The Atlanta weekly intelligencer. (Atlanta, Ga.) 184?-1855, January 25, 1855, Image 4

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!0>We Dutice that A.G. Wart, Esq., haf withdrawn from the editorial department of the Atlanta Republican. - The WHJkXHEa.—On Sunday night we bad another cold “map,” the mercury standing as, low as 20 degrees. _ gg^It is stated in the Northern papers that /no. P. Hale, the notorious N. Hamp shire abolitionist, having joined the Know- Nothings, will be the candidate of the Se cret order for U. S. Senator from that State. IQrA despatch from Mobile, dated Jan. 16th, states that there is in process of or ganisation among the slaves in that city a general subscription in aid of the suffering poor in New Tork and the Eastern cities. ■g^A convention, it is understood, is to be held in Atlanta, on the 22d of next month, for the purpose of nominating a candidate for Governor on strictly temper ance principles. Moas Annexation.—The inhabitants of Carson Valley, now a portion of Utah Ter ritory, recently held a meeting to consult upon the question of cutting loose from the Mormons, and setting up for themselves a m u- » . ft [Fromfoe - A naira in the Crimea. betters tecdved by thdnJ.dipiainatiKts in Washington bv,4he Baltic, represent the af fairs of the allies in-the Crimea to be-even Tbtlic»f«t Against vita BTatlotui Napoleon 111., in his Sp^teh to tlto Cham, bera congratulates the world;in : egafd' to the Angk^Gatiice-AU'ianoe, with the? assur- ancfe “tl»at the same anxieties and the same .1*1* or-THtusflij*, m * ,-v-r 06**1*810* k«CIA»|! In JiJta.nm sTParehous^ cantor Of ITm.iNr and Prior ji- Athinta. Vovemlk-r ?&,rt863. . v"' ; ‘' ** Lft in a more desperately forlorn condition than <j hopes agitate the two countries, that the , as explainined at length by the London j same views and the same intentions fini- ’Hines,’ ahd a few other English journals.— j mate the two Governments in every corner It is thought in well informed and military j of the world.” T circles in the English capital that there- I The morning Chronicle’s Paris, corros- ! auction of Sebastopol, by assault or other-, j pond.em suggests that “ the phrase is in- j • S. BU Y A ' S n . C05IMISSJ0N U CHANT, [Opposite J. V. ross,] ATLANTA.,, :U3EOiiQlA. AprilV. LS&4< vdy - Peach-tret Street, Atlanta, Georgia. wise, is now wholly out of the question, I tended as a hint to our brothers on the j ^ and the only problem remaining to be solv ed, is how to get out of the Crimea alive, some small remnant of the proud and real ly gallant army of English which was to have accomplished so much there ? Months ago" we, alone of American jour nals, told our rentiers that the dissatisfac tion with the imbeeility and utter ineompe- tency of their commander among the sub ordinate officers of theEnglish army,amount ed almost to a state of revolt. The London Times now proclaims that this state of things has long existed there, and that very re cently one hundred and fifty of the most promising officers in the Britisn service have asked permission to leave it. While the British press and their echoes were show ering penns of praise over the physical con dition of their army, and rejoicing over its prospects, we published facts hearing on the actual 9tnte of Sebastopol, upon the be sieger’s winter prospects, and on the real state of the army’s health and the labors required of them, all of which are at length ....... , , r, , ■ ■ admitted to be true, and are being received kind of independent Government, or whetn-, whh fl h6wl of mi ’ W Borror afttl larnen- er it was better for them to remain quiet J uu ; o11 Land'.-, Eiul m Join-. O'Groat’s i suratices have proved altogether delusive: — T. B. HU LEY, other side of the Atlatic that.- their motions are watched on this". The words (sny* the Albany Atlas) are the mere echo of those of j “BOCKEfiY, CHINA, GLASS AND Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Lord Clarendon, uttered in the beginning, the war. They are intended to coevey a threat, but who fears it ? They sbonld postpone their menaces at us till they get rid of their engagements with the foe in the Crimea. A Cuban Expedition Exploded. We find in the New York Tribune of Tuesday morning the following dispatch from a special correspondent, which we give for what it is worth. The writer is evident ly posted to some extent or he has been glo riously hoaxed: Washington, Jan. 15, 1855. I have positive and trustworthy informa tion to the effect that there has been anoth er great failure of the Quitman Expedition, against Cuba, the head-quarters of which have for some time past been at Natchez. — Quitman-and his party were confident that they .would Le able to leave during the first week of the present month, bui their r,s- Brittaunia Ware,' LAHPS, Finns, OILS, A#, Ac. Atlanta, December 1, 1963. 27-tf OR. JAMES R. SMITH TTAVINO perraarentlylocatecl'in this city;. H uffe.i bit Professional Eervice: to lit-’ citizen* of Atlanta. As experience of more than 20 years in the practice of PHYSIC, iu lieor- -pn (18 years of which were spent in Washington. \ aonutv). is the only rnamntee offered of hi* skill t-JTTj v YT - ’T',"—” ITjY j ■'ftasrwaasi&fe ^...n ^Atlanta Machine Works. times, he found at the Atlanta Republican Office, [Late Atlanta Iron Found fy.~\ •or at-his residence on Prior street, one dorr South , rrvmsnow Company is now prepared to do Work-on short of Mitchell street. A notice oflisavy and light Casting* of the fastest im- References ‘ I' r , OT *'- 1 Patterns, of Iron-, BSJ.S8' orCowPOiimo.-, all of Negroes 1 Wanted. ’ 1 ‘HE subscriber will pay the highest cash prices for 1 negroes of every description. Persons at a distance wishing to sell will please ' write, describing negroes fully, and statin*-lowest price. I can be found at the Washington Hall. A. B. McAFEE. Atlanta, Sept. loth. 1864. Savannah 9HJTff.IL INSURANCE COMPANY. . D. WEED, VresMent. JOHN R. WILDER, Secretary. rriHE undersigned. <Agea of the aboTe Company i~ I prepared to take risk: against Fire on Buildings. Stocks ic., on the most far. rable terms. C- L. WRIGHT. Agent. Atlanta, March 11. 41-irtf. G. A. PILGRIM, Oity Sexton, C t.C, be found at all firaes at lii.s residence, ou the iot of Mrs. Ogilby’s, on the corner of Hunter and I’rior itreois, just below Pettis" Livery Str.ble. Atlanta, March Pth. 1S54 41—w6m c A ft IslliUll until such' time aa they would be permitted I house As we predicted, they have not on- j 1 be large amount of funds stated to have . ■ lv accomplished nothing against Russia in j been received from the Cabans, instead of. to annex themselves to the State of Califov- j lv accomplished nothing against tiussia in j »een received irom tne vunans instead ot j S. FRANKrORD . . -i j i . ! the Crimea litcrallv nothing, but in the being five hundred thousand dollars, os as- j RkDlclNo Lis mole, wiill offer, fox cas-h, greater ma. Filially, however, they concluded to . Sflcrjfice of h Hn d re ds* of millions of dollars, i =c-rted by Quitman, Thrasher & Co., in their The Subscriber intends leaving fur the North in a wait the consummation ot tne latter prop- j ftU( j tenn of thousands on tens of British private circular, did not amount to fifty j *horttirne, to lay m a large and extensive fall sunpij. osition. j lives, they have merely demonstrated the j thousand dollars. The last steamer from ; ^ tbrratScgenV“iiy^ a t ? he h wiii°di«^3e t of ; UItei . hopelessness of a contest with Rus- Havana brought numerous letters from Cu- i i, is Trouble in the Know-Nothing Camp. , a . iri ri c ^i ! bans who favor a revolution. I have seen Our readers are alreadv aware of the Ivnow- turbanees are also occurring in the Balti more councils. Mayor Hineks is rebelling j a * Ralaklava ; that the story about the dead against the arbitrary edicts of the secret j and lying in the streets of the city proves lodges and has been excommunicated. It j to have been a fabrication from beginning • • 1 TH.