The Atlanta weekly intelligencer. (Atlanta, Ga.) 184?-1855, April 19, 1855, Image 3

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**■» « fill! unJiWM I ■»<syatoaa*#*s*g Quit £*oitsment.—About 12 o’clock on l**t Stlarwj nature flayed of one of her .straitg freaks, which produced quite an The bor- rr«i-jnthW ***** *‘ n »- Wed to record the fket that the Chronicle d- Sentinei tini and the Constitutionalist ef- Re- public give their valuable support to those , on f ur H(>me time, iu rear of of the press who feel that duty to their own j Depot building, which haa np,i interests as well os an enlightened regard depth of four hundred and Forfyfs for the «»od of the public, demand a reform was offording near five hundred gallons of of the oppi-esslve evils of the credit system some fifteen or twenty feet below the surface, in the publication of newspapers.^ e o , oaU8 i n g a large aperture iu the earth, which course shall have the Time* dr Sentinel with , reached to the UDper landing, and about ua and hope soon to see that the Savannah j one hundred yaras West of the building, or mess will pledge its offieient co-operation. : down the river. The opening is about forty Wo hope the ChroaCcle <£• Sentinel will take I or fifty feet from the nver, and from ap- , V, I pearances, the whole bank or blufl, will give the lead >n maturing the details o a tar j wa y The aperture is near three hunared of charges as far as this is practicable, for j y ar( [g j n length, and varies in width. AU if public report is not much at fault, its : of the wells in the vicinity, have stopped judgment iu such a matter would be receiv- I running. Mr. Campbell, who was boring ed ns of conclusive authority. Let us urge ' th « th i n . ks *•* **» water is running . , c ... , . Q Z out at a ermee in the rook. What has forward the reform which seems to have re- j cauged th<J brea king off of the bluff, or what t-eived an impulse in the right direction. j w ;il yet be the result, uo one pretends to We would be glad to greet our breathren of j know, but one thing we do know, and that the tripod in convention this Summer at ! is, up to this hoar, 2} o’clock, Saturday any point—wc have no objection to Atlanta : evening, there is considerable excitement, or to any smaller and less active town in and the bank of the river is lined with citi- or to »uy on u , I zens, who. are philosophizing upon the the State—say Augusta, Savanna or even i “home-made” earthquake, or whatever they to Columbus or Macon. Speak out gentle- j call it.—Selma (Ala.) Reporter. U. S. Steamer Fired Into.—The “British Packet,” published at Buenos Ayres, gives the following details of an outrage on the U. S. steamer Water Witch, by a party of Paraguans: Lieut, Jeffers was ordered by Capt. Page to prececd in the Water Witch up the Par ana as high as he could get, making a ohart of the river, ard taking such observations as the survey required. The crew consis ted of 28 men. including cooks and ser vants. In pursuance of these instructions, Lieu tenant Jeffers sailed at 7 a. m., February 1st., and at 11 passed the mouth of the Paraguay, directing his course to the Cor- rientes side, intending to pass between that shore and an island in .the middle of the river. At II, 30 the pilot ran the vessel on a sand hank, oppsite the battery of the Cu-ardia Carracho, at the Paso del Key,' where she was. delayed an hour heaving off. During this time tho Paraguayans at the battery were observed getting their guns ready ; consequently the Water Witch was a ared for action. AVhen raising the lor to continue her course, a canoe which had been lying off observing her nearly an hour came alongside and offerd a printed ; ,,aper, which, after asking if it were in Spanish, the commander declined to re vive on the ground that lie could not read it. [The same answer given by Lopez to the last communication of Capt. Page, At 1,20 the Water Witch was under way and the pilot then was directed to steer so as to pass through tho main channel, which passed the Paraguay side of the Island — When nearly opposite the battery, a semi circular brick or red stone fort, mounting about six guns and at a distance of three hundred yards, she was hailed, which hail was neither understood nor responded to ; (this was shortly followed by two blank cart ridges, and then by a shot, which cut the wheel ropes disabled the steering wheel, and mortally wounded the man at the helm. Lieutenant Jeffers then gave orders to fire in return, still continuing his course up the river. The pilot, as soon as the firing began, van below and was with difficulty got on deck again: and then, on looking round, exclaimed that it was impossible to pass on, as there was not sufficient water in the chan nel, the vcsecI being then in 10 feet water. By this time 6he had passed all of the fires . jf the battery,'except one gun, and to return, uvas compelled to repass it. The channel ’being too narrow to turn iu, the ' Water Witeh was backed down stern foremost, exposed to n severe fire, which she contin ued to return untill beyond its reach. It is worthy of remark that no Hag was dis played at the battery, so that in reality the nation of the enemy eim only be conjec tured. The Water Witch was anchored a short Aifctance below the fort, repaired the helm, and returned to Corrientes, The ,‘Taquari,’ which fired up during the action, dropped down to the Guardia Cenito, but showed no inclination to come down beyond the pro tection of the battery. The squadron and the encampment of their army was in sight during this time. But lie uau learned to bear, and blamed not tliat r 12.. A xi, ^.4. a ~\ which he could not change. .Sorrow and trial disciplin- \~H Authority OJ the &tate OJ Alabama.^ ^ SOUTHERN MILITARY ACADEMY. LOTTERY. Conducted on the Havanaplan. GRAND SCHEME! OBITUARY. Died iu this city, April 7th, Mr. Micajau R. Barxes, in his 57th year. The deceased was a native of Hancock county, Ga., He resided some years in Troupe county, and there made a public profession of his faith in Christ, by connecting himeelf with the Baptist Church. For the last nine years Atlanta has been his home. For live years he had been sinking amid the inroads of that fell disease— Consumption—that disease that wounds so slightly, yet so surely—that disease which annually bears to the grave its hundreds—that disease against which so oft arises the star of hope, but alas, is as often dimmed by ■still more threatening clouds. But he had learned to bear, and blamed not that bich he could not change. .Sorrow and trial disciplin ed his spirit, and may we not hope, educated his sonl for a future life f Denied, by the nature of his disease, { the charms of social converse, he found entertainment ; in reading, and what to him, added a relish to pros|ier- , ity, solaced iiis hoursof distress. ■ This machinery is pulled down,’ were among the | dyiug words of our departed friend. And surely, to I see the strong man how with suffering, to see disease j fastening its foils with a deathly grasp upon his noble I fiame, is. to see, that the machinery of life is hut frailty. Mr. Barnes was esteemed by all who kuew him, and j was loved most by those who knew him best. The vir- ; tues of sympathy, generosity, sincerity and kind good I will to all, were in him happily blended. The afflicted j shared his pity, the unfortnnate his aid and timely as- ! sistance. and the sorrowing found in him a friend to ! counsel and to comfort. As a husband, he was tender aud affectionate, and the endearing relation between father and children, was to him a sacred bond. He lingered upsn the dark valley with calmness and composure, and we doubt not, that for him Christ had drawn the sting of death, and that as his spirit left the fallen tabernacle it entered w here “ they shall no more say I am sick.” May his sorrowing and now lonely companion, his grieving and now fatherless children, with othermourn- ing relations, be re-nnited with him therein that house not made with hands, eternal and intlie heavens. Atlanta, April 14. J.P. GORDON. City papers please copy. A Tribute of Respect. Atlanta, Ga., April 16,1855. At a regular meeting of Atlanta Lodge, No. 1, K. of J., the following resolutions were offered and unanimously adopted: Whereas, God, in liis all-wise Providence, lias removed from oar fraternal circle our well beloved Sister, Susan (who died on the 12th inst.) to the Grand Lodge above, and deprived ow Lodge of a worthy and estimable member, and one who has ever manifested a warm and abiding interest in our order, who hail ever “shown her faith by her works,” and truly exemplified the golden principles of our cherished institution, dis playing in her conduct that fraternal regard