Newspaper Page Text
,_T- ni'olWT- i <*>•t.tiito.Invii-iaWyAned-ww-
1 AnAT/uiM-vm*:—The Albany (N. T.) 1
' Exp'. -■?, of OT 16th Inst' mentions the
| care of a nogt o named Herewith Williams,
t tvlio left that city and his wife, some weeks
! since.—went to New York.—married a
white woman there.—was arrested for biga-
are now receiving the hospitalities of the •
fire department of fhiseity.
The cholera, wliieh has neapy ceased its
ravages on terra-firma, is mating frightful
havoc at sea. On Board the Harvest Queen,-
from Liverpool, and the* 4 fiscatarc, from
:«a Wav*
ling very full details
flgy*-Tiie E '.miner, in acsvmr
quirv of WhnVt in the Wind?
|by its atlack upcin the “P"VT • ti:a lie/'
(which, by u.o way, .. ha: riceC *e I’qO.ed.)
c a ys that- “toe Daasocraly.-itio rattlingjuic
pnuill points ol difference ttnioUg tjneitit-el_v8S,
with tvhicu put ide - ha er-otlin^to do. :
Tiio icply oft he Examiner 1 remind.'. n-
1 strongly i>i toe hr.bii. a-.Cited bj natu rac
ists to tiio .mriciy. an animal that is wpiit
t- bury iu head under its own fonaors, in
nocently imagining tliat tho whole horizon
of the universe is confined Within thodarken-
ing flap of its own wing. Now O may he
possildellml the entire range of dotrucracy
is ciioumscribed and limited within tliofou. -
walh of the Examiner office, bu
a very long time, we imagine,
ti ne and consistent democrat-y
Will be willing jo.,accept quhp •
ri sphere. il ibc Examiner, an
Jdaj. Cooper, of the Sir
me demm mey, tbeic nr
my and brought back for trial. The negro ! .Havre—both arrived yesterday—the total
told the ttrre ting officer that his white wife ; number of deaths on the .voyage was one
top a “ gallus woman," and that in the i hundred and twenty-five. ..Seventy-five dead
hnnre where he hoarded there were sixteen I bodies were thrown overboard from the for-
other negr c with white wvies. Here is mci - and fifty from the laAcr. The Second
one >f the results of the negro mania which i Avenue Railroad Company was yesterday
ip prevailing so extensively at the North. mulcted in 83,000 damages for a breach of
Russian The Washington j content m suspending the laying of con-
corre nondent of the Mobile Register say
We publish this
of the late Bangui
allied powers and the Russsians, in the Cri
mea. As we surm^j^f the full particulars
by mail, of the operations of the opposing
armies, modified coitgi^rably the nature of
the affair as first announced by telegraph.
It will be seen thatfwhile the accounts of
the,first battle, at tiie river Alma, may be
considered entirdy^uthentic and reliable,
the subsequent nedp respecting the second
encounter on the river Katcha and the
down fall of Sebastopol, rest on less reliable
Dancing.—The attention of city readers
conflicts between the j s invited to the card of Mr. D. K. Iterd,
? — **— n - ’ shortly to open a dancing
school at Hayden's Hall. Mr. Lord is re
commended highly as a proficient in his
f^Our friend G. W. E. B. at Grantville,
is informed that our paper is sent from the
office regularly, and if he fails to receive it
the fault is not with us. The mails at this
time are somewhat irregular, from the dis
arrangement consequent upon the prevalence
of the yellow fever at Augusta, but we are
in hopes this will be remedied in a few days.
he Jennis,'‘from a high source,” that in the
event of tl e fall of Sebastopol. Russia will
turn lonro privateers umm British commerce.
. Editorial Contention.—The convention
of Alabama editors which was to have been
it will be
belbrc the i
of Georgia i
i contracted
ail'd it's iauiiv, ’
Road, constitute ,
juic fitly thousand
deuce ; .f the Daily IctoHigenccr.]
Nrv York, Oct. 14. 1854.
The gloom winch fell upon our city like
c visible shadow when the loss of the Arctic
war annouriced'lias not yet disappeared. It is
true thpt (lie arrival at St. Johns. N. F..
pf the propeller Vesta, with thirty of the
•warmera-.-: w end-the mi&ii^ease that • ■
second mate' boat and another, containing
al cetlier fovto-five tiersons. reached Cape
Crete rail after having agreed therefore.— authority, and was the subject of consider-
Whenever a jury get a chance of this kind dble doubt at the latest dates, both in Pans
at a railroad corporation they are pretty j an( l London; in consequence of the entire
sure to give the pbintiff a rousing verdict. ' absence of any official information confirm-
Besides the criminal trials in the Court of lator y° f the first startling announcement.— | held at Selina on the 15th, turned out a
Over and Terminer, this week, there have But whether the most important item ofi fitilure as such conventions usually do.—
been two in the Court of Sessions—one for | n8WS from the Criraea is wel1 foun ^ or | There have been several attempts to hold
manslaughter in the fourth degree, the oth- i not ’ » **?>** kno / to •**** inventions m this &ate withm the
er for rape. Both the offenders were found ! “ VIC f b0 " th#t th ? surre " der of ' iro °# * V ® ^ but Um ;
, , . . hold of Sebastopol, together with the pos- formly {ailed; we presume, from a general
guilty andjentenced to two j ears impns- j pess j on 0 f the w i,ole of the Crimea, i9 now j want of interest in such gatherings, on the
onment. So \>o go . j an event of almost inevitable certainty.— ; part of the fraternity.
