The Atlanta weekly intelligencer. (Atlanta, Ga.) 184?-1855, May 10, 1855, Image 3

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We hnve recently been dwwn »n extrwrt from ft letter from Uiitf moet fiwthftil end efficient of ofteere, the Resident Vhymouut of the State Lunatic Asylum. Dr. Green says, “it ie ft mercy as well as ft charity to my unfortunate charge, to bestow a news paper upon them, and I am exceedingly sorry to say, that Northern editor* are much more mindfulof these kindnesses, than ours seem to be. Their papers are given in any number to their benevolent institutions, while here we have ouly 13 given to us by the Southern press and one of these come from Charleston and one from Tallahassee.” Now there are nearly, or quite fifty newspa pers published in Georgia, and we believe by as respectable and as public spirited a corps as can be found anywhere. We feel satisfied that if this notice of the remissness of our fraternity in supplying a solace so cheap and grateful as a single number of each of our papers would prove to these un fortunate people, should come under the no. tice of our editorial friends that they wil hasten to contribute this mite toward a no ble charity. We have been assured by the gentleman, who has for years back, presided over the interests of the Asylum with such distinguished talent, that he finds the quiet and soothing occupation of miud, effected by reading, ns among the most valublo re medial agents employed in the institution for the restoration of his patients. We regret to know that this great State allows such an appeal as we now make, to be necessary, but if Georgia will not afford abundant means for supplying every agency needful in promoting the recovery or the comfort of the most unfortunate of mor tals, why then let individuals do all they can to supply the deficiency. Stand from Under. Let the Democrat whose true Southern heart made him accessible to the impositions of Know-Nothing professions of excessive pro-slavery zeal, look out for a tumble down of this sorry Whig dead-fell. The Order is this day stronger than it will ever be again, and leaving out the men who have been shamefully duped into the concern by designing insiders, we predict that in five years from to-day it will be considered be tween gentlemen such a personal insult to charge one with ever having been a Thug, that the imputation will demand “ pistols and coffee for two.” See the reaction that has already taken place in the chief Know- Nothing hot-bed. “ The second annual election of the con solidated city of Peiladelphia was held on Tuesday, the result of which is very grati fying to all true Americans. Last year, it will be rembered, the Know-Nothings car ried every ward in the city. Tuesday, as wo learn from the ledger, things were re versed, and the Know Nothings were beaten fourteen wards out of the twenty-four. The Democrats aud Reformers carried eight of the eleven select council elected, and elected thirty-eight of the common council, equally dividing that body between them and the Know-Nothings. This is a most gratifying reaction, and very significant, as out of New England Philadelphia is the strongest foothold of the Proscriptive order.—Sav. News. Slot Cate Enough. Grecly of the New York Tribune, like every other spy, finds that his strategy re quires of him to lie occossionally against his own side. Ho lias not so soon forgotten who elected his idol Seward to the Senate, but for ulterior purposes he wishes it to ap pear now and then that he is anti-Thug.— Possibly lie remembers that if the K. N.’s ever come into a national council, that the Southern minority have bound themselves by awful oaths to do as the majority will order them, upon all questions, and hence his charge of pro-slavery sympathy upon the K. N.’s and of fraud in the Kansas elections. But here are the extracts we make from a Whig exchange, which wore copied origi nally from the Tribune, which shows how Grecly “wires in and wires out,” upon the Know Nothing sensation : Rowan Catholic Club.—The Universe is tho name of a new Club organised a year or two since on a religious foundation—the only ono of the kind in New York, or, we believe iu the world. It occupies apart ments in a hired house in tho upper part of Broadway, and is supplied with refresh ments from a restaurant in the cellar; it has a spacious and pleasant aperture cut for a reading room fronting on Broadway, and a pleasant but small dining room in the rear. The members of the Universe must be Ro man Catholics. Among its members are Charles O’Connor, Jas. 1'. Brady, and ma ny of the foreign Roman Catholicmorchants doing business in New York. It is the only one of our Clubs that has tv distinct charac ter, as that was formed, like the Clubs of London, for the benefit of a class.” This much for the Know Nothings: “Following the lead of Virginia, the ruf fian* who lately invaded Kansas are also zealous Know-Nothings, sworn to save the institutions of the Republic from violent de struction by foreigners, or subversion by Popery. Gen. Stringfellow is a famous con vert to the doctrine of America for Ameri cans, and his paper. The Squatter Sove reign even proposes a Presidential candidate for the Order, in the person of the lion. D. 11. Atchison. Keep the foreigners out of Kansas, is the cry of these worthies; the Irish and Germans are dangerous to our peculiar interests. And so they are. The j •Hermans, who principally resort toward that | iregion, are certainly bad material for Amo- I ricans of the Stringfellow stamp.” Thie, we suppose, is to keep the Yankee ! Ixi dges up to their work. Mr. Wise. This true Knight has just finished the round of /'-is appointments, aud lias now j about two weeks of rest only before he must I begin to prepare for his Executive labors.— j ...... _ , , , ow 1 „ , . , tjl i cline established ou Saturday. Sales 1500 bales at He has performod m ms weak health an j to 10 cents.* amount of labor that seemed incredible, j SAVANNAH, Alay 8—COTTON, No chang having occupied the stump nearly 200 hours | in prices, sales yesterday 708 bales, at the follo- in his canvass of the State. 1 "“•’finnii,*. • i« 83 as «*» ai vo «» a* t* The St. Louis. A Gibraltar paper of the 8th April states that the St. Louis, C&pt. Ingraham, is weather-bound. The Kinney aud Fabeue Trial. New York, May 7.—Kinney and Fabeus’ case was called to-day. The Government asked a postponement—Kinney’s Council opposed, and the argument was progressing. More Foreign Pauper*. The Collector of New York has been in formed that a large number of paupers sailed from Antwerp on the 15th April for New York. . day of election «j gin to witness less off «»» ,, v . .... _ rather *ay of bravado, in the temper of too Know-Nothing proas. Instead of the. fabu lous representation* of their, prodigious strength, with which they were wont to amuse the public a little white ago, they have recourse now to: argent and pathetic appeals to their patty* to, make a desperate effort to defeat the Democracy. If tne re sult of the election be so certatn, what is the necessity of these extraordinary exertions ? If the power of the Know Nothing party be so resistless, why the apprehension betrayed in these uneasy’ invocations to its followers? Despite their own resolute determination to assume an air of careless confidence, (by which expedient they expect to attract the timid and the venal to their side) the de spair of the Know Nothing press will be tray itself as the shadow of coming calamity begins to throw its gloom upon them. There is not an intelligent member of the Know Nothing party who cherishes the least hope of the election of their candidates. The great object of the Order is to get pos session of the Federal power and patronage; and to that end a respectable show of etrength in this State is absolutely essentiaL If their organization is broken op in Vir ginia, they will never rally again ; and hence their efforts to save thefliselves from