The Atlanta weekly intelligencer. (Atlanta, Ga.) 184?-1855, December 09, 1854, Image 3

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Ai the MMOBforJUk Perp end Soir- ew ia »t bend, will J°*• “T* «« to eewrwt* few changes? Every city ku W nep»>!i" »<**! «=“» t0 ® wwnyol •• getting things np” of it. own. It » nn raUbliaHed precedent in thte/«rf city, for the uen «f all public B»H« or »«, Spwiare carriage* end “send ’round er the ladiex.” Many ejection* may l* urged against this custom. Tickets of invitation to an approaching Ball are distributed, signed by a number «f • Junior Managers." Here the obligations of gallantry seem to cease, till the appointed evening arrive*, when at nine or ten o’clock, one of the “hack committee," with glossy boots, white kids and perpendicular collar, procures a carriage and driver, and with the heroism of the lamentd Sir John Frank lin, starts out over railroads, gullies, stumps, to., after the ladies. He gets one load, has them delivered at the door, has no time to conduct them into the room, but is off again, calls at a residence, perhaps not acquainted with a member of the fiunily—young lady appears sorry, she is not certain of an escort, “ haokey" bows out. No time to tarry, calls again, and again, and after a aeries of dis appointments, “gives up the ship,” and with muddy boots, soiled gloves, he repairs to the hall of mirth, with enthusiasm evap orated, and collar recumbent. Now this is all wrong. When the invita tions are sent, let each gentleman, eitlior see or address a note to some lady of his ac quaintance, proposing to accompany her.— The hour and mode of conveyance is left to his option. The lady can then make he. arrangements with the assurance of an es cort, whose duty and pleasrue it will be to give her every protection. No lady who is not very anxious to attend, will approve this Pack Committee srraagent. To prevent mistake*, let the “Backing" Committee keep a list of names invited, accessible to escorting aspirants. Let this plan be adopted, and our Balls will be much more numerously attended, and much more agreeable. BOOTS. j^The last Mississippi papers state that a most atrocious murder was committed at a ball in Columbus on the night of the 18th ult. Joseph Na*h, becoming offended with a son of Judge Whitfiield, who was talking to a young lady, caught the latter by the hair, pulled his head back, and cut his throat from ear to oar. ggg*P. M. Judson, Cashier of the Man- facture’s Bank of Macon, died at the Lanier House, on Monday last, of consumption. MARINE INTELLIGENCE. SAVANNAH, Dec. 6.—Arrived, schr Madawue ka, Kelly, Baltimore. Cleared, ichr Enchantress, Jayne, Now York. CHARLESTON, Dec. 6.—Arrived. .U 8. M. steamship Southerner, Ewan, New York ; U. S. II. steamship Quaker City, Hodgdon, Philadelphia; Fr. ship Callao, Letollier. 8t. Piere, (Mnr) ; bri»r Leranoe, Johnson, Baltimore. Cleared, bark Ma rio, Lincoln, Montevideo; Br. schr Ventross, Rob erta, Harbor Island, (Bab.); M L schr Louisiana, Pathway, Baltimore. (OftllHIRUJLL Atlanta. December 8. CorroK.-Cotton was selling yesterday at 5@7 i cents. Bxchakob, on Now York is selling atj percent premium. On Charleston and Savannah i per cant. Bacox.—We quotobog round 10 to lli. Hami- 1 Ito 12i cents. Sides Ribs 10 UJ cts. Sides cleai 10 to It. Shoulders 0 a 91 cents. La ici> by the bbl. 11 @12 cts. leaf. Ikos, Swedes Si to 6ic; English S to 5$ cents; Nails have advanced to 6 a 6J cts. Cohn is selling at 80 to 85. Cork Meal, 85 to 9u cent*. Pork, Ilog round, 6J@7 conte. Bcnr, By the quarter, ti 51 cents. Sweet Potatoes, 50 to 60 per bushel. Intsit Potatoes, 75 to 100 per bushel. Salt, Liverpool sacks plenty, @ $2,20, Liqi'ous.—Freiich Brandy, $2,50 to $3,60 pci gallon; Domestic 50 to 75c. Peach do. 60 a 7 cunts. Whiskey 45 a 50 ceuts. Gin 50 to 60. Rum 45 to 60 cents. Wheat.—Good will bring to $1,40 per bushei re idily. Flour.—City Mill from $4 to 41 per hundred. Butter, Country, 15 to 20 cts. Goshun, 35 cts. per pound. Toun. Butter, 15 n 18 by the Keg. Fair N. 0. Sugar, by bhd. 51. Prime “ “ “ 61. Choice “ “ “ 8-. Syrup, N 0. by bbl. 30 to 33 cts. gal. Extra Whiskey “ 45 “ “ Star Cnudlos per box 28 “ lb. No. 1 Rio Coffee by sack 121 to 13} “ “ Uuxxy Baugisu 16 to 18 eta. Rote 12 to 13 cents. Chickens. 15 to 20 cente. Egos. 15 to 20 conu. FnnnER, 75 to 100 per hundred. Pea*. $1.00 to $1.10 Feathers.—40 to 45. t.AMDLEB.—Sperm 37 o 45c. Tallow 20 22ct* Charleston Dee. 6.—Cotton.—The demand to-lay is good, with sale* of 1200 bales at 6} to 0 ce its. Prices unchanged. SAVANNAH Doc. 6.—COTTON.—Considera ble inquiry existed yesterday, which resulted in the sale of 1,386 bales. The market is irregular, and the sales made are in favor of purchasers. The following aro the particulars of the sales :-*20 bales at 6) ; 26 at 71 ; 192 at 7J; 4 at 7i; 391 at S; 397 at S|; 184 at 8f; 38 at 8J ; 20 at 8) ; and 114 at 9 cts. Acocsta, Due. 6.—Cotton.—The market pre sents no new feature to-day, there is a moderate de- mnnd at yesterday's pricecs. SPECIAL NOTICES. SOUTHERN MASONIC FEMALE COLLEGE. Covington, Gw, THE Lett Term will commence on Thursday^ the 4th day of Jauiiory, 1855, and close the last Wednesday in Juno. CREED FULTON, Pr’L Dec. 5, 1854. dnGO-lm. XSS~ Clerks office of the Superior Couit He moved to City Hall. Office hour* from 9 to 12 o'clock a. m. and from 2 to 4 o’rlork p. m. B. F. BOMAR, Clerk. Atlanta. November 14. 1851. {dim. A Warning. ^IJelay not; harbor not in your mind that s*d iy»*g> tcnce of fools' pbiilosopby, that a ditcoic wtU get eared of itself or that you can cure it with certain medicines for a few dollars, beware how you tamper with your general welfare. Y# wild and vicious youths, why will yon persiut ir. dosieg with the filthy nauseating compounds daily profited, thereby impairing your appetiteand digestion, and destroying you mentally as well as phycally, when you can be cured with a few donee of ph.-a.ant medi cines t Ye rakes of every age and condition, why will ye suf fer and repine, aud drag out a miserable existence, unfitted lor the enjoyment end even ordinary pursuit. of life. You wnoare thus annoyed aud wish to be rc- reslored to health and vigor by a treatment at once pleasant and effectual, should consult lr. MOKKib Hl« success in chronic disease" has been greater IIuid that of auy other physician of his day. Many who have been for years afflicted with disease or conse qu-'nces resulting from excess, have been rertcredto he ilth and vigor under hi* ally rescientitic treatment .-mould a personal interview be objectionable, .tat, your disease in writing—enclose five dollars—eddres. Dr. W. MORRIS, through the FostoSlcc. Nashville. Tenn., a package and of medicines, securely put up will be sent privately and with despatch, full of direc tions therewith, and no questions asked. Persons living at a distance, and afflicted witl. Scrofula. Old fleers, Tetter, Cancer*. Pile*. Fistula in Ano, Gravel Stricture*. Gleets, or any disease what ever of an aggravated or malignant character, can be cured at home by consulting Or. MORRIS, by letter pos> paid, enclosing a fee. Medicines pleasant and safe, can be sent per mail to any part of the L'uited Stales. 1’articularattention given to the treatment of femal. complaint*, laidies who may bo afflicted wit!. Irregu larooe*. Flour Albus, or \t Hites, Uteri, o: Falling of the Womb, would d > well to lay addeall fab* delicacy, and promptly consult the Ooctor. Cim: WaKKaNTKD. Office over Mutual Proteciton Insurance Oflice, <.'« • darstreet. near 1'ostolBce. Room No. 14. UJ, stairs. S'.istiviile Venn. Mav • 6ih. 1 *84. via—ly. Calhoun Pill*. THIS Kxtra svpkkiuk Family Mwhu.nk in Dowabou’. bein^ »lfur<“t to the public, would direct tie specia attention of our fricudh atnl acquaintance* ever} wbei« to them* Pilln. uot tearing in tbe leant, timt Ihtry wil meet the oublic approbiitioij more lully than any eve- yet otTered to the people, I* or further particular** *e« h-lveriisemeut iu lo-dmy’n paper. Look at the certib eaten, they are frt»m u high source. J.ilv 7. 1 - * t. ao Lachsc for UehealtU. An emaciated frame. *atlow complexion. >Til> an dgreat debility, tiie result of neglect l. all treatment, when cBiciout Medical advice cau N obtained privately and promptly. Ladies who may He afflicted with Irregularities bile*, p'istula-in Ano, Gravel, Scrofula. Ulcer*, RLeu rnatism, Ac., should not allow false delicacy to proven their making immediate application to hr. MUKKL- whuse skill ia the treatment of all citroulc disease and female complaints, is too well known to be que. tioned. The Doctor assure* all those who consult him by tel ter the most houorable secrecy, prompt attention, pleasant, safe aud efficient medicines; and to UiOs- who fullow strietjy hts directions, he will guarante- •jeedy relief and permanent cure*. Chargee reosoua I>R. XT a. MJRRIS. N*sUvtUi ( Taka. May »MM. 5*—ly. LIST OF LLTTLRS , iiE.MAiM.N6 in tlio Atteuta Post-Office on the LY 1st of Dccemtmr, 1854. G. G. SMITH, p. in. ALLEN, B . JONES, IE * incite. U T Jones. Prui J 31 Allsn, jane .icxuuder, Rob’t B Jons-, nnw Amanda. Vtid.