The Atlanta weekly intelligencer. (Atlanta, Ga.) 184?-1855, March 01, 1855, Image 1

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    i ft WjUBf iruwfrafl
VOL. VI. NO. 40.
Pally, TrI-Weekly and Weekly,
Dally Intelligencer per annum. In edrance,
Tri-Weekly, “
Weekly, “ “
Advertising in the Daily Intelligencer will be
inserted »t the following rater per square of ten
#0 ot*.
Ons month,
*J 00
1 25
I 50
1 75
2 00
Ooe year,
has used “ fresh salt ” often, we opine, to
catch his birds with, and we, an outsider,
enjoyed our silent treat in witnessing the
sly operation of how this is done fully air-
well as any of the invited did the best they
got. We will now begin to look about us
and commence a new drill for the triangular
fight that is to come off.
We have in this place one of the most
admirable structures in the United States
used as a depot for the reception of passen- ;
gets arriving by our several trains. We ^ ® • >A '1' ^
hear that Mr. Hull, the chief engineer of the
State Road, is entitled to the credit of the I B \ L T I C
plans and model of the building. This :
We give below the resolutions of Mr. : gentleman, though quite a young man,
The steamer Baltic has arrived at
York, bringing a creek’s later news
New :
One insertion,
Three, “
Four “
Fire “
Ono week,
Special contracts will be made for yearly adver
tisoments occupying a quarter,‘half or whole col- (j RAW - roRB
umn. ’
-fff- Advertisements from transient persons
must be paid in advance.
I.oga) advertisements published at the nsual
rates. Obituary notices exceeding ten lines charg
ed us advertisements. Announcing candidates for
office. $5 00, to ho paid in advance.
When advertisements are ordered in all the is-
Haygood, of Fulton, which were adopted as
a substitute for several sets offered by other
gentlemen. They were carried by a large
majority after striking out the 5th which
included members of Congress in the pro
gramme of the Temperance campaign.
The vote for a candidate for Governor
Overby, 58
Liverpool Market.
desert. But. we hope . Ltverpool, F$I>. 10.—Cotton—The market I Netherlands and the other with the King
w> orndtf n r the. , F 1 * s du B an d dfeelining. Sales of the j J.nn of the two Sicilies, declaring that fret
.e credit of the plan of : 35t00()ba , ea Very Tittle demand from ex- shI nlakc lree ds . Thov were refer
holds deservedly a high place among those Europe,
of his profession and the Atlanta depot will
take nothing from his
he is not entitled to the <
lighting this shod. If, in the day time, it porters or speculators,
is one of the very best buildings in the Un- BrendstulFs dull and declining,
ion, we must, in truth, declare that at night ; Money market tigh'er. Consols 91J.
all its character is gone. Imagine four huge ..
,, , The new English Ministry consists ol
bulls eyes, suen as flash their fierce blaze upon p a)inenit<)Ilj P , eraier . Pil n tlJ ure> War ;
the path of the “ iron horse,” placed two Clarend<.n Foreign Affairs, and Grey, Col-
at. each end of the building, so as to strike onlui Affairs,
Washington, Feb. 20.—The Senate, yes
terday, parsed the substitute for the Pacific
Railroad Bill.
To day, Mr. Cass spoke, defining his po
sition in regard to Lord Clarendon, refer
ring to the position of France and England
on Cuban a fairs, ami their interference a'
Sin -Tuan and the Sandwich Islands, and
warned his countrymen of the importance
of the subject. lie was followed by Mr.
Mason and Mr. Clayton on the same topic.
In Executive session, the President sent
the Senate two tieaties. one with the
Tribute of Reaped.
On Saturday morning last, tlje Hon. E.
A. Nisbet, as chairman of a committee ap
pointed previously to that duty, presented
the following Resolutions touching the late
demise of R. P. Ilail. Esq. to the Supreme
Court now in session, which after an appro-
Bill Passed for the Relief of Citizens
of S. C.—In the Senate on the 16th inst.,
this bill appropriating 5101,000 to White-
marsh B. Seabruok, Joseph Whaley and oth
ers, for themselves and heirs of the officers
and members of Edisto company, of South
Carolina, for services during the last war
with Gi eat Britain was taken up. This
The state of affairs at Sevastopol was
unchanged at the laie-< ! dates.
Milligan quotes Cotton in favor of buyers.
Fair Orleans of. Middling 5J, Fair Uplands
5i, Mid ilitig 5d. Imports of the week 11,- !
000 bales. The sales of Cotton on Fridav ’
1. Resolved, That the prohibition of the the level of most men’s eyes and put them
£?£ I «* *r * h * »”*' "P™ Z
ing and destructive influence of spirituous j 13 lighted. e never enter the build-
liquors. ! ing at night but we think of a missionary
2. Resolved, That we consider the sue- : speech of the celebrated Rowland Hill, in
.uck, iuriading Daily, Tri-Weekiy and Weekly, : cess of our cause naramount to aU political I wh foh he answered the argument that the
2d p*r cent, will bo added to the above ratos. questions now under discussion in this State, , •
and pledge ourselves to the promotion there! I heathens had h g ht eDOU K h f ,r tbe ’ r P ur P°*>
0 f. I if they would use it. Yes, said Hill, light
3. Resolved, That it is expedient for this j enough, but used so as just to break their ^ ,
Convention to nominate a candidate to be necks. We arc pleased to see that recently Trade in Manchester l ad declined
run for the office of Governor of this State ttr „ 0 f t h e four break-neck blazes have been i Havre Cotton market less active, at un- j
at the ensuing election, known to be a prop-1 , j , it . ; . , .
er ex non Ant ,?f th««« view. ‘ F ! q uenched by some one, and hope soon to j changed prices
hear that the others bate shared the same AH the members: ,t the cabinet remain, i
The privilege of yearly advertiser* i* strictly
limited to tlioir own immediate and regular busi
ProfosMonal Card* not exceeding six lines, 915
per annum.
Advertisements not specified as to time will be
publisliod till ordered out, and charged at regular
Advertisement# inserted in the Weekly p*pcr
en?v ho rhnnrcd »*t former rotes.
The Ilou-e pieced the Bill graduating the
price of the public land*, and tiien discuss-
cd the Civil and diph-miuio Bill.
Boston, Feb. lfi.—Yi’in. Imlay, a lad 14
years old, was arrested in Providence to-day,
charg'd with stealing funds to the amount
<»f $1,500 from his employers, Messrs.-Jenk
ins ifc ofiin. N'i. 21 Do-ane street, in this
city. He had purchased a horse, an ele
gant sleigh, a costly hat ness, a buffalo robe,
and had tvo trunks tilled with jewelry, a
revolver, &e. Three or four weeks, i
lie loaned his employers $200 for a month,
which he pretended .was furnished
Judge Lorlag and the Massachu.eila
^ Boston. Feb. 22.
