The Atlanta weekly intelligencer. (Atlanta, Ga.) 184?-1855, November 25, 1854, Image 3

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! I wesaa&a£*B^- NEW ADVERTISEMENTS ■ ■ ■ v . t Medic*!. DR. .IAMKS R. SMITH H AVING pcrmanon tly !"0!:u.'*in thi*oily, offers his Profesrii’anI services to the i-imens of Atlanta. An rf more than 20 vears in the praci * •’of PHYSIC, in Gcor- ( is years of which were spent In Washington county) »* the only guarantee offered of lib skill and experience as a Physician. When not professionally engaged, be may, at alt times, he fouud at the Atlanta itepublican Office, or a! lit- residence on Prior .street, one door South’ of Mitchell street. Reference*. Wm. Markham, Esq.. ! Dr. Wm. 1>. HSyiie*. Kev .1. P. Duncan. E. C. Williamson, L. P. Grant, Esq.. ! Gen. T. J. Warfbcn, A ip Ware, I of Sanders ville. of Atlanta. | Atlanta, Nov. 22, 1854. yiy. Notice. i 11 per.on. indebted to tin* estate of Janie. Reese, jfllc deceased. are requested to make immediate payment; and those having demands against sain a ill pies, nt iliein duly authenttotoMa Jcnn^or the 11 November doth, 1861. .Administrator. Tho*. Vf. MavidialL Jno. A. Montgomery.-Joe. 1*. Rutland THOS. W. MARSHALL & CO., Receiving 1 and Forwarding Merchants, 93 Commerce and 29 Front Streets, MOBILE, ALABAMA. .\*ov«*nilKT 1^, 1S54 PRIVATE MEDluAs U'EATItS OX the Physiological View or Wart iage BY M. B. LA CROIX. M. D., Albauy. S. Y. ;:,0 I’a and 130 Fine Plain and Colored Lithograph- an - Mate.**. Price only Twenty-five Cents/t*^*. *a»«'cnt free of postage to all part* ©f the Union CHEAPEST BOOK EVER PUB LISHED, and containing nearly double the quantity of reading matter in that of the Fifty cents or Dollar Publica tion*. It treats on the PHYSIOLOGY OF MARRIAGE, and the aecret 'infirmities and disorder* of youth and maturity, resulting from excesses which destroy the pliyidcaland mental powers, all diseases arising from India e ret ion, with plain uud simple rules by which all per sons can cure themselves without mercury. with the author's observations on marriage, its duties and dis qualifications, and their remedies; with colored litho graphs illustrating the anatomy and physiology ,una diseases of the reproductive organs of both sexes, their structures, uses and functions. It contains many im portant hints to those contemplating matrimony, which will overcome objections against marriage;-— none, however, should take this important step with out fir.-t consulting its pages. It treats of all diseases of females, whether married or single. Hints to thwc who do.-iiie no more children. Strangers wlio requue medical aid, before consulting any doctor, ought to know whether their cases are properly understood by those whom they employ, uud thus guard against the imposition of quackery, so prevalent in populous ctties. Hence the advantage of a popular knowledge of ones- self, tmeh a* is given in this work. If medical authorism be the test of talent, and en lightenment he sought from books, let common sense discriminate 1 tween truthful simplicity and outrage ous spaciousness and bombast. l)r. l-i Croix is a legal ly qualified physician, and for tlie last twenty years lias been daily consulted upon the different diseases up on which his hook treats, personally us well as l>3' tet ter. Anv person sending luuity flvi cents in « letter, post paid, will receive one copy by mail, free of post- .go, or five coni - for $1,00. Address I)U. M B- LA CROIX. Xo. Ii! Maiden Lw, 1\ O. Box 570. Albany. X Y. IT^Medicine sent to any part of the Union accord ing to direction* safeIv packed and carefully secure*, from all observation. *Office open daily from 0 A. M., to 0 1*. M. <hi >uu- dn> from 3 until 5 I*. A!. jyyoffice Removed from X 50 Denver >t., to Xo. 31 Mnldru Lnnc, Albany, X. Y. -Ud&wly 1. D.C. WOOD. 1 JAM® H LAW. WOOD & LOW, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 37 Natchez street.. Now Orleans, La. The undersigned lire prepared nt all limes to purchase produce of every kind nt the lowest cil-li price.**. WOOD A LAW. Refer l<>—.1. T. Duane and 1. L. Wright, Esrjs^ Atlanta. (In. New Orleans, November 15, 1854. Ijdly IE. llraumuller* (/.alt Pr<<l\ <>/ Masir in the Synodirul Fnnah Col- tcgi of Georgia. Wii.i. lake alumt six more scholars, if curly ap plications are made. Mrs. Branmuller, Is also renily for the reception of seholnr- in the different branches of Orunmeutal work. k-4*. Orders in Fun g Unir-lfmilling, are re spectfully solicited. For particulars and terms call at the Music Store, White-Hall street, sign of the Golden Piano. Atlanta, November I I, 1854. 42utf .V«*tlc * to Contractors. Owlet: tff .Auu A Fu. 11. fi. Co. or Abi.,) Montgomery. Ala., Nov. 3, 1854. / S EALED PrudosnU fof the Graduation, Mnson- ry uud Bridging of sixty-seven (57) miles of the Alabama ft Florkla Railroad of Alabama, ex tending from Montgomery to the junction of Se- pulgah and Persiuion creeks in Conecuh county, will he received :*l tlie Office of the Contpany trn- G1 the hist Monday in December next. pi;us. spocifi cations and protiles, will be ready for inspection on mad after the 15th in St. The work on the’first 25 miles is light, and the time allowed for the completion of contract* on this portion of the line will be 12 months. On the remainder of the line two years will be given. The payments offered are two-thirds in cash and one-tbird’iu iho capital stock of the Company. The provision crop along the line has been abundant, the country is perfectly healthy, and work of such inviting character both in profile and materia is rarely offered. SAMUEL G. JONES, C’hiyf Engineer. November 10, 1854. lOdwtdl NEW arrivals!” \ \ ,'K would most respectfully inform our patrons V and ihe public generally, tluw we ar; just re- ceiviug <>ur FALL STOCK. Having bought our Stock late in the season we have tlie advantage of the recent fell in prices of goods, and expect to sell at un- neiiallot. prices. Our Stock cansists in LADLES DRESS GQODS, of ev*„-ry variety and ?»tyie. Embroideries, Ribbons, Gloria, Hosiery, lion nets, Hnffy Caps, Hoot* Shoes, ifv.. rf*c.. together with a Urge fctock of Staple Goods, Hardware. Saddlery, & Guns. Also. Keep constantly on hand a Flock of Fmi Lead. 74xc. Paint. I’lmnr. glas:*, ac. Our ;-Uock of NEW 0BLEANS GE0CEBIES Is complete, and wiT. >ffcr Inducement**. our motto ij hori profits aud qu.uK sale-. Oct. 27th, 1854. 23d2m u. V{. CuZART A: SOX ' M a, ,—,, -• hi - i nr— k l AN EXTENSIVE STOCK OF ] LE0AL ADVERTISEMENTS smses- Ml LEGAL ADVEETISEKENTS. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. DRY GOODS! .« nr, j- GEORGIA FtUU'n iim«/./. . J j tyifflKKAS Mari Vpu >?at : Lla has th»* •by i . “ i I T applied to me r .r ielier. of adniiiu-tralien on tha ; *, } T%2? H Wl5i ta i? , l' "J“ k ^ t «**»«• -rcight-. late of -aid. cnmly d*c*»a ■ Tl . .. , - . * nmteMi. eneelHeir whole Stock of Domestic ft t , xbeW! arr thcietbre jo cite aud admonish all and j December nexu within the legul hours ot sale, the diould not Ik* graute.1. Given" under m3' baud and seal at office this 2d day vf October b*54- iirslli y H ME. applied to m< investment, ofhw their whole Stock of Domestic ft Fancy Dry Goods AT FIRST COST*. We haTe determined lo dispose of aiir stock of Pry Goods between now and christma*. en.1 beg lea ve to as sure our friends and customers that this advertisement is no hoax, nor do are intend to humbug tlie people.— { It is our honest intention to withdraw from tKfe l>ry i Goods business, and hence we bare concluded to offer ] Admiiriatmtnr'a Salt. bargains to all that eornc forward to buy, for on**.— J a GREEABLE to an order of tho C’*>urt of Or<H Tb-e are the only terms on which we will seliinfu- | J^nzrj of DeEalh coin, tv. will bo sold befon We respectfullv solicit the people to call and examine i Court House doo, ourstock. ' JACOB HAAS & CO. I Tuesday m December October 26,1854. 26dtf J of sale, the following property Out* ueirro bov. Anderson. 18 Years of age: a Fulton Sheriff’s Sales. ILL be sold before the courthouse door, in the city of Atlanta, on the 1st -Tuesday hi December Marshal’s Sales. :lid, be sold before the Connell Room, in tlie city t V of Atlaule. on the first }!onuav iu December, the following property, to-wit . City lot number forty-seven t_4-) of laud lot number Aft}" oue. (51) bv virtue ot a Seri facias iu favor of the -- " Council*of the city of Atlanta vs. John Er- uiingcr, foV lus ciiv tax for the y.-s r 185 i. Also, a city lot* on Mitchell street, with a black smith shop on it, levied on as the property of Thomas Coun* 1S54. levied on [_ j A. Wine ns uud Airs. Crawford: levied 011 us die ! by virtue a of life for city tax. on land lot No. 66, the V;lowing property, to-wit: lot in the city of Atlanta, with improve- , Mayor ft Council*of the city i thereon, situate on Decatur street, coutuiu- "" T <*->•> •■ r — *' half Acre, more or less, and hounded North l*y 'Alt. Ordinary. j^eeaturstreet, Sent It by a lot formerly owned by j Hearne’to’saGsiVa m-f In tevoVof^he Mayor & C } Baser, East by .lose* Crawford * iot. ar.d : c ii v ,. r U( , ma5 Heirno. for city tax for the year IS; » i West by an unimproved lot, and now occupied by * Also, a city lot lying on Peachtree street, levie Three unimproved lots in tho r»n Wliitehsll street au«l branch, lot Dry Goods and Clothing Establishments GEORGIA Fulton County. in this citv, enabling all to supply themselves with \ T HEREAb John H. Johnson and ftia II t ar<ti8on such articles, unprecedented, and warranted as i represented. The stock is ENTIRELY NEW AND FRESH. heiie are therefore to cite bir the kindred ami creditors appear at my office on «»r betore the first Monday iu Oc tober next. t*»sbo^r cause, if any they have, why sai< and its extent will be seen by calling, when the letters should not he granted. Given under my hand at inducements offered in nrice, qualitv and variety office this :iSth August 1854. JOS. H. MhAD. Only. FIRE & LIFE INSURANCE. r rr. ?ubscribor i-; prepared to take risks against Io e s of buildings of every description (r.ot prohibited by the rule« of the Comj- mies) and stock.: ofgoo»ls. by fire, upon as reasons l ie t -Tns as nny office of equal re- sponaibility in the Koutii rn country. He lias the Agency of two of the oldest (>»mpanics in the United states* viz. Tin* Hartford Fire Insurance Company and the A^tna Insurance Company at Hartford, the late re ports of which show them to be iu a perfectly sound con | dition. ha\ing a ca v hcapital (*f ©\erS-l(*0,000. ’ll.