The Atlanta weekly intelligencer. (Atlanta, Ga.) 184?-1855, February 08, 1855, Image 3

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SPECIAL VOZICBt yon KVKRY FAMILY should at «"«• P w,ire ' tlio crest trnMan remedy forma., and raHwl H C FVRRFJJ.’S ARABIA LINIMENT. It allays U.e most Intern-p«in« "**“*" ' h , c f ' rial tin id or joint w.Her. amt thus cure* still joints ; .t pcni't ra.o* tin* flesh totheteme relaxes rent rncted cim-K rlirumntlsin and |, )fiod llrobs of twenty y<*»* j standing : also tumor*, swelled m-ck, enlargement « j the glands, and is the beat medicine tor ailment a of j cattle ever discovered, curing sweeny, spavins, ami «U ] diseases which require an external application. 200 B«p Rio Coffee. 25 Hhtlt. choice N. O. Sugars. 50 Bids. Crushed. Powdered and refined Sugars 100 Bhls. prime N. O. Syrup. 50 Bbls. fresh Mackerel. 25 Boxes Cheese. 100 Kegs Nails various site*. 25 . Dos. Painted Pails. 10,000 Libs. Hollow Ware. With a large assortment of ,Vun Fain of HI err..*’ standing cored fry H. 0. I Black Smith's Tools, Dry Good*. Valuable Plantation for Sale. <A| | /THE subscriber offers for side bis PLA^TA. j A XI ON in DeKalb eounty, King os the waters of Peachtree and Peavine creeks, 31 miles North- West of Droatur and 3} miles North-East of At lanta, adjoining lands of Daniel Johnson, T. N. Paden and others, eontainlng.about 300 There are about 100 acres of open cultivated mm, . —- tinder good fences and necessary buildings for J — harming, with a good apple orchard. Any person ‘ desirous of purchasing can call on me on the prem- , ises or address me at Decatur. Terms will be'ae- ■ commodating. J. B. WILSON. Jan. 16, 1855. d3i-w6m. .lias* I tec wived. i 80,000 lbs OLD BAGON; aid^, 40. kegs chplee new LARD, 2» bbls do, ami 366 Pis Feathers. ALSO A small lot of Corn and Oats,'and a-l'ew tboirs- LEHAL ADTEETISEKEHT8. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. GEORGIA, ) Ordinary Conn, DecV. GEORGIA, DeKalb Omtidy. — -“ - — ^ « .i » . T h P U !■'!>IP A G Ps.1rln1 DsAena 1 .la.-Iniri nson, Esq., and pounds of-'Fresh Bones and Sausage Meat, - County. it366acres. : f«r sate low. by ddwtf _J. E. WILLIAMS. , rngg petition of , ivated land , Dee 25, "54 AtUviueum Building, Atlanta. I sheweth, that on i Notice! Farrell * Arabian Liniment. Mb. 11. ('•■ Fsrkma.—Pear Sir : 1 hail been afflicted with the "Sun rain ’’ for the last ten years and could never get relief except by bleeding-. but by the use of U. G. FarrcllV Arabian Liniment, uppliedovertlie t«n- plcf «.lnut three or /our limes n day. it was entirely re. moved and I have felt nothing of if since. I went in !() the stable one night, to apply lit to a horse's sore leg. iiiul being very lame lie slmnVded and fell against my leg", crushing and bruising them s.o badly that they turned black as my hat, rendering them powerless applied your I.iniment, and was well enough in few ,1a v. to go about again as usuui. lalso crushed my fin ger iu a sliocking manner, by leimga buck log fall upon it ; vour Liniment soon healed it up, though. JOHN B. M'GRtC. |J Salle precinct, Peoria co.. 111., Feb’y ft, 1849. [E»q. Barker, of Reu> Caaton, III., sags: j Boots <fe Shoes, Grind-Stones, dec., Which are offered to the trade at low rates on ac commodating terms by J. T DOANE. Jan. 20, 1855. n34-wtf. OFFICE, on or before the deliv < f the (food*. Transportation Office,) J. B. BRANTLEY, Ithnls Tlnn on 1 Ul f VSAIn, Ag’t SISLEY’S COMPOUND EXTRACT OF BUCHU, I ABanta, Dec- 26,1854. j 78dlm r ? a combicfttion of the most efficient remedies fcnown tP r “ Honorable the Court of Ordinary of uid j me for letters of dismission from his s*!d Admin i*txa- ** * ■. i tfon. These are therefor© to cite and ft<5monish all and John Mitchell respectfully singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to _ sheweth, that on the 11th day- of Jauuaiy, i their objection* In my office, if any they have: in i (•«.»-! «SSASLAi&S&3tesS.StSfa: lukids.) and Snu, daliTwwno,our petitions, , uft „ ,, rm of tin, Coort of O.dln.r, of ..U '* * * countv. GIveu under my band at office." July 4htS54. ALEX. JOHNSON Ord, GEORGIA, Fulton Courtly. 7 HEREAS, Nicholas H. Bacon, has this day O N and after January 1st, 1855, payment of ; an obligation, a copy of whieh is hereunto attach- Freights will be required at the 6. R. ROAD j ed, whereby he bound himself to make your pet i- Fresh Garden Seeds, A FULL Assortment of fresh Garden, growth 1854, just received. needs J. T. DOANE. Atlauta, Janunry 20, 1S55. [n34-wtf.] the Medical Faculty, for the relief and cure of those numerous complaints of the Frinarv Organs, con- sequent upon irflamation or ulceration of the Kidneys, j Bladder and Urethra, it is prepared by an exporienc- ' ed chemist, according to a formula approved by the < Medical Faculty, and is worthy the confidence at all i who may be suffering from Fain and Weakness in the ' small of the Back, Stoppage and Fain in voiding trine. I Diabetes, or Excess of trine, Strangury. Gravel. Gleet. , , Leucorrhiea, &c. j RISLEY’S BUCHU is a reliable and standard popular ; t remedy for all diseases of the Crinary Organs, design- ' ed to displace the high priceil and irresponsible nos- rhic' Notice! Boner a fall and sufficient tide, and relinquisb- ! ment of all his right, title and interest, in and to a j. certain lot of land, as follows: The East half oi ■' lot No. fifty, in the sixth District of Henry coun- V V applied to mo for Letters of Administration ty, containing one hundred one and a fourth acres, ! on the Estate of Sarah Matthews, late of Newton upon the payment of three hundred dollars as the j county deceased : These are. therefore to cite and LEGAL ADVEEH8EMEHTS. GEORGIA. Fulton County. \\T HERKAS John linch bag thin day applied to me for VV letters of administration cn the estate of Jchtt K. XEDII Corrigan late or aaldcourrty dece*4d,—These are there fore to cite andadmonlsh all and singular the kindered and creditors, of said deceased to tc and appear , at my office within the time prescribed by law to show cans* if any they have, why said letters should not he gran ted the applicant. - • Given under my hand and seaLat office this XCth day of November 1854, ' JOS. H, MEAD; Ordinary. T he tion, fcALHOON PILLS! solid ta tr of talenls Subscriber, after many years urgent , by gentlemen of the highest order c and literary standing in our country, has consented to offer to the Public his Pills, which have been pronoun eed by all who have, had sufficient experience'with them, as one of the happiest combinations of Medicine ever yet offered to the Public, our it her Continent, as n General Family- Medicine. He feels no fears that the experience of those who O N and after January 1st. 1855, payment o __ . ____ Freights will be required at the MACON A ! purchase money, in one, two, and three payments | admonish all and singular the kindred and credi- WESTERN RAILROAD OFFICE, on or before | as In said obligation alleged. Your petitioner fur- 1 tors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office ; ther shows to your Honor^that subsequently to the : date of said obligation, the said Allen E. Johnson ' departed this life intestate, and that John H. John- „ , i son and William H. Ferguson, of said county, has Homestead Law Of rorce . j obtained Letters of Administration on the goods, PHE undersigned offers for sale 500 acres of land J aD j credits of said Allen E. Johnson, in • An f It o oe < f henl* rtf flip T tHlft imD4A TlYOF—UV€? • . _ . ^ > n n. the delivery of the Goods. 17. L. WRIGHT, Transportation Office, i Ag t. Atlanta, Dec. 2G, 1854. j 73dlm trums which are forced upon the notice and credulity of sufferers. It is put up in large bottles, and soli at op the east bank of the Little Tallapoosa river—five miles from Weedowell, in Randolph County, Alabama, • - - r~- . - T , - containing about 150 aots of bottom land, 60 acres J find that unruxg the life of tin* said Allen i*. John- the Court of Ordinary of said county of Fulton, and that daring the life of ilin said Allon E. John- cleared and the balance well timbered. The place con- ! son, and within the time specified in said obliga- within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why said 1 otters should not bo granted the applicant. Given under mv hand and seal at offie, this 7th day of Dec., 1854. JOS. H. MEAD. Or’dy. December 8, 1854. 64dtsd 51 by druggists and countrv merchants generally, and ; tains sufficient water powerfor any kind of Machinery, I tion, wherein the said deceased bound himself to wholesale by HAVILAND, RI3KLY & (’0., Angusta : 1 and a number of fine springs, and is situnted in the titles to the land now claimed, VOUr petition- * ,l_ * *""' —,1 1,„ f T 11 *1 liiMltbiOct caetinn Alabama Foetorma a nnl V tO ■ n P * _ _ - — r - « _ — HAVTLAXD, HAND & CO., Charleston : .*tnd by 2®»all those indebted to, 1ANPt HARRj,l&:RI£ ■ Ncxv York j the subscriber, either by account i th® phuotoken or female’s friend, j -it , ii , - • TP a medicine that commend* itself to heads of faxni- ! Mr. II G. Farrell's Arabian Liniment has cured some qj- n0 |;e Will pleRSe Call and Set' y ore r st January. After bad case* one was a white swelling and contracted cords in the leg of .. boy twelve years old The leg Lad withered j time I shall tUtTl OVer for COl- away, and was conlracled that he had no use of at. ■ . Three doctors had tried their skill upon it iu vain, and | leCtiOH the delinquents, ut was vast sixes no to THE okavi, when the boy’s fath • was induced to try H G. Fariell’s Arabian Liniment. Before the first bottle was used up he came to Mr. B.’s store, and Ihe first words lie said IVere, "Mr. Barker, I want all that Liniment you liavc in the store; the one bottle 1 got dill my boy more good than all that had ever been done before.'’ That hoy Is now well and .hearty, and has free use of his legs. It is good for sprains, bruises, cuts, bums and swellings. Look out for Counterfeits! The public ure cautioned against another counter- I felt, which lias lately made its appearance, called IV. J). Ka.aell’s Arabian Liniment, the most dangerous of j J. T. DOANE. Atlanta, Dec. 4,’64. w2m PRIVATE MEOiCAL THEaTiES ON THE Physiological View of Marriage. BY r ‘t lies and females in all conditions. Unlike most of tlie nostrums for the cure of sll diseases, which are forced upon th» notice and credulity of the suffering, this is a female remedy exclusively : and nne that can bo relied on ior the cure and relief of most of the com plaints peculiar to females. It is well known to Physi- healthiest section of Alabama For terms apply to the subscriber at Rockdale, Alabama, or to James McCain, on the premises. FRANCIS M. PERRYMAN. Oct 24 ,w4m O. I*. TtATITEr, Piano Forte Bepairer and Timer, W ILL attend to any calls in his line of business, such as reg ulating of action, covering of ham- ifm jjiniuto pcvuuat ov* A -luuit,-'. 4 0 as n cu ivim i* u u» ■ ujai- • , n, » » , . _ . v cians that much of their suffering and ill-health may I mere, (lelted or buffed,) laying of new strings by be traced to irregularity in their peculhir seasons, and that false delicacy often deters them from seeking re tire octave, whole or single, «fce- .. , .... , Satisfaction given in every instance or no ! Her. The Philotoken is infalible m the cure of painful j charge . A11 work warraate a, ' uieu.^truation. {ana conseouent Rtenlity.) and for the m _ 1 i “ . Tnnlnir DV tli« T#ar fll immediate relief of sypatheiic nervon* affections, sleepiness, anxiety, hysteria, &c. It is perfectly safe in all cases, and is warranted to secure the approbation /Tuning by the Year done at Reduced Prices. .. . Orders anywhere from the country, addressed to M. B. LA CROIX. M. I>., Albany, N. Y. w •Jftn Pages and 130 Fine Plain and Colored Lithographs j g as t a . HAYIT.AND. HARRAI. & CO., Cliarlepton. and Plates. , and commendation of all who will oxeri-iiic sufficient t q. p. Barth. Atlanta, Ga., will meet with prompt i confidence to give it a trial. ! Full directions accompany it. l*rice SI a bottle, j Sold by Druggists and country Merchants generally, and at wholesale by HAVIIaAXD. RISLEY&CO.. An- Price only Twenty-five Cents. all the counterfeits, because Ins having the name of j jfSF'Sont tree of postage to all parts of the Union.'S& . -1. fa : ! PUIMUL'CT HOTlk' CTCT? PPlt. Fan ell, many "ill buy it in good faith, without the knowledge diet a counterfeit exists, and they will per haps only discover their eiror when the opinions mix- tuie has mkh’gilt its evil effects. The genuine article is manufactured only by H. G. Farrell, sole inventor ami proprietor, and wholesale druggist, No. 17 Ma>n street, Peoria, Illinois, to whom all applications for Agencies must lie addressed. Be sure von net it with the letters H. G. before Farrell s thu .—II. G. FARRELL'S—and his signature on the wraopei, all others are coenlerfeits. Sold by A. Alex ander, and J. M. Kaolin, Wholesale and Retail agents, Atlanta;Hanes, Laselor h Co.. Joncsboio’; Hutehison & Headdcu, i'alinetto; Camp Hi Christian. Fni.burn; Wm. A. Powell, Jlecatui—anil by regularly authorized agents thi oe.ghout the United Slates. 4®- I*.ice 25 am 1 . 50 corns, and f I per bottle. AGENTS WANTED in every town, tillage end ham let in t'.ie United State", in which om- is not already es tablished. Address IU G. Farrell as above, accompa nied with good reference as to ciiaracter. responsibili ty, A:c. Atlanta, Jan. li. JS55. 24—4w. No Excuse ior lll-liealtli. An emaciated frame. Hallow complexion, ’ an dgreat debility, the result of neglect to all treatment, when efficient Medical advice can be obtained privately and promptly. Undies wlio may be afflicted with Irregularities’ biles, Fistula-in Ano, Gravel, Scrofula, Ulcers, Rheu matism, A:c., should not allow false delicacy to prevent their making immediate application to Dr. MORRIS, whose skill iu the treatment of all chronic diseases and female coin plaints, is too well known to he ques tioned. The Doctor as-ure* all those who conHult him by let ter tlie most honorable secrecj, prompt attention, pleasant, saf«- and efficient medicines ; and to those who follow strictly lus directions, he will guarantee speedy relief and permanent cures. Charges reasona ble. Address. DR. W H. MORRIS. N’nsliville. Tenu. May 26 1864. :VJ—ly. Calhoun Pill«. THIS Extra Superior Family Mkdiclve is now about beiur offered to the public, we would direct the special Attention of our friends and acquaintances everywhere to these Fills, not fearing in the least, that they will meet the publie. approbation more lully than any ever yet offered to the people. For further particulars see advertisement in to day’s paper. I/iok at the certifi cates. they are from a high source. July 27, 1854. (b—ly.) A Warning. Jbdav not; harbor not in your mind that sen fence ol fools’ phillosophy, that a difeast will get cured of itself or that you can cure it with certain medicines for a few dollars. Deware how you tamper with your general welfare. Ye wild and vicious youths, why will yon persist in ilosiug with the filthy nauseating compounds daily protited. thereby impairing your appetiteaud digestion, and destroying you mentally as well as phycally. when you can be cured with a lew doses of pleasant medi- cineH ? Ye rakes of every age and condition, why will ye suf fer and repine, and drag out a miserable existence, unfitted for the enjoyment and even ordinary pursuits oi life. You whoare thusunnoyed and wish to be re- restored to health and vigor by a treatment at once plea-ant and oHVictual. snmild consult Dr. MORRIS. His ;access iu chronic diseases lias been greater than that of any other physician of hi* day. Many who have been for years afflicted with disease nr cause, qnonces re.Miiting from excess, have been restored to health and vigor under Ills ally reseioutific treatment lerview he objectionable, Mat* —enclose live dollar-.—address igh the Post office. Nashville, #!' medicines, securely put up, nd with despatch, full of direc- > questions asked, distance, and afflicted with Scrofula. Old Ulcers, Tetter, Cancers. File*, Fistula ii Ano, Gravel Strictures, (fleets, or any disease what •ver of an aggravated or malignant character, can be ;urcd at home by consulting Dr. MORRIS, by letter post nld MOHR Ten ii.. will b' tion* CHEAPEST BOOK EVER PUB LISHED, and containing nearly double the quantity of reading matter in that of the Fifty cents or Dollar Publica tions. It treats on the PHYSIOLOGY OF MARRIAGE, and the secret infirmities and disorders of youth and maturity, resulting from excesses which destroy the physical and mental powers, all diseases arising from indis cretion, with plain and simple rules by which all per sons can cure themselves without mercury, with tlie author’s observations on marriage, its duties and dis qualifications, and their remedies; with colored litho graphs. illustiating the anatomy and physiology, and diseases of the reproductive organs of both sexe*. their sti nctures, uses and functions. It contains many im portant hints to those contemplating matrimony which will overcome objections against marriage;— none, however, should take this important step with out first consulting its pages. It treats of all disease* of females, whether married or single. Hints to those who desire no more children. Strangers nho require medical aid, before consulting any doctor, ought to know whether their cases are properly understood b}’- those whom they employ, and thus guard against the imposition of quackery .so prevalent in populous cities. Hence tlie advantage of a popular knowledge of ones- self, such as is given in tbi* work. If medical authorism be the test of talent, and en lightenment be sought from books, let common sense discriminate between truthful simplicity and outrage ous speciousness and bombast. Dr. Ia» Croix is a legal ly qualified physician, and for the last twenty years lias been daily consulted upon tlie different diseases up on which his*book treats, personally as well as by let ter. Any person sending twenty five cents in a letter, post paid, will receive one copy by mail, free of post age, or five copies for $1,00. Address DR.M B. LA CROIX, No ill Maiden Lane, I*. O. Bos 579. Albany, X Y. Me dicing sent to any part of the Union accord ing to direction*, safely packed and carefully secured from all observation. •^Office open daily from 9 A. M., to 9 P. M. On Sun day from3 until 5 P. M. 4®~Office Removed from N. 66 Beaver fit., to No. 31 MaldenLaney Albany, N. Y. 44d&wly Dr. Roberts Colic Mixture for Infants. rjVHE most injurious anodynes, such as laudanum X paregoric &c are too often used to relieve the cries of infants suffering from colic, producing constipation and sometimes death. ROBERTS COLIC MIXTURE affords immediate relief from pain, procures refreshing slum ber, and it commends itself to Mothers. Sold at 25 cents a vial by J. M. Rantin Atlanta, Wm Root Mariet ta anu country Merchants generally at Wholesale, by Haviland Risley & Co.. Augusta Ga.. Haviland Harral & Co., Charleston S. C. [d&wly.J Januarv 11.1855. Dr. N. P. POWERS, F )ESPECTFtILLY offer? his services in the vn- 1 rious branches of his profession to the citizons of Atlanta and vicinity. Office at WASHINGTON HALL. Atlanta, Jan. 25, 1855. dnl08-ly. NEW BONNETS, CLOAKS, 33reas Silk.8, tffio., tfeo. j^MRS. J. M. BORING, takes great pleas- ure in announcing to her friends and pat rons, that her stock of Fall and Winter Goods is now complete. Please call and examine her goods, all who are in need of the latest fash ions, as she has this day received a lot of just such articles. Her goods need no great noise about them—come and see them, and judge for your selves. Atlanta, Novembers, 1S54. dw3m Call and See Me! HOUSE, SIGH, AND ORNAMENTAL, P A.UI TfftT XNGt Thankful for the patronage heretofore extended : and airy Halls, and by constant attention to the Trout House. THE undersighed begs to announce to the citizens of 'Atlanta and the travel ing public, that he will open the Trout House on Monday next, for the accommo dation of boarders and transieut persons, with fur niture entirely new, Rooms well ventilated, large to the firm of Tomlinson A Dooley, I would in form the public that I have again opened for my self, and respectfully ask a continuance of the same favors. I am prepared to do House Paint ing with durability and taste not excelled in the South. Also, Sign Painting executed in the neat est manner and at the shortest notice. I have in my emplo3’ the best workmen the South can af ford—and Neatness and Despatch shall be iny motto. * A. DOOLEY. Shop on Alabama street, two doors below the corner of Whitehall and Alabama streets. Atlanta, Ga. Jan 9 1855 d.