-rsou, Jnine* Jones. W P Austin, Reuben KLAYTON, John P Amlcra-in, J S Keiley, J J tOMItfi. S H Kioto. Jacob Bryant, H Keller, C F Butte, A O King, A W M.uiy, it R 3 hi-fci W li lurreu, Win Kiug. W J ■try ant, ‘ a tv in LATIN. Cul James M Berton, (J J Land, W E Hall, W S Lambert, rnrs Rachel Beayty, H Lavender, James Brock, H Light fool, J B Game*. GW * Lumpmait. Muses H Gass, J T Lumpkin, mrs Lacy Jrocken, John Lord. Prof B K Bayiey, T Edwin 4 Lathcn, John L finish, Elios MELTON, A C ilfSOUt, P J Mins, A Daman, Mr Morse, miss Eunice 0 Bate#, J L Morrison, R E Bird, tnrs L L More hood, L J Buyden, Vf B Moore A March CHAW. John G Mound, Col John C Clark, Smith C Martin, Jobn M Coptou. mis# .Matt Morse, mr? Belay 0 Cobane, Wm Muulin, B W Chappell, A L M iichon, Lizzy E Crcughtou A Co, Wm Morris, G L Uolgcr, J M Martin. Wm M Cunningham, J 11 McDaniel, mis* Oliva Childrens, miss Amelia MeDuflee, Daniel Clark, mrs X G McGinn. T It Cook, Daniel NICHOLS, WAS Cook, Wm Nichols, mr R Cooper, Uov S H Nutt, John Collins, James E Neal, Thos Liimpbeil, Jnsiab Nelson, P D U Caldwell, L P Neolson, mr Carter, M S Northcutt, mrs L S Cornell, T X O’BRIEN, M DAVIS, David O.iver, Sanford Duval, Paul Oberlc, J Dobbs, E A Dougherty, .Tames Owens, mr A Oiiiver, Jamos Doveuport, W T PARKS, mrs T C Doming, L C Dates, John C Pun key, J E sc IM, P.ririo, L G Davie, Thos li Perr, mr J R ELBERT, Ilailen Parson, John Jiving, J R Pnthu.t, Frederick Ellison, F H Pultner, L S FLEMING, Rob’t A Pankey, James F Fowler, H J Fentons, Jacob J Ford, A G Puukey, Peter L Forbes, Agnes Poindexter, W If Fttgg, M S Pool, E M Farrar, Rob’t M Purker, mrs C J Farrar A Temples ROGERS, James Fowler, Pleasant A Reynolds, W V GEORGE, caro of Ham T R R ilton Ramson, J T Grenn, Sarah A C Ramsy, TV A Green, J W Gipson, inr* .Mary STEPHENS. B F Street, Sarah B Gates, R A Stewart, George Gray, Thos Stalord, M Grubbs, Washington Smith, miss A Gamy, James Smith, Hight Griffin, J D Smith, miss 31 A Graves, A Smith, II A Gullett, Jamos Smithwiek, Alanth A Gates, Mary Spencer, widow Gaskin?, Wm II Stapkinson, Joha HA V1BLEION, David St’an. Charles Howard, A Swilling, T F Haynes, R 0 THOMPSON, L G tiondry, A B Towles. J M Uindry, Thos L Talbot, Clark Hoylo, J W Tobias, C H Hill, .1 Tipton, Wm Henry, J B Talor, O W Util A Smith Wuddail, A M Howes, R R Wilson, mrs Harding, J Haves, Daniel Wiley, E A Wriabt. J L Head, J C Wood, G R Hass, A Wilson. Frank H Honetto, B S Woodall, John Hall, Henry Wootten, Hon H P Ueems, John Winters. Richard Hall, Mury Wilson, Wm Hallinger, Daniel Williams. V Hodges, J II Wilbur, Aaron Hrullou, C Van Hulwood, mr Walker, Jauo r pHE SUBSCRIBER would resrpectfullv inform j A theeitixena of AtlyitK, (hat Ac hn* opened j the Store in Johiisen’e 'Buildings, Whitehall it, i formerly occupied by McGetterick and Supple, i where he offer" for sale a large and derrsb'e as- : -ortmsnt of Fancy and Sutpio Dry. G oods—which } will be told at.New York city Price* For Cash.— Come fact. Open on Monday, Dec. 4th, 1854. I GEORGIA, . I Oidhwry Court, Dee r. • j <e a • • Fulton County, f ' Term, 1854. t -I f * . f To-M-’Jlowr^y tile Coen «' NttaUms fear Winter Wear mm* Veal | Coenty. - - IN4 yds. Home made Jeans, rarioas oek-rs. MS pro. “ Wool Seeks. “ sixes. 460 yd*. “ “ Linseys. one, come aU, and hefoliy convinced of the j most f.lVT t-BSiC FRAT1IFRS, CONSTANTLY RJv St. OERRARD. Agent j CK1VTNG. [58dlw I To these special outward eonjfart*, wstss add,fo* the mi New Candy Manufactory —AND— OPPOSITE tw nrmj.tfiguflsn OTFTCB, ATLANTA, OA. T HE subsoriber would inform the cittxens uf At lanta and vicinity that he has constantly on hand, at his Confectionery and Baking eetahtisb- ment. all kinds of Coafectione, Pastries, Fruits, Ac lie is also prepared to furnish every description of plain and ornamental Cakes, for weddings or parties, ut chert notice, and on accommodating terms. Imported winee and brandies of all descriptions for medical purposes, kept always on hand. Alio, genuine Spanish Cigars, and choice chewing To- mcco—together with a Urge assortment of Toys, Fancy Artirles, Ac., Ac. - Having recently returned from the North, where he laid in a fine stock of Fancy Articles and eve ry thing necessary for carrying on bis candy man ufactory, he would inform county dealers that be is prepare-1 to furnish candies at wholesale at 17 entF per pound. Orders acoompanit d with tho cash or good city reference* promptly attended to. D. VALENTINO. Atlanta, Nov. 36th 184. I daw—ly. GUN & LOCKSMITH BUSINESS. T HE undersigned respectfully inform* the citi zen* of Atlanta and vicinity, that he has now established himself In this city, and opened a shop two doors above tbo post office, in Whitehall if., where he is prepared to make ' RIFLES * OCHS, to order, and warrant* them to be of superior work manship and quality; Guns, Rifle* and Pistols will be repaired in tho best possible manner, aud i at reasonable charges. Alsu. Locks put in order and Key* furniahod—together with everything that cornea within hi* line of business. Nov 27. ’54 iltn lm CI1AS. HEINZ. 30,666 lbs. Bacon, instating choice Haas. 4600 Use. best Leaf Lard, in barrel# and eaa* for family use. As one of our firm inside* in Tennessee and w en gaged ia the purchase of the above artieiae, we are enabled to offer them of the best quality— and aa low astbe Uiweat. To the above we can add a good aalaetinb of Groce ries. frun N. Orleans. Baltimore and New York; a good supply of Carpenter’s Tool* of every baser:ptiun. Nails, and Hardware generally. Farmer’s supplies, Bagging. Ropfc Wk Iron, Ac.; Clover Seed, Blue Grass, Timothy and Herd Grass or Red Top Seed. For Painting—Beet No. 1 sad pure white Lead. Linseed Oil, Lamp Black, Litharge—also a pa tent Drier, superior to Litharge, lately in turn— Yantis he* of sli kind*, Brashes, Paint wills, Ac. For Urn Mining interest, we keep Blasting Powder, Octagon or eight-sided steel for Dnlls, Hammers, Safety fuse, Ac.: Oil and burning Fluid of the bast description kept constantly on band. In short, it will he our aim to keep all useful ar ticle* that may be called for. JOHN R- WALLACE. \ 0lt C. H. WALLACE. j J. W. WALLACE. ShelbyviUe,Tekn. Atlanta, Oct. 27,1844. 33dAw2m T HE petition of John Mitchell rcspectfnlly . abeweth, that an the .17th day of Januaiy, ; 1856, Alien E. Johnson of said county, (bat then ! of Dekalb,) and State, delivered 5j your petitioner 1 an obligation, a copy of which is hereunto attach- ! ed, Wherab^ ha bound faimtelf to make your peti- j tioasr a toil and inffmant- titia, and relinquish- ‘ mefpt of pH his right, title and -aterest. in and to a certain lot of lanL as'follows: The East half of lot No, fifty, in the sixth District of Henry coun ty, containing oos hundred r,»e and a fourth acres, upon the payment of three hundred dollars as the psoehase macey, m one, two, and three payment* as in said obligation alleged. Your petitioner fur ther shows to your Honor^that subsequently to the date of said obligation, the said AUeu E. Johnson Marthal'i Salox for Janu&ry. \kj ILL bv sold on the drat ’i outlay iu January vV next, before lie City Hall door, One city lot, oontaiuing one half acre, more or loss, fronting on Whitehall end Mitchell street; gold to satisfy a fifo in favor of tho Mayor and Council of the city of Atlanta, for city tax in the year 1854, vs. W. W. Roark. A city lot, containing one half acre more or less, fronting on Houston street: levied on to sat isfy a tax Ufa ia favor of the Mayor and Council of fhe city of Atlanta vs. L. J.-Parr. A city lot, containing one-fourth of an acre more or less, fronting the Georgia Railroad; sold to satisfy a fils in favor of the Mayor and Coun cil of the city of Atlanta, for city tax, vs. Thomas Reid. A city lot containing one halt acre more or lew, being a part of land lot No. 51; sold to satisfy a tax fffa in iaeor of too Mayor and Council of the HYff vri Wffiu vuii|mivuf *S»W ■#*»» saetvw as, wuuuouu — • — departed this life intestate, and that John H. John- j city of Atlanta, vs. II. A. Vaughn. * . .. « r ■ . . 1 1 ... ..' XT T b 1 GEUHGUi , vb&nim _ U HUtKAeJouaUnchha**^ VV Setters67oiimintatratTureqth Corrigma late »f saM eauntyfiefinta fore te eits pedadmeabb and creditors of said d< office within the time pi if any they have; why gold .-t*tt< ted the applicant. . _ , Given under my hand of November 1644, 5555STS5c«ftr*i’'‘ ^ 11 n 7»J«!SaffW?arjS!LS7K2i® and creditors or said deceased, to be and appear atmy. office within the time |so*wffi*it by liter, teshow c«»e, «BS2^*& , «?^asssa!5S 5th day of AuaqsUipM; i JOK B, HRAD. Ord’y. rierfex Subscriber lifter tns^’y«lhbr«ent Mritetta- kinimad 1 tom, by leadsmanef the Itghed.ordwt ^^iJ# and literary steediag in our country, has consented te efffec te the Public bis fills, which hotafeea pronoun gad hgr all wh# have had sufficient experience with m om m the Uppieit combination* 6r xledicioa ofcwl tothtlttMity w tithniwUiwt, ai a flcaml FaRffilf AMieific. Ito feds'aa fears that the experience of. thorn who have yet to tsutthem, will be strictly in acordcanee s ef-'Simbeth P- with the tsstlanolsls of those dtetiaguished geutle- mea whose naawa are annexed, with thousand* of others who’would freely testify, if deemed necessary. ■; The VAUUAfN I’UJJe will be found eminently supe rtax to all other family preparation*, in the removal of the! great catalogue of disease* arising from Derangemeiit o< the Digeefire Apparatee Homestead Law of Force ! r i£ uaderstgaed oiler* for sale 660 acre* of Lasd o» the east bank of the Little Tallapoosa river—five mites from tVsedoweil, in Randolph County, Alabama, containing aboqt ISO acre* of bottom land, 30 acre* cleared and the balance w«M timbered. The place eon tains sufficient water power for say hind of Machinery, and a number of ffne spring*, and is situated in the healthiest section of Alabama. For term* apply to the subscriber at Rockdale, Alabama, er to James McCain, on the premises. FRANfTS M- PFRRYMAN. rict 24 w4tn PRIVATE MEOICAl TREATIES OX TUE Physiological View of Marriage. nY M. B. LA CROIX; M. D., Albany, M. T. 250 Page , and 13d P'ine Plain and Colored Lithograph* and Plate*. jzar Price only Twenty-five Centx.'fi^ kg^ent free of postage to all part* of the Union .