The Patriot and commercial advertiser. (Savannah, Ga.) 1806-1807, July 20, 1807, Image 3

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tvavs safest, and particularly when events like these occur, to be prepared for every extremity, I have, in parsn race of the re cotnmenda ion ot the general meeting, addressed von, request ing you who are officers, to use every means in vour po-ver to have the militia under your ; command promptly armed and equipped, and prepared to obey the call of the Federal Govern, inent, should they require the, I services of ativ part of them ,* 6l I I earnestly intreat our fellow ci tizens who are the piivates, to I second vour efforts by every means in their power. It is to be hoped tlr.s attroci* I ous act of violence has not been authorised by the British govern* ment, and will be promptly and [ honorably disavowed by then,— I that on the denvaud being made I ample and satisfactory reparatu lon will be ordered, and tnc in- I tercourse and friendship of the I two nations restored on houora- I hie and equal grounds. Should I however, proper satisfacton be I refused, you will then doubtless I recollect that no common occa- Ijioghas aroused you that not lonlv your rights, but your na* Itional honor has been attacked, land in a way to make accommo- Idation extremely difficult— 1 oe ■ least reparation that even the ■most moderate government must ■ conceive inciirpensible, may be ■refused by a nation long accus- Itomed to control the ocean, and Kittle used to concession. I Under this aspect. L fear the ■equality which we must respect ■and never lose sight of tnay, not lonl be forgotten by her, but e |ven former resentments and situ lations be recollected, i Should this unfortunately be ■the case should the only sa ;s ----■faction which can be received be ■denied, an l tilings be driven to ■cxtreinhies, von must in vour ■turn rem?mb ‘r your o .vr. an l the ■conduct of your ancestors, under ■circumstances much more trying ■thin can ag/m occur. In the ■farmer struggle with Geat-Bn ■taiu, your population was not one ■half so no iierotss as it is at pve ifent. Y,u had neither govern” ■men*, laws or i-evcnue > a great ■proportion of your inhabia’nts Evas opoosttl to your revolution. ■You had neither ammunition, or ■the means to obtain it, or friends, lor allies to support you. }■ You were destitute of manu- Ifactures.and literallv without the ■comforts or even the necessaiies lof hfe ; you had at that time, the ■most powerful and victorious ■people in Europe to contend ■with. You were n handful, of ■colonists sca'tered over an mi ■ Dense continent, the name of ■which w is scarcely known to o ■thei nations. But, under all these d;s- Icrmragiug, navhoptl'ss circutn- L .nee’s, when her rights were at [tackt d,wha was ihe language of ■ America? the moment ■ she saw honmable it conciliation Ist an end, siie spurned at wciy I thing : hat w s oUierwise. She met tin- struggle with the firmness and mo ci a .ion always [essential to true chgnnv. Shu [to n convinced she wotl ), that linen who could l n'eg > tfieir pto [fits, their pleasures, and the [peaceable er.jovmeat of their [dearest connexions, arid all lot [liberty, could never be reduced I [to vassal ;ge. I Ihe pr. valent and -teady lan- I KU#g f America then was, t® [tisk their town-, to give u i> thc I li.ixurics and even the couvecii* I [tncesoi life, to be prepared to I Resist the power of tneir enemy, j I [arid not to lament their losses, [while their woods, their honor & j [their liberty was left to tfi.m; (thus determined, they reststeu (lot in van. i tie almighty cits - J loser ot evt nts crowned -heir I (fforts with success and stampt fiiir c.iu.’trv tire freest, and until I |.r. ; 3 moment, the happiest tesi- Renee ot the human lace. I Amidst, however, the vicissi ludes that attend every state, I I tar that removed as tvesuppos” i ftl we we it from almost every possibility of iuii*rferrence with the general confusion and war ihat every where prevails, even our distance and unexampled moderation will not much long- { er protect ns from participating j iu their evils. It the crisis does arrive ; if you are obliged to defend your rights by arms , von will have the solid comfort of reflecting that I your government is right, and j that the pretence by which it is j attempted to just fy this act, is ! totally unfounded ; that the laws i ot nations give no right to da- j maud the seamen v ho were said ! to be mutineers, and that our j constitution and laws forbid their Surrender- Having thus, justice on your side ; an honorable and patrio tic government, around which the people rally unanimously,* vast national resources Pc means of defence within yourselves; nu merous sod powerful fiiends in Europe ; domestic manufactures which, in time of war, will soon be abundantly sufficient for your own supplies. Thus Mutated, I am sure von will meet any e vent, as freemen ought and that you will recollect the manner in which your ancestors atchieved .vour independence and support ed its rights—that having.through their firmness and love of liberty received them uncontaminated, you, too, will consider your selves bound in honor to trans mit them, unimpaired, to your posterity. CHARLES PINCKNEY. CHARLESTON, Ju’y 14. Capt. Mf.mry W. iiooL, late ly arrived a: New-York from the Havana,has communicated to the editor of the Mercantile Adverti ser, the following information, | given him at that place by Mr. I J*mes DrisdELL concerning 3 I American seamen, now in slave -1 rv among the Spaniards. Mr. i'Ri'DU.i, was at the coin niencemenr of tlie present war, an officer on board the British ship Castor St Pollux, then tn_ gaged on a voyage of discovery along the North West Coast of America. This vessel was cap tured bv the Spaniards, and the ciew made prisoners. Captain H. W. 800 l saw Mr. Drisdeii on his passage from Veia Cruz to Cadiz, to he exchanged ; Tneves sel,onboard of which be was,hav ing put into Havana about the 27th of May, 1807. On Mr D’s journey from the interior of Mexico tj Vera Cruz, he talked with three persons then m chains, and doing servile labor on the public road, who called themselves American citizens. — Their names were J'otmVandyke yunit;ft Baker, and Alexander Bleary- They were then station ed the high wav lead” ing from Xalapa to Vera Ciuz, in .he dismu of Rmconada.— .ty they had been wreck ed on die coast of Andalusia, not far uom Cadiz, m 18u4, in an V mericaa b;ig. V v hiie on tneir way 10 the American Consul at Cadiz, mey were arrested, and I confined in die Castle <1 do ! Catharine. Alter having been, kept there for three days with out being able to communicate with him, they were forcibly j embarked on board a Spanish i vessel and sent to Pensacola. At 1 this place they were compelled to enlist as soldiers. They made two a.tempts to escape, and vveie both times retaken, .literwauls they were doomed to slavery in the manner and at line place a bo -e recited. Capt. bool feels interested in giving this information to the f r iends of these unfortunate men, through the medium o the news papers. And he doubts not that the editors Ol GaZ-ltes, p.tiuta laily in the sea ports wilt in dulge him so far as to give th.s notice a place in untie columns. $3- If JESSE HICK M \ N is alive he will be informed of fometiiing in terefliug toiiim by applying so iiie prin ters of t/a rui'rjt. PATRIOT. -V•’£^<J> ** ‘T savannah, July 20, got. tty* The Subfcrihers to the Patriot, are inf-tmed, that, fuiJinpr it expedient to dTcontinue it; this is tlie l ift number we wil puUlith under that titlt and cn Mnn d;>y next will appear the FEDERAL RE PUBLICAN ADVOCATE, which will he font to our p-efrut t.ihfcrihr-s they notify us rhat thev with to withdraw thtlr names, &difeharye their artearages All Advi-r?iffmeats now in the I'aiilat will tie continued in the Ad-vecote. NORFOLK, fuly 5, TEOy. Sir—ln purfuaacenf your requefl, I this dav Went dawn to the Britilli fijuadron, K-- ing in Hampton Road,, fur the purpol'e of delivering the letter with which I wa, charged to captain Doug'as; on arriving along fi !e his llrip, the Bellona,! was invit ed on board, received hv capt tin Douglas himfelf at the gang way, and conducted to In cabin, where I found afli inhled all the captains of the