‘. wtf Ware-House & Commission Merchant, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. JJAVING rented that spacious Fire- Proof Ware-House, recently erected, on White-Hall street, will attend to the*®^" Storage and Sale of Cotton, Corn, Lard Bacon, j and all overproduce with which he may be favor ed. Having had long experience in the general trade of Georgia, he flatters himself that he can j give satisfaction in tho sale of all produce: nnd also in the purchase ot all articles which tire coun- ' try may require. T. D00NAN. December 14,1854. 09dwtf wants of his guests, the subscriber hopes to make his House among the most desirable to be found in the State. AARON GAGE, Proprietor. Atlanta, Nov. 8, 1854. d3m Water Proof Boots. A fine lot just received, and for sale. F. M. EDDLEMAN !A BR0. Jan 1855 (dlt (w3t) Whiskey- 20 Bhls Fishes Magnolia, Whiskey Jnst received and for sale low for cash by J. E. WILLIAMS. Atlanta, January 6, 1855. [dlw.] cni privH ure with, i mu ul *afe, can be sent per mail ‘<1 State*. icn to the treatment of female may be afflicted with Irregu- ir Whites. Prolapsus Uteri, or uM Jo well tolav aside all false consult tlie Doctor. Cckks Medicines plea*ant a to any part of the (’nit Pai ticularattention gi complaints. Lmiie* wh. lureoes. Flour Albua, « l ulling of the Womb, w« delicacy, and promptly Warrant ki>. Ollier over Mutual Proteciton InsuranceOfficc.Cs- rlar street, neai Postoftico. Room Xo. 14. up staiis.— Nashville. Trim May 25tl».1854 251y. HEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Cheap ior Cash. F. 51. Eddie man & Biuthcr, having determin ed to reduce liieir Stock ns low as possible hofore Spring, wilt sell BOOTS At SHOES Lower for c. sii limn the same goods have ever been sold in litis Market. Those havingFiunil es to Shoe, and others, will do well to call soon. Our Stores being very small, and coin tinplating buying a very HEAVY STOCK for the Spring and Summer trade, wc must and will M'll i ho greatc portion of our present Slock in the next four week?. We wi'l lake iiie Notes of any Specie-Pay ing Bank in the Fulled States, during that time for goods, or i n payment of debts. All we sell are warran.od, no matter how Ion tbev are sold. F. M. EDDLEMAN & BROTHER. X. H. Those indebted to F. 5t. Kddloman for accounts made 1s t year, will do well to call and settle as soon as they possibly can. His Patience is thread-bare. ' F. M. E. Atlanta, February 1, 1855. [wtf.] 85 Be ward. STRAYED from the subscriber, on the i’tli of November, last about t\.o miles this -ide of Nelson's Ferry, a small brigu, oay Mule, a small saddle spot on bis back, one foot white, about five or six years old, har ness marks on hips and sides. The above reward will be paid for the recovery of the said Mule.— Address nre nt Welioga Post office Bouton countv, Alabama. X. R. HENRY. February 7, «S5.>. [wbt.] New Bookstore. THE subscriber having recently re- plcniscd his large and well selected stock <>i HOOKS A.YV STA T10X- FH V. would respectfully invite all who wish to purchase to bo sure and call at the new Bookstore, on Whitehall street, two doors above the Post 1 Office, rs liis terms cannot fail to please. His stock I having been bought principally for cash, and sc- j looted mostly by himself in thc Nortbcru cities. A. W. JONES, ATTORNEY AT LAW, j/TiT' Office iu Kilo's brick building, corner Mari etta and Peachtree Sts., Atiantji, Georgia. Atlanta, Jan. 31. IS55. dtw-ly. ~Dr.~lL J.lROACH, Of Baltimore, Md , H AVING permanently located in Atlanta, and associated himself with Dr. -T. E. Blouxt. offers his profefsional services to the citizens of At lanta and vicinity. 1 >r. Roach studied with Prof. Smith, and was for a long time connected with the Hospitals, besides the experience of several year.-' practice iu the city of Baltimore. RKFEKENCK8—Hon. Jolm P. Kennedy. Baltimore, Mil.; Prof. X. R. Smith, do.; Faculty of University of Maryland, do.; Prof. YearnelL Washington. D. C.; Hon. Edward Long, Md.; Gov. Lizan. do. Atlanta, Jan. 17. 1865. d&wlm. New Candy Manufactory -AND— n A-REnrw? OPPOSITE THE INTELLIGENCER OFFICE, ATLANTA, GA. | T HE subscriber would inform the citizens of At- I lanta and vicinity that he has constantly on j J. R. SWIFT. Gen’l Auction & Commission Merchant, Foot of White-Hall street. ATLANTA, GEORGIA. References : Whjtxet A Hr.VT. Atlanta, Georgia. J. R. Wallace ,t Bros. 1; U. L. WRiGItT, Esq., " En. Hwisr, Esq., Savannah Davis. Kolb &, Augusta, Ga. N’ecfkr. Hexdrix &Co., Charleston, S. C. N'joiol A Peacock, Nashville. Tennessee. W. H. Peters, New Orleans. IVcemher 1, 1854. 67dwly er paid to the said Allen £. Johnson, the aforesaid sum of three hundred dollars, due on .the land i aforesaid. ! And your petitioner prays your Honor to direct > the said John H. Johnson and William H. Fergu- i son to make your petitioner titles to said lot of land, according to the tenor and effects of said ob ligation, and your petitioner will ever pay, Ac. JOHN MITCHELL, Petitioner. Copy of Bond. Georgia, DeKalb County. K NOW all men by these presents, that I, A. E. Johnson, of DeKalb county, am held and firmly bound unto John Mitchell of Henry county, in the full sum of six hundred dollars for the pay ment of which, I bind myself, my heirs and as signs. The condition of the above bond is as follows: The said A. E. Johnson, has this day sold to the above John Mitchell, a certain parcel of land, to wit: One hundred one and a fourth acres, or the East half of lot number fifty, in tho sixth District of Henry eounty, and the said Mitchell pays one hundred dollars in cash; one hundred dollars the 25th December, 1850, and one hundred dollars the 25th December, 1851. Then the said A. E. John son is to make the said John Mitchell, good and lawful titles to tho above descricbed land, when the said Mitchell pays or causes to be paid, the above described payments, otherwise this bond to be in full force in law. This 17th January, 1850. [Signed] A. E. JOHNSON. [Seal.] [Test] W. H. FERGUSON, A true copy from the minutes. JOSEPH H. MEAD, Ordinary. GEOR G1A. DeKalb County. T O all whom it may concern: Whereas Edmond J. Bailey Administrator on the Estate of John 51. Corley, deceased, applies for letters of Dismission from said Administration, therefore the kindred and creditors of said deceased, are hereby cited and ad monished to file their objections if any they have. in my office in terms of law, otherwise letters of Dis mission will be granted the applicant at the Decern ber Term next, of the Court of Ordinary for said Coun ty. Given under mV hand official}- at office, this 3d June. 1854. ' ALEX. JOHNSON. Ord’y. applies to me for letters ? have yet to testthem, will be strictly In acordcanee a estate «T Elizabeth D. I with the testimonials of tlmsa distinj GEORGIA Fulton County. W HEREAS Joshua Gilbert | ■■ of administration on the estate of Elizabeth D. I with Ihe testimonials'of those, distinguished gentle Gilbert, late of said county, deceased. These are there- i men whose names are annexed, with thousands of others fore to citeand admonish all and singular the kindred I who would freely testify, if deemed necessary, and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear atrtny j The CALHOUN P1IJ3 will be found eminently supe office within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, i rior to all other family preparations, in tlie removal of if any they have, why letters of administration should I that great catalogue of diseases arising from not be granted. Given under _myjund atoffice, this j Derangement of the Digestive Apparatus, such as Fevers ofall types. Bowel Affections of aUkinds, every character of Head ache. Rheumatic Pains, Pains in the Chest, and so on. If taken and persisted in, ac 6th day of August, 1854. JOS. H. HEAD, Ord'y. GEORGIA, Fulton County. . . ty. . ^ ... . MJHEREAS, John J.-. Harris applied to ui* for letters i cording to directions, in the initial stages of disease. '' of administration on the estate of William Farm- ! and particnlarly during a decided predisposition to dls er, late of said county, deceased,—These are therefore j case, they will, like a charm, dissipate without discum to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and j fort, thousands of cases that might, anil I do not doubt creditors - id said deceased, to be and appear at my office { would,-terminate in death. The subscriber speaks con- within the I hue prescribed by law, to show cause if any fidently, as he is enabled to do from thirty-two years they have, why said letters should not be granted. ! experience in the Medical Profession, and many years Given under iny hand nnd seal, at office, this l'tb j experience with his PiU.