The Atlanta weekly intelligencer. (Atlanta, Ga.) 184?-1855, January 25, 1855, Image 3

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NEW ADVfiATISEMKHTe. HUNNICUTT & S1LVEV , HAVE removed tv, '• >. a, !>jui{W:j t Si? New Brick RjB.Ua.- lu«* th#&»> <•“'* <?R. andopposlto tbo v.l.'.t- Look, itiiJ are receiving a treueral «jtock <••' STAPLE A>0 FANCY DRY ttOOBS, which trill be fold a; <*• ‘ • o*rk«t prlc^. Ujo, a desirable j>' ' * CJlOftlSvilXSKf Kir men and voatbrriiicU eaauot he excelled in muTe- -ul *-vle or flnUh. m thecity. Call before pmefasstn • iltewbero' and eXsWue tor vourselvoi. We. alto. j»p» beautiful line of furaUliirg Gebds— under var ments of til dosfrlptiona. Si:043. Boon, Hats. Cup-. lurp*loaje, Tn-ink*,, ftn., Ac., ia (act. everything in the clothing and ferulshlnx late. Come and »(-v.m triil not go «wav dissntisfled. ratanfal to our former patron, for pin favors we i jt a a continuance of the same. Atlanta. Jan. 23. 1865. dim. $100 REWARD. STOLEN or runaway from Americas on f the morning of the 1st of January, WOOD- SOX, a (Uric, popper colored young fellow, straight and erect, of ordinary stature, nbout 23 years old, has a dull, sleepy look, with rhe whites’ of his eyes very muddy. His front te tli black with deeav, but not seen unless his lies are reined—his heard l ing, hut thin—Is very sensible, replies quickly when spoken to. and is very fond of drink, even to intoxication—writes s > as to he understood and I have no doubt has n pass of his own writing, unless ho ia under tb< protection <>r some white mao. which is, very prob- n'i e H • w ire. and carried off .a Kor'ny Snck, Suinet Pant-', a blue Vest, mvoral Shirts and <>th- e things in a bun He. I will pay one hundred dollars reward for the hoy and thief with proof to ciinvi -tiun. or fiftv dollars for his safe imprison ment in nnv jail where I can get him. I purelms- e l him - 'me six rit mths ago. from VIt. Phillip;, or his agent, in slacon, the boy having lived pre- viou -lv in Atl into, for a number of years. J , , ry 22—Jiwtf.] ALBERT REUSE. fry- Atlanta Weekly Intelligencer nn.l Colntn- h i- i; i m r,:r will ple-i-o copy till forbid.—Ott.r take PARTICULAR NOTICE! LOUIS H. DADEN, j e xxr jgij Eii, f'lAS this day opened his Stare under . A iluyilou'.s llall, and invites the public'[ a general t<> cull and examine his -J All kinds of Jewelry neatly "i, e|-aired and executed at the shortest a- .,[ip... and warranted. Hi* Stuck,/ , , | rs of IV itches. Clocks and Jew-" ■ ,... .. v description. Also a variety of txori?" Articles. ■g_ j. ■. i iV . nl nut i docks will no repaired j* h Maker, and warranted.— Y t ’ t t' 10 . ir , . |,y their strict. attention to basilic* , ... m m . r ;,' ,i share of public pn'ronage. ' \ .m , .Ian. 22 1, H-’55. >199-1 m-wSA-tf. :♦!. & n] it. .ion \ston, V I T O It X E Y S AT L A W , ATLANTA, an t SPARTA, GA. ,r up -tair* in Kile's new building, cor- ' , Marietta and Peachtree street*. m joiixsiiix, Atlanta. j nil jons.STO.v,Spartu. dan 2D IS55 Ltwif l)is«ol«tiau at <-’opartu eralilp. N 'OTI £ it hereby given that the Partnership, lat-lv i at sisilng-licc weoa Thoinaa Brooks and TTm. P. Moon, both of the city of Atlanta, under the tinu M •' Brook? A M>,n,” *■!< dissolved on the 17th Novt-mber liict, by ictttc'.l content. All debt'owing t toe said partnership are tobore- r.c rri by ;ail 3t--v!>J all dctnar.dsun the said D'brtner.Lip sueto he presented te him for pay* • r fHOMAS BROOKS, For BROOKS & M0037. Oisiidluticii of Coptalnenblp. N IOTTCE i3 hereby given that the Partnership, I lately subsisting between Thotuu* Ilroohi and .Tames M* wc. in the city of Atlanta, under the firm of “Brooke A Moore,” and eulor-d into the 17th November hut. was ai.soivod the 2blh of said Noreml/er, by inntaal eousont. The said Thomas Brook; will settle all debts due to and bv the firm. THOMAS BROOKS. For BROOKS A MOORE. \ LL tiers.ins indebted to thenbove named firms, will please make payment to the subscriber; ind those having demands against them, will pre sent them for settlement. THOMAS BROOKS. Atlanta. De'-ember 7. 1854. Cldtf MRS. C. FEEL, Fashionable Milliner and Dress-maker. Store next door to Mesar*. Kyan & Myers iVitniHJi.t SrRErr, Atl v.vta, im. H AVING- recently opened a new establishment. of Millinery and Dresss-making, Bleaching. Pinking, Aei, Wrs. Peel respectfully invites tlit Ladies of Atlanta and surr -unding ojuntry, to all and examine her Fall and Winter Stofli. if tho most handsome and fashionable Millinery ind Fancy Goods, Dross Costumes, Children . CiMtumes «tc., of the richest and latest fashion- ind patterns. All who desire fasbinnable mad< B mtiets, Drosses, Cloaks, iiantiilors, Ac., woui" lo well to call. She lias received and is -still receiving—and will 11 ways keep on bund a supply of Benuots and Hats fur Lndics and children. Ribbons, Flower^, Head-dresses, - ips. Embroideries, Glovea, ,’tirls, Veils, Toys, dress-trimmings, Dress-goods, Cloaks, antillers. Ready-made clothing for children Ac. All orders promptly attended to. at short notice. She will be thankful to those who inay give hei i call and will take pleasure in serving them at very low rates for cash. Atlanta. November 13, 1851. 42—,13m. Valuable FlRDfatloH for Sale. T HE aubscriljei- .iffers for salt his TION in BeKalb oonnty* lying oe of Peachtree and Pearinecreek?,3J rail-.-*North We»t Of Decatur and 3J miles North-East of At lanta, adjoining lands of Daniel Johnson. Esq., T. N. Fades and others, containing about 8W acres. There are abont 190 acres of open cultivated lend ander good fences and necessary buildings for farming, ssith a good apple orchard. Anv r.t,r,ui lesirons of purchasing can call on me on me prem ises or address meat Decatur. Terms wilt be ac commodating. J. B. WILSON. Jan. IB. 1855. aa. tor Sale. [ .1 ml 1 t-erif £ s PLAN90,000 Ita-OLb BAtivN v A oe tlnPMuus J LARD. hi*.'*-. ; i« »sd .jo-i1 Cas'» itiiil Sliosf.ideiiits! U. L HALLOWELL & CO., Wnroliouso, PhUadcltihla. TE.lAlS: / t \SH buyers will receive discounts of SIX per O • ■ a . if -li•• money bepui'i in parfunds, with in i m days from date of bill. UnituH'ent nvvmy inly taken ut it- 1 market v:,l- o on tho I ly "u i r teive L 1’ i in reliant- of undouht il landing, acre lit o sit m-ith-i will bo given, if desired. Wii re money is remitted in ii-lvsneo of maturi- t di-'mint at the rat - <>t TWELVE par cent, per iininim will he allowed. PRICES FOR GOODS UNIFORM. j "7 ,i .-lin railing the attention of thu trading coin- i. in.tiiity t i the above Terms, wc announce thin •.I'ltwith-tati'iing the depression in com 1U j..-.iiil a‘.fairs l!ii-"igliout the eonntry. the sy.tcui ,j|- l)u.iiio--i adnptvd by us m i.-e than a year sinci. a „d i i which we shall rigidly adhere,enablesng ii offer for ill-coming Spring season i-ur usual ns- NEW SILK A\D FAXCY GOODS, Comprising one of '.lie Largest anrl most Splendid Stocks T i mi found in An -riot; to which we will receive cm mui a ld>,i nis, throughout tlip soaium, of new and d s' ruble g m Is from oar House gb] Paris. .\civ Millinery. airs. M. tv. HARRIS, has received and t i, r.-cciving, h neiv and beautiful stock o 1 7-^v Miilincry. Shelias also i well-selected sup) ly ol libb-’n,. lai.t.' ColLirr, Cneinisettes, Han ikerenief, Ivevea, Gloves. Pro,i-trimin!rigs, ladi'.-a' ("loaka and -liawls slienrio Ue.a on hand a lew patterns o( »plen- !ia iiresi-Silks. an I a great mauvartielut in lier line ml mentioned—all of which she will sell very low— t,e *l,o heaps constantly on hand Ladies' splendid • ili. and satin tints inn'e alder the latest styles. lev torn or straw Bonnets blenched or dyed and pressodin o the moat approved styles. ■ i.e in also prepared to make ladies' I'rcfises. at short mtice and in ilielaie-t ianliiona. -he can be found all times of the duy in her shop irer Purr's lin nllop. tilnnta.Ga.. del 2*. IKSt 29dtf GHOCSRIES AT WHOLESALE AHD RETAIL, Conus oj' Whitehall aw/ Mitchell Streets.] Atlanta, Oa. W. ROARK would allthe attention of the • public to his large and well selected stock vi Groceries which he wiil sell at the Very IjowoiBt iPrloee, .t Wholesale and Retail. Aa *id intends doing a cash business exclusively, hose wishing to buy for cash would do well to cal aid examine his stuck, consisting of every article .n the way of Groceries, Hat.-: and Caps, Boot-- md Shoes. Sadiery, Ac. Those who call at hi- •stnhlishmenl will not fail to bo satisfied bulb in r-snect to tho quality of articles and price. Atlanta. Oct. 14, 1854. (17-dtf) Fluid :v.ruing Fluid per Gallon, ainphcnc, “ “ Icolnil, 80 per cent Gallon, i -oliol, 05 per cent Gallon...... ypi-nw C,uh. Ailanta. Ga.. N'ov. 20. ISot. $1 'JO 1 CO 1 12> a 1 ?/> K. RTPLEV. ftidtf SISLEY'S COMPoUriD AiAlAalii \j£ DwU4AlJ| I S * combination t>C \hr most efbetent remedies knonn to ibo Medical Faculty, for the relief an* 1 cure of :h.*»e numerous complain:.- of tae I’rinarr Or^an«. con- -equent upon InflaiuAtkm or uloerationof the* Eldnerw, .iladder and Urethra. It ia prepared by an esperivne- o*l chemiit, according :o a formula. af.proTod by ?fc«* '•fedical Faculty, and worthy f he conflitrice ».f all •rho may be suffering from Pain And W*afcnt. «in the mall of ’he Back, ag-e end Pajn in voiding Urine, iLibetaa, or Esce«fi of Utiue, Strangury, Gravel, Gleet, Leucorrhoba. &c. RIsLKY’a BUCHU is a reli;*.ble an«i x-'pular r emedy for all diseaof the Urfnnrr Organs, design ed to displace the hiah priced and lrre«pf:iisible nos trums which are forced uj»nn the notice <'n! credulity •f sufferers. It in put up :n large br»tlle'.