The Atlanta weekly intelligencer. (Atlanta, Ga.) 184?-1855, October 28, 1854, Image 2

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Mk I to this mag- t establishment, which has been in action in this city for a year Y. Com. Advertiser, Oct. 21,.] M»Ter)'«fth( Remains ofSIrJohu Franklin. Montreal, Oct. 21.—The Montreal tier aid of this morning lias the following: “In our extra of yesterday evening wein- whteh trill be opened for the" ae- formed the public tnat a rumor was current in town that the remains of Sir John Frank lin and his crew and their ships had beon discovered, “We immediately despatched u special messenger to the Hudson Bay Company's house at Lacliine, ana through the kindness of the Governor. Sir George Simpson, are enabled to lay before our readers, the follow ing outline of a despatch received by him yesterday, from Dr. Kae: “ Dr. line lias been absent on the coast since the first of the"month of June 1853, nodation of the public in about two ■K In/bompnny with ti friend we had yesterday of Faking a stroll rough its different apartments, and were 14m surprised than gratified that our ful city will »o sogit be able to boast of blishment which, in oil the appoint- ts of a first class hotel, cannot be excell ed,in Georgia, or in the South. The estab lishment throughout is admirably arranged A Scene at Silistria. - * FlUtknstertng Party The Rn->iaiis, in order to dislodge the The Louisville Democrat, Arnout from ilieir ditch, carried their own inst., publishes tbfe following trenches within a few yards from their pal try defence, which was formidable only be cause the bravest men that ever lived held it. So near was the Russian ditch, that the engineers threw the earth by shovelsfull into the Arnout ditch. This was affected with an enormous loss to the besiegers. On gaged in the affair, and organized fifteen one occasion, a Major Ernmeua. a gigantic , hundred Kanl.wlrians. e^gcr K> ay$njy the Hungarian, issued from the ditch, leaning death of Crittenden, Logan, ana «fier I “To THE PCBLH.—TTwice of Cul*a been attempted, Americans, andfailed. A the solicitation of those win have the means to aocompln and who tendered ae the command, I on the affair, an< Kentuckians.^ on the pole of a wagon, and challenged the Russians in the other ditch to come out and fight hint. They accepted the challenge by taking hold of his legs, and endeavored to drag him into their quarters. But the Ar- nouts took hold of his other ieg, aud gulled brave men, whose blood hallows the soil of that beautiful island. 1 Delay, unexpected and inexplicable, has . . ... s . ... him in their direction, while Major hmme-1 requisite for the transportation of my men l Bwbit The preneenoe i says the Savannah Qeoj two of which arrived y t for the time defeated the obfedfdearesfthy imparted quite a bast ness heart. The promises made have not been omplied with—the means proffered and • with reference to the convenience and com- : ft,, d returned to York factory on the 28th fort of visitors, and from the cellar to the sttic, the apartments are elegantly, many of them magnificently furnished. So much for the building—its arrangement and gen- Augitsr last whence he forwarded letters by express to Sir George Simpson, via the Red River settlement. “ At briefly noticing the result of h;s own expedition, and the difficulties with which era! equipment. In regard to the manner 1 the} had to contend, he proeeedes to state j and stylo of its management after being j fr0r ‘' Esquimaux, he had obtained certain j na, utterly unconcerned, flourished his hea vy pole and laid it on the Russians. Skulls were cracked and bones broken wherever the formidable weapon descended, and thus, being freed from liis assailants, the Arnouts drew Major Emtnena over io their own side. | This gallant officer’s life was saved on this occasion only to be lost on another. have not been received. The time prolong ed nearly one month, and unwilling to hold in suspense those who nobly respond to the call of liberty, I disband them. “ Cuba will yet be free. The iron hoof of : oppression may crush her people to the ! earth, her rights and liberties be desecrated ; by despotic rulo; but the time is not opened, those who are acquainted with the gentlemanly and enterprising landlord, Mr. Aaron Gage, formerly of the Eutaw House, Mobile, trill need no further guaranty that it will la? kept in a style to reflect credit on the house itself and on tho city. A Theatre In Atlanta. Among the numerous evidences of improve ments now going forward in our thriving young city we may notice a largo and com modious brick building, now nearly comple ted, on Decatur street, the second story of which is being fitted np for a theatre. The room will bo-ninety feet long and fifty wide, with a large and well arranged gallery on three sides, tho whole being sufficiently large to scat upwards of eight hundred persons, Tho stage, dressing rooms and other arrangements behind the scenes will be ample and convenient. Workmen arc already engaged in painting the scenery, and the theatre is oxpeoled to bo finished, and opened to the pnblio with the perform ances of Mr. sad Mrs. W. H. Crisp and their talented corps of actors about the middle of next month. Fever is Charleston*.—There were four doaths by yellow fever in Charleston on Monday last, the 23d inst. ’The Planters of Hamilton and Har ris counties recently held a meeting, at which they passed resolutions insisting that tho rule recently adopted by tho cotton shippers of Columbus, requiring planters to pay 25 coats storage on cotton, to be abol ished by tho first day of November, and in case it is not. they havo rosolvod u> soil their cotton in other markets. ggyWithin the last three years tho banks at New York city have doubled in number. The aggregate at the present time is fifty-eight. An important treaty between iitc United States and tho Ohippcwas of Lake Superior has boon concluded, by which this tribe cedes 7,000,000 acres of valuable land, embracing all the territory bordering on the tve^ 1 shore of the lake, and between the British posses sions and Wisconsin and Minnesota, and westward to tho Mississippi, and including extensive mineral districts. Emigrants for Kansas arc still (looking westwardly. nothw ithstauding tho advanced state of the season. Tho fourth New Eng land party started from Winchester on Tues day. It. is the largest which has yci gone out from thence. Another party of thirty two from Maryland has passed through Alex andria for Nebraska, as the telegraph says but no doubt for Kansas. At Culpepper, Virginia, they were to be joined by another party. l@u Wo would direct the attention of renders to the advertisement of Jacob Haas &Ce., in another column. They have a heavy stock of the latest and best styles of good-. Give thorn a call. The New York Herald says, it is reported that some of the Pennsylvania coal miners have resolved to suspend for a while their lupplies of coal to tho market. If this ex periment should bo tried tho very first not of Congress should be, and we hojte will bo, the absolute duty on coal. Right, says . the Mirror, lot us have the coal duties re pealed. This will bring the greedy would- be monopolist* of Pennsylvania to their senses. Lot every coal consumer be ready to sign a petition for cool duty repeal, when tho paper comes round. The documents