The Atlanta weekly intelligencer. (Atlanta, Ga.) 184?-1855, March 01, 1855, Image 2

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    WEDNESDAY Feb. 28.
The Wekthcr.
In the latitude of Atlanta the weath
er is becoming the most caprioious, un
certain and unbearable thing we ever had
to deni with. Ono day we have the birds
carrolling the advent of the balmy Spring,
and the next some of the hopeful little fel
lows lie frozen to death in their cages.—
Monday morning, between 10 and 11 o’clock,
we saw great tags of icicles then forming
upon the slick connection rods of a locomo
tive under full headway. Yesterday was
another stinger, and we foar that from this
last freeze a large portion of the oat crop is
hopelessly lost. Much of the fall sowing
is irretrievably injured, and what is worse,
many of those who were forward in putting
in their spring crop, we fear, will find that
the last two days of cold will make a cleat,
sweep of every grain that shows a sprout
above the ground.
Mr. Stephens on Senator Dawson’s Nom
We extract from the last Savannah Re
publican the following note from Mr. Ste
phens, which leaves no further guc-ssiug at
hit choice of a candidate for Governor.—
We confess we admire the spirit of political
justice that impels a friend or a party to
cleave to a man who has high claims, in
spite of the untoward fortunes of the favor
ite. Compromise candidates are often
nothing more nor less that) stalking-horses,
from behind which dreaded rivals arc killed
off, and much more frequently they are the
paltry excuses for our dislike of the h juble
that the demands of gratitude make upon
us. We have now in our mind more than
ono instance of this labor-saving policy.—
Let Mr. Jenkins' availibiiity be what it
may, one thing ie certain, that not one sin
gle man in his party ranks lias deserved
better of that party, or has received les*.—
And we respect the high sense of the obli
gation to continue his support, which seems
to actuato Mr. Stephens. Mr. Jenkins’
greatest sin against his party is that he has
been unlucky*.
CRAwronnviLLE, Ua. /
February 22, 1855. j
Dear Sir:—I hate just received, from s.
friend in a distant part <:f the State, a “slip”
taken from a late number of the Republican,
which is hero appended—
And from the tone of the letter accompa
[Correspondence of the Atlanta Daily Intelligencer.j [From the Washington Intelligencer, Feb. 22.]
New Vork Affairs. An Interesting Letter.
New York, Feb. 20, lS5o. Every reader, we doubt not, will agree
Mr. Editor: Those of your tender-hearted with us tlia the subjoined letter is not only
readers who sympathize with us during our an interesting one, but that the concluding
three weeks’ imprisonment by the cruel , ssntence of it makes it a remarkable one.-
gaoler Jack Frost, j-hd * to -**. j §££ }£& t
kers, Slush & Snow-Bank, should hate been j Armv, during a sojourn at his home in
In town yesterday to see with what jubilee j Petersburg. Ya„ on the 18th of June, 1811,
wo celebrated our release The day began ] just one year before the declaration of war.
soft, warm and rosy, ft fit herald of the ! letter was address*! to an old friend in
c . v ill : this city, ana is now in possession ot the
coming Spring, opening long closed doors J SQu> j - L Edward , t Esq. Great events
and winning all the world ot the city m the j ma k e great men . h seems to have been the
open air. Theequippages of upper-tendom, ] purpose of the young soldier to leave a ser-
gay with the liveried servants, and a costly ; vice of inaction and return to the law. We
attire of the fair y elife who directed tlieir ! are in doubt whether he would have be-
movemente and' who graciously smiled in j renowned at the bar as he has m
J , , the field : but, be that as it may, war soon
unison with the sky, moved up and down j f oUowed ; and tbe young ca ptain, by a course
Broadway by scores, or stood in long rows j t ,f service unexampled in brilliancy anddu-
before Stewart’s, Taylor’s and the resorts of ration, has risen step by step in the career
fashion; while wealthy leisure parades its j of distinction, until at the end of 44 years
vanity and kills its great enemy—Time.— ! h ,n d* himself, on this venerated anniver-
„ : .. ,, „ * . , i -arv, crowned with the highest military
But the niotlv throng of pedestrians who ; hon * or whioh his coon try can bestow. Truly
crowded the sidewalk, elderly gentlemen j has he “written bis history with his sword,” a
thawing their thin blood in the sunshine, I history free from a stain and whieh every
rosy children laughing at their release from j American may read with pride. Intamina-
the nursery, cramped business men—and a ; tD fidget hononbus.
goodly number of these there were—with j Petersburg, June, 1811.
something like, a smile on their grum faces, |
merry maidens tripping daintily along, glad j to give you
to bless the streets again with their bright | please you in that way.
The trial of Oliver Lee for the murder of
Wm. IL Harrison at the election, riot in
. sign* or tbe Time*. New York, Feb. 23,1809. .4 Williamsburgh^ last november, is in pro-
General Cass seems to be deeply impress- A golden day was interpolated into this i gress a ^ Brooklyn. The testimony for the
* f C p^i *‘ etwce . n a 8 en$t, ‘ iuan ed with the idea of a secret coalition be- j dreariest of Februaries for the celebration j 5Lppj e fo V ery strong against the prisoner,
rner of ™Vash i in^ton'and Third* street* tween France and En S land ilostile j of Washington’s birthday, and patriotism j and;fc cleariy sbowa that the Irish were the
- - ° ’ rr-jj—j —i-:~i 1 turned the occasion to good account-in this
Encounter Between a Gentleman and
a Home Bobber la St. Lonle.
The St. Lonis Democrat gives the particu
lars of a recounter which recently ensued
in that city between
the corner ....... „, uu . _ ,. , .
and burglar. Coleman was awakened just Dmted States ’ wLlcb on] y awalts the remov *
in time to see a fellow retrearing out of the a l of-the inconvenient pressure of the pres-
door with his arms full of clothing. Quick
as thought the old revolver was seized and
fired. At the report, down dropped the
baggage and np leaped the thief in the air
about five feet, giving a tremendous yell
evidently having received a ball in thatpor-
city. The order of United Americans mus
tered in prodigious force and each chapter
accompanied by a military escort. Our
citizen soldiers did not parade in great num
bers, but the finest corps were out, including
the entire regiment of National Guards,
fully equipped for winter service. A finer
| body of men never wore uniform, and their
ent war, when our case is to attended to.