total and irreparable rout. For ourselves we have not the least mis giving of the result of the election. Only the formality of a poll is necessary to the installation of Ilenry A. Wise into the Go vernorship of Virginta. In the hearts of the people he is already elected, and by a 1 majority which will acquitthe Old Dominion of the least suspicion of corruption from this political iniquity. The expression of popu lar sentiment with which our columns are daily crowded, furnish an encouraging pre sage o{ a glorious Democratic triumph. Our personal observations in the valley and among the people of tide-water, confirm the representations of correspondents, and satis fy us that never were the Democracy of Vir ginia so animated to energetic endeavor, as in this great emergency. The Democrats who were deceived into tho Know-Nothing order by false statements as to its character and aims, have discovered its real objectand ! essential tendency, and are abandoning it with the utmost possible rapidity. By the day of election, no Democrat, who has not lost all regard for principle, or who is not the slave of some selfish desire, will be found iu the Order. After a brief sojourn in the camp of the enemy, the deluded Democrats return to their old alligiance with fresh zeal, and a noble resolution to make atonement for their defection from the party, by increased ener gy of effort in the cause. While the great bulk of the party is thus true and steadfast, and the erring are coming back, with zeal revived and energy re-invigorated, our cause is strengthened by the adhesion of many of the best, bravest, and brightest spirits of the old Whig party. A feeling of intense repuguance to the damnable doctrines and destructive tendency of Know Nothingism, already pervades the great mass of the peo- S lc; and it will spread and kindle until the 4th of this month, when no trace of the in famous imposture will be left in this State. To the Democracy we say, press on the fight. The crown of triumph is almost in "our grasp. Let us but maintain our energy and keep alive our zeal, and we cannot fail to achieve a more brilliant victory than any that yet illustrates the prowess of the Dem ocratic party. Distressing Times in Montgomery.— Owing to the late conflagration in our city, we have to record the upward tendency of breadstuff's, and on yesterday we learned that corn meal could not be had for less than $2, and in some instances even more was given, per bushel. But this is owing to the pressing demand, and small quantity in the market. Our energetic mechanics will soon have another mill in operation for furnishing corn meal, <tc., to the people of the surrounding country who were depen dent upon our city for grinding their corn. All of the water mills iu Autauga that can turn a wheel are crowded, and the Bteam mill at Mount Meigs—some 13 miles east from the city—cannot supply its customers. —Montgomery Journal. ®?L>Give employment to the poor man whenever you have an opportunity. By so doing yon will often save a fellow-being from want—from the pang of returning, without bread, to his house. You will en courage him to be honest and industrious— add to tho comfort of his family—receive his grateful thanks, and acquire by his la bor the full value of the pittance thus be stowed upon him. COMMERCIAL. Atlanta, May 8. Cotton.—8@8f, extremes. Exchang k, on New York is selling at perl cent premium. On Charleston and Savannah i per cont. Bacon.—We quote hog round 101 to 101.Hums llto 12cents. Sides Ribs 10 cts. Sides clear 101 to 11. Shoulders 81a 9 cents. Lari> by the bbl. 10(5)11 cts. leaf. Inas, Swedes 51 to 61c; English 5 to 51 cents'; Nails have advanced to 6 a 61 eta. Corn is selling at $1-10 to $150. Cohn Meal, $1,45 to $1,50 cents. Pork, llog round, 61 @7 cents. Reef, Ry tho quarter, 7 S cents. Sweet Potatoes, 60 to 75 per bushel. Irish Potatoes, $21 'to 3 por bushel. Salt, Liverpool sacks plenty, $190,2, Liquors.—French Brandy, $2,50 to $3,60 per gallon : Domestic 50 to 75e. Poach do. 60 a 75 cents. Whiskey 45 a 50 cents. Gin 50 to 60. Rum 45 to 60 cents. Wheat.—Good will bring to $1,70 per bushel rendily. Flour.—Plenty at $5 to 5J por hundred. Butter, Country. 20 to 25 cts. Goshen, 35 cts. per pound. Tenn. Butter, 121 a 20 by the Keg. Fair N. O. Sugar, by hlid. 51. Prime “ “ “ 61. Choice “ “ “ 8-. Syrup, N O. by bbl. 38 to 40 cts. gal. Extra Whiskey “ 45 “ “ Star Candles por box 28 “ lb. No. 1 Rio Coficc by sack 12 to 13c., “ “ Gunny Bagging 16 to 17 cts. Rope 12 to 13 cents. Chickens, 15 to 20 cents. Eggs, 10to 121 cents. Fodder, $1 to 125 per hundred. Peas, $1,40 to $1.50 Feathers.—30 to 35. Candles.—Sperm 37 o 45c. Tallow 20 22 cts CHARLESTON, May S. * Cotton.—There is a good demand to-day at the de wing particulars : 16 at 8$, 38 at 81, 72 at 8|, 77 at 8 15-16, 111 at 9, 9 at 9i, 125 at 9 3 16,214 at 9J, 43 at 9|, and IS at 94. AUGUSTA, May 8. COTTON,—There is a fair demand to d&y,with sales of 400 to 500 bales. Prices show a decline of 1 cent from the rates previous to the receipt of thesteamer's news. NEW YORK May 7. Cotton is stiffer, Middling Upland 9|c, Flour higher ; Ohio $10,12 to 10,13 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. CHARLESTON, Mar 8.-,Arr, C. Nashville, Berry. N. Y ; U. 3. M. stea S. M. steamship . _ : - , —steamship Quaker City, | Hodgdon, Phila. Cld, schr. Catherine Johnson, Cran- The New York Journal of Commerce in j , commenting upon the removal of Judge Lo- j ida.‘ Woodhuii’, N. y y| u. jL^teamsM^K^stone ring bv the fanatical party now in power in I Stale, Hurdie. Plula. Ship Charter Oak. Hondlette, Liv- MmsucIiusetts, because, in the official dis- tflifirtr* nf liift sworn ailtv. he caned out one FI inn. Boston: brig Martha Kinsman^ Edwards, C&rde- •charge of his sworn duty, he c&ried out one of the provisions of the Constitution of the United States says: “We urge upon the Administration at Washington to show its sense of the manly courage of Judge Loring, and the destruc tive character of this Legislative example, by placing him in a position which will enablo honest Judges to know that for faith fulness in service, there are those who will reward, as well as those who will punish.’ Washington, May C.—Secretary Dobbin, •of the Navy, is still at home in Fayetteville, N. C„ and is slowly recovering. He is ex pected to return here about the last of this month. The redemption of the pubHe debt this J and Wednesdays, nas, Cuba: brig Ann M. Weeks, BeUock, Rockport, Me- scht. Loyal Scranton. Louden. N. Y; schr. G. B. Float,’ Merston, Philadelphia. Cld, steamship Knoxville Lud low, N. Y: ship John Barsng, Shlddard Marseilles; ship Wm. Wirt, Soule, Liverpool: brig Eagle, Gibbs Boston- schr. S. J. Waring, Neff, New York. ’ State off the Weather Me; T 7 ocloek a. in. j 2 o'clock p. tn. j 6 o’clock p. m. 52 decrees | 70 degrees | 08 degrees Dancing Academy. MR. C. IL CLEVELAND most respect fully proposes to the citizen? of Atlanta, to open a Dancing Academy, at Hayden’s Hall, on Monday, the 30th instant. Honrs of tuition for Masters and Misses from 4 to 6 o’clock, P. M., Mondays Gentlemen’s Evening Class, week amounts to $117,000.* ! from 7 to 9, same night. For further particulars, Tho bounty land applications this week ! rail at the Trout House, where a subscription list amount to 18,600 and the total number of * may be foeud. dim applications so fer, are 120,800. J April, 21st, 18(5, It is rumored here that the President will i ** ^ I_ — appoint Judge E. G. Loring, of Boston, to < ei * b * f * e11 Seeds. ♦bo .1.. n . rii • _ stoned by Judge Lumpkin s declining the I - J. *T. DOANB. appointment 1 Atlanta, Jaesaiy 20, 1M5, * [slftwtt] ' FROM lbs mmm. « WHEREAS. I*. Y'tfcSylr. jaake* applied... >« me for and cities, aad thsawa OB the Tax payers uf this tweaSanprar at »y «*!<•»is.tnwa*f few. and Oteeb- eity far -wait, I am constrained to notiffy their «>*TH — .1 !• tat— .