Atlanta daily post. (Atlanta, GA.) 1878-1880, March 22, 1879, Image 3

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THE OLD SCHOOL- BOOK. On the old school-book, in its dusty nook, With a tearful eye I gaze: Come down, old friend, for an hour we’ll spend In talking of by-gone days, I gaze once more, as in days of yore, On the task that vexed the brain; The lesson done, and victory won, And I feel I.m a child again. And I seem tostand with the youthful band In the old house on the green : I hear the fun ere the school begun, And I join in the gladsome scene. I take my place with a sober face; O’er the well carved desk I bend, And hourly pore o'er the antique lore Os thy wonderful page, old friend. Then our cares were few, and our friends were true, And our griefs were rare and light; The world was naught (so we fondly thought) But a region of pure delight. But time has sped, and our path has led Through the dark and tearful scene; j And passed away are the good and gay, Like the old house on the green. But we'll sing no more of the days of yore, For the tear-drop dims the eye. Sleep on, old book, in thy dusty nook, As in years that have glided by. No guilt we trace in thy honest face, But a mind of gold within Enriched the youth, as they sought for truth, In the old house on the green. < The Opium Habit. Milltown, Chambers Co., Ala , March Ist. 1579. Mr. B. M. Woolley, Atlanta, Ga.: Dear Sir — I hereby certify that I about seven years ago I contracted the habit of using morphine for tooth ache and netirelgia. I commenced by using a small quantity, but the habit grew on me until I could not do on less than one bottle, of sixty grains, per week, and sometimes more. 1 tried every way I could to quit the habit but could not. I commenced using your antidote the 23d day of January, 1878, and left it off on the 9th day of February, 1879. I have no disposi tion now to use morphine, or any other opiates. I feel that my health is greatly improved, and feel under a thousand obligations to you and your remedy. lam sure it will cure any person who will use it as directed. I am yours, gratefully, Matilda A* Clifton. P. S.—You can use this certificate as you please, and may direct any person to me for any information they may desire. M. A. C. I hereby certify that the above cer tificate from my wife is correct and true. ’ G. AV. Clifton. Middleton, Cnambers Co.. Ala. HE FURTHER WRITES. Mr. Woolley: My Dear Friend — I seat myself this morning to drop you a few lines in regard to my wife. She has left off the antidote, is doing finely, and is more lively than she has been for six or seven years. She says that there is nothing on earth that would induce her to return to the use of morphine again. Our home is a pleasant home now to what it has been for the last six or seven years. The children are all highly delighted at the thought of their mother’s release from the terri ble bondage of opiates. Our neigh bors and friends are expressing their gratitude for the gift of a Woolley and his Antidote, and now accept the heartfelt gratitude I feel due you and your great remedy. May you live long and continue to do good to suf fering humanity. lam Yours truly. G. AV. Clifton. The Trade in Candies, Crack ers, Etc- THE HOUSE OF JACK A HOLLAND. WHOLE SALE AND RETAIL DEALERS. Trade in Atlanta is generally en larging in all departments, but in none more so than that of candies, crackers, and the host of articles in that line. Our leading house—that of Jack & Holland—is now shipping to ail parts of the South. Their business is simply immense. On the princi ple that small profits on a