The Atlanta weekly intelligencer. (Atlanta, Ga.) 184?-1855, May 17, 1855, Image 4

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■4iwcl - . . ft ;v„: * ' ■*-’■+ - ••^ t*k*:.?£*V‘:$*’'• ^ Mat^/:*v>f-save- r>WWiiti - ~ !l .; rOwHs^oMMwe of th*Ati*mUn»nrI»ton%eowr .J r^T i N*w York Affair* - VwiT 1 . N«w. York, M»y atly jLSM*' We are rejoicing in thc lovjiU*^ of Mfty weather, which is lurim#*®* “* e verdure in ouv parks and acv>*f gvfo* and cok uring the wooded shores of the father, side of jiS "Silvery Hudson with a cheerful green which deepens day by day. ^Xn a stroll yesterday in theffielda yolept Elysian in the f .neighborhood of Hoboken, I saw many 'dStJ^lions studding the fresh swards at the feet of-the budding elniB, and heard many songs of'birds in the branches there of, and further convinced myself that all the many bod results which are said to ensue to theJerseysidefromthe restrictions of the iiq- traffic on this, are purely fictitious, and the parts adjacent, and the same peaceful resorts of phlegmatic and beer-imbibing Dutchmen and country smitten German damsels as of yore. Indeed our liquor dealers have no need to emigrate into Jer sey. Between the opinions of the District Attorney and the Corporation Counsel and the inaction of Mayor Wood consequent thereupon, this is the golden time of all •vltstsl KipcHmnitii. ' c find in recent notices of the Wash- j iugton Union many gratifying evidences of the activity *of the Patent Office in the pro curing and distribution of foreign plants and seeds that afford promise of odvanta- j geous Culture - in the Dhited - States. In ! some cases, however, thefre seems to be a i look of information as to those which have : been already successfully cultivated at tbe j South. _ '■ _ | 40,0110lb»g(-od Bacon Side*, For instance, the Tanya is alluded to in ( 25,000 »* Leaf Lard,' one of these notices as a new importation. "5,000 lbs Feathers, Clarke & Grubb, WAREHOUSE & COMMISSION MERCHANTS, f j.Vo.,35 Whitehall Street, LtlAnta, Oa-, Are daily receiving, and will keep constantly" • .'t>n band, all kinds of iv." Groceries and Tennessee Produce. They have tSbw in store. npq It is a common vegetable in the Charleston > market, and has been long cultivated i throughout our low country. .. . j The Jujube Plum is also spoken of as a ; novelty. It flourishes -well in Charleston, i and tbe fruit comes to full maturity. It is little cultivated, because it is really a poor fruit. , - The Olive is mentioned as having been tried in Florida. The tree may be seen growing ip various places in South Caroli na. Our autumn frosts, however, usually overtake the fruit before it ripens, so that it could not be grown here for the purpose of oil; but it could be pickled, and thus sup ply one of the most pleasant uses of that classic fruit. It is probable, too, that the introduction of choice varieties by cuttings, as is proposed by the Patent Office, would concerned in the traffic. New groggeries ; lead to a more general cultivation of this are springing up, and old dealers, who late ' beneficent tree. We may get a variety, at * *• *■? “ f .i up their business, are renewed and mcreas-; Japan Pea.—This new and rare article is ing their orders, and unless timely legal de cision, stamping the prohibitory law with constitutionality, come to the rescue, we shall havo the “rummiost” season known for manj’ a year. As licenses generally ex pired on the 1st iust., and as no law is yet decided to regulate the traffic until July, whatever may be the case after that time, there is no penalty for Sunday sales, the police being only instructed to see- that no unlawful disturbances occur, and although the more respectable hotels closed their bars last Sabbath, the great number of tip pling shops are in full blast, and the brawls and rowdyisms which gave our New York Sabbaths such an unsavory reputation abroad, were revived again. The anniversary week began with last Sunday, when the aunual sermons before the various societies were preached to crowd ed congregations. The city is fi'led with delegates from the various churches all over the country, and brother members in town are doing the hospitable to these orowds of country visitors, who may be seeu, carpet bag in hand and dusty many of them with the soil of a dozen States across which they have passed, finding their way by dint of inquiry of courteous policemen and careful study of street names on the corner, to the | found to be adapted to our soil and climate, and yields bountifully. The writer has counted on an average three hundred pods to each plant—pods containing from two to three peas. They are small, round, of a cream color, and very hard. Should think they might bo ground. They are very nu tritious. The plant attains the height of about 30 inches: it is stiff and woody ; un like all other peas, it stands independent of all surrounding objects, and upright, like a shrub or small tree. Experience will prove the best manner of cultivating and harvest ing. They should be planted or sown about the usual time of planting corn, not earlier, as frost is fatal to the young plants.—Gen- essee Farmer. In all the vast empire of Russia, not more than three cities contain a population exceeding 00,000 inhabitants—namely, Pe- tersburgh, 470,202; Moscow, 346,068, and Warsaw, 164,700 ; the population of Odessa is 60,155 ; Sebastopol, 41,155. Four cities only have populations exceeding 50,000 in habitants. Archangel counts only 6,580.— There are only twenty-five cities in the whole empire whose populations vary from 25,000 to 40,000. The respec tive populations of the other cities (1047 in number) are small, varying from 10,000 to a few hundreds. The rest of the popula tion is dispersed over the country in the val- 125 bn*hel* Dried Applet, 75 “ “ Peaches 100 bbls Neic Orleans Syrup, 26 hhds -.Yea- Orleans Sugar, 25 tee let Dio Coffee.* I ALSO, Fresli Garden Seeds, Corn, Oats, Flour, Meal, AND almost every other article sought for by Gastrono mists. They are also prepared to STORE COTTON, and make advances on Cotton when torod with tfcem. Cash orders for any article in their line will meet prompt attention, and thev are respectfully solicited. CLARKE & GRUBB. Atlanta, Feb. 19th, 1855. d&wly. JAMES E. WILLIAMS, - ' uti op xnoxtiujs, jssx. comrissroH vkbchant; la Johnson’t Warehouse, earner of urul Prior sts. ■ Atlanta, November 3d, 1988. wlr . . ' S. BRYAN *y ■ COMMISSION Ml‘ CHANT, [Opposite J. S\.j -•ro$8,'\ I ATLANTA.. ... ..GEORGIA. I April 7, 1864. wly [ ■ - ■ ' T. R. RIPLEY, ! Wholesale and Retail Dealer is | CROCKERY, CHINA,"GLASS AHD I Brittaunia Ware, LAMPS, FLUIDS, OILS, Ac., *e. Atlanta. December 1, 1863. 27-tf 6?i MWWStdbSH Ware-House & Commission Merchant, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. H AVING rented that spacious Fire-j'y^T’ 1 ^ Proof Ware-House, recently erectedjuSHgjH on White-Hall street, will attend to Storage and Sale of Cotton, Corn, Lard Bacon, and all other produce with which he may be favor ed. Having had long experience in the general trade of Georgia, he flatters himself that he can give satisfaction in the sale of all produce; and also in the purchase of all articles which the coun try may require. T. DOONAN. .December 14,1854. 69dwtf J. E. WILLIAMS. JOHN- RHEA, Q. .WM. JJ. WILLIAMS. J. E. Williams* Co., (Successors to J. E. Williams,) General Commission Merchants, and agents for the sale of BACON, LARD, GRAIN, FLOUR, Ac., Ac., Athenaeum building, Decatur st., near Tr’t House, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. d^-Truly thankful for the very liberal patron age I have received for the past three years, I re spectfully solicit a continuance of the same to the new firm. March 1, ’55 J. E. WILLIAMS. F. McCREERY, Charleston. R. M. HOOKE, Chattanooga. McCreery & Hooke, COTTON FACTORS, Commission & Forwarding Merchants, Charleston, S. C. Strict attention given to the sale of all Country Produce and Manufactures, to the Receiving and Forwarding of Freight, and to the filling of orders in this Market. Dec.4,1854. d&w6m EZRA I. MOSES, COMMISSION ft FORWARDING MERCHANT. Savannah, Ga.