* oilSSu^MaySa,Y8»-' jV.T* may iff. ILEX. JOHWON, Ordinary Corporate Anfeorite* that I shall —taro thou is e—Tisstaiis Wear*willing to can fer ear own poor and juztioe requites that others should 4° the same, j "j'- j ';Al NELSON, Mayor. April 18. dwlm. For Machinery. WE have last received ASHCROFT* PATENT STEAM GO AGE, the safest and moat reliable for LOCOMOTIVES or STATIONARY ENGINES. Abo, a fine lot of VUL CANISED RUBBER MACHINE BELTING. STEAM PACK ING * HYDRANT HOSE from the BOSTON BELTING OO. We ere agents for the sale of the above goods, GUARANTEE them in the most satisfactory manner, and offer them at manaihetnrer’s prices, with the freight added. GILBERT * CLARKE. Apr8S,’55d*wtf. Hardware Dealea, Atlanta, Ga. I. 0. 0. F. CENTRAL LODGE, NO. 28,1. O. O. F. meets for the .dispatch' of business on every Tnetday grating, at Ig o'clock, at their Hall, on Peach Tree Street—and, on the second and fourth Friday gratings in each month, on business pertaining to the Degree of *‘Rebekah.” S. FRANKFORT*. N. G. C. R. HANLKTFER .C.tS. Atlanta. April I7th, 1865, (dawly.) Cobtractiag and Building. jga»- THE subscriber being permanently locat ed in this city, is prepared to design, draw and superintend all descriptions of buildings, both pnblic and private; he will also give particular at tention to tho erection of handsome shop fronts, besides the internal improvements of stores, and furnish estimates and take con tracts for work. Being the only architect in this city he will furnish handsomer designs and much under the usuai charges made at present in this city. He is permitted to refer to the following gentlemen: George G. Hull, J. R. Valenlino, E. Parsons, Thomas L. Cooper. E. A. VINCENT, . Architect. Office over Gilbert k Clark’s Hard-ware Store, Peach Tree street March 14, 1855. dAwSm Architecture! ^g.The subscriber is crfH prepared to furnish Designs, Specifications, and Estimates for all class es of Public and Private Edifices. Also to fit up the exterior and interior of Stores, Halls, Church es, Ac., at short notice and on the most approved modern styles. Having made arrangements with the Manufac turers and Patentees, he is enabled to furnish his patrons with Terra-Cotta, Paper-Mache and Iron Ornaments, at the lowest Factory prices. From his practical knowledge and experience in his profession, he feels confident in giving en tire satisfaction. C. HUGHES, Practical Architect k Builder Prices as reasonable as any respectable Archi tect North’ or South. - Reference.—Hon. Mayor and Council and Ex- Mayor and Council of Atlanta, and citisens gen erally. Office in rear of law office of Messrs Gartrell k Glenn, White-hall Street, Atlanta, Ga. April 19, 1855. dawtf [By Authority of the State of Georgia.] FORT GAINES ACADEMY The subscriber having accepted from the Com missioners fee Agency and Management of fee FORT GAINES ACADEMY LOTTERY, has es tablished fee Principal Office at Atlanta, Ga., and intends conducting fee LOTTERY on the same plan as that of the*Southern Military Academy Lottery, of Alabama. GRAND SCHEME FOR MAY. Class! TO BE DRAWN MAT 24TH, 1855, IX THU CITT OF ATLASTA, GEORGIA, WHSX PRIESR AXOUXTIXGTO Will be distributed according to fee following magnificent Scheme! And remember every Prize is drawn at each drawing, and paid when due without deduction! 1 Prize of .. ...*15,000 1 Prize of.. ...SI,600 1 Prize of .. ... 5,000 1 I*me of.. ... 1,100 1 Prize of .. ... 4,000 5 Prise* of.. .. 1,000 I Prize of .. ... 3,000 10 Prizes of.. ... 500 I Prize of .. ... 2.000 5S1 Prizes in all amounting to ..*80,000 ONLY TEN THOUSAND NUMBERS! Tickets $10 .Halves $5 Qtarters $2.50. Bills on all solvent Banks at par. All communications strictly confidential. SAMUEL SWAN, Agent and Manager, ddwly Atlanta, Georgia. [By Authority of the State oj Alabama.'] SOUTHERN MILITARY ACADEMY. LOTTERY. Conducted on the Havanaplan. GRAND SCHEME! Class 0. TO BE DRAWN THE 12th OF MAY 1855. 1 l'rizeof $7,500 is $7,600 1 1‘rize 6,000 is 6,000 1 Prize 2,000 1. 2,000 2 Prizes... 1,000 is 2,000 6 Prizes 600 is 2,500 to Prizes 200 is 2,000 15 Prises 100 is 1,500 78 Prizes 50 is 3,900 120 Prizes 26 is 3,000 IS Approximation Prizes amounting to 600 251 Prizes amounting to *30,000 ONLY TEN THOUSAND NUMBERS. «9-Tickets $6—Halves *2 60—Quarters *1 25. Every prize drawn at each drawing Bills on solvent banks taken at par. AU commuica- tions strictly confidential. SAM’L SWAN, Agent, At the Bronze Lions, Montgomery, Aim. Reorders for tickets received by A. W. JONES, sole Agent for Atlanta. Office in Kile’s bricklbuiiding, corner of Marietta and Peachtree streets. GREEN * PULASKI MONUMENT LOTTERY. (By Authority of the State of Georgia.) MANAGED, drawn and prizes paid by the well-known and responsible linn of GREGORY A MAURY. Office in the Holland House, on Whitehall Street. Extra CLASS 14. 7b be drawn Saturday, May 12fA. Prizes $50,000, $31,376, $15,000, $10,000 Ac. Tickets $15 shares in proportion. CLASS NO. 113. 2b &e drawn Friday, May Ilf A. Capital prizes, $1,000, $3,000, $2,500 $1,877 Ac. Tickets $3,00 halves and quarters in pro portion. CLASS 115. 2b be drawn Monday, May 14th. Prizes $10,000, $2,500, $1,250, $1,072, $1,000 Ac Tickets only $2.50 shares in proportion. Sales close at 2 o’clock on the day of each draw ing. AI1 communications strictly confidential. Or ders by mail wiU receive prompt attention, and copies of fee drawn numbers forwarded to pur chasers when desired. GEO. L. BOOTH. March 17. dawly. *.*The third Capital Prize of $15,000, in Extra Class 12, was sent to Geo. I>. Booth, Atlanta. New Goods! 1 HAVE now in store a large stock of DRY GOODS, adapted to the Spring aud Summer trade, that I will sell at prices corresponding wife the times. A call and an examination is solicited. I can and wiU sell as low as any one for the same pay. J. T. DOANE. May 10, 1855. (wtf. Notice to Debtors and Creditors. A LL persons indebted to Lewis H. Dad in, late -TV. of Fulton County deceased, are required to make payment to William Barnes, of Atlanta, who is my authorised agent, and those having claims against said deceased, wiU present them to him in terms of fee law or they wiU be barred. May 9, 1855. H. E. DAD IN, Ad’m. Notice! N/TY wife S. F. Singleton, has left my bed and 1VA board without any provocation: I hereby forewarn all persons from crediting her on my ac count, as I am determined not to pay any of her contracts, and I also forewarn all persons from harboring her as I wilt enforce the law on —ch. May 10 (wlm) D, SINGLETON, ■ Vests. A large assortment of Seasonable VESTS— just received and for sale by May4, J $5.-rdaw L. LAWSHE. 40Q0 ** N ew Bacon, Just Received Feb 27. from lessee and for Sale by CLARKE A GRUBB. Cash Wanted. All persona indebted to the undersigned will find it to their inter—t to make immediate settlement Dee. 28 1854. W. W. ROARK. Natice. ROOMS to rent--ever the Crockery end Glass Stem. Algeria T, R. RIPLEY. W 1 Far the Ladies. £ have a large variety of Fbaey article* for Toilet: Combe, Brush**, Pomatum*, Soaps, Culogue*, HaukercUef Extract. Many patterns of fancy bottles, Ae, for the Table. Cooper's Teingfaas, White and Pink Gelatine, Gelatine in packages, common Starch, Ac,-—All kinds of flavoring Extracts, to wit: Peach, Al monds, Vanilla, Rose, Piminto, Ac, Ac. Will the ladies call and eec* SMITH A EZZARD. May 16, 1855. tf Tobacco. A PPRECIATING ebewen an invited to ealL SMITH A EZZARD. May 10th, 1856. tf Colors. Paimts aad Oils. W E have on hand aad are receiving fee largest assortment of Colors, Paints and Oils ever offered in this city, which we will sell at the lowest prices. SMITH A EZZARD. May 10, 1855. Diaaaoad Light!! Sylvie Oil. W E are also sole agents in this city for fee sale of the Diamond Light, which for safety, cheapness and quality, excels any thing ever of fered to the public. In making the above asser tion we moan what we say. Call at our store and judge for yourselves. SMITH A EZZARD. May 6,1855. The Celebrated Wathiag Ma chine. H AVING bought the right for this city, we beg to notify fee pnblic, that we shall manufac ture them in