(‘at tention of Mechanics iti»d laboring men generally and .-•11 heads of families is respectfully called to the fact inducements offered in price, quality and variety’ will induce all to purchase. The Stock of* Carpeting cannot be surpassed. Call early and judge for yourselves, at S. FRANKFORD’S, Whitehall street, Atlanta, Oct, 20, '54-22dlm A half interest in six arre.s of laud, mere or — , . , less, with a saw-mill and ail other improvements ITS of »5d jeie*ke.t to beand thereon, it bomg a part ot land lot No. 144. in ' iv iu Cr I the 17th district of originally Henry, now Fulton ihy said | county, adjoining the lands of Huger. Jones and Elliott: levied on as the property of A. II. Parks, and now in possession of Vi. Laydcu, to satisfy a ! Mitel.?'I* street. Also, a ci:y lot. number not known, where, fendant now lives—I*. It. Silv.*} . •Use, a city* lot No. 4. land lot No. 77. whereon the defendant now livf s—dt, Clayton. A city lot, number noi known, known as Kile's Gro cery, claimed by James Kile. A city Iot No. 76. whereon A. S. Rhodes now lives. A city lot. No. !'J*J. on laud lot No. 52. levied on as the \iropertv of IsiehlinFaiiuin. A city lot whereon V. C. Holladay now lives, on HOTELS, &C. Georgia House. r 5 'HE above House is situated in the most pleasant i. part of the city, being on tbe corner of Green and Jackson Streets, within three minutes walk of the principal stores, Medical College, Post Office, and Geor gia Railroad Depot. Tho table will, at all times, be sup plied with the best the Market affords, and every atten tion given to make tlie patrons of the House comtort- abie. Board by the month or week at moderate terms. Merchants, Planters, and others nsting the city wiH find the above House comfortable and convenient to businoss. X. B.—Terms per day SI,00. . M. A. MUSTIN, Augusta. Aug. 23,1854. (13-2m)Proprietor. PATENT MEDICINES. PLANTERS* HOTEL. AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. 'HIS splendid new HOUSE, Situated on Broad street, * immediately in front of the site of the old Plant er's Hotel, which has been furnished throughout with new Furniture, Bedding. &c.. Is now open for the re ception of customers. It will be the endeavor of the proprietor, to givesatisfaction to thosowho may favor Im with their custom. J. M. SlMFSOX, Soy 1,1S51 [26—lyj Proprietor, GEORGIA, DeKalh county. TO ALL WHOM IT MAT CONCERN: JiEREAS. Joseph Walker and J- R McAlister. I ’’ Adm'rs upon the estate of Zacbariah Glioistou \ deceased, apply* for letters of Dismission from the ' Administration of said estate, therefore the kindred | and creditors oT said deceased, arc hereby cited and ' admonished to file their objections, if any they have, in my office in terms of the law. otherwise letters of Magnolia Restaurant, Atlanta, Ga. r pHK nbove eanacionsestablishment, two Uou:*; above i , ,, , 1 the Fulton ilouse, and fronting tl>e Rail Road, is ; dLmwdon wiU be granted the applicants at the Janu now open, wlfli a splendid Bar. supplied witli choice I ar . v Tenn next of the Court of Ordinary for said coun- Brands of all kind? of Liquors, and the Fating* Depart 1 l J* ''lyon jiw«*r u>y uaud at o&ce. J meat is most excellently and copiously provided with | June • th. 1. ii. every delicacv. IVe invite our frivhds :.r d the public * ALKX. JOHXSOX. Ordinary. every - - - „ generally to call. Our saloons are private, and ot;r servants attentive. Come one. come all. Meal* nrepared at anr hour. October 19tii. 1S54. * THOS. BROOKS 1 , •ild2in WM. 1*. MOOX. GROCERIES AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, Atlanta, Ga. that they can secure a competency to their families in ; |/w Wf.HohnV n-nA Mitrheil RhyUfn 1 after Ilfs by a tittle annual expence employed in ensu- j L ,/U> 1 1 V ” lUtCiiml (Tin MllCrUl * • -J [ June. 16j4. ring their life. The Charter Oak life Insurauce Com- jjanv, of which the subscriber is Agent, will grant pol- cies fur from S500 to $5000 upon reasonable terms.— Owners of Xegroes need never l«M»se that kind of prop- rty if they will ennure their lives in this Office. Office Xo. Alabama Street. WM. MARKHAM. Atlanta, Oct., 28th 1854. dtf GEORGIA, DeKalb Cmmty. ; all whom it may concern: Whereas Lomond J. JL Bailey Administrator on the Estate of John M. ! Corley, deceased, applies for letters of Dismission t from said Administration, therefore the kindred and creditor#* of -^aid deceased, are hereby cite»l a!»d ad- monisLcd to tile their objections if any they have, in my office in terms of law, otherwise letter* « f Dis mission will be granted tlie applicant at the Decem ber Term next, of theCourrof Ordinary for -aidUoun- Giveu under ;»iv hand officialv at office, this 81 ALEX. JOHNSON. Ord’y. GEORGIA, DeKalb County. » me for let amc Dia- Trout House. THE uudcrsighcl begs to Announce to tho citizens of Alliuitii auil the travel ing public, that he will open the Trout T Vi. ROARK would call tbe attention of the . \x; HJ.RF.A8 James J Piamund applies t<j me V V • public to bis large ami well-selected stock ' • * ters of administration on the estate of Jc of Groceries which he will sell at tho ] m.vud. late of said county, deceased-.these ar,* therefore j —- — . , . lo cite aud admonish ell aad einirul-.r the kindred and Very Xiowest Prioo», at Wholesale and Retail. As he intends doing a cash busteess exclusively, thote wishing to buy for cash would do well to call ; October term of the G’ourr of Onlimiry for said county and examine his stock, consisting of everv arGcle I “?i‘ and “* aLEX. JOHNSON, erri' creditors of said deceased, to be aud appear a oflice. and file tbeir object ions, if any they have, why letter, should not be granted the said applicant at the and examine his stock, consisting of every article in the way of Groceries, Hats and Caps, Boots House on Monday next, for tho nccommo- | and Shoes, Sadlery, Ac. Those who cull at his i Fulton datiou of hoarders and transient persons, with fur niture entirely new, Rooms well ventilated, large and niry Halls, and l>y constant attention to the wants of his guest*-*, the subscriber hojies to make his House among the most desirable to he found in | the State. AARON GAGE, Proprietor. Atlanta. Nov. 8, 1854. d3m establishment will not fail to las satisfied both in l •mntg. 1 t "HEREA8 William Wall ha. this dny applied to me respect to the quality of articles and pri'-e. ' Y\ iu; letter., of admicistration ou* tl.c INt.-.te j: Atlanta, Oct. 11, *1854. (17-dtf) j Jameo Reese, late of -aid county, deceased: these are _ _ j therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of s:iid deceased to be aud a].pear fifa issued from Fulton Inferior Court, in favor of Thos. G. W. Crttesell, vs. A. H. Parks. A negro man named Ephraim, about fifty or j nlty-fivo years old, I.lack complexion; levied on - * as the property of John Williamson, and now iu j possession of Julius A. Hayden, to satisfy a fifa is- : sued from DeKalb Superior Court, in favor of j -John L. Bellinger, vs. .John Williamson, and now | proceeding at the instance of Lemuel Dean, us- ! signec. One lot iu tho city of Atlanta, number not ' known, situate on Calhoun street, containing 2g acres, more or less; levied on as the property of R. P. Ray, to satisfy a fifa issued from a'Justice's Court, 1026th District, G. ill., in favor of John , II. Jenkins, vs. R. P. Ray—ievy made and re turned to me by J. B. Buchanan, Constable. One lot in the city of Atlanta, number not known, situate on Nelson street, and fronting six ty feet on the same, adjoining Sloati Hackett * iot: levic-l ou as the property of VJ. R. Barnes, i to satisfy a fifa issued from a Justice’s Court, f laiixio keeps store. 1026th District, G. 1{.. in favor of Seago. Abbott : y Co., vs. SI. K. Barnes—property pointed out i a citv lot. No. by plaintiff: levy made and returned to me by J. ! stre-.ts, whereon I'r. D'Alvigny nov * II. Coin, Constable. A city lot ou Forsyth street, on One house and lot in the city of Atlanta, situ ate o:i Nelson street, on the South-West side of Mao© ii A Western Kailroad. eontaining half acre, more or less, adjoining lots of Edison and Rossor, and now occupied by the defendant: levied on as the property of .Micajah Barue?, to satisfy ii\o fif'A* issued from a JusriccX Court, 1026th District, G. AJ., in favor of W. W. Roark, v>. Micajah Barnes—property pointed our by plaintid’: levy made and returned to me by J. B. Buchanau, ConFtable. V city lot ou • Hu uter aud Prior street si, where the livery stable i^, tbe property *>f W. H. Dickson. A cily lot. number not known; said lot front?* the ?orgia Railroad, where J. J. Mai A oily lot. number not known, fronts Peachtree street, where tho defendant now lives—James Langston. A city lot on Macon & Western Railroad, tho proper ty of J. .S. Lumpkin. A city lot fronting Penclitree sirc*ct-. ill** property of | James F. Walker. A city lot fronting Peachtree street, where Felix ! Sowers now lives. ] A city lot fronting on the Macon A Western Railroad, ; where Jesse Timmons now lives. : A city lot. number not known, fronting on Alabama j street, v'hereon L. 1.. Ledbetter now lives. ! A city lot. Xo. 17. on land lot Xo 77. fronting Ala bama street. the property of Ilenry UarRon. j A city lot. Xo. 91, fronting ou Houston street, v. Iierc- j on John J. Lane now lives. [ A city lot. Xo. lil. fronting Collin* street, whereon f Willis Carlisle now live :. i A city lot. number not, ku*»v. n, laud lot No. 85, us j the property of E. D. Craw fort I. * *dy lot, Xo. 8. on !"»:d lot N»>. 77. whereon l>. f- 3IARSHAL.L, HOUSE, Sitcmtmi/t, Geo raid, OOB.COJX FARGO) Proprietor, (L\«E OF THE V. 9. HOTEL, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA ) Savannah, November lid, 1853. 22—wly ATLANTA MEDICAL COLLEGE. v Ta recent meeting of the Trustees of this Institu- *■ * tion. in. conjunction with a part of the Faculty elect, it was Resolred : To adopt the SUMMER COURSE, as best ad apted to our position. The FIRST COURSE OF LEC TURES to commence on the first Monday in May next and close on the last day of August. Thereafter Com mittees were appointed to select a site, and, also, to furnish a plain and specifications for the Colledge Buil- ding. The erection of the building will he commenced as noon as practicable. Suitable rooms have already been secured for the Euosr Course of Lectured. A regular announcement by the Faculty will appear as soon as the organization is'complete. By order of the Board of Trustees. August 9th 1854. 