The Atlanta weekly intelligencer. (Atlanta, Ga.) 184?-1855, March 29, 1855, Image 3

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AtACl 2i2£ Xr.ktaM.VUW a height U S^tsttssss-" i*’"i .“d daringte ekataeUf, ataoaid, by actual S^SSS-St, dieeov.r ~—i« faranrpas- ^ In efficacy all other., for tbecuio of VboMdUe..- m incident to thsm from tbalr m°d»of Hf«. Tin j'"*- ir part of tbalr tiroa being .pent In hazardous end bloody warfare with tba different tribe., they were eub- , to the moat violent attack, of rheumatism, paraiy ii neuralgic paina, and various Infiamatory disease*, a* alio the mo.t horld wound., sprains, brulae., tumor., swelling*. diseases of the jomU, etc., etc. All these they weio so e.irprisingly edielent l " that the uninitiated looked with wonaer and attributed their .kill to the power, of magic. H O FABRKLL’8 ARABIAN UNTMEOT leacompo- ultion of balsams and oils, from rare plant, peculiar to thi. country, and it was by the use of the articles composing this great remedy that not only their physi cians, but even the wild Arabs of the desert were en abled to perform such miraculous Jcures. Tnr. Arah .TECO IS WORM; XKSOWMD FOR HIS BKACT1EUI. STMHKIRT OF FORH; his unsurpassed speed and agility, and the in credible fatigue he is capable of enduring. Why i" it? Because from the time or his birth bis limbs arc care fully watched, and upon the first appearance of dis ease the magic lotion is applied, and such things as con firmed sweeny, poll evil, fistula, ringbone, scratches, spavin, lameness, etc., etc., are unknown. Thefflme result will follow in all cases where H. G. Farrell *Gen uine Arabian Liniment is used in time. Therefore de lay not in procuring a good supply of it, for every do.- Ur spent in it will save you twenty, and a great deal of suffering, if not your lire. Look out for Counterfoils! The public are cautioned against another counter feit which has lately made its appearance, called W. B Farreli’s Arabian Liniment, the most lUngerous of ail the counterfeits, because his having the name o. Farrell, many will buy it in good faith, without the knowledge that a counterfeit exists, and they will per haps nuly discover their error when the .punous mix ture has wrought its evil effects. „ - The genuine article ia manufactured only by H G Farrell, aole inventor and proprietor, and wholesale druggist. No. 17 Main street, Peoria. Illinois, to whom all applications for Agencies must be addressed. Be sure you g«t it with the letters H. G. before larrell * thus—H. «. FARRELL’S—and his signature on the wrauuer, all others are counterfeits. Sold by A. Alex ander and J. M. Ranttn. Wholesale and Retail agents, Atlanta;Hanes, Laseter A Co.. Jonesboro’; Hutchison k Headden. Palmetto; Camp k Christian, Fairburn; Win. A. Powell, Decatur—and by roguUrly authorized agents throughout the United States. Price -1 and 60 cents, and ti per bottle. AGENTS WANTED in eyery town, village and ham let in the United States, in which one is not already es tablished. Address H. G. Farrell as abore, accompa nied with good reference as to character, responsibili ty, is.. Atlanta, Mar. 20, 1855. 44—4wj NEURALGIA. THIS formidable disease, which seems to baffle the skill of physicians, yields like magic to Carter’s Spanish Mixture. Mr. F. Boy den, formerly of tbo Astor House, New York, and late proprietor of the Exchange Ilotol, Richmond, Va., is one of the buudreds who hare been curod of severe Neuralgia, by Carter's Spanish Mixture. Since his cure, he has recommended it to num bers of others, who were suffering with nearly eve ry form of disease, with the most wonderful suc cess. He says it is the most extraordinary medicine he has ever soon used, and tbo best blood purifier known. See advertisement in another column. March 21, 1855. dtw2w. Volcanic Repeating Pistols.' A SMALL LOT of these superior and newly invented Pistols just roccivcd and for sale at our store on Peachtree st. These Pistols nre acknowl edged to be the most valuable and effective weapon yet invented, and can bo discharged with greater rapidity and certainty than any other pistol in use. Thirty charges can bo loaded nndjlisehnrged in fifty seconds. GILBERT A CLARK. Atlanta, March 21. dtwlra. GREEN ft PULASKI MONUMENT LOTTERY. (By Authority of thi State of Georgia.) MANAGED, drawn and prizes paid by tho well-known and responsible firm of GREGORY A MAURY. Office n the Holland House, on Whitehall Street CLASS KO. 79. To he drawn Monday, April 2. Capital prizes, $9.5821, 6 of $2.00(1, Ac., Ac. Tickets $2.50, halves and quarters in pro portion. CLASS 77. To he drawn Friday, March 30th. Prizes of $10,000, $8,000, $2,000. $1,000,^ftc. Tickets $3.00, shares in proportion. Extra CLASS 9. To he draten Saturday, March 31st. Pricos $10,000, $20,000, $10,000, Ac. Tickets only $10, shares in proportion. Sales close at 2 o’clock on the day of each draw ing. All communications strictly confidential. Or ders by mail will receive prompt attention, and copies of tiio drawn numbers forwarded to pur chasers when desired. GEO. L. BOOTH. March i7. d*wlv. * BE0EAtr,r~" Produce Commission Merchants, FOR TOE SALS OF Floor, Groin, Butter. CheeM, Iron* •ions, «e. No. llO BKOAD*STHEET, CORNER OF WATER ST. James. O. Bennett, ) New Yor k. Cornelius P. Brokaw. J Cha’s R. Huntington. March 20, 1855. (dftwtf.) RARE CHANCE FOR CASH. T. R. RIPLEY B EING desirous of making some change in his business by the 1st of July next, and deter mined to close out his present stock of the fol lowing named goods, will offer great inducements to those wishing to furnish their parlors, dining rooms, Ac.: China, Tea and Plated Setts, Coffee Setts, Earthen and Queen’s Ware, China Flower Vases, Mantle Ornaments, Goblets, Tumblers, Ac.; Plated Forks and Spoons on Albata, Table Cutlery Castor Stands, Brit. Tea and Coffee Pots, Egg Boilers, Steak Dishes and Block Tin Dish Covers, and the largest assortment of Fluid, Oil and Cen tre-Table Lamps, of the most elegant patterns ever offered in this city or perhaps will be before our next Governor’s election,—to which he would cnll the attention of his former patrons, and most especially and respectfully that of tho ladies—as you ail know that such things will make cheerful the domestic circle and fireside. Call and you shall have bargains, and no mistake. Get on the good side of the old man and ho will shell out an X, or XX, or maybe an L. March, 28, ’55. dxwtf, T. R. Ripley. HAS just received a Fresh supply of Burning Fluid Campheno, Alcohol Oil and Turpentine, which he will sell at wholesale or retail on os good terms as can be bought in any Southern Market, for cash only. March 23, 1855. $50 REWARD. The above reward will be paid for the apprehen sion and delivery of my two negroes, Daton and Caroline, brother and sister, who ran away from me on the 23d of this instant. The boy, Daton, is about 20 years of age, well grown and bids fair to be a large man. His height is not ex actly known, but believed to he nearly 8 feet. He is of dark complexion, and stutters a little when spoken to ; very course and loud voice; had on when he left a long sack, made of dark negro ker- sics, with brass buttons; his pantaloons of Geor gia plains. The girl, Caroline, is a bright copper colored, good looking and neat figure and carriage, and about 24 years old. Said negroes were brought from South Carolina about 2 years ago, and I believe they will make every effort to get back. I will also offer $30 for their apprehension and delivery in any Jail in this or any other State so that I may find out their whereabouts. I will also give a reward of $50 for any positive proof to the fact of their being harbored or kept out of my reach by any white person. Dr. JOriN U. SUBER. Sand Town, Campbell co., Go., March 27,*1855. dtw2w. Augusta Conststutionalist copy weekly 4t and send bill to subscriber. For Rent, THREE HOUSES on Walton Street, which have been just completed, having all conveniences requisite for boarding-houses, or private residen ces to approved tenants. The terms will be mode rate. Apply to A. ALEXANDER. March 27th,’55. d*wtf. Camplieue & Fluid! T HE Subscribers have recently established in Atlanta a Camphenc A Fluid Manufactory, and will keep constantly on hand campheno, Burn ing Fluid, Spirits of Turpentine, Lumps, Lamp Wicks, also a variety of Garden Seeds. WEST A GLOVER. One door below C. H. Strong’s Store, Whitehall street, Atlanta. Georgia. March 26, 1855. (dawly.) fifty Authority of the State of Alabama.j SOl'TilEKN MILITARY ACADEMY. LOTTERY. Conducted on the llavanaplan. GRAND SCHENK! Class M. TO Bit DRAWN THK 2d OF APRIL : Cazttals $15000 ii 6,01)0 ii 4,000 u 3,000 i« ' 2,000 i. " 1,600 i. ' 1,100 “ 6 of $1,000 6,000 kc. Ac. kc. In all, 601 prizes, amounting to $t>0,000 S^-l'ickets’ $10—Halves and Quarters in proportion. Every prize drawn at each draw ing Bills on solvent hanks taken at par. All commuica- \tions strictly confidential. SAM I. SWAN. Agent, At the Brnnre Lions, Montgomery. Ala. ?