^ which have, duriug-the time, day of Oct., 1854. JOS. fi. HEAD, Ordinary. undergone many alterations, with the view and hope nvnnniA ^ZT^ZIZ. of making them a Safe and Reliable Family Medicine. They are strictly Anti-F.iilious and Anti-Dyspeptic. The Public are referred to the testimonials of their Honsors Joseph Henry Lumpkin, Judge of tlie Supremo Court- of Georgia; Kx-Judge John J Floyd; Edward Young Hill, Judge of the Superior Court; Messrs. John II. Pope, of Lee comity, aud C. Low, of Augusta, itu Decatur, Ga. E. KJ CALHOUN, M. D. TESTIMONIALS. Atukns, September &J, lS5i>. Dear Sir:—l received several days since, your favor, asking my opinion of the Medical merits of the CaUiouv Pills. Allow me to premise, that for the last ten years I have been tortured in body and mind, by the Demon Indigestion. I was endowed by nature with an admir able constitution, and my formidable malady has been superinduced by a costive habit, brought on by too close confinement aud want of regular exercise. Never hav ing sufficient leisure to starve oat disease, even if it be possible to do so, which I very much doubt, I have run the rounds of all the most approved cures and allevia- tives. I have tried in their turn—Lee’s, Peters’s, Brandreth’s, Cook’s. Hill’s, Spencer’s FmitlUs, anil ma ny other Patent Pills and Dyspepsia Drugs, which have come within my reach, aud contrary to tlie commonly expressed opinion, I mus* bear my humble testimony in favor of the virtue of each and all of these Nostrums. I am by a Box of Pills, as by a Book which Is hot of a vicious tendency. I never bought either, which I did not think fully worth tho money which it cost. It is only necessary to add, which I do most cheerfu lly—not only through kindness to you, but to the pub lic also, especially that portion of it who know, by .-ad experience, what is meant by the Vulture-like gnawing at the pit of the stomach, bitter taste in the mouth, flatulence, a-cidity. distension of the stomach, consti pated bowe.U, cold feet and acute pain in the head, | back and vicinity' of the heart—to all such. I can cor diallv recommend the Calhoun Pills. Tlie efficacy of this Remedicnl Agent, I tested for tlie first time* du- I ring my recent sojourn with you. and have used it Uv queutly since, and have found, experimentally, that it subserve 1 ; in my case a most excellent purpose, particu larly »u its effects upon the Liver, the sympathy between which and the stomach is too intimate to require com ment: Sincerely glad to learn that you are mailing arrange raents to give morn extended dissemination to your Mil* I am truly your friend and obedient servant. JO?. JII’XRY LUMPKIN. Dr. E. X. Cai.hopn. ^ Decatur. Georgia, j Notice to Debtors & Creditors. \ LL persons indebted to the estate Jane Russell xA-lata of the eounty of DeKalb, deceased are re quired to make immediate payment, and those having demands against said deceased will pres ent them, within the time prescribed by law, prop erty authenticated. OBEDIAH S. MORRISS. November 13, 1S54. Administrator. ATLANTA SELECT SCHOOL. M ISS E. S. REID and Miss A. L. WRIGHT, who have been successfully employed in teaching at the North, will open a School on the 8th of January, in the basement of the Presbyte rian Church. This school is designed for young hand, at his Confectionery and Baking cetablish- | Ladies and Misses, but a few small hoys will be ment, all kinds of i taken with their sisters to accommodate their pat- Confections, Pastries, Fruits, &c ! rons - Xerms Quarter . rf^SdSSEiS SS? ftT-SEys 1 - w-s* <*«-«. h> c—a***, parties, at short notice, and on accommodating terms. Imported wines and brandies of all descriptions for medical purposes, kept always on hand. Also, gcuuiue Spanish Cigars, and choice chewing To- bncoo—together with a large assortment of Toys. Fancy Articles, Ac., Ac. Having recently returned from the North, where ho laid in a fine stock of Fancy Articles and eve ry thing necessary for carrying on his candy man ufactory, ho would inform oouniy dealers that he is prepared to furnish candies at wholesale at 17 cents per pound. I Latin, French, the Natural Sciences, $8; Pencil j Drawing, $3 extra. Tuition payable quarterly. I No deduction made for those entering before the : fid week. Reference*:—Rev. J. DuBoso, Rev. J. P. Dun can, J. A. Hayden, George Robinson, J. C. White. December 21, 1854. dfirn. Come Everybody, vpo the Hor*e Head sign, that wants good , A home-made Saddle*, or Bridles. Saddle 's. Trunks, Valise*. Harness. Collars and | Whips, a great variety, together with all articles ubu I ally kept in an establishment of this kind; all of which Orders accompanied with the cash or good city f are offered at the lowest living prices, for cash,J)y the references promptly attended to. D. VALENTItfO. Atlanta, Nov. 30th 184. [dAw-ly. raWGOODS! Mon Ute Boys Clotmus, Clothes New and Fresh. Cassimere9. The Richest ever brought to this Market. Vestings. jVCome soon, or they will all be sold. Gloves—Extra Fine Neck Fixing, the very latest styles and richest [materials. Also, Tailor’s Trimmings—Tapes, Crayons, and almost any thing kept in a Merchant Tailoring establishment, can be bought from the subscriber. Atlanta, Xov 2. d&wti LEWI? L.V.WSHE. Fisfe’s Metalic Burial Cases. 880 Agents Wanted! Otic for every County in the SUNNY SOUTH, To soil the Most Splendid History ever Published, j Entitled, the KTBW WORLD. In two volumes bouud in oue, BY HENRY HOWARD BROWNELL, A. M. | In presenting this work to the public, the pub- j Ushers believe that they are supplying a pesider- I atum, the want of whieh has been long felt by the | reading community, and especially by the people at large. No other work, much less any other single volume, contains the complete and extended view of entire American History which is here pre sented. The plan and execution of tlie book arc entirely new; the arrangement of the various Eu- j ropean Provinces under their respective national heads, and the subdivision of there into separate Colonies and States—due chronological order being preserved—will, it is thought, make it of peculiar value as a hook of reference, and greatly facilitate a clear and accurate knowledge of general history, j Also, Tlie Old World. In two volumes hound iu one, Bv Henry Howard Brownell, A. M., Comprising an account of the foundation, progress and decline of the most celebrated Empires, States and Nations, from the earliest period to tho pres ent time—of their wars, conquests and revolutions —of religious dissensions and persecution—of the gradual exteusion of freedom aud civilization—nnd the final settlement of political relations on their preseut basis. These books comprise a complete history of the World, in four volumes bound in two. The character of the illustrations iu these vol umes arc of a higher aud more magnificent stand ard than has ever been attempted heretofore, being from designs from Darley, Billings, Wallin and Doeplcr, aud elegantly colored (except the por- i Burning Fluid per Gallon— undersigned. MILLER & AXDRFW; 3 . ^Sgh-Prepairhig of all kinds done with quick despatch. Atlanta, Xov. 1 185-1—d&wly. ER LAWSHE HaS always on hand a fine *tock of CLOCKS, WATCHES AND JEWELRY, and is prepared to have watch-work of every descrip tion done up in ftrsl rate style and warranted. Atlat. nta, Sep25th. 1854. 1—dwly 3 T HIS valuable article is just received and for sale at the Tin Ware Manufacture of L. H. ! Burr, on White Hall street. Atlanta. Ga., by. L. ROBINSON. Atlanta, Dee. 29, 1S51. d±wtf. r : ‘ . roperty for Sale. Persons desirous of purchasing City Pro perty either improved or uuimproved would do well to call on me, as I have a number of very beautiful locations whieh will be sold low for cash or good papers. I have also for sale a lot of Land containing ten acre? of fine woodland, well improved with a new two story House and all ne cessary ont houses situnted thereon. For terms apply to J. R. SWIFT. Dec. 30. G. T. eft? «T. F. Dupree, COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND General Agents For the purchase and sale of Georgia and Tennessee Produce. Unquestionable and independent facilities—necessary reference*. Particular and personal attention to aU business entrusted will meet with attention, persever ance and promptitude. Remittances or small advances made on all goods consigned to our order at consignee s order. Comer of Hill and Broadway and next door to M. C. Williams be Co.. W. S. Hill street, Griffin. Ga. Griffin. Jan. 0,1855 dS6&w33tf. For Sale. A pair of beautiful HORSES Vvery valuable and well mateh- , ed. Appply to Jan. 17, dlw J. R. SWIFT Jte Fluid- traits) with from five to nine different tints, true to nature, so as to imp well-finished paintings. These works nre printed from new and hand some type, also on paper of extra quality as re gards texture ami permanency, and comprise over 2,500 pages royal octavo, with numerous and di versified colored engravings, bouud in embossed black morocco leather binding with tipped corners. To men of energy and business tact, this offers an unparalleled chance to do a good business by engaging an agency for these important works, which are sold only by subscription. .!33~ For particulars address the publishers, DAYTON & WENTWORTH, New York. Feb. 5, 1855. vlull2-5t. SI 20 1 00 1 12 K 1 30 R. RIPLEY. 