-. t" end, and that from first to last, things is said that he will resign his office The j h ^ u3 ^ regular and , afe withlm humbug ean t last long. If our friends will • t |, 0 as though no enemy were outside; watch and wait awhile they will see its j that at last dates from there instead of hav- complcte explosion greatly to the discomfi- j ing accomplished any Jhing so far, the de- The Times toils ns tliat, so far. the siege j several of the said documents, all of them ' are of the same teuur. They suvte very de- rent -nfidence has ; :he ' funds which have been contributed. Quit- man and his friends do not give up the ship as yet._ They still see a hope, and they now rely with much confidence on a new plan which they say cannot fail. The details of : the new organization have not been decided * upon, but it is their intention to take ad- | vantage of the Kinney humbug. They say bis i SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS at ruch pric^< a« cannot fail to please. Hin^tock. as usual, consists of every article kept ia a Retail Dry Good Establishment. jRSr Call doon and you will be sure to flndthe greatest bargaius at FRAXKFORL’S Atlanta. Aug. 31,1354. (10—vr4w) Whitehall at. ZlCedlcal. PARR & McKEBiaiE, DSALEBS I^Y ' ? Dry Goods, Clothing, Hots, Skoes, HABDWABE AMD GBOCERIE#. Trih altcaya pay the market price far ikU kinds of Win. Markham, Esq., Rev. J. P. Duncan,- L. P. Grant, Esq., AG. W in, of Atlanta. Atlanta, Nov. 22, 1854. Dr. Wnu P. Hnyneii. E. <•'. Williamson, Gen. T. J. Wnrthen, ef Sandersville. yly. GARTBELL & GLENN, tvbieH will be warranted. Tnrning, Boring and Drl iirg DONE TO ORDER, ALSO SCREW C UTTIN of ten feet, or tmiler, of any sized thread required. Heavy ;. n j light Forginh of wr.nght Iron or Steel done in superior style. Particular Attention. A m m TJ -V c* -v r, . m T . w I is called to their Patterns for Mill Geariag of Merehunl 11 v K JT Hi 1 N A 1 LAW, an j Custom Flouring and Saw Mills, <5 in Gearing of all ATLANTA, GKOF.GIA. Will attend the Courts in the Counties of Ful ton, DeKatb, Fayette, Campbell, Meriwether, Coweta, Carroll, Henry, Troup, Heard, Cobb, und Spalding. LCCICS J. U-UtTREti, I Ln il.VR J. OLE.V.V. Formerly of Waah’tn,, Gn. j Formerly of IfeDori’i)., (tn. Piodnce Depot in Atlanta. THE ORFATEST DESTR1B I'TDfO POINT IN GEORGIA. T HE -ubscrib. rs expejt to keep constantly , n hand . stn;kofGeorgiaandT»nn».se» Produce ot all kind* j 3 eh a-: ! Bacox, L.»RI>. Corn," Oats, Flora, Lnts, ( Sc., ic. . L t’. SIMPSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. November 8, 1854. ‘ :>S(lly lift*. W. V. PAKKEK, R ESPECTFULLY tenders his professional ser vices to the citizens of Atlanta and vicinity, j m thu praLSiee of Medicine and its collateral ! branches. He may be found, when not profession- I aly engaged, at his office and residence in the J Johnson House, White-Hall street.. Nov. 9, 1864. ' dtvly 30ENTZS‘rilY. ~ I»R. W. T. c: CAMPBELL returns thanks i to bi-i friends .nnd the public for the j patronoif** ijestew-prl. and. in asking for a continaitiice of ahe ^ame, mforms them th&t he is «sti!l to bo found at h!.-* ‘t'fd -tand, over A. j Alexander’s drug «tore. White-hall H f .. where ho mill plu^s teeth in the be-: mannor and MTtrrant'* thorn to «^tani. also inserts teeth on gold or plntiha pIr.*e-« \v it * - 1 coti.maous t?uni or the best style of block teeth—from « one to a full set. hv suction, or in ;my Tvay to suit the taste Farticu T nr’ attention paid to "eb’bVif-n^’ tc-eih, : and all operations vvarrented. Those nettling anythin# in !:b lint* arc reqne-itoil to ? call and examine ape^im^n* of hU work. K/ciGeih. »;• n- i and advice free. Reference*—all for whom he has op»-rare«l Atlanta, Oct. 19 ’M. i l—d .vl v tue usual sizes, nnd Bftrk Mills always kept on hand. We are also prepared* to build Stationary Engines with the latest improvements, all of which will be sold low for Cash. Copper and Brass taken lor work at cash prices. JAMES L. DUNNING, johx McDonough. P. S.—All of the above Company are practical Mechan ics, and give their undivided attention to the business. September 11th, 15 ’-tf. Winships Iron Works, rpHE .subscriber is now prepared to receive and Jt-xe ^ cute order * for all kinds of Fa^tiitg<i ami Machine Works. and all .persons favoring him with orders may rely j upon having their work executed in the best manner ! and nt short notice. Orders for SASII. HLTXDS AND POORS, promptly 1 attended to at bis Car Establishment. 'p*. Cash paid for Old Copper, Brass and Cast Iren. > Atlanta. June 34. 185-1. f3-lv] JOSEPH WINS HU’. NeW Vork & Savanmili. fSEMI-WEEKLY.] ■>—-7 On and after March IStU) th# "new and ;>t^Iendiu ^icle**’.lieel ‘steam'ships • ' - ’. • FGQRIDA, Cupf. MvS. . Woogduli^ , ALABAMA, 1300 toiw, Capl. G. R.Schenck. . r AUGUSTA, 1500 tons... v • • \, * KNOXVILf.E, 1500-tGns..,. low will leave.NEW YORK AND S;V\ AlsN AH .\e » Wednesday and Saturday.. These sliipJ are among the larges cm surpassed Uf sp^ed, safety or comfort nfftkin^ 1 passages in 50 to 00 hours, and are commanded by skillful, careful antVpolite officers. They offer a most desirable conveyance to New York. * - Cabin Passage . * & ^ Steerage passage - PjIDLEFORD. FAY s*c CO.. Agents in SAM'll ifiTCHELT.. T3 Broad w . Savannah March 14, T8f>4. .vHiinnh^ York. Gei»ei« noose ipHE abovo.lIcnso is a)timteili c 'tl, 0 1 flavt of the.clty. being on W* Dickson Stteds, ’xjlhln prittcfipal stores, zfediCnl College F f i ,,» Wa R gWBailron.Vrepot. Tl-6 table will atsli,' 0 ’ ««4E Pheilwitb the host the Market afford-! b t ion given to make the patron* • of ,i,V i? "■ nhle. Boar-l by the mouth-or wt-k „ ' Merchants, Planters, an.l others vistir, tV?l - at * t, h the it bore House comfortable and convc . . s, ?*i]i; - N. B.—Terms per <lu.v SI,00. Augusta, Aug. 23,1854. fI3-2mi ' ' * : - : ;— — ' toptig PLASTERS* IlOTpl AUGUSTA, op 0Pf /l.'fllSsplen.fij W.-W- HOUSE, situate,; 11 'd 1 immediately in front of the nfii -r’.s Hqtql, which Las been fnrnlslic.1 th-S* K now Furniture, Bedding, kc,., l 3 nnw nn«, • ception of customers. It will be i) e 0 } s ,,' 1 f ‘.'. y, f proprietor, io'givesatiyl'ue.tion to tl m ,,. i . im with their custom. ” in,,... >T„v 1,1851 fVO. aie& . MEW YORK AMO PHILAUEtPHIA ! Philadelphia and Savannah STEAMSHIP LIlSrE. CARRYING THE U. S. MAH-. GALL AMD SEE! “ri E •acriber. having purchased the >t-'c*k of Goods formerly owned by Air. T. DOONAN. will nlinue the ,i»usincri» at the Store la tel v occupied i ^ Hi all !« i -- Change of Nchcdsiift*. riiHK,- Atlanta A: l^agrange Railroad coniu- f Point with the Macon & Western R iiln> Through from Montgomery tp Shv r«eavo Mont’ryat 8,30 ]>. m. nribveu.t T). Vo •• K. Point, at 8.45 n. m. * at Mric -n •• M.t -on ‘‘ 4,30p.m. * ‘ Savhr.l \\ > from Montgomery toWi'sV Point... •• West Point to Fast J oint. •• foist Point to Siivapnah.. f. .. ThitiTJm- am i.