The Bogart news. (Bogart, Oconee Co., Ga.) 1896-1???, July 30, 1897, Image 1

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TH v A NEWS Voi. ii. Letter From Jesus Crist. The following was clipped from the f Athens Banner several' years ago and was handed us bv a friend with a request that we publish it. The letter is certainly a curiosity. High Shoals. Ha*. May 28th Editor Banner Watchman: There is an old min at-this pUce who has in his possession a letter* which he claims to have been written by thinking ‘ that it sus Christ and might bo of interest to some of your readers, 1 will give it to you in full. This letter, which was written by Jesus Christ, was found under a very large round stone at the foot of the cross, i 3 miles from Icon ium, near a village called Messopo toutfit. 65 years after the Savior’s crucifixion, and wua transmitted from the heR city fey a converted SS: Je>v, who faithful^ Jransfated it on the stone under which the letter was found was engraved, “Blessed is he who shall turn me over.” All the people who saw it, prayed to (iod earnestly that he should make know n to them the meaning of this writing, tluit they might not in vain attempt to ttyn over so large a rock. ! In the meantime there came a little child, about 6 or 7 years old, uad turned it over with out help, to the astonishment and admiration of all who saw it, and under it was found this letter, sign¬ ed by the ungcl Gabriel, 28 years after our Saviour’s birth. 1 he above is a correct history, and ,be¬ low is a correct copy of the letter : \ . -rilK l.ETTKIt. .^VbWvcr worketh on Sabbat day shall be cursed. I com maml go to church and keep the laird's day holy, without ingauv manner of work. Yon shall not idlv misspend your time in ' with liedecking yourselves super fluities of cosily apiwrel and dress es for I have ordained it a day of relt Iwilihav* that day 'kepi holy, that your sins may be tVirgiv en you. You shall not break my commandments, but observe and keejr tirenr, written with my own hand. Write .hem in your hear., and steadfastly observe. This was written with my own hand and spoken by my own mouth. You shatl not only go to church your selves, but also your manservants and your maidservants, observe my words and learn my ments You shall finish your la lmrvvcrvSi.lur.Uv in the after noon noon by u> six >ix o’clock, ei k. , at which hour preparations for (lie Sabbath be gins I advise you to fast five Fri ■ritining with (iood Feidity uml to S eontinue until the four Friday's i,n ?d Hawing, it, remetowr ance he'fivc bloodv wound, I shall diligently and peaceably labor jn your vocations where it has pleased God to call vou. You ri. all love one another will, broth eriv no’baptised love and cause them .that are to come toehnrch and Inrar the holy sacrament, via: Bap* tism and the land', Snpprr, and be made members thereof. In so ’doing Ooing. I Will give g vou long f life and . , „ many > essings. an your .ttu.. . replenish and bring forth abun ri!.gs dance. I will give vou nianv bles and couffort j.m in thegreaf esl * temptation,, 1 * and surelv he that • doeth to the , contrary rinu . *be . cnrxeff and unprofitable. I will al so send liar tines- of heart upon them till ! have drstmved them, hut especially upon the hardened and impenitent unbelievers.- He that bath given to tbc poor shall BOSART, OCONEE COUNTY, GEOR GIA; FRIDAY IULY 30th. 1897. not be unprofitable. Remember to keep holy the Sabbath day, for the 7 ‘h day I have to myself. He that hath a copy of this letter "ith my own hand and spoken with my own mouth, and keep it without publishing it to others shall not prosper, but he that pub lisheth it to others shall be blessed me, and though his . sins . Lie in number as the stars in the sky, am. i,e tIiat Shoves in this shall be par toned. and lie believes not this writing and my commandments, 1 will send my plague upon him consume both him and his children and his cattle ; and whosoever shall have a copy of this letter, written with my own hand .and keep m tlieir houses, nothing shall hurt them, neither pestilence, lightning nor thunder shall do them any hurt, and if a woman be with child in labor, a copy of this letter be about her and she firmly puts her trust in me, she shall be safely delivered of her birth. You shall have no news of me but by the Holy Spirit till tlic day of Judgment. All good¬ ness and,prosperity shall be in the house where a copy ot this letter is found.” Told by a Mountain Preacher. A preacher of this section, since deceased, used fo tell the following, says the Hazel Glenn Herald. He said he was in Letcher count j preaching on one occasion*, when lie stopped at a farmhouse to get his dinner. While bating, the lady of the house inquired' his business, and lie replied: “1 lim hurtling thp lost sheep of Israel.” * She left the room, and in a lew " ,HH ' K ' : •"*”'** tlm «»g some stray sheep, and I il Let old long wool cum tlmt s been wound here i* hudn.” No Si>u u d- n’t ^ under “ * r V! ‘ ’ * - stand me. I uin hunting sinner*, ‘ l,osc ,( >r " !l o;n Christ died. ; ' “And t is he dead? she queried. “Vcs.” replied the man of God, astonished at her ignorance. “And buried, too, 1 reckon. “Oil, yes; long, long ago.’ "There now. okl men i tolrl you «. d J- ... 'Knoraneo for no, «ak >«ig a newspaper : A Wife Charges Hei* Hus baud With Murder. ' - - Last Saturday morning the neighbors of Mr. D. II. Dumford. of Columbia. S. C,, were attracted |, v |,j s cries. The, hastened to the »pm, v where they y found Mr». D.i.n f ord pinned to-the ground by sev cra i heavy l<»gs which had fallen , id , „f , te bnBding tint the’ log fell oh her. which eeesed her death u few hour,, before her death die charged’her hesbnnd with the ^ there and then pushed thu logs n . W( her . Ddmford deMcif the charge, and c Uin.i that a, nisei, ietyu. ' goat did —-— . J. M. Kampley ha, a imn . .l.a ha, broken he reeorr, A fe. days ago she laved an egg that b^, puzzled all who saw if. or heard . vr»,. .jtf-.llv i.vs 1-r-Ve * * bnt th.s one wa> u a ..... .. . egg small, and the shell was not as hard a. egg .Indl. generaily. The,.range pert * ah nit it. tl.angh, is that the egg eontamed . - a well e..;i icnne.i^ch frtrtn.* S chick- ck en. i ne egg was broken e minutes after it was laved and tit chicken na- alive, it lhad s .me time, and was mjcO by several, but none could explain the strange pbe nonunion.—Camesville Tribune. A PISML SHOT the Life 0 f Ji m DavisOU. __S_ ^ THE CAUSE, JEALOUSY ] 0 f, n Vaughn fired the Fatal but g ays he S0 jp Self DsfeilS 0 f ^ Sunday afternoon at 4 O » clock m that section of Clarke county known af> Chaunceys, John Vaughn shot and killed Jim Davi son at the ho.uf.* of Ann White head. . The news oflhe killing reached herc Mond-y naming, and a News repor(er wa8 sou „ „„ his way to the scene 0 f t h e njnrder accompanied by-Mr. Joe Griffeth. who piloted us through the wilderness of the see lion, which to us seemed in need of missionaries to enlighten the inhab itants. We learned! from eye witnesses that the causiof the killing pvus jealousy and tjhut Genie Whitehead played an important part in the affair. ■ Jolin Vaughn, who fired the tal sl.ot clainw that he did so in self defense, and went immediately and gave htinsdUrup to the Sheriff. ,, Davison leaves a wife and two children. Vaughn had no family, and wits an .employe at Princeton Factory. ■i MlU'pliy HaS Bad Cloudburst. • - • M vr phy, C., July 26.—A cioudbur*£ Occurred in this section yi-steferfitj*. -Ailos, extending o\er an area of flooding Jlar.ging t i 0 j,', reel! *nd valley anti liiawas -ren- mm out of their banks and were, in a f eu hours, higher than h . ever been known. The grist.milis 011 jjangingdog: creek belonging to p 8tt0 n. Gentry’, Fricks and others were washetl completely away. The st()rc |, out;e and dwelling occupied by p McDonald, on this creek, were wu.l.«! .««. ilc cume rear lo.i V g hi. life in.rvi..* to «ave li;a fernilv. lie rli.In’l «v« uny r.f Irii pm.!.'o, ' imnmlmhl eiTeC.s „, c „ rmc ». r,„,.dly. At Farmer s saw, grist and flour ing mill, three miles troni here, the damage will reach over one thous and dollars. 1 lie county bridge across Hangingdog creek was wash ed away, and it will be impossible for travelers from that section of country to get to Murphy in weeks, The river funm, «ill, One KrmviitK 1 are washed entirely Trees over a hundred feet long came down the stream in great ^.. river of the Cherokee Lumber Co,,. puny broke, and hundrefls of line poplar log- passed by Murphy, Tin. damage cannot he approxitna Several trestles on the Southern railway <rc gone, and trams will be lied up here several days, fhc roads and farms are da......... Tl.ot.sand, of dollars damageaalong .-c— “«> *» gene. _._ ' W Al TgleerSph TOUT nameilt. - The oiierators 1 of the Seaboard Air Line arc , Ml , d a telegraph f* 1 toenrarneot Angea. wind, .1 tn inciod. all the operators be.ween Charlotte Ctor. and Portsmouth. II. K * m oS u , v . • ’ graph, and Tram . . , BUcKwmi and Jo«.ns.;:i a. » U* - and Mr. J. M. I c ner, master of trains, is to be timckcep- . A Model Young Man. Does not play cards. Does not idle away his time. Does not lounge on the streets. Does not associate with bad boys, Does not use profane or obscene language. Does not meddle with other peo pie’s business. Does not drink whiskey, beer or anything else that will intoxicate, Does not feel himself better than other folks—is not stuck up. Does not lie around for bis father and mother to support. j Does-not make love to young la dies