Newspaper Page Text
Home Affairs. Items Aboit
People and Things.
Tfee Mews Condensed lets
Brief Paragraphs.
The Sunday school was well at
tended last Sabbath.
Little Alma Loehr is on a visit to
relatives in Elberton at prescnt .
We are thankful to the kind
friends who have M „
We„ recently.
Two deaths in Bogart this month
is something unusual for our ex
treinely hralthy section.
The recent rains have greatly re
vived vegetation, and all humanity
seems to put on new life.
Preuching at the Christian
church next Saturday and Sunday
by the Pastor, Rev. T. J. Foster,
Mr. Albert Wall is shipping a
large lot of seasoned fine wood from
this place. *
Mr. C. W. Heard has a 10-pound
bov at his house. Mother and chHd
doing well.
Mr. J. O. Adair has been quite
sick this week', but we are glad to
know is much bettr now.
Mrs. II. S. Bond, of Garwood is
spending this week with Mrs. Bur
son and family. • . # f | .
Mrs. Fanny Tucker and son, of
Jackson county, are visiting her
sister, Mrs. Burson.this week.
Wanteo/—A few frying sized
chic kens in payment for subscrip
tions. Bring them to the News
The Editor hail the pleasure of
visiting relatives i« Elberton last
Saturduy, returning Sunday after
noon. jy|
•'< Misses Ruby Wise and Coni
Hodges, who huve been visiting
relutivcs at Winder for the past
week, returned home last Sunday,
The gras* ha* been cleaned off of
ille diamond at the ball yard, and
everything is in readiness for a great
game next Saturday between Jef
ferson and Bogart.
The regular sessson of the Su|>e
rior Court of Oconee county will
will be held at Wutkinsville next
week. Judge N. L. Hutchins
will preside.
We had a pleasant call from our
young friend, Jerry Burson, of
Rocky Ford, Tuesday. His many
friends are always glad to see him
come around.
The pay train on the S. A. L.
passed up,the road Wednesday and
made the employes of the road
happy. The great Seaboard is do¬
ing an enormou* business now.
Mr. J. P. Jackson,
Dr. Jackson’s Neutralizing Cor¬
dial gave us a pleasant call this
week and brought us a fresh sup
ply of the medicine.
Mr. J. L. McLeroy carried a lot
of fine grape* to Athens Saturday.
He is a progressive citizen,. and
makes a sucsess of whatever he un
A Wednesday night ^prayer meet
ing has been started up here, and
was largely attended at the last
meeting. It is to be hoped that
these meetings will result in much
good to the community.
entertained quite a number of t|^ir
young friends at their lumoe on
\v»t End Oil tlio nigfct of the 15th.
inst .' Tlieentertainment wa* giv
T^mieSc^rUo , e u ;_____ u^iu UmL. wt
and Mamie SytiiW“-r, two wm
some young Udu> of Binningbuai.
Ala., who are visiting the family of
Mr, M, W, Sykes,
1 Remember will accept chick
ens, butter, eggs, honey and any
other products of the farm that we
can utilize, in payment of sub
scriptions. ,
Mr. M. L. Bond is hard to heat
guessing at the weight of a cow at
first sight, and always wants the
cow weighed as soon as he makes
his guess.
Mr. Vandiver the new section
master, on this section of the S. A.
J L. is putting the l.ack in fine order
nov * He “^sands his buisness
: thoroughly, and is a jolty, good-na¬
tured fellow.
Mi«,M»>nie|Thn»her » spend
inR this week with her annt. Mrs.
S. J. 'Fullilove at High Shoals.
Hcr return wi „ ^ anx i mis l v await
ed by the youug nien of this com
Df Tackson > s Neutralizing Cor
dia , is doing much good in re lje V -
j n g { j le jjQ^ei trouble now so pre
valent amottng children. Try u
bottle. Only 50 cents, at the News
J; B. Toomer, Athens, Ga,,
largest dealer in Sewing Machines
in Northeast Georgia, 23 years in
business. Handles all makes,
11,80 needle * and ° ,L Miul ordere
solicited for machines and needles.
