Newspaper Page Text
VOL. VI. NO. 44.
Dallr, Trl*We«kly tond Wtetly.
Daily Intelligencer per annum, in adrance,
Tri-Weekljr, “
Weekly, “ “
Later from California -
... _ New Yore, March 19.
Inethcr Georgia leene.
We had intended, sometime since. to pub-
The steamer Northern Light arrived at g liah the sketch entitled the “ Experience of
ht, and reached her
this morning. She
One menth,
Two “
Three “
Four “
Six “
One year,
lemne” •! the Blackimun •* Thn litMi arriving for his departure {0 visit the
the 9toimtaln Pans. _ •. Ytramoutane portion of his pastoral care, he was
chapteu i. ' j warned of*the dangers he was about to encounter,
e a tr u i , • l, a , , , j AT the entrance to one of those gorges, or e»ps j but they were heaftl with the same plaeid nuile.-
Sandy Hook last night, and reached her the Blacksmith of the Monstain Pass. — j n t h e great A polite hiau chain of mountains, ia
wharf at- 10 o’clock **"= 1 — - - - - : - 6
brings Son Francsco
brought down by the
brings 262 passengers
Business at San Francisco was entirely ! has so handsomely «, u »„.o. .. --- ------ - .
prostrated, caused by the suspeiision of five i will take the liberty, however, of repeating j tranS^bn^ghtte co^n-y w‘efa^tnc mines
banking houses. The news of Mewrs. Dag®, j to our readers what the Journal assures us 1 and land.
Bacon & Co- 8 difficulty, reached ban bran- , . . _ , eniovinsr a renown I As he was nu binary personage in the affairs
cisco on the 17th, causing a great run on j 18 lact, th t p p J y g , ° ! of his neighborhood, and will make a conspicuous
the houses. They met the run and paid a a ® wide as the expansion of letters, has | gg are j n this narrative, some account of his pe.u-
half million out, and a meeting of merchants condescended to pirate wholesale and re- i liaritics will not be uninteresting. Ilaviu
and bankers declared the house to besound ’ — -* -- — ’ throuffh U!e 0,1 a homely maxim oi h.sot
which restored confidence, and affairs seem
Advertising in the Daily Intelligencer will be
inserted at the following rates per square of ten
Oho insertion.
Two “
Three, “
Four “
Five “
One week, f
S?.ccifll contract? will be made for yearly alver- ; Rp( | t £ e Wright’s ^liners' Deposit bank. rrviuo , -- - t . , , , ,
tisements occupying a quarter, half or wnole col- A- . , , . „ XT i ties, menial and physical, had reached their great
ulun ! excitement was intense, Adams & j Charles Dickens the thief. man j est development,* and just old enough to have
T&* Advertisement* from transient person? j Co. closed all their branches without paving ■ ^ rea< | this tale without seeing at a j amassed sufficient experience of men and things,
must lie paid in advance. | a dollar, except in San Fra netsco,^ where on n f rinrA [ to make the past serve as a finger-post to his fu
Wat advertisements published at the usual | the 22d they stood a ran
ed to wear a .letter aspect.
On the 22d, however, Page, Bacon & Co.
departed, singing-
“At borne or abroad, on the land, on the sea.
As thy wants may demand, shall thy strength ever
They watched him until his portly person and
De ,. u _ horse grew dim in the distance, and turned away, ,
acted ■ sighing that- such s. good man should fall- into the - Constitutionalist has adopted m regard to
hands of that monster the blacksmith. " the so styled American party when it has
*£5*52 Sf feSS lSLSK£r. 1— —»* « *» in to «-:
better subject for his vengeance than the attenuate I tacks upon - the new order. For the past we
for a moment j
magnanimous. |
H np)|jgriio4uscwi
—------ r-I distrusts her
Tke A««a.t. C.nrtDm.onnll.t onKn.w j mind, so far as to tear any prooao.uty *«»i , ft ^ your Democratic paper. I have
We very much desired to give in full an I the bltter spmt of P ersecut,cn for conscience j been chuckling for the last twenty-four hours
editorial of great merit that appeared in j 8 “ ke .’ or * r the u sake ofthin S '** i ^InZ IhvTf
1 F obtain a footing here. The fury of this new i w&s fooled by the letter of Col. John. D-
[Fo^ trt Atlanta Daily Intelligencer.] ; '
John li. Itephrat* Lf tters. ?> ; -'
mind, so far as to fear any probability that ! .^rrs. Editorj: Let a Whig friend crow
our cotemporary’s issue of the 21st. It is
an excellent paper upon the great question
to which it refers in its matter, and in a
most especial manner is it to be commended
for its spirit. We have frequently been
called upon to defend the course that the
religious and special war must break upon ! ' r ° UP ’ h 6 ®”" 3 date of of
the North. There the mass of those men j j Q congratulating the Examiner npon the
now devoted to the taboo are to be found, i defeat of the Know-Nothings in our late
and the devisers of this seheme of degreda- j municipal election, Col. Stephens used the
tion and outrage will be the first to eat the j following language: “ I look upon them
bitter fruits of it. Then will there be a (^he Know-Nothings) as a party Ddilf upon
, • the wrecks of the broken down Native
truce to anti-slavery rage and aggression.- Americfin> Abcdition Whigs of the North;
The neck veins of others besides men South aod if it be Democracy to oppose that party
of the Potomae, will suddenly appear to be i then I am a Democrat. I am, and hope
i degree that is unknown to mi
Inv who" occupy a i edframe ° f !** la ‘« ?«*»»• 0b, what nice beat- [ have approved the reasons of this forbear- rather “P 08 ^ for comfort 5 and even the t ^opposed to the Natlv^Amwcan
.. . • , . ino-would have' He had hoard, too. that some . 1 r ... . . i i i Abnlition Whiffs. —whereUDOU the federal
& Co., Wells, Fargo & Co., Robinson & Co., be angty at this when they remember that; selT pm” s ?Jhat bfmightpTc- red, in a great
. . “Household Words" was the receiver and , *>+ : voke bimto fight.” Knowing the clergyma S n must h,
pass on Saturday in the afternoon, he gave his
striker holiday, and reclining on a bench regaled
v. , , . . . « [o mase tne pasc serve as u nuger-posi, w uis m- himself with the beauties of Tom Paine,
of §200,000.— 1 glance that here is a genuine vein of pure , ture journey through life. With a shrewd, but i th « aiTlv » J of the P reat * er -
~ — .... i i -n t • c ,,, i o • Tf was mif nrA? an honr
ing and respectful conduct and have incur-
measure, ourselves the same
censure that has been visited nor only upon
our friend of the Constitutionalist, but also
published tili ordered out, and charged at regular
Advertisements inserted in the Weekly paper
only will Vie charged at former rates.
Term*—$2 00 p*r annum, invariably in advance*
Yankee capacity and versatility be a little ; Abolition Whigs/’ whereupon 1 the.