-. nn'i sold a’ SI by druggists and country merchants generally, and it wh»*iesale h? HAVTT \Vp, HISrLY* & r O.. Augusta : H WILAVD, HAST) & Cu.. Charleeton ; endbv HAV1- LAXD, HARRaL A: RIsLEY, New York. rHE PHILOTOKTO OB FEMALE’S FRIEND, a medicine tlrnl commend* itself t*. iieala of fami lies and female^ in all conditions. Unlike xn**at of •i«? QfMtrurua for the cure cf all diseases, which are orce 1 upon th » notice and credulity of the suffering, ilia is a female remedy exclusively ; and one that can >e relied on f»r the cure and relief of most of tho com- •Uint» peculiar to f?mnlM. !t is well known to Phyai- •uns that much of their suffering and ill-heslth mav >e traced to irregularity in their peculiar aeaiinns, and hat false delicacv often deters them from seeking re lief. The Phil*»token is infalible !n the core of painful oeudruntion, (and consequent sterility.) and for ihr* in mediate relief' <*f Hypathetic nervous affect ions, deeptnesa. anxiety, hysteria. &c. It is perfectly safe in n 11 cases, ana is warranted to secure the approbation tnd commendation of all who will exorcise sufficient :oufi ieoee to give it a trial. Full directions accoinj-anr i*. Price $1 a b ;t?!e. Sold by prugrists an l countrr Merchants generally, md at wholesale bv HAVILANi). RISLEY h CO., Au gusta, JlAXJLXSD. HARRAL CO.. Charleston. Dr. Roberts Colic Slixtnre for Infants. r pH£ moit injurious anmUnrs. **uch as laudanum } paregoric &eare too often u*ed tu relieve the cries of Infints suffering from colic, producing constipation and - 'melimes «leath. HUBERTS M1XTTRK affords •uin.ediaTe relief from pain, procures refreshing slum ***r. and it commends itself t<- Mot her*. Uell att’5 cents h rial by J. M. Rantin Atlanta. \\'m R<*ot Mariet **t and country irerchants generally at TThr-1 *sa!e. by ii&viland Ridley* Co., AugustaGa., UavHind Harral t Co., Charleston f 2 . C. % fd&wlv.j Januarv 11,1855. ALSO A iv ..u £c.: aTvii Out;, ^a i a 'V* >.;-l p vai'-v: B. rw- nan SaaMeat, f«r wklov, '-f J4h»u J E. IVTLLIiMg - Dec -i, '5-i uai'.-Ra^, AUacta. ■ T Sif«i. »io.' Wauled. AgraJoateol Iriokiascn College, Pf.n., dMtlM < gltnaii. ti a* foriheenvuim? yvfir. leati- ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ monifibof a.-l«>L-'re»a:». can be arojaccd. a foU m«I •oAciMit and rvliaqatak- if desireJ. AJJrea* Seta. Lithooia. Gao. ■Dec 14, 1864. 29wls Classical aud English School. '^^.The -tibscriber wUl 0]..e;i a Male 3-V--J w Monday, Jen. jib, in Mr. Markbam'* building- e-.-rnc-r of Whitehall i MiteheU streets. Hein tends that in mental discipline and moral training, this Seh&vl 3h.1l! be interi-T g ( n-- Insttuftion n the State—..nd would respeetidily solicit the pat- roaofie 01 the parents and guardians of Atlanta. Tuition in i.'.v Eugii-\ Biv-mlf, $S fill jxr V' Lwngawjri ttntt Higher Matfttniaticv, 10 00 " “ IttFsas-.-r-KS—Col. Marne; Milter, CoL Joel Foaler. tier: John H. Lice. CAs.svillc ; H -n. A. R. Wright, Rome A ■ It Viilner, Cartersvitle ; Rev. John It. Dufco*“ Go!. T. M. Cethoan. Wm. V-irkham. E-q.. Caps. J- R -witi. .ttian-.i. A. X. WILSUN. A. M. Itec. S7,15o». Mlwsw3w*. Notice! and alter January 1st, 1855, U - i\ anu aner uanuajy 1st, icoo, payin' Freights will lie required nt tho G. K. Call an;l Nee Me! HOUSE, SIGH, ' : .H ORNAMENTAL r> A.*I jNT T XKTG-I Thankful for the patronage heretoforo extended tithe firm of Tomlinson A Dooley. I would in form the public that I have again opened for my- elf, e.nd respectfully ask a continuance of the -.ame lav.irs. I nin prepared to do House Paint- ng with durability and taste not excelled in the South. Also, Sign Painting executed iu the neat est manner and at tbo shortest notice. I have iu my employ the best workmen the South can af ford—and Neatness and Despatch shall >*e my motto. A. DOOLEY. fhop on Alabama it root, two doors below the romei- of Whitehall and Aln’iama streets. Ariiinta, Ga. Jan 9 1855 dtwtf MAGNOLIA RESTAIRANT. TYHAN1CFUL to his friends and tho L public gciiorally for past fit von, iie undersigned takes this occasion to ufbrm them that tho business of the “MAGNO LIA" will; in future, l>e carried on by him alone, in,l that every exertion will bo made, without re r, 1 to expense, to merit a continuance of the lib- ral uatroungo heretofore extended to his house. THOMAS BROOKS. Vftiiailii .11 -*dirnI Ui>1Ii-j,'i'. j . V. arei iu this I. titution "iday in Mat Atlanta, Dev. 1«. 185 vhi h th the following Au- Meinntic Course o iai'.al i.istruciojii 1SS0LU i iUA. Facultj-. rof. of tile Principle* aud Fnt^jg. I'rof. ot s tindAij ■ 99 liildrcn. w I. .*'. IV. J'rof. of the Principle- i'r.;. of Sorgicafand I’atV('logical 1 , rriil of : iii'ini-try sml Medical J. I'.. Prof, of II Praia Modica r.mi ply of Mat trial for dis . tion i>i -j.ini : of wine) will be pro- • • "i n ' onipetout Deinonctnitoi procured hefn-o the opening o ,v, for 'in entire coursenmouiP (IibUgatO'T ■ n rTonlyO S10.— 1. Good -il can be had in reek. IA r further information 't'L- T tlORi'LAXJd, Br.m, Dr. IL StOAC’il, Of Saltimox-o, XVEci-. 1 FA VI.SOJ pcrmano'iily loca'.-d in Atlanta, and j i ,, .1 lilm-c"' with Hr. J. E. Bt.i r.NT. i , .;>. profcfsional cervices to the citizens of At- la 1. ..nd vicinily. ii.-. ii - ich stinlii 1 with Pr'iif..Smitli, and <ra? f<d 11 a * ■ mncvlo l with the Ho-pitsU, liesiilet 1, . . . ..-I,.wet- of several years’ practice in tin ei . oi B.iltimoT'e. : IV v ‘I-II. John V. Jo. wfiy. BulilMoro w y. ;. w.iVi', 11.r.; i'Iod. Mon;; tttficU, & .panel a new Warc ciuth Tree Street, would tmuioo of the public te 'PIIE Copartuersliip heretofore existing between A J. M. Tomlinson and A. Dooley, under tin mme nod style ol‘ Tomlinson A Dooley, is this day Ii lived by mutual consent. Tho accounts are iu 1 is hands of Win. M. Dooley for collection, »<. ,r!io:n iiilli and accounts against tho late firm lin'd he pre-ented. Deccmhcr 1 t. 1.-51. f.fidtw < VIIPETN, RUGS, &.C., of Georgia Railroad Si|wnr«-, ' ... |,r.*i.-ii-.M i" Vi all kinds III work c.imcete t ii<> -in.-. :.-!i as making and rcjuiringFui . :• ■ .. ; .'ail:R. 1 rl. 10.-.*:. and* make ui li:. a my Walnut and other woedCof Chair Factory. i td.-r m ittwf.ictiiTiag shop, at Do 1. M irgau V original Cottav- Cha!i» 11 -tv I 1. io».-l:-V »>iih all srtielcR „ AN EXTENSIVE STOLk OF DRY aOODS! efXt: aSTo-tfTXT- ‘^T’ orlt Cost 1! |'H 1 .-'. subscriber*. b**im; ilcnir^us to make a chun/e ot ^ invft-il meni. oliei their whole Stock of Domestic X l anev Pry rioo.N AT FIRST COST! U .V have ffelerininoil 1o «li-*i»«'.-c- of our slock ot T'ry •I. \t l»et'aeen no \ an 1 ehristuias. an-l Log leave to a. ,!■*•(» jr frieml-aa«! eusto:ner>*that this.i«Iv<*rlisem.*n’ s mo Imax. !!“r «lo we inkenff to humbug the peojil• t W our honest Intention to withdraw from the J»r\ L . La business. :nui hence v.e iiuve conrliiffe \ to oil'll s ireuinK to bU ihn 4 . rmne forwar-A to buy. for cash.— lUe^e are the only term* on which we will sell in fu t u re. \\ e re*»(k’c* fullv .»licit iho|ienjffe !«» call au*l examine oar Hi tick. J HOB HAAS & CO. i fc.tnUrc :h. 1R.V. ,v ”l»f !%«-gr«tfS >Y iiiiicii. Two /7--jjcri need firemen wanted at the “At hiii« Mill*." Dec. 20th 1854. 78d3t TroiH tiouse. . THE uiidorsiglicd begs t . announce to the citizens of Atlanta and the travel j,jj ing public, that he will open ihe Trout " "- * House oh Monday next, for the necomtno- ln*ii of boarders and transient persons, with fnr- lit irc entirely now. R mras well ventilated, lortc nd airy Halls, and by constant a Mention to tin \ ants c.f his guest'. ilic sa'isi-ribcr hopes to make ii.: House umonir the most desirnbic to lie .'ont.d in he Stale. AARON GAGE, Proprietor. Atlanta. Nov. 8, 1S51. i13t:i Witter Proof Hoot?. A line lot in si received, and for ca.1.-. F. .M. EDDLEMAN .1 rtriu. Jan 1855 (dlt (wCt) W iiiskev- i'o Bidi Fisho; Magnolia. Wltiskey Just re<-eived j and for sale iow for cash bv J. E. WILLIAMS. Atlatiia. Januarv 6. 1855. [dilw.; i f *t • •* A\ V*. Ware-House & Commission Merchant, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. pjAVIXU rented that spacious Firc-j^ Proof Waro-Ilf.jse, recently erected^ m White-Hail street, will attend to the“ H * e *‘ Storage and Sale of Cotton, Cora, Lard Bacon, md all other produce with which he may he faror- od. Hav ; ng had long experience in the genera! trade of Georgia, he flatters himself that he can ;ivesatisfaction in the sale of all produce; and ilso in the purchase of nU articles which thocoun- irv mav require. T. D00NAN. December 14.1854. G9dwtf New Candy Manufactory -AXD- OPPOSITE THE E^TELLIGENCES OFFICE, ATLANTA, GA. T IIE subscriber would inform tho citizens of At lanta and vicinity that lie has constantly on and, at his Confectionery and Baking eetablish- nent, all kinds of Coufections, Pastries, Fruits, &c lie is also prepared to furnish every description if plain aud ornamental Cake3, for weddings or oartics, ut short notice, and on accommodating erm«. Imported wines and brandies of all descriptions • •r medical purposes, kept always on hand. Aleo. -enuine Spanish Cigars.'n.nd choice chewing To- >aeco—together with a large assortment of Toys, Fancy Articles, Ac.. Ac. Having recently returned fr'.ni the North, where he laid in a fine stock of Fancy Articles and cve- -y thing necessary for carrying on his candy man- ifaotory. he would inform county dealers that he is orepnred to furnish candies at wholesale at 17 •ents per pound. Orders accompanied with tbo cash nr good city references promptly attended t mer.t ROAD OFFICE, on or before the delivery of the Goods. Transportation Office, t J. B. BRANTLEY. Atlanta, Dec. 26, 1854. , TSdlm Ag't Notice! O N and after January 1st, 1855, payment of Freights will be required at the MACON S WESTERN RAILROAD OFFICE, on or before the delivery of the Goods. l T . L. WRIGHT, Transportation Office. ] Ag't. Atlanta, Dec. 26. 