are already circulating. Tho census of Memphis, Torn., has just been taken and gives 12,087 as the result, of whom 2,848 aro slaves and and 159 free negroes, leaving 9.670 white population. Tho Liverpool Northern Times says that Smith O’Brien come homo a passenger by the Norma, haring received tho Queen’s pardon. It is not able to say whether ho came direct to England, but an Austrian letter of tho day before tho sailing of the pooket ttunounees that such wop his desti nation. Wo understand that the steamers of tho information of the Site of Sir John Frank lin’s expedition, who had been starved to ' death after the loss of thoir ships, which were crushed in the ice, and while making their way South to the Great Fish river of Buck, near the outlet of which a party of whites died, leaving accounts of their suffer ings in tiie mutilated corpses of some, which bad evidently furnished rood to treir unfor tunate companions. “This information, although not derived from the Esquimaux who had communicated with the whites, and who found thoir re mains, but from another band who obtain ed the details viva vocc, may yet be relied on. No doubt is left of the truth of the re port, as tho natives had in their possession, various articles of European manufacture which had been in possession of tho whites. “Among these aro several silver spoons, forks, &c. on one of which is engraved: “Sir John Franklin, K. 0. B.” while the others have crests and initials on them which identify the owner, as having be longed to the ill-fated expedition. Drawings of some of theso have been sent down. This fearful tragedy must have occurred as long ago as tho Spring of 1850.’’ The foregoing embraces all the particu lars os yet known in Montreal. The Alleged Congress of American Di plomats In Europe. The Paris Presse having remarked the simultaneous presence in that city of Messrs. Dudley Maun, Under Secretary of State of the Cabinet of Washington; P. Soule, Min ister at Madrid; Daniel, Minister at Turin ; O’Sullivan, Minister at Lisbon; and August Belmont, Minister at the Hague, besides the members of tho American legation at Paris the correspondent of the NT Y\ Tri bune, from Parie under date of the 2d in stant, says: Messrs. Dudley, Mann, Soule and Cass are at this moment in Paris and Mr. Buc hanan is expected to arrive from day to day; Messrs. Daniel, O’Sullivan and Belmont have left. Mr. Daniel visited Paris simply to escape the cholera, which was decimating Turin at the moment of his departure: Mr. O'Sullivan came on other than diplomatic business, and only remained three days: While Mr. Belmont came to attend the council on Capt. Gibson’s case, and return c<! immediately afterward to the Hague Mr. Cass has resided in Paris permanently since his marriage in May last. Air. Soule enrne to Paris principally for recreation he was desirous at the same time of consulting diplomatic colleagues on affairs of mutual interest. After the arrival of Mr. Sonic in Paris, Mr. Buchanan, partly on account of the extreme unhcaltluncss of London, and part ly on account of the recent action of some of the Governments of Europe toward tlte United States, indicated a desire to make a short visit to tho continent, and asked Messrs. Mann, Mason and Soule to accom pany him to tho waters of Baden. The politico-hygienic excursion was agreed upon, and the this week. Air. Sicbels, Charge at Brussel who is now at Baden, and Mr. Belmont, who remains much of his timo at Frankfort, near hr, may be included in the political councils which will take place. Air Sickles will remain in charge of the legation at London. Various surmises are made as to the ob jects of this diplomatic conference. The al’- 'iair of Air. Phillips, the American who was arrested in Switzerland under suspicion of being the Italian agitator Alazzini, in ilis- achieve freedom. “ My name has been used as leader in this affair. Justice to myself and the brave licitv of this statement. JOHN ALLEN.’ Three days after the Titanic combat in ‘ long, and Kentucky will aid her people to the Arnout ditch, the Russians despatched - ’ ■*— J — two of their formidable storming columns of eight battalions each against the Arab Tabia, and by the mere physical weight of men concerned impel me to make the pub- these masses, forced their way in. A hand- ‘ to-hand engagement ensued in the interior of the Tabia, when the Turks fought with the fury of madmen and the agility of ser pents. The Russians meanwhile i ’ secure the cannon. Perhaps they ted a retreat, and wished to carry off at least some trophies from Silistria. had rope? with*them, which they tied to one „ „ b—j — The Veut Latest Doo Case.—We have The Russians meanwhile sought to ' lately published several remarkable instan- ' " ’ “ niedita- j ces of canine sagacity, which are supposed to have occurred in the Northern States, They : and have for some time indulged in the im- _ :o one i pression that Southern dogs ought to do of the pieces, and then commenced pulling ! something to distinguish themselves. The it through the embrasure into the ditch be- j *- J -* - * ’ low. Major Ernmeua saw the attempt, rush- ingtf apidJ -*fc late the drays, stepping of thinj is ing has been done, and we think our dog a Teetle ahead. A friend of ours having having ed up to the gun and held it back. * A Rus- j been duly sworn on a map of the southern sian officer, almost equal in size and stren. to the Hungarian, attacked and wounded Major Ennnona just as he- was cutting the ropes. The two strong men then turned against each other. They fought and fell. AYhen the Arabs had driven the Russians back and cleared the Tabia, the two antag onists were found dead by the side of the gun.— Correspondence of the Daily News. Terrible Calamity. AYc have been permitted to make tho fol lowing extract from a private letter of a gentleman to a friend in this city: " Marion*. Ala., Oct. lfith, 1§5 “ I am sorry to pform yofiTin this* nection. of a v&y sad occurrence which took place hero on last (Sunday) night, about 12 o’clock—that is. the burning down of * Howard College.’ There were sleeping at the time, in the third and fourth stories of the building, about 20 or 28 young men and two negro men ; all of whom were re quired to jump from the windows, a distance of from 30 to 40 feet to the ground below. And, horrible to tell, 22 of the number were mangled in a frightful manner, some more and some less. 1 have just come in from a visit to them -with my very heartsick. Some of the boys arc burned very badly, in addition to other injuries. Our town is in mourning, and looks gloomy enough. I learned, a few moments since, that one of the black men was dead ;“he rushed down through the flames to the door. Two or three of the boys are expected to die—the rest will probably recover. There is, how ever, no knowing exactly the extent of their injuries. I trust nil things are better than we now think. The College building, with everything in it, is in ruins. Nothing was saved, as 1 understand. It is supposed now that the building was set on fire, though I cannot at present 1 .relieve it. Such a fiendish act could scarcely be perpetrated by any one in this community. The truth will be known in a few days, I suppose.’’ A postscript says another had died.— Chronicle rf- Sentinel. (From the Augusta Chronicle & Sentinel, 2ftth.] Health of the City. It is a source of sincere gratification to — .