A» *“ ^ ^.ing a . m tfeeudvantages already known to be
good business, notwithstanding the “ hard
classed a--
nay be properly
,.. ‘The Selma (Ala.) Reporter, of the
., r „ ! ga in ed by the allies that important event j 19th ingt on Tuesday, twentv-eight
times. The Broadway English Opera j ca n at least be delayed but a short time, I ^ ^ eott0 n convev^d into our city
y successful. Mist LoriSA Pfne. and ; n all pru bability the next steamers’ in- j on the A - ;a ftnd Mi(W River RaiI road . Bv
is decidedly
of me ci
in Augustv —The Chronicle &
of (he 20th irwt., says: Yesterday
frost was visible in various pavis
v. and 1 'Vo;able lot aii.ic,. we.e
white by it. Wo ieai lww-
Race in safety, have lessened the supposed _ ^
ng'Togale f vie!-ins; but as nearly all the the Prima Donna, is a delightful singer, bat j telligence will show the English and French i^betimeit
rescued are employees of the ship, who, . the “ great English tenor, fs he is called, | exjieditionary army in full possession of j __ LI[I , JL .
like base dastards de erted their duty in is by no means equal to Wood, Wilson and | Sebastopol,
tl c l ull - of neril. the report of their safety others who have preceded him in the same
VPrJ ! " ' A m '° rC! '' ’ n ih ° PUbhC * "Business continues to lie dull and ^ ! «ems of late European news, is a rumor to j year, we have no doubt the road will do a
1 the effect that it was understood in Paris | fine and paying business, and add much to
uniil we
is not eufti-iont to a rc-t
gic s <if the epidemic. Attthe tin
ling, the prospect is favorable for
one thi morning; though wo cannot
son ably calculate mi a everc
h i\ e rain—the atmosphere is altogether too
dry now.
Tun PntunENT a-.'d Mrs. Pierce.—A
\Yn hing. hi ici or of i he Dili in u., says that i
the I’i-clidoni's health i not overly good,
and that Mrs. in very feeble hbftlllr.
fagr A telegraphic despatch from Louis
ville state, that Col. John Allen; commander
of iho liil'tju-ucrs in lveutuckj, numbering
1500, has. published a card saying thaL iiic
expedition ha disbanded lm- funds.
crosses the Cahaba river we may
expect to see the cotton come in in consider-
1 able quantities, and when it is completed,
! Explanations Demanded.—Among other which we hope will be about this time next
The entire number of livc3 known to be trenehment of expenses seems to be the or-1 . . , , , , ^ , , , , - ... ,
...,vod thn» fat if rue hundred and eight, der of the day among our ire*chants % Still ] t ! ia . t a n ? te ba 4 sent England : the poapenty of this place.
and the three boats not yet heard from are ; there are no hskvy" failures, and although j an ^ Etonce to the Cabinet at Washington Outrage on a Priest.—The Rev. Mr.
(i ' mated to i avo contained from twenty- we shall probably have a “tight” time this j “requiring explanation of the engagement , Basset, a Catholic priest of Baltimore, was
five l one hundred r ;ul®. One of the®e ' fall and next winter, therr is is a fair pros- entered into by the United States and Run- tarred and feathered, and rode on a rail, at
. A* - t — V® A .. t .. t. * m n a — nr, i a 1 1 eL «n rv /l A A/v AL rv *1 n Alivn
mi ■-iti" craft'' was manned by Mr. Gocil- pect of a revival of travel to the springs.
ie, the first mate, the boa . wain, and four The clearing house which was established
hands, who were sent by (apt. Luce to look last spring by the different banks has been
nfrer tho propeller, and cottld not afterwards the cause of the suspension of the banks
be ta
be m
't’.H! S.a.' 1
A day or two cii
lude to die recent
Sime-, Pennsylva
tracing the omro
T'irm t
umborle.:' i.
iin, which
he con
ic pa
Blvcl lotl.'.
1 wo iiaJ oc-ja :lon to al-
letions in greu
■ Ohio and Indiana,
the DcmOi'i'niic defen
m temporary-fusion of
and end-of pn. ie > itiui
(1 iu a natural antagq-
ri'ivo ininciijles of tee
i hold forty or
•. Burjcs, the agent
•n in,; itiseiy that .iie of them was near-
fiRcd with ladies, nlvfour men being or.
urd of her ‘"lieu she pudied off from the
celt, tie thinks this boat bad oars. IIow
i otiiei life-boat was occupied none of the
vivors who have boon heard from seem
sia, especially with respect to the nature
and conditions of an acquisition said to be
made by the Government of the United
States-of Russian possessions situated at the
„. Paris
fifty pots >ns each, j privileges ol the house,which causes a gen- j gossip” to obtain much credence, thongh
of Adams & Co., oral run upon it, which few banks can go I } p by no means impossible.
k * * The people of Knoxville, Tennessee,
or, < -i board die Arctic. The other reported above. If a baak fails to settle up ! most northern extremity of America,
ere ,'ir - da - life boats which might its accounts daily it is suspended from the report savors most too strongly of
Ellsworth, Maine, on Saturday last,
cause is given for the outrage'.
Prcf-cntmciUs of tUe Oraud Jury for tiie
3d VFrek.
A Goon Dividend.-*-A dividend of five
per cent, from the profits of the last six
months has been declared by the Directors
of the Bank of the State of Georgia. Taking
into account, says the Savannah News, the
almost complete suspension of business in
our city for the last two months, we regard
are soon to
with gas. A company has already been or
ganized for the purpose.
- ,, E. the Grand Jury, empanelled for the third
W week of October term, Fulton Superior
Court, 1804, make tho following presentments :
We have examined tbe presentments of Juries
for tho lirst and second reeks of this term of the , i/»r»r»oT
Court, and find that, through committees, they i tod to the card of Dr. D. S. Jones, in our
have their growing city lighted j this as a large profit to the Stockholders.
The attention of our readers is invi-
. Cot,i,T?
re lilted into tho sen
,o brooking of a boat’s tackle, cr not.
■ ma havo been among the ladies in
ife-bcat, yet it i.: quite as probable that
iace unt was true. There is not, I
any gimd ground for believing they
-ii'i nv
,-ii! be
lion nl'
m.d doi
i between
conibina- ;
-nutblngs, i
le bv me .
i;e/ side.
;l 'c un taught by this calas-
ot 1m 1 i-'i upon the owners of
learners. Tiie unjxirtout l’ai:t
th this di'-intcr cannot fail to
dellil'le impression upon all
rn to Ibe sen in ships.” The
icing through a blind fog at
Id i tren knots an hour, when
tii:!: lier: she had no fog-bell
: an 1 with fair hundred souls on
lie 1 id n 1 1 rata for two hundred.—
y tbe six boats might havo sustained
bed and lifiy persons afloat in still
. bu
on board. Of this I am
’ire, as I know ’he sire of the craft.— |
o should be i fog bell continually ring- i
i) a fog and die speed checked to pre-
d deif
noli.! i
It Mr.