52*1 tf MRS. C. PEEL, Fashionable Milliner and Dress-maker. lie Ims also a fresh supply of of Fancy Articles, i Store next door to Messrs. Ryan & Myers Watches, Jewelry, Toys, Ac., at tlie lowest prices. ■ Whitehall Street, Atlanta. Ga. Teachers an.l Merchants Jjpplicdon the most lib- | TTAVING recently opened a new establishment, oral terms. _ GEORGE DUNHAM. ; 11 of Millinery and Dresss-tnaking, Bleaching, Atlanta, l ebruary i, .b.o. [wly.] j Pinking, Ac., Mrs. Peel respectfully invites tho Ladies »»f Atlanta and surrounding country, to i call and examine her JONES & DAVID, Fall and Winter Stock. ISU11 S* | ot the moM handsome and fashionable Millinery . . .1 am * Fancy Goods, Dress Costumes, Children’s RespoettuIIy inform their friends and the oiti- j Costumes we., of the richest aud latest fashions j and patterns. AU who desire fashionable made ] Bonnets, Dresses, Cloaks, Man tillers, <fcc., would I do well to call. She has received and is still receiving—andwill ! always keep on hand a supply of Bonnets and 1. A SINGLE TEETH, as well as our ,Su- I D* 1 '* for Ladies and children. CONTINUOUS GUM, with several decided I Ribbons, Flowers, 'cmcuts rarely met within any other Dental ' Caps. Embroiderie; Establishment in tlie South. And as all our Plate j Curls, V e ' ls > DENTAL zens of Georgia, that they have located tlieir DEXTAL OFFICE and LABORATORY in Atlauta. Having spared noithcr expense or exertions in fitting up our rooms, and to prepare every convenience for the Manufacture of BLOCK, ouMr ■ perior itnpr lycineuts rarely met within any other Dental Head-dresses, Gloves, Toys, _ _ _ Cloaks, will not he detained until the work is seut to the Mautillers, Ready-made clothing for children Ac. Work will be done in our Laboratory, our Patients I Dross-trimmings, Dress-goods, North to be made. Wo hope that fourteen years' experience in aH the various brauches of our profession, will justify us in asking a liberal shore of public patronage. Fur References, Testimonials and Specimens, we will bo happy to exhibit them to any one who may call for that purpose, at our office. White-hall st., adjoining the Watch A Jewelry establishment of Mr. A. W. Hall. N. li.—-Charges as moderate ns any other res pectable piuictioners in the South. JAMES J. DAVID, | GEO. W. JONES, Baltimore, Md. Talbotton, Ga. Atlanta, .Tun. 29, 1855. dtwly For Sale. Brick! Brick ! -10,000 Brick for sale low, by Deo 2, 1864 J. R. SWIFT All orders promptly attended to, at short notice. She will be thankful to those who may give her a call and will take pleasure in serving them at very low rates for cash. Atlanta. November 13, 1854. 42-d3m. GEORGIA DRUG STORE. r l'HE Subscriber takes this method of informing J- the public generally, that he has jnst opened a new Drug Store, denominated after the Empire htate, iu Hayden's now brick building, Peachtree street, where any article in Ure Drug and Apothe cary-line can be found, and at reasonable prices os good and tresh Medicine as can be procured in the South. Also, will be found there a competent German Apothecary, who will make up prescrip- tions with care, and combine every article with Science, and according to the an of Pharmacy J. M. RANTIN, Feb 8—dll' Pharmaceutical Chemist. Camphene, Alcohol, 80 por cont Gallon Alcohol, 95 po ! Terms Cash. Atlanta, Ga., Xov. *20, 1854. Light! Light!! flight!!! BSL-For Cash Onlg.“ls&. The undersigned will sell Burning Fluid at $1.10cts per gallon. P. S.—But if charged, $l,20cts per gallon with out distinction. T. R. RIPLEY. Atlanta. Jan. 23, 1855. dAwtf Cask and Short Credits! M. t. HALLOWELL & C0-, Willy WaroHouse, Philadelphia. " TERMS : C ASH buyers will receive discounts of SIX per cent., if the money he paid in par funds, with in ten days from date of bill. Uncurrent money only taken at its market val ue on the day it is received. To merchants of undoubted standing, a credit of six months will be given, if desired. Where money is remitted in advance of maturi ty, a discount at the rate of TWELVE per cent, per annum will be allowed. PRICES FOR GOODS UNIFORM. J N again calling the attention of thetrading com munity to the above Terms, we announce that notwithstanding the general depression in com mercial affairs throughout the country, the system of business adopted by us more than a year since, and to which we shall rigidly adhere, enables us to offer for the coming Spring season our usual as sortment of NEW SILK AM) FANCY GOODS, Comprising one of the .‘Largest and most Splendid Stocks To be found in America; to which wc will receive constant additions, throughout the season, of new and desirable goods from our House in Paris. Jan. 18., ’55. n9v-d*w-2m. J. M. Tomlinson, Plain, House, Sign, Passenger Car, Fresco, Coach, Orna. MENTAL AND DECORATIVE P A TE ilff TEH. Opposite Jacob Haas o., Whitehall st., Atlanta, Ga. Dee. 89,1«54 ‘ CANDIES. XA BOXES steam refined Candies for sols at 16cts ty UU W. W, BOARS. House and Lot for Sale. A Beautiful two story Houso, containing eight rooms and basement, Kitchen; Stable, aud all other necessary outhouses. The lot contains half acre, and is located on Hunter street. Any person desiring a good residence would do well to call on us. Terms moderate. Apply to J. R- SWIFT. December 7, 1854. B4dtf REMOVAL NOTICE. Dr. N D’AFiVICUffY, H AVING removed his residence and office, to Marietta Street above Esq. Payn’s, hopes to receive a continuance of the liberal patronage of his good customers. Patients for Surgical operations can be accom modated with board. JS" Ladies wishing dental attendance, by giv ing a timely notice, even through the Post Office, will be furnished with a conveyance free of charge. Atlanta, Feb. 2,1855. nlOO-dtf. Fresh Arrivals! a t Seaso efts A.v>v>o'tt , fii CommodiouEhjFire-proof Ware-house, Atlanta, ga. 50 sacks Prime Rio Coffee. 5 “ Old Gov. Java. 100 bbls New crop New Orleans Molasses. 50 “ Prime Table or Planting, N. Y. Potatoes. 10 Boxes u Bar soap, at 6J cents, per tt>. 20 Hhds. and SO Bbls Lime. 100 Bbls and half bbls New andold Lard. 10,000 pounds old Bacon. 20,000 pounds Salted Pork, at 6J to 8 cents. 300 pounds Live Geese, Feathers. 10 Bales Cotton, yam at Manufacturers prices. 10 Bales Osnabergsat Manufacturers prices. 50 Bushels Meal. 30 Boxes, Tobacco. Atlanta, Jan. oth 1855. Atlanta Medical College. T HE first course of lectures in this Institution will commence on the first Monday in May next, and continuo the last of the following Au gust, during which the usual systematic course of lectures will be given, and Clinical instruction twice a week. Faculty. it. <*. Slaughter, 11. D-, Prof, of Anatomy. J. W. Jones, M D., Prof, of the Principles and Practice of Medicine. Jesse Boring, M. D., Prof, of Obstetrics and Diseeases of Women and Children. W. F. Westmoreland, M. D., Prof, of the Principles and Practice of .Surgery. J. E. Dubose, M. D-, Prof, of Physiology. G. T. Wilburn, M. D., Prof, of Surgical and Pathological Anatomy. J. J. Robertson, M. D., Prof, of Chemistry and Medical Jurisprudence. J. G. Westmoreland. M. D., Prof, of Materia Medica and Theraputics. An abundant supply of Material for dissection (subjects preserved in spirits of wine) will be pro vided. The services of a competent Demonstrator of Anatomy will bo procured before the opening of the session. Tho fees for the entire course amount lo $195. ' Matriculation, (payable once only,).$5. Dissecting ticket, (obligatory, once only,) $10.-— Graduation fee, $25. Good board can" be bad in the city for $3 per week. For further information address J. G. WESTMORELANP, Dean. Atlanta, Jaa. 15,1855. dtw3m. DeXAXB SHERIFF SALES. W ILL be sold on the first Tuesday in March next, before the courthouse door in Decatur, DeKalb county, within the legal hours of sale, the following property, viz: One negro boy—Green—of dark complexion, 11 years of age; levied on as the property of Hen ry Holmes, to satisfy 2 fi. fas. fromDeKalh Super ior Court, one in favor of L. H. Hutchens vs. W. B. Turner & Henry Holmes, principals, and C. A. Haralson, endorser; and tire other iu favor of A. C. Pulliam vs. Henry Holmes—property pointed out by plaintiffs. Also, 42 acres improved land lying A mile South of Stone Mountain, on the G. R. R., number not known ; levied on as the property of H. G. Harris to satify a fi. fa. from DeKalb Superior Court in favor of Isaiah Parker vs. H. C. Harris, maker, and Henry M. Wells, endorser—property pointed out by said Harris. One town lot, number not known, in the town of Stone Mountain, now occupied by W. F. Crock ett ; levied on as the property of A. G. Holmes, to satisfy a fi. fa. from Gwinnett Superior Court, in favor of R. M. Cleavland and N. L. Hutchins vs. John Holmes and A. G. Holmes, makers, and B. F. Veal, endorser—property pointed out by N. L. Hutchens. One store-house and lot in the town of Stone Mountain, number not known, fronting the Geor gia Railroad Depot; levied on as the property of John Holmes, to satisfy a fi. fa. from DeKalb Su perior Court, in favor of Gibbs and McCord, for the use ofWashington Holmes, vs. John Holmes— property pointed out by plaintiff and plaintiff’s at torney. One negro boy—Frank—of dark complexion, about 40 years of age : a negro woman—Carry— of light complexion, some 30 years of age, and her four children, 2 boys and 2 girls, all of light com plexion, all under S years old; and 2 town lots in the town of Stone Mountain, number not known, with 2 good store-houses thereon, one of which is now occupied by James J. Diamond, the other un occupied, one fronting the Georgia Railroad De pot, and the other North of the red store ; all lev ied on as the property of the estate of A. Johnson, deceased, to satisfy 3 fi. fas. from DeKalb Superior ■ Court, in favor of R. M. Cleavland and N. L. Hutchins and others vs. Thomas Johnson, Wm. Johnson nnd John L. Hamilton, administrators of said estate—property pointed cut by N. L. Hutch ins. J. W. G OLDSMITH, D. Sh’ff. Feb. , 1855. Georgia, Fulton County. W HEREAS, William Holbrooks has this day applied to me for loiters of Guardianship to Sarah, Jane, John, Samuel,. Wiley, Mary, Mar tha and Willis Cash, minors and orphans of John H Cash, late of said county deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and all others concerned to he and appear at my office, within tho time prescribed by law, to shew cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand and seal at office this 1st day of January, 1855. JOS. H. MEAD, Ordinary. GEORGIA, Fulton County. TNT HEREAS William Wall lias this I lay applied to me T V tor letters of administration on the Estate of James Reese, late of said county, deceased; these are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular tho kindred and creditors of said deceased to he and appear at my office within the time prescribed bv law, and show cause, if any they have, why letters should not be