*^6 CHEAPKST BOOK EVER PtB L18HE0, a ad containing nearly double the quantity of rending matter in that of the Fifty cents or Dollar Publica tions- It treatd on tue PHYSIOLOGY OF MARRIAGE, and ths secret infirmities and diftordsr* of youth and maturity, resulting from exceed** which deatrov the pbynicalaad mental powers, all diseases arising from indi* 'retlon, with pL«in and simple rule* by which all per- -on* can cure thsniBelve* without mercurv, with thn luthor’ii obf'ervationK on marriage, it* dutfe* and din- J {ualificationn, and their remedies; with colerrd litbo- ! ;rapb*, illuRtrating the anatomy and physiology, and j lit*ea*eB of tho reproductive organ* of both *exe*, their j <tructure*. ufcf and function*. It contains many im- . portant bints to those contemplating matrimony, j *hich will overcome objection* again** marriage;— ! none, however, sbould take tbi* important step with- I uut first consulting ite pages. It treats of all diffeases of female*, whether married or single. Hint* to tbo*e who deiire no more children, stranger* who require medical aid. before consulting any doctor, ought to know whether their case* are properly understood by hose whom they employ, and thug guard against the ; ni posit inn of quackery ,**o prevalent in populous cities, fiance the advantage of a popular knowledge of one*- Mflf, such a* is given iu this work. If medical authorism be the teat of talent, and en lisrhtenment be sought from books, let common sense liscrirainate between truthful simplicity and outrago- »ur Kperiou*ness «nd bombast. It. Ia Croix is a legal- *y qualified physician, and for the last twenty years ia*» been daily consulted upon the different diseases up- •m which bis book treats, personally as well as by let- er. Any person sending twenty five cents in a letter, .tost paid, will receive one copy by mail, free of post- i^e. or five copie-t forffi.OO. Address PR. M B. LA 'UO!X, Xo. 31 Maiden Lane, P. O. Box 679, Albany, X Y. ^U^lfedicine sent to any part of the Union accord- ug to direction* safely packed aud carefully secured rom all nbtiervation. %*t>flace open daily from 9 A. M., to 9 P. M. On Sun ay from3 until 6 P. M. gS^Offce Removed from X. 56 Beaver st.. to Xo. 31 Malden Laue f .*loauy, X. Y. 44d&wly II. Brauniullei* Late Prof, of Mattic in the Synodical Female Col lege of Georgia, . , . f . . Will take about six more scholars, if early ap- ti6 betore 1st Jiinuary. Alter j dic&tions aro made. Mrs. Braumuller, r H alto ready for tbe rcrept'ou of scholars in the iifforont branches of Oniamental work. Orders in Funri/ Hnir-Braiding, aro re spectfully solicited. For particulars and terms all at the Music Store. White-Hail street, sign of he Golden Pinuo. Atlanta, November l 4. T951. 42dtf mn O. 35*. Piano Porte Repairer and Toner, W ILL attend to any caiia in hie lino of business, each as reg ulating of actios, covering of ham mers, (felted or buffed.) laying of new strings by tbo octave, whole or single. Ac. Satisfaction given in every iu stance or no charge. All work warranted. Taalag by the Year doa* at Rsda«*d Prices. Orders anywhere from the country, addressed to C. F. Bakth, Atlanta, Go.., will moot with prompt attention. i* OdL T O tbe Horse Heed sign, th*l wants good home-made Saddles, er Bridies. Saddle bags. Trunks. Valises, Harness, Collars and tiring prices, i«n —« undersigned. MILLER A ANItREvTsL TsfifeRepairing of all kinds done with quick deepateb. Atlanta. Sot. 1 1S64—dhwly. • • «®*AleL thnse indebted to the subscriber, e ther by accoun! »r note, will please call and set- ihat time I shall turn over tor col lection the delii quents. J. T. DOAXE. Atlanta, Dec. 4. ’54. w2m Ni gio Mecliitiiis’s For Wol<*. IT7ILI* be sold in SIMRi’A, («A., on the l*t Tuesdst V t in Jautiarv. 1665. two ue^io m»n, *Iaves. viz : U’II.LI>. a in. n -9 years ol l a Ntoneaml brick ma-nn <«t(»KbF, u man *.5 year* «11. who has worked thre» .ears at the atone cutting hunitie**. rol l by order of the Ordinary for distribution. Term*: 1- m«»aihri crc lit, for note, with approver security. T. H AUPAS, Fx’r. Sparta. Xov. 15 1*54. KIOPP FFARS, Div. KADlaO* i'£MALE COLLEGE. I 'HESpring icrm of thin Institution for 1855, will hr opened ou the 8th JANUARY next, under tho di ectii-n ot the iol]r*wiii|( Fnci.Iu : Rev. J. H. KUlioLS, rr**ident. and Professor Moral !‘h«lofcophy, Ac. WM. B. t. AllK, A. Ms, Professor Natural Science? and Language*. Rev. J .vMKSI.. PIERCE, rrofesror English Literstur< Rev. WM. C. BASS, Professor Mathematics. l‘rofe*Kor GLU. 1. TAU.OK, lueber Music and Oil Painting. Miss a>7XA U- ROBINSON, Instructress Vocal Music, .luitar. Ac. Miu MARGARET K. SHERMAN, Principal Preparato ry Department. * Board. Washing, Books and Tuition, without Music, will cost only $1 io per annum. k6w3t H. .1. OGLEBY, Sec’y. The mo*t extraordinary dierorery in the World in the Great Arabian Jictncdy for Man-and lieaet. II. G. FAUKELL’S CELEBRATED ARABIAN LINIMENT. Is well known to posse** the most wonderfully heal- iug, penetrating and slimulaUng properties, and by il> promptness in effecting cures, wmch previously had xe- Kigted ailother medicines, administered by the most sci entific physicians, has placed it far beyond any bimilai remedy ever introduced to the people of the United states. It silmulates tho absorbents In increased ac tion, and thus enables natuie to throw off discac-c—it tsendrates the bt>}ic*, adding strengt h and activity to ihe mutch •—-it is powerlully anodyne aud thereby* al lays nervous irritation, prod a delightfully pleasing auction tkn>ugh ihc ahuLJranu. Owing to it* remark able auiiceptic properiie*, it purilies and ueutralizcfr that poiM*aous, currobive principle which renders ol*t ulcerouk sores ®o difficult to heal; it there2ore is pecu liarly adapted to their speody cure. Tlii» Liniment lrt*m its penetrating and stlengthening qualities lian been ionud to be h specific lor l uraly .-iN or i'Ai. y, Wliite- -WttllingH aud di*ea*cd joint*, nou in fact all complaints involving the muscular system. It Uh- cured ot Kheumatiam of tweuty to thirty years’ standing, an \ atfectiour; of the bpine whei *dn the entire spinal column was so crooked and distoiivd that the patient could Qu; walk or stand without artificial support. Numerous casts of 1 alsy have been cured iviu*n the flesh had withered, leaving nothing but. the dried skin and bone, •md the limbs totally without use or feeling. Foi Children mth Croup it is of inestimable value, rubbed and batnivi over tbe throat aud chest. If applied free !y on the chest it never laiU to give relief in the eevere coughs attending Consumption. Asthma and Cold*.— It heal* wounds speedily—will cure *-caldhead, Maog*. etc. 1 lanters amt Kiuraers will find it a most valuable medicine to be applied to Horses aud Cattle for Sprains. Bruine*. Ltiineners, Stiff Joiutr*, sweentrv. l»ry Shoul der, Wounds, Burn*, Splint, Ch&fca or GhUf., Hardened tv Dots on the flesh, etc- Look out lor Counterfeit*: The public are cauticued against auolher counter feit, which hat* lately made itr appearance, called W. 1 Farrell's Arabian Liuiment, the moat dangcrou* ol •ill the counterfeit*, because hia Laving the name ot iarrell, many will buy it in good faith, without the Knowledge timt a counterleit txi.-tr, and lb*v wiliper- .;ape only Jifrcovcr their error when the Jpuriouamix ture ha* wrought itb evil iliecth. the genuine article is manufactured only by H G. iarrell, pole inventor and proprietor. aud*wbole*ale Iruggist, No. li Main stitet, l«oria, llliuoie. to whom ill applications lor Agencies muFt be addressed, be suie you get it with me letters H. G. before FarreUV Lhui>—H. i». FARRELL’: — and his Kignatur* on the wrapper, nil others are counterfeitK. told by A. Alex- mder. and J. M- Rautiu, \\ hoie.'ude and Retail agent.-, ilianta; Hanes, l^ij-eter /c t«»., Ji.uesb<«io*; Hutchison v Headueti, I ahnetto; l amj* A: Christum. J-airburu; A’m. A. iowill, Lecatur—aud by regularly authorize'! tgeuU throughout the tinted Males. W* 1 rice io aud 5u cent b, and ^.1 jrr bottle. AvitNTi UAN'U.b in es« ry town. \ ilinge and ham let in the 1 uited Mates, iu which< ne i> not alieadve>- ablished. Address li. G. fan ell as above. accouq-i. with g'-uJ relereuce as to clmract*r, resl otlMbiU ty, &c. Atlanta, Nov. 11, 1154. j w . AN EXTENSIVE STOCK OF DRV GOODS! At New Yorli Cost! • 1 iii.eub'crit*era, being der»iruua to make a change oi • iuveKtineul, offer their whole .''tock <»:’ i>omc?t:c A • anevliiy oootib (AT FIRST COST! Ye hive determined to di>p«»e of our stock of i»ry n od-* between now and chrifriiua*, and beg leave to oa- •uitiDur lneudsttud customer-, that thUadkertiaem^nt n no nor do we intend to humbug the people.— t is our Imneal intenumi to withdraw trim the Fry •cods bu«ue>K, and lienee we hn\e concluoed to nllei •urgaiuK to all that n me forward to buy, Jor cash,— • iie&e are tbe only teinib ou which we wit! sell in fu- urc. We respectfully s«dicit the j cople to call and examine ear tol« Ou. JACOB HAAS X CO. del. b»*r *.t>. IH54. ifdtf NEW GOuDS, IMoxx db Boys Olothl ng. Clothes New and Fresh. Cassimeif s. flie Richest ever bn.tight to this Market. Vestings. Come soon, or they will all be sold. Gl»v «•>— Kxtra Fine Veck Flxlns t the very latent styles and richest materials. Also, Tailor’s Trimmings—'Tapes i rayon*, and almost any- hing kept in a Merchant tailoring establishment, can je bought from the subscriber. Atlanta, Nov 2. d&wtf LEWIS LAWSHE. Dedicated to hi« Pupils and Friends in Atlanta, Gh, L E RENDEZVOI'S (Red'.wa Seutiment*!#.) composed by H. Brauiaul er, just rct-eiveid md for sa’.o at tbo Music Store on White-Hall st. Fresh Arrivals! -ZV.t; Soago ds Abbott’ffi Commodious, Fire-proof Ware-hou«e, aTLAX l’A, OA. :>0,000 punutD primo Tennessee Bacon Sides. 10,000 “ " “ “ Shoulders. 