Manuel Coleman, a negro farmer
of Fairfield county,. suffered from
watermelon thieves, “plugged”
some melons and injected strych¬
nine. Later two negro boys en¬
tered the patch, ate the melons,
t and after ward died.
Mr. Joe Hunter, the famous
sliort stop has signed the Bogart
busebull teum, which will add greot
ly to the strength of the ‘earn. We
have one of the strongest teams in
Georgia. . .
Mr. H. C. Poss ha'd his well
cleaned out last Tuesday evening,
Among the article# found in the
well were 17 frog?, i tin dippers.
‘ bottles, -pint !***» d
4 quart a “»
u P°w ercau. *
Rev. W. M. Coile filled h is regu
Jar appointment at the Baptist
church last Saturday and Sunday.
IIe >• un “ bk *"inister und his gr¬
mans are always listened to with a
K rt dcid mtcrest..
Lightning struck a tree near Mr,
Dock Miller’s house last Saturday
evening, and came near causing the
death of his entire family. Mr.
Miller’s face was burned by the
The jjerson who takes Dr. Jack¬
son’s Neutralizing Cordial will
never have sick headache. It cures
by removing the cause. Only 50
cents a bottle at the News office.
We want some correspondentss
in different sections of the county
who will give us the news in a
condensed form. Who will respond
' We.are getting in new subscri
bers from every section of the State
now. Can’t each subscriber secure
us another: . . . It will require . only . a
s,,1:1 e ort “ n * le part 0 eac one,
“ *
° it *' ■
lhe °‘ ‘ the ad intelligence dea h of Mr has reached Cr *P’
* *‘
mother of Mr. Lafayette Cruft M
Mountville. S. C. who was a tor
mer d.e|K»t agent and operator at
thi * place> Mr. Crisp has many
tr jends here who deeply sympathize
with him in t R e i osg 0 f j,j s fear
, not j ler
Messrs Frank and Willie Griffeth
. • .
Ins a grea *
us wc au ' beU1 ^ u sa,e
attachment in case of runaway*.
We are glad to note the success
with w Inch they are meeting. They
*' ca which
, anything U Uro
for surpasses ever '
The Baptists at-this place have
purchased anotherdot of land from
Mr. J* E. Wall. s The church lot
was too small* atld this addition
will give ample room for all pur
Rev. W. M. Coile carried on
his meeting at the Baptist church
until Tuesday night, when it was
decided best to close it for the
present. He will probably pro¬
tract at his next appointment.
A little pig belonging to Mr.
George Norris fell head foremost
into a bucket of stop yesterday and
was drowned before any one knew
of it. The pig w$s so fat he had
but little use of himself and could
not get out of the bucket. ‘
Mr. J. R* Ray, a forujer citizen
of Oconee, county, but now of Wal¬
ton county, gave US a call yesterday,
and of course, entered his name on
our subscription book. He is one
of the old land marks, having lived
to a ripe old age,land spent a life of
usefulness. *
The Bogart New? has been en¬
larged and die editor seems to be
hustling to fill it full of good news.
—Monroe Messenger.
Right you are, bro. Caldwell.
The newspaper m*an of to day has
to hustle to fill his paper with good
news. .
The owner of the bunch of keys
advertised in the “News" has been
found. They belonged to Mr.
Willie Morton, of Athens, Ga.,
and they hate been returned to
him. An advertisement in The
Bogart always brings sat¬
isfactory re* (Sits.
Mr. G. E. Cowan has returned
from Washington, D. C., and is
with his son$$, J. II. & C. O. Cow¬
an. The old gentleman’s health fail¬
ed him and he came South to re¬
cruit. He Ikis many friends in
section who welcome him
among us. 4 v
^ - W 1 C imrtet county
.* r of OcnAee
county, visited Prof. Moore yester¬
day. He is well pleased with the
school liere, and is very compli¬
mentary toward our efficient Prin¬
cipal, Prof. Moore.