10—wtf JOHN COLLIER, Sec y A . gb strv: frooting l)ecnt ur * ■-'*** tliv property Collrn UIlVEBSm OF LOCISIAiVA. Medical Department. '{'HE Annual Course of Lectures in this department will commence on Monday. November 13th, and will tenwuaie in the ensuing March. James* Jones. M. D. Professor of Practice of Medicine Warren* StixNB, M. D.. Professor of Chemistry. J. L. Kiduki i.. M. D., Prof, of Surgery. A. II. Cenas, M. D.. 1‘rofes or .*f Obstetrics. A. J. Wkdi>ehin*k.v M. I’role-iHor of Anatomy. GusrAyrs A. Nott. M. D. Professor of Materia Medica. 1’hos. Hunt, M. D. Prof, of }*}iysiology aud Pathology. "onsEurs C. Be.ard. M. D.. ) ‘ tv- \r : 'U* raon-t’sof Anatomy, -n ou tlie third veil. ^Samuel I\ Cuom.v. M. i).. ^ lives. » OThe rooms for Dissecting will land lot Xo. 77. the ] Monday in October. I The Facult\r are Vibiting Physicians and surgeons of Aperty of F. I A city lot, No. land lot No. 5, the property of j the Charity Hospital, ynd attend this Institution from j David Crockett. ! November to April. : A city lot ou-McItonough »treet, vlsereon («. »». Hay- j The Students accompany tlie • good now lives. j visits, and. free of expense. A city lot, number not known, fronting on Marietta i tical advantages. Professors in their oy extraordinary pmc- strect. property of TH lives. A city lot on liecoAnr street, known ; place, the properly of Thomas Anbury. A city lot* on Peachtree street * t George Selnvnbereer. A city lot •n Decatur rt hereon he nov property of W. U. ight hundred 111 ere are, during the persons jirer.criberi for daily. In 1853 the number of patients wa s thirteen tl.oiiM . even hundred and lifty-nine. July 2f», (11—4m) ' THOS. HUNT, M. I).. Dean. GEORGIA GARBLE WOttkS, At Public Outcry. U riLL be sold before (be Oouneil-Iloom door, on Wliito Uall street, on the lii't-l Tuesday in December next, at 2 o’clock, n valuable city lot on Marietta Htreet. on which is a neat and <0111- fortablc and well furni -lied dwelling, good well of water., Ae. Also nt the same time ami place 3 beautiful unimproved Lots, situated on the same .street. Persons wanting to purchase, nil! be -howii the property nt any time. rf. J. SHACKELFORD. I** mini Mn»Ur. Atlanta, November 13, 1854. !2tds»xita Crtsb. Stoi’o i WM. HERRING t CO. *. t 7*J*: a re n "u ii'rf*i\ii*.,* :m iimneuse .■'took uf Kail 1 I ami Winter ClotliiuK? for men aud boys wear, of the lastlsst and latest "trie. Also, an assort’ no‘11 id jre.itlcmeiu' FPItNISHIXij <JOt)r>8, wl.ich w* will sal! nt the i.owkst ren'Ks, for cull. \\\‘ law on hand nn ns .Iirlment of PRY (.'(KiliS which w# will sell under tin* markot price, as we are delennine-t to close out that department of our trade. We will be pleased to show any person giving os a call what we will do. Saptciu'jci* •Jltlli, 1S5I. (1-dwlv.l W. IIKRKi.Vti. W. J. MASTERS, W. F. HERRING. Glass front. No. .>. Whitehall Street. Atlanta. <!a. NEW BONNETS, CLOAKS, ~ XJrosH Sillifis, rfcc., cUses. M. BORING, takes ore at plcas- are i . aummio b 'C to her friends and pat- liius. that her stock of Fall uud Winter i potv complete, l’iea-e call : ml examine Is. nil who are in need of the latest fasii- sho has this day reicdi e*' a lot ot just such | Notice! T HE subscriber will offer for talo on the first Tuesday iu December, next, at Decatur, Dc- lh co„ the Household and Kitchen Furniture of the Globe Hotel, consisting of Mattresses, Bed ding, and Beads Leads, all as good as new, with a variety of other things in that line of business. Terms made known on day of sale. E. N. CALHOUN. fift- X. 1J. l’ersons indebted to the Subscril*or will pk-issc call aud settle. E. N. C. Decatur, November 15th, 1851. [45dlw. MRS. C. PEEL, Fashionable Milliner and Dress-maker. Stun* next door to Messrs. Ryan & Myers Whitkiiah Stkeet, Atlaxta, Oa. H AVING recently opened a new establishment. of Millinery and Dicsss - makin g. Bleaching, l’inking, Ac.. Mrs. Peel respectfully invites the Ladies of Atlanta and surrounding country, to call and examine lier Fall and VViutei’ Stock. of the most handsomo and fashionable Millinery and Fancy Goods, Dress Costumes. Children’s Costumes, Ac., of tho richest and latest fashions and patterns. All who desire fashionable made Bonnets. Dresses, Cloaks, Mantillers, Ac., would do well to call. She lias received and is still receiving—aud will always keep on hand a supply of Bonnets and liats for Ladies ami children. Ribbons, Flowers, Head-dresses. Caps, Embroideries. Gloves, Curls, Veils, Toys, Dress-trimmings, Dress-goods, Cloaks, Mantillers, Ready-made clothing for children Ac. All orders promptly attended to, at short notice. She will be thankful to those who may give her u call and will take pleasure in serving them at very low lutes for cash. Atlanta, November 13. 1851. 42-d3m. i\ew Millinery. vfRS. M. W- HARRIS) ha.s received and ny office within the time i»re?cribed t»y ihow *caa«e. ;f any they have, why letters should m*»t be is receiving, a new and beautiful stock of : granted «aM applier.ut. txlven under ray hand at office. Milliner}*. She hv 1 also a well-selected «upplv of , thi-j 11th ’lav or r-eptember. 185-4. " * * JOS. H. MEAD. Ord?r. R;b^ n ns. l^adies’ Collars, Cberaisette'j. Ilandkerchiofs, 81eeves. Glove^. Dress-triaiming.s. Indies* Cloaks and j Shawl*—she also has on hand a few pattern.' of **plen- did Dress-Silks, and a great many articles in her line j not mentioned—all of which she will sell very low.— She also heaps constantly on hand Ladies’ splendid silk and satin Hats, mate after th" latest styles. Leg horn or straw Bonnets bleached or dyed and pressed in to the most approved styles. She is also prepared to make ladies' Dresses, at short notice and in ihe latest fashions. She can be found all times of the <b> in her shop over Burr's tin-shop. Atlanta. Ga., Oct.28, 1854. 29dtf S IXTY BAYS AFTER DATE, application will be made to the Honorable Court •'! Ordinary 1 of DeKalb county f**r leave to sell the real estate of James DiamoiuL of said comity, deceased. • Oct. 2. JSbL JAAIES J. DIAMOND, i no«*-2m. Adm’r GEORGIA. DeKalb County. 1VTIEREAS James Yancy, Executor of the Estate " of Frauds (a dim. applies it* mo for letters of dis- luisflion from his said Administration. These are CALHOUN FILLS! T HE Subscriber, after many years urgent solicitn* tion, by gentlemen of the highest order of talcnls and literary standing in our country, has consented to offer to the Public his Pills, which have been pronoun „ced by all who have had sufficient experience with them, as one of the happiest combinations of ileilicino ever yet offered to tho Public, on either Continent, as a General Family Hledicinc. lie fee’s no fears that tho experience of those who have yet to testthem, will be strictly in .acordcance with the testimonials of those distinguished gentle men whose names are annexed, with thousands of others who would freely testify,/if deemed necessary. Hio CALHOUN PILLS will he found eminently supe rior to all other family preparations, in the removal of that great cataloguo of diseases arising from Derangement of the Digestive Apparatus, such as Fevers ofatl types, Bowel Affections of all kinds, every character of Ilead-aclie, Rheumatic Pains. Pains in tlie Chest, and so on. If token and persisted in ac cording to directions, in the initial stages of disease and particularly during c decided predisposition to dis ease, they will, like a charm, dissipate without discom fort, thousands of cases that might, and I do not doubt would, terminate in death. The subscriber speaks con- fidently, as ho is enabled to do from thirty-two years experience in the Medical Profession, and many vears experience with his Pills, which liar e, during tlie time, undergone many alterations, with the view and hope of making them a Safe and Reliable Family Medicine. They are strictly Anti-Billiousand Anti-Hyspeptic. The Public aro referred to tho testimonials of their Honsors Joseph Henry Lumpkin, Judge of the Supreme Court of Georgia; l*'x-Judge John j Floyd; Edward Young Hill, Judge of the Superior Court; Messrs. John H. Pope, of county, and C. Low. of Augusta, Ga. Decatvk, Ga. E. N. CALHOUN. JL D. TESTIMONIALS Athens, September 23, 1S5.0. Bear Sir:—I received several da vs since, your favor asking my opinion of the Medical merits of the Calhoun Pills. Allow me to premise, that for the last ton year; I have been tortured iu body and mind, by tho Demon Indigestion. I was endowed by nature with an admir able constitution, and my formidable malady has been superinduced by a costive habit, brougli t on by too close confinement end want of regular exercise. Never hav ing sufficient leisure to starve out disease, even if it be possible to do so. which I very much doubt, I have run the rounds of all the most approved cures and allevia- tives. I have tried in their turn—hoe's. Peters's, Brandreth's, Cook’s. Hill's. Spencer's Smith'-, an.! mil ny other Patent Pills and Dyspepsia Drugs, which have come within my reach, and contrary to tlie coinnonlv expressed opinion, I mas* bear my humble testimony iii favor of the virtue of each and all of these Nostrums I am by a Box of Pills, as by a Book which- is no* of a vicious tendency. I never bought either, which i did not think fully worth the money which it ce-t it is only necessary to add, which I Jo most cheerfu lly—not only through kindness to you. but t>> the pub lic also, especially that portion of it who know, bv sad experience, what is meant by tlie Vulture-like -mawing at the pit of the stomach, bitter taste in the'mouth flatulence, ascidity, distension of the stwmnch consti pated bowels, colli feet aud acute pain In tile head back and vicinity of Hi. heart—to all such. I can cor diallr recommend the Callicur. Pills. The efficacy of this Remedical Agent, I tested for tho first time* du ring my recent sojourn with you. and have u.-ed it fre quently since, an<I have found, experimentally, that it subserves m my case u most excellent pur; ose. particu larly iu its effects upon theLiverrthe sympathy between stem irli is too i B .te to root* to me by J. S. Lumpkin, onstublc. One iot of land, No. 2IS, iu th*.