*J,Orders for tickets received liy A. W. JONES, nrile Agent for Atlanta. Office in Kile’s brick building, •corner of Marietta and Peachtree streets. Calhoun Fills. THIS Extra Superior Family Medicine is now about bfiuij oflVrf'i to the public, wo would direct the ppeem) attention of our friends and acquaintances everywhere to these WUs. not fearing in the least, that thej r will meet the public approbation more fully than any ever yet otTered to the people. For further particulars see advertisement in to-day's paper. Look at the certifi cates, they are from a high source. July *27* 1854. (9—ly.) No Excuse for llt-healtli. An emaciated frame, sallow complexion, an dgreat debility, the result of neglect to till treatment, when efficient Medical advice cm be • obtained privately and promptly. Ladies who may be atllicted with Irregularities’ toiler., Fistula-in Auo, Gravel. Scrofula. Ulcers, Rheu- unatisui. Jcc., should uot allow false delicacy to prevent dheir making immediate application to I)r. MORRIS, whose skill in the treatment of all chrouic diseases And female complaints, is too well known to be ques- t'kmed. The Doctor assures all those who consult him by let ter the most honorable secrecy, prompt attention, pita tit, safe and efficient medicines; and to those who follow strictly his directions, he will guarantee speedy relief and permanent cures. Charges reasona ble. Address. I>R. W H. MORRIS. Nashville Tenn. >Jay 251854. 62—ly. FOR hat.-r; f§g rfi 200 Bags Rio Coffee. 25 Hbds. choice N. O. Sugars. * 50 Bbls. Crushed. Powdered and refined Sugars 100 Bbls. prime N. 0. Syrup. 60 Bbls. fresh Mackerel. 25 B. •xes Cheese. 100 lvcgs Nails various sizes. 25 Doz. Painted Pails. 10,000 Libs. Hollow Ware. With a large assortment of Black Smith's Tools. Dry Goods, Boots dir Shoes, Grind-Stones, Arc., Which are offered to the trade at low rates on ac commodating terms by . J. T DOANE. Jan. 20, 1855. n34-wtf. Practice of Surgery. Drs. Smith & Ramsay B EG leave to inform the public that they will attend strictly to nil Surgical Cases sent to their care, and ample preparation will bo made for all transient patienis. The centrality of Atlanta, and its remarkable facilities for living, point to it as a most desirable place for the invalid. Persons wishing Surgical aid can always find comfortable quarters. Wo devote especial attention to diseases of the Eye and Ear, also, te tho usual surgical ail ments, such ns stone in the bladder and all inju ries requiring surgical aid. Feb 22, 1855. wly. Notice. The Sheriff’s Sales of DeKalb county from and after this date will bo published in the Atlanta Re publican. S. P. WRIGHT. Sh’ff. March 1, 1855. To Officers, Soldiers, Seamen, ftc., of nil Wars j their Wid ows and Minor Children. S. M. KNIGHT, Attorney for Government Claimants, Washington, D. C., C ONTINUES to give prompt and personal atten tion to the prosecution of Claims of every description against the General Government, and particularly to those before the Treasury Depart ment, Pension and Bounty-Land Bureaus, Patent and General Land Offices, and Board of Claims. An experience of years, UDd a familiarity with the means of obtaining the earliest and most fu- voruble action on Claims, with his facilities for the dispatch of business, justify him in assuring his Correspondents, Claimants, and tho Public gener ally, that interests entrusted to his keeping will not be neglected. Tension, Bounty Land, Patent, and Public Land Laics. He has nearly ready for gratuitous distribution among bis business Correspondents, (and those who may become such.) a neat pamphlet containing a synopsis of tho existing Pension, Bounty Land, Patent, and Public Land Laws, down to the end of the late Congress—including the Bounty-Land Act of 3d of March, 1855, under which all who have heretofore received less than 160 acres are now entitled to additional laud; said Act granted also 160 ncrcs to all Officers, non-comiu^sioned Officers. Clmplaius, Soldiers, Wngon Masters, Teamsters, and friendly Indians, of the Army, including State Troops, Volunteers, and Militia—and all Officers, Seamen. Ordinary ScamuD, Marines, Clerks, and Landsmen, of the Navy, not heretofore provided for, who have serv ed not less than fourteen days (unless in battle) at any period since 1776; and to the widows and mi nor children of nil such persons entitled, and de ceased. This pamphlet contains “Forms of Application” more full and complete than any elsewhere to be found; adapted to the wants of every class of Claimants under the Act, with copious decisions and instructions of the Department, and practical suggestions as to the course to bo pursued in sus pended or rejected cases. Pnrties not wishing to avail themselves of the facilities afforded by this Office in securing prompt and personal superintendence of their claims at the Departments, can obtain copies of the above pamphlet by remitting thirty cents in postage stamps. Inducements to Correspondents. Correspondents who prepare and forward cases for management by this Agency will lie dealt with liberally; supplied with all necessary blanks gratis, and kept constantly advised of the changes that from time to time occur in tho execution of the law. It is within the subscriber's power to direct his Correspondents to the locality of very many per sons entitled under the late Act: and having ob tained several thousand Land Warrants under for mer laws, lie is in possession of data that will ma terially assist in securing additional bounty. Fees, below the usual rates—and contingent upon the admission of Claims. Tho highest cash prices given for Land War rants, Revolutionary Scrip, and Illinois Land Pat ents. Address S. M. KNIGHT, Mar21-d* w4w. Washington City. JgrGLAD TIDINGS!!-®# Additional Bounty Land! Under Act of 1853. I am prepared to prosecute Bouuty Land Claims with despatch and Fidel ity. Fees $5—No warrant, no pay. But the WARRANT is bound to come! Atlanta, Mar. 14, ’55. MARCUS A. BELL, dftwlm Attorney at Law. Those residing out of this county, can confer with me through the mail and I will furnish them with FORMS and full instructions by the return mail, and thus conveniently prosecute their claims. Rules and Regulations, Under the New Postage Law. The Public will Take Notice: 1st. That from and after April 1st, 1855, the rate of postage on a letter weighing half an ouuce and under, to be conveyed between places in the Uni’ed States, not exceeding 3000 miles, is three cents; nnd for any distance exceeding 3000 miles, ten cents. 2d. That from and after April 1st, 1855, pre payment. either by stamps, stamped envelopes, or 1 money, is compulsory. 3d. That from and after .Tan. 1st. 1S56, no let ters between places in the United States will be al lowed to pass through the mails, unless enclosed j in stamped envelopes, or having postage stamps j upon thorn. 4th. Thnt the existing rates and regulations in I regard to loiters to or from Canada and all other ; foreign countries remain unchanged, j 5th. That postage stamps and stamped envel opes of the denomination of ten cents will be pre- I pared nnd issued speedily. 1 6th. Thnt as absolute prepayment is henceforth required on all letters between places in the Unit ed States, great care should be used, as well in pre-paying the proper amount on letters above the weight of half an ounce, ns on singio letters. 7th. That the Now Postage Law makes a strict observance of the above regulations necessary, ! and that without the least color of an exception. HUGH M. BOYD, P. M- P. O. Atlanta. Gn.. March 27th. 1855. dAwlw Cash Wanted. All persons indebted to the undersigned will find it to their interest to make immediate settlement Dee. 28 1854. W. W. ROARK. New Bookstore. THE subscriber having recently re- plenised his large and well selected stock of HOOKS AND ST A Tf ON ER Y, would respectfully invite all who wish to purchase to be sure and coll at the new Bookstore, on Whitehall street, two doors above tho Post Office, as his terms cnnnotfail to please. His stock having been bought principally for cash, und sc lected mostly by himself in the Northern cities.— He has also n fresh supply of of Fancy Articles. Watches, Jewelry. Toys, Ac., at tho lowest prices. Teachers and Merchants supplied on the most lib eral terms. GEORGE DUNHAM. Atlanta, February 7,1855. [wly.j Italian, EgyptUa ft American ffifnE' Mk. '■Jl'' WO' MUM. NS»T AND E A ST TENN ESS EEMAUBLE. T 0 M B S, ff B N S ft VA S E S Marble Mantels AND. All orders promptly filled. ^g-Ware rooms opposite Georgia Railroad De pot, Atlanta, Go. Mck8.1$55-dA'wly. Notice. I HAVE engaged tho services of Mr. G. Krause, a practical Chemist from Berlin, Prussia, and as the dispensing department of the establishment will be entirely under his control, the public are assured that aH prescriptions will be accurately prepared—as a more accomplished Pharmaceutist cannot be found either North or Sonth, if an ex- fperience of over fifteen years in the first Drug Houses of Berlin nnd Paris be a guarantee. Tes timonial in proof of th© above assertion will be ex hibited to any one familiar with French or German. Mr. Krause will make any preparation desired by Physicians, or make Chemical tests with M incrals. at my store. A. ALEXANDER. Febl91y Bay School for Young Ladies and Kisses. BY SIRS. A. F. CUNNINGHAM, On McDonough Street, Atlanta, Georgia. M SS. DUCT. CUNNINGHAM, of Augusta, having located herself permanently in Atlan ta, will open a School on the first Monday in March, for the instruction of Young Ladies and Misses, in the various branches of English education, and in tho Latin and French languages. She will also teach Music, Drawing, and Cray oning. and Painting in Oil and Water Colors, and on Velvet. REFERENCES. Rt. Rev. Bishop Elliott, Savannah. “ Dr. Edward Ford, Augusta. “ Richard Johnson, Atlanta. “ Mr. Dubose, M. I). “ “ Mr. Antony, “ “ Mr. Evans, Augnsta. •* Dr. Tulmagc, Pres, Oglethrope University. His Excellency Herschel V. Johnson. Richard Peters, Esq., Atlanta. Judge Holt, Augusta. Col. H. H. Cumming. “ Mr. Win. H. Crane, “ Mr.Josiah Siblev, “ Mr. N. B. Moore, « Dr. L. A. Dugas, Dr. Henry Campbell, “ Feb. 28. d 2 w. w t. Bounty Laud Warrants. THE undersigned are prepared with all neces sary forms to make out applications for Land Warrants under the late Act of Congress. The sooner application is made the better. Office on Whitehall street, fronting Rail- Road. GARTRELL & GLENN, March 14,1855. [d4t.] Att’ys at Law. NEW GOODS. Men Boys Cloliin g, Clothes New and Fresh. Cassimeres. The Richest ever brought to this Market. Vestin&s. Come Boon, or they will all be sold. tlloves—Extra Fine Neck^Fixilit) tli© very latest [styles and richest materials. Also, Tailor’s Trimmings—Tapes. Crayons, and almost any thing kept in a Merchant Tailoring establishment, can be bought from the subscriber. Atlanta, Nov 2. d&wtf LEWIS LAWSHE. Notice. H AVING disposed of "my whole stock of Drags, Chemicals, Instrument*. Paint*. Oils, Ac., to Dr. B. M. Smith an t Mr. W11. L E-otard, it circs me great pleaynn* i-> recommend them to the pub lic, and my friends in particular. The stock is fresh, and finely selected. Noassortmcn in Geor gia surpasses it; indeed, it is what is needed in Atlanta, a superior Drug Store. The goods can be sold at Charleston, S vvannah, and Augusta prices, and everything the Physician may wish can be found there. I respectfully ask fur them a liberal patronage. H. A. BAMSAY. ATLANTA oTlJG STORE SMITH a EZZMD. : H AVING purchased the entire interest of Dr. H. A. Ramsay, (of the late firm of Kay A Ramsay,) in the Drug business, offer to the public a large and well selected stock, of Drugs, Paints, Oils, Camphene, Burning Said, Dye-stuffs, Chemi cals, Surgical and Dental Instruments. Soaps, Brushes, Combs, Medicinal Wines, Perfumes, Ac. The ladies are invited to call and examine our Fancy Coods, consisting of Shell and Ivory handle hair brushes, Shell, Ivory and India Rubber dressing combs, Shell, Puff and Tuck Combs, Ivory and Buffalo Nail Brushes, Ladies Writing Desks, (papier maehe and rose wood,) Suporior Toilet Boxes, (pearl inlaid.) China, Rosewood, and Paper Puff Boxes, Lubmo French Extracts of every variety, Mungenitt C-oudray “ “ “ “ French Toilet Powders, Lubins, German Farina Cologne, Improved Chlorine Tooth Wash, Orris’ Tootii Wash, “ “ Paste and Powder, (French,) Superior Almond Powder, (for the skin,) Ladies Drawing Books and Portfolioes, Faber’s Drawing Pencils. Sewing Birds, French cut glass Toilet Flaccns, China Flower Vases, (very rich.) Port Monaies, (pealr, ivory and morocco,) Ladies Companions, (completo,) “ Cord Cases of every variety, Ivory Teething Rings, Ratlers, etc., for children Smethian, an elegant preparation for chapped hands and rough skin, Barmy’s Tricophereus, Lyon’s Knthniron, Bogles’ Hyperion Fluid, Mrs. Allen’s Hair Invigorator, Superior Bleached Sponge, (for ladies,) Turkish Bathing Towels and Gloves, and sun dry articles too numerous to mention. March 23, 1855. d&wly. Just Received. 20,000 lbs OLD BACON, sides. 46 kogs choice new LARD, 20 bbls do, and 300 lbs Feathers. ALSO A small lot of Corn nnd Oats, and a few thous and pounds of Fresh Bones and Sausage Meat, for sale low, by dftwtf J. E. WILLIAMS. Dec 25, ’54 Athenaeum Building, Atlanta. V1Y 1 ’HK Annual Cburar of IsctuM is this dspartasMt * will eumasssce on Monday, November 13th, and wit! terminate In the ensuing March. ..... Ja*is Jem*, M.D. Pretsmor of Practiced Medicine WaUEidTom. M. D., Professor of Chemistry. J. L. Kiouu. M. D., Professor at Surgery. A. H. Cm*. M. D.. Professor of Obetetries. A. J. WmtHBUKtKx, M. D-, Protemor of Anatomy. Gi sts vne A. Now, ii. D. Professor of Materia Medlea. Tuns. Hear. M. b. Prof, or Physiology and Pathology. CnaxxursC. Beans, M. D.,1 De-OB ,t*»of Anatomy. Sanaa. I*. Caornx, M. D., i tMmoan " The rooms for Dissecting wul he open on the third Monday in October. The Faculty are Visiting Physicians and Surgeona of the Charity Hospital, and attend this Institution from November to April. ' ■ The Students accompany tho Prolemora in their visits, and, free of expense, enjoy extraordinary prac tical advantages.- There are, daring the session, about eight hundred persons prescribed for daily. In 1863 the number of patients was thirteen thousand seven hundred and fifty-nine. July 20. (11—tin) THOS. HUNT. M. ft- llean. O. BARTH, Piano Forte Repairer and Tuner, W ILL attend to any calls in his line of business, such as reg ulating of action, covering of ham mers, (felted or buffed,) laying of new strings by the octave, whole or single, Ac. Satisfaction given in every instance or no charge. All work warranted. f,Tuniug by the Year done at Reduced Prices. Orders anywhere from the country, addressed to O. F. Bahth, Atlanta, Go., will meet with prompt attention. * CITRATE OF MAGNESIA. An Agreeable Refrigerant and LAXATIVE. T HIS Preparation has been introduced exten sively on the continent of Europe, and in this country as on agreeable Substitute for Epson Salts, it is destitute of bitterness, and by its pleas ant acidity of taste, aud its effervescing character, is rendered a very agreeable and refreshing drink directions for use accompany each bottle. Pre pared and for sale by A. ALEXANDER. Druseist. WHITE & DEAN, BUTCHERS. T HE undersigned have this day formed a part nership for the purpose of doing a general Slaughtering business in the city of Atlanta, they occupy stall No. 3 in the Market House, and will furnish the best the county affords, and use (heir best endeavors to give general satisfaction, and in so doing hopes to receive a shnre of the public pat ronage. A. R. WHITE. L. DEAN. Atlanta, March 5, 1S55. [dim j w3m.] RHODE’S FEVER AND AGUE CURE, Or, Nature’s Invaluable Specific, I J’OR the prevention and cure of Intermittent and Remittent Fevers, Fever nnd Ague. Chilis and Fever, Dumb Ague, General Debility, Night Swca;s, aud ail other forms of disease which have a common origin in Malaria or Miasma. The sub tle atmospheric poison which at certain seasons is unuvoUaMy inhaled at every breath, is the same in character wherever it exists.—North, South, East or West,—and will every where yield to this newly discovered uutidote, which is claimed to bo the greatest discovery ia medicine ever made. This specific is so harmless that it may be taken by persons of every age, sex or condition and it will uot substitute for one disease others still worse, as is too often the result iu the treatment by Quinine, Mercury, Arsenic, and other poisonous or deleterious drugs, not a particle of any of which is admitted into this preparation. The proprietor distinctly claims these ex traoidi- nary results from the aso of this natural antidote to Malaria. It will entirely protect any resident or traveler even in tho most sickly or swampy localities, from any Ague, or Bilious disease whatever, or any in jury from constantly inhaling Malaria or Miasma. It will instantly check the Ague in persons who have suffered for any length of time, from one day to twenty years, so that they need never have another chill, by continuing its use according to directions. It will immediately relieve all distressing results of Billious or Ague disease, such as general debil ity, night sweats, Ac. Tho patient at oneo begins to reeover appetite nnd strength, and continues until a permanent and radical cure is effected. Finally, its use will banish Fever and Ague from families and all classes. Farmers and all laboring men by adopting it as a preventive will be free from Ague or Billious attacks in that sea son of the year which, while it is the most sickly, is the most valuable one to them. One or two bottles will answer for ordinary cas es, some may require more. Directions printed in German, French and Spnu- ish, accompany each bottle. Price One Dollar. Liberal discounts made to the trade. Trade circulars fowarded on application, and tho article will be consigned on liberal terms to re sponsible parties in every section of tho country. For sale by dealers generally. JAS. A. RHODES. Proprietor, March 23. [dawfim.] Providence, R. I. Come Eveiyboiiy, rpo the Horse Head sign, that wants good fyXgwPK. -I home-made Saddles, or Bridles. Saddle- bags, Tranks, Valises. Harness, Collars and Whips, a great variety, togetiier with ail articles usn ally l;ept in an establishment of this kind; all of which are offered at the lowest living prices, for cash, by the undersigned. MIl.LEk & ANI*REW8. Repairing of all kinds done with quick despatch. Atlanta. Nov. I 1S6-I—ilfcwlr. ER LAWSHE HaS always on band a fine stock of CLOCKSy WATCHES AND JEWBLBY, and is prepared to have watch-work of every descrip on done up iu fiksl ratf stj-le and warranted. Atiat. r.ta. Sep25th. 1864. 