. , . . ft , • i ; Union, and the Examiner, too, opened their
overtaxed m caring for two social ware.- ^ and wel<JOmed C oL Stenhens to the
We say we sometimes think that Southern , good old Democratic family. •*
Know Nothings might have intended by j Were they not badly mistaken, though ?
■, awaiting upo n the Journal & Courier, and for the their encouragement of their party some- ! What if he did say _ he- was, and hoped
T . . , - , . . . same reasons. We could not believe it to thing like this. Whether they did or not> ever . t0 ‘opposed _ to the Native A-
It was not over an honr before pe heard the ’ ,0 - "'' lUura uul ucl,c ' c , R ... . , j merican, Abolition Whigs?” Did he not
be good policy to denounce any, and espec- however, it is none the less inevitable m our mean thflt he wa8 “opposed to the Native
‘n3ure» S abo”e.*— y ’ i a lly Democrats, with whom we onee cor- J judgment that so far as the Northern States i American, Abolition Whigs,” and was not
and soon the vocalist, : dially affilliated, for their adhesion to a par- j are interested, that this is to be the grand j that comma between Native American and
rode leisurely up, with ty of whose aims and organism we know- I finale of new light Americanism. But, will Abolition Whigs put in by some smart
Ho. n» yo„, old ,M> .to? lie, or ,on, i ■>«“”?• »«* >»»J 1>» ! *!; e *» “>» that the j °5"y tor di(l not k "°“' * l, “ he m ’
feared ,ha. Adams 4 Ce. could not feraverjloagfatare. Bat we have though. ; aoold have to,«d » to a f™. fo, e o la h„ , -- “■> J“» ““ th. tok- ; ia men who blunder in th.i„or,d,doa.apoa ; Co^m,on^ aa_i ^ .auadem^ato , *»*«*«• and federal Union Mh
it at all ! ..v .. n i t » n • c < , „ ! tablishment, to act as a sort of pattern-card, and j ,1°V.™ an y question of first impression. And we press are aciaiossing to tne secret uraer? supposed that a maionty of ten legal votes
’ ' ' that Col. Lamar 8 Georgia iscenes (ar.d we . to divert the public gazefrom his own game leg ; <. n ^a havn-i time, rnv friend Til call submit, if it is not a hard thing, the hardest Will we be allowed to canvass the claims of over the Know-Nothings in Atlanta proved
of all trials, to part from old political allies i the new party, to tfur respect, (and support that the Democracy was in the ascendant in
-Your name is Stubbleworth, and you are the d confidentd Xhese C on«idevations ad- : if you will,) by having submitted to our ; tbese P? rt , s - and that Co ]- Stephens, having
hypocrite the Methodists have sent here, eh? »ua connuents. tns.B oonstae.auons, aa j > j b ,.. I some little aspirations, had come over to
“My name is Stubbleworth,” he replied meekly, ded to the specious promise ot some of the ; reason, patnotism and sense ot public duty j p aidy -hupposinf it was “the longest
26th.— There ireftrruinora ,'e i j *£T,™ JSESi . ^.Nothing ™.ori c », Wre »ell cl- i «» •*« ■ poK,,; W-™ ',«£ .» re.oh topemm,
of heavy failure, among the merchant,, but „ tUe nnd coniiell rtfc, i «. rtrt «*»* <» *• «pre„,„„ of har,h »» amfcomamo eapo.e of them? lh„ mon._ .1 am ,urpr„,d that the
nothing authenne. Blair made to eaouM the unusual 1 £'to hliand deuune.atory language. But there .8
limited to their own immediate and regular busi- : the 26th. , value the efforts of his pen. They are safe ; c„ n be no doubt but the Lemoian blacksmith ; ^^^((“joinmy'devotions/’sftid” tbe*black- : in men who blunder in their conclusions upon Constitutionalist and every other democratic
Professional Cards not exceeding six lines, $15
per annum
Advertisements not specified as to time will be ! . Page. Bacon & Co! would probably resume haye especially in view bis Polly Peablos- i to the fair proportions of his foreman. , T . „
- a few days, their depositors having grant- . . 8uroaS8ed ^ — - u- ■ *s I return.
ed an extension on §400,000.
are large.
These failures caused a detention of the
ThoYr^ pmpk 8om ) have never been surpassed bv anv in i Now, although Ned Forgeron, for such was the
JLneir aHbeib . / r ^ name he nod inherited from some (ialho i»nee£tor,
their style. i was a mood natured man, yet the possession of j
In reference to this last rare morsel, we j great muscular strength and courage, and the od-
A Word to our Parmer*.
We have, witli great labor, plodded thro’
all that our exchanges have so learnedly and
lengthily said of the probable effects of the
death of the Emperor of Russia. Almost
Owing to the scarcity of water, but little * ' WIC . "““="*** “"” dr _ neighbors, and from the success j a w- a limit to such forbearance, and we for one
,ld had been taken from the mines.- slacking.of h.s editorial bow in giving Pol- wh; ci y alvays cr0 » a ed bis h onest efiorts in th at j
Heavy rains commencea on the 25th, and ly Peablossom a place in his sneet. But , way, had unconsciously acquired the character j behaved travelers.
still continued when the steamer left.
No election of U. S. Senator had yet taken
place. The joint Convention adjourned sine
die on the 16th, by a vote of 63 to 44.—
Those voting in the minority were princi
pally the friends of Senator Gwin,
Blair said that the thing was really too good ! a » _ . nf
are sure that we have reached it. It will
_ , be seen bv the extract we make this morn-
“Tou rirrmmcrt so!, vou are the most pro- . » ”, ~ .....
1 ■ -- - - - [ roc i mg from the ConslitutionahsUe Republic that
private history of this piece, to inform him
He was a sort of political antiquary, and could
tell the opinion of Mr. Jefferson or Mr. Madison,
on any subject, and was referred to on all disput
ed points of the theory and history of the govern
ment that arose among the candidates for the leg
islature and county politicians. This he studied
counsellors ” happen to lie right, and the
war in Europe is protracted upon a grand
“Well, there’s three things you have to do; or i, ■ ,ft
I’ll maul you into a jelly. The first is, you are to : ado P l tbe sam ® pmtf. rm.
quit preaching: the secondJs, you must wear this I 8 not this suggestive of every thing that
is absurd, odious and dangerous ? A com-
The news from Kern river is of an excic- that the man popularly understood to be the
o a man the editors agree that the fighting . ing character. The miners were said to be origina i of this tale is vet a living, roaring,
is to go on, and we all know that editors : averaging from ten to twenty dollra per day. .
know .very,.,ing. If thi, “mnltiindo of 1 The ..earner, going there w.Ve erowfed wifi, “ d " ''’“J”?””®' J ““‘S.T BtoSSTS ’ *“• *«■to to
' m. iMiwrs > busting city of Atlanta. We asked him a ■ f -l i “ „'„r, . i your heart, read it every day, and believe every
On the morning of the 14tb, the St. Charles few days ago if he really was {he man that ; well'tbumuJd'coy at Paine’s “Age of Reason,” j ^Methodk'slnoverv^crowd von^MHSo^. eur3e m ° n n ^ me 1? gl ' e nationallt y to a party,
. f , Hotel and Holeman’s Hotel, San Francisco, waa up0 n the Colonel’s easel when that ! and affected scepticism as to the veracity of the : aS 7 eU aS natl ? nal COQimand and dlctahon ’
scale, what will become of the cotton inter- j destroyed by tire—the loss being esti- • Blacksmith’s portrait was taken. But we ! hard'accountd for proceed i osidonUTuioutJline of ' while e ™T V^ry meeting and council as ;
est? Again, should one more short crop « mated at §60,000. • -- ... ... ~ . . * a - 3 would be naiti accountea tor uni...^ it proceed fi$ A tprmq unmounn.
must come sooner or later, and the success
of those whose only security is in their con
cealment will only hasten thisconsumation.
