The Atlanta weekly intelligencer. (Atlanta, Ga.) 184?-1855, April 26, 1855, Image 3

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t a THURSDAY, APRtt 26 JH’-,"' '.*Hai -:'4 gacasa<i»M •<>»*£» ^ XHumCEATIC The Donoewtie Pwty of Fnltim County will *t tf>* CHj Ib<i ' ln on TmmdMf nnt, the l*t day of May, At 10 o’dook A. M., for the purpoee of appointing Dilifsts* to the Gubernatorial and Con- growicnml Convention*. A full attendance is desired. Ringgold, Ga., April 23, 18S5. Mr. W. B- Buggies • Sir—Please stop my pa per and send your account against me to this place, and I will settle up. I think I owe you for four months’ subscription more than 1 have paid for. And oblige Yours, resentfully, Ringgold, Ga. P. S. 1 am no Know-Nothing, but one thing certain, I am opposed to any man that is in favor of the d—-—-d Catholics and for eigners generally, or takes sides with them either. Now here is a nice disciple to have the care of souls. That pious postscript breathes the true Know-Nothing spirit, and we dare say that this man makes as good a Chris tian as he did a Republican. “ The d d Catholics and foreigners generally.” How his American blood must boil when he re members how France insulted our people by sending men and money over here when we had England down and was giving her “ jesse” right and left, and come interfering in a quarrel that was nothing on earth to her, and that, too, when we were full 3,- 000,000 strong. He, like a true son of Jon athan, remembers that it was the d d Catholics that did this—it was. And it was these same bloody “furriners” that poked on us Lafayette, DeKalb, Pulaski, Steuben, and the whole pesky tribe of beg garly Swiss that sponged on our camps dur ing the Revolutionary war. We serve the rascals right to take their political privileg es away from, them and we go in for catching eT tfty one of the “ d d Catholics and foreigners generally ” just so soon as our Know-No*bing friends at the North shall succeed in filing our negroes, and peddle them off by way of indemnity for just what we can get for them, We have a good mind to strip the first one of them that we sus pect of having ever kiss’od the Pope's toe or trotted through a bog, and make ourselves whole in the matter of thestf two dollars that our foolish commiseration for “furri ners ” has lost us. Out upon the “ rich brogue” that never could say Whig. Down with the shaven crowns that always would go for the—loco- focos, and that too against “all the sense and all the decency.” Bones of our patriot fathers beat upon your coffins a call to arms. Your recreant sons supinely await the coming of the—of Babylon all clothed in purple as she is, and will not strike a blow for liberty and country, though even now we can snuff in our imagination the broiling flesh of Know Nothing martyrs. Men and women of Georgia, and ye little children, (including niggers,) rub up your armor from a needle to a cannon and be ready to meet, “ at an hour ye know not of,” the 6,000 bloody foreigners that threaten us “ generally” all over the Empire State of the South. “ O! tempora 1 O! mores I”— 01 dont! ■train at a Gnat and Swallow a Camel. Councilman Jonn Clancy, (Eleventh District,) Sixth Ward, offered the following: Whereas, Tha] Senate and Assembly of this State recently passed a law for the preventing of the sale of liquor, known as tho Maine Liquor Law, and as one of tho provisions of said act is to delay tho time of its enforcement until July 4, 18- 66; and Whereas, The strict construction of such a clause can only mean that it was intended to allow parties dealing in liquors to prepare for other pur suits, and also to enable them to dispose of as much of their stock on hand as possible; therefore, be it. Resolved, That the Ordinance passed by tho Board of Councilmcn, February 16, 1855, and by the Board of Aldormen March 19,1855, and ap proved by the Mayor March 20, 1855, restricting the selling of liquor on Sunday, and imposing a penalty of $10 for each offence, be and the same is hereby rescinded and repealed. After some discussion tho resolution was laid wver under tho rules. Just so it was during the anti-nigger ex citement at New York. These, ravening wolves bad, it is true, an eye on Heaven, but a keener eye to the “main chance.” They, so far as regarded the sin of slavery, intended to flee from the wrath to come, but not until that convenient season in which they shrewdly sold out. Now, if liquor drinking and liquor selling are awful sins, these offences do not in the nature of things, become so, just upon the 4th of July, If the pulpit and the press, and the legislature of New York, are not the paltriest of hypo crites, they should never have allowed one drop of “the vile damning stuff” to be used or sold after the scalGs dropped from their eyes, and they beheld their great sin.— “Now is the accepted time,” should have been the word, and this flood of pent np "liquid damnation,” should have been quenched in the Bay. But no, as it was with the “unhappy creatures, whose only sin is that they were born black,” so it is to be with the Yankee liquor—it will be put off upon us, and that, too, after it has been watered and bedevilled till it will hardly bear a bead. And if any poor creature South should lose Cor a moment his proper seeming after imbibing tins conjured Btuff, why forthwith these very fellows throw up their sanctimo nious p'^dms and protest that Slavery did it. And the'J^ saints are not only bent on put ting the poisoner 1 **>"1 to our U P 8 ’ but are so much in earn^ about S ettin £ the sin of intemperance off t^ * ouis ’ “ ddBn S others with it, that six days a' pr * e ' t is not enough for their contrite hearts, even want to keep right on through’ ^ bo * ly Sabbath. “ Ye hypocrites, how sh*.^ escape,” Ac. Death or Mn, A. H. Colquitt. How often is it recorded in the history of the wounded heart that “ one great sorrow hardly ever comes without its mate.” The intimate friends of that estimable and truly good man, the Hon. A. H. Colquitt, for ma ny days past have shared with him in the grievous apprehensions of a great loss that threatened him in the person of his beloved father. And, now, even before ws have learned what this first trial is to be, we have the afflictive tidings that he has suffered the greatest loss that a mortal heart can be called on to deplore. May Heaven sustain our friend—for where the grave has dispoil- ed ones house of so much that was lovely and good, it is useless to build any hope of comfort upon earth or earth’s promises. Personal. The Montgomery (Ala.) Mail pays the following handsome compliment to our grow, ing oity and our energetic and able Mayor, Capt. A. Nelson: “ We have heard that our city is honored by the presence of Capt. Nelson, the pres ent efficient Mayor of Atlanta. The con nexion between Atlanta and Montgomery is so intimate that it is impossible that we should not be interested in the concerns of the Railroad City. Atlanta is a fair sped- “ Young America ’’—energetic, self- reliant, honest and prosperous—and in Capt. Nelson, we have every reason to believe tne city eryoys a Mayor, distinguished by the same qualities, and every way competent to advance its interests, and secure its rapid progress in the career upon whioh it has en tered. We wish him a pleasant visit a happy tetum home. Chief Justice Gilchrist of the new Court ofClaims, arrivedin Washington city on Wednesday evening last. Judge Blackford 1ms been in Washington several weeks.— Judge Lumpkin, tbe Union says, may be looked for in the course of a few days, so tbe report that be had declined the appoint ment, is thus officially contradicted. COMMERCIAL. Atlanta, April 25. Cotton.—6@8J, extremes. Exchange, on New York is selling at peri cent premlutn. On Charieston and Savannah I per cent ' Bacon.—We quote hoc round 9} to 9$. Hams lltu 12cents. Sides Ribs 10 eta. Sides olear 10 to 101. Shoulders 8 a 81 cents. Lard by the bbl. 10@11 cts. leaf. Iron, Swedes 5J to 6Jc; English 5 to 51 cents; Nails have advanced to 6 a 61 ots. Coax is selling at $115 to $125. Corn Meal, $1,25 to $1,40 eents. Pork, Hog round, 6J@7 cents. Bur, By the quarter, 7 8 eents. Sweet Potatoes, 60 to 75 per bushel. Irish Potatoes, $2i ’to 3 per bushel. Salt, Liverpool sacks plenty, $190,@$,2, Liquors.