* 17iu district of I originally Henry now Fulton county, containing j 2021 :• rt'S, more or less : levied on ns tint property j of Thomas J. Stevens, to satisfy nine fil'ns issued * from a Justice’s Court. 722d District. G. .ii., in favor of Willis Carlisle and others, vs. Thomas J. 1 Stevens—levy made an l returned to me by Rich- I ard Ilea, Constable. Lot of land No. lo3, iu tho 17th District of or el Atlanta against P. J. 1 Whitehall street. All el which 1 iiave ~ *i this day. October 2d, ISbl. 11. citv lot fromi id :he above stated can B. X. WILLIFORD, Citv Marshal. i V " -i. tlmn any yard in >rt\\ our own marble, l»»£li freight from the r* iRL-v-eJ, material ad- Marshal’s Sales for January. *11’ ILL bo sold on the first Monday in January • » next, before the City Hall door, Onu city lot, containing one half acre, more or less, fronting on Whitehall and Mitchell street; in better .style, aud at cheap* <* country. When it i.i con.-ddeivd thm wi } no jobber's profit* ami no th, i» will b? been that wo d .*:intagos r.; or all competitors. We cordially solicit our t'rieml- ami the public gene • rally to examine oar work, and compare our prices with 1 those of other yards boloie ordering Northern marble. We have on hand at our yard in Marietta a large a - j sort men t of finished work—Monuments, Toombs, ke..— whereour agent (I. W. Summers will ,>ell at our t diMC-th *- HEAL ! ry I will sell at i’ublic Auction, on the First Tue°- ! day in January next, FORTY-FOUR VACANT , I and THIRTEEN IMPROVED CITY LOTS, ; j situated in different parts of the City of Atlanta. I ! Many of these Lois arc desirable as sites for | | Dwellings, and some of them are good Business | stands. i The sale to commence nt 9 o’clock, a. uu in j front of the now Briek Store, under the Odd-Fel- j lows’ Hall, on Peachtree street. | Terms : One-Tourth, cash, tho balance payable I in one and two years, with interest. JFQ- Those wishing to inspect this property, J or any portion of it, prior lo the day of sale, will | lie directed to it by applying to me at the Store of J l’arr & McKenzie. L. J. PARK. Atlanta, November 15tb 1851. [dtds. Given uroler my hand at office. Al.KX. JOHNSON, Orfi July 14th, ls.VI. —* | I GEORGIA, DeKalb County. 1 rytO all whom it may concern: whereas U. S. Morris. ■ JL applies for letters of administration on the Estate of j ; Jane Russell, late of said county, deceased: thv-e are - therefore to cite :.nd admonish all and singular the ! kindred and creditors of said deceased to be amt iipjiear at my office within the time pre.-cribed by law. and ; show cause, if any they have, why letters of Adminis- • tration should not be granted said applicant. Given j under mv hand officiaUv at office. Sept 9. 1S54. * ALEX. JOHNSON. Ord’y. j j sale on the 1st Tuesday iu October lust, and hav- j 11 trt x fifa iu favor of the Mayor and Council iug failed to comply with the terms of said sale. 01 , *’ u c *ty of Atlanta vs. L. J. l’arr. A house and lot in tbe city of Atlanta, number i A eit . v lot, containing one-fourth of an aero not known, containing half acre, more or less, be- : moro !’ r ic*5, fronting the Georgia Railroad ; sold part of laud lot No. 85, of originally Ilenry now Fulton county, bounded North by New White- to satisfy a fifa iu favor of the Mayor and Coun cil of the city of Atlanta, for city tax. vs. Thomas Hue! no gn them, aud noise obout d'.e for your hvJtn E.R LAWSRE | ll.i8 ulw.iy.i <m ’ a 'iac stock of i CLOCKS, WATCHES A.M) | JEWEIjIIY, .ti<l i- propanol 4 . *u work «»V evi-r^ ilt‘>cnp* | i •»! doiit- up In nicsL kai* btylt* .iii.l «>ariuulcJ. I All&t. ilia, St*p25tl». I—Jwly The most extraordinary discorcty in the World J * (hr firent .1 rnhvni lUotniy for Jltiu un>l Rcti*t. H. «i. FARRELL’S CELEBRATED ARABIAN LINIMENT. Tbe beautiful «*inl fertile rccluu nUirtiiig tbe desert j of Jrab'.t. jiboumD villi ran* plant> and <Hioroti> j wood-.* :»p* pro.’iucd thoM* aromatic (rums aud lial-auis of n lii«'b thi 4 * Liniment in composed, and 1 by who-*' stimulatin'?, unctuous and penetrating prep- I » *rlies it is. wiivu a i«j»li**«l. diffused through the whole J uitvous «*ystcm, allaying the mo-t intense pain iu a I few minutes Try i». when \ou will be con\incedthat n preparation p<»>-e.-- - in soliixlm depree. its per- ! t.*-t anodyne qualities. Ii- action la prompt aud ef- ! leetivo. It penetrates the flesh t«* the bone, relaxes . contracted cords, restoring use to limbs paralysed for ' ted away, leaving 1 JOHN It. WALLACE & BRO’S. LATE ARRIVAL— f t p i ^ But 111 time for Winter Wear and Use! 1000 yds. llomc-made Jeans, various colors. 50n pis. “ “ AVool Socks, •• sizes. 500 yds. “ “ Liuseys. BIST LIVE GKE8E» KEATHER8. CONSTANTLY RE "CEIVIXG. To tliosc special outward comforts, we can add.foi the inner man— 20,000 lhs. Bacon, including choice Hams. 5000 lbs. best Leaf Lard, in barrels and cans for family use. As one of our firm resides in Tennessee anil is en gaged in the purchase of the above articles, we are enabled to offer them of the best quality— and as low as the lowest. To the above we can add agood selection of Groce ries, from N. Orleans, Baltimore and New York; a good supply of Carpenter's Tools of every description, Nails, and Hardware generally. Farmer's supplies. Bagging, Hope. >Salt. Iron, Ac.: Clover Seed, Iiluo Grass. Timothy and Herd Grass or Red Top Seed. For Painting—Best No. I and pure White Lead, Linseed Oil. Lamp Black, Litharge—also a pa tent Drier, superior to Litharge, lately in use— Varnishes of all kinds, Brushes, Paint mills. Arc. For the Mining interest, we keep Blasting Powder, Oc’agon or eight-sided steeltbrDrills, Hammers, Safety fuse, Ac.: Oil and burning Fluid of the best description kepi constantly on hand. In short. ; t will be our aim to keep nli useful ar ticles that t nc l.o called for. jomn :\ Wallace, i c. ii. u AI LACE. J. W. WALLACE, Shelbyvillc, Tenu. Atlanta. Oct. 27. 1851. 28d&wSm NEW GOODS. Mon cfe* Hoys Clotliing, Clothes iVew and Fresh. Casstme: es. Tito Richest over brought to this Market. t'estiiigs. Come .soon, or they will all he mild. Gloves— Kxlra Floe Neck, Flxiiis, th»* M*ry latent .-tAlo ami ricliuat material-. Also, railor'n Trittiininflr*—Taws, Crayon-. auJ almost any thing kept in a Mcrclsant Tailoring e^tabli-limcnt. bouqlit from the? r liE undersigned offers for sale 500 acre on the east bank of the Little Tallapoosa \ Homestead Law of Force ! acres of Land river—live mil«*s from Weedo-.veil, in Randolph County, Alabama, containing about 150 arre.s of bottom land. 50 acres cleared and the balance well timbered. The place con tains sufficient water power for any kind of Machinery, and a number of fine springs, and is situated in the healthiest section of Alabama. For terms apply to the subscriber at Rockdale, Alabama, or t*» James McCain, on the premises. FRANCIS M. PIKRYMAN. Oct ‘ii w4ui C. I*. BaA.HLTH, Piano Forte Repairer and Tuner, W ILL attend to any calls iu hi? line of business, such as reg ulating of action, covering of hum mers, (felted or buffed,} laying of new strings by tlie octave, whole or single, Ac. Satisfaction given iu every instance or no charge. All work warranted. Tuning by the Year done at Reduced Prices. Orders anywhere from tlie country, addressed to G. F. Barth, Atlanta. Ga., will meet with prompt attention. Come Everybody, nno the Horae Head sign, that wants good home-made Saddles, nr Bridles. Saddle bags. Trunks. Valises. Harness, Collars and . rent variety, together with all articles usu ally kept in an establishment of this kind; all of which i are offered at tit? lowest living prices, for cash, by the ! undersigned. MILLED & ANDREWS, i ^Repairing of all kinds done with quick ! despatch. Atlanta, Nov. 1 1854—dtewly. GEORGIA, Pulton County. UITHEREAS Thomas W. Conualiy applies to me for let - V T ters of administration on the Estate of Cornelius M. Counally, late of raid county, deceased: These are I therefore-to cite and admonish ail aud singular the J kindred and creditor- of said deceased to be and appear ! at my Office within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be I granted. Oiven under my hand at office, this 12th uay of Au- | gust 1854. JOS. H. Ml-IAIK Ordinary. FULTON MORTGAGE SALeT \VfILL i>e sold on tlie first Tuesday in December V V next, before the Court House door iu the city of Atlanta, within the legal hours of sale, the fol lowing property, to wit: Jordan, a negro man; Howard, a boy: Jesse, a man : Tom. n man ; Anderson, a taau, and Jack, a ; man—ai! levied on ns the property of U. L. | Wright, to satisfy a mortgage !i. fa., issued from j Fulton Inferior eourt, i.i fa. or of David Meri wether and Charles F. Newton, vs. L*. L. Wright. Property pointed out in said mortgage fi. iii. J Oct. 5, 1S51. T. J. PERKERSON, j Deputy Sheriff. j GEORGIA, DeKalb county. \\ r HEREA .Henry T». l^timcr, iluardian of Win. E. Wil ou applies to me for letters of dismission from said Giiurdiansliip, these are, therefore, to cite and admonish all persons concerned. t<> be ami ap pear at iny office within the time prescribed bv law to sbfw cause, if any they have, why said letters should noi be granted at the July Term next of this court, (riven under inv hamlat office. Mav 16th 1854. ALEX. JOHNSON, Only. hall street. South by Jasper fi. Smith's lot. East I R«iA by Stephen Bowen’s lot, and West by Charuer j Humphries', Sr., iot; levied on as tlie property of , Thomas Hcarne, and now in possession of Ste phen Cash, to satisfy three fifas issued from a Justice’s Court, 1026th District. G. M.. IV. W. Roark vs. Thomas Hearne—property pointed out by plaintiff: levy made and returned to me by IV. One house and Iot in the city of Atlanta, numlier A. Bolk,"Constable. not known, containing olio-eighth of an aero, inoro or less, fronting ou the east side of tho Western and Atlantic Railroad square, hounded north by T. C. H. Wilson's lot, south by Gilbert I tc Wilson’s Oflice and west by Railroad square A city lot containing one half acre more or less, being a part of laud lot No. 5! : sold to satisfy n tax fifa in favor of the Mayor and Council of the city of Athiutn, vs. H. A. Vnughn. A city lot. whereon II. T. Peeples now lives: sold to satisfy a tax liiii in favor of tho Mayor and Council uf the city of Atlanta, vs. Simpson and Harris, agents for Hansford A Bro. A city lot, containing one half acre more or less, fronting on Peachtree street; levied on