1854. ) 78d1m iiomettcail Lair of Force ! PHK unufcraijpiM offers for 500 atrvtn at Iaqs 1 * on tbeea-^t bank of the Little Tallapoosa river—3t< '•iUei from TTofrlowell, in Randolph County, ALtbame. containing about 150 atr»*s of bottom land, 60 acre.- clears! an'i the bal/iuoe well tiinbere*!. The place cot- taln.-* vuiBcient water power for any kind of 'i^rhicery rsn-i a number of fine apriagA, ani is situated in tii« healthiest sectirva of Alabama For terms apply ta tbr* viihtvcriber at Kock*bUe, Alabama, or to Jame^ McCain, on the premises. FRAXCIS M. PFKRYMAN. tc4m C. riT 3 , BARTB, Piano Forte Repairer and Tuner, i -j ' ILL attoiid to any calls in hU v l lino of business, such at reg ulating of &cii<-n, civcring of hnm- : ;ners, (fulled or baffud.) laying of new strings by the octave, whole r.r single. Ac. Satisfaction given in every instance or Bo charge. All work warranted. Tuning by the Year done at Reduced Prices. Orders anywhere from the country, addressed to I'. F. Barth. Atlanta, Ga.. will meet with prompt attention. ATLANTA FREE SCHOOL. 'flE sub-crib^r re^j-wstiully anuonacM ?hnt the ex- a erci^es of the Fxee School, will be rft-iumed >lon- '*?. Ja ur.rv If-’h. earnestly solicits tlio-jeentitle: to it* booefitc. to sea l their children as jk»ob »•* th»* - : ch<ri l be^ps. lit- aLo resj-ectfully asks all the frienffs of theschotd to une their iafinence la procuring the attendance of those truly entitled, as it is imp^sai- ole for him to x*riit all ia the city. A. Vr. OWEN, Teacher. P'^ml^r 1854 75dtf OSOROIA, * I-OrdioMt T Giort^ Deo’r. j GEORGIA^ DeRaib County. JRiffta, flasfs I Tnnn 18.54 '■ iA'dKULAi? £Sekl«lReevee.-lJinlolitxutor upon the •u ,l. n _ - J f., . , , > j ! 1 fisutc of George W Rne-.<1ece*seJ,applies to Ivth* Honorabia Um Court a Ordinary of tada j for letters of dismlulcn fttm Li* aatd Admtnlstwi- voaaty. .. ] ttm. T5..iearetb6rrforetooHe rcJ adaKmiili all and TP HE petition of John Jltteheil renectfally ' sis,-alar the kindred rod creditor? of s»id deceased, to JL sheweth, that on the 17tk da* of Jannnrv, { Uietr objections SiojefS-.s, it i»r,j'tfc<-| hare, lo 1869, Alien E. Jehnanii of anld cointj, (but then jM ifS&vT nf ruVniu h j I ^ from uH csk u auCairJ^tratif-a at the Feb St£te* aWkf'ywq to your petitioner j rtL!T% tertr* oext, the Coart c< Grains ry af »!H- aa obligmtloii, a copy af which 1? hereanto attach* j cc^aty. liireu ar.*it.- my h?ad at office, ed, whereby be hoond himself t> make your peti- ■ July 4b'.s54. .41 EX. .10RX8GN trii. —of ell his right, title end Dterest. In end to a certain lot of land, &s follows: The East .half of tot No. fifty. In the sixth District of Henry coun ty, containing one hundred one and a fourth aoree, upon the payment of three hundred dollars as the purchase money, in one, two, and three payments is in said obligation alleged. Tour petitioner fur- her show* to yomr Honor^tbat suhsoqnentlv to tho late of said obligation, tbs raid Allen E. Johnson leparted Ibis life intestate, aud that Jobs H. John- <on and Wiiliam H. Ferguson, of said county, has •btained Letters of Administration on the goods. ■battels and credits of said Allen E. Johnson, in -.he-Court of Ordinary of said county of Fulton, ind that daring the life of the said Allen E. John son, find within the time specified in said obliga tion, wherein the said deceased hound himself to make titles to the land now claimed, your petition er paid to the said Allen £. Johnson, the aforesaid mm of three hundred dollars, due on the land iforesaid. And yonr petitioner prays your Honor to direct the said John H. Johnsonand William H. Fergu son to make your petitioner titles to said lot of 'and, according to the tenor and effects of said ob- ! ^ .. . , ” ~ f, ~T~ ligation, and vonr virion., will ever n»v. Ac. I Notice to Dt litois & Ci etlitoi*. GEORGIA. Fulton County. ' YITHEREA8, Nicholas H. Bacon, has this day VV appRod to me for Letters of Administration on the Estate of Sarah Matthews, late of Newton county doccuscd : Those aro therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and credi tors of said*deceased, to be and appear at my Gfficc within the time prescribed by law, to show cause if any they have, why said letters shonhl not bt granted the applicant. Given under mv h>-.u..l and seal at offie. this 7tl day ..f Dec., 1854. JOS. H. MEAD. Ordy. DccembsrS. 1854. fi4dtsd GhOti UJA. UeAa/b (fmnty. r JX0 ail n-bcm It may concern: Whereas filmondJ J. , Bailey Admlmslrator on the Estate of John M Corley, ilec-e.-eil. applies for letters of DiamissJor from said Ailminietraticn. therefore the kindred an*' creditor* of said deceased, are hereby cited and ad monished to file their objections if any they have, in bit office in terms of lair, otherwise letters of p.i*- missfoTi will be granted the applicant at the l'ecem ber Term next, of tiret.'onrtcf Ordinary for said Coun ty. Given under my liazid officialy at office, this 3d June. 1854. ALEX. .TOHN'SOX. flrd’v. I yonr petitioner will ever pav, Ac. JOHN MITCHELL, Petitioner. Copy of Bond. Georgia, DeKalb County. K NiDW all men bv these presents, that I, A. E. Johnson, of DeKalb county, am held and irmly bound unto John Mitchell of Henrv county, u the full sura of six hundred dollars for tho pay- ■uent of which, I bind myself, my heirs and as signs. Tbe condition of the above bond is as follows: The said A. E. Johnson, uaa this day sold to the above John Mitchell, a certain parcel of land, to wit: One hundred one and a fourth acres, or the East half of lot number fifty, in the sixth District •if Ilanry county, and tho said Mitchell pays one hundred dollars in ca3h; one hundred dollars the '5th December, 1350, and one hundred dollars the 25th Decembor, 1851. Then the said A. E. John son is to make the said John Mitchell, good and wfnl titles to tho above descriclatd land, when the said Mitchell pav» or causes to la> paid, the ibnve described payments, otherwise this bond to be in full force in law. This 17tli January, 1850. rSignedj A. E. JOHNSON. [Seel.] [Test] W. H. FERGUSON. A true copv from the minute*. JOSEPH H. MEAD, Ordinary A LL persons indebted to the estate Jane Russel! late of the county of DeKalb, deceased are re- j quired to *nake immediate payment, and those i having demands against said deceased will pres- | ent the n, within the time prescribed by law, prup- ‘ erty authenticated. 0REDLAII S. M0RRISS. November IS, 1854. Administrator. NEW BONNETS, CLOAKS, Dross Sillx.8, dJo., rito. j^f^MRS. J. M. BORING, takes great pleas- LjjJy uro in announcing to her friends and pat rons. thst her stock of Fall and Winter Goods is now complete. Please call and examine her goods, all whu are in need of the latest fash ions, as she baa this day received a lot of just such articles. Ilor goods need no great noise Rbout •hem—come and see them, and judge for your selves. Atlanta, November 8, 1854. dw3m Atlanta, Nov. Silth ISt. D. VALENTINO. [daw-1 y. GUN & LOCKSMITH BUSINESS. T HE undersigned respectfully informs the citi zens of Atlanta and vicinity, that he lias now established himself in this city, and opened a shop two doors above the post office, in Whitehall vr.. .there he is prcn.are 1 to make RIFLES & GUNS, to order, and warrants them to be of superior work manship and quality: Guns. Rifles and Pistols .rill be repaired in tbe best possible manner, and \i reasonable charges. Also. Locks put in order md Keys furnished—together with everything :hnt comes within his line of business. Nov 27. ’54 dawlin CIIAS. HEINZ. NEW GOODS, Ivloia db Boys ClotD.1 ng, Clothes JN'ew and Fresh. Cassimerea. The Richest ever brought to this Market. Vestinas. Come soon, or they will all be sold. Gloves—Kxlia Fine Xeclt Fixing, riie vory l.ntc c t styles anl rIchA«t materials. Also, Ta1 H«r\s frJmir.inR^—Taj e-i cT#»ycns. nlrr.ost any- hin£ kept in a Merchant Tailoring establishment, can .i.omV L c '~T ' LATT?HE. • bought fn.m CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, &C. . ROBERT II. MAY, has opened a ' i T-JS0Z* Uarriaga Repository in this city, on street, opposite Whitney A Hunts, where h6 intends to keep a full assort ment of Carriages, Rockaways and Buggies. Ac., which he will sell at Augusta prices. Those wish ing to buy any thing in his line would do well to examine his stock and prices before purchasing elsewhere. Atlanta. December 21. 1854. dlm-wtf AT PRIVATE SALE. I WILL nell 3 Building Lots, 30 by SO feet each. lying on Alabama street, between our Commission House and the Magnolia House. Persons wishing to boiy ». Business House will do well to embrace the present opportunity. Apply to • S. J. SHACKELFORD, Com. Merchant. Dec- 20, 1654. dtf. ATLANTA SELECT SCHOOL. VTISS E. S. HE ID and Miss A. L. WRIGHT. uVJ[ who have been successfully employed in teaching at the North, will open a School on ihe Sth"f January, in the basement of the Presbyte rian Church. This school is designed for young Ladies and - isses, but a few small boys will be •i ken with thoir sisters to accommodato their pat ron*. Terms per Quartor. Primary Department, $4: ' loinmon English Sfl; Latin, French, fhe Natural Sciences. 88 ; Pencil Drawing, $3 extra. Tuition payable quarterly. No deduction made for those entering before the 3d week. Jtefermce*:—Rev. J. DuRose, Rev. J. P. Diin- ■sn, J. A. Ilaydon, Georgo Robinson, J. t . White. December 21. 