- = . us to be able to announce, from the best will leave for Baden ' and most reliable information that we have been able to collect, and we have been dili gent in our inquiries, that there is a marked and perceptible abatement in the epidemic, within the last two days, in the number of new cases. This is of course attributable to tho continued cool weather. On Monday we heard of very few cases, and yesterday we heard of none. This is a great improve ment, and we hope it may be permanent, of which we think there is little doubt, if the weather continues as cool as now. Should _ _ it, however, turn warm again without rain, guise: Capt. Gibson’s reclamation, against \ we fear the consequences. AVe trust wc tho Dutch Government: the negotiations for the acquisition of Cuba: and other matters are suggested as probable subjects of dis- i cession. Public curiosity is very naturally j excited on the subject, as it can scarcely be i supposed that so many diplomats can have i assembled without pre-concert. tfjrr-Tiicre is no longer any doubt that an entire Anti-Nebraska delegation has been 1 elected to Congress from the State of Ohio. ! The delegation consists of twenty-one mcui- j her?, and no member of it has been elected j by loss than 1,500 majority, whilst several, havo 4,00, one or two 5,O0O, and one not less ' than 7,000 majority. Those majorities are unprecedented. The majority for the State ticket as far ns ascertained, exceedcs seven- I ty thousand votes, leaving twolvo counties | to be heard from, which will probably in-! crease it to seventy-five or eighty thousand! j Indiana is entitled to eleven Kepresentn-j tires in Congress, Nino Anti-Nebaska men and one Democrat arc known to bo elected, leaving one district to bo ascertained, with tho chances in favor of the Democratic Can dida e. Tho Diplomatic Dress question 1ms again caused a groat difficulty in Europe. At 1 Bordeaux, recently, when tho Emperor’s j birthday was celebrated by tho government j officials, circulars were issued bythehighest | authority of the department to the various i civil, judicial and military functionaries, L ‘ j shall bo able in a very few days to advise absentees to return. The Board of Health report five deaths portion of Michigan, testifies as follows:— A large Newfoundland pup, who rejoices in the appellation of “Through Tickets,” was strolling in the back part of the town, when he encountered' a small boy who had wandered away from his home, and was weeping bitterly. “Through Tickets” con templated the little fellow for a moment, and reflected upon the propriety of giving him a free passage home. His generous impulse prevailed, and seizing the boy gently by the coat, he urged him along until they chanced to come to a confectioner’s, when he bought him two sticks of peppermint candy, and then conducted him home. We pause for a reply.—N. O. Delta. The editress of the Olive Branch, publish ed at Boston, having received a communica tion from Nashville, Tennessee, inquiring whether some female printers could be hired to gotoNashville^gives the subjoined reply, the tartness of vraich we* hope our Nash ville brother typos will pardon for its wit: —Intelligencer, “ Every girl in Boston who is old enough to work in a printing office or any other of fice has a lover, whom she would be just as likely to trade off for a Tennessee article as she would be to swap him off for a grizzly bear. The idea of a Boston girl, who goes to operas, patronizes Jullien’s concerts, waltzes once a week, cats ice cream, rides in the omnibus, wears satin slippers, some times kisses the editor, going to Tennessee, except she goes there as the wife of one of your first-class citizens, editors excepted, is truly ridiculous. Wouldn’t a girl in a silk dress, with lace-edged pantlets and shiney gaiter boots, look well trudging through the mud and mire of Nashville to an old barn of a printing office, while in one comer of the same room two old darkies arc jerking away at an old Ramage press, and in the other the editor is squirting tobacco juice over the floor ? Wouldn't she be in a* nice fix when the editor and some great brute of a fellow whom he offended got playing at the game of shooting their revolvers across the office at each other’s heads? Who would make the fire when the had run off and the editor was drunk? Who’d go home with her dark nights ? Who would take her out to rido on Saturday afternoon, and go to church with her on Sunday ?— No, sir; a Boston girl won’t go to Tennes see for love nor money. She can get enough of both nearor home.” Probable Prize Fight.—Tom Hyer is in Cincinnati, it is said, on “professional busi ness ”—that is, he has entered into a wager with a man named McGowan, of St. Louis, for a prize fight, the sum staked being three thousand dollars. The parties are to meet about half way between the cities of New York and St. Louis, and the encounter is to take place about the last of this month. fiSr* A Washington correspondent of the Superintendent of the AVaynesboro’ Rail road. who died out of tho city, and will be interred in Savannah. Meeting of the Board of Health. Council Chamber. 1 Oct. 24, 3 o’clock. P. AI. j The Board report 5 deaths from yellow fever for the last 24 hours. John Ticc, aged 19 years, Georgia. AYm. R. Young, aged 38 years, Ireland. Robt. Baseoville, aged 47 years. A'irginia. *Henrv Borehcrd. aged 28 years. Genna- i Elizabeth Rot mum. aged 2>S years. Ger- j manv. i next four months, collisions will take place j at Greytown between the officers of the i British* navy and the United States navy, j which will bring on a war between the two ; nations; and he adds the suggestive remark | that “the city of Now York has 300 millions ! tonnage and cargoes to be captured by Brit- ! ish cruisers.” i Upon this suggestion the Commercial Ad- | vertiser remarks—while we sincerely trust ; that no such wicked folly as a war with j England will be provoked by the Adminis tration, we must remind the writer that the game he speaks of is one that two can play at. If New York has a rich commerce to be plundered, London has a richer. Nicaragua lino are to make Kcv West their ; C1V “» judicial coal depot. The arrangement goes into of- « Ild t0 a11 tlie Consuls except the repvesenin- e..,. r :„u. ; live of tho Uni *Died out of the city. DAVID L. ROATII, Secretary Board Health. Ilcnltli of Savannah—-Official Report. Mondat, Oct. 23—9 P. AT. Laurel Grore Cemctry. Margaret Charlton Falligant, 4A years. Inflammation Bowels, Savannah. -Louis , 38 years, yellow fever, France. Charles Schuk. 2b Germany. Another Missing Steamer.—The Toron to British Cannadian of the 10th inst., ! says: The fine new iron steamer, Her Majesty, ; left the Clyde in Scotland, aboutnine weeks ! since, boand for Toronto, and up to the pres- ; ent time nothing has been heard of her. j She was intended to run on Lake Ontario. | Great doubts exist as to her safety. feet ou the next trip of the^Northern Light. vh Steamers will touch at Key AYcst when . , coming this way. if necessary, but not when 1 ‘ , r e ,.} or , going out. United States, inviting them to attend at the Cathedral in full costume.— j The American Consul (Levi R. Brown, of - .1/ the Catholic Cemetery. Jane Corish. 9 months, whooping cough Savannah. Alichael Bennct. 