great trade pays more than large profits on a small trade, this house can‘offer pri ces that baffle competition. Hence, their business is increasing at great strides. Bead the list of articles they offer. Atlanta Millstone Manufactory? «r w 2co~ § ® • S w K Et- * p s 5 S a S 3 w g ® 3 w ® n S> - g (n J. MOSES, . ATTORNEY AT LAW, Atlanta, Ga. Offi ee: 5 Austell building. JEWTON HOUSE, Athens, Georgia. A. D. CLINARD, Proprietor. L ARGEST STOCK, w M A G NIFI CENT FINEST DISPLAY, instruments VS H Ir To be sold at manufactu- LOAVEST PRICES. > W WtF U rets’ 4? aOB* Wholesale Prices. Look at These Prices: JJ@“Flrst-Class Pianos and Organs Only.“@S 7 Octave Pianos, in Handsome Rosewood Case, f0r8175.00 8 Stop Organ, in Elegant Walnut Case, for 75.00 And all other styles proportionately low. All instruments warranted, and satisfaction guarauted to purchasers. PHILLIPS & CREW, Pianos and Organs to Rent. Nos. 8 and.lo Marietta St., Atlanta, Ga. ths nr.vr PAIN MSTROTu ATTD' SIAr .CLI . V FOR INFLA?XHA'-”i V DJISASEsJ , AND IIEDIOU-i . ' Rheumatism, r/'•‘‘U/T™ ever performed f u.Hi wo’p/.t ■. ■ ? cares t i this distressing diGeas ji.l i -a. 1u 1»i 01ir . Sufferers who Lavo 1:1."d < vcrytlii-g < without relief, cr.i re’vi.' < :i t- lug entirely' curcd'by using Pond’s Kx tract. Mrilt-ilHn Allncr.-T.l.'-ie.i aina c" the INIUL! 1 CiSj<,kcl« li'.'ud,(.loii’ticxi « / Imavl-.-, are speedily cured by 11 o free, 1 ■ o <•? ILO Extract. No other medicine -will euro as quickly. Hemorrhages. bleviltn'.’. ciiin ■ external or internr.l, it. is always reliable, arid i ir.nlby 11'yaleira:--.of r 111 t-hccp:v.iih a certainty ct sueeessti For Ifootling cf the. lungs it. is invcluahlo. Ctn’Nasalaikl I’c iiiale Syringes r ■ lultstler-: ereinateriai aids in cases of internal bleeding. Diphtheria and Sore *ITP> Vsetl r.s a garrjb and also 8 !!i wclL. applicdcxtcriiallym.idfreot tliocarly M;,. < ,i< t tfoydfoearesil will surely control and euro them. Do not delay trying it cn appearance of first symptom.) of these dangerous diseases. ZN —x—„ „i- The Extract is the only spe- WcllcAl 111. cifio for this prevalent aid distressing complaint; quickly relieves cold in tho head, io. Our Kasel Syringe is of essential service in these cases. Sores, Ulcers, Wounds and B ruises. The most obstinate eases healed and cured with astonishing rapidity. Burnsand Scaids. heat and pain it is unrivalled, and should l:e kept in every family, ready for use in case of accidents. Inflamed or Sore Eyes. It can bo used without the slightest fear of harm, quickly allaying all inflammation and soreness without pain. Earache,Toothache, and FarAanhA It is a panacea, and r ClvCClvl IV. when used according to directions its effect is simply wonderful. Diltae Blind, Bleeding or Itching. It r I ibo, is the greatest known remedy; rapid ly curing when other medicines have failed. For Broken Breast, Sore Nitwnlr'C Ague In Brensf. The ippies, Extract is cleanly and efficacious, and mothers who have once used it will never bo without it. Female Complaints. need bo called in for the majority of female diseases If the Extract is used. The pam phlet which accompanies each bottle gives full directions how it should bo applied. Any one can use it without fear of harm. CAUTION. POND’S EXTRACT ««?,’. clc bns the words “Pond’s Extract,” blown in tho and Company’s trade-mark on surrounding wrapper. It is never sold in bulk. Mono other is genuine. Always insist on having Pond’s Extract. Take no other pre paration, however much you may be pressed. Prices 50c., SI.OO, and $1.75. PREPARED ONLY BY POND’S EXTRACT CO. s> New York and London. SOLD BY ALL UKLCOISTS. TEATEATEATEATEA =1 t t t ttt t t t |= -'"TEATEA7TEATEATEA.'