Efforts are making by the Massachusetts
Legislature to remove Judge Loriug from
the Beucb. on the ground that he pre-judged | prime response by Judge Lumpkin, were,
the case of Burns, the lugicive slave. . on motion of »V. pne, E-q. ordered to bo j company, consisting of 04 men, besides offi-
fi®“IIere is the way they work. We do j entered on the minutes: i cers was composed of gentlemen of wealth
not intend to do injustice if we can heip it, ■ Resolved, That Mr. Hall was known and respectability, who, as Senator Butler
hut it does seem that we take the proper ' ain ' )n " ua : 13 a gentleman ..f education, with said, disdained to ask any remuneration of
r-i-i . • " 1 ! an appreciating and cultivated taste in let- i Congress for their services for three years
% imv of the wording of the American party. ,. f genius, possess! a brilliant iumg- during the tfav. and for building a fort on
wueu mo o>m :>*i that fir nl. reform nr amei- inatom. a clear and quick perception of the the island of Edisto, but some of the heirs
inration of the abolition madness that party : beautiful—and originating, creative fiieul- are now in reduced circumstances, and the
leaves matters just where the founders of ties, in a degree which entitled him to rank whole joined in making the request for the
Know Nothin "ism found it. It is said the* <mc <!t t ‘ ,e ,jest thinkers in the State. government to pay the sum sta ed, being
'Z, i k„ ,i, ... X T -i Resolved, That we esteem him as having , the actual expenses of building the fort,
' ‘ - w 1 j been a profound lawyer. II;s professional which was constructed by order of Col.
mgs, and much tna r is very p..:u , lie to the • reading was, for one of his age—being ad Bloodgood. Tim bill passed usianimousiy.
history of that election is produced in proof bis death but a young man—very general, — ,
and n:s learning so accurate and various, ’;rotnia julectuin.—-Absorption qf
Term*—$2 00 ptr annum, invariably in ndrance.
er exponent of these views.
4. Resolved, That we recommend to the
friends of prohibition to present candidates
fate. For, if left to the sense of feeling
. >y a
Wire 5,000 hales, and the market closed j r ; c h uncle, on which he was to have one
dull. _ j dollar interest- lie had stolen the sum, it
Canal Flour 40s., Ohio 43, GJ. Corn 43 ;. s ascertained, from his employers.
j Boston. Feb. 17.—The ship Gazelle, of
| New York, arrived at II mg Kong on the
5th December last, in a wrecked condition,
having been dismasted and hove down in a
typhoon on the 19th November, ia latitude
with the exception of those change
men- i
1 10 N., longitude 1 4S E.
of this assumption. It may l-a liter,:Uy
true, yet not virtually, however, for if after
the noisy professions of the Americans that
their party was started for the suppression
of the pestilent abolition brood,‘we find
diem standing off and suffering us slaugh
tered, without making good their friendly
professions : we say out upon such friend —
r hey are guilty, fully as much as those whose
active enmity heat ns. In Sewards election
the. number of •* Americans” that voted f >r
him should be added to those who basely
dodged after the fight began, before we can
Come r-i a just decision as to the amount of
Know Nothing tcoriklcssness in the State of
for the Legislature in the several counties of ; there would be abetter chance for strangers ; The Turks have defeated the Russians Sixteen Chine-e were drowned between
this State, at the ensuing election, who may j to escane. unscathed, the intricacies of the i »i.„ ! decks, f
as to enable him to compete, not unfrequent- M itl d luiothc Konw-Nothing party. A
1 v with success, with the ablest members of meeting of the Whigs of Henrico county,
his Bar. As a pleader he had but few equals. ' Wlls recently to consider the pro-
His tenacious memory, s mid discriminat- P>’*ety of appointing delegates to a Whig
iug judgment, industry, zeal, and ardent lSr,l ' e Convention to nominate dandidato*
rapid vet logical oratory, had placed him for S,a!e ‘■^■ers, when the following reso-
on a level with the besfmen of his age in lu , tl<ins ' vere oflsred, discussed’ and finally
the profession and warrant the belief that almost unanimously :
had he been soared, he would have reaped , “L Resolved, That at this time and un
its richest rewards and attained to its hi-n- der existing circnnistances. it is inexpedient
est honors. Ho delighted in the Law, aud an u unwise to hold a Whig State Conveu-
studied ii. not alone as a means of aoquir- i Hon for any cucli purpose,
ing an income or as preparatory to political ***• Resolved, I hat, from all the light
lite, but as a science, in it-elf productive of: before “ s > w ®- 80 f,lr a8 our voice can affect
the purest intellectual gratification tho at:!l0 » of ,,U1- brother Whigs throughout
Resolved, That be was not the less remar- ! the State > P« >test *S ain8t a Whig State
table for his social qualities—being frank. Convention at all; but, should such a con-
■ ' ’ vention be determined upon and held, urge
and Mrs. Dollard. the captain’s wife,
and child barely e-eaped drowning.
_ j to escape, unscathed, the intricacies of t!ie i on t | ie Danulie.
be renei on to carry out, by pwiper legisla- i g reat cr0 wd that nightly has to find its way : Four hundred of the Zouaves in the Ori-
10 ’ 16 Vl w a ° 18 onTcn lon ‘ i out of our depot. i mea, have been sent prisoners to Const an- . Baltimore, Feb. 10.—Flour firm and
New Hampshire.—The Democrats of this ! . „ — •— , , ! tinople. | tending upwards—sales of Howard street
Napier has made a savage speech against ! at ?ti 50. W heat—sales of 50t)0 bushels
the Government. red at $1,98, white $1,95@$2.05. Corn
New York in their pretended eff. rts to put- genial and communicative, kind and liberal ; y ent,ou b e uotermiueu upon and held, urj
down the incendiaries. Oilman was ri!d,t U1 ilia feelings-a respectful son, and affec- i lta Postponement till the month of April.
Besides j ” e venture to express to lt^tne near«.v t0 p rC p are (\, r a ^eneiiil bombardment. i Saratoga, N. 1"!, Feb. 18.—An attempt exeiien,eut * “ depended upon the ojuth- f ur distinction,
itic j l “ e entire community ior the stop : | t ga * 1( j that anangements fora general wa^ made on Wednesday night to rob Mr. ! element that is mixed up in it, would Unsolved, That when ono who i
v entered i 11 ia:< tate ^‘ ” e sixiceireLy hope that, as j asj , au i t have been completed. Fowler, the Ca.-hier of the Balston Spa | inevitably die out, and that verv soon. For low is cat down by our side, in tl
nia announced as speakers in different Darts ' ate ?i? n a convenient and healthy locality, | ; n f avor „j- peace. and the would be robber bein
f ’i tj. . T i i t ; i . ^ and having apartments for all classes of ol- Holland and Denmark tire seeking to join made for a .-leitth and escaped,
of the Mate. Ihe election takos place on ; fenders.—Savannah Republican. j t ], e Western Alliance. ° ! 5 1
Tuesday, March 13. j Our friend writes with such unction ! Eight Austrian Merchant Ships were fired ■ . K . ,,EAXS * ' et) - J ,iere wa8 R
. . . . . t . r „ . n i ,* . . • i limited business transacted in Cotton to-day.