-t of the v,*-il ■*. n . : r*t ships STATE OF GEORGIA, i i\7>t* d KEYSTOXE STATE, (api. It Iu strength, -peed ami a'*' «u;r.!i • are uii.-,urpas.-.* 'l,.if u*ju:illed. by : ny on L)*.• or navigation. mije-*. . . » n • •?: - a* ilay*, every Wkwkpp.iv, f'v’n < • y IsristSi. Savannah, C. .\. i- I amah, L*"rn«*!* jioi sts. Philadclphnu JIkSoy i* M -lt.* . Wharves. New-York, Sckantio. A VJ Old SJ d. In UD hour-' it S,*20 m p. m '30 a. m .. .. So 5 by him; hud will keep constantly closed out. a full supply of band, until all Family Groceries CHARLESTON '■ I Tfiroisvh ia 15 fare;«»3o—m t :.t A N D | Americaa^Steamshij B© SU£L V6T ^Se « 2S> JHJ» 3=5* j soli olY and close up the 1 LOWER than thsy har'bcsn M. J. RET 11.Y. T. N. COX, ATTORNEY A T ATLANTA. GA. Nov. i. 1854. KO'\>cin" }' . .ioi css, ho will soil fb ;ka»- $1 Allantr. IVbriio I STEAM PHILADELPHIA. 5 to 50 itours! :.\! - 1X1 LL'i.ED —T"! Company’s Line. i^*.**SHIi* -iy] «• Sly;: _ L I* r oj, T ;. MARSHALL Surcnmnh, Geny,* GORDON FARGO, (I_VTE OF TUK V. «. UoTfc!.. .\l °=| ah. N rmbi Is5.;. ■-'Ill , AIV InttssA a ft 01-' £.« Medical Eeparunent. ‘'t j *HE Annual (’our.n: of l.tciuic„ , ’ will cuniracnce on Ifunduy. N<-vu, ! i!l fpini'Datt-in tl’.e ensuing llui eh. ' Lti^, Jo.NEs. Jt. 1>. I iofi-ssnr ot I ra,- 1 VY’aSrk.v Stone. M. I-.. , J. J,. Uirokli.. 11. I)., i rou-ssi. A. U. I, 11. lb, i I of,-.- , A. .i. V.'n-bE .m'ic.. M. J... 1 n lli s'T.UTs A. N.-tt, J! ]|. i r. . '! HIM. Hr N'T, M. lb IV. I.i I t'ullNVU- 'i I r.ui). 5.. I-., i ' S-imi i;i. r. til UTlN. .V. i . f The rooms f« r i is -clint^ v. di ■ ■•nday |n . The i-wmilt.,- arc Vi 1 ' ; uo Chnriti *Uo--pil3! :rj, i a:t-i lovenibor t<) Ai-ri!. The students -ccr,mi : i,v ih "I t l.i mi ' i Sin ,, 'it or v 'i ’nuts, nvxi FIR . • rub l|-r.n R tii. b - . 1^ ■ S' AM L A W. Start Mfu_ that there is not a man in the IvJunev £xre- 41s >»- u good stock ot Family GKeiCn-Kiir. • - - * SEAGO, ABBOTT A Cu ture of the demagogues who have sought it j fences of the city were four times ns strong j ditiou but will hail with joy an organization j ^Atlanta, Feb. a. 1854 „ ® ? . , . i i ns when Re£rlan , s army fir?t landed, bemff to take Cuba. On the arrival of K.:nnev s i — a means of advancing their perso a j ral . stron g e i- than those of Gibraltar where j men in Central America, they wilHLnd*they j the assault must he attempted at all! that . , . „ , GARDELLE & DEL 4IGLE, are not in a land ot milk and honey, and ij-,rmtrly cf Augusta, Ga.) yfgg- The Supreme Court of Florida lias j the style on which the Russians have im- , ' hat death must be their fate if they remain ! pagtoJ'S £13(5 COffliniSNiOH MfrchaJitS, bill which has Just nroved their works during the.siege prove i there, and. therefore, an opportunity to bet-j Accom n-.odating w harf, charleston, s. c. DR. .T. M. RAXT1S, DKUGGIST AND PHAHMADUTLST. Whitehall Strict Atlanta; Go., : r.'DlvTNES, i aintR, f > ; l, -• fa,u:cr_\' and i of aiTUinus for bale: aha..j,»*. receive* line assortment ot the best Pm -.-s, C-. c- . , I'lnmricttls foe Dagucrreotybitts. riei>t. 2>'. IS iyj been abolished by pasFed the Legislature of that Sta.e bill had not received the sanction of the Governor up to the latest advices from Ta’ lah&ssee. though it was believed he would give his signature to it. J®“*The Tribune states that in the sixth ward of New York alone six thousand per sons were fed by charity on Friday last, nntl on Saturday the number was equally large. At the doors of Lindenmiiller’s, Stewart’s, The i their engineer officers to be in all respect* j 'he best such corps in the world ; that from j Nicholas down *o the lowest serf in ins era- ; pire, all the Russian population are enthu- 1 siftstic nnd united on the subject of the \va.-. and that the former has hut to say the word i at any instant to quadruple his army by i volunteers, nnd hi- pecuniary means oi 1 carrying on the comert, by voluntary loans ; and contributions from his subjects: that ! Raglan is hated and despised on account ot | circumstances pre i hcartlessness nnd inefficiency, by all under ; tiim ; that the ■ re-inf or cements sent to him ter themselves will be embraced by all. Aberal atlvances made ouConsJgmnfcirTri oi Produce. Bustin end Walker. Augusta. rt, , T —. . , „ , Kk^rkxuls:—Me c : rs. Bustia and Walker. Auer: L-ui. Kinney WAS Ul ill© secrets ot the I Doughty ^ Beall. J. Frazier & Co. Chapltston*. f? C Auj?a=t 10, Pampero Expedition: in fact he wa« the only person except Gen. Lopez, T. D. Har per. L. J. Sigur, and a man at New Orleans earned rushing, who was aware of the pur chase of the Pampero for an expedition — , Kinney ... .mruMed »».!, th. o.-gantotion . B 'SSSS.^5fiS£'.” aSTS'K SIS OI a regiment iri iex&s. which Would have j exoerience ia business, vre flutter ourselves 1hat *?ve been the first sent to Cuba had not certain ' '^i 11 ?’ ve ?enerai satin action.) . i t • t* JR* the execution of orders ire •srill oe nrompt, ana ated. It is therefore • - • * * - * - • - DOWSING & YOUNG, General Commission and Forwarding Herohant, jVo'. Grarier Street, jVcic Orlrcine. La. EZZAill) & COLLIi-HG ^w-ftOi-Xi.O-57-SS <b5' I- f j TTAVK united tlisnwrivw*? in -hi jur.«:iir.e, aril will i i XX nttend to business entrusted :•;* ihe r cure in iii i • ing CAtjnties: Kulron, Delvnl’c Nu.vtnn, Henry, i j Fayette. Ooweta, Campbell, Car?-.»U, l-’;; .1 ling, Outs »vn f » l ; Cobb. They will ai-»o prietice in Uistrioh^’- irt ol ; j the United state? at Marietta -ind the :upieme Court ol \ • Georgia. /9ST Office lo the Atlanta Bank building, sec >nd f;« - ,.r. : rrv. K7.7_4RD.] *[JOa.V C0LLTKli. j Atlunta. Ga.. 13. l# r *5: I TKFAX, TANDENBERG &, GO. M F S T C 1> E A 1. E R s. iVhtfihaTl st.. in.Johnson Homs. of Hie Golden Piaaoj B AYk reo'-ived, in audit Ton to theii; verv* exten dve -T-. -V: .ifSln-.-t M-isi *. 500 NTWriKCK^ of the lxtost publie.'iTien. ,-Sl<o. fluitars nnd Flute.', which they n'Tl-r t.r -.-lent >. e\y Y »n: Pf?r*?w.. Our Pi»ino« will =?];ea’ for ilieni ulr ; :-.s 1 hey arc* the pro ! u :t> of tho>e hoe^o vvliich veewrveti the *v*.si gc.l-M n medal atthe Crvslal i'»\i ncc FviiD»jtri.n. A*‘!anti». July 20, 1854. fP—vvti] rarnitare for Salt*. AT THE stun OF 6 . 13 dust o <i &. S «> sa . ClHAEKil C.M'T. S 800 Tons r I , lor Ibis n <-onNt.-r.ri •J. !i. dlopcDO.v, urt lu ll. -- sd. iv-i PAK : found B<.im-o'.A. Wrrd roben. I.onn o.- S;jI Tnblos, v.’.'t-h and Work sttiirida. wi-b variety of l.nng aiid Short Posted Bi d Stead<. wit other airtleles ofFurnititre, which will be Eepfon him from time to tore. .Ail put utj of good materia). Atlanta, .'mntnfy IP 1S54 * SI—tl ‘£‘are Redu.ced. Cabin Passage from.-Charleston, to Hew ) Ht V ’ 1 of l , S. MAIL LINE. i harlfsion Sli’am Pack t;aj -.m ■. m. .• d. ■: work, that n;c- e Ut 3 lx J ; profile IS. ia p .5. dr. B. surras. Atlanta. Georgia, R E3PECTFCLI.Y" tenders Uin profeiniihittl -rrv.'C- - l end at the Five Points Mission, where soup i min out to bo boys of T8 or 19, f.-rtbemo-it is distributed, the police have to be in con- i part, and wilt away in ft week niter landing, •tant attendance to Veer, order. j & n ,r -' : bu p le! ' <i n ' ,ri g inal i KniiliPii army, rather than ox assistance to 8®L-The Foreign Military Companies in j ; t They nt! the hospitals—not the trenches. Massachusetts did tiot. voluntarily disband. 