25 years, yellow fever. Baltimore county,) was not invited because | Ireland. A despatch from Indiana announces tlieur- ; of his refusal to wear a diplomatic costume. rest of a in that State feit notes on to be on a visit to acting consul, in view | close the office of the Total 5—by yellow lever 3 -Died at the Hospital. Cotton.—The New Orleans Picayune of ven% vpllow form- ! the ~ lil inst- says: Nearly all the boats ar- - ’ * ’ I riving at ttie levee now are coming heavily laden with our great staple. Four boats re- | ported in this morning bring 9,265 bales.— j The Aiagnolia, from Vicksburg, brought I 2,576 bales; the Geo. Collier, from Mem- j piiis, 2‘537, the Swamp Fox, from New Carthage, 1,639; the New Latono, from Bayou Sara, 513. The Unicorn, since in from Ouachita lifeless streets. Tae Tattling whirl of crats, and the rapii large numbers of men having 'work to do and in a hurry to do it, presented an ap pearance of animation not uriBke that of mid winter. We should indeed remark, that business has been gradually reviving for several weeks past, and vfitR the raencement of November willT probably be nearly as active as ever, especially if in the meantime that long expectkilling frost comes. There seems no reason to despair of the prospects and profits, of the season upon which we are now entering. Indeed from the delay in its eoHunoncement. the season will probably be one of unnsual ac tivity. News from Europe, We publish this morning very full details of European news by the Africa, by the subsequent arrivals of the Washington, with four days later advices, and the Niag ara with three days later news. It will be seen that the allies, since the battle of Alma, have gained decided advantages over the Russians, and have commenced a regular bombardment of Sebastopol, while Menschi- koff, with a force of twenty thousand Rus^ sians at last advices, was keeping the field at some distance North of the city awaiting reinforcements. How long Sebastopol trill be able to held out, invested as it is by sea and land, with the approaches to the city in possession of the enemy, is, of course, entirely problematical, though if the Rus sians make anything like as obstinate a de fence as the Turks did at Silistria, consid ering the superiority of Sebastopol as a military stronghold, we may reasonably ex pect several weeks to elapse before a capitu lation, even supposing no further reinforce ments arrive in the meantime. •9*A public meeting was held a few days ago in West Point, Ga., at which a resolu tion was adopted instructing the Town Council to subscribe $50,000 to the con struction of the proposed Railroad from Columbus to West Point. The Columbus Times says, in case Lagrange will, follow suit by rabscribing $100,000, it is author ized to pledge Columbus to the amount of $200,000 for the enterprise. A gentleman informs the N. Y. Daily Times that “on coming down on the Hudson River Railroad train, and upon the seat be hind him sat two rough, brawny, swearing men; one of whom was rehearsing to the other in a confidential tone, the manner of his escape from the wreck of the Arctic.- He said, among other things, that they did not mean to let them upper fellows get the start of them with the beats; and added that he himself pitched two or three of them out, to make room for his friends.” It is greatly to be feared that we have but an imperfect idea of all the scenes enacted on board that sinking ship. Dancing.—Professor Lord and Madame Vincent intend commencing their Dancing Academy in this city next Tuesday evening. Mr. Lord, as we notice by the press, has given much satisfaction in those places where he has taught, by his talents and gentlemanly conduct. Madame Vincent well known as a talented teacher of dancing in New Orleans, Memphis and Montgome ry, the latter of which places she has re cently left in consequence of the prevalence of yellow feve: jfgyAIessrs. John R. Wallace & Bro’s. on the comor of Whitehall and Alabama streets, are going into the Fall and Winter trade quite extensively, and buyers would do well to call and examine their stock. AVe invite attention to their advertisement in another column. ty of which had lieen put into cireula- ! consulate during the ibte, nor display rlie American flag, and tho Captains of’ the American vessels in port, who had hoisted Express , their oolora, hauled them down on hearing ’ ‘ of the occurrence. When this was observed one of the city officials went alongside of the vessels, and directed the captains to hoist their flags, but again they refused. Orders were then given to a French naval brig in port, on which were displayed the flags of all nations, to pull down that of the United States, but upon rjfloction this order was countermanded. Next day the acting Con sul sent a note to the Perfect of the Depart- The office of Adams & Co Company in Wilmington, Del., was broken into and robbed on Thursday night of over $2,000. Tho thieves have not yet been de tected. Macox.—The Mnacon Journal & Messen ger noticing tho rumors of tho prevalence of pw fever in that city, says that there has no yellow fever case in the vicinity of ton, eity of Macon, proper, has never lieen healthier at this season of tho year. Tho icon which was not brought from Charles- j ment, calling his attention to the breach of , Savannah or Augusta, and that the ■ etiquette, and demanding whether “the S iette, and demanding it was from auy sentiment of disrespect to Ttim personally or officially, orotherwise,” to which, after the lapso of several days, a Journal adds that there hus been a great , . - , - -jv* . , . , , , „ most apologetic reply was received, cusavow- deal of sickness in and about Las .lacon, , j intentional disrespect, and contain- Knf fliiif iKam liab Tiaah nn rfo'Aiit r»ao-fv* nf : xiA.a « * bat that there has been no recent cases of sickness even there. The Goltonbus Times & Sentinel referring to similar reports in respect to that city, say* they are utterly unfounded and that the uuaniiffMis report of the physicians is that the health of theplaoo was never 1 tetter than at pi ing earnest assurances that a similar neg lect should not occur again. When the Con sul himself returned ho ftilly approved of nil his representative had done. The Eyes.—There is a popular notion, sanctioned even by the medical men, that tho eyes arc preserved by opening them every*morning in a basin of cold water.— Some of the worst cases of peterguim or Aim on the surface of the eye, have been wit nessed on those who have boasted of this practice. When water gets into the wind pipe, the nostrils, or the ear, irritation is produced; and the eyes open under water the sensation is anything but agreeable.— Baltimore, Oct. 20.—A fire, the most destructive that has occurred in this city for many years, broke out at 12 o’clock last night in the steam saw mill of Alessrs. La- f ouraille & Alanghlin, on the corner of East alls avenue. The whole interior of the vast building was soon on fire, and the flames extended to Griffiss’s lumber-yard, and from thence crossed Fawn and Stiles j street, and finally swept eff two entire I blocks, occupied by shops and lumber-yards. [ The loss is estimated at nearly $150,000, on j which there is not insurance for more than j one-tliird that amount The firemen finally ■ river, brings 300 more bales, making a to tal of 7,565 bales. A Trap for a Troublesome Tongue.