Atlanta daily post. (Atlanta, GA.) 1878-1880, March 22, 1879, Image 2

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/OST - f i B2 bkoad wßi'vEXl'jjd'POST ■will be delivered to j of the City by Carriers, or sent by Kil post paid at the following rates: F One wetft 12 cents, r OnemOfith 50cents. ’ • Two mftllths 81 00. ; Three months 81 50. Foor months 82 00, Six months *2.50. One year 8-1.00 The circulation of The Post is rapidly in creasing, and its advertising rates are very low. ATLANTA, GA., MARCH 22, 1879. AN ANTAGONIST OF STEPHENS. Dr. 11. Von Holst, the German his-1 torian, compeer of Alex. 11. Stephens, j ami De Tocqueville, was a visitor in Atlanta during the past week. Dr. Von Holst has already completed two 701nmes of bis’lfconstitutional History if the I’nitrtl States, and the two concluding volumes are in the process of preparation. His history is valti-j able and interesting, furnishing an ■ idea of the light in which a foreigner, | a citizen of the German Empire, re gardsour republican institutions. They are, however, extremely par tisan. His views, particularly on the States Right question, as set forth in his first volume, are directly antago nistic to those of our own statesman and historian Alexander 11. Stephens. His strongest argument against the theory finds its source in Patrick Henry’s speech; t hat we are no longer citizens of Massachusetts, of Connec ticut, etc., but citizens of America, and from this speech Dr. Von Holzt opposes Stages Rights down to the outbreak of the wr. In ridiculingnhe readiness with ■which the Americans change from onesfde of the question to the other, Dr. Von Holst cites that Mr. Stephens remarked on the eve of the outbreak of the war, that the success and per manency of our republic was assured. The next morning, says the German historian, A. 11. Stephens, accepted the vice-presidency of the Confedera cy. We can only say in this connec tion, that had Dr. VaffJHolst under stood either Mr. Stfljmens or the Southern people, this remark would never'havc found a [dace in his history. It is to be hoped that his visit among the Southern people will eradicate from his system some of the Radical principles that have been so strongly imbued into them. Bounding Forward. The rapid growth of Atlanta is a mat ter of pride, not only to its citizens, but to the State. If it is not already, it soon will be, the undisputed me tropolis of the South. Its commercial business, as is well known, is increas ing almost magically. In a casual talk with Mr. Antony Murphy, the man to whose foresight of her growth and consequent necessity, Atlanta owes her system of water works more perhaps than to any other, he ex pressed an increased faith in a future even brighter than the past. Mr. J. C. Peck; the great builder who has erected so many of our finest structures remarked to us that the building pros pects are very fine. In this view Mr. B. H. Broomhend & W.W. McAfee, exten sive manufacturers of brick'and leading builders concur, and they have already much work on hand. This indeed is the general statement. There is no doubt that Atlanta will make this year another great stride onward, and our population will leap forwar 1 a long way toward the 50,000 v e shall soon have. A Celestial Visitor Approaching. A cometis approaching the earth, and can be seen with a telescope. It moves in an elliptical orbit, with a pe riod of five and a half years, and its first appearance was’ noted only thirty-three years ago, audits present appearance is the seventh time that it has been recorded. It will be nearest the earth on the 10th of April, at a computed distance of about seventy five million of miles, so that there is not the slightest prospect of a collision. It has never receded from the earth much farther than the planet Jupiter. In 1851 it escaped observation, but in 1857 it was seen rising in the extreme southern horizon, reaching a bright ness bringing it within easy observa tion with an opera glass, and finally disappeared in the northern sky. — .Baltimore American. .