Later from Tkxas.-B'c learn from Texas i ** we !lre curious to know lf thcre 18 an Y j ! nto ¥ the . • Gal A ; and the sales comprised only 3,000 bales at
that numerous Indian depredations had oc- Phonal interest on the part of our worthy j 1 Xapoleon is abouAo take command of the «» was
curred on the frontier. Within a fortnight ' colein P < ' rar y- — ! army on the Rhine. | quoted at from S t"^8J ^ cen.. prem.
. , ... ,, , , 1 eleven men had been killed and four can ' Smelting Copper Ore in Tennessee.—It j The steamer Atlantic sailed from New , 3“ y ) uiei,oa ’ Ca P t - Chase,
pain that we saw the two ablest men on the | Linen men nau ueen kuiou ana lour cap- . , , , , ^ A : v ._, ;il , _ has arrived from Charleston.
floor o t.i j»* mi _ I tin.Ail Tv.« GAttlurj ipiipo i— --.111ti., A,nitA/i saiu
The Temperance Convention.
This body convened at the City Hall
yesterday, and in the absence of the Secre
tary’s report, wo are forced, at a late hour,
to rely upon our recollection of the current
business of the Convention for the items of
information we new furnish our readers.—
From the vote cast wc suppose there were
in attendance seine eighty delegates from,
we believe, twenty-eight counties. The
Convention was a fine looking collection of
men, and its roll included t lie names of some
individuals of decided ability. But we will
say tiiat, in sonic things, it was the most
uproarious and disorderly body wc ever saw
assembled, and it was with some degree of
i eleven men had been killed and four cap- l -'-*<“***”
-Dr Smith and Mr Thomas-heated ' tured. The settlers were greatly excited, i is said that a P ro J ect ia U(W on fuot to es ' j ^ ,rk w,t . h a m . ,1Uon and a ^ uatei lK s l ,ec ‘ e ‘
with downrigludisr^j^ct. Indeed the it j - d had assembled in familie! for protection.’ | ^Ush works for smelting copper ore at | and Mario were passengers,
courtesy to these gentlemen went w» far that i Bariies were scouting in all directions.— ! Uiattanooga. lenn., to accommodate the imidoic to tnc Oct... steamer Monopiy
theone could scarcely be heard,anda formal ! Five companies of troops were organiiing
i in this election. But was not even/ other t,i jtkei ’ and a tendei husband and The essay on usury, written by John
: castle garden Union man. S . they are here Resolved, That we deplore in bis death a 1 ^ .T re P ublisb . ed —
i ail ';PP^? d *“ S «" a,d - ; n'et-'' ' dll df l I| n i lrOU f )i° duced great effect ft^heriSHnSus^ep^
The thing we complain of is, the big brag honorable competition and folloship of trie duction> now t!mc re pe al of the usury laws
^ * Tim Russians continue to make sorties. downa-d—sales of yellow to 87088 cents! j ,,n th « P art ( ’ f ^ r ^rn men of help and ^'tedwhen bu^be^nnin-to^send andt ! is a « itated niany of the States, has excit-
and think tk« tWh }.,»» ,v™l white 85IS.87 cts. Oars 47/'5'.52 ..«m. i the short performance. Tne Know-Nothing j ; awve! . who sefilnP( f f( , i, ft mavlred »n,l lu ' ed 1,1 “ an J <}i . tbe baN very
excitemeut, if it depended upon tho South-
a. f u / t, , ! A New Jail.—It will be seen that the
State are m the field (says the Boston j J(mice8 of the Inferior Court advert i ? e for
Times,) ready to give battle to the allied ; plans for a new county jail. We
forces of Abolitionism and Whiggery in j to observe this move by the Court, and think T be French batteries have received orders j white 85@87 cts. Oats 47(0,52 cels,
their new guise of Know-Nothism. Besides i we llia J venture to express to it the hearqv ! t0 Drcpare f,, r a ir en ^. ;l ; bomhavdn'.ent.
_ . I llvnr.1.,. ..C Ca.%. il.n J - • O'
some of the ablest young Democratic
ersin theState, who have already emereu | a Stable pfonshalfhave been adopt- Omar Pasha has withdrawn his resigna Bank lie was comimt frou. tbe cars with ' i , , v , „
tne field, ready to discuss questions, which a e a, ti:e Court will proceed to give out the tion . ° i about $15,000 in his satchel, when he was j 0O f, U ^. n ' ‘ 6 / " T . K S ° « ene,all 5’ alld
factious opposition will hardly dare to meet j contracts tor building and that it will push j T he Russian forces on the Danube have l knocked down by a man who doubtless well l , " curabI J d.».a-cd, when we come to tala
openly, we see the namesof Gen. Cass, Gen. i forward tbe work with all possible dispatch. ■ p een ordered to rereat. j awaie of tl.e amount in Mr. F.’s possession. ! slave ’ft l '' at ’■» man South, who is
Dane and Mr. Latham, M. C., from Califor- , want a secure and roomy building, situ- The feeling at Constantinople is strongly Mr. Fowler. howeve£ held on to the money, ni>t wholly lost to every patriotic fee!in
^cneral attention. The papers on both sides
of the question speak of this pamphlet as
one of the ablest that has ever been written
on the subject. Mr. Whipple defends the
usury laws, his main proposition being that
as an arbitrary value is given to money by
government, which invests it exclusively
with the power of paying debts, therefore
will tolerate the direliction of the American
parry, (or any other party North, as to that,)
is our fel-
the pride
of his intellect and the vigor of manhood,
by Him whose purposes are inscrutable
and whose power is irresistible, remembe- j
ring that we too are mortal, it becomes us
^ sii ® nt in aw0 I government is bound to determine the limit
and with reverence to concede the “over- j j ta p r ; ce
reverence to concede
e’gnry of God, and in the light of that rev-
; whenever it is called 'upon to redeem its ! Ration which lie lias vouchsafed to prepare It appears from statements made b;
, , , , . m life for death. j Washington Slar. that the circulation
^ p edge in regard to abolition. 1ms view j Eesolved, That this Court and Bar, as a the continent by Mr. Goo. Sanders of
‘' , ' 1 surance of the speedy mark af respect to the memory of our '■ lutionary documents, under the posta.
vv-Nothing party, but | deceased brother, will wear crape on the ! of the United Stales Legation at London,
i-slavery is the very arm f° r 30 pays. j has been complained of by the French Gov-
would give us eve. y assurance of the speedy
, dissolution of the Know-'
j for the fact that anti-slavery is tne very
j weakest of all the influences that are at
Philadelphia, Feb. 18.—ThesteamerNorth j work to keep the organization going. Re-
t : No language that we can command would ! ei nment * alld an examination in regard to
written eommuriications to the Ministry, de-
. r, ,. , , ..... .. ■ , .- , - - . , , ,, . T j , and ^ ie United Slates dispatch agent, in
i Carolina, lor Liverpool, re.urtied to this ligious bigotry and intolerance that will be : neai * 1<>w fully we endorse Judge Nesbits i—— .1 - •
vote was taken to allow ti e oil er to speak ! nt Fort Cliadbourn to proceed against the
—limiting him to one hour. Wo thought i Southern Cnmancbes, who are joining the
the rebuke of the last named gentleman j Northern tribes. A general Indian war is
well deserted when lie said hat he had been | inevitable.
in many crowds, and si metimes in crowds j tfjr A negro is at present irTthe Albany,
more than half drunk, but never had lie j k. Y., jail on the charge of seducing a young
rapidly increasing mining interests of East [
Tennessee and Northwestern Georgia. The
intention is said to be to do away with the :
general practices of shipping ore to Haiti
seen so much disorder in any one that he
bad ever been in before, sliiy insinuating
that there were other kinds of drunkenness
besides that pr. du e;l by liquor.
