The Atlanta weekly intelligencer. (Atlanta, Ga.) 184?-1855, November 04, 1854, Image 3

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SAVANNAH, N.v. 1.—-Air.-r^. U. «*• *• (tc«•'■hip XuoxvXa, Ladl.iw, N«w York., A*id» fcr.» W.-j -n, Jte.ti.nori*. VlUlLliJTON, Nzv. l.-A-rlT*a,*£TMMi> Vano*, F .»ter, Njw York; br.g Sjuum, VT .taoa tlavana; i br. A <1, Kinney. Uavara. Cjwrod •CUT*. Franc.3 S*iteriJ. Jaskaon, NcW York; Aflhn*. lU.TeUid. Uo. roJUJi K Itl.. A'XASTa. N •remliar. 3. (Iottos.—Thcro wa« a good demand yesterday at 7@$| contF. ExchamoR. on New York t« sollingat J jjerren- On too and Savaunali J I'm cent. Bacov. We qnotchn" ramr] to ll 1°. ITatns Hi to 13 cent*. Sides Hib.« 121 cU. 8Mo« clear 12 to IS. rthnulderr 10 it 11 veiils. Lann bv the bhl. 12J to 11 eta. loaf. Inoe. Swedes 51 t» 6Jc; E i<lii-h 5 to 51 cent*: S»il» have advanced t<> 6 n til tU. Con is selling at "!■> to 100. Cots Meal, 85 m lto mi ts. Pots. II 14 round. 6 cunt';. llGr.r. By the quarter, fi 5J cents. Sweet l’o-'A' , or.H. 50 ta 75 "or 'md-d. Inisn Potatof.i, 75 to 100 per bushel. Salt. Liverpool sacks p.enty. (ty $-.50, Liqi'osr.—Franc b Brandy. S2.e0 t.* $.{.00 pet gallon : 1) -inostic 50 t" 75c. Peach do. 00 a 7. cents. Wnlakey 45 a 50 cents. O.n 50 to 60 !5 to 60 cents. Wu'.at. Hood will bring to *1,10 per bin ho read tv. Flour.—City Mill from $1 to 1J pair hundred. Bt'TT^'t, Conntry. 20 to 25 i ts. (loaben. 35 ctre. per pound. Teun. Butter. 18 a 20 by tlio Keg. Fi.r N. 0. Sn^nr, by ubd. 5J. Prime “ “ “ 6i* Choice “ “ “ 8-. Syrup. X 0. by bid. 30 to 33 cts. gal. Extra Wuiskey *' 45 •• “ Star Candles por box 28 “ lb. N-i. 1 fl'o C'uffieo by sock 121 to 15 “ “ Orssv IlAomsc. 10 to 18 eta. Hope 11 t • 13 cents. CtnrKuxs. 15 to 20 t ents. Eons. 15 to 20 oents. PonoRR. 75 to 100 per hundred. Vvcs. Si.on to $i :>n F iTftRR-—10 to 45. i A vpr.ES.—Spuria 37 to 45c. Tallow 20 to 22c New Yo:t.i. Oct. 31.—Cotton firm. Fl- tit market nncha ■ cl: Ooio, $8 87 to SJ 18; P irk firm: Lard. 9'@10. St Lifts. 0 l 31.—The steamer 8‘. Nir-hobi* lip- bee ’ rn s >1 and will > reive here to-day. New YonK 0 t. 31.—Flour t.rm nt $S(ij;8 25- Corn, 80c.: M.-ss P rk, Sit; B .con s-<‘es, 83 ; L rd in l.c s. II: XX’.iicke.v. nominal; Fair 8n gar. 4: M da ee*. iy@l»i: Rio , offee. 10(7$ !0i N.'.w York. Oci. 31.— roe latest news iron China mo ni >ns that «u oo attempts b id buei made by the insurgents If take • a' tm, but thei ftiled; and at, atto npt t > effort n compromise bin also failed. The im-ur; onts have made but litil. progress tjwarJs recapturing the city. Ai ocsta. N .vember 1. Co-tox —IV, havo to repeat ibo rein irks m d. sin.e the F.-ier hr dee out. t int there is nothin d ting i i C ittun raarkot. la or.r next week!' I“.sue we ii >pe to be ahie tj rep nt a different strt. of things. UitocRltKS.—0 :r market * well supplied wit! every description ot O.n, and us soon as tv. are visited with a Iihuk Frost, wo look for an ac tive business. CottX—We linvo no change t) notice in th* prito of this article. Stick on hat d li :ht.— X .rili Car ilina is selling by the quui tiiy t Al.oi per bn-hel. Rj.ailiug frt in s ores nt $1.12^1.- 25. Sj»C tra is selling al 00 cents to SI, Bacox—U n.d iiippiy of TenuoMoe and Wee tern on hat d. Teanesseo clear sides a e tr ! u by ihz hhd ar 12 cents, a ni rihbe l nt 11 j. Dili a id Ci iciuimi Solos 10.1(7611. Shoulder scarce, and held at 1.1 cents. ClIARLRfT N. Oct 31. C tt in.—TIio mafl.o iv wa- inn. -1 i\t■ tl.c v n e< I c !i)F couiii c 1 to 300 La c , n f.-nui —f.iriuc.' prii &i continue 1 ti.p r Marshal s Salw for January. \\] ILL he soul eu t.iegirst >ou-tey tu January VV naxts before the City HaE'dear, cttj lot, Co til uin'x udo half Hero, Tnors or ?t- Ironiinif on Waite! ftU End ‘Match*.1«.; SPEJIAL NOTICES. Cripps Athenaeum, Ih'.tf'cl \ ttol cv>»;ia1 IwiM'-'t It It t'cl- w 11 tm -x re 1 f. rM.Wn.irf — *• 11 l,c OP42X TO THE Pt BLir. Cimplcteia all its Arrangement', m T.ivr.nbt>/ vr uinr, A«r.D. I J j I nn'l ii.\f*cu;pil 1'. 1 cp*»prv anl 1 ecorationd J Mr .’u . P»irpr«*. Tipwi 1’ interior .Xrcbi'ectur 1 v • n-1 -1 • n‘ <. hy Mr. Ilrwy 7.1- Till 5 rxTH hoi»» * ••‘TV attention t.. Ilipo* ’ ill \ to ot «1u» K|.| t Ills, II ss l*iO». prim ot f .jattv \«iNr r UO «rni.M li r. ■’pod- ami uc i mi<ilAitst tpfirimr In 1 1 p h» t i mm«* f..llv 1 o-«l»»% I »*S A k ww—“bty barb. tenc«» cal 1«m l .* |*1 got • i * l *f it pll sr ti».t m - Heine- for a few It.llur with ynnr ifptn«i>l ■»l liy, ll»:* cwaacr ho lo> a, i ron ting on v 8 ltd to satis;> a au in ftvor of the M tyor and CjuucO of the city of At anta, for city iax in the rear 1851, v>. W. W. R-.a k. A city 1, L eouia.umg one half acre mire in ess, fronting on Houston street; levied ou t« * U- s.y a tax hi A in fuvor of the 51 tyor and Couuci. of the city ot Atlanta vs. L. J. Parr. A city let, containing one-tom th of an a r- aore or less, fronting the Ujirg a R iilro: d; soiu co satis v a fi o iu favor of the ayor and C mn- •il of the city of Atlanta, tor city t ,x, vs. Tuoina. Reid. A i i y lot containing oreha’f a "re more or less, : n;.u„- a p: r. of taiui 1 t N t. 51; s >ld to aalisiv a ax Ufa in favor of the M *yor and Council of the eity of At.auia, vs. 11. A. Vaughn. A city tot, wuercou II. T. P-cp'es now lives, sold 11 s; t s.y u tux t a in tnvor oi tue M :yor ant our.cil ot the city of Atlanta, vs. S.mpsuu amt Haris, agents lor Ila: s.oru A Bro. A city tot, tout m u iuilf a"re more m ess, lrontiug on Peachtree street: iov.ed ou t *at t.y a irx lila in favor of the M tyor and Cout-- •il ot city of AlliiLta. vs. M r^aret E. Lane. A tiiy hit contain# otto l'u.t.i acre more or Ices routing ou the viaio.i &, IVe tarn Utilrcad; e it' to sat s y a tux fifa in favor of the Utiyora-d Count i. of the il y of A'a rut. vs. J .seph Iiay. A c.ty lot, containing one halt a re more ur:e.-E, fronting on ' aihouu ami linker streets; so d to satisfy a tax fifa iu favor of the ilayor and Coun cil ot the city of Atlanta, vs. Asa Jfowicr. A city lot. containing one liall acre more or less, fronting on Wnitci.nd and F ..syili streets; s-do . • satis,y a U.x hia ii :avor ot the wry rum: Count i; oi tl.e tiiy of Atlanta, vs. Harrison West moreland. A city lot, No. 3. on blotk N >. 10. and city ltd X ,. 4. ->i d hlo-k X t. It; sold as the property o. lohti W. ltavis, to e tieiy a tax Ufa in lavorot the ■liiyor ami C,<ui.c.l ot the city of Atlanta, Vr. John '.. ltavir. A city 1 t, containing ore half airf more orlcs". routing on Dcttaur street; sold to satisfy a L.n n favor of the W ty. r and t onncil ot the city o, AtlHina :or city mx. vs. Stephen Biggerf. A city lot, Xo. 112, land lot number 51, con- .lining one naif a re m ire or less, lying on Cal- i loun street; s Id to sathly a tax i ft iu farcr o. ! he ayor ar d • ouncil of the ii v 1 of A.ia:i::t. , twi'or not know,’. A city l, t. X . 127. on lend lot S •• 51, owner i „.t kn ,wn ; s «hl to satisfy a tux fifa iu iiivor o, j he wayor ami Council «u ihe city of At anta. A • i.y lot. X '. 9, hn d it,t X •. 53, on_ o’- : i.Us street or a.iey; sji.i to sat.s.y a tax Ufa in { favor of tlic ■ a yt r aid Council Oi the ci.y Oi j Vrlttti a. owner ).• t known. A city lot. Xo. 107. land lot Xo. 51, lying on Ca liouu a til Baker sirectf, owner nut known; old to sat s y a tax Sin in tnvor ot the t ayorund t-uncil ol ihs city of Atlanta. A city let. X ,. 2. land lot Xo. 77. owner not 'to >wu ; s tld to satis.y a tax Ufa in favor of the M iyor ai d 1 nnn< il ot the c,ty of At!, nta. A city lot, Xo. 2. in block Xo. 27. ami land lot I X . 77, on Waitchn'.l ard t-iarRott streets: j old to satisfy a tax h a in favor of the nnyo; 1 ■o,i Coucc.l of the city of A.Unta, owner ust ' known. A ...v lot, rontnining one ka’.f a< ra more or ' s , front ng Ivy street; sol-1 to satis.y a tax tifu i i liivjr of t!io iinyur and i.ouncil of the city of ; Atlanta, vs. J ,1m R. i.o .re. A 1 of the ihte est of defendant in city V t X . • thj. in land ’,o; X ,. 52. on Bell street; s iln i ■i si,l sly n tax t-tii in favor of the ‘.aver nod j Council of the ciiy of A:lanta, vs. Wai a::i R. i :{'< h: rdson. A city lot, X >. 8. land lot X i. 52. lying on Jonc- free,: soi l to sat.sty a tix i:la in favor of the j nv r and » ouncil of the of Atiantu, ". A. ! J. Wi.lis. A city lot, X '. 3, ni d iard lot No. 77, contabi- j ig one hall n r.- more cr less, front ng on F r- | -yih street; so d t > s .tis.'y u Ufa in favor ol Inc • ayor and ■ ouncil ol tho city nf Atlanta, v.. i. J. Ram-y. lor his ii v tax iu 1851. A Ufa i. seed ! y tho ay 1 r> court for n fine of j 111.00 for d.aoiiicry conduct, vs. t.ichnul ,.i- ullou^h. A h o 1 -sued from the Mayor’s court 0 o a;nst W. ,V. Roark, for $10.00. B. X. WILLIFORD. Ci y J/nruhnl. LAiAL ; A&te&T&EM£ilTS. LEGAL ADVESLTISEMXMTMr December Manual's Sales. Adsdaistntw'a late. I.u i* (>1 -e the i o mctl Ro u ialbvcRy- WjLl t>r «oW atpobUeouteryimtha I v * Ot .ukm a on tt- 1nt Mon 1 it io. wnUr. the * •,wwmbernett. within thclwnd hour - «—1-. - — — •; the Court in.use <!• or. ia the dtv ot At sltT to huursof sale, bnere •tlnwiaw pRiis-rtT to-wit ' "" thr Court tii.use d* or. io the dtv ot Atlanta, tha W- li y lot n ,mbsf -..r.v-seven ,47) of land lot o imbs-r J?* 1 ** Propcny, b. bmjr&rta Joseph Tlioawa m ir»T oar. ,41) hv rirt e of s Ben fsclas la favorof the the esUt#of llo.-4V «. Fonewalt. itae’d.. taeit: the 'avorA< o .ncil..f the "1 v or A'linta -u John Er- frratcr iart of land lot. nualwr seveaty-dx. rn'orer. for1n« -Itv-av for'thp roar .*H. ’ ; 14,h listriet of. nrlgtnallT Heoery. aowFultoa oooate, Al.o. n ci * v l..t" on ‘fi'chell 'trett. with a black- v"n*alnintr orlgfaaHy ’ 0 ^ acre* mo™ or Iona, muIt m"h -h .il on It. lm-h-d r, n s- the proner r of Tli-niai 1,1 Srln 8 > a ,b v el D cd ’.tUnta. This property «U W II arne. to a fl r a In fnvor of ‘h<. tUvnr A • n m- '■ 11 in *■•*’- cl from one to Ore acre. A plat of tho lot •il r.. Thom.. Hwime. for dtv tax for the rear *054. can be had ujsm an, 4 cation to the undersigned. Al n. a ci'y to* lyme on TVachtre. .<rrit. b-rir-t on r J~'.\[ b y y ' rt,lv =m order of the Court of Ordicarycf ■>v rir" e a nr flf i f>r dtv ,a*. on tani lot No. 50, the I ^ K " ,b ' p mty. to male partition and for tha brn*«t itfni rr *ynf ix n ’ ’of tht* heir< »u«i crfaitor.w of nta ]• *?*«#. AT-".V e"*r i ,t"lying in front of n. T. reciile's. on Sail«leto becoutlaued from lay todarAf aiomtary Al n cf*r l it on Icy frbtrt Mr. Hath ^ •’v*' 7 now lire* *. . . , . \i -> ^ 1 »* on an l lot i AVT1 “■tTAtOI B on , ‘n’loi Vo. 77. r. V-e rr .oer*v nr V. V.'Vinu ! Ttiur.dsy, -.U.