for the Brothers and Sisters which the teachings of our order so forcibly incnlcatc—be it therefore Resolved, 1st, That“in the death of Sister Bate- si an, our Lodge has been deprived of a worthy and devoted member. Resolved 2d, That we deeply sympathize with our bereaved Brother, Jereminli Bateman, and his orphan children. Resolved 3d, That wc wear the usual badge of mourning for the space of thirty days, and that the furniture of our Lodge he draped in mourning for the same period. Resolved Uh, That the Recorder bo requested to transmit a copy of tho above preamble and resolu tions to Brother Bateman aud furnish the city pa pers with a copy of the same, with n request that they publish them. Extract from the Minutes. ISAAC G. SMITH, Recorder. Republican please copy. Died, at bis residence, in Fulton county, Geo., on the 14th of April, Ephram Marrt Poole, aged 44 years. The deceassd was never in the enjoyment of goodhealtli anu after years of suffering, died of consumption — Knowing the character of his disease, he arranged all his temporal affairs with a calm, dispassionate judg ment. He retained his mental faculties unimpaired to the last moment of his life. A member of the Metho dist Church, he left the strongest assurance of his ac ceptance with Christ. He lind no fears, no doubts, but full of hope; being prepared, he died happily. He was a warm-hearted, generous man, a good neighbor, a kind and social disposition, loved his kindred and was an un wavering friend. H* leaves a wife and four children to mourn his death. Msy the band that tempers the wind to the shorn lamb watch over and guard his bereaved widow and orplwn children, and his counsel and advice live fresh and green in their memories. A. Valeaale Keputlai Piitals. A SMALL LOT of these superior and newly ! invented Pistols Jut received end for sate at onr •tore on Peachtree sL Those Pistol* ore aeknuwl- ! edged to be the most valuable and effective weapon yet invented, and can be discharged with greater rapidity and certainty than any other pistol in use. Thirty charges can bo loaded mA'jiischarged in fifty seeoiids. GILBERT A CLARK. Atlanta, March 21. dawlm. GREBE * PULASKI KOVTXEVT LOTTERY. {By Authority of the Stale of Georgia.) MANAGED, drawn and prizes paid by the well-known and responsible firm of GREGORY A MAURY. Office in the Holland House, on Whitehall Street. CLASS 95. To be drawn Friday, April 20th. Prizes $12,677, 6 of $4,000, Ac. Tickets only $3 shares in proportion. Extra CLASS 12. To be drawn Saturday, April 21sf. Prizes $40,000,920,000, $15,000, $10,000 Ac. . Tickets $10 shares in proportion. CLASS ISO. 97. To be drawn Monday, April 23 d. Capital prizes, $11,000, $5,500,^2,500 $1,500 Ac. Tickets $2,50 halves and quarters in pro portion. Sales close at 2 o’clock on the day of each draw ing. All communications strictly confidential. Or ders by mail will receive prompt attention, and copies of the drawn numbers forwarded to pur chasers when desired. GEO. L. BOOTH. March 17. dawly. - T. ™. For Sale by the Undersigned: ?500 Pivot Teeth, Stockton'# make, 1500 Plate do do M' 1500 Molar and Bieusped «lu 540 Gnu Teeth do do 5 o: Abbey A Rons Gold Foil, 5 oz Jones, White A Co Gold Foil, 10 Packages Silver Foil, Dentists, turning lathes, head ruts, anvils, ham mers. blowpipes, plate benders, clasp phos, and •very article for mechanical work. Also a large assortment of Instruments manufactured by J. D. Chevalier, consisting of Month mirrors. Pearl. Ivory and Bone mouth ■yreages, Bone, Silver and Gold Stubbs, and American files. File Carriers Ivory Flaggers and Sealers, Bnrnishees, Stud Cutters, -.'tump instru ments, articulators foil seisxers, Forceps in great variety, Plugging Forceps, Molar aud Bicusped. narrow beak, and every kind that can be asked for - and every article in tho Dental line. Also a large assortment of evorv kind of patent medicine, for sale by A. ALEXANDER, feb 20 dAwly Sign Negro and Mortal. uinr fr t SSLUlBSSmil-H!-—i-: tikM Tsfriw '*• * 1 *r *•* i1 ■vcwf’ tKyo i & & ADAIR R EZZARD, DEALERS IS DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, CAPS. AC., No. 50, Whitehall St. WE have received an elegant assortment of fresh, fashionable SPRING GOODS.— ^ Our selections of ladies Drew Goods and MantOlas Are very superior, having taken great pains to have them the newest and prettiest styles. (A beautifull lot of PARIS BOBER) Call and examine them before you purchase.— Our Clothing and Hats is of the better qualities and strictly fashionable. Prices peculiarly adopted to “ hard, tight times." JOHN FOSTER EZZARD. [- | -j GEORGE W. ADAIR. Atlanta, March 19th, 1855. dfcw2m. SLOAN & DATM AN, DEALERS nr Italian, Egypttai ^ American ANKLASTTfiNNBSS®* mark!e. TOMBS* URNS & VASES, ■ AND • All orders-promptly filled. ^.Ware rooms opposite Georgia Railroad De pot, Atlanta, Ga. Mebo,1855-d<twly. Notice. •teicmri sm I HAVE engaged the tonrices uf Mr. G. Krause. a practical Chemist from Berlin, Prussia, and as the dispensing department of tile establishment will be entirely under his control, the public are assured that all prescriptions will he accurately prepared—ha a more accomplished Pharmaceutist cannot be found either North or South, if an ex perience of over fifteen years in the first Drug Houses of Berlin end Paris ho a guarantee. Tes timonial in proof of the above assertion will be ex- hibited to any ono familiar with French or Genuau. j Mr. Krause will make any preparation desired by j Physicians, or make Chemical tests with Minerals, ! at my store. A. ALEXANDER. Febl91y i H AYING disposed of my whole stock af Drugs, Chemicals, Instruments, Paints, Oils, Ac., to Dr. B. M. Smith and Mr. Win. L. Ezzard, it (rives me great pleasure to recommend them to the pub lic. and my friends in particular. The stock is fresh, and finely selected. No assortment in Geor gia surpasses it : indeed, it is what is needed in Atlanta, a superior Drag Store. The goods can be sold at Charleston. Savannah, and Augusta prices, and everything the Physician may wish can he found there. 1 respectfully ask for them a liberal j patronage. H. A. RAMSAY. iATIANTA oTil8 SMJRE . SMITH Si EZZARD, H AVING purchased the entire interest of Dr. H. A. Ramsay, (of the late firm of Kay A Ramsay.) in the Drug business, offer to the public a large and well selected stock of Drugs, Paints, Oils, Camphcnc. Burning fluid, Dye-stuffs, Chemi cals, Surgical and Dental Instruments, Soaps, Brushes, Combs, Medicinal Wines, Pertumcs, Ac. The ladies are invited to coll and examine our Faney Coods, consisting of Shell and Ivory handle hair brushes, Shell, Ivory and India Rubber dressing combs, Shell, Puff and Tuck Combs, Ivory and Bnffalo Nail Brushes, Ladies Writing Desks, (papier mache and rose- rKTYERSITY OF LOUISIANA Medical Department. 'I'HK Annual iiourse of lectures in this department 1 will eouwikiibe ou Monday, November 18th, and will terminate in the ensuing Much. Jmisb it. D. Professor of Praetlceof Medicine W.ibren SWst, St. D.. Professor of Chemistry. J. L. BmimtuL 31. D., Professor of Surgery. A. H. Cusa», N. D., Professor of Obstetrics. A. .T. WKDUKttBi BX. It. D.. Professor of Anatomy. Gustavts A. Norr. M. D. Professor or Materia Medica. Tnos. Hunt. M. D. Prof, of Physiology and Pathology. CornsucsC. Bbaju>, M. D., 1 . . . Sampb. P. Chowin, M. D.;j Bemonst’s of Anatomy. The rooms for Dissecting will be open on the third Monday in October. The Faculty are Visiting Physicians and Surgeons of the Charity Hospital, and attend this Institution from November to April. The Students accompany the Professors in , their visits, and, free of expense, enjoy extraordinary prac tical advantages. There are, during the session, about eight hundred persons prescribed for daily. In 1853 the number of patients was thirteen thousand seven hundred and fifty-nine. July 20, (11—4m) THOS. HUNT, M. D., Dean. Class N. TO BE DRAWN THE 21st OF APRIL : ■ Capitals 812000 . 5,000 3,000 “ 2,000 “ 1,500 “ 1,200 “ 1,100 5 of 81,000 1,000 Ac. Ac. Ac. In all, 408 prizes, amounting to 850,000 EVTickets 88—Halves and Quarters in proportion. Every prize drawn at each drawing Bills on solvent banks taken at par. All comnutira- tions strictly confidential. SAM’I, SWAN, Agent, At the Bronze. Lions, Montgomery, Ala. •^Orders for tickets received by A. W. JONES, sole Agent for Atlanta. Office in Kile’s brick building, corner of Marietta and Peachtree streets. SPECIAL NOTICES. I. 0. 0. F. COMMERCIAL. Atlanta, April IS. Cotton.—0(5)83, extremes. Exchange, on New York is selling at per 4 cent proOi'um. On Charleston and Savannah J per •'unL Bacon.