——e »■ A Chicago man in the first stages of insanity killed his roommate for making faces in his sleep. “He annoyed me terribly,” the homi tide explained, "and I couldn't stand it any longer " To ‘i 1 s’" tlon. * 4 ’*’ | In about ten days we shall issue our third great edition of 10,000 copies. We beg to'call the special attention of advertisers to the fact that our regular standing advertisements go through all the special editions, getting the benefit of these without any extra charge. CARRIAGE FACTORY. N. C. Spence, 47 Decatur Street. We have been recently Hpenkfng much of the various industries and business enterprises of A tlimta. Among them one of the most promi- Bent is the carriage factory of N C Spence, on Decatur street, which was expressly erected for him. Here arc manufactured carriages,bug gies, express wagons, drays, etc. On entering we found the different shops full of busy workmen, and of finished and unfinished work. We were somewhat surprised to find such fine specimens of carriages, buggies, pony pha tons and other vehicles, not excelled in quality and style in any market, by the work of the best makers anywhere. Mr. S. is him self a workman of 20 years’ experience, and devotes his whole time to personal direction and inspection of all his work, thereby being enabled to guarantee it to be as represented. We can without hesitancy recommend him to any ore needing work in his line and he is well known as a reliable, competent man in his business. Dr. IJ. M. Woolley’s Opium Antidote. We certainly ask attention to Dr. B. M. Woolley’s card and certificate in this issue. Such telling factssbould not be overlooked by those interested and there are many. Although but few are aware that this terrible habit of using opium to excess is rapidly increasing, it is, we are sorry to say, an actual fact. But to those who have become its slave, we say cheer up. To our per sonal knowledge this is but one of thousands of instances in which Dr. W. has made effectual cures by his justly celebrated antidote. Unsolic ited certificates and letters from all parts of the country can be seen at his office, many from leading citizens and physicians well known to the general public. Five years ago Mr. W. came to our city and soon after began the manufacture of the celebrated anti dote; but this being an age for the production of humbugs, the public were, as he supposed, pretty suspi cions. He, however, knowing full well its great curative qualities, was content to lot it go on actual merits. Thus, one by one, patients were treat ed and permanently cured. Then, as if by magic, the news spread from coast to coast, and to day there is not a state in the Union but to which large quantities are sent, and even to foreign countries. Convincing evi dence of these facts can be seen at his handsome offices and labratory, No. 35 Whitehall street. Several interest ing pamphlets have been issued by him, containing va’uable information concerning the effects of this drug.etc., and in a few days a book containing several interesting stories and statisti cal notes on the opium habit and its cure, also certificates from many of the leading citizens and physicians in various sections of the United States will be issued and mailed to any on receipt of 10 cents for postage, al though well worth ten times the amount. The doctor has recently brought, out a modified preparation of the opi urn antidote for the cure of drunken ness, and is meeting witli marked suc cess. It is witn sincere pleasure we i record these facts as there is some thing admirable in the quiet,unassum ingyet determined course of Mr. Wool ley. He has ever kept himself in the background, made no pretentions to self laudation, has ever seemed to ex pect criticism, and lias sought rather than shunned investigation, relying solely upon demonstrated