Thi . I
m tins niorn-
mo insane.—
untrue. Ho
.f b
: hoy
d nil
.A l
of this kind,
uinars about to
CkiLLixs lias bee
on inquiry, to be
laboring under <
idv and mind.
worse eonfoitnded reigns i
camp bore. For the Mayoral
o six Richmonds in the field,’
n.’s 8cuei,i„ hard-shell Dcuio-
uid conic
id ai
erat; Fern
drat: John
Barkf.t:. Know-Nothing:
independent: Wn ttv G
For most of ibc cbariei
from tin
come, ri
ruggic ii
gih dei
.tun bel
li the
mid ft
• ;\l i ill -
•r tin
Tiie verdict in tiio case
cm® t > give uni’. er c al si
no cl have given notice
'I'lions, but, if wise, they
• a new trial. Another
-- lenient. The maximum
uu unusually large amount of business yet before
tiie Court, anil therefore urge upon, liis honor,
Jutlgo Warner, the necessity of nu adjourned
term of the Court.
Wc would also lake this occasion to congratu
late our county upon the faithfulness and fidelity
of its officers, and its general prosperity.
And more especially do we return our sincere
thanks to tiie Great Giver of all good for the un-
! preoedented health enjoyed by our city and counLy.
j The Oraud Jury for the second week, in speak-
i ing of the erection of a jail for our county, seems
C;lt prostra- t attach some degree of blame to our Inferior
1 Court, while we would not dissent from the ur-
j gent necessity for the erection of a suitable jail,
i’et we do not lcel warranted iu saying that our
Inferior Court arc yet culpable of neglect, from
the fact that they have assessed a heavy per cent.
I upon tltc State Tax for county purposes, and no
" I collections having been made.
W ,;iD. soil-shell Demo- We must also take into the account the balance
lunnic ;t. Whig: James W. i of a heavy debt hanging over DeKalb county,
of which the act of the Legislature, organizing
tiie county of Fulton, made it obligatory on
u-> to pay our proportionate share.
And wjtile upon this subject we would call the
attention of our Inferior Court te an examination
of the funds collected from fines, forfeitures. Ac.,
which amount lias been extremely large in DeKalb
county, and which funds should lie properly ap
plied to the payment of the county debt, thereby
lessening our proportionable share.
We have, through committees, examined the list
of children entitled to the benefits of tho poor
school fund, and have made out and furnished the
Ordinary with a list, and made such other altera
tions ns we thought necessary and proper.
Tho Grand Jury of the first week have spoke,
T a bill of ex- ; n lengthened terms, of the benefits of a general
■ 41 not move 1 svstein of education, and when wc recollect that,
Tis oJucvUon form- the common mind.
Htry lnigll’ be 1 Just as tho t-’ig is bent tho tree ‘sinclined,”
■ p punish- we carne-tly recommend to all lovers of good or
•From a private letter
from Mr. Crisp we learn that he intends
visiting our city again with his talented
company, about the 12th of next month.
f doubt whether the fami- have examined the bools of the Clerks of tbe Su- j advertising columns. Dr. Jones has recently
{ssakstsr-aa s i °«« i * —w* .*•
dim they are ail neatly and properly kept, and wo j reputation of being a skillful and experien-
1 therefore deem it unnecessary to examine them j ced practitioner,
further. They have slso examined the condition ■ 1
.,r ,iur county roads sad bridges, and report that W. H. Crisp.
many of our roads and some of our bridges are in
, ba'l condition. From our personal knowledge we
are compelled to cocfirin tbeir report, and hope
I the proper authorities will look to this interest,
1 and punish those who have the oversight of these
1 roads.
Wc have learned from good authority that sixty
I or seventy dollars have been collected from fines
j imposed upon defaulters by our road commissions,
! ami that twenty-four dollars of this sum is now in
the hands of J. B. Lofton, and the balance in the
I hands of the commissioners in Esquire Cook's Dis-
trict. Wc call u|jon the Inferior Court to have
j these amounts paid over to the properofficers, and
. all other amount-’ similarly collected.
Wc have had the acts of the Legislature, in rc-
; lotion' to tiio Patrol law, before us, and earnestly
! call the attention of our Inferior Court to this
| subject.
Wo recommend that the Inferior Court suitably
, . ... compensate Maj. C. C. Howell and Win. !U. Butt,
il Cl and iil(\ pcrs!i!i> alloat lit still I . for services rendered this term of the Court
ui they could not have been rowed ! ill taking evidence in criminal eases.
wit!i m >’ 0 than one i 0 ;1 examination of the Criminal Docket wo find
i Health of Montoomert.—We are sorry
to see by our Montgomery exchanges, that
the yellow fever, instead of abating, seems
to be raging more violently than ever in
that city. The Journal, of Friday, reports
three new deaths, and adds that “the whole
number of cases under treatment, of whites
and blacks, is over one hundred l A state
of things truly alarming and distressing.”
Grits in Georgia.—Hon. W. C. Dawson,
in answer to inquiries respecting the crops
in this State, writing to the New York Her
ald, under date of October 9th, says that the
corn crop will be sufficient for home con
sumption, and not more. The cotton crop
one-tbird less than the last year, fully. The
potatoe crop almost a failure.
The Prohibitory Liquor Law seems
to have fared differently in the interior of
Pennsylvania from what it did in Philadel
phia and Pittsburg. The farming districts
are said to have voted against it generally.
Lancaster county gives 2,000 majority
against it.
Dr. H. M. Clemens, a representative from
the county of Jackson, in the last Tennes
see Legislature, was shot and killed in that
county, last week, by a person with whom
he had some previous difficulty.
Dr. Graham received the verdict of the
jury in his case with equanimity. He was
smoking a oigar, and observed that he did
not see how a jury could bring in such a
John N. Govix,
Hunt. Reform.—
f ihe charier offices there arc
i" five candidates, and who will
ide up, on . die Chaos GMlpus
id nor <ruess. The oldest and
Twdest -'ampaigners arc at fault, us well
they may be. a Per the into astounding news
v I m Pennsylvania. Ohio and Indiana,
if. Dr. Graham
i'-•faction, liis
die’, is -even yt
o general opinic
ar a i ra
il seems
for the
vac k-1
, and h
• tor ei.
mil ci e.
ton cal
AYash i
'hi i
l quilt
mg Cli
ess -y lor
. Miss
:■! ,oe 8ihd\
ivelve liund
Uiiiel hits;—This vtork lias
one iiuud ed and sixiy-
e-third >1' tiiat which ia
, howeve.", tiie-e is pa-
h in ihe country tocom-
witliout nbjcc'iing the
e Humiliation of again :: ; -
ire-.i ,o vote tiie suppLe ; ne -
Cat iiavine Hayes’
ieb J and\ it is
cd dollar.