-—'Vo quote hog round 9) to 91. Hams lOlto I2'-en.t«. Sides Ribs 9i cts. Sides clear 94 "to 10. Shoi'ldors 74 a 8 cents. Lakh by tbe bbl. 10@11 cts. loaf. Inov, Swedes Oi fo 6}e; English o to 5) cents; Nails have advanced to G a 64 cts. Cohn is selling at $1J5 fo. $125. Corn Mkai., $1,15 to $1,85 cents. Pokk, Hog round, 61@7 cents. Brit'F, By the quarter, 7 8 cents. Sweet Potatoes, 60 to 75 per btishel. Ihish Potatoes, S2J *to 3 per bushel. Salt, Liverpool sacks plenty, $190,(5)$,2, .Liquors.—French Bratidy, $2,50 to $3,60 per ga’ilo'u: Domestic 50 to 75c, Peach do. 60 a 75 cents. Whiskey 15 u 50 cents. Gin 50 to 60, Rum 45 to 60 cents. Will:aw—Good will bring to $1,76 per bushel readily. Flour.—Plenty at $5 to 63 per hundred. Butter. Country, 15 to 20 cts. Goshen, 36 cts, per pound. Tilin’ Butler, 10 a 15 by the Keg. Fair N. O. Sugar, hy lihd. 64. Prime “ “ 6J. Choice" “ 8-. -Syrup, N 0. by b'd. 55 to 40 cts. gal. hfztra Whiskey u 15 “ “ Star Candles per box 28 “ lb. No. ! Rio Gollcc by suck 113 to 12J '• “ GrxKjr Bagging 16 to 17 cts. Rope t.-2 fo L3 novts- Cbickeng, 15 to 2# cents. Kgo.s. lOto 124 cents. Fodder, $1 to 125 per hundred. Peak, $l,4U^to $1.50 Feathers.—35 to 40. GAKDLKS.—Sperm 37 o 45c. Talloiv 20 22 cts CHATTANOOGA. April 17, 1865. Weather ivurm—becoming hot sultry—ivitli frequent April showers. On Sunday ive liad a heavy shower with thunder and lightning—nnd the prospects arc good for other.-. River stationary but in good beatable con dition—late rains will keep it up. Among the trans actions since our last issue we note tile following. Fuvor—A ssle of 450 lihls. at 8S 5fi®$6 00; 300 bills, st S8 no. A small quantity at prices u fraction higher. Brand of city mills is selling hy the car load at ISO. Bacon—A purchase of ;;o.6oo fts. at 8> 4 c; being -hipped to Rome Git. Anariivalof 35.000 Bj*. pcrflut. sir Kestersoc, lielil at 10 cents. Wd mnv ipiote bacon *f trypi 8 ij to 10c. Purchase of 4.000 fl,s. at 0c. ■Cons.—oji arrival of 3000 hush, per iiat boats Mr. Kester.-e.n. to J. J. Bryan, from 02 to 81. old contract. -00 bush, to same at $1.10. Coffee—14<a>]4b.e. Kooau.—5 H(n>~. ' •Molasses.—40(Si43. 45’iiiskev.—i'ikes *2e. AUGVWa, April 17. Coitox—.lie market is very quiet to-day. Tho offe- r)oe f took is small nnd generally held at liigli rates Sew Yo.vjt Provision Market. | Itepr/ried for tju- luily Intclligeuoer hy Bennett k itrokaiv. 110 lvo;ol $t.. New York.] /JmvMir:—Below we iiund you :i eorrect re port of the present Pyodtiee Market. AP1IFS.—We quote both Pot* amj Pearls at 6s '■ ';«• ,, „ ,, ! turns of City Tax; persons arc therefore notified J2SSS, Ii^WSXTSrLSJCi i w f■ y " s “- <*»»“ “■> to good Ohio Ind. and Michigan 10 to 10i« and mak0 ,h f ,r retnn “ ^ squired by law. Said 105 to 1 ] J.- for Extra—Fancy Genesee 103 to lljs } hooks will be closed on the first dny of June next. Extra do; J J'. to 13s—Caiiiidian $10 to $1J—-Ryc Office hours from 8 to 12 n. in., nnd from 2 to 5 CENTRAL LODGE, NO. 28, I. O. O. V. meets for the dispatch of business on every Tuesday Evening, at 7j4 c'clocl:. at their Hall, on Peach Tree Street—and, on the second and fourth Friday Evenings in each month, on business pertaining to the Degree of “Rebekah.” S. FRANKFORD. N. G. C. K. HANLEITEB, C. 4: S. Atlanta, April 17th, 1865. (dawly.) Arcliitecture! iia^Tho subscriber is still prepared to furnish Designs, Specifications, and Estimates for all class es of Public auil Private Edifices. Also to fit up tho exterior and interior of Stores, Halls, Church es. Ac., fit short notice nnd on tho most approved modern styles. Having mmlo arrangements with the Manufac turers trad Patentees, he is enabled to furnish his patrons with Terra-Cptxa, Paper-Macho and Irojn Ornaments, at the lowest Factory prices. From his practicable knowledge and experience in his profession, he feels confident in giving en tire satisfaction. &&..AII llorF &e.. Warranted Correct C. HUGHES, Practical Architect A Builder Prices ,as reasonable ns any respectable Archi tect North or South. Reference.—Hon, Mayor and Council and Ex- Mayor aud Council of Athuits, and citizens gen erally. :?SS~ Office in rear of law office of Messrs Gsrtrcll it Glenn, Wliite-lmll Street, Atlanta, (in. April 19, 1855. d*wtf rr IS A FACT ESTABLISHED and well known that the Arabians attained a height in the knowledge of medi cine which caused the whole world to wonder and ad mire. With them the science of chemistry had its birth, and it is, therefore, not at all strange that a peo ple so eminently successful in the heeling art, and so persevering and daring in character, should, by actual and untiring experiment, discover remediee far surpas sing in efficacy all others, for the euie of those diseas es incident to them from their mode of life. The great er part of their time being spent in hazardous and bloody warfare with the different tribes, they were sub ject to the most violent attacks of rheumatism, paraly is, neuralgic pains, and various infiamatory diseases, as also the most horid wounds, sprains, bruises, tumors, swellings, diseases of (he joints, cte., etc. All these diseases they were so surprisingly efficient in curing, that the uninitiated looked with wonder and attributed their skill to the powers of magic. H. G. FARRELL’S ARABIAN LINIMENT is a compo sition of balsams and oils, from rare plants peculiar to this country, and it was by tbe tie of the articles composing this great remedy that not only their physi cians, but even the wild Arabs of the desert were en abled to perform such miraculous Jeures. Ths Anas STUD IS WOULD UNOWNED FOB BIS BaaCTXBTL STOOBBT Ol fork; his unsurpassed speed and agility, and the in credible fatigue he is capable of enduring. Why iaitf Because from the time of his birth his limbs are care fully watched, and upon tbe first appearance of dis ease the magic lotion is applied, and such things as con firmed sweeny, poll-evil, fistula, ringbone, scratches, spavin, lameness, etc., etc., are unknown. Tbe same result will follow in all cases where H. G. Farrell’s Gen uine Arabian Liniment is used in time. Therefore de lay not in procuring a good supply of it, for every dol lar spent in it will save you twenty, and a great deal of ■suffering, if not your life. Look out for Counterfoils! The public are cautioned against another counter feit, which has lately made its appearance, called W. B. Farrell’s Arabian Liniment, the most dangerous of ail the counterfeits, because his having the name of Farrell, many will boy it in good faith, without the knowledge that a counterfeit exists, and they will per haps only discover their error when the spurious mix ture has wrought its evil effects. The genuine article is manufactured only by H- G Farrell, sole inventor and proprietor, and wholesale druggist, No. 17 Main street, Peoria, Illinois, to who^ all applications for Agencies must be addressed. Be sure you get it with the letters H. G. before Farrell’s thus—H. G. FARRELL’S—and his signature on the wrapper, all others are counterfeits. Sold by A. Alex ander, and J. M. Rantin, Wholesale and Retail agents. Atlanta;Hanes, Laseter & Co.. Jonesboro’; Hute^son & Headden, Palmetto; Camp & Christian, Fairburn: Wm. A. Powell, Deeatar—and by regularly authorized agents throughout the United States. tSf Price 25 and 60 cents, and 81 per bottle. AGENTS WANTED in every town, village and ham let in the United States, in which one is not already es tablished. Address H. G. Farrell a: above, accompa nied with good reference as to character, responsibili ty, Ac. Atlanta, Mar. 29, 1855. 44—4wJ JUST RECEIVED, W. W. ROARK, Comer Whitehall and Mitchell street*. 100 bbls fine Cincinnati Whiskey at 45c, 50 sacks best Rio Cofiee at 114c, 50 boxes Adamantine Candles, 26c by the box, 20 bbls Gin, (American,) 20 “ Brandy, “ 30 “ Rum 1 “ 1 “ fine Brandy, extra, 1 pipe “ “ “ 50 boxes Tobacco, various qualities, some very 30 “ Cheese. [fine. Feb 21,1855. Notice. THE firm of PARR & McKENZIE is this day- dissolved by mutuel consent. Edwin McKenzie is authorized to settle up the affairs of tbe late concern, and its effects are placed in bis hands for that purpose. L. J. PARR, EDWIN McKENZIE. L. J. Parr will continue the Commission Business on his own account. Atlanta, March 21st. dtf. No Excuse for IUHhealtb. An emaciated frame! sallow complexion, an dgreat debility, the result of neglect to all treatment, when efficient Medical advice can be obtained privately and promptly. Lndies who may be afflicted with Irregularities’ biles, Fistula-in Ano, Gravel, Scrofula, Ulcers, Rheu matism, &c., should not allow false delicacy to prevent their making immediate application to Dr. MORRIS, whose skill in the treatment of all chronic diseases and female complaints, is too well known to be ques tioned. The Doctor assures all those who consult him by tet ter the most honorable secrecy, prompt attention, pleasant, safe and efficient medicines; and to those who follow strictly his directions, he will guarantee speedy relief and permanent cures. Charges reasona ble. Address. DR. W H. MORRI?. Nashville, Tenn. May 251854. 