1,000 “ choice “ “ Hams. 3,000 “ Prime Loaf Lard in bbls A tin cans. 5,000 “ Live Geose Feathers. 100 Sacks Extra-Family & Superfine Flour. 30 Hhds Prime & Fair Orleans Sugar. 100 bushels choice apples. 20 bhls 4 half bbls Mackerel. lOObbls A 30hhd* Lime (Fresh from Rogers Kilo. 5 bble. '‘Upper Ten” Nerr Orleans Golden Syrup, at $1 per gallon. 1.000 Bushels corn, also oat- cow Peas, corn Meal, Extra large Yam Potatoes, Tobacco. Salt, Tea. Factory Yarns Ac., Ao. For sale Wnolesalo . ed Retail on very accommodating terms by ; EAG0 ,V ABBOTT, Groceries A Commission Merchants, Atlanta Ga. Nor. 27.1854. [dAwly. NEW BONNETS, CLOAKS, Dreaw Biltas, (fro., <*>o. MRS. J. M. BORING, take# great nlaae- Mkw ure in annaonoing to her friends and pat- rone, that her stock of Fall and Winter Goods ia now complete. Please call and examine her goods, all who are in need of the latest fash ions, as she has this day received a lot of just such articles. Her goods need no great noise about ’hem—come and see them, and judge for your Atlanta, November 8, 1854. dw3m SB LAWSHE Hot always en hand a ffne stock ot CLOCKS, WATCBBff AMD and is prepared to have watch-work of every deecnp tion done up in nasi. Earn style and warranted. Atiat. nta, Sep25th. 1854. t—dwly WM. KEEKING * CO. W E are now receiving an immense trtoex of Wall end Winter Cletklnf, for men and boy, wear, of the tastiest and latest style. Also, an assort* men of gentlemens’ FURNKHINO GOODS, which we ar ill sell at the Losrnsr rtuen, for catK. We have on hand an assortment of DRY GOO Dr which we wtlf sell under tbe market price, as we are determined to close out that department of our trade. We will be pleased to show any qerson giving us a call what we will do. September 26th, 1854. (l-dwty.t W. HERRING, W. J. MASTERS, W. F. HERRING. nigis front Va IU WKftkhell ItXanH <Sm Negroes to Hire. Will be hired to the highest bidden, before the City Hall in the city of Atlanta, on the first day of January next, (New Year’s Day,) for the term of twelve mouths, all the negroes belonging to the Estate <>f Allen E. Johnson, deceased, consisting cf boys, girls, men and women. Some of tbe boys and men has some experience in Hotels. One man pretty fair house carpenter. Hiring to com mence precisely at one o’clock P. M. Terms made known on tbe dav. JOHN H. JOHNSON, ) . . . WM. H. FURGUSON, { Aam **’ November 28, 1354. 56dwtsd T HE first Ball of the Social Assembly will be given at Hayden’s Hall, on Thursday night, December 21, 1854, when the managers pledge themselves to leave nothing undone that will en hance tbe comfort and pleasure of its patrons, par ticularly the ladies. The “Fulton Cotillon Band,” is engaged for the occasion. M«n «ge: C. A. Whalkv, W. Graham, P. M. Sitto.v, J. M. Tor, W. W. Baldwin, C. Ssati, J. H. Mecablix, i T. Dookan. C. A. Harralsox, L. J. Parr, J. C. Robixsox. jaa- No postponement ou account of weather. December 1. 1854. 27w3t Auction A Connisston Business l 8. X. SH ICKLEFORD H AS taken the large and commodious House on Alabama streeet, south of, and contiguous to, the Common Passenger 1 *erot, where he la prepared to re ceive Consignments of all kinds of MERCHANDISE and PRUPCCE, Bacon, Urd, fcc., Ac. He will. also, give strict attention to the Sale of NEGROES, REAL ESTATE, HORSES, fcc.. and any and every thing, which may be desired to be sold at Arc- nos or Fbivatxlt, on Commission. ffiy All Consignments will be disposed of agreeably to structions, and fun W promptly remitted. [51-ly.J sen and William H. Ferguson, of said couuty, he# obtained Letters of Administration on the goods, chattels and credits of said Allen E. Johnson, In the Coact of Ordinary of said county of Fulton, and that during the life of tbe said Allen E. John- sou, and within the time specified in said obliga tion, wherein tbe said deceased bound himself to make titles to the land now claimed, your petition er paid to the said Allen £. Johnson, the aforesaid soa of throe hundred dollars, doe ou the lasd aforesaid. And your petitioner prays your Honor to direct the said John H. Johnson and William H. Fergu son to make your petitioner titles to said lot of land, according to tho tenor and effects cf said ob ligation, and your petitioner will ever pay, Ac. JOHN MITCHELL, Petitioner. Copy of Bond. Georgia, DeKalb Cmnty. K NOW all men by these presents, that I, A. E. Johnson, of DeKalb connty, am held and firmly bound unto John Mitchell of Heniv connty, in the full sum of six hundred dollars for the pay ment of which, I bind myself, my heirs and as signs. The condition of tbe above bond is follows: The said A. E. Johnson, has this day sold to tbe above John Mitchell, a certain parcel of land, to wit: One hundred one and a fourth acres, or the East half of lot number fifty, iu tho sixth District of Henry county, and the said Mitchell pays ono hundred dollars in cash; one hundred dollars the 25th December, 1850, and ono hundred dollars the 25th December, 1851. Then the said A. E. John son is to make the said John Mitchell, good and lawful titles to the abovo doacricbod land, when the said Mitchell pays or causes to be paid, the above described payments, otherwise this bond to in fall force in law. This 17th January, 1850. [Signed] A. E. JOHNSON. [Seel.] [Test] W. H. FERGUSON. A true copy from tbe minutes. JOSEPH H. MEAD, Ordinary. t JU3. R. SWIFT.] [L. H. BRYANT. SWIFT & BRYANT, Gen'l Auction & Commission Merchants, Foot ot White-Ball street, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. References t Weiiset A Rm, Atlanta. Georgia. •J. R. WatiACE fc Bros. •• C. L. Wright, Esq., >• “ I.D. Swift, Eeq.. Savannah Davis, ivulb A, Augusta, Ga. Niitkr. Hendrix &Co.. Charleston, S. C. Nichol & Peacock. Nashville, Tennessee. V.'. H 1 eterr, New Orleans. December 1,1S54. S7dwly Music. M R. J. F. RINDGE, recently from tbe North, having decided to become permanently loca ted in Atlanta, oilers bis services as a teat her of Vocal and Instrumental Music, cultivation of tbe voice and musical composition. He has taken tbe room formerly occupied by Prof. Bayiey, ia tbe .-ear of tbe dwelling of Dr. Cue, where he will be happy to see all who may desire to converse upon the subjec of music, and to make known bis terms, lie hopes he may be able, by strict integrity and -trict attention to bis business, to merit the pat ronage of the public. Vocal .VI usie taught in classes or by private les sons Instructions given upon tho Piano Forte, Melo- deou or Serapliiue, Violin, Viulmcello, Cornet and .Sax Horn. Quartette and Glee Clubs formed, if desired. Pianos c:\reluiiytuLcd aid repaired allow rates. November 18, 1854. w2td3t* A FEW BEEBE’S. I F you wish to Ou y yuur 11..To clomp, and gets good 1 article, call at the .ubscribers where you cad have ■. Isjge and well selected .took t« m-I. ct 1r< oi. H. W. OrtSART & PON. CANDIES. vi | BOSES steam.retiueu Couu.e, for cah> at lOcts ty IV. W. RO.VKA. sale 4/ iauuiCj, jj.iuti- and MsrtiigUs lor W. W. JtoAAK. Fur Sale. A NEGRO WOMAN, aged ‘A! veare—and her soa, about s.x years of sige. Apply to. SWIFT fc BRYANT. Pec. 2, 1845. 58dtf. w. Herring to Co., i/ EEf* in connection witu .heir targe chick of doth- *^inga large avfooiiiiicut oi id Ala anti LAI'S of tb* lax tot stylos, also, boots and r hoes, iruaks, carj*ex bugs ana V»U>e*. 4—at*. ^Haiita. c*ept. *2*. HL54. SUGAR. LARGL eupj ly of cwguu always on Land and fo . sale by 4V. \\. ROARK. Medical. DR. JAMEft R. SMITH TTAYING permanently located in this city, II offers his Professional services to the citizens of Atlanta. An experience of more than £0 years in the practice of PHVSIC, in Geor gia (18 years of which were spent in Washington county) is the only guarantee offered of his skill and experience as a Physician. When not professionally engaged, he may, at all times, be found at the Atlanta Republican Office, or at his residence on Prior street, one door Soatb of Mitchell street. References. Wm. Markham, Esq. Rev. J. P. Duncan, | L. P. Grant, Esq., j A. G. Ware, . of Atlanta. | Atlanta. Nov. 22. 1854. Dr. Wm. P. Haynes, E. C. Williamson, Gen. T. J. Wartben, of Sandersvilie. yiy- MEW STOCK. DRUGS, Medicines, Perfumery, Chemicals, Oils, Putty, Glass Ware ke., Ac., at the sign of the Mom- ncth Mortar, under Council Hall. An extensive assortment of Drugs, medicines, perfumery, chemicals, glassware, in my line, oils, pntty. soaps, combs, brushes, Ac., A., suitable for city and country trade, has just been received from th< North, on favorable tonus, which will enable the sub scriber to sell at very reasonable rates, and lower than heretofore. As 5 am determined to buildup a respectable business in the above line, in proportion to the encouragement extended, I respectfully solicit the continued anc increasing patronage of my friends, and the public it general, and also that of my professional brethren ii- Atlanta and the surrounding counties. Physicians are assured that they can rely upon Un qualify of tlia articles which they tnsv obtain at tin For asl. bjr DR. THOS*. 8 DENNY. Valuable City Lots for Sale. ' I’HE subscriber desiring to close out the balance ot *■ that valuable property in this eitv, belonging to tin- estate of the late Samuel Mitchell, deceased, has had tho same surveyed off ia lot* to suit purchasers, win- will find n to their advantage to examine the property at an early day, which will be shown them by the anb -cribcr, or Mr. Mitchell Jr., by calling at the real deuce of the former on Whitehall atreet. March nth. 1854 41—tf T. DOONAN BBLS Tennessee Corn Whisky for sale at-Wets 'by W. W. ROARK] <~4L0THING—A flue assortment ju*t reee : ve<i VV by PARR A McKENZIE. November 23, 1854. 