to satisfy a tax fifa in favor of tho Mayor and Coun cil of the city of Atlanta, vs. Margaret E. Lane. A city lot containg one fourth acre more or iess, . j fronting on the Vi aeon ft Western Railroad: sold .1 r *• 0 f t |j e Mayor and levied on as tbe property of John Kile to satisfy j l '’ •" t:l x fifa in favor of the Mayor a: a fi fa issued from Fulton Inferior Court: L. .j. j Council of the city of Atlanta, vs. Joseph Ilay. Parr versus JL D. Womack, Principal, and John j Kile Security. A house and lot in the city of Atlanta, number I not known., situate on the corner of Calhoun and i Railroad streets, containing half acre, more or | less, cud fronting the Georgia Railroad machine ! shop, bounded North by Wm. Kay's lot. South by i Railroad street. East by Calhoun street, and West I by Grant and Terry’s lot; levied on as the proper- * ty of Dr. Harrison Wcdmoreiand, to satisfy two ' fifas issued from Fulton Inferior Court, in favor 1 of Wm. Iv. Kitchen, one against Harrison West- I moreiand and the other against II. A W. F. West- I morclaud. JO S. S V] ITJI. Nov. 2,1S54. Sheriff. A city lot, containing one half acre more orless, l fronting on Calhoun and Baker streets: sold to ! satisfy a tax fifa in favor of the Mayor and Conn- ' cil of tho city of Atlanta, vs. Asa Fowler. A city lot, No. 3, on block No. 10, aud city lot i N*'. I, and block No. I 1; sold as the property of j John W. Davis, to satisfy a tax fifa iu favor of the j Mayor and Council of the city of Atlanta, vs. I John M. Davis. A city iot. containing ono half acre moro orless, fronting on Decatur street ; sold to satisfy a fifa I in favor of the Mayor and Council of the city of ! Atluuta for city tax, vs. Stephen Biggers. A city lot, No. 112, laud lot number 51, con taining ono half acre more or less, lying on Cal- ' hoim street; -old to satisfy a tax fifa in favor of Fulton Postponed Sale ll.rnx be -old before the Court Hou.-e door, in t t tlir -- -* • - —- - • - - - the Mayor and Council of the citv of Atlanta, I Magnificent Scheme. SOUTHERN MILITARY AC A REM t LOTTERY. G It A IV D S C* H E »I K l Class (i, TO BE DRAWN THE THIRTIETH Or NO A EMBER : jfc5F*One Prize to 2«» Tickets—aud remember, every prD.e drawn Capitals $15000 li 5000 1000 3000 2000 1500 1J00 5 of $1,000 5U00 Iu nir. .>01 prize-, amounting to ... 800.000 ifc-ijf-Tickets $10—Halves and Quartern in proportion. Appi oxiiuatiou Prizes! Tne two preceding anil two followiner number** to those that win tlir Capital l’ri/c- will each be en titled lo a Prize of $50 The two preceding and two following numbers to those that win the Second Capital of ?5,000, will each be entitled to a Prize of 40 The* two preceding and iw»> following numbers to those that win tlie Third Capital of $4,000, will each be entitled to a prize of .35 The two preceding and two following numbers to thoset hat win tho Fourth Capital of S3.000, will each be entitled to a Prize of 30 Tin* two preceding aud two follow iug numbers to tlio.-.e that win the Fifth Capital of $2,000, will each be entitled to a Prize of ^0 Tiio two preceding and two following number** to those tHat win the Sixth Capital of $1,500, will each bo entitled to a Prize of 15 Tlu* two proceeding and two following numbers to those that win the Seventh Capital of $1,100, will each beentitlcd to a Prize of 10 | jgifOrders solicited for Tickets or shares in the nbove Whips. Fulton Mortgage Sale. AT "ILL be hold before tbe courthouse door in V\ the city of Atlanta. Fulton county, ou the li-t Tuesday in January next, within the legal hours of sale, the following property, to-wit: the cit.s ot Atlanta.'on the first Tuesday eember next, within the legal hours of sale'tlie fol lowing property, to wit: The entire stock of Dry Goods and Groceries, consist ingof Caiicoes, Hats. Caps, Hardware, Medicine. Tobac co. Cigars. IVoodware. Crockery, and various other ar ticles, such as generally compose a Dry Goods Stock, all levied on as property of T. G. \Y. Crussell to satisfy j sundry fifas issued from Fulton Superior Court: one iii ; favor of A. C. Schafer, one iu favor of Belcher ft Holl- j insgsworth, one in favor of S. S. Farrar ft Brothers, j and one in favor of Wiley Banks ft Co., all against ! Crussell ft Swift, rale to continue from dc.v today un- I til all is sold. Administrator’!* Sale A GREEABLY to nn order of the Honorable ! .A Court of Ordinary of Fulton county, will he ! sold on the first Tuesday in January, 1S55. before Atlanta, G Atlanta, and one stove pipe—nil new aud com plete : levied on as the property of James \Y. t*. . ; Points, to satisfy a mortgage-fifu issued from Ful- tfic Court Houscdoor my umuHug.Forsyth county, j , oa Infvrior Court, in favor of Nathaniel E. Gard- ncr, v . James W. Poiuts—property pointed out in said fifa. Thirteou oooliiug cloves, cloven parlor aud box stoves and a quantity of Japan and planish and common tin-ware, together with a variety of oth- r articles of merchandise too tedious to mcutl Atlanta, X< crlber. dftwtf LEWIS I.AWSHE. and tv lie sh la » ot , b }“« 2’“‘ u.':S7 !m*.h*!’ v \ E KENDKZ'VOCS '(Uedowa' ifeittimmude,) GEORGIA, Fttlion County. T nS* It ' r'«!*' m!.“ id 12 H Wn! va"' ' composed by II. Braumul or. just received Il'KlJU* As. John l. Harris applied to me for letters lid this is the reason win* it luo been so sucees.-ful in i mid f. r sale at the Music Store "» AVhite-Hal! st. W f a.UnlnistraUon on the estate of William Fann- * — er. laof said county, deoeaseO.—These are therefore OtiCV. to cite end admonish all and singular, the kindred aud creditor.- «>! said deceased, to be and appear at my office within tb«* time prescribed by law. to show cause if any they have, why said letter.*; should not Iu* granted. (liven under my hnnd mid seal, at office, this 17th day of Oct., 1S5L JOS. 11. MEAD, Ordinary. Dpdiratfd to his Pupils and Frieuds Iu Atlanta, Ga. Lot of Land, numbered twelvebuudredaud iwcn- i\-one, in the fourteenth Distrii i, au*.l firat section, of originally Cherokee, now Forsyth county, con taining forty acres more or lew, and -old us tho property of Thomas Haynes deceased, for tho bcu- i fit of the creditors of said deceased. Terms.—Six months credit, notes and approved security. REUBEN HAYNES, Atim’r. November 10, 1S54. Administrator’s Sale, B Y virtue of an order of the Court of Ordinary of the County of DeKalb, will be sold on tbe First Tue.-day iu January next, nt Decatur iu said County between the legal hours of sale. Oue lot of Land No. tluee Hundred and nineteen, (219) in tbe l^th District, Original Henry now DeKalb County containing two Hundred two and a half acres more or less: also the following negroes, * i7 : Gil a man about 31 years old and Ada line, a wo man about 22 years old and both negroes being of good qur.lity all sold ns the property of Isarel Miller. Deceased for the Benefit of the heirs of said estate. Terms on day of sale. G. MORRIS, Administrator. November 6, 1851. property* pointed out bv John Isom, -vov s. 1S04 JO. 8. SMITH. Sheriff Administrator's Sale. Georgia, Cobb County- \ GREEABLY to an order of the Court of Or- A dinary of DeKalb county, passed on the 2d of October instant, will bo sold before tho court house door in tho city of Marietta, on the lir.-t ... ......... ... Tuesday iu December, between the legal hours of ail levied on as the property of James IV.'l’ointsi i ' ale ’ 1(,t ° r !;uld number three hundred, (300,) . . T ' tho OiHlv .lLtrini OA ~r* r* .i 1. ...... ' to satiety 1*70 movtgugo litti*. isauetl from Fulton luferior Court, in favor of Hancock ft Co. and : * J. N. Morrow, vs. James Vi. Points—property j pointed out in said fifas. Nor. 3d. IS54. T. J. PERKERSON. II. Stiff. STATE OF GEORGIA. ) FULTON COUNTY, j *1*1*IIKREAS, Thomas Moore applies to me for * » tetters of administration on tho estate of : Henry F. Jeffries, late of said county, dee’d— These are therefore to cite amt admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said doc’d, to be and appear at my office within the time pro - ■ scribed by law to show cause, if any they have, vthy said letters should not bo granted Thr* appli cant. Giron under m> hand and seal, this 3*1 duv of Nov. 1851. JOS. H. VIE AD, OnUnarv, * of tlie joints. In affccli* ns of tbe Spine, Liv- | -r. Lungs and Kidneys, this great remedy stands be- i fore any other overproduced. For ague cake or on- ! t ivgement o' ibe sple.-n. it * a specific For auy in* J i -.ial iullatnatton. you will find it gives grout relief. ' It has no equal In the world for Rheumatism—also, ! cramps, swelling, numbqess. weak joint-. Spine and | pains, wounds, chilblains, burns, sore throat | bites of insects aud rcptili*s, salt rheum, warts, corns, j mange and Indeed nearly alt .Ifscasas vhielt require an ■ i sternal application, aud many others, are greatly benefited by it. It Is used externally with great -uc. ; ce.s In gai: .*** or -widlnl neck. Scrofula or King’s ! Evil. Liver Complaint, nervon di eases, ftc. Fori Horse" or Cattle, i: is a- effectual a-in iliseasrs of i man. " iii .•iireuuy case of Sweeney ir e\is«cnc'' . al -,* Spavin, Spliii:, Kiugbone, Dig-head, Fistula. Farev, Poll Evil. Windgalls. Strains. Ilrnises, ftc. Look out for Countorfeits: flic public are cautioned again-t another counter leil. .vliieU lias lately made its appearance, called \V. 11 Farrell’s Arabian Liniment, the most dangerous of ill th" counterfeits, beeauto his having the name of * Farrell msti.V "ill bay it iugnod faith, witbouttlic* knowledge that a counterfeit exists, and they will per i, ,i*« onlv discover tlieir error when t!:e apurious mix- Hire has wrought its evil efforts. Tin* genuine article is manufactured only by H G. I’arrell. sole inventor and proprietor, and wholesale druggist. No. 17 Main street. Peoria. HUuul*,. to whom all applications for Agencies must Is* addressed. Be 1 sure you get it with tlie letters li. (*. before Farrell's thus—11. t;. VAKUIJ.L*.-'—and his signature on the wrapper, all others are counterfeits. Fold by A. Alex ander.aad.I. M. Itantin. Wholesale and Retail agents, Atlanta and liy regularly authorised agents through out the United States. &3T Price ’P‘ end .>0 rents, and SI per bottle. itlage aud hunt. GEORGIA, DeKalb County. ' ^t r HEREAS Ezekiel Reeves. Admtnist T WO months aficr date application will be made to tbe Honorable the Court of Ordinary of DeKalb County, for leave to soli the land aud negroes belonging to the estate of Jane Russel. Into of raid county, deceased. Nov. 13. 