—French Brandy, $2,50 to $3,60 per gallon: Domestic 50 to 75e. Peach do. 60 a 75 cents. Whiskey 45 a 50 cents. Gin 50 to 60. Rum 45 to 60 cents. Wheat.—Good will bring to $1,70 per bushel readily. Flour.—Plenty at $5 to 5j per hundred. Butter, Country, 15 to 20 cts. Goshen, 35 cts. per pound. Tenn. Batter, 10 a 15 by the Keg. Fair N. O. Sugar, by hhd. 5J. Prime “ “ “ 6J. Choice “ “ “ 8-. Syrup, N O. by bbl. 35 to 40 cts. gal. Extra Whiskey “ 45 “ “ Stax Candles per box 28 “ lb. No. 1 Rio Coffee by sack Ilf to 12J « « Gunnt Bagging 16 to 17 cts. Rope 12 to 13 cents. Chickens, 15 to 20 cents. Eggs, lOto 12} cents. Fodder, $1 to 125 per hundred. Peas, $l,40;to $1.50 Feathers.—35 to 40. Candles.—Sperm 37 o 45c. Tallow 20 22 cts AUGUSTA, April 25. COTTON.—There has been a fair demand du ring tbe post week, and a slight advance has been attained by holders on last weeks prices. Tho of fering stock is still light, aqd the sales, in conse quence, not as heavy as last week. The Receipts are on the increase, and most of tho Cotton now coming to hand is disposed of on arrival. The Stock on hand is heavier, we think, than on the 1st inst., and it is mostly held by Planters and Merchants in the interior, who are awaiting high er prices. That portion held by dealers in this, city is awaiting shipment, The market closed last evening quiet at the following quotations, and at them holders are firm: Inferior ......nono. Ordinary to Good Ordidary 8 a Low to'Strict Middling ; 8Jf a 9 Good Middling a— Middling Fair 9Jf a — Fair 9?s a 10. NEW YORK April 23. Cotton.—The market has recovered from the previous docline. Middling Orleans 10 cents.— Flour firm, Corn $1 12. The Steamer Mississippi has arrived from Rio whence she sailed on the 24th March. SAVANNAH, April 23. COTTON,—The market on Saturday was very quiet with sales of only 165 hales, viz 37 at 8J, 40 at 9, and 88 at 9| cents. State of tbe Weather. Apr. T ociock a. m. | 2 o’clock p. m. | 5 o’clock p. m. 70 degrees | 85 degrees | 84 degrees MARINE INTELLIGENCE. SAVANNAH, April 23.—Arr, brigs Random Crane, Matauzas; C. Mathews, Warren, Boston; schrs H M Jenkins, Dodge, Rockport, Me; John Castner, Bennett, N. Y. steamer Chatham, Gould, Augusta. Cleared, steamship Knoxville, Ludlow, N. Y. schr W P Phillips, Watson, Wilmington, Del. SPECIAL NOTICE. Volcanic Repeating Pistols. A SMALL LOT of theso superior and newly invented Pistols just recoived and for sale at our store on Peachtree st. These Pistols are acknowl edged to he the most valuable and effective weapon yet invented, and can be discharged with greater rapidity and certainty than any other pistol in uso. Thirty charges can he loaded and^dieckarged in fifty nscondt. GILBERT A CLARK. Atlanta, March 21. dawlm. [By Authority of the State of Georgia.] FORT GAINES ACADEMY The subscriber having accepted from the Com missioners the Agency and Management of the FORT GAINES ACADEMY LOTTERY, has es tablished tho Principal Office at Atlanta, Ga., and intends conducting tho LOTTERY, on the same plan as that of tho \Southern Military Academy Lottery, of Alabama. GRAND SCHEME FOR MAY. Class 1 TO BE DRAWN MAY* 24TH, 1855, IN THE CITY OK ATLANTA, GEORGIA, WHEN PRIZES AMOUNTING TO a®* Will ho distributed accordiug to the following magnificent Scheme! SS,And remember every Prize is drawn at each drawing, and paid when dup without deduction/ 1 Prize of $1,500 1 Prize of 1,100 5 Prizes of 1,000 10 Prizes of 1600 1 Prize of $16,000 1 Prize of 5,000 1 Prize of 4,000 1 Prize of 3,000 1 Prize of 2,000 501 Prizes in all amounting to $60,000 ONLY TEN THOUSAND NUMBERS! Tickets $10 .Halves $5 Qtarter* $2.60. Bills on all solvent Banks at par. All communications strictly confidential. SAMUEL SWAN, Agent and Manager, ddswly Atlanta, Georgia. [By Authority of the State of Alabama.'] SOUTHERN MILITARY ACADEMY. LOTTERY. Conducted on the Havanaplan. GRAND SCHEIE! Class 0. TO BE DRAWN THE 12th OF MAY 1865. *7,500 1 Prize of.... ....$7,500 is . 1 Prize 6,000 is. 1 Prize 2.000 is.. 2 Prizes.... 1,000 is.. 5 Prizes 500 is.. 10 Prizes 200 is.. 15 Prizes 100 is.. 78 Prizes 50 is.. 120 Prizes 25 is.. 2,000 2,000 500 is 2,500 200 is 2,000 100 is 1,600 50 is 3,900 25 is 3,000 18 Approximation Prizes amounting to 600 251 Prizes amounting to $30,000 ONLY TEN THOUSAND NUMBERS. ■^Tickets $5—Halves $2 50—Quarters $1 25. Every prize drawn at each drawing Bills on solvent hanks taken at par. A11 commuica- tions strictly confidential. SAM’L SWAN. Agent, At the Bronze Lions, Montgomery, Ala. MuOrders for tickets received by A. W. r JONES, sole Agent for Atlanta. Office in Kile’s brick building, corner of Marietta and Peachtree streets. ff$£EH ft PULASKI MONUMENT LOTTERY. (Bv 4u*h° ril y °f fa Sfa* Georgia.) manai/KP’ draC.n *»* WW* P“ d h J tho well-known ami* Wjtensible itahhv GREGOR. * MAGRif, Office in the Ho.’knd House, on Street. CLAh!* NO. lOl. To be drawn Friday, April 27th. Capital prizes, $10,000, $8.1'00, $2,000 $1,500 Ac. Tickets $3, halves aW quarters in pro portion. Extra CLASS IT. To be drawn Saturday, April 28th. Prizes $65,000,$30,000, $20,000, £15,000 Ac. kft. Tickets $20 shares in proportion. CLASS 103. To be drawn Monday, April 30ft, Prizes $9,000, 5 of $2,000, 1 of $1,000, Ac. j Tickets only $2.60 shares in proportion. Sales close at 2 o’clock on the day of eaoh draw ing. All communications strictly confidential. Or ders by mail will receive prompt attention, and copies of the drawn numbers forwarded to pur chasers when desired. GEO. L. BOOTH. March 17.dawly. STEOAL HOUCKS. For MMhlBerjr. WE bare just received ASBCKOFT’S PATENT !*TttAJI GUAGE, the safest aed most reliable for LOCOMOTIVE* or STATIONARY ENGINES. Also, a fine lot ofVUI, CANISID RUBBER MACHINE BELTING, CTF. AM PACK ING A HYDRANT HOPE from the BOSTON BELTING OO. .Wo ora agents for the sale or the above goods. GUARANT1S them in the most satisfactory manner, and offer them nt manufacturer’* prices, with the freight added. GILBERT fc CLARKE. Aprt8,’66dAwtf. Hardware Dealers. Atlanta. Ga. SLOAN O.ATMAN, DKALERN t.V Italian, Egyptra * American 0. F. CENTRAL LODGE, NO. 28,1. O. O. F. meets for the dispatch of business on every Tucahty Evening. at 7)j o’clock, at their Hall, on Peach Tree Street—and, on the second and fourth Friday Evenings in each month, on business pertaining to the Degree of •‘Rebckah.’’ E. FRANKFORD. N. G. C. B. HANU3TER, C. A S. Atlanta, April 17th, 1855. (dawly.) i Architecture! ^HB-The subscriber is still prepared to furnish Designs, Specifications, and Estimate* for all class es of Pnhlic and Private Edifices. Also to fit up the exterior and interior of Stores, Halls, Church es, Ac., at short notice and on the most approved modern styles. Having made arrangements with the Manufac turers and Patentees, he is enabled to furnish his patrons with Terra-Cotta, Paper-Mache and Iron Ornaments, at tbe lowest. Factory prices. From his practical knowledge and experience in his profession, he feels confident in giving en tire satisfaction. C. HUGHES, Practical Architect A Builder Prices as reasonable as any respectable Archi tect North or South. Reference.