\ W ILLP« iy strict attention to all business entrusted j pat to his care. leys ; but of rural population, strictly speak- j Me . Kr .. L . TropIuan ftch^'” 3 ■ inc. there is little or nothing. “ Wardlaw Walker and Burnside James Adger ft Co Another Richmond in the Field.—Pero various places of meeting. White cravats r ,, . , , 1 . . „ , J ubbocks, the master of the canal-boat abound, giving our profane streets and ( - nc]c John sixty two years oId) health worldly ferry boots a sanctified air. Not- i f?1)()( ] i system sound, decidedly dark corn- withstanding the pompons parade of windy plosion, double teeth all round, spry and sermons bv which aspiring church lights 1 active as a cat, stands six feet three in his aim to wriggle themselves into temporary bo H t3 r ’ anJ l wei R hed last "’ eek two hundred - , • , , , . and forty three pounds, is a candidate for fame, which have always imparted a kind tho pres [ dency / lg . linst George Law.—[Al~ ide,^- Charleston Hall & Moses. \ v v Gatlin, Levitt & Co., jNewko.hJ ** Purvis. Gladden & On, New Orleans. * A. A. Solomons & Co., Savannah.' Hall & Moses, Columbm?. Savannah, October24th, 1854. 26—dw*2m Savannah MUTUAL INSURANCE! COMPANY. D. WEED, President. ’ JOHN R. WILDER. Secretary. T HE undersigned, -Agen of the above Company is prepared to take risk: against Fire on Buildings, Stocks ic.. on the most fav. rable terms. kuti U. L. WRIGHT, AgentJf Atlanta, March 11. 41-wtf. G. A. PILGRIM, Oity Sexton, C AN be found at all times at his residence, on the lot of Mrs. Ogilby’s, on the corner of Hunter and Prior streets, just below Pettis’ Livery Stable. Atlanta, March 9th. 1854 41—wflm* Produce Depot in Atlanta. THE GREATEST DISTRIBUTING POINTIN GEORGIA. T HE subscribers expect to keep constantly on hand stock of Georgia and Tennessee Produceof all kinds Such as: Bacox Laud. Corn, Oats, Flofr, Limk, Meal, &c., &c. Also, a good Stock of FAMILY GROCERIES. SEAGO, ABBOTT & CO Atlanta, Feb. 9,1864 37—ly GARDELLE ft DE1AIGLE, (Jmmi.rly of Augusta, Ga.) Factors and rommission Merchants, Accommodating Wharf, Charleston. S. C. Liberal advances made on Consignments of Produce. References:—Messrs. Bnstin and Walker, Augusta. Doughty & Beall, J. Frazier & Co. Charleston, S C August 10. 1—wflm DOWSING & YOUNG, General Commission and Forwarding Merchant, No. 28, Oravier Street, Nets Orleans, La. B USINESS entrusted to us shall receive our persona! attention, (and from our desire to please, and our experience in business, we flatter ourselves that we will give general satisfaction.) In the execution of orders we will be prompt, and take special care to purchase, as far as possible, from first hands, and at wholesale prices. Goods received and for- warded with despatch. In fine, it shall be our earnest endeavor to be in all respects faithful agents. Aug 11,1853. 11 wtf . MedloAl. . DR. JAMES R. SMITH TTAVING permanently located in,this «ty, II offers his Professional services to the citizens of Atlsnts. An experience of more than 20 years in the practice of SHYUC, in gia flS years.of which were spent in Washington county) is tho only guarantee offered of hig-skill ancfexperience as a Physician. When not professionally engaged, he may, at all times, bo found at tho Atlanta Republican ~ ~ or at his residence on Prior street, one door of Mitchell street. Beferences. Office, ’ South Wm. Markham, Esq., Rev. J. P. Duncan, L. P. Grant, Esq., A. G. Ware, of Atlanta. Atlanta, Nov. 22, 1854. Dr. Win. P. Haynes, E. C. Williamson, Gen. T. J. Wartben, of Sandersrille. yly. T3ESPECTPULLYtenders hisprofessLnalser- A V* vices to the citizens of Atlanta and vicinity* in tho practice of Medicine and its collateral branches. He may be found* when not profession* aly engaged* at his ■ office and residence in the Johnson House, White-Hall street. Reference—The Medical Profession, in the'eity Nov. 8, 1854. * dwly desttistht. HR. W. T. C. CAMPBELL returns thank. I to his friends and the public for tho liberal patronage bestowed, and, in a.king for a continuance of the same, inform, them that he is still to he found at his old ■ stand, over A. Alexander’s drug store, White-hall St., where he still plugs teeth in the best manner and warrants them to stand, also inserts teeth on gold or platina plates with continuous gum, or the best style of block teeth from. one to a full set, by suction, or in any wav to suit the taste. Particular attention paid to childrens’ teeth, and all operations warrented. Those needing anything in his line are requested to call and examine specimens of his work. Examinations and advice free. References—all for whom he has operated, Atlanta, Oct. 19’54. 21—dwly T. N. COX. ATTORNEY AT LAW, ATLANTA, GA. Nov. 2, 1854, d&wly M. & R. M. JOHNSTON, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, ^ ATLANTA, and SPARTA, GA. ^7 Office up stairs in Kile’s new building, cor ner of Marietta and Peachtree streets, ic johxston, Atlanta. | bm johmstox, Sparta. Jan 20 1855 dftwtf PRIVATE MEDICAL TREATIES ON THE Physiological View of Marriae. BY , W. T. i Albany.. I Lithograph* of ludicrousness to these anniversary gatli- riugs, they are no douht profitable and pleasant. Widely sundered members of the . same family of faith there qrcct each other ! face to face ; strengthening words of coun sel and of cheer are interchanged, the con dition and prospects of the common cause , buny Atlas, May 3. Petrifaction of Humun Bodies. The American Medical Guzett for May contains tho following curious account of the petrifaction of human bodies: lu t he old Cathedral church of Bremen is a vault, the atmosphere of which possesses the peculiar property of preserving from are made known, and concerted plans per- decay all bodies that may be placed there- fected for its furtherance, and all bear away ; in. from public demonstration and private com- 1 ' isitors are shown eight human bodies, • , • .. ^ c ■ , ! besides a number of cats, dogs, monkeys, munings into their respective fields of labor ( bird & all of , rhich , bv m ” r ’ c exposure new strength of purpose and brighter hopes. to this atmosphere, have become dried and The retired country minister, shut up all tho ■ free from all offensive effluvia; resembling, year in his study, gets a poop at the bustling j in appearance coarse parchment, world nud points many a sermon with his i The body nearest the door is that of an humid observations of city life, and the j En S lish Mn -i or ’ 9!ua t0 have 1,,m here 118 daughters of lay delegates noting the fash- ! « ' Tho , eccmd is that of a student, who lost ions on Broadway and tho manners of city j his life in a duel. The hard, dry flesh still ladies, assists to spread good breeding and shows the sabre wounds on his throat and refinement along with the moral lessons ! arms. His body has been here 170 years, learned during “ anniversary week ” j , The t th [ rd J 8 that °C a Swedish Countess, . . P r ■/ i : whose body has remained free from the lot What is to become of us if our goodcoun- j of commo ^ mor tals for 140 years. try cousin, do not letdown the price of their j The fourth that of a Sweedish General, farm products. Last Thursday the beef! who was killed in the “Thirty Year’s War” market towered a higher average figure than I and whose throat still exhibits the mark of has been before rated in the city of New 1 tne woun( J of which he died. York—15c. per lb. The same day, mutton j . The fifth is that of his aid-de-camp, who ... , 0 „ , J I lost his life at the same time, bv a cannon by the carcass, 13c. per lb., and scarce at i ball fitr iking him in the side. The destruc- that. But tho supply of veal fully equals , t i 0 n of the parts is plainly visible, tho demand, especially the description tech- 1 The sixth body is that of a workman, nically known as “ K itten Veal,” i. e., veal j who fell from the steeple of the church when made from calves from one to three days i neur * ts completion four hundred years ,, ir i ii . ago—and broke his neck. Owing to this old. Row highly privileged we are, to live £ ident| the peculiarproperties ofthis vault imprisoned witnin brick aud mortar, to eat. became known: for the body of the deceas- “kitten veal ” and the smallest of selected ed workman was laid in this vault for a few eggs, to get such butter as our country • days, and having evinced, no signs of de friends can spare from their own tables, and i composition, the. singularity of the fact in- ?”»