the most substantial manner. The Machine is so simple in its arrangement that it can be used by a small boy, and fee dispatch with which it works a number of garments at a time, (requiring only one minute,) entirely clean, and without fee usual wear and tear, recommends it to every house-keeper. It very soon pays for itself in the saving of time, besides the other advanta ges of saving labor and clothes from being worn ontby rubbing. It is not liable to get out of order, and when it does can be quickly repaired by any Carpenter. The Proprietors of the Washington Hall, Atlan ta Hotel, aad others in the city, who have them in use, wiUdestify to these recommendations. Apply at Gilbert A Clark’s Hardware Store, who are onr Agents, and will have a supply on hand. Price $15. WILLIAMS A CO. Atlanta, May 1, 1855. dAvr2m Ice! Ice!! Ice!!! T HE subscribers have just received, and are now offering for sale, at fee Atlanta Ice House, a large supply of ICE. For regular customers who pay $10 in advance, our terms are as follows: By fee Hhd. $2 87 per 100 lbs. delivered at the Depot. By the Block, 2 87 per 100 lb*, delivered at lee House. By the Bloek, 3 00 per 100 lbs. packed and delivered at the Depot. For 30lbs. and upwards, 3 cents per lb. delivered at Ice House. For 5 lbs. and upwards, 3>. cents per lb. delivered at lee House. ■ Customers paying $6 in advance, will be charged 4 cents per lb. at Ice House. Transient enstomers will be supplied, by the Block, at3}j cents per lb., or 4 cents der lb. forales* quantity. Particular care should be taken to have the return Blanket* dry, neatly done np and distinctly marked, as on this depends the regularity of the supply—the re turn of the empty package being considered equivalent to an order. Blanket* and sacks furnished at cost. Address. WRIGHT A KIDD. Atlanta, Ga., April 26th, 1886. d&wtf INFIRMARY. T HE undersigned have opened, in the city of Atlan ta, an Infiirmarv, for the reception of patients la boring under medical or surgical disease. An Intelligent nurse and faithful servants will be in constant attendance, and will give their attention to the sick at all hoars, day and night, when required. The surgical department will be under the control of W. F. WEsTMORELAND, who wQl give prompt atten tion to injuries, and every variety of disease requiring surgical operations. The usual fees adopted by the physicians of the city will be charged, with fifteen cents per day for board, Ac. Planters and others sending negroes may rest assured that they will be properly attended to, and if after an examination it be determined that there is no prospect of relief, they will be sent home without any charge. W. F. WESTMORELAND. M. D. J. a. WESTMORELAND, M. D. Atlanta, April 24,1866.dAwly ADAIR A EZZARD, DEALZB8 IS DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, CAPS, AC.. No. 50, Whitehall St. WE havo received an elegant assortment ■y,—- of fresh, fashionable SPRING GOODS.— Our selections of ladies Dress Goods and Mantillas Are very superior, having token great pains to have them fee netceet and prettiest styles. (A beactifulllot of PARIS ROBES.) Call and examine them before you purchase.— Our Clothing and Hats is of fee better qualities and strictly fashionable. Prices peculiarly adopted to “hanl, tight times.” JOHN FOSTEE EZZARD. \ I { GEORGE W. ADAIR. Atlanta, March 19th, 1855. daw2m. EAR AND GYJB. Drs. LeBruu & Dufton, Oculists and Aurists. D R. LkBRUN offers to those suffering from Deafness his infallible Aural Remedies, which have been successful in nearly three thousand ca ses of confirmed deafness. These remedies have been pronounced by Drs. Khramer, of Berlin; Itard and Deleau, of Paris; and Curtis, Pilcher and Yearsly, of London; as fee most wonderful ever applied for disease of the internal and middle ear. They comprise different courses forthe vari ous disases that affect the external, internal and middle ear. If fee disease is confined to tho ex ternal car, their effects arc apparent on the fifth or sixth day. Dr. LeBrun warrants a cure in every case, when the ear is perfect in its formation. He has eighteen certificates from those who have been deaf from infancy, whose hearing is now com pletely restored, and they are now enabled to learn the languages. Over twenty-seven hundred cases of deafness have been successfully healed by him. Certificates to feat effect may l>e seen on applica tion. In nervous affections, inflamation and mucus accumulation in the Eustachian Tube and Tympa- nnm,’thickening and inflamation of fee Membrana Tympania, or ‘drum,’ Otorrhcea or “discharge of master from fee Auditory Canal; when fee deaf ness has been produced by Scarlet, Tyrphus, Bili ous, or Remittent Fever, Colds, use of Quinine or Mercurial Medicines, Mumps, gatherings in the Ears, etc., or when it is accompanied with noises like falling wafer, chirping of insects, whining of steam, rustling of leaves, ringing of bells, pulsa tions, etc., etc., fee disease can bo radically and permanently cured. Dr. Dufton is fee only practitioner in the United States who practices the new, painless, and success ful method in treating all the diseases to which fee Eye is subject. Where every other means has failed to afford relief, he asks from such a fair im partial trial. Testimony. Tho undersigned practitioners of Medicine in the city of New York, having had occcasion to witness fee practice of Drs. LeBrun A Dufton, in diseases of fee Ear and Eye, laying aside all pro fessional jealousy, freely admit that the course pursued by them in treating diseases of these del icate organs, from fee unparalleled success attend ing it, is well worthy the attention of our profes sional brethren throughout tho United States, be lieving as we do, that Aural Surgery has not met wife that attention which its important* demands. Their system of treating diseases of fee middle and internal Ear, in chronic' or complicated eases by means of "Medicated Vapors," forms anew era in the practice of Aural Surgery, and fills up avoid which has long been felt by the general practitioner. In diseases of the Eye, they seldom require to resort to an operation. As skillful Au rists and Ocnlis, enthusiastically devoted to their profession, we cordially recommend them to such as require their aid- Signed, V. D. MOTT, M. D. WILLIS MORTON, M. D. C. A. DEVELIN, M. D. HORACE WYATT, M. D. JAS. B. FRANCIS, M. D. New York, 10th August, 1849. Students wishing to perfect themselves in this branch of Medical Science, will find an opportuni ty by joining fee class at the Ear and Eye Infir mary of Dr. Delocy LeBrun, Union Place. Clin ique* every Tuesday and Friday afternoons; from one til three o’clock, daring Medical College terms. Patients, by sending a few particulars of their eases, can have remedies sent to any part. Turks:—Five Dollars consultation fee. Ten dollars to be paid when the hearing is restored to its original acuteness. Address, Drs. J. Dclacy, Lebrun and Dnfton, Union Plzuse, New York City. N. B. A treatise on the nature and treatment of Deafness and diseases of the Ear, with the treat ment of the Deaf Dumb. Price Owe Dollar- Money letters must be registered by the Post Master. Correspondents must enclose postage for return answers, fee new law requiring prepayment of tat ters. New York, April 6, 1855. may 1—dAw6m TOMBS, URNS A VASES, Marble Mantels : ' ;v 51 .31 .T*""-'' JFuratelttag Ma 1c '^fa-Ware rooms apposite Georgia Railroad De pot, Atlanta, Ga. Meh6,1855-d<fcwly. "Notice. " . ' f . 