—Hon. Mayor and Council and Ex- Mayor and Council of Atlanta, and citizens gen erally. £33* Office in rear of law office of Messrs Gartrell A Glenn, White-hall Street, Atlanta, Ga. April 19, 1855. diwtf Atlanta m Hotel, Atlanta, Georgia. J. J. Healer, Proprietor., Xtt« of the Veranda Hotel, New (Moans. Passenger* per Evening Trains will find Supper ready on the arrival of the Cars. April 24,1855. d&wly. Wanted. Contracting and Building. THE subscriber being permanently locat ed in this city, is prepared to design, draw and superintend all descriptions of buildings, both public and private; he will also give particular at tention to the erection of handsome shop fronts, besides the internal improvements of stores, and furnish estimates and take contracts for work. Being the only architect in this city he will furnish handsomer designs and much under the usuai charges made at present in this city. He is permitted to refer to the following gentlemen: George G. Hull, J. R. Valentino, E. Parsons, Thomas L. Cooper. E. A. VINCENT, Architect. Office over Gilbert A Clark’s Hard-ware Store, Peach Tree street. March 14, 1855. dAw3m IT IS A FACT ESTABLISHED and well known that tbe Arabians attained a height in the knowledge of medi cine which caused the whole world to wonder and ad mire. With them the science of chemistry had its birth, and it is, therefore, not at ail strange that a peo ple so eminently successful in the heeling art, and so persevering and daring in character, should, by actual and nntirwg experiment, discover remedies far surpas sing in sfficacy all others, for the cute of those diseas es incident to them from their mode of life. The great er part of their time being spent in hazardous and bloody warfare with the different tribes, they were sub ject to the most violent attacks of rheumatism, parsly is, neuralgic pains, and various inflamatory diseases,- as also the most horid wounds, sprains, bruises, tumors, swellings, diseases of the joints, etc., etc. All these diseases they were so surprisingly efficient in curing, that the uninitiated looked with wonder and attributed their skill to the powers of magic. H. G. FARRELL’S ARABIAN LINIMENT is a compo sition of balsams and oils, from rare plants peculiar to this country, and it was by the use of the articles composing this great remedy that not only their physi cians, but even the wild Arabs of the desert were en abled to perform such miraculous leures. The Arab HTRED IS WORLD RENOWNED FOR HIS BEACTIEI L STIOIETRT OF fork; his unsurpassed speed and agility, and the in credible fatigue he is capable of enduring. Why is it? Because from the time of his birth his limbs are care fully watched, and upon the first appearance of dis ease the magic lotion is applied, and such things as con firmed sweeny, poll-evil, fistula, ringbone, scratches, spavin, lameness, etc., etc., are unknown. The same result will follow in all cases where H. G. Farrell’s Gen uine Arabian Liniment is used in time. Therefore de lay not in procuring a good supply of it, for every dol lar spent in it will save you twenty, and a great deal of suffering, if not your life. Look out for Counterfeits! The public are cautioned against another counter feit. which has lately made its appearance, called W. B. Farrell’s Arabian Liniment, the moat dangerous of all the counterfeits, because his having the name of Farrell, many will buy it in good faith, without the knowledge that a counterfeit exists, and they will per haps only discover their error when the spurious mix ture has wrought its evil effects. The genuine article is manufactured only by H. G Farrell, sole inventor and proprietor, and wholesale druggist, No. 17 Main street, Peoria, Illinois, to whoa all applications for Agencies must be addressed. Be sure you get it with the letters H. G. before Farrell’s thus—H. G. FARRELL’S—and his signature on the wrapper, all others are counterfeits. Sold by A. Alex ander, and J. M. Rantin, Wholesale and Retail agents, Atlanta:Hanes, Laseter k Co., Jonesboro’; Hutchison & Headden, Palmetto; Camp & Christian, Fairburn; Wm. A. Powell, Decatur—and by regularly authorized agents throughout the United States. 49* Price 25 and 50 cents, and $1 per bottle. AGENTS WANTED in every town, village and ham let in the United States, in which one is not already es tablished. Address H. G. Farrell as above, accompa nied with good reference as to character, responsibili ty, &c. Atlanta, Mar. 29, 1855. 44—4w No Excuse for Ill-healtli. An emaciated frame, sallow complexion, an dgreat debility, the result of neglect to all treatment, when efficient Medical advice can be obtained privately and promptly. Ladies who may be afflicted with Irregularities’ biles, Fistnla-in Ano, Gravel, Scrofula, Ulcers, Rheu matism, kc., should not allow false delicacy to prevent their making immediate application to Dr. MORRIS, whose skill in the treatment of all chronic diseases and female complaints, is too well known to be ques tioned. The Doctor assures all those who consult him by let ter the most honorable secrecy, prompt attention, pleasant, safe and efficient medicines ; and to those who follow strictly his directions, he will guarantee speedy relief and permanent cures. Charges reasona ble. Address. DR. W H. MORRIS. Nashville, Tenn. May 251854. 52—ly. HEW ADVERTISEMENTS. HAYDEN’S HALL. $200 ! TWO $200! GRAND GOLDEN NIGHTS. Friday and Saturday Ev’gs, April 27 & 28. THE Will give two of their chaste and select concerts of Vocal and Instrumental Music, at the above Hall, of the highest order of talent, as sisted by the celebrated COMIC SINGER and person- ater, Mr. Wm. Farrow, who will delight the au dience with hia inimitable COMIC SONGS, and distribute to the audience, free, TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS’ WORTH of Princely gifts, numbering in all 82 costly presents, including a splendid GOLD HUNT ING WATCH—the gifts to be seep in the window of Mr. HALL’S Jewelry Store. All warranted to be genuine gold. Tickets to the Concert 60 cents—Gifts free. Tickets to be had at Mr. Hall's Jewelry Store and at the Ho tels, and at the door. Remember, for every ticket you buy you get a num ber that is a chance for one of the presents—the whole to be conducted by a commitee selected by the audience. By ycur tickets early, os a limited number will be sold. Doors open at 7, performance to commence at 8 o’clock precisely. WM. PARROW, Agent for *■ Rasche Family.” A T the LaGrange Steam Variety Works a, ™»" of sober and industrious habits, to make sash, blinds and doors by machinery. CAHLTON, KENEB ft inrm April 13,1866. w4t> $50 Reward. L OST OR STOLEN, on Monday morning, at tho Passenger Depot HssjwSj in Atlanta, a PORTE-MONIE, contain- ing’betwecn throe and four hundred dollars, most ly South Carolina and Georgia Railroad money, (except $119.85 which was in gold. The above re ward will be paid for the recovery of tho money Of for tbs currest with proof to convict the person -Mm stole it. J. G. McGlNNIS. ” ~ tj, The Po.ckei Book lost, also contained a • -w note for two hundred dollars with a promisso.. . j^mjj-ed dollars on it, made by credit of one b y John lynch J Thomas Henry, or b^rcr, due made payabfo to Geo. AU ve about the first of February , A % hereby forewarned from trading j." Atlanta, April 26,'55. , — Segars and Tobacco, four Door* from the Railroad, WHITEHALL ST., ATLANTA, GA. M K, JOHN FCIKEN would respectfully inform his friends and the pnbtio of Atlanta and country merchants that he always keeps on hand a jarge stock of SEGARS and TOBACCO. Room to rent. Apply at “John Juken’s Se.tar Store,” , „ Atlanta, April 26, 1855. dtwSm. SOMETHING NEW! CAiHTMBLh & CARTER, b h ssia a*nd Hamm Jtaau&eturars, W OULD re^vpeotfutiy announce to the citizens of this an d surrounding country, having permanently locate-d themselves in Atlanta, offer to all the best articles of SADDLES it HARNESS sold in the place. This bffing the only mannfsoto- r j here, persons wishing to buy will do well to '"white rt.11 Street, Parker building, Atlanta Georgia. £April26,’65-w4w. AND EAST TENNESSEE MARBLE. liiSHBlil TOMBS, URS's & VASES. Marble Mantels AND .lyurrJf&Cris £453rlilc. All orders promptly filled. S^Van rooms opposite Georgia Railroad De pot, Atlanta, Ga. Mch6,1855-dAwly. Notice* I HAVE engaged the services of Mr. G. Krause, a practical Chemist from Berlin, Prussia, and as the dispensing department of the establishment will be entirely under his control, the public are assured that ail prescriptions will be accurately prepared—as a more accomplished Pharmaceutist cannot be fonnd either North or Sooth, if an ex perience of over fifteen yean in the first Drug Houses of Berlin and Paris be a guarantee. Tes timonial in proof of the above assertion will be ex hibited to anyone familiar with French or German. Mr. Krause will make any preparation desired by Physicians, or make Chemical teats with Minerals, at my store. A. ALEXANDER. Febl91y JUST Received 50 boxes and 1ft casks pi to J*°*“ W. w. OMSK. NEW GOODS. Bfteu efts Boyi Clothes New and Fresh. Cassimeres. The Richest ever brought to this Market. Vestings. Come soon, or they will all be sold, Gloves—Extra Fine ffeck^Ftxiai, the very latest styles and richest materials. Also, Tailor’s Trimmings—Tapes, Crayons, and almost any thing kept in a Merchant Tailoring establishment, can be bought from the subscriber. Atlanta, Nov 2. dkwtf LEWIS LAWSHE. CITRATE OF MAGNESIA. An Agreeable Refrigerant and LAXATIVE. T HIS