— Sheridan was one day very much annoyed by a fellow-member of the House of Com mons who kept crying out every few min utes, “hear! hear!” During tlie debate he took occasion to describe a political contem- that wished to play the. rogue, but le fool, great empha- only sense enough to “Where;” exclaimed he wit sis, “whereshallwe find a more foolish knave or a more knaveish fool than he ?” “Hear! hear I” was shouted by the trou- checked the spread of the flames at day- j blesome member. Sheridan turned round light this morning. * and thanked him for the prompt informa- 1 tion, and sat down amid a roar of laughter. Recent letters from England mention that Samuel Rogers, who is now over 92 years old, appears to have regained much of his strength, and may be seen taking a carriage airing in Regent’s Park every fine day. In meeting with Rogers’ name, who will not think of Byron’s eleventh commandment, which he laid down for his own guidance— “ Thou shalt not steal from Sam Ro, MTTlmDemocrat of Poughkeepsie have nominated Professor Morse for Congress. Clay is to go North to lec ture w Deoembar. —— New York, Oct. ao. The main cause of toe Kigth Avenue Bank was tome loans to a large ami not yet been- returned. The rSJtevt-of ftie ! partially soluablc in water, it is as inconsis- eommttoc appointed to examine into the t€nt to 'wash it away as it is to remove tho •fairs of the Knickerbocker Bank is said from the wheels of machinerv. unfavorable. Goo of the directors is . — * is reported* probably on Russian JS§g?*Gen. Adonirain Chandler, a well known citizen of New York, died in that city on Saturday last. Mr. C. was a prin ter in his younger days, and previous to the war of 1812 worked in New York shoulder to shoulder with Thurlow Weed, editor of the Albany Journal, and James Harper, the senior of the great house of Har per ft Brothers. On the breaking out of the war, however, he abandoned the stick and rule, and was employed on the Lakes as a warrant officer. In 1831 he was a candi date for Congress, but not being of the dominant party in his district, he was de feated. lie lias Bincc, however, been two or three times elected to tho Legislature of New York, of which ho was a brilliant and valuable member. He was subsequently ogers. Finest Theatre in the Woelo.—Dion Bourcicalt, in a letter to New York, speaks of the new Boston Theatre as beyond ques tion the finest theatre in the worn, as for as the auditorinm is concerned. Tho New York Times states that Capt. S intod by tlio Governor, Mr. Seward, we Luce, of the Arctic, is a native of Roches- rc, Commissary General of the State, ter, Mass., and not of Alexandria, Va., as He was one of the founders of the Ameri can Institute in New York, and was actively engaged in its management up to tho time of his death. He filled various posts of is stated by others of the New York press. An old man, aged 60 years, run away nn Cincinnati last week, and carried with from honor and responsibility, and was altogether j him a lass of “ sweet sixteen,” the daughter a valuable citizen of one of his neighbors. i a defaulter to the amount of $150, ; authority that the alTi«d armies were in- ; formed on landing in the Crimea that twen- - theRussian The Niagara Falls Gazette says, that i workmen arc busily engaged re-building Brock’s Monument, on Queenston Heights. It is placed a short distance from the former site, nearer the brow of the Mountain, and in a more conspicuous position. From the ted from the American side it An immense life-boat, haring punted up on it “life-boat of Canard Steamer Canada, was paraded through Wall and other streets in New York, on Monday morning. General Wilson dnoliuQs tho Know Noth ing nomination for Governor of Maseaohu - , TWmT . r w ■ ■ ■ ft if that Gftrtin*" Rrowit j to> never Tpoorcr nts South Western Railroad.—It is under stood that the directors of the above Road have concluded to extend it from Americus, its present terminus, to tho neighborhood of Gillionville, in Dohgherty county, a distance of about thirty-five miles, provided a sub scription of $250,000 is raised by the citi zens of the counties through which the road will pass. Of this amount, the Milledgeville Recorder says that Col. Bond, of Macon, succeeded last week in raising fifty thousand dollars of stock in the neighborhood of Milledgeville. The proposed extension is an important one, as^it will penetrate the rich cotton regions cf the Flint and Chatta hoochee rivers. Texas Cotton Crop.—The Galveston News, in a long review of the prospects of the present Cotton Crop of that State, comes to the conclusion that there will not be over two-thirds of an average crop. The Netos says: “The amount of land planted in Texas is supposed to be nearly one-third more than last year, and it is possible that this excess may make up for the deficiency in the yield, so as to make the total crop of the State about what it was last year. Our present opinion, however, is, that the total crop of the State will fall short of that of last year.” We see by the Milledgeville papers of Tuesday that the Bank of Georgia has declared a dividend of five per cent, for tho last six months. LpUISYILLE, Oct. 24, night.—A fire is now raging in the extensive hat store of Pollard, Prather & Smith, and the book publishing house of Morton & Griswell, on Main street, near 5th. It is impossible to say what the damage is. The large Flour ing Mill owned by Powell, of St. Louis, was destroyed to-day, together with 300 bbls. of flour and 6,000 bushels of wheat Insured for $16,000. From Liberia. The Boston Traveller gives some late in telligence from Liberia. The ship Sophia Walker, from Norfolk and Savannah, arrived at Monrovia on the 30th of July, with a large company of emi grants, about half of whom were landed at Grand Bassa. Much sickness prevailed on board during the passage out, especially among the children, twenty of whom died before reaching Grand Bassa, and eight or ten more soon after landing. Bad water is said to hare caused or aggravated the sick- arrived at 1 days later news ^ ^ciltPOOL MARKET. Liverpool, Oct. 11.—J2otton.—The de mand was moderate and prices une Sales of the three days 17,000 bales— to Speculators and Exporters. Ho' head reports the Rales of Tuesday at boles—the market closing chill. Flour was unchanged—Canal 33s., Ohio 35s., Corn had declined Is., and holders were pressing sales—White and Yellow 39s., Consols closed at 964 to 1. Money was tighter. Edward Oliver’s affairs will be adjusted. James McHenry had suspended. MISCELLANEOUS. Among the Washington’s passengers was Baron Gevott, the Russian Minister. The official accounts if the battle of Alma report the English loss 2,000 and the French 1,400. The allies have changed the plan of attack on Sebastopol from the South, and base their operations at Balakiava. The bombardment commeieed on the 5th October. The Russians hud sunk seven ships of line at the mouth of the harbor. Marshal St. Arnaud, the commander in Chief of the French had died, and the com mand devolved on Courobert. THREE DAYS LATER. Arrival of the Niagara. Liverpool, Oct. 14.