New York Day-Book.
We had tho high gratification on Friday
of meeting with Mrs. Foster, a co-editor
and agent of this paper. She is now in
this city at the Trout House, where she will
be pleased to see those who may call upon
' and Federal Union could have beeu so much
mistaken. Any smart man could have un
derstood that letter. Did not Gov. Johnson
; know that Col. Stephens was not a Democrat
when the late vacancy for Judge in this
circuit was filled ? Certainly he did.
; It must be very provoking to Col. Ste
phens for men to be so stupid. I have heard
of a young genius who was a fine painter,
1 and yet had to write H-o-r-s-e above a pic-
; ture before his simple old daddy could
Southern Christian Advocate.
supervene upon the last two that now ooca- j In Nevada sixteen houses were burnt on
sion so much distress in the country, what I6th and in Stockton 2j houses were
I destroyed by fire on the 21st. ; again,
Indian troubles were on the increase.—
Some ten white men and about 70 Indians
were killed.
Native Californians had held
meetings at San Francisco, for taking steps
to emigrate so Oonora.
The Mariposa Gold Mining Company, a
London concern, had been sold out by the
Owing to the monetary difficulties, recen
tly arrived ships were not di;*chargmg.
The steamers, Oregon form Panama,
Sierra Novada and San Juan, has arrived
UP The Oregon Legislature adjourned on the ' itor > tlie P™spects of the Advocate are be
meneely, or board out. Then, good friends 2st ult. ; coming really brilliant. We see by a
will become of ns ? The part of provident
and wise men, it seems to us, will be, in \
pitching the next crop, to put down as broad
a surface as possible in things necessary to j
the support of life. We declare, for our
own part, we are dreadfully frightened. A
friend asked us a Tew days ago what we meant
by writing so much upon the subject of “vul
gar bread and meat.” and lie wished to
know if we were really afraid of starting, i
Indeed we arc, and unless the staff of life
tails in this market, and that right soon, we
see no other chance for us than to suffer im- ;
York Lodges has given, by I
articles of the Know-Nothing
Vlr. Stabblevorth professed his willingness to faith, accompanied by an Exposition. It is .
do any thing reasonable to avoid such penance thought all the Lodges of the State will
her. As members of the Southern press it, understand that it was the exact counter
would be highly gratifying to us to see that P art °f ver J animal which he daily
Atlanta did something handsome by way of ! P^ed. Just so Col. Stephens wrote a
... . . i, , ■ short letter to the Examine)' in simple words
signalizing our appreciation oi the merits j and rjlfl5n phrase> and yet he has had to
and claims of a Northern print that had as ! corne out in another letter in the Atlanta
, -wry ounmi u.«»uw C . .. .,. , . . . w „,, p „ v prv nninnrv raminirnnn pniinmi faithfully and consistently sustained the ; Republican of this week to tell the Exami-
i Blacksmiths portrait was taxen But we , as3 Vould bc hard accented for unless it proceed \ tL^erm^e unreason I Tthe vital oueTon ofdu vard nH ncnle ' cause of the South as the New York Day- j «cr. Federal Union, and others dull of com-
; could not get him to own “ the soft impeach. ‘ from the de.-iro of a character for singularity and i b | a d be would not submit to them to t V 1 ^ !- f d *^ P ’' Book has ever done We take ereat pleas- ' prehension, what that simple, plain, short
ment ” Let us have our favorite Polly over ; erudition. Wheni^vanity once getsthe mastery of j to thm. = 6,10,1 s( l uad and chc l uo 1,as Sidled li- j 1has ! letter meant.
ft.—there is no telling the absurdities ! Tm tn Hn i,-ct „ a 15«* Heretofore 1 UTe m repeating, upon tho unquestioned au- j We hope, after thus provoking the gen tle-
a loan s reason,
* ii will lead him into.
He wa "fondofsneakinff > 111 lflrTO P you like blazes! I’ll tear you into cense to do just as they list.
, ‘Pft ® doll-rass. corner-wavs ’ Get down, vou bueear.” Hovn nmicnscnrl
great parties have possessed some unity, j
i „ , ... , , ... - „ - j doll-rnss, corner-ways i Get down, you buegar,
, ot \o ney, and being foundi a copy of Tay-| The " r U chcr remonstrated, and Forgeron walk- . .
We find this iournal unon our table this lor - S . S ^ h “ i ed up to the horse and threatened to tear him off, * c,me universal element common to every
I P ,. ; nei S J ° c 1 K ' ins ’ i if he did not dismount, whereupon the worthy member, and which gave to party an unmis-!
several morning for the first time. We cordially or knew what Diege^is meant. ‘ man made a virtue of nocessitv and ulio-htad , i• ,
several, 6 ...... This peculiarity, together with the perrinarity ' ma f I « a<le a virtue ot necessity, andanghtea. takealile individuality. Republican, Fede-
greet it, and we do not hesitate to say, we !. tb . Wo ° s)er «nd Bu-w which; 1 have but one request to ma^e, my friend, 5 ,
the miSsionanes Worcester ami uu.ler which ; thM . tbat ,- oll wont beat me with thisovereoat rahst, Whig, Democrat, Native Amencau,
nnmoH t horn In n mtmfAnfii.rv. tunv nwnnnJ tiirfhn ' * , , _ . . w r
on, It was a present from the ladies of my last Abolitionist, Free Sosler and Morman all
being judge, that in its tone, (alas, how often I carried them to a penitentiary, mnv account for the
° ' | , • c Nr- wi.* j V* . ,, , ou. it wiui u preseui iium mt* iiiuict ui
are church papers deficient in this particu- j great aversion of Mr. Edward I- rgarou to all I c i rca ,; t and I do not wish to have it torn.”
. , . . „ , i preachers of the Gospel. His dislike ior them was ;
lar) its ability, general variety and useful- , so excessive, that he could scarcely speak of the i - 0S w }p U ' a d ^suddenly, you bast
ness, it is the very first religious dencinina- : “hypocritical scoundrels,” as he called them, with- ' lm f ’ - °?'