'l—dwly C. T. «*s ff. I*. XJu-pree, COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND G-eneral Agents For the purchase and sale of Georgia and Tennessee Produce. Unquestionable ami indeiw»n»b*nt facilities—necessary references. I’articular am! pi*rM»nal attention to all business enti usted will meet with* attention, persever ance «nd promptitude. Remittances or smiill advances made on all goods consigned to our order at consignee's order. Corner of Hill and Broad wav anl next door to M. C. Williams A Co., W. S. Ilill street, Griffin. Gu. ( Griffin, Jan. 0,1856. d8fiAw35tf. j Atlanta Medical College T HE first course of lectures iu this Institution will commence on the first .Monday in May next, and continue the last of the following Au gust, during which the usual systematic course of lectures will be given, and Clinical instruction twice a week. Faculty. M. Ii. Slaughter, M. D., Prof, of Anatomy. J. W. Jones. M D-, Prof, of the Principles and I’ractice of Medicine. Jesse Boring, M. D., Prof, of Obstetrics and Diseeases of Women and Children. W. F. Westmoreland, M. B-, Prof, of the Principles and Practice of Surgery. J. E. Dubose, M. D-, Prof, of Physiology. G. T. Wilburn, M. D-, Prof, of Surgical and Pathological Anatomy. J J. Robertson. M D.. Prol. of Chemistry and Medical Jurisprudence. J. G. Westmoreland, M. D., Prof, of Materia Medica and Therapntics. An abundant supply of Material for disseotion (subjects preserved in spirits of wine) will be pro vided. The services of a competent Demonstrator of Anatomy will be procured before the opening ot the session. The fees for the entire course amount to $105. Matriculation, (payable once only,) $5. Dissecting ticket, (obligatory once only,) $10.— Graduation fee, $25. Good board can be had in the city for $3 per week. For further information address J. G. WEST .VIORELAND, Dean. Atlanta, Jan. 15, 1855. dtw3m. GEORGIY UARBLE WORKS, G. Rankin, Wm. M. Hnrlick, Geo. L. Summer, [SUCCESSORS TO A. ATKINSON k CO.] T HISesUblishmenthasbeenm successfuloperatiuntbr a numberof y ears. The Quarries are well opened, and the Marble is superior to any in tbeUuited States. We have so perfected oar facilities forgetting to and fin- shing work, that we can furnish Monuments, Tombs, Tables, HEAD STONES, and everything in our line of business, in better style, and at cheaper rates, than any yard in the country. When it is considered that we saw onr own marble, pay no jobber's profits and no high freight from the North, it will be seen that we do posse* material ad vantages overall competitors. We cordially solicit our friends and the public gene rally to examine our work, and compare our prices with those of other yards before ordering Northern marble. We hare on hand at our yard in Slarietta a large as sortment of finished work—Monuments, Toombs, &c..— whereour agent G. W. Summers will sell at our prices! Our principal work is done at the Mills. Address 3l_lv J. G. RANKIN & CO. Marble Work P. O., Ga. T HE subscriber has made arrange- ments with some of the most cel-1 WARRANTED PIANO FORTES FOB SAXE ON TRIAL. rn/mm ebrated Piano Forte makers for sup- If# I I* plies. His instruments are always direct from the factories, in original packages, of the latest and most fashionable styles, and hav the most impor tant improvements. Without expensive store rent, or other outlays attending an open establishment of this kind, he is cnablod to furnish these instruments at the lowest prices obtainable, and being a professional man himself, ha feels .confident to have it in his power to give entire satisfaction to all who may favor him with their orders. Those only who wish to procure first-class instruments will please address the subscriber. 0. F. BARTH, Atlanta, Ga. Old Pianos taken in exchange as a part payment for new ones. Good second-handed Pi anos for sale and hire on reasonable terms. Dec. 21. 1354. d*wly. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. GEORGIA, ) Ordinary Court, Doc’r. Fulton County.) Term, 1854. To the Honorable the Coart of Ordinary of laid County. T HE petition of John Mitchell respeetfitlly shewetb, thnt on the 17th day of January, 1850, Allen E. Johnson of said county, (but then of Dekalb,) nnd State, delivered to your petitioner on obligation, a copy of which is hereunto attach ed, whereby he bound himself to make your peti tioner a fnll and sufficient title, nnd relinquish ment of ail his right, title and : nterest, in and to a certain lot of land, as follows: The East half ol lot No. fifty, in the sixth District of Henry coun ty, containing one hundred one and n fourth acres, upon the payment of three hundred dollars as the purchase money, in one, two, and three payments as in said obligation alleged. Yonr petitioner far ther shows to your Honor,Jthat subsequently to the date of said obligation, the said Allen E. Johnson departed this life intestato, and that John H. John son and William H. Ferguson, of said county, has obtained Letters of Administration on the goods, chattels and credits of said Allen E. Johnson, in the Court of Ordinary of said county of Fulton, and thnt during the life of the said Allen E. John son, and within the time specified in said obliga tion, wherein the said deceased bound himself to make titles to the land now claimed, your petition er paid to the said Allen E. Johnson, the aforesaid sum of three hundred dollars, due on the land aforesaid. » And your petitioner prays your Honor to direct the said John H. Johnson and William H. Fergu son to make your petitioner titles to said lot of land, according to the tenor and effects of said ob ligation, and your petitioner will ever pay, Ac. JOHN MITCHELL, Petitioner. Copy of Bond. Georgia, DeKalb County. K NOW all men by these presents, that I, A. E. . Johnson, of DeKalb county, am held and firmly bound unto John Mitchell of Henry county, in the full sum of six hundred dollars for the pay ment of which, I bind myself, my heirs and as signs. The condition of the above bond is as follows: The said A. E. Johnson, has this day sold to the above John Mitchell, a certain parcel of laud, to wit : One hundred one and a fourth acres, or the East half of lot number fifty, in the sixth District of Henry county, and the said Mitchell pays one hundred dollars in cash; one hundred dollars the 25th December, 1850, and one hundred dollars the 25th December, 1851. Then the said A. E. John son is to make the said John Mitchell, good and lawful titles to the above descricbed land, when the said Mitchell pays or causes to be paid, the above described payments, otherwise this bond to be in full force in law. This 17th January, 1850. [Signed] ' A. E. JOHNSON. [Seal.] [Test] W. H. FERGUSON. A true copy from the minutes. JOSEPH H. MEAD, Ordinary. Blacksmithing. T HE subscriber has opened a Shop in front of the Atlanta Livery and Sale Stable, of Mr. Pettis, where he is prepared to execute with neat ness and despatch all work by which he may be favored by the public. Persons from the country will find it to their advantage to call upon him as his arrangements for doing all kinds of repairing, Ac., are perfect in every department. Call at tho sign of the ‘‘Peoples Shop.” T. J. CAMPBELL. February 13,1855. [dly.] Administrator’s Sale. GEORG IA, DeKalb County. BY virtue of an Order from the Court of Ordi nary of said county, will be sold at Decatur in said county, on tho first Tuesday in April next, be tween the lawful hours of sale—thirteen slaves, to wit: Jacob, a man, 27 years old; Lewis, a man, 25 years old; Georgp, 23 yoars old; Lem, 20 years old; Ann and two children IS years old; Prince, 17 years old; Mariah, 16 years old; Green, 14 yoars old; King, 13 years old; Jeff, 10 yoars old and Jesse, S years old. Also, Lot of Land, No. 24S, 11th District, DeKalb county, containing 202J acres—one hundred acres good and fresh cleared land on it; comfortable dwellings Ac. The prop erty of the estate of Jane Russoll, late dec’d.— Sold for the benefit of heirs and creditors. Terms on day of sale. 0. S. MORRIS, Feb 13 1855. Adra’r Steam Saw Mill for Sale. rpOGETHER with 400 acres well timbered pine land, * one mile east of Haralson, Cowota county, Geor gia. The mill has just been put in operation and is j cutting 2000 feet perday; Slabs and saw dust furnishes j sufficient fuel and a ready sale can be had for all the lumber sawed at the Mill at $1 per hundred feet.— Engine 9^ inch bfre, 20 inch stroke, 2 cylender boil ers. power sufficient to drive a 4 feet circular Saw, or a Grist Mill or Shingle Mill, might be attached, either of which would pay well. Living 40 miles from the above Mill, and having a* much bu«insH as I can attend to, I will sell the Mill and landifor the very low sum of $4000. $1500 cash, reqsonah e time on the balance. With proper man agement the Mill will make the money I ask for it in twelve months. E. CARLTON - , July 1st,*1854 fd—1ml LaOran»«». Oeonri*. REMOVAL NOTICE. Dr. xu*- xy.A.Xj-'crxoHNrTe", j H AYING removed his residence and office, to • Marietta Street, above Esq. Payn's, hopes to j receive n continuance of the liberal patronage of j his good customers. Patient? for Surgical operations can be accom modated with board. Ladies wishing dental attendance, by giv ing a timely notice, evon through the Post Office, will be furnished with a convcyauco free of charge. Atlanta, Feb. 2,1855. nlOO-dtf. W. Herrins & Co., r^EEP in connection with their large Stock of Cloth- ing a large assortment of HATS and CAPS of the latest style*, also, Boot* and Shoes, Trunks. Carpet Bags and ValUes. 4—dtf Atlanta, Sept. 28. 1854. HAT STORE. m THE Subscriber will open in a few days in the Johnson House, a select stock of fashionable Hats, and will be ready to furnish country merchants on the most reasonable terms. J. TAYLOR, Jr. Atlanta, March 3d, 1S55. [d&wlm.] ADAIR & EZZABD, DEALERS IX DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, • BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, CAPS, AC., No. 50, Whitehall St. WE have received an elegant assortment • $^£*of fresh, fashionable SPRING GOODS.— Our selections of ladies Dress Goods and Mantillas Are very superior, having taken great pains to have them the neirest and prettiest stvles. (A bcantifulllot of PARIS ROBES.) Call and examine them before you purchase.