- 9tli dav nr .VoTember next, will " " - ’ot on street on land lot.Co. 51. < Vf he -cl I at tl-.e Johnson ftim-e. the lute reeMeoee of JOdU’H THOW SOX. A^mV. 51. lerjed rn ap tt.p city lot Xo. 67. 1 IS. rt ot * y |f>* ni Ivrl 7**t V prr« rrtr nf Tl. Fri-Ar. Al « r ! *Y I »♦ X»». It7. nn I«n! lr*t Vo 79, whereon *h» *eVn nr.^r !'>•<* — T **. WM^tihrr. A ? <«. a cl*v ]n». a m’ ^r kno.ra ? whereon the *le- Allen R. John^nn. deewred, all the pertHbable j-po^ierTy of Mid decea^d. coc.«i>tin? in i*art of one hnr*e and h ggy. one yoke of oxen ani wa .'gum, one boiler abo^t fifteen hot># ju ner. aome r.nw-5. calve*, and ya«r- lio^4, oqo mahi-.^Anv <ofa. one llaeptino forte. Togeth er with 11! tl.e l»ou«ehoid and kitchen furniture, and T. tii W)X, ATTORNEY A T L A W, ATLaJrfA, OA. Nov. «, INI. * dkwly flf' 4* 1 VB.J. a OKUOtflST AND PHARMA CUT 1ST, SM itiasta, Oa. HEDICISB3, raiata. Oils, I arfuMry ard rye tala of aBUadafar aaia; aUo, ju.t rreai ad, a at Fla' t at tha beat T Utea, Case . and nualeali far Dagnanantyplata. P«pt. id, J M. I—> w lj} JOHN K. WIIAAI K K UliO’s*. ZiATB ARRIVAL— ? i ? i ? Bat la tlaie fmr Wlattr Wear aa4 Uael 1000 yds. H«ma*mada Joans, various col* re. 500 prs. 44 44 Wool SsK-ksV “ aizos. 500 yda. -f “ Linsojs. KfcST LIVE 6ES8E FEATHERS, CONSTANTLY R: CEIY1XG. nt rinw * . H. Silr, /'l-o. n d*v 7 t X'«. 7. \ tot Xo. 77. whereon tl e le>n' , SD f norr I't-e —.V. r] n y*or». A c**v I »♦. n m^r not known, known an Kile’a Hro- i erv. el iV’ bv .?.inn*s File. A er*v 1 »t Vo. TH. wli4***enf| A. c . now!Iv*e. A city In*. Vo. 1??. rn !md lot Xo. 67, levied on n- he pror e r *y «-.f* l*n rannirt A c?*v7ot rrhoreou W. C. Hollid.iy now !!ves f od \ ! many other article.- net necc**nry to menti* a FeW to • Xo these Special outward comforts, we CAB add, T t I c«*usiuue fr* m d»y to day until all are Tetm< the inner man- 30,000 lba. Baoon, including choice Hams. m.ide knov.-n «»n day of *ale. Oct. 18th. 18M. JO 1 V H JoH <*OV. I lifnt'p* WILLIAM H. FURGtSSOV. "* X. P. Any per on Kl-hinir t«* purchase the P tra as Poil«r «^aa find l» lyinjr near the Georgia Railroad l apot Work bon. and **Yam ; n« it for them 4»Ive.<. Adminidtrator'i Bale. y ILL be Fold, by order of the Coart of Ordi- ’he I --free' A city on Flint^r ard 7*rior «*rer 4 * : vrbere th»* livrrr e 4 ?*7»I«* i*. thn proi ertv « f [f. 1 A r*ty n-TTitwr no* known: «:;I1 lot fronts the ''eo*gi R j'lrrssd, w’’»***e J. .7. Martin norr lives. A c»*r lot number n >t kno -n. fronts tVachtre* -trret. tVre the 7e r on 7 nit no v II r- -—7 ’■me^I.onT^ton. A c'ty lot nn Macon & Western Rii’mad, the proper *v o r J. c . Ltim; Lin. -F.'^ n r iw>' raftsVrW * rtWt * 1T ’ :er, - r rf j cles tsw* tedious to mention. \ e?*T 1 »♦ r roit:i^ Pra^htrec street, wl^are Felix powers no*r lives. A ci v lo‘ fro*i*fn? on th- M *con 5: ^re^tern Railroad, chvro Tltnmon** now live-*. A »»itr 1 Tv.mLor n »t kno-vn. fron'toT on ALHnniw *trnct. tvV«rfnn L I.. I,n I'lpttcr nmv ire*. A city 1 -t. Vo. 17. on Ian* lot Vo 77. Fronting .-'.lu- t - r«0V t!,e prnjer^v ricn»*rr.-jrl'nn. A city lot Xo. *ii. froTing <>n *Io iston street, where on .T«*hn J. L-*ne now ! : vp .. A ci’vlot. Vo. 11 fronting Collios 3tree:, whereon tnilis rnrV lc now live*. A c»ty lot, number not knoon, L-no lot Xo. £5, a* Hie pro'-erty of E. T'. Crawf«»r*l. A city fir, Xo. 8. on land lot Xo. 77, whereon TL T* * am’* koop- «tore. Aci'v ! »r on Mc5>onoagh street, Xo. £5, the property «*F >fere*li*h Hro'.vn. A ci*y 1.4. >o 4*. fr**ntinT I ecitar aafl Cellini 'trecT<. whereon \ r. I ’.\lv ; smy nor. liw*. A city 1 .« f«n For-ivtl* street, nn land lot Xo. 77. the sroja-r* of F. L. IVowidl. A city !n». Vo. 7f*. laud lot Xo. 5, the property of !'•»rf** t'rocl e?t. A ci'y l'-.t <.n McIVmo jgli street, whereon G. P. Ilsy- good now live*. A el y 1 it. number not known, fron’lricron Marirtt:* *reo«, i roperty of liiram J rovinre. \rlic*recu be now r nary of Fulr.ou county, on tha first Tuosday in December next, before the Court House door, in Atlanta, Felton <r,anty, within the legal hours of sale—one G old W atch, one lot of Gold Miniature frames, one STver Cream Pot. one sett And-irons. . i one Flute, a lot of Books, and various other arti- Bold as tha property of Adelaid Walthall decease, for the benefit of tha ered tbrs of said -iecensei,. B. F. BOMAR. Atlanta. October 1 t:b. 1854. A Vr.. 5000 lba. bast Leaf Lard, is barrels and cans for lamily use. As one of oar firm resides In Tennessee and is en gaged in the purchase of the above articles, we are enabled to offer them of the best quality— and as low as tho lowest. To tho above we can add a good selection of Groce ries, from N. Orleans, Baltimore and New York; a good supply of Carpenter’s Tools of every description, Nails, and Hardware generally. Farmer’s supplies. Bagging, Rope, 8ah, Iron. Ac.; Clover 8eed. Bine Grass, Timothy and Hard Grass or Bed Top Seed. For Fainting—Best No. 1 and pore White Load, Linseed Oil, Lamp Black, Litharge—also a pa tent Drier, superior to Litharge, lately in use— Varnishes of all kinds. Brushes, Paint mills, Ac. \Y[\h Ftiltm slmrifT Sales. h* v»l I befnn* th* Coart House ck»r, ia th* cFyuf A 11 at a. f»n the fir^t Tuesday ia Nor. next the followincr nmj»erty. to-wit: Tneeast half of Land lot number r.ln«tr-two. f rv ?) fa :b.e -even* fl7tn) district of originally Heary. n*’w Ful'on county. levied on at the prO|»ertT of John l'"M. tf>d.nti<fra ftfa is^ne 1 from Ftdtoa^uj^riorCourt, in favor of John F. Mar»m against John Isom aad John Tbonme ^ecuritr. proj»ertv oolnted out br John Ieopi- Ort. 6. ISSt * JO. sMTtH. Sheriff. let on^ec-it’ir -»trAot. kootrn as the Form wait e i ro’. fi-r'y of Tl.omit* A-ht.ry. y 1>*t »»n etcli!rt*e Mreet, the proj^rty oi clirenbprrer. y lot oa Fccatur street, the j»royerty of W. H. 4dm1»i$tra f or’s Sale! I GEORGIA D-Kalb County. i -ill. by order of the Court of Ordinary, j * on the first 1 .esdar In October pert, before the j t cur* Hon*.** dr»or. in I ecatiir. I eKalb County, and j within thelawf. 1 lifrnrs of «*Ie. one-faurth o lot of 1 «nd. nurab»*r not known. Ivins' and being ia the six- j t«en*h (1^) di-tric' of originally Henry n^w TeKalb j county, nnd adjoining the lands of Henry HolliaNWorth, | r «-hn conLihiingone arro. nv*re or less. SoldiK ! Mie proj or*y <>r Fphriam Snlraond, dccea!*ed, for the ! benefit f<f heirs and ere«lPor«. j Terms on of sale. Augvst Clut. 1F54. WM. JORD0V, Ad«»r For the Mining interest, we Reap Blasting Powder. Octagon or eight-sided steel for Drill*. Hammers. Safety fuse, Ac.; Oil and burning Fluid of the best description kept constantly on hand. Iu short, it will be our aim to keep all useful ar ticles that may be called for. JOHN R. WALLACE. ) . - c. h. Wallace. \ AtUnto - Ga - J. W. WALLACE, Shalbyrilla, Taan. Atlanta. Oct. 27,1854. 28dAw2m INSTITUTIONS CF L£aL.NIN», &C ATLANTA J1JCU1CAX COBLE«E. ^ t fitfiCMs iU4C.iu a Vi brew ** w. ..ia — vi iue ^vu, IU cuifjauctiyu vt*u eiecuuwsr nffffvim* *To adopt the SLMJIER COLRch, a.> au IMSll U) Ottf ^GiUIGU. 1UV AAtVoA LOLI^i. Of Ouk lOKiba UKGiGGldUCe Gu Utf Ut4l JiGUvUy 1x1 Jl-/ U«A. aud ciose we iae ia4t aay ol aa^ant. iamaiUu' Owtu t^nlHHfi tfgftf Ig ivlcCt A due, auu, hilU. i« laruisU a |>Uiu hui syoctuca^iona tur cue uullcu^c gu.i ding. me election of the buildiug will. bs conameuced a soon as ^iracucauie- ouiiaoie •*•»«*-’ u.i»eut.eav*^ uvci secured lor tue Ouwiuh -/?' i t. ih yy^-.l-1-i- auU *-.UC«7U4VUl uy *U« 4 |lCul y will 14 soou as liie -ji^auiUuuu ia cuai 4 klc. tiy orier oi cue ooaw ut *f-j August .HU iPO»a » —Ul .1 « OLLTFR. SciM ihl1k.kt»ls *-«>■: .1 Radical 1 tptrtn ti.L 9 HE Annual lourr oi lmc.-io *u ihw dei>:«rtmt‘u * a ill oiuauieuce ou Jl^u lay. .No vein oof .u*u, au Will UiBi'UHtS *u cue liUsut^ j.aicli. Jausd J.i.xxs, il. 1*. iune.vp. ol * raotioeut' Me-iiciuc Wanbas dTo.cK JL jl/.j * ruleaaor oi cneuiiairy. J. L. Kuiokll, M. a/., i ruuMaor o: Surgery. A. ii. UtUJ, ji. if., 4 lOicaaor oi UOt.ecitC-s. A. j. WfcDDK ,bu.>, Ji. a-., * roieo.ioi oi .xuatomy. ulstan La a. X jrr, Jl. i». i roie^or ol -..e-lien iu >s>. Ht.vr, M. if. i' i J uyii«l*»^y aud t aiuolo^t. Cuaxxut.t-, USAKD. 41. t,., I i)emau , t ,. or Awttmu \ HD. 41. 1,., t &-1MLX1. 1. Ca • i’ll.41. 1 .. / lu. ruum tor i.Us«ciiug i«.u l>u oj>eu on tlia tlur- MuuOay iu October. lue lac-l y are l iai’.iug I liysieiaa. mud Surgeons o Ike luarni Uo.^itul. uu. alleua ibis iu.tit-..ou iron. 5'ovrmour to aj.rit. iue aluaeais r-cc-im^any the l’ratessars in tiivi. v in its, and, tree ol ex r «u.>v, oujoy .xiraurdiibii’y i-ruc- tical advantages. i'uere are, Uuring the session, about eigbt bundrei (torsoa. i>niscribe-i lor daily. In ihoo in. uiiasaro. tiaueuts «u thirteon tunusuu seien hundreu auu UH4 July id, (il—Im) idUS. HUXI', il. !>.. J ean. VLUKhi > udlliiiiL H 01kht-j V.m. M. Ecrlick, Gio. 1. ban: U**:bik iO as. .sax l.»a La.\ \ U. . | iB. wjfikin M farvil. A city 1 it. frenting on M ir'ettr and Reachtreo streets. 7ie |»r*'; rT # y of Thnn?ns I fl^. A pI’v !•»{ frontfugon II tnt^r street, the projerty j I. R. T. I-?m*« A rHr b* 1 ;. vr. n»riT !'(;||i 11 Postponed Sole. \’!L1 b»* \n\j h#»fort* !h»» Fourt Hnusp door, (n tbpcitr f-1 Atlin*.*.. on *hp first Tueiwley fa Xiw m7»rr next, within thi* legal hours of sale tha fel iug pr»*f **rty. to v\ fronting on TTnlton strret, t! mtmg on I'enchtrrQ -trett. a j roj^riy o* the proiiCrti A lai’n *n f«ror of Mr r. J. ■ 4 n ( 1 r b'iro'1 of 111*' ci*, iff-ll. city lot fn»nticg<•' hl^ day. i>c‘ r.hore *^a*e \ ca**’' S*. WM Linmi*. ti!v Marobul Administrator’s Sale! \ liHEEAIILK to .111 »r ivr »f the i.’ourt of Ordi- i afiLuiny <»t DwK-ilb county, will l»o Fold In-iLn i lie Cmirt H m-e «!<»< r in Be- Ritir. on rh»» f*r f • Tuesday in Do< emln»r next, within the legal boar j >f wile, the followinir pr»»|»erty. t«»-\vit: 0 ene r » h*»y. Anderson. 16 ye^r® of agtc: j w .inm. M inh.n. ?.i ye irN of a:re: Ann. a -irl 11 1 vc r> old. AH *ol«i i«*r the benefit «sf the heir-an- I -reditfiirs c»F the e.-tnte oi Arthur Leitrh. deceased j Term? made known on d«v o r ftp. O^r. 5. 1^51. • SARA 77 A V V T,*rTTPJT a 'mV T ip **aHre »t«»ck. of I ry G«mds and Croewl#*, ooesist :ig«»! F'Hlic.jes, Ihfta. fnj* Hardware. Medicine. Tobsc- o < igars, AVco.Jw.nnv f*n»ckery. snd various other sr- •irl* 1 *. «uch generally c**mj-o^o s I ry tioodsStock, all ^\i*-«lf n ns proj eity of T. G. W. rrusaei! to satisfy * m*1ry fifas issued from Ful'on Superior f‘ourt: one Id f *vor of A. r. Srhnfer. one in faror of Reich er k H«>11- n-^swi.rih. i*ne In favor <*f S. Farrar k Prothors. • ti t ••a** iu f«v*»r of Wiley Rank* k Co.. aR sgaiaat r lawpfl k wilt. Sale to continue from day today un •n..llts anil. o * ?» 