Although vaticinations in regard to the fu
ture policy of any first rate power in Europe
or any combination of them, from present
complications must be very unreliable, yet,
non of the body requiring the greatest ; for our part, never have we entertained a doubt
amount of cloth to cover it. There were that the existing state of affairs in Europe ,
five more Lads iu the pistol, and our friend had not the least to do with the present j marching and manoeuvreing would have
LapS a from his 8 Kd and ^ve'^hase’’ The , “ cordial understanding” between France j done honor to veterans of the line. The
thief* frantic to escape, rushed out upon a Lngliind, and we have never thought j civic part of the procession was a gorgeous
little porch, and giving one bound alighted otherwise than that all this patching up cf ; spectacle. I counted five magnificent em-
sprawling on the brick pavement of the ancient hatreds and disgusts was meant for j bleraatie cars, one of which was drawn by
back yard Here was a fine chance for a uur i nune dite benefit. The Editors and fine ! sixteen horses. The vast columns occupied
shot, and (Joleman hastened to take advant- . c ., . r , l . , . .
age of it. Leaning over the banisters he wrUers of these two P owers feel S reat con ' j just one hour in filing out of Chatham street
began to pull the trigger. Click! click! tempt for us, but so do not those Govern- | into the Park, every division marching to
went the pistol, round and round revolved meuts themselves. Of late we have in their j the quickest military time. The National
the barrel, but no discharges. The thief at eyes become not only insolently ambitious, banner floated at such short intervals along
last picked himself up and hastened behind blU dre adfully hard to handle, and it has \ the whole line that a perspective view of
Lforc’hew'L out o^ghTt™^orerauS only happened that a nearer customer has j procession, as it moved through the city
from the old revolver, which, to the great g lve “ them an earlier batch ot hsh to try. | gave one the idea of a continuous stream ot
I believe we have "very little” viilaiienews ! annoyance of CoIcuuvd, at last began to But the point to which we intended to J a tars and stripes being suspended over its
nor do I know what would i make fire after the best chance was over. call the attention of our readers is this: j ran ks. After the inarching and receiving
have we gained anything in a national point were over, Hon. Thos. R. Whituoy, Grand
They certainly have no occasion :
from the overlabors of the past winter.
j hotel registers and the idleues
! jofcbii; . houses attest that tho
j comes in slowly. But come it must, sooner
or later. The universal Yankee nation de
mands necessaries, comforts and luxuries,
and New York is emphatically the source of
The public demonstration of the Spiritu- 1
rc3 t ! in easy transit!
Tho | fr° m study to u
f clerks and '•
trade 1
ly impost , ... _
ti, ns from pleasure to s,ua\, i adva vuages of Shakspeare’s early life, to human actions and speech can be, of com
pleasure : in my gayetj Lr- Y - r j te tlnrtv-seveu plays exhibiting the mar- : ing domestic agitations and convulsions that
idem, in the student^forget-; Te j ons knowledge of men and things which . llre
the plays attributed to him do exhibit.—
' Such a series of performances she urges,
by suck a man, would be a series of mira
cles; and had any mau the power to per
form the half of them, he would have be-
5 alists, last week, passed
j pei haps, as a thing of
gelling the studen
ting my gayety. I have generally been in
the office of my friend, Mr. Leigh, though
not unmindful of the studies connected with
my present profession ; but you will easily
conceive my military ardor has suffered
Indeed, it is my design, as soon as cir-
; cumstances will permit, to throw the feather
out of my cap and resume it in my hand.
are an hundred fold more to be deprecated
than all the tire and slaughter that can come
from external violence. Michigan first in
structs her Senators to vote for a repeal of a
law that is so essential to the Constitutional
ff as respectably, Yet, should war come at last, my enthusiasm
he kind in this will be rekindled ; and then who knows but i dlJ w ith regard to
matter-of-fact age could be expected to do. that I may yet write my history with my —-
. . ... , ,, , .. - - i „ , sword? lours, trulv, A Bit of Romance.—Some
Jo -go Edmonds was the leading spirit, but i WINFiELD SCOT'!'
all his honors won by hard study in the | L . Edwards, Esq., Washington.
poor common human way are quite wilted j 7, r, : in Louisiana, who defrauded her
come one of the most prominent men of his r ight3 of a part of this Union that the law
day. and we should have known all about ; be almost considered a part of the Con-
him, instead of naving to grope and bur- .*. .. . T ^ . , . c , ,,
row for a very few of the personal traits * stitution Uself, Next vte fin t us
and anecdotes of bis
mostly of “ Young America,” was brilliant
ly represented in all parts of the house.—
Greater enthusiasm I never saw exhibited
by any public assemblage. The spirit of
1 the Revolution seemed to be rekindled in all
hearts, and the cheers which burst forth at
every strong expression of National feeling
: literally shook the building. An illumina-
tion at the City Hall, and a splendid series
of fireworks, appropriately concluded tho
iis life, as we have had to j once so sound upon the slave question, busi- , exerc ises of the day.
William Shakspeare.” j ly engaged concocting a nefarious scheme ; It is Mlid that> by way 0 f countcrbalanca
--ears ago, : ^ or renderb, g inoperative this very law, in- j iQ imposing native demonstration, the
by tho supernatural shining of his wonder
ful daughter. Although the body of this
young lady borne out of sight of her friends
ou bewitched broomsticks, her fiee spirit
Methodist Book Concern at Cincinnati.
savs the St. Louis Intelligencer, a very beau- J d ee d for nullifying tlie fugitive law out- 1 will make an unprecedented display
tiful young lady was the ward of a person | right. Then Wisconsin doss the same thing j Qn t j. e festiyai of St. Patrick, the 17th prox
imo. They expect, report says, to parade
out of I —then tiie " model State,” with all the tal-
uying it, Jdecm it proper, in order to pie- j nevertheless gees a roaming in the most in
vent all misconstruction of inv position on j tcrcsting manner. Space and such trifles
the subject, to state that, while I entertain ! , , ,
, • us oceans and mountains are tar no in.peui-
lor Mr. Dawson the highest respect, and \ .
shall give him my cordial support tor the I meat - ^ rom statements gravely made, it
office of Governor, if he he selected and
nominated by a convention of those with
whom it has been my pride as well as pleas
ure heretofore to act, yet 1 had nothing
whatever to do with the “movement” allud
ed to.
Mr. Jenkins, over and above every other
man in the State, is the man of my choice
and preference for Governor.
You will please give this an insertion in
your paper.
Yours, very respectfullv,
P. W. Alexander, Savannah, Ga.
KoSNUtli DlKgnolrd.
A correspondent from one of our States,
recently wrote cumplaingly to the groat
. to , ,.i . r, , 3- , : <j u >le a large fortune. This lady came to ; en t a and n }j decency of her modern 1 , . tb usand atrono . Nobodv w ; ll mo
—A final sc-ldement of a long disputed ; this cit v w here she married, but notHiving | ... , , , LUrff 7 thousand strong. wcuoay w.u mo
question between the Methodist Church, , ou „ ood termg with her husband, finally ol> I -^theus, degrades and stn P 8 h,s offi * lest them, I presume, in tho jieaeefulce.ebrn-
North uud South, has at last^ been finally ; f a toed a divorce from him and retired to a i robe3 a high dignitary ot the benc.i be- ;
arranged. The Cincinnati Gazette of the convent. Whilst she was there she receiv- i cause he would not defile himself with the
19th thus announces the settlement: . j ed a letter from the son of her former guar- | popular perjury and treason of his State ;
“ The Southern Methodist Churcn suit d i an informing her of his father’s death, j T11 .. v : r 7>,; s pr ., d ] 0 0 f libortv
against the Methodist Book Concern in this : and ’ t h at himailf had heired all his vast ! d D ° W 1 S IJ ° Cr " d ‘° °
As I write the snow' is falling in enor
mous flakes, and there is a sign of another
instalment of the snow broth and slush thro’
which we have recently floundered.
