Southern Christian advocate. (Macon, Ga.) 18??-18??, December 26, 1876, Image 2

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4$ f/*' - • MB -pondlm 1:. gfbljf |P ’ ’ -• ••••• j9k, .- ' ; §MMP* y a ■- - .-.i .’h : . M*r r!' 1 i. '.r-' K o h Cui.ft-r*-! < Miffed l>irk to Macon in order to ensure the issue of the paper in time for its tram-in is si m to Sparta tie ore the adjournment of the Conference. As 80. Burke was in attend ance upon the session of the North Georgia Conference from its commencement until its c!o=e, and wiil doubtless write of it, it would be superfluous for me to write more than to express my pa'nful regret at the protracted hoarseness of Bishop Fierce, which made it impossible for him to preach, and to express the very earnest hope that this disability may speedily yield to treatment, enabling him at an early day to resume those pulpit labors so interesting and editying to the Church. Preferring not to re?.ch Chester, the seat of the South GVolina Conference, at the un seasonable hour of 2a. m., I waived the Au gusta route and took passage by Atlanta and the Air Line Hoad. Beaching Charlotte at f> a. m., with ihe expectation of leaving for Ch ster in an hour, it was a sore disappoint merit to be informed.that the schedule had been changed within a short time, and that I could not leave until 11 p. m. The day was passed among warm friends, and at last J reached the seat of the Conference at an exceedingly undesirable hour. I found the Conference well under way, under the presidency of Bishop Kavanaugh, whose genial spirit and flexible administra tion give him a warm place in the hearts of the brethren. There is a very full attend ance, and one looking upon the cluerful faces, and generally rotund forms, of the preachers, would hardly imagine the tribula tions through which they iiave passed. Some items of the statistical report will show a de crease, but the amount of prosperity which has characterized the Church in this Stale in the midst of the “troublous times” of the y. ar now ciosing, is matter alike of surprise and gratitude. There is a falling off in the amount paid to preachers, as well as in the several general collections, but the deficits are not so great, as were reasonably dreaded in view of the prevalent disturbed condition of the country. Avery fine class of young in. u was admitted —the largest for several y ears. No death lias occurred among the preachers during the past year—a fact that, elicited devout thanksgiving in a special ser vice. Among the pleasant incidents of this exceptionally pleasant session, was the pre- ntation to the Conference by Rev. J. T. Wigiitmau, l>. 1)., of eieven hundred and seventeen dollars ($1,117), which had been placed in his hands by a lady of Charleston, to be appropriated in any manner that he might elect. Bishop Kavanaugh reported that a lady ot’ Kentucky had devised a con siderable portion of her estate to this, to gether with several other Annual Confer ences of the Southern Church, and that the distributive share of the South Carolina Con" fen nee would he something over one thou sand dollar.-. ($1 t 00). and would shortly be paid to such officer of the Conference as should he authorized to receive it. These benefactions are peculiarly grateful in these tiyiug times, and the Conference gave ex pression to its appreciation in suitable re unions. On Friday night an interesting meeting was held in furtherance of the educational inter ests of the Conference, and a very large au dienee listened with profound delight to Presi dent .lonesi of the Columbia Female College, and that always welcome speaker, I)r. James ii. Carlisle, ot W offord College. The inevi table collection succeeded the speeches, and some r**li t was furnished the Female College, t >n Sa' urduy night the missionary meeting was held, and was pronounced by the veteran Sec clary the grandest of the season. Bishop Kavanaugh led off with a characteristic speech, which ever and anon thrilled the large audience, and aroused them to an un usual pitch of enthusiasm. The Bishop closed his address by remarking that the Missionary Secretary was present, and that the preachers, at least, knew what that meant. Dr. McFerriu proceeded to address the an ilii nee in the peculiar style for which he has so long been famous, and the perfect access which he secured to the good will of his hearers, was illustrated by the generous re sponse rendered to his appeal for money. Chester is a small town, and the people have felt sorely the pressure of these trying times ; the preachers have had a hard time, and wire sent up to the annual meeting with ligh'er pockets than usual; yet the collec lion, to the surprise even of the worthv Sec retary. reached near six hundred dollars. The services of the Sabbath were exceed ingly interesting, and seemed to be greatly enjoyed by the vast congregations which flocked to the several churches. At the Methodist Church B shop Kavanaugh preach ed in the morning, ordaining the deacons at the close of the service, and Dr. McFerrin preached at night in the same place The elders were ordained after the night service, and the interest of the ceremony was greatly en aimed by the participation of the vener able Dr. W. S. Plainer of the Presbyterian Church, who joined in the "laying on of hands,” and afterward delivered a most im pressive address to those who had just been inducted into the eldership. He is agr ind old man, full of grac-*, and consequently brimming over with Christian charity—his presence with us was a benediction and a joy. A Sunday-school meeting was held in the Presbyterian Church iu the afternoon, ad dressed by Dr. J. T. Wightman. and Dr. Plumer. I was not present, but. the report from all whom I heard speak of it, was that it was the most orderly and admirable Con ference Sunday-school meeting that had been known for years. 