There seemed to be considerable division
of sentiment in *!;e Convention—some of
the very ablest among its members taking
the ground that it was inexpedient to nomi
nate n candidate at this time and insisting
that the true policy of the party was to use
one or both of the established parties in the
Slate to effect thier object. On the other
hand it was objected tiiat no discretion was
now left members—tiiat the Athens Conven
tion, that made the call for the present one,
left no choice to delegates between the policy
of a seperate ticket and a selection of a can
didate from cither of the other parties, but
that the party was a prohibition party, and
that the present Convention was called to
nominate its own Governor. Upon this is
sue the debate was spicy, and took a range
tiiat included all space. As for parliamenta
ry usage or etiquette it was treated with
6uch disdain, that we think from this time
Jeficrson’s Manual will either be suffered to
go out of print entirely or will loose tbe
best part of its former authority.
Amendments to amendments in a drearv
maze that would have confounded the oldest
stager were let in, and ihe word was that this
Dear Sir:
I ceived. I am greatly
.. . : expressions relative u> the matter of tiie pro-
more, whic.. has hitherto been coiisideied a , p, ise j weekly line of mail steamers between
| New York and Liverpool. The Cuuaru
j line being in good part withdrawn, by reas-
: , , , -. , . -r; i - i on of the existing war and a frequent and
and beautiful white girl, tho daughter of the • U0DC u e 0 sen ' e e p.iu ; rapid communication with Europe being es-
pers and convicts, about which so much has sentinl to the interests of our commerce, I
been said, back to their “ dear faderland.”
lie says:
I see no other recourse. Humanity and
heavy seas, causing
bliged for your kind discharge her cargo ti
matter of necessity.
.Mayor Wood, of New York, has at
negro’s employer,
Oli! 11 the dear colored
The Massachusetts House of Representa
tives have agreed to submit to a vote of the i justice require that they should no longer ■
people’s propositions to amend the State be detained in prison in this city, when they
constitution that all the State officers and
reprosentrtivos shall be elected by plurality
of votes.
Stocks and Bonds.—Central Railroad
stock, says the Savannah Republican, we
are glad to say, is again at par, and is easi
ly to be had at that. The bonds of the city
falling due in 1857, and issued on account
of the Central Road, are also selling at par.
The South-Western Railroad stock, we
understand, is bringing $92.
The Dili which passed tiie House of
determined on my proposition to the Post- ; resentatives a few days ago, to reform our i
master-General. It was in substance this: : diploma*ic and consular system, authorizes j
That I would run a semi-monthly line, j many radical changes. It requires the ab- j
which, by alternating with tl.e Collins line, 1 olitioii of outfits and infits, uric fixes the an- 1
would form n weekly communication, and j nual compensation attached to tbe several j
that I would perform tl.e proposed service missions as follows:
for the sum of $15,000 the vu\age out and G ea: Britain, $17,000; France, 15,000; .
home. " j Spain. 12,000; Russia, 12,00(1; Austria,
I Lave well considered the subject, and 12,000; Prussia, 12.000: Swiizerland, 7,- j
well satisfied that if my proposition be ac- j 5UG: Rome, 7,500 ; Naples, 7,5000: Sardi-j
cepted, the enterprise can lie accomplished | nia, 7,5000; Belgium, 7,500; Holland, j
They are digging up lead in Reod- i with great, advantage to the country, aud i 7.500: Pm tugal, 7,500: Sweden, 7,500 ; i
Tenn,, in large quantities, and the without loss to myself. 1 would not ask for 1 urkey. • 1,000 ; L-lbna, 15,000 : Brazil, 12,-
have committed no offence ; and sell-preser
vation requires that we shall prevent them
being set at liberty, with the belief that
their presence would be dangerous to our
ore, moreover, is thought to contain abou- I f be protection of 815,000 per voyage, wm<
, ’ ’ m, -ii | lt not for the considerable compensation now
repair. I ba!d »« to fruitful issues, give us the more j ? uch a . 8 P ,endit f encomium was pronounced, j Ihe“kate^enarimmT in“thS
Kite York, Feb. IS.—The mortalityin J venous concern v.oen we refect on this thing : lu P ia >'0 of this mere youth. But though j c j ty his official communications. Nothing
this city during the pa-t week amounted to There is no u-e, too, in denying that the I Lt®rally true, every word of it, to thoso that j was discovered going in any manner to fix
550, showing an inerca-e ot 05 as compared ! new party profess a doctrine that thousands : knew’ that noble intellect os we knew him, ! ou Mr. Saunders the imputation of being
" ilh the previous week, j (>fgW(1 n * ie „ in tlie c>mntry are f>)rced twap . ; how little of the meed that he really de- j bin ^ e ‘ f P riv T toth ® surreptitious use of the
The Diplomatic and Con.ula, System, j prove—that is, that effete party issues are ; *® rved * d ” honorable words of Judge j ^fbe^^thinks that the seal was forged
>t Rep- useless and pernicious, and ihat when fl award, iv ithout scholastic training j by the young Europe party—Kossuth, Maz-
party has discharged its office it should be j *‘ e r °ok his own capabilities in hand him- j zini, Ledru llollin «Sc Co.—“who consider
disbanded. Much could be said upon this ! >el f and unaided by any extraneous help, | a, 'J. conceivable means to carry their ends,
head vrurthy of all consideration, but then j his own powerful intuititin did more for his j justifiable, as against their antagonists,
the impertinent inquiry, (most pertinent as j development than the most anxious training
well.) obtrudes itself 1 —would the Know- j does for one man in ten thousand. We
Nothing party ever disband if it got into : know that, so tar as Mr. Hall’s mastery
power ? i over the science he professed was concerned,
1 ho did display the astonishing advance for ! o!' 11 * Ii<la . lIuti . . . - . ..
r * . ** _ : the American missionaries among the Nes-
a mere youth of twenty-nine that is here ( toriaus in and around Oroomiao, prohibiting
claimed for him. We know, too, that his j ' * ’ ' 1 ‘ ......
learning took a wider range, was better as- S
River and Trade.—The Chattanooga
Advertiser of the 20th inst. says: “ We are
gratified to know that the river is now in
A correspondent of tho London Daily
News at Mosul reports, on the 4th of De
cember, tiiat through the exertions of the
Russian envoy in Persia, M. Rhanikoff, the
Shah has interfered with the proceedings of
„ „ .. now tine Republic. 7,500 : New Grenada, 7,500; opening agaii
25 per cent, of silver. The mine belongs ( a ]j owed to pl0 CunarJ line by the British . Bolivia. 7.500 ; Equador, 7,500; Venezuela,
9 , - - — — j — — -- ---- - -- / • • i ■ r — i have arrive
principally to gentlemen in Cass co., Ga. ! iioverument, and the still m>ne stuiiendxus 7,500; Guatemala, 7,500; Nicaragua, 7,- , , ,
—“ ^ - ---■ ar government to 500; Mexico. 12,000. ° i loaded respect, v
A First Rate Defence of Lord Raglan. I
W’e cut the following precious bit of satire j
from tbe London Diogenes. Its wit is its •
best recommendation, but tbe justice of it
must not be put entirely out of night.