We are ■ oat fl/ihgiRto a passion and using indecorous ian-
tional newppaper in the country
much pleased to find that, under
our old and cherished friend, its present ed
much pleased to find that, under the care of , Lut a cireuiastau<e .qccurred which gave his , r ;„ht hand from the sleeve.and threw tho garment j to bind togg( a tremendous cordon of po-
basin-faced ! ac knowledged the force or obligation of cer- 1
■' tain cardinal doctrines which constituted a
The Methodist preacher slowly drew off bis jj ne 0 f partition between themselves and
ircoat, as the blacksmith continued his tirade of i ' -r> , , , , ,
abuse on himself and his sect, and as he drew his j others, put here we have a party that seeks
thority of friends, that much that has ap- ■ man and putting him to that unnecessary
peared in the columns of the Day-Book in ; necessity, they are at last satisfied,
vindication of the cause of the South, aud i 1 aiil aware that seine old fogy, with a
in disabuse of the Northern mind in regard S ^*' U S. his shoulder, has said that the
, , ,,ft , ? , second letter is more difficult of comprehen-
to slavery, has preceded from the pen of the s sion ; than the first; but that is not true. It,
accomplished lady who now submits the is not more difficult of comprehension than
claims of her paper to our support. Mrs. j the first. Just see how easily he leads off:
Foster will remain in the city until to-mor- ■ “Mr. Editor: I wrote a letter to the Ex-
vow, and we shall take pleasure in receiving am intr, dated 23d_of January last, which
in the country, say nothing about cotton for
•one year; we can wear old clothes for
involve months. Do your best to bring hack
a return of those good okl times when
wheafon breiid was considered not too good
to be eaten upon other days than Sunday.
Our horses and n;t les too are getting to
look very consumptive hereabouts, and no
wonder when they have to pay, and on the
vail, one dollar and a quarter per hundred
weight for sheaf oats 1 We have an object
in making a record of these dreadful prices.
In years to come, when our farming friends
shall fiave adopted a different policy than
the one v.e have been pursuing l’or years,
and shall get to care, as they should always
We see
The Legislature of Washington Territory : chastely written^iotice of the private affairs
have selected Olympia as the capitol of that . 0 f the paper that a little more effort on the
Territory. i part of its friends will raise the subscription
A letter from Messrs. Page, Bacon Jc Co., . , . . itt-A ■■
states that they wauld certainly resume ; llst of the Advocate to 10,000. With all
business on the 1st of March, San Fran- 1 our heart we hope the editor's reasonable g
cisco and at all their branches. j wish in this particular may be gratified.
The Northern Light living Sandwich Is- •
behind him. he dealt .Vlr. Forgoron a tremendous . Htical age ncies by a pig re name. We will
. blow between his eyes, which laid that person at j T , • .
“ ^ I full length on the ground, with the testament of , ask (and we do it most urgently,) for infor- Mil! on the Georgia track
H hts i Thomas Paine beside him. The Rev. Mr. Stub- j mation as to the excepted point, or points of j about 2 o’clock P. M. on Saturday last, per- ; j- ee p a C() py 0 f S( ', unimportant
matters, did nut wait for his adversary to rise, but
mounted him with the quickens of a eat, and as
i he bestowed his Wows, with a bounteous hand, on
and Southern Know Nothings.
land dates to the 3d of Febuary, but there
is no news of importance.
'flic United States ship Portsmouth had
arrived at Tehiti, all well, and would soon
sail direct for the U. S.
Sidney, Australia, dates to the 20th De
cember. say that a riot occurred at Ballarat,
which was previously reported, resulted in
a conflict between the troops and their mi
nor.-:. Twelve miners and 22 trackers were
Few Orleans, Marco 20. Cotton is firm. : tino>viu He iernti. he vould whip every
[Hid the sales up to noon to dtlj, comprised j Methodist preacher that ponied f he yff/), in revenye
3000 bales. Sugars have advanced $c. per J oj ineult.
lb. i F'lrgaron was a man of rhe world, as the bruis-
Boston, March 19.—The Committe of the i feature* of many of John Wesley’s disciples
Legislature on the petition for the removal could testify. His character soon went abroad,
of Judge Loring are divided in opinion.— “ n, ‘ ^ gooa ° ,J : u . aU ‘ ori ;f of :he surrounding
mi *. . ° . . r r 1 , counties on. each «si.le oi the mountain, trembled
T ie majority report in favor of a removal. at hi , namc . In sbort , ll0 mouaUln ’ * Qh
which IS Signed by four members. A mm- was really as romamio a place as u. landscape
oritv by twom«mbers has been submitted ; painter would seek fora picture, and was just the
against the removal. The other member j spot to remind a youth fresh from his classic stud-
' of the place where Leonidas and his three
zeal a distinct and sectarian direction,
dist preacher over in Teuuessee, who was fond of
spicing his discourses with anecdote, onco ipade
lermo^^pecuUar^were dilmed^JTandhif j b , horan i Pai ", e ^ he Rev ‘ Mr : Stub ,; j mation as to the excepted point, or poi
heresies dealth within becoming severity. Ho j f „,w, ; ! difference between the creed of Northern
was ridiculed, and his literary acquirements dis
paraged by the preacher. All this came to tlio
ears of Forgeron
ishments as stories
third person. It would he ns useless to attempt iu , ... .
describe a mountain term as to picture the wrath i me smitny— , , , differ the only one m winch the Southern
u . ™ ‘ .ft 1 ' , I ■•Toairu.e canuot express the sweet comfort met . r . . ...
of jthts mountaineer, Lutif we cannot portray tho i p.»ce, patriot can teel jhp fsEst aoligitude? AVe
storm, the consequence* may be easily told. The of a sou! in it. earliest love.” , wcre promised Upon tfig Uveni ot ihig new
Until Mr. Forgeron. from naving experienced ! . ft . , ., .. , , •
“ first love.” or forne other sensation equally cow | order of patriots, a general peace for tho
to him, responded lustily, “ ’Nough! 'Nough !— ; public mind or a tremendous agitation for
Taii? him off. But unfortunately there w.13 no r p 6ace But, so far as overt demonstrations
one to perform that oiEoe, except tua old roan, and r
he rnundiei * of grass and looked on ns -teach us any thing, Know Nothings are only
quietly aa ^ v fas .“hopp;/ ” at a c«np r j jn favor of the repose of the dead. The
the names of those who are willing to aid
her enterprise.
A car load of cotton near
was set on fire
W isuallv b r^imTp a a n s’n“t ell a ’ the stemlch and tZ%™L blSrifih' ‘ ° f th ? Se eX ^P ted P° intS ^ t0 which KnoW a 8° d ’
[twould ie iis uselesr ”o attempt to * ^ ls E0T1K w here he had left off, on his arrival at i Nothings North and South have agreed to ' School N
haps by a spark from the engine, and the
Is not one larger part of it consumed or seriously dam-
was copied in the Federal Union, in which
I stated that if opposition to the Abolition
Whigs of the North be Democracy,, then i
am a Democrat.”