1 write on Monday afternoon, and will have to mail my letter before adjourumen l , which will take place to-night. Rev. J. 0. W ill-on has furnished you some excellent •‘copy,’' and will complete his very efficient and appreciative service by sending you the appointments as soon as they are announced. F. M. K. THE PRINTER'S APOLOGY. This issue of the Advocate is a little be hind time. We had to wait for the proceed ings and the appointments cf the South Geor gia and South Carolina Conferences. We trust that after having read the paper through, its readers will have no occasion for com plaint at the delay. Meanwhile we wish them, one and all, a merry Christmas and a happy New Year. COMMITTEES—NORTH GEORGIA CON- J-EItKXCK. The following Visiting Committees to the Colleg-s were appoint and : Kmoky College —W. P. Harrison. T. A. Seals, W. F. Glenn, H. P. Bell, N. Bass. Wesleyan Female College —L. J. Da vies, ,J. H. Baxter, T. R. Kendall, R. J. Powell. C. King. LaGrange Female College —W. A. Sim mons, J. S. Bryan, W. F. Lewis, J. F. Ogle tree, T. \V. Latham. Dalton Femai.eColi.ege —W. H. LaPrade, rr . H. Timmons, J. J. Singleton, J. H. Huff, J. I. Wright. Bishop Pierce announced the re appoint ment ff the Board of Finance. Conference appointed first Fridays in April and August, as days of Fasting and Prayer throughout the Conference. ■^Wtgeorgi A CON'HatK**:. Sandersville, Ga. , December 13. "The tenth session of South Georgia Con ference met at the Academy in Sand- rsville. Ga., December 13, 1876, at 9a. m. Bishop Pierce in the chair. Opened w th religions services conducted by Joseph Key. S. D. Clements, former Secretary, cal ! ed the roll, and the following members answered to their names : 82 cler ical and 13 lay present S. D Clements elected Secretary, and R. J. Corley, R. M. Lockwood, R. S. Hon iker, Assistants. The Cot ference appointed hours o f meet ing and adjournment at 9 a. m. and Ipm. The Pastor and Sandersville P. E. appoint ed a commi'tee on r-üblie worship. Committee on Books and Periodical?: George C Clarke. Peter S. T i:*y. \V. F. Rt,bison, J. J. Jones, H. S. Wimberly. Committee on Sunday scl-o L : A. J. Dean, George S. Johnson, T. K Leonard, JI'E. Ryiander, P. B. Sims. on Bible Cause: J. AA 7 . Sim mo George J. Griffiths, R. L Wiggins, T. J*. Watt, T. J. Ccurvoiste, On motion of J 0. A. Clarke a commit tee of three preachers and two laymen was appointed to consider the action of the Joint Board of Commissioners fr ra the M. E Churib, South and M. E. Church, which met at Cape May. A communication from Dr. Summers was read for information The Secretary read the annual exhibit from the Publishing House at, Nahvdie. Referred to Committee on Books and Peri odicals. The Secretary read a communication from the Missionary Board at Nashville. Re ferred to Board of Missions. Dr. McFerrin was introduced and address ed the Conference on the subject of Missions. The Secretary read a report from the pub lishers of the Southern Christian Anvo cate. Referred to Committee on Books and Periodicals. On motion of J. D. Mauldin the Confer ence resolved to sit with open dooi3 during the examination of character. R. M. Lockwood presented a memorial from the Bainbridge District Conference in reference to the appropriation and distribu tion of Domestic Missionary funds. Re ferred to Board of Missions. The report of the Board of Vi .itors was read, and referred to Committee on Educa tion. O. L. Smith read the annual report of Emory College. Referred to Board of Ed ucation. Question 20 was called : Are all of the preachers blameless in their lives and offi cial administration? The following names were called and their characters passed: G. G. N. MacDonell. E H. Myers—died of yellow fever, Septem ber 26. On motion of J. 0. Clarke, Bishop Pierce was requested to preach—if his health will allow —a memorial sermon on the death of Dr. Myers, and that if his health will not permit, to prepare his sermon for publica tion. Question 20 resumed. The name of A. M.Wynn was called and his character passed. J. S. Jordan, J. Mauldin, N. D. Morehouse, p. A. Branch, B. F. Breedlove E. J. Burch, James D. Anthony, J. O. A. Clarke. Arminius Wright, character passed, and granted a superannuated relation. W. M. D. Bond, S I). Clements, S. S. Sweet (granted a supernumerary rela ion), T A. Griffiths, D. K. McWilliams, R 1,. Wiggins, Samuel Anthony, R hert B. L-s, C. J. Toole, J. B. VVardiaw, J. W. Burke, W. C. Bass, C. W. Smith, Oi L. Smith, characters passed. The doxologv was sung and Conference adjourned with benedielion by Dr. Key. Second Day, December 14, 870. The Conference was opened with religious services by Rev. 11. W. Hilliard, of Colum bus, Georgia, Bishop Pierce in the chair. A letter from R. Abbey, agent for the claim of the Methodist Church, South' against the Government at Washington, lor rent of l’ablishing House at Nashville, Ten nessee, during the war. He asked the in dorsement of the Conference, of his mission. A special committee was appointed to take it under advisement, consisting of Dr. O. L. Smith, J. J. Jones and 11 B. Lester. G. G. N. MacDonel made the announce ment that he had resigned his position as Treasurer of the Missionary Society, and the appointment ofF A. Branch, to fill the place. R. J. Corley, agent for Rev. G. G Smith’s History ot Methodism in Georgia, announced that, he was ready to receive subscriptions, asking Rev. A. M. Williams to assist him. The Bishop resumed the 20th question, the examination of elders' characters. The follow ng names were called and characters passed. J. B. MoGehee, R. J. Corley. J. S. Key. J. V. M. Morris, J P. Wardlaw, L. G. K. Wiggins, Geo. S. Johnson, Geo. C. Clark, W. W. Stewart. W. F. Robison, G. T. Embry, Lovick Pieice, L. B. Payne, J. W. Hinton, T. T. Christian, J. K. Littlejohn, W W. Tidwell, J. M. Potter. J. W. Dom ingos, W. Lewis, J. A. Rosser. R. F. Evans, A. .T. Dean, R W. Dixon, P. C. Harris, E. A. H. Mc-Gehee, J. O. A. Cook, P. S. Twitty. A. P. Wright, R. L. Hnirker, T. K. Leonard, J. T. Ainsworth, R. M. Lock wood,W. Laue, L. A. Darsev, G. J Griffiths, J. M. Austin, N. B. Ousley, W. M Hi ves, J. W. Simmons, T. S. Armstead, J. M. Mar shall, J. L. Williams, Gto. C. Tt ompsou, D. G. Pope, J. E. Sentell, A. M. Wili ams, H. C. Fentress, W. F. Robert', C. C. Hines, J. J. Giles, C. A. Moore, D. Blalock. Dr. L. Pierce's name was called for the seventy-second time, and in response he addressed the Conference in reference lo his long service and eventful life. At the close, R. M. Lockwood suggested the Conference sing “Praise God from whom all blessings flow,” and Rev. S. Anthony led in fervent prayer, for the remarkable preservation of Dr. Pierce’s life and health. The case of Dennis O' Driscoll was referred to a committee consisting of J. M. Austin, P. C. Harris and J. B. Wardlaw. Rev. C. J. Toole was granted a super numerary relation. W. F. Williamson and S. R. Weaver was continued in the same re lation. Rev. W. F. Roy, a local preacher, pre sented an appeal from the decision of the Quarterly Conference of the Gavisboro cir cuit. It was entertained. miiu) Day, December 15. Religious service conducted by Rev. R. B. Lester. Bishop Pierce in the chair. By a resolution offered by R. W. Dixon, S. S. Sweet was elected editor of the Min utes, and the roll was called and the preach ers subscribed. The case of J. W. Domingos was taken up and his character passed. The committee on the appeal case from Davisboro Circuit reported that the case be remanded for new trial. The committee on the case of W. I. Green reported that no trial was necessary, as no charge had been sustained against him. He was granted a location at his own request. The Bishop then resumed the call of su peranuuated preachers, and the following names were called and their relations con tinued : J. IV. Talley, W. S. Baker, James