. The BEsF PUREST in GEORGIA BWTHE ONLY HOUSE IN THE SOUTHERN STATEg THAT MAKES TEAS.®# B®"AND COFFEES A G. A. RAMSPECK & CO.’S and japan Tea Parlor! ’Collier Building, corner Peachtree and Line Streets, THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT OF TEAS AND COFFEES EVER (KNOWN IN ATLANTA BEFORE. Teas Range fromJOc. to $3.50 per Pound. I JJOUSEKEEPERS are cordially invited to examine our immense stock of TEAS and COE ■ FEES, and test them before purchasing. Special arrangements made with hotels, restaurants j and private boarding houses. All Teas Warranted New Crops. . : Chinese TA QJT’T'T'E’CS Cheap for and Japanese VS JlwJLnJv ><3JL JL A Presents ZMICZEnT AUGHT <Bz SCRUTCHIN 86 and 88 Whitehall Streat, Wholesale and Retail □DEALERS IN HARDWARE, IRON, STEEL, NAILS, ETC., Carriage and Wagon Materials, Sarven’s Patent Wheels, Saddlery Hard ware, Fairbanks and Howe’s Scales. A. tl an tai - - ' - - Georgia. OIL. OIL. THE LARGEST AND BEST STOCK OF Heavy Lard, Linseed, West, Va-, Light Engine, Cylender and Golden Machinery Oil, Tn the city, at Atlanta branch. Chess, Carley & Co.’s Great Southern Oil Works, No. 89 South Pryor street. ALL PRICES SHADED AND BEST <JUALITY G(JAR ANTEED. H. B. DOWNING, * Agent. Hard Times ABOLISHED BY THE Great Southern Tea Company SEE THE REDUCTION IN PRICES. Tees, Coffees, Spices, and Fancy Groceries, SUGARS: Standard A Sugarloc Cut lAHii’Sugar He Granulated Sugarlie TEAS : Gunpowdersoc En glis h Break fastsoc Young Hysonsoc Oolong 50e Imperialsoc MixedsUc COFFEE. Good Roasted Rio2oe Best Roasted Rio2sc Best Roasted Maracabo27c Best Perfection3oc Best Perfection Javaßsc Best Perfection Mocha4oc MISCELLANEOUS. Grits 3c Rice .... Sc Oat Meal Oe Wolf's Self jaishig Flour, per lb 5c Wolf’s Self-raising Buckwheat (»’ 4 Canned Tomatoesloc Canned Corn 15c All orders of $5.00 and upwards will be sent per express free of charge. We manufacture the Pride of Georgia Bak ing Powers, which we warrant to be a pure Cream of Tartar powder, the best in use. (Be ware of burnt allmn and other trash powders astheyare injurious to the health.) , GREAT SOUTHERN TEA CO., 84 Whitehall street. ~F. W. HART, DEALER IN doors,"blinds O LAZED SASH. Window Glass, Builders’ Hardware, Etc., Etc. ; sen i>' Edit' rji 'i’cE L "is r; 30 S.Broad Street, Atlanta, Ga. SMILLIE’S General Sewing Machine Store, No. 31 MAKI ETTA STREET. R. T. Smillif. begs to inform the public that he is prepared to supply his friends with first class Sewing Machines of various makes, which he will sell at as close profits as any merchant handling staple commodities can afford to do; and. unlike the “agencies”— who sell only one kind of machine—will give his customers choice of at least five different machines, and at prices which defy competi tion from any source that is dependent on one kind of machine only, No goods sol«i on “lease.” All machines warranted latest patents and sold at about one half the price asked by agents who sell on “lease” plan. No customer will be forced or persuaded to take any particular kind of machine, but all are desired to purchase the machine they pre fer as being best suited to their needs. Illustrated Catalogues and Companies’price lists are furnished to all on applications; but these prices being intended to cover “lease,” “trades” and “exchanges for old machines” will not be binding on me, as I buy for cash and sell to suit my customers and myself only. I offer my customers choice of “Stewart,” (the best “Singer” made) Howe,” “Reming ton,’ “Dauntless,” “Victor,” and many other