53—ly. HEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Contracting and Building. flip- THE subscriber being permanently locat ed iu ibis city, is prepared to .design, draw and superintend all descriptions of buildings, both public and privnte: he will also give particular at tention to the erection of handsome shop fronts, besides the interna! improvements of stores, and furnish estimates jifid take contracts for work. Being the only aj-chitad in this city he will furnish handsomer designs and much under the usuai charges made ut present in tl,is city. He is permitted to refer t-o the following gentlemen; George G. Hull, J. R. Yalenlino, E. Parsons, Thomas L. Cooper. E. A. VINCENT, Architect. Office over Gilbert A Clark's Hard-ware Store, Peach Tree street. March 14, 1855. d<fcw3m A GRAND Vocal and Instrumental CONCERT will be given by the cejel/rated AT HALL, On Friday Evening, April 37. Tlie company consists of 5 talented musicians, Father, two Daughters and two Sons, assisted by the celebrated COMIC SINGER and person- ater. Mr. Wm. Parrow, who will delight the au dience with his inimitable COMIC SONGS. Tlie music is of a chaste and purely moral character, as can be seen from the programme. C-ards of admission, 50 cents—Children and Servants im]f price. Doors open at 7, performance to commence at 8 o'clock precisely. For particulars see small bills. WM. PARROW, Agent for Rasche Fhmily. ,? AprlO.^S. d&jrtd. Adminstrator’s Sale. GEORGIA, Fulton County. W HJf bp sold on the 26th day of April, at the residence of Gfmfffpr Humphreys, deceased, late of said county, the following property to wit: Mules, Horses, Cows and Calves, two Yoke of Oxen, stock Hogs, cotton Gin, and Thrasher, Fan and Running Gear, one set of Blacksmith’s Tools, two Wagons, one Buggy, two Stills and Stands, one set of Burr Rock, two Circular Saws and ~X77~-~m—; i Gear. Plantation Tools, Household and Kitchen Llty lax. \ Eurniture. Also at the same time and place, i^Books are now open for receiving tius lie- j will be hired seven Negroes, five men, one woman Flour $5.50 to 1 1>. m. WHEAT.—Prime white Southern the only j Atlanta 5 Uni offering, 82.65 (0 82.70 ; wht. Genesee would ] - ~ ~ -— and girl) th^ House and Plantation at White Ilall, to be rented, terms made known op the day of sale, this 13th day of April 1855. Sale to continue from day to day, until all is sold. WM. GILBERT, Adm’r. April 18, 1855. (dtwlt) DR. CHARLES CUMMINGS, R. k C. of C. T. T AXE of the city of New Orleans, respectfully H. C. HOLCOMBE, :bring 8.2.75 to $?.S0; Red $2.20 to $2.85; Rye nominal ut 5-1.15 to $1.50; Barley at $1.25 to ! $1.30. Oats 74 to 78 for state, and Western 60 to j 70 for (Southern and Jersey. Corn 106 to 107. PROI ISIONS.—Market buoyant. Mess Pork b!T,59, Prime $15 for new Beef, 9J to $12 for .-ountry mess, 6J to $S for Prime. Repacked Chi- .. ago and Indiana, $143 ti. $154. Lard 93 to 10 ;m bbls. 194 in keg.-. BUTTER.—Scarce and in demand at, 31 to 37 for Orange co. and 28 to 3? fyr state dairy, Prime Vid Western 23 to 2f for new, 041 d j8 to 23 for sou'tJ old. Cheese inactive at 12 to IS. VH'CJ'f. —Green Apples $4 to $4.60; per bbi. Dried do : P; J'p. Peat-lies 11 to 16e.. Plums 15 to 154; Potatoes tier bbl $3.30 to $4 for Cas- icrs anil Mentis mad 23 u> 3J for common kinds. White Beans, 48s' to -Os: bush, small Peas 12s. Lush. Marrow fats 12* to 14s hpshej. Clover Seed 10J to IIAe. Ib.f Timothy do: vjU t/? 4 per bushel. EGGS.—Sail freely JSe. doz. Agricultural, IN consequence of tho location of (he Sonthern informs the citizens of Atlanta and surround- I fog equntry fhgt he has located his office iu the new au4 c*omnjbdious Drug Store of Drs. Smith & Central Agricultural Society In this city, whose i Rziard, corner of douceriT Hail, fpr ^lie purpose of Fair commences on the 12th of .September next, i prwticinc the yarions depnrtinenfs of his profes- the Fairs of the Atlanta Agricultural Association 1 ! l ? n ’ »•» e ^ is > U }e confidence of his •1*1 1* 4 . , i n *. , friends and tho community m general, when he w.ll be discontinued, and we would urge our friends | llPsurcp thcm tlmt hI , experience!* ample and suc- to send their articles to tlie exhibition in Septem- ! ce S8 flattering in the treatment of all diseases pe Telegraphic Notice. A CONVENTION of Directors of the Augusta. Atlanta A Nashville Telegraph Company will be held at Chattanooga on the first Monday of April next. A full attendance of each division is desired, as business of importance requires it. Also, on the 7th of May next, the annual election of President, .Secretary and Treasurer for said Company, to serve for one year, will be held at Chattanooga, at which time and place a fall attend ance of all the stockholders, either in person or by proxy, is required. E. R. MILLS, March 21, 1855. President. Instruments for Surgeons’ and Physi cian!' use. C ONSISTING of Speenlnms of various kinds, Eye Cups, Porcelain and Glass, Abdominal Supporters, Persaries. Glass, Silver, Wood and Ivory, Sc., Irusses, French, English, American, Sc., Shoulder Braces, as sorted kinds, Breast Bags, .Saddle Bags, Pocket Cases, Syrenges in great variety. Electro Magnetic Machines, late styles, Steeland Metal Sounds, assorted sizes. Silver, Metal’and Bone Eye Syrenges, cases of Eye Instru ments, new styles, Physicians’ Pocket Cases in great variety, Stethescopes, Elastic, Metal,kc., Ear Trumpets. Glass Urincils, Bed Pans, Womb Syrengis, Midwifery Instruments, Amputating Instruments, Trephening In struments, Trocars and Canulais Instruments, Evans’ Lancets, Cases, Gold, Silver Scots. Wood, Leather, kc.. Stomach Pumps, Cupping Cases, improved Probangs; Uretha Instruments, in and out of cases. And many ether instruments not enumerated, with an extensive stock of Drugs, Medicines, Paints. Oils, Perfamery, Fancy Articles, kc., for sale, on accommodating terms, . der by- Atlanta, Feb. 14, 1855. A. ALKXANI Sign Negro and Mortar. dkwly. Eclectic Institute. 1 WILL open a Select School for young men and boys, in Atlanta, March 26th, 1855. Location, on Peachtree sL, near the residence of Mr. Wm. P. Orme. The design of this School is to prepare young men for College, or to fit them for success ful engagement In practical life—to make its pu pils thoroughly acquainted with every branch o study necessary to the accomplishment of “ the gentleman aud the scholar.” Particnlar attention given to Latin and Greek, Natural Philosophy and Chemistry, Methematics and Belles Lettres. In- strmetion given in French, German and Hebrew; Hebrew taught t-o any ono desiring it, whether pu pil or not. Terms. Regular Course, $8 00 per quarter French and German, each, 4 00 il “ Hebrew, 6 00 “ “ Tuition payable quarterly. Twenty-five schol ars admitted. A few girls taken, if desired, to accommodate patrons and persons residing near. Patronage solicited. A. G. THOMAS, A. B. References. Hon. A H. Stephens, Crawfordville. Ga. Hon. Judge Crawford, Columbus, Ga. Hon. Judge Stark, Griffin,Ga. Hon. G. E. Thomas, Columbus, Ga. Hon. L. Stephens, Sparta, Ga. Rev J. Shannon, Missouri University. Rev. J. P. Duncan, Greensboro, Ga. Faculty, Mercer University, Ga. Faculty, Bethany College, va. Dr- D. Hook. * Atlanta, Ga. Col. C. Howell, A. E. Reeves, Esq., “ Drs. J. G. k W. F. Westmoreland, Atlanta, Ga. Atlanta, March 20, 1855. dtf. Day School for Young' Ladies and Missea . BY sms. A. F. CUNNINGHAM, On McDonough Street, Atlanta, Georgia. DOCT. CUNNINGHAM, of Augusta. 1YI having located herself permanently in Atlan- ta, will open a School on the first Monday in March, for the instruction of Yonng Ladies and Misses, in the various branches of English education , and in the Latin and French languages. She wfll also teach Music, Drawing, and Cray oning, and Painting in Oil and Water Colors, and on -Velvet. KKFEBEKCRS. ' Rt. Rev. Bishop Elliott, Savannah. “ Dr. Edward Ford, An gusto. “ Richard Johnson, Atlanta. “ Mr. Dubose, M. D. " “ Mr. .Antony, “ .