Harris, S. G. Childs, Jacob Owen, Capel Raiford, F. R. C. Ellis, James Dunwody, David Crenshaw, L. C. Peek, W. F. Conley, Walter Knox. S H iWs T 1 A D V 0 C A T E . The Bishop then called for applicants for admission “into the Conference, and the fol lowing were admitted : E. M. AA hiring. Har mon D. Hodges, 8. J. Stollinger, Burrell S. Key. The question. “ Who remain on trial?” wai asked, and the following names were caded. characters passed, and they contin u'd : H. R. Felder, Wm. Lloyd, L. A. Sn'-w, Don Q. Abbott, andS. W. Stubbs. Warier Id. Johnson and W. E. Shepperd were discontinued at their own req es>s. The committee of investigation in the case D. O'Driscoll reported a trial necessary. Rev. J. L. Lyon, agent of the American Bibie Society,was introduced, and addressed the Conference in reference to the great work in which he is engaged, and asking he co-operation of the Conference in the dis tribution of the B ble. The following names were called, and they presented them-elves before the Bishop and answered the disciplinary questions. The Bishop enforced the importance of the questions by judicious and pointed remarks. Thadeus I. Nease, Charles D. Adams, Rob ert B. Bryan, Wilfiam C. Lovett, Robert W. Booth. Thadeus I. Nease and R. M. Booth were continued on trial. C. D. Adams, Robert B. Bryan, and W. C. Lovett, were received into full connec tion, and were elected to Deacon’s orders. N. B. Norton was discontinued at his own request. The transfer of Dr. A. i’. Mann to thin Conference from the Noith Georgia, was an nounced. Under tiie question, “ Who are the Dea cons of one year?" the following names were called and characters passed: I. F. Carey, W. J. F anders, Janies E. Rorie, J. W. Weston, C. E. Boland, W. F. Bearden, P. H. Grumpier. After the usual uori ies, the Conference ad journed. Fourth Day, December 16. Conference met at the appointed time and place, and was opened with prayer by A. J. Dean. Bishop Pierce in the chair. The miuu es were read and approved, R. W. Lovett appeared and was recog nized as a lay delegate from Savannah dis t ric-r. Qu-riotiO. “ Who are received hy trans fer from other Conferences?” Robert J. Walker, from Alabama. Question 1. “ Who are admitted on trial ?” Cams. T. Btckley. O. L. Smith read the report of the commit miltee on Dr. Abbey’s appeal to C ingress in behalf of the Publication House, and re commend the Bishop and Secretary to sign the document and return to Dr. Abbey. if. W. Lovett read report of Joint Board of Finance, making the distribution of funds to Conference claimants. .1.0. A. Ciaike read repoit of committee on Fraternal Relations, which was unani mously adopted by a rising vote. On motion of G. G. N. MacD.mell, Confer ence r< considered their action admi'ting Harmon A. Hodges on trial in the Con ference. A. M. Wynn read report of Board of Trus tees of Orphans’ Home. T. T. Christian offered a resolution di recting each preacher to take up a collec lion of at least ten dollars for the Orphans’ Home during the month of January, 1877. On motion of J. M. Marshall, the reso lution was laid on the table. Ques' i. n 7. Who are deacons of one year? W. M. C. Conley Question 12. What traveli g nreach"rs are eDcte.l elders 7 II ward W. Key, Beuj. atnin W. Key, J. B. Culpepper, Summerfield Tucker. Question 10. What local preachers elected deacons ? Elbert M. Whiting, Edward J. Benton, and John Wilkes. Question 14. What local preachers elect ed elders? Malcomb Hair. J. S. Key, Chairman of Commi'tee in the case of Denis O’Driscoll, made a report announcing ilia* the committee had adjudged the said D. O Driscol guilty of immoral con duct and recommend his deposition from the ministry and his expulsion from mem bership in the Methodist Episcopal Church, South. Dr. Boring was introduced. On motion ot G- G N. MacDonell, Confer ence took recess to hold a session of the Le gal Conference. Couference resumed session, Bishop Pierce in the chair. Qm-stion 30. Where shall the next session of this Conference be held ? Talbotton. The Memorial session of the Conference was held a' the appointed hour, 12 m. W. C. Bass read the memoir of Rev. Dr. E. 11. Myers. Appropriate, earnest, and af fectionate tributes were paid to the memory oljihe deceased by the following brethren : J W. Talley, G. G. N. MacDonell, A. M. Wynn, A. G. Haygood, Dr. W. I. Green. The report was unanimously adopted by a rising vote. Announcements and benediction. Sixth Day', December 18, 1876. The Conference convened, and religious services was conducted by Rev. J. W. Tal ley. The committee on Sunday-schools made their report. Number of schools, 316; scholars, 12 631; teachers and officers, 2,- 030. The report was adopted. The committee on books and periodicals, made their report. It produced considerable discussion, and after striking out the resolu tion the report was adopted. The Joint Board of Finance made their report. The whole amount of Conference collection was $3,200.93, which was distribu ted among the claimants. The Statistical Secretary read the report of statistics, showing an increase in ail de partments save in the finances, where there is a great tailing off. Total membership, 29,694. The Committee on Education made their report, commending the institutions under the patronage of the Conference. The Treasurer also made his report. Dr. A. G. Haygood, President of Emory Coliege made a statement as to the condition of ihe College. Dr. C. W. Smith spoke in behalf of Wes leyan Female College. The report was adopted. Rev. J. W. Simmons read report on the Bible cause, which was adopted. F. A. Branch, Treasurer of Missionary Board, made his report for foreign missions; the collection footed up §1,939. For home missions —53,828,00. The report was adopt ed. A resolution to order the collection for domestic mission in the months of February, March and April, and that for foreign mis sions during the months of August, Septem ber and October was adopted. Resolutions of thanks were passed to the various churches and Academy for use of their houses, and the people lor their hos pitality. The Conference ordered the editor of min utes to publish the memorial discourse on the life and death of Dr. E. H. Myers by Bishop Pierce. Major John B. Cobb was elected to fill vacancy on board of Trustees of Orphans’ Home. After several notices the Conference joined in singing and prayer by Rev. J. P. Duncan, and afterwards adjourned sine die. The Bishop announced the following ap pointments for 1877: Savannah District— A. T. Mans, P. tP Savannah—Trinity, R. J. Corley. Weslev church aid City Mission, A M Wynn, J. W. Siinmo&s. Springfield. E. J. Burch. SyL-ania, J. S. Jordan. Scarborough. C D. Adams. Bethel, C. E Boland. Alexander, N D. Morehouse. Waynesboro. R. B. Lister. Bethany. B. F Breedlove. Louisville, J. D Mau'din. Sand-rsville and Tennille, J. D. Anthony. Washington. T L Neese. Davisbom R. B. Bryan. Gibson, A Denton (supply). Macon District— J. O. A. Ci.ark. P. E._ Macon — f Mnlb* rrv St, and Vineville, G.Tf -j N MacDonell. S. S. Sweet, sup. I Jones Chape! Miss., S. N. Tucker. ( Firs* St , Walker Lewis. -j East Macon and Miss , R. L. Hop ( iker. Macon Circuit. W. C. Lovett. Irwjnton, supplied by W. S. Baker. Jeffersonville. J. W. Domingues. Gordon. J. W. Burke and C. W. Smith. Toombsboro. D. R. McWilliams. and C chran. A. M. Williams. Hayneviile. R. L. Wiggins. Perry, A. J Dean. Byron Mission, to be supplied by L. G. Evans. Fort Valiev and Marshallville, P. S. Twittv. Crawford. J. B. Culpepper. Agent, and Sup’t Orphans’ Home, L. B. Payne. President Wesleyan Female College, W. C. Bass. Professors Wesl“van Female College, H. W. K-y and C. W. Smith. Profesor Emorv College. O. L Smith. Assistant Ed ’or Southern Christian Ad vocate, J W. Burke. Columbus District— J. B McGehee, P.JS. Columbus—S'. 