facts, and the good character he has ever bornefrom childhood up. To establish faith in himself ns well as his remedy, , lie made no war upon the regular practitioners or the profession, nor tried in the least to push or force him self upon them or others. Yet lie is now recognized by all liberal, hon est and just-minded people as a great benefactor, and doing a noble woi k for the suffering. The evidences of the success of his remedy, and gentle manly and able treatment of patients, can tie seen. Hundreds of persons are effectually cured and daily walk ing about the streets of our city, to say nothingof the hundreds who come here from distant points for treatment, are cured and quietly go home re joicing. Every citizen alive to the prosperity of the Gate city, should feel proud of and interested in the success of this live man and his enter prise, not only as a public benefactor, but in a business point of view, as many thousands of dollars are annu ally brought to and expended in the city by his patients while here. These facts are too well known to need further comment. THE CELEBRATED IM er c k Truss! IS COMFORTABLE, DURABLE, ADJUSTA* able, can be applied by patient, do not do yourself the ininsuce to buy any other, with out first examining into its merits. Sent by mail or express. Send for testimonials and price list. Call on address MERCK TRUSS COMPANY, ■ 33% Whitehall street, Atlanta, Ga. Business Directory A TTORNEYS A T LA W. MARSHALL J CLARKE. Attorney at Law, Atlanta, Ga. Office 21% Alabama St. S. D. McCONNELL. Attorney at Law, Atlan ta, Ga. Office: 7% Whitehall street. LOCHRANE & VAN EPPS (0. A. Lochrane and Howard Van Epps), Attorneys at Law, Atlanta, Ga. Office in Austell building. Will practice In all the courts, State and Federal, at Atlanta and elsewhere by appointment. GEO. S. THOMAS. Attorney and Counselor at Law, Atlanta, Ga. Office Norcross Building, corner Marietta and Peachtree streets. tices in all the Courts, both State and IWlcral. —- R. ,1. MOSES, Attorney tat Law, Atlanta,. Ga. Office 5 Aust'H building. WALTER R. BROUN. Attorney. 9 White hall street, Atlanta. Referenves by permis sion: James R. Wylie, Atlanta; Neave., Ward <t Co., Cincinnati: Martin, Skinner A Fay, Bos' ton; .1. W. Seaton & Co., Louisville; Kyne, Spring it Dale, New York; J. If. Zcilin & Co., Philadelphia. JULIUS L. BROWN, Attorney and Counsel lor at Law, All mtn, Ga. Office 3% Whitehall street. Master in Chaneery U. S. Circuit Court Northern District of Georgia, Attorney for the Western & Atlantic Railroad Co., and the Cit iz"ns Bank of Georgia. DENTISTS. DR. R A. HOLLIDAY. Dentist Office: 82% Whitehall street, Atlanta, Ga. DR. S. G. HOLLAND, Dentist. 21 Whitehall street, upstairs; see advertisement. “iKu J. A. LINK, Dentist. Office. No. «S Whitehall street, upstairs. Residence, No. 148 Rawson street. J A MES R. W Y LIE, Wholesale Grocer, 32 and 4 North Broad Street. Atlanta. Ga. JOHN STEPHENS, Who'esale Grocer anil Commission Merchant, Nos. 41 and 43 Alabama street, Atlanta, Ga. PRINTERS. E 1.. WINHAM. JOB I'BINI'ER. 8 and 10 Marietta st., up-stairs, over Phillips A Crew’s. All kinds of Jeu Piiitiiig promptly done. mcmunscy ymrnwrywamyw ENG HA YING. W. P. NORTHEN, Jeweler mid Engraver. Badge work n speciality. No. 47% Whitehall street, up-stairs. J®A INTING TRIPOD A PINE (A. I'. Tripod and E. J. Pine), sign, treseo, scenery and house painters, graners ana marble • Broad street, Atlanta. D. F, HOLLOWAY, house painter and gruincr. has followed the business 28years, and painted many of the best houses of Atlanta. Prices to suit the times. Residence, 2611 Frazer street. Will respond to postal card. BROKERS. POWERS & EGLESTON, No. 20 Peachtree street, buy and sell bonds and stor ks on com mission. Receive funds for investment. Nego tiate loans. BOILER AND SHEET IRON WORKERS JAS A. GIFFORD, Manufacturer and Re pairer of Boilers, and Sheet Iron Work, 222 Marietta si. Also,Window Gratings, Jail