A “calico ball” for the benefit of the poor,
is to come off at Montague Hall, Brooklyn,
next Monday. It is expected to be an im
mense affair. Tickets for a gentleman and
two ladies $2, and the dry-goods thrown in.
The new steam fire engine lately exhibit
ed in the Park, will, it is said, be introduced
into our Fire Department-. It is a most effi
cient machine. *■*•*
Expelled from tiie House.—The House
of Representatives at Washington have
expelled from his seat a reporter vvho was
acting as an agent of claims before Con
gress. While the agent was pressing his
client's claim on Congress, the reporter
was manufacturing public opinion by his
letters to his employers of the press. This
arrangement presented a strong temptation
to venality and dishonesty, and Congress
has done wisely to put a stop to it at once.
No mau is fit to be the correspondent of any
docent paper, who is guilty of any impro
prieties. It is quite probable that serving
the connection may interfere with the spi
ciness of the correspondence; but. it will
serve to ourify the sources from which the
people receive many of theiropinionsrespec-
ting important public measures.
Baltimore, Feb. 21.—There was a a regu
lar storm in the Know-Nothing city council
last- evening, growing out of some of the
nominations of the Mayor, many of whom
were rejected.
Allentown, Pa., Feb. 21.—The trial of tho
managers of the Ceatasanqua lottery was
concluded to-day. Nathan Frederic was
fined fined 86,000 and costs, and Wm. Gross
was fined §3,000 and costs. Both to stand
committed until the fine is paid.
There is a petrifaction—that of an Indian
—in the British Museum, taken from the
Island of Guadaloupe, and said to be tlie
oldest of a human being in the world. In
the work of Gliddon and Newton, 0:1 the di-
[From the North American and U. S. Uaioit T
“Moscow Mot Burnt.” te ‘J
Mr. Editor .--An article appeared i n80ma
ot our . journals, a Bhort time since take
from an Iowa newspaper, whioh announcS*
on the alleged authority of Senator Dn, ’
las, the astounding fact that the world h®"
for more than forty years, been labori^’
under a delusion in supposing that M„J n ®
had been burnt 1812, and that Napole° W
himself, who, in the language of the artief
referred to, “was compelled to march h'
army through the fire,” was equally mistl!
ken in regard to that incident. *■
Having arrived there myself in Au»,
1814, where I remained till the follow-; '
May, I profess to know the condition^
Moscow at that time, and annex a few f a f
in regard to it; not, however, lecatisT
suppose the absurd story attributed tu g 1
ator Douglas needs any refutation with w'll
informed persons, but in tho belief that th
may afford some interest to your readers ° y
The French army entered Moscow or. th
second day of September, 0. S. 1812,Km,
zotf having evacuated it a day or two n U "
viously. The inhabitants believed that j
would have risked a battle in its street' 6
and were entirely iguorant of the iutemi
of Count Rostopchin, the military Governo"
to destroy their venerable city on its oc^’
pation by the enemy. v '~
On Sunday, about noon, Napoleon estab-
lished his headquarters in the Kremlin^ and
on Monday night the city was discovered to
be ou tire in innumerable places. This ter-
rible conflagration lasted eight day, durin
six of which it raged with equal fury. ^
About seven-eights of the city, in space
and nearly all the most magnificent estab!
lishments of the nobility, with their costly
libraries, galleries of the fine arts, &c., were
destroyed. At the date of my arrival’near
ly two years after the conflagration, the
great street, called Tverskov, which in ex
tent and the splendur of its edifices would
have once vied with that of any capital in
Europe, was still almost entirely'in ruins a
solitary mansion here and there, in process
of reconstruction, being the only marks i>f
returning vitality. In Kitay Gorod, or Chi
nese Town, the business part of Moscow
lying under the Kremlin, aud walled i n '
which contained immense depots of flour
grain, &o., all the warehouses and shuns’
and most of the restaurants and cofee
houses, not a single building was saved.
It is beyond these walls mat are found the
the Boulevards, the spacious streets, the im
mense structures owned, and in part ocmi-
pied, by tiie nobility, aDd the residences of
cay, was on I rid ay last settled amicably by 1 property, but that he could not consent to j
I night after night, men, that a few months
appears that .-he saw the Arctic go down
I with its freight of struggling life, and be-
| held as at from some “ steeple high,” th
j <ar oil battles of Iukcnnami and Alma.—
| But she evidently does not feel proud, an
I slo w her superior knowledge in advance of * of adjustment, we learn, are as follows:
! tmy fact as some boasters would do. She
i waits until telegraph and steamer have
j brought certain intelligence, and then mod-
• estlv assures the wondering public that she
j knew it. days before! And when thousands
J of honest people, intelligent in all the af- . _
| fairs of life, believe this, and much more of! bl ® cost3 / et du *« a " d d,at ^
, debts and notes 01 tr.e Southern preachers
without recourse.
The strangest part of tho story remains be
hind. No sooner had she eot Dossession of ! tame it
two, three, four and five years. 1» is under
stood. that the Book Concern nnvs tiie taxa-
tho same kind, what reason have we t<
laugh, at the absurdities, and scowl at oui
Hungarian of the slight notice ho had token | pious grandfathers fur hanging witches?
of America aud American affairs for in any j Among the many things of darkness which
months back, which gentle chiding elicited | the vigorous administration of our Mayor is
from Governor Kossuth a reply which is j bringing 11 1‘gfct, is a recent case of sad
published at length in the New York Times I interest. A young and beautiful woman
of the 24th ult. Wo would have beeu J appeared before him, and with many tears
besought him to intercede for the honor of a
younger and only sister. She herself, us it
appeared, had falieu a victim to the seduc
tive arts of some perjured villain and was
living it; prostitution, but had enough of the
goodness of womanhood to implore that
meat's might be used to save her sister who
was in danger of falling as she had done.—
tints the showers of “ bogus ” glorification I His Honor kindly ient ins assistance to re
move the threatened fair one out of the reach
of tempiatioa.
In the somewhat famous libel case of Fry
pleased to have given our readers the whole
of this racy and characteristic composition,
if for no other reason, to let them see what
the sober, second thought of the great for
eign stumper has brought him !o, in his es
timate of our people and government.—
While here, he did Ins be-t to pay buck in
the current coir, of flatterers and diploina-
As t-< all other costa, each party pays its
j own. The final decree will be published
■ before long.