—Cotton unchanged, lower grades easier. Sales of the week 50,000 bales holders not pressing sales Con sols unchanged. Flour advanced Is. 6d. Corn in favor of buyers. Sebastopol was invested south and east, and the guns playing on the walls. Mcn- chikoff keeps the field north, awaiting rein forcements. Prussia expresses her unwillingness to act with Austria. McHenrys liabilities half a million pounds sterling. After the battle of Alma, the Russians burnt all villages they passed through, and in their flight left six thousand wounded be hind. Thousand Russians escorting muni tions was captured. Menchikoff himself narrowly escaped capture. Allies destroy ed the Aqueduct which supplied Sebastopol with water. Eight thousand Allied cavalry arrived at Crimea. The Carriage of Menschikoff, with private papers, was captured. The inhabitants of Odessa were pledged to burn the city. Memel was nearly destroyed by fire—loss two million Sterling. An outbreak was feared at Warsaw The Russian Imperial Guard were marching to Warsaw in forced marches. Dates from St. Louis, state that Governor Burt of Nebraska, died on the 18th. On board the Sophia Walker were two Laing whom our readers will remember. They were educated by the Massachusetts Coloni zation Society, and are promising men. The trading season had not closed, al though business had somewhat declined.— Almost every day barrels of sugar and syr up were brought to Monrovia market by the fhrmors of St. Pauls. Rossini is now very unwell in Flor- A writer from Italy says that the most profound melancholy has spread over his n«««d and even if his life is preserved ho wonted intellectual [Correspondence of the Charleston Courier.] New York, Oct. 21. Among the passengers who arrived by the Africa yesterday afternoon, were two persons from Paris whose names arc inti mately associated with two of the greatest celebrities of France. They were Jerome Bonaparte and Felix Raphael. The former, who is a wealthy resident of Baltimore, and son of Prince Jerome Bonaparte, by Miss Elizabeth Patterson, returns from Eu rope, haring placed his son in the French army. The young Bonaparte has taken the same grade there as he held here, hav ing been made a Lieutenant in the Seventh Dragoons. He is at present stationed at St. Cloud, and after a little more prepara tion, will be turned out a genuine French officer, ready for active service. The Emperor of the French has taken a great fancy to the American Bonaparte’s, and having made not only an officer, but a Frenchman of the young Baltimore Bona parte, he has also succeeded in pursuading tho father to give up his estates and home in this country, and remove with most of his family to France. My informant states that a princely title awaits Jerome Bona parte, the republican, and that its glittering promise has had not a little to do in convin cing him of the policy of becoming a Frenchman and a noDleman. No provision, nor titular honors are in reserve for his mother, Miss Elizabeth Patterson, so she will remain in Baltimore. Her illegally divorced husband, Prince Jerome, has an other wife, who would prefer to have num ber one remain on this side the water. The Bonaparte’s are only mortal after all, and as easily dazzled by the pomp and promises of Courts as any of us. Mr. Sheariashup Spooner, the publisher of the Boydell Shakspeare, recovered a ver dict in his favor, this morning, of $3,250, against Mr. Daniels, now Consul at Turin, but formerly editor and proprietor of the Richmond Examiner, for libel. An examination into the affairs of the Knickerbocker Bank shows the capital stock of the institution to have been $400,000.— The statement exhibits a loss of $100,000. It is proposed at once to reduce the capital stock to $300,000. The depositors nave agreed to allow an extension as to the pay ment of their claims, amounting to $350,- 000. The over drafts and liabilities of the directors are $142,000, for which the bank has mortgages on real estate valued at $110,- 000. If a responsible man be induced to accept the presidency of this bank it will resume business. The Steam Ship Union sailed to-day for Havre, taking $219,359,89 in specie, and twenty nine passengers. Among the latter were Bishop Newman, who goes to attend the Momisli Convention. The Know Nothings have made their nominations for muncipal officers. Their candidates for Recorder, City Judge and Register are those of the Wliigs. Their candidate for District Attorney is the Soft Shell nominee. The rest are independent, and will test the powers and number of the secret organization. They do not endorse a single man named by the reform commit tee, which is a bad sign. Not only up town where people reside, but down town, in the immediate vicinity of Wall st, there are more fine offices and locations “to let” than I ever before remem ber to have seen. The bankers and brokers who have failed, are nearly all giving up their commodious quarters and removing to others less expensive. The private letters from Europe are not near so favorable, as they have lately been for investment in our securities. Hon. H. R. Jackson.—A Vienna letter says: “At last the Government of the United States has appointed a Minister-resident here, instead of a simple Charge d Affairs, and it is only a matter of astonishment that it was not done long ago. Ina country like Austria, Mr. Henry R. Jackson can render for better service to his Government as Minister-resident than Charge d’Affairs.”— Sav. Georgian. Wouldn’t Accept any Apology.—A droll story is related of an honest farmer, who attempting to drive home a bull, got suddenly hoisted over the fence. Recover ing himself, he saw the animal on the other side of the rails sawing the air with his head and pawing the ground. The good old man looked steadily at him for a moment and then shaking hiB fist at him, exclaimed—“Darn your apologies,—you needn’t stand there you ’tarnal critter, a bowin’ and scrapin'— you did it a purpose, darn your curly pic ture.” Not an Enthusiast.—The energy of the manner of the late Rowland Hill, and the power of his voice were overwhelming.— While once preaching at Wotton-under- Edge, his country residence, he was carried away by his feelings, and raising himself to his full height, exclaimed, “Beware, I am in earnest; men call me an enthusiast, but I am not; mine are the words of truth and soberness. When I first came into this part of the country, I waB walking on yonder hill; I saw agravel pit fall in ana bury three human beings alive. I lifted up my voice for help, so loud, that I was heud to the town below, a distance of a mile. Help oiow and resound two of tho poor sdbrwrs. Details «T tk* Africa’s The Cunard mail steamship , Capt. Harrison, arrived at half-past three o'clock* the innocent Lapiaadim on the toor* y afternoon. She left Liverpool on Saturday noon, the 7th inst. The great news brought by the Baltio, of the blowing np of Fort Constantine, the of ten Russian ships of war, the foil of Sebastopol and tlfc slaughter of twenty-five thousand human beings, tarns out to have been false from beginning to end. The news by the Africa is more moderate and reasonable in its character. There had been continual had established j—the allied armies ieir base of operations at Balakiava on the morning of the 28th, and were preparing to march without delay upon Sebastopol. The Agamemnon and outer vessels of war were in port at Balakiava, where there are facilities for disembarking the battering trains. Prince Menschikoff was in the field with 20,000 men, expecting reinforcements; the fortification of Anapa having been burned by the