1«.*4 .70. S SMITH. Sheriff FOB SALE OB BEET. THE subacribar efiera for 8ala cr Rent, tka Glebe Hotel, ia Decatur, DeKal'n _____ eouaty; with about thirty-five acres oi town lots, five of which is sown ip mearfoic yrcu*. all neder cultivatioe and wall fenced. The loca tion can be exoelled nowhere in the Southern States for health. The water and atmosphere un rivalled ; male and female schools in a fionrishing condition, under the care of most e. mpetent in structors The Supreme Court cf Georgia sits here once every year, commencing the 2d Monday in August, and usaally continues it* session from three to four wmks, at which time the Hotel is lib erally patronised. Fine springe of mineral wa ter abound ia this vicinity. Any person applying early will be able to pur chase this property for three thousand dollars, which coald not have ooat originally leas than twelve thousand. The furniture ia tha hotel is all nearly new. and will be disposed ot at lew rate*, and possession given at any time. E. N. CALHOUN. Oct. 8, 1854. nlO-dwlm. ftm~ The August* Constitutionalist and Chrnn- ieleA Sentinel will please oopy 4 times weekly sad j forward aooeunt to tha subseribar. T Ul^ri »tabli.iliiflv*ut uaa bee a in -me :e -»fu i<>pera tion I'm a -i amber Ji yea fa. iae ^a.ur.ed are *vtll opened, h t; * tue Marble is i t> ai \ 1x1 ,1 c l i tit.-. We have *o pertecied oarfac.L le* lor getting to ami fiu- aliiag work, tbat we can furm.-h ->I »u «ui i.t , I'oju k, Tallies, HEJuoIUal,, un i evttyiu.u^ iu o u i Fueot bu>it.«a> iu better style, and at cueaper rate.-, than auy yard ii: th« country. Wajii it id C'-ERd that we ->.aw oar own marbl * pay u«» jobb ir’s prodts au 1 u > Uigti freigUt from lit* Xortk, it will bu-ietiu :bat we do pu se * material a i van ages over all competitors. We cordially solicit o it iVieuUani the public gene rally to exim ae our w irk, au l coin par* oar price** wu i those ol other yards bafoie ordering .Yurthern murbl - We have on a tnl at oar yard in .Marietta a Lirge :i' dortmeut of tinisued x irk— doc am *uxfoomii*. ^c..— vr he reoar ageut ir. W. Saiu.u rs w 11 *ell at our price.-, tier priucipal work is done a ; ihe \l li *. A 1 tiv.ia Jl—ly * J. G. lUViCIV « Cu. ditrble Work 1*. O.. Ga. PATENT MEDICINE Pi CALHOUN PILLS! T HE Subscriber, after many years urgent solicita- tion, bv gentlemen*f ti « WliBat order of ult ul* ind literary standing iu oi*r country, Iiha counented to which .iave been pn a l r to »he Public hi.-i# ills, which .uj :erl uv all who tiave had^sufticient experience wiih bem'aa on*' of th** liappin^t coin »inalion*' ot Jledtcine ever yet o Jo red to tlie l hblic. on either t’ontiiient, as « Ui'iiertil Family Hlvdifiat!. He fwl* no fenr.1 that tue exp‘rivncw ”1 those a'li" mve y. t to testtiidu, wilt Irj -iriclly in ncontcanee ,:ih tl.e testiinniifiih of llioso ili^Iingui-lied penile ivn wiii’Seu im Kiujinuexc>t, writU tliouvindsot other.'i ,-iio woul 1 ireel.v- te-itity. il' deemed uoce'^ry. The I',U V Flt.L- will lie hiun l i-mlneuuy sapo- mr tii .11 "ther fanilh- p—-| ar*tinn.-. in tl.e reu.o\aluC hit jrreiit catiilogi.c or ditenses mii-Tejt trim Derangement of the Digestive apparatus, .11cli a- i eier-nfall V|i*i, li""11 ..litctiMi-of tllkinds, i ri cnaracter ■>> lleail-acie, I Inin-. Inins .1 t>ie Client, and so on. If taken and persisted in. nc- ■ .r-iing tu directions, in the initial stages of disease, n i particularly during n decided | redis) ositicn to dis use. thov will,* like a clisrm. di.t ipa'e vrithout di-com- ■ rt. thoiisauds nf ea-es that might, and I do not doubt coni 1, terminate in i-a'h. i he - ill icritier -(eik« con- i lentli. as he i> enabled to do from thirty-two years V( erience in the *lo lient Profes-irin. and many years v orb'iice ivitb '• is illnliic . lime. d..riug the tune, mlergone many alterations, with the view and hope ■f making them a •iifi* aud Reliabl- Family illedicinc. fhey are-Jfricily Anti-Billio.iH.iu l Aiiti-IAMj optic. & .to Public are reforre l to the teuim iufitl* of their louHor-s Jusepli Henry L *mpUu. Judge of the Supreme 'surt of v.eoryi.a; Fx-laigc .i*»hn J fin'd; Edward ’•mug II ; 11. Judge of tho Suj crior C« urt; j-'en^r*. John L po, e. of Lee couutv. and r. Low. of Augusta, La- Dkcaiuk, Ga. * K. X. CALHOUN, M. I*. HHt.VMAt !UMKllW, w T»*e fT-r — - T,trru is lucBit I in Tpo sjcsf mrj»,« aou- TESTIMONIALS. A fiis v 5 . epiemhor C3,1253. Deati Sir.:—! received neveral d'y-. siuje, your favor, ^king mv oplofou of the Melieal merits of the Oitht.nrt :>i!i . Allow n.e to promt-e. that far the Ii>t ton year' have been tortured in body and mini, by tlic i emou n ligontion. I \va* endowed by niturc with an a ’mlr- j Me cons'it u* ion, nnl my formi •ahl* malady lias been j ; H»erindiiced by a coa’ivc habit, brought on by too close j uinern-nt mil of mpih:r exereLc. Sricrlwv* | ng -uitHeient leisure to starve out di.sea>p, even if it be o.vdhb* to do so. which I very m idi louht, I l avo io rounds of all the most .at»pr*»ve i c :res and a!L* ire-. I have tr*e 1 in their turn—lee*•*, Ic'er.*- in li-»tl«’s. Cook’-* il 11 *s Spencer's : tniih*-*, and m iv oth» r • ill and OrspepMa i r 4^.«. whicii hav • >ilv T "a-V tor Hsmptoa’s VagataMa Tlaatnra. Tlia -ires made by this pleasant and safe remauj may m- s.rss cnuuterfelting- . .. . \ Medicine must fcava merit and great merit xao, to stand the test of pubhe opinion. No art Of pumsg . , galvanize a worthless article, so aa to keep it lif ii . good medicine it i, he not really ao. A good medicine will lire, become popular, ami «• tend its hi lei vear after year, in apito of optioaitiun.— Tile 1 eoi Ic will readily find out virtues, and the fame of them passes fi'Sm mouth to mouth with n>or* rapidity * uan newHi ai vrs cab Hprmil it. A living wltn#M ttatl* io ti»e cure n incdicin# hBi nuid# for him if cf far mure service than any newspaper advertising. Ju 1 l-or.f s,t what wa say above, we reier you to &amp ton’s Vegetable Tincture, and ita effect*. The Wile of x W. Yeakie, Grocer, 7d Ptarl atreat, cui-ednt Rheumatism of t yeara atauding; other w»e diet failed. _ . . \\ m. M. 011bam, (lata of tbo Custom House,) dwel ling lit. 1 inest., of Byspepsia, groat debility, permaatly cured. u. a. Schaeffer, Esq., one of tho oldeat Magistrates and most highly respectable citizens, cured of great weakness and restored to robust health. Janet i Limner, 153 E. Baltimore st. suffered intense- iv- six years with hip disease and mercurial rhumntism: cured alter all oilier muedice failed. r-i ace will not petmit to name hundred! of others, as Geo. W. Goodrich, Capt. Thos. Canot, Robert (.suit, .:sme> cvmtli, cured of rheumatism. John Terrail, B. A. Lrfiiu, John Luke, Rev. V. Eskrige, l T . 8. Navy, and thousands ot others cured of Lyepepeia, Scrofula, C.iugh, Liver Complainta, Bronchita, St. Vitus’ l ance, &'■. \Ve refer to our own citizens. Call on them. i r. Hampton, tha author of thla great Hampton’s Vegetable Tincture, is in hit 80th year, in good health, FU t t.nt it will be seen it ia not an nrilelo got ap to im- use on the public. _ ■ URKAT CLltl OF RHEUMATISM BY HAMPTON’S VEGETABLE TINCTURE. GitasTER I ’1sttiter, K C., January 8d, 1*53. Messrs. Mm timer & Mowbray—Gentlemen: For the Ian live years I have been a severe sufferer from Rbeu- till, seeing your recommendation of“Hamp- tou’s Vegetable Tincture,’’ 1 procured a bottle, and tha lir.-t has. hj much relieved mo that I cansider it a.- justice to give to ,bo sufferiog world tho result of the n; plication. .Mine was Acute Rheumatism in the back—«o bad that i was confined to my bed for the last sis month*. The first botllc acted like a charm, the second restored n : strength to my poor alliicted back, and 1 *m now as ! ,vc.i and feci as young at w hen I was (isteen. Iam now 74 yours of age. • 1 1 consider your tincture the greatest dlseoveiy of th* ago and puor’suffering humanity ought to erect a monu- v-pre iinotiv £ liy \nihority of the State oj Al lj' iim I S01T1IK' \ Mil mill’ -M’AIJl Ail J LOTTERY. GRAND ht’lil. 31 I: ♦ i li\s G. TO BE DRAWN THK THIRTIfTH Or' NOVEMBER ; ■y prizr «9K>ne Pri« to ^0 rickets— *n 1 remeiube lira xv u !-» Capita in 4 >o 30 v •jfj MirirLA. U Kalb Cmnty. t HER] A." I i»k»el I mefi. Afio Inl^tnitor ujrn the 4 } of « ei'rjzP W j d»*fFi8Kl. »11 Ia mx^ Tor of dismission 1rrra bis Raid Adminlfttra- i'*n. '1 be »*arotb**reforo to clit* and »dmoii:t»b all And 'inifitlar »h»- kindred and croriilorr* of Mid iWwdh!. to filo t! fir r.bjoctirnN ; i* »y effre. it any tlry •n tonus of !;ir. nhy ibo said aj jlicn’at should not Lodi mfe*«rd frrni Ms adyi ini*-iratirr at tl r F*H- mary teim next, of the Court of Ordinary of paid •nt ntr. < kj-n iindi-r mv hand at ofRro. J Tv i «tj«. f51 ' ATJ X. J* IT'cov. (MV. v' xltljlIJ’l vlci*» •ritli pmtiio I, tin*i iitlis. will will you J fir ml h i«W 1 .n» ; be Ctiretl uitli n tof elnes ? \ «* iaUo.4of overy au*7 < for ;in 1 mi l Irajr c«. uniltioi for tlw e.ijoym’Mit ai Ot lilf*. fm W.IU.liV ;li ’till rodort’il to IiomLIi mii«I vigen- |>1 * I -Hilt iilt OfraltU*!. "II ftiu-iu i *V«-U H 4 j.I.foH i*ft. ol 11iIhn. Hit wp - otlior |»lty tiiHt of nny have boon q if icm rawultiiig frm Uh.iIiU ari'i vigor nn b- hi- ui iiic !*■ il I i tllK* ».»|ec‘ ion i bit. st. * nvo h»)h;r.— il-lri MloUlof. Xu dr. ill- .ill • din al roar 1i«eneiu .r.'iliajf—i-uch^ *I»r. A*. MO KRIS, throajch tlie Ton i., i »%C4aare in I of mo lioin*'*. 4t*u.i w'11 ‘>e «ent »irivnt«-ly .aa I with lefijiaich. thini tliore»witli. uni n«-«j ie<*ti<»uMuwked. i*or*.’ons iikinsr at a -UUmucc, aal a llicted Pc.*o ala. oil I’lC’.T*. Tottor. Cancorw. files. V In inti •travt-Wiricteiif-*. • I-ets. or nny ilUnuse vt h:« ever of an u/rravatr l or n ili^mnt oh tractor, cun » o iro 1 it a one bvc tti< J.iu^ it. Moi'KlS, l»y leitoi pnhl. on -ln•insr n f*»o. Mulloin** jth'asnnt nn»l rah*, enu be seut um to any part of the I'tiit«*«1 Matos. Partic .laratteirion irivrn to*ho trontmont of femnl c*m-1 tin'-*. Lh ’ios who ni*\ heasllictod with Irrog lirPHO. I lonr olhuw. nr Whiles. 1 i« lari • Fnllhix »»f the 'iVoinV, wo.»J 1 h* vll to lay a-iduall Cal dohcicr. nnl promptly con« the ioctor. Cik: W.1RH WITH. O’Hee tiver Mutu H 'Voteci’on Inanrance Office. C« durst ivct. n<*H»* ’’owteflieo. Ko» in Vo. 14. uj. s’nir*. V i ,%-iiio. ro t FJLTJN SHERIFF SALES. ILL a ...i .ro tu. G.-iiit iL>u.