1 .uke. F. A. Branch. St. Paul, J. S. Key. Broad Street. J. V. M. Morris. Girard and Trinity, W. F. Lloyd. * Catauia, A. P. Wright. Hamilton, S. D. Clements. Talbot ton, Geo. C. Clarke. Talbot, AV. <V. Stewart. Geneva. L. A. I) trs°v. Butler, Geo. S. Johnston. Cmseta R J. Walker and W. J S'aliings. Buena Vista and Triswell, J P. Ward law. Marion, G. T. Embry. Ambricus District— F. W. Hinton, P. E. Americus, ’l', f. Christian. Magnolia. J. if. L’ttlejohn. Eliaviile, P. LI. Crurnpier, Li. F. Williamson, sup. Oglethorpe, R. F. Evans. Montezuma, to be supplied by J. L. Gibson, C. .(. TooD, gup. Vienna, IL. C. Fentress. Dawson and Smithville, J. M. Austin. Leesburg L A. Snow. Terr 11, J M Potter. Calhoun Mission, to be stipolled. Lumpkin and Weston, W. F. Robbon. Cmhbert and Geo ge own, R. W. Dixon. Randolph T. K. Leonard. Qui man Circuit, R M. Booth. Stewart, W. W. Tidweil Jlm-kalee, to be supplied bv W. J. Wardlaw. Buck Creek, to be supplied. Tho.masvii.le District— E. H. McGehee P. E. Thomasville, J. 0. A. Cook. For Gaines aud Blakely, J. AV. Weston, S. K. Weaver, sup. Cedar Spring Misri in, to be supplied. Arlington. P. C. Harris Albany Mission, H. R F-lder. Carui'lfi and Newton, E. J. Kentz. Cairo, W. Lane. Bainbridge, If. M. Lockwood. y ~ D catur, J. M. Marshall. 'i'rii.iiy, S, W. Stubbs. Spring Hill, to lie supplied by L. C. Peek. Boston, J. T. Ain-worth. Quitman Station, S. Anthony. Valdosta Station, B. W. Key. Ocapil o. to be supplied by J. H. I). Mcßae. Morven, D. Blalock. Lowndes a ,and Echols M s-ion, N. B. Ouslev. Brunswick District, VV. M. Hayes, P. E. Brunswick. 1). Q. Abbott. Can den Mission. T. S. Armistead. St. Mary's, G. C Thompson. Charlton. I. F. C ity. Darien. T. A. Griffiths. Jone- 'irie Mt-sion, to be supplied by H. N. Andrews. Hinesvilie, J. B. Wardlaw. Jessup, one to be supplied, and C. T. BirfS Ly. Biackshear Mission, G. J. Griffiths, llomerviile, to be supplied by E. J. Benton. Nashville. B. S. Key. Moultrie Mission, S. G. Childs. i AVaresboro — -! South Coffee Mission, to be supplied by ( J. Tooke. Worth, to be supplied by J. li. Ware. Waycrosa, D. G. Pope. Dublin District— J. E. Sentell, P. E. Dublin. E M Whiting. L urens Mission, to be. supplied. Eastman Mission, J. E. Rorie. Telfair, W. M. C. ConUy. Oemulgee. AV. J. Flanders. Spri g Hill and Mission, W. F. Roberts. Jit. Vernon and Mission, C. C- Hines. R idsville, J. J- Giles. Bryan Mission, to be supplied. Bulloch Mission, W. F. Bearden. Swaiusboro, C. A. Moore. AVrightsvrile, to be supplied by J. B. Purvis. Appling, J. L. AA’iliiams. AVilcox Mission-,t o be supplied. Conference Missionary, L. Pierce. W. JI. D. Bond and J. A. Rosser, transferred to North Georgia Conference. SOUTH CAROLINA CONFERENCE. Chester, S. C., December 13, 1876. The Ninety-first Session of the South Car orlina Annual Conference, Methodist Epis copal Church, South, for 1876, convened at Chester, S. C., at 10 o’clock a. m. Bishop H. H. Kavanaugh occupying the chair. Thet Bishop conducted the opening devotional exercises, and briefly addressed the Confer ence. The roll was called and ninety-eight clerical and niue lay members answered, W. C. Power was re elected Secretary, and O. A. Darby, A. J. Stafford, R. D. Smart and John O. Willson, were chosen as Assis tant Secretaries. The Bishop announced the transfer of Rev. S. Leard from North Carolina Conference to this body. On motion it was resolved, that a com mittee, consisting of one member from each Presiding Elder's Dis'rict, he appointed m nominate the usual committees : Revs. T. Raysor, A. J. Cauthen, J. W. Kelly, L. M. Little, L. M. Hamer, A. J. Stokes, A. M. Shipp, T. G. Herbert, and J. J. Workman, were so appointed. The following, by A. M. Shipp and Wood, was unanimously adopted: Resolved, That a committee of three per sons, two ministers and one layman, heap pointed to consider and report upon the ac tion of the fraternal joint commission of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and the Meth odist Episcopal Church, South. The committee on standing committees was ordered to nominate the members of committee on fraternity. The bar of the Conference was fixed, and 10 a. os., and 21 p. in., teiecled as the hours ior raeetiiA; and adjournment. On motion of W. Martin, the hour from 10 to 11a.m., of to morrow was set apart for prayer, asking divine favor upon our State and the whole country, in view of the present distracted condition of the govern ment and people. On motion of A. M. Chrietzberg, the fol lowing were adopted seriatim : Whereas, It is of the greatest importance that the deficits in the usual Conference claims from year to year cease : and whereas, one cause may be too heavy assessments upon the various charges. Resolved 1. That the Conference advise all such claims to be made as low as they consistently can be, and 'hat Board of Finance make the assessments on the various Districts in the same proportion to the averages assessed for salaries on said Districts. And, whereas, it is but right that all collections and appropriations of moneys for the Conference collection be fully known, Resolved 2. That the Conference rescind its action restricting the Board to the publi cation of the aggregate merely, and conform to the usual order obtaining in the Church generally, the publication of the amount paid to each claimant. 3. That not only the aggregate collected for Missions in each District be published, but also the amounts from each charge in said Districts. 4. That the appropriations of missionary money to each charge, as well as salaries re ceived in the several Districts, be published as wfil as the aggregate appropriations to sail District. The Editor of the Minutes of last year presented h's report, which wss referred to the Committee on Minutes to be appointed. The Secretary presented an account for expenses, and a collection to liquidate the same was ordered and taken. The Committee on committees reported the following, which were confirmed : 1. On Books and Periodicals: If. P. Franks, B. G. Jones, and J. B. Black. 