1 TI»e Grocery TradelalVcsttrn Georgia.
Tiie Montgomery Journal says:
All are, perhaps, not aware oi' the exteu-
1 sive trade created by the Montgomery aud
i West Point Railroad, and the Opelika
i branch, for Mobile and New Orleans gro-
■ eerie?. A large portion of Western, and
I even of Central Georgia, received their gro-
i ceries through this source. Large and
heavily freighted trains leave every day
Later from California.
The steamer George Law arrived at New
York on Sunday, with dates to the 1st insr.
from California, and one million one hun
dred thousand dollars in gold.
Transit across the Isthmus was regularly-
The Senatorial question was still undecid
ed after 38 ballots.
The steamer Pearl, from Sacramento to
Marysville, burst her boiler, and several
lives were lost.
ject, as any attempt to provoke a quarrel
with the Native Americans would probably
lead to murderous collisions.
Business is recovering from its syncope.
The late improvement in tho weather brought
the ladies out in battalions. Tho dry goods
stores, miilioneries, mantau-makeries, and
spirit is | a ][ other establishments where fashions are
and blood j studied, to tuloru tho body, have been in a
Reason will not. The common j S ( a + e 0 f siege, and the retail merchants are
recovering from tlie hypochondria, produced
gloomy skies, overslaughed streets, end
blue condition of things generally.
The prohibitory liquor law, (divested of
twelve months -rom to-day who doubts ; +} ie e i aust)i recognising tho right to search
who can doubt ? Mill this suffice for tho ! p r j va [ e dwellings, if connected with a store,
tion of their jubilee ; but it is to bo hoped ; great length of time—more than forty thou- .it considerable distances asunder, to which
that they will confine themselves to that ob- I sand jears-that the human race has lived j mainly, and the fact that a portion of the
J upon our continent,—the great length 01 1 French army was quartered there, mar he
time required to form the petrification being attributed the preservation of about ‘„ ne .
alleged as a reason for this conclusion, but | eighth of the city in area, which was saved
the facts now brought to light in Ohio shows f by the almost superhuman exertions of the
upon what very slender data they have form- | French soldiers.
ed their opinions. It appears to us that we j The Kremlin, in like manner occupied by
have read of bodies having been found pet- j the French, and protected by bride walls
rifted, in other place*, a few years after in- j of from twenty to thirty feet in height, (not
terment, but we cannot lay our hands upon j sixty, as Senator Douglas is reported to have
the source of information at present. I said,) was also preserved. Nor did any
■ magazine blow up and crack the church of
! raging, burning bigotry of hearts that are
as restless as the billows of tho bottomless
j pit? Would a great war that made blood
j flow like water cure our madness, or
I would it only avert for awhile the
; eomiDg downfall ? It was the great heart
i of Roman patriotism that said, in the
| darkest hour that came, “never despair of
j the Republic.” But Rome was Italy and
office or other places of business,) has been
passed by the Assembly, and sent to tho
Senate, where it will be referred to to bo
“ put through ” before tho Legislature ad
journs. It will play the misohiet with tho
great distillers here. One of these ooucerns
turns out 6,000 gallons of alcohol per day,
the greater portion of which is'used fro the
manufacture of camphene and for other
[From the Richmond Penny Post (Know-Noth
ing pnper) Feb. 21.]
Senator Wilson and the Virginia Know-
Italy was the Empire. No common senti- j chemical purposes,
ment if we except Congressional pickings j The departure of Gris: aud Mario for Eu-
j and stealings unites us asa people—no force j r0 pe, i n the steamer of Wednesday, has
and the present conveniences of the Com
pany, though running thirteen engines, is
not sufficient to keep tlieir warehouses free
from large accumulations of eastern freight.
and enthusiasm that in such a shocking i move the threatened fair one out of the reach ^ days since lour extra trains passed
ami cuiuutiusui cucu u tin*.Bong j up with 31 cars loaded wholly lor Georgia.
waste was poured out bofore him. We now | temptation. V,> took occasion to noticetheir destination,
eee, that, while his reciprocations of such j In the somewhat tamous libel case of Fry a8 follows: LuGrange, Newnan, Atlanta,
favors were more graceful and noteworthy, ! Bennett—James Guidon Bennett of Vie ■ Palmetto, Fairburn, Social Circle, Athens,
they were nevertheless not one whit more Herald— tho judges of the Supreme Court ' Covington, Marietta, Cartersville. Rome,
u-Dcere er well considered than ihofo that have decide-:. tLat the defendant is entitied ? £ as;t . xg \ U jr. ls ta
came pouring down upon him in such a to a new trial. , j The value of this trade, whieh is rapidly
cheap and washy affluence. lie discloses, in j 1 he advices by the Bmek Warrior, which increasing, i? immense to tlie grocery trade
the following lines, tho chagrin he feels at I arrived at, Now Orleans yesterday, with Ha- J of the Gulf ports, to say nothing of the
not having succeeded in moving the whole ' vima dates to 15th iisst.. show that the island i large amount of cotton which formerly went
, east, ana winch now g^os to Mobile, lor
political machinery t.d our government to 1 is in a tide of the greatest excitement in , . ’ , , , . b c . ,
s this new and valuable avenue of trade our
do the grinding of his grists: consequence of threatened revolution. The f r ; ends 0 f Mobile are wholly indebted to
“ Thus, sir, here you have my answer to ' island is declared to bo in a state ol block- j Montgomery capital, enterprise and credit,
your reproach. A Whig Government is hos-! ado> All capable of bearing arms are en-1 though they- are not willing to admit or
tile to our aspirations ; a Democratic Gov- j r ,,' t ] p j £1 piitary companies. The Queen recognize any benefits from this section.—
eminent is, practically, not a bit better in ! , , A « , , . . Be that, however, us it may, this road,
foreign policy ; and tho Young American ! * " . ,. to *">' . lv “ ' ‘ ' though of vast benefit to the State and this
Government has proved wor*o than both, {1 j sav ° hcraed from revolutionists at home and scct ; onj j a 0 f ten t i n , e j more benefit to Mo-
can demonstrate it by mutteos of fact, and j watch buckler Fillibusters abroad. j bile,
by a parallel between what I have exper-1 A book eniided “Life and Beauties of
ieuced when Daniel Vfebster, the YVhig, was ! pauny Fern,” just published by Log A
making a stir in
failure! failure! failure! and the people j Rt'i'ary circles, toe mythical Fanny is
contented with having cast a vote in the : handled without mittens, and tho events of
election, and nbsoroed in domestic party j her romantic- career are set down apparently
contentions, made not the slightest exertion I iu accordance with the motto at the beg in
to bear its sovereign will on the poliov o. I , , ■ ,, ,, . '
the Government. Where should, then, ‘any u,u 6 " f t,,e l “ K,k ' 3S .? lhm 5 extenuate nor
Democrat here, iu Europe, have found an j letdown ought m malice.' The selections
inducement for any public intercourse with 1 from her writings, arc well made and a great
your barren political Sahara. j part of them have never before appeared iu
“ Let us see but one bright ray of light, j i, 00 p f orni
We annex the letter of Senator Wilson, j of individual character or separate State in- j created little sensation, unless it be in the
crowded witirmVrchaiidize’fortliarfiMtton, • addressed to Vespasian Ellis, Esq. Nobody I flueuce, dominates with such authority over j bosom of the pallid and pensive Miss Jane
expects a Senator from Massachusetts to ho j tho rest as to sway our public mind. Tho
a Pro-Slavery man ; but we are free to ad-; kT ., 0 . . , , , , • » . ,
.. ,. . ,111 .. r . ! Northern States onlv happen to ne mteeted
mit that no letter could be more satisfactory ’
to a conservative than this. In the last sen- ' witn a popular malady that presents
tence he leaves the door wide open to Slave- j same common characteristics, but they ara
ry agitation. In doing so he acts in diieot | no more alike in their moral traits for all
contravention of the sentiments and princi- 1 this, and arc not one whit more homogene-
ples of the Know-Nothing party, one great j }mn th , vocl(1 be s5niptv be eause a
object of •winch is to stop the discussion of _ . . . . - *, , .