-c <i.i..r in Ute city of AilHi.ti. uu the urct Tutsiiny it i ...VwmU.r i.ast. w t.i.u file le^cl Imurs ul aal., the i • | r jurty. t -wit: Low.* 11. I'u,.nn*' ii.tciv. t in a kou-e and lot it. j nutwtyoi Atnint.i. mini Ur in-t known, eont.iiniiu. | a 1 an in if. uii,if nr icss. tying mi new XVb.ielnili | roet s.lj.lining lulni* ot Dr. XYustni.ifiamL .nroon tau .ieietniei t now lives, levicn un as tin ...perlv ol l.ewis li. Tlomms to *Hti-tV n lila i- i.-.i lruui a Justiief Court. l<.2Cth di.-trict. 0. M i favor ol Suago, Abbott <i C>>.. Vf. Lewj* 11. ti ‘ilia*, levy made »ud returned t.i n.e by J. U. ni i, rmiMalde. AI.-o, I t "I land number one hundred and nine- v-sevi-n (IH7) iu tl.e m \enteeiilli (171 d.siri. t o. rigiimllv lleiny. now Fulton County, eoiitaiutup .vo two and a half (202I) res tn >re or -s. levied on nf tlie ] r ]nr y ot T. J. Steven*, to t sly a tilii issued Fulton Inferior four, i favor of 0. Iluugt.m & S >n v*. Thomas J. 3r« .-in., properly pointed out >.y defendant Also, the Interest of !’>. F. Grubbs tu a house : I l“t in the city of Atlanta, number not known, t hereon ho i ow resides, lying on Ar "* str.-et, ttd- oiiing lands of iMiiiigau Smith and XV m . I-’or.-yth lutaiuing half mi Hire m re or lesf, levied on a •roperty ot I!. F. Uruhh to sntisiy a fibi issued oin ii jusii es Court. Ifff'fftli disiri t, G. M„ E. *• A J. F. Ueynoids vs. ii. F. Grubb, maker and f. A. Flournoy, endorser, property pointed out by . A. Flournoy, levy made and returned to me I.y . IL C-iin, constable. Also. XV. C. M iyson's interest in four acre? of ■I'td m- ro or les*. numlier not known, im- •rovetneaU tiierooti. b utiided oust liy Felix .Sow 's lot, west by E. Payne's lot, mid south by a ■•tm w street or alley, known as M ivson’s and Talker's lirick-yard. and now in p ncession of J. .'. XV ilker. lev'ed on to satisfy sundry li. ihs.. is- •ic.l IV mi DjKalb Inter or C<mrt, one in favor o' ’ones A Drown, vs. XV. C. M iyson. maker, and Vilen E. Jukuson, endorser, mid four in fnvor of he officers of the court of DcKalb county, vs. XV. . Mnyson. Also, n house and lot in the citv of Atlanta GEORGIA C. ui nt i/. . . ill I I A.- hn Ii .b,hn*c*i and "*m. If F .rg is. * apl li'- n • f< I loll, r- ol j..'n in'.tiHlirr . i t] <•-*ate of A11..U f. 1 .te..f-*idro.iu'v d*-. a s t.s S lire lbrie!nip u. rite ai •’ s.':n> nisi, id I and -ing tar the Uiodr* ‘ and c;-rditors nf -ni*l deceased t >b--» a; j .-nr nt m. . flier on or l.c|. re tl e fir-t > . ij.'ptj i •..*>• 1 BUI. t" -how r» ISC. if SUV they have wl letters no- tie granted. Given tatermvli -si ft A last .41 I si . iltoi’. Sit,, . \ CiRI t ol 1.1 to an order ol the Court ot lir linnrv." I rhalb I o. try ,r ll lie -■ 1 1 bone ihe lo.ioi I ri .(HU floor on tv Id eh. U . Intel in the eity ol All . j on the fir-t J i.e-iby in Non u.lier next, all 11.e reide- Male l.tlug in o.i I civ. Ih-louaiug tn I nmcis • I leou i l.'en -aid co uit.v lecei-e 1; cm-i-ting of three im,.mi —1 1 ote Iron ing on t.arietlH street, in said ■ r .nning t'. ck tolbe We-’ero A: Ath.ntic Kail Koitd. eon t»ii.iiiir cacti oie-ildrd ol hii nc.e un-re or !e-«, mi , 1X1X' 1>A\'S AFTER DATE, application will - i>e m-nlc to the Honorable Conrt of Ordinarr >f DeKirfb county for leave to *ell the real estate of .lames D'ornoi d, of *aid ronntr. decerned. 0 t. 2. 1854. JAMES j. DIAMOND, n'-.9-2tn. Aitm’r b'E tUtt//.l. / s Eth/i f aunty .j Him. i A Jsn>.- fancy, r.xecutcr nf the Fntate ••fKr.ncNi nffin. applies to me for letter* of dD- ods-ior, fnm Id. said Ai’niinlsiiatbn. Tlr-e are therefore tori e acd ai’uinni-h ill and singular the kindred and rredp. r« of -aid derea-ed. to he and an- ■Mriit myoffice within tte time prescribed by law. and how rau-e. if any they have why letters nf admin : .-r:ii1nn -bonld not hr granted tlie said applicant at lie 1 ehr.icrv Te>*ni next, of the f'o.irt of firdinarv of lid Cnon-y. (,lv»n under my l and at office. ALKX. JOHNSON. Ord’y. J lr t ttb. last. ■d 1 ot In -aid > iir:c:'n Mree-- j —cotitMiiiug • i e to j one ! oi, i.i. : mj li on *>'C Norijt-lHHt aide o -el Iri nt. and . !H» feet bac. -.o-’.cie nu ie or le-r. i i 11 11. street, containiii; ■ or les-. Marietta ctrcei le-s ie Imlf •eing | a lit. fron'ingou «aid Street it l.ot No. : 4 Lot v n jn. lying on tlo • 1 feet ou said Road a nil run I.. .1. « AI-Ti'i 1 L. . August 31. IS.'it. trih.ition. Term* tt.c v.-’II Rnueac-l. GE* )!>(* I A. If‘Kalb County. j O :• H wh« m i may rnnr^rn: ere** O. 9. VorrUii n 1*1 ;?(•« r*i of *f*minl'tnitif’a oil tii#* Est»te«f T nno Rim-^11 ln’4- of co n*y. **s*cpa.>»orfI: uro *h«*»o*»»rf to cite ; n-1 »» , monI‘b : 11 an^ -«>ns:«ilHr the r,n4 cr*» 'i’or- of *oid ^e<‘ea-»cf1 to Tie an4 appear t my «ffire within *!ie *?me prewcrihei bylaw. an*i •»i* w oa ; f an\ *7iey have, wlir Ie’*er4 of A4m*ais> r tw. n -4i--i.l t no? he irran*e4 «aM applicant. Giron •ii'Vr ntv han I oifiriaHv at **171 ce. S^l't 7^51. ' al X. Jonvsov, Ord’y. park a McKenzie, dealers in »ry »*Wt, Clsthlag, Hats, IhMi, XABSWABX AND GBJCXBIX8. DTH altcayM pay th* marlctt price for all kir.d* cf 5 ol $1,000 1501 I'U 5 no P*aeh~tr** Street, Atlanta, Georgia. HUNNICUTT & SILVEY HaVK removed to No. 3, Iwugberty’a Now Urick Building, north of the Railroad m and oppoaite the Ail..ata Bank, and are receiving a general atoek of ITAPIiB AND FANCY DRY GOODS, which will be aold at the lowest market price*. Also, n desirable stock of OlOtlxI XZC. for men and youths' which cannot be excelled :n miTte rial style, or finleh intbecity. fall before purchasing elsewhere, and examine for yourselves. We. al-o keeps beautiful linn of furnishing Goods—under gar ments of all de«criptiona. Shoti. Boot*. Hate, Cape, X'alitee. Carpetbagt. Trunk*. Umbrella*, Ac., Ac., In fact, evervthiog in the clothing and furni-hing line. Gome and see— vu will not go away dissatisfied. Thankf .1 to our former patrons for past favors wc beg a continuance of the same. Ativnta. October4th. >*St. 10-fm. ; GEORGIA. Fulton Count it. j fll.R AS Thirnias W. onnaliy ap; lies tcme-brlet GEORGIA. In hit I, WiiinrAP. ,W|h " A 'in rs upt il.i lcccascd. iipiiys f,.r A.imiiii -1 i-s. 1 ’Winy V o>.\«FRV: r and J. B. McAll-fcr «.t 'A'clia Hi h (• 1ml -ton ii.. nt -.’.id . Ilu fixn i.draoni In in ic> • fli li-missi. l te I. i t(. flV tjieif- ; Iccctif-ns. if c 'n Icinic <d 11 c In u will l.c-.’.•intcd the-ipi i • "1 c ki chv ci*. tin ter-nf admini’i*n.tir.n on the Estate nf f erneii r orin ily. s.f S;iid eounty dcceasct: The-e are ' -r. ei'e and min nish’ell and singular the in Ired and creditors n ' -uid deceu-ed to he nad appear s' any Office iv.thin tl:C time prc-rriticd b, lew. tn show cause if any they have, why said l»tiers ahoull not be granted. • l cn under tny band a? nfl:ee. thi. 12th nay of Au- -O-’ 1LV. JO- Ii. I'tiAIi, Ordinary. Ten liolla » Ktw id. M ^TRAY! I OK SiOLEV, fr<»m my stable on th« night of the v9th inst.. a b*y hor e. aid hor-e has two white upct* on each Me lu^ed by tbe wear of the Bdd’e; he 1« oe between ll and 15 yeara old. and cealy shod ail round Anv iierson returning said hor.-e to me will receive the above reward. G. A. ? Il GB2V. Atlanta. Oct. 31, l*5t fbi t.i on under mv hand !». \UA. J» f ot i * rni.-i l(-**rr' •BUT- nr tbo ,?n ii'i t ry for mi id <*oi flic**. V. Op Mnirv FULTON MORTGAGE SALE. '•« «>n thi»rir}»t Tuesday in December W next, 7>efore umber not known, sitiuile between I'eter^ struer ! 1,0 K rnn ' oerTorm !iext. of the •ml the M’.tcun i W.ihU-ni railrpail. and iroitlinc | »l 1 (Viv^n^uidi •m the East side of Pet ero* street, Of»tHninin.r 7j 1 .i* nr*! :f. r »4 »» id XL* «* I gMH . Vu ill . t Ilf-it*ct 1 vico cau I* Lit c bVc. fi i .lgreit dej lity. tlie re-, 1 t. w. en eJineiit M'Mice.l rateli an i promptly. i> nny I),* i I _• cl with Irrtj ilaritle i-i.i Aa i. ilriv.’L i-civifuln. I'lceri, Kiie. in i i*m t-.. <.|.< .11 n n ill • . fal e lei c:usy to lire iu t.ulr miking imueliita vpplinitlon to lir. MmtRI wai.. Il in tm* T I’nat i u". at of all chronic dUcn- * 11 fern ll* complaints is luu n. 11 Lump m U- uut flour l. Tlie I mc*nr assures all tlm-e who consult him hr ff. t r tlie in i t h ■ iu.’.i hie sfjrccy. itteii'ioi idea mill, mfvaui ellicirui mi'dlclan* ; and tu tin. who full nr .trie Iv In* dirve - .u u*. lie ivill g isran . s,u*s 1} relief iinJ gWumurut cure*. Charge* re.ium. hie. A«!di’t.»«. I'ff. T II. MOTItT-’. Naslivilla Tenn. May IS |kfi4. S. lv. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW G-0DD3, 3Vr-»xs. vfls 3oys OiotSa-^xis: Clothes ' ew iind Frosh. CftfKiuisirl Tlie II cLe it o\c lir uj* it to Vcstinr*. C .me l inn, or tl.ey will a'l )>o r>oW. LI"VI'.*-.I xi ii Kina Neck I- lx In.. the ieri la e.-t *t\lc., cud riclie <rc-*. in ire ur ie 5 *. ntid now neeii]iii:il by C lark 'a!but. nml a .ill by Tlimnts Moil irrs to Thomas Ienrmi.lovifil onto rntipi v two filas from thuJu*- oe*’ Court lff2li:b District. (1. M.: Tlinma*Me- urris vs. Thomas Ilenrue: levy mutlc aad return- ii to mo iiy J. It. Coin, c instable. Also, n h m?o and lot in the city rif Atluntii. .nmlior nut known, situated on the corner oi Wiiite- ■itl and Pefera’ -’rriH..!*. mid fronting ou the Ea*; i.’.e of Wli'toh-dl ft. and also fronting the rosi- lonceof A. XV. MitchoIL *u|>;vi3ed to contain oro- ightli of nn acre, tr.nre or loss, levied nn an the .ropor:y of John T. Divi*. to satisfy a f f» is*ned mm F'lltou InferiorConrl. in favor of De’'it.m : :i rhurman v*. John T. Dav:* ai d .Tam.:* C. Davis, '-O', ty.: property iioiuted out bv tda’ntilf. O r. S. 1851. .T. <? <5-\TlTIT Sf->T. (jfCfJIt G J/l I), I\‘il/i ('utility H <> "U 'vliom it m iv concern: Whereas Edmond .1. I Hailey A'lmiui«tnitor or, 'he I s'r e of d,.t,n M roller, decease.!, h,■! l’e* for letters of ! j nv-.ff.ti froio ..lid A : mi nisi ration tliere r ,.re the kindre 1 an' creditors of said .lecea ».i are hereiiv ci'ed and nd- m. ni.l.ed tn file tlieie objection, if .nv they have II my office ! u terms ol li v. n'linv vi.e letter: of | is ■ t tlie S.;., 1 ennt nt tlie i eeem ourt of iirdin-irv for snidconn or my hau l ..ffieialy nt ..ffi-e this 3d ALLS. .T'lIlVPoV. Ord’r tlie Court House door in the citv of Atlanta, within the legal hours of sale, the fol lowing property. to wit: Jordan, a negro man: Howard, a boy: Jesse, a tn in: T-,m. a man: Anderson, a m*n. and Jack. * ■nn—all levied on as the priperty of V. L. 'Fright, t" satisfy a mortgage fi. fa., issued from Fuitnn Interi-.r conrt. in favor of David Men- wether and Charles F. Newton, v*. IT. L. Wright. 1’r*.perty pointed out in su'd mart"*** fi. fa. Oct. 5. 