Cat- j Iveys, on hsr palTige from Havanna to I Ehifadcdphia, with a valuable cargo of! C fT-e. lot;wood and, which vva* I chiefly 1011. The captain aid crew were on the wreck C days. T:e rrmlining pa t I of different crew* that with ihifi ry f.v- ‘ cd tliei,r lives ar the time of fh.pivreck, were impress. si by lieut. Boy*, of his Bii- I iainic Majelly's Schooner Decouvert, j who very i ifulently, on the application of j the refpedVive eiptaius far their re'eafe, refufed to give them up, and further de clared, that he inteu led to impr.-fi two men out of each, crew belonging to Chari f tou veffela, and one out of every four be longing to any American lliip. Off Cape Fear, on the nfl infd. captain Chafe, was boarded bv a French privateer (pilot-boat schooner), who took from him : aeafk of Hulls and a bawd of Flour, aud ! gave him ail order on a ra .clnnt in tl i* j city for payment. Capt. Ch (” has been ! fevcral dam in c mpanv with the brig j Cyra-, fiom B', for this port, and 1 supposes tliat flie Is gone into Ge ir/etowu I Onduoday Hfl, in I t 3'..?h long 38 i capt. Brownfpoke a Briti li llocp of war. CGpr. Crown (etc in tfie itio ! pongns, brig Tartar, T’avlor,: 1 brig Hope, S'reet; ad Selrooner j Mary. Ann, Miiler, all ut tlris onn. 1 Ship , Smith, ot Hr:o . Islauil, to sail for this port in ton ■ days axrxaaßtgEiwßanßitaßßitwwwLiyyr-w i A- -a- | Sheriff’s Sales. jn the fir at Tuesday in July next WILL BE SOLD, Ai the Court-house in the city f \ Savannah , between the hours of j 10 and 3 o deck. All that tract of land, situate about two miles from Savannah 1 containing Gb acres, being part of j the Eairliiwn tract. Toe above levied on and sold 1 as the property of i ho mas Nor- | ton, deceased. ALSO, j All that Lot in Ewinsburgh | Number twenty-five, and four j Lots in Savannah Number If* i G/ctn VVa.d, No. 22 in E ben Ward Ik Nns. 5 5c JH in Fret Lin Ward, Sold under a lGfeclo-urc of a Mortgage, riven by j >hn I. Gray to John Glass deceased, in his lifetime, Terms Cash. Postponed from •Lnfe stth-s. T. ROIiEUT ON, S/C. C. Ju te i, ’SB lm Sheriff s Sales. OK IVcJnefJ v tl< 10 tl inflict WILT, H ? *sOla[tai theJlort lately eeut>i.nt h\ L.wv rence Huron, j /n. on il> c t vhatf cwmonh ej/TeJ joncs* win J, adjoining Mr F 1/ • ciU lie filler*, between the lours ten unit three o clock of the fame day, under an.l Ly ihiue of an order of the h n jyJ ■: ffoncs, jud* ( of the eajlern d'tßtid} tie foUeravinf ar ticles, taken under attach m:,i‘ as the £ ropes ty of Laivtrnee flnr or jun. at tie fait oJJLaW rence Huron —to u*t, 8 boxes Cbm oUie 2 ditto !‘.-si;nce Spruce. <H Wire Su-ves 42 Hair Sifters 11 baskets Sweet Oil 6 barrels Cargo Pork 1 k g Lard Gin and Brandy in standing ca^ks 5 5 Irbis. Superfine Philadelphia F ioiir 2 ullage barrels sour Beer 1 barrel containing Vinegar 1 box containing Liverpool Suit. Ami iniKiediateiv alter, on the same dav, at the store lately occu pied by William Godt’rev, for the said L. Huron, jun. in the Market Square, by virtue of the .aid order and under the sattl attdcltnwnt, 4 dozen Mustard 2 kegs of twist Tobacco Part of u chest Tea. Liverpool Sait 4 barrel* bro'vu Sugar .3 ullage ditto r.ittto 1 ditto ca k Raisins 1 do pipe common Gin. T. KOBE!; I SON, S. C. 0. June 3 33 Sheriff ‘s Sales, On tlic first Tuesday in July next, WILL hE SOLD, At the court-house in the city oy Savannah, between the hours oj’ 10 and 3 o'dick, ALL thole bnbtiings and improvements, on the N. Vv . hall part ol Lot No. —, Deck er Ward, belonging to the heirs of Philip Mims, deccaled formerly occupied and own ed by Maurice Lehiff. A fifty acre lot, known by the number 8, the houie at present occupied by joleph Arnold, in Anion Ward and three iols, being