Russians, and its garrison marching to the scene of action. The allies were on the river Baalbeck, ten miles from Sebastopol. Indeed, Sebastopol was invested on the 27 th. Cholera was very severe in the garrisons at Sebastopol. It is stated that the city is provisioned for only three months, and that the crews of the fleet are already on three- fourths rations. The Russian steamer Taman, 3 guns, es caped out of Sebastopol on the 19th ult., and took two Turkish transports and car ried them into Odessa. On the 22d September, to the delight of the inhabitants of Galatz, the first merchant vessel which had entered the port in four months arrived. The Danube was opened between Galatz and the Sulina, but opposite to Isaktchti there was a Russian bridge which connected Bessarabia with a Danubi- an island. The London Times publishes the following extraordinary news on the faith of a King ston (Jamaica) correspondent: We have recent accounts from St. Domin go, to the-effect that the United States frig ate Columbia, bearing a commodore’s flag, accompanied by a corvette and steamer, hod arrived at the port of Samana, and demand ed the cession of that place, as well as a certain adjacent territory. A general offi cer and some engineer officers are on board the Columbia. Messengers have been des patched to Port-au-Prince for the purpose of informing the authorities about the matter, and it is expected that the Emperor Sou- iouque will be on his march to that part of the island, in order to repulse, if possible, these daring invaders. We have it on good authority, that an American fleet has sailed from New York to Greytown, for what ob ject we are at a loss to conceive. The fleet, it is said, consists of two frigates, three cor vettes, and two steamers, in fighting order, and commanded by a commodore (they boost) of consummate bravery. A London letter, under the date Oct 6th, gives the following particulars: It is now proved beyond a doubt that the wholo story of the capture of Sebastopol is a myth, nn invention. It however, in no manner detracts from the victory of the allies on the Alma. The accounts of that victory is official. The de tails of the fighting are daily expected. It also appears certain that the victorious troops pushed on to the Kateha, the second river; that another sanguinary engagement took place; that the Russians then retreat ed to the third entrenchment, on the river Balbek. Here reliable intelligence stops. It is stated that the heights which command Sebastopol are already in their possession ; but I warn you against believing the big headed announcements you will find in many of the papers. The only additional piece of official news received is a despatch from Lord Stratford de Redcliffe, the English Ambassador at Constantinople. It announces that, on the 28th September, the heavy siege artillery of the allied armies was landed by the ships of the allied squadron, without opposition, at Balakiava, a port with deep water, South of Sebastopol. A certain number of troops, of course, landed with this artillery. From Balakiava to Sebastopol there is an excel lent road, and the allies therefore were ad vancing on two sides on Sebastopol. Prince Menschikoff had retreated with 20,000 men to the heights of Baktchi Sarai, there awaiting reinforcements. The Rus sian fort of Anapa had been blown up by his orders, and the garrison was hastening to join him. This is official. Should any additional news come in before the post closes, you shall have it. The battle of the Alma was very sangui nary. A telegraphic despatch from Con stantinople, upon which you may place full reliance, gives the number of English killed and wounded as follows:—9G officers, 1,895 rank and file, 114 seargeants, and 23 drum mers. The heights of the Alma wore defended by 45,000 Russians and 100 cannon. The French troops did not suffer so much ; they were on tho right, near the sea, and partial ly protected by the guns of the fleet; the English were in the centre, the Turks on the left. The charge of the English army up the steep ascent in the face of a hundred guns, pouring volleys into them of ball and grape, and musketry, was heroic—they took the guns at the point of the bayonet. The French and Turks behaved equally well.— Prince Napoleon is reported to have had a horse shot under him. As soon as the news of the fall of Sebas topol was believed at Vienna, the Emperor ordered his Ambassador at Paris to express to Louis Napoleon the satisfaction he, (the Emperor Francis Joseph,) felt at the suc cess of the allied armies in the Crimea.— This is the crudest cut of all to Russia.— The King of Prussia also thought it a fit ting opportunity to express his good wishes, adding that he had all along given his mor al support to tho Western Powers. Proba bly what most astonished—perhaps alarmed —their two German Majesties, was the un bounded, uncontrolled joy and delight of the good citizens of Vienna and Berlin when they heard the news. In despite of spies and police the health of the allied ar mies was drank in every pot house, cabcrct, “ kneip,” and at all the private dinner ta bles of t-lie two capitals. Prussia has, however, been snubbed—de servedly so. The representative of France aud Eng land have announced to Baron Manteuffel, the Prussian Foreign Minister, in very tem perate but plain terms, that they must beg to decline any further attempts at so called mediation on the part of Prussia—that such attempts will not be listened to in any form or shape, and that Prussia must regard herself, under existing circumstances, as self-excluded from all further participation in the Oriental question, in so far as relates to her connection with the maritime Powers. The lesser German powers are begining to show a penchant towards Austria, which Power will not neglect the opportunity to obtain a permanent preponderancy in the Frankfort Diet. Austria appears now inclined to side openly with the Western Powers; but small thanks are due to her for coming in when the battle’s fought and won, to plant her yellow and black striped banner upon the dead body of the foe. Hod Russia been victorious, who dare assert that Austria would not have stepped forward with her armies to bring the Western Powers to “reasonable terms” for peace? Spain is unquiet. There have beon seri ous riots at Burgos and Malaga, owing to the rise in the prices of bread. It is re- •i* may think it trise to latioss with Sweden bj Mr to. treatment of the North Sea, but Frame and England are not like as American question out of th« proposals to purchase for the republic an ornamental Arctic boundary. We harethe best reason to believe that the rumor I* *]. together unfounded. P. S.