^ xs me prices. j t i me . Lovejov’s Hotel was inundated by a tide The seventh is the body of an English of some 400 returned Californians, upon the ' lady, who died 130 years since of a cancer arrival of the North Star last week. Per- 1 on the lower jaw, the ravages of the disease i »' • e ,. are still perceptible m the ulcerated flesh. haps from the attraction of the name, com- The e £ htb « 8 the boJy of a workin g man pounded of love and joy, the whole motley ^-bo has lain here for sixty years, crowd poured in, rendering all attempt to ! In a marble sarcophagus, standing in the accommodate them, out of the question. A middle of the vault, are^aid to repose the queer throng they were, looking with their j ' aort! )| remains of the Swedish Chancellor j. . , . , . , Van Englebretehen, but they are not permit- broad-brim hats, and haggard unshorn ! mitted t * bo exp08e d to public view, on ac- faccs, as 11* they came from any other than i count of some still surviving relatives of the land of gold. j the family. John Archbishop of New York, may Each of these bodies retains to a great be considered fairly “gravelled,” in the con- i ^gree the appearances peculiar to itself in . -,i c ‘ T> i . u • j i hfe. Thus tho Swedish General was a troversy with Senator Brooks. After indulg- \ hort ^ round .f aced man , inclined to corpu- ing in an amount oi blackguardism, and j lency; his aid*de-camp was a slender, well vulgar personability, which ought to con-! proportioned man, in the prime of life. As sign him to the lasting contempt of gentle- in general appearance, so also in facial ex- men, and utterly failing to relievo himself P ressi ™ do , thes( r ' l ' od ' lcs 1 differ, , the parch- e „ „ , * • r ... ... ment-like skin, though drawn tightly over of the overwhelming proofs with which j the boneS) sti il sh(n vs something of the man- Erastus sustained his charges, be has begged j ner in which the muscles beneath once a suspension of public opinion, and hauled j ^-orkedl PURCHASING AND SHIPPING COMMISSION MERCHANT. T HE subscriber will faithfully purchase for and transmit by Railroad, or other conveyance, to his patrons, Provisions, Groceries, Ac., agreeably to order. He may be addressed in Atlanta and found at tho store of Messrs. Whitney & Hunt. ItEFFERENCES.—Jos.S. Baker, Albany, Ga.: Rev. D. G. Daniel, Thomnsville, Ga.: Williams Rutterford, Jr., Amtricus, Go.; Dr. C. W. Long, Athens, Ga, and any respectable citizen of Atlanta. D. H. SILVEY. Atlanta, Jan. 29., 1850. dtwly. WILLIAM LYNN.] ! [J. I. SNIDER ie Y N N & SNIDER, Savannah, Georgia, VV. L Y N.N & CO., Dalton, Georgia, Forwarding and General Commission Merchants. Liberal advance? on all consignments oi Produce. 30d£6m. GRENVILLE & CO., General Commission Merchants, SAVANNAH-, GEORGIA, W ILL attend promptly tounj business entrusted to them. They also keep an office at Chatianoo ga, Tennessee, and will make purchases for orders of produce at that point. CUARLES E. GRE.WILLB, J WILLIAM F. SAMPLE, Savannah. Chattanooga. Nov. 7, 1854. d&w2m SEYMORE B. LOVE. 1 WM. WATKINS. | R. M. LOV LOVE, WATKINS & LOVE, AUCTION AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Whitehall St., Atlanta, Ga. REFERENCES: Jxo. Stilwell > McDouo’ I Gartrell & Glens ) Atlanta A W Turner ) McDouo’ I / Ga | I. O. McDaniel Forwarding Business, At Charleston, S. C. rrrrTi THE undersigned « connection with a general Commission business §|M for the sale of COTTOX, FLOUR, BACOX, CORN, and all other Produce, will forward with the greatest possible deeps teb, Merchandise, Machinery, Produce, and other property consigned to him, for tho interior of Georgia, Alabama,Tennessee, NorthandSouthCarolina, Florida, and for any northern or foreign port. August 17, 1854. (12—6m) J. H. WILLY. Rxferjlvcbs—J. I’. King, President G.R. R., C. T. Pol- lard Pros't. Montgomery R. R., W. M. Martin, Pres’t. F. & E. Bk., Hopkins, Hudson & Co., Charleston. J. Cald well, Pres’t. S. C. R. R. Jno. F. Mims, Atlanta, Rice Dulin, Charleston, Rastin k Walker. Augusta off to repair damages. The immortal Alderman Briggs, yester day proposed that as Bishop Hughes owns $1,700,000 of property, he should be taxed for the same. The motion was adopted by the board of Superiors. Oh whycan’t John Archbishop rack, flay, wave, and otherwise punish these ungodly heretics. I dare say, Pius would permit him. Efficient means are now taking to protect immigrants from the impositions of runners and other harpies who have been in the habit of fleecing them on theirarrival. The Commissioners of Emigration have leased Courtly Garden, and all immigrants will be landed there, and cautioned against imposi tions, and furnished with the knowledge needed to take care of themselves. It is hard, however, to give up this pleasant, re sort, where we are wont to go to breath and welcome distinguished arrivals ot famous men and singing women. The street-sweeping machines are doing finely. Smith, Sechit & Co., promise to sweep the principal streets nightly,.and to give us the luxury of clear thoroughfare?. The only reasonable solution of the pecu liarity of this result (for no other church possesses it) that I have heard, is, that here all the plumber’s work of the building was executed, in melting, and otherwise prepar ing the materials for the roof. We can only suppose, then that the entire chamber be came so surcharged with lead, that it has continued ever since to give forth vapors, which, forming an antiseptic chemical com pound of lead, have operated upon the ca- davera exposed to its influence. N. L. Campbell, M. D. Surgeon, of the Steamship Washington. ” - 20, 1855. Come aud Pay Up. THE subscriber calls on his customers for mon ey one time more, and hopes they will read this and respond. Those who do not pay up in ten days will certainly be sued. Money I want and must have. Mr. W. S. Carroll will call on you and I hope you will be prepared to settle. April 2, 1855. W. W. ROARK. ITlidwifery. MRS. MARY HORTON R ESPECTFULLY announces, for the benefit of the Ladies, that she offers her services as a Midwife. Having had more than twenty years’ex perience in privato practice, she feols confi dent of giving general satisfaction to all who may favor her with a call. Mrs. H. can always be found at her residence on the corner Collins and Taylor sts. mar21dtf. REMOVAL! -dg, WE have moved our store across the street fSt to Sternberger and Frankford’s old stand opposite, J. R. Wallace & Bro’e. Whitehall st., where we are now opening the largest and best stock of shos wc ever brought to Atlanta. We invite the attention of our friends and the public genorally to call, and examine our Spring styles of “BOOTS & SHOES,” while they ar* new. F. M. EDDLEMAN, 4 BRO. March 17, 1855. [dtf.j M. B. LA CROIX. M. D., 250 Pages and 130 Fine Plain and Colored and Plates. 3®~Prico only Twenty-five Cents. 