part of a five acre lot, adjoining the town, fotuierly belonging to the ellatc of joint Cume, dec. taken under execution as the property of joleph Arnold, at tiie funs of Benjamin Btifiv, surviving copaitner and Benj. Bully, jun. Postponed fi-om June Stiles. T. KO PER I SON, S. C. (1 June 4. SS Sheriff's Sales. At the court-house in tiie city tj Savina ii, WILL BE SOLD, On the first Tuesday iri\ July next Lot No. 5, Moore 1 yilimg Percivid Ward, with the buildings and irnproveuients ; taken m exe cution as tiie properly ol the cs trtte of John Wcreat, deceased, to satisfy a judgment in favor ot Owen Owens. Postponed Lour Junesale'* T. LOIiKU i'aUN, s. c.c. June 4. Sheriff’s Sales, On the first Tuesday in July next between the hours of ten and three o'clock, WILL BE SOLD, At the Court house in the city f Savannah, All that plantation ‘“■•ar Savan nah, known as No. 2, ami part, of No. 1, in Fairlawn tract, con taining 136 acre# more or Ess, adjoining lands ot the late general Jackson ; foreclose 1 , as tiie pro oerty of .Limes and t rancis l). L. Honiara and others, to s.pi-f’ t t/iorrage due Richard AL WidiiiiiV-. Poipolled troirt Jtitle sales.- T. ROBERTSON, S. C. C. June 4. Sheriff’s Blank Titles For jale at ikii Office. ! Sheriffs Sales. | jON the first Tueldev m j next, between the hours of to and 3 o'clock Will he Sold, at the Court.lioufc in ihe evy of Savannah. A negro mult nanitd t 07,id: taken under sundry executions iigminst the estate of Stephen j Blount dec, Postnon-d {.om fnne Sties. t. Robertson, s .c.c. Tone 4. .5 8 1 Sheriff’s Sales. 1 Oil the first Tuesday in July next , WILL BE SOLI), I At the court-house in ‘he count it 9 1 j M Intosh, b t tween the hours j oj ten and three o'clock, the Jot j 101 l ing property, viz. A LIKELY Negro boy named ! AUI Ri.)EKN; levied on as the propem ot James K. Baillie, I to s ‘tisfv an execution in f.tvorof j Robert Mitclteli. CouditioHs, casii i on the day ot sale. t HELD. MO NT FORT, S. >l. C. | June 3. srf lm Sheriffs Sales, ! ON the past Tueschu in July } nett. IVILL BE SOLD at the Court House in Mlntosh coun ty between the hours of IO y 3 o'clock. The following proper j ty viz. K house and Lot in Darien, JL at present occupied b, Ala j. , Hopkins; levied on as the pro per tv of Hamden AM nosh, to j satisfy an execution in favor of 1 M‘Lfcod Ls Miller. Conditions, cash i>u the day of sale. THEOD. MONTFORT, 1 S. M. C j Jo' l ® 4. 481m* Sheriff’s Sales. WILE RE b()ED, at the court house in the county of M'lntosh, on the first Tuesday in Jute next, between the hours of ten I and three o'clock. j ONF. Trad of latid, lying on Bjll-Tnwn | Swamp, containing acres, more or i ieh, G od Cotton and Rice Land, on , wliirti there is a good dwelling hon*e, ai 1 present occupied Ity Leonard Jmrdinc; | levied oil a* the property of laid Jnurdinc, to fatisfy sundry execution* ig.iuft hint. Conditions. CASH on the day of Sale THLOO. MON ) .* jRT, S. M. C. ! Juue 3. 53 lm Sheriff's Sales , On the first / uesday in August next, WILL BE SOLI), I Ai the court-house in the town of j Jeff'erxon, Camden county, he ! tween the hours of ten and th > ce o'clock, th e jin to icing p 1 opei ty, viz. J!M, Ctidmt*. l'Yiideric.k, AVill, Frank, Smnba, Violet, Juba, j Sere, Sally, Mary, Dime, Lvd a, ! Mama. Yamurt, Cotntnissa, <gn t shy, MobitJ, Cooly amt Comm s Isa; levied on and sold as the pro , ports o’ Mrs. Mar'hi W. NigliU j ittga'e, on a [Vluttg duly fore j twin o’ Ric.iaicl O’Doii nti, 2jtb May, 1807. l.ondtti oils of naio Cah. I*. G. J<>NES, S. C. C: June 3.3 2tu j Mow in Camden Jail. TWO Rutiawii) Negroes, i one an African burn, calls liimselt I POM, lie is a tall, slim fellow, j between 23 and 30 years of age; j the other a country born, calls himself PETER, a stout, well set fellctv, nearly the same age. D.G. JONES, S. C. C. June 4. AS if Note —These Negtoes were < advertised bv Hubert Powers, Ks (1111 re, in ot MHiftbdi counit ,■ 1 u a Charleston paper, (The 1 im< j s) j and in the Georgia Republican. i j-p ATTENTION ! ! J(Zt ! r ’P , HE PRINTERS cf Ftcannah arc I herthy uotified that the Subscriber wit’ net pay ativ Hid rtnrf.'trd him, for j DVf RTiSKMLN I'S, pt;S!i(ited Ty them ■ tiicb they product his LeUtrtf Dircdhm D G JOU.S. St. S/Ury’s June 4. 