An excursion of South Carolina
negroes passed Coiner last night,
and when the marshal arrested one
of the negroes another negro on
the platform bif the train attempted
to shoot the Marshal, when he was
fired upon by a citizen of Comer,
and a severe battle ensued between
the negroes on' the train and the
citizens of Comer. Perhaps seven¬
ty-live shots \yere tired in the short
time the battle lasted. No one oi
the Comeritesjwas hurt. Have not
learned whether any negroes on
the train was jliurt or not. The
negro arrest eel by the marshal was
safely held in Comer.—Daniels
ville correspondence to Athens
At McDonough, Saturday,Judge
Marcus W. Beqk drew a grand jury
to meet in special session July 36 to
j nves t igute thefcase of Oscar Wil
cliarged bMi assaulting the
little daughter of Farmer
tu:ur ^'ejoy. a true bill is re
turned the jud# will call a special
tern, of Henry Superior court to
convencc abont the middle of Au
gU(it to tr y t he case,
VH V/ W I ■ V 11441
Will be paid to any * person who
will present at my plaoj of business.
formula, witn receipt for same# Or
for any formula for making a med
icine that is better for Diarrhoea,
Dyscnter) ., Dvspei» a. Indigestion
or anv diseases d the stomach or
bowels than Dr. Jackson’s Neu
training Cordial. 1 he genuine is
-old and guaranteed at the Bogart
x l£WS 0 tfj cc .
J. P. jAatsoN, Man’g'r.
M.H. MOORE, - - - Principal,
Miss OLIVIA BOND, - - - Assistant.
Fall Term Will Begin Monday, July 19th., 1897.
The course of study w ill be thorough, practical, and systematic.
It is believed to contain enough for business pursuits, and, all that is
necessary for a basis on which may be reared a classical education..
Students may choose and pursue"a select course; byt a regnlar, system¬
atic course will be recommended and insisted upon.
ist Grade, per month, * '* $1.00.
2nd w 4 4 1.25.
3rd “ 4 4 44 1.50.
4U1 44 - (4 - 1.75.
Pro rata of public fund will be deducted from above rates.
Board in good families, per month, $5.00 to $8.00.
The Discipline of the school will be mild and persuasive, but firm
and decisive. The strictest surveillance will be held over the moral
and intellectual training of the pupils. It is believed that boys and
girls should be inspired by lofty motives to govern themselves; that they
should be taught to do right, not from fear, but from a serise of duty
and honor; to do right, not because they are watched, but because it is
right. Thus inspired and taught, they go into the world men and
women in all that the words imply; otherwise, they go out as mere
machines, unable to control themselves,—slaves to their own appetites
and passions. Proper punishment will not be spared when it becomes
necessary; but we w ish it emphatically understood that we want no
pupil in school who delights in raising disturbances and in doing wrong
bc*cause lie thinks he will never be detected in it.
Bogart High School is located in the town of Bogurt, Oconee Coun¬
ty, Georgia, on the S. A. L. R. R., 63 miles east of Atlanta, 10 miles
west of Athens, Ga. The school buildjng is comparatively a new one,
and in the near future will be arranged to comfortably seat 350 or 300
There are four Churches—-a Baptist, a Methodist, a Christian, and
a Presbyterian—in town; und as good society, Sunday school, etc., as
are found anywhere, jjfi » .
The Principal ha» had large experience,'and has always met with
fair success. His occupation is teaching. His whole time will be given
to the school. He is not of that class that follows teaching as a step¬
ping-stone to other occupations. Ilis recent course in Normal instruc¬
tion, received at a College which is pre-eminently a teacher-trainer,
will give our school many advantages over Other schools. The Princi¬
pal promises faithful work, but feels that he can do nothing without
the co-operation of the people in and around Bogart, which is most re¬
spectfully solicited.
Devotedly competent assistance is provided for the Primary and
Intermediate Departments.
We expect to add a Music Department, this term, to our school.,
and expect this department to rank with any of other schools.
Those who huve to board their children in order to send them to
school, cannot do better than to send them to Bogart. All necessary
expenses are reasonably low. The location is healthy, the moral and
religious influences are good. There is nothing that would tend to
draw students from their studies.
A liberal putronage is solicited.* For further particulars apply to
the Principal.
Freeman & Wise
Groceries, Dry Goods,
Cigars, Tobaccos, Snuffs,
We Will Pay the Highest Prices for
Cotton Seed and all Other
Farm Produce.
We solicit your patronage and will save you money on
anything in our line.
Ail Hinds Country Produce taken in exchange.
Bring us Your