Preparatipn has been introduced exten sively on the continent of Europe, and in this country as on agreeable Substitute for Epson Salts, it is destitute of bitterness, and by its pleas ant acidity of taste, and its effervescing character, is rendered a very agreeable and refreshing drink directions for use accompany each bottle. Pre pared and for sale by A. ALEXANDER, Druggist. WHITE & DEAN, BUTCHERS. T HE undersigned have this day formed a part nership for the purpose of doing a general Slaughtering business in the city of Atlanta, they occupy stall No. 3 in the Market House, and will furnish the best the count? affords, and use their best endeavors to give general satisfaction, and in so doing hopes to receive a share of the public pat ronage. A. R. WHITE. L. DEAN. Atlanta, March 5, 1855. [dim | w3m.] RHODE’S FEVER AND AGUE CURE, Or, Nature's Invaluable Specific, F OR the prevention and cure of Intermittent and Remittent Fevers, Fever and Ague, Chills and Fever, Dumb Ague, General Debility, Night Sweats, and all other forms of disease which have a common origin in Malaria or Miasma. The sub tle atmospheric poison which at certain seasons is unavoidably inhaled at every breath, is the same in character wherever it exists,—North, Scaith, East or West,—and will every where yield to this newly discovered antidote, which is claimed to be the greatest discovery in medicine ever made. This specific is so harmless that it may be taken by persons of every age, sex or condition and it will not substitute for one disease others 'still worse, as is too often the result in the treatment by Quinine, Mercury, Arsenic, and other poisonous or deleterious drugs, not a particle of any of which is admitted into this preparation. The proprietor distinctly claims these extraoidi- nary results from the use of this natural antidote to Malaria. It will entirely protect any resident or traveler even in the most sickly or swampy localities, from any Ague, or Bilious disease whatever, or any in jury from constantly inhaling Malaria or Miasma. It will instantly check the Ague in persons who have suffered for any length of time, from one day to twenty years, so that they need never have another chill, by continuing its use according to directions. It will immediately relieve all distressing results of Billious or Aguo disease, such as general debil ity, night sweats, Ac. The patient at once begins to recover appetite and strength, and continues until a permanent and radical cure is effected. Finally, its use will banish Fever and Ague from families and all classes. Farmers and all laboring men by adopting it as a preventive will be free from Ague or Billious attacks in that sea son of the year which, while it is the most sickly, is tho most valuable one to thorn. One or two bottles will answer for ordinary cas es, some may require more. Directions printed in German,French and Spau- ish, accompany each bottle. Price One Dollar. Liberal discounts made to the trade. Trade circulars fowardod on application, and the article will be consigned ou liberal terms to re sponsible parties in every section of the country. For sale by dealers generally. JAS. A. RHODES, Proprietor, March 23. [d±w6m.] Providence, R. I. Bacon! Bacon! nAA’I-BS- new Bacon just received from Ten- AtsJm nessee and for sale by CLARKE It GRUBB. Call and See Us! W E are receiving our SPRING GOODS, and most respectfully invite the citizens of At lanta to call and examine our Stock—as we keep a general assortment of every Line of Goods us ually kept in this market. We think we have never bo’t Goods on more favorable Terms, and intend making it to the interest of our patrons to purchase of us, as we are anxious to bnild up a substantial business in this place. H.W. COZART A SON. Atlanta, April 4, 1855—d*w2m RARE CHANCE FOR CASH. T. R. RIPLEY B EING desirous of making some change in his business by the 1st of July next, and deter mined to close out his present stock of the fol lowing named goods, will offer great inducements to those wishing to furnish their parlors, dining rooms, Ac.: China, Tea and Plated Setts, Coffee Setts, Earthen and Queen’s Ware, China Flower Vases, Mantle Ornaments, Goblets, Tumblers, Ac.; Plated Forks and Spoons on Albata, Table Cutlery Castor Stands, Brit. Tea and Coffee Pots, Egg Boilers, Steak Dishes and Block Tin Dish Covers, and the largest assortment of Fluid, Oil and Cen tre-Table Lamps, of the most elegant patterns ever offered in this city or perhaps will be before our next Governor's election,—to which he would call the attention of his former patrons, and most especially and respectfully that of the ladies—as you all know that such things will make cheerful the domestic circle and fireside. Call and you shall have bargains, and no mistake. Get on the good side of tbs old man and he will shell out an X, or XX, or maybe an L. March, 28, ’55. dawtf, For Rent, TWO or three SMALL HOUSES, situated on Peach Tree, Ivy and Crawford Streets. For term* •PPlyte A. ALEXANDER. INFIRMARY. T HE undersigned have opened, in the city of Atlan ta, an Infiirmary, for the reception of patients la boring under medical or surgical disease. An intelligent nurse and faithful servants will be in constant attendance, and will give their attention to the sick at all hours, daj and night, when required. The surgical department will be under the control of W. F. WESTMORELAND, who will give prompt atten tion to injuries, and every variety of disease requiring surgical operations. The usual fees adopted by the physicians of the city will be charged, with fifteen cents per day for board, Ac. Planters and others sending negroes may rest assured that they will be properly attended to, and if after an examination it be deterqunea that there is no prospect of relief, they will be sent home without any charge. W. F. WESTMORELAND* M. D. J. G. WESTMORELAND, M.D. Atlanta, April 24,1855. elAwly Fine Clothing, 8T XU30ZUWKD! We beg leave to call' the attention of the pnblie to our Stock of SPRING AND BUMMER CLOTHING ! which, we flatter ourselves is the largest and Neatest Stock in the City! Gentlemen in want pf CLOTHING, ape assured that la our stock they can be fitted^-no matter | '-'«w large, or hpw small, or how TALL! they “ JEST Our.? lock i of BOY’S CLOTHING is also extensive and taswT* . , .. . Those visiting us will a*«Ote «» *e superiority of our Stock in Make and Style. . We also keep a thorough assortment 91 Gentle men's Furnishing Goods—all of which w4 Will sell low. JW Terms Cash. mar 30 W. HERRING A CO. HAT AND CAP STORE. m j. TAYLOR is now opening a fresh stock of fashionable HATS, CAPS A BONNETS, Next door to Lawshe & Brets Jewelry Store, Whitehall Street, Atlanta, Ga. TAYLOR’S HAT AOAP EMPORIUM. TUST RECEIVED, and opening, the firrt entire J stock of HATS A CAPS ever offered in this My stock is now complete, consisting of city. Please call and examine every variety and style, for yourselves! ieB~ All kinds of Fur Skins bought. ^ J. TAYLOR. Atlanta, April 36,1866. (Uwlj) Notice. . TTAVING disposed of my whole stock of Drugs, £1 Chemicals, Instruments, Paints, Oils, Ac., to Dr. B. M. Smith and Mr. Wm. L. Eszard, it gives me great pleasure to recommend than to the pub- lie, and my friends in particular. The stock is fresh, aad finely selected. Noamortmen: in Geor gia surpasses it; indeed, it is what is needed in Atlanta, a superior Drug Store. The goods can be sold at Charleston, Savannah, and Augusta prices, and everything the Physician may wish can be found there. I respectfully ask for them a liberal patronage. H. A* RAMSAY. ATLANTA oTilS STORE. SMITH A EmRB, H AVING purchased tha entire interest of Dr. H. A. Ramsay, (of tho late firm of Kay A Ramsay,) in the Drug business, offer to the public a large and well selected stock of Drugs, Paints, Oils, Camphene, Burning fluid, Dye-stuffs, Chemi cals, Surgical and Dental Instruments, Soaps, Brashes, Combs, Medicinal Wines, Perfumes, Ac. The ladies are invited to call and examine our Fancy Coods, consisting of Shell and Ivory handle hair brashes, Shell, Ivory and India Rubber dressing combfi, Shell, Puff and Tack Combs, Ivory and Buffalo Nail Brashes, Ladies Writing Desks, (papier macho and rose wood,) Superior Toilet Boxes, (pearl inlaid,) China, Rosewood, and Paper Puff Boxes,* Lublno