1 ■ I HAVE engaged the services of Mr. G. Krause, a practical Chemist from Berlin, Prussia, and as the dispensing department of the establishment will be entirely under his control, the- public are assured that all prescriptions will be accurately prepared—aa a more accomplished Pharmaceutist cannot he found either North or South, if an ex- Ibsrieaee of over fifteen years in the first Drug Mimses of Berlin and Paris bo a guarantee. Tes timonial in proof of the above assertion will be ex hibited to any one familiar wife French or German. Mr. Krause wiU make any preparation desired by Physicians, or make Chemical tests wife Minerals, at my store. A. ALEXANDER. Febl91y NEW GOODS. I* Boys OloTiln s, Clothes IV ew and Fresh. Caaatneres. The Richest ever brought to this Market. Vestings. Come soon, or they will all be sold. Gloves-—Extra Fine Htek^FlxlRf) the very latest styles aad richest {materials. Also, Tailor’s Trimmings—Tapes, Crayons, anil almost any thing kept in a Merchant Tailoring establishment, can be bought from the subscriber. Atlanta, Nov 2. d&rrtf LEWIS LAWSHE. CITRATE OF MAGNESIA. An Agreeable Refrigerant and LAXATIVE. T HIS Preparation has been introduced exten sively on the continent of Europe, and iu this country as on agreeable Substitute for Epson Salts, it is destitute of bitterness, and by its pleas ant acidity of taste, aud its effervescing character, is rendered a very agreeable and refreshing drink directions for use accompany each bottle. Pre pared and for sale by A. ALEXANDER, Druggist. WHITE & DEAN, BUTCHERS. T HE undersigned have this day formed a part nership for-the purpose of doing a general Slaughtering business in the city of Atlanta, they occupy stall No. 3 in the Market House, and will fhrnUh the best fee county affords, and use their best endeavors to give general satisfaction, and in so doing hopes to reeeirea share of fee pnblic pat ronage. A. R. WHITE. L. DEAN. Atlanta, March 5, 1855, £dlm | w3m.j RHODE’S FEVER AND AGUE CURE, Or, Nature’s Invaluable Specific, F OR the prevention and cure of Intermittent and Remittent Fevers, Fever and Ague, Chills and Fever, Dumb Ague, General Debility, ' Night Sweats, and all other forms of disease which have a common origin in Malaria or Miasma. The sub tle atmospheric poison which at certain seasons is unavoidably inhaled at every breath, is the saute in character wherever it exists,—North, South, East or West,—and will every where yield to this newly discovered antidote, which is claimed to be fee greatest discovery in medicine ever made. This specific is so harmless that it may be token by persons of every age, sex or condition and it will not snbstitute for one disease others still worse, as is too often fee result in the treatment by Quinine, Mercury, Arsenic, and other poisonous or deleterious drugs, not a particle of any of which is admitted into this preparation. The proprietor distinctly claims these extraoidi- nary results from the use of this natural antidote to Malaria. It will entirely protect any resident or traveler even in fee mast sickly or swampy localities, from any Ague, or Bilious disease whatever, or any in jury from constantly inhaling Malaria or Miasma. It will instantly check fee Ague in persons who have suffered for any length of time, from one day to twenty years, so that they need never hnve another chill, by continuing its use according to directions. It will immediately relieve all distressing results of Billions or Ague disease, such »3 general debil ity, night sweats, Ac. The patient at once begins to recover appetite and strength, and continues until a permanent and radical cure is effected. - Finally, its use will banish Fever and Ague from families and all classes. Farmers and all laboring men by adopting it as a preventive will be free from Ague or Billions attacks in thnt sea- I son of the year which, while it is tho most sickly, j is the most valuable one to them. One or two bottles will answer for ordinary cas- ] es, some may require more. Directions printed in German, French and Spnu- i ish. accompany each bottle. Price One Dollar. Liberal discounts made to j the trade. itifi of Drugs, me great pleasure to reccminuuil'feeui to the pub lic, and my frieuda iu -portioular. The stock is fresh, and finely selected’. 'Nunssartinen'-in Geor gia surpasses it: jiKieei). it is what Is needed in Atlanta, a superior Drug Store. The goods can be .sold at Charleston, Savannah, and Angasta prices, and every thing, fee -Physician may wish can be found there. T res)iectftiU.v ask for them a liberal patronage. II. A. RAMSAY. Armr\ nn store SMITH & EZZARQ, H AVING purchased fee entire interest of Dr. H. A. Ramsay, (of the late firm of Kay A Ramsay,) in the Drug business, offer to the public a large and well selected stock of Drags, Paints, Oils, Campheno, Burning ’Said, 5 Bye-stuffs, Chemi cals, Surgical add- Dental Instruments, Soaps, Brushes, Combs, Medicinal Wiues, Perfumes, Ac. Theiadies ore invited to call and examine our Fancy Coods, cousistiug of Shell and Ivory handle hair brushes, Shell, Ivory and India Rubber dressing combs, Shell, Puff nqfl Tuck Combs, Ivory and Buffalo Nail Brushes, Ladies Writing Desks, (papier macho and rose wood.) Superior Toilet Boxes, (pearl inlaid,) China, Rosewood, and Paper Puff Boxes,. Lubino French Extracts of every variety, Muugenitt Coudray “ “ “ “ French Toilet. Powders, Lnbins, German Farina Cologne, Improved Chlorine Tooth Wash, Orris* Tooth Wash, “ “ Paste and Powder, (French,) Superior Almond.Powder, (for the skin.) Ladies Drawing Books and Portfolioes, Faber’s Drawing Pencils. Sewing Birds, French cut glass Toilet Flacens, China Flower Vases, (very rich,) Port Monries, (penlr, ivory and morocco,) Ladies Companions, (complete,) “ Cord Cases of every variety, Ivory Teething Rings, Ratlers, for children Smethian, an elegant preparation for chapped hands and rough skin, Barmy’s Trieopherous, * Lyon’s Kathairon, Bogles’ Hyperion Fluid, Mrs. Allen’s Hair Invigorator, Superior Bleached Sponge, (for ladies,) Turkish Bathing Towels and Gloves, and sun dry articles too numerous to mention. March 23, 1855. diwly. Campliene & Fluid! T HE Subscribers have recently established in Atlanta a Campkene A Fluid Manufactory, and will keep constantly on hand enmpheue, Burn ing Fluid, Spirits of Turpentine, Lamps, Lamp Wieks, also a variety of Garden Seeds. WEST A GLOVER. One door below C. H. Strong’s Store, Whitehall street, Atlanta. Georgia. March 26, 1S55. (diwly.) -tsn!>J* • Tfrg.its iV Sale by the Undergigncdi A 2506 Pivot TeethiStcfcktoii'ii ntalciv 1M0 Plate do do - 15M Molar and Biemped dff.' t-jpgi 500 Gttm Teeth do r.fiiy 5 ox Abbey A Suns Gold Foil, -if efijaSS 5 oz Jones, White A Co Gold Foil; 10 Rnckages Silver Foil, Dentists, turning lathes, head rate^ anvils, ham mers, blowpipes, plate bendera, clasp phes, and every article for mechanical work. Also a large assortment of Instruments manufactured by J. D. Chevalier, consisting of Month mirrors, Pearl, Ivory and Bone month syrenges, Bone, Silver and Gold Stubbs, and American files, File Carriers Ivory PInggers and Sealers, Burnishces, Stud Cutters, stomp instru ments, articulators foil seizzers, Foreepe in great variety, Plugging Forceps, Molar and Bieuiped, narrow beak, and every kind that can he asked for and every article in fee Dental line. Also a large assortment of every kind of patent medicine, for sale by A. ALEXANDER, feb 20 dAwly Sign Negro and Mortal. DANIEL & COMFy., AT THE SIGN OF THE “Atlanta Family Store,” So 13, WHITEHALL STREET. r IE subscribers would respectfully inform fee citizens of Atlanta, and all' persons trading to this point, that they are doily receiving and will endeavour to keep constantly on band a well-as sorted stock of FAMILY SUPPLIES. They re spectfully and politely solicitthe patronage of per sons and families, who may require suoh articles ns pertain to their Department, and will take pleasure in wailing upon them. The Principle upon which they conduct their business being CASH, they assure all those who may favor them wife a visit that the articles which they may offer shall be of the best quality and at cash prices. GEORGE U. DANTEL. | LEONARD H. YOUNG. Atlanta, March 22, 1855. dawly. ftm Valuable Plantation for Sale. T HE subscriber offers for sale his PLANTA TION in DelCalb county, lying on the waters of Peachtree and Pea vine creeks, 31 miles North- West of Decatur aud 8f miles North-East of At lanta, adjoining lands of Daniel