Work, Dealer in Steam Engines. BUSINESS COLLEGE. MOORE'S BUSINESS UNIVERSITY, corner Broad and Alabama sts. ACTUAL BUSI NESS—STUDENTS ON CHANGE. The best Practical Business School in the country Circulars mailed free. CANDIES, ORA CKERS, CONE ECTION'S. JACK A HOLLAND (W. F. Jack and E. W. Holland), Steam Candy and Cracker Manufac turers mid wholesale dealers in Confeetione ries. Toys, Fire-works, etc. Send tor circulars and price lists. DOORS, SASH AND BLINDS. F. W. HART, Dealer in Doms. Blinds. Build ers, Hardware, etc. See advertise 14th page. W. G. ASHLEY, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in While Pine Doors, Sash mid Blinds, Window Glass, Putty, Doors. Locks. Hinges. Blind Hinges, Screws, and all other kinds of Build ers'Hardware No. 33 S. Broad st. ATLANTA, GA- HARDWARE. THOS. M. CLARKE <fc CO., Hardware Deal ers ami Agents for Oliver Chilled Plows. Dex ter Corn Stieller, Dexter Straw and Shuck Cul ler, and Maeneal it Urban’s Fire Proof Safes. HARNESS AND SADDLERY. DAVID MORGAN & CO., manufacturers of, and wholesale and reatail dealers in Saddles, Harness, Bridles. Spurs, W hips, and Saddlery Hardware, 80 Whitehall street, Atlanta, Ga. HOUSEFURNISIIING GOODS. HUNNICUTT X- BELLING RATHS, 56&38 Peachtree Street. Atlanta, Ga. Wholesale and retail dealers in Cooking and Heating Stoves. House Furnishing Goods. Slate and iron Man teis. Grates, Wrought Iron Pipe, Pumps. Rub ber Hose, Steam Fittings mid Plumbers' Goods Agents fertile Knowls Steam I’nnip. IRON FOUNDRIES. E. VAN WINKLE. Manufacturer of Cotton Presses. Cotton Gin Cleaners mid Feede s. Cir cular Saw Mills, Sugar Mills. Iron Fencing ami nil kinds of Shafting. Mill Gearing ami Light amt Heavy Castings,Nos. 16,18 ami 20 Foundry street. SURGICAL INSTITUTE. THE NATIONAL SURGICAL INSTITUTE, corner Pryor mid A abtuna streets, At anta, Ga. For fun information send for eireu ars. ~ARCHITECTSr PARKINS & BRUCE (W, H. Parkins and A. C. Bruce), architects and superintendents, Atlanta, Ga. Plans. Detail drawings and spe cifications for buildings of every description furnished nt reasonable rates. Court Houses, Colleges, Churches and Southern villas a specialty. ORGANS. ESTEY ORGAN CO.—Full stock and lowest prices. Best workmanship and handsomest eases. Buy of the manufacturers and save agents commissions. Only warerooms in At lanta, 10 Marietta Street. IyfARKHAM HOUSE. *** ATLANTA GEORGIA. In consuming control of this elegant hotel, I promise the public that no pains shall be spared to make its accommodations equal to those of any first-class house in this country. e. h. Paine. Z/hsvQshl x% z x XX i , M 8 B U S < P H '< I z =' > . 6 wm § e “ a? > =• ■ 4 5 Hi° ' t 2g = s -1 ? 1 s C =-t co 2 2 ® ?o CT ? TP . . 1 C o "" -A ? 1 - ’ t ?cl ? O ? Q = : i-H = i 1 S' H ~ i i■? O >. 9 : I'M '5 i* 2 ; : : -a - »• * TROKDKUOOfiBHHIfIOCHKMMWDHBHMBiMBHBBMO ER LAWSHE, Bole Atjent for the IVlechanical and I > ractical Optician and J eweler J ewelry Store* 47 Whitehall Street. 47 Any ariticle in. WATCHES, CLOCKS, SPECTACLES, or JEWELRY, furnished at Prices to Suit the Times I TL epairing - DONE BY BEST OF WORKMEN, AND WARRANTED. The Georgia Kailroad. GEORGIA RAILROD COMPANY,) SUPBIUNTENIIENT’S OFFICE, > Augusta, Ga., January 17th, 1879 J Commencing SUNDAY, 19th Inst., 6:00 p. m., the following Passenger Schedule will be oper ated; No. 2 EAST-DAILY, Leave Atlanta 7 45 a m Arrive Athens 3 30 p m Arrive Washington 2 00 p m Arrive Camak 1 08 p m Arrive Milledgeville 3 30 p m Arrive Macon 5 20 p tn Arrive Augusta 318 ptn NO. 1 WEST-DAILY. Leave Augusta 9 45 a m Leave Macon 7 10 a m Leave Milledgeville 9 08am Leave Camak ll 41 a m Leave Washington 10 45 a m Leave Athens 9 Ift a tn Arrive Atlanta 5 OOp m No connection to or from Washington on Sundays. COVINGTON ACCOMMODATION. (Daily, except Sundays.) Leaves Atlanta 5 "0 pm Arrives Covington 8 00 p m Leaves Covington 525 am Arrives Atlanta 740 am No. 4 EAST-DAILY. Leaves Atlanta 6 00 p m Arrives Augusta 6 25 a m No. 3 WEST—DAILY. Leaves Augusta 5 30p m Arrives Atlanta 5'30 a m Trains Nos. 2,1, 4 and 3 wiil not stop at Flag Stations. Connects at Augusta for all points East and South-East. Superb Improved Sleepers to Augusta. Pullman Sleepers Augusta to New York—either via Charleston or Charlotte. •sS'Only One Change Atlanta to New York."