French Extracts of every variety, Mungenitt Coudray “ “ “ “ French Toilet Powders, Lnbins, German Farina Cologne, Improved Chlorine Tooth Wash, Orris’ Tooth Wash, “ “ Paste and Powder, (French,) Superior Almond Powder, (for the skin,) Ladies Drawing Books and Portfolioes, Faber’s Drawing Pencils, Sewing Birds, French cat glass Toilet Flacens, China Flower Vases, (very rich,) Port Monaies, (pealr, ivory and morocco.) Ladies Companions, (complete,) “ Cord Cases of every variety, Ivory Teething Rings, Ratlers, <t-c., for children Smethian, an elegant preparation for chapped hands and rough skin, Barray’s Tricopherous, J Lyon’s Kathairon, Bogles’ Hyperion Fluid, Mrs. Allen’s Hair Invigorator, Superior Bleached Sponge, (for ladies,) Turkish Bathing Towels and Gloves, and sun dry articles too numerous to mention. March 23,1355. d&wly. IJIYEUhITF OF LOUISIANA 'Medical' Department | ' Htt Annual Course <>f Lectures in this department * will commence on Monday. November 13th, and will tenmoate in the ensuing March. JjOTXS Joxss, M.D. Professor of Practice of Medicine Wakrkn Stoxz, Jf. U., Professor of Chemistry. J. L. Kmnnx, M. I)., Professor of Surgery. A. H. Cxxas, ,\f. D., Professor of Obstetrics. A. J- WKtmgKUUR.v, it. D.. t'roiezsor of Anatomy. Gustavos A. Norr, U. U. Professor of Materia Medics. Thus. Huxt, M. D. 1’r'of. of Physiology and Pathology. m. S:;} The rooms Tor Dis^Vwiing will be open on the third Monday in October. The Faculty are Visiting Physicians an 1 Surgeons of the Charity Hospital, and attend this Institution from November to April. The Students accompany the Professors in their visits, and, free of expense, enjoy extraordinary prac tical advantages. There are, during the session, about eight hundred persons prescribed for daily. In 1853 the number of patients was thirteen thousand seven hundred and fifty-nine. July 20, (11—4m) THOS. HUNT, M. D., Dean. GEORGIA GARBLE WORKS, G Bonkin, Wm- M. Hnriick, Geo. L. Summer, (SUCCESSORS TO A. ATKINSON A CO.] T HISestablishmenthasbeenmsuccessfuloperationfot anumberoiyears. The Quarriesare well opened, and the Marble is superior to any in the United States. We have so perfected ourfacilities forgetting to and En siling work, that we can furnish Monuments, Tombs, Tables, HEAD STONES, and everything in our line of business, in better style, and at cheaper rates, than any yard in the country. When it is considered that we saw our own marble, paj no jobber’s profits and no high freight from the North, it will be seen that we do pos3e 2 material ad vantages overall competitors. We cordially solicit our friends and the public gene rally to examine our work, and compare our prices with those of other yards before ordering Northern marble. We have cn hand at our yard in Marietta a large as sortment of finished work—Monuments, Toombs, Ac.,— whereour agent G. W. Summers will sell at our prices Our principal work is done at the Mills. Address 3lf_ly J. G. RANKIN & CO. Marble Work P. O., Ga. Fresh Arrivals! o efts Ablsott’s e-proof Ware-house, ATLANTA, GA. 500 doz Eggs. 100 bushels Cow Peas. 5 kegs prime Tennessee Butter at 15c per lb. 50 Sacks Extra Family Flour 200 Bushels Meal, (fresh ground) 100 Boxes Western Reserve Cheese, at 12$c "p lb, 100 Sacks East Tennessee superfine flour, at $5.50. 100 Boxes star and adamantine candles at greatly reduced prices. 60 Kegs extra, refined family lard. 30 Hhds Sugars 50 bbls « 50.000 lbs fair and choice New Bacon, including common and fancy Hams, Sides, a Shoulders 50 sacks Prime Rio Coffee. 5 “ Old Gov. Java. 100 bbls New crop New Orleans Molasses. 10 Boxes “ Bar soap, at 6J cents, per ft). 100 Bbls and half bbls New and old Lard. 10.000 pounds old Bacon. 300 pounds Live Geese, Feathers. Atlanta, Feb. 24th 1855. 6m. To the Ladies. BORINGr R ESPECTFULLY announces to the Ladies that she is now receiving one of the most desirable stocks of MILLINERY GOODS ever opened in this market, carefully selected by herself from the most fashionable houses in New York. She would call the attention of the Ladies particularly to her stock of BONNETS, as she is confident she can suit the most fastidious in style and price. Her stock of Ribbons, Flowers, Wreaths, Collars, Un dersleeves, Gloves, Ac., will compare with any in the market. Please call and examine her stock and prices. And she pledges herself to sell on as reasonable terms as the same article can be sold in the markets by cheap milliner merchants. ~ Corner Whitehall and Hunter sts. Terms cash Aprl0,’55. d3m. . DR. CHARLES CUMMINGS, L ATE of the city of New Orleans, respectfully informs the citizens of Atlanta and surround ing country that he has located bis office in the new and commodious Drug Store of Drs. Smith A Ezzard, corner of Concert Hall, for the purpose of practicing the various departments of his profes sion, and hopes to enlist the confidence of his friends and the community in general, when he assures them that his experience is ample and suc cess flattering in the treatment of all diseases pe culiar to tropical climates and malarioas districts in their mostagravated and malignant forms ; and more especially yellow fever, cholera, typhoid fe ver, scarlatina Ac.; and all those contageous dis eases peculiar to a dcnes'population, as the more recent portion of his professional career has con fined him to the treatment of those fatal maladies in the cities of Mobile and New Orleans. Atlanta, Ga., April 16,’55. dawtjanl’56. Examiner and Republican copy till .Tan. 1st. 1856. BENNETT & BR0EAW, Produce Commission Merchants, FCR THE SALE OF Flour, Grain, Butter, Cheese, Provi sions, &c. No. HO BROAD-STREET, CORNER OF WATER-ST. James. O. Bennett, ) Cornelius P. Brokaw. J Cha’s R. Huntington. March 29,1855.(dtwtf.) New York. Midwifery. MRS. MARY HORTON R ESPECTFULLY announces, for the benefit of the Ladies, that she offers her services as a Midwife. Having had more than twenty years’ ex perience in private practice, she feels confi dent of giving general satisfaction to ail who may favor her with a call. Mrs. H. can always bo found at her residence on the corner Collins and Taylor ats. mar21dtf. SCOTT'S PATENT LITTLE GIANT BRO WM & ANDERSON, Proprietors of Geor gia, Alabama, Middle and Eastern Tennessee. Manufactured at Anderson’s old established ) Foundry, Nashville, Tenn. i-For Brown A Anderson. And by J. Winship, Atlanta,Go. j Orders addressed to ns will be promptly sup plied, and we will fill all orders addressed to J. Winship, Atlanta, Ga., until he can supply them front hjs well known Foundry. These Mills have been thoroughly tested, are portable, can beset up in half an hour’s time without expense or mechan ical aid. The most convenient Mills for team nse ever invented. Its mechanical construction in sures durability. No. 2 is offered at $65 complete, ready for at taching the team, and warranted to grind from 8 to 12 bajhels of feed per hoar with one horse. No. 3, at $76, will grind 15 bushels per hoar. No. 4, at $85, will grind 20 bushels per hour with two hones. BROWN A ANDERSON, No. 40, Market st., Nashville, Tenn. Apr21,’55. d3twtf. SPIRITUAL TELEGRAPH, THE organ of modern Spiritualism, Fourth VpL commences in May. It contains the fullest reeoyd extent of Current Foots and opinions on Spiritual intercourse, Published weekly at $2 per annum ; also, ail spiritual books for sale by PARTRIDGE A BRITTAN, MB Broadway, New York. P. S.—A Catalogue ft Spiritual Books sent on ftm WARRANTED PIANO FORTES FOR SADR ON TRIAL. T HE subscriber has made arrange ments with some of tho most cel ebrated Piano Forte makers for sup plies. His instruments are always direct from tho factories, in original packages, of the latest and most fashionable styles, and hav tho most impor tant improvements. Without expensive store rent, or other outlays attending an open establishment ofthi3 kind, ho is enabled to furnish these instruments at the lowest priees obtainable, and being a professional man himself, he feels confident to have it in his powor to give entire satisfaction to all who may favor him with their orders. Those only who wish to procure first-class instruments will please address the subscriber. 