4^Sent free of postage to all parts of the Union CHEAPEST BOOK EVER PUB LISHED, and containing nearly double the quantity of reading matter in that of the Fifty cent* or Dollar Publica tions. It treats on the THYSIOLOGY OF MARRIAGE, and the secret infirmities and disorders of youth and maturity, resulting from excesses which destroy the physical aud mental powers all diseases arising from indis creticlf with plain and simple rules by which all per sons can cure themselves without mercury, with the author’s observations on marriage, its duties and dis qualifications, and their remedies; with colored litho graphs, illustrating the anatomy and physiology, and diseases of the reproductive organs of both sexes, their structures, nses and functions. It contains many im portant hints io those contemplating matrimony which will overcome objections against marriage;— none, Bowever. should take ibis important step with out first consulting its pages. It treats of all diseases of females, whether married or single. Hints to those who desire no more children. Strangers who require medical aid, before consulting any doctor, ought to know whether their cases are properly understood by those whom they employ, and thus guard against the imposition of quackery, so prevalent in populous cities Hence the advantage of a popular knowledge of ones, self, such as is given in this work. If medical autliorism be the test of talent, and en lightenment be sought from books, let common sens* discriminate between truthful simplicity aud outrage ous spcciousuess aud bombast. Dr. I-a Croix is a legal- ly qualified physician, and for the last twenty years has been daily consulted upon the different diseases up on which his book treats, personally as well as by let ter. Any person sending twenty-five cents in a letter, post paid, will receive one copy by mail, free of post age, or five copies for $1,00. Address DR.M B. LA CROIX. No 31 Maiden Lane. I‘. O. Box 579. Albany, N- Y. *3~Mcdicine sent to any part of the Union accord ing to directions, safely packed and carefully secured from all observation. •^•Office open daily from 9 A. M., to 9 P. M. On Sun day from 3 until 5 P. M. *3*0Bice Removed from N. 56 Beaver st.. to No. ! 31 Maiden Lane, Albany, N. Y. 44dfcwly Fisb’s Metalic Burial Case*. EZZARD & COLLIER, attorneys at Z*aw, H AVE united themselves in the practice, and will attend to business entrusted to their care in the following counties: Fulton, DeKalb, Xewton, Henry, Fayette, Cowets., Campbell, Carroll, Paulding, Cass and Cobb. They will also practice in the District Court of the United States at Marietta and the Supreme Court of Georgia. 49* Office in the Atlanta Bank building, second floor. WM. KZZARD.] [JOHN COLLIER. Atlanta, Ga., 13,1855. d&wtfm. Dr. E. J. ROACH. Of Baltimore, aid*. H AVING permanently located in Atlanta, and taken the office formerly occupied by Dr. J. E. Blount, next door to L. Lawshe’s, offers hi prefefsional services to the citizens of Atlanta and vicinity. Dr. Roach studied with Prof. Smith, and was for a long time connected with the Hospitals, besides the experience of several years’ practice in the city of Baltimore. REFERENCES—Hon. John P. Kennedy, Baltimore, Md.; Prof. N. R. Smith, do.; Faculty of University of Maryland, do.; Prof. Yearnell, Washington, D. C.; Hon. Edward Long, Md.; Gov. Lizan, do. Atlanta, Jan. 17,1865. d&wlm. John W. H. Underwood, j Cha». H. Smith. Underwood & Smith, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW, feb 20 dftwly Rome, Ga. Charles A. Geiger, A. M. M. D., Graduate iu the Medical Department of the University of Virginia, and of tho Homoeopathic Medical College of Pennsylvania, respectfully tenders his professional services to the citizens of Atlanta and vicinity. Office in Hayden’s Hall. May 2, 1855. dAly il GENERAL ADVERTISEMENTS. Atlanta Machine Works g [Late Atlanta Iron Foundry.] THIS nor Company it now prepared to do Work on short . x notice of heavy and light Outing* of the Uateat im proved patterns, oflRox, Boise ar ConroaiTiox, all oi which will,be warranted. .. Turning, Boring and Drilling V DONE TO ORDER, ALSO SCREW CUTTi.IT of ten feet, or under, of any sized thread required- ' - Heavy and Light Foaoiwo of wreughtlron or Steel done in superior style. Particular Attention. is called to their Patterns for Mill Gearing of VerchantR and Custom Flouring and Saw Mills, Gin Gearing of all the usual sizes, and Bark Mills always kept on hand. We are alsoprepared to build Stationary Engines with the latest improvements, all of which will be sold low for cash. Copper and Brass taken in exchange for work at cash prices- JAMES L. DUNNING, - john mcdonough. P. S.—All of the above Company are practical Mechan ics, and give their undivided attention to tbe business. September 11th, 16 Stf. CHARLESTON to PHILADELPHIA. Thrnjffi la 45 to 56 Honrs! jb-Are 0«o—meais included.-** American Steamship Company’s Line, STEAM SHIP QUjuu.ii uiiii Capt. J. H. Hododon. 1 HOO Ton* Burthen. The aborenew and magnificent Steam Ship, built ex- presnly for this route, is one of tho largest ontheAme- rioan coast, and-is unsurpassed, jf equallod, for speed, strength, comfort or accommodation. 'Sailing'dnys from each portas follows i From Charleston, 10th, 20th & 30th day of each month. “ Philadel’a. 5th, 15th & 26th “ “ “ Aoaxra i.v PBitAOltpau, Heron k Martin, 37K North Wharves. Aokits ix Chirlebiox, Holmes A Strong. Boyce * Co.’a Wharf. JL' - All produce consigned to the agents in Charleston, will be forwarded to Philadelphia free of Commission. Nov. 8. 38dly‘ PATKroMiapiqaig^ cju.hounpiu£P T HE Subscriber, after many years tunnt ,, lion, by gentlemen of the highest orSeref^?**- and litenrystanding In onr country, has’L offer to the Public his Pills, which naveb4^t* atfci to Winships Iron Works, rpHE subscriber is now prepared to (receive and exe *• cute orders for all kinds of Castings and machine Works, and all persons favoring him with orders may rely upon having their work executed in the best manner and at short notice. Orders for SASH, BLINDS AND DOORS, promptly attended to at his Car Establishment, t*. Cash paid for Old Copper, Brass and Cast Iron. Atlanta. June 14, 1854. r3-Iyl JOSEPH W1N8HIP. Furniture for Sale f AT THE SIGN OF O . Ho us ton ft Son. /~1AN be found Beauro’s, Ward robes, Lounges, Small Tables, Wash and Work Stands, with a variety of Long and Short Posted' Bed Steads, with other articles of Furniture, which will be kept on hand from time to time. All put up of good material. Atlanta, January 19, 1854 34—tf 500 Clocks! Or.. JUST received by A. W. Hall & Co., Whole ESJ Bale and Retail dealers in Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, Silver and Silver Plated Ware, Fancy Goods, Ac. No. 36 Whitehall St., Atlanta. 0^ Fine Watches carefully repaired and warranted. Engraving done at short notice. Mav 4.1854. 49—ly COTTON SEED BOCK AND FIRE-PROOF ROOFING. r pHE undersigned, citizens of Somerville, Tenn., _ are well acquainted with Mr. Duke Williams’ arti ficial rock. The Court House yard and the ground floor are laid with it, and have been for several months. The County Court of Fayette, Tenn., being thoroughly satisfied that the rock would answer a tine purpose, and was all the inventor cLnimed for it, employed Mr. Duke Williams to lay the said floor and pave the Court House yard. We know Mr. Williams is a high-minded honorable man ; and wo axe satisfied the rock made by him is substantia], aud will stand the test of time. We have seen it used by Mr. Reed, who is putting up a large ho tel at Somerville, in putting in window and door oils, and he is much pleased with it.[ W P Finney, Esq John C Reeves A B Finney, M D J A Williams T G McClellan M J Turner J E Pearsall Jo H Cooper Chas T PetittS Wm Button, Clerk of County Court J L Pulliam .Tas Petit T H Logwood W B Dortch, Esq Geo W Trotter Thos Rivers N T Macon E M Long A P Dupuy F W Robertson Sam Sneed Jas H Thompson August 15th, 1854. J^-Extract of a letter from R H Blouut, of Houston, Texas, dated July 16th, 1854 : Eighteen months’ use (of the Colton t-'epd Rock] here has shown that it makes a pavement vastly superior to brick, and it seems to begetting harder and better. *9*The Patent Right of these wonderful inventions has been equally divided between Duke Williams and W. H. Poindexter, who are now prepared to sell State, eounty, or local rights. ffSP Tho right of the above article for this county has been purchased by Mr. Felix Sowers, who is now prepared to sell head righits. n21w6m DBS. JONES ft OLIVER Have associated themselves in the practice of Medicine. Office in the Atlanta Hotel building, on Decatur street, opposite the Athenaeum. JOHN W. JONES, M. D. M. H. OLIVER, M. D Atlanta, May 8, 1855. il&wtf THE subscriber, having returned to tho city from a visit to Charleston, has resumed the prac ■ tice of his Profession. Residence on Garnett st., between Whitehall and Pryor sts. Office at Smith & Ezzard's Drug Store, opposite “Atlanta Bank.” THOS. S. DENNY, M. D. May7’55. tf. T HIS valuable article is just received and for sale at the Tin Ware Manufacture of L. H. Burr, on White Hall street, Atlanta, Ga., by. L. ROBINSON. Atlanta, Dec. 29, 1854. diwtf. FACTS CANNOT BE DOUBTED- LET THE AFFLICTED READ AND PONDER I More than 500 persons in the city of Richmond Ya.. alone testify to the remarkable cures performed by G’a It TEH'S SPA mSB MIXTURE. The great Spring Medicine and Purifier of the Blood is now used by hundreds of grateful patients, who testify daily to the remarkable cures performed by the greatest of'all medicines, Carter’s Spanish Mixture.— Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Scrofula, Eruptions on the Skin, Liver Disease. Fevers, Ulcers, Old Sores, Affec tions of the Kidneys, Diseases of the throat, Female Complaints. Pains and Aching of the Bones and Joints, are speedily put to Sight by using thi3 great and inesti mable remedy For all diseases of the Blood, nothing has yet been found to compare with it. It cleanses the system of all impurities, acts gently and efficiently on the Kidneys and Liver, strengthens the Digestion, gives tone to the Stomach, makes the Skin clear and healthy, and restores the Constitution, enfeebled by diseases or broken down hy the excesses of youth, to its pristine vigor and strength. For the Ladies, it is incomparably better than all the cosmetics ever used. A few doses of Carter’s Spanish Mixture will remove all shallowness of com- tlexion, bring the roses mantling to the cheek, give ilasticity to the step, and improve the general health in i remarkable degree, beyond all the medicines ever heard of. A large number of certificates of remarkable cures performed on persons residing in the city of Richmond, Vs., by the use of Carter’s Spanish Mixture, is tbe best evidence that there is no humbug about it. The press, hotel keepers, magistrates, physicians, and public men, well known to the community, all add t eir testimony to the efiects of this Great Blood Purifier. Call and see a few hundreds of the certificates aroun l ’he bottle. None genuine unless signed Bexxett* Bksks, Drug gists. Principal Depots at M. Ward, dost * Co.’s No. 83 Maiden Lane. New Ycrk. T. W. Deott * Soys, and Jexkixs & Hartshorxx, Pbil’a. Bksxxit k BeHits. No. 125 Main Street, Richmond, Ya. And for sale by A. ALEXANDER, Atlanta. Ju 1st, 1854. fl—ly] A. ALEXANDER, Wholesale and Retail Druggist, SIGN OF THE NEGRO AND MORTAR. Whitehall Street, Atlanta, Georgia. IS constantly receiving and adding to liis extensive stock of Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Chemicals, Instru ments, Dye Stuffs, Window- glass, Putty. Wines, Liquors, Cigars, Ac, all of which are of- fered at lower prices and in greater variety than any other establishment in upper Georgia. Any person in want of any rare article will find it by calling at this establishment. HU facilities will enable him to sell to punctual customers upon the usual credit. The following comprise a few articlestobefoundat his store: 500 pounds Camphor. Notice! 1 *®*P R E MIU M'®*' DAGUERREOTYPE S! W M. M.RANT.IK Daguei-rean Artist, WHO has studied under two of the most eminent men of the Art— McGuire and Harrington of New Orleans, has now open ed his rooms directly opposite Messrs. Whitney & Hunt's store, where he is prepared to take Photographic Miniatures, in the latest nfcid most approved style of painting from nature, on fcie most reasonable terms, from one dollar and fifty cents and upwards according to the size and quality of material. He flatters himself that he has athorough knowledge of Physiognomy, consequently he will guarantee a correct likeness of the sitter. Lockets, Bracelets, Broaches, Medalions, Pins, Rings and Copies taken to perfection. Also, old pictures renovated. The public are particularly invited to examine hia specimens and test the skHl of the operator. March 30. 1854. (w tf) UNITED STATES MAIL LINE. New York & Savannah. [SEMI-WEEKLY.] ~ On and after March 18th, the new and splendid side-wheel steam ships FLORIDA, 1300 tons, Capt. M.S. Woodbpll, ‘ALABAMA, 1300 tons, Capt. S. R.SCHKXCK. AUGUSTA, 1500 tons t Capt. T. Ltox. KNOXVILLE, 1500 tons Capt. C. D. I.UD LOW will leave NEW YORK AND SAVANNAH every Wednesday and .Saturday. These ships are among the larges on the coast, un surpassed in speed, safety or comfort—making theii passages in 80 to 60 hours, and are commanded by skillful, careful and polito officers. They offer a most desirable conveyance to New York. Cabin Passage 825 Steerage passage 9 PADLEFORD, FAY it CO., Agents in Savannah. SAM’L MITCHELL, 13 Broadway, New York. Savsnnab March 14, 1854 Fare Reduced. Cabin Passage from Charleston to New York, Twenty Dollars. U. S. MAIL LINE. N. Y. 5 Charleston Steam Packets, [Somi-Weobly.j NASHVH «•, 1500 tons, M. Berry, Commander MARION, 1200 toua, W. Foster Commander. JAMES ADGKR. 1200 tons, S. C. Tinner Commander. SOUTHERNER, 100C tons; T. D. Ewan. Commander. Leave Adger’s wharves every Wednesday 4b Saturday Afternoon after tho arrival of the cars from tbe South & WestJ These steamships were built expressly for the, and for safety, comfort, and speed, are unrivalled on the Coasts. Tables supplied with every luxury—attentive and cautious commanders, will ensure Travellers by this Line every possible comfort and accommodation. For freight or passage, having elegant state room ac commodations. apply to HENRY MISSROON. Charleston. S. C. Cabin Passage, S»0. Steerage, 8. Atlanta Hotel, Atlanta, Georgia. J. J. Hester, Proprietor., Late of the Veranda Hotel, New Orleans. Passengers per Evening Trains will find Supper ready on the arrival of tho Cars. April 24, 1855. d&wly. G-eorgia House. T NHE above House is situated in the most pleasant part of the city, being on the corner of Green and Jackflon Streets, within three minutes walk of the principal stores, Medical College, Post Office, and Geor gia Railroad Depot. The table will, at all times, bo sup plied with the best the Market affords, and every atten- tion given to make the patrons of the House comfort able. Board by the month or week at moderate terms. Merchants Planters, and others voting the city will find the above House comfortable and convenient to business N. B.—Terms per day $1,00. M. A. MUST1X, Augusta, Aug. *23,1854. (13-2in) Proprietor. PLANTERS* HOTEL. AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. ujMHSsplendid new HOU^E, situated on Broad street -* immediately in front of the site of the old Plant, er’s Hotel, which has been furnished throughout with new Furniture. Bedding; ifec., is now open for the re ception of customers. It will be the endeavor of the proprietor, to give satisfaction to those who may favor im with their custom. J. M. SIMPSON, Nov 1, 1851 f26—ly] Proprietor, MARSHALL HOUSE, Savannah, Georgia, GORDON FARGO, Proprietor, (LATE OF THE U. S. HOTEL, AUOl’STA, GEORGIA.) Savannah. November 3d, 1853. 22—wly Valuable City Lots forSaie. O EVF.RAL Valuable City Lots for Sale in the vicinty ^ of the Fair Ground, which will be sold on accomnio dating terms by applying to l). DOUGHERTY or T. DOONAN, on Whitehall street. Atlanta. May 18th. 1854. JETHRO W. MANNING. f Formerly of Covington. Go.] ATTORNEY AT LAW, Atlanta, Georgia. /"VFFICE opposite Council Hall. Whitehall street. Wil promptly attend to all business entrusted to his care. Atlanta, Feb. 3d, 1853. 36-wly. JAMES IIASLETT, IMPORTER AND GENERAL DEALER IN LIQUORS AND CIGARS No. 4, Commerce Street, Baltimore, Md. Chloroforme. Iodide of Potassium. Indigo (Various kinds. 1 Bottles Morphin ? 30 25 750 55 ‘ ‘ Bottles Morphin; 83 ounces Quinine. 50 “ Opium. 5 bbls cold pressed Castor Oil. 20 bbls Alcohol. 10 bbls Crmphene. 10 bbls Terpentine, a bbls. Gas, 10 bbls Varnishes, different kinds. 10 bbls Epsom Salts, 3 casks Sperm Oil, 5 “ English Linseed Oil, 2 “ “ i! “ Boiled 10 bbls Tanner’s Oil. 2 “ Fine Olive Oil. 20,050 lbs White Lead in Oil, 3 Casks Fine Maderia Wine. 3 “ Brown Sherry Wine. £ “ Pale Sherry. 