squadron. I immediately informed him th it v 11 had yellerdry re ceived a leiter from him, the answer to which I had been requested to deliver,and placed ir in his hands. He read the letter very attentively,and then handed it tocap tain Hardv, from whom it p isle i to the o ther captains in fttccefHon. sVhrn the, had all per;,fed it, captain Dong as ohfi ived to ine,“ I presume, fir, you are acquainted with the ouents of this lecte ■'—t told him Iw s perfcrt’yfo He then Hat ed that f;is letter mud have been mifap preheuded, that it contained no exprelli .11 of menace which l e tec Iltdled, and that it certainly r.otlns intention toule lan guage which could be conttrued tn convey fueli ideas : he referred to captrin Hardy* faying, that he had fliewn him the letter previously to its being feiit, ;ait.d had re queftrd liis opinion as to its sentiments; captain Hardy coiicurred with captain Doughas in .he opinion and objefts of the conimtmi a ion. Iti en remarked to them the particular erpreffi 11s m the letter, which f confide, cd as the language of threat, and adverted to the cin of the wards'*inime liaiely annulled ” being und rfeored. H - laid that this uuderfeor ing mud h ve been done by his clerk, with out hit direifli*n, and Had escaped his ob servation ; but again allured me, upon his honor, that ii any exp cfiioo in the leiter w ire the appearance of a .'liteat,it wasaot intended to b- so und;r(l >od. Cap*ain Douglas next adverted to the eouclufion of the letter, in which the alter native of peace or war is left to himfelf,— He fait! upon this fuhjc'd’, that he had no orders to commit any adk of hofii'ity, ami that there was no man from whi fe inten tiona or wiflv s fqch ail 01-jeA was in r e re mote That he was anxiou- to preserve the relations of amity, which had cxiflcef, I e tween tlie two g vernments, and that* no aeflof I,i, IhooM tend to interrupt theirhar. mot.y, unhf , lie was ordered by his f tpe riors tn perfo rn furh adfs, in which case, *s an officer he muff do his duty. He re pea'ed, howe’ er that lie had at prelcnf no such orders, nor 1 id he expert to receive such Me Hated that he had it in charge generally, to guard his flag, arid thofc un der its protection, from insult or .(Tut if anv kind,and tha’ this in all fruitions he muff uuqiielfionably do.—But that any fur ther meafurs he was not at prefe"* author ifed, nor was it his intention to t he. 1 here stated to liun lie many insultin'; menaces, which had been coimii'iideated m Norfolk, as cominq Irotn Ii in. He posiiivelv denied 1 u*r haviujj uttered anv such—declared ii they lud been used by any of Ins officers, that they were unauthorised, and dis approved of bv him, remarking at iho same tune that he hoped all a ho knew him, would do him the jtistice to believe, ihat fie was not in the habit of using the iaugiiaye of threat*—Here he too again ie ierred to ail the officers to say, if they bad ever heard him at any tune, even while .speaking con. fideiuialiy to them, utter such ex* pressious, and they untied iij tie elariuv tint tbey bad not. A dcfultory converfatiou then took plsce between capt. Douglas, the either at irsins and myfclt, wlitcl. continued neai ly an J.our, in thc count- of which nra.iy re marks were made, which, no reference to tlie HU;] ect of your letter, nr w re in any way tOune.U’J with it: thele, fir, 1 have already comm, rtiicared toyoulell, & to all iny fellow citizens with whom I luve converted up 11 this subj :rt; but is the; are not comic, led with ta iiihj.’rt of your letter, 1 preluiue il w ;uhl be unue celfary again to detail them litre. Id the coin ft ot this converfatiou, I described to tk i a* wi;,, as I was ab'c the lentimeuts wmcii uuiveiTdly prevai ed through n t country at this t rue, the caule lrom whence it proceeded, and thc 1 fierts it wouid produce, provided any elf.i t on their part llr-iuld he m de to oppoft tlie public ref alvei, as to mtercoiirle or fop plies. I explicitly declared that we lud s yet received no au.hori y from our go vernment to proceed to arts of aggroifi. on, but that we were autboiileo, and were prepared for defence, and tor the