His Lordship’s friends have, as we expect- j
All the news- i
A writer in the Portland Advertiser states
that shortly before his death, Mr. Webster
wrote to Mr. Fillmore, then President, man
fully taking upon himself all the blame of! ed, come nobly to the rescue. „ ..... . .. „ r . .,
the Lobos Island affair, out of which has I papers, with a “ base exception” (not the ? 0 ^ P»Ygte individuals to thipk of ente. nig ary of the
isrnwn Mr A G a„ana .!ai m j < dd original one, we beg to state) abound in j cornet,tto« against such oyerpoppnug ,
I indignant letters from the Crimea, refuting j monopolies. . .
| the charges of “ invisibility,” “seclusion,” i Whenever the British
protection afforded by or.:
the Collins line.
The effect of the protection thus afforded
to the existing lines, (while the proprietors :
are drawing such large sums from the treas
ure.) is to entirely annihilate the enterprise
of uur own citizens, and render it madness
Since our last issue, sieaui-
sd from below and above.
e : y with cotton and corn,
Aggregate coinpensa'ion of twenty-eight bacon and other produce. Business men
full minis.era and ministers resident, $259,- I are pleased to hear the hum of trade, and
we trust that the music will long continue.
The Secretaries to these Legations are to
receive salaries of th ee grades, to wit:
$2,500, $2,000, and 1.500 a year. Tbe sui-
>f the .Commissioner to tho Sandwich
grown Mr. A. G. Benson’s guano clain
against the government.
Missouri Legislature.—Both branches
of the legislature have voted to hold an ad
journed session, commencing on the 1st of
November next, when another effort will
probably be made to elect a U. S. Senator,
was n free fight for all—except Dr. Smith and ! ’fho hill to loan tho Pacific Railroad two
Mr. Thomas. These gentlemen were op- ' hundred thousand dollars, for four aud six
posed to a nomination and therefore were ! months, has passed botli branches,
treated as outsiders. The platform of tiic j Tbe Bennett Libel CASE^-In the case of
party wc give as it was lurnished us at the | Fry against J. Gordon Bennett, of the New
moment of adjournment, and niter a vote I York IJerald, in which the former was
was taken seriatim, upon the resolutions oi j awarded $10,000 against the latter, for an
Mr. I lay good, and they were adopted, atmtli- ■ alleged libel, tbe Superior Court in that city
er set were introduced by Mr i human cluing- ; on Saturday ordered a new trial.
ing the entire structurcof the interesting j
fabric aud were voted upon with a degree ! I®* The School excitement in Cincinnati,
of resignation truly edifying, and for no i growing out of the fact that a female teach-
otlier reason that we could >ee, but that the j er had refused to receive a mulatto hoy, as
Comention did not have the man in it who > a pupil, has led to the resignation of two of
was equal to the emergency, and who might, i the trustees, in consequence of the Board
by a motion to lay on the table, have extri- j sustaining the action of the teacher,
entedthe suffering majority. Indeed, we ! p R0DIG!0U8 Growth of Ka.NRAS.-The
th- ught that after Mr. Ihomas recovered , (Fort Leve nworth) Herald of the
fromtWbRfing baulks and checks he suf- j 19th ult . notice „ five new “cities” which
iiiornn.g, ho v.cnt in for his ■ |, ave keen already wholly or in part survey-
ow n pfMpa tu e se( ‘ n 1 iat ^ r - Jenkins | ed . two brick makers have arrived there,
.d not nj^eive a single vote upon the bal-, and )v fi ver y stable is contemplated. Should
lot. lie wns, hawever, foimallv named in i enough emigrants arrive there, speculators
a ret “f resolutions introduced, but they j may vet nlake a fine thiug of it
were te t ;ected by a large vote. There were j ’
but twi e: tries made: Mr. Overbv, of this ! Lieut. Hunter writes to the N. York
there ;
government and
‘mystery,” &c., ir.viduouslv r lirougbtagainst ; p ur .own abandons the policy vyliicli bligii >
the commander of the British forces by the individual enterprise, competition, f will
journal whose Special Correspondent we are cneerfully consent that my proposed e m-
given positively to understand was not kick- ! p*nsatio»i siiall be withdrawn. l<ie '«•*«
ed out of the camp. 1 18 ,n “J judgement, free tor all, and tire
As fervent admirers of his Lordship, and
wishing to set him quite right in the public
estimation, we have taken pains to prepare
a digest of the principal evidence in his de
fence. Any one of the numerous facts we
have selected, must convince the unpreju
diced reader of the utter want of foundation
for the calumnies with which tiie gallant
Consuls are to be appointed at tire follow
ing places, and with salaries subjoined, un
der lire prohibition, howerer, of transacting
business jn their own names or through oth
ers :—London, $'7,500; Ltie-poai, 7.500;
Glasgow, 4.000: Dundee, 2,000- Newcastle,
1.500; Leod\ L5O0; Bollhst, 2.0GO; Ihmg-
j gaged in the river tr: ’care realized. They
I report immense quantities of cotton below
! and ready to find its way up. Id addition
j in the arrivals of (be steamers we uuto tire
arrival of ; evera! flat boats.
is nothing Kodangeroys in individual enter-; Kong, 3.000: Calcutta. 3.500; llalila
I prise, or insignificant in tbe bei.elits it
i confers upon commerce, as should render
: the National Legislature unwilling to per
mit that description of enterprise ro enter
, upon the field from which aggregate and
• protracted capital have hitherto almost
■ wholly excluded it. 1 have had some ex-
General has been assailed : in ocean navigation, and am satis- :
“Notwithstanding the severity of the j !‘ ed Dint the care and economy which a.teods
weather, L<ird Raglan jrersists in inspecting
the troops daily, in defiance of the orders of
his medical adviser to put on goloshes, or
at least, tuck his trmveers up. His attend
ance at the cahteen is nightly, and neter
terminates till tiie waiters inform him lie
must reallv be -off, as they are going to shut
up. His Lordship has been known to stand
•glasses round’ to the assembled privates
and non-commissioncd officers thrice in an
individual enterprise is essential to its sue.
cess, while the extrvagance and peculations,
which eats up the .'uiistauce of corporations,
require larger protections from tire public
treasury for their Mjppori.
I have never till now a situation
to propose the establishment of a European '
line of steamers, and for that reason 1 have
not done so. Should an oppertiuuiy be now
ofibrded me, 1 will attempt it ; and should
I incur pecuniary loss, shall neverttieie-s feel
sustained and gratified, it I shall be enabled
2,000: Melbourne. -fbOO: Nassau. 2,000;
Kingston, Jam.. 2/H10; Ifcte.dam, 2,000 ;
Amsterdam. 1.000; Am la Cbapeiie, 2.5b(i;
Paris, 5,000; Havre, 5.000: Mar.-e.iLw2.500;
Bordeaux2,000; Cadiz. 1.500: tlivaoa 0,000-.