:e m.
hler in the
ed to the Sr was
named Mo a
Ye terduv
rulent of
in a lctt
i umi
Pi-1 p
’.vhe t
Ins yen
fllC . Tl'
"I V
er. 1
we.ii.Ci n
crop thr.iugiu’u, .it
ion of the farmers tl
tbreed->u, uis of a cr
will fall ‘’hurt about
umy. it
r,l here will
■p. The tobacco
A. It
ml hci
Quhcn Cnaisri
Queen Cliri'- .ina
are a boa I ,( i lake uj: die.
giand. Renmnuutn Lnd
WiastoT, and lot me Jv
, found guilty of man- j
til’d degree, has been cou-
:e Prison for three years,
e al'J’ ug i death of a
x during a drunken quav- j
another knife case was
■oneludeu. in ihe court of Oyer and Termi- i
icv. The ;)ii nev. Charles Graham, was'
'•mud gniity in the suno degree as Jayer, j re- eived .lie same sentonee. It would
emu. however, that the spirit which is rife
' ng the • -. dies of this city has not been ’
he ;c lb; : tiio hue exaui• 4c =. A deliberate
!i -*inicidc wo.• cjimnitted in Bromc Street
inn night by an unknown*man who leaped
a • m die plat f vin of a Harlaem car and
knocked the breiikman off. The unfort-u-
I nafe man, whose name was Rickerts, died 1
concert |• i minutes afterwards in consequence
of tiie injuiie. no received by tbe fall. A
rowdy who had been eug.tgetl in a dispute
with Rickerts on 'Wednesday last is suspect
ed to be the guilty party, but lie has not- j
yet been arrested.
S. me of die small Banks in this city are 1
■linking in the wind. The Knickerbocker, i
Stiff 'Ik; Eighth Avenue, and Bank of the j
I Union ’’•me ra -pendcd operations, and their
.. -,,,1 • 'on i going in for redemption. It
i ja scai 1 rely possible that bill-holders should
;;iC op'it- i sustain any loss by the failure of these con-
l e about 1 cerns,- ' hatover may be the fate of the de-
ivp J porRors. The ftict is we have too many
i,k” ( .f (be niali Fry class. They do any
! thing but a legitimate bu.--ine.-s, and the
(onev tiie
id firoplde liarinony, to look well, and
ch’ Iv look, to :L>c education of those who form the
fir.-Mq circle. And especially do we speak to
th" e who are beneficia.ri-'’ , ‘ of tho poor school fund,
a i;rcat many of whom, we are mortified to knew,
arcerea dillatorv iu sendins their children to
The Grand Jury of the first week hare present
ed Dina fruitful sources of evil. We heartily cen-
wilh thorn in their presentments, but take
. •.isiori, at the same time, to add one other
-touree to the list—and that is carrying concealed
wr.moir*. Thi® evil has so long been winked at
(ai though prohibited by express statute) that the
very boys in onr streets are armed with pistols and
bowie-kuiver. We call upon the civil officers to
look to this evil iu the execution of their office,
ac-l all Order-loving citizens to do the same, and
thereby put a stop to the evil, and save much loss
of life.
The Grand Juries of the first and second weeks
. peak iu complimentary terms of our new court
om in the City Hall. We agree with them : it
deserves the compliment.
Before bidding his honor. Judge Warner, adieu,
to would present him our thanks for the faithful
; ::d dignified manner iu which he has performed
the duties of his office.
And to Col. L. C. Simpson, (who, during this
week, in consequence of the engagement of L. E.
Blcekly. Esq., Solicitor-General, has performed
the duties of that office.) we tender ouiTsincere
thanks lor the prompt nud courteous manner in
which he has attended the calls of this body. All
of which we respectfully submit.
A. G. Ware. Foreman, T. G. W. Crussell,
A merchant in New York, named Bonco,
has been bound over in New York in the
sum of 820,000, to answer the charge of fit
ting out a slaver for the coast of Africa.
Another Collision,
A collision occurred on tiie Georgia Rail
road, on Friday night last, between the up
and down passenger trains, by which the
two locomotives were smashed to pieces,
and one of the engineers somewhat injured
though not dangerously. None of the pas
sengers were injured.
We learn from the New York Journal of
Commerce, that Leutze, the celebrated his
torical painter, has just completed the
painting for which he is to receive $10,000
from the hands of a private gentleman of
New York. The subject is, “Washington
at Monmouth,” and the picture is said to
have been designed and executed in a man
ner which will add to the fame of even
Haynes Convicted.—The Superrior Court
of this county has been engaged for several
days past in the trial of Dennis Haynes, for
the murder of Griggs, near thi9 city, some
months since. On Saturday the jury re
turned a verdict of guilty.
The members oi the “Hatter’s Protective
Union,” of which John N. Genin is not a
member, created some disturbance at the
meeting in New York held for the selection
of a candidate for Mayor. That he “docked
his journeymen two dollars per week” was
insinuated by the protectives in e noisy
I9L>The Savannah papers of Friday con
tain a series of resolutions passed unani
mously at the laat meeting of the City
Council, expressing the grateful acknowl
edgements of the citizens of Savannah to
wards the Hon. H. V. Johnson, for having
generously proffered pecuniary aid from
the State to relieve the sufferers by the yel
low fever in that city.
Well Merited.—The New York Times
says that one of the escaped seamen of the
Arctic shipped on board the steamer Atlan
tic the other day, but just as the steamer
was about sailing, he was discorered by
Capt. West, who took him by the collar and
marched him ashore, saying he wanted no
such men to go to sea with him.
Washington Monument.—It is stated
says the N. Y. Herald that the managers of
the Washington monument, which for some
years past has been languishing on the banks
of the Potomac, are about relinquishing the
work, and turning it over to Congress. Wc
highly approve of this determination. It is
only proper that if al national monument is
to be constructed, as a mark of the venera
tion in which the memory of Washington
is held by the American people, that it
should be a national work, recognized by
the approbation and appropriations (which
is quite as necessary) of Congress. It will
then be a monument worthy of the name,
and just as much the act of the people of the
United States as if the present plan of drum
ming up subscriptions could be successfully
carried out. And it will also have this ad
vantage—that it will then be a national
It is rumored persistently, says the
Paris correspondent of the New York Com
mercial Advertiser, that the Emperor nearly
fell a victim to an infernal machine at Bo-
logne, Circumstantial details are given, of
wires leading from his bed to a galvanic bat
tery in the room below, and of their discov
ery by a maid.