Johnson, Esq., T. N. Paden and others, containing about 300 acres. There are about 100 acres of open cultivated land under good fences and necessary buildings for farming, with a good apple orchard. Any person desirous of purchasing can cnll on me on the prem ises or address me at Decatur. Terms will be ac commodating. J. B. WILSON. Jan. 16, 1855. I'-it—wfim. DR. CHARLES CUMMINGS, L ATE of the city of Now Orleans, respectfully informs the citizens of Atlanta and surround ing country feat he has located his office in the new and commodious Drug Store of Drs. Smith A Ezzard, corner of Concert Hall, for the purpose ol practicing the various departments of bis profes sion, and hopes to enlist the confidence of his friends and the community in goncral, when he assures them that his experience is ample and suc cess flattering in the treatment of all diseases pe culiar to tropie-al climates and malarious districts in their most agravated aud malignant forms ; and more especially yellow fever, cholera, typhoid fe ver, scarlatina Ac.; and all those contagoous dis eases peculiar to a denesjpopulation, as the moro recent portion of his professional career Inis con fined him to tho treatment of those fatal maladies n the cities of Mobile and New Orleans. Atlanta, Ga., April 16,'55. d.twtjiini’50. Examiner and Republican copy till Jan. 1st. 1856. BENNETT & BROXAW, IProdnoo Commission Merchants, TOR TllE SALE OP Flour, Grain, Butter, Cheese, Provi sions, &c. JVo. 1IO BROAD-STREET, CORNER. OP WATER-ST. James. O. Bennett. ] - r . Cornelius P. Brok.uv. j ^ ew ' <>r ^’ Cha’s 11. Huntington. March 20, 1855. (diwtf.) WARRANTED PIANO FORTES FOR SALE ON TRIAL. T HE subscriber has made arrange ments with some of tho most cel ebrated Piano Forte makers for sup plies. His instruments are always direct from the factories, in original packages, of fee latest and most fashionable styles, and hav the most impor tant improvements. Without expensive store rent, or other outlays attending an open establishment of this kind, hois enabled to furnish these instruments at the lowest prices obtainable, and being a professional man himself, ho feels confident to have it in his power to give entire satisfaction to all who may favor him with their orders. Those only who wish to procure first-olass instruments will please address the subscriber. 0. F. BARTH, Atlanta, Ga. jJST- Old Pianos taken in exchange as a part payment for new onos. Good second-handed Pi anos for sale and hire on reasonable terms. Dec. 21,1S54. dawly. Come Everybody, " —'T'O the Horse Head sign, that wants good (jvtjtMffifa -*- home-made Saddles, or Bridles, Saddle- haga, Trunks, Valises, Harness, Collars and Whips, a great variety, together with all articles nsn ally kept in an establishment of this kind; all of which are offered at the lowest living prices, for cash, by the undersigned. MILLER & ANDREWS. 'Jgg^Repairing of all kinds done with quick despatch. Atlanta, Nov. I 1854—d&wly. EE LAWSHE .-r-teffi HaS always on hand a fine stock of CLOCKS, WATCHES AID jewexjIIY, and is prepared to have watcli-work of every deecrip tion clone up in firsl rath style and warranted. Atlat. nta, Sep25th. 1854. 1—dwly C. T. cto J. N*. Dupree, COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND General Agents For the purchase and sale of Georgia and Tennessee Produce. Unquestionable mid independent facilities—necessary references. Particular aud personal attention to all business entrusted will meet with attention, persever ance and promptitude. Remittances or small advances made on all goods consigned to our order at consignee’s order. Corner of Ilill and Broadway and next door to M. C. Williams &Co., W. S. Hill street, Grifiln, Ga. Griffin, Jan. 6, lS5f d86&w33tf. SODA 'V ATER, fresh from #Iie ! Fountain. Instruments fbr Surgeons’ and Physi cians’ use. C 'lONSISTTXG of Speculums of various, kinds. Kye j Cups, Porcelain and Glass, Abdominal Supporters, Persaries, Glass, Silver, Wood aud IvQry, &c., Irusses, French, Euglisli, American, &c., Shoulder Braces, as sorted kinds, Breast Bags, Saddle Bags, Pocket Cases, Syrenges in great variety, Electro Magnetic Machines, late styles, Steelaml Metal Sounds, assorted sizes, Silver, Metal and Bone Eye Syrenges, cases of Eye Instru ments, new styles, Physicians* Pocket Cases in great variety, Stethescopes, Elastic, Metal,&c., Ear Trumpets, Glass UrincUs, Bed Pans, Womb Syrenges, Midwifery Instruments. Amputating Instruments, Trephening In struments, Trocars and Oanulnis Instruments, Evans* lancets, Cases, Gold, Silver Scots, Wood, Leather, &c., Stomach Pumps. Cupping Cases, improved Probangs; Uretha Instruments, in and out of cases. And many other instruments not enumerated, with an extensive stock of Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, Perfumery, Fancv Articles. 5:c., for sale, on accommodating terms, by. ‘ A. ALEXANDER, Sign Negro and Mortar Atlanta, Feb. 14, 1855. d&wly. _ article will be consigned on sponsible parties in every section of fee country. For sale by dealers generally. JAS. A. RHODES, Proprietor, j March 2". [d&w6m.] Providence, R. I. | M. Tomlinson, Plain, House, Sign, Passenger Car, Fresco, Coacli, .Orna- i made from .pare .carbonic acid, which will be fur- ’ MENTAL AN’li DECORATIVE 1 nis&cdhis natrons fresh and well ic-c-d every day I* INTER, through the Summer. Opposite Jacob Haas Co., Whitehall st., Atlanta, Ga The superiority of Soda Water, fresh from the I l>cc. 29, IS54, dir Trade circulars fowardedon application, and tho : \\' J * ]e return of fee season, the undersign- j liberal terms to re- i ’ 1 ed has commenced drawing SODA WATER, ! •fofriw BRO Wif&AlfDBBEOIf,' Proprietors of fifth* . a^MabttntctfJtiidh a«^ Eaktng fetydpstttiM, Orders addressed to u* will be promptly ghp- jrtfod, ond we will fiU oU orders addresred to J. - G^, until £o can supply feem Winahip, Atlanta. L _, u from his well known ftnmdry. These L, boon thoroughly tested, ere portable, can be set tip in half an bouifs time without expense or median-' ical aid. The most convenient Mills, for team us$ ^ ever invented. Its mechanical construction 'in- ! sure* durability. ! No. 2 is offered-at, $65_ complete, ready for at--, toching the team, and warranted to grind from 8 to 12 bushels of feed per hour with one horse. ' No. 3, at $75, will grind 15 bushels per hour., No. 4, at $85, will grind 20 , bushels per <,hopr with two horses. ’* BROWN A ANDERSON, - No. 40, Market sfc, Nashville, Tenn. Apr21,’55. . d3(wtf.'; - O. P. BAkELTB, Piano Forte Repairor ftnd Tuner, AVTILL attend to, any colls in his ^ VV line of business, such'as reg-; to ulating of action, covering of ham* ' men, (felted or buffed,) laying of new strings, by;; fee octave, whole or single, Ac. Satisfaction given in every instance or - no charge. AU work warranted. ^Tuning by the Tear done at Reduced Y Prices. Orders anywhere from the country, addressed to C. F. Barth, Atlanta, Ga,, with prompt : attention. For Rent, THREE HOUSES on Walton Street, which - have been just completed, hiving all conveniences requisite for boarding-houses, or private residen ces. To approved tenants fee terms will bemode- rate. Apply to A. ALEXANDER. March 27th,*55. dawtf. Notice. A LL persons indebted to fee late firm of Kay ; A Ramsay,, or to Dr. H. A. Ramsay, are here- • by, notified, that, haying purchased all their inter est in their late business aB Druggists, together with fee books of acqonnts, notes, Ac., due them; payment of the same must be made alone to ua.. SMITH A EZZARD. March 23, 1855. diwly. REMOVAL NOTICE. Er. Iff. D’AXjVICrlffY, H AVING removed his residence aud office, to Marietta Street above Esq. Payn’s, hopes to receive a continuance of the liberal patronage of his good customers. Patients for Surgical' operations can bo accom modated with board. ^39“ Ladies wishing dental attendance, by giv ing a timely notice, even through tho Post Office, will be furnished with a conveyance free of charge. Atlanta, Feb. 2,1855. ' nlOO-dtf. W. Herring & Co., XT EEP in connection with their large Stock of riotli- *■* ing a large assortment of HATS and CAPS of the latest styles, also, Boots and Shoes, Trunks, Carpet Bags and Valises, 4 dtr Atlanta. Sept. 28, 7854. SOMETHING NEW! CARTMELL & CARTER, Saddle and Harness Manufacturers, W OULD respectfully announce to thp citizens of this and surrounding country, having permanently located themselves in Atlanta, offer to all the best articles of SADDLES & HARNESS sold in fee place. This being the only manufa sto ry here, persons wishing to buy will do well to’ call. White Hall Street, Parker building, Atlanta Georgia. [ApriI2C,’55-wlw. Wanted. A T the LaGrango Steam Variety Works a man of sober and industrious habits, to make sash, blinds and doors by machinery. CARLTON, KENER A MEID. April 12, 1855. writ. Bacon! Bacon’! QK LW'k/VLBS. new Bacon just received from Ten ULrU nesnee and for sale by j fountain, over that put up in bottles is so obvious i j that it is surprising persons wiil use bottled Soda ; at all. Its hoalthfulues.