Don’t begin 11 say he has quoted from
himself correctly. Of course he did not
letter and
otice.—The attention of read
ers is invited to the advertisement of Mr.
A. N. Wilson’s Classical and English
School. Mr. W. is a gentleman of a thor
ough education and is well calculated for
the management of a. first class School. It
will be seen that his pupils will have the
benefit of a portion of the lectures in tho
Medical College without extra charge.
meeting. bank and tariff questions and such faded,
-i v-,,w» -„wi e • cnere pro , r. • , „ ' Fire in Jonesboro
three things yon must oro"‘ f letJAu tattered para-pbernaha of parties, tho Sub- \y e learn from a passenger from Jones-
up.” promise me, terraneans quietly reject, for thejiresent, but boro, that about one half of that place was
w ^ h0 ft nro thov asko ' 1 Fortreron, eagerly. •jvo come to ;<sk their friendly offices consumed by fire on Saturday last. The
4 I h* ljrK* m imii vft.,to:u * , P - -* -- J J
us in the “city
ores” to depend
v , t .... , gTi
nd his party.— | upmards, with stiles of Southern White at ; tllat loads to destruction. And Xeu Forgeron, the
Devastation was ! ?2,36aS238. Corn is a trifle higher. Beef j h ?“ ds0,ne Wacksmith, was invested with iho at-
" ‘ unchanged.* and Pork a shade higher.' Satanic majes-
nil i , j i i,i ■%! t J t by miiny »i moiiDtnxn uifii noo would (l^uijtlnqs
The stock market opened heavy, but closed j have fallen in “love at first eight” with him, nu!
tive. dor any other n?.me,
ness was very dull,,yet the quotations ex- f —- ’ ~ ' — j Tho preacher whose circuit lay on either side of
Dibit no material change. Galego &■ Haxall i Novel Incident in Church.—In one of the mountain, at the time Ned’s di.-etu! edict was
flour was selling at S15. Hams 14cts.— j the letters printed in the autobiography of promulgated to the world, was a meek and lowly
Clear Pork $21, i the late Rev’ W. Jay, just published, he ! I t‘ an - lvil0 approached nearly in his natural dispo
iking for Col. Ivinnev and
The British war steamer
in tho harbor. The steam”” Fulton left for
Jamaica on the 6lh, all well
San Francisco Markets. Although busi- i active.
!icg you friends to think o
full,” who have no “filthy
upon, when you cast the seed into the
ground. Few men nowadays do without
eating. Poets even are getting to indulge
freely in the habit, and may-lie you even
think that young ladies arc not given to the
.same: Depend upon it times are altered,
and we have changed with them. Then,
speed the plough, and set the threshing
floor in order—and let there he enough for
vs first—voursel .es next, and then let the .
allies and the Russians come in with their f ” r ' ^ dn ? S: t c , . , , I A 11 was confusion, the people treading" on
,, . ” e were obliged to hglu our way thro’ | one another, &c., It was rather darke and
empty varac*. I the Strait of Magellan inch by inch ; noth- j the pulpit candles wore only lighted. I
tiic WcRiiii-r. i h;g but our Captain being a little game j saw something moving up the aisle towards
The winter dies hard—after a week of cock took us through. He asked me one j the vestry. It was a bull, we presume dri-
night what I thought, I answered that ! yen in by pick-pockets, or persons who wish-
Lnglish, French and American ships of war j ed to disturb us.
had tried and failed, and i fur one would go
through on half rations rather than put
back, and during the conversation bethought
or tried to make me think that we would
fail. I told him that he would fail to make
mo believe that we could not go through.
most delightful spring temperature, we have
had since last Monday, n spell of cold that
would not do any discredit to Christmas
times. Indeed the heaviest frost that we
’have seen in twelve months, fell last Sunday
slight. At 9 o’clock Monday morning it
lay upon the roof of the houses in the city
like a light -mow. We have e
peach forms, and think they are a
j We were talking upon the affairs of the
j nation, John Ball very sensibly came in.—
| But imagine what followed:—the bull could
; not be made to go backwards, nor could he
! be turned round; five or six persons, there-
wv , _ .. j fore, held him bv the horns; while the
x->mined the : Thc Ca P u,il1 then said he ? a6 tr J 5n g in J ! cleric, as if bewitofied, gave out in order to
^ ‘ _ game—ho had heard said I would never j appease the noise—
■ • , . , . . , 3 , il? - ye : ! Jn ‘ say ‘die.’ After my watch was out, he; •< Praise God, from whom all blessing flow
injured, amt u e learn it is also the. opinion wished to -ee me in his cabin, where wo had 1 Prais* himqff creatures here below/’ Ac. ’
ofumch bettor judges than we pretend to he , some further conversation. To sum up this I q t h a t the bull could have roared- here in
that the iruit lms sustained no serious dam- letter, we were in the Straits 83 days, i compliance with the exhortation ! I looked
with but ten days good weather, the rest j down t he pulpit, and seeing tho gentlemen
nothing but gales of wind, with torrents of t w },o held him singing with their faces lifted
rain, hail and snow. 'J ake it full and by, i up , M if returning thanks for this unexpe.-t-
I think it was the dustiest traveling I have j e d blessing, I was obliged to put my hand
orov ” i before my face while I dismissed the con-
it TL « . . ’, * '?• * vtigtl
odist rreachd'again." 0UV ' m ncTermo5cst aMeth- . )>- _ - approaches that the incendi- fi re caught from a passing locomotive.
riore Ne i’s pride‘rofio, aad he hesitated, and ! Jn StaylD ^ ‘ . asking towards ottr ~
tne reverend gentleman, with his usaal benign Ary and eonspiratv,. *' 4 ’8ir yaqtiUid pow-
ing siatem ent in the Uttris Paine:
has clearly forgotten that “ Native Ameri
can ” with a comma ought to come in first
before “ Abolition Whigs ” in the above
quotation. But those two words “ Native
American” are insignificant any how.—
What if they- arc left out ? You don't pre
tend to suppose for a moment that there was
any dsi-gn in it.
Col. Stephens then goes on to correct the
errors into which some of his friends have
blindly run. Iriae he don’t say whether he
is a Whig or a'Democrat, but then we all
know what he used to he. But he does tell
us that he is not a Know Nothing, and that
he is -‘ a native Georgian, an American. 7
nnd that he “ stands upon the principles of
every true American.”
j To sum up the whole, although he wrote
; in his first letter' that he considered the
i Know Nothings “ as a party built upon the
wrecks of tho broken down Xalicc Ameri-
.. fuce, renewed his blows and sang— ruin, their protestations, ..
• 1 roilc on the siy, freely justified T , , ,,
And the Muon it was under mv feet!” er and deadly concert all g
This nrianinl !«.. “ . ..