1851. dSm. Come llvuryliorty, • rpOtbe Horse «ia:n, that wants gootl "'* 1:nine-made or Bridles, SadilF - bagi. Trunk**, Yali-ie-*, Harness. Collars .ind WhijH. a jfreat variety, tozether with all articles tisu ally kept In an establishment of this kind: all of which are offered at the lowest living prices, for cash, hv tlie undersipneil- MIl.LRB A: ANPHFWS. *^U-Repairing of all kinds done with quick despatch. Atlanta. Yov. 1 l^t—rt&wly. ER LAWSHE IaS al....y a ou Hand r. fine* *t*»v:k o» CLOCKS, WATCHES AND JEWELRY, . prepared to hare watch-work of every descrip lion done up ia firsl Rate style and warranted. Atlat. ntn, Sep25th. 1S&4. 1—dwly ... lo ».f* hrA troin 1 b' *?:**lf J. 54. SWIFT, Sen! Auction & Commission Merchant, Foot of Wh'te-Hall street ATLANTA. G EORGlA. Refcvcnce» i tVaiT>r.t s HrxT. Atlanta, i J. R. V.-ait.u-e .V naoj. i'. L. WatnitT, Eeq.. t'.n 8wipv, Esq., ^uvannih Ibui ,V"IB i F.VWIX.I. Ai'gutta, On. Svxvr.s. Hi vdkix&Co., C. .'''a-iiu: & I’Ev-nr’K. Nashville. T»n»w«. W. 11.1 riKas. New Orleans. Ihvein'm i. 1854. f.:<ia *.v REM0\ AL. .! . frt. Williams, < OMM ISSIOX tM r.RCHANT. ATl.ANTA LRIRtiLv t !n\i. reiuoved to Ins New = t uo o.< D« atm • - t:-cci. (A lierunum Building) near ike Tr.'U' il .it ■. i-- prepared to furnish iu any quantity— 1; '.CON. LARD. i.'OKN. OATS, aud all kinds o. o cl n.u o i.i-'.a;.'. : ot hi.- marko,. He return? liis :h.i:.«-.s ;> tl iiaM-.e for t'te libera! palr-'iiage lioretofore lie s' t.-ed upi.n liiiB. and solicits a continuation of it. Atlanta. Dec. 25. 1«51. diwtf Or. N. F. POWERS, pESPEC CF0LLY offers hU skxit e in dm ra- ! A ri i ■ •ranebe.M of id? profession to the eitireus of Atiama and vicinity. -e#- o ii"e a. Washington hall. Atlm.t.i. Jan. 2:., 1855. dnK‘o-1 v. GlilUISil'T III I i If l i nh |i |< | j i la!!} iHillli lilL.I I lilLiiM A * UL those indebted to the subscriber, either by account or note, will please call and set- :le betore 1st January. After that tiiMe I shall turn over tor col lection the delinquents. J. T. 1)0A ,\E. Atlanta, Dec. 4,’54. w2m Fish’s Melaiic fiuriai Ci.se9. P&irailiwMjinmniE T HIS valuable article is ,iu3t receiveu mnJ for sale at the Tin Ware Manufacture of L. II. Burr, on White Hail street, Atlanta. Oa.. hv. L. ROBINSON. Atlanta, Dec. 29. 1354. dawtf. City Properly for Salt*. ;i5®- Persons desirous of purchasing City Pro perty cither improved or unimproved would do weii to call on me. a? I have a number of very ocnutifnl locations which will be sold low for cash • r go< d papers. I have also for sale n lot of Laud containing ten aeros of fine woodiand. wei! improved with a new two story House aud all ne cessary out houses giturtod thereon. For terms apply to J. R- SWIFT. Dec. 30. ^ DUXES si- CANDIES. rcilmul Uau he* for sale at tficts by W. \V. ROAKlf. JVtlAXita Casli Store I TO, HERRING & CO. S "Kare recrivimr nn immense of Fall r \ .and Winter Clothing-, lor weu and boy> vvoar. of tho tastiest and laieat^tvle. AIro, an ansorr* i,-n of «enUemen«’ FURKISHIXt* (iriODS, which we will soil at tho lowest pricks, fur cash. have on hand an A£s<*rttnent of l»rtY G001 ? .rhicii \~o will sell uthUt the market price, a.-* we nr*.- determined to clo-.e out that department of o;»r trade. We will he pleased to show any qer-ou riving: us » c?ll .vhnl rp will do. .September tidth, 15. r »4 n-dwiv.] vr. HEilRJ.’G. W. J. MASTER?, W. F. HERKINU illd-i front. Vo. Jfi. triiit^helt Atlantp. J . M . T o m i i « s o n , Plain, House, Sign, XtfZfcsx* F*Cash Ti c r. iilci-igncd will sell Burning Fluid at ?l,ltb-t: per gallon. 1’. S.—But if. barged, 31.2t)cts per griib.ii wltit- oul di T. 1?. RIPLEY. Atlanta, dan. ?:t, ?>55. clAtvtf Market House. Thetiiall in i!ic Market will be rontcl a tbe Market 11 in Atlanta, nt Saturday the 3d day February next, at iO o'ciock, A M, for a terjii of uin • m >mh= cotnuieuttingfrotn that date TERM3.—No::s with good =oruritv, pavalile quarterly. J. F. TROUT. Cie'rV. Jan 23 1355 3t FOR S3-45l.XjijQ: 200 Bags Rio Coffee. 25 Hlidf . choice N. 0. Sugars. 60 Bbl?.: ru died. Powdered and refined Sugars 100 Bids, prime N. 0. Syrup. 50 Bills, fresh Mackerel. 25 Boxes Cheese. 100 Kegs Nails various aitoe. 25 Dor. Painted Pails. 10,000 Lins. Hollow Ware. With a large assortment of Shirk Smith's Tools. Dry Good--, Boots tf- Shoes, Grind-Stones, <i*r., Y inch me offered to ;lie trade at low ratea nu ac- tonus t.y J. T DOANE. nan. 20, 18.15. n34-wt.f. Oai'deti Seeds. \ i- i. i.L Assortment of fresh Garden, seeds growth 1854. just received. Passenger ME 3P A 4 Opposite .TaC‘*»b Haas Tec. *9. 1554 Fresco* Coach, Orna- avi) decorative KT T B HL. o.. Wbitehail at., Atlanta, Ga. dlv . ju?t received. Atlanta. January 20, 1S55. J. T. DOANE. [u31-wtf.] Fresh Arrivals! A ♦ Scago cfe iKtolaott’s Commodious, Eire-proof Ware-house, ATLANTA, GA. it) sacks Prime Rio Coffee. S *‘ Old Gov. Java. HO bbls New crop New Orleans Molasses. 50 “ Prime Table or Planting. N. Y. Potatoes. 10 Boxes “ Bar soap, at 6i cents, per lb. 20 Ilhds. and 80 Bbls Lime. !00 Bbls and half bbls Now auduld Lard. 10.000 pounds old Bacon. 20.000 pounds Salted Pork, at 6J te S ceuis. 300 pounds Live Geese, Feathers. 10 Bales Cotton, yarn at Manufacturers prioes. LO Rales Osnahcrgs at Manufacturers prices. 50 Bushels Meal. 20 Boxes, Tobacco. Atlanta, Jan. 5th 1S55. C. T. *&s XT. N*. Utipree, C03IMISSI0N MERCHANTS AND General Agents For the* purchase unu Lale of Georgia and Tennessee Produce. Unquestionable and indej tn ’ewt facilities—ne-oe^arj references, l-'urticulftr and personal utteniion to ail ouMine-ia entrusted will meet trilh attention, pCToewr- nnceastd prempiitnde. Ri-mlttanee-s or Aiu.nil advance made on all consigned to our order at cou3ignee’H order. Corner of Hill aud RroMwav and next do-^.r to M. C. William** aO'.. W. < ii ill GrltHa, (la. Griffin J«n. fi. lb-fif PRIVATE MEDICAL TREATIES uN IHE Phrsiolegiciil View of Marriage. BV M. B. LA caoix. M. £>., Albany, N. T. 25 5 Pa^ex and IwJ Fine Plain and Col«;rod Lithognti ha and Plntep. Price only Twenty-five Cents."33^ if^-.-cnt tree of pestage iu all parts of the L'uion.-^J CHEAl'ES i BOOK EVER i'Ll:- LiSHEO. and containing nearly doable the quantity of reading uintter io tnat uf the Fifty cent3 or Dollar Fuhlica* tions. I: trer.ii cn tlie tTtYfilULUGY OF MARRIAGE, and the secret lnflrmitie.i and disorders ot youth nal maturity, resulting from excesses which destroy the physical and mental powers, all diseases arising from indis- ith t trir an.l simple rule- by which all per- sons can cure themselves without ir,erenry, with the author’s observations on marriage, its duties and dis* quailticali. ns, and their remedies; with colored litho graphs. illustrating tl e araton.t and physiology, and ui-eases of the reproductive organs of both sexes, their structures, uses and functions. It contains many Im- i. onant iAnts to those contemplating matrimony ivhich wiil overcome objections against marriage:— rmae. however, should take this important step with* out first consulting its pages. It treats of all diseases •>f females, whether married or single. Hints to those who desire no mere children. Strangers who require medical aid. betore consulting any doctor, ought to knowwhether tiu ir casesare properly understood by those whom they eui] loy, and thus guard against the imposition cf quackery.'so prevalent iu populous cities, ileace the advantage of a popular knowledge of ones- self. such as is giten in this work. If medical authorism be the ;e»t of talent, and en lightenmcnt be sought from bunks, let common sense discrimiuaie between truthful simplicity and outrage ous speciousnessand bomlmst. i'r. I_-‘. Croix Is a legal- y quulified physlci.-m. and lor the lust twenty years has been daily consulted upon the different diseases up on which his book treats, personally as well as by let ter. Any person sending twenty five cents in a letter, post paid, will receive one copy by mail, free or post age, or five copies for 31.CH. Address I>R.M B. LA CRuIX, No 31 Maiden Lsne, K 0. Box 679, Albany, N- Y. iicine sent to any part of the Cnion accord ing to directions, safely jacked and carefully secured Irom allobservatioc. ***OfHce open dally fr< m 9 A. M.. to 9 P. M. On San- dav fromC until 5 r.’il. SSf Office Removed from N. 56 Beaver et., to No. 31 MatdenLane, Albany, N. Y. 44dAwly rUST Re-civoJ 59 boxes and 111 casks of fiue 1 diary ehees*. W. W. ROARK. 150 .-wciM Aui.pug..oU der.j . 12 Tierce Rice, (new crop.) 30,000 Brick, (average lot.)- fur -ale nt w 1 at they will bring, by 3EAGO & ABBOTT. Doc. a, 1664. ‘ • - To the Public. THE Sheriff’s Sales of Fultou county, from and after this date, wiil be published in the Atlanta Bepullican. JO. S. SMITH, Sheriff. NOTICE. THE Sheriff p Sales of Fulton county will con tinue to be publUbed regularly iu the Intelligencer :is heretofore, as I shall publish them without charge, simple for the benefit of tny readers. W. B. RUGGLES. Atlanta, Jau. 5th, 1S55. n32-w4t. MARKING IKK ot superior quality tor sale by UncilS. dnTltf. fnBSLWMCUUiaii. STATE OF GEO til} I A, ) DeKalb County. J To mil whom it may Concern. WHEREAS, Thomas L. Robinson applies for letters of Administration on tho Estate of John Center, late of said county, deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish all, and singular tho kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office within tbo time presented, and show cause, if any they have, why letters of Administration shonld not be granted the said ap plicant. Giron under rav hand officially, ALEX’R JOHNSON, OnT s . Jan. 2nd, 1855. STATE OF GEORGIA, j Fulton County, i WHEREAS John J. Fain has this day applied to me for lrt-ers of adminiitration on the estate of John Cash, late of said county, deceased— These are therefore to cite and admonish, all and dngular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law to show cause, if any they have, why said let ter* should not be granted the applicant. Given under my haud and seal at office, this ed day of December. ISM. JO.