the Slavery question in Congress. The at- | general epidemic haa swept a.uieover their
tempt- by the Abolitionists to convert the j whole population. The bond of fraternal
Order to their purposes, has been badly ; love is broken and every hope, every re:ne-
: dy that ignores this fact is self stultification.
But we have half way promised to let this
matter rest, at least fora long while. Yet
for our lives we cannot but feel that it is a
pity, a great sin, to have men for neither
honor or profit—from neither duty to God
nor man, keep au otherwise happy people in
eternal strife and deface and begrime so
Secretary of State, and what 1 have exper- j .. *;. ^ ' ..
ieneed since,)—nav, it has proved a perfect ’ . r,> ‘ ! ~ * a ' *’
‘ ' ' t)ic tioimR. ■ ihcrarv circles, me 1
Cnb» (ind lli« tatted States.
The New Orleans Courier lias a sensible
article on Cuba, and severely censures the
arbitrary measures announced by Concha,
to which American vessels are to be subject:
"It appears from what we car. gather
tuat General Concha, in conjunction with • as to any other matter of public concorn.
the naval officers of Spain on dutv in the 1 • • — - - -
made in the North, and wo are well aware
that it is that which has given rise to the
general purgation of the Order. Would to
God it had taken place before the Legisla
ture which elected Wilson had been return
ed. Still, there was a violent effort to de
feat him, an effort which could not have
been made but for the conservative tendency
of Know-Nothingism, which revolted at its
principles. Senator Wilson, however, is no
criterion. Tlie Know-Notings of Virginia i comely a fabric as our fathers reared, from
repudiate him and his doctrines, and regard ! no other motive than a devilish love of med-
both as a sore upon the body. There i? no ; d i; n g with any body’s business but their
mere connection between him and Virginia! If war can save us from internal
Know-Notlnngs, than there is between Ran- ,, , , ,, , , , ,
toul and the Virginia Democracy. . rage and hatred it the .nack demon tha.
Senate Chamber, Feb. 19, 1855. j has niade Faaueil Ha \ 1 hia head 9™ rd
Dear Sir: My answer to your inquiries cau appeased with hecatombs of French
will be brief and explicit. : and English—let’s have them- -anvthins?.
1. I fully recognize the doctrine of State un l es s it be more conventions.
Rights in its application to Slavery, as well
Defence of Liverpool.—It is tho inten
tion of the English Government to construct
another large battery on the Cheshire side
of the Mersey immediately on the site of
the old powder magazines at Liscard. This,
with the old Rock Battery, ar New Bright
on, aud the new one North of the Iluskis-
son Dock, on the Liverpool side will make
three defensible batteries : and an applica
tion has also beeu made to the Liverpool
dock committee for sites for three additional
batteries on the Lancashire aide of the river.
Prince Gortschakoff, the Russian Ambas
sador at Vienna, is still at that capital, and
what is more, is continually dining with tho j by the Russian government utter the evacu-
‘ ation.
Ivan Veleeky, as stated. The rent in the
walls of the cathedral, ?.nd the prosiraroa
of several of the towers and bastions itoior
probably replaced) of the oid Tartar fir-
tress, were caused by the explosion of mines
placed under them by Napoleon when he
evacuated Moscow, and which, but for the
failure cf some of them to ignite, would
have left the whole Kremlin, with it= thir
teen churches, two Imperial palaces, ar-e-
nal. barracks, &c., a complete mass of ruins.
llow far Moscow may claim to Lave been
a burnt city, may partly be inferred l'rum a
statistical table now before me, published
Frances Gyle, commonly called Miss Coutts,
who, xrosii some unknown cause, (possibly
the fear of Norma's vengeance,) did not ac
company them. Perhaps she may bestow
her heart and her “tin,” of which latter
she is reputed to have a “ plentiful suffi
ciency,” upon one of “ Sam’s ” go-ahead
The trial of Holmes, for the manslaugh
ter of policeman Gourley, has again been j
postponed, and will go over to next term.— ;
The accused is said to be indisposed. Ili?
disease is thought, by those acquainted with
his case, to be an indisposition to l>o tried.
Peverelly, convicted two or three terms
ago of an attempt to fire his own warehouse,
has appealed from the judgment of the
Court of Sessions, and arguments in the
case, pro and con, are now going in on the
Supreme Court.
Emperor, his ministers, and tho Austrian
aristocracy. Count Estcrhazy, the Austrian
ambassador to Prussia, who had left Berlin
somewhat hastily, has beeu ordered to re
turn immediately to his post.
The advices from Spain announce that
Mr. Soule had demanded his passports. The | here, which are tiie pride and enyv c ,f
Washington Star lias a letter from Paris, ! g0 many good citizens. Most of the brick
dated tho 8th iust., which says that Mr. ; Rouses referred to, and so termed Ly the
Soule had taken official leave of tho author- - Muscovite enumerator, would, from tlieir
ities at Madrid, and was hourly expected at g VC!lt extent and capacity, be called in Italy
Paris. He will probably return to the Unit- J palaces, casting in the shade in these re-
IVhen the French entered Moscow, i;
contained 2567 brick houses, of which 2041
were burnt! But tho reader must not sup-
j. ,-se I me...- we small structures so called
in cur ‘ie.-. 01 even the boasted edifices
1 with riicii f' ir rooms on a floor, oc isionalh
ed States by the next steamer.
The engagement with M’H. Rueliel to vis
it the United States, it is said, has bcoa
signed by all parties. She will he paid 1,-
200,000 francs for the two hundred repre
sentations to be given whenever deemed
proper ; that is to say, six thousand francs
(1,200) for each representation. Six hun
dred thousand francs will be deposited at her
bankers in Paris, before the departure,
which, in case of her being shipwrecked,
reverts to her family.