— Our Clothing and Hats is of the better qualities and strictly fashionable. Prices peculiarly adopted to “hard, tight times.” JOHN FOSTER EZZARD. }■ ] -J GEORGE W. ADAIR. Atlanta. March 19th. 1855. d*w2m. Instruments for Surgeons’ and Physi cians’ use. C ONSISTING of Speculums ot various kinds. Eye Cups, Porcelain and Glass, Abdominal Supporters, Persarie*. Gla<*. Silvor, Wood and I very. a^c.. Trusses, French, English, American, &c.. Shoulder Braces, as sorted kinds. Breast Bags, Sad*Ue Bags, Pocket Cases, >yrenges in great variety, Electro Magnetic Machines, late styles. Steel and Metal Sounds, assorted sizes, Silver, Metal and Bone Eye Syrenges, cases of Eye Instru ments, new styles, Physicians 1 Pocket Cases in great variety, Stethescopcs* Elastic. Metal,&c.. Ear Trumpets, Glass Urincils, Bed Pans, Wmno acreages, Midwif-ry Instruments, Amputating Instruments, Trephening In struments. Trocar* and Canulni* Instruments. Evans’ lancets, Cases, Gold, Silver Scots, Wood. Leather. Ac.. Stomach Pump*. Cupping Cases, improved Probangs; Cretha Instruments, in and out of cases. And many other instruments not enumerated, with an extensive stock of Drugs. Medicines, Paints, Oils, Perfumery, Fancy Articles, kc.* for sale, on accommodating terms, by. A. ALEXANDER, Sign Negro and Mortar. Atlanta, Feb. 14, 1S55. dkwly. Strayed or Sioleii, X N t he middle or latter part of January, two N0- UORN COWS, one wholly red, the other while with red spots, and a biack yearling calf nearly grown, and a smaller calf black white spots. A reasonable reward will bo given for their deliver}-. Apply at this office, or address through tho P. 0., Mrs. F. A. COPER, Atlanta, Ga. Fob. 15,1855. wn3S-tf. FOR SAL.111. T WO LOTS in the city of Atlanta, two sets of Bench Tools, one set of Blacksmith’s Toots, onr Wagons, a small lot of Timber, several unfm- shed Buggies, together with a lot of Irons, Ac.— all to be found at my shop, near the Trout House, Peachtree street. B.W. MONDAY, MarchS, 1855* * wr6nil-4t. J. M. Tomlinson, Plain, House, Sign, Passenger Car, Fresco, Coacli, jOrna- MFNTAL AND DECORATIVE :e* a. i iu t n n. Opposite Jacob Haas Co., Whitehall fit., Atlanta, Ga. Dec. 29. 1S54 <11* Casli Store ! WM. HERRING ft CO. W E are now receiving an immense Stock of Fall .and Winter Clothing, for men and boys wear, of the tastiest and latest style. Also, an assort* men of gentlemens' FURNISHING GOODS, which we- will sell at the lowest prices, for cash. We have on hand an assortment of DRY GOODS which we will sell under the market price, us we are determined to close out that de pa it meat of our trade. We will be pleased to show any qerson giving us a call what we will do. September 2f th, 1854. (1-dwly.] W. HERRING, W. J. MASTERS, W. F. HERRING. Glaus front. No. 40. Whitehall Street. Atlanta. Ga. Telegraphic Notice. A CONVENTION of Directors of the Augusta, Atlanta A Nashville Telegraph Company will bo held at Chattanooga on the first Monday of April next. A full attendance of each division is desired, as business of importance requires it. Also, on the 7th of May next, the annual election of President, Secretary and Treasurer for said Company, to serve for one year, will be held at Chattanooga, at which time and place a full attend ance of all the stockholders, either in person or by proxy, is required. E. R. MILLS. March 21, 1855. President. To Dentists. For Sale by the Undersigned: 2500 Pivot Teeth, Stockton’s make, 1500 Plats do do 1500 Molar and Bicusped do 500 Gum Teeth da do 5 oz Abbey A Sons Gold Foil, 5 oz Jones, White A Co Gold Foil, 10 Packages Silver Foi., Dentists, turning lathes, head ruts, anvils, ham mers, blowpipes, plate benders, clasp phes, and every article for mechanical work. Also a large assortment of Instruments manufactured by J. D. Chevalier, consisting of Mouth mirrors, Pearl, Ivory and Bone mouth syrenges, Bone. Silver and Gold Stubbs, and American files, File Carriers Ivory Pluggers and Sealers, Buruishecs, Stud Cutlers, stump instru ments, articulators foil seizzers, Forceps in great variety. Plugging Forceps, Molar and Bicusped, narrow beak, and every kind that can be asked for and every article in the Dental lino. Also a large assortment of every kind of patent medicine, for sale by A. ALEXANDER, feb 20 dAwly Sign Negro and Mortaj. Groceries! Groceries! Groceries! T HE undersigned are now receiving at their store. corner of Hunter nud Pryor st*-. the stand former ly occupied by J. E.Williams, a large and carefully se lected stock of Groceries* consisting in part of the fol lowing article*. 50 hhds. of New Orleans Sugar, 100 sacks of Rio Cotfee, loO bbls. of New Orleans Syrup, 100 bbls. Gf Extra Whiskey* 20 tierce* of Rice* 50 boxes of Star and Sperm Candles, 25 Cigar*. 50 boxe* Tobacco, kc. We intend to keep con*iantly on baud a heavy «tock. and invite those who are in need of such articles to give us a call before purchasing elsewhere. Feb22wtf. J. J. THRASHER k CO. FOR RUNT. HE Store and fixtures under the Trout House; suitable for a Shoe, Dry jia?___ Goods, Clothing, Grocery or Drug house. Possession given immediately. ^£3, Apply at the office at tho Trout House or at. A. Alexander’s Drugstore. Feb. 6. 1855. dtf. •Notice. J. M. Rantin returns his sincere thanks to his friends and the public generally, for tho very kind and liberal patronage, they have heretofore be stowed upon him and trusts he may merit a eon- nance of the same. The following are some of the leading articles, kept constantly on hand and at reduced prices viz; 3 qualities of gum Shellac. 3 do “ Glue. 3 do “ Copal Varnish. 1 do “ Japan do 2 .do “ Alcohol. Biscuit or baking Soda, 10 cents, or S cents by tho qaautity. Varnish, Paint, Sosb, Tooth, Hair. Nail, nat and Cloth Brashes, and’a fine variety of Fancy articles. Also, Dye Stuffs, and pure Medi- oinnl liquors, for sale at. both of his Drug Stores. Feb 8—dtf fJ. M. RANTIN, Druggist. Whitehall and Peachtree street*, Atlanta. Ga. PARKER’S DYSENTERY CORDIAL. T HISraluable preparation has proved Itself effica cuius in the cure of Dysentery, Bloody Flux, Diarhcea, Cholera Morbus, Cholera Infantum, dire. It is useful in all the diseases of the BOWELS, CHOLIC, dec-, See. It needs no encomium* but for the good of those un acquainted with it, the following certificates are given: Locust Grove, Ga., July i3th, 1854. I have used Dr. C. W Parkkr’s Dysentery Cordial in my family, and believe it to be a good remedy for the diseases for which it is recommended. WM. S. CAR- ROLL. JrtT 12th, 1954. This is to certify that I have used Dr. Parker’s Dys entery and Piarhiea Cordial in my family* and it had a very happy effect. One of ray children has been badly effected with disent*»ry for about three weeks,and after giving it several other things without seeming to do any good, I concluded to try some ox the above Cord ial, and two doses of it has entirely cured it. I, also, re commended it to D. H. Walls, one of my neighbor*, who was taken very severely with the Flux, and it also, had a charming effect on him. I most cordially recommend it to all who may fall victims to any disorder of the BOWELS, whatever. GEORGE S. ROSSER. Griffin, Ga.. July 14th, 1854. This is to certify that I have used Dr. C. H. Parker’s Dysentery and Diarh<ea Cordial in my family, and find it to be all he recommends it to be. D. H. JOHNSON. 4&-It is useless to add. Try a bottle. Price only 50 cent*. Full directions given ou each bottle, ft®-For sale by J. M. RANTIN, Agent. August 3d, 1854. [10—tf] Atlanta. Valuable City Lots for Sale. 'IMIE subscriber desiring to close out the balance of * that valuable property in thi* city* belonging to the estate of the late Samuel Mitchell, deceased* has had the same surveyed off in lots to suit purchasers, who will find it to their advantage to examine the property at an early day* which will be shown them by the sub scriber, or Mr. Mitchell Jr.* by calling at the resi dence of the former on Whitehall street. March 9th. 1854 41—tf T. DOONAN DANIEL & COMPy., AT THE SIGN’ OF THK “Atlanta Family Store,” No 13, WHITEHALL STREET. X HE subscribers would respectfully inform the citizens of Atlanta, and all persons trading to this point, that they are daily receiving and will endeavour to keep constantly on hand a well-as sorted stuck of FAMILY SUPPLIES. They re spectfully and politely solicit the patronage of per sons and families, who may require such articles as pertain to their Department, aud will take pleasure in waiting upon them. The Principle upon which they conduct their business being CASH, they assure all those who may favor them with a visit that the articles which they may offer shall be of the best quality and at cash prices. G50RGE H. DAXTEL. | LEONARD R. YOVXG. Atlanta. March 22, 18S.5. dtwly. Notice. A LL persons indebted to the late firm of Kay & Ramsay, or to Dr. H. A. Ramsay, are here by, notified, that, having purchased all their inter est in their late business as Druggists, together with the books of accounts, notes, Ac., due them payment of the same must be made alone to us. SMITH ft EZZARD. March 23, 1855. d*wly. Bacon'! Bacon! O nnn LBS - new Bac °n j ost received from Ten- , UUU nesses and for sale by. CLARKE k GRUBB. Fiour! Flour! SVX BBLS. su; e.'