=. H. MF4D. flnln’v. GEORGIA, DeKalb County. \ \' HLRFAS. A. G. Stoward has thia day applied to I t me for Letters of Administration on the Estate of Absalom Steward deceased : These are therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my of fice. within tbG time proscribed by law. to ehow cause, if any they have, why letters of adraiulxlraitnn should not be granted tho applicant.—Given nnder my hand at office, this the 10th December, 1864. (74dt«il) Alfl. JOHNSON. Ordinary. FULTON SHERIFF SALES. 'llJ ILL be sold on the first Tuesday in February \ » next, before tho Court House door in tho city of Atlanta. Fulton county, within the legal hours of sale, the following property, to wit: Ono House and Lot in the city of Atlanta, num ber not known, containing half an aero more cr less, situato on l!;o west side of Macon A tY ostorn Railroad, adjoining Lots of Eidson and Rosser, it being tbe premises wberccn the defendant now lives, levied on as tho property of M RBarnes, to satisfy sndry fit fas. issued from ft Justice's Court of 1026th District O M. W W R„|.rk, vs M R Barnes. L<n-y returned to me by J J Bticlia-ian, L 0. A!-.-, ne unimproved Lo: ia tho city of Atlanta, number . ot known, fronting on Matson street sixty fost, adjoining Sloan Hackett’s lot, levied on as tbe property of AI U Barnes, to satisfy n fi f:i issued from a Justice’s Court of 1026th "District, G M, Seage. Abbott & Co, vs M II Barnes, property pointed out bv Plaintiff. Levy returned to nte bv J R Cain. L C. JO. S. SMITH, Sheriff. ' December 2S. Sldud GEORGIA, Fulton County. - It’ HEREaS John LI rich has this day applied te orator IV Utters of admiuistration «n the eataM of John K. Oarrlgan late of saldcounty decessd,— 1 These are there fore to cite and admonish all and singular the hindered ind creditors of said deceased to be and appear at my vfflcc within the time prescribed by law te sheer 'cause f any they have., why v»id letter* should eat ha gran:' -,ed the applicant. Given under my hand aud seal, at office this Hub day ■f November 1864,JOg. H. MEAD, Ordinary. GEORGIA Fulton County. i t' HEREA.4 Joshua Oilbert applies to me for letters > l ot administration on the estate of Elizabeth D. lilbert, late of saldoounty, deceased. These are there ere to cite and admonish all and singular tbe kindred tnd creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at mi ittiee within tho time prescribed by law, to show cause f any they have, why letters of administration shouli lot be granted. Given under my hand at office, th 1 >th da.v of August. ISM. JOS. H. VFA.O. Ord'y. GEORGIA, Fill on County. klfHEUEAa, John i.. Harris applied to m* fvr Utter ’ 1 of administration on the estate of tViUiRm Farm sr, late of »aid county, deceased,—These are thervfori o cite andadmonlsh all and singular, the kindred ani ■redltrrs ot said deceased, to be and appear at my olDc vithin thu time prescribed by law. to show cause if an. Uey have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under mv hand and seal, at office, this 1711 W isos' irvs H «F4D. flrdtnsrv. GEOUUIA, Fulton County. >A HEREA3 -William Wall has this day applied to mi f v lor letters of administration on the Estate o’ lames Reese, late of said county, deceased; these an iherefore to cite and admonish'all and singular thi tindrod and creditors of said deceased to be and appem it my office within the time prescribed by law, an- •how cause, if any they have, why letters should not b< .-ranted said applicant. Given under tny hand at office, "Ills 11 tli day of September, 1664. ~ JOS. H. HEAD, Ord’y. tj&UtitjrJA. iJeKitib County. WHEREAS James Yaney, Executor uf the Estate ul Francis Griffin, applies to me for letters of di mission £* hir said Administration, -There ari therefore" kinilred carat my office within the time prescribed by law, an. how cause, if any they have, why letters "of admin istration should not be granted tho said applicant at Hie February Trim, next, of the Court of Ordinary ot said county. Given under my hand at office. ALEX. JOHNSON, Ord’y July 14th, 1854. * “‘i mou -suminisirauen. iner.e an e vqitesnd admonish all and singular th* s--*s- Jiditors of said deceased, to be and ap- v office within the time prescribed bv lau. an.' GEORGIA, DeKalb County. '5'WO months after date application will lie mode to I the Ordinary of said County, for leave to sell a : gro man by The name of Stephen, belonging to the Estate of V, E. Emrnerson. minor. December 19,1364. J. R. LCCKY, Gu’d’n. riilum Mortgage Sale. \ q ILL bo sold on the first Tuesday in March v * noxt, before tbo Court House door in tho city of Atlanta, Fulton county, within tho legal hours of salo, tho following property, to wit: Two Nogro Boys, of dark complexion, one nam ed Joseph .and the other named Rollin, one nine and theothor seven years old. levied on as the pro perty of Stephen I*. Cash, to satisfy ft mortgage fi. fn. this 22d DeKalb Inferior Court in favor of C. Murphy va. Stephen P. Cash, property pointed out in said mortgage fi. i'a. this 22cl December, 1854- JO S. SMITH, Sheriff. Deo. Georgia, Fulton County. U JHEREAS, William Holbrooks has thia day applied to me for letters of Guardianship to Sarah, Jane, John, Samuel. Wiley, Mary, Mar tha and Willis Cash, minors and orphans of John H Cash, late of said county deceased. Those aro therefore to cite and admonish all find singular the kindred and all others concerned to be and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law, te shew cause, if any they have, why said lette s ihould not be granted. Giron under my hand and seal at office this lgt day of January, 1855. JOS. IT. MEAD, Ordinary. GEORGIA Fulton County. !>ORERT M. CLARKE will apply at the February Term, next, of the Court of Or" GEOKGIA, Fulton County. \ LL persons having demandR against Wm. E. i854. A Oglobv, late of said county, deceased, aro boreby notified to present them, properly attested, to mo, within the*time proscribed by law. or they will not bo settled; and all persons indebted to said deceased aro hereby required to mnke imme diate payment. B. F. B0MAR, EFr. Atlnnta. Jan. 12, 1855. GEORGIA, Fulton County. A. H. PARKS applies to me forletters of Guar dianship, to the minors and orphans of Sarah Perry— Ttiese are therefore to cite and admonish all persons interested to lie and appear at the Janua ry term of tbo Ordinary court of said county, on the second Monday in Januarv next, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted tho applicant. Given under my hand and seal at office, this 4th day of December, 1854. JOS. H. MEAD, Ordinary. Notice. T WO months after dato application will be made to tho Honorable the Court of Ordinary of DeKalb County, for leave to sell the lard and negroes belonging to the cstnto of Jane Russel, late of said county, deceased. Nov. 13, 1854. 0BEDTAH 8. M0RBTSS. Aministrator. .Notice to liobtors and Creditors. \ LL persons indebted to the estate of Corne- u\. lius M. Connally, late of Fulton County do c-eased, nrc requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims against said Estate will present them properly, authenticated within the time prescribed by law. THOMAS W. CONNALLY, Adm’r. Atlnnta, November 25 1S54. STATE OF GEOJtGIA, ) DeKalb County, j To all whom It may Concern. WHEREAS. R. it. Brown applies to me for letters of Administration on tho Estate of R. S. Wright. late of said county, deceased. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all. and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, and show cause, if any they have, why letters of Administration should not be granted the said applicant. Given under my hand officially. ALEX’R JOHNSON, Ord'y. Jan. 2nd. 1855. Ordinary of said Ccunty , for I otters of Guardianship to Sar.ih A. L. ALabrook. and Martha A. R. Abalirook, minors and Orphans, of Nlcey Alsabvook, of said county. Given under my hand and seal at office, thlsffit Jec. JOS. H ME tD. Ordinary. GEORGIA. Fulton County. HEREAS Tbom&M W: ^onnalfy appliw to me for let ters of administration on the Estate of Cornelius M. Conn-illy. late of said county, deceased: These n'*e therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased to be and appear at my Ofllce within tbe time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office, thia 12th day of Au gust 1854. JOS. II MEAD, Ordinary. GEORGIA, Fulton Cauvlv. WJHEREAS Darnel Johnson applies f »r letters of ad- V? ministration on the Est;.:e of L. C. ceased, late of I*awrens District, t. C. These are there fore to cite and admonish all and .-singular the kindred and creditors of said deeased. to he and apj>enr at mv office on or before the first Monday In September next, to show cause. If any exists, why said letters of ad ministration should not be granted Aliens* *?d. JOS. R. MEAT*. Ord’r JSotiec lo Deblort* aiad Creditors. A LL persous imlebt*.? to tho E Late uf Allen E. Johnson, late of Fulton county, deceased, arc reqit9?t.--ci to make immediate payment: And&ilper- s ms having claims against ‘•aid estato. will present them duly authenticated within tho time prescrit- ik! by law. JN0. H. JOHNSON, I ‘ , . WM. H. FERGUSON. / Adra rs -» November 22,1854. 