- when compared with Lemonade, Ginger Pop, und other fashionable W tflAltKL k GRL T BP. drinks, is such that the latter are interdicted by Call and See Us! j the medical faculty, whilst Soda Water is rocoin- JE ore receiving our SPRING GOODS, and I “ended and used extensively. ' most respectfully invite fee citizens of At- A great variety ot SYRUPS will be kept to suit “ ’ ~ * the taste of the most fastidious; Apr27,’55,d*w. A. ALEXANDER. lanta to call and examine our Stock—as we keep a general assortment of every Line of Goods us ually kept in this market. We think we havo never bo’t Goods on more favorable Terms, and intend making it to fee interest of onr patrons to purchase of ns, as wo are anxious to build up a substantial business in this place. * H.W. COZART A SON. Atlanta, April 4, 1855—d*w2m w $10 Reward. ILL be paid for evidence to convict the Miscreant who defaced the interior of the City Hall. A. NEISON, Mayor. Flour. | Sf| SACKS SUPERFINE ELOl'R, from the country * hf'J —just received and for sale by Apr 26 Hay, Hay! On Bales Northern HAY—jest rocei by Apr 26 •just received and for sale CLARKE A GRUBB. Corn Meal! FRESH Ground, from White Corn at the At lanta Mill. April 27, d3t. For Rent, TWO or three SMALL HOUSES, situated on Peach Tree, Ivy and Crawford Streets. For terms apply to A. ALEXANDER. 50 CANDIES. BOXES steam refined Candies for sale at 16 cts by W W. ROARK. BOOTS t BOOTS! I IOCASESMm: and boys’ Beots new in store and for 1 A sale bv W. W. ROARK J UST Received 50 boxes and 10 casks of fin diary cheese, W. W. ROARK. Notice. THE firm of PARR A McKENZIE is this day dissolved by mutual consent. Edwin McKenzie is authorized to settle up fee affairs of the late concern, and its effects are placed in his hands for feat purpose. L. J. PARR, EDWIN McKENZIE. _ ST L. J. Purr will continue the Commission Business on his own account. Atlanta, March 21st. dtf. To Hotel Keepers. O PEN to an engagement, a first-rate BREAD and CAKE BAKER, and PASTRY COOK, A note addressed to fee Intelligencer, stating terms, will meet wife prompt attention. fd*w3t») W. S. SICOT. 'Atlanta, May 9, 1855. Real Eatate Agency. THE undersigned will attend to fee sale of RE AL ESTATE, also rent property. Office at the store of T. B. Lanier I: Co. w.p. McDaniel. Atlanta, May Jf, 185% dly. I SM ALL HOUSE and LOT for sale ob Fair street. Apnfyto w. p. McDaniel. For Meat* ' Store House on Whitehall street. Hwlv to Msy« W. P.KcDJjlSL. Combs, Fans, and Fancy Ooods. WILLIAM TASKER, I A Pork Place, New York, invites the attention X U of Southern and Western Merchants, to hrs new stoek of Fans, Combs, Hair, Tooth and Nail Brashes, Ladies Reticules, Perfumery, Soaps. Porte Monies, Jet Mid Bead Bracelets, Pocket Books, Dress Buttons, Pins and Needles, Hooks AEyee,~Wotoh Guards, Wax, Coal and Glass Beads, Necklaces, Ac. India Rubber Combs, Cones, Balls and Toys of every description. Scissors, Razors and Cutlery, Gold and Gilt Jewelry, Ac- cordeons and Violins, including a general and very Urge stoek ofEngfoh, French, and German Fancy Goods, which will be sold at fee veiy lowest prices for cash or approved paper. _$BN~ Ordersbyletter selected andpntup in the best manner. WM. TASKER, may I—dAw6m 10 Pork Place, N. Y. NO MONOPOLY. SO to 30 per cent* THE subscriber most respectfully tenders his thanks to hi* former patrons and Customers for their liberal patronage, and would solicit their con tinuance of the some, and will offer, greater in ducements for a few months, than be has ever be fore bean able to oiler, (of the following goods, viz: Crockery, Glass, China Vases, Ac; Lamps of all descriptions.) In order to reduce his stock, wish ing to repair the interior of Store before receiving his fall stock, he is prompted to oflsr fee above iadaeensenta/or cash. T. R. RIPLEY. . Alee «utQ farther notice, wUJ seil Burning Fluid own manufacture, $1. 80 per cent alcohol, ,$1. Campfcenc, Maihssu meaefsrture'SO cts., for cafe only. If charged, M per cent on above prices. : rJBPfJk <itf T. B. RIPLEY, Administrator’s Sale. B Y virtue <>f an order of the Honorable the Court of Ordinary of Fulton county, I will sell, before tho Court House door in the city of Atlanta, on the first Tuesday in June next, be tween the usual hours of sale, one city lot, situat ed in the Northwestern part of the city and ad joining the W. A A. Railroad, containing half acre, more or less, improved; sold as the property of John W. Speights, deceased, for the benefit of the creditors of said deceased. Terms made known on day of sale, MARY' A. M. SPEIGHTS, Mayl,’55. Adm’x JUST RECEIVED, AT W. W. ROARK, Corner Whitehall and Mitchell streets, 1<>0 hbls fine Cincinnati Whiskey at 45c, 50 sacks host Rio Coffee at lljo, 50 boxes Adamantine Candles, 26c by fee box, 20 bbis Gin, (American.) 20 “ Brandy, “ 30 “ Ruin' “ 1 “ fine Brandy, cx|ra, 1 pipe '*• “ “ 50 boxes Tobacco, various qualities, some very 30 “ Cheese. [fine. Feb 21,1855, Atlanta Medical College T HE first course of lectures in this Institution will commence on the first Monday in May noxt, and continue the last of the following Au gust, during which the usual systematic course o lectures will be given, and Clinical instruction twice a week. Faculty. JI. G. Slaughter, M. D., Prof, of Anatomy. J. Vi. Jones. II D., Prof of the Principles and Practice of Medicine. Jesse Boring, M. D,,. Prof, of Obstetrics mid Iliseeases of Women and Children. W. F. Westmoreland, M. P., Prof, of the Principles and Practice of Surgery. J. E. Dubose M. D., Prof, of Physiology. G. T. Wilburn, M. D., Prof, of Surgical amt Pathological Anatomy. J J. Robertson, M. 1).. Prol. of Chemistiy and. Medical Jurisprudence. J. G. Westmoreland. M. D., I'rof. of Materia Medica anil Theraputics. An abundant supply of Material for dissection (subjects preserved in spirits of Avine) will be pro vided. The services of a competent Demonstrator j of Anatomy will bo procured before, the opening ot the session. The fees for tho entire course amonnt to $105. Matriculation, (payable once only,) $5.. : Dissecting ticket, (obligatory once only,)’$10.— Graduation fee, $25. Good board can be bad in fee city for $3 per week. For further information address J. Q. WESTMORELAND, Dean. Atlanta, Jan. 15, 1855. diw3m. HAT AND CAP STORE. J. TAYLOR is now opening a fresh stock of fashionable HATS, CAPS A BONNETS, Next door to Lawshe & Bro’s Jewelry Store, Whitehall Street, Atlanta, Ga. TAYLOR’S HAT & CAP EMPORIUM. J UST RECEIVED, and opening, the first entire stock of HATS A CAPS ever offered in this city. My stock is now complete, consisting of every variety and style. Please call and examine for yourselves! fiSsT* All kinds of Fur Skins bought. J. TAYLOR. Atlanta, April 25, 1855. (dAwlyj Groceries! Groceries! Groceries! T HE undersigned are now receiving at their store, corner of Hunter and Pryor st*., the stand former ly occupied by J. E.Williams, a large and carefully se lected stock of Groceries, consisting in part of the fol lowing articles. 