1 No physician and no medicines are to be but weie ordered by the State to do so, arid j had, the Adjutant-General is directed to have al! ; their arms and equipments delivered to the 1 * . . _ -.peuiai cart-to purchase, aa fn.r n« po«=;ible.’froja thought Ijy Quitmau ami Lis friends, that i first hands, and at wholesale price*. Goods received j XVihe citizens of this place and vicraitv. and' u.lici lie will ire ready and willing to come into 1 an< ^ or ' war-ted with despatch. Tn fine, it shall be- , ^hire of public s-air-.-ua^e. Office at residence: on ! s «ach- their schemes. We shall see. i ^spect^faithfiU , Iwe street, ophite the MeiUouist Church. Atkin:a. March SO. 1854 Atlanta, July 23d, 1854. OOM pnqSUf’FJtlOR Bnek fur sale; uny jicrson ,,^1, ,2^ Rrick can be supplied by calling ; any Yard, south of Atlanta. (w?—tf) proper officer of the State. There were four of these companies in Boston, one at Lowell, one at Lawrence, and one at Wor cester. rhile they are dying of cholera nnd exposure at the rate of eighty men per day. liuid, uo tetits, no dry ground to sleep on, no forage.f«r thoir horses, almost all which have jierished : and to crown till their miseries, no hope of. even escaping a mise rable death animates any portion of the noble army which England has sacrificed in this campa Hon. John Y. Mason.—The rumor that this gentleman, our present Minister at Par- j is had died from paralysis previous tu the departure of the la-1 Liverpool steamer is premature, though there is much ground re I fear such a result. The Washington Union j .\lietl©Ii & iollimiSSlOll BiiSiflCSS 1 of Sunday nays: ... .1 5. J. SH li’KLGFORD “ Letters have been received in this city j JJts taken ’he large anj commodious House on i bv the last Steamer from Europe which jus- fA-Unbnm!, itreeet. soutL of. and contiguous to. the . . .1 v , i tommon i -.-pot, where he i* prepared :o rc~ tity serious apprehensiotut in regard to tne t Condgnments of oQ kinds of MEHtHAXDiBBand ! health of lion. -John Y. Mason, our Minis- J’RODCCE. Bacon,, i-od. to , tc. ra r f) Frnrw-o \f P \f . He will. al-e. give strict attention to the Sale Of ; rer to rjcnce. Air. Al. was Sttuca. W till j nEOROES. REAL estate. HORSES, 1k.“. ami any and i which may be desired to be sold at" Arc- Election of Ofllcrm. At the meeting of the city Council on Saturday night last, the following officers were chosen for the ensuing year: H. C. Holcombe, Clerk, and Collector and Receiver of Taxes. B. N. Williford, Chief Marshal. WillTs Carlisle, Deputy Marshal. Thos. N. Cox, Treasurer. G. A. Pilgrim, Sexton. II. L. Courier, City Surveyor. J. F. Trout, Clerk of Market. W. P. Lanier, Chief Night Watch. A. J. Wiggins, -J. 31. Brown, A. J. \V nl- raien, J. 31. Farmer, A. L. Reed, Assistant W atehmen. Ample simplies of all soru I paralysis on the 28th ult,. and according to * every thiuy. wii ded thither, hut the fury of : flie last accounts froin Paris—two days after ] C. W, MARRY. I ATT O R N E Y A T L A 3Y . Franklin. Heard Count;:. Ca. 1 attest i j pr dt-aiiicnal buvir.'j- in th-: . o:. ;r, i ' * tie-of Heard. Carroll. Campbell.’a. Fayerte. • Merriwether and Troup. Rkpekew —Ii<n. >•:. Y~ Hill, t LaOrungi-. Ca.: Mesar-. Irwin* Kniglit. M :- : a lia.. i Col. M. M. Tidwell Fayetteville. vla. '. Mr. William B-vtigli'- j erty. Columbus. i,'eor<w. M AK I IM & PATTFRSO\ , ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Culirnibntt, bfnoryia. ii. 1.. l\\TTEkSON*.] 49—wly* [j. V. ; B A K Ci- AI i * ! K \KZa i\IK’S J! EAfvGrAIAS J !! j b wi old iatrtiGi the* public tl'Hi l ani.gftting injuv SntTXG A XV SUM'S!Eli ST' CK, ' j mi l r* spcctfcMy s*i I»i tpecffoxi of C,c. <cs . } I •••rices, ^fy* ns^i.rtiweiii will bo foun i complete, am! f j will soil ^ low *t- *>nv hf.mcrablo compel itor for cash i or approved credit. J. T. DOAXF. : wUlrintR, Miircli Itth. 1S54. 41.—if j Matelics! 3latrhes!! Matches!'' PATRONISE HOME INDUSTRY". rr»HE -suinertber b;>g=* :ar , '^4 ;A exsa.i= ! '^'«5 r < . tk-» i*v. (’uniTiv Wedueudat L.— ft A Vi i- VS5R. S These f.n l for « if J i '! -nr. n.».-. »i*e«|>ectfally Lo inf . Jhc citiren.s G A J 1 Mita that he is the sole "Tor Alie "ielc*brate*l Iiccntor Matches, in thlsciu Pnce 510SS §3.90. at Kavs clieao Book store. 3VM. IC AY Priatcr. .JlookbiaiL , Bhaikhcck Manufactu Hook-ellct*. A:c.. A*c. aii/nta Jan... lSih. 185 i. ::4 !■ .•nt i.ine ev»*rv • For froi^i. coimiiodatio a* passage. nppbf to inert r.. U0.1t im IV it ■ Calrln: Passage,.. Steerage, vt , v. ■ ,v:.. have been fnrwar 7 ... the Black Sea’.n storms engulphed moat of* | the attack -Ins situation was sueh as to ex- * : them. Some of these wrecks floated ashore. ci J e tl »e deepest solicitude on the part-of his where* 1 hey could have been s-’ved, but want j As he i c attended by several of : of* .‘ dem—of a real bend to their army— j A e eminent physicians in Paris, his ! caused them to float back again out to sea, - situation, although highly critical, is net | after laying for v, cc-ks where they could j such as to preclude all hope.” * ensiiv have been a ccured. I The Pans correspondent of the N. \. It "turns out; bat the battle, of Inkertnand, I ?Vip;jje gives some particulars of Mr. Mn All Ct»asiguia.*nt.s will "be dispose*! ol ujficvttbly t*> instruction *.. ou l fumls promptly remitted, fol-ly.] Lipraudi’s great battle, which was pronounc ed originally in England to have involved an immense sacrifice of Russian life, when nothing could possibly be gained for the Russians by bringing it on, proves to have son’s illness “ I regret to state that -Judge Mason, our Minister to Paris, was seized with apoplexy or. Monday last, at 12 o’clock at night, and that he is at this moment, although slightly been the ero\vning°i)oint’ of the Russian , improved, pronounced to be in a critical po- schemc of tire campaign. It left the Rus-; sition by his physicians. 3Ir. Mason attend- :,ian« in impregnable command of the oulv 1 eJ with the Diplomatic corps on .Monday nt road* between BalakAva and the English «lie opening of the Senate and Corps Legis- annv. So. though there arc now large sup- I latif, at the Tuilleries, and was at the mo- AVER’S PILLS. FOR ALL THE PURPOSES OF A A M ILY PHYSIC. DR. D’ALVIQNEY. SURGEON AND DENTIST, OTFIC* AT fTTS P.v,m£CK. [Opposite the Atlanta Steam Planring Hi!!.} Xuvornbcr. C8, 1850. fCO—vnf ] 3. 4. PUCKETT, ATTORNEY AT LAW. AMD SOLICITOR IN CHANCERY. \XT1I.I. promj.tly itttonil to nil busmost --qtrr.steil V ? hi.-, care. Office oi» White Hall Street. THOS. S. DA21IEL. ATTORNEY AT LAW Atbilnnta, Of, OCtci* taVcx Valentino’s Con feu ti cm ary, opposite laud NOW RECEIVING ! Jingmving Fatality.—Three of the lead ing noliticans of New Hampshire have , ... a , , , , died cuddonlv and unexpectedly—Levi i on Cltu pa^ be.