0. F. BARTH, Atlanta, Ga. jffgr- Old Pianos taken in exchange as a part payment for new ones. Good second-handed Pi anos for sale and hire on reasonable terms. Doc. 21, 1854. d&wly. GEORGIA, ) Ordinary Court, IWr, Fulton County.] Term, 1854. To the Honorable the Conrt of Ordinary of efcid County. T HE petition of John Mitchell reapeetfully shewetb, that on tho 17th day of January, 1850, Allen E. Johnson of said county, (bat than of Dekalb,) and State, delivered to yonr petitioner an obligation, a copy of which U hereunto attach ed, whereby he hound himself to make yonr peti tioner a full and sufficient title, and relinquish ment of ali bis right, title and interest, in and to a certain lot of land, as follows: The East half of lot No. fifty, in the sixth District of Henry coun ty, containing one hundred one and a fourth acres, upon the payment of three hundred dollars as the purchase money, in one, two, and three payments as in said obligation alleged. Your petitioner fur ther shows to your Honor^thet subsequently to the date of said obligation, the said Allen B. Johnson departed this life intestate, and that John H. John son and William H. Ferguson, of said county, has obtained Letters of Administration on the goods, ohattels and credits of said Allen E. Johnson, in tho Court of Ordinary of said county of Fulton, and that during the life of the said Allen E. John son, and within the time specified in said obliga tion, wherein the said deceased bound himself to make titles to the land now claimed, your petition er paid to tbe said Allen E. Johnson, the aforesaid sum of three hundred dollars, due on the land aforesaid. And your petitioner prays your Honor to direct the said John H. Johnson and William H. Fergu son to make your petitioner titles to said lot of land, according to the tenor and effects of said ob ligation, and your petitioner will ever pay, Ac. JOHN MITCHELL, Petitioner. Copy of Bond. Georgia, DeKalb County. K NOW all men by these presents, that I, A. E. Johnson, of DeKalb county, am held and firmly bound unto John Mitchell of Henry county, in the full sum of six hundred dollars for the pay ment of which, I bind myself, my heirs and as signs. The condition of the above bond is as follows: The said A. E. Johnson, has this day sold to the above John Mitchell, a certain parcel of land, to wit: One hundred one and a fourth acres, or the East half of lot number fifty, in tho sixth District of Henry county, and the said Mitchell pays one hundred dollars in cash; one hundred dollars the 25th December, 1850, and one hundred dollars the 25th Dccomber, 1851. Then the said A. E. John son is to make the said John Mitchell, good and lawful titles to the above descricbed land, when the said Mitchell pays or causes to be paid, the above described payments, otherwise this bond to ! be in full force in law. This 17th January, 1850. [Signed] A. E. JOHNSON. [Seal.] [Test] W. H. FERGUSON. A true copy from the minutes. JOSEPH H. MEAD, Ordinary. ttoi asserting, that it it now ** curable aa diaeeiee *f tho Stomach and Liver. Breathing medieint directly into the huge ia certainly the rational mode of attacking tha dis ease, and like many other great and benifleent dis coveries, it seems strange why such treatment waa not resorted to long ago. Where there is life there is now assured hope for the moat seemingly hope less cases, os throughout all the stages of tho in sidious disease, the wonderful and benifleent af fects of hia treatment are soon apparent. In ea ses, also of Bronchitis, Asthma, etc., the inhaling of powders and vapors has been eminently suc cessful, and to those suffering under any of the above named complaints, I can gurrantee speedy and certain relief. I have pleasure in referring to 207 names, residents of New York and neighbor hood, who have been restored to vigorous health. About one third of the above number, according to the patients own statements, were considered hope less cases. The Inhaling Method is soothing, safe, and cousists in the administration of medieine in such a manner that they are conveyed into the Lungs in the form of vapor, 'and produce their action at the seat of the disease. Its practical success is destined to revolutionise the opinions of the mSdi- cal world, and establish the entire curability ot consumption. Applicants will please state if they have ever bled from tho Lungs, if they have lost flesh, have a eongh, night sweats and fever turns—what and how mneh they expectorate, what the condition of their stomach and bowels. The necessary Med- ioines, Apparatus, etc., will be forwarded to any part. TERMS—Five Dollars, consultation fee. Bal ance of fee payable only when patients report themselves convalescent. N, B.—The new postage law, requires that all letters be pre-paid. My correspondence being extensive, applicants, to ensure replies, mnst en close postage. Dr. Rose’s Treatise ou Couswptlon- price $1. Address JOHNSON STEWART ROSE, Office 831 Broadway, New York. April 2d, 1855, (tliwCm.) Camphene & Fluid! T HE Subscribers have recently established in Atlanta a Camphene A Fluid Manufactory, and will keep constantly on hand camphene, Burn ing Fluid, Spirits of ^Turpentine, Lamps, Lamp Wicks, also a variety of Garden Seeds. WEST A GLOVER. One door below C. H. Strong’s Store, Whitehall street, Atlanta. Georgia.’ March 26, 1855. (d&wly.) Valuable Plantation for Sale. T HE subscriber offers for sale his PLANTA TION in DeKalb county, lying on the waters of Peachtree and Penvine creeks, 3} miles North- West of Decatur and 3} miles North-East of At lanta, adjoining lands of Daniel Johnson, Esq., T. N. Paden and others, containing about 300 acres. There are about 100 acres of open cultivated land under good fences and Decessary buildings for farming, with a good apple orchard. Any person desirous of purchasing can call on me on the prem ises or address me at Decatur. Terms will be ac commodating. J. B. WILSON. Jan. 16, 1855. I3t—w6m. Camphene and Fluid. THE subscribers will, in a few days, be prepar ed to convey CAMPHENE and FLUID of their own manufacture to their patrons’ door. Persons wishing to avoid the inconvenience of sending for the above article will please call and register their names. WEST A GLOVER. One door below C. H. Strong’s. Atlanta, aprl7,’55. dtf. {Notice. J. M. Rantin returns his sincere thanks to his friends and the public generally, for the vory kind and liberal patronage, they havo heretofore be stowed upon him and trusts ho may merit a con- uanco of the same. The following are some of the leading articles, kept constantly on hand and at reduced prices viz: 3 qualities of gum Shellac. 3 do “ Glue. 3 do “ Copal Varnish. 1 do “ Japan do 2 do “ Alcohol. Biscuit or baking Soda, 10 cents, or S cents by the quantity. Varnish, Paint, Sash, Tooth, Hair, Nail, Hat and Cloth Brushes, and a fino variety of Fancy articles. Also, Dye Stuffs, and pure Medi cinal liquors, for sale at both of his Drug Stores. Feb 8—dtf J. M. RANTIN, Druggist. Whitehall and Peachtree streets, Atlanta, Ga. GEORGIA, DeKalb County. W HEREAS, William Clark applies to me for Letters of Dismission from the Administration on the Estate of Thomas Clark deceased: These are therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors ot said deceased, to be and appear at my of fice, and file objections if any they have, in terms of law, why said applicant should not be dismissed from his said administration, at the July Term of the Court of Ordinary of said County.—Given under my hand at office, Dec. 19, 1854. AI.EX. JOHNSON, Or’dy. December 21. 74d Come everybody, T O the Horse Head sign, that wants good home-made Saddles, or Bridles; Saddle- hags, Trunks, Valises, Harness, Collars and Whips, a great variety, together with all articles usu ally kept in an establishment of this Kind; all of which are offered at the lowest living prices, for cash, by the undersigned. MII.I.EK & ANDREWS. ’^© a .Repairing of all kinds done with quick despatch. Atlanta, Nov. 1 1854—d&wly. ER LAWSHE HaS always on hand a fine stock of CLOCKS, WATCHES AMD JEWELRY, and is prepared to have watch-work of every descrip tion done up in fiksl rate style and warranted. Atlat. nta, Sep25th. 1854. 