1854. ' OBF.DIAH S. MORRISS. Aministrator. AGENTS WANTED - .... let In the United Stales, in which one *’s not already < tablislied. Address H. 44. Farrell ns above, arcontjo- uied with good reference as to character, responsibili- rv. ftc. Atlanta. Nov. 11. 1X54. 04 4 VV . No Excuse for Ill-liealtlt. An emaciated frame, callow complexion, an •l^rro.'it debility, the result .-»r neglect to all treatment, when efficient Medical advice cau U* • djtalued privately and pronjpjJy. Ladles avho iuay be afflicted wills Irregularities' l<*s, Fistula-in Auo. Hravel. Scrofula, Ulcers. Hbeu- mntism, kcshould not allow false delicacy to pre\cnt their making immediate application t^> Dr. MORRIS, whose skill iu the treatment of all chronic diseases and female complaints, is loo well known in he ques tioned. Tin* Doctor assures uh rbose who eon-ult him by let- t* r tho most honorable secrecy, prompt attention, pleasant, safe and efficient medicines : aud to those who follow strictly hi a directions, in* will guarantee tncedv relief and permanent cares, r'hnrtres reason*• bla. Address. DR. W »|. MORRIS. Nashville, Tenu. May 251854. 5^—ly. Notire to Debtors and Creditors. A LL persons iudc'jtod t<> the Estate of Allen E. f V Johnson, lute of Fulton county, accessed, are requc-ti* 1 tomakeiiumcliulc payment: Aud all per sons having claims rqfiinst «aid estnti*. will present them Jolv authenticated within the time prescrib ed by law. JNO. ir. JOHNSON. . . \YM. H. FERGUSON. • A ' l,n r '*‘- Xovember 22, 1851. 51J M’^IAKIN’S ~ t’.oiuvound Camiihoratfd (riminativc. Tj^Cdl t'ue cure of Cholera M«»rl*us. Spasmodic Uiiol- Dysentery. Diarrha*a. Summer Compluintd. (’holic. (iripping Tains or Sick Stomach, want of Appe tite. Wind. Cram]*, and nil Diseases of the Stomach and Bowels. This is out* <»f the inoct pleasant, safe and effica- oiou.H Medicines lor Die above »aio**d complaints ever offered »«»t*«i£ public. It is adapted to j»ersons of all agea and sexes, uud is particularly serviceable in cases of Cholera Infantum, or Summer Complaints. In many severe attacks of both Dysentery ami Diarrhoea, it has acted almost as noon as administered, always leaving tbe bowels in a natural condition, thus requiring no ca thartic medicine to be taken a .ter. as is most generally required when articles are given to check the disease. It D. also, an excellent remedy, and speedy in its ac- i tion in cases of acidity c-n the stomach, which pro duces Wind. Hartburn, Restlessness, want of Appe tite. Inability to irleep, fcc.. 5:.: and, in fact ; f<»r niany diseases which ari**e frem a deranged stomach and bowel*. For sale onlv by JOHN BOON. Agent. At fh\ Rowell's Office, on Reach-tree St Atlanta. June ftd. 1854. T2—tfl tuctioii & Conmissioii Business! S. J. SHACKLEFORD H AS taken tbe large and commodious Jlouau ou Alabama streeet. south of. and contiguous to, the Common Passenger Depot, where he is prepared to re- - CouKlgnoieiits of nil kinds of MKRCHANOISE and 1 r,; ' Bacon. f^trcL Arc., Ac. Administrator's Sale. O N Thursday, the 0th day of November next, will f be sold at {he Johnson Houm*. the late residence i f ! Allen K. Johnson, deceased, all tlie i>eri.'bab!e pnq*erty <»f said deceased, consisting m juirt of one Lorav aud buggy, one yoke of oxen aad waggons, one steam boiler * about fifteen horse power, some cows, calves, and year- ; lings, one mahogany Sofa, one fine piano forte. Togeth er with all the household and kitchen furnituie. and ' many other articles not necessary to mention Sale to continue from dny to day until al! are sold. Terms made known on dav of sale. Oct. 18th. 1854. JOHN H. JOHNSON, \ WILLIAM H. TTRGUSSON. | Aau: N. B. Any ‘ “ ’ Boiler can fin- Work Shop, and examine it for themselves* ini.stra.tor upon the hstate of George W Reeve*, deceased, applies to rao for letters of dLsmtsaiou from liio .-aid Administra tion. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindrod aud creditors of said deceased, to rile their objections in my office, if any they have, in in terms of law. why the -aid applicant should net be dismissed fr**ui hi» *aid administration at the Feb ruary term nsxt, ot the Court of Ordinary of -aid county. Given uuderjniy hand at office. July.14tb y 15*54. * ALEX. JOHNSON, Ord’y, DeKalb December Sales. ^ ILL l.e soli! before the eourt-hoago i.bxjr in tho 20th district and 2d section of Cobb county : sold as the property of Ht-aley Leveret!. late of DeKalb, deceased, sold for the benefit of ihe heirs and creditors of said deceased. Terms on day of tale- SIMEON SMITH, J./niY. Oct. 1851. \ T —ILL be sold under an order of the Ordinary of Mor 1 * gnu county, ou the first Tuesday in December next before the Court House uoor in Fayetteville. Fayette county, a lot of land No. 78. ia the district of* vai l county, belonging to tbe Estate of George L. Bird, de ceased. Tbe ,aid lot of laud is entirely in woods.— HUGH J. OGILBY. Adtu’r. do bonis non with tbe AYill annexed of G. L. Bir«l, *ie- ce**sed. ■Madison, Morgan county. September I’.tli, 18-14. GEORGIA, Fulton County. A \ 711EKE.VS Daniel Johnson applies for letters of ad- * * ministration ou the Estate uf L. C. Cheshire, de ceased. late of La wrens District, 8. C. These aro there fore to cite aad admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors or said demised, to be and appear at wv •'flirt- on or before the first Monday in September next. to show cause, if any exists, wliv raid letter- of ad ministration should not be granted Avgust 2d, 1854. JOS. H. MEAD. Or*l’v GEORGIA, DeKalb County, r | * 'J., months after date application will be made to : Court of Ordinary of said county for leave to -sir the real estate and ucaroas. belonging to the estate uf Israel Miller, late of v*isi county, deceased. He pis 5th. 1854 GIDEON 5I0RT.1B, Adin'r. Fulton Postponed Sales. J ILL BE SOLD before the court house door * in the city of Atlanta, Fulton county, on tha first Tuesday in December next, within the legal hours of sale, the following property, to wit: A negro woman, by the name of Violet, about thirty-five years of age, of dark color, tbe property of Caldwell ft Griffin, and one hundred in Decatur. D.Kaib county, on the first i Tuesday in December next, within tlie legal hours t of sale, the following property, to-wit: One town lot in the town of Stone .Mountain, ; number not known, nidi a good iwo-story house thereon, and lying immediately iu front of the G. . \viu.Lut a. HtitiLssut 1 R * Depot, bounded on the North bv J. A. acres of land, more or less, lying on tho waters of IV person wishing to purchase the Steam : Cl '°' v p' n ff* ““'l 011 tile South by \V. B. Vi. Dent, j Utoy Creek, in tho fourteenth disteiot of originally fnd It iying near the Georgia Railroad Depot ■ containing j acre, more or less; levied on as the Ilenry now Fulton county, adjoining the land of property of A. G. Holmes, to satisfy a li fa issued " ’ ’ ’ " from Gwinnett Superior Court, in favor of li. ill. Cleveland and N. L. Hutchens, vs. John Holmes and A. G. Holmes, makers, and B. F. Veal, en- GEORGIA, Fulton County. w HERFAS John Linch lias this day applied to mofur letters of administration on the estate cf John K Oirriprau late of said county uecesed.—These are there fore to cito :mdadmonish all and singular tbe hindered and creditors of said deceased to be and appear at my office within the lime prescribed by Inw to show cause if any they have, why said letters should not he gran ted tlie applicant. Given under my hnnd and seal, at office this 10th day of November 1854. JO?. H. MEAD, Ordinary. AdEunjstrator’s Sale. AT 7ILL be sold, by order ,if the Court of Ordi- V A nary of Fulton county, on the first Tuesday , in December next, before tho Court House door, in , Atlanta, Fulton eonnty, within the legal hours of tatu of tbe sale—one Gold TY a tell, 0 ne lot of Gold Miniature frames, one Stiver Cream Pot, one sett And-irons, one Flute, a lot of Books, and various other ai li- , with a comfortable dwelling thereon, in the Town of Stone Mountain. No. not known, containing one-fourth acre more or less, and lying ou the main street, front ing the Georgia Railroad, all levied upon its the proper- ty of George IV. T. Goldsmith, to satisfy one fi. fa. is Joel Herring and Timothy Chambles, the property of Thomas Griffin, all levied onto satisfy a fifa is, sited from DeKalb Superior Court, in favor of J. S. ft L. Bowie vs. Leroy Griffin and E. M. Griffin, principals, and James Caldwell and Thomas Grif fin a? securities, property pointed out by Caldwell ft Griffin. T. J. PERKERSON, D. Sh’ff. October 5tb, 1S51. A«1 min i8< ratoi's Sale. A GREEABLY to an order of the Honorable rious other articles, such as usually compose a stock ef Court of n,*dm. r r sf Unit..,. ,.,;n \... drugs—all lev ied ouas the property of Thomas 8. Den will be be- '■ ! owner not known. A city lot. No. 127, on land lot No. 51, owner ! not known; sold to satisfy a tax fifa in favor of , the Mayor and Council of the city of Atlanta. A city lot, No. ft, land lot No. 53, lying on Col lins street or alley : sold to satisfy a tax 11 Fa in favor of ihe Mayor and Council of the city of Atlanta, owner not known. A city lot, Nu. 107, land lot No. 51, lying on i Calhoun aud Baker streets, owner not known; sold to satisfy a tax fifa in favor of the Mayor and Council of the city of Atlanta. A city lot, No. 2, land lot No. 77, owner not known: sold to satisfy a tax fifa i:i favor of the Mayor and Council of the city of Atlanta. A city lot, No. 2. in block No. 27, and land lot No. 77, lying on Whitehall and Garnett streets : sold to satisfy a tax fifa in favor of the Mayor : aud Council of the city of Atlanta, owner not known. A city lot, containing oue half acre moro or less, fronting Ivy street: sold to satisfy a tax fifa iu favor of tho Mayor aud Council of the city of Atlanta, vs. John R. Moore. Ail of tho interest of defendant iu cite,- lot No. 205, in land lot No. 52, lying ou Bell street; sold to satisfy a tax fifa in favor of the Mayor and Council of tlm city of Atlanta, vs. William R. Richardson. A cit v lot. No. 8, laud lot No. 53, lyteg on Jones street; -old to satisfy a tax fifa iu favor of the Mayor aud Council of the citv of Atlanta, vs. A. (}. Willis. A city lot. No. 3, uud land lot No. 77, contain ing oue half