« Mr. Evans, Augusta. “ Dr. Talmage, Pres, Oglethrope University His Excellency Herschel V. Johnson. Richard Petere, Esq., Atlanta. Judge Holt, Augusta. . Col- H. H. Camming. “ Mr. Wm. H. Crane, “ Mr.Josiah Sibley, “ Mr.N. B. Moore, Dr. L. A. Dugas, * Dr. Henry Campbell, “ Feb. 28, d 2 w, w t. Superior Toilet Boxes, (pearl inlaid.) China, Rosewood, and Paper Puff Boxes,J Lubino French Extracts of every variety. Mnngenitt Coudray •' “ “ “ French Toilet Powders, Rubins, German Farina Cologne, Improved Chlorine Tooth Wash, Orris’ Tooth Wash, “ “ Paste and Powder, (French,) Superior Almond Powder, (for the skin,) Ladies Drawing Books and Portfolioes, Faber^ Drawing Pencils. Sewing Birds, French cut glass Toilet Flacens, China Flower Vases, (very rieh.) Port Monaies, (pealr, ivory and morocco,) Ladies Companions, (complete,) *• Cord Cases of every variety, Ivory Teething Rings, Ratters, <fre., for children Smethian, an elegant preparation for chapped hands and rough skin, Barrels Tricopherons, J Lyon’s Kat.hairon, Bogles’ Hyperion Fluid, Mrs. Allen’s Hair Invigorator, Superior Bleached Sponge, (for ladies.) Turkish Bathing Towels and Gloves, and sun dry articles too numerous to mention. March 23, 1855. d&wly. To Officers, Soldiers, Seamen, dec., of all Wars; tlteir Wid ows and Minor Children. Bounty Land Warrants. THE undersigned are prepared with all neces- , sary forms to make out applications for Land i f^ONTINUEb to give prompt and personal atten S. M. KNIGHT, Attorney for Government Claimants, Washington, D. C., Warrants under the late Act of Congress. The I 7^ *? 01 ? t0 prosecution of Claims ot every sooner application 1« mode the bettor. ; description against the General Government, and Atlanta Medical College T HE first- course of lectures in this Institution will commence on the first Monday in May next, and continue the last of the following Au gust, during which the usual systematic course of lectures will be given, and Clinical instruction twice a week. Facility. M. G. Slaughter, M. D., Prof, of Anatomy. J. W. Jones, M. D., Prof of the Principles and Practice of Medicine. j Jesse Boring, M. D., Prof, of Obstetrics and Diseeases I of Women and Children. j \V. F. Westmoreland, M. D., Prof, of the Principles j and Practice of Surgery. I J. E. Dubose M. P., Prof, of Physiology. ! G. T. Wilburn, M. p., Prof, of Surgical and Pathological j ■ Anatomy. j J J. Robertson, M. D., Prot. of Chemistry and Medical Jurisprudence. j J. G. Westmoreland. M. D., Prof, of Materia Medica and ■ Theraputics. j An abundant supply of Material for dissection I (subjects preserved in spirits of wine) will be pro- j vided. The services of a competent Demonstrator ; of Anatomy will be procured before the opening ol the session. The fees for the entire course amount to $105. Matriculation, (payable once only,) $5. Dissecting ticket, (obligatory once only,) $10.— Graduation fee, $25. Good hoard can he had in the city for $3 per week. For further information address J. G. WESTMORELAND, Dean. Atlanta, Jan. 15, 1855. d&w3m. GEORGIA MARBLE WORKS, S- Rankin, Wm. M. Hurlick, Geo. L. Snxnmey, [SUCCESSORS TO A. ATKINSON & CO.] T HISestablishraent has been msuccessfulope ration for anumberof years. The Quarriesare well opened, and the Marble is superior to any in the United States. We have so perfected onrfacilities forgetting to and tin- shing work, that we can furnish Monuments, Tombs, Tables, HEAD STONES, and everything in our line of business, in better style, and at cheaper rates, than any yard in the country. When it is considered that we saw our own marble, pay no jobber’s profits and no high freight from the North, it will be seen that we do posse £ material ad vantages over ail competitors. We cordially solicit our friends and the public gene rally to examine our work, and compare our prices with those of other yards before ordering Northern marble. We have on hand at our yard in Marietta a large as sortment of finished work—Monuments, Toombs, &c.,— County. 1 NHB petition «f John -Mitchell respeetftiMy . shewetb, that on the- 17th day 1 of Januery, 1850, Allen B. Johnson of'asM. county, (bet then of Dokalb,) end State, delivered to yotac petitioner an obligation/* copy of which Is hereunto attach ed, whereby he bound himself to make year peti tioner a fall and soAeient title, and relinqnisa- ment of alibis right, title and-lnterest, in and to a certain lot of land, as follows: The East half of lot No. fifty, in the sixth District of Henry coun ty, containing one hundred one and a fourth acres, upon the payment of three hundred dollars as the purchase money, in- one, two, and three payments as in said obligntion alleged. Your petitioner far ther shows to yonr Honor^that subsequently to the date of'said obligation, tbe said Allen E. Johnson departed this life intestate, and that John H. John son and William H. Ferguson, of said county,-has obtained Letters of Administration On the goods, ohattols and credits of said Allen E. Johnson, in the Court of Ordinary of said county of Fulton, and that during the life of the said Allen E, John son, and within the time specified in. said obliga tion, wherein the said deceased -bound himself to make titles to the land now claimed, yonr petition er paid to the said Allen E. Johnson, the aforesaid sum of three hundred dollars, due on the land aforesaid. And your petitioner prays your Honor to direct the said John H. Johnson and William H. Fergu son to make yonr petitioner titles to said lot of land, according to the tenor and effects of said ob ligation, and yonr petitioner will ever pay, Ac. ' JOHN MITCHELL, Petitioner. Copy of Bond. Georgia, DeKalb County. K NOW all men by these presents, that I, A. E. Johnson, of DeKalb county, am held and firmly bound unto John Mitchell of Henry county, in the. full sum of six hundred dollars for the pay ment of which, I bind myself, my heirs and as signs. The condition of the above bond is os follows : The stud A. E. Johnson, has this day sold to the above John Mitchell, a certain parcel of land, to wit: One hundred one and a fourth acres, or the East half of lot number fifty, in tho sixth District of Honry county, nnd tho said Mitchell pays one hundred dollars in cash: one hundred dollars the 25th December, 1S50, and one hundred dollars the 25th December, 1851. Then the said A. E. John son iB to make tho said John Mitchell; good and lawful titles to the above descriched.iand, when the said Mitchell pays or causes to be paid, the above described payments, otherwise this bond to be in full force in law. This 17th January, 1850. [Signed] A. E. JOHNSON. [Seal.] [Test] W. H. FERGUSON. A true copy from the minutes. JOSEPH H. MEAD, Ordinary. V3S* Office on Whitehall street, fronting Rail- . particularly to those before tho Treasiuy Depart- vhcreonr agent G. IV. Summers will sell at our prices! 4-j GARTRELL A GLENN | ment, Pension and Bounty-Land Bureaus, Patent °ur principal work is done at the Mills. Address . . ;’ 1 „„,l T „„.1 nfK„„„ -„.i t>„. i ni_: ! 31—ly .1. G. TtAXnri Road. March 14,1855. ~~2 — [d4t»] ' Att’ys at Law. I and General Land Offices, and Board of Claims. _______ An experience of years, and a familiarity with ! TM JtS W GOODS ■ the means of obtaining the earliest and most fa- j __ -4- _ ’ - j vorahlo action on Claims, with his facilities for the j ASOya i ^ | dispatch of business, justify him in assuring his ] Clothes IVeW Sind Fresh. i Correspondents, Claimants, and the Public gener- Casaimeres. The Richest ever brought to this Market. Testings. J. G. RANKIN k CO. Marble Work P. O., Ga. j ally, that interests entrusted to his keenin” will ! , lncn _t s with some of the most eel- I no t bo nc'dected. ! obratod Piano Forte makers for snp- Come soon, or they will all be sold. Gloves—Extra Fine Niekpixlni, the very latest styles nnd richest . materials. Also, Tailor’s Trimmings—Tapes, Crayons, and almost any thing kept in a Merchant Tailoring establishment, can be bought from the subscriber. Atlanta, Nov 2. dkwtr LEWIS LAWSHE. CITRATE OF MAGNESIA. Ah Agreeable Refrigerant and LAXATIVE. T HIS Preparation has been introduced exten sively on tbe continent of Europe, and in this country as on agreeable Substitute for Epson Salts, it is destitute of bitterness, and by its pleas ant acidity of taste, and its effervescing character, is rendered a very agreeable and refreshing drink directions for use accompany each bottle. Pre pared and for sale by A. ALEXANDER, Druggist DANIEL & COMFY, AT THE SIGN OF THE “Atlanta Family Store,” No 13, * WHITEHALL 8TREBT. r IE subscribers would respectfully inform the citizens of Atlanta, and all persons trading to this point, that they are daily receiving and will endeavour to keep constantly on hand a well-as sorted stock of FAMILY SUPPLIES. They re spectfully and politely solicit the patronage of per sons and families, who may require such articles as pertain to their Department, and will take pleasure in waiting upon them. The Principle upon which they conduct their business being CASH, they assure all those who may favor them with a visit that the articles which they may offer shall be of the best quality and at cash prices. GEORGE H. DASrKL. | LEONARD H. VOUXC. Atlanta, March 33, 1SQ5. dkwly. Notice. A LL persons indebted to the late firm of Kay & Ramsay, or to Dr. H. A. Ramsay, are here by, notified, that, having purchased all their inter est in their late business as Druggists, together with the books of accounts, notes, Ac., due them, payment of tbe same must be made alone to ns. SMITH k EZZARD. March 23, 1855. dawly. Cash Wanted. All persons indebted to tbe undersigned will find it to their interest to make immediate settlement Dec. 28 1854. W. W. ROARK. CAHDIE8. BOXES steam refined Candies tergale at 16 eta by W W. ROARK. Floor! Ffour! >“frA BBLS. super-fine countrv Flour, j*nst received and / O for sale by CLARKE k GRUBB. John W. H. Underwood. | Clias. H. Smith. Underwood & Smith, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW, fob 20 diwly Ron*, Ga. Groceries! Groceries! Groceries! T HE undersigned are now receiving at their store, corner of Hunter aud Pryor sis., the stand former- ly occupied by J. E. Williams. & large and carefully se~ lected stock of t>roceries, consisting in part of the fol~ lowing arT tries. 