New York, Feb. 22.—Among the pas
sengers arrived by the Baltic, yerterday,
was the Rev. -James C. Richmond, who tried
to cause our Government so much trouble
while in Austria. Mr. Richmond is an
Episcopalian Clergymen, residing in Prov-
idene, R. I., when in this country. M r e
l shall probably hear from him soon, for he
Considerable anxiety is manifested by ! will not be content until the newspapers
some of our citizens to ascertain the where- j have given his version ol the story.
about? of one Mr. Curtis, Lo Nor, who fig- ! . M«u> kft for Europe yesterday
, ’ ’ t j in the Atlantic. A number of persons cmw-
uved, not long ago, as a banker, at Mericlan, j d(jd j bo docb to see them oft’. 'There were
Conn., subsequently as a financier, without j K0 bands of music there, nor any public
let’s have them- -anything, j a conscience, in this city, still more subse- ■ demonstrations whatever, except immense | city might lead one to suppose
I quently as a bankrupt finally as a borrower l cheering. These two singers were suprem- 1 her standing when the French arrived ra
I of several thousands of dollars, with which j e '- v disgusted with us upon their first arrival j 329 and in August, 1814, 273 were in a
. , , , , i + i + ! out their success in Boston, and the warmth condition tit tor use.
-peats the most famous of our public hotels,
each furnishing space for the accommoia-
unit of many families, and most of their, so
ocenped. The vastness of one of these edi
fices can hardly be appreciated by person*
who have not seen them. For inst ur e, the
house (if Count Apraxin—a small 1 ' irt only
of whieh, with its palatial ball rooms, pri
vate theatre, &c., sufficed for his princely
establishment, the rest being rented out to
tenants, and which he had already rebuilt
in 1814—was a huge quadrangular build
ing, reputed to bo a verst, or two-third: u!
an English mile, in circumference !
Ot wooden houses there were 6501, of
which 4401 were burnt, leaving on the de
parture of the French bvri 2100, chiefly a:
the extremities of the city.
Even at the close of 1814 there were
6000 fev> or street lamps than prior to the
arrival of the French. The churches hav
ing Leon all massively built, and arched,
and- having floors of brick or stone, with
littie that was combustible in the interior,
aud being, moreover, generally detached
from other buildings, suffered numerically
less than so wholesale a destruction of a
The DUE-
indicative of the fact that ihe darkest days !
of the ct-iip-e of America are over—und |
gladly, oh! how gladly will I act up to your j
well meant suggestions.”
How differently men view the .same ob- '•
joet when the surveys of it are taken from I
different etand-points. YVashington thought i
it best for us to attend to our own matters. !
but Kossuth is just ns certain that in this;
matter of minding our own business and I it has been fu
keeping tho eleventh commaudment we are j symbolize cur
at best degenerating into a pitiful nation of,
Foor Richards. This thing called the “sol- ;
idarity cf the peoples,” ip a grand doctrine ,
for the power tnat ventures upon a fight, j
goto floored and badly gouged. But. we do i
think when we toko a view of the work wo j
did, as well as thetovork wo yet have to do, j
The newly invented steam " squirt,” as
the rc-d Lifted boys contemptuously call the
steam fire engine, made a most successful
trial of its fire'annihilating abilities on Sat
urday last in tlie Park. It pour-1 a contin
uous volume of water upon the figure of
justice, which surmounts the City Hall,
washing that reverend emblem cleaner than
years, and so fitting it to
present administration and
demonstrated beyond cavil the superiority
of iron over human muscles.
A new feature in private amusement? is
“private theatricals” successfully introduc- !
ed into the drawiug-room of our fashionable j
ladies. Of cuur e tho expense of such ex- :
hibitious will prevent their popularity : be-
eoiony, is about to begin a system of marine
I'olice, under which vessels bearing the
American flag which may approach tiie
shores of Cuba, are to be subjected to a vis-
itari'n, the strictness and offensiveness of |
which at once destroyed all hope of a longer j
continuance of friendly relations between
ourselves and the mother country ; for the
idea that tlie United States will tamely sub
mit to such conduct, and the making of
another batch of Contoy prisoners, is too
absurd to be dreamed of for a moment.”
This is, says the Delia, as we have before
stated, a subject that demands the immedi
ate action of our Government, if it would
preserve intact the national honor. While
England and France have taken sides with
the Spanish rulers, and placed ships of war
at their disposal, it behooves the United
States to be equally vigilant, and not only .
protest against the fleets of the Allies being
brought to bear against all suspected Amer
ieun citizens who may be found on the is
land, lint to dispatch vessels to support the !
rights aud liberty of every American eiti- i
Mr. Crisp is Coming
The Virginia and Kentucky resolution of I . the c f, rd Polished in this mornings j he is understood to have absquatulated to j
179v$ iu the main, aa I think, correctly set ^ seen tuat cur olw Favorite j California -There ib some talk ot a requi- j fonnanees in this city v/ere characterised,
forth that doctrine. ’ ; Crisp is about, to visit us once more, and with j sition being served on tlie Governor of that i made them entirely reverse their opinions.
State for the purpose of securing Mr. Nor’s ' They go away charmed with our tast aud
_ , iza safe return to his Atlantic friends, but I ' apprec- ”.ion. The renowned Miss “Coutts”
lslation. r • • , , c , r . 1 , , , , . , , - • . , ; remains at the ofc. Nicholas, ohe content
. , .. Lnjjau is to give us a taste of her quality, \ apprehend he has steered clear 01 criminal i , . , • T i, , „„ ,
2. Mv response to your second question is 1 => , , , 1 - ; ^ j plates a trip South, I have heard,
included in my answer to your first I do j and lirdess vr0 are harder to please than f responsibility.
iui iu luaii uukiuiivi . vi ieu 1 ^ aupun tv »»
The whole subject of Slavery within State his popular company reinforced bv an ac-
iimits should be left absolutely to State leg- j cess5on that is a hose in herself, Miss Eliza
not entertain the opinion that Congress has any, and every other Southern audience, j A savage editorial skirmish is at present j
any power to interfere with Slavery, as it we had as well surrender at discretion.— j under way between the Tribune and the ;
exists under State laws. _ i There ean be no doubt if the highest his- j Daily Times. Mammon is at the bottom of j
JLSJ Eve that° there £?$£%£■ i t™™ *“ j *•«*«•*• »• J'*". *• S”"* I
Logan is decideJl^ one of the most &ucce.-.->- j perintendent, advertised the weekly state- (
ful of her profession in the county. We J m ents of
mount to all human law, and that this law
is to be obeyed by men in public and pri
vate life, rather than any human law in con-
jikL with it. But I see nothing in the Con
stitution of the United States, as I under
stand the Constitution cf the United States,
which requires me, as a Senator from Mas
sachusetts, to do anything in conflict with
the law of God. If 1 thought otherwise. I
would not take an oath to support the Con
stitution of the United States.
shall take pleasure in giving her a fair and
as far as we aro capable, an appreciative
hearing and have no doubt that oar approv
al will endorse the many honorable testimo
nials that she has received from the best
Night before last there was for this part
that cur charity should not only begin at I aides, so long as the inimitable Bern :, wears ! Baris letiors report that the health
I ho s
homo, but stay at home, at least for a while.