3 “ Fine Brandies. And all other articles to be found ina large Drug Eslab lishment. Feb. 39, 1855. d&w^y. Sky and Side Light DAGUERRE AN ROOMS, [Over Alexander’s Drugstore, Whitehall si., Atlanta, Ga.] APPARATUSSES And all tbe Materials used in tbe Art, FOR RALE AT THE LOWEST PRICES. C. W. DILL,) (W. V. MCDANIEL Atlanta, August 31, 1854. (14—w tf) FOR SALE. FPHE House and Lot Occupied by Mr. JanmesF. Leon- * ard on Pryor street. For terms apply to Col. Jas. M Calaoun, dr to the undersigned at Decatur. Pos session given first of October. A NELSON. Juno 2 1853. 1 tf. New York, April! The Circassian women, noted the world over for thair beauty, adopt a mode of dress which denotes their position in society. If a fair vision should chance to attract the ad miring glances of a gallant night in search of a wife, he can always toll by the color of her .trowsers whether the wearer be maid, wife, or widow ; virgin white being worn by the young girls, red by her who has as sumed the duties of a matron, and blue by the hapless dame who mourns the death of her lord. Now that’s sensible. A Large Lump of Virginia Copper.—We learn says the Mountain Torrent, that a few ~ • day* ago there was passed out of the “Wild A Southern paper states that a young i ^ at ^’ no >. Floyd county, a lump of cop- - -- -- known P e roraweighingabouttwo thousand pouuds T. R. Ripley. HAS justroceived a Fresh supply of Burning Fluid Camphene, Alcohol Oil and Turpentine, which he will sell at wholesale or retail on as good j terms as can bo bought in any Southern Market, “ for cash only. March 28, 1855. Wanted, A NEGRRO MAN for a dray-driver, and that can como well recommended as such. W. W. ROARK. Salt. 2QQ Sacks Liverpool Salt just received and for sale by December 28. W. W. ROARK. 79dtf To the Ladies: We would call the attention of tho Ladies par ticularly to our Stock of BEREGBS, that we are selling at a R EDUCED Price—with ladies’ Gaiter and Buskin Shoes—also, a largo Stock of Bon nots of tho latest Stylo, bo’t from first hands, and can save you of considerable tariff, if you will only call at our old stand on White-hall street. Apr 4 dtw2m H. W. COZART & SON. PARKER’S DYSENTERY CORDIAL, T HIS valuable preparation has proved itself efica cious in the cure of Dysentery, Bloody Flux, Diarhcea, Cholera Morbus, Cholera Infantum, d~c. It is useful in all the diseases of the BOWELS, CHOLIC, Ac., Ac. It needs no encomium, but for tbe good of those un acquainted with it, the following certificates are given: LoccstGbove, Ga., July 13th, 1864. I havo used Da. C. W Parker’s Dysk-nteby CoRnuLin my family, and believe it to he a good remedy for the diseases for which it is recommended. WM. S. CAR- ROLL. Jclt 12th, 1854. This is to certify that I have used Dk. Parker’s Dts- xstert and Diarhoa Cordial in my family, and it bad iy children lias been badly a very happy effect. One of my < effected with dis gentleman of Alabama, generally known for his oleaginous proclivites, receDtely at tended an Auburn camp-meeting, lie mode himself quite serviceable in gallanting the young Indies, but at last (we regret to say it) wound up with a glorious fizzle. While seated at tbe table with his ‘dulcinea,’ some tripe was passed to him by a servant, which ho pitched into iu the most cadaverous man ner. An attempt to cut it proved a failure, and turning his head with dignified con tempt, he exclaimed: “Waitar, take, away ( in ’em!” and containing about 50 per cent, of copper ore. This is the biggest lump we have heard of yet. We understand that Messrs. Bachman, & Co., proprietors of the “Wild Cat Mine,” intend to send this monster lamp to the eastern cities for exhibition. We arc told that it repuired the labor of nine men to get it out of the tunnel. The market value of this mass cannot be less than §300. There is plenty more of the some sort. These battercakes has got rags ! , .® EP f TH “ r TnE A * T L f' has ® b l hitnerto been asserted that Lake Huron was I 860 feet deep, but it has lately been ascer- To go to sleep easy, read some of the J tained by U. S. Coast Survey that it is only Philadelphia “weekly papers.”—M. V. Sun-! 420 feet deep. Lake Erie is from 60 to 70 day Atlas. ! feet deep; Lake Ontario, 452 feet—as low To which the Philadelphia Post rejoins: J as roost part3 of the Gulf of St. Lawrence. “To go to the devil easy, read some of the ; All the lakes cover an area of 43,000,000 r Y< ' “ ‘ New York Sunday papers. Just Received. 20,000 lbs OLD BACON, sides, 40 kegs choice new LARD, 20 bbls do, and 300 lbs Feathers. ALSO A small lot of Corn and Oats, and a few thous and pounds of Fresh Bones and Sausage Bleat, for sale low, by dftwtf J. E. WILLIABIS. Dec 25, '54 Athenasnm Building, Atlanta. Buy Your Hats Cheap! As we bo’t our Stock for CASH, we can compete with the Lowest Prices. Among our Stock can be.found Beebe’s SPRING STYLE—corrugated bnms, medium brim* for old gentlemen: and eve ry quality in the FUR, LEGHORN, '-PANAMA and . STRAW Luxe. H.W. COZART k SON. Arlanta, April 4, 1855—dAw2m disentery for about three weeks,and after giving it several other things without seeming to do any good, I concluded to try some of the above Cord ial, and two doses of it has entirely cured it. I, also, re commended it to D. H. Walls, one of my neighbors, who was taken very severely with the Flux, and it also, had a charming effect on him. I most cordially recommend it to all who may fall victims to any disorder of the t gj JONES & DAVID, DENTAL tm SURGEONS. Respectfully inform their friends and the citi zens of Georgia, that they have located their DENTAL OFFICE and. LABORATORY in Atlanta. Having spared neither expense or exertions in fitting np our rooms, and to prepare every convenience for the Manufacture of BLOCK, GUMS, & SINGLE TEETH, as well ns our Su perior CONTINUOUS GUM, with several decided improvements rarely met within any other Dental Establishment in the South. And as all our Plato Work will be done in our Laboratory, our Patients will not be detained until the work is sent to the North to be mado. We hope that fourteen years’ experience in all tho various branches of our profession, will justify us in asking a liberal share of public patronage. For References, Testimonials and Specimens, we will be happy to exhibit them to any one who may call for that purpose, at our office, White-hall st., adjoining the Watch ft Jewelry establishment V Mr. A. W. Hall. N. B.—Charges as moderate as any other res pectable paactioners in the South.; JAMES J. DAVID, | GEO. W. JONES, 2 Baltimore, Md. Talbotton, Ga. Atlanta, Jan. 29,1855. d&wly MEDICAL CARD! or. 23. Blount, j OF North Carolina, having permanently located in vJthis city, offers his professional services to the cit- i izens of Atlanta and the surrounding country, aftei | an experience of four years in the Hospitals at the I North, will practice Medicine, Surgery and Obstetrics Office on Whitehall street, next door to Mr. Lewis I Lawshe’s Tavloring Store, where I can be found at all i hours, day and night, when not professionally engaged. I Refer to the following gentlemen, and any per son wishing to know more of me can do so by address ing—Hon. F. B. Satterthwaits, Hon. Joshua Taylor, Isaiah Rcspass. Esq. Gen. Wm. A. Blount, Washington, N. C. I’rof. N. R. Smith, Baltimore. Prof. Muter, Prof. Pancost, Prof.H. Giger, Philadelphia. Prof! Bedford. New York. M. A. Bell, Atlanta. July 20, 1854. (8—wtf] DR. T. MT. DARN ALL, R ESPECTFULLYtenders his professional services to the Citizens of Atlanta and vicinity. Office at his residence on McDonough Street. Jan. 20. 1853. 34-wl Haygood & Whitaker, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Atlanta, Ga. (Office over G. Gunhy’e Store, Whitehallctreet.) ! GREENE B. HAYGOOD, I JARED I. WHITAKER, I Formerly of Watkinsille, | Formerly of Fayetville, 3F». 