-fine country Flour, jnst received sad ! IO for aale by CLARKE ft UKUBR f Valuable Plantation for Sale. T HE subscriber offers for sale his PLANTA TION in DeKalb county, lying on the water: of Peachtree and Pcarine creeks, 3J miles North West of Decatur and 3J miles North-East of At lnnta, adjoining lands of Daniel Johnson, Esq. T. N. Paden and others, containing about 300 acres. There are about 100 acres of open cultivated lam' under good fences and necessary buildings foi farming, with a good apple orchard. Any persoi dcs.rous of purchasing can call on me on the pram ises or address me at Decatur. Terms will be ac commode.ting. j. b. WILSON. Jan. 16, 1855. d3t-w6m. SOL ASSESS. BBLS. N’evr urleaiw XhImmi, now in atora, an* Ur aala at n ate. pot gallon by V. W. ROARK - 100 GEORGIA, DeKalb county. TO ALL WUOH IT MAY CONCERN: TITHEREAS, Joseph Walker and J. R. McAlister, ** Adm’rs upon the estate of Zachariah Gholston deceased* applys for letters of Di*mission from the Administration of said estate, therefore the kindred and creditors of said deceased, are hereby cited and admonished to file their objections, if any they have, in my office in terms of the law. otherwise letters of dismission will bo granted the applicants at the Janu ary Term next, of the Court of Ordinary for said coun ty. Given under ray hand at office. June 1854. ALF.X. JOHNSON. Ordinary GEORGIA, DeKalb County. TXTHEREAj?, William Clark applies to me for Letters V V of Dismission from the Administration on the Estate of Thomas Clark deceased : These are therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors ot said deceased, to be and appear at ray of fice. and file objections if any they have, in terms of law, why said applicant should not be dismissed from his said adminiutration, at tho July Term of tho Court of Ordinary of said County.—Given under my hand at office, Dec. 19, 1854. ALEX. JOHNSON, OrMy. December 21. 74d Georgia, DeKalb County. J OHN M. REID will apply at the May Term of the Court of Ordinary next of said county for letters of Guardianship of the person and property of James M. Bohannn, minor nnd orphan of J. W. D. Bohannn, under the age of fourteen years. Civcn under my hand officially 20th March, 1855. ALEX. JOHNSON, mar22’55. Ord’y. Goorgia, DeKalb County. W HEREAS, R. M. Brown has this day ap plied to me for Letters of Administration on tho estate of Henry Goddard, deceased. These aro therefore to cite and admonish all aud singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased to be and appear at my office, within the timo prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted the applicant. Given under my hand nnd seal at office this 20th March, 1855. ALEX. JOHNSON, iVlarcb 22, '55. Ord’y. Georgia, DeKalb County. E LKENAH POWELL will apply at the May Term next of the Court of Ordinary of said county for letters of Guardianship of the person and property of Howell Colt Oliver and John Felton Oliver. Given under my hand officially at office 20th March, 1855. ALEX. JOHNSON, mar22’55. Ord’y. New Candy Manufactory -AND- r a.nuEiR'wf OPPOSITE THE INTELLIGENCER OFFICE, ATLANTA, GA. T HE subscriber would inform the citizens of At lanta and vicinity that he has constantly on hand, at his Confectionery and Baking eetablish- ment, all kinds of Confections, Pastries, Fruits, &c He is also prepared to furnish every description of plain and ornamental Cakes, for weddings or parties, at short notice, and on accommodating terms. Imported wines and brandies of all descriptions for medical purposes, kept always on hand. Also, genuine Spanish Cigars, and e'noieo chewing To bacco-together with a large assortment of Toys, Fancy Articles, ftc., Ac. Having recently returned from the North, where he laid in a fine stock of Fancy Articlos and eve ry thing necessary for carrying on bis candy man ufactory, he would inform county dealers that he is prepared to furnish candies at wholesale at 17 cents per pound. Orders accompanied with tho cash or good city references promptly attended to. D. VALENTINO. Atlanta, Nov. 30th 1S4. [d&w-ly. FACTS CANNOT BE D0UBTE1). LET THE AFFLICTED READ AND PONDER I ft^ More than 500 person* in the city of Richmond Va., alone testify to the remarkable cures performed by CARTERS SPANISH MIXTURE The great Spring Medicine and Purifier o? the Blood Is now used by hundreds of grateful patients, who testify daily to the remarkable cures performed by the greatest of all medicines, Carter's Spanish Mixture.— Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Scrofula, Eruptions on the ■ikin, Liver Disease, Fevers, Ulcers, Old Sores, Affec tions of the Kidneys, Diseases of the throat, Female 'omplainta, Pains and Aching of the Bones and Joints, tre speedily put to flight by using this great and inesti mable remedy For all diseases of the Blood* nothing has yet been f ound to oompare with it. It cleanses the system of all impurities, acts gently and efficiently on the Kidneys md Liver* strengthens the Digestion, gives tone to the -tomach, makes the Skin clear and healthy* and restores ’.he Constitution, enfeebled by diseases or broken down »y the excesses of youth, to its pristine vigor and strength. For the Ladies, it is Incomparably better than all he cosmetics ever used. A few doses of Carter's Spanish Mixture will remove all shallowness of com- dexion, bring the roses mantling to the cheek* give Jastiqity to the step, and improve the general health in $ remarkable degree, beyond all the medicines ever •ieard of. A large number of certificates of remarkable cures ,*erformed on persons residing in the city of Richmond, Va.* by Ibeuseof Carter’s Spanish Mixture, is the best ‘videncethat there is no humbug about it. The press, iotel keepers, magistrates* physician*, and public men, .veil known to the community, all add their testimony 0 the efleets of this Great Blood Purifier. Call and see 1 few hundreds of the certificates around the bottle. None genuine unless signed Bknnett & Beers, Drug- rista. ^ . __ Principal Depots at M. Ward, Close & Co.’s No. Maiden Lane, New York. T. W. Drott & Sons, and Jenkins & Hartshorn*, 'hil’a. Bknnktt & Beers. No- 125 Main Street, Richmond, v’a. And for sale by A. ALEXANDER, Atlanta. Ju 1st, 1854. fl—ly] CANDIES. BOXES steam refined Candies for sale at 16 eta bv " * W W. ROARK. ' iBOAi Aim&Tnuurara. -.i . rrr, Georgia, Fulton County. W HEREAS, William Holbrook* ho* thi* day applied to me for letter* ot Gnardmaidiip t* Sarah, Jose, John, Samuel, Wiley, Mary, Mar-: the and Willis Cosh, minor* and orphan* of Jehta 3 Caah, late of said county deceased. Them are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and ail others concerned to be and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law, to shew cause, if any thejf have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand and seal at office this 1st day of January, 1855. JOS. H. MEAD, Ordinary. GEORGIA Fidton County. IS OBERT U. CLARKE will apply st ths February lu x ern>j next, of the Court of Ordinary of said County , for Letters of Guardianship to Sarah A. L. Ahsbrook, and Hartha A. R. Alsabrook, minors and Orphans, of Xieey Alsabrook, of said county. Given under my hand and seal at office, this28 Dec. 1854. JOS. H. HEAD, Ordinary. STATE OF GEORGIA, 1 DeKalb County. J To all whom It may Concern. WHEREAS, R. V. Brown applies to me for letters of Administration on the Estate of R. S. Wright, late of said county, deceased. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all, and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office within tho time prescribed by law, and show cause, if any they have, why letters of Administration should not be granted the said applicant. Given under my hand officially, ALEX’R JOHNSON, Ord’y. Jan. 2nd. 1855. GEORGIA, Fulton County. W 'HEREAS John Linch has this day applied to mefor letters of administration on the estate of John K. Corrigan late of said county decesed,—These are there fore to cite andadmonish all and singular the hindered and creditors of said deceased to be and appear at my office withia the time prescribed by law to show cause if any they have, why Raid letters should not be gran ted the applicant. Given under my hand and sealant office this 10th day of November 1854, JOS. H. MEAD, Ordinary. GEORGIA, Fulton County. W HEREAS William Wall has this day applied to me (or letters of administration on the Estate of James Reese, late of said county, deceased; these are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, and show cause, if any they have, why letterssliould not be granted said applicant. GiveD under my hand at office, this lltli day of September, 1S54. JOS. H. MEAD, Ord’y. GEORGIA. DeKalb County. ^l^HEREAS James Yancy, Executor of the Estate T " of Francis Griffin, applies to me for letters of dis mission from his said Administration. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and ap- carat my office within the time prescribed by law, and show cause, if any they have, why letters of admin istration should not be granted the said applicant at tbo February Term next, of the Court of Ordinary of said county. Given under my hand at office. ALEX. JOHNSON, Ord’y, July 14th, 1854. GEORGIA, DeKalb County. T WO months after date application will be made to the Ordinary of said County, for leave to sell a ne gro man by the name of Stephen, belonging to the Estate of Y, E. Emmerson, minor. December 19,1354. J. R. LUCKY. Gu’d’n. Notice to Debtors and Creditors. A LL persons indebted to the Estate of Allen E. Johnson, into of Fulton county, deceased, nre requested to make immediate payment: And all per sons having claims against said estate, will present them duly authenticated within tho time prescrib ed by law. JNO. H. JOHNSON, | . , , . WM. H. FERGUSON. J Adm r3 ‘- November 22,1854. old Notice to Debtors and Creditors. ALL porsons indebted to the estate of Henry F. Jeffries, late of Fulton county deceased, are re quested to make immediate payment. And those having claims against said estate will present them duly authenticated in terms of the law, or they will be barred. THOMAS MOORE, Doe. 4, 1854. Adm’r. GEORGIA, Fulton County. A LL persons having demands against Adelaid Walthal, - r Mate of said county, deceased, aro hereby notified to present them properly attested to me within the time prescribed by law, and all persons indebted to said de ceased, are hereby required to made immediate pay ment. Atlanta, Sept. 14, 1854. B. F. BOMAR, Adm’r. GEORGIA, DeKalb County, T Wo months after date application will be made to tho Court of Ordinary of said countv for leave to sell the real estate and negroes, belonging to the estate of Israel Miller, late of said county, deceased Sept. Bth. 1854 GIDEON .MORRIS, Adm’r. GEORGIA, DeKalb county. \\/HEREA. , Henry B. Latimer, Guardiun of Wm. E. Wil: on applies to me for letters of dismission from said Guardianship, these are, therefore, to cite and admonish all persons concerned, to be and ap pear at my office within the time prescribed by law to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted at the July Term next of this court. Given under my liandat office, May 16th 1854. ALEX. JOHNSON, Ord’y TOBACCO. 25S, Tobacco, some very mporioij now ip store GEORGIA Fulton County W HEREAS Mary Ana Matilda Speights has this day applied to me for letters oi administration on the estate of John W. Speights, late of said county deceas ed. These arc therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased to be and appear at ray office within the time prescribed by law. to show cause, if any they have, whv said letters should not be granted. Given under mv hand and seal at office this 2d day of October 1S54. JOSEPH H. MEAD, Ordinary, GEORGIA, Fulton County. A LL persons having demands against Wm. E. -—A. Ogleby, late oi saul county, deceased, are hereby notified to present them, properly attested, to me, within the timo prescribed by law, or they will not be settled; and all persons indebted to said deceased are hereby required to make'imme diate payment. B. F. BOMAR, Ex'r. At^nta, Jan. 12, 1855. STATE OF GEORGIA, ) DeKalb County, j VTo all wliom It may Concern. WHEREAS, Thomas L. Robinson applies for letters of Administration on tho Estate of John Center, lata of said county, deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish all, and singular the kindred nnd creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office within the time presented and show cause, if any they have, why letters o, Administration should not be granted the said apf plicant. Given under my hand officially, ALEX’R JOHNSON. Ord’y. Jan. 2nd, 1855. Notice. A LL persons indebted to the estate of James Reese, late deceased, are requested to make immediate pavment; and those having demands against said estate will present them duly authenticated in terms of th# lay- WILLIAM WALL, November 20tli, 1854. Administrator. GEORGIA, Fulton County. W HEREAS Thomas W. Connally applies to me for let ters of administration on the Estate of Cornelius M. Connally, late of said county, deceased: These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased to be and appear at my Office within the time prescribed by law. to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office, this 12th aay of Au gust 1854. JOS. II MEAD, ordinary. GEORGIA Fidton County. T ! rHKRflA^ John H. Johnson and Wm. H Furguson V V applies to me Tor letters of administration on the estate of Allen E. Johnson, late of said county, deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singu lar the kindred and creditors of said deceased to be and appear at my office on or before the first Monday in Oc tober next, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office this 28th August 1854. JOS. H. MEAD, Ord’y. GEORGIA, DeKalb County. lyHEREAS James J. Diamond applies to me for let- 7 * ters of administration on the estate of James Dia mond, late of said county, deceased;these are therefor# to cite aud admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office, and file their objections, if any they hare, why letters Bhould not be granted the said applicant at th# October term of the Court of Ordinary for said county Given under my hand at office ALB3L JOHNSON, ord’y Aug., 22d 1851 Call and See Me! HOUSE, SIGH, AND ORNAMENTAL PAINTINa) Thankfal for the patronage heretofore extended to the firm of Tomlinson 4 Dooley, I would in form the public that I have again opened for my self, and respectfully nsk a* continuance of the same favors. I am prepared to do House Paint ing with durability and taste not excelled in the South. Also, Sign Painting executed in the neat est manner and at ths shortost notice. I have in my employ the best workmen the South can af ford—and Neatness and Despatch shall bo my motto. A. DOOLEY. *9_Shoi on Alabama street, two doors below the eornerof V- .itehalland Alabama streets. Attantr. ■ la. Jan 0 1855 diwtf Trent House for Sale. Rare Cliance for Capitalists. M THE Proprietor of this splendid Hotel having fully made up his |!!l mind to retire from active busi- ness, will upon the first Monday in April next at public outcry in this city, offer it for sale unless he receives a satisfactory private bid. Those wishing to purchase are referred to tho travelling public for its opinion of tho conveniency, and appoint ments of this fine building. For the last quarter the arrivals have been over 4000 showing an in come of at least eight thousand dollars per quar ter. The model of this House was a labored im provement upon tho very finest Houses in the Union, and I am confident for commodiousness, location, and general adaptedness it is the best House in the Sonth. Terms will be made easy so as to suit purcha sers. Address, J. F. TROUT. Atlanta, Ga. Mar2, d*wlm. HpHE Subscriber, after many 1 Hon, by (MtiMisn ?i and literary standing htjw eon At, ha* i offer to th* PebUeTu* WIs, whteh nave been i—^ csd by aU who bare had suffictaat expcricaoa with them, as on* of the happiest combinations of Msdlcdn* ever yet offered to the- PubBe, on either Continent, as a General FtnHf Nediclm. He feels no fears that the experience of tbore who have yet to testthem, will be strictly in aooxdeanco with the testimonials of those distinguished gentle men whose names are annexed, with thousands ofotbsr# who would freely testify, if deemed necessary. The CALHOUN PILLS will be found eminently supe rior to all other family- preparations, in the removal of that great catalogue of diseases arising from Derangement of tho Digestive Apparatus, such as Fevers ofall types,Bowel Affections of all kinds, every character of Head-ache, Rheumatic Pains, Faina in the Chest, and so on. If taken and persisted in, ac cording to directions, in the initial stages of disease, and particularly during a decided predisposition to dis ease, they will, like a charm, dissipate without discom fort, thousands of cases that might, and I do not doubt would, terminate in death. The subscriber speaks con fidently, as he is enabled to do from thirty-two years experience in the Medical Profession, and many years experience with his Pills, which have, during the time, undergone many alterations, with tho view and hop* of making them a Safe and Reliable Family Medicines They are strictly Anti-Billiousand Anti-Dyspeptic. The Public are referred to the testimonials of their Honsors Joseph Henry Lumpkin, Judge of the Snpreme Court of Georgia; FX-Judge John J Floyd; Eawsrd Young Hill, Jndge of the Superior Court; Messrs. John H. Pone, of Lee coanty, and C. Low. of Augusts, Ga. Decatcr, Ga. E. N. CALHOUN, If. D. TESTIMONIALS. Athens, September 23,1868. Dear Sir:—I received several days since, vour favor, asking my opinion of the Medical merits of the Calhoun PUls. Allow me to premise, that for the last ten yeara I have been tortured in body and mind, by the Demon Indigestion. I was endowed by nature with an admir able constitution, and my formidable malady has been superinduced by a costive habit, brought on by too close confinement and want of regular exercise. Never hav ing sufficient leisure to starve out disease, even if it be possible to do so, which I very much doubt, 1 have run the rounds of all the most approved cures and allevia- lives. I have tried in their turn—Lee’s, Peters’s, Brandroth’s, Cook’s, Hill’s, Spencer’s Smith’s, and ma ny other Patent Pills and Dyspepsia Drugs, which hare come within my reach, and contrary to the commonly expressed opinion, Imus< bear my humble testimony in favor of the virtue of each and all of these Nostrums. I am by a Box of Pills, as by a Book which is not of a vicious tendency. I never bought either, which I did not think fully worth the money which it cost. It is only necessary to add, which I do most cheerfu lly—not only through kindness to you, bntto the pub lic also, especially that- portion of it who know, by Sad experience, what is meant by the Vulture-like gnawing at the pit of the stomach, bitter taste in the month, flatulence, ascidity, distension of the Btomacb, consti pated bowels, cold feet and acute pain in the head, back and vicinity of the heart—to all such, I ean cor dially recommend the Calhoun Pills. The efficacy of this' Remedical Agent, I tested for the first time, da ring my recent sojourn with you, and have used it fre quently since, and