acre more or less, fronting on For syth streer : sold to satisfy a fifa iu favor of tho Mayor and Council of the city of Atlanta, vs. S. J. Ramsy, for his city tax in IS5i. A house and lot now occupied by the defendant, situate on the comer of Hunter and Loyd streets, number not known, supposed to contain half acre, more or less: levied on to satisfy a fifa for fine imposed, issued from the Mayor’s Court, city of Atlanta. Mayor and Council vs. Michael McCul lough. A house and lot in the city of Atlanta, situate on the corner of Whitehall and Mitchell streets, containing half acre, moro or less ; levied ou to satisfy a fifa issued from the Mayor’s Court, May or and Council vs. W. W. Roark. B. X. WILLIFORD. City Marshal. GEORGIA, Fulton County. A LL persons having demands against Adelaid IValthal, s M a te of said eonnty, deceased, are hereby notified to present them properly attested to me within the time prescribed by law, and all persons indebted to said de ceased, are hereby required to made immediate pay. nient. Atlanta, 8ept. 14, Ibol. II. T. BOMAK, Adm’r. Fulton Decembtr Snies. \\TlLU be ou the first Tuesday iu December ’’ next; beft-re tbe Uouvthmici door in the city of Atlanta, witliin the lejral hours of sale, the following- property, viz : A house aud lot in tbe South western part of tlie city of Atlanta, containing one acre, more or Iosn. en closed with rough failings, with a small framed dwell ing-house thereon, now occupied by Calvin Owens as hi> residence—levied on as the property of the said Calvin Owens, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued* from DeKalb £: tip trior Court, in favor of M. & R. McPuffee. vs. Gal vin Owens, principal, and Henry W. McDaniel, security. Also. The house aud lot now occupied by William Mil- ii> a grocery, in the Eastern part of Hie city of At lanta. fronting uh the South side of Veters’ street where said street crosses the Macou & Western Rail road. containing one-fouith of an acre, more or less— levied on as the property of William & Thomas Kille, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from DeKalb Superior Court, iu favor of Edmund W. Holland, vs. William Kile prin cipal. and Thomas Kile security. Also, The entire stock of drugs and medicines.paints, jars, bottles, phials, show-cases and contents, and va- tlrugs—all lev ied ouas the property in*, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from Fulton Superior Court, in favor of Lvnn, Smith & Co., vs. Thomas j£9*All communication* strictly confidential. £ SAM’E SWAN, Agent. At the Bronze Lions, Montgomery, Ala $*L»OrUer<» tickets received by A. W.* JONES, sole Agent for Atlanta. Office on Marietta street. Steam Saw Mill for Sale. r I'OGETHER with 400acres well timbered pine land, 8 one mile east of Haralson, Coweta county, Geor gia. The mill has just been put in operation and is cutting 1000 feet per day: Slabs and saw dust furnishes sufficient fuel and a ready .Nftlc can be had for all the lumber sawed at the Mill al $1 per hundred feet.— Engine DC. inch bore. 20 inch stroke. 2 cylender boil ers. power sufficient to drive a 4 feet circular Saw, or a Grist Mill or Shingle Mill, might bo attached, either of which would well. Living 40 miles from the above Mill, and having as much business as I can attend to, I will sell tho Mill and laud for the very low sum ot S4000. $1500 cash, reasonable time on the balance. With proper man agement tho Mill will make ihe money I ask for it iu twelve months. E. CARLTON, July 1st. 1854 [6—3m] LaGrange, Georgia. IIAU DWARE STORE, Atlanta, Georgia. C IOMERIcING all goods usually kept in the line, iu f which we deal exclusively. Heavy Hardware and Cutlery tools of every description, metals, castings, Iron, steel, nails, agricultural iiupliments. among which are com shellers straw cutters, corn mills, plows, kc. Our stock is well assorted of best English aud American manufactures. We respectfiillv solicit tho attention of the public. GILBERT & CLARKE, Importers aud dealers, corner Grant and William's new briek block. Peachtree Street. [Sept. 28,—dly] which and the ment. Sincerely glad to learn that jotiarc making arrange- merit s to give more extended disseminate,n to your Pill* I am truly y*»ur friend and <• t.eriiunt servant JOS. HEVIIY LUMPKIN. Dk. F. N. Oaliiov \. ) Decatur, Georg!:*.. > (•ovmrro.v, October 13. 1S5J. I-H. E. N. Caumu.y—Dear Sir '] aiu gratified to loam that it is your purpose to disseminate the improv hoitn J*illsmovegenerally thany«* i Lave herdofri have occasionally, when sojourning at ynur i-•• them when indisposed, ami having !• • it* '• .. :i » s yet so efficacious'in ca* -.*s ofilr* v angem :: organs, T most cheerfully commend thru the public, and especially t«» gentlemen having L.r^e fain Hies, as a most excellent preventive r.ffixed -.nd perm:* ease arising from indigestion, j Truly your-, &.\. JOHN .1. FLOYD. LaGraxy.k. October 22, 18.53. j I»r. E. N. Calholw—I),ar Sir: 1 am gr-; tified to learn I that you have come xo the conclu don to eraait* Agencies for the Calhoun Dili: in di fibre rg arts «.f t »jr- c<’imtry l- It no less an art of jusEr- : I y.*:i* odf i],a n toil,,, j world at large. Sint- riio war LS4;>. Imve brn in the j habit of Kiiing yonr i ills individually. • , a I'amiiiv 1 Medicine. Obs^rvati. .. and experience pr« e i* ;c\ Inv;»T- ! uable specific for nearly alliricgualritie .i, ti*• ];jg, * tivo ! Apparatus, performing its office win. ]:♦ i,> fji , (l ^,,; n , ,. j nausea ; it loaves tlie patient with a p J creased strength and greatly imp. v 1 ;• i it-—properly used, it will cure I • pepsi; j its gloomy concomitaniH. in' and I j Bilious Fevers, I have fount. A equally ! Trusting that you may find '.he world as ready to com ensate von as to lienefit il-' lf, the result of v f . ur skill nd labor. 1 mu sincerely your friend, &c.. E-'W. YOUNti JfTI.L. ! ! ‘‘tile. : -i el oil t . and e*. • Pit. K. N. Cau ahd I consider houn I*ills, prop plotted with their I .cc Ct v er 25. 1853. >r.\—I).zctr Sir. Idle a*. Decatur. 1 a fair opportune v of U sting tho Cat- ro-\ by y«»urs« If. -id I mu. . o much ction upon the Liver, ami as a mean** of breaking up Bilious predisposition, ihat 1 hop** n .*• V on are now preparing to offer them ro t!*o public. Hint Vou will create an Agency al Starkvillo. th.ii’. may he ond- bled at any time to procure them. I expect to use them with white ami Markin all cases thivatomngattacksoFn. Biilous character. T would be gratified, not onlvt.n your own account, but «!.**•» for the l»«»nefit of llu/pubi’irVt large, that you would place them in t 1 *** r-ncL of ovctv person, for 1 feel confident that there ha offered to the public any prepar compete with your Bill * as a ge a traveling ccmpauion. Very sincerelv y nr fuend, < et been ><ra! FamHv >Tc jgh:./ n. -r.\, October 20, 1853. • r This is ft. certify that Mingyou. 1 was4T*,.q U ent Dr. E. N. CALiior.N—ltea before J had the pleasure of lm eliiigyou. 1 u 1}* attacked by i-'ine Bilious doraogeim nt pi., tration, loss of appetite. Nausea and H.*adFrom the use of your (Calhoun) fills, administom! acct.rding to 3’nurinstructions, I was immcd'atciy and p«*: n!'inent- ly relieved. It affords me much gratiflcalion t,. ac knowledge the advantage ! denveVi from your Judicious treatment. 1 remain with high esteem, vour ol».*dic*nt servant • ’ CliRT.-TOl'IIER I.OW. ’ For sale by J. M. Ixwri.v, 3c J. Xonraoss, .\gr. i n At lanta. July 27, 1854. 0—ly. | WSITiFSiA. RUEU.MATHM. S'Ti'M t.A. COUGII, s 'ASTHMA. UONSUMBTION. LIVER COMPLAINT, -kc. TKLTll is MIMITY ! ak: -:v. a . .’!• 13IITA ;»ble iinctmv. ml safe tally great . -rit to A liv:;. - i ai«i • riccr Cu.-toin uat debi nd thi itirting. to ilamp rl -liter. Home.) du sis t rate cd 11-red i :•! ill x:i FRAUD! \ LL who want Axes of ihe real Coluxs i 1 - Co., A * make should be particular to uotico the stamp, as th«?re are various counterfeits and imitations stamped ' Collins and labelled much like ours, which arc frau- ; dulently sold in .some parts of the United States as ; our manufacture.—They are made in different parts ; ' f the country by various axe-makers, and are gene- . rally of very inferior quality. The genuine Collins | axes, which have acquired such an extensive repu- | taliou. are invariably stamped COLIJN8 & CO. j IIAHTFORD,*’ and each ax© has a printed label with : my signature. It i« now more than Twenty-five years since we commenced the business with the stamp of ••Collins & Co. Hartford,* ? and I do not t know of any other axe-maker by th© name of Col- • lins in tho United States. SAMUEL M . COLLINS. August»1853. 14-1y I¥Eff STOCK.. •Isfe tor liamii'.'iu'.i Wgv res made bv this pl-.-a-nut ce counterfeiting. N Medicine must have stand the test of public nn galvani:;© a v» ertliles^ ar ^ good medicine if it be not i A good ni •urine will live 1 en«i ;+•*» ale • year a i ter yea r The people will readily tin i c them pas-es from moutb. l»* than newspapers ran . proud fying to the cure a m»*dici far more serv ice than auy n In proof of what we say al ton’s Vegetable Tincture, and i?- ; Tlie Wife of T W. Yeakie. cured of Rheumati.-m of K yi*ar dies failed. V» r ui. M. Uldbam, (late ef the ling 12G Finest., of Dyspepsia, g cured. W. A. Schaeffer. Esq., ouo of the ol-ie and most highly respectable citizens, c weakness and restored io robu-i health. Jarret Hummer. 153 E. ly six years with hip «i:. case and ruev cured after all other remedies failed. Space will not permit to name hundreds of others, as Geo. W. Goodrich, Capt. Thos. Calv’d. Robert Gault, James mth, cured of rheumatism. John IVrvail, S. A. Grflin, John Luke, Kev. V. Eskrigo, U. Navy, and tliouBanus of others cured of Dyspepsia, Scrofula. Cough, Liver Complaints, Broncliits. St. Vitus* Dance, &c. We refer to our own citizens. Call on them. Dr. Hampton, the author of this great Hampton's Vegetable Tincture, is in his 80th year, m good health, so that it will be seen it is not nu article -got up to im i one on the public. GREAT CUKE OF RHEUMATISM BY HAMILTON'S VEGETABLE TlXCTCF.E. Cues>ter District, S. C., January 3d, 1S53. Messrs. Mortimer & Mowbraj—Gentlemen: For the last live years ! have been a severe sufferer from Rheu matism, till, seeing your recommendation of • Hamp ton's Vegetable Tincture," 1 procured a bottle, aud ti e first dose has so much relieved me that l cansider it as justice to give t«» tlu* suffering world th© result of. the application. Mine was Acute Rlvmmatisui in the back—so bad that I was confined to my bed for the last six months. The firat bottle acted like a charm, the second restored | strength to my poor afflicted back, and I am now as j well aud feel as young as when 1 was sixteen. Iam : now 74 years of age. I-consider your Tincture the greatest di.