machines. Solici ting yOur patronage, I am, yours respectfully, R. T. SMILLIE, Agent. As a rule, the prudent business man will avail himself of the best medium at his command to bring his business to the atten tion of t <osewlio constitute the worth and wealth of a community. No ay enev can ac complish it so well as the newspaper which enjoys their confidence and esteem. Em ploy "space in one that is read bg thousands of substantial Christian people is the safest and surest means of receiving satisfactory returns. The Chbistian Index, published in Atlanta, is read more generally in the cities, in the villages, in the counting rooms, and at the firesides, than, possibly any other paper i<i the State. Whether we consider the number, character or condi tion of its patrons, it has few, if any. equals iu the State as an advertising medi um ; and. in asking the patronage of the business men of the country the publishers feel they arc offering them the best possi ble opportunity to place their business be fore the. people of Georgia. HSJ“Tbe Index is the safest medium through which the people of Georgia, Ala •;ama, Florida, the Ciroiinas, and other Southern and Western States, can be reached. J. S. Watson. Chas. Heinz. J. S. "Watson & Co., Cloth Dressing, Silk, Woolen and Cotton Dyeing EstablishmenT 86 SOUTH PRYOR STREET, (between Hunter and Mitchell.) ATLANTA, - - “ GEORGIA. SILK and WOOLEN GOODS all descriptions dyed in a superior style. Ladies’ Crape, Stella and Cashmere Shawls, Silk. Merino and Monsseline Dresses, Gentlemen’s Cloaks, Coats, Pants, and Vests handsomely cleansed, and everything appertaining to the business punc tually attended to. Carpetsand Druggetsneat ly cleansed during the summer mouths. B. F. BENNETT. C. W. WELLS. BENNETT & WELLS, FSACTICAL PRINTERS, NO 2-1 BROAD STREET, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. Fully'prepared to do all kinds o BOOK and JOB PRINTING, at the shoit est notice, and at prices to suit the times. Call and see them. DrysTGrHoilaiid, DENTIST. ZAfllee 24 Whitehall Street, cor. Alabama. V z Uxtriiets teeth without pain for §2.00. Simple extractions 50c. First class fillings made for SI.OO to $2.00. Every filling regis tered and warranted. Sets of teeth on his new dental plate $5, $7, $lO sls and $25. This plate is guaranteed to be the healthiest and best plate now made. He is a responsible pro fessional gentleman of 20 years experince— can handle a mouth better than anybody, and deals honestly (in every sense of the word) with his patients. Kailroad Time Tables. arrival and departure of trains. Georgia Railroad. Trains. Leave. Arrive. Passenger7:4s am 5:00 p m Express6:oo pin 5:30 a m Cov’ton & Atlanta Passs:3o p m 7:40 a m Atlanta & Charlotte Air-Line. Mail Train3:oo p m 12:40 tn Day Passengers:4s a m 10:45 p m Western & Atlantic Railroad. Night Passenger2:oo p m 10:50 p m Day Passenger6:lo a m 12:55 pin Atlanta & West Point Railroad. Mail and Passengerl ;20 p m 1;53 p m I Mixed Freight and Passs:oo pin 9:05 a m Central Railroad. > Mail and Express 2:15p m 1:15 p m Passenger and Freightll:4o pra 5:02 a m GEO. J. HOWARD, W. H. HOWARD, Jr., Atlanta. CHAS. 11. HOWARD, of the firm of W. 11. Howard & Sons, Augusta, Ga. ’Geo. J. Howard & BrosJ WHOLESALE ESWSIEt s 29 East Alabama Street. o rpHE SENIOR MEMBER OF THE FIRM L. has been identified with the Drug Trade of this city for the last eight years, but withdrew from the Drug business about one year ago. We commenced, January the Ist, under the present firm name, to do an exclusively whole sale business. We succeeded no one: there fore we have no stock, the accumulation of