Street Preaching.—The New York Ex
press of Monday last says, yesterday after
noon, the “Angel Gabriel” appeard before
the City Hall, as advertised. He was im
mediately received by the attentive police in
that vicinity and politely escorted out of the
Park. He was treated with similar courtesy
in other parts of the city, and no doubt
made fnlly aware that public sentiment at
persent demands that he should make his
visits as “few and far between” as possible.
(wet part) the 1
ir i id a ; in •tyenv; j
rased more wheat j
;o good. !
ie in tiie j
aito ilie
Stephen Terry,
All rod W. Wooding,
Joseph J. Martin,
Henry T. Pecpblcs.
B. P. Rogers,
Benj. Thurmond, Jr.,
Stephen T. Diggers,
John A. Donne,
William Al. Butt,
William J. Leslie,
William G. Forsyth,
Non’u R. Fowler,
Robert VI. Clarke,
Aaron B. Knight,
George W. Thomason.
William A. Wilson,
Willis Peek,
Patterson Al, Ilouge,
Charles. A. Hutson,
Joseph Winship.
We unanimously recommend that these present
ment be published in the Atlanta Republican and
Atlanta Intelligencer. A. G. WARE, Foreman-
John A. Doane, Secretary.
’ under d j"d tliat
you hful family
C ilertce in V>:-
, iltieemilcofioin
tiie iCt.deuce of
l-ioid AJibri
ok, ia now being fined up fi.r
deemed from : tie proceeds of their stock in
(lie hands of the comptroller, the better.—
The Knickerbocker Savings Bank also 1ms
The weather here is wtvrm enough for
. August, and the furs, iiicrinoes and otber
Extraordinary Saiu v;.—The clipper I winter goods behind tho plitte-glnss windows
ship James Baiuns. Capt McDonnell, made i of the fashionable shirts in Broadway look
the passage from Boston to Literpool in 12 j singularly nnhcasotiable.
days and <i hour*. Title is tiie shortest trip A fine .body of fiienyen from Lynn, Mass.,
crer made by a sailing vessel. She was calling thftoyfck'ea Uhe Silver Greyl, and
odeled nud built by Donald McKay. j wearing a beautifjdi uniform of thaveolar,
Horse Power Applied to Music.—Some
body’s foreign correspondent says that a
arc wound up and their notes re- bass viol has been constructed at Vienna
thirteen feet high, provided with peds to act
upon the finger board. This, however, is
nothing to the great violin in Germany,
which was so large that it required two
horses to draw the bow, one stroke produced
a sound that vibrated six weeks!
Mr. Ws. W. Story, son o? tbe late Jus
tice Story, now in Italy, has finished a stat
ue of his father.
Queer Custom.—In Japan what ai guest
leaves on his plate is wrapped in a piece of
paper and given him to carry away.
Mr. Catherwood, the distinguished artist,
was on board the Arctic, on his return from
a brief visit to England on private business,
and is probably among those who were lost.
Mr. Catherwood will be recollected as the
artist who painted the beautiful panoramas
of Jerusalem, Lima, and other cities; also as
the companion of the celebrated traveller,
John L. Stephens, on his visit to the ruins
of Palenque in Mexico and subsequently to
Central America, *
Jfc j-lti-- ~
C'rim. Con.—The Philadelphia correspon
dent of the Baltimore American, in his letter
of the 9th inst., says;
A case of crim. con. is on the tapis, and
has afforded material for considerable gossip.
The injured husband is a merchant in Wal
nut street. The circumstances of the case
are briefly as follows: It appears that a
gentlemen has been in the habit of calling
on the wife of the party referred' to, at a
time generally when the husband was en
gaged at business. His visits became so
frequent as to arouse the suspicion of an
Irish servant girl, and she discovered him
several times in her mistress's chamber, she
resolved to mention it to the sisters of the
injured husband, who being satisfied of the
truth of the statement, made known the facts'
to the husband, who at once returned to the
house and proceeded to his wife’s chamber,
where his worst fears were realized. The
husband good naturedly allowed his wife
and her paramour to depart—she to her
parents, aud he wheresoever he pleased .
Louisiana Sugar Crop.—The West Baton
Rouge YIs-a-Yis, of Wednesday last, says:
“It is the opinion of many of our best plan
ters that the present sugar crop will fall
short of the two last at least one-half If
West Baton Rouge forms any data to judge
from, we should £s&y this opinion is pretty
near correct.
Sir JthD Franklts Found.
The Charleston Evening News of the 21st,
contains the following highly important
telegraphic news:
Montreal, October 20.
A despatch to Sir George Samson, Gov
ernor of Hudson Bay Territory, narrates
the discovery of the remains of Sir John
Franklin and company, who were starved
to death, at Spring Fifty near Fox River.
The Afrieo’a Sews,
It will be seen by the European advices,
by the steamer Africa, which we publish
this morning, that the startling news of the
annihilation of the Russians intha Crimea—
the slaughter of twenty-eight thousand
soldiers—capture of guns and sinking of
war ships—surrender of Sebastopol, and
other brilliant achievements, as brought by
the Baltic, have at last turned out to be a
magnificent humbug. The allies, it seems,
have “a hard road to travel” before them
yet before they shall be masters of the
Crimea. The jingling of bells and huzzas
of the multitudes in the English and French
cities, over the snppossed most heroic
achievement in the annals of modern war
fare, most have sounded rather malapropo
about the time the true reports came to hand.
Charleston.—There was one death, by
yellow fever in Charleston Friday, the 20th.
Raw.- We wwe rieited with a refresh-
Pall Particulars by the Baltic!
London, Tuesday, Oct. 3,1854.