5i *m Public notice is hereby Given , f | ‘ll T I the l ■ :in” ■:?-(, s os t G Ttoc- onl A Comma of the T.-a * of fit vrfu/i.A, c'yo- Corny, luve for I.LASE, * uiimtwr ot Valuable Traits ot Cotton Land 1 Situate on I urtlc river, and containing from id t j tfi‘t acres ca-o—nn Tc'■ e ’ of which arc convenient D -cilmg and Out- Hwufes, mnftlv under f .ncp and to be leafed on reaT'naMe trims l'.om one to fever: years, to suit the parties. Poffcffion to ‘n yivr i on the ift dav of jaunarv, ; - r ‘d app! ication to l-.t ru ‘e t-i Jamt, ; G. A!’ty , ‘TrdJurtr, or to ejtiwr of the i fubfenoers. VVILi lAM PAGE, SAMUEL BURNETT, John s >undf i .(s, CeinmisAonci 3. ! June 4. hi mm *<;„ I PUBLIC NOTE off. 1 r r , HF.P”. hciug an ii’difpcnfiMc nerefti j •* ty tint the afTai.-s of the Academy of | this eoumv (liould be fettled ac the cxpi j ration of thepreient yesr, to ensblt the j Commiffi nicrs to ca rv into eff ,4 the a-4 . of the Leg'flat tire, for tit- t iTtblifhin „■ a PnhTc Academy,k ot 1 . cr r.i j cntmcfilvd Vvith it Early ,\\.t U i hereby (J vro. ’I Payment of all arrears f,r (Writs. ,Xc. will he mti'ted on iudifc.-imm.itclv, it the .-x ----piration of the pre-fun year; and this ear ly Notice given, tliat tliofv eitjccr-ted m,y makctlicir a'-rangcuents acc-. rdtnglv, SVil.i.i ViVl AI.L, JOHN CnU ’ER, J A AIKS AL.VJY, JAMES FOR I , Comm ssioriers. June 4. 53 It. mi ai POLITICS FOR F UtdJERS A N D EH ECU HIES. Proposals f ,r Pußi.istnNO, ht WILL l AM DUm \> !•;, At. 106, Market street d'iiiludcl- P>r : a ; TWO EDI i IONS OF POLITICS for farmers a NO MUCH iNICs. Cci Trcted and Enlarged. One edition shall be p infpd on superfine paper, anti .deliver ed in boards at 75 cents il .5 :0 are subscribed tor, at 60 Cents f 1000, at 50 centi ii 2000 copies; if required to bound j 5 ccn;s ttddit iDi.'tl^gH I he other shall be a cheap j r.DtTino. in t!)e pamphlet form J —and the price snail be proprn. ttoiled to tiie imaT-r .übsctilretj for—twenty five twitt. a copy f.. r any number under loOu—and 3 > cents tor any number above 2000 —-15 cents lor any number a bove 8000 —k the usual allow ance to nook seders. Booksellers, printers 5k coun try store keepers, throughout tile United -States, are desitt tj to 1 r yard to the Aurora editor, as soon as possible the number ,f aril edition, they v-iii subsenbe for. • Boil) editions shall be ptit to press, as so >n as a kufi*.;ic-tit number ol subscribers to cither edition is procured to pay the j expeuce of printing. J Primers ol Republican news, papers, throughout the union, arc requested to insert these pro. posaL and receive subscriptions —-those who advertise shall te ccive copies ol the pamphlet in payment. Chapmen who trove! with books or other goods shall be furnished on good terms. [Subscriptions received at this I Mav l I 5 1 ft) “a Fkuin>s.al7 BY WILLI A M Y. BIRCH, h ABRAHAM SAFAI.L, Os the city Oj Philadelphia, p'ol Publishing by Subscription, A New, In cresting, ana impor tant Work, called, Jim a! and poinar dll hy t o it MEMOIRS OF Illuflrious and Celebrated WOlvl KN, Os all dgei and Countries jlfHF*****#:':-#*#* UV MAKE UVY ~ a- **#* ‘* *•* jfj* Sjihscriptims received t this Offlee.