2. Ou Bible Cause: J. AA’. Jlcßoy, D. J. McMillan, and J. R Shuler. 3. On Temperance: S. Leard, P. F. Kist ler, and J. A. Elkins. 4. Ou Minutes: A. J. Cauthen, G. H. Pooser, and J. R Mood. 5. On Public Worship: E. J. Meynardie, T. Jlitcheli, and AA 7 T. D. Cousar. 6. On fraternity: A. M. Shipp, F. M. Kennedv, and S. W. Maurice. The Bishop presented the Book of Ac counts due the Nashville Publishing House which was referred to L. Wood for collec tion of sums due. Communication from Rev. R. Abbey, en closing petition to Congress of the United States respecting the claims of our Church against Said United States, was read, con sidered, signed, and ordered to be forward ed. Statement of condition of Nashville Pub lishing House was referred to Committee on Books and Periodicals. Letter of Ifev. Dr. T. 0. Summers was read. A communication from the Missionary Secretaries, with accompanying documents, was referred to ihe Board of Jlissions. A resolution asking instruction with ref erence to the case of Rev. M. Jlazingo, local elder, passed by Darlington Circuit Quarterly Conference was read, aud laid on the table for future consideration. Rev. S. A.AVeber was requested to receive amounts collected for Education until the arrival of the representative of AVofford Col lege. The Trus'ees of Columbia Female Col lege presented their report, which was re ferred to the Committee on Education with out reading. Resolution of the same Trustees, asking one-half of the appropriation for Education to cover the interest on indebtedness, was rent aud laid on the table for future action. Question I. was called, and R. Herbert Joues, Ervin G. Price, Allison B. Lee,Thos. E. Gilbert, Joseph F. Mazingo, LeGrand G. AVaiker, Armand C. LeGette. H. Bascom Browne, and William P. Meadors, were ad mitted on trial. John G. Sessions was not admitted. Fits presiding elder was author ized to employ him if desired. Question IL was taken np. D. Z. Dantz ler, A. C. Walker, AV. S. Jlartin, B. M. Boozer, J. AV. Airiail, and T. 15.I 5 . Phillips, were passed and continued on trial. Question V. called, and James C. Davis was re admitted, and placed in the class of the fourth year. Hugh AV. AVhitaker was not re admitted. His presiding elder was authorized to employ him if desired. After notices given, the doxology was sung, and the Conference adjourned with the benediction by the Bishop. Second Day, December 14, 1876. The Conference met at the appointed hour. The services of prayer regarding our distres sed condition in the State and country, were conducted by AV. Martin. The Bishop took the chair, and the roll was called. The minutes of the first day were read and approved. Ou motion, the calling of the roll was dis pensed with for the remainder of the session. The report of tbe publishers of The South ern Christian Advocate was read and re ferred to the Committee on Books and Peri odicals. On motion, Friday night was set apart for an Educational meeting in the interest of Columbia Female College. A. JI. Chrietzberg and T. Raysor offered the following, which, after discussion, was adopted : Resolved , 1. That the South Carolina An nual Conference, wishing to have some fixed day for its assembling, earnestly request the College of Bishops to grant them the second Wednesday in December of each year as the first dav of their session. 2. That the chairmen of the Committees of Examination be directed to call their classes together at nine o’clock, a. m., on the Tues day before the first day of the session. The name of John Q. Stockman was call ed, and a committee asked to investigate charges against him. Candidates for Deacon’s orders, and for admission into full connection, were called to the oar of the Conference, and touchingly addressed by the Bishop. The regular ques tions were iheu propounded to the class and answered. Questions IY and VIII was taken up to gether, and John L. Stokes, Felix Hartin, Win. W. Williams, Murdoch M. Ferguson, Anderson W. Jackson, James W. Walling, Oliver N. Rountree, Edward M Merritt, Ju nius J. Neville, Wm. H. Airiail, Samuel D. Vaughan, and J. C. Counts, were passed and elected to Deacon’s order and full connec tion. Cornelius D. Rowell, already ordain ed, was elected to full connection. Question VII was called, and M. H. Poo ser. G. W. Whitman, H. F. Chrietzberg, W. H. Kirton, L F. Beaty, J. C. Bisseil, J. E. Carlisle and John O. Willson, were passed and advanced to the studies of the fourth year. A. R. Danner was passed. On motion, Dr. J. T. Wightman was requested to furnish a cop.' of his address on the history of Methodism in South Carolina, to The Southern Christian Advocate for publication. The Bishop announced as the committee of investigation on the of John Q. Stock man, the following : C. H. Pritchard, J. C. Stoll, and D J. McMillan. Question XII was called, and Wm. A. Rogers, Coke D. Mann, J. Walter Dickson, George H Pooser, Robert W. Barber, A. Coke Smith, Wm. S. Wightman, George W. Walker, and Edgar L. Archer, were passed, and elected to Elder’s orders. Question X was called, and Stephen P. T. Field was elected to Deacon’s orders as loca preacher Quest on XIV was taken up, and Chris tian V. Barnes, local preacher, was elected to Elder’s orders. Notices were given, the doxology sung, and the Conference adjourned with the bene diction by W. H. Fleming. Third Day, December IC, 1876. The Conference met at the regular hour. Devotional exercises were conducted by M. A. McKibben. The minutes of the second day’s session were read and approv ed. Three additional clerical and two lay members were present. The committee of investigation on case of John Q. Stockman, reported a trial was ne cessary, and appointed D. J. McMillan to prosecute. The following committee on trial was appointed : J. T. Kilgo, W. W. Jones, J. M. Boyd, B. G. Jones, W. A. Clarke, A. J. Cauthen, M. L. Banks, John A. Wood, and L. M. Little. The Bishop appointed J. T. Kilgo to preside upon the trial. A. J. Stokes was elected an additional Assistant Secretary, and was designated to attend as such upon the trial. Question X was called, and James W. Murray was elected to Deacon’s orders in the local ministry. Question XX was called. On motion it was resolved to sit with open doors during the consideration of this question. The Con ference roll was then called by districts for the examination of character of ministers — each Presiding Elder first reporting upon the general condition of his charge : Theo. E. AA’annamaker, G. H AVells, J. T. AVigh - man, W. T. Capers. A G. Gat tt, C. C. Fish hurtte, AA'. P. Jlouzon P. F. Kistler, T. Raysor, J. L. Sifley, J. B. Massbeau, J. AA 7 . Humbert, J. R. Coburn, AA’. Martin, J. B. Campbell, D. D. Dantzler. J. AV. Mcßoy, AV. Hutto, J. H. Zimmerman, M. L. Banks, L. M. Hamer, D. J. S'mmone, A. J. Cau