1—dwly 18,1866. [wim.) C. *1*. efts «T. Ur 8 . Rxiprco, COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND G-eneral Agents For the purchase andsale of Georgia and Tennessee Produce. Unquestionable and independent facilities—necessary references. Particular and personal attention to all business entrusted will meet with attention, persever ance and promptitude. Remittances or small advances made on all goods consigned to our order at consignee’s order. Corner of Kill and Broadway and next door to M. C. Williams &Co., W. S. Hill street, Griflin, Ga. Griffin, Jan. 6,1855 d80&wM3tf. Instruments for Surgeons’ and Physi cians’ Use. C ONSISTING /f Spec alums of various kinds, Kye Cups, Porc/lain and Glass, Abdominal Supporters, Bersaries, Glass'Silver. Wood and Ivory, &c., Trusses, French, Euglisi\ American, &c., Shoulder Braces, as sorted kinds, Breast Bags, {Saddle Bags, Pocket Cases, Syrenges in great variety, Electro Magnetic Machines, late styles, Stceland Metal Sounds, assorted sizes, Silver, Metal and Bone Eye Syrenges. cases of Eye Instru ments, new styles, Physicians’ Pocket Cases in great variety, Stethescopes, Elastic. Metal,&c., EarTrumpets, Glass Urineils, Bed Pans, Womb Syrenges, Midwifery Instruments, Amputating Instruments, Trepliening In struments, Trocars and Canulais Instruments, Evans 7 Lancets, Cases, Gold, Silver Scots, Wood, Leather. &c., Stomach Pumps, Cupping Cases, improved Probangs; Uretha Instruments, in and out of cases. And many other instruments not enumerated, with an extensive stock of Drugs, Medicines, Paints. Oils, Perfumery, Fancv Articles, &c., for sale, on accommodating terms, by. * A. ALEXANDER, Sign Negro and Mortar. Atlanta, Feb. 14, 1S55. d&wly. Georgia, DeKalb County. J OHN M. REID will apply at tho May Term of the Court of Ordinary next of said county for letters of Guavdianship of the person and property of James M. Bohanan, minor and orphan of J. W. D. Bohanan, under the ago of fourteen years. Civen under my hand officially 20th March, 1355. ALEX. JOHNSON, mar22’55. Ord’y. Goorgia, DeKalb County. \/miEREAS, R. M. Brown has this day ap- » V plied to mo for Letters of Administration on the estate of Henry Goddard, deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased to ho and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not bo granted tho applicant.' Given under my hand and seal at office this 20th March, 1855. ALEX. JOHNSON, March 22, ’55. Ord’y. Georgia, DeKalb County. E LKENAH POWELL will apply at the May Term next of the Court of Ordinary of said county for letters of Guardianship of tho person and property of Howell Colt Oliver and John Felton Oliver. Given under my hand officially at office 20th March, 1855. A.LEX. JOHNSON, mar22'55. Ord’y. Groceries! Groceries! Groceries! T HE undersigned arc now receiving at their store, corner of Hunter and Pryor sts., the stand former ly occupied by J. E. Williams, a large and carefully se lected stock of Groceries, consisting in part of the fol lowing articles. 50 hhds. of New Orleans Sugar, 100 sacks of Rio Coffee, 100 bbls. of New Orleau.s Syrup, 100 bbls. of Extra Whiskey, g20 tierces of Rice, 50 boxes of Star and Sperm Candles, 25 Cigars, 50 boxes Tobacco. &c. We intend to keep constantly on hand a heavy stock, and invite those who are in need of such articles to give us a call before purchasing elsewhere. Feb22wtf. J. J. THRASHER & CO. New Bookstore. THE subscriber having recently re- pleniscd his large and well selected stock ot BOOKS AND STATION ER Y, would respectfully invite all who wish to purchase to be sure and call at tho new Bookstore, on Whitehall street, two doors above the Post Office, ns his terms cannot fail to please. His stock having been bought principally for cash, and se lected mostly by himself in the Northern cities.— He has also a fresh supply of of Fancy Articles, Watches, Jewelry, Toys, Ac., at the lowest prices. Teachers and Merchants supplied on tho most lib eral terms. GEORGE DUNHAM. Atlanta, February 7, 1855. [wly-] FOR SALE! 200 Bags Rio Coffee. 25 Hhds. choice N. O. Sugars. 50 Bbls. Crushed,Powdered and refined Sugars 100 Bbls. prime N. 0. Syrup. 50 Bbls. fresh Mackerel. 25 Boxes Cheese. 100 Kegs Nails various sizes. 25 Doz. Painted Pails. 10,000 Libs. Hollow Ware. With a largo assortment of Black Smith’s Tools, Dry Goods, Boots & Shoes, Grind-Stones, dec., Which are offered to tho trade at low rates on ae- commodating terms by J. T DOANE. Jan. 20, 1855. n34-wtf. Practice of Surgery. Drs. Smith & Ramsay B EG leave to inform the public that they will attend strictly to all Surgical Cases sent to their care, and ample preparation will be made for all transient patienis. The centrality of Atlanta, and its remarkable facilities for living, point to it as a most desirable place for the invalid. Persons wishing Surgical aid can always find comfortable quarters. We devote especial attention to diseases of the Eye and Ear, also, te the usual surgical ail ments, such as stone ih tjie bladder and all inju ries requiring surgical aid. Feb 22, 1855. wly. Georgia, Fulton County. Whereas, Rachael M. James has this day ap plied to me for letters of administration on the estate of LUtlebcrry James, iato of said county, deceased, these are, therefore, to cite and admonish all, and singular tho kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law to shew cause, if any they have, why said loiters should not be granted tho applicant. Given under my hand and seal at my office, this 29th March, 1855. JOS. H. MEAD, Ordinary. GEORGIA DeKalb County. ro -ILL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN; W HEREAS, Rezin Lyon, Exr. of the Estate of William Kilpatrick, late of said county deceased applies to me for letters of dismission from tho Administration of said Estate therefor, all persons are hereby cited and admonished to file their objections, (if any they have.) in my office in terms of tbe law, otherwise letters of dismis sion, will be granted the applicant at the Novem ber Term of the Court of Ordinnry for said coun ty. Given under my hand at office. April 3, 1S55. ALEX. JOHNSON, Ord’y. o. z>.: Piano Forte Repairer and Timer, YI7TLL attend to any calls in his V V line of business, such as reg- BHHj ulating of action, covering of ham- If # I. II mors, (felted or buffed,) laying of new strings by the octave, whole or single, Ac. Satisfaction given in every instance or no charge. All work warranted. QTanlng by tbe Year done at Reduced j Prices. Orders anywhere from the country, addressed to C. F. Barth, Atlanta, Oa., will meet with prompt attention. CABINET MAKING ft UNDERTAKING. THE Subscriber will keep constantly on hand a variety of J. Williams A Co’s Cottage Furniture together with Lounges, Mattrasscs, Ac., General Upholstering A all work in our line made to order. Mr. T. W. West will give his personal attention to the Un dertaking business whenever called upon, and from a practical experience of twenty-three years, he flatters himself he will give satisfaction. Old frirniture repaired with neatness and des patch. One door below C. H. Strong’s Store, Whitehall Street, Atlanta, Ga. T. W. WEST. J. S. GLOVER. Atlanta, March 26, 1855. [dly.] GROCERIES AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, [Corner of Whitehall and Mitchell Streets.'] Atlanta, Ga. W. ROARK wquld call tho attention of the • public to his large and well selected stock of Groceries which ho will sell at the Very Iiowest Prices, at Wholesale and Retail. As ho intends doing a cash business exclusively,, those wishing to buy for cash would do well to call and examine his stock, consisting of eYery article in the way of Groceries, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, Sadlery, Ac. Those who call at his establishment will not fail to bo satisfied both in respect to the quality of articles and prico. Atlanta, Oet. 14, 1854. (17-dtf) For Rent, THREE HOUSES on Walton Street, which have been just completed, having all conveniences requisite for boarding-houses, or private residen ces. To approved tenants the terms will be mode rate. Apply to A. ALEXANDER. March 27th,’55. diwtf. Notice. A LL persons indebted to the lato firm of Kay A Ramsay, or to Dr. H. A. Ramsay, are here by, notified, that, having purchased all their inter est in their late business as Druggists, together with the books of accounts, notes, Ac., due them, payment of the same must be made alone to us. SMITH A EZZARD. March 23, 1855. dtwly. STATE OF GEORGIA, ) DeKalb County. J ITo all vvliom it may