51<llw POTATOES. Q r\ BBLS. Northern Irish Potatoes for sale by W. W. ROARK i’itf Luted fmr feule A BEUT1FUL five acre lot, well timbered, lying im '* mediately on a public street, a fine location for a private residence, ia offered exceedingly lew. Title* good—call on WM. H. THURMOND, or Maj- STEPHEN TERRY. r.c«ih»rW. 1*53 SO—tf. GOSHEN BITTER! A LARGE quaiiluy ol the »eiy beat quality of fresh Goshen italicr, just received lrom New York, and .or Sole at 00 cente *er pouuu by W. W. ROARK. ISO SaclM Salt.(in good order.) ff fierce Rice, (new crop.) 39.000 Brick, (Average lot.) for sale at what th>y wit bring, by SEAGO A ABBOTT, lye. 6, 1864T GEORGIA, Fullon Courtly. A. H. PARKS applies to me for letters of Guar dianship, to the minora and orphans of Sarah Perry— These ere therefore to cite and admonish all persona interested to be and appear at tho Janna- tj tenn of the Ordinary eonrt of raid county, on the second Monday iu January next, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not bo granted the applicant. Giron under my hand and seal at office, this 4tb day of December, 1854. JOS. H. MEAD, Ordinary. Fulton Sheriff Sales. IX7TI.L be *<>ld before ths Court Hosts door, in the ** city of Atlanta, on the first Tuesday iu J*d. Dost tbe following property, to-wlt: One house and lot in the city of Atlanta, num ber not known, containing one-eighth of an acre, more or less, fronting on the East side of tho Western A Atlantic Railroad Square, 'founded North by T. C. H. Wilson’s lot. South by Gilbert A Wilson’s office, and West by Railroad^Squarc: levied on as tbe property of John Kile, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from DeKalb Inferior Uonrt—Jas. W. Besheare vs. McDonald Womack principal, and John Kile, Sen., security Also, William C. Mayson’s interest in four acres of land, more or less, with improvements thereon, cumber not known, bounded East by Felix Sow ers’ lot, West by E. Payne’s lot, and South by a narrow street or alley, known as Mayson’s A Walker’s briek yard, and now in possession of J. F. Walker; levied on to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from the Justice’s Court of 1026th District, G. M. —T. N. Payden vs. W. C. Mayson—levy made and returned to me by J. B. Buchanan, Constable. Also one house and lot in the oity of Atlanta, known in the plan of said city as number one hundred and thirty-four, being a part of land lot number fifty-one. in tho fourteenth District of ori ginally Henry, now Flton county, containing two acres l ore or has,levied on to satisfy two fi fas is sued from the Justice’s Court, 1028th District G M: one in favor of Powell A Boon; and one in favor of John A James Lynch, versus Elias fore man, levy made and returned to me by J B Buch anan, Constable. JO. 8. SMITH. Sheriff. December 1. 1854. 58dtsd STATE OF GEORGIA, \ Fulton County. I WHEREAS John J. Fain has this d»v applied to me for letters of administration on the estate of John Cash, late of eald county, deceased— These are therefore to cite and admonish, all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law to show cause, if any they have, why said let- ters should not be granted the applicant. Given under my baud and seal at office, this 2d day of Deoerober. 1854. JUS. H. MEAD, Ordn’y. Kf Kalb Sheriff Sales. W ILL be sold before the Court house door in the town of Decatur, DeKalb county, on tbe first Tues day in January next, the following property to wit: One lot of land, No. 254, in tbe eighteenth District of originally Henry now DeKalb county, adjoining land* of Wm. Nesbit and others. Also 1 negro boy by the name of Titus, of dark complexion, and some 12 years of age, levied upon as the property of Henson C. Harriss, to satisfy one fi. fa. issued front DeKalb Superior Court, in favorof Isaiah Barker, vs. Henson C. Harris*, maker, and Henrv Wells endorser. Property pointed out by Plaintiff. ’ J. W. GOLDSMITH, D. 8. Nov. 29, 1854. 57d Notice. T WO month, after date application will be mado to the Honorable the Court of Ordinary of DeKalb County, for leave to sell tbe land and negroes belonging to tho estate of Jane Russel, late of raid conntv, deceased. Nov. 13, 1854. OBEDIAH H. M0RRI68. Aministrator. Notice* A LL persons indebted to the estate of James Reese, late deceased, arc requested to make immediate payment; and those having demands against raid estate will present them duly authenticated ia terms of the law. WILLIAM WALL. November 29th, 1854. Administrator. Notice to Debtors and Creditors. A LL persons indebted to the estate of Corne lius M. Connally, late of Fulton County de ceased, are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims against said Estate will present them properly, authenticated within tbo time prescribed hy law. THOMAS W. CONNALLY, Adm’r. Atlanta, November 25 1854. Administrator’* Sale. WILL be sold at the late residence of Cornelius M. Connally, deceased, near Atlanta, Fulton co., Ga., on Tuesday, tbe 19th of Docembor noxt, the whole of the personal property of said deceased, consisting of Household and Kitchen Furniture, Plantation Tools, Ac., Corn. Fodder, Horses, Mole, Cattle, Hogs, Ao.; and at the same time and place the Plantation, Ac., will be rented, and the ne groes hired for the ensuing year. By order of tho Conrt of Ordinary of said connty. Terms made known on the day of sale. Nov. 25, 1854. T- W. CONNALLY, Adm’r. GEORGIA Fulton County. W HEREAS Mary Ann Matilda Speights ha* this day applied to me for letter* of administration od the estate of John W. Speights, late of eaid county decesR ed. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditor* of said deceased to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, to »how cause, if any they have, why said letter* should not be granted. Given under my hand and seal at office this 2d da? of October 1854. JOSEPH H. MEAD. Ordinary. GEORGIA Fulton County. fXTHEBEAS Jobn H: Johnson and Wm. H Furguson v » applies to me for letters of administration on the estate of Allen E. Johnson, late of said county, deceased, rhene are therefore to cite and admonish all and singu lar tbe kindred and creditors of said deceased to be and appear at my office on or before the first Monday in Oc tober next, to show cause, if any they have. why saic letters *honld not be granted. Given under my hand at office this ?*th August 1864. JO?. H. MEAD. Ortl’y. GEORGIA, DeKalb County. \AJ HEKEAS James J. Diamond applies to me for let- ” ters of administration on the estate of James Dia mood, late of said county, deceased;these are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditor* of said deceased, to be and appear at my •ffice, end file their objections, if any they have, why letters should not be granted the said applicant at the October term of the Court of Ordinary for said count? Given under mv hand at office. Aug., 22d 1854. ALEX. JOHNSON, ord’y. GEORGIA, Fulton County. W ' HKREAS William Wall has this day applied to me lor letters ot administration on tbe Estate ot James Reese, late of said county, deceased; these are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, ano -bow cause, if any they have, why letters should not be granted said applicant. Given under my band at office, this 11th day of September, 1854. JOS. H. MEAD, Ord'y. I VST RECElVED~»SO bar els of Pike’s Mag- “ uulia Whiskey. Ottered to the trade very low tor vOdi- H-r. tt W. W.sUURK. GEORGIA. DeKalb County. VV Hr-KEAa James Yaney, Executor of tho Estate of Francis Griffin, applies to toe for letters of dis- ■niesion from his said Administration. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and ap- earat my office within the time prescribed by law, anu show cause, If any they have, why letters of admin istration should not be grautod the said applicant at the February Term next, of the Court of Ordinary of said connty. Given under my band at office. ALEX. JOHNSON, Ord’y Jnly 14tb, 1854. * A city lot, whereon H. T. Peeples now lives; sold to satisfy a tax fifa in favor of the Mayor and Council of the city cf Atlanta, vs. Simpson and Harris, agents for Hansford A Bro. A city lot, containing ore half acre mere or less, fronting oa Poacbtiwe street; levied on to satisfy a tax fifa in favor of the Mayor and Coun r oil of the city of Atlanta, vs. Margaret E. Lone. A oity lot contatng one fourth acre more cr less, fronting on the Macon A Western Railroad; solu to satisfy a tax fifa in favur of the Mayor and Council of tbe city of Atlanta, vs. Joseph Ray. A city lot, containing ono half acre more or lew, fronting on Calhoun and Baker streets; sold to satisfy a tax fifa in favor of the Mayor and Coun cil of the city of Atlanta, vs. Asa Fowler. A city lot, No. 3, on block No. It), and oity lot No. 4, and block No. 14; sold as the property of John W. Davis, to satisfy a tax fifa in &vor of the Mayor and Council of the eity of Atianta, vs. John M. Davis. A city lot, containing one half acre more or less, fronting on Decatur street; sold to satisfy a fifa in favor of the Mayor and Council of the city of Atlanta for city tax, vs. Stephen Biggers. A city lot, No. 112, land lot number 51, con taining ono half acre more or less, lying on Cal- houu street; sold to satisfy a tax fifa in favor of the Mayor and Council of the city of Atlanta, owner not known. A city lot, No. 127, on land lot No. 51, owner not known ; sold to satisfy a tax fifa in favor of the Mayor and Council of tho eity of Atlanta. A city lot, No. 9, land lot No. 53, lying on Col lins street or alley; sold to satisfy a' tax fifa in favor of the Mayor and Council of the eity of Atlanta, owner not known. A eity lot, No. 107, land lot No. 51, lying on Calhoun and Baker streets, owner not known; sold to satisfy a tax fits, in favor of tho Mayor and i Council of the