—A second edition of the fines of this day, Friday, publishes a telegraphic despatch from Marmilles, to tbs foUowinr effect: The Fury, which left Constantinople on the 27th Sept., has arrived. Up to the 24th no more fighting had tak en place in the Crimea. The 23d regiment lost all its officers but three, of whom Capt Bell is the senior. Col. Ainalie was killed while planting a flag on the heights of Alma. Gen. Brown had a horse shot under hi»n Sebastopol is invested. Tlie Wary Latest. Liverpool, Oct. 7—9 A. M. Odessa reports are said to have been re ceived by a Greek house in the city yester day, to the effect that Generals Ostcnsacken and Luders bad entered the Crimea at the •—j -rc-irty battallions, besides the garrison ,, 20,000 strong. head of fo: at Odessa, 1854. Marsiilles, Oct. . The Fury, from Constantinople, which she left on the 27th, has on board Lord Burghers, with despatches from Lord Rag. Ian for the English government. Sebastopol was invested on the 27 th. The second line of the defence was carried, and the place entirely surrounded. The Russians are shut up in Sebastopol, which was to have been attacked by sea and land. One account states the Russians had some eight line of battle ships at the en trance of tlie harbor; another account says four. At the battle of the Alma three thousand prisoners were taken. The struggle was nerce. After the defeat on the Alma, the Russians regained their fortification, with, out making a halt. The Zouaves, Tirail. leurs, and Scotch Fusiliers distinguished themselves. Constantinople was illuminated in honor of the battle of the Alma. The Lavaley had arrived at the Crimea. In addition to the above, the following de tails have been brought in various telegraph ic despatches: The Moniteur, in announcing the occupa tion of Balakiava, adds, the allies have al ready made it a considerable place. The allied armies are in communication with the fleets. A safe and practicable road leads to Sebastopol, and the allies are bow firmly established in the Crimea. The va rious columns of the army had to cress sev eral rivers in succession, in order to turn the gulf Sebastopol and enter the mountain country, before they could arrive at Baiak- lava. Menschikoff has been driven to a dis tance, with the wreok of his army. THe Kalla. We understand that at a meeting of the Boat'd of Directors of the South Carolina Railroad, held here on Friday, that body passed resolutions setting forth their deter mination, that unless the Post Office Depart ment continue their old schedule at the pres ent rate of compensation, or increase it for the new schedule proposed, they will refuse to carry the mails after the 1st. proximo.— Columbia South Carolinian. It is muoh to be regretted that the Post master-General cannot effect an arrangement with the Carolina road of running the sched ule which has been proposed, the object of which is to facilitate the transmission of the great Northern and Southern Mail sev eral hours. If we are not mistaken, the terms offered by the Department have been accepted by all the other railroad companies between Washington and New Orleane, and the new arrangement is only prevented from going into operation by the refusal of the South Carolina Railroad to accept a com pensation equal to that paid to any other road, and greater than is paid to many com panies for similar service. AVe cannot un derstand why the South Carolina Company should feel itself justified in demanding more than is deemed sufficient for like service by the Central, the Georgia and other South ern Roads ; and in view of the great public necessity for the proposed change, and the benefits which it would confer on the busi ness public of the whole South, we are con strained to regard the course of the Directors as illiberal and discreditable to the company whose interests they represent. Something is due from our railroad corporations to the public, who have a right to expect that they will make any reasonable concession, for the purpos of placing our section on as good a tooting in regard to mail facilities as that of other portions of the Union, where rail roads are in operation.—Savannah Morning Neics. S orted that Queen Isabella finds the crown eavy upon her brow, and intends abdicat ing in favor of her infant daughter. Poor Queen 1 she will not even be allowed to re tire to private life—the royal puppet must remain. You remember Thiers’ celebrated observation—“ Le roi regne, mais ne gottv- erne pas." Louis Napoleon has ordered Barbes to be set at libertyunconditionally,on the strength of a letter written by that ultra red repub lican, expressing a hope that the Frenon ar mies would be victorious in the East. The London Globe contains the following semi-official paragraph : It has been stated in A somewhatpromi- nent manner, that tb,e Frisch and English g veraments have demanded explanations >m the American Cabinet on the supposed negotiations to purchase the territory of Siticakontiw BoaiiMkScovernxnent ww [From tha Augusta Chronicle k Sentinel, 26 init.] Health of the City. In our notice yesterday, we stated that there was a marked and perceptible abate ment of the epidemic in the number of new cases. (After that paragraph was written we heara of few.) We are rejoiced to state the indications yesterday were equally or more favorable, and that the new cases are less frequent. This is the opinion of all the physicians with whom we have conversed and we have seen several. At the time of writing the clouds seem to promise rain, the first time for weeks, and we trust that ere our paper gets to the public they will give forth bountifully. Let our absentees be patient for a few days longer, when we hope to welcome their return. netting of the Board of Helath. Council Chamber. ) Oct. 25, 8 o’clock, P. M. J The Board report 4 deaths from Yellow Fever for the last 24 hours. AVilliamCumming, aged 20 years, Ireland. Mrs. Temple Daniels, aged 53 jrears, Georgia. George Shannon,* aged 38 years, Georgia. Robt. M. Paynter, aged 36 years, New Jersey. DAVID L. ROATH, Secretary Board Health. *Died out of the City. Smith O’Brien.—The Limmerick Chron icle has received by the last Australian mail the following autograph letter from Mr. Smith O’Brien: Ricmond, May 26. Dear and Reverend Sir:—Allow me to thank you for your kind congratulations, which, though premature, are not wholly without foundation, since by private letterf from home I learn that Government purpose to allow the Irish State prisoners to lean Tasmania and settle themselves anywheri except in the British dominions. I remain, very faithfully, yours, ( William S. O’Brien. The ^ _ had the gratification oi h says. We hav hearing that Joh Martin, permitted to depart from Van Die man’s Land, in pursuance of the recent royt al clemency, arrived in Paris on Saturday^ having reached the French capital via Mar seilles. Smith O'Brien had parted compai ny with his fellow exile on the coast of In dia, proceeding to Madras to visit a near re lative in the Indian army. Mr. Martin is still the possessor of a small property in one of the northern counties. Among the melancholy disasters of recent date, at length it seems to be too true that the British transport ship Lady Nugent, which was chartered early last spring, by the local government at Madras, to convey re-inforcements to the British forces at Ran goon, the seat of the Burmese war, and which sailed from Madras on the 10th of last May, with 350 soldiers, accompanied by twenty women and children, a number of officers, and thirty-seven of the crew, have perished with afi on board. Within a fortnight after her departure, a frightful hurricane swept over the Bay cf Bengal, :n which she must have foundered, as nothing has since been heard of her, though search has been made. ____ A Nut fox Entomologists.—Bees in » torpid Btate have been found inside of a hard rock, where they havfe reposed for ages. When turned out of their prison, tiiey have soon exhibited life and flown away- wna» philosopher oan explain this 1