then, B. G. Jones, S. H. Browne, E. J. Meynardie, G. M Boyd, J. M. Boyd, D. AA 7 . Seale, T. Mitchell, J. AV. Kelly, T. AV. Mun nerlyn, T. J. Clyde, J. A. Clifton, S. B. Jones, A. J. Stafford, A. M. Chrietzberg, R N. Wells, L. M. Little, S. J. Hill, J. L. Shuford. John AA 7 . Murray, A. Ervitie. D. J. McMillan. J. C. Russell. AV. C. Power, R. L. Harper, D. Tiller, J. B. Platt, AV. L. Pegues, A. Nettles, G. AV 7 . Gatlin, li. L. Duffie, L. Wood, H. J. Morgan, and J. S. Beasley, were passed. L A. Johnson and J. F. England were passed and continued in the supernumerary relation. G. F. Round was passed. Question XVIII. was taken up with Ques tion XX., and differences between L M. Ha mer and S. Jones, as to the administration of Discipline, was referred to a committee o! investigation, consisting of H. A. C. AVaiker, T. G. Herbert and J. M. Carlisle. Rev. J. S. White, of the Presbyterian Church, and Revs. K. AV 7 . Brice and J. P, Marion, of the Associate Rcfotmed Church, were introduced to the Conference. Question XX. was resumed in the regular order. The names ofW. H. Fleming, A. J. Stokes, J. C. Stoll, F. Auld. J. T. Kilgo, J M. Carlisle, AV 7 . Carson. G. T. Harmon and VV. Thomas, were called and their charac ters passed. J. R. Little was passed and continued in the supernumerary relation. The names of 11. JL AVood, .J. A. Porter, J. F. Smith, A. P. Avant, I. J. Newberry, J. B. AA 7 ilson, AV 7 . AV. Duncan, F. M. Kennedy, A. M. Shipp, A. H. Lester, J. E. Watson, M. A. McKibben, VV 7 . VV. Jones, and J. A. Wood, were called and ti eir characters passed. A communication from Whitefoord Smith was rend and his character passed. The name of R. C. Oliver was called, and differences between him ami VV. Baker, local preacher, were referred to a committee of investigation, consisting of A M. Ship]), F. M. Kennedy, and A. H. Lester. The Bishop called A. M. Shipp to the chair. Question XX. was continued, and Jlanning Brown, R. D. Smart, J. B. Tray wick, VV. A. Ciaike, S. P. H. Elwell, AV. H. Lawton, N. K. Melton, R P. Franks, C. H. Pritchard, T. G. Heibt rt, and E. T. Hodges, were passed. T. S. Dauiel was passed and made a superannuate. The Bishop assumed the chair, and the call was continued. The character of 0. A. Darby, AV 7 . D. Kirkland, R. It. Dagnail, J. K. McCain, J. Finger, S. A. Weber, J. J. Workman, W. W. Mood, J. Attaway, L. C. Loyal, A. AV. AVaiker, and S. Lauder, were passed. J. A. AVood was passed aud contin ued in the supernumerary relation. On motion, it was ordered that college property owned by the Conference be re ported statistically by charges where same may be situate. Question XVIII. was again taken up, and the names of David Derrick, John AVatts, J. AV. Townsend, JL A. Connolly, R. R. Pegues, L. Searboro, AA 7 . C. Patterson, D. D. Byars, and K J. Pennington, were called, their characters passeu, aud they were con tinued in the superannuated relation. The name of U. Sinclair Bird was called, his character passed, and he was made effective. L. AVood called attention to the fact that during the year past no member of the Con ference had died, and moved a service of thanksgiving in view thereof. The motion was adopted, and the service was immediate ly conducted by the Bishop. J. L. Jones, President of Columbia Fe male College was introduced, and briefly ad dressed the Conference. The committee on Fraternity submitted the following: Whereas, the Commissioners of the M. E. Church and of the M. E. Church, South, at their meeting at Cape May, N. J., in the month of August, did, in most excellent Christian spirit, and with entire unanimity, adopt a basis of fraternity alike honorable to both Churches ; therefore, Resolved, 1. That the South Caroliua Con ference hereby exprr-ses her gratification at the happy result, of a commission for the ap pointment of which she formally made peti tion to the last General Conference, and, ac cepting as entirely satisfactory the above named basis of adjustment, will endeavor to fulfil the conditions of the same in the like Christian spirit that lead to its unanimous adoption. 2. That this Conference has heard with deep sorrow of the death of Rev. E H. My ers, D. D., chairman of the Commissioners, and hereby tender a sincere condolence to the family of our deceased and beloved brother. A. M. Shipp requested Bishop Kavanaugh to address the Conference upon the subject covered by the report and resolutions. The Bishop responded, stating the fact that kind liest feeling toward our Church and people was entertained by the great body of our Northern brethren, and giving his experi ence in meeting with and enjoying pleasant est and most Christian communion with many of them. Report and resolutions were then unanimously adopted by a rising vote. Notices were given, the doxology sur.g, and the Conference adjourned with the bene diction by Rev. E. J. Meynardie. Fourth Day, December 16. The Conference met at the appointed hour, Bishop Kavanaugh occupying the chair. Rev. Dr. J. B McFerrin, Missionary Secre tary, was introduced, and conducted the opening devotional exercises. The Minutes of the third day’s session were read and approved. N. K. Melton was granted leave of absence. M. A. Me Kibben was also granted leave of absence after this day. Question XIV was called, and Aaron J. Joy was elected to Elder’s orders as a Local Preacher. The Commbtee on Temperance submitted their report, which was adopted. The Com uiitee of Trial on the ease of John Q. Stock in.u, repuried ihat Ituy had discharged their duty, that they found the accused guilty of the charge agahist him, and that he wis thereupon duly ex pelled from the Methodist Episcopal Church, South. The Committee on the Bible Cause pre sented their report, which was amended and adop'ed. A communication from F. M. Morgan, located in his absence by the last Confer ence was received. The vote of location was reconsidered, and the communication was read. After discussion, on motion of H. J. Morgan he was granted a location. Dr. McFerrin addressed the Conference on the subjects of Missions, Sunday schools, the Publications and Publishing Interests of the Church, and on Fraternity. The committee on the case of S. Jones presented the fo'lowing, which was adopted : The committee in the case of Simpson Joiips, complained of for maladministration of Discipline, respectfully report that, after a full statement from L. M. Hamer present ing the complaint, and from Simpson Jones, and then a careful consideration of the com plaint, we consider that in the peculiar con ditions of the casp, brother Jones acted as prudently as he could, aud therefore is not censurable; aud it is gratifying to add that between these brethren there still exists cordial Christian love. The committee ou the case of R. C. Oli ver presented the following, and