granted said applicant. Given under my band at office, this 11th day of September, 1854. JOS. H. MEAD, Ord’y. GEORGIA Fulton County. f 1 OBERT M. CLARK E will apply at the February Term, next, of the Court of Ordinary of said County , for Letters of Guardianship to Sarah A. I„ Alsal rook, and Mart ha A. R. Alsabrook, minors and Orphans, of Nicey Alsabrook, of said county. Given under my hand and seal at office, this28 tee. l854. JOS. H. MEAD, Ordinary. GEORGIA. Fulton County. YXJHEREAS Daniel Johnson applies for letters of ad- \ » ministration on the Estate of I. C. Cheshire, de ceased, late of La wrens District, S. C. These are there fore to cite aud admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said decased. to be and appear at my office on or before the first Monday in September next, to show cause, if any exists, why said letters of a ill ministration should not be granted" August 2d, 1854. .TOP. H. MEAD, Ord’y STATE OF GEORGIA, \ DeKalb County, j To all vvliom It may Concern. WHEREAS, R. M. Brown applies to me for letters of Administration on the Estate of R. S. Wright, late of said eounty, deceased. Titese are, therefore, to cite and admonish all, and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased,°to be and appear at my office witlun the time prescribed by law, and show cause, if any they have, why letters of Administration should not bo granted the said applicant. Given under my hand officially, ALEX'R JOHNSON, Ord'ii. Jan. 2nd. 1855. GEORGIA. DeKalb County. \\? HEREAS James Yancy, Executor of tlie Estate _ of Francis Griffin, applies to me for letters of dis mission from his said Administration. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and ap- earat my office within the time prescribed by law, aud show cause, if any they have, why letters of admin istration should not be granted the said applicant at the February Term next, of the Court of Ordinary of said county. Given under my hand at office. ALEX. JOHNSON, Ord’y July 14th, 1854. GEORGIA, DeKalb County. T WO months after date application will lie made to the Ordinary of said County, for leave to sell a ne gro man by the name of Stephen, belonging to tlie E-tate of V. E. Emmcrson, minor. December 19,1354. J. R. LUCKY, Gu’d’n. Notice to Debtors and Creditors. A LL persons indebted to the Estate of Alien E. Johnson, late of Fulton county, deceased, arc requested to make immodinte payment; And all per sons having claims against said estate, will present them duly authenticated within the time prescrib ed by law. JN0. H. JOHNSON, I . . , .. WM. H. FERGUSON. \ Adm November 22,1854. 5]d Notice to Debtors and Creditors ALL persons indebted to the estate of Ilenry F Jeffries, late of Fulton county deceased, are re quested to make immediate payment. And those having claims ngninst said estate will present them duly authenticated in terms of the law, or they will be barred. THOMAS MOORE, Dec. 4, 1S54. Adin’r, GEORGIA, DeKalb County. CjpO all whom it may concern: whereas O. S. Mono . J. applies for letters of administration on tlie Estate of Jane Russell, late of said county, deceased; these are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed bv law. nnd show cause, if any they have, why letters of Adminis tration should not be granted said applicant. Given under mv hand officially at office. Sept 9, 1854. " ALEX. JOHNSON, Ord’y. Notice. T WO months after date application will be made to the Honorable the Court of Ordinary of DeKalb County, for leave to sell the land and negroes belonging to the estate of Jane Russel, late of said eounty, deceased. Nov. 13, 1854. OBEDIAH S. MORRISS. Aministrator. STATE OF GEORGIA, ) FULTON COUNTY, j W HEREAS, Thomas Moore applies to me ot lotters of administration on tho estate for Henry F. Jeffries, late of said county, dec’d— These are therefore to cite nnd admonish all and singular tho kindred and creditors of said dec’d, to be and appear at my office within tho time pre scribed by law to show cause, if any they bavo, why said letters should not be granted the appli cant. Givon under my hand and seal, this 3d day of Nov. 1S34. JOS. H. MEAD, Ordinary. GEORGIA, Fulton County. * A LL persous havingdemandsaga'insi Adelaid Walthal, j -Gaiate of said county, deceased, are hereby notified to | present them properly attested to me within the time i prescribed by law, and all persons indebted to said de ceased, are hereby required to made immediate poy- Notlce to Debtors ami Creditors. A LL persons indebted to the estate of Come- ' ment - lius M. Connally, late of Fulton County de- j AtI,intl *. ^P 1 -14.1864. ii. F. BUMAR, Adm’ ceased, are requested to make immediate payment, i fnpn v>r.r * r» r- f? n f ~ and those having claims against said Estate will ! jiY',,. 1 ,, ' , County, nrMi*ni tho,., nmnaitv n>.ti,i | ’Mo months after date application present them properly, authenticated within the tiino prescribed by law. THOMAS W. CONNALLY, Adm’r. Atlanta, November 25 1854. PARKER’S DYSENTERY CORDIAL, T HIS valuable preparation has proved itself effica cious in the cure of Dysentery, Bloody Flux, Diarhcea, Cholera Morbus, Cholera Infantum, drc.“ It is useful in all the diseases of the BOWELS, CHOLIC, Ac., Ac. Ii needs no encomium, but for the good of those un acquainted with it, the following certificates are given: Loccar Grove. Ga., Jcly i3th, 1854. 1 hava used DR. C. W. Parks it's Dysentery my family, and believe it to be a good remedy for the diseases for which it is recommended. WM. S. CAR- ROLL. July 12tli, 1854. This is to certify that I have used Dr. Parker’s Dys entery and Diarhcea Cordial in my family, and it had a very happy effect. One of my children has beenliadly effected with disentery for about three weeks,and after giving it several other things without seeming to do any good, 1 concluded to try some of the above Cord ial, and two doses of it has entirely cured it. I, also, re commended it to D. H. Walls, one of my neighbors, wlio was taken very severely with the Flux) and it also, had a charming effect on him. I most cordially recommend it to all who may fall victims to any disorder of the BOWELS, whatever. GEORGE S. ROSSER. Griffin, Ga., July 14th, 1854. This is to certify that I haTe used Dr. C. H. Parker’s Dysentery and Djarikka Cordial in my family, and find it to be all he recommends it to be. D. H. JOHNSON. 49*-It is useless to add. Try a bottle. Price only 50 cents. Full directions given on each bottle. AS*For sale by J. M. RANTIN, Ageut. August 3d, 1854. (TO—tf] Atlauta. GEORGIA, Fulton County. A. H. PARKS applies to me lor letters of Guar dianship, to the minors and orphans of Sarah Perry— These are therefore to cite aud admonish all persons interested to be and appear at the Janua ry term of the Ordinary court of said eounty, on the second Monday in January next, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted the applicant. Givon under my hand and seal at office, this 4th day of December, 1854. JOS. H. MEAD, Ordinary. application will be made to the Court of Ordinary of said fiountj- for leave to i sell the real estate and negroes, belonging to the estate of Israel Miller, late of said county-, deceased. ' Sept fith. 1864 GIDEON MORRIS, Adm’r. i GEORGIA, DeKalb county. VY.-HF.REA , Henry R. I-at inter, Guardian of Win. * E. Wil on applies to me for letters of dismission from said Guardianship, these are, therefore, to cite trod admonish all persons concerned, to be and ap pear at my office within the time prescribed by larv to show cause, if any they have, why said lotters should not be granted at the July Term next of thin court. Given under my handat office, May lfltli 1854. ALEX. JOHNSON, Ord’y TA, ) unit/. J Dr. Otto’s Anti-Rheumatic Elixir. T HIS great internal remedy for Rheumatism, after a use of ver ten years, has seldom failed to eradicate completely, thisdistressing complaint; aud has gained for itself a reputation not equaled by any medicine now before the public. It is efficacious in either acute or chronic cases, and may be given to persons of all ages with perfect safety. It has not unfrequently produced an entirecure in very severe cases, even before a single bottle has been taken. Sold only by JOHN BOON, Atlanta. June 3d. [2—tt] At Dr. Powell's Office STATE OF GEORGIA, Fill(<m Coh WHEREAS John J. Enin has tills day applied to me for letters of administration on the estate of John Cash, late of said county, deceased— These are therefore to cite and admonish, all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at ray office within the time proscribed by law to show cause, if any they have, why said let ters should not be granted the applicant. Given under my hand and seal at offlee, this 2d dnv of December, 1854. JOP. H. MEAD, Ordn’y. ‘ GEORGIA, DeKalb County. MTHEREAS, A. G. Steward has this day applied to f M me for Letters of Administration on the Estate of Absalom Steward deceased : These are therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my of fice, within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why letters of administration should not be granted the applicant.—Given under iny hand at effice, this the 19th December, 185*1. (74dtsd) ALEX. JOHNSOX, Ordinary. GEORGIA Fulton County. YST HEREAS Mavy Ann Hatilftpftpei ghts has this day T V applied to me for letters o#tflmini*tration on tlie estate of John W. Speights, latt of said county deceas ed. These are therefore to cite ami admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, to show cau-e, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand and seal at office this 2d day of October 1854. JOSEPH H. MEAD, Ordinary, GEORGIA Fulton County. Y.