Trinidad do Cuba, 3,000; L'sb.m, 1,500;
Atwerp, 2.500 ; Bremen. 2,000; Hamburg,;
2,01)0; Vera Cruz. 3,500: San Juan de!
Norte, 2,000; Sail Juan del Sin*, 2,000;
Panama, 3.500; Aspinwall. 2.500: Rio
Janerio, 6,000 : Callao, 3,500; Valparaiso,
Origin of the French Spoliation Claims.
J5@-'i’he New York Repress (Whig)
thinks it-rnfliei’ominous of the fate of rhe
ti' - .. party t .at in the two old Whig Suites,
vv icb wor: ti.e homes of .’lay and ti'coster,
it I ia.- i.ecn virtually abando.. d. the ti r hig
delegation in Congress from foa- achu-e ts.
having deferred the protective system, and
in Kentucky <i refusal having been made to
call a Whig State Convention.
i Mini luted, was more ar command, and;
; more deeply tinted and eicAated his i
, moral perceptions than we ever saw j
evinced in tbe case of any one that had !
j lived no longer. But alas, bow* little of all
; this do we remember who really knew aud !
1 loved him. It was as the sou, tne prop and '
staff of dealing parents, as the brother that ■
brought light and joy to tire oid family-
hearthstone whenever be came, as tbe friend
that never flinched, never betruyed, never
grew tired of bis tenderness aud kindness,
ihat we remember him. It is in air hearts
io grieve that tire y< ung of our land d : d not
all know him to admire and imitate, and we
almost wish that wo did not remenLcr s>
much when that remembiaucc Dnugs suoii '
sorrow with it.
their books and teaching, and limiting the
number of their schools. The missionaries,
however, are well protected by the British
Consul at Tabriz.
—There is still much speculation
to whether the President will or
afloat as
will not
city, and Mr. Wra. II. Crawford, of Sump- ! Treimireadmittingthathehas been cashiered
ter. At tire niim-un. ouieut of these gentle- j by the President, and complains of the act
men, we were treated tea rich episode in ; as arbitrary because it was done without
tire speeches, j>ro a d con, upon the merits ! tire medium of a Court. Martial. lie says
and demerits of tire names offered. • that had he iieon in the Austrian service a
At tl.e late hour at which we write, we j Court Martial would have been necessary,
have not time to give many interesting de- ; but, belonging to a free government he is,
tails of lire action of tire Convention, ti e “without ceremony, arbitrarily dismissed
will lay. however, before closing, that our by it for conduct which, in his humble judg-
impiession was that the ti big element ment, he deemed necessary for the honor of
largely predominated in the Convention— , h"* s flag.”
that about eight in every ten were detenu- j Upon which the Baltimore American re
ined to make a temper awe nomination for j marks: “Had Lieut. Hunter been in the
Governor, nnd to stick to in and that thev j Austrian service, he might have been Court
really believed tiiat the prohibition ticket j Martialed, but- tiie result would undoulite-i-
would succeed by the largest vote ever se- ; ly have been an execution at the yard-arm.
cured by a party in Georgia, and our read- i It strikes us that our free government has,
e;s know that we have gone as high a? . in this case, been of eminent use to him iu
18,000 when tbe “dander was up.” tic ! prolonging his life.”
will not dwell on this, however, ns some —
tilings very cutting might be said in retort, j *' boatswain of the navy died at sea. and
ti’e feel it due to give notice to all, as faith- ! tl,e su, 'g eon of tbe sbi P testified that he w.-io
ful sentinels, keeping watch and ward j l.y eating fresh dolphin, which is
, . ’.. ! T. ., .ware, | known to be. in certain localities, or whet
that our gm slings in this fetate are in de- ’ in certain conditions, very poisonous. Tbe
cided peril. Vic felt interested, and locked ! widow applied for a pension, and the Seore-
closely into the eyes of some of these | tlir y °f the Navy held, that if fresh dolphin
old men that have been after our tod- j a P art the regular ration of the navy,
j. * i . ii 1 then, in that event, said boatswain did die
dies lo these many Years, aud we tell our ; , if „ j- „ _ „ . . J , , . , ,.' u u ~
, i ot a disea-e contracted while m the line of
young friends tout incy are in danger—we ! his duty, but if not, his widow has no claim.
do, emphatically, 'i here is a purpose in the j —
State—at least if we may call this Conven- 1 Columbus, Miss., Feb, 20.—Tue celebra
tion “the people,” as a worthy member j ,ed ® >neun ?‘ , . n * a at btt ^
from Fulton gave us his word we uiight-to j ***'. 8 " C, °° W th ‘* mormn S’ at hl8 P^ e '
treat us, not after the old sort, hut to the i __Ciiicinnali. Feb, 20.—River stationary.—
Maine Law, and to call in the aid of law to i P l ? a8a8t ' F ^ ur l . ?8 ’ k 18 1 fo Wbi * k «J
.. , „ j 2o$, Provisions firm. Bulk sholders, sides
stop our grog. But there were some | and bams 4J, 5*. and G|, Barrel lard 81;
metes etiokee made by one, at least, who I kegs 9 J, Mesa pork §12,25, Ms lames 23 24.
•jveuing, and he allows the widest discretion i
to his subordinates in their individual selee- . , ,
lion.”—Letter from Corporal Jones to the i to a,d and advance the inte c-sih of Amen- ,
Voniina Herald. can ^mmcrcc and individual exertion, and ,
-— promote the convenience of our citizens.
Age of Oysters.—A London oysterman j am your very obedient servant,
can tell the ages of his flock to a nicety.— j ‘ 0. Vanderbilt.
The age of an oyster is not to be found out
by looking into its mouth. It bears its A Cold Night.—A .gentleman who was |
uack. Everybody who has handled an oys- traveling between Syracuse and Canandai- i
tersbell must have observed that it seemed gua, N. Y., on Tuesday night week, relates :
as if composed of successive layers or plates ‘hat the stove in the car
werlapping each other. These are teehni- hot.” if®f—.
veto the French Spoliation Bill pa-vred by
Congress. The historical tacts upon which
ilic-c claims are founded stated to be a-,
In the years 1788-'9 the United Snares
v eve in a state of quasi war with the then
Repnhiic of France. Privu;eers cruised
and made captures; national vessels met
and fought on the high seas ; and on the
iiiiid the array of armies, in anticipation iff
a formidable war. Then came the rendu
lion which placed Bonaparte at the head of
the French Government. Tire United States
urged upon Fiance indemnity for the con
fiscation of f-e me edin
When Madame Taguoni quitted St. Pe
tersburg she left a pair of slippers at the
j hotel. The iandloid soon made his good
i fortune known, and 50, 100, and even 2*j0
i roubles (-£20) were freely offered for ti.:
| forgone;: slippers. The landlord, howe ,
j finding tire public enthusiasm increase as
i he raised his demands, peremptorily reiu-ci
! to part wilh the slip-pe.s under lOOJ roubles
(LitiO.f Tiiis sum being rather mure than
: arty dividual appeared Willing to give, tiiir-
I ty-iive persons clubbed together and pur-
; chased the slippers. They then wanted to
know what to do with them. After many
suggestions, none of which gave general
; satisfaction, it was proposed by one of the
speculators, more enthusiastic and original j
than his fellows, that they should eat them ■ I
The landlord of the hotel pronounced the j
. idea to be excellent and proposed to make a j
frieasee of them, which was accordingly ;
'file “Aristocratic Dry Rot.”—The
L union limes, which began the attack j
! iipon -.ho aristocratic element of the British
; Government-as the cause of the present I
| dciect i:i the military system, is ably see- !