^een Balaklava and consequent upon theselabors^tiiat.the attack . \ y a** ~ i • the army, as tlio onlv way which the Woodbury, (who was thus cut off from bemg j comm j£ is ank)e d ' ee & water , unJ a candidate for President of the United allies over two feet deep. Every pound of polk States,) Atherton, jfho had no superior j or biscuit passing between thofc points has after Woodbury, and Norris, who has now ! to be carried on foot or on horseback, and a followed them. The place of the last named J horse can hardly carry there more than the will, probably, befiilled bv John S. Wells. | necessary quantity of fodder for his own »r, 1 „ i r , . ! consumption m tvrcntv-iour hours. of Exeter , Ha mpshire. ^ ; The French prove the better soldiers a .. t ~ r _ ^ i thousaiid times, in all respects, nnd are a ’ , * ‘ "■ n ! u|-;-u?:ind times better officered, commanded the Southern Statesman, recently established j nnd r , uppl i e d. The Turks are even worse at Calhoun, by J. W. Dodd, Esq., formerly j off than the Englith, and the plague is de- of the Rome Southerner, we ventured to en- 1 stroying them faster than the cholera is kill- quire regarding Gov. Johnson’s prospect in ing the English. Cherokee for the succession. Our friend of ; w ? r De result >>I all this is to be the ut- , , • ter destruction et at least the English and the Statesman, says: Turkish forces there: the French getting off In answer to our friend ot tne Intelhym- V ,-; T } I comparatively whole skins. The pres et?', we will say that we have not yet made j English ministry will be driven out of a complete survey of the political field from : power with the heariv curses of nine-tenths our observatory. As soon as we shall have ! 0 f the realm on thoir'heads; and L;;rd Rag- adjusted the kaleidoscope, we will report.— < i anj w h 0 b ttS proved himself to be quite as ” ® * re unable to predict who is to be our niueli of the brute as of the fool—and he is : evidently the great nincompoop of the ago next Governor. The popular feeling in Cherokee, if we mistake not, is adverse to Mr. Johnson, Whether he will be able to conciliate it, remains to be seen. Gun Cotton.—It is said that this power ful agent is about to be made serviceable iu the Eastern war and guns adapted to its use are now in process of manufacture for the Austrian Government. A letter from Vienna has the following: “Thirty-two of the new guns (four batter ies) to be used with gun cotton are already- finished, and it ia believed that 168 more (16 batteries) are to be cast. The military au thorities are extremely reserved just at pres ent, but still it has transpired that cnl\ twelve pounders will in future be cast us , f they need not be heavier in metal than the 1 . nu ,' rc . rne f 0 p v old six-pounders—if gun cotton is used—and almost all the Russian field batteries are is attributed by his family. He has remain ed completely insensible since the moment of the attack, with the exception of a few lucid intervals during the afternoon of to day.” Backing Oct.—A letter from London to the New York Tribune, says that “all the gallant officers, who at the Alma and at Balaklava rushed into death with readiness, arc now seeking a pretext for their return to the comforts of England. They wish to sell their commissions, or to retire on half pay, because they cannot live in rags, 11009 half ratious, unprotected against the drench ing rain in the mud of the camp. It is true that they believe all those intolerable hardships might have been obviated by- more capacity in the Coannander-in-Chief, and more order in his staff. They have lost their confidence in the success of the operations, and feel that their health and their lives arc sacrificed to tho imbecility of septuagenarian Generals. Still, the nation will charge thoiu with cowardice for desert- svidently the great nincompoop ot tho age j the p “ st of danger.” —lias probably by tins time been recalled J ° 1 5 in disgrace. iSuicide will be his only ref- j A Wild Man Caught in Maine.—A Mr. uge : aud it seems to be thought in England ; J. W. McHenri, who lives near Waldoboro’, that he will very shortly embrace it. ; Maine, has actually captured a wild man. . ^ ~U7~~ ~ , ,, j On first seeing him, Mr. II. says: -V Cqstli r i.ovyi:K.~-1 he Aev. \ork i * 4 The little fellow turned a most iinplur- ro/ xnys-. * A J-iiih Avenue young lad\, i n g look upon me, und then uttered a sharp, well known in fashionable society was the s i iriII bhviek- resembling the whistle of an recipient, on New Year s day, of the most j eug i no . I too k him to my house and tried excellent llowei-gift we have ever seen in : to induce him to ear s--me meat, but failed this 6r any other country. It was made m j in the attemnt 1 then offoved him <mme t iiLi..-: Lai l.oig esistetl u public- demand for au criective purgative piii which could be relied cn at --ure and perfectly safe ill its operation. This has . been prepared to -eet that demand, and un ex ten : live trial of its virtues has conclusively shown with 1 what success it accomplishes the purpose designed It is easy to make a physical pill, but not easy tc j make the best of all pills—one which should liavt none of the objections; but all the advantages, of GRKLNE B. HAYGCx B every other. This has been attempted here, and GUrmerly <,J natkinsiiU, with what success we w- uld respectfully submit tc the public decision. It has been unfortunate foi geueer Office. Whitehall Street. Nov. 24, 185.-: re—lv Haygood & Whitaker, ATTORNEYS AT LAM, Atlanta, Gu. <,Office over Q-. Gunbv’s Store, Whitehall street.) T.AKFD I. WHITAKKi: Formerly o f FugrtriTle. the patient hitherto that almost every purgative medicine is acrimonious and irritating to the bow- els. This is not. Many of them produce so much l H' r II-L take cases in reference to Wills, Dtvoia re. ig pain and revulsion iu the system as to more I ’ ’ in any part of Uie Union. Also, cases In resj griping pa 3E*. B. COX, ATTORNEY A COISSELLOK AT LA1Y and Solicitor in Equity, kc. spe to Tims to Land in the vicinlt v of Atlanta Jel.v 27, 1854. pj-Lwly] Ga. JETHRO W. NIAKNING \ Formerly of C.ninghm. Gu.] ATTORNEY A T L A IV Atlanta. Georgia. ^yFICE opposite Council Hall. Whitehall struct wii; nromptly atten.i to all business entrusted tn his care, i Atlanta. Feb. 3d, 1853. 36-wlv. DR. T. M. DARNALL, J^EsPECTFULI.Y tenders bis prolessicnal sertices t species, about eighteen inches in height, his limbs are in perfect proportion. With a beautiful cage. The flowers were of the richest and rarest—native :tud exotic—and ^ 3 ' ‘"ft l ’'. i the exception of his face, 1 hands, and feet, supreme tolly wn« nearly ->2,000 : lhe J he ■„ covered with hair of a jet black hue. warty who sent it is reputed to be a financier than counterbalance the good to be derived from them. These pills produce no irritation or pain, unless it arise from a previously existing obstruc tion or derangement in the bowels. Being purely vegetable, no harm ean arise from their use in anY quantity ; but it is better that any medicine should he taken judiciously. Minute directions for their use in the several diseases to which they are Rp- ; dic:il»le are given on the box. Among the com plaints which have been speedily cured by thorn, we may mention Liver Complaint, in its various forms ■f Jaundice, Indigestion, Languor and Loss of Ap petite, Listlessness, Irritability, Bilious Headache, Bilious Fever, Fever and Agile, Pain in the Side ; JY the Citizens of Atlanta and vicinity. Office at lus Alia Louis v lor* ill trutii, nil these are hut the con- . on McLonough street. Jim. d6, 1853. 34-ivli sequence of diseased action in the liver. As an ! — A-J ! : aperient, they afford prompt and sure relief in Cos- DR. W. T. GRANT, tivents®, Plies Colic. Dysentery, Humors, Scrof- \T-orLD inform the citizens of Atlacia and vicinity a. and Scurvy. Colds with soreness of the body, V V that he has lccatedln tbeir city, fur the nurj-es. i'-ers and impurity of the blood; in short, any of pructisinqmedicineinallii-branVhev. aiut colu-i.