*® S. K. JOHNSON, E. R, DORSEY. Superintendent. Gen’l Passenger Agent. W. 11. SIMI’KIXS ATTORNEY AT LAW, HARMONY GROVE, JACKSON COUNTY, GA (On line of Northeastern Railroad.) WILL give special attention to the collec tion of claims in Jackson, Hall, Banks, Madison, Clarke, Franklin, and all the coun ties in Northeast Georgia, and promises that all business entrusted to his care shall lie promptly attended to, and will make immediate returns to clients of all monies collected for them. Lochrane & van eppS (O. A. Lochrane & Howard Van Epps.) ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Atlanta, Georgia. Office in Austell Building. Will practice in all the Ocurts, State and Federal, at Atlanta and elsewhere by appoint ment. A. P. Seewabt. John N. Faw > A i - P E IKSII a’Afdf iTi « T, c B 11 Wk I & 2 s f j jcj s House OOODS Wholesale and Retail Dealers In Stoves, Hollow-ware, Block Tic Tin Plate, Sheet Iron, Tinners’ Findings, BABY CARRIAGES, Willow Ware, Wooden Ware House Furnishing Goods, Cutlery, Plated & Brittania Ware. 1879 G-XT-A-ZUFO Ij 1879 ccrnr cccrrc II ll I II ll U II II H >1 ■• I ll 11 11 II I! I! II " ll I! It ll --2 OUR L. & R. BRAND OF iAMMONiAfED GUANO ALSO OUR lacidThosphatosl Are unexcelled by any. Seeds, Implements, Engines, Burt’s Early Red Oats, and all Needful things for the Farm at Low Prices. i MNNESOTA" AMBERJCANE: MARK W. JOHNSON & CO., 27 Marietta St., Atlanta, Ga. W. F. JACK E. W. HOLLAND. CTJLCIC feZETOLLTvITID , MANUFACTURERS OF miLE CAINDIES and CRTLCKETtS And Wholesale Dealers in : Plain and Fancy Candies, every Variety and Spices, Baking Powders, Soda, Starch, Potash, Gradeof Crackers. Snaps, Jumbles. Cakes, etc.; Concentrated Lye,Laundry Soaps,Toilet Soaps, Nurs. Raisins, Figs, Currents, Citron, Oysters, Candles, Matches, Brooms, Ink, Blueing. Shoe Sardines, Salmon, Lobsters, Canned Meats, Brashes, Blacking, Cigars, Cigarettes, Cheroots, Deviled Meats, Catsups, Sauces, Canned Fruits, Smoking Tobacco. Pipes, Snuff, Cider, Vinegar, Pickles, Syrups, Jellies, Preserves, Cheese, Teas Wrapping Paper, Paper Bags. —T L A NT A TOYS, FIRE-WORKS, SHOW-CASES, CRACKER-CASES, (Tin, glass front) CANDY-JARS. Ba. The onlv house in the S tilth that m inu factures both C indv and Cr inkers. tsa.NO POISONOUS ADULTERATIONS IN CANDIES OF OUR MANUFACTURE, ua-'forehants ordering Crackers in lots of 25 boxes, and upwards, of any one kind, can have them made to order at our Factory, of any d.edred grade, from 3c per pound up, and can I have them branded as they desire without extra charge. THE MOST CEMPLETE AND EXTENSIVE STOCK IN THE SOUTH AT BOTTOM PRICES. —G EO R G IA Price-List sent on application. OUR BABY Carriage I t ooms Contain some Beautiful Styles and Qualities of INFANT CARRIAGES! Thev range in price from $7 50 to SSO. Atlanta is decidedly the baby carriage market of the South. There are more carriages sold in this city than at any other place in our knowl edge. We would be pleased to quote ■ prices to any one who may want any i tiling in this line. Have a good stock of Boy’s Wag ons, Wheel Barrows, Carts and three wheeled Velocipedes. STEWART & FAIN. _A_ SURE 2E?/E MIE D "3E7 -FOR ALL- IRREGULARITIES OF THE WOMB AND BOWELS, FOR DELAYED MENSTRUATION, PALPITATION OF THE HEART, GIDDINESS, PAINS IN THE STOMACH AND HEAD, BEATING IN THE ARTERIES OF THE NECK. SINKING OF SPIRITS, A DISLIKE TO EXERCISE AND >* CONVERSATION. ■6B*A trial of these Bitters will prove that they are unequaled for all irreg ularitiesof the female system. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. NobleC. Williams, Prop’r, 50 Peachtreo St., Atlanta Ga,