1854. T. J. PERKERBON. Deputy Sheriff. GEORGIA Fulton County, . A - HFREAS Mary Ann Mat’! '* Speight* ha* this dry to u*ef t letter® of ariminl.-ttrsHco on tin* GEORGIA Jjfi A nth I'min u I V HLi'RAS .tunics.!. I ismond a .] lie? to tee 5 tors of adiniui-inition on 'lie e-tare . f .T for le nto. 1 ia- I • mom!, late of sai 1 emin*v. derea-ed-theseare ihor*>re r . I : i» cite and a imonisli all an 1 sin ulnr the pin.'re t so-' I j creditors of sai i dew i -e.i. to he :. n d :.p| ear at mv j , "ffice. nul file the.riibjection- if any flier have. wb"v I | letters *hoi II not be grunted the sa d applicant at the ! erm ,.f the '’ourt of Ordinary for said count- | hand at ofiic -ills’ to toe f'r letter* nf adminietrs'ico on the estate el John W. Speight*. Lite Of said counts-deers* e l. The c are tl,ere r ore toeire and admonish *11 »nd •'nt hr ’he kintredand creditors of *aid deceased to t. ” and appear at my office ivitliin tl e time prescribed hr Ir..r to «hnw cau-e i anv the? hare whv said letter* -iio ; 1 not be gran’ed. Given . n^er mr hand and seal "t office this 2d day of October 1F54. .*’e'V t» i Sfr- A w ri—i’eaer i let..hi Given under Aug. :':'d l c 5 l . AI.FX. JOIIVpny. f.H'r. day appl'pd to me on ’lie I state of tb!s Mv-kt A l ilt, T.llor's Trimoi’ng*—'1«, e- • . \rn*. rtc’ tU*n< i i i VItvo.i nit ia 1 *e»tab!i bi* 'i» j : it t'r.tin tL*.* <ub cribe**. A‘Ii i *. v «v dk vf ! r/VT- T.xw-IT’ . i irnret i I.UlOllt, l.x«- ) Lt.« J-, r. Client -igu lion ivants g. ie -a 1 1 •*. or Bri .lv •. . t,*. U.n.ere, v.llar. .. Whips r. great vat’e. v, together u-itiiatl ar iil -s u all.- lee t.i ail t*-Tali|i liiiit-ut «n this Lull; nil ->f wii are >i i'f.ttl it lilt* 1 bXM»v 1 i»ric*es. to* ca-h, by i unl' Tt rue 1. .xill.LL t £ A.*i.tlb*** •** a la . a S'*.v, 1 W-’Vrv. Hi l.n A .11 *.V.\.\, C0MMXS31OJXT AM' r o r u \ r ii i x i; 3i r u c a \ x t SAVANNAH, 3Mi f 'u] oUIRCT.*., „ CsI'-BARTH, Piano Forte Retail er ani Tuner, XA ILL atturd to any .a:la in Ilia VV line of business. r ns Teg- p -f-~—_J u’atiiig of fiction, covering of item- TT f- 1 } invt-s. (foiled or buffed.) lryi-ig of p.vw gtrin s b the octave, whole or single. A<-. 8 lUrfactiou given in every instance or it clnr re. \ \ work n -rr iuti d. Tuaiag by tlie Yra-tbne at Reduced P- ice*, 0 - ’or* a-.ywhere from iho country, nddres-fed t f. F- BAffrn. A /oii.a. G... will moot withpromi' at'enti in. GOsIHiA UliTTLUl A LAKGEfjuuutity .-! ilie ier\ he.. .; alitv of fre- tioshrp Butter. Ju*t nwiiei from New York, an U» -rival M>MilF* r hionm fey w. W. F Falfttii .MiVcmiu r s:U(-8. , \ t ILL BE SOLD heforo tho court house done ! J rr l ' * * in the city ol* Ali inln. Fulton cunty, oe j * io first Tiie.sduy in November uost. within thy ! ■gal hour* of sale, the following property. t'> wit: | Three ci;v lot* in the city of Atlanta, numbers vo. three, and thirteen, in block thirty-three, in j \ 'te p:mi of tho city, esu-li 1 tying a port of lot of t'td numbered seventy-sevon. in the foui-tean'.li j i . strict <>;—originally Henry, now—Fulton emit- . and boiiniiyd ns t'.linfi? : Lot* nmnliertwo nt-d .rev. fronting on the *i.le of XTiiitelinll st.. vtv tout, running back west "”e hundred ntid ve ieot to an aliyy : lot number thirteen, froiitiitr n the north side of Peler*’ street, thirty feet, aril inning buck north one hundred and five feet— •vied on ns the property of Bernard T. Lamb. t» itiify the following /r.three from Fniton biperior Court and in f-irnr of Halter and Hart, ul one in favor of 0ilstava» Vulgar and or e in ivor ..i Frentii aid B-ttlcr. all against Itei-nanl ’. Lamb, rmu from T> Kail' Inferior Court—in fn- -or of Baker n’ d W.lws. V*. Bernard T. Ltttnb. -id one from Fnltnn Inferior C ot.-f—in fnvor of —mnton Stark a-'d D't-’s v*. B. T. Lamb, prop- rtv poittfod out l>y def'undanf. Also, a lot in rbe eity of Atlanta. dSatingniahed i thy plan of said city ns fit number one hundred id thirty-four, it lteuign part of land lot number -v-otic. in the fourteenth dtstrict of origin" 1;.- le-try. now F ilmn cnnly. containing two aery* i .re or less, levied on as the property of E ni* tis>- rtn. to sstisfv -i fifa i*sne i from tlie just 'res’ Court the iofff.tli Il n.. (3. >L, in of J. R.XYttl- -ee vs. E «is I -enrin. tevv made by n cnfiftahte. A'.*». a negr i woman, hv the mine nf X'i-dc:. . oit th.rtv-five year; of a e. of d irk color, tlie roperty of C-.’dwell A Gr'ffin. ar.d one hundred •i .:s of land m >re nr less, lying on tlie waters of 'fov Creek, in i|, R fourteenth district'of originall v i.mrv now Fuitnn county, adjoining tlie land of ic’ Herring ami T t rit-ima* Gr fjin. nil levied unto satis r y a fif* '."I from DeKalb Superior Court, in farm, of ,f. fi, i ■ L. B iwic vs. Leroy O • ! tfiu and K. M O-ifliv" i rineipnj*. nnd Janu-y (ktlrfwell ami Tlinm"* Grit'- I •’ n* securities, pr i.ei-tv n..*».•(.<t om l, v Caldwell i < J-ifltn, T. J. PERKERS0N. I). Sh'ff. n -I,.'*- s*h. icfit. GEORGIA. E'lltnn Cn.inti,. v.-cli R 1 AS XVilliaut W.-iil ha., thi ; tor le’tP-s nr a lin'uii-ra’ion : .Ioti*i I’pe-p la*enr said ponntv. .’".rea j ’lu-re r to ci-e : nd a'm ni-h'all and ! kindred sr-d creditor-, of -ni 1 deren c 1 «„ - ! -it my . Hire within the time prescribed hv -liotr pause ! f -nv th-y h-n-p. wltv letter*shm H pn- I er'tiled «ni-l apt liern-. Given un ’er wy hand at . S llih day of.-eptem's-r. 'Cf>4. 'O'. TT. \;fa’>. Ord-r. GEORGIA. JJrKatb County, r i , XVo mon’fcs after date application will he made to the Omf. or Ordinary of said county for leave to ell i ho real cta-e and negroes, beloiwing to tbe estate of Israel Wilier, late of said cn n’v deceased ®eit fi’h. IRS I GirrnN morris, adit-'r. Uancin; Acad. my. MAD^raUA YWOENT,} Pro1 ,,or ‘ of Dncla * TJT7ILY iatorm^tbe citiien««f AU^nt*. tb^' % tbf» mbo\« Acantmv will beoj ened at Hayden’s H I’ •^n Tuesday eronin^. the 31st at: oVInck. x \ V. where all the latent and most fa.-hionable .style* of Danclnpr will be taught. Hour-* of T i’loo. from 10 to 12 o'clock. A. M.. nn/? from 3 to 5 !’• M. oo .^atnrdayri, for you dr Ijidie- Nfasters an t so as not to Interfere tritk otl e; studies—tnd on Tutaday and lhur*<-ay nights for voudl Gemh men. Af a lame Vincent can be seen at the Holland Ho«i>e where term-* can be ascertained. Subar.ription liati* can he found at the atnre* of ’arr V Mel- en*ie, J. K. Wallace k brother, a»d at tl e Musk* Store. Atltat*. Oct T5 d&wl > EZRA I. MOSES, C0XMISSI0* * T0*WAM>nrG mzbchaxt, Savannah, Go. ’y^TI.L pay atriet attsattoa ta all busicaiz antrnated ta his tare. —: KOTHtNCW :— Maura. L. Traj man * Ce.. 1 -• W trdlaw Waller aad Bnraiide. fiCharteaton “ .Tame* Adger I; Co., j “ Halt k Moaes. Iv.w 1-ork “ Catlin. Levitt k Co.. / * Tort - “ Purvis. Gladden k Cf-., New Orleaas. “ A. A. fioloman* k Co., fiarannah. “ Hall k Moaes. Calitmbu*. °a**nn*h. Oc*oher*>«»h. 1*M. ffi—dw2m ER LAWSHE HsP always an h*nd a fine atoek or CLOCKS, W ITCHES AND JBW and is prepared to have watch-w«k of every desenp- tion dona np ia msi un styla and warraated. Attat. ate. 9ep25ih. 18M. 1—iwly inrular tl>c pt-ea- 4A.tla.zita Cash Store X WM. HERRING * CO. Co. are sjnw -e-ei- in- m immense firont of Fall and W inter Clothinga for men and bovr n*PB~ 1 rf »)>«. ta atiuat w — .1 I. .._V_ .t * . . the ra«fi Plt and latent «tjTe. Also, an A**o?t' men of gen lcmett*’ rTRNISHING (.OOnd, wh: .’7 vearo. L\ ctitiii-’- *iJc t 1LI. tv* s.,i t Itelure tlie Court ltn:t*e door in tin town "t I ccHtur. I e hII.couutv. ,m the hr'l fae* In No,ember next, tbe li.llowing ncg,,H.*. to-wit: niHlt so year* ..1! Mary. . i years J- ha. « U.y man 4 » year* ol i. Amauda, a girl. - year* old, Ncwtoti. „ boy. is mouth*. Au.l on tl e fir*! Toe*,iny iu J eceuibcr scat, willia -'.id before tltc ( ourt-Hou.-c d.or. iu i HtiJuiug t m,lit\ within the legal hour of -ale. •■no lot n; l : , u ,| Sa. fii;:. it •he 1-ilt di-ti ict. --'1 -cc-.ioi,; oil *. 1-i *« the ; re| er'v o' ‘l.c Fatale..f Jame* M . lice.,*, liccmsed, lor the tieticH Of tl.e heir* of -Hid Relate. Trim* on dm ol -1" "at .i, v v itotnit- p.v _-u „•> —.-V-, which we r-ll «*:1 at the 1 .wesy PRirs*. for rath. We have on hand an assortment of DRV GOOD? Which we Win sell tm*? the trgrtet price, a* wc are -etermlred tn clns,-. cut ti-at dej-srtment of our trad*. TT e will he l leaeed to-now any qersc,, giving n* a can wh*. we will do. Sentcmber •>'th, 1*54 fl-dwlv 1 tv rn,.KING w.-.T. vactfW w. f/hfrr^g gt„. r„„, in Whireb.,! CS^O. G«. GhUUGlA. Enit.nt County. Ll. per-o.i - having d.-niau -aga n«t pdelaid tvd h.-‘l late ..f «„id co in*,-, deceased, r. 1 etet-v notili,- l-re-ent them itnigmlv n-re.-el a. m- wiiliin tltc tin.. I re-cribed liy la v. nn I a 1 ,* in Vo-e.1 to -aid dr ceess-d. are bfl.reliy reej ,L-;-d to made lii.medinte pat men’. Allan'*. Pept. 14. IfiSJ. p. r. patj-AR. A 'm'r. n cf tVn, dismisMe: rr.lo cl . GEORG IA. Ih Kolb rt iv niy. t HlJlt A*. tlenry t-. ia-imer. Guardi:' K. \V,1 .oil a p| lies To nte f«*r teller* ot •"rein nit . .ar li. i dtip thr.r are. 'horrf- "t 1 a Im »ni*!i .1! persons r .n.-rriu-1. t.. ire and a, i e:, r nt my offlce-witliin )f tinw- prescribe.' hv I „ -O ena-e if any iiirv lul > e ,ihv said l'ett... -1 too 11 not he granted UI The Jilv Term u.-vi of'lr •ourt tsiveti under nit ban 'ar . J , , p ,1, Tf.S-t At. N. .iiot'- i.V. sj r .t- v . ^DiNTISTnT 1 . i B TV. T. C CAM 1 FFII.return* thank* bi* friend* and 1he puhffe for the ' —-j fiLUliters) patronage he*tcwed, and. In ’“nt f r arotfinuance of the -ante, informs them l;n- heis *ti 1 to br found at hi* old *ta«d. over A le\sr.Aer s dr g -tore. Whlte-hzN *-t.. where he .till 1 ,g* it eth in tl V T»?t a t-rrer and warrant* them ’c Stand, il C In ert-teeth ,. n gold er ) h tina slate* wit! .-onttniiou*gum cr t, e host »'yleor M. ?k teetl fmr one to a f, 11 -g, hy Kuctinn. or in »nv way tn unit tl i a-re i art.ct i*r attention i aid to ehiidten*’ teeth ;, n«1 all oj (‘rsi’Hins m rrHi’fd. ' ie. e needing any thing In hi, lina are requested to I'.il -nd ex-m'-no -specimens of ni* wtark. 1 xamtnatlen- fan-1 «*lTicF 1rr»* 1 »■ferrncr*-— Il 'or w hrm he ha* operated i rt 1'» , nd, *21~~‘ivc'x W. Il?rrins A Co., K yKr ia connection wiih their larfiy>8t<ik of Cloth in* * lar^H-riortji eut cf HATS &nd CAPS of thr Boot** »n<t >h&9* % Trnaks. Curve* i«*;4 flndTnli e*. Aiiininistaatoi’s Sale, G orntft. ('..hi. County. \ GREEART.Y to ntt order of the Court of Or. . dioanr nf D R rfh eounty. tvs-eil or. the 2-' "f 0 t "her in-turt. will l,o -nl.l before tlie enurt m Il.v Cl o",t t ' .1, . | h-utse rfaop i" the city nf Marietta, on tbe firs' ,Clt#mMe*. the property Tuesday in December, between the le-rel hour* c sale. Ini of land number three hundred. fSflO.' it tbe 20tb district and 2d -e. tion cf C. l.h ecmtv -Ida* the property nf Pooler Ta>vcrclt. late'o D Kelli, deceased, fold for the lvi'. fir of Ihe hoir •'"<1 creditor!