-* vid every case where a purgative is required. liberal share of Thev b'-'c also produced some singularly sue- . sfui cures in Rheumatism. Gout, Dropsy, Gravel, Krysipelas, Palpitation of the Heart. Pains in the Bock, Stomach, and Side. They should be freely taken in the spring of the year, to purify the blood and prepare the system for the change of seasons. An occasional dose stimulates the stomach ami aowels iuto healthy action, and restores the nppe- !;t> a- <Tr! r They purify the blood, and, hv their •tiii.-nlant -n imi. the circulatory rt stoui-reno* ■ i;..i atn-ngi;. tin.- body, md i«wti*re the ... led L . : r.i emagies of the whole organism, ii-’ * - ,1 dose is advantageous, even th- * i.o serli-iij, licraugement exists; but un- -i- ’i ■ :.ry an -ini! should never be earned too far, a- ' 'cry purgative medicine reduce? the strength, when taken to exce'i. The thousand caeos in which i u physic required «n»a«.» be enimicratcd here, but j they -’.ggest fhemselve-i to the reason of every I bfitly . and it 5s confidently answer better purpose that hitherto been available to m - . . - - virtues are once known, the public will no longer Uou ^-day and night. wLen not profesdonnllyengatroA • • ■ d of a 1 R ? TE ? t0 thc following gentlemen, and any j r- liirtih -Vev. Orleans syrup. 5irii '.- sugar, variota ijualitie . 50 Cuba MoTas -es. loo Bags Ivio Coffee. 50 Bbls Xo. 3 Mackerel. 60.000 Tcnno- ;-e Bacon. 25 Boxes Xubarco. 100 Keg? Xr-Is. All uf which a^e offcrt-ilsi: the rrade at low rate? ml acooimoocloting tern:-: hy .1. T. BOANE, Atlanta, done gy, 1854 —,-.vf oOO Clocks! • Il'.-T received bv A. W. Il.vrt A Co., Whole isle An.l Retail -leoleis in Clocks, Watches, k-.felry. Silver anil Bilver Bhited Ware. Fitncv ; floods, Ac. Xo. Sti Whitehai) St.. Atlanta. JH - Fine | Watch- ? - refnlly repaired and warranted ■ done i '. ?! <rf notice. | May 4, 1854. 4>J—1> COTTON SEED ROCK AND FIBE-PBOOF ROOFING. ! ’ i'llh un-iersigneil. cirixens of Somerville. Ten::. , are veil acquainted with JIr. Puke WiHiahia ? arti- . ficinl rock The Chert llqiiso yard and the grhmul I floor : : ■ laid with it.and h.avo been forsev .-nti Oiontlis. I 'I heCoun: .-t ourt •■! -yette. Tean.. bcinu rh. ronehly satisLed that the rock would anvrJa line purpose, vs^. -pUthe inventor claimed, employed Mr. V- hliams lo lay the said floor and pave the Court House yard. iTe know Mr. \\ illiaras i? a high-minded honorable man : and we are satisfied the rock made hv him is substantial, and will stand the test of time. \v.. have cecii it used by Mr. Heed, who is putting up a large lot- i tel at Somerville, in putting in window nn-1 door sils. I and he is much pleased with it. Valuable 4 Jty Lots fr>rSa C1KVKUAI. V -1-mble Cltv'l.r, for Sale ir. th oftl iiMe. M ■cis roiti ie Fair Grounfl. ti‘na.8 by ftpj.!;, i DOONaX. oil Whitehall Atlanta. Mav TStli, i ut V L« Til Real. Estate^Agejiey •••i;rin -<i< \ ". iUal cut flw.1- h.iAoi i- Ui-.ilKstutx*. in Tho=»e itavfng I thcfli* inteivsi to h;u*ges\v;U heniii aule a *> isfuft on will be cliM-ff attend t nt i n bonds a ' KeulK • m th’* \\ iu. ii- ii -si. Hall SUeoL, .stcuiifl floi.i iVom !ho e.-'i*-. . • street. ' Atlanta. July ti. 1 .'>04; V. t.. Falnahle j'or Stile. ' CEVKHAT. valnalde I. ' f. ,- a.le v.->h I, } ° thereon, in tl- rmi.jhhi.i-h-''-nr of CoSp- i aiv.i Athuiva i.- rvRi!I ;\i k *-.:- 3. IV, . - *. 3" I* COTTO> JjComiflissicn & Forwarding Merck; a CHniTeulon, S. C. Atlai 11th. ISot. Iffikc Wooti :302 1-2 U: l % for sails, t..v terms ; catur or the‘.nndei i fotsiatl ftty- Sale n l-'err Adanys Ob’. Pi for n F. .Vlef KEEIiY ii wlu- 111 i-n!y u la. r. riAiu i Atltur ixclmii ■ e sccorul-ha 1 I : M.Ift eer ci _\ c Hooke. TOT is. Prudu.o h l’..i".v:trdh in this hi d Mar , of l-’r irket. i the sale of •?. to thc K' >•1 to the iilli Atlanta. Ja: Id. IS ,T L Pulliam Ja? Petit T li Logwood \V B Dortch, K-. Deo W Trotter Thos Rivers X T Macon K M Is .ig A PDupny F IV Robert?.m Sam Sn-ed \V P Finney. Esu •lolm C Retries A B Kinnov. M 1> .1 A Williams T G McClellan II .1 Turner •I E Pearsall Jo H Cooper Olios T 1'eliU Win Button. Clerk County Court City Fropefiji' I'oi s;ik. fllErollowing ica-i pro; fivtv ia :k f| : Atlanta, ljvloii-in-* i*. U,t- e-ctert* 1 Conallv. doeoasefl. will 1* * . ; , • 'I l it : Bri.l- A fra l.einc lot of ■ Irnin R II Blount, of Houston, i S54 : heirpa.ronage. Hocnn be found fill honrselther nt hw office on Whitehall street, opjo- ?ite die Johnson House, or at his room in the Holland March 30. 2S54. 44—wly Medical Notice. D2. JAMES M. BABER. H » iu o a* p a i !i i c Physic a u! R E.-PECTFC U.Y offers his professional vi rief ■ to the citizens -af Atlanta ar.ivicm'.'.v. Office aiidr.-. in Dr. tVestnicrclanfl's house, c-’mer Calhoun rind Railroad Streets, opposite the S'vam Flouring I}ill Atlanta r Feb. 24, 1?53. WL-wIv. MED1CAJL CARD! 3Dt. «T. 3S. Eloxus.-;, O F North Carolina. having permanently R-cat d in this cily. ..tiers his nrofe.,s:ional service, to lhe ri: izens of Atlanta nml the surrounding country aft. : an experience of lour years in ihe liospi Jas H Thompson August 15th. 1S54. 4S“Extract of a hdte Texas, dated July 16th, Eighteen months' u«e [of tiie Cotton f-V■ d Rock] here has shown that it makes a pavement vastly superior to brick, and it seems to begetting harder and better. JSQJ-The Patent Right of these wonderful inventions has been equally divided between Duke Williams and W. II. Poindexter, who a re now prepared to sell .State, eouptv, or local rights. The right of the above article fur this county has been purchased by Mr. Felix Sowers, who i now prepared to sell head rightts. n21wtim FOR SAXE. iber offers for sale bis Farm seven Atlanta, it being the East ha}f of Lot u 14th District of IleKalh count nnd red ami one anil a four*! -■ ere? of which are . c'.-sred and under 1'iere arc on the Premise? - gomi framed '.II requisite out' houses. by let - partly within nnd partly without t its of the cityL-containing fifh m lying tvosf of'tlp- F'air Ct-orin'd lot Thurmonds. This-contain' the i ■ tho city. Sold hy virtuo of a dec the Superior Court of DoKr.ib c Term. 1853.* I t-r terms apply to Dec. S. 1853 (28—tO LiiKXC! r the Hi mber 12: ft v thre.- tVTLLIAM LYNN.] [ [J. i 3. ft. .V N ex, S 3. 5 .3 i L j Savannah', Georgia, W. L Y N N & \ O ■ —rt -1 ' " 15ai?on, Georgia, Forwarding- and General Cc-r Merchants. _ . • Libi ral advances- (m all c » si- Produce. 1?R8 A VH.E.E Ir CO General Commission Kti-cLu. SAVANNAH; G IA OIK VS-1? A MONKS, 03 AT MISSION & FOfoWAEBIKG 15EE.CHM T! m: Sit e: i ruuci; iJonfl, t’ontainm^ .1 clrartM a nd un*Ic-r ueci'S«ry building:, of select Apples ;in» one lV.r a Putilie i Uoun*v. Any per.-:t c-n nve :u jH\ratur. ‘ept.M.i * 25tli, ::* Sm: U.’ll S: Mt Catlin. I m A. A. .- Ill'll ,v Gt nnuj?: sub^ci 1 ralie-frotr humbi r J4C ; fiunii*;- cif.e !i or lo--. forty euluvjtiion. Uwelliiig ar.fl ter or oilier**, Valuable 'Pfoiierty. Jos- }s« i«*. county, con j 'IfilP ..-ihscri'm-i- o'le.- h' - ■ ■ •• lv, :l-o ■ acres more ' i ftuisV mre in-'-' U - ' e: ' "d .r on While fl; ■ agomd-al (knnmi BE.XJ. Aihntn >21, ic.-.r F. ITARUIR on the Premises II. B. LATIMER Atlanta. S-U close Die For p: byildnig rticul.ii'? s , , , , . er i Whoever aiay wish to see this etrange spec- composed of twelve-pounders.’’ Tho expe- ' u ?. i: ’^ c ' : n ;1K ' Jni’gt 4 landed inter- ime n of human nature, can gratify their riments with gun cotton still continue, and G T> ' __ curiosity by calling at my house, in the Eas- one result is too remarkable not to be men- Wrecks at Key W^r.-The whole imm-1 ° f W f dl, . b ’ w ’* noa r the Trow- uoned: A twelve pound „b11 was fired bm . of vessels that have been upon the Fh.r- j b “ d « 8 lavern : P * « ,v ? these fac ‘ t9 ^ the from a gun charged with powder at some ida Reef during lfo r >4. and also those that P ubllc °. 8e » “ th<?r f “ , arx Z onc who « an thick boards prepared for the purpose, and j have come into Key West, in distress. I account for th,s ^°n4erfol phenomenon, another ball of the same weight was fired ! amount to f>0. of? ' from one of the new guns changed with pun have been off°<and'pnweede^on • - AcclI)EVT 0N ' THE Mfscogce Railroad.— coturn ; “although the now gun was 600 ! their"voyages, - - yards farther from the target than the old \ have been'so much injured that thev have one, the hole made by tho shot of the former been discharged. Value of vessels and car SCtdSaSn^d 0 " ! ° n We 1 ne3d ^ a little after wuiiuiu u].cnaigin^ 9 a..a .> j slins; p r maf nftAi* 4m i—1 sunset, just after the freight train had ar rived nt the Depot, and the engine was was well defined and clean, while the orifice j : vS°of veS Sb ! back , in '« to undo A «« ** the night, a " ,aJe „ by tbe laUer waa j a *S e(1 aud s P lm - ; amount of salvage and expenses §211,808: i -f‘ t ‘ 0, ” an . aaom P t ed to jump aboard, nnss- tery __ Boston, Jan. 13.—In compliauce with Slfl.oofl. tite recomeudation of Governor Gardner iu ' at T- t • his message to the Legislature, the follow-i ” .'9 : Li'-'flcnu^ett? L’quor L-iw r? ing military companies, composed of foreign^ • •^ a,PM * cr<st * stru,t ' enough, n is now ,m.m„.^ w h»iaS82,402' i expon-e, j ™ «■*>». V «».«k«l. uui .Vo- »r* havetienn Hisliai (imi via. Ti,^f<..i.v^. i posed to punujh sellers ofliritio, in violation ! - , ... - era, nateueen aisnanaou, ux. lUeLolum-1 , -,-,.. w ! mount a car while tho train is in motion.— Ogs severed from his h-«lv. 1 tlis name is King, and he resides near Sta- ! tion No. A. on the road. The constant oc- ) enrrenec of su<-h accidents ought to warn all prudent persons never to atiempt to bia Artillery. Capt. Cass ; Webrter Arti • rv oi hvr t - v . * u »P r “*‘ , ? n, . e,,t 1,1 a ^ dlt, ft n V» <*'“>• ! it is berter to .mod „lll , h.c ft" Capt. McKenney; Shield's Artillery, i ft fori-convict mu, and to punish ex- j stiU a day tuan to go Young; and Sarsgcld Guard?, Captain 11,ft ! >re rtri " ,en a,1(I c ! >nl!U0,i 1 earners for Convey- , -‘ h ' gain of lioaton ; Jackson Musketeers. Cap- ! ,nf? 1, *l a ' ,r eW’trary to law. These amend-: tain Proctor, of Lowell; Union Guards, j lnc,,T * have Iwen emlhKlicl in a lull to be i pre en*eu to the Legislature and which al prevents spirits be’.ngbrought into lhe Srnte. It makes seller) bands liable iu uamaices to wive? • it \ title rvhici, im.s Iicph im?ni-n,i l,- u. How ah life.—Columbus Times, 12M A New Killt. doubt what remedy to eniploj-when in need l u.hnrtic iiK-.’.icinc. HIEPARED BY JAMES C. A Y E K. i’laciicai and Aualyticnl Chemist, LOWELL. MASS. Price 35 Cents per Box. Five Boxes for SI. AYER’S CHERRY PECTORAL, For flic rapid Cure of COUGHS. COLDS. HOAItSEXESS, BRONCHITIS) WHOOPI\G-(OCLII, CROlilP. ASTHMA, AND t ji\siiMmo,\. Tins reniutly lias v.-on for itself stldi aunoricty fr.inr its cures of every variety of pulinbnarydiscase,- ihiit it is entirely unnecessary to recount’ the < donees of its virtues In any community whci. lias been employed. So wide is the field of its i . fulness, and so ntimerou? the eases of its eui. •>, th’.f ft!-.po?t every seeftin of the conntrr abounds in persons publicly known, who have been rev .. -- ... ... v „ ine A'ofice! f !*vlicvfsd this pill Yrill ! ^orth, will practice Medicine. Surge rv aiifl Oh«i» *ric- —- n.^. ^ n;?- » ■» w» an any thing which lias Office on Whitehall street, next do'or to ; L . §-? « L iVj J |T F J mankind. When their | Lawohejs^roy^oring Sti>r$, t. here I can bo l'oan.l at all i * ■*"*’ &IA DAGl T £KKEOTYPr-S! :v2. M. R A N T I H, IJnsftit'Fvoj* >« As'tisJ, the 5 s HI b< : rcadj npnly-to ni 1 William Bai rleans uhil Tern .'ssrc frnt’i. ,y the l-i of OcL-bei rent. T. JVr.innn. White . Covington. <8n. WILU.Cjf PARKY [El/ ! lithorilif . f F < f?os the* > iini \ LOTTERY Conducted on the 11,now 'I file ' } }■ A K !> I " lass ii I |y 1 Citv Lots, O BF. DRAWN THE 3CTTI Or .UN son wishing to know move of me cun Uo -o bv , dill .- -- ing—lion. r. 3. Satterthwalts, Hon. .Tushna Tnvler Isaiuh Respasv. Esc. Gen. Wm. A. lilount. Washington’ N. C’. Prof. K. R. Smith. Enliimore. Drof. vft, Prof. Pnncoft. tliger, Philadelphia. L: '* Bedford. New York. 11. A. tell. Ati-nia. July 20. 1854. [», n .] AtlaiiSiij 5ti!i Dec. I85S. My Dtar Sirs-—! !iavej*ist ban tbe pleasure of examining •** rvsHpc-ric r -pecinien of l •* ry. A full qot- of Upper Tei-tl» fijaefitefl on platinft-plate -.vitli continuousgur» ci .-ilicioi,^ c«*?n- poumt y, The-Mt is of the mnnufatrin e * f Tr. T ? r^ah>tt«-.r j of thit place. For beauty of finish, Rti-er.gtb k per- manancy anfl natural life like apppenrnncc. thl* pi - : ess is certainly far superior to unvtbinp I have cVei ^een. At *he distanced*n few* feet, tlii** Job woulfl flt fv* detection, tro much U it lil.o the t»-elh nnd gnms mi • the Great- Architect. T emrit me to reeomim-nfl io : : rour consiflenitinn most farorahly r r l.eflheftc-r * claims as a Surffeon Dentist. Fie is s reeiflent of thi< . city, permanently located, of high morn 1 and rehkrteus ! character, nnd certainly n very «up error wrirkr.on | If you or any of your friends have ;mv tiling to h. j done in hi^ line, do me the favor to give the j‘r.. n cnll I at h:«* office over U. L. WritVli’s old stand on WJp:,? : i Hall Street. Tours Respectfnllr. 2F— v r R- il- OVERET. w • . *.r VMl !i or tl:, emir - i l lot -ii u-od the '.VHO hr> Tudii d uu-lre xiift most eminent nlen .\rt-~ McOnire and Harrington Xi So\y Oi leans, hn^. nov open- i c-.i La. rooms direct lv - pj.«» i?e & IInnt'5-tore.'vrlioro lie f; prepitred to i.'ko I’h'iTogriphic Miniatures, in-’the latest m l most * approve^ -tyle of T' Enlimc from natnre. on th * r.:> st ; re*:s«jnhblo u*in»>*. from one *teilnr an.i-fifty coi,, :nd ] u]j\Vfird> ftATivdinu’ to the sir.e and (jusliiy *. T nmterui]. j i Ho flatters him elf tliat 'nc has aflioroughknowK(!^,o of f * liyaio^*ii.»my. couscquontlv lie will guarantee a coned li’ieness ofih? dftev. liockets. 'Bracelets! ' r.-iichos. MedaiioV', v-ns. and Copies taken t > perfection. ANe. old pictures r«novated.. flic public are j■.irrieulnrir inr:te«l to examine his spp. 'men*, and tc--: *he °kill of flic ot orvtf r. March fiO. M.%4. (\y tf) W.» 1: FeT>. # Found tjii/uog S 1 snif pu*. «1> fronting i rood:. •' and one dating, ap 1 • Lett- - .i l * * l’i { Fel.i-m*v ftnnn: nica* r -*u - • Citv iuiifl fo« S i • ■ treot. r\. -ir ri-s, i; will b<* r-. Also, on.- i- lot it Prin iv l..{ a.*;i r - -biV' r m-vv- rcsii t on 1 Vi III Works, (Jt„, ptberor In bits it I Lb -to I in II Stmt'* ok ! 