61J Notice to l>eI>tors and Creditors. ALL persons indebted to tbe estate of Henry F. Jeffries, late cf Fulton county deceased, aro re quested to lnsko immediate payment. And those having claims against said estate will present them duly authenticated in terms of the law. or they will bo barred. THOMAS MOORE, Dec. 4, 1854. Adm'r. GEORGIA, DeKalb County. r C'-> all whom It msy concern: whereas O. i>. Morr!*s 4 a:;piV. tor letters of administration cn tbe Estate ot Jane Russell, late of said county, .leceas-d: these are therefore to cite und admonish all and singular the kindred and creditor* of said deceased to be and appear at my office within the 'in.j proscribed by la v and showcc.uw. if any they bare, why letters or Adminis tration should not be granted as id appli-ant. Given under my hand officially at office. Sept B, is.1l. ALES. JOHNSON. Ord'v. STATE OF GEORGIA, ) FULTON COUNTY. \ \V HEREAS, Tho wan Moore applies to me ol v * letters of administration on tho estato for Honry F. Jeffrie.*, late of paid conoty, doc'd— These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred'aou creditors of said dec'd, to-bo and appear at my office within the time pre scribed by law to show causa, if any they hare, why said letters should not be granled tho appli. cant. Given nnder my hand and seal, this 3d day of ’ oe * JOS. H. MEAD, Ordinary. Nov. 1854. S IXTY DAYS AFTER DATE, application will be mado to thu Honorable Court of Ordinary of DeKalb county for leave to sell tho real estate of James Diamond, of said county, deceased. Oct. 2, 1854. JAMES J. DIAMOND, nofi-2tn. Adm’r GEORGIA, Fulton County. * A LL persouB having demands against Adelald Maltha), •late nf said county, deceased, ari liorsbv notified to present them properly attested to me within tlie time prescribed bv law, and all persona indebted to said de ceased. arc hereby required to made immediate pay ment. Atlanta. Sept. 14, IR54. B. F. BOMAR. Adm’r. GEORGIA, DeKalb County, |'Wo months after data application will be made te J. the Court of Ordinary of said county for leave t< -ell the real estate and negroes, belonging to the estate of Israel Miller, late of said county, deceased g er.t Mil 1*54 C.1DFON MORRIS, Adm'r. FULTON SHERIFF SALES. \\[ ILL ! e sold mi tho first Tuesday in Fobruary V V next, before the Court House door in tho city of Atlanta, Fulton county, within the legal hours of Sftla, tho following property, to wit: Tho interest of Wm. Kilo in a certain city Lot, number not known, on which is a Sited, tho house to which it is attached, being occupied a* a Groce ry by defendant; fronting on the south side oi Peters street, immediately ea=t of where said st. crosses the Macon k Western Railroad, containing obont one-eighth of nn acre more or less, levied on aa the property of the said Wm Kile, to satisfy a fi fa issued from DeKalb Inferior Court in favor of N A Colsen, vs Wm Kile—property pointed out by John Collier, Plaintiffs Attorney. Also, one hundred one and a fourth (101J) acres of land, (it being the North half of Lot No. 211,) in the 14th District, of originally Henry, now Fulton county, with n Saw Mill thereon, levied on as the property of Elijah Pendieton, to satisfy a fi fa issued from Fulton Superior Court, in favor of John Boyd, vs said Pendleton. Also, one negro man named Daniel, about fifty- five years old levied on as the property of Mrs. Su3an P. Howard, te satisfy a 11 fn issued by the Tax Collector of Fulton county, vs said Mrs. Su san P Howard. Also, a House and Lot in tho Southwestern part of the city of Atlanta, now occupied by Calvir Owens as a residence, containing one acre, more or less, with a 3inall frame dwelling house thereon, levied on as the property of said Owens, to satisfy a fi fa issued from DeKalb Superior Court, in favor of MAR EcDuffie, vs Calvin Owens Principal, ! and Henry W McDaniel security, j Also, one House and Lot, in the city of Atlanta, | whereon the defendant now lives, fronting on the South side of Peters’ stteot, bounded on the wesi Executor's Sale. GEORG IA, Fulton County. BY'virtue of an order of the Coun of Ordinary ; of said county, will be void before the court house ! by Mre. Bedford's premises, cast by residence nf J door in said county, on the fir« Tuesday in Feb- ; E" Odena’s family, containing ono quarter of aft ruary next, the following property: | acre, more or less, levied on as the property of One buggy and Harness, one good harness i Reuben Clayton, to satisfy two fi fas, ono from De hor e, ono bed bedstead and furniture, six chairs i Kalb Inferior Court, in favor of U .T Thweat, vs and one leather trunk—sold as the property of * Reuben Olaylon and n Pettis, security. The oth Win. E. Ogilby, late of said county, dec’d., for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said dece’d. Also, will be hired. UDtil 20th Dec. next, at the same time and place, a negro man, named John, a good house carpenter, belonging to said estate. Terms of hire and sale on dnv of sale. Jan. 16,1855. B. F. BOMAR, Ex’r. er issued by the Tux Collector of Fulton county, vs said Reuben Clayton for his State and County Tax for the year 1554. Also, Win C Mayson’s Interest in tho two acres of land, more or Ipss, with improvements thereon, lying in the northern part of tho city of Atlanta, bounded on the east by Felix Sowers' lot. we3t by E Payne, and south by a narrow ally. The prop’ Tho lot contains half acre, and is located on Hunter street. Any person dosiring a good residence would do well to call on us. Terms moderate. Apply to J. R- SWIFT. Doeember 7, 1854. 64dtf Superior Court, one in favor of Pullen & Cox, vs Win C Mnyson and James L May son; the other in favor of R A T Ridley, vs W C Mavson. T. J. PERKERSON, D. S. Dee. 28. Sldtsd FACTS CANNOT BE DOUBTED- LET THE ATFIJCTEP READ AND PONDER! More than 600 person* ia the city of Richmond Va., alone testify to the remarkable cares performed bv CARTER'S SPANISH MIXTURE The great Spring Medicine and Purifier of the Blood i* now used by hundreds of grateful patients, who testify daily to the remarkable cures performed by the greatest of all medicines, Carter's Spanish Mixture.— Neuralgia. Rheumatism, Scrofula. Eruptions on the Skin, XJver Disease, Fevers, Ulcers, Old Sores, Affec tions of the Kidneys, Diseases of the throat, Female Complaints, i'slnsand Aching of the Bones and Joint*, are speedily put to flight by using this great and Inesti mable remedy. For all diseases of the Blood, nothing has yet been tound to wimpure with it. It cleanses the system of all impurities, acts gently and efficiently on the Kidneys anu Liver, strengthens the Digestion, gives tone to the Stomach, makes toe Skin clear and healthy, and restores the Constitution, enfeebled by diseases or broken down by the exoe.ises of youth, to Its pristine vigor and strength. For the ladies. It Is Incomparably better than all ! ho cosmetics ever used. A few doses of Carter's panisli Mixture will remove all shallowness of com- ilexicn, bring the rosea mantling to the cheek, give -lastlcity to the step, and improve tbe general health in t remarkable degree, boyond all the medicines ever beard of. A large number of certificates of remarkable curev performed on persons residing in tbe city of Richmond, Va., by the use of Carter’s Spanish Mixture, is the best evidence that there is no humbug about it. The press, hotel keepers, magistrates, physicians, and public men. well known to the community, all add their testimony to the eflectg of this Great Blood Purifier. Call and see a few hundreds of the certificate* around the bottle. None genuine unless signed 3K.v.vrrr £ Bants, Drug gists. Principal Depotr. at M. W-nn, Cress ft Co.’s No. 83 Maiden Lane, New York. T. W. Dhoti ft Sons, and JrrxLvs ft Haktcbokxx, Pbil’a. Bennett ft Bums. No. 12S Main Street, Richmond, Va. And for sale by - A. ALEXANDER, Atlanta. Ju lit, 1864. [1—1?] To Rent. 'crovmsuvtt lk*t stoie oo:spied by R. W. Fnllardwe *> Apply to * Nev. 2- W W rcaak - W. W.RCA3K. Kt’Sid iiud Kcfieel. Vt ’JIAKIN’S CEhEntUTED StRSSOTHENING PLjIPTSK; I, 1 spread bv machinery, will he fnnn 1 serviceable In all cases of Rheumatism. Sprain" Pains in the Breast. Back, Chest or Loins. Conghs, Asthma, Lumbago. Difficult breathing, fee. They are. also, particularly beneficial to those who may he predisposed to affection, of the lungs and oppression of' the breast. Such will find them aa effectual security against these attacks which often prove the precc-«or of Consumption.— None genuine unless the signature uf the proprietor. J. A. M’MAKIN,:» embossed on the back of the plas ter For sale by JOHN BOON, Agent, At Dr. Powell’s OlBee, on Peach-tree 8t. Afl*nr». June W, 1854. [? tfj Itl’JI AKIM’S Compound Camphorated Criminative. pOR the cure of Cholera Morbus Spasmodic Choi * era, Dysentery, Diarrhoea, 3u-mmer Complaints- Cholic, Gripping pains, or Sick Stomach, want of Appe. tite, Wind, Cramp, andall Diseases of the Stomach and Bowels. Thi* la one of the most pleasant, aafe and effica cious Mediciue* for the above named complaints ever offered to the public. It is adapted to perm ns of all age* and sexes, and is particularly serviceable in cases ot Cholera Infantum, or Summer Complaints, in many severe attacks of both Dysentery and Diarrhoea, it ha'* acted almost as soon as administered, always leaving the bowels tn a natural condition, thus requiring no ca thartic medicine to be taken a. ter, as is moat generally required when articles are given to check the disease. It is, also, an excellent remedy, and speedy in its ac tion in cases of acidity on the stomach, which pro duces Wind, Hartbnra. Restlessness, want of Appe tite, Inability to cSleep, ftc . Sr.: aud, in fact, for many diseases which arise from a deranged state of the stomach and bowel*. For sale only by JOHN BOON, Agent, At Dr. Powell’s Office, on Peach-tree St Atlanta, June 8d. 1854. 