50 lihd*. of New Orleau® Sugar. 100 sacks of Rio Coffee. 100 bbls. of New Orleans .Svrup. 100 bbls. of Extra Whisk k 20 tieref-i nf Rice. 50 boxc- of star and Sperm Candies, 25 Cigars. 50 box,-- Tobacco, ,vc. Wc intend to keep constantly on hand a heavy stock, and invite those who are in need of such articles to give us a call before purchasing elsewhere. WHITE & DEAN, BUTCHERS. T HE undersigned have this day formed a part nership for the purpose of doing a general Slaughtering business in tbe city of Atlanta, they occupy stall No. 3 in the AlarketHonse, and will famish the best the county affords, and use their best endeavors to give general satisfaction, and in so doing hopes to receive a share of the public pat ronage. A. R. WHITE. L. DEAN. Atlanta, March 5, 1855. [dim | worn.] SHORE’S FEVER AND AGUE CURE, Or, Nature’s Invaluable Specific, F OR the prevention and cure of Intermittent and Remittent Fevers, Fever and Ague, Chills and Fover, Dumb Ague, General Debility, Night Sweats, and all other forms of disease which have a common origin in Malaria or Miasma. The sub tle atmospheric poison which at certain seasons is unavoidably inhaled at every breath, is tho same in character wherever it exists,—North, South, East or West,—and will overy where yield to this newly discovered antidote, which is claimed to bo the greatest discovery in medicine ever made. This specific is so harmless that it may be taken by persons of every age, sex or condition and it will not snbstitnte for one disease others still worse, as is too often the result in the treatment by Quinine, Mercury, Arsenic, and other poisonous or deleterious drugs, not a particle of any of which is admitted into this preparation. The proprietor distinctly claims these extrnoidi- nary results from the use of this natural antidote to Malaria. It will entirely protect any resident or traveler even in the most sickly or swampy localities, from any Ague, or Bilions disease whatever, or any in jury from constantly inhaling Malaria or Miasma. It will instantly check the Ague in persons who have suffered for any length of time, from one day to twenty years, so that they need never have another chill, by continuing its use according to directions. It will immediately relieve all distressing results of Billious or Ague disease, such gs general debil ity, night sweats, Ac. The patient at once begins to recover appetite and strength, and continnes until a permanent and radical cure is effected. Finally, its use will banish Fever and Ague from families and all classes. Farmers and all laboring men by adopting it as a preventive will be free from Ague or Billious attacks iu that sea son of tho year which, while it is the most sickly, is the most valuable one to them. One or two bottles will answer for ordinary cas es, some may require more. Directions printed in German, French and Span ish, accompany each bottle. Price One Dollar. Liberal discounts made to the trade. Trade circulars fowarded on application, and the article will be consigned on liberal terms to re sponsible parties in every section of the country. For sale by dealers generally. JAS. A. RHODES, Proprietor, March 23. [dAw6m.] Providence, R. I. Midwifery. MRS. MARY HORTON ESPECTFULLY announces, for the benefit of the Ladies, that she offers her services as a Midwife. Having had more than twenty years’ex perience in private practice, she feels confi dent of giving general satisfaction to all who may favor her with a call. Mrs. H. can always he fonnd at her residence on the corner Collins and Taylor sts. mar21dtf. Bacon|! Bacon! O p. L4I'WY*LBS. new Bacon just received from Ten- UUU nesses and for sale by CLARKE Ic GRUBB. Feb22»-tf. J. J. THRASHER A GO. her. By order of tho Executive Committee. L. C. SIMPSON, Secy. Atlanta, April 19,1855. (d&wlt. Papers friendly to Agriculture, please notice. State of the Weather. A()r ; 7 oclock a. in. I 2 o’clock p. m. I 6 o’clock p. m. Is 71 degrees | siG degrees ] 04 degree*-. ~ ~ POTATOES. ’ BBLS. Northern Irish Potatoes for sale^b^ o ! culiar to tropical climates and malarious districts i in their mostagravated aud malignant forms; and i more especially yellow fever, cholera, typhoid fe- | ver, scarlatina ko,; and ail those eontageous dis eases peculiar to a denes^population, as the more . recent portion of Ms professional career has con- j fined him to the treatment of those fatal maladies ! in tiie cities of Mobile and New Orleans. Atlanta, Ga., April 16/55. dAwtjaul*56. ~ ' Examiner and Republican copy till Jan. SPIBITU4X TELEGRAPH, THE organ of modern (Spiritualism. Fourth { VoL commences in llay. If cpulains th& falhjgt I record extent of Current Fasts' and opihionf on : 1st. ]85y Spiritual intercourse. Pvm.isup.n weekly ] rajr Q __i, Q i <s_i„ $2 ue« annum : also, all spiritual books for sale: ffMlWW 1 . by PARTRIDGE k BRITTAN, 34$ Broadway, \I7'U*R he sold befo*> Ih* OUy JUil door in the New Vork. . I w city ef Atlanta, on tbfi third Monday iq May I next, Robert Harden, a free person of color levied { on by virtue of ajieri facias in favor of the Mey- or & Council of the eity of Atlanta, vs; Robert fcgaa knposed.intho Mayor’s Court on P, S.«—A Catalogue uf Spiritual Books sent on applicatiofi. f. -■ 1 v * ' v • v " i 7- .-April 19,1855f *SrF^ Hew Bookstore. THE subscriber having recently re- plc-nised his large and well selected stock of BOOKS AX'D STATION ER T, would respectfully invite all who wish to purchase fo be sure and call at the new Bookstore, on Whitehall street, two doors above the Post Office, as his terms cannot fail to please. His stock having been bought principally for cash, and se lected mostly by himself in the Norther* cities.— He has also a fresh supply of of Faney Articles, Watches, Jewelry, Toys, kc., at the lowest prices. Teachers and Merchants supplied on the most lib eral terms. GEORGE DUNHAM. Atlanta, February 1, 1855, [Hrly.j Valuable Plantation for Sale. T HE subscriber offers for sale his PLANTA TION in DeKalb county, lying on the waters of Peachtree and Pea vine creeks, 3} miles North- West of Docatnr and 3} miles North-East of At lanta, adjoining lands of Daniel Johnson, Esq., T. P§den «nd others, opqtainingahont $09 acres. There in about ltt acres of e-pen cultivated land under jqod fonoCf ‘ qnd : 'qeedfeify nqildiiTgs for farming, with a good appty awh*& A»J person desirous of purchasing can call on me on t&e prem ises or address me at Decatur. Terms will be ac commodating. J. B. WILSON. Jan. 13,18*6. !3t-w6m. STATE QF GEORGIA, 1 DeKaU) County, j To all whom tt may Concern. WHEREAS, Charles Murphy, administrator on the estate of Wm. Cash, late of said county dec’tL applies to me for letters of dismission from the ad ministration of stud Estate, and it appearing that said administrator has fully administered said es tate, This is therefore to cite and admonish all persons interested to be and appear at the Court of Ordinary to bp held in DeKalb County on the 5th day of November next, to shew cause if any they have, why said Charles Murphy, Administra tor, should not be discharged from his said admin istration. Given under my hand at office, April 3 1855. ALEX'R JOHN80N, Ord’y. STATE OF GEORGIA, ) DeKalb County. ( T# all whom It may Concern. WHEREAS, C. W- McGinnis, administrator of the estate of J. W. D. Bohanan, late of said coun ty dec’d., gpptif* to me for letters of dismission from the administration of said estate—and it ap pearing that said administrator has fally adminis- tred said Estate, This is therefore to cite and ad monish all persons interested, to be and appeer at the Court of Ordinary, jto be held in DeKalb Co., on the 5th day of Nor. next, to show cause if any they have why said C. W. McGinni's Adminis trator should not