\ ~ HEREAS John H. Johnson uml Wm. H E'urgm-'on V t applies to mo for letters of ailministratiim ou the estate of Allen E. Johnson, late of said county, deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singu lar the kindred and creditors of said deceased to be and appear at my office on or before the first Monday in Oc tober next, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given underlay handat office this 28th August 1S54. JOS. H. MEAD, Ord'y. Read and Reflect. M ’MAKIN’S Celebrated Strengthening Plasters spread by machinery, will he found serviceable in all cases of Rheumatism, Sprains, Pains in the Breast. Back, Chest or Loins, Coughs, Asthma, Lumbago, Difficult breathing, ko. They are, also, particularly beneficial to those who may be predisposed to affections of the lungs and oppression of the breast. Such will find them an effectual security against these attacks which often prove the precursor of Consumption.— None genuine unless the signature of the proprietor, J. A. M’MAKIN, is embossed on the back of the plas ter For sale by JOHN BOON, Agent, At Dr. Powell’s Office, on Peach-tree St. Atlanta, June 2d, 1864. [2—tf] FACTS CANNOT BE DOUBTED* ; LET THE AFFLICTED READ AND PONDER 1 j 49* More than 500 persons in the city of Richmond Ya., alone testify to the remarkable cures performed by | CARTERS SPANISH MIXTURE | The great Spring Medicine and Purifier ot the Blood j Is now used by hundreds of grateful patients, who ; testify daily to the remarkable cures performed by the ; greatest of aU medicines, Carter's Spanish Mixture.— j Neuralgia, Rheumatism. Scrofula, Eruptions on the Skin, Liver Disease, Fevers, Ulcers, Old Sores, Affec tions of the Kidneys, Diseases of the throat. Female Complaints, Pains and Aching of the Bones and Joints, are speedily pat to flight by using this great and inesti mable remedy. For all diseases of the Blood, nothing has yet been found to compare with it. It cleanses the system of all impurities, acts gently and efficiently on the Kidneys and Liver, strengthens the Digestion, gives tone to the Stomach, makes the Skin clear and healthy, and restores the Constitution, enfeebled by diseases or broken down by the excesses of youth, to its pristine vigor and strength. For the Ladies, it is incomparably better than all the cosmetics ever used. A few doses of Carter’s Spanish Mixture will remove all shallowness of com- ilexion, bring the roses mantling to the cheek, give ilaRticity to the step, and improve the general health in i remarkable degree, beyond all the medicines ever heard of. A large number of certificates of remarkable cares performed on persons residing in the city of Richmond, Vs., by the use of Carter’s Spanish Mixture, is the best evidence that there is no humbug about it. The press, hotel keepers, magistrates, physicians, and public men, well known to the community, all add their testimony to the eflects of this Great Blood Purifier. Call and see a few hundreds of the certificates around the bottle. None genuine unless signed Bkxxkit & Beers, Drug gists. Principal Depots at M. Ward, Close & Co.’s No. 83 Maiden Lane, New York. T. W. Drott & Sons, and Jenkins k Hartshorns, Phil’a. Bennett & Beers, No. 125 Main Street, Richmond, Ya. And for sale by A.1ALEXANDER, Atlanta. Ju 1st, 1854. fl—ly) To the Public. THE Sheriff’s Sales of Fulton county, from and after this date, will lie published in the Atlanta Republican. JO. S. SMITH, Sheriff. NOTICE. THE Sheriff’s Soles of Fulton county will con tinue to he published as heretofore, os I si s Intelligencer publish them without charge, simply for the benefit of my readers. VI. B. RUGGLES. Atlanta, Ian. 5th, 1855. n32-w4t GEORGIA, Fulton County. A LL persons having demands against Wm. E. Ogleby, late of said county, deceased, are hereby notified to present them, properly attested, to me, within the time prescribed by law, or they will not be settled; and all persons indebted to said deceased are hereby required to make imme diate payment. ‘ B. F. BOMAR, E.r’r. Atlanta, Jan. 12, 1855. STATE OF GEORGIA, ) DeKalb County. J To all xvliom it may Concern. WHEREAS, Thomas L. Robinson applies lor letters of Administration on the Estate of John Center, late of said county, deceased. These nre therefore to cite and admonish all, aud singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to he and appear at my office within the time presented, GEORGIA. DeKalb County. \vHERKAS James J. Diamond applies to me tor let* * * ter* of administration on the estate of James Dia mond, late of said county, deceased . these are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased to be and appear at my office, and lile their objections, if any they have, why i letters should not be granted the said applies nt a t the October term of the Court of Ordinary for said county Given under iny hand at office. Aug., 22d 1854. ALEX. JOHNSON, Ord’y. GEORGIA, DeKalb county. TO ALL wnOM IT 31 AY CONCERN: WHEREAS, Joseph Walker and J. R. McAlister, Adm’rs upon the estate of Zachariali Gholston deceased, apply* for letters of Dismission from the Administration of Baid estate, therefore the kindred and creditors of said deceased, are hereby cited and admonished to file their objections, if any they have, in my office in terms of the law, otherwise letters of dismission will be granted the applicants at the Janu ary Term next, of the Court of Ordinary for said coun ty. Given under mv hand at office." June 6th, 1854. ’ ALEX. JOHNSON, Ordinary GEORGIA, DeKalb County. ~ ■fXZ'HEREAS. William Clark applies to me for Letters VV of Dismission from the Admini-Uation on the Estate of Thomas Clark deceased ; These are therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and and show cause, if any they have, why letters of | creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my of- Administration should not be granted the said ap plicant. Given under my hand officially, ALEX’R JO HYSON, Ord’y. Jau. 2nd. IS55. New Millinery. ty/IRS. M W. HARRIS, has received and ivL is receiving, a new and beautiful stock of Millinery. She has alsoa well-selected supply of Ribb°ns, Ladies’ Collars, Chemisettes, Handkerchiefs. Sleeves, Gloves, Dress-trimmings, Ladies’ Cloaks and Shawls—she also has on hand a few patterns of splen did Dress-Silks, and a great many articles in her line not mentioned—all of which she will sell very low She also keaps constantly on hand Ladies’ splendid silk and satin Hats, ma 'e after the latest styles. Leg horn or straw Bonnets bleached or dyed and pressed in to the most approved styles. She Is also prepared to make ladies’ Dresses, at short notice and in the latest fashions. She can be found all times of the day in her shop •ver Burr’s tin-shop. Atlanta, Ga., Oct 28, 1854. 29dtf H’HVKIVS Compound Camphorated Criminative. *C*0R the cure of Cholera Morbus Spasmodic Choi era, Dysentery, Diarrhoea. Summer Complaints Cholic, Gripping Pains, or Sick Stomach, want of Appe tite, Wiud, Cramp, and all Diseases of the Stomach and Bowels. This is one of the most pleasant, safe.and effica cious Medicines for the above named complaints ever offered to the public. It is adapted to persons of all ages and sexes, and is particularly serviceable in cases of Cholera Infantum, or Summer Complaints. In many severe attacks of both Dysentery and Diarrhoea, it has acted almost as soon as administered, always leaving the bowels in a natural condition, thus requiring no ca thartic medicine to be taken a.ter, as is most generally required when articles are given to check the disease. It is, also, an excellent remedy, and speedy in its ac tion in cases of acidity on the stomach, which pro duces Wind, Hartburn, Restlessness, want of Appe tite, Inability to Sleep, &c., &.; and, in fact, for many diseases which arise from a deranged state of the stomach and bowels. For sale only by JOHN BOON, Agent, At Dr. Powell’s Office, on Peach-tree St Atlanta, June 3d. 1854. f2——tf | fice, and file objections if any they have, iu terms of law, why said applicant should not be dismissed from his said administration, at the July Term of tho Court of Ordinary of said County.—Given under mv hand at office, Dec. 19, 1854. Al.FX. JOHNSON, Or’dy. December 21. "4d ASTHMA, CONSUMPTION. LIVER COMPLAINT, A;.* TRl'TIl IS MKiJllY ' YOl’ SICK? UJIWAKK O’r IMiTA TIOXS ! Ask lor Hampton Tt Vegetable Tincture. 'The mai:\ cures made by this pleasant and sale remedy may in counterfeiting. Medicine mu.-t have merit ami great merit h>:>. to stand the test of public opinion. No art of mifiini. i»i galvanize a worthless article, bo as to keep it up a> good medicine if it be not really ». A good medicine will live, become popular, and «‘.\ tend its sales year after year, in spite «'f opposition.- The people will readily find ont virtues, and the fame oi them passes from mouth to mouth with more rapid it;, than newspapers can spread it A living witness testi Tying to the cure a medicine has made for him is * l r more service than any newspaper advertising. In proof of what wc say above, wo refer you to Hump ton’s Vegetable Tincture, and its effects. The Wife of T W. Yeakie, Grocer, 70 Pearl street, cured of Rheumatism of 8 years standing: other reme lies failed. Wm. M. Oldham, (late of the Custom dwel ling 12fi Finest., of Dy spepsia, great debility, pennant!y cured. W. A. Schaeffer, Esq., oue of the oldest Magistrates and most highly respectable citizens, cured of great weakness and restored to robust health. Jarret Plummer, 15o E. Baltimore st. suffered intense ly six years with hip disease and mercurial rhumatism: cured after all other remedies failed. Space will not permit to name hundreds of others, as Geo. W. Goodrich, Capt. Tlios. Canot, Robert Gault James Symth, cured of rheumatism. John Pervail, S. A. Grffin. John Luke, Rev. V. Eskn’ge, U. S. Navy, and thousands of others cured of Dyspepsia, Scrofula. Cough, Liver Complaints, Bronchi!*. St. Vitus’ Dance, &c. We refer to our own citizens. Call on them. Dr. Hampton, the author of this great Hampton'.