p-otfctioii of ourle'vas and our property; to prove which I placed in the bauds of capt. Douglas, au extract from thc J. it r of governor Cabell, i brig .dicr- iirne ai Machews, w’.ico I had made for that pur pose: I cowcliidea by warning t. m agi n, not to feudally of his office s or (icop.c oil lhorc, lor that if he did, the .arm of tlie civil authority, 1 did not believe, would he ah eto protect them from the vengcauct of au enraged people; that this might it-.J to rnnlf qnetv-es which nog! t peffihlv be vet averred, and ii he was fincerc iulhchnti r ents he had cjnrcfled, l-.e wouid I p anx ious to prevent Inch results. Capt, 1> u-d IS , *’ u n'l the captains dertared, that th v wire aware ot the prclcnt fiate of the rmWic feelings, and deplored thc circnm- Oaiice which had excited it; th t they oil not intend to expofv anv of tlnir pr i pic tothc resentment of ours, which they could eonce ve was big 1 ly inflamed; that as to fuppl l cs they did not want ally t pre sent, hut when they did, they ffiouM no; attcm|ir t\> pr cure t ien\ in hhv why v,-ou’d excite the oj p -fi-ion of the cuizens of this country. Upon the subject of intv course, he did not expect to hold anv with the people of this coun try, nor was there n-y ion for it. lie only wished 10 be permitted f.-eclv to coovn'inicate with the accredited officers of h s government here who had been formally received and re cognized by our executive, and whose functions he presumed none but the -government had the right to put down. As to the particular manner in which this communication might be carried on, it was a matter quite inc! ff.-r ----entto hi os. He bad no o,! cti on to that being regulated by o;ir >-e'ves, in any way which is \ judged proper, and that he w ould certainly puruie the mode which | might Le auggested as most a- j grccahl? to us. provided t!ic channel of communication was kept tree arid open.—To tlrs l stated, that I had no authority from any person to enter into anv engagement with him, but that ian individual I would state, that the letters he had forward ed under cover to you had been safely delivered, and that there fore, I presumed any o her dis patches of a like kind would be treated in the same way But upon this subject, I could only reinr him to you and your asso ciates for information. —He then stated that he would to day write an answer to your ktrer, which fie should forward as before, and i left his ship, capt. Douglas a ga;n the substance of what L have already stated. From the moment l approach ed Ihe on which I left her, my treatment from Gapt. Douglas and ail hisollEei s tv a. ma. keu by as touch attention politeness, and respect, as any gentleman ever received from o tiiets. A 1 y particular friend Mr. James Taylor jun. accompanied me on board the British ship, for reasons iliac wi l at once suggest ihernaelt cs to you, when you re member the dedicate and embar rassing situation in which iinight he placed. He remained on board thc whole time with me, fit was a witness to every thing which passed. I have read to him tins communication, Sir, in or der to ascertain if tny recollection was correct, and he accords with min every’ ctatcuietu here made. I have forwarded a copv of this letter to the Governor of Virgi nia, and to the Federal Execu tive, believing th >t at tlt’* inn*', it is tliniluiv of every citizen t> keep Ills government uni iiifnrni ed of every tiling whieii maybe useful. I have die honor to be, your most obedient servant, L. W. r T \Z TV Eld.. ToPichahd E. J i:e, EPki Mayor of tfce Borough Df Xo**folk. JUi Maj fly*'} Jhip Pdlonct Hampton Roods’ btb ‘Ju!y t JBO7 Sir, 1 have tfieJjopor to ac kuowfcdgi: the receipt of your let ter of the *4tii itist, in ausvvi r to mine of die proceeding day, rcouesfiog the Brnisli consul iiiighi Ire restored to Ins powers. A •very < ittaimsiaute relit; 1 ve to the above communication was so iuliy discussed in presence o; tin: gomleiiien dvpnicd by ill niagistrimv of Nt.r oik, as b.i.rcrs of your dispatch, 1 have only it: , aminion to remark, that as l,tr as I an. individually concerned, t ve rt exeiuuu shall ire ns. .1 tiiut car:, 1 orisisivni u 11 il the lioaor and and: - i.ity of the Brui-u Hag, tu.d .0 an amicable iciinitiation, i na’ e tiie im ior t<r be, Sir, Vo o’ ob’t. humble serv’t. J. ii. DHL r./E AS. E- Li t, E-q dlavo ol lie borough ol N r >>. 