be discharged from his said Administration Given under mv band at office. April 3d, 1855. ALEX’R JOHNSON, Ord’y. Pension, Bounty Land, Patent, and Public Land Laws. He has nearly ready for gratuitous distribution among his business Correspondents, (and those who may become such,) a neat pamphlet containing a synopsis of the existing Pension, Bounty Land, Patent, and Public Land Laws, down to the end o the late Congress—including the Bounty-Land Act of 3d of March, 1855, under which all who have heretofore recoived less than 160 acres are now entitled to additional land ; said Act. granted also 160 aeres to all Officers, non-commissioned Officers, Chaplains, Soldiers, Wagon Masters, Teamsters, and friendly Indians, of the Army, including State Troops, Volunteers, and Militia—and all Officers, Seauicu, Ordinary Seamen, Marines, Clerks, and Landsmen, of the Navy, not heretofore provided for, who have serv ed not less than fourteen days (unless in battle) at any period since 1776 ; and to the widows and mi nor children of all such persons entitled, and de ceased. This pamphlet contains “Forms of Application'’ more full and complete than any elsewhere to be found; adapted to the wants of every class o Claimants under tho Act, with copious decisions' and instructions of the Department, and practical suggestions as to the course to bo pursued in sus pended or rejected cases. Parties not wishing to avail themselves ol' the facilities afforded hy this Office iu securing prompt and personal superintendence of their claims at the Departments, can obtain copies of the above pamphlet by remitting thirty cents in postage stamps. Inducements to Correspoadeuts. Correspondents who prepare and forward cases for management by this Agency will be dealt with liberally: supplied witli all necessary blanks gratis, and kept constantly advised of the changes that from time to time occur in the execration of the law. It is within tho subscriber's power to direct his Correspondents to tho locality of very many per sons entitled under tho late Act: and having ob tained several thousand Land Warrants under for mer laws, he is in possession of data that will ma terially assist in securing additional bounty. Foes, below tho usual rates—and contingent upon the admission of Claims. Tho highest cash prices given for Land War rants, Revolutionary Scrip, and Illinois Land Pat ents. Address S. M. KNIGHT, Mnr21-d*w4w. Washington City. Fresh Arrivals} Seago c*2 ih.k>k»ott’s Commodious, Fire-proof Ware-house, ATLANTA, GA. 500 doz Eggs. 100 bushels Cow Peas. 5 kegs prime Tennessee Butter at loe per ]h. 50 Sacks Extra Family Flour 200 Bushels Meal, (fresh ground) 100 Boxes Western Reserve Cheese, at 12Jc ijj) lb, 100 Sacks East Tennessee superfine flour, at $5.50. 100 Boxes star and adamantine candles at greatly reduced prices. 50 Kegs extra refined family lard. 20 Hkds Sugars 50 bbls “ 50.000 lbs fair and choice New Bacon, including common and fancy Hams. Sides, ,t Shoulders 50 sacks Prime Rio Coffee. 5 “ Old Gov. Java. 100 bbls New crop New Orleans Molasses. 10 Boxes “ Bar soap, at 61 cents, per Ih. 100 Bbls and half bbls New and old Lard. 10.000 pounds old Bacon. 300 pounds Live Geese, Feathers. Atlanta, Feb. 24th 1855. 6m. I^GLAD TIDINGS!!“9» Additional Bounty Land! Under Act of 1855; I am prepared to prosecute Bounty Land Claims with despatch and Fidel ity. Fees So—No warrant, no pay. But the WARRANT is hound to come! Atlanta, Mar. 14, ’55. MARCUS A. BELL, dAwlm Attorney nt Law. IfST- Those residing out of this county, can confer with me through the mail and I will furnish them with FORMS and full instructions hy the return mail, and thus conveniently prosecute their claims. WARRANTED PIANO FORTES, FOR SALE oar TRIAL. r | (HE subscriber has made arrange- plies. His instruments are always direct from the factories, in original packages, of the latest and most fashionable styles, and ha'* the most impor tant improvements. Without expensive store rent, or other outlays attending an open establishment of this kind, he is enabled to furnish these instruments at the lowest prices obtainable, and being a professional man himself, he feels confident to have it in his power to give entire satisfaction to all who may favor him with their orders. Those only who wish to procure first-class instruments will please address the subscriber. C. F. BARTH, Atlanta, Ga. Old Pianos taken in exchange as a part payment for new ones. Good second-handed Pi anos for sale and hire on reasonable terms. Dec. 21, 1854. dawly, Steam Saw Mill for Sale. rpOGETHER with 400 acres well timbered pine land, *■ one mile east or Haralson, Coweta county, Geor gia. The mill has just been put in operation and’is cutting 2000 feet per day; Slabs and saw dust furnishes sufiicient fuel amt a ready sale can be had for all the lumber sawed at the Mill at $1 per hundred feet. Engine 9)4 inch bore. 20 inch stroke, 2 cylender boil ers, power sufficient to drive a 4 feet circular Saw, or a Grist Mill or Shingle Mill, might be attached, either of which would pay well. Living 40 miles from the above Mill, and having as much businss as I can attend tb, 1 will sell the Mill and laudifor the very low sum of $4000. $1500 cash, reasonab e time on the balance. With proper man agement the Mill will make the money I ask for it in twelve months. E. CARLTON, July 1st, 1854 (6—3m] LaGrange, Georgia. Campheiie & Fluid! f I 'HE Subscribers have recently established in 1 Atlanta a Camphene it Fluid Manufactory, and will keep constantly on hand camphene, Burn ing Fluid,' Spirits of jTurpeutine, Lamps, Lamp Wicks, also a variety of Garden Seeds. WEST & GLOVER. One door below C. H. Strong’s Store, Whitehall street, Atlanta. Georgia/ March 26, 1855. (dawly.) GEORGIA DeKalb ■ County. AU.,wnox jr may coxckbx: ■S, Rezin Lyon, Exr. of the Estate °* William Kilpatrick, late of said county deceased applies to me for letter* of dismission from the Administration of said Estate therefor, .n — ci{^d ^nil Admonished to file (hey have)) in-my office iae letters of disiuls- _ leant tat the Novem ber Term of the Court of Ordinary Rqr said conn, ty. Given under my hand at offic£ ’ April 3,18*5. ALEX. JOHNSON, Ord’y. & RARE CHANCE FOR CASH. T. R. RIPLEY B EING desirous of making some change in his business hy the 1st of July next, aud deter mined to close out his present stock cf the fol lowing named goods, will offer great inducements to those wishing to furnish their parlors, dining rooms, Ac.: China, Tea and Plated Sotts, Coffee Setts, Earthen and Queen’s Ware, China Flower Vases, Mantle Ornaments, Goblets, Tumblers, Ac.; Plated Forks and Spoons on Albata, Table Cutlery Castor Stands, Brit. Tea and Coffee Pots, Egg Boilers, Steak Dishes and Block Tin Dish Covers, and the largest assortment of Fluid, Oil and Cen tre-Table Lamps, of the most elegant patterns ever offered in this city or perhaps will bo before our next Gorernor’s election,—to which he would call the attention of his former patrons, and most especially and respectfully that of the ladies—as you all know that such things will make cheerful the domestic circle and fireside. Call and you shall have bargains, and no mistake. Get on the good side of the old man and he will shell out an X, or XX, or maybe onL. March, 28, ’55. d*wtf, JNotice. J. M. Rantin returns his sincere thanks to his friends and tho public generally, for the very kind and liberal patronage, they have heretofore be stowed upon him and trusts he may merit a con- unnee of the same. The following are some of the leading articles, kept constantly on hand and at reduced prices viz: 3 qualities of gum Shellac. 3 do “ Glue. 3 do “ Copal Varnish. 1 do “ Japan do 2 do “ Alcohol. Biscuit or baking Soda, 10 cents, or 8 cents by the quantity. Varnish, Paint, Sash, Tooth, Hair, Nail, Hat and Cloth Brushes, and a fine variety of I Fancy articles. Also, Dye Stuffs, and pure Medi- j cinal liquors, for sale at both of his Drug Stores, j Feb 8—dtf J. M. RANTIN, Druggist. Whitehall and Peachtree streets, Atlanta, Ga. Blacksmithing] T HE subscriber has opened a Shop in front of tho Atlanta Livery and Sale Stable, of Mr. Pettis, where he is prepared to execute with neat ness and despatch all work by which he may be favored by the public. Persons from the country will find it to their advantage to call upon him as his arrangements for doing all kinds of repairing, Ac., are perfect in every department. Call nt the sign of the “Peoples Shop.” T. J. CAMPBELL. February 13, 1855. [dly.j Come JEvei-ybody. rpO the Horse Head sign, that wants good -••home-made Saddles, or Bridles, Saddle bags, Trunks, Valises, Harness, Collars and Whips, a great variety, together with all articles usu ally kept in an establishment of this kind; all of which are offered at the lowest living prices, for cash, by the undersigned. MILLER & ANDREWS. iEg^Repniring of all kinds done with quick despatch. Atlanta, Nov. 1 1854—d&wly. GEORGIA, DeKalb County. W HEREAS, William Clark applies to me for Letters of Dismission from the Administration on the Estate of Thomas Clark deceased : These are therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular, tho kindred ami creditors ot said deceased, to he and appear at my of lice, and file objections if any they have, in terms of law, why said applicant should not be dismissed from his said administration, at tbe July Term of the Court of Ordinary of said County.