Academy ot Scinec-es is a good deal interes-
.... . . - ' -
srteniptflil to siaancGr out some exfusp —
‘ I—I—tiiat is— 99
ev. Sheridan Knowles—perhaps L ’ Hl ini|>oldt has discovered a means to pre- j rer of p 0 ’ 0 i e> ig Sl
• j • , • • , , . . : vent Yellow fever by inoculation. The gov- .i, rn ji<Tb hoi-e nn hi«
own in ins histrionic than his nun- • . f r, , • , ~ . . . .r i mrougn nere on nis
, , 1 eminent of Cuba, as La Cromca is inform- U : da y Rico th#» n,
JJ@-Thero arc 1.0,000 street gas lamps in
New \ ork. which burn 80,000 feet of gas
per hour, or 430,000 feet per uight. The
cost oJ one night s burning is about fourteen
thousand dollars.
better knov
istcrial character—preached two sermons at
Leicester lately, and two nights afterwards
his well-known play ei tho Hunchback was
performed at tlie theatre in that town.
WAL.The Rev. Dr. Pennington, 'a gem-
inan ob color.’ it appears was not allowed
to hear Gen. Houston’s lecture on the Indi
ans, in New York, lie paid fifty cents fin-
a ticket, but was told by the door-keeper
that ho could not pass. Says the Doctor:
“At thi. moment Gen. Houston and a num
ber of gentlemen passed in, and the ticket
man exclaimed—"Gentlemen, will anv of
,V"u pass thus man? Several looked at me
full in the tiico. hut there was no response.
After the party had passed in, the man said
to me, “My orders are not to pass colored
persons. - ”
Yeli.ow Fever Ppevented bv Inoccla- i K ie gation.
tion.—We notice in La Croniea, that Wm.
would start with -:uch Violence as tp wake himself.
He inquired if there was no other place at which
the mountain eould be passed, only to learn hi*
doom more c rtainly. Being a timid man, but
withal devoutly impressed with a sen-e of duty,
he resolved to discharge hi= duties faithfully, be
the consequence what they might. Like a iamb
going to the slaughter did he wer.d his way toward j i s pereumtorv
the gap: as he came in front of th- shop, the , --
blacksmith was striking the iust blow on a shovel,
aud singing away to the tune of “Clear the kitch
“Old Georgia is a noble State.
Her law- are good, and Lt.r people great.-’*
On catching a glimpse of the poor parson, who
had flattered himseif that he was about to pass
with impunity, Yed sung out—“stop there, vou
eternal shad-belly, and pay the penalty for my*in,
jured reputation,” *
Thy holy man protested innocence- of having
ever intentionally injured him. by word or deed.
The man’s subdued looks and earnest voice, had
half dissuaded Ned from his stern purpose, when
the giggling of his striker and the* cheering of
two or three idlers, nerved him to do what he’ felt
was mean. Let- any one pause a moment, and re
flect if he has never been urged on to acts his con
science smote him foi, by the opinions of others,
before Mr. Forgeron is sentenced as a devil. The
preaeher received several boxes on his ears, aud
heard many denunciations against his -ect before
, acle. Don Diego de Salamanca -bow
to it. w e must now provide ior the deadu- dauiT hter is about go .arrive at Pans to =>.
est feud between members of our own com- • the effects of his marvellous invention.—
inunity, upon our own soil, 'as well as the j The machine is very simple, it consists in
united enmity of tho Northern States, that j scaae two feet long, and one fi-’Ot wi- e,
of itself was more than a match for us, and I J da g d *4?^ The?w?ir^nrods fas^a,
is every hour digging a pit for the liberty i ed t(J the oase TOppott 4 a mall piece of wood
If the South—if - on w }n C h the feet repose. The case contains
and honor of the South.
When the divine resumed his devotional hymn,
and kept time with the music by striking him over
the face with thc fleshy part of tiic hand—
“ s ” al mounted higher, on a chariot of fire.
.Nor did envy Elijah his seat,”
Ned s promise of punctuality caused tho parson’s , ^—-— - r —. -- .
exorcise to cease, and thc words, redolent of gor- j ta,s favored and proud Common wealth of i a simple and ingenious mecitWMD 1 ! simuar
crags. lm!lgery ’ r,led »wny echoes flrom the adjacent j ours can count among her sons meu of heart j to that employed to set- atf S-utoraatoP
“Now, the third and lasti demand I make of you ! and head that qualify them for command, i motlon - d ’ iie mechanism is WP - l _V - ^' 0
is peremptory.” j let them prepare to take their places. We i “ ean9 ? fa ™ e ; , U sets j n ^
Ned was all attention to know what was to come I ‘ * A.- . c - . . large wings ten feet long, made of very L
next. t0t ° me feeI - that a * this stage of its organization, it ( feoutchouc. covered with feathers ; and the
“ You are to promiao to seek religion, day and ! ls worse than foolishness to address argu- | wings may be so worked as to produce ver-
ftf «,<- n ?X? r - rcst tih obtain it at thehands j ments of remonstrance to Democrats who j ticafi prependicular, or horizontaly flvino-
The fallen man looked at the declining sun and ! iave attached themselves to the Know-1 1 he number of turns given to the handle
then at the parson, apd knew not wbat to’ say, i Nothing party. But it m„„ be seen before “TT'S.?:J3K.. to J™ 'Vi' i. deeired
when the latter individual began to raise hisvtrice ;* „„„ n ... 1 to go. lne handle has to be turned every
in song once more, and Ned knew what would ! U Can be credlted » tliat true Democrats will « —— -- - > ■ - J
ome next. j commit themselves to a policy the
1 tne Drofcen down
w Eitaoraireary p, y MacUlne. j ran ( comuia h 0r0j ) Abolition Whigs of the
-We find the followingcunous and interest- | No / th/ , he tella u ; ; plain iy that he “ did not-
intend to he understood that the Know
.. r. p i - , T - - , Nothings of the South were in any way con-
ad b* me invention of a !* lying Maemne, by - . i -.u ,i . •
_ . •’---f - -- ’ -t i neeted with the movements ot the Ahobtion-
North. 7
am and
{meric an,
second, let-;
Mind you, he did not- say I tin/ a Native
I * merican—that would have ment. aome-
*?■ lie only says he is a native Georgia
l ft,, in, erican, i. c., he was born’some-
io Uncle Sam’s jurisdiction. Hisi first letter
concludes “ Give me political and religious
toleratiou ;;r give me death.' The second
concludes J l stgaid upon thc principles of
every true American.” Consistent yet.