city of Atlanta, j A city lot, No. 2, land lot No. 77, owner not known; sold to satisfy a tax fifa in favor of the Mayor and Council of the city of Atlanta. A city lot, No. 2. in block No. 27, and land lot No. 77, lying on Whitehall and Garnett streets ; sold to satisfy a tax fifa in favor of the Mayor and Council of tbe city of Atianta, owner not known. A city lot, containing one half acre more or Ices, fronting Ivy street; sold to satisfy a tax fifa in favor of the Mayor and Council of the city of Atlanta, vs. John R. Moore. All of the interest of defendant in city lot No. 205, in land lot No. 52, lying on Bell atreet; sold to satisfy a tax fifa in favor of the Mayor and Council of tho city of Atlanta, vu. William R. Richardson. A eity lot. No. 8. land lot No. 53, lying on Jones street: sold to satisfy a tax fifa in favor of the Mayor and Conncil of the city of Atlanta, vs. A. G. Willis. A city lot. No. 3, and land lot No. 77, contain ing one half acre more or less, fronting on For syth street; sold to satisfy a fifa in favor of tho Mayor and Council of tbe city of Atianta. vb. 8. J. Ramsy, for bis city tax in 1854. A house and lot now occupied by the defendant, situate on the corner of Hunter and Loyd streets, number not known, supposed to contain half acre, more or less; levied on to satisfy a fifa for fine imposed, issued from the Vlayor’s Conrt, city of Atlanta, Mayor and Conncil vs. Michael McCul lough. A house and lot in the city of Atlanta, situate on tho corner of Whitehall and i itcbeil streets, containing half acre, more or less ; levied on to satisfy a fifa issued from the Mayor's Court, .May or and Conncil vs. W. W. Roark. B. N. WILLIFORD, City Marthal. GEORGIA, FttUon County. »V HEREAS, John l. Harris appUed to ms for letters M of administration on the estate of . William Fares- er, lateof said county, deceased;—-Thtee’ are therefore to cite aadadmonish all and singular, the kindred ard creditors »f wid deceased, terb* and appear at my office within tbn time prescribed by law, to sLow cause it any they have, why raid letters should not be granted. Given under my hand and seal, at office, tlris 17th ,t-r »r Ort ism, jos, jL MF4D-Ordinary Autuimst 1stor’a Stole* A GREEABLY to an order of the Honorable Court of ’Ordinary of Fulton county, will be sold on tbe first Tuesday In January, 1855, be fore the Conrt House door in the Town of Dahlo- nega, Lumpkin connty, Lot of Land number six ty, in the thirteenth District, first section, Lumpkin county, containing forty acres more' or less, sold as the property of Thomas Haynes: deceased, for the benefit of the creditors of said deceased. Terms.—Six months credit, note and approved security. REUBEN HAYNES, Adm’r. November 10, 1854. Notice to Debtors &> Creditors, A LL persons indebted to tho estate Jane Rntsell -XXInfo of tbe county of DeKalb, deceased are re quired to make immediate payment, and those having demands against said deceased will pres ent their., within the time prescribed by law, prop erty authenticated. OBEDIAH 8. MORRI88. November 13, 1854. Administrator. Wm. GEORGIA, DeKalb county. \\ HERE* , Henry B. Latimer, Guardian of * * E. 1>il: on applies to me for letters of dismission from said Guardianship, these are, therefore, to rite and admonish all persona concerned, to be and ap pear at my office within the time prescribed by law, to show eaase. if any they have, why said letters should not be granted at the July Term next of this court. Given under my bandat office. May 10th 1854. A1.FJC. JOHNSON, Ord’y GEORGIA, Fullon County. A LL persona having demands against Adelaid Walthal, • r *lato of raid county, deceased, are hereby notified to prerant them properly attested to me within the time prescribed by law, and all person* indebted to said de ceased, are hereby required to made immediate pay- talent. Atlanta, Sept. 14,1864. B. F. BOMAR, Adm’r. Administrator 9 * Sale. B Y virtne.of an order of the Court of Ordinary of the County of DeKalb, will bo sold on the First Tuesday in January next, at Decatur in said ConDty between tbo legal hours of sale. Ono lot of Land No. three Hundred and nineteen, (319) in tbe 18th District, Original Henry now DeKalb County containing two Hundred two and a half acres more or less: also the following negroes, vis: Gid a man about 31 years old and Adaline, a wo man about 22 years old and both negroes being of good quality ali sold as the property of Isarel Miller, Deceased for tho Benefit of tho heirs of said estate. Terms on day of sale. G. MORRIS, Administrator. November 6, 1854. Notice to Debtors and Creditors. A LL persons indebted to the Estate of Allen E. Johnson, late of Fnlton county, deceased, are requested to moke immediate payment: A»d all per sons having claims ag«inst said estate, will present them duly authenticated within tho timo prescrib ed by law. JNO. H. J-OHNBON, > WM. H. FERGUSON. J November 22, 1854. CALHOUN PILLS! inch as Fevers of ali types, Bowel Affections ol sil kinds, every character of llead-ache, Rheumatic Pal MISUW.IK Fains, 1 ains If-taken and persisted in, ac- • Adm’rB.', 51d Fulton Mi* riff Sales. WILL be sold on the first Tuesday in January next, before the Court House door in the eity of Atlanta, Fulton county, within the legal hours of sale, the following property, to wit: A Lot of Land in tbe city of Atlanta, in Fulton county, kxown in tho plan of said city by the north half of lot number two, in block number fourteen, bounded os follows: On the South by Peter's street, on the East by Pryor street, on the North by lot number ono, and on the West by lot number four of said block, containing one-balf acre more or less, levied on as the property of Jo- siahR. satisfy a mortgage fi. fa. issued from Fulton Superior Court, in favor of Wiley Banks A Co., vs. Josiah R. BoBworth—property pointed out in eaid fi. fa. Also the two following described lots in the city of Atlanta, the lot with a good two story framed dweiiing house, now occupied by the defendant, known in the plan of the city, by lot. number Four, in block number two, it being a part of land lot number fifty-one, in the fourteenth District of ori ginally Honry, now Fnlton county, containing three-fourths of an aero more or less. Also the house and lot now occupied by John Bailey as a Grocery, fronting on Decatur street eighteen feet, running back north forty-six leet, ail levied on as the property of Henry P. Ivy. to satisfy two fi fas issued from Fulton Superior Court—one in favor of H B Latimer, vs. Henrv P Ivy—the other in favor of Davis, Kolb A Fauning, vs. Henry P Ivy —property pointed out by John Collier, plaintiff 's Attorney. Also Lot of Land, number two hundred and seven (207) in the fourteenth District of originally Henry, now Fulton county, containing two hun dred two r.nd a half acres more or less, levied on as the property of Elijah Jordan, to satisfy a fi fa issned from Fulton Superior Court, in lsvor of Wells A Bell, vs. Elijah Jordan—property pointed out by M A Bell. Also Lots of Land, number* two hundred and thirty-three, (233.) and two hundred and thirty- four, (234) in the seventeenth District of originally Henry, now Fulton county, each containing two hundred two and a half acres, all levied on as the property of Thomas J Stevens, to satisfy the fol lowing fi fas issued from Fulton Superior Court: Ono in favor of James A Collins, va Thomas J Stevens; ono in favor of Simeon Frankford. vs Thomas J Stevens; one in favor »f Elijah Roberts, rs Thomas J Stevens; one in favor of Joseph V Stanback, vs Thomas J Stevens; one in favor Kirkpatrick A Calhoun, vs Tnomas J Stevens; ono in faver of A Alexander, vs Thomas J Stevens, maker, and John Ermingcr. endorse; one in favor of Samnel Bryant, vs Thomas J Stevens, and one in favor of Marcus A Bell, vs James W Points, A Thomas J Stevens—property pointed out by Tho? J Stevens. Also a two-horse wagon’ levied on as the proper ty of Clark C Tabot, to satisfy a fi fa issued from DeKalb Inferior Court, in favor of Hightower A Pankey, vs Clark C Tabot. and Leah McGarr se curity—property pointed out by security. T. J. PERKERSON, Deputy Sheriff. December 1, 1854. 58dtsd Administrator’s Sale. A GREEABLY to an order of the Honorable Court of Ordinary of Fnlton county, will he sold on the first Tuesday in January, 1855, before tfie Court House door in Cumming, Forsyth county, Lot of Land, numbered twelve hundred and twen ty-one, in tho fourteenth District, and first section, of originally Cherokee, now Forsyth county, con taining forty acres more or less, and sold as the property of Thomas Haynes deceased, for the ben efit of the creditors of said deceased. Terms.