Saturday’s steamer for the United States
must still have been in sight of England
when the long desired, anxiously expected
news of tbe first battle in the Crimea reach
ed London. The intelligence was, a battle
and a victory. The government was the
first this time to receive the news. It came
in the form of a telegraphic despatch from
Lord Stratford de Radcliffe, English Am
bassador at Constantinople, to Lord Claren
don, Foreign Secretarv. It was dated Con
stantinople, Sept. 23d, and forwarded by
her Majesty’s Consul-General at Belgrade,
date o
A. M. It was
under date of Sept. 30th,
as follows:
The entrenched camp of the Russians,
containing 50,000 men, with a numerous
artillery and cavalry, on the heights of the
Alma, was attacked on the 20th Instant, at
1 P. M., by the allied tsoops, aud carried
by the bayonet at half-past th-ee, with a
loss on our side of about 1.400 killed and
wounded, and an equal loss on the side of
the French. The Russian army was forced
to put itself in full retreat.
as-suranee, given in some respectable quar-
tors that at midday the guns of the Invalides
would put the matter beyond a doubt. Mid
day passed, but still the canon of the Inva
lides were silent, and then doubts began
once more to gain ground. On the Bourse
the speculators for the rise began to hesitate
till just before the closing of business, when
it was suddenly announced that the cannon
were actually ir ing. This news was gen
erally believed, and the effect of it was eles-
trical. As if with one common accord,
hearty cheers were given by the whole of
the assembled crowd, and many immediate
ly iefc the hall fully impressed with the be
lief that the fact was now beyond all doubt.
It soon turned out,’however, that the guns
fired were not an imperial salute from the
Invalides, but the practice of the artillery at
Vincennes; and thus the hopes of the Pari
sians were once more dashed. I have taken
some pains to ascertain the truth, and I have
reason to believe that up to five o'clock no
official confirmation of the fall of Sebastopol
had been received, either by the French
government or by any of the"foreign embus- j
sics. In all official quarters the same doubt j
still exists. News has indeed beenreccived |
winch appears to give some sort of eonfir-1
nation ■ l the fact, but it does not place tho \
koff; and until the telegraph stations had
been seized by the allies, each subsequent
step in the progress of the invaders would
he reported with the utmost speed. What
ever effect may be produced on the purposes
of the Czar by the disasters he has experi-
- •- -■ mat
enced, he cannot conceal from himself
the character of his armies has been ruined
beyond recovery by the defeat on the Alma.
In Wallaehin the Russian generals had a
difficult task to perform—being exposed at
distance from their supplies, to the assaults
of an enemy whom they could never reach
except at a time and place of their own
choosing. In the Crimea, on the contrary
they were close to a vast storehouse amply
provided with every necessary—their posi
tion had been selected and fortified with
the utmost care—and, like the Turks on the
Danube, they were only called upon to make
a stout defence. Yet, when the Czar’s forces
are again tested, and under circumstances
peculiarly favorable to their exertions, the
onlj insult is immediate and decisive defeat.
WeA I not undervalue, however, even in
thorn j, a resistance which cost the allies
so many brave and devoted men. The price
we have paid for our success is heavy
enough to compel us to respect our adver
saries. When "we consider the natural ad
vantages of the enemy’^position, and reflect
theatres on Saturday night, the managers j ' j c VftlU 9 ufsucu information as has wLI
came forward and read the despatch.— ! rea • . r ®*one. ns still maintain trait the j
“ God save the Queen ” was_ played and re- i true although there is no i
eeived with enthusiastic cheering, as was [ confirmation of the fact. _ !
the French national air Pa,'taut pour la ■ C ne fact is regarded here as very satisfac-!
Syrie. Durin
ed telegraph.
The next
one from Lord Raglai
of the British army i.. . ,, J , ,, , - . „
ed, but a£fcntl*%fftar-w'- die 21*t Sept, i J ou ^ the ^“a; nearly 3,000 allies. We
The despatch also came tBFodfc Belgrade. l- hav ®i no statement how many fell on the ri j
It is as follows: * ver Katscha, where the engagement is said j
The allied armies yesterday attacked the j f° ^ ar ,? * >e -f a , >” and then we •
position of the enemy on the heights above | hea ' j 3 } , Bussians were silled and j
the Alma and carried it, after a desnerate i Y 0 , uac ‘ 0u ai - Sebastopol, winch implies hard ;
bit-tle, about an hour and a half before sun-! ttn ® some great lose on our side,
set. Nothing could surpass the bravery I rb.e news of the victory on the heights of
and excellent conduct of the troops. The j
position was very formidable, and defended j
by a numerous artillery of heavy calibre, i
Our loss, I regret to add. is very considcra-
that it was occupied by an army little in
ferior in strength to ihe allies, strongly en
trenched, and covered by a powerful artil
lery, we may be sure that tne enthusiasm
and. firmness of the assailants were tasked to
the utmost. For an army fresh from such
an exploit as iLat of forcing the Russian
lines on the Alma, no deed within the com
pass of human power can iia^e been found
If 1
Alma was proclaimed by the Lord Mayor to |
the good citizens of London amidst the"blow- \
ing of trumpets. The bells of all the chur-I
coos in England have been ringing merry I
ble, but no general officer has been wound- i P eal ’ ;jl vlct0I Y-. 9. n Sunday toe clergy-
ed. The main body of the army of the en- i men announced « irom t le P ul ?V t0 their
»mrw««i;.Mi»il'f m m J.'Wiftrt tr» :*o oitfi congrogattons _ During tho service at St.
Paul’a the national anthem was thundered 1
forth by she magnificient organ and full j
choir, the whole congregation standing.
too arduous. If the victors pursued the
routed enemy to the forts on the north side
of the harbor, it is more than possible that
they may have successfully stormed them,
and the fleet and city would then have been
exposed without defence. The confidence of
victory, and the rivalry of the three allied
armies must havo kindled a spirit to which
nothing could appear impracticable. Sonte-
thingmust always depend, on such occasions,
on accidents which may either favorer ob
struct the efforts of tho attacking party; but
in the absence of any unlooked for difficulty,
the storming of the forts on the north of
Sebastobol seems no more improbable than
many similar daring feats of former wars.
emy was estimated from 45,000 to 50,000
infantry. A few prisoners, among whom
are two general officers, and two guns, have
been taken by the British army.