True American ” is no political party.—
quater of a legue to regulate the distance :
pirit of j he operation of turning lasts a minute.—
“lVii iM-™ 1 he aa , ’ !n ,in hum hled voice. [ which is grossly violative of everv principle ! Horizontal flying is the most difficult The
“ Nowgot up* and TdJn t^TranJh td i t0 whi " h eVer adhorcd J ^’ We ! TSS?'Jf th? *2" 9* ^ ° f \ boa . f ’
wash your face, and dust your clothes, and tear cannot believe that, men, who for years ster-: or . ratner tne te ct or a swan when it
”P^ r : ?, aine ’ s ^nment, and turn your thoughts j eotvped their maledictions against the spirit **£*£?? , „ thlS ??f ,oas &achi . ne
oa ft,=^- - ftr.a „„ ^ft , -. . ... , a man can go almost as rapidly as a carrier
Ned arose «itli feelings he had neverexperienc- ; and tendenc y of the alien and sedition laws, i pigeon from the Hotel de Ville to the Arc
^nean by r .
keeps their principles underfoot /—
that. Wife not caught napping. Mr.
No sirs ”• -you’re fooled sure.
Federal Unio. » Democrat, but is a
Col. Stephens ‘merican, a true Aniet-
native Georgian, an **§
ican, just as your little co- yoa
Buffalo, March 14.—Baker, the murde-
5U PI ...
S way tojCitnada, on Sat- ! slon was received, he was not slow in availiaghuu-
1 ed at the hotel iS Lewiston, trailing for
the Toronto boat, and took a gentleman
aside to inform him of his auspicious, when
Baker, feeling alarmed, went out and cross
ed the bridge into Canada. Rice, knowing
him well, insists that he was dressed in a
heavy drab overcoat, with a cap drawn over
his eyes, and his left arm crossed on his
part, amounting to one thousand, of the
newly arrived troops, which has ro-nhed in
the greatest success, since none have been
attacked by this terrible disease, which gen
erally decimates the foreign population
shortly after their arrival. The operation
is similar to vaccination, by inserting the
u ; us discovered by Dr. Humboldt, generally c hest. sustained bv his right arm.
in hath arms. A few hours after this fri- 1 - — -
fling operation, the symptoms of a miniature
yellow fever commence, and all the patho
logical consequences follow rapidly and
slightly, rarely exceeding 48 hours in dura
tion, and with nothing more than a slight
feverish action.
supposed to have passed j be was admitted^to depart; and when that j countenance, singing so loud as to seare^the R ea-
glefcs from their eyerie in the overhanging rocks.
** ^ell,' thought 2>ed,. “this is a nice business,.
\v hat TYould the people say if they knew Edward
•-■CJI V our CUUUSti. ItOOU "J “f”* ’’ “ u * a. vuviattom »«u • ..» , II 1 t Y” Y" “
evening Mr Forgeron: Til look for you to-mor- then going beyond the cruelty of this old £ lli S?- on a S .„ 1 . 8cale » a , nd the % ht s of
row, and ofi he rode with the same imperturbable S mYrurro n n fbn j -L'On Diego will not extend beyond the de-
| outrage on the republican sentiment of our j partment of the Seine ; but at a later
Rice, the negro comedian, recognis- : sel f of privilege.
iewiston. vvaitiDST for i Atthe next anaual conference, when circuits
<• w u - o {I, , , j r eo F le !n avenging the outbursts of passion | he proposes to go to Lyons, Bordeaux,' Tou
. '. ,eU - .thought lied, “this is a nice business! : 0 n the part of the victims. Look to the re-; louse. Marseilles and Tours, and to tak«
were assigned to the different umiebers, this one
made his appearance punctually, but some process
of casuistry convinced him that his duty .fid
call for a revelation of his sufferings, if he
too sensitive of tho blacksmith’s character to ex-
. , . , - - take
Forgeron was whipt before his own door in" the I torts of the P ress sympathizing with Know- j the l!iieR , ra, j wa y- He pretends that he
cess | gap,and by a Methodist preacher, too? But his j Nothingism upon John Mitchell’s letter to ; C 'i- n ia ' e quickei than by rail, lhe price
not ; musmgs “more in sorrow than in anger. Ot each machine will not exceed 1200f. for
was i ^ ! the volunteer companies disbanded by that | men, and lOOOf, for women. If the experi-
. The disfigured countenance of Forgerua was of course
An officer has been sent from this city to
Toronto to take Rice’s deposition as to the
identity, and obtain further information.—
Rice says there is no possibility
mi s taken.
pose it to rude remark, or if he had
tended beyond thc circuit, and was done ample I 5be true cause. Forgeron lookod in'the glass, and per- !
uni severe justice to by others who had heard of “.ips compared the changing hue* of hi? “black eye nanuea
his tame. It soon became the suuiect nf I from a r e<-ent scullle." to the rainbow in the shipwreck
I apostate sen of Massachusetts, Gov. Gardner. I ment succeeds Don Diego will take out a
| We may search in vain in the records of I patent, and make the sale of the machines a
tish Isles for branc . h of commerce. Although greatly
anything more acrimonious or more high-! astordsbed a ^ this new invention, several
6 j members of the academy have pointed out
win county is. I am shocked
not know to what party Col. Step,
longs. * .
He belongs to*—well—he belongs to- yes
—the well you know, Messrs. Editors. X
could call the name myself but I know so
tittle about politics; I am so ignorant upon
such subjects that I could not now tell'for
the life of me, who will be the next candi
date in our circuit for Judas. X.
there is a set ul ivmnv Nothing
principles put forth “by authority,’.’, recont-
\y ln N. York city, by the 12th"Council of
Know. Nothings, in the 15th ward. The
Exposition and Resolutions would occupy
several columns, and we cannot insert them
here. They will probably be adopted, it is
siaid,^ by all the Know Nothing Lodges of
the Empire State of the North. Will they
bo adopted by the Lodges of the Empire
State of the South? If they ore, we will
then know what Georgia Know Nothingism
is, and could enable our readers, uiireidf. of
Loi hi* or Mediation.-—A bill has been
into the Legislature of Massachusetts to es
tablish Courts of Mediation. A certain
number of persons tire to be elected in each
tiovn l.y thc inhahitams to net as mediators,
lhe office is to he one of honor and not of
profit—no fee to he received, except for per
sonal expenses, or .disbursements;
causes ot notion of which thi
Court is to take cognizance are lihel, slan
der, malicious persecution, breach of prom-
i*e of marriage, assault, battery, false im
prisonment, and actions of contract on
claims not exceeding 8100. Parties may
■iiuritarijy appear before tlie court, without
Two speciments of marble—on
1«.V Telegraph to tho NcYYorit Daily Times.] tiM wh . ite Color ’ almost tr:lns
Tile OntrAge npon tlie Ei Dorado-Im- ’ fine grain, and susceptible
mediate Reparation. ! polish ; the. other variegated and exceedin- j ,be topensation was
\ciHNGTOV Siintiav VI« it n i r a* i • i borne, not a wu>cle moveJ. With a quiet
M *” sh • gly beautnully—have been discovered in | smite be professed a perfect w imbues* to ko
where ho was sent. He
- ------ ” . »*»»»» '••-Ul IU I CUIVUI II.