- Vegetable Tincture, is in hisSOth year, in good health, o that it will be seen it is not an article got up to im ose on the public. GREAT CURE OF RHEUMATISM BY HAMPTON’S VEGETABLE TINCTURE. Chester District, S. C\. January 2d, 1S53. Messrs. Mortimer be Mowbray—Gentlemen: For the last five years 1 have been a severe sufferer from Rheu matism, till. seeing your recommendation of 4 ‘Hamp ton’# Vegetable Tincture,** 1 procured a bottle, and tlie first dose l;as so much relieved me that I cansi.lor it justice to give to the suffering world the result of the application. Mine was Acute Rheumatism in the bank—so had that I was confined to my bed for the last six month>. The first bottle acted like a charm, the second restored strength to my poor afflicted back, and I am now :«* well and feel as young as when 1 was sixteen. T am now 74 years of age. I consider your Tincture the greatest discovery of tin age and poor suffering humanity ought to erect a monu ment to Dr. Hampton, who has saved thousands from pain. And you, gentlemen, have acted the part of pub lic benefactors in disseminating the benefits which have resulted from your invaluable remedy. I am a plain cotton planter, and have never written tor literary fame*, but when my fellow beings are afflict ed shall I hesitate, or through modesty, withhold any information valuable to my fellow mau? b’o, if you consider this worthy of a place in any of your newspa pers yon are at libertv to make use of it Yours, truU . ALVAil KEM BALL/ CURE FITS ! READ : ! READ! ! I More than Gold to the Sick.—From one of the most respectable Druggists in South Carolina: Charleston, S. C., Sept. 21.1853. Messrs. Mortimer be Mmvbrav:—Tlie sale of your Hampton’s Vegetable Tincture is increasing every *da\. and every bottle sold recommends, this valuable medicine to the afflicted. Several of our planters have tried it iu different cases with astonishing success, and are get ting it by half dozens. It has been found n* bo the greatest" remedy for rheumatic affections; and a won derful cure has been performed on a negro suffering by Fits. I will furnish you with a number of certifi cates if you wish them. Please send me, soon as possible a supplv ef the Tincture. 1 am, gentlemen, yours, W. G. IKOTT. Hundreds in this city will bear same testimony. Hampton’s Vegetable Tincture is purely Vegetable, and warranted free from all mineral substance This Tincture, by its mild, pleasant, aud safe action cn the stomach, liver kidneys, lungs, and the nervous system, cures Dyspepsia. Liver Complaint, Disease of theUrina rv Organs, Coughs, Asthma, Bronchial Affections. Consumption, fc'crofulft, King's Evil, Worms, Rheuraa tism, Gout, Neuralgia, St. Vitus’ Dance, Fits, Xer vous Affections generally, Fistula, Piles, Bowel Com plaints, with all diseases arising from .impure blood.— As a remedy for the various derangements of tho Fe male System, it seems to have no superior. Tlie Female System lias, in Doctor Hampton’s Vege table Tincture, a Cure for its numerous and complicated derangements. Hundreds who have been debilitated _ and dispirited, and on the verge of a premature grave, , ^ . | W. HERRING, W. J. MASTERS, w/f/HERRISG. i have been restored by its use to blooming health, aving removed to his New btore on Decatur j Glass front, No. 40, Whitehall Street, Atlanta, Ga. j which we are abundantly able to prove by such a lio<t " ' *' ** ,J **— x m x * j of living witnesses. LIVER COMPLAINT AND DEBILITY, i Extract from James Harris, Esq.’s Letter, Alexan | dria, Virginia:—After speaking of wonderful cures on himself he says: ‘Mrs. H. has been suffering with tin* complaint and with inability, constantly complaining, from weakness, through her whole system. She now enjoys better health than for thirty years, being entirely restored by the use of Hampton’s Vegetable Tincture/' Call aud get a Pamphlet gratis of A. Alexander. Wholesale aud Retail agent Atlanta, Ga.; Wm. Root, Marietta, Vineyard & Jones, Palmetto; Hardley, Ridey & Co., Augusta, Georgia. [March 23, 1854 43—ly COFFEE. A VERY superior article of Rio Coffee for sale by W. W. ROARK HTotice. A LL persons indebted to the estate of James Reese, late deceased, are requested to make immediate payment: and those having demands against said estate will present them duly authenticated in terms of the law. WILLIAM WALL, November 20th, 1854. Administrator. GEORGIA. Fulton County. W HEREAS Thomas W. Connally applies tome for let ters of administration on the Estate of Cornelius M. Connally, late of said county, deceased: These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased to be nnd appear at my Office within the time prescribed by law. to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office, this 12th aay of Au gust 1854. JOS. H MEAD, Ordinary. TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE!( LOUIS H. DADIN, JEWEXjUR, HAS this day opened his Store under Hayden’s Hall, and invites the public in general to call and examine his W, Stock All kinds of Jewelry neatly j repaired and executed at the shortest ^ notice, and warranted. His Stock;/', consists of Watches, Clocks and Jow-*^' elry of eveiy description. Also a variety of Fancy Articles. . N. B. All Watches and Clocks, will be repaired by J. Marecbal, Watch Maker, and warranted.— And they trust by their strict attention to business they may merit a share of public patronage. Atlanta, Jan. 22d, 1S55. d99-lm-w35-tf. Covjxgtox. October 13, 185:*. Dr. K. X. C.vLfior.v—Pair Sir 1 inn gratified t«> learn that it is yoiw purpose to disseminate the improved Cal houn PiUsmoru generally than you have heretofore done, have occasionally, when sojourning at vom-house, used them when indisposed, and having found them r*o mild, yet mo efficacious in cases of derangement cl the digestive organs, I most cheerfully commend them and their us** in tho public, and especially to gentlemen 1 .aving large fam ilies. ns a most excellent preventive of fixed and |.ernm nont disease arising from indigestion. Truly your- 5 , &c.. JOHN J. FLOV’D. IoAGkasi.e, October 22, 185h. Dr. E. X. OALiior.\—Otar Sir: Lam gratified to kai i. that you have come to the conclusion to create Agencie.- for the Calhoun Pills in different parts ui the countrj*— i* it no less an act of justice to yenr-elf than t<. th” world at large. Since the year 1841'. I have hecn in the lmbit of using vour Pills individually, nnd as a Fa mill;. Medicine. Observation and experience prove it an inval uable specific for nearly ftllirregualritie of the Digestive Apparatus, performing'its office with little or no pain or nausea ; it, leaves the patient with a good appetite, m creased strength aud greatly improved and elevated >pir its—properly used, it will cure Dy-pep-in and expel all of its gloomy concomitant*. In Chills and Fevers, and ov«’n Bilious Fevers, I have found it equally efficient Trusting that you may find the worldas ready to com pensate you as to benefit itself, the result of your -Jiv’d and labor, I am -dncerclv your friend, &c., F.DVT YOUNG TULL STAKKViLUi. Lee Cuimty, October 26. ISOb. Dk. E. X. Calhoun—Dear Sir. While at Decatur, i had as 1 consider, a lair opportunity of testing the Cal houn Pills, prepared by yourself, and 1 am so muc! plesed with tlieir action upon tho Liver, and as a means of breaking up Bilious predisposition, that 1 hope as you are now preparing to offer them tf- the public, that you will create an Agency’ at Starkville, that may be eim bled at any time to procure them. 1 expect to use them with white and black in all cases IhrpnU'nmg attacks*-fa Biilous character. I would be gratified, not only mi ym.; own account, but also for tho benefit of tbe public u large, that you would placu them in the reach of eves person, for 1 feel confidetn that there has not yet bn i offered to the public any* preparation of Medicine Hiat ui. compete with your Pills a< a general Family Medicine, m a traveling companion. Very sincerely your fneud, ike., J0I1M II. POP] >oer »' • to certify I was fire* iducins the.. firm VCGCSTA. Of: *R*Dr. fii* X. Caluoun—Dear Sir ’Ibis before I had the pleasure of meeting y«* ly attacked by some Bilious derangemr-i .r tration, loss of appetite. Nausea and lit the use cfyour (Calhoun) Pills, ad mini.- li .-ed accord it to yourmstructions, I wns immediately* cud permanrt: ly relieved. It affords me much gratification to ; knowledge the advantage I derived From your judicio* treatment. I remain with high e-ieem, your obedient ~ -. vant. CHRISTOPHER LOW. For sale by J. M Ha.vjin, J., Agt. in A lanta. Juh'27, 185-1. 9—lv. REMOVAL. J. E. Williams, COMMISSION MERCHANT, ATLANTA. GEORGIA. H I. street, (Athenaeum Building) near the Trout i House, is prepared to furnish in any quantity— j BACON, LARD, CORN, OATS, and all kinds of Px-oduo brought to this market. He returns his thanks to j the public for the liberal patronage heretofore bo- ! stowed upon him, and solicits a continuation of it. ) Atlanta, Dec. 25,1854. diwtf Atlanta Oasis. Store ! WH. HERRING & CO. i lArR are now receiving an immense Stock of Fall j VV .and Winter Clothing, for men and boys ; wear, of the tastiest and latest style. Also, an assort’ i men of gentlemens’ FURNISHING GOODS, which we- will sell at the lowest prices, for cash. ' We have on hand an assortment of DRY GOODS j which we will sell under the market price, as we are j determined to close out that department of our trade. Wo trill be pleased to show any qersou giving us a call ! what we will do. September 26th, 1854. fl-dwly-1 : tV HPOPivn. t uistproc \r r nirr?RI\ T i W. Herring & Co., [/ EEP in connection with their large Stoek of Cloth- “ing a large assortment' of HATS and CAPS of the latest’'styles, also, Boots and Sheen,jtTrunks, Carpet Bags and Valises. ft—dtf Atlanta, SSpt. 28,1854. Boarding House 11ST ATtrAWTA. $*Uin tho ‘’JOHNSON HOUSE,” White Hall street.-qgft PR. W. I*. PARKER, Proprietor. Board per day SI.50. jan 18. d&wtf F or sale, on consignment— 5 Bbls Oranges—1 do Pine Apples. Feb 1,1S55 dtf PARR & McKENZIE POTATOES. OCf BBLS. Northern Irish Potatoes for sale by IV. W. |R0ARK