- of snid <V-oav,. r r_ T„-^, c on A„,. c,v - SIMEON SMITH.'r. ic.m, V GEORGIA. Fu ton County. ' I7RI1F. xS I'sn’i*! k»hn-»on n f«»r letters of n 1 rut b'li -rn tin tVn^att’ L C. Clwcshtm. . • r. p 1 In * t» nffjitxron tuVt *■•.(*. i 7in-n* an* thorn •in to p»*p an«l jM'in'-nl *h nH nn*! ^fnflrnlnr tl «* ? in 1r***t •i 1 rrf lifopd n‘ « ”ii «7i»rn«•••*. t»» 1>f* rn'l i>| put »»♦ mv •licp ..n or b-»*»r«* li** » J r*t Mi*n«?«v in -V| *rm1*Fr n«x*. *o "hoxv pnn-p. ! any px:-*t-*. nlir-hiM 1»*ttcrri .«f nil r»ild«rH*k*ii siltiM.l 1 not l»p grn»ii««?. Aue irit lKfi4. JO . II. MEAP. Onl’y. H !. Ih A»n «** ;.n mtv cn «1ip tvaf..*o ib«a • om-.Y H 4-o nl v. ;i loi a»t l»n i p»»iin*y. ?M*7<-njripjr ♦<• * ppti^p*!. Tlie Hiiid l«.t in FhvpI*pv'7'i in *1t< «1U» F* fi- of T. IlH Hi f Ion*’ ••» »>n 4: vp1'- in wtvv'n«. , . Il'filf .T. Ofiiim*. A«?Vn>. ui* bon I** non uitli 1 Up Will nnnrxwl of G. L. 1*ir-1 i7«* r«»a>pL MgJUnu. Morgan county. : e; t ( nthcr If th. 1844. GEORGIA, FtiRon C.nfn, .tLREA- John to Ijairi-nj.| he I to n-e r >.? l»t‘or- j of ' hn’itiStruti-.ii on Uee. n oof Will'i m Finn 1 btfeof a' 1 couutv — easet _Tt.e e Hire Ii.e.efoi,- j * "'te -indadoi inivhy.ll a t-l -ingi ltir. tl e t in-'t-ed en.' redltor* of oil! ed 'i-l.t end a; | ear at mvofflee i 1 "'Ji H*" time pro erlbed bv ln,v. to *lo w .*iue'fan, I Hey have w y *»id le-ter* '-I... 11 not I,.• granted. ' ; ’ >«• rny head Ml! sill at < dice. 1b'* 17!li ! tey of 4foj., WM. ft. U844),wa«terf. GEO KG FA mi Cmm Ut. a JIKHKa* JowIi .'i t.illtpt-t Hj.j tji*s to ivo for ] r 4^, m a 1j»tai«1ration on tl r of ] In eol ~ni lr«»un1y Vro 5 »-ort. TIip c Hr rtbcr* «*re r«* cite an 1 » l*ni il-xli * ll r apl ^tmrnbr the MnJro *n 1 crelitoro of ajii | <7ccph*;e<1 to bo ;in»7 np|xpnr at tn llice vvitlnc the tt up ?*rp4C.-il»e7 bv Ihy. <o<iLowrnii*/ I any they have, why leMpr* ^ ni nfni-trstion <hnnl not be ^nmtel. Given uuJer mv h in 7 at office, tlii. bjAUf af .Wrf-nt, Uak JW» U. HUM), Qfh'f. J. A- L* bOJlMA, M A N H F A C T V R E R N OF « liair* A. « aliiti* t 11 nre. AT T.irilK ulJl STAND, 1 tCATl R. t.iXJRGIA. \\ (»ULI re specif i liy inform tbeii frien*lB that, having made extennive a d lit ion* to their Machinery, by ?h« in trcHlucticn ol Ml AM l*OWLR. U T\ U V W l ,n, i «'• e ?«»till nil or*Jen» for their Celebniteti •tigmal out Lem i'otlFge ( hair, at the shortest notice, iney art h!.o Manufacturing a neat, substantial articl. •f i .hcK Wain ui. Cane >eat, and every variety ol •> usu;*iH m )J in the Southern Market. Having >ec«.ied. for the Fta-e. the right of HIXU- ***** •' ] 1 HF.i .-Tl AJ . ue are now Manufacturing md 'tolling on 1* term', this recently inventev n t tr».l\ exci-lleiit article, ^hich we consider nuperioi o any «»tl»ei now in use. and to which we would re- J ecif Ily invite the attentii n of proprietor* ot Motel-, 'nd fam Iie> genertHy, before purchasing el ewhere. Uiis. article is *o con>tructed as to l» prooi againsi erm'ii. our . K tock conhisth of mbk B-iakzim. IsAtdES i R».s BlTsKAl* lining Tables, l reakfast do entre do L: die> do Light Mamin. C’MJt’ SF.CRBT.1RY DO B*e»K OhES, I RES-IV; TjiSIQI, An t ♦‘very article usually 'lanufactured—which they .11 «ll i|.on ren-iouablo term*, a* can be had at nv other e<i*abli-Ltuen* in the Mate, t een«ur .lanx »rv K. If 5_' y «y Notice, I'HK >ubscrll?r being n-w prepared to nutnafac tare Bi-r i .-(; Fli-jp, w 11 *eP th* above wrick it^ONt I.ULI.AR per ,*ALU>N, positively for Gann HoMMtMtl I*MW of Force ! pHE undersigned offtr* for nk >04 sere* of Land 1 oa the east huh of the Llffc Tallapoosa river-—fi vc miles from Weedowell. te RanAslph County, fi labama. eoatalning about IM acres of bottom land. 50 scre- cleared and the baUnce weY timbered. The place con tain* so Wcicnt water power for any Wad of Machinery and a number of iae spring*, and 1* situated ia tire healthiest section of Alabama. Far term* apply to the subscriber at Rockdale. Aisbama. or To Jame* Mri'a'n. r.n tbe premise*. FRANCIS If. FFRRXTMaN. Ost 24 w4m cotton nxs> h*** * yd nsx-noor Boomo. r pHE undersigned, eiticeas of fiomervtlle. Tenn.. ■ are well acquainted with Mr. Duke William*’ art! fieiaj rock The f'ourt House yard and the ground floor are laid with it. and have been for several month*, the County Conrt of Fayette, Tenn., being thorough!., satisfied that the rock won Id answer a fine purpose snd was all the inventor riaimed for it. employed Mr. nke Williams to Ay the said floor and pave the Court House yard. We know Mr. Williams ta a high-minded hoanrahle man : and we are aatisfied the rock made by him in substantial and will stand the test of time. We have seen It used by Mr. Reed, who is patting np a large ho tel at Somerville, ia putting in window and door sils. aad bei« much pleased with it. W P Finney. Esq John C Reeves A B Finney. M D J A Williams 7 G McClellan MJ Turner J E T’enr-all Jo H Cooper Cha* T Tetitt Wm Button, Clerk of County Court J L Pulliam Jas Patit T H Logwood W B Dortch. Fsq Gao B Trotter Tho* Rivera N T Macon E M Long A PDupuy ? W Robertson Sam Sneed Jas H Thompson August 15th. 1854. R9T Ex tract of a lettar from R H Blount, of Houston. Texas, dated July le'th. 1854: Eighteen months’ use [of the Cotton Feed Rock] here has shown that it makee a pavement vastly superior to brick, and it seem* to begetting harder snd better. g^PTlie Patent Right of these wonderfvl invention- lias been equally divided between Tnke Willi- m* and W. H. Poindexter, who are now prepared to sell state, eounty. or local rights. The right of the above article for this county has been purchased by Mr. Felix 8owers, who te now prepared to sell bead ricriitte. nSlwflm la all. 601 prizes. Amounticgto tickets S10— li.tlvei m l Qusrt>*r^ in proportion. ApiiioxiiiiatiiMi !*»i7e*. Tbe two proce«1mg »n»i two t*U«wii:g lunl.ero to tbo^e that win the « apital Trizet will cAcb ho en titled to r 7’rize of S5 The two preceding *r»l two follnwi* g n m’-ero those that win the ?•»*<:• nd fa t iij.l «.i S5.C0O, will each be en'I'led to a « ri»e of u Tbe two prece linsr anl two following n in »er-« to those that win the Third Cipital ofS\0»(>, w!tl each be entitled to a prize cf £5 The two preca ling anl two f.llw : ux n amber* to tb«»e that win the Fourth < api-iil c:» $j.000. will each be entitle! to a f ri?e of 3 Thetwo prece«l!ng and two f li »wing ni rab**r.s *0 those that win the Fifth CapitRl • < 5 ,000. will each be eutltled loa ! me of 0 The two prece tiug ani two full*.vine? n im'iw *o those that win the • ixth f'a|*it:.lof S .nOu. will each be entitled to a ? rize of 15 The two preceeding and two follow ing n .nihers to those that win the >t*\enth Caj it*.I« 1 $\1G0, will each beentitle l to a Prize of ,.7 r 4^0rdera aoliclte i for Ticketn or .shared in the above Magnificent Scheme. f^AU commaniefttiona atrlctly confident’>1. .^AM’L SWaV. Agent. At tlie Pronw I.lnns. Vi'n’priv* rv. /7s fl^nOrderM for tickets receiied hr A. V . J< \F C <«»!♦• igvn 4 r »»r ' tan’a. *'ffi on iu to l r. Hampton, who ban ?avod tbousauda from i | .sin. And you, gentlemen, have acted the part of pub- tic beneiuciors in disseminating tbo benefits which Pave u'aoiled fr< m your invaluable remedy. 1 ’im a plain cotton planter, and have never written t lot li.ernry fame; but when my fellow beingfiar« afiiict- ; t-i hluiU 7 iie-iiate. or through modesty, withhold &vy ! iuiorniation \al-able to tny fellow man? Jro. if you | ei;!i.dxier worthy of a place in any of your newsL^- ■ 1 era, you are at liberty to make use of it. Youra, truly, I ALVAfl KEM BALL. CURE FITS ! READ!! BEAT MI Morts than (..old to iue rtCK.—Fl’om one of the most ch, an l c »ntra edt’piniiin, 1 mus 1 lie.irmy !i mltle tex' f the- virtue • • f each an 1 all ot dus c X am bi a lk»v >f ill . a - by a uno'.c which is nut of i 1 vicious »en*lency. I never baugl-t either, which 1 j 'id not think f .11/ worth the wniei which Jt »vs 1. t ]i is only neve-sary to add. which i xlo m>>>« choerfa- • iv—not o.ilv through Linlae--* !o you, bat to tb.o p>»b- ; ‘c al-o, especially that j*'»rtifinof {; vh*. know, by -\“i j •xperh’iK’e. wiiat ism hy the V It ir«- I ke gnaaing j r t!u* pit of thi* ssto'uich. 'bitter t;nte iu the mouth, ! I itulfitce. r. cidity, 'IJ-ten-ion of the st. nvxoh. con-ti : H*e 1 hmvets. c »ll feet ani acute t*.mi in the head. I :sok .10-1 vicinity oi tfi^ hear:— • ail - ic!i. I cor- J rc.j.ectnhle l rugciftta in b'outh Carolina: ■Lilly re*0.amend the rollotcii i ///Ti.r ejicncy of j Charleston, S. C., Sept. 21,1S63. V.s R«*nu»hm! Ayent, 1 »«-re \ •• .‘v*: i m«*, du- Mc>rm. Mortimer & Mowbray:—llie ftile of you? 'n - my recent ^ii-' - rn with von., .-r* ’ n • • ** ^ 1 H fre- • jj^mpton*# Vegetable 1 incture is iurreR.<ing every day, :*n:ix ^11.ce. and iiave t*»u!id. .-v] •. ;■■ »’ , .vu. . '. 1 i- j au ,\ everv bottle told recommends this vnlua ble medicine • serie-i ni *nv ca-c :i .m ^excellent \ ;r «' e, j-aiticu \ { , aliliictcd. Several of our pUnterti have tried it in '1^’lrcts *»?■•« n »be i.ivi:. t u«-*-ymp;: tiiy betwi- u j u dhrercnt ca^en with astonishing vuccesa, and are get- *h‘c!i and ine siom.-cr. is too iniimate ;•» re.*:..iro com ; ting it by half dozens. It has been found to be the 1VS,T - . . 1 gi-wiion*’ remedy tor rheumatic atl'ectiona; and a won- nviking arrange- I ,i«rfi.i cure ha.-been performed cn a negro suffering mu t«* ymirl ilia j by Hu. 1 will furniah you with & number of eertlfi- ate* if you wish them. ] lease tfend me, soon &« •on'ly eh»d to lourn tha^ nent-s t'» givo in *reevft#ti b’d -!i I am tr.Jv yo.»r friou \ a o JO : 1 ibt* dent ser\ ;»nt. lir's HY LUMPlvIX. Pt. F. y. tv. 1 center, Georgia. po< Ft*. P. V. hit ii y •: hi>rn I'ili m .. . p 1,do 1 ni to learn ■e 1 C'.b roilone. Ste. IH >RM 31*11 I'.M-rtitl JNK.l-.THI R iftitli 4U"acre* -v.-ll tiiuffervl (-in.- lau-l. on, mil* af Ilaral-on. I c-hiit’v. ie-n- gla. The rail! ha. j-i.t bt-va (-nt In nji(-rati"U an-1 i- cutllsg ffutto fpet per lay: - lab*an 1 *.*- v.* -last f ini'shv- tufficivnt fi-el an-l a reafiy salt- can be h:-nl f.-r i-11 111. lumber .awe tat the Mil] at 41 jn-r ii.intre-1 (Ve!.