33. COX, ATTORNEY 4b COUNSELLOR AT LAW and Solicitor in Equity, W ILL take cases in reference to Wills, Divorces, &c. in ndy part of the Union. Also, cases in respect to Titles to Laxd in the vicinity of Atlanta, Ga. July 27, 1854. f9—wly] Real Estate*Agency! FTIHE undersigned has opened an office for selling an X quyiug Real Kata-e, in and around this city, on com mission Those having Houses and Lots for sale wil- find it to their interest to call and registersuch properl ty. No charges will be made for registering or showing property, unless a satisfactory sale is made, then a small commission will be charged. I will also attend to renting, paying taxes and making out deeds, bonds and all necessary papers for the con veyance of Heal Estate. VjpOffice in the store of Wm. Herring & Co., White Hall Street, second door from the corner of Hunter street. Atlanta, July 6, 1864. N. L. ANG1ER. ced by all who have had sufficient them, as one of ‘ ever yet offered them,'as oneofthehappiest combinatiS^JL.wik to the Public, on either Continent *• ' . u h*Y» General Family Medicine ' He feels no fears that’ the experience of tv. have yet to testthem, will be strictly in .Z?*? with the testimonials of those distinguished™'* 0 '* men whose names are annexed, with thousand who would freely testify, if deemed necess... "“•n The CALHOUN Pn,LS will be found emlnentl* rior to all other family preparations, in the » **Pt . that great catalogue of diseases arising from ™° Tsl 01 Derangement of the Dlgeitivo Apparatus such as Fevers ofall types, Bowel Affections of alUi every character of Head-ache, Rheumatic Pain. b*i in the Chest, and so on. If taken and persisted i 01 cording to directions, in the initial stages of s- ’*'• and particularly during a decided predisposition ease, they will, like a charm, dissipate wtthou? s? 0 ^ fort, thousands of cases that might, and I do dm s ° t! ' would, terminate in death. The subscriber sne»l. fldently, as he is enabled to do from thirty-two* 8 ° 10 ' experience in the Medical Profession, and man. ^* n experience with h!» Pills, which have, during thl r' lfl undergone many alterations, with the view v of making them a Safe and Reliable Family Medici*. They are strictly Anti-Billiousand Anti-Dyspenii *' The Public are referred to the testimonial, on,. Honsors Joseph Henry Lumpkin, Judge of tb« S,,* r Court of Georgia; Fx-Judge John J Fiord- vj ’ Young Hill. Judge of the Superior Court; Messiii H. Pope, of Lee county, and C. Low, of Aurii.t. r 1 DECATUR, Ga. E. N. CALHOUN, £ p* TESTIMONIALS. Athens, September 23 Dear Sir:—I receive4*everaldnys since, jour fa asking my opinion of the Medical merits of the Call' Pills. Allow me to premise, that for the !a«t ;e n » ' 0 I have been tortured in body and mind, bvtb, i.*!*'■’ Indigestion. I was endowed by nature wi(h a„ ,j„? 0 able constitution, and my formidable malady hu« Si 1 ' superinduced by a costive habit, brought on bv toeri confinement and want of regular exer.ic. V. . * Valuable Lots for Sale. CF.VERAL valuable Lots for sale, with improvements ^ thereon, in the neighborhood of the Steam Mill, and Atlanta k Lagrange Railroad Depot. They will be sold low; for terms apply to T. Doonax, Whitehall street. Atlanta, May 11th, 1854. H. P. O’NEII.L Wood Land for Sale. C AO 1 _0 AGUES all in tho wood3 four miles from t the city on the old Nelson Ferry Road for sale, for terms apply to Daniel Adams in De catur or the undersigned iu Atlanta. A. NELSON. Atlanta, January 19,1854 34—tf City Property for Sale. ft^HE following real property in and about the city *■ of Atlanta, belonging to tho estate of Patrick Conally, deceased, will be disposed of at privatesale, to-wit: A fractional lot situated near the Railroad Bridge, being a portion of city lot number 12 and 13. Also a portion of land lot number fifty three, lying partly within and partly without the corporation lim its of the city—containing fifteen acres moreor less, lying west of the Fair Ground lot and adjoining Mr. Thurmonds. This contains the best brick yard about the city. Sold by virtue of a decree in Chancery of the Superior Court of DeKalb county, at October Term, 1S53. For terms apply to Dec. 8.1853 (28—tf) TERENCE DOONAN. Tru’t. Notice! 'THE subscriber offers his Plantation in DeKalb Coun 1 ‘Ji ’)« miles South of Decatur, on the McDonough Road, containing 250 acres, about 80 acres of which is cleared and under good fences, with a comfortable dwellidg, containing 5 rooms and a porch, and other neceasary buildings for farming, with a good orchard «f select Apples and Peaches. The locality is a good one for a Public House as any to be found in tha County. Any person desirous of purchasing can call on me at Decatur. Terms will be accommodating. JAMES J. WINN. September 25th, 1854. 18—wtf. New Candy Manufactory -AND ES .m. WLSE£2 JEK ~W9 OPPOSITE THE INTELLIGENCER OFFICE, ATLANTA, GA. T HE subscriber would inform the citizens of At lanta and vicinity that he has constantly on hand, at his Confectionery and Baking establish ment, all kinds of Confections^ Pastries, Fruits, &c He is also prepared to furnish every description of plain and ornamental Cakes, for weddings or parties, at short notice, and on accommodating terms. Imported wines and brandies of ail descriptions for medical purposes, kept always on hand. Also, genuine Spanish Cigars, and choice chewing To bacco—together with a large assortment of Toys, Fancy Articles, Ac., ftc. Having recently returned from the North, where he laid in a fine stock of Fancy Articles and eve ry thing nocessnry for carrying on his candy man ufactory, he would inform county dealers that he is prepared to furnish candies at wholesale at II cents per pound. Orders accompanied with tho cash or good city references promptly attended to. D. VALENTINO, Atlanta, Nov. 30th 184. [diw-ly. A. W. JONES, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ■JW Office in Kile’s brick building, corner Mari etta and Peachtree Sts., Atlanta, Georgia. Atlanta, Jan. 31, 1855. diw-ly. SISLEY’S COMPOUND EXTRACT OP BTXCHU, r : a combination of the most efficient remedies known to the Medical Faculty, for the relief and enre of those numerous complaints of the Urinary Organs, con sequent upon inflamation or ulceration of the Kidneys, Bladder and Urethra. It is prepared by an experienc ed chemist, according to a formula approved by the Medical Faculty, and is worthy the confidence of all uffi who may be suffering from Pain and Weakness in the ’ Urine, Gleet, small of the Back, Stoppage and Pain in voiding Urine, Diabetas, or Excess of Urine, Strangury, Gravel, “ BOWEI£, whatever. GEORGE S. ROSSER. GRirm, Ga., July 14th, 1854. This is to certify that I have used Dr C. H. Parker’s Dyskxterv axd Diakih!:*. Oordial in my family, and find it to be all be recoil, ,-‘i : it to be D H. JOHNSON jO* It is useless to add. Try a bottle. Price only 60 cents. Full directions given on each bottle. For sale by J. M. RANTIN, Agent. August 3d, 1854. [10—tf] Atlanta. Medical Notice. DB. JAMES M. BABEB, Hoiospathic Physician! R ESPECTFULLY offers his professional services to the citizens of Atlanta and vicinity. Officeand rooms in Dr. Westmoreland’s house, corner Calhoun and Railroad Streets, opposite the Steain Flooring Mill. Atlanta, Feb. 24, Ie63. 89—wly. C. W. MABRY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Frnnklin, Heard County, Ga. W ILL attend to professional businesss in the conun- ties of Heard, Carroll, Campbell. Cowetta, Fayette. Merriwether and Troup. Reference.-—Hon. E. Y. Hill, LaGrange, Ga.; Messrs. Irwin & Knight, Marietta, Ga., Col. M. M. Tidwell, Fayetteville, Ga.; Mr. William Dough- erty, Columbus. Georgia. w MARTI* 7 7 TTERSON, atto i- 1 r.AW, Colo. -, if., JlU. M. L. Pattersoh.] 49—wly* [B. Y. Martin L. D. .WOOD . I JAMES H. LAW . WOOD ft LOW, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Mo. 37 Natchoz itroot., Maw Orleans, La. To Physicians. The undersigned are prepared at all times to W E invite your attention to a fine lot of artifi- j purchase produce of every kind at the lowest cash cial Eyes, Leeches, Kousso, and many rare prices. • . J WOOD ft LOW. chemicals and medicines. I Refer to—J.T. Doane and U. L. Wright,E*q*., B. M. SMITH, M. D., ft W. L. EZZARD. ! Atlanta, Ga. March 23,1856. dawly. * New Orleans, November 15,1854. 