have found, experimentally, that it subserves in my case a most excellent purpose, particu larly in its effects upon the Liver, the sympathy between which and the Btomach is too intimate to require com ment; ^Sincerely glad to learn that you are making arrange ments to give more extended dissemination to your PiUe I am truly your friend and obedient servant. JOS. HFNRY LUMPKIN. Dr. E. N. Calhovn, > Decatur, Georgia. J Covington, October 13, 1853. Dr. E. N. Cai.houx—Dear Sir I am gratified to learn that it is your purpose to disseminate the improved Cal- houn PilUmore generally than you have heretofore done, have occasionally, when sojourning at your house, used them when indisposed, and having found them so mild, yet so efficacious'in cases of derangement of the digestive organs, I most cheerfully commend them and their use to the public, and especially to gentlemen having largefam- ilias, as a most excellent preventive of fixed and perma nent disease arising from indigestion. Truly yours, &c., JOHN J. FLOYD. LaGkange, October 22, 1863. Dr. E. N. Cauioun—Dear Sir: I am gratified to learn that you have come to the conclusion to create Ageneies for the Calhoun Pills in different parts of the country— is it no less an act of justice to yourself than to the world at large. Since the year 1840, I have been in the habit of using your Pills individually, and as a Famllly Medicine. Observation and experience prove it an inval uable specific for nearly allirregualritie of the Digestive Apparatus, performing its office with little or no pain or nausea ; it leaves the patient with a good appetite, in creased strength and greatly improved and elevated spir its—properly used, it will cure Dyspepsia and expel all of itsgloomy concomitants. In Chills and Fevers, and even Bilious Fevers, I have found it equally efficient. Trusting that you may find the worldas ready to com pensate you as to benefit itself, the result of your skil and labor, I am sincerely your friend, Ac., EDW. YOUNG HILL StARKvnJE, Lee Connty, October 26, 1853. Dr. E. N. Caluoux—Dear Sir. While at Decatur, 1 had as I consider, a fair opportunity of testing the <7al- houn Pills, prepared by yourself, and I am so much plesed with tlieir action upon the Liver, and as a means of breaking up Bilious predisposition, that I hope as yon are now preparing to offer them to the public, that you will create an Agency at Starkvilic, that may be ena bled at any .time to procure them. I expect to use them with white and blackin all cases threatening attacks of a Biiious character. I would be gratified, not only on your own account, but also for the benefit of the public at large, that you would place them in the reach of every person, for I feel confident that there has not yet been offered to the public any preparation ofMedicine that will compete with your Pills as a general Family Medicine, or a traveling companion. BVory sincerely your friend, kc., JOHM H. POPE. ME Augusta, October 29, 1853. WI)r. E.fN.lCAMOUN—Dear Sir This is to certify that before I had the pleasure of meeting you, 1 was frequent ly attacked by some Bilious derangement producing pros tration, loss of appetite, Nausea and Head-ache. From the use of your (Calhoun) Pills, administered according to yourinstructions, I was immediately and permanent ly relieved. It affords me much gratification to ac knowledge the advantage I derived from your judicious treatment. I remain with high esteem, your obedient servant, CHRISTOPHER LOW. • For sale by J. II Rantin, J. Norcross, A. Alexan der, Kay & Ramsay and R. Rogers, Agts., Atlanta. July 27, 1854. 9—ly. 5 AAA LBS. fresh live Geese Feathers jnst receiv- jvUG ed from Tennessee and for sale at 37 hi ot*. ptrlft- by CLARKE ft GRUBB. D yspepsia, rheumatism, scrofula, cough ASTHMA, CONSUMPTION, OVER COMPLAINT, ftc, TRUTH 13 MIGHTY I ARE YOC SICK? BEWARK OF IMITA TIONS ! Ask (or Hampton’s Vegetable Tincture. The many cures made by this pleasant nnd safe remedy may in duce counterfeiting. A Medicine must have merit aud great merit too, to stand the test of public opinion. No art of puffing •vi galvanize a worthless article, so as to keep it up as m. good medicine if it be not really so. A good medicine will live, become popular, and ex tend its sales year after year, in spite of opposition.— The people will readily find out virtues, and the fame of them passes from mouth to mouth with more rapidity than newspapers can spread it. A living witness testi fying to the cure a medicine has made for him is of far more service than any newspaper advertising. In proof of what we say above, we refer you to Hamp ton’s Vegetable Tincture, and its effects. The Wife of T W. Yeakie, Grocer, 76 Pearl street, cured of Rheumatism of 8 years standing; other rant dies failed. Wm. M. Oldham, (late of the Custom House,) dwel ling 126 Pinest., of Dyspepsia, great debility, permantly cured. W. A. Schaeffer, Esq., one of the oldest Magistrates and most highly respectable citizens, cured of great weakness and restored to robust health. Jarret Plummer, 153 E. Baltimore st. suffered intense ly six years with hip disease and mercurial rhumatism; cured after all other remedies failed. Space will not permit to name hundreds of others, as Geo. W. Goodrich, Capt. Thos. Canot, Robert Gault, James Symth, cured of rheumatism. John Fervail, S. A. Grffin, John Luke, Rev. V. Eskrige, U. S. Navy, and thousands of others cured of Dyspepsia, Scrofula, Cough, Liver Complaints, Bronchits, St. Vitus’ Dance, ftc. We refer to our own citizens. Call on them. Dr. Hampton, the author of this great Hampton’s Vegetable Tincture, is in his 80th year, in good health, so that it will be seen it is not an article got up to im- i ose on the public. GREAT CURE OF RHEUMATISM BY HAMPTON’S VEGETABLE TINCTURE. Cuester District, S. C., January 3d, 1863. Messrs. Mortimer ft Mowbray—Gentlemen: For th* last five years I have been a severe sufferer from Rheu matism, till, seeing your recommendation of “Hamp ton’s Vegetable Tincture,” I procured a bottle, and the first dose has so much relieved me that I cansider it as justice to give to the suffering world the result of the application. Mine was Acute Rheumatism in the back—so bad that I was confined to my bed for the last six months. The first jiottle acted like a charm, the second restored strength to my poor afflicted hack, and I am now as well and feel as young as when 1 was sixteen. I am now 74 years of age. I consider your Tincture the greatest discovery of th* age and poor suffering humanity ought to erect a monu ment to Dr. Hampton, who has saved thousands from pain. And you, gentlemen, have acted the part of pub lic benefactors in disseminating the benefits which have resulted from your invaluable remedy. I am a plain cotton planter, and have never written tor literary fame; but when my fellow beings art afflict ed shall I hesitate, or through modesty, withhold any information valuable to my fellow man? Bo, if yon consider this worthy of a place in any of your newspa pers, yon are at liberty to make use of it. Yours, truly, ALVAB KEMBALL. CURE FITS! READ!! READ! I! More than Gold to the Sick.—From one of the most respectable Druggists in South Carolina: Charleston, S. fr. Sept. 21,1863. Messrs. Mortimer ft Mowbray;—The sale of your Hampton’s Vegetable Tincture is increasing every day, and every bottle sold recommends this valuable medicine to the afflicted. Several of our planters have tried it in different cases with astonishing success, and are get ting it by half dozens. It has been found to he ths greatest remedy for rheumatic affections; and a won derful cure has been performed on a negro suffering by Fits. I will furnish you with a number of certifi cates if you wish them. Please send me, soon as possible a supply of tho Tincture. I am, gentlemen, yours, W. G. TROTT. Hundreds in this city will hear same testimony. Hampton’s Vegetable Tincture is purely Vegetable, and warranted free from all mineral substance. This Tincture, by its mild, pleasant, and safe action on the stomach, liver kidneys, lungs, and the nervous system, cures Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Disease of the urina ry Organs, Coughs, Asthma, Bronchial Affections, Consumption, Scrofula, King’s Evil, Worms, Rheuma tism, Gout, Neuralgia, St. Vitus’ Dance, Fite, Nez- vous Affections generally, Fistula, Piles, Bowel Com plaints, with all diseases arising from impure blood.— As a remedy for the various derangements of tho Fe male System, it seems to have no superior. The Female System has, in Doctor Hampton’s Veg* table Tincture, a Cure for its numerous and complicated derangements. Hundreds who have been debilitated and dispirited, and on the verge of a premature grave have been restored by its use to blooming health’ which we are abundantly able to prove hv Such a heal of living witnesses. LIVER COMPLAINT AND DEBILITY. Extract from James Harris, Esq.’s Letter, Alexan dria, Virginia:—After speaking of wonderful cures on himself he says: ‘Mrs. H. has been suffering with the complaint and with inability, constantly complaining, from weakness, through her whole system. She now enjoys better health than for thirty years, being entirely restored by the use of Hamptonls Vegetable Tincture.’’ Call and get a Pamphlet gratis of A. Alexander, Wholesale and Retail agent Atlanta, Ga.; Wm. Boot! Marietta, Vineyard ft Jones, Palmetto; Hardier, Biday ft Co., Angnsta, Goorgia. [March 23,1854 BBLS. of WHISKEY just received nnd fog uleby W. W.B0ABK.