-covery of th© i age and poor suffering humanity ought to erect a menu ! raent to Dr. Hampton, who has saved thousands from j pain. And you. gentlemen, have acted th© part of pub j lie benefactors in disseminating the benef: 1 .. which | have resulted from your invaluable reundy. I am a plain cotton-planter, ami havo uev. r written for literary fame; but when my fellow beings are r ‘riicl- [ ed shall I hesitate, or through iuode**ty. withhold any fellow nsau? ro. if you f vour nt DRUGS, Medicines, Perfumery, Chemical.**, Oils, Putty, Glass Ware kc.. kc.. at the sign of the Mom moth Mortar, under Council Hall. An extensive assortment of Drugs, medicines, perfumery, chemicals, glassware, in my line, oils, putty, soaps, combs, brushes, kc.. _ , suitable for citv and country* trade, * information valuaole has just been received from the i consider this worthy <.fa place iu any North, on favorable terms, which wiU enable the sub- | F ors * you arc at liberty to make use ol ;{. lours, trul; 'Criber to sell at very reasonable rates, and lower than heretofore. As I am determined to build up a respectable business in the above line, in proportion to the encouragement extended, I respectfully solicit the continued and. increasing patronage of my friends, and th© public iu general, and also that of my professional brethren in Atlanta aud the surrounding counties. Physicians are assured that they can rely upon the quality of tho articles which they may obtain at tbe establishment. For asle by DR. THOS. S DENNY. ALVAII KEMRAIJ.. CURE FITS ! READ ! ! REAP ! I ! • Mors tiia.y Goli> ti* thi: Sick.—Fr >m out* of the most respectable Druggists in South Carolina : Cu.ucleisto.v, S. U.. Sept. 21,1S53.-* Me-*»rs. Mortimer k Mowbray:—The sale of your Hampton's Vegetable Tincture i--* inert a-. ing every Nov. u, 1851, Administrator’s Sale. WB.L lie sold at public eatery on the firtt Tue.dav iu ,T Deccuilttr next, within the legal hoursof sale, before !1I e Court House d<a)r, in the city of Atlanta, the fol- clcs too tedious to luentiou. Sold as tlie property i property, belonging to Joseph Thompson and Ihull decease, for the benefit of the dec ’’ 1 ’ to .» it : sued front DeKalb Superior Court, in favir or A.C. Pul- . A Court of Ordinary of Fulton county, w ham. vs. George W . T. Goldsmith and B. K. V»*al. pern c 0 l,4 0 n the first Tiip^dnv in T»nimirv 1«; c .5 nty. Pr**p6rty pointed out bv Defendants 1 r . Tr , ^ . . uary, tonn. iui«»wu» l»uu, eumu «. vu., >s. iuwium g*. mv j % IV. GOLDSMITH Hie Lourt House door i\\ ihe Town ot Dahlc- Denny. Property pointed out by J. M. Calhoun, plain- diseases D Sh'/F * He Kn if (' unto ue ^ r ■^ il,m P^* n county. Lot of Land number six- tiff's attorney. ' Rf>LT.. J * '** tv, iu the thirteenth District, first section, Lumpkin ■ A quantity of Shanghai fowls of various ages PARKER’S DYSENTERY CORDIAL. rpHlS valuable preparation has proved itself eflioa- cious m tlie cure of Dysentery, Bloody Flux, Diarhoea, Cholera Morbus, Cholera Infantum. <Tc. It is useful in all the diseases of the BOWELS, CHOLIC, & C ., &c. It needs no encomium, but for the good of tlio'-e un* acquainted with it. the following certificates arc girer.: GiccsrGrove. Ga., Jily 13th, 1854. 1 have used Dk. C. W. Parker’s Dysentery Cordial iu family, and believe it to he a good remedy for the for which it is recommended. WM. S. CAK- eountv, contaipiug forty acres more or less, sold and sixes, supposed to bo 2110 iu all, iu the posses- as the property of Thomas Haynes deceased, for j siou of tlio .defendant; levied ou as the property the benefit of the creditors of said deceased. of dVm. H. Thurman, to satisfy a fifa issued from Jl'LY 12th, 1854. This is to certify that 1 have used Dr. Parker's Dys entery and Diarrhea Cordial in my family, and it had a very happy effect. One of my children has been batlU* of Adclaid Walthull creditors of said deceased. B. F. B0MAB, Atlanta, October 11 th, 1854. Adm’r.. GEORGIA Fulton County. containing originally 202jj aercs more or less, nearly all lying in the city of Atlanta. This property trill be ; Roll in lots of front one to live acres A plat of " ’ can be had upon application to the undersigned. ~ ■.— —7—* V- •• ■■ “ ~■ . . .—i r T TV a 'cry nappy enact, uncol my children has boi IKRMS.—Six mouths credit, note and approved DeKalb Superior Oourt, m favor ot John tt. effected with disenterv ter about three weeks,andafter ; fli i it security. BEUBEN HAYNES, Adin’r. Evans, vs. Win. II. Thurman—property pointed giving it several other things without seeming to do! t Yvetii r>.~, '* ’ ’* ‘ out bv plaintiff. - any good. I concluded to try some of the abov — .1 i„* nte/i hv tlio defendant ns ial, and two doses of it has entirely cured if ‘T,: commended it to D. II. Walls, one of my neighbors, who | hi ’ ]fl f n ’ was taken very severely with the Flux, and it also, had ! “V ' nd evoiw bottle sold recommends this valuable medicine to the afflicted. Several of our planters have tried i: iu different cases with astonishing success, aud are get ting it by half dozens. It has been found to be the _ _ j greatest' remedy for rheumatic affections; and a won ; derful cure has beeu performed oa a negro sufferin'. . by Fits. I v,ill furnish you with a number of certifi cates if jou wish them. Please send me, soon as possible a supply of the Tincture. I mu, gentlemen, yours, Y»\ G. TROTT. Hundreds iu this city will bear same i siimony. Hampton's Vegetable Tincture is puivh Vc-getstbl© and warranted free from all mineral sab.'ta ace This Tincture, by its mild, pica ant. and >afe action cn the stomach, liver kidneys, lnugs. and the nervous system, cures Dyspepsia. Liver Complaint. Dhea.* e «»f ilie Urina ry Organs. Coughs. Asthma. Bronchial Afflictions, Consumption. Scrofula, King’s Evtl. Worms, Rheumn tism. Gout, Neuralgia, St. \i’ns Dance. Fits, Ner vous Affections generally. J istula, Files, Rowel Com plaints, with all diseases ar g from impure blood.—- As a remedy for the vario ..evangements of tho J'© male System, it seems to no superior. The Female System has, in Doctor Hampton's Vege table Tincture, a Cure for its numerous and complicated 1 derangements. Hundreds who have been debilitated i a nd dispirited, and on the verge r*f a premature grave, , have been restored by its use to blooming health, hich wo are abundantly able to prove hv such n host No vernier 10, ISoL greater part of land lot, number seventy—ix, in the 14th District of, originally Henery, now Folion countv, ! Notice to Debtors & Creditors. rei PRODUCT n. w A LL K r *6ui<iudebtcd to tlie ertate Juuc Bussell in lots of from one to live acres A plat of the lot of the county of DeKalb, deceased are rc- —— *“ — J —=—; qutred to make immediate payment, and those . ■*{?_ S*'e strict attention to the Sole of fore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred I NLGRtMrt. BEAL fSTATE, HORSES, fte.. and any and nd creditors of said deceased to be and appear at my 1 every tuing, which may be desired to be sold at* Arc- flicc within the time prescribed by Uv, to show cause, 1 tion or Privately, on Commission. if any they have, why letters of administration should 4)^A1j Cotuugnmenu rill be dispoMt! of agreeablv to not be granted. Given under mv band at office, this * instructions, and funds promptly remitted, pi-ly.] 5th day of August,f!854. JOfh H. BEAD, Ord’y. i i. . , , , can oe uaa upon application to tue \\ of administration on ^he^tiite o f* * E! i /Tbi -t h ^D ! v ’ rtne o* an order of the Court of Ordinary of ; having demands against said deceased will pres- I1„LZ Copnty, to make rortittyn and fcr the benefit , cnt them, within the time prescribed by law, prop- BOWELS. whatever. Gilbert, late of raid county, deceased. These are there- i of the hefrtYnd creditors ofsaid iadate.*'^ ,,cbenc,lt Said sale to be continued from day to day, if necessary until all is sold. JOSEPH THOMPSON. * ’ Oct. 19tli 1854. Adm’r. ■| At 1 BBLS Tennessee Corn Whisky for sale at 45 cts 1UU by * W. W. ROARK erty authenticated, OBEpIAH S. MOI!KISS. November 13, 1854. Administrator. J UST Received diarv cheese. 50 boxes and 10 casks of fine W. Vi. ROARK. The house and lot occupied by tho defendant as his residence iu the city of Atlanta, fronting on tho South side of Peters street, bounded on tho East by tho lot occupied by J. E. Odena’s family, and on the West by Mrs. Bedford’s lot, contain ing onc-fourth of an acre, moro or less ; levied on as* the property of Reuben Clayton, to satisfy n filii issued from DeKalb Inferior Court, in fnv of U. J. Thweat. vs. Reuben Clayton, aud Pettis, security, and one issued by the Tax-Col- It „ usc!esato RlW . Try a bottle . PriceonIv 50 lector of Fulton county, vs. Rouben Clayton cents FuU directions given ------- for his State and county tax for the year 1853. Nov. 3d, 1854. T. J. PERKERSON. 7). Sh’ff. LIYEK COMPLAINT AND DEDILITY. Extract from James Harris, Esq.’s Letter, Alexan dria, Virginia:—After speaking-of wonderful cures ou II. has been suil'cring with the a charming erfect on him. l‘nZuoniiMy recommend ! complaint and with lability, constantly complaining. ft to al who may fall victims to any disorder of the ! ,ro . m r ° S - TS ^ Sbe . no ’ v GFnUGF R RtYwvn : enjoys better health than for thirty years, being entireiv '- ’ ' restored by tho use of Hampton’s Vegetable Tincture.'’’ Griffin, Ga., July 14th, 1854. Hampton’s Vegetable Tincture. : Call and get a Pamphlet gratis of A. Alexander. . Wholesale and Retail agent Atlanta, Ga.: Wm. Boot ,l , . . , . . . « . 11 UvICOttlv dil l ikt UHI ildviu .lll.lUtu, Ult, , >» Hi. JxOOT ,-or ; BThis is to certiiy that I have u.sedDR. C. H. Parker s Marietta, Vineyard ft Jones, Palmetto; Hardlev. Ridev yr Dysentery and Diarhiea Cordial in my family, and find ■, & Co Augusta Georgia * i ! it to bo all he recommends it to be. D. n. JOHNSON. 1 [March 23, 1857 43—ly ■ For sale by Augmt Sd. 1854. i on each bottle. J. M. RAXTIN, Agent. [10—tf] Atlanta. SUGAR. A LARGE supply of Sugar always on hand and for sale by W. W. ROARK