In the night, the Chronicle's correspond- i [From tho Enropoan Times, Oot. 4.j
ent at Constantinople, under the date of j Up to the present moment, (6 A. M.) we j
September 23d, forwarded the following: j are still without tho anxiously looked fori
Constantinople, Sept. 28,1854. j official conlirmat on of the capture of Sebas- j
A battle was fought on the heights of the | topol, announced in so many telegraphic I
Alma on the 20th of September. I messages, and from such trustworthy sour-
The passage of the river was forced, and j ces. Both in England and in France the;
the Russians repulsed. j belief in the truthfulness of the main fen- j
The steamer Magellan, which has just I tures embodied in the various despatches re-j
arrived, has brought this news. j cording the brilliant achievements of the ;
The French General Ehomasson ia on I allied armies since the battle of Alma, is i
board, wounded in the abdomen. I almost universal; still the anxiety in each i
General Canrobert was wounded in the l country is intense to behold the" go vein-;
shoulder. j mental confi rrn t tion of the st arting announce- i
Marshal St. Arnaud and General Baglan ! moat, published bv the press of both conn-
commanded personally.
The victory is complete.
The Allies had 2.400 killed ancl wounded, j thought.
The Russians suffered far greater losses.
Many cannon have been captured.
Three English steamers protected tl:
sa^e of the Alma from the sea.
Three batteries .were stormed.
trio . to effectually remove arty obtrueding j
idea that the wish nnv be father of the I
A'rur-i the Liverpool Times Oct. -?—9 P. M-j
Vienna, Tuesday, Oct 3, 1854.
; Severeal private despatches received here
Telegraphic despatches of similar cut.-' to day confirm the iutolligoneereeeived from
tents were received from Vienna and Paris, j va ■• .« ; quarters relative to the fall of Sebas-
The following important additional intelli- 1 topol. No- official confirmation, however,
genee, however, created immense sensation. • has reaened u - but an official despatch from
~ r ' * dated the 1st inst., stating
nu Prince Menc-chikoff of the
Extraordinary News!!!—Great Sensation
tkrauyhout Europe—Sevastopol NOT ta
ken—Destrudionof the Russian Fleet, <fv.,
a Fiction—Commercial Intelligence, efle.
New Yonx, October 20.
The British and North American Roval
Mail steamship Africa, Capt. William Itar-
rison, has arrived at her wharf in Jersey
City, from Liverpool, which port she left on
rite 7th inst.
The U. S. Mail steamship St. Louis,
Capt. Asa Eldridge, had arrived at South
ampton from New York.
Geneva! Intelligence.
The news by this arrival is of a most ex
traordinary character, and ha3 created sen
sation throughout Europe, it being no more
nor less than Sevastopol has not been taken,
nor was it in flames—that the destruction
of the Russian fleet is a fiction—the destruc
tion of Fort Constantine false—Menschi-
nre invention—and last-
kon s surrender a
ly, Omar Pacha’s dispatch a forgery.”
Tito allies, however, had formally invest
ed Sevastopol, anil fighting was going on
without any interruption.
Menschikoff occupies the field outside the
walls of Sevastopol, with 20,000 men.
The Russian garrison had burnt the for
tifications of Anapa, nnd marched to the
scene of action.
Tho struggle recommenced on the 25th
ult., and continued when the courier left
on the 27th ult., at which date the Allies
were within ten miles of Sevastopol.
The Allies occupy Balaklava, are in com
munication with the fleet, and command the
proaches of Sevastopol,
tt is doubtfully rumored that tho second
line of defence of the Russians had been
The latest dispatches say that the Rus
sians were completely shut up in Sevasto
pol, and confirm the rumor mentioned above
that their second line of defence had been
The allied army and fleets completely
invested Sevastopol, and Menschikoff had
been driven within its walls with the wreek
of his army.
It is rumored that Austria will consider
the Czar’s prolonged refusal of the four
conditions of the Vienna Conference as a
Casus Belli.
Messrs. Allen A Anderson, the largest
American Grain dealers, havo failed. The
extent of their liabilities is £300,000 Ster
Commercial Intelligence.
The Liverpool Cotton Market.—Tho
Circular of Messrs, Dennistoun & Co., of
the 6th inst., reports Cotton less active since
the sailing of toe Baltic, but nominally a
sixteenth to an eigtli of a penny higher on
tbe week. The sales during tiie week 60,-
000 bales, of which speculators took 7000
and exporters 8000, leaving 45,000 bales of
all descriptions to the trade. Fair Orleans
was quoted at 6Id.; Middling Orleans, 5Ad.;
Fair Uplands, 6d., and Middling Uplands,
5£d. per lb.
The Liverpool Breadstupfs Market.—
Flour'had advanced from Is@2s per bbl.—
The demand was, also, good, and fair qual
ities had improved most. 'Western Canal
was quoted at 32s. Wheat was in fair de
mand at 10s 6d for White, and 9s 6d for
Red per 70 lbs. For Corn the demand was /
moderate at 40s per 480 lbs. for Yellow and-
The Liverpool Provision Market.—
Pork was dull and Bacon unchanged in.
Freights.—There was little variation jfe
American Freights in Liverpool.
The London Money Market.—Consols
closed at 65 J. United States 6’s, Bonds, of
1868 were quoted at from 107@109. All
American Stocks were a shade higher.
The Russian Armies.—The followyjtg
are the latest estimates:
ft announced the “ Surrender of Sebasto- | ^ r - ‘ c
pol.” I give you the various version that j a
you may form your own judgment. I ma
add that up to the moment of closing this
letter no official despatch has been received
either by this or by the French government
confirming the fact of Sebastopol being in
the hands of tho allies. It is true the Mon-
iteur publishes the account via Bucharest,
brought by the Tartar, of the tremendous
slaughter and capture of Sebastopol, but
no despatch has yet come to hand either
from Raglan or St. Arnaud. A confirma
tion is expected every moment, and I be-
6th make no mention of disastrous events
causes some anxiety here.
Vienna, Tuesday, Oet. 3, 1854.
Prince Menschi koff s despatch to St. Pe
tersburg is doubtless dated the 20th, not the |
26th, for his last despatch was eleven days |
en route.
The local paper publishes the following:
Five hours after tho bombardment Fort |
Constantine blew up. Ten thousand Rut;- j
si'!ns vers buried in its ruins. Prince Mens- j
chikoff fled to Fort Alexander, where 18,- i
lieve there exists no doubt of the fact that j 000 Russians surrendered. The allied fleets,
Sebastopol is taken. j simultaneously destroyed the outer harbor '
The Turkish Minister in London lias re- j forts and vanguard of the Russian fled.—
eeived a despatch from Omar Pacha, in ! Prince Menschikoff is reported to have un-1
which it is stated “ Sebastopol has been I conditionally surrendered on toe 26tb.