J?rom that tine, Iiis trliols conduct maaifested
and espionage who used to glory at every j Reives in the air, in order ^ to lock ‘them up ! Church"^ this eouutry,
Rochester, March ID.—The body of Emma
The friends of the Administration here c-Cs^viile Ga'
assert that the President has ordered that i L 11 ’ a *
extreme measures be taken, if necessary, to
exact instant reparation at Havana for the ' Moore, whose mysterious disappearance
late outrage upon the steamer El Dorado, j few mouths since caused much excitement
S. I in this place, was found to-day under the
The Scorch for Or. Kane--'The Czar’s | ice in a mill race by a boy who was draw-
Brath—Appointment. | ing water. The body was identified by tne
Washington, Saturday, March 17. ! earrings and bonnet.
For the expedition to search for Kane, Oue hundred and fifty guns were tired
The tho Secretary of thc Navy has purchased, i here to-day in honor of the reciprocity pro
mediation at §50,000, the steamer propeller City of \ clamation.
•’ - • Boston. The now light ship nt Philadelph,a I 7 - .
will go on the expedition as soon ns refitted ! A , wn, u el ‘ , ln u tlle Edinfearg Rectew es- ;
—probably thc first of June ! tlmatc ' , that the laborers of England alone i
The Star says that not the slightest doubt ! 6 ? ulu,der ^50,000,000 per year on spirits,
of the correctness of the report of the Czar’s I T nndto1 ^ J ’„ lh ' Bls a lar « e sum > but
death is entertained by the President, Cabi- 1 the >ut * i0r * t y M first-rate.
net, or foreign officials. ’
The President has appointed Charles S..
chauire «f ftriin* The Ko^ip^of thi ni-.gV.borTYj j corner of the street, that Democracy had no j ^® a ^ l? - a PP« ars that 1855 promises us 'judg^how for that aetmn uflghT'bede^tL
r Y T; ‘ - a ^ P rca «c^or J Use m»ubtal«is. and after givioffkim a gKmpse into the i • i r „ rn .. . ,
looked f«>r all the world liKc a mouse just escaped fut,,re r hud mi«led him to a crag, where he had fall- u I reason 13 tree to Combat it.” IhlS whole
from the fan^s of some terrible ^riinjlkin. an ^ bruised his face. Others save the prince of dark- ! thi
fa* i i i . • . nuts 1-iu ..' . c .t.ft ..i. i 4 . .. i
Mr. Stubbleworih armiigcd/ fiis few sublunary ness the credit of the oha CS e f but nnie^u^rteaYhe 1 ll “ ng ’ S ° for We ^ ljC ° n P ewnittcd tu
affairs, and hi,Iflinjf Ids friends adieu, meYueit his ; lopStSa Imd See '*• iooks S0 m0nitr0US in a moral P 01,U
of view that sometimes vve flatter ourselves
that Southern Know-Nothings, particularly
the Democrats amou
old roan and departed for his new home of trials,
with a song of praise oo hU lips. Let us hope the
best for him.
?Tatifr. the secret remained with Ned.
iiiL> glo»,my Rtate of mind continued until Forgeron
rimed a camp-meeting. The liev. ifr. Stubbleworth
preached a sermon that seemed to enter hi.s soul, and
relieve it of a burden, ar.d the song of
“ happv are they, who their Savior ohe
was only half through, when he felt like a u*-w man.
forgeron was from that time a shoaling Methodist.—
mate, and at what point it would become
Buhvc. leads a bachelor’s life in Paris i impolitic nnd wrong. On all other topics
and many singular stories are told of his i Qm braced we could likewise form an opin-
eccentricities. lie is at tho age of fifty the ' ion a,,d tllke a P os5tioa - Wherever in oth-
same dandy he was in the days wheu he : or , States lt ls , <lU l h oritativoly .set forth it
wrote “Pelham,” and really makes up ex- ; w "> rB ® ea . ?P e . nI ff. «" covertly, anti-slavery
eeerhngly well. Ili? fortune is very large, ! er -\ aao “D° ni sm, fn spirit—proscriptive
and he performs may acts of unostentatious I waidflrc c.f. sects in religion,—and
charity. He is a fatalist, and believes firm- [ v in politics. Has Georgia Know
• »rhin«r« navth«niavi«T ]? iT l a c . er ^ ain period being hazardous to , j* ounngism no better fruit to offer us? No
, his destiny, One day, full of gioomy for- I democrat can adopt that platform without
them, conceal a pro-; foldings, he was seated at his solitary break- j a handomng former opinions, and makitur
uoucy. A reconciliation effected ljeforc this v ■ r lr ?c Tl - ^ -
court ift. , ft , , , . . Fairfax, of California, Register at the Laud
court :s to l^ a final determination of the j Office at Marysville, and John A. PaxW
matter in ccntcor«r«y. Receiver. .
Col. Benton has been nominated for the
Presidency by a meeting at St. Louis.
"The venerable widow of. President Har
rison has recovered her usual health. —
pinc-ivoiHis country near o* j* — — ,*,,^,1^,.. *uv« fc T.
tho connues of Florida, the noveltv of intmnt»Tn ^“bblcwttnb, who had taitiitul^.kopt the secret . . .
sooner,- and a pure, bracing atmosphere, seemed vSttalS’ b °™ citizens or
to inspire nun wilh nowlife. Complimenting all , ter, a , the barulng tears ot heartfelt joy coarsed their i disqualifications imposed upon them OH ac-
tho mothers, on the singular beauty ami inlelii- Vorflown hts eheoki. “ Tea, my brethren,” he said, nannl nf „ : i„
gence of their children, with a delicate allusion l< * I did m^iul the grace into his unbeliec- tount ot religion, must bring the Legisla
te thoir own persona! appearance, he soon became i " , ■ ..
ft ,,L aJSftirK.aiaT'LH^rW Tlie blacksmith of tlie mountain pats baqama a hap-
a general tavontc, Mt. Stubbleworth “knew py man, and n MeihodUt preacher.
whieh aide of his bread the butter was on,” Vmqd, Ga. *
. . - Baronet-,’ and <
i-mging the bell, lie ordered the valet to nav I A ' te,<5f ’
h h« hmifiL'Pftnfiv n v-rvo*,’, to toft. 1 1- 1 J Y
turee of the States in violent collision with
the Supreme Court; and after that will
the fiouskeeper a year’s wages and her pas
sage to the most distant place she would
consent to go. The lady happene&lo have
a daughter married to a New. Zealand Chief
at Loorako, Bay Islands, and hitfier she
come the horrors of » Woody civil war. No was despatched at Bulwer’e expense.
tear The Beta Roger Bapton, of Holy
Springs, Miss v died on the YtR msto with a
disease of
Democrat, and had muehdo do wiffithefoll
uics of that State. He was a'na’tiveSS
Tennessee. ■
' irvr'Yidilfflnir‘’ v