—Six months credit, notes and approved security. REUBEN HAYNES, Adm’r. November 10, 1854. r.) GEORGIA, DeKalb Ctmnty. T O all whom It may concern: Whereas Edmond J. Bailey Administrator on the Estate of John M. Corley, deceased, applies for letters of Dismission from eaid Administration, therefore the kindred and creditors of eaid deceased, arc hereby cited and ad monished to file their objections if any they have, in my office in terras of law. otherwise letters of Dis mission will he granted the applicant at tbe Pecem ber Term next, of the Court of Ordinary for said Coun ty. Given under my hand nfficialy at office, this 3d June. 1864. ALEX. JOHNSON. Ord’v. OIXTY DAYS AFTER DATE, application will O bo made to the Honorable Court of Ordinary of DeKalb oounty for leave to sell the real estate of James Diamond, of said county, deceased. Oct. 2, 1854. JAMES J. DIAMOND, no9-2m. Adm’r GEORGIA, DeKalb County. T O all whom It may concern: whereas 0. E. Morris* applies for letters of administration on tbe Estate of lane Rnsseii, late of said connty, deceased: these are therefore to oite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditor* of said deceased to be and appear it my office within the time prescribed by law, and ihow cause, if any they have, why letters of Adminis tration should not be granted said applicant. Given under my hand officially at office. Sept 9,1854. ALEX. JOHNSON. Ord’y. GEORGIA. Fnlton County. \XTHEREAS Thomas W. r onn»Uv applies to me for let Vv ters o? administration on the Estate of Cornelius M. Connally, late of said county, deceased: These are therefore to cite and admonish aU and singular the kindred and creditors of said denea-ed to be and appear at my Office within the time prescribed by lew. to show cause, if any they have, why said letters' should not he granted. Given under mv hand at office, thi. 12th oav of Au- riist 1«S4. " .10*5 IT. VF,»D. fb-Musry. GEORGIA, Fnlton County. W r HKREAS Daniel Johnson sppUcs for letters of ad ministration on the Estate of L. C. Cheshire, de ceased, late of La wrens District. P. C. These ere there fore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said decased. to be and np] ear at my office on or before the first Mundsy in September next. to show cause, if any exists, why said letters of ad ministration should not be granted August 2d, 1854. .Kk». H. MEAD. Ord’y GEORGIA, DeKalb County, T Wo mouths after date application will be made to the Court of Ordinary of said county for leave to «ell the real estate and negrues. befonging to the estate of Israel MlUer. late or said county, Accessed. Pent Sth. 1864 GIDEON MORRIS. Adm’r. GEORGIA, DeKalb County. W HEREAS Esekiel Rseves, Administrator npon the Estate of George W Roeve*. deceased, applies to roe for letters of dismis-lon from bis said Administra tion. These are therefo-e to cite and admonish all and « : ngular tho kindred end creditors of said deceared, to fie the'r objections 'n my office, if any they have, in in term* of law, why th» said applicant should not ! e dism ssed from h : s said admfnatratfon at the Feb- i nary ertn next, of tbe Court of Ordinary of said coun y- Given under my band at office. Ja y 4:b, U54. ALU. JOHNSON ord’y. STATE OF GEORGIA, FULTON COUNTY, W HEREAS, Thomas Moore applies to mo'for letters of administration on the estate of Henry F. Jeffries, late of said oounty, dee’d— These are therefore to cite aad admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said dec’d, to be and appear at my office within the timo pro* scribed by law to show cause, if any thoy have, why eaid letters should not be granted the appli cant. Givon under my hand and seal, this 3d day of Nov. 1854. JOS. H. MEAD, Ordinary. Ftdton Mortgage Sale. W ILL be sold before tliu courthouse door in tho city of Atlauta, Fulton county, on the 1st Tuesday in January next, within tho legal hours of sale, tho following property, to-wit: One set of hand tools for manufacturing tin ware, together with all the machines “and other tools necessary for said manufacturing business, in the tin-shop of the defendant, in the city of Atlanta, and one stove pipe—all new and com plete ; levied on as the property of Janies W. Points, to satisfy a mortgage fifa issued from Ful ton Inferior Court, in favor of Nathaniel E. Gard ner, vs.. James VI. Points—property pointed out in said fifa. Thirteen cooking stoves, eleven parlor and box stoves and a quantity of Japan and planish and common tin-war#, togother with a variety of otb- or articles of merchandise too tedious to mention; all levied on as the property of James W. Points, to satisfy two mortgage fifas issued from Fulton Inferior Court, in favor of Hancock & Co. and J. N. Morrow, vs. James W. Points-—property pointed out in said fifas. Nor. 3d, 1854. T. J. PERKERSON, D. Sh’ff. GEORGIA, DeKalb county. TO AIL WHOM IT MAT CONCFRS: lit HEREAb, Joseph Walker and J. R. McAlister, ” Adm’r* upon the estate of Zachariah Gholston deceased, apply* for letters of Dismission from tbe Administration of said estate, therefore the kindred and creditors of said deceased, aro hereby cited and admonished to file their objections, if any they have, in my office in terms of the law. otherwise letters of dismission will be granted the applicants at the Janu ary Term next, of the Court of Ordinary for raid coun ty. Given under my hand at office. June 6tb, 1854. ALEX. JOHNSON, Ordinary Notice to Debtors and Creditors. ALL persons indebted to tbo estate of Henry F. Jeffries, late of Fulton county deceased, are re quested to make immediate payment. And those having claims against said estate will present them duly authenticated in terms of the law, or they will be barred. THOMAS MOORE, Dec. 4, 1851. Adm’r. PARKER’S DYSENTERY CORDIAL, T HIS valuable preparation bas proved itself effiea cious in the cure of Dysentery, Bloody Flux, Diarluea, Cholera Morbus, Cholera Infantum, dec. It is useful in all the diseases of the BOWELS, CHOLIC, dec., dee. It needs no encomium, but (br the good of those un acquainted with it, the following certificate* are given; focm C.aovx, Ga., July 13th, 1854. I have nssd Da. C. W. Parser's Dybxxtehy CowiiAiin my family, and believe it to be a good remedy for the diseases for which it is recommended. WM. 8. CAR- ROLL- Jolt 12th. 1854. This is to eerliiy that I hare used Dr. Parxzu’b Dtb extert asp Diarhcxa Cordial in my family, and it had a very happy affect. One of my children has been badly effected with disentery for about three weeks,and after giving it several other things without seeming to do any good, .1 concluded to try some of the above Cord ial, and two doses of it has entirely cured it. I, also, re commended it to D. H. Walls, one of my neighbors, who was taken very severely with tbe Flux, and it also, had a charming effect on him. I most cordially recommend It to all who may fall victims to any disorder of the BOWELS, whatever. GEORGE S. ROSSER. Gritfjx, Ga., July 14th, 1854. This is to certify that I have used Dr. C. H. Parker’s Dyvkxtert and Diarhiea Cordial in my family, and find it to be all he recommends it to be. D. H. JOHNSON. Of It is usetess to add. Try a bottle. Priceonly50 cents. Full directions given on each bottle. X^-For sale by J. M. RANTIN', Agent. August Sd, 1854. fl<V—tfj Atlanta. M’HAIilM’S CoipMuiCMiihM’ftled Criminative. pOR the cure of Cholera Morbns, Spasmodic Chol- r era. Dysentery. Diarrhoea, Summer Complaints, Cholic, Gripping Pains, or Sick Stomach, want ol Appe tite, Wiud, Cramp, and all Diseases of the Stomach and Bowels. This is one of the most pleasant, safe and effica cious Medicine* for the above named complaint# ever offered to the public. It is'adapted to persons of all ages and sexes, and is particularly serviceable in cases of Cholera lnfisntum, or Bummer Complaint#. In many severe attacks of both Dysentery and Dforrh«sa,it ha* acted almost as soon as sataunistered, always tearing tbe bowels in a natural condition, thus requiring no ca thartic medicine to be token a ter, as fo moat generally required when article* are given te cheek the di*ea*e. It I*, also, an excellent remedy, and speedy in its ac tion in case* of acidity on the stomach, which pro duce* Wind, Hartburn, Restlessne**, want of Appe tite, Inability to Sleep, Ac., ; and, in fact, for many diseases which arise from a deranged state of the stomach and bowels. For sale only by JOHN £00N, Agent, ■ At Dr. Powell’s Office, on Peach-tree St X«t»nta. .W Sd. 1«R4. rt>tfl J UST Received 511 boxes and 10 casks of fine diary cheese. W. W. ROARK. rroBACCo. Opt BOXES Tobacco, some very superior, now in store 4Gui4 ter sale by w. W ROARK. every >a tfciff Chest, and oa on. cording to directions, in the initial stage* of disease, and particularly daring a decided predisposition to dis* ease, they will, like a charm, dissipate without discom fort, thousands of cases that might, aud I do not doubt would, terminate in death. The subscriber speaks con* fidcntly, as h# Is enabled to do from thirty-two year* experience in the Medical Profession, ana many yeara experience with hi# 1 ills, which have, during the time, undergone many siterations, with tbe view and hi pc •f muinff tbtm a Safe and Reliable Family Medicine* They are itrictiy Anti-Billious and Anti-Dyspeptic. The Public are referred to the testimonials of their Hooaors Joseph Henry Lumpkin, Judge of the bupreme Court of Georgia; Fx-Judge John J Floyd; Edward Young Hill, Judge ot the Superior Court; Slessr*. Julia H. Pop#, of Lee county, and C. Low, of Augusta, Ga. PtCATCE, Ga. E. N. CALHOUN, >1. D. TESTIMONIALS. Atuens, September 23, 18ft.". Dean Aft}—I received several days since, your fa'or, asking my opinion of tbe Medical merits of the Calhr.un Fill*. Allow m# to premise, that for the laat ten yeara I bare been tortured in body and mind, by the 1«mon Indigestion. I was endowed by nature with an admir able constitution, and my formidable malady haa been superinduced by a enative habit, brought ou by too close confinement and want of regular exercise. Never hav ing sufficient leisure to starve out disease, even if it be Mssiblo to do ao, which 1 very much doubt, 1 hate run he rounds of all the most approved cores and allevia- tives. I have tried Id their turn—Lee’s. Peters’*, Brandreth’s, Cook’s, Hill’s, Spencer’s Smith’s, and ma ny other Patent Ptlla and Dyspepsia Drugs, which have come within my reach, and contrary to the commonly expressed opinion, I mus* bear my hnmble testimony in favor of the virtue of each and all of these Nostru'nu. by a Box of Pills, as by a Book which is not of a vicious tendency. I never bought either, which f did not think fully worth the money which it cost. It is only nece-rary to add, which I do most cheerfu lly—not only through kindness to you, but to the pub lic