— Engine •>>£ inch bare, ffu inch <trake. •_> t-yli'ii'l-r bn 1 ers. power sufficient to Irive a 4 feet cire .lar wr. nr a ■iri*t Mill nr Sbiusie Mill, mi^ht be attache'!, either n.' which w-ouM pay well. Living 4" miles frnm the ab-ive Mill, anfi havirga* iwich business as I cm atten-i In. 1 will -ell tbe .M.ll hb-1 lan-l for the very Inar nf »l m . i!o « cash, reaennahle time nn the balance. Wiih proper man agement the -.ill will make the in-iney I ask (hr il it- tweBe month*. h. CaRLToN, July 1st. iwfii ffi—"ml Ts .. , .. r u, b!c a sum ly of the Tincture. I am, gentleman, mar.,, XV. 0. TKGTT. Huntlred* in tlii* city will bear same tostimouy. llniiij.ton’n Vetutable Tincture U purely Vegetable, nr : -art-anted free Irom all niineral s.ibstance Thi« 'liimime. by its mild, pleasant, and sale action on the stomach, li'xer kidneys, lungs, nnd the nervous system, cures Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, l-l.-ea ei-f th* Urina ry Urey il Coughs. Asthma, BrqnrUial Affections, < onaumption. Scrofula. King’* Evil, XVorms, Rhsuma- ti-m. ( nut, Neuralgia. St. Vitus’ Dance, Fits. Ner- v—us Affect inns generally, Fistula, Pile*, Bowel Com- plaint*, with all diseases arising from impure blood.— \* a remedy for the variou* li-rangement* of the Fe male -y-itcuT. it seems to have no superior. The Female cystem has. in Doctor Hampton’s Vege ta bin t incture, a Cure for its numerous and complicated K.ivnn. ttcfolior ISf3. ! di-raugcmenta. Hundreds who have been debilitated Dp. F V-fcnr: T>- • r Sir; i-m cmtihel to le-rn ' >t Lrel -ii spirited, and on tho vergo of a premature grave, tha- VII,1 li.-nvc-'in- In ':.c i-ucl'.i :- n tu ,-.-:i-o A -oucics I Imte been restored by its use to blooming health, ,-r iin- I’.ilh. nn t Ht.< in -litfeireat j arts • f t hr co-iiili v ' which we aro abundantly able to prove by euch a bo*t ■ , it nn if ioFliccto M-U1-. elf Il-au till l-e I of living witnesses. vnrl I at 11 nro Since tlie v-ar lr, I i, n -,e !«■»“ in i ie 1 I.1VKR COMH AINT AND DEB1DTY. habit of using v-ur ill* in tiri li-.allv. an i as a F.imiltv j Extract from James Harris, Eaq.’a letter, Alexan- e T-'i-ine, nb i-'rvaiirr an ex; or on-e | liur j; np iuvsl- ! drill, Virginia:—Alter sneaking of wonderful curei on -•itd-‘---oeci'c'nr-ea.l.-s'llirire-,-nii-it'e nfib,-i i— him.u-li lie *ny«l ‘Mrs. H. has been suffering with th# »i*t •*» oiliirRCion -.•?rf11L I* f;' ’ he p.iM’c. ami i ia»«. n 4 a im-rit < -eat d Truly voars, &:c., ^in 'ry— Dei t» uv e r.» ; i* cne*-;»Uyt l!v. when i” : n truin/v-mr Itm..-<<•, in*! liipn^tl. mi t liHiJng r *«»iiii*1 them m‘1 1. *11 c.T **-uf l.»r<*f i Im ifjje-xtire ivrft llvcnmut-ii 1 *i:em in 1 Ui*‘ir u-eto v -telly f n^i»iiTli*mon !.rvi I u-!..rg«.r.i;i - :«.-T*ll*-nt pievpntiw * f i.vetl «ul ieric.i- fr« m iuJLre: t: JOliX J. FLO VP, \t»iv.rnim ih .>4i» i ; i jr;-*n r 1 a*' ir-—• r«*» c ■t< -I Ml io. Tim- pi‘rf«»i miliar i*s l ’.ave< t!i«» i a Migtli an » gr»-« r nice ' M I t lo f'r no f:? In or it with a scon 1 i • • j -ot i j o, m> iin*-n»vtfflan ’x*l *vjrp \ »pj r . r«»» erly u-<-! it xx- ll c .re • y \ ojan i ex; ol nil • *F nny coucixMiit'ant-s In r *iill - n >\ \ ! nnd oven •« Fevors. 1 have found it t-i [Willy effie'ent. tintr tliar you may ilu l • tie! co.idy *n com. you ai to the re- it <tf y*»ur ski; 1 rind labor, 1 am oinceith y*» u* iVi*ui-l, kr.. i.MV. Vol/Xir HILL. ?T.\Rtcvitj.e, I'nnn' v. O jtnbffr 1F53. Pn. K N. t’• lh m* v — f >£ar Sir. While at ! centur. I hd ;n t ’or. a fair o;ijj.»rt • »i**y nf reeling the CoU a uii bint nnd with inability, constantly complaining, l i » ui iveaLnesri, thi ough her whole Bjniem. She now eujnv«» better health than for thirty year#, beingantiroly re.v.i'ied by tho use of Hampton’* Vegetable Tincture.” (nil and gut a Pamphlet gratis of A. Alexander, Wh..legate ai^ Retail agent Atlanta, Ga.; Wm. Boot, Marietta, Vineyard & J one*, Palmetto; Hardlej, Ridey & Co.. AuguMn, Georgia. [March iX. lff>4 _ 4S—Iy ■ Dili. > nih. j.j •A with Mu -akins up n«»»- pr.-i-Mi i n, u tit 1 lie ,..ldn*. iar.-d by -.our.cll r action . ii ? im» I iluuiri pr«‘di^i os ng *<» nircr 1 hem -■ilI oruaV »*n .'.irrneya* .-'*arkx'He. il.a't n n le t a* any Tiin<* pi-ucnr«* them. 1 u-ri ^r.r ♦<» i'h »x In'o nnd Mack in > U ca -es * \ . \ cn ituic a* n«u* chae'er, i wo. 11 In* grntifi«*d. not oj lj vvr ncco tit. hut r 1 (» for t: c !»eiu*fit of the irtre. ttvi» you 'x*ot M • bee th**m iti the reaeh *'r*nn. fur 1 fed -on'ident that there ha* not Wed to tho puM'cam-1u’t>pnration ofM<» Meine »-n (»*«• vhh vour Ml' a.x agencn.l i .*im!ly Met t a»r*lin«r c*mi onion. Very riinec.eiy your Lien 7. iS:c., Joli’d II. Mecliardcs, Inventors and Mannfactur* i ers - S5T0 In fash Frizes* $570 y 0LUME TEN of the “SCIENTIFIC AMEB- t In - il.lie • I every re* lure-- will c: r. AicrsT-i I-ri-. ISSfl r V r.vT.n-r- - T h--d Min : i- s-tue " ict red l.v t uir-1 -1 i• •:i - l. -f ■ -re-i re. y re - fvnur r'.-ll’l > ill) ill*. ■ 1. it CODRSI toy*'' ’ T HFfiratan j.-euug »ver the -SWIFT uear .UUiirii. .te ir-fia, »Y.U C’tiuc u-l 'i i uestiay in November ne*t. aad *;<»utiu..e tii Liberal Purseri \Vtll tin fete t by tue t l ib l« real raco-t .vaicn . i pit:-*, t 11 n » ptin< *»r peu-se will be -tpare 1 to in ike vi.-iitora ou that occasioi corn iorta ble. ihe Nel-toa Sweepstakea have been opeuelbyth ’ lub, for three year <d i-5. endauce 5 >. IihII lonen ilie i'lub toa>!ii«.i-t. if tAr.i or m »r« >cart. to close o • he day ot\Sep em ier. To be ruu on iVe laeada. ot race week. Nomiaatu n* must beaddrea ed to C. A. tiAiUL* Secretary. A*7int*. \fsiv 1 .. u r*i FRAUD! \ Ll* who want AXE* of the reH Coluvs ez Co. * make should be particular to notice tl.e KtHrnj. a> thereare various coauterteits and imitations stmnpe* Colliim and labelled much like ours, which are Iran lulently sold in some partn of tiie C’uiled States:*' our n t lafactare.—iliey are made in liJereut parti* •»f the country by various axe-makers, aud are xeue rally of very inferior *iuaiity. iiie genuine C*diiii> axes, which have acquired such au extensive repu stion. are invariably stamped *-Ct>LLIN r s & * m. iAHTFOHL 1 ,** and each axe has a printed label wiih my signature. It is now more tlmu Twkviy-fivi Kjlrk since we commenced the business with tK» tacp of “Collins <fc Co. Hartford,” and I do nm :now of any other axe maker by the name of Col lins is tbe United States. SAMUEL W. COLLIN'S. August. 11*53. 14—’y the u‘tvantaga I durl\*c«; i‘mm with hh*h e;tecra. vorr oh • 1 < i i RT To by J. >f. ILwir*. ; J. N’oR'-ir P-iiKch* i ij V ihM (thV UOH01 & L, I i.-iWre prepunitiiin hr. - i'Voie- ■pill? Djuentery, IVnoth/ F.ux, DinEiceu, C.loI MorhuC ml era Infinitum, ciV. I? UROfni ill all tl.e 'lr <-o- to 1 l.c bowi:i>, 4 HO ls , * c ., &o, It ui-c-l-n" piiciimi m li-:i f"i- tin' p. c„i f .i i| itlS e ■ cquainled willi it, the full i-viilgcai-liticatis are ijiv T hirre use- my fiiiuilv. ■i—n-e* for roll. I.-ccstGruk Ga.. Jcit ’Stli, 1?54. i‘K. G. W. I’ARKfiR'.* J.YtfEaTKBV ClIRIUAl ill nnd In l'c-vre it in lire a jpri-cd r<n)n’y fm- tin- which it is rrci-uiiuoudod. WM. ri. C-vH- DOIXSiNi; A VOlTiNCi, Otsinl Commission and Forwarding Merchant, No. 28, Grader Street, New Oi lcan*, La. B USINESS entrusted to us shall receive our jiersoual attention, (aol from our desire tn please, and our exuarienee in b ialneaa, we flatter ourselves that will give general satisfaction.) In the execution of orders we will be prompt, an-l take special care te purchase, as fm- as possible, fron, :ir«t hands, and at wholesale price* Goiels received md for- warded with despatch, in fine, it shall h- "ur earnest enleavor to be fo all respects faithful agents Anr Ciijr l.offitit Aiiiliuu! SCHOE>CBERGKR will sell at public outcry, to thr highest bidder, on Saturday, the doth In*?., at 1* %. m.. his house nn l lot on **eac1itree street. Also «’ the same time, eight valuable lots on Oilhoim and Col lins atreeta. Term* made known on dav of sain. Atlanta. •>!. l^Si f't— .1. VI. l iKRi:itl{V. COMMISSIOX MERC A NT No 12 Co omufp How. foot of Vendue firings CHARLE TOM <ol TH f .4M>LTVA- % OUHTS consignment n of Fl ».ur, Grain and Up Country ’roduce generally. Refers T‘»—Messrs. Mj.wn>!*, Mitchell A: Hulsey hi*., M. Caltio'm. Esq.. Atlanta. Ga. F. 7*. Fan uing. EsqMesars : Lnnne:ui, ?mit!i A* V ilden. Me*>«ro lyatt. Me Bar ney &Co., Messrs. B.W. ^ .t. V. Fore* * Co , Chareatos, fi.C.A. Bell. Ksq„ Chattanougs. Tenn. r *>0. fftftj r°—xvrn, j Jrr.v 1C Hi. 1 C - X ,4. This is to cert!.*.* tljit T have n^ed I Tt. /rkfKs I vs- K.VTKRY JXp 1 iaUm-UA ( OTtDlAT. ill in.V !.*Ui:ly. JUifl ir Ill'll i very happy effect. Oiieof my clnl Iren La •- bvvn badly • lectel with di enri ry fornhnut ilirw? weeks.nmlufu*i riving it seven l other tilings wi'.Lm t ^unuivp e do «nv g-»*»’l. lconclidel to try some of tho above ial. and tw*» do j ea of it Las •ir.imly cure*? if. I,. I*o. re •toinm ii’led 11 t«» !'. Ii. Walls, one of my neighbors, who vas t 'kfii vc*t-v severely with the I lux. end it nl i*. had ; charmin'effect h'm. 1 mo*t cerdi. Ily roooinmend ■t t-» jjll who m *y fall victims to nny disorder rf the HOTELS, whatever. GLOlCuK S. RU^SEB. Grii-ki.v. Gr., This U to certify tlint I l.sve ti*ei r v Vt s K'riT.RV AMI 1 JAP.IPF.A < y 'T.Rl.’T. in it to ho >»ll in* recommends it to be. 141b. If64. I'H. H. J’arkerN mv frmUv. end 1in 3 J'. II. .lOUVifO.V. ICAN ” cummoncos on the 16th of Septem- hcr. It i3 chiofij- dovoted to the advancement of ihu interests of Jlechanics, Inventors, Manufae- tnrora and Fannera, and is edited by men practi- i-iilly skilled in tho arts and sciences. Probably no other journal of tha same character is so ex* tonsirely ciroulatod, or so gonorally esteemed for it? practical ability. Nearly all the valuable pat ent.- tv hit h is*uo weekly from tho Patent Office oro illustrated with engraving*, and the claims of nil tho patents nro published regularly in its col* umn? ns they nro issued, thus making it a perfect Sciontific and Mechanical Encyclopoedia of infor mation upon the subjects of Mechanical Im- ■ii;:* pro* j provetnonts. Chemistry, Engineering, and Seien. I':'"!" i oes gunerally. It ia published weekly in quarto i form suitable for binding, and each volume con- i in reel ' tn i n s four hundred and sixteen pages of reading a'liuiin." j matter, .several hundred engraving*, with a full ] end complete Index. Its circulation on the last, ; volnmo exceeded 23,000 copies per week, and the I practical rocoipts in one volutna are worth to any _ ‘ i family mm li more than tho subscription price. ’ Tiie following cash pricos aro offered by the publisher? for tho fourteen largest list* of subscri- 1 bevs scut in by tlio first of January, 1855 :—$100 i will Im given for tho largest list, $75 for the sec- j nnd, $65 fur tho third, $55 for the fourth, $50 for | the fifth, $45 for tho sixth, S-10 for tho seventh, ! $:io fur tho oighth, $30 for the ninth, $25 for the ! tenth. $20 for the eleventh, S15 for the twelfth, I $10 for the thirteenth, and $5 for the fourteenth. Tho co=h will be paid to the order of the success ful competitor immediately after tbe first of Janu ary. 1855. Terms : Ono copy one year, $2; one copy six months, $1; live copies six months, $4; ten cop- : os six months, $8; ton copies twelve months, $15; fifteen copies twelve month?, $22; twenty entire.