Concern. WHEREAS, Charles Murphy, aclministrator on tho estate of Wm. Cash, lato of said county dec’d. applies to rne for letters of dismission from the ad ministration of said Estate, and it appearing that said administrator has fully administered said es tate, This is therefore to cite and admonish all persons interested to be and appear at the Court of Ordinary to be held in DeKalb County on the 5th day of November next, to show cause if any they have, why said Charles Murphy, Administra tor, should not be discharged from his styid admin istration. Given under my hand at office, April 3 1855. ALEX’R JOHNSON, Ord’y. STATE OF GEORGIA, i DeKalb County. } To all whom It may Concern. WHEREAS, C. W. McGinnis, administrator of the estate of J. W. D. Bohanan, lato of said coun ty doc’d., applies to me for letters of dismission from the administration of-said estate—and it ap pearing that said administrator has fully adminis- tred said Estate, This is therefore to cite and ad monish all persons interested, to be and appear at the Court of Ordinary, to be held in DeKalb Co., on the 5th day of Nov. next, to show cause if any they have why said C. W. McGinni’s Adminis trator should not be discharged from his said Administration Given under my hand at office. Aprii 3d, 1855. ALEX’R JOHNSON, Ord’y. REMOVAL NOTICE. Ur. IXT D’AIiVXCWJTSr, H AVING removed his residence and office, to Marietta Street abovo Esq. Payn’s, hopes to receive a continuance of tho liberal patronage of his good customers. Patients for Surgical operations can bo accom modated with board. USAS' Ladies wishing dental attendance, by giv ing a timely notice, even through the Post Office, will be furnished with a conveyance free of charge. Atlanta, Feb. 2, 1855. nlOO-dtf. W. Herrins & Co., 1JEEP in connection with tlieir large Stock of Cloth- lv inga large assortment of HATS anil CAPS of tho latest styleBj also, Boots and Shoes, Trunks. Carpel Bags and Valises. 4—dtf Atlanta, Sept. 28, 1854. Marshal Sale, W ILL be sold before tho City Hall door in the city of Atlanta, on the third Monday in May noxt, Robert Harden, a free person of color levied on by virtue of a fieri facias in favor of the May or & Council of the city of Atlanta, vs : Robert Harden for a fine imposed in the Mayor’s Court on said Robert Harden. B. N. WILLIFORD. April 9, 1865. Marshal. GEORGIA Fulton County. T WO months after date application will be made to the Honorable the Court of Ordinary of said county for leave to sell all the lands be longing to the estate of Allen E. Johnson, late of said county, deceased. JNO. H. JOHNSON, W,VI. H. FERGUSON, April 4, 1855. Administrators. Ice ! Ice !! Ice !!! T HE subscribers have just received, and are now offering for sale, at tho Atlanta Ico House, a large supply of ICE. For regular customers who pay $10 in advance, our terms are as follows: By the Hhd. $2 87 per 100 lbs. delivered at the Depot. By the Block, 2 87 per 100 lbs. delivered at Ice House. By the Block, 3 00 per 100 lbs. packed and delivered at the Depot. For 30lbs. and upwards, 3 cents per lb. delivered at Ice House. For 5 lbs. and upwards, 3>A cents per lb. delivered at Ice House. Customers paying $5 in advance, will be charged 4 cents per lb. at Ice House. Transient customers will be supplied, by the Block, at3>£ cents per lb., or 4 cents derib. foraless quantity. Particular care should be taken to have the return Blankets dry, neatly done up and distinctly marked, as on this depends the regularity of the supply the re turn of the empty package being considered equivalent to an order. Blankets and sacks furnished at cost. Address, WBIGHT ot KIDD. Atlanta, Ga., April 26th, 1855. d&wtf 12 ( BOOTS I BOOTS'! 1 CASKS Has and boys’ Beeta now in store and far rate fey • W. W. BOABK To Dentists. For Sale by the Undersigned: 2500 Pivot Teeth, Stockton’s make, 1500 Plate do do 1500 Molar andBicusped do 500 Gam Teeth do do 5 oz Abbey <b Sons Gold Foil, 5 oz Jones, White A Co Gold Foil, 10 Packages Silver Foil, Dentists, turning lathes, head ruts, anvils, ham mers, blowpipes, plate benders, clasp phes, and every article for mechanical work. Also a large assortment of Instruments manufactured by J. D. Chevalier, consisting of Mouth mirrors, Pearl, Ivory and Bone month syrenges, Bone, Silver and Gold Stubbs, and Americar Ves, File Carriers Ivery Pluggers and Scalers, >' mishtos, Stud Cutters, stump instru ments, a : ula to i s foil seizzers, Forceps in great variety, Plugging Forceps, Molar and Biousped, narrow beak, and every kind that can he asked for and every article in the Dental - line. Also a large assortment of every kind of patent medioine, for sale by A. ALEXANDER, fob 20 d&wly Sign Negro and Mortal. ADAIR & EZZARD, DEALERS IN DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, CAPS, AC., No. 50, Whitehall St. WE havo received an elegant assortment of fresh, fashionable SPRING GOODS.-— Our selections of ladies Dress Goods and Mantillas Are very superior, having taken great pains to have them the newest and prettiest style*. (A beantifulUot of PARIS ROBES.) Call and examine them before yon purchase.— Our Clothing and Hate is of the better qualities and strictly fashionable. Brioes peculiarly adopted to “hard, tight times.” JOHN FOSTER EZZARD. ) I 1 GEORGE W. mill. Atlanta, March 19th, 1856. dsw$n« Just Received. 20,000 lbs OLD BACON, sides, 40 kegs choice new LARD, 20 bbls do, and 300 lbs Feathers. ALSO A small lot of Corn and Oats, and a few thous and pounds of Fresh Bones and Sausage Meat, for sale low, by dAwtf J. E. WILLIAMS. Dee 25, ’54 Athenaeum Building, Atlanta. For Rent. THE large and commodious Auotlon and Com. mission House on the corner of Loyd and Ala bama Streets, fronting Washington Hall. Apply to. Z. A. RICE. April 10,’ 55, [dim.] DANIEL & OOMPy , AT THE SIGN OF THE “Atlanta Family Store,” No 13, * WHITEHALL STREET. r [E subscribers would respectfully inform the citizens of Atlanta, and all persons trading to this point, that they are daily receiving and will endeavour to keep constantly on hand a well-as sorted stock of FAMILY SUPPLIES. They re spectfully and politely solicit the patronage of per sons and families, who may require such articles as pertain to their Department, and will take pleasure in waiting upon them. The Principle upon which they eonduet their business being CASH, they assure all those who may favor them with a visit that tho articles which they may offer shall be of the best quality and at cash prices. GEORGE H. DANrEL. | LEONARD n. YOUNG, Atlanta, March 22, 1855. d&wly. New Candy Manufactory OPPOSITE THE INTELLIGENCER OFFICE, ATLANTA, GA. HHHE subscriber would inform the citizens of At- JL lanta and vicinity that he has constantly on hand, at his Confectionery and Baking establish ment, all kinds of Confections, Pastries, Fruits, Ac He is also prepared to furnish every description of plain and ornamental Cakes, for weddings or parties, at short notice, and on accommodating terms. Imported wines and brandies of all descriptions for medioai purposes, kept always on hand. Also, genuine Spanish Cigars, and choice chewing To- baoco—together with a large assortment of Toys, Fancy Articles, Ac., Ac. Having recently returned from the North, where he laid in a fine stock of Fancy Articles and eve ry thing necessary for carrying on his candy man ufactory, he would inform county dealers that he is prepared to furnish candies at wholesale at 17 eents per pound. Orders accompanied with the cash or good city references promptly attended to. D. VALENTINO. Atlanta, Nov. 30th 184. [d&w-ly. Call and See Me! M HOUSE, SIGN,flBI AND OBKADIERTAL " PAIMTIKTOi Thankful for the patronage heretofore extended to the firm of Tomlinson ft Dooley, I would in form the public that I have again opened for my self, and respectfully ask a continuance of tho same favors. I am prepared to do House Paint ing with durability and taste not excelled in the South. Also, Sign Painting exeouted in the neai- est manner and atthe shortest notice. I have in my employ tiie host workmen the South can af ford—and Neatness and Despatch shall be my motto. A. DOOLEY. *9. Shop on Alabama street, two doors below tbe corner of Whitehall and Alabama streets. Atlanta, Ga, Jan 91855 dnvtf O K BBLS. of WHISKEY just received and for XOntebr W.W.BQAEK.*