And yet we must-in justice to our hearts
say, if ever the tale of history spoke of so
noble an outcast, so sublime a beggar, as
this great-hearted Magyar, then we have
forgotten it. We do not feel the less for his
people, because wo must defend our own : past season,
front a policy that would bring inevitable ! and the po
ruin upon us. j shop, as he quaint
Mr*. A. S’ Cnnulnglin
We call the special attenti
readers to this lady’s ad vert if
day’s paper. Mrs. Cunningham
among us bearing the very
nials from many of the first
the South. She has boon long a reside! • of' tor. must plead my excuse for the leanness
Augusta, Ga., pursuing tho duties *»• er »i Otis'-ue, which I will close with a prom-
profession. To this community nothing can ; isc of something better next week. ***
be more welceme tliau the qualifications and ; ~ „
ran , . 1 Mr. C. H. Bulkley, of Adams & Co’s,
talents ot one so highly rocommondeu as ;
. • , j , .1 . , . ,, Express, will pleas accept our thanks for
this lady, which are to be devoted to the _ ' . * . .. \
t ,. , . , .. . ... California and New Lock
cause of female instruction iu our imd«t.— I 1 ,
Without meaning the slightest disparage- ! tUCSi: a C, '‘
ment to others already occupying the field j ^ -The^mer Om-
of educational labor lieie, v»e may way that . a j ta j, a8 arr ived from Vera Cruz with dates
we hail, with much plea .are, so valuable an ' to tbs 2£d inst. Her new? is unimportant.
accession as Mrs. Cunningham. i T" 7~,
2 ! Jethro Cotton—A lot of twenty-one
A verdict was rendered ou Thursday' ! bales Jo Lro Cotton, from tlie plantation of
morning, in the New York United States I ]_);•. j. S. Sims, Lexington, Oglethorpe co.,
District Court, which is ol ^cry great im- ; was fe0 ] d IU Augusta on Thursday, by Mes-
portance to importers ol wool. It appears grB p , at . & ^ fur 12 cent ^
that wool absorbs moisture at sea, und nee- j
essarily becomes heavier by the damp ; and j G. W. Green, tho wealthy bunker,
on its arrival here it is liable to duty on the ; wbo wa!j convicted some time since of the
weight, without, reference to Us actual , d } i . f , himself iu his
weight when shipped and invoiced in Eng- „ ‘ . ’ , b . , 8
1 cod » Rt Chicago, on Sunday morning last.
k aijd provides such a troop of actors , of Mr. Mason, is gradually improving.
4. The American Organization in Massa- of tbp vv- C7 .j d a very respectable fall of snow,
chusetts does not embrace the question of Not ite deeo enough fw sleighing but yet
Slavery among those for the regulation of . ^ 1 , \ ,
which it was formed. 14 went fur enough—u took us “out of sight
The people of Massachusetts have fixed of land.” It was about half on inch deep
the condition of tho banks in the
limes, and not in the Tribune. Hence, there
istrouble in the wigwam, and Mr. St. John
Washington, Feb. 22.—An election took
place to day for two Vice Presidents, Trog
surer, Secretary, and a Board of Managers
of the Washington National Monument
Association. The American ticket received ]
754 votes out of 851 votes cast. Tho editor !
of tho American Organ, Judge O. Ellis, was j
chosen first Vice President, and J. M. Me- ;
Calla was chosen Treaurer. j
Cincinnati, Feb. 22.—The Indiana Leg-
Many more details could be given, La;
I suppose the above will suffice to dispose of
the gigantic imaginary wood sheds of Sena
tor Duglas, on the burnidg of which lie
would have us believe tlie gratest of our
modem poets wasted his magnificent apos
trophe :
Subliineat of volcanoes ! Etna’s flame
Pales before thine, and quenchless Heeln.s tara.
Vesuvius shour- his blirtc an usual sisrht.
For gaping tourists, from her hackneyedkisitf
Thou staudest aloue: uurivallcd till the tire,
To como, wherein all empires shall expire!
An Old Traveller.
receives a salvo of compliments, and a vin-! islature held an election to day for C. S.
dictive spot alternately from the two papers.! Senator. The Senate elected Isaac Blaek-
lt is a very pretty quarrel as it stands and
Atlanta, jM arch j-
Cotton.—54@71, extren’es.
Exchange, uo New York is se’hniyp pur)w
ford, but the House amended by inserting j premium. On Charleston and Savannah * !*■
, , . • , , . the name of Joseph G. Marshall. The :
no doubt, amusing to the two editors; ^ ; SenatoTcfused to concur, and great excete-
the official gentleman, who is cudgelled by , ment ensued. There is but little hope of a
the- one and soft-soaped by the other, must j compromise,
feel rather uneasy in his boots, I should ini-:
agine. j
have by the Baltic the particulars connected , all connection with a responsibility for Sla- !
An article in the last Dahlonoga
In the Indiana Legislature, on the 13th j lor uot fuil J concurring 11
inst.. the Senate passed a bill appropriating i acd °P mions - the J ^iH submit to no dicta- route, and f-
55,000 per annum for Colonization purposes, I tlon or proscription from any body of mei , gest tliems. 1
by a vote of 31 to 11. | or section of the country. Atlanta, vis. i
I, a? a Senator from Massachusetts, shall
Washington Monument.
excitement in Washington owing to the elce-
The government at Washington has made i tion of two Boards of Directors to t! e Mon- :
a bid for Burton’s Theatre ; so at least says j ument Association, both of which claim to 1
long tongue—Dame Rumor. | legally elected. The case will go before j
. .? P r m ! the Circuit Court,
ant? the site for a post office.
riio makes his cool 8200 or From Mexico.—The N. Y. Herald’s cor- j
by theatrical representations : respondent says Alvarez will soon march to
s (although a man of letters) to abdl-1 th . e ^9? witl : 5,000 men—wU! be
. . .. „ _ .. . , , reinrorced at Chilpancingo by 7,000 men, I
post in favor of the United States , and v.-heri aear tho city will be proclaimed 1
: President.