asked to be discharged : The committee of inquiry in the case of Rev. R. C. Oliver submit the following re port, viz.: The committee met at the time appointed for investigating the case, and af ter waiting half an hour without the appear ance of any accuser or bill of complaint, ad journed —directing the chairman to report that they know no reason why the character of Rev. R. C. Oliver may not pass the Con ference. The report was received and the Commit tee discharged. Question XA r II was called, the character of K. C. Oliver was passed, and he was con tinued in the supernumerary relation. Question XA’lli was called, the character of Simpson Jones was passed, and he was changed from the superannuate to the su pernumerary relation. The Committee on Books and Periodicals submitted their report, which, after a orief address by tbe Bishop, was adopted. The Sunday-school Board presented their report, which wa3 amended so as to advise the formation of missionary societies in Sun day-schools, and then adopted. On motion the S cretary was ordered to re issue certificates of election to Deacons Orders as Local Preacher to Frederick S. Burdette, the original having been lost. The Conference was adjourned to allow the Legal Conference to hold its session. The incorporated Conference of the South Carolina Conference was called to order by S. B. Jones, President. The Minutes of the last session were ap proved. The Managers and the Treasurer reports respectively were read and adop'ed. A donation of one thousand dollars from a lady of Charleston was tendered, accept ed, and the thanks of the Conference or dered to be transmitted to the donor. Bishop Kavanaugh announced the com promise of a claim by bequest due the Con ference. On motion the c >mpromi?e was endorsed, and thanks tendered the Bishop for his jud eious service in the same, Tee Treasurer was designated as snecial receiver to whom the sum agreed upon in such com promise shall be paid when realized. Tbe officers elected last year were unani mously reelected. John L. Stokes, Felix Hartiu, AV. AV 7 . Williams, JL M. Ferguson, A. VV. Jackson, J. VV. Walling, 0. N. Rountree, E. M. Mer ritt, VV. 11. Airiail, J. J. Neville, J. C. Counts, S. D. Vaughan, C. D. Row-11, -I. C. Davis, S. Leard, aud VV. VV 7 . Duncan, were elected members of tbe incorporated Confer ence. Distribution of funds was made, and the Legal Conference*acjourned. The Conference resumed its session, the Bishop occupying the chair. Revs. AV. D. Lae and AV. S. Roan of the North Carolina Conference were introduced. The committee to procure a suitable his torian of South Carolina Jlethodism, re ported as follows: The Committee appointed at t! e late ses sion of the South Carolina C inference, to select and nominate a suitable person to write a History of Methodism in the South Carolina Conference, aud to r< port a: this session—after consultation had respectfully to report, that they do hereby unanimously select and nominate the Rev. A. JL Shipp, D. D., as a proper person, in every way well qualified to execute the proposed important, interesting, and delica'e work. The report wa3 unanimously adopted. The usual notices were given, the doxolo gy sung, and the Conference adjourned with the benediction by Dr. McFerrin. Fifth Day. December 18, 1876. The Conference met at the regular hour. Bishop Kavanaugh iu the chair. Devotion al exercises were conducted by Rev. VV 7 . VV. Mood. The minutes of Saturday were read and approved. Dr. Shipp addres ed the Conference, ac cepting the appointment of Historian of South Carolina Jleihodism. The Joint Board of Finance presented the following: The Joint lioaod of Finance are gratified to be able to report a collection so creditable for these times of excitement and general stringency in the monied interest of the country. The amount assessed for the Bishops—s7so—has been fully met. There are sixty eight claimants upon the Conference collections. Of the whole amount assessed, $4074.30 have been col lected. which enable the Board to settle with the claimants upon the basis of about. 62j cents on the dol’ar. The Board have decided that $6,000 will be actually neces sary for the ensuing year, and have so made the assessment. It is hoped that every dol lar of this reduced amount will be collected and brought up to our next Conference. The report was adopted—whereupon the appropriations to claimants on the Confer ence collection were distributed in open Conference. The Jlissionary Treasurers presented their reports, showing a collection for Foreign Jlissions of $2,355.01, and for Domestic M ssions of $3,707.20 The committee on Minutes read their re port. It was adopted. Dr. McFerrin addressed the Conference— taking leave of the body. The Sunday-school Board presented a supplemental report, nominating R. C. Oil ver for the position of Sunday-school Agent —to travel without charge. The report was adopted. A. H. Lester, and J. W. Walling were granted leave of absence for the remainder of the session. L. M. Hamer moved to take from the ta ble the communication from Darlington Cir cuit Quarterly Conference, referring to Rev. M. Mazingo, local preacher. The motion prevailed. On motion, L. M. Hamer was permitted to withdraw said communication. The committee on Education presented their report, which was amended and adopted by sections. W. Martin w->8 chosen to preach the next Confer nc • sermon. The Bishop requested for himself and cab inet leave to retire. The request was granted. Dr. Shipp was called to the chair. Question .30 was called and Columbia wis unanimously chosen as the place for the meeting of the next Conference. On motion, the Friday of the week of prayer, to be appointed by the Bishops, was designed as a day of fasting and prayer. It was moved and determined that when the Conference adjourn, it ailjpurn to meet at the Presbyterian Church of Chester, at 7 o’clock, p. m. A motion to so adjourn was then made and adopted. Notices were given, the Doxologv sung and Conference adjourned with the Benedic tion by Dr. A. M. Shipp Night Session, 7 o’clock P. M. The Conference met at the hour appoint ed. In the absence of the Bishop, W. P. Mouzon was elected President pro tern and conducted the opening devotional exercises. The minutes of the morning session were read and approved. The Statistical Secretary made the follow ing report : Number of white members. 41.232 ; num ber of colored members, 381 ; number of local preachers. 144 ; number of colored lo cal preachers, 3; number of Sunday schools, 456 ; of officers and teachers, 2,786; of scholars, 19,056; number of infanta bap- VOLUME XXXIX., NO. tized. 