I muled by other L mden papers. Douglass !
: Jerroid calls it tbe “aristoeratic dry rot.” j
j and says tire whole fabric is a stiuciiue of a
j i-eriiury and more of tiie most .shameful in-
|.justice, tire voest jobbing, and tire most
j -eitisli igimrance. He congratulates the
: country on its iiiii with the Ministry, and
I says:
“Henceforth, We must have generals and
officers from the great mass f tiie people,
and not from a few coteries. Genius, and |
wounds, aud service, must heucefourth j
puroha-e miliiary rank, and not casli.—
Scars may buy promotions, but not bank
cheeks. And the time is fast coming—
present events hurry it onward—when the
people of England will do longer bo tire
property of two or three houses—eoroneted
Noodles aud Doodles ; imbecilities that came
-ii with the Conqueror/ and will go ou-
with the coming of the conquering mass)—
but will
The “ Spiritualists ” held a mass meet
ing at the Tabernacle, New York, on Friday
evening, at which an immense crowd as
sembled, of whom one-third were women.—
After singing a chant (somewhat interrupt
ed by a fight in the gallery) a Universalis!
clergyman.delivered an address, during the
progress of which he read communications
professing to enne from the Apostle John,
the spirit of John Howard, and a patriotic
poem entitled “Our National Ensign,”
coin mimical ed through a young lady four
teen years old. Rev. T. L. Harris then
made an address, and was followed by Judge
A Rare Feat of Strength.—In the cur
rent number of the Westminister Review
Mr. Carlyle relates the following anecdote
of Moritz, one of the electors of Saxony, an
immensely strong man :
“Walking once through the streets of
London, lie came into collision with a Dust
man, who pe Imps had splashed him with
his mud shovel, or the like. Dustman
would make no apology; willing to try a
round of boxing, instead. Moritz grasped
him suddenly by the back of the breeches,
whirls him aloft, in horizontal position,
pitches him into his own mud cart, and
walks on.”—Exchange.
A few years ago, a well-known citizen of
New Orleans put a turbiqeut drayman in
Cincinnati through the same manoeuvre.
, . ... • t ’ urn, vvju supply- then- own statesmen
; d ' me ’ aild the thm *- s,s enthusiasts, with j Bl . a j win £5 - and n „ tbaublc ,p>
; tiie lecturer as their guest, did actually ea.:
■ Taglioni’s slippers, and washed them down j
j in bumpers of chamdagne, in which they (
was heated “red i fiscal ion iff p-e pre eding years. It was
lie stood three feet from it, and tus i answered that they were made under an
ally termed “shoots,” and each of them ■ breath, as well as that of all the other pas- thority of a government that had passed ! drank t0 the health of the cliarmiu
makes a year’s growth ; so that by counting ; sengers in the car, was as plainly ivsible | :uva y. and live assignats and cmtiuental j we can determine at a glance the year to the eye as cigar smoke—having tire same | moirey, tuey no mure had a value. In short,
vhen the creature came into the world.— effect upon the auuospheveiu the cim (whe
The Legislaiure of North Carolina has
re-cliarteied the Bank of tho State for twenty
I live years, and the Bank of Cape Fear for
twenty years, and increased 1 lie capitol of
the Commercial Bank of Wilmington from
$350,000 to S800,000.
The bank of AVilmington has also been
chartered, but it is required to have $400,-
000 in specie, paid in, before going into op
eration. -
Cnpt. W. C. Pease of the revenue, cutte
Jefferson Davis, by request of the supreme
court in Washington territory, was admitted
to the bar, took the place of the district at
tire French Government refused to aoknowl-
i n to the time of its maturity, the shciots t ^ ere been a tire inr twv> or tlneehours} j e, *£ e ttie^e claims ; hut as the ur- j \j u iumhia 'fitnessays:
ire regular and successive ; but after that . as observed out ot doors any cold frosty ! £ e,K \> " , ® in "5 the united *_/a?es was dis- ; Xhe annexe?! important piece t
rime they become irregular and are piled morning. Innumerable ears, noses, nesanci 1 ^g^enble, tney had user ted in the treaty ; t j na we find in the Keowee (S. ! •
Tl*e Cubau J^Z|>«aUlju—Fahe Alaa*m.
The special tia-Luig.-m correspondent oi i m uie ,jar ,- l00K u, . e P laue ot tno ?«•
dan- j tire New York Courier A Enquirer, on Sun- j ^ney.^wbowas and P'^eeded with
j day evening, announced to that journal by " " ~
Blue Ridge Railroad—Work Suspended ;
;he case of three white men on trial for the
murder of an Indian. In the Mediterranean
ue over the other, so that the shell becomes i fingers were frozen. The gentleman re-1 -'. ,r purchase of Louisiana a provision
more and more thickened and bulky. Judg- ferred to, unglov ing his bands, at tire sng- j
ir.g from the great thickness to which some gesrion of the conductor of tiie train, touch-
oysters shells'have attained, this mollusc is the “break iron” of rhe car; it produced i
capable if left to its natural changes unmo i tiie same effect as touching a red hot iron, j
lested, of attaining a pairiarchical Ion- j leaving the pain and mark of a burn,
„ _ t> -a x l *. i England and Fbance in Ajierica.— Let-
President Roberts.—President Roberts, ters b lue Asia sta , e that the Western
was born m Petersburg, va. Powers have eircred into ctmfideutiai ne-ro-
Before the year 18-5, Ins mother, “Aunty j tiations with Spain for the acc&vion of an
Roberts,” as she was called, emigrated with aux i iia ,. v fo rce <)t - 25,000 men to'm sent to
uer eons to Liberia. In ume, Joseph J. tae Crimea. The “ consideration,” savs
Roberts, one of these sons, was chosen . the Htrakl for this service, is mated to be
President of tbe Colony, and still continues j the assislance ()f England and France to
in the office. j protect Spain in the possession of Cuba
on the part
A siine-
made previoti-
to the commencement of active hostilities on
5 of informa-
.) Courier.