with impure motives, But lie is temperate in all things; tells the truth; has regular habits 0 f eating, sleeping, reading and working; has some honorable way of making his living; goes to church and joins in the worship; is kind to all; attentive to his moth er and sisters; polite, courteous . md respectful to young ladies, and fefchaves himself as becomes a gen at home and abroad, every day i:i the week, every hour in the day, at all times, at all places', and under ail circumstances. Yoyng men, be manly, honest t brave and true, for “it is not all of life to live,” and the very few mo¬ mentary pleasures, so called, you get out of anything else except right living may lie sweet at first, but. will be bitter in the end.—Ex. New Uses for Eggs. The Medical Record says eggs are useful in the following appli¬ cations : ' A mustard fTtlwrermnde with the white of an egg will not leave a blister.. A raw egg. taken, imme¬ diately \\ ill carry down a fishbone that cannot lie extracted. The skin that, lines the shell is a useful application to a boil. White of egg. beaten lip with loaf sugar »"<' relieve, l,r,ur«ine«., . >e.,I»»nful lake,, every Irorrr A " c »-' c “l> “ J^ ^ Will Mayfield’s Escape from the Chaingang. \V. J. Mayfield, of Elbert county, who was convicted in May of us «nu vvuh intent to murder, , am . Ual.oway s dmm ■ Wilkes county for twelve months, has by seme means been spirited away from the chaingang. Mr., one night .ast ueek, intending go tatheeamp next morntngne u« V be go"*-’- I ^ hurried to the camp and «-*ke<l v V .ked Mr. Mr Callowav ay uo- up who who m formed lam tlut a part) o kfn o and took the young nan ^ off. ““j Mr. ;W • ones about it: One is, that Iris had taken - ■ and . enemies mm op . dealt with lniu foully- Another, is, that his friends were instrumental in his release, and still another is th». tbcongntal . . d.mcnl,y,wr«i .n.ered by tan.- who d.d fed} un derstand i* as being pOhtuMl and that the po,K»lLts of Wilke, and M \l c ne(T -• ntie- re*! rvdeased - lxI him him. - ^ .l^nto - ;n.t ,;nov. a. but :t is said tln-re ,vno doiAt about Ins being No. 15. Words of Wisdom. Reason- always walks, but love runs. The sou^fld upon, husks, never gets fat. The best men are mother-made men. Fear of offending, enslaves us to other’s evils. A poor free lunch costs more than a good dinner. The cause of our not being es teemed i^in ourselves., . God pity the man who murders his own innocence. * life is the life live . Thftrue we within ourselves. ,-. Forty-Four Burglars in Jail, There has been a perfect carni¬ val of burglaries in Chattanooga, Tenn. , during the past week. On the 10th instant there weni only ten prisoners in the county jail. %o\v there are forty-four, and every one for burglary and lar¬ ceny, anc^ all but half a dozen are negroes. • In nearly all the cases there has been a confession, and all of these will be a conviction,- making fotty convicts sure from this next term of the circuit court, most ’of whom will go to the penitentiary. The like has never been known before, for the same beriod.of time. The Lesson of the Lynching. The lynching of Dr. W. I— Rv der near Talbotton, Ga., is the di¬ rect rein It of the law’s delay. Ry¬ ^ der was a red-handed murderer of of the deepest dye. In ii fit of jt-al lie deJiberalely shot * young ou Sy ;i woman with whom he was desjier utcly lie was tried, convict ami sentenced to hang. On appeal he was granted a new trial ujion a technicality. When his case wuV. called it was,continued because of the illness of one of his lawyers. The murder occurred more than a year ago, yet by means of the flaws and delays of the law, Ryder had been allowed to live unpunished. It is such cases as this that encour¬ age lynch law. ft eA( j 8 Like a Fairy Tale. . * _ The accounts of the enormous discoveric* of gold in Alaska read like the story of ARiddin, but it went. to la, hwts .n.tead of hetam. . One man lias only worked i.m feet bis and has taken out anii n <U sc for the remaih t j cr I Ic has gotten #21 2 from one up ,6,000 from one duy . wuslnn,;. Ml . n are gomg tliere by thousand,, which is no. to,* wondered a, after reading such aeeonnts as the .U„ continlJ e*, it will be hard on tJ gold ..... standard crowd who wa: scarce money so that they can co, trol its eirenk.lion. , $50 Reward wm l>e paid to any person who w ill present at my place of bumness, Yo. 252 Lumpkin Street, Athens, Ga.. one bottle of medicine made according to Dr. Frank Jackson^ fAnnll| , roeeip. for smne. Or |or a ,,, formula for making a med i cmc that is better, lor Diarrhoea, Dv^iterj. Dys^pia. Indigestion or aiiv diseases ot the stomach or ^ ^ ,, ackM>n , Ncu . tra!i *i tl g Cordial. The genuine is sold and^guaraftteed at the Bogart News office. J. P. Jackson. Man’g’r.