Camp at Honvaui.t, Boulogne sur Mer, l
Saturday, 2 o’clock, j
I hRve only just time to send you the fol
lowing important intelligence, viz: that the
Emperor, while on the field, received a des
patch, after reading which, he turned round
to his generals and the troops, and raid,
“ Sebastopol est pris/”
The news was received with immense
Vienna, Sunday, Oct. 1.
The Russian loss at the battle of the Alma,
on the 20th September, is estimated at 6,009
killed and wounded.
Bucharest, Sent. 28, 1854.
Berlin, Tuesday, Oct. 3, 1854. ;
A telegraphic despatch ha been received j
here direct from Sr. Petersburg. It says j
that Prince Menschikoff has telegraphed
under date of September 25, that he has j
withdrawn his troop s unmolested from be- j
fore Sebastopol towards Baktschinerei. j
There he will await reinforcements from [
Kertsch and Parekop. lie adds that Se’oas-!
topol had not been attacked , up to the 25th !
of September.
London, Oct. 4—Morning.
The Chronicle of this morning, after in
vestigating the sources from which we deri
ved the intelligence of the fail of Sebastopol
The Russians have been totally defeated on j remarks that there were many details of the
tho river Katcha, after several hours' sail- j story which savored rather top much of melo
guinary conflict.
They were purs'irid to the trenches before
Sebastopol, now become untenable.
The allies took all the forts on th
bank of Sebastopol harbor,
The surrender of Sebastopol is reported.
later date than
Despatches of one day’s
the above give additional details ; but the
details vary, moreover, though the despatch
es came from various quarters, they can all
be traced to the same source, viz: the Tartar
who brought the news to Bucharest. The
French Ambassador at Vienna, M. de Bour-
queney, has telegraphed it to his govern
ment ; the Turkish Embassy at Vienna has
telegraphed it to the Turkish Ambassador
at London, but neither the English nor
French government has received the infor
mation from their own agents. None of the
London papers have received the news from
their own reliable correspondents direct.
Vienna, Monday Night, Oct. 2.
Advices from Bucharest, of the 30th ult.,
state that a second Tartar from Constanti
nople confirms the intelligence forwarded at
Some details vary, others added.
Fort Constantine was blown up. The
other forts, with two hundred cannon, were
taken by the allies.
Twenty-two thousand Russians were
made prisoners.
Six Russian line-o?-battle ships were de
Prince Menschikoff, with the remaining
ships, withdrew into the inner harbor, and
dramatic effect to be implicity adopted, and
asks why the news sent to Omar Pacha
should not have beer, simultaneously sent to
the English and French governments.
Still, adds the Chronicle, there can be little
doubt that by this time the desired success
has crowned our efforts, and. at. all events, it
can only be postponed a few days longer.
Tiie retreat of Prince Menschikoff with his
army would amount, in fact, to abandoning
Sebastopol to its fate; and, although very
little is certainly krown of the capabilities
of the place for defence, we are at least, as-
snrd that the term fortress ir- very inaccu
rately applied to it, and that it could not of
fer a prolanged resistance to the arms of the
allies. Tho hope of tho Russian General
would be no doubt, to receive reinforcements
sufficient to enable him to advance and re
lieve the town ; but when we consider that
20,000 additional troops, including a strong
force of cavalry, must already, have joined
the allied commanders, we may feel satisfied
that they will give an excellent account of
whatever hostile armj' may be brought to
interrupt their operations.
A letter from Galatz, of Sept. 21, in the
Lloyd of Vienna says: There appears not
to be any doubt that Omer Pacha intends to
strike a blow at the Russians concentrated
at Ismail. lie will not. however, commence
his march on Bessarabia until he hears of
the capture of Sebastopol.
A letter has just been received from Paris
in which is the following highly important
threatened to blow them up if the attack con-: information:
tinued ; .whereupon six hours’ consideration ! I learn that an attack upon Cronstadt is
were given on grounds of humanity. j seriously contemplated, almost immediately.
One French and three Russian Generals i General Neal, the general of engineers, who
nad arrived wounded at Constantinople. j distinguished himself in tiie Baltic by the
Constantinople will be illuminated for i prominent part he took in the direction of
tennights. j the soigeof Botnarsund, reported personally
the attack
This news is fully credited, though the to the Emperor that he believed the
details vary. .... ‘ was practicable this year. This report has
Umar Pacha is at Silistria. j been communicated to the English Admiralty
Vienna, Monday evening. | and I have reason to believe the movement
It is currently reported that Gortschakoff, | of Admiral Parseval Desckenas, already
the Russian Ambassador here, has received j mentioned in a telegraphic despatch portends
later advices confirming the intelligence of j a m0 re serious enterprise titan a fruitless
the complete surrender of Menschikoff ; but j sacrifice of life at Revel,
this is not yet authentic. [From tbe London Chronicle, Oct. 3d.]
A letter from Paris, says:— Wc may safely venture to affirm that at
Paris has been kept in a state of the ut- | this moment no* more doubt is felt at St.
most excitement the whole of this day by : Petersburg than in thijs country
the contradictory reports with respect to the : actual or impending capture of Sebastopol;
surrender of Seliastopol. Last evening, so | Nothing is more certain than that, if any
certain was the news considered, that several > event had occurred, however trivial, which
of the theatres, the Cafe de Paris, and even j could have been, represented as a check to
some of the private houses, were illumiua- j the allied army, wo_ sjJioukL
ted,.. .This morniug„ eorne disappointment j heard of it by mr ~
waefelt at the doubtful terms in which the j graph- It is be”
announcement ia made iu the Mon'teur but
Army of the North -
“ Centre -
Danube -
Reserve -
* Crimea -
- 58,000
Total -
Mississippi.—The Vicksburg 1
that several cases of fever,
low fever, have occurred at Br
two of which have proved fat
The gin-house of Mr. Jacob
four miles from Vicksburg,
the morning of Tuesday
contained abo it thirty bales oT
gin, mill, bagging, ro
and ;
. about
burnt on
ThO gin
« mule—
loss estimated at §3,500, of
was covered by insurance.
Quarantine has been
Yazoo City, and the office of ;
has been abolished.
The fever stilUjmn«M in Jacksba.
wore four caso«n the four days endi
evening o# me Uth inst, and one
N. Q. Ptcaym*
iu«d* at
Fover for