111! La ja. XolsriiT- term accon tis bo’.ngbrought into the Srnte. I ed to effect improve.neat* in the celebrated Hern of ardent spirits to bus- j minie rifle. Thc Daily IVincmish, tells of a in damages to wives: it rens i rifle which has been imeuted by Mr. Howe ders tiiose who furnish the liquor liable for of Milwaukie and which promises trreat -, e- the-miseluef which ie done by its victim-. ' -mlts. It is a Manv experiments are in nro>Tessdesfo»- fl0,1 ‘ ‘Aiming arid even desperate diseasesyf ih. ‘ * - .* -o ' w 1 When <uive triptl itsRU],eiu.r:!\ Capt. Lincham, of Lowrence; ami Jackson Guards, Captain Driscoll, of Worcester. Philadelphia, Jun. 13.—The night watchman of the Tanners’ Bank. Mount Ilolley, New Jersey, wan fonnd in the bank ,, , . . , this morning at 6 o’clock, bound und foteffed ,s J’T. ,,s victim-, suits. It is a mod fication of the minie, but lie eavs, on entering the building last intrlit l . 1 ' l' 0!i ” ns found ua state’of' ‘ms not _yet been perfected in its details. It 1 at nine o’clock he was seized, tied and »a?. ; intoxication u» disclose fhe - inunes of those loads at the breech, the bore of which is I ged hy four men who had previously emer- ‘ ^ ro,J1 ^ lo y procured tiicir liquor. ■ somewhat larger than the muzzle. The ■ •d the bank ; and that he remained in. that T 77 j ‘; nu "’‘deb Mr. Howe is experimenting with, •ituation all night. It was presumed some i LoUIsvili.e-, Jan, 17.—River rising J drove a Dull IhirU. n inches deep into Solid ; money han been stolen, but the amount was 8 lowly. , ! ll:,e forty yards distant. Tiio IViscotuin - unknown when our informant left. Ford A' Rro.. Commission /Merchant? of | «ays^ “it is proved that this rifle will carry ! Second Desoaich , this city, failed yesterday. Their liabil- I a mtie.-and ^half with a true aim!” * ! ',*..« . • lities are unknown. j . " The robbers wore in the bank from nine j - — ; j Home Mmufuehtre.—The Boston Eve, I A i*edtifi : l five acre lot, well timbereil. lying im- in the evening until three this morning but i Specie is so scarce in Schenectady, tliat a I nine Teleortlrth savs that Gov c.,wi: 7 ‘ 1 mefliateiy on a public street, a fine location for* AtA —. —— i l. ..j • i re. • ! | v - •* ,. ' 'vuroiner ; private residcuce, is offered exceedingly low. Titles oyer very other medicine of its kind i? ton apji-ir- • m to ese.ine oh-ervation, nuu wlicrc its virtues er. kmivvu. the public r.o longer hesitutc what antidote lo pjnphiy for the liistvessjnpr and ilmgerous otfec- tions of the pulmonary organs which are incident to- our climate. And uot only in formidable nt i-i.- h? upon the hinffs, but for the milder variclitr of Coi.iis. .Cdt'OlIR, Hoai.’sl.vess, Ac.; ood foi t'n: j.nit en it is thc pleasantest and safest uiOilirino that nnn be obtiincu. As it line long hem -in constant ns.- Ihrunehout this .octiyn, tve need not do more than assure thc people its fluidity is kept up to the host -that it eye? ha-, h- on. and tliat lln- ten-dbe article i?. sold hy — A. ALEXAXDEP, Athmla, Ga. City Laud for Sale Sk.i ami Side Lirlif DAGrERREAM ROO>?«, [Ocer Atcxanc<e, '*I>rug rtorc. Whit-hallst.. Atlanta. AREA It -A T FS S F S JAMES IJASLETT, -.•.noi'.TLR AND e-KXl'RAl I FAJ HM\ LIQUORS AND CIGARS Xo. 4. Vomwre* Street. Rolthngtr, Md. Forwarding Business, At Cluirlestoai, S. C. .^TVTW Drtfl»T<iiriDV. . conned ion LWjtr£rj %‘itlia gtmoral CoxniTil>!>U>n business - for thc s:i?'v 'of COTTON’. FLOUR, HACON. CORN, and p 11 other-Vi-cfluce, will >«wk: lorAvaril wit lit lift ei*caift:>t jiossihlc tlfsputob, Merchandise, Machinery, Produce, ALL i'M-r-oii*- ? v Atlanta; I f.ii-war.1 iit-1 hniifls pi von t» to hit;: « flt-oflri firm :g wftil tl'C t*OTl my former x Vf Uievhw’ eut. T httf! St? ’t'lkil nil »; with 4-..0 line 3 one ml!., i-.-.n ■ T lLiral..- Tho'mill hn«< jnftt hoft: out this: it« oci ].viAhv fi t'! •'.!.•» :t r*‘t ImTiher saftftt'fl n; . J,ft y I • u ;li ' ■ ft:*-, l-owrr nfliftivAt . Crist Mill or Sl;ir; a te Mill, n "•hiol» won!.) I ry Veil. hiving 40 milo> from tl-c « 31 FJ iUi ' Mn And aii the Materials used in fhe Art,' g^‘ ahw .i ,r, ’t tert y.«» !,!!| s«» <l FOR RALE AT THE LOWEST PRIORS. ' ' e. DILI.) ("w. r-. 5iniA>-iKt. Atlanta. Angu-it 31, 1854. rt ! w ria. Alabama. 'l'eniii.'.-?i-e. Xoi-th and Sjonth (Yii-nlimi ■ Slgrula and Tnr nnv tif-rihern or foreign ji<irt. i n, mF (12—din) J, H. WlI.l.Y. c oinupliL-d • u.i Ir mi? of ss'i-’ bond?. jani-; j.. Mr.( m i.i. «•: ■lie Mill of aunoxod -l-.-» !' ;««' uf • a.imel --n. daoeii.M-J /. .hiL-LM, 1S.M FOR i House a ad t.o; on Mi;.-hell ie inteesaction ot AVLiu : . ; i:ii!' Afftoheil n.-ot-. fm-merly I'wni.l hj Deo. W. fool:, in possosfimi of Jojm Simpson. T.V.c-i iiitisputatdo and letm- aecoiujniidiitihr. ApjL to .SIMLSOX * UAlatlS*. Agents foi- Vei-Itt. 1 atlioi-iu- A ■ Atlanta. MaicR 93, 1851. ;-_t. i't'XL; I ml i.1 'ft. Sail. House ami Lot for Salt*. A nOUfiE AND LOT bn Mitchell street, well Uv K ,’ improved, amt a very desirable loentinn. Fm- I Qiarii-sWn, Baal terms apply to J. -It, SWIFT. i 5sdu’ i RW-ERP-NOis—.1. 1*. King, President ti.K. It.. C. T. Bol- liiid 1’,-es l. Miintgoimly R. R , \V, M. Martin T'v.'s'V. V. .V L. lik.. Hopkins. Hudson & Fn.. C!inrlettfnn, f Jt Fahl U, J'rea-'V. :S. C. R. K. Jiio. K. llims, Atlanta. in .t Walker, Augusta December 2, 1854. FOR SALK. •J'llR IT i’a-c an ! Lot Occupied by Mr. .him 2 acd on Pryor street. For terms apple to i Rico i 51 Gilupun, or to tho undersigned at Heraturi session given first of Oetober. A XF/x . - : June 2 1853. t . A i,ebv K ’ * QLOTltfNG p Mir; V. I.I Novt-Illlll HARDWABE STORE, Atlantic. Gchyin. did not succeed in getting the vault open, j man was arrested on suspicion of being a j wore, during his inauguration, nn^’"entire ! gwrf—«iT , nor did they carry any money away with I>ank robber, because he had three and six I suit of zftmerican manufacture. Every ar- ' i pence in bis pocket. tide of his dress was “homemade.” 1 uet»mber2i, ms WM. H. THURMOND, or Maj. grSPHKN TERRY.’ NOTICE. THE copartnership heretofore; exUtu* umlor j (Vtlrry" tool? of every deaeripticn, metal?, cartin, tne name of owilt A Isryant, t? this day desolved ' Iron, steel, nail?, agricultural implimeuts, among which by mutual consent. Tho business will hereafter! nx-enorfl-sltellfir?. straw cutters, corn mflte, plows. -See. bo condncled at tho old stand bv J. R. Swift i ° ur 8lock i? well assorted of best Fnglfsh and American ' T H stWlST’ -manufaotnres. Wo respectfully solicit the atteution 1 IT MVrt.r of the public. LI I. BERT & CIARKE .., . _ „ ”• , 1A . 1 ■ Imiibrter.? and dealers, corner Grant and William’s Atlanta, dan. 2. n84-diw.lm, new brick block, Deaclitroe Street. (Sept. 26,—dlyj ftasli Wanted. All persons-indebted tv the undersigned ( tUMl'KlrtNt; utl goods usually kept iu the line in , . y which we don 1 exclusively. Heavyi^Hardwaro and I 1 ."JJ then mxcroet to make umuedicvto Pott'ftmeni 28 1854. will timl ttemon W. % liOAKK. For Sale. . . Brick ! 40,000 Bnck for sale low, by Dec 2,1S51 j. R. S SWIFT, w. w. r.i'' t ' K rUnenf ,i«-i 7 jfcKKN-l- .•23. ld..i. F, !>f. Fuhllfiii'Ui N I* 1 ' 0, JDenlcra /’• Shorn. Uulio /. LllSlS, LixrNG n- jyxniNfo sK1 SUOE-MAKEU’S TOOLS. A<'• -db, VV*e are now preipired ; • f.tviusb " f|jah!ol«i at- ftnyustn niul «’’• arlestou ^•(freight only added)—for C.-V&H- JiieturerB of Boots £ iu upper Geo t . Tonnersce, will find it to thoir advantage 1,1 U3 11 Cali - , ullitlt Orders aoeompaniod with the cash, V TV and carefully filled. Jan. 8,1855. dlt—nrtf JL« C