1.719; number of adults baptized, 1.249; number of parsonages, 75; number of church g buildings, 552. “ Amount collected for Conference collec tion, $4,974 30. Amount collected for Foreign Missions, $2 355 01. Amount collected for Domestic Missions, $3,707 20. Amount collected for Education, $1.809 44. Amount collected for Educating Mexicans, $191.88. Amount collected for Educating candidates for Ministry, $372 57. Amount collected for Sunday-schools, $3,166 08. Amount collected for Building, Repairing, etc., $25,428 79 Amount c llected for Benevolent enter pri e<=, $0,600 29. Amount collected for Presiding Elders, $8 750 70. Amount collected for Pastors and Assist ants, 562 110 62. A 7 nine of Church buildings and property, $782 642. The report waR received as information. On motion the Editor of the Minutes was requested to put a note in our mmutes show ing the fact that the Bishop’s claim was fully paid. Resolutions of thunks to the citizens of Chester, the Churches, and Associations, were unanimously adopted by rising vote. VV 7 . W. Duncan, by request, addressed the Conference. The Bishop appeared aud took the chair. Complimentary resolution to Bishop Kav anutig I '. was offered, and unanimously adopt ed by a rising vote. The Bishop responded appro; r atelv. Question XVIII. was called, and J. R. Co -1-ur-i and A. Ne ties w-re superannuated. The Jo lit Board of Finance announced that, assessments to be made by them would be published spe- dily for the information of parties concerned. It was moved that after the reading of tbe minutes, the usual religious service, and the publication of the appointments for the en suing year, tbe Conference do adjourn. The motion prevailed. The minutes of the night session were read and approv'd. The Joint Board of Fi liate e for 1877 was aim uuc and. The Bishop conducted devotional exer cises, and then addressed the Conference. The appointments for 1877 were publish ed, the doxology was sung, and with the benediction hy the Bishop, South Carolina Conference adjourned sine die. The following are the appointments: Charleston District —T. E. VVannamakkr, P E. Charleston —Trinity, John A. Porter. Bethel, VV 7 . H. Fleming. Spring Street,, R. L. Harper. Borkly ct, S. D Vaughan. Cab hoy et, and miss., L. C. Loyal, O. N. Rountree. f Cypress ct G. H. Pooser. \ Snmtnervilb- ct, and miss., J. C. Russel!. S : . George s ct. P. F. Ki.-tler. Bamberg ct, AV 7 . P. Mouzon. Colleton ct, 0. C. Fisbburne. Walterboro ct. J. L. Sifley. Allendale et, J. B. Massebeau. Black Swamp ct. L. G. Walker, f Yemassee ct, II G. Jones. \ Hardeeville ct, and miss., J. C. Bissell. Orangeburg District— VV 7 . Martin, P. E. Orangeburg sta, S. A. Weber. Orangeburg et, D. D. Dantzler. Brauchville ct, The?. Raysor. Providence ct. AV. Hutto. St Matthews ct, J. II Zimmerman. Upper St. Matthews ct, M. L. Banks. Upper Orange ct. A. R. Danner. Ed sto ct. D. J. S mtnons. Edisto miss, M. JL Ferguson. Graham ct, A. J. Cauthen. AVilliaton ct, JI. A. McKibben. Ellenton ct, R Herbert J nes. Aiken miss, S. 11. Browne. Graniteville and Langley miss, J. B. Camp bell. Columbia District—E. J. Jleynardie. P. E. Columbia —Washington Street, J. T. AVight man. Jlarion Street, J. AV. Dickson Columbia et, T. AV. Munnerlyn. f AVinnsboro s*a, G. VV 7 . Walker, i Fairfield c 7. J. M. B iyd, A. C. Walker. Chester sta, John E. Carli-le. West. Chester ct, M. IL Pooser. East Chester ct, J. VV. Kelly, AV. AV. AVil liam-. Rock Hill ct. R AA 7 . Barher. Yorkville sta, W. S. Martin. York ct, L. A. Johnson, sup. i Lexington ct, C. D. Rowell. \ Lexington York ct, J. E. AA 7 atson. Leesvilie ct, T. J Clyde. Edgefield ct, S. Leard. Sumter District —A. JI Chrietzberg, P. E. Sumter sta, R N. AVells. Sumter ct, J. C. Stoll F. Hartin. Bisliopville ct. J T. Kilgo Manning ct, D. J. McMillan. • ct. J. L Shuford. Richland Fork ct. and miss , L. JI. Little. Camden sta, G. AV. AVightm in. Chesterfield ct, J. VV. Murray. South Chesterfield ct, AV. H. Airiail, S. Jones, sup. Hanging Rock ct. VV. H. Kirtou. f Lancaster sta, AV. A. Rogers. -J Zoar ct and miss., to be supplied by C. A. (. Plyler. Fort Mills ct, John L. Stokes, J. F. Eng land. sup. Florence District— AV. C. Power, P. E. J Florence sta, A. J. Stafford, t Liberty Chapel, AV 7 D. Kirkland. f Darlington sta, John 0. Willson. (Society Hill mt-s., AV. L. Pegues. J Darlington ct, L. M. Hamer, t Lower Darlington ct, E. T. Hodges. Cheraw sta VV Thomas. Timmonsville ct, G. H. Wells, A. C LeGette. Lynchburg ct, J. B. Platt. North Williamsburg ct, J. S. Beasley. Kingtree sta, D. Tiller. Black River ct, H. J. Jlorgan. f Gourdin ct, and miss.. R L. Duffie. \ Sampit ct and miss , H. B. Browne, Georgetown sta, VV. T. Capers. Johnsonville ct, G. AV 7 . Gatlin. Lynches’ Creek ct, and miss., J. C. Counts. Marion District- -H. A. C. Walker, P. E. Marion sta, A. J. Stokes. Back Swamp ct. S. J. Hill, A. B. Lee. Little Rock ct, F. Auld, J. R. Little, sup. South Marlboro ci. G. T. Harmon. Bennettsville ct, T. Jlitcheli, T. E. Gilbert. North Marlboro ct. J. C. Davis. J AVaccamaw ct. and miss., VV. Carson. \ Little River ct, and miss., D. W. Seale. Bucksville sta, J. VV. Walling. Conwiyboro sta, L. Wood. Conwayboro ct, to be supplied by L. Scar boro. Pee Dee ct, and miss.. I. J. Newberry. Marion ct, J. W. Mcßoy. Spartanburg District —H. M. Mood, P. E. Spartanburg sta, Jno. M. Carlisle. Union sta, A. H. Lester. Cherokee ct, J. F. Smith. Cane Creek ct, I). Z. Dautzler. Jonesville ct, G. M. Boyd. Goshen Hili ct, R. R. Dagnall. Laurens ct, J. A. Mood. A. G. Gantt. Limestone Spring ct. J. B Wilson. Black’s Station ct, E. L. Archer. Clinton ct, W. W. Jones. Belmont ct, W. W. Mood. Gowansviile ct. B. M. Boozer. Rich Hill ct, A. Avant. Wofford College, W. Stni'h, IV. W. Duncan. Professors—Vanderbilt University, A. M. , Shipp. Editor Southern Christian Advocate, F. M Kennedy. R. C. Oliver, (sup.,) Sunday-school Agent. Cokesbury District —M. Brown, P. E. Cokesbury sta, R. D. Smart. Coke bury et, W. A. Clark, E. G. Price. Abbeville sta, W. S. Wigntman. Abbeville ct, N. K. Melton. South Abbeville ct, S. P. H. Elwell. Lowndesville sta, W. H Lawton. Tumbling Shoals ct. J. B. Tray wick. Greenwood ct, R P. Franks, L. F. Beaty. Newberry sta, C. 11. Pritchard. Newb-rry ct, T. G. Herbert, J. W. Airiail. North Newberry ct, .). W. Humbert. Saluda et, J. A. Clifon. Greenville District— O. A. Dauby, P. E. Greenville sta, A. Coke Smith. Greenville ct, A. W. Jackson. lieidville ct, J. K. McCain, J. F. Mazineo. J. A. Wood, eup. 6 r Fork Shoals ct, J. Finger. William-iton sta, S. Lander. Brushy Creek ct„ J. J. Workman. .Anderson sta. H. F. Clirietzberg. f Anderson et and miss., Abner Ervine. 1 Shallow Ford ct, T. P. Phillips. Pendleton ct, S. B. Jones. Sandy Springs ct, J. Attaway. f Pickens ct, A. W. Walker. \ Pickens miss., E. hi. Merritt. ( Waliiallaand Seneca City ct, J. J. Neville. \ Oconee miss., W. P. Meadors. Westminister ct and miss , C. D. Mann. Williamston Female College, S. Lander President. r Transferred to North Carolina Conference G. F. Round. ’ Transferred to Florida Conference, U £ Bird. *