—Given under my hand at office, Dec. 19, 1864. AI.EX. JOHNSON, Or'dy, December 21. 74,7' Georgia, DeKalb County. J OHN M. REID will apply at tho May Term o t the Court of Ordinary next of said county for letters of Guardianship of the person and property of James M. Bohanan, minor nnd orphan of J. W. D. Bohanan, under the age of fourteen years, Civen under my hand officially 20th March, iSaa. ALEX. JOHNSON, mai'22’55. Ord’y. Goorgia, DeKalb County. UI7T1EREAS, R. M. Brown has this day ap- ' * plied to mo for Letters of Administration on tlie estate of Henry Goddard, deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased to bo and appear at my office, within the time proscribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted the applicant. Given under my hand and seal at office tins 2l(th March, 1855. ALEX. JOHNSON, March 22, '55. Ord’y. Georgia, DeKalb County. E LKENAH POWELL will apply at the May Term next of the Court of Ordinary of said county for letters of Guardianship of the person and property of Howell Colt Oliver and John Felton Oliver. Given under mv hand officially at office 20th March, 1855. ALEX. JOHNSON, mar22'55. Ord'y. Georgia, Fulton County. Whereas, Rachael M. James has ibis day ap plied to me for letters of administration on the estate of Littleherry James, late of said county, deceased, these arc, therefore, to cite and admonish all, and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to he and appear at. my office within the time proscribed hy law to show cause, if any tliey have, why said letters should not be granted the applicant. Given under my hand and seal at my office, this 29th March, 1855. JOS. H. MEAD, Ordinary. REMOVAL NOTICE. Dr. 3ST D'A-DVIG-NTT, H AVING removed his residence and' office, to Marietta Street above Esq. Payn’s, hopes to receive a continuance of the liberal patronage of his good customers. Patients for Surgical operations can be accom modated with board. Ladies wishing dental attendance, by giv ing a timely notice, evou through tlie Post Offiee, will be furnished with a conveyance free of charge. Atlanta, Feb. 2, 1S55. nlOO-dtf. ' w. Herring & Co., LTEEP in connection with their large Stock of Cloth x *ing a large assortment of HATS nnd CAPS of tho latest styles, also, Boots and Shoes, Trunks, Carp, t Bags and Valises. 4 rjtf Atlanta, Sept. 28,1854. ER LAWSHE HaS always on hand a fine stock of CLOCKS, WATCHES AJfD JEWELRY, and is prepared to liave watch-work of every descrip tion done up in fiuss rats style and warranted. Atlai. nta, Sep25th. 1854. 1—dwly O. T. tfc »T. A>\ Dupre o. COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND General Agents For the purchase and sale of Georgia and Tennessee Produce. Unquestionable and independent facilities—necessar references. Particular and personal attention to ai. business entrusted will meet with attention, persever ance and promptitude. Remittances or small advances made on all goods consigned to our order at consignee’s order. Corner of Bill and Broadway and next door to M. C. Williams & Co., W. S. Hill street, Griffin, Ga. Griffin, Jan. 6,1855 d86&w33tf. J. M. Tomlinson, 1 Plain, House, Sign, Passenger Car, Fresco, Coach,YOrna- MENTAL AND DECORATIVE IJfT BR. Opposite Jacob Haas Co., Whitehall st., Atlanta. Ga Dec. 29, 1854 ’ dty 800 Bags Rio Coffee. 85 Hhds. ohoice N. O. Sugars. 50 Bbls. Crushed, Powdered and refined Sagan 100 Bbls. prime N. O. Syrup. 50 Bbls. fresh Mackerel. * 35 Boxes Cheese. 100 Kogs Nails v aylous size*. 85 Doz. Painted Pails. 10,000 Libs. Hollow Ware. With a large assortment of Black Smith’s Tools, Dry Goods, Boots & Shoes, Grind-Stones, dec., Which are offered to the trade at low rates on a«. COmmodating terms hy j. T DOANE. Jen. 20,1855. p34-wtf. New Candy Manufactory --AND- OPPOSITE THE INTELLIGENCER OFFICE, ATLANTA, GA. T HE subscriber would inform the citizens of At lanta and vicinity that he has constantly on hand, at his Confeotionery and Baking ectablish- ment, all kinds of Confections, Pastries, Fruits, &c He is also prepared to furnish every description of plain and ornamental Cakes, for weddings or parties, at short notice, and on accommodating terms. Imported wines and brandies of all descriptions for medie d purposes, kept always op hand. Also, genuine N. raish Cigars, upd choice chewing To bacco—i- :hyr v tth a large assortment of Toys, Fancy A i--i. les, Ac., Ac. Havin ; . eeentty returned from the North, where he laid in a fine stock of Faney Articles and ove ry thing necessary for carrying on his candy m""- ufactory, he would inform county dealers that he is prepared to furnish candies at wholesale at 17 oents per pound. Orders accompanied with the cash or good city references promptly attended to. , , D. VALENTINO. Atlanta, Nov. 30th 184. [d*w-Iy. Call and See |fc! W E are receiving qnr-SPRING GOODS, and ..most respectfully invite the citizens of At- lanta to call and examine our Stock—as we keep a general assortment of every Line of Goods us ually kept in this market. We think we have never bo’t Goods on more favorable Term*, and intend making it to the interest of onr patrons to purchase of us, as we ore anxious to build up a substantial business in this place. H. W. COZART k SON. Atlanta, April 4,1855—d*w2m O AS BBLS, «f WHISKEY just received and for Misty „W. W. ROARK, HAT STORE. THE Subscriber will open in a ii days in the Johnson House, a select, stock of fashionable Hats, and will he ready tu furnish country merchants on the most reasonnMo terms. J. TAYLOR, Jr. Atlanta, March 3d, 1855. [dfcwlm.] Just Received. 20,000 lbs OLD BACON, sides, 40 kegs choice new LARD, 20 bbls do, and 300 lb? Feathers. ALSO A small lot of Corn and Oats, and a few thous and pounds of Fresh Bones and Sausage Meat, for solo low, by dAwtf J. E. WILLIAMS. Dec 25, *54 Athemeum Building, Atlanta. GROCERIES AT WHOLESALE AND DETAIL, [ Corner of Whitehall and Mitchell Streets. 1 Atlanta, Ga. W. ROARK would call the attention of tho • public to his large and well selected stock of Groceries which he will sell at the Very Xzowest Frioos, at Wholesale aud Retail. As he intends doing a cash business exclusively, those wishing to buy for cash would do well to call and examine his stock, consisting of every article in the way of Groceries, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, Sadlery, Ac. Those who call at his establishment will not fail to be satisfied both in respect to the quality of articles nnd price. Atlanta, Oct. 14, 1354. (17-dtf) For Rent, THREE HOUSES on Walton Street, which have been just completed, having all conveniences requisite for hoarding-houses, or private residen ces. To approved tenants tho torms will bo mode rate. Apply to A. ALEXANDER. March 27th,’55. d£wtf. BENNETT & BB0KAW, Produce Commission Merchants, FOR THE SALE OF Floor, Grain, Butter, Cheese, Provi sions, &c. JYo. HO BROAD-STREET, CORNER OF WATER-ST. Jakes. O. Bennett, ] Cornelius P. Brokaw. j Cha's R. Huntington. March 20,1855. New York. (dawtf.) m GEORGIA Fulton County. T WO months after date application will be made to the Honorable the Court of Ordinary of said county for lenvo to sell ali the lands be longing to the estate of Allen E. Johnson, late of said county, dccoascd. JNO. H. JOHNSON, WM. H. FERGUSON, April 4, 1855. Administrators. Call and See Me! house, siai, M AND ORNAMKNTAL 3P A X WT I* X 3KT O- S Thankful for the patronage heretofore extended to the firm of Tomlinson k Dooley, I would in form the public that I have again opened for my- •elf, and respectfully ask a continuance 1 of the same favors. I am prepared to do House Paint ing with durability and taste not excelled in the South. Also, Sign Painting executed in the neat- •st manner and at the shortest not-ico. X have .in my employ the best workmen the South can, .if-, ford—and Neatness and Despatch shall' be - mv •fa-gho&o;; Alabama street, twoAtmJw rner of Whitehall and Alabama streets.'■ ?: .u<u, Atlanta, Ga. Jan91855 dajstf s B °OT81 BOOTS Id 12^kiL M “ “ a b °l r8 ’ Boot «nowjn store and for JA/selehy W. W. ROARS