12—tf] Salt. Ofin Sacks Liverpool Salt Just received and eC>\J\J for sale fiy W. W. ROARK. December 28. 79dtf POTATOES. QK BBLS. Northern Irish PauiuM tor **1* by 4/0 W. W. BOARS GEORGIA, DeKalb county. ll'UEREft , lleury B. Latimer. Guardian of Wm. Wi. on applies tn-me forletters of dismission from said Guardianship, these are. therefore, to cite and admonish all persons concerned, to be and ap. pear at my office within the time prescribed bviaw to show cause, if any they h»ve, wliv said letters should not bo granted at th? July Term next of thi* court. Given under mv handnt office, Mav lfith 1R54 ALEX. JOHNSON, Ord’y GEORGIA Fulton County. . .\lr*ry Ann .\ui l• ii -.l. cpoljthtn day $ applied to me for letters of admimUration <>d tie (Htate of John YV. Speight*, Into of ni«_M county deceas <Y' Th«sie are therefore to cite Rml RdnioniRli all and lingular the kindred and creditor* of itaccescrit* He and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, to show caui-’O, if any they have why naid let tori* should not h« granted. Given under rnr hand and neal at office this 2d day of October .IhSFTH H. MF-Mh Ordinary. (JKOh (JLA Fulton Comity. • * HhKLAS John H Johnson arid Wm. H Furguseji . V applies to me for letters of adtnintotrallou on the «‘state ot Allen K. Johnson, late of said county, deceaped. these fcre therefore to cite and admonish all and Rin^u- Wr tho kindred and creditor* of «aid deceased lo be and appear at my office on cr before the first Monday in Oc tober next, to cau^, if any they have, why paid letten* should tot he granted. Given’undermy hand at •dffee thi* -?9th Auzu-t 1854. JOS. H. MKAD. Ord’v. (Jj£ Ult tiriA, Da Kalb County. HtKEAS Jnmw J. Diamond applies to me for let- 7 f t*rs of administration on the estate of James Dia mond, late of said county, deceased:thef*c are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office, and file their objections, if any they have, why letters should not be granted the Raid applicant at the October term of the Court of Ordinary for said countv Given under my hand at office. /tnc. ??M Is.Vf.ALEX. JOHNSON, ord’y. GFUKG1A y DeKalb county. TO -ILL WHOM IT MAT CONCETttf : V\7I1F.II£AH, Joseph V/alker and J. R. McAlister, f * Adm’rs upon the estate of Zachariah Ohol*ton deceased, apply* for letters of Dismission from the Administration it* said estate, therefore the kindred nnd creditor* of Rfiid deceased, are hereby cited and admonished to file their objections, if any they have, in my office in terms of the law, otherwise letters of dismiRHion will be granted the applicants at the Janu ary Term next, of the Court of Ordinary for said coun ty. Given under ray hand at office. - June Oth, 1S54. ALEX. JOHNSON, Ordinary GEORGIA, DeKalb County. \\ HEREAS, William Clark applies to me for Letters y i of Dismission from the Administration on the Estate of Thomas Clark decr-Rsed : These are therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular, tbe kindred and creditors of said deceased, to he and appear at my of fice, and file objections if any they have, in terms of law, why said applicant should not be dismissed from his said administration, at the July Term of the Court of Ordinary of said Countv.-—Given under my hand at office, Dec. 19, 1864. ' ALEX. JOHNSON,Or’dv. December 21. 74d* Notice. A LL pereoiw inffebitxl to tho estate of Jamca Rene, late deceaRSil, are requested tn make immediate payment; and those having demands against said estate ’rill present them July authenticated in terms of ths law. TVII.LIAM WALL, •November 20th, 1854. Administrator. BOOTSl BOOTS 11 ] £j>CASFS Men and boys' Boots now in store and for I A sale bv W. W. ROARK PARKER'S DYSENTERY CORDIAL, T HIS valuable preparation haa proved itself effica cious tn the cure of Dysentei-y, Bloody Flux, Diarhcca, Cholera Morbus, Cholera Infantum, <f-c. It is useful in all the diseases of the BOWELS, CHOLIC, &c, dec. It needs no encomium, but tor the good of those un acquainted with It, the following certificates are given: I.-jcref Grove, Ga. . Jr'-V 13th, 1864. I have used Da. C. W. Parksr’s Dysentery CorblalIc my family, and believe it to be a good remedy for the diseases for which it is recommended. WM. 8. CAR- ROLL. Jexv 12th, 1884. This u to eertliy that X have oaed Dr. Parker’s Dts cntsrt and Diarhcka Cordi.ii In my family, and it had a very happy effect. One of my children haa beet: badly effected with dlscntery for about three weeks,and after giving it revcral other things without seeming to do any good, 1 concluded to try some of the above Cord- [At. and two dosca of It has entirely cured it. I, also, re commended it to D. H. Walla, one of my neighbors, who was taken very severely with the Flux, and It al«o, had a charming effect on him. I mo3t cordially recommend it to all who may fall victims to any disorder of the BOWELS, whatever. GEORGE 8. ROSSER. Griffin, Ga., July 14th, 1864. This la to certify that 1 have used Dr. C. H. Parker’s Dysentery and Diarhiea Cordial in my family, and find ' it to be all he recommends it to he. II. JOHNSON. 4^ It is useless to add. Try a bottle. Prloeonly 80 cents. Full directions given on each bottle. •SS- For sale by J. M. RANTIN, Agent,. • August 3d, 1854. [10—tf] Atlanta. UALHODN PILLS! T BS 9*Mernw, After many years urgent solicita tion, by gentlemea of the highest order of taleals tnd UtcnirJ standing In onr country,'has' consented to offer to the Public Ws PHIs, which havai been pronoun :e3 by all who have haft sufficient- experience with hem, as ono of the happiest combinations of Medicine -ever yet offered to the Public, on either Continent, B3 a Geueral Family mediciuei He feels no fears that the experience of those who save yet to testthem, will l>0 strictly in with the testimonials of those distinguished .gentle nen whose names ate annexed, with thousands of others who would freely testify, if deemed necessary. Tho CALHOUN PILLS will be found eminently supv •ior to all other family preparations, in the removal ol .hat great catalogue of diseases arising from Derangement of the Digestive Apparatus, such as Fevers ofalLtypes,Bowel Affectionsol a[ihin';s, ivory character of Hend-ache, Rheumatic laths, 1 nine n tho Chest,’ and so on. If taken and persisted in, ac- -•ording to directions, in the initial stages of disetuc, md particularly during a deetded predisposition to di - ■ase, they will, liko a charm, dissipate without discon.- ort, thousands of eases thnt might, and I do not doubt vouW, terminate in death. Tli*- subscriber speaks con- identiy, as he is enabled to do from thirty-two j-csn* experience in the Medical Profession, and many years •xperience with his Pill*, which have,/luring the time, n iergona many alterations, with tin* view and hope •f making them a <afe and Reliable Family Medicine. They are strictly Auti-Billlona and Anti-Ly&i t^tic. The Public arc referred to the testimonfal^ of their ionsew Joseph Renry Lumpkin, Judge of tlie Supreme ourt of Georgia; Fx-Judge. John J Floyd; Eilwai'i foung Hill, Judge of the Stiperior C«.urt^ hienFru. John T. Pope, of I«e county, and C. Low, of -tugusta, (.a. Dscatcr, Ga. ’ E. N. CALHOUN, ii. H. TESTI jt7t)iVI A L8. Atmsnh, September 23, lS5o. f>EAR Sir:—I received several days since, your far or, »nking my opinion of the Medical merit;', ol’the Calhoun Pith. Allow me tt> premise, thtit for the last ;tn years i have been tortured in body and mind, by the 1 emon ndigestir.ii. I endowed by nature with an admir able constitutitm, and my funnidable malady has been superinduced br a costive habit, brought on by tco cIyysc joniineznent and want of regular.exercise. Never lmv- ng Biifiicient leisure to starve out disease, even if it ho possible to do so. which 1 very 'much doubt, 1 have run he ronnrin of all the most approved cures and allevia- ivci. I have tried in their turn—Lec\8, I’eters’s, lrandreth*8. Cook'd. Hilt’s, Spencer’s tmith^, r»ud ma ny other Patent Pills and Dyspepsia Ihugp, which have come within my reach, and contrary to tlie commonly t»xpm<^vd opinion. 1 xiiua* bear my humble testimony iL favor of the virtue of each mid all nf these Nostrums, am by a Bux of I :iv by a P»/>ek whieli’ is r.ot H* vicious tendency. I never bcugh* either, which ! did not think f lly worth the mi-uey which it cost. It ii only necessary to add, which I do tnost cheer! Uj—not only through kindness tu you, but to the pul !ic also, especially tlmt pertien of it who know, by sn<l xperience, what 1* meant by the Vulture-like gnawing t thi? pit of the utcmach, bitter ij.-te in ihe mouth, flatulerre, a c:ditv. distension of tbo sifimfti’h. cons, patod, coni leet and acute in the he;:.*., lack and vicinity cf the heart—to :JI ,' j can cr. - dially recommend the Calhouv l’ills. The efficacy • f bin Agent, 7 for tlie Or'*! Itith. du ring my recent sojourn with y» u, and haw u$*d it fr*'. quently r.ince, and have found, cxt-erinirntally, that ! bserves in my cst^e a moat excellent purpose. j nrMcu iarly in ft«i effects upon the Liver, tlu* sympathy betw»\ n * b»v»b a rid tl:o • tomfcch is ?<oo laGn.-atV- t-. r.-i^se com- mint) iruACCJvdy glad to Wm that you urr mSutii/ . r>.iu,»’- m< rtP to g?ve more extended di.<4.