50 hhds. of New Orleans Sugar. 100 sacks of Rio Coffee, 100 bbis. of New Orleans Syrup, 100 bbis. of Extra Whiskey, §20 tierces of Rice, 50 boxes of Star and Sperm Candles, 25 Cigars, 50 boxes Tobacco, &c. We intend to keep constantly on hand a heavy stock, and invite those who are in need of such articles to give us a call before purc-hasing elsewhere. Feb22wtf. J. J. THRASHER & CO. New Bookstore. WMM THE subscriber having recently re- pleniscd his large and well selected stock oi BOOKS AND STATION ER Y, would respectfully invite all who wish to purchase to be sure and call at the new Bookstore, on Whitehall street, two doors above the Post Office, as his terms cannot fail to please. His stock having been bought principally for cash,-and se lected mostly by himself in the Northern cities.— He has also a fresh supply of of Fancy Articles, Watches, Jewelry, Toys, Ac., at tho lowest prices. Teachers and Merchants supplied on the most lib eral terms. GEORGE DUNHAM. Atlanta, February 7, 1855. [wly.] Fresh Arrivals! Mf eaco cSs A.L>k>ott’s Commodious, Fire-proof Ware-house, ATLANTA, GA. 5 kegs prime Tennessee Butter. 100 bushels Cow Peas. 50 Sacks good Superfine Flour 100 Boxes star and adamantine candles at greatly reduced prices. 50 Kegs extra refined family lard. 20 bbis Sugar ’ 50,000 fas' fair and choice New Bacon, including common qud fancy Hams, Sides, * Shoulders 100 socks Prime Rio Coffee. 5 ; “ Old Gov. Java. 100 bbis New crop Now Orleans Molasses. 10 Boxes “ Bar soap, at 6i cents, per lb. 100 Bbis and half bbis New and old Lord. 300 pounds Live Geese Feathers. Atlanta, May 7th 18q5, tf. ■ Segars and Tobacco, Four Doors from the Railroad, WHITEHALL ST. ATLANTA, GA. M R. JOHNFICKEN would respectfully inform’ his friends and the public of Atlanta and country .merchants that be always keeps on hand a large stack of SEGARS and TOBACCO. iSSljjBoam to rent. Apply at “ John Fieken’s igor flfore.” „ 6,1855, dqwOm. j "Fine Clothing, JUST RECEIVED! We beg leave to call the attention of the pnblie, to our Stock of SPRING AND SUMMER CLOTHING ! which, we flatter ourselves is the Largest and Neatest Stock in the City! Gentlemen in want of CLOTHING, are assured that in our stock they can be fitted—no matter how large, or how small, or how TALL! they may be. j^f-OurStock of BOY’S CLOTHING is also extensive and tastey. Those visiting us will at once see the superiority of our Stock in Make and Style. We’also keep a thorough assortment of Gentle men’s Furnishing Goods—all of which we will sell low. Terms) Cash. mar 30 " W. HERRING A CO. A Valuable Plantation for Sale. THE Subscriber offers for sale his farm in Car- roll county, lying on Buck Creek, five miles from Carrollton on the Jacksonville road, containing 400 acres, with about 100 acres of cleared land of tho best quality under cultivation. There is a good dwelling, gin house, and all other bnildings necessary for convenience and accommodation, besides fruits of every sort in common with good Orchards. In fact my farm is in the best kind of condition for agricultnre. Persons wishing to buy will do well to call on me without delay, if they wish to procure a bar gain, I intend going “out West,” and I am deter mined to sell. J. J. BURROW. May 3d, 1S55. (wlm.) Practice of Surgery. Drs. Smith & Ramsay B EG leave to inform the public that they will attend strictly to all Surgical Cases sent to their care, and ample preparation will be made for all transient patienis. Tho centrality of Atlanta, and its remarkable facilities for living, point to it as a most desirable place for the invalid. Persons wishing Surgical aid can always find comfortable quarters. We devote especial attention to diseases of the Eye and Ear, also, te fee usual surgical ail ments, such as stone in fee bladdor and all inju ries requiring surgical aid. Feb 22, 1855. wly. GEORGIA, DeKalb County. I \ r HERE A?. XYilli :i in Clark applies to me for Letter* , t > of Dismission from the Administration on the Estate of Thomas Clark deceased : These are tlierefure. to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors 01 said deceased, to he and appear at my of- ■ lice, and file objections if any they have, in terms of iaw, why said applicant should not he dismissed from his said administration, at the July Term of. the Court of Ordinary of said County.—Given under hiy hand at office, Dec. 19, 1864. ALEX. JOHNSON, Or’dy. Decomber 21. ,T4d Georgia, DeKalb County. J OHN M. REID will apply at the May Term o f the Court of Ordinary next of said county for letters of Guardianship of the person and property ' of James M. Bohanan, -minor and orphan of J. W. D. Bohanan, under the age of fourteen years. Civen under my hand officially 20th March, 1855. ALEX. JOHNSON, mor22’55. Ord’y. Goorgia, DeKalb County. ITTHEREAS, R. M. Brown has this day ap- V V plied to me for Letters of Administration on the estate of .Henry Goddard, deceased. These are therefore to cito and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased-to be and appear at my .office, within fee time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted the applicant. Given under my hand and seal at office this 20th March, 1855. ALEX. JOHNSON, March 22, ’55. ' Ord’y. Georgia, DeKalb County. E LKENAH POWELL Will apply at the May Term next of the Court of Ordinary of said county for letters of Guardianship of: the person and property of Howell Colt Oliver and John Felton Oliver.- Given under my hand officially at office 20fe March, 1855. ALEX. JOHNSON, mar22’55. Ofd’y. Georgia, Fulton Connty. XVhercas, Rachael M. James has this, day ap plied to me for letters ot administration bn fee . estate of Littleberry James, late of said county, deceased, these are, therefore, to cite and admonish all, and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office within the . time prescribed by law to shew cause, if any they havo, why said letters should not be granted fee- applicant. Given under my hand and seal at my office, this 29th March, 1855. JOS. H. MEAD, Ordinary. FOR HAT.mi i Rio Coffee. . ('hoi. e N. 0. Sugars. Crashed, Powdered and refined Sagan prime N. O. Syrup. Bbis. fresh Mackerel. Boxes Cheese. 100 Kegs Nails various sizes. 25 Doz. Pointed Pails. 10,000 Libs. Hollow Ware. With a large assortment of Black Smith’s Tools, Dry Goods, Boots & Shoes, Grind-Stones, Ac., Which are oflered to fee trade at lew rates on ac commodating terms by J. T DOANE. Jan. 20, 1855. n34-wt£ Dr. It. T. Palliam, Formerly of Richmond, Virginia, HAVING permanently located in Atlanta, Go., respeotfnlly offer* his. professional services to fee citizens of Atlanta and vicinity. / Office in fee Old Bank Room, Washington Hail; Reference.—Faculty of tho Medical College of Virgin!** i j£y 1*1855. dAwftm Flour! Flour! 75Ki.T— GEORGIA DeKalb County. TO ALL wnox IT MAY CONCERN: W HEREAS, Rezin Lyon, Exr. of the Estate of William Kilpatrick, late of said county deceased applies tq me for letters of 'dismission from the Administration of said Estate therefor, all persons are hereby cited and admonished to file their objections, (if any. they have,) in my office in terms, of the law, otherwise letters of dismis sion, will'be granted the applicant at fee Novem ber Term of the Court of Ordinary for said coun ty. Given under my hand at office. April 3,1855. ALEX. JOHNSON, Ord’y. STATE OF GEORGIA, ) DeKalb County. J To all wh*m it »ay Concern. WHEREAS, C. W. McGinnis, administrator of ’ the estate of J. W. D. Bohanan, lato of said coun ty doe’d., applies to me for letters df’dismission from fee administration of said estate—and it ap pearing that said administrator has fuily adminis- .. tied said Estate, This ifi’ therefore to cite end ad monish all persona interested, to. he - and > appear at Adminis- from his seid- i at offiep. j. trator should not be April 3d,' 1855. ■ . 9 , , ALEX’R JOHNSOS; : drtFyi : ***» .x:;; $ra fin* imposed it) fee-May t Harden. B. N,„ 1806. '» Conrtoi£> '< i 'ft ih&A