, , , . . . It will Ire seen that the old contractors,
-.hat the furtuer prosecution m toere claims ' Anson, Bangs & Co., have taken water and
tiy ciur government shouldi lie discontinued, i a new company lias been formed in their
It is upon this provisi n that these claims ! s - ead . q - i lC inner have been notified by the
President, Mr. Gremlin, tiiat lie will noi
pay a single dime under existing circum
tire have been pleased to f inn an acquaint-
^ - i
At a recent presentation of Americans to |
the French Emperor, he recognised, at a i
glance. Dr. Parmley, iff New York, who |
had extracted a tooth for him nearly twenty i a,:ce w ' ir i one ol the members oi the'new
years ago, and at whose house he had spent | fi rm » Birdsall. who, we would regret
an evening. ! very much to find placed in force of cirourn-
j s current in I ftances in tbe least dr-agreeabie, regarding
telegraph that the rumored filibustering ex- t ■ - j ,
..edition against Cuba was totally unfound- j 'j lice ’ a b * ®* chaplain appeared tvs counsel
:..I C isli. :. ..i. ..... J • , tor nnd successlulv delenaed a sauor whorne
did not suppose it possible that such an ex
peditiou, so extensive as tiiat was reported j
to be, to approacli so near the completion oi
its organization, without its object being
extensively aud definitely known, and very
generally proclaimed.
ed in fact. This is about as we anticipated; ; f l )r and successful defended a sailor whqme
we believed the whole story a hoax, for we I l , he commander of the national vessel un
dertook to try for murder.
lt has been decided by the high court of
Mississippi, sitting ut Jackson, that Robert
Hairston, deceased, was legally domicilled
in that State, and that his widow, Mrs.
We subjoin the dispatch to which wo re- J B u ?h Hairston,_ of Virginia, is, under the
Prince Albert is quite bald on the top of ! a ^ ai . , *? t an J treebuoting aitacx c
liis bead. Premature baldness seems to be | 11 CI i tlzen v i ia tde United States.
hereditary in the royal family. The Duke met ‘ l tlJ i-ie same effect was made previous -Count to the rank of Inmerial Highne.-
of Cambridge, though only thirty-six years j “? commencement of active hostilities on and d ec!are him heir to the empire! It i
of age, lost his hair some time ag-i. George t e , -muhe. Spam refused at that time to j -aid that recent events which have occured
IV. resorted early to a wig, and the Duke i “ ,a f a r ra ngenient. ilie lecent news i ; n the East, togetiior with the fact ti at
of York was bald at thirty. j l ' u , m Euba, however, readers it nigh ly prob- j rlrere appears to ire no ciiance of a direct
-r~n T r~—U i able that tne “Consideration” alluded to ; i ie ; r t<) the l mpena i -hrone, has
A. Mormon writer, advocating po- been accepted, and the arrival of a pov-
An estrat>rti • iih»* > < uuucui m • , . , .. ** . —
Paris, to the effect :hat the Emperor has ! * perfect gentlemaa W
resolved to declare to the Count de . ! await, vvutn some anxrety, further ilisclosures
Morny the legi ti mare son of King Louis of ! t .. c Courier.
Holland and Queen II .rtenes. and. eonse- - Bl P b K ', IiGE R-'‘'.ROAD.-The Messrs,
quenllv, his own brother. It is added that■! Ban S * have d 'M^ d their entire mtere-t
his Majesty will at tl.e same lime raise the i thc emit.act for building this mad to the , .shes Government that no part of the Km-
- ' remain mg members ot the firm ot Anson, | ney Jt<xpeaition mis sailed tmm Lexas, that
Bangs & Co., notified Mr. Gourdin, Presi- General Qnituiaa has nothing to do witli
dent of the R mil, of their intention to. be ! preparations for another descent upon Cuba,
no longer hold responsible. The Presidem, j and tiiat both schemes are finally abandou-
Washington, Sunday' Ev’g.—Satisfactory
progress is making towards the settlement
of our claims on Spain. Dispatches receiv
ed here state that indemnity will be granted
m all leading ca es. Tire new Minister,
lion.- A. C. Dodge, will sail in March, with
instructions to pursue tbe demands of this
Government with energy.
The rumor of the new Cuban expedition
is a taise alarm. Reliable information sat-
iaws of Mississippi, entitled to one-half bis
property. By this decision Mrs. H. comes
into possesion of an enmiense estate, con
sisting of negroes, valued at several hun
dred thousand dollars.
lyganiy, attempts to sustain his opinion by j tiou of the British West India fleet at Ha-
.-eference to the practice of the Patriarchs j ' aua conbruis ^ ie impression,
of old. Maj. Perry, of the Greenville Fat- j Minuter to Kitglaud.
riot, in noticing the Mormon’s letter, de-1 The Senate has received a communication
nounces polygamy and the Patriarchs, too. \ from the Secretary of State, asking an out
lie admits that the Patriarchs were polyga- j fit for the Minister to England, as Mr.
mists, but says they were a set of stiff-neck- j .Buchanan w *Bremgn^ during the recess.
ad, licentious and ungovernable customers,
who would not be restrained by God or his
An effort is maxing in toe Massachusetts
Legislature to remove Judge Lonug, on the
ground of pre Judging the case af Burns.
throne, has of late
forced this measure on the attention of thc
Emperor. In Paris, and tlioughout France
Prince Napoleon's career as a warrior has
become the subject of jokes, distiches,
and all that artillery' of satire, for which
the French have ever been noted.
Tl is said that when the Czar beard of the
loss sustained by the allied fleet in the great
gale of wind on the Black Sen, he remark
ed, that if one ship was saved, she would
lie sufficient to take home ai. the survivors
of the Crimean expedition.
in reply, states li.s determination not to pay
a single dime, under existing circumstances,
to the new company, which is composed ol
the remaining members of the old firm.—
The Messrs. Bangs have left the Staie. The
members of tire new Company are supposed
to be Messrs. Birdsall, Mather, Bixby and
Wheaton, some of whom are in Charleston
and others jn New York.
“ ti’e understand the contractors have or
dered a suspension of tho whole work, bui
whether tiic .sub-contractors will heed it, we
are unable to say. We hope to be able to
give something more definite and satisfacto
ry io a - le.v days.’"
Important From tiie Far West—Indi
an W *r—liunacrr* and Ftgiuiag.
$t. Louis, Feb. 23.
Tiie Santa Fee mail has arrived at Inde
pendence, with startling intelligence from
tne West, announcing an Indian War as
already existing. In Eutah territory a
party, consisting of one hundred Apache--,
tiad massacred 14 white men and two wo
men, and nail carried others into captivity.
Atiere was great excitement at Santa Fee,
and a geueral Indian war expected. The
Indians swear vengence against all the
A stupendous project has been start
ed in Australia, viz: A railroad with a
double track of seteu hundred miles, and a
single track of three huudred, to connect
with Sydney, Melbourne and Adelaide.—
Ahe cost is estimated at one hundred mil
lions of dollars. The chief features of the
scheme are that it seeks for the protection
iff the Home Government, on condition that
the latter Bhall guarantee a loan for its con
struction. The interest to be chargeable
on the general revenue of South Australia,
New South Wales and Vitoria, either in
proportion to the length of the railway pass
ing through each colony, or in some other
ratio to the amount of tbe actual estimated
outlay or advantage of each colony.
The great-great-grandfathers of the pres
ent Emperor Nicholas, an long ago as
he 13th century used to hold the stirrups
if the Khans of the Kiptchak Tartars,
while they mounted, and used also to feed
the Khans' horses with onto from their fur
caps. . r,.