<>f>mfriatfr n . :.r T am Truly your friend and obetlient JOS’, nr i v i-r;-. im. il. n. C.%m»»rN, \ Decatur, Georgia. J Ojvrm.«v».v, October 1.1. F6b'A. Dr. K. N. Cmuvvs— 1 V.:r .Sfir f am gratified to learn that It Is your purpose to disseminate the improved Cal houn Pill: move generally than you have heretofore done, hare occasionally, when ^ejcmrnimr ut rburiiou^e, used them when IndLspo.^d, and having found them . o mild, yet so efficacious in cases of derangement of tbe digestive organs, I moat cheerfully commend them and their use to tho public, and especially to gentlemen having large fam- a.s a mo^t excellent preventive of fixed nnd povnm - nejit disease a^>ing from indlyo?.t!cn. Truly youra, &c.. JOHN J. FLOYD. LaGraxob, October 22, 1853. PA. F. N. CalT'oUn—Pcai Sir: I am gratified to learn hat you have com*? h> tho conclusion tu create Agencies for tne Ceil how Pills in different parts of th** country— ia it no leas an act of justice to yourself than to the world at large. Since tbe rear IS4»\ I hare bc-cn in the habit of using your Pills individually, and a Famillv Medicine. Observation and oxj ei-ienee prvvc it an inval uable specific for nearly nlHrregualritie eftke Ifipests-.e \pparatu4, performing its office witlilitile or no pa:a rr nauiH>a ; :t loaves ihe patient with a go<*d appetite, J" creased strength and greatly improved aud elevated spir its—-properly usc-d, it will euroPysT-ep^iaand exj el all of its gloomy concomitant r. In Chills and Fevers, r.nd even Bilious Fever*, I have found H equally efficient. Trusting that you m.av* find the wcjKdr r . ready to com pensate you aa to benefit itself, the rceult **f your akii and labor, 7 nm aincerely vuur friend, vte., F-FW. YOUNG Hn.L. eTARSxn.T.K, Lee Conn ly, October 25. 1858. Hr. F.. N. CAi-Uorjv—Dear Sir . While at Decatur, I had as I consider, a fair opportunity of testing the Cat- houn Pill*, prepare*! by yourself, and 7 am f.o much plesed with their action upon tlie Livei, and as umeant of breaking up Bilious preruspoRitlnn. that I hope as yon are no vc. pie pa ring taolfcr them to the public, that yon will create nn Agency at Slarkville, that may he t-ux- bled at any time to procure them. 1 expect to use them white and black in all cases threatening ai fuel:? of a Bilious character. I would he gratified, nut only on y; ./ account, but also for the benefit of the public uS large, that you would place them in the reach of every person, for 1 feel confident that there hr.s nut yet been offered to ihe public any preparation of Medicine that will compete with your Pills .as u general Family Medicine, . » traveling companion. "^Verr sincerely your friend, &c.. JOfIM U FOI L. Augcbt^, October 20, 1653 Um. E. N. CALnorx—Dear >?ir. Thi- is to certify that before 1 had the pleasure of ineetmgyou, I was frequea: ly attacked by some Bilious derecgeioont pnalucicg pro ('ration, loss of appetite. Nausea and Head-ache. "From tlie use of your (Calhoun) Pills, administer*-.! according to yourmBtructions, i was immediately and permnm*ni ly relieved. It affords me mucii gratification to ac knowledge the advantage I derived fn m your judicious Treatment. I remain with high esteem, your obedient servant. ( HRIPTOl HKR l.OW. For *-ale bv J. M Kastin, it J. Nokckoss, Apt. in At ipi'tH. ' Jnlv t T. 3Sfi>4. 0—Tv. . .-Lrtuhtl A, COUGH I.lVKl: rOMi'l-Al.N'i. &c, ten? fif.WAKF. OK DOTA- UitsVi ijuVcONtX MPTlii: TRUTH I« JJK.’HTV ! ARE V<H‘ TtOXft ! Ark tor Hampton's Vegetable Tincture. Ihv many cures mafic by this pleaaant tind calc- remedy n ay in- duro counteifailing. *i Medicine mv.r\ hi-ve merit mid great incril to**, to Btan-.l the test of public opinion. No art ot puffing ‘xu galvanize a worth.Icpk Krr.ete, so as t,o keep it i.p jip n good medicine it it be not really ro. A good medicine will lire, become popnlei, and ex tend itw Fnles vphv after year, in -pire of ot.posithu).— The poople will readily find out virtues, and the fame **f them paascR from mouth to mouth with moie rapidity ’ban newspftjtcrs can spread it. a lining witness testi fying to the cure « medicine lias made L»r him id of far more service than any news] aper advertising. In proof of what we say above, v.*o rt»r*tr you to Hamp ton** Vegetable Tincture, and its cffeciH. The Wife of T W. Yeaklc, Grocer, 76 Pearl street, cures! of Rheumatism of 8 year* standing; other reme died failed. Wm. M. Oldham, (late of the Custom House.) dwel ling 126 Pinest., or Dyspepsia, great debility, pennant ly cured. W. A. Schaeffer, Esq., one of the oldest Magistrate® and moat highly respectable citizens, cured of great weakness and restored to robust health. Jarret Plummer, 15J E. Baltimore st. sutiered inTr-iife- ly six years with hip disease mid mercurial rliun atism: cured after all other remedies failed. Space will not permit to name hundreds of others, as Geo. W. Goodrich, Capt. Thds. Cnnot, Robert Gault. James Symth, cured of rheuinntism. John l*crvail,,b*. A. Grffin. John Luke, Rev. V. Eskrigc, V. S. Navy, end thousanas of others cured of Dyspepsia. Scrofula, Cough, Liver Complaints, Brunch its, ct. Vitas’ Lance. &c. We refer to our own citizen?. Call coi them. Dr. Hampton, the author of tills great Ham}tonV Vegetable Tincture, is in his 80th year, in' good health, ro that it will be Been it is not an article got up to im- t'Omc* on the public. GRKAT CURE OF RHEUMATISM BY HAMPTON’S VEGETABLE T1NC1TRE. Che6TKTv District, C., January Sd, 1850. Messrs. Jlortixner & Mowbray—Genthmen: For tho last five years ! have been a sever e sufferer from Rheu matism, till, Kcemgyour recommendation of‘‘Hamp ton’s Vegetable Tincture,’’ 1 procured a bottle, and the first dose has hu much relieved me that I cansider it aa justice to give to the nuffering world the result of the application. Mine was Acute Rheumatism in the hack—so b&c that I was confined to my hod for the lest six months. The first bottle acted like a charm, the second rostered strength to my poor afflicted back, and I am now as well and feel as young as when i \vn* cixUon. lam now 74 of age. 1 consider yonr Tincture tbe greate st discovery of the age and poor suffering humanity ought to erect a menu ment to Dr. Hampton, who haa mved thourands from pain. And you, gentlemen, have acted the j'nrt of pub lic benefactors in disseminating the benefits which have resulted from your invaluable remedy. I am a plain cotton planter, and have never written tor literary fame; but when ray fellow beings are afflict ed shall 1 hesitate, or through modesty, withhold any information valuable to my fellow iraa? ire, if you consider this worthy of R place iu any ui your newspa per®, you are at liberty to mnke u«e of it. Yours, truly. ALVAfl KEM BALL. CURE FITS l READ I! READ 111 More tilan* Gold to the Sick.—From one- of fhe most respectable Druggists in South Carolina: Cdableston, S. C. ? Sept, il, 1853. Messrs. Mortimer & Mowbray:—The sale of ycur Hampton’s Vegetable Tincture id increasing every day, and every bottle sold recommends this valuable medicine to the afflicted. Several of our planters hare tried it in different cases with astonishing success, and are get ting it by half dozens. It has been found to be the f reateat remedy for rheumatic affections; and a %\on- erfnl cure has been performed on a negro suffering by Fits. I will furnish you with a number of ceitifi- cates if you wish them. ITease send me, soon ae possible a supply of the Tincture. 1 am. gentlemen, yours, TV. CL TROIT. Hundreds in this City will bCAi same testimony. Hampton’s Vegetable Tincture is purely Vegetable, and warranted free rrom all mineral substance This Tincture, by its mild, pleasant, and safe action cn the stomach, liver kidneys, lungs, and the nervous system, cures Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Disease of the Urina* hr. Otto’s Auti-Rlieumalic Elixirs T HIS great internal remedy for Rheumatism, after R use of Ver ten years, has seldom failed to eradicate completely; tlrtsdistvessing complaint; and haa gained for Itself a reputation not equaled by any medicine now before tbe public. It is efficacious in either acute or chronic ca-ies, and may be given to persons of all age* with perfect safety. It has not unfrequently produced an eutirecuro in very severe cases, even before a single bottle has been taken. Bold only by JOHN BOON, .Atlanta, June ltd. [2—tf] At Dr. Fewell’e Office. vous Affections generally, Fistula, l'ilc-s, Bowel Com plaints, with all diseases arising from impure blood As a remedy for tho various derangements of the Fe male System, it seems to have no superior. The Foroalo System lias, in Doctor Hampton’s Yege tabic Tincture, a Cure for its numerous and complicated derangements. Hundreds who have been debilitated and dispirited, and on the verge of a premature gra ve, have been restored by its use to blooming health, which we aro abundantly ablo to prove bv such a hosi of living witnesses. LIVER COMPLAINT AND DEBILITY. Extract from James Harris, Esq. ’s Letter, Alexan dria, Virginia:—After apeaking of wonderful cures ua himself ho says: ‘.Mrs. H. has been suffering with the complaint and with inability, constancy complaining, from weakness, through her whole system. She now enjoys better hc'aUh than for thirty years, being on tirch restored by the use of Hamilton’s Vegetable Tincture.” Call and get a Pamphlet gratis of A. Alexander, Wholesale and Retail agent Atlanta, Ga.; Yin. Ki otj •Marietta, Vineyard ft Jones. Palmetto; Hardlcy, Ridey ft Co., Augusta, Georgia. " [March 23,1854 43—ly COFFEE. A YBRYh■ psrior sr:i»l» cf Ri* Cstfoe for sale by W. W. ROARK