- twelve month?, S28, in advance. Nn number of eubreripti- n* above twenty can bo taken nt lc.'-3 than §1 40 each. Names can be sent in at difforant times and from different post- officer. Southern and TVe3torn money taken for sub- scription. Letters should bo directed, post-paid, to Mu jot £ Cn.. 128. Fulton street, Now York. Me?sr?. Mnnn <t Co. aro extensively engaged in procuring patent? for new inventions, and will ad vice inventor?, without charge, in regard to tbe novelty of their improvements. cfllca* fi^pll I- -T«re!-.s* t-i add. Try c. bottle. ’ l ice only 5 eni*. Fi li -lii-i cl:--::* given nn en-li «a-Fur sale-l»jr J. M. KA.N'I iN. Agent. A.lg iret :‘d. is?)t.pff—•']J-l P‘re. Valuable City Loti for Sale. 5 fir- siibvpiil.rr desiring to close out tho balance of A 21! VS "t'mpoitnd r.-tin: horalfd - ri;n!i5atiYr. L’IiR tlie c-irre of I’ni l-.-i-a Mnrbas. F)-n*mndic Cliel- • i-i-h. I v-renU-rr. i i.-inha-a. riunimrer i nm; laint- ''lu-iic. Gri|ipinif ains. ur 8ii-k-Ftrfi]:i<-li. want i f A| ] 'Viu-1, ri-amp, amSoll 1 - cn-c.- ol U re rilouiscl: an 1 I towels. Tin's U on" of tlire m-"t | Ion-mi t. *a r re nnd cffiic? ciniis Mo licinres for the abnvi* nniii'-1 complaint.* evi ■'HereI to the p-ibtic. It is i-la,."-1 t-i |a-r.i-ns nf n! ivre- an I si-xres. an I is pal-tic daily servu-i-atile In bis- •f - Iioli-m Infant'.m. or S inmer i'oni| In n"*. In man evrere attacks of l,..tli I j-i-nn-i-v and I ii.-rnnea it Im u-te 1 aim -St as • oon a. a-lnimislrercl, nl vaysleaving'tire luiwre!* in n natnn-l condition thus rre-i'-diinir nr, r: ’ liartic nire lire nre t-- l p i.-ikren a i-r. n< i* most ei-nrerall- -v-j -ire 1 -vhren .-u-t'clas nre given to check Ilie-li'enM- r > i--, :,1 n. an reviclb-nt remedy, nn-1 s;--re'y in it- a-- ion in ca res of acidity < ii i lie <t"ina«li.’wliicli pn l .cre* U*in I. Har'b.irn. Deal •**!">--.. ivnnt ot"Ap|i* tte. Inalidity to .-lrerep. s:re.. -V.: ntid. hi rm-t. f-'r man* i-ea-es u-liit-h mi-e fr-m n 'deranae-l slate of th- -lulu.-tch and bmvcls. I nr M.Ie onlv hr • i IIV nonjr. Ac-rent, A< Pr. Fowl'll*. Ofllcre. on 1 reach-ti-re*. -"1 \ftnnto. .11.t-1* : J r. that vt-lunl-le property In tbi* city, belongiog to the -.tale nf the late Samuel Mitchell, deceased, has bad •In- s.-imre surveyed off in lot* to suit purchasers, who will find it to their advantage to examine the property it nn early rtny. which will be shown them by the sub crilirer. m- Mr. Mitchell Jr., by calling at the re*l- 'renrre nf 1 !-re tormer on XVhiteliall street. -•t, "54 . -41—tf T. D00NAN Forwariii^ Business, At Ch;i«‘fe-stun. , S. c. THE undersiened. in connection with a general < nmmi--ion hn -iness forth* sale at COiTttN. HIIUR. BACON, CORN, and all other ’ roduce. will forward with tlie greatest possible ties; atch. 5@ Mfrchaiullsp. Michinerv. Prodnrp, and other property consigned to him. for the in'eri-r ol Georgia, tlabarai. rennersee. North nnd South Carolina. Florida, and for any northern or foreign port. Auguat IT, 1864. (!•’—'m) J. H. WII.I.Y. ATLANTA SELECT SCHOOL! T HE next term will onmmrenre on Monday, Oct. SO, ia toe ba emeat of the i msbyteriao Church. CHAS. FiriHzR, ! recepter. MRS. E. J. FISHER. Preceptress, Teacher of Preach aad Ornameotal I’enar'an-nt. Misa ri. G. CARRY, Teacher of Mu*ie aad rriaury Pepartmren*. Thi. School i* designed for yonag ladies and Mb***, hilt a few lad* coder the age of tea year* will be taken during this term. Terau Par Qwar ter. Primary d eparlmenl 8>.no ; Higher t-nglish »«,00: Latin, t.reek. French, the Natural Sciences and higher : atl. emetics $8,00; I eacil read Cnvoa Ira wing, 1 olv- -hreniatic ’ aintiug, Neeille Work. leather Frame Work, he.. •'•,00; MuaicfllO. Tuition ha. been put thi* h-w hoping that many will avail themselve* of thi* opportunity who would otner- -vise not attend school. Tuition payable quartette. No deduretina will be made for those entering before the third week. Atlanta, Oct. 14. lt-54. ig- dtf. For Solo. A goad Draft and Saddle Dora#. Ari‘lv tf» W W FOARK 100 2 map. JHItilW •VWah* MoU-se? kob-wi, now te store, and r7w.pi*. Rwir*vc*>—J. P. Kinir, roni.lpnt «. R. R.. C. T. Vo 1- l»nt *’TOH , t. Montgomery R. R.. W. M. Mxrtfn. I’resM. F k F. Rk.. Hopkino. H s<l*on To.. rh«rle-* t «'n. .1. f nl \ well. ProA’t. 3. C. R. R. Jno. F. Mims*. .Atlanta, Ri« « Dnlln. rhjir!e»ton. Rastin k tTnlker. A*ioriis<la 51J rincUs! .Tr«T receive 1 hv A. 'V. Ham. * To.. Wh< le- onle anl Retail dealer■< in f locl*. AVntche-. Je.vel 7?, Silver-in 1 ^Hver T la*n«l Ware T «ncv kc. V«. Whitehall 't„ A«l«n‘a. Hfy Fin# Wa*che< f iref illy ro*iaire<i an 1 xvarrante-L Fn^ravlnp done at "hor* tint ice. M»v 4.7HM 4*Wy Notirp! f I’HF «n7»*cr , 7er nfTer« M« 1 l.-rtethn : r 7> r J’^ Cry ? • 7 e 3’c 1 < r* i «7 »1M c* i»* 4 evtr7 7* ty 7A^ m J leH Sonih of I eeetrr. Toad, containirr r 6C per#*c ri f t * f'r retro eVsrod and nn-^er irood f pnrw wit7» n dwelli^F. eo*»*« J nlntr fi r*re « rrd j» iricl npee«snry h«n 'fnes r i»r ^rn-irp, x« p rm’ rwl p i*T vpWt Api Ie«* er* 4 *eef7es. Tie I« rnl’ 4 r i* p rr- one fhr * Fill Fc Hev*e J»« pry 4 e 7 o fn pjl ip 1' fVannty, >ee r»wn Natrona «.f |>nr«>Fnwiv fi * C rr ri on »e at Tecatiir. Te»m« will be eec» yrv • **r 4 'r r. .lAMf ? J. F’VV c en»ewiher W. v COFFER. A tUY Mittal ntM« of fck» Co^o 2l r * 1r '* r L W. W. UAl* HOTELS, &C. Georgia House. J’llE above ll»tee i ■* *«iti.a:e iiu tlie iii^t ilca»fiir f jart of the city. Lefiijr on He coriicr ,-f (icfunn l.’ickM n Mr*eU, will,in tliree \vi Ik « J' tl • • rincij; 1 >t«ree. >’e.!ii nl < • II*v e. 1 n>t (.Hire, ard Geoi ■ ju. Lailnwnl ! ej.***. Tl.e ml-k will atalirmes. besuj 1 ed with the be>t the .\ nrket a fiords, mol e\ery altei H«n {rivento make the \ nlrons of iV.e llouse c* inter* tide. ! < aid hv the im iith f»r week at moderate term xlercliants.. 7’ljinters. nndotl ers visting *l:e city will fin- : l-e ji hove House coin r ortj» hiea»ntbconvenien» ^o' N. B.— dav Sl.oh. M. Ml>'Jl.v, g\o.w,-.. .A .or T«A». nr^r nd ' r*’» v»«*r*r. I'LAMERy liUl’LL. 117GUSTA. GEORG!' | III.'' sjileiidid new IKH^E, sitnate-l on Broad at reel 1 iimne liiitely iu front ot the sits of the old Thin er*s Hotel, which has been f irnished throughout wi’l new Firuiture, Bedding, kc.. is now oj en for the r« •e|»th*n «»f c iritoniei s. It will tie the enden\or of 11. proprietor, to gi\e4.ttisfiiction to llio.e'whn ma v favt •i with the J. M. SlM!’M)>. MA H aul A I.i, liOi Ss • j k fi-nr GORCOS FARGO, Proprlelor, 0->™ f -UK r. s. II -tkI. .irors-A. ck imui ) nv.n-.-.l, v rrein'u.s fi 1. itPlianiflf, Aliniuli & lUiIsey, WAR F-HOI SK & CrfiJUAIISSIOf' MEIICSANTS, Arl.iiitn, Geary in. ■ THEIR Wnre-hoii-p Isi-i-nvcniren 1 - \ \ i 7 -VS- X^re Ir sir-i-«-re| tn tlie business part <>f AA-y’t 'tenure vVtiil- lull stn*'»t nnd is stic'ly Fire — w 5 *-' 1 r-t'-r—us ,-1 n-tv-.nce.s nn cutt, n nt-1 nth*- produce fit store. Also. I enler* in Inrn-v nn-1 8*n|l I ry .-'o . is Gr .trerires Ii-.ll, Uagging, Rope and otbre nrt'AIres nf 1 rimre nece.«itv. 1-illv A. W. viTf 1IKI.I.. ' l. n. MeDANTtl F. t ’T"’ -vy ’-.I'. VI'i N AILS. s*n U0S Ll Nails jusi tesolvsJ and fo • sale b- ww W. W. BOeJtN SKW STOCK. DRUGS, Medicinal, Parfunteiy, Chemicals, Oil*, Putty, Class War* Arc.. Ac., at the sign of th* Mom- moth Mortar, under Council HalL Anexten*Iveas*ortment of Drug*, medicines, perfumery, chemical*, glassware, In my line. oil*, putty, soap*, combs, brushes, Ac., A., suitable for city and country trade, has just been received from the '"oi-Mi. on favorable terms, which will enable tha *uh- reri’irer tr- fell at very reasonablu rates, and lower than heretofore. As 1 11 m determined to buildup a respectable business in tlire above line, in proportion to th* encouragement . xioi-ded, T res]ectfully solicit th* continued and nrerensingparronage of my friends, and th* pufdie in eueral. and *l*o that of my professional brethrewla Alhinla and tlie surrounding counties. hysiciren* are assured that they can rely npon tha i-isli’v oftlie articles which thev rr*v obtain at-tte ..I.hli.l.mpnt, For -ale by DRr Tlttiri. ? DRNNY^ Notice! v IX r-ersons in-lcbied to me for lota in the city of ' Atlanta, by note past due, ar* requested fo com* reward nn-1 pay the same, and all persons holding - nd* given hy my former agent. T. Doonaa, for titles -1--ls in Atlanta’ are requested to call and receive "reds from n-e. tf they have complied' en their part itli the condition* of said bond*. JANE I.. MITCHELL, Adm’x., with •'Jl.'L A a. Jlllt|4444|H AUHI A.. RHU •1-c Will or nnnoxed, th® E*t»t® or Faumtl Mlteh- •l’. 'VpDReoii. 7*halftn. July W % IKM. FOB SALE. A House and Lot on Mitchell etreet near ti re intersection of IThitehall aad Mitchell street*, formerly owned by Geo, W. Cook, lovsession of John Simpson. Title* now in possession •irtispuiahle and terras accommodating. Atrl SIMFS0X A HARRIS, Agent* for Neritt, Lxthorpe A Stebhla •Vtlnnla. Vnrreh 7fi. 1*54. l?_tf f'ity Liind foi" Sal© » UTTTFri five acre lot, well timbered, lying Im- ' mft’lintDlr on a p; hi le street.a fine location for a ■rival* -rej-di-nec, is offered exceedingly low. Titlca ;nod—call on XTM. H. THURMOND, or Mai. STEI HEX TERRY. ! "rere-*"brerf1. ’852 Sfwtf „„ . for sale. ,’HE subscriber offers for sale ht* Farm seven Iiiliesfrnm Atlanta, it being the last half of lot umber - 4fi in 14th I istrict of FeKaib county, eon -in-iig one hundred and one and n fourth acres more r less. Tf-rty seres of which are ci-ared and under " iTi , r -, There arson the rremiaeaa good framed wi-iimr and all requisite out houwa. bv let- «-r or o ho Wise to rr * Af . BENJ. F. HARRIR on tbeTremisea, . ; . to H.B. LATWnt Atlanta, Oa. -8 A anta -vt. I SAfi. . ; . • t f FOR SALE1 A 't’A'T FATTVs nf ;5,h< rse power. » Ie- . ■ *ch S? f-, ' ' ‘ ' - -*t long, and 88 inches - f T 'a-rere# Patent Circular Raw*. -".Vr aq w-ii t * snid low for enaW Ur- dre A "anta, or "r . - i*d..u iom». • S.i iltSfeuifaSgMf