Our Mayorand the Belgian Consul here are j The Panama Herald, of the 2-ith, says
?. Courts to test the question j General ZulJiago, with 1,000 of Santa An- I
s exported from the Work- 1 i,r> “ 8 men, had surrendered to Alvarez on
for the benefit of our ! 2 . 0th ’ with muskets, provisions and i
, . , , . , ,, six cannon. Ine men loined the standard 1
, hospitals aud jails, can legally 1 0 f Alvarez.
their place of shipment by j It ha3 decided by tho high court of !
ihe city authorities. In the meantime, j Mississippi, sitting at Jackson, that Robert, j
while the question is pending, it would be , Hairston, deceased, was legally domicilled ;
“ a9 good a deed as drink ” to pass an act j in that State, and that his widow, Mrs. |
Bacon.—Ve quo'? liog round 31 to 10.
12to 124 cents. Sides Kibs 9 91 cts. Sides ties:
9V to 10. Shoulders 14 a 8 cents,
j Lard by the bbl. 10(31101 els. leaf.
TlLvo -' a • Iron, Swedes 5A to 6±c ; Ei.glisho to 5i
• | Nails have advanced to 6 it 64 ets.
Corn is selling at 90 to $luO.
Corn Meal, 95 to $1,10 cents.
Pouk, Hog round, 6A@7 tents.
Beet, By tho quarter, 6 5* cents.
Sweet Potatoes, 0o to 75 per bushel.
Irish Potatoes. $2 to 21 per bushel.
Salt, Liverpool sacks plenty, Sl-i'-t!
Liquors.—French Brandy. $2,50 to jaW-1..
gallon: Domestic 50 to 75c. lemh ,u ’: 11
cents. Whiskey 45 a 50 cents. Gin oO w l '
ltuin 45 to 60 cents. bushd
sons that will readily aug- |
the mind. We trade to !
<anta, everything tends to ; —
Atlanta ns a common centre. Very soon, j that would confer the power of expulsion if! Both Hairston, of. Virginia, is, under the 1
An Extravagant Price.—A pair of sal- j claim for the opinions of her people, all the judging from present indications ol the i it does not already exist laws ol Mississippi, entitled to one-halt his j
• • * ' ■ • - ■ - ~ . ,, ^ --j *--•!- *i • ■ 1 * property. By this decision Mrs. H. comes j
j nto possesion of an emmense estate, con- j
increasing j istiug of negroes, valued at several hun- ;
dilapidated, broken down, worn-out, fogy i demand tor uerman literature, have given j red thousand dollars. i
( .. )V -„ C r„in,tpnt ,,f (j.,„ Philfldnlnhin. I * u “° vl >-“' i ... i/omuuuu. Miileilgeville, and settle down on one of | us a graceful translation of Golthc’s “ Her-j The “Spiritualists” held a mass raeet-
ATorlit A
• ‘simndent cf the Pl' il idelr<hia °f the people of the ancient Dominion. Miileilgeville, and settle down on one of i us n graceiui uuusmuon 01 uouue » iier-1 xtie “ snu
American states that tlie title of Lieu- ■ Yours^truly,^ tho=e beautiful eminences, within the pro- > maun and Dorothia,” characterized by the j ing at the fabernacle. New York, on Friday
: -s_^_ J * u “ city, there j forge-hearted and tender sympathy of the I evening, at which an immense crowd as-
greatest of German authors. sembled, of whom one-third were women—
tenant-General. does not deprivave Gen.
Beott of his full rank of Major General, as j
Wheat.—Good will bring to $1,70 P* rE
readily. . ,
Flour.—Scir.-o at $5 to 5.? per hunureu.
Butter, Country, 15 to 20 els. Gosueu,-•
per pound. T.enu. Butter, 10 a to by the av
Fair N. 0. Sugar, by bbd.
Prime “ “ “ .to
Chuice “ ic “ {
Syrup, N 0. by bbl. 32 to 33 cj.
Extra Whiskey “ ^
Star Candles per box
No. 1 Rio Coffee by sack 11? to 1-4
Gussy Bagging 16 Lo 17 cts.
Ropk 12 to 13 cents.
Chickens, 15 to 20 cents.
Eggs, 12 to 15 cents.
Fodder, 75 to 100 per hundred.
Pear, $1.40 to $1.50
Feathers.—40 to 45. „ !»e,-ts
o 45c. Tallow 20
COTTON.—Tlie demand continues mu-
prices remain firm and unchanged-^
L-andles.—Sperm 37
A Glut.—The Columbus, Miss., papers
the former is merely to be conferred by report the warehouses there full of cotton,
brevet. There will, therefore be no occasion ' waiting a rise in the Bighee. We suppose
for any contest between the. friends of Gene- that this is the cane at most or all the ware-
nils Wool and Twiggs for the succession.— j Louses on chat river, as well as on the War- fined iu the jail at Macon, broke out on Sat-
lle further slates that in full rank (Briga-i rior.
dier General) Wool is the senior of Twiggs ; Fr
by more than live years; but by
cincts of this young and thriving
to remain “ till tbe wicked cease from troub
ling and the weary are p.t rest.”
Macon Jail Broken—Escape cf Prison
ers.—We learn that several prisoners con-
houses. The male singers are much supe-
urday night, and escaped. Among them is rior to the females, and the manager prom-
wiggs ; From present appearances the “rise” Scovall, who lately ranaway from that city, I foes new faces and voices soon. The prices
years; but by brevet i spoken of above seems likely to take place with about S10,000 of the funds of the ($4 & 50cts) are reasonable enough—too
Twijrgs ranks over Wool, tbe commissions ! about the same time with that which ha9 Branch of the Marine Bank, located
cciuiM 01 uertuan aucuorw. > » c .. . . ,
^ . j ! After singing a chant ^somewhat interrupt-
Ole Bull’s opera troupe at -the Academy ! ed bv ft fi | ht fe in tbo gal ] ery) a Universalist
of music draws from “tair to middling” | clergyman delivered au address, during the
of Major General by brevet being dated ■ beeu so long expected by the Millerites. In Macon, and who was subsequently ap_pre-
reasonable 1 apprehend to enable the om-
opt. 23, 1840, and Feb. 23, 1847, respect- j there diggins, rain has become an “obsolete 1 hendedat St. Louis and brought hack, two j P reaar io to pay for tho services of first class
ively. I idea.”—Tuscaloosa Monitor, 22d inst. other prisoners escaped with him. artists and artistes.
progress of which he read communications
professing to come from the Apostle John,
the spirit of John Howard, and a patriotic
poem eutitled “Oar National Ensign,” '
communicated through a young lady four
teen years old. Rev. T. L. Harris then
made an address, and was followed by Judge
NEWYt >RK. - S 3 i
CO TTON—Tho market is firm- Guio i
COTTON.—Ve: :erday'3
are unchansed.
9 eents.
e: X’-duv’s iiciwa« —
c. Y U..J = _ , at Hi
ftn'.es to dny 1100
State of tlie Weith* r
7 oclock a. m
*20 degrees
•2 o’clock p. ®. I 0
decree-| 0
t 'ALOTIHNO—A fino iissortment j«?t ''“j,
O by PARR a
Nevenber 23, 18M.