10 kYp, A letter front a gentlcrr* -.1 in Eitiitirnttil to 111*! jriciuls here, I'ati s, tact lilt** <-spress w Ineli was ici a Oil On S!> 111-, tav la-!, lit con sequence es ( ommodoii Doug-a>* lirst ieiier, an A’cil there on Sun day e\ tiling, w fit c:' the liielimotiti cav.-tlrv arid Artillery receivi and 1)M l, (s t , ui.iich ic.r this P<a e 1 innii.-titot• Jy. fro ll * arioth r souice we tu,- j de: -and Wait JOoO ti> itrt.i were ordered to it ;.a 1 loi ibis place. -KmW’ rs a I,ltr fy.-m />. ,-W.W, fit. If \ r ! ‘\ unf ‘ 7. t ,1 mcrituruilc ■ V ‘j • ‘ J'ptHnl-uity ir A. lu, i ’ I'lh fl ip I L:. u) c ,ip:.’ J le' h a t'vnvfd m tkcnvrr from Amftci-d a. it, a fir *ri SI e It ft the TANARUS, xrl tn ths 1 oth of Jvl,..v, at ,v irh t in,- ,t ie- P'Ttof that there had ! cm. twagoncrl hat lO.i It". g!n In-twten .fiatwn vrh U armies j - lire hi ft on the bft „f April, and r! oW ri,nfl /' tl*B S:l> of Mav Th.- P:.ffians , -• t c laid to late gained a cumaktc vic . lory ” j “ Our ‘letters {lntel's* the markets are : extremely cleprcfieii in Ilol.xnd. PK’OPO'-'. x | s Hot pubiift in” 1 Vewf. aper in the city at iai-anih, to ire emit cd, lederai i< epun h eau Advocate, sND Comtneicia! Advcrtifer. | THH Paper wil! be p>iMi(lit>rl evpn* I Monuay ar.d ThiirbUy, c:\ a I .rtv Hr a"* . fli'rt. w h 2 goml tYpf 7’ ii> dollars per annum, on-.* luff n •.a al; c ;n aitvar-ce. l*nk Alvocai t (iiail be uisccafinc’j'v de V* ted 10 tbt dtTtnr* aiu( 7rrtfrd rs piinciples .t <ur revocation of ilie federal coufiituti ‘ii : and a* t,*,r • jtbc feeb e abilities of the editor (•’ ith i\\c bed lit .rarv aid he procure) wil! e lia ble hi-ii, to the vig ant deiccSlion, and bt j tzrmiued expidure of lb L-Ulfe and a’oo niinaldc dnulriaes 1 i e t rt rev< iu lio.iarv Fi anrc. w- ich t-niH, tlitir !i- ibiur to rejifon, religion ad f T.'v, h ;ve mi immediate tt udency t>- p'/ilon the inii.ds of t! c peoples and eventuaily to j par. izc the f verfigMv and independen. :• o. t; e country. WT, ffos < t*elratii.o, fr, ;n which piedgs himfelf never so t evi *t e he anticipates the prompt ar-d !i’ cral support ot all thofc wh. , w:ih ! fn;ce e* ly vcncrat? thcg.rat churier of t*ur iibtr -li> s, and with htiii too are anxious to pre fer ve and to tranimif to poffcritv, Ut.fu’li | ed and without; l blcmilli the reputation ! t ie princij)!es of the berets who atchirvcd I it. • JOHN CARVONT. SuhJcr ‘ittLns re.d ed at s. Tcn.ild': ! Rfiui Stars on the hay unJ at tbs Luf ’ Jet -He. fr. | Savnnah, jfu’y j KhMOVAL MTLIJNiRT IViRK- I vl AOoyiv, rt-mcvsu to :iie H ail * l.uc j ly occupied I'V Mr. George fenny, i. ext door to James DickXon, Liq. MHiktl-hquare, j Jn If 2IJ, ■ , 7! 4i i i>7j7 B* Hciih.~ j HAS just recc-v-il !>y ti e fhi,, Djr.niL-u'.li, A FiclU Sujjy y of A f )|*i’ :''\j :f JL 1 -U. I. ik 9 A V7> O‘IIIC.R mAIjICIXSS. 20. 7 1 A 1 Administrator’s Sale* j Or. the'Aid day of August next, \V Ii I. hE S’ i .i), At the !. “use occupied Oy the Subacril a , A .L A. I, I. ihe per Tonal oroperty I r-f Cl;:i ke Bmwn, 'cc. conlifiii sosf of one filvei VZairh—imeyxtooi |>’ ckti yffi Is— j <neft t gun a: and carloudi ln:x —l. e in .1 > trunk ami or.e large 1 nui k, wi.u / article* of wearing apparel. Cunditions C- ift. iViGitv. ‘IN I'M’ HS. July 13- N) Ms i 50 Dollars RezvortL j ’ i \ TILL bt- given to am jyf-.r-orv V V aiiprcltundiiig a iiogio in,.11 ctilivd Dl K, alx.ut five iiyet high, and about 23 years ol’ ago, isa likely ( fiiniu-y l>nm le ion Ile e-ca|n-d from tin: oiisiot. y of ib> Subscriber, on Hi* 9|soi A j>r:l las;, near Gruukc.l river Bridge. Any person i.-roviim said ‘ii 1 negro n> be harboured by a whi e person *'i‘ persons, 1 efrne j uNffi HUNDRED DOLLARS. JOSI.J’H CHEWS, I) s I .c. St. Jifary s Jtuir 1%. t> ; (tff NOTiCE. Siib,cn.,e lurbHs all f | !i f } i'Mtii 4 bi’ 1 int. , 1> 1V * * rt G y ■M; i! t CII i* I S .I c 011 \ll y mhout a wriuen ordoi h -m mtp, J. A, iViOJiEiLj.. Aj-r-l 1 ‘- 4?