years, to work off. Our goods are all new and fresh, bought for net cash, and we are prepared to offer inducements to close buyers. We will be pleased to have a call from Mer chants visiting our city, or we will furnish special quotations when requested. We will simply say our stock is large and complete in— JB6T-DRUGS, BROILS, fiSTETC., Os all kinds. STA r riOTVEI» V. Os all descriptions. FERTILIZING CHEMICALS. I b®-nitrate potash, KS-SULPHATE MAGNESIA, JWACID PHOSPHATE, «WMURIATE POTASH, Ba.SU LPH ATE A M MONIA, Ba-LAND PLASTER, Etc. We are also General Agents for the sale o£ P. Zell & son’s Ammoniated Bone Phosphate. GEO. J. HOWARD & BROS. ~carmagesF TV. C. SPENCE, NO. 47 DECATUR STREET, Manufacturer of first-class carriages. Buggies, Express Wagons, One-horse Wagons, Drays, Etc. Repairing promptly done. Prices as low as the lowest. “ffIACTS FOR YOUNG MEN Actual Business, Students on ’Change, The Business World in Miniature, at MOORE’S BUSINESS UNIVERSITY, ATLANTA, GA. The Best Practical Business School in the country. Send for Circulars, Terms, Etc. w - =F#RNrTUIW HOUSE IN THE STATE co co co * o c o o § O g O § o o H u O 2 2 C O 'V, e* CO O O H P-. 5 c c o o M 2 2 2 §§ H ® 5 SS 8 § 0 « < s § : c v *3 - c c c c no.. co O O . co Is 27 ?! H I: ? 1 H OCA M JS c 8 O C , ) » o o coM g go § s . • >- £ 2 2 C C n. to C C O O . 10 O C co d co THE LARGEST AND BEST SELECTED Stock of Furniture in Atlanta. aa-PARLOR SUITS BS.CHAI.IBER suits. B3.BEDSTEADS, B3.BUREAUS, Ba.WARDP.OBES, ua.BOOK CASES, B3.HAT RACKS, B®-WHAT NOTS, Ba.MARBLE tables, Ba.WASH STANDS, B®-CHAIRS, ROCKERS, WMATTRESSES. ... ———— | A Full Line of Queen Ann Style. | << S' Best S<so Parlor Suit in the South. Best $65 Dressing Case Suit in the South. He buys strictly for cash, and can therefore sett tower than anybody. Those in need of furniture are invited to call and examine goods and prices before purchasing elsewhere. rjVHE ONLY DIRECT LINE —FROM THE— ST. JOHNS RIVER TO NEW YORK WINTER SCHEDULE, 1878 and 1879. The Large and Comfortable Steamer “CARRIE,” CAPTAIN JOE SMITH. Going North, will leave SANFORD, MELLON- ViLLE and ENTERPRISE, every Tuesday and Friday, at 5 o'clock a.m., for JACKSON VILLE, connecting with C. H. MALLORY & CO’S FLORIDA TINE STR’S FORN. Y., Sailing every Thursday, and with the Steamer “ROSA” for Savannah, also with the M. & B. and B. & A. Railroads, for all points West. For further information, apply to P. McQUAID, Ag t Jacksonville, Fla. John A. Mcßae, Trav. Ag’t. 'THE WHITE a SEWING MACHINE THE BEST OF AI.L. Unrivaled in Appearance, Unparalleled in Simplicity, Unsurpassed in Construction, Unprecedented in Popularity, And Undisputed in the Broad Claim OF BEING THE VERY BEST OPERATING QUICKEST SELLING, IIAKiBSOMEST, AND Most Perfect Sewing Machine IN THE WORLD. IF'tSc'' 'I --tI fl I Bw ffistWlß® iI K' I B The great popularity of the White Is the most con vincing tribute to its excellence and superiority over other machines, and in submitting it to the trade we put It upon its merits, and in no instance has it ever yet failed to satisfy any recommendation In its favor. The demand for the White has increased to such an extent that we are now compelled to turn out A Coxxxylete Se-wiing- ZMtadiixxe every tlxxea Xzx tixe cla.;y to suppliv tixe d.emamd.l j Every machine Is warranted for 3?years, and sold for c-sh at liberal discounts, or upon easy payments, to suit the convenience of customers. ■WAGSHSS WASTED IN UNOCCUPIED TXBEITOET. WHITE SEWING~MACHINE CO., Ns 368 Euclid Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. J. D. & T. F. SMITH. Gen. Agents. 598. Broad St., Atlanta, Ga.