also, especially that portion of it who know, by sad experience, what is meant by the Vulture-like gnawing at the pit of the stomach, bitter taste in the mouth, flatulence, a eidity, distension of the stomach, const i- foted bowels, cold feet and acute pain in the head, tack and vicinity of the heart—to all such, I can cor dially recommend tbe Calhoun r*U*. The efficaev of thi* Reoedical Agent, 1 tested for the first time' du ring my recent sojourn with yon, and have used it fre quently since, and have found, experimentally, that it subserves in my case a most excellent purpose, particu. larlyin its effect* upon the Liver, the sympathy betwoa which and the stomach w too intimate te require com ment. Sincerely glad to learn that you are making arrange ments to give more extended dissemination to your Pills ‘ 1 am truly your friend and obedient servant. JOtv HF-NRY LUMPKIN. Dr. E. N. Calropx, i Decatur, Georgia, j Covwotos, October 13.1853. Dr. E. N. Ca^bovn—Dtar Sir 1 am gratified to learn that it is yonr purpose tedisseminate the Improved C'l I- houn Fill*more generally than you have beretofoi o done, have occasionally, when sojourning at your house, used them when indisposed, and having found them so mild, yetso efficacious in cases of derangement of the digestive organs, 1 most cheerfully commend them and their use to the public, and especially to gentlemen having large fam ilies, as a most excellent preventive of fixed and perma nent disease arising from iadigeslion. Truly yours, &e., JOHN J. FLOYD. LaGkaxge, October 22, 1853. Dr. E. N. CALItors— Dear Sir: I am gratified to learn that yon have oome to the conclusion to create Agencies for the Calhoun Fill* in different parts of the country— is it no less an act of justice to yourself than to the world at large. Since the year 184d, 1 have been in tl o habit of using your Pills individually, and as a Faiuilly i Medicine. Observation and experience prove it an inval uable specific for nearly all irregualritie of the Digestive Apparatur,, performing its office with little or no pain t r nqusea ; it leaves the patient with a good appetite, in creased strength and greatly improved and elevated si tr ite—properly used, it will cure Dyspepsia and expel all of itsgloomy concomitants. In Chills and fevers, and even Bilious Fevers, 1 have found it equally efficient. Trusting that you may find the worldac ready to com pensate you as to benefit itBelf, the result of your skill and labor, 1 am sincerelv your friend. Ac., EDIT. YOUNG HI1L. SrARirvnJi, Lee Connty, October 26, 1863. Du. E. N. Calhoot—Dear Sir. While at lecatur. 1 had as 1 consider, a fair opportunity of testing the C’a’- houn Fills, prepared by yourself, and I am m much piesed with their action upon the I.iver, and ac a n:ean» of breaking up Bilious predisposition, that 1 hope as you are now preparing to offer them to the public, that you will creRte an Agency at Ptarkville, that mnybeens. bled at any time to procure them. I expect to u-c their, with white and black in all cases threatening attacks of a BUlous character. I would be gratified, not oniy on your own account, but also for the benefit of large, that you would place them in the reach of every person, for i feel confident that there has not y-et been offered to the public any preparatiou of Medicine i hat will compete with your Till* as a general Family Medicine, or a traveling companion. V#ry sincerely your friend, Ac., JOIIM IJ. Ff>i‘E. ApnrsTA, October 29, 1853. Dr. E. N. CaIBOCX—Dear Sir This is to certify :hnt before 1 had the pleasure of meeting you, 1 was frequent ly attacked by somq Bilious derangement producing pio3 tration, loss of appetite. Nausea and Head-arhe. >nm the use of yonr (Calhoun) 1 ills, administered according to your instructions, I was immediately and } ermanent- ly relieved. It affords me much gratification io ac knowledge the advantage 1 derived from your judicious treatment. 1 remain with high esteem, your obedient servant, CHRISTOPHER LOW. For sale by J. M. Raxtis, A J. Nokcross, Agt. in At lanta. July 27, 1S54. 9—ly. IYYSPEPSJA, RHEUMATISM, SCROFULA, COUGH, A STH HA, CONSUMPTION, IJVKit COMPLAINT, Ac TRUTH IS ItlSHTT ! ARa TOC HCK f BEWARE OK IMITA TIONS | Ask tor Hampton's Vegetable Tincture. Tho many cures made by this pleasant and safe remedy may In- dnno counterfeiting. 4 Medicine must have merit aud great merit ton, to stand the tebt of public opinion. No art of putting •wn galvanise a worthless article, so as to keep it up uv <a good medicine if it be not really so. A good medicine will live, become popular, and ex tend it* sales year after year, in spite of opposition.— The people will readily find out virtues, and the fame of them passes from mouth to month with more rapidity 'han newspapers can spread It. A living witness testi fying to the cure a medicine has marie for him in of far more service than any newspaper advertising. In proof of wbat we say’above, we rcter you to liamr ton’s Vegetable Tincture, and its effects. Tlio Wife of T W. Ycakic, Grocer, 76 Pearl street, cured of Rheumatism of 8 years standing; other ri me dies foiled. Wm. M. Oldham, (lateof the Custom House.) dwel ling 128 finest., of Dyspepsia, great debility, permantly cured. W. A. Schaeffer, Esq., one of the oldest Magistrates and most highly respectable citizens, cured of great, weakness ana restored to robust health. Jarret Plummer, 153 E. Baltimore at. suffered intense ly six years with hip disease and roercnrisl rhumatism: cored after all other remedies foiled. Space will not permit to name hundreds of others, as Geo. W. Goodrich, Capt. Tlios. Canot, Robert Gault, James Symth, cured of rneumatism. John l’erv ail, S. A. Grffiu, John Luke, Rev. V. Eskrigc, U. S. Navy, and thousands of others cured of Dyspepsia, Scrofula, Cough, Liver Complaints, BronchUs, St. Vitus’ Lance, Ac. we refer to our own citizens. Call on them. Dr. Hampton, the author of this great Hampton’s Vegetable Tincture, is in his 80tb year, in good lies lib, so that it will be seen it is not an article got up to im- i use on the public. GREAT CURE OF RHEUMATISM BY HAMILTON’S VEGETABLE TINCTURE. Chester District, P. C., January 3d. 1863. Messrs. Mortimer A Mowbray—Gentlemen: For tbe last five year* I have been a severe sufferer from Rheu matism, till, seeing your recommendation of “ Hamp ton’s Vegetable Tiucture,’’ 1 procured a bottle, anil the first dose has ao much relieved me that 1 cansider it as justice to give to tbe suffering world the result of tho application. Mine wa# Acute Rheumatism In the back—so bad that I was confined to my bed for tire last six months. The first bottle acted like a charm, the second restored strength te my poor sffiicted back, and I am now as well and feel as young as when I was sixteen. 1 am now 74 years of age. I consider your Tincture the greatest discovery of tho sge and poor suffering humanity ought to erect a monu ment to Dr. Hampton, who has saved thousands from f ain. And you, gentlemen, have acted the part of pub ic benefactors to disseminating the benefits which have resulted from your invaluable remedy. I am a plain cotton planter, and have never written tor literary fame; but when my fellow beings are afflict ed shall I hesitate, or through modesty, withhold any information valuable to my fellow maul So, if you consider this worthy of a place in auy of your newspa pers, you are at liberty to make use of it. 'Yours, truly, ALVAH kemball. CURE FITS i READ!! READ!! I Mors than Gold to the Sick—From one of the moat respectable Druggists in South Carolina: Charleston, S. C., Sept. 21,1853. Messrs. Mortimer A Mowbray:—The sale of your Hampton’s Vegetable Tincture is increasing every day, and every bottle sold recommends this valuable medicine to the afflicted. Several of our planter* haw tried it in different eases with astonishing success, aud are get ting it by half dozens. It ha* been found to be tlio greatest remedy for rheumatic affections: and a won derful cure has been performed on a negro suffering by Fite. 1 will furnish you with a number of certifi cates if you wish them. Hease send me. soon as possible a supply of tlio Tincture. J am. gentlemen, yours, W. G. TKUTT. Hundred* in this city will bear same testimony. ' Hampton’s Vegetable Tincture is purely Vegetable, ard warranted free from all mineral substance This Tincture, by it* mild, pleasant, and safe action cn the stomach, liver kidneys, lungs, and the nervous system, cures Dyspepsia, Liver loroplaint, Disease of the Urina- voua Affection* generally, Fistula, Liles, Bowel Cim- plaints. with all diseases arising from impure blood.— As a remedy for tbe various derangements of tho Fe male System, it seems to have no aujorior. The Female System has. in Doctor Hampton’s Vege table Tincture, a Cure for its numerous and complicated derangements. Hundreds who have been debilitated and dispirited, and on the verge ot a premature grave, have been restored by its use to blooming health, which we are abundantly able to prove by such a host of living witnesses. LIVER COMTLAINT AND DEBILITY. Extract from James Harris, Esq.'s Letter, Alexan dria, Virginia:—After speaking of wonderful cures on himselfhe says: ‘Mrs. H. has been suflering with the complaint and with inability, constantly complaining, from weakness, through her whole system, the now enjoys better health than for thirty yea’rs, being entirely restored by the use of Hampfon’sVegetable Tincture.” Call and get a l’amphlet gratis of A. Alexander, Wholesale and Retail agent Atlanta, Ga.; TVm. Root Marietta, Vineyard A Jones, I’almetto; Hartley, Rider A Co., Augusta, Georgia. [March 23.1864 4?—ly COFFEE. A VERY superior article of Bio Coffee for sale by W. W. ROAIJE