45dly DB. D’ALVTGNEY. SURGEON AND DENTIST, OFFICE AT BIS RESIDESCE.' [Opposite the Atlanta Steam Flouring Mill.] November, 28, 1860. [26—wtf.) J. A. PITCMETT, ATTORNEY AT LAW, AND SOLICITOR IN CHANCERY, W ILL promptly attend to all business onlkusted his care. Office on White Hall Street. THOS. 8. DANIEL, ATTORNEY AT LAW. AtlalarAa, Ga. Office over Valentino’s Confectionary, opposite Intelli gencer Office, Whitehall Street. Nov. 24,1853 26—ly £^QBBLS. Mackerel (Fresh) Just^received^and for at $8,50 by W. W. ROARK. Leucorrhoea, 4c. RISLEY’S BUCHU is a reliable and standard popular remedy for all diseases of the Urinary Organs, design ed io displace the high priced and irresponsible nos trums which are forced upon the notice and credulity of sufferers It is put np in large bottles, and sold at >1 by druggists and country merchants generally, and at wholesale by HAVILAND, RISELY 4 CO., Augusta ; HAVn.AND, HAND & CO., Charleston ; and by HAVI LAND. HARRAL 4 RISLF.Y. New York. THE PHILOTOKEN OB FEMALE’S FRIEND, I S a medicine that commends itself io heads of fami lies and females in all conditions. Unlike most* of the nostrums for the cure of all diseases, which are forced upon th > notice and credulity of the suffering, this is a femalo remedy exclusively ; and one that can be relied bn for the cure and relief of most of the com plaints peculiar to f emales. It is well known to Physi cians that much of their suffering aud ill-health mav be traced to irregularity in their peculiar seasons, and that false delicacy often deters them from seeking re lief. The Philotoken Is infalible in the cure of painful menstruation, (and consequent sterility,) and for the immediate reliof of sypathetic nervous affections, sleepiness, anxiety, hysteria, &c. It is perfectly safe In all eases, and is warranted to secure the approbation and commendation of all who will exercise sufficient confidence to give it a trial. Full directions accompany it. Price $1 a bottle. Sold by Druggists and country Merchants generally, and at wholesale by HAVII.AND, RISI.EY 4 CO., Au gusta, HAVILAND, HARRAL 4 CO., Charleston. Dr. Bobarta Colic Mixture for Infants. T HE most injurious anodynes, such aa laudanum paregoric ftc are too often used to relieve the cries of infants suffering from colic, producing constipation and sometimes death. ROBERTS COLIC MIXTURE affords immediate relief from pain, procures refreshing slum ber, and it commends itself to Mothers. Sold at 26 cents a-rial by J. M. Rantin Atlanta, Wra Root Mariet ta and country Merchants generally at Wholesale, by Ravlland Risley ft Co., Angnsta Ga. l4 Haviland Harral ft Co. Charleston S. C. i[d*wly-l January 11 1H6) Valuable Property for Sale. ey*HE subscriber offers his extensive fire-proof Ware House now in course of erection on White Hall street for sale. The House will be most admirably ad apted for a general Commission business, having large accommodations for the Biorage of Cotton, aud also close storage for the New Orleans and Tennessee trade. The building will be ready by the 1st of October. For particulars apply to myag'ent, T. Doonan. White- Hall street or to William Barry, Covington, Ga. ' WILLIAM BARRY. Atlanta, Sept. 5, 1854.[Sept. 7 wtf City Lots. f *HE undersigned offers for sale several city lpts in the North Eastern portion of Ward No. 3, also a plat of ground in Ward No. 4, the most of which is beautifully situated, I will sell apart or the entire plat to suit purchasers. Also a beautiful lot situated on tho corner of Ivey street and Forsyth Alley, and with in three hundred feet of the Grand Union Depot and in the centre of the city. A small lot at the junc- ure of White Hall and Forsyth Streets, on the north ide of said streets and fronts on tho same nearly two hundred feet. 38—tf Feb.16,1854 H. C. HOLCOMBE. City Land for Sale. con- _ . „ lots to suit purchasers. Also, one acre on Old Whitehall street, fronting on said street and running back to the rail road; H acre lot on Prior street, near C/ipt. Nelson’s, and one K acre lot near the State Shop. Terms accom- dating, apply to August 31, 1854. 14—wtf A. HOWARD. COFFEE. VERY auparior.artiol* of Rio Coffee forwJeb^ Notice! A LL persons indebted to me for lots in the city of - f *- Atlanta, by note past due, are requostod to come forward and pay the same, and nil persons holding bonds given by my former agent, T. l'oonan, for titles to lots in Atlanta arc requested to call and receive deeds from me, if they have complied on their part with the conditions of said bonds. JANE L. MITCHELL, Adm’x.. with tho Will of aunexed, the Estate of Samuel Mitch ell, deceased. Zebulon, July 26, 1854. DR. W. T. GRANT, W OULD inform the citizens of Atlanta and vicinity, that ho has located in their city, for the purpose of practising medicine in all its branches, aqjl solicits a liberal share of their patronage. He can be found at all hourseitlier at his office on Whitehall street, oppo site the Johnson House, or at his room in the Holland House. March 30, 1854. 44—wly FOR SALE. M A House and Lot on Mitchell street near the intersection of Whitehall and Mitchell streets, formerly owned by Geo. W. Cook, now in possession of John Simpson. Titles indisputable and terms accommodating. Apply to SIMl’SON ft HARRIS, Agents for Nevitt, Latborpe ft Btebbins. Atlanta, March 23. 1864. 43—tf TOBACCO. O&BOXES Tobacco, some very superior, now in store ftuiii tar Ml* by W. W BOARS. m Cull and alee Me! HOUSE, SIGN,! AND ORNAMENTAL X* A.XDJTIDJG-i Thankful for the patronage heretofore ertemM to the firm of Tomlinson ft Dooley, I would ic form the public that I have again opened for my self, anil respectfully ask a continuance of the same favors. I am prepared to do House Paint ing with durability and taste not excelled in the South. Also, Sign Painting executed in the neat est manner and at tho shortest notico. I have in my employ the best workmen the South can at- ford—ami Neatness and Despatch shall he mj motto. A. DOOLEY. Shop on Alabama street, two doors below tw corner of Whitehall and Alabama streets. Atlanta, Go. Jan 9 1855 diwtf m iJiauo jFortea, M MUSIC, &C.W H. BRAUMULLER, (Successor to Truax, Vanden Berg & 0c->) Whitehall st., Sign of the Golden Piano, K EEPS constantly on hand PIANOS, whichM warrants to bo of superior tone, touch an quality. Second hand Pianos taken in part pa.'* ment when new ones aro bought, Melodeons, Accordeons, Flutes. Violins, Guitars, Banjos. Tambourines, Triangles, . in short, all Musical Instruments of all P rllV! ', SHEET MUSIC—700 new pieces just receive, and weekly ho roeeivos additions o! the »*• — .... stock •-«od* OI luc a publications. Being a musician himscif, his:tov» is free of the compositions of musical hnotc- ings. Music-Portfolios and 11 usic Cases—pt e ,® alilo to those that aro bound, as music changes quently. , Atlanta. March 2(5, 1855. d * wtI - State Tax. my unite iu cue oiu ouiuu vi v— - , Griffin, on Tuesday and Wednesday of each * > mid Thursday of each week ut the City * ' commencing the Sth day of May, and will 1)8 tinned unfit the 10th of June. Office hours 12, A. M.—2 to 5 P. M. _ n * JAMES CALDWELL, R- T- »• May 1, 1855. dftw ‘ Thos. W. Marshall Jnn. A. Montgomery..Jos. P- Ruria nd THOS. W.MARSHAUft ct ’J Receiving and Forwarding Merchant®' 93 Commerce and 29 Front Streets, MOBILE, ALABAMA. November 18,1864. 47(160 the rounds of all the most approved cures and on'! 10 tives. I have tried in their turn—]. ee 'e f.,!?' Brandreth’s, Cook’s, Hill’s, Spencer’s Smith’s and m ny other Patent Pills and Dyspepsia Drugs which hi come within my reach, and contrary tc, the expressed opinion, I muM bear my humble testurnnt i favor of the virtue of each and all of these Nostrum, I am by a Box of Pills, as by a Book which is 00l °~; a vicious tendency. I never bought either, which l did not think fully worth the money which it cost It is only necessary to add, which I do most chn t f- Uy—not only through kindness to you, but to the p ,v lie also, especially that portion of it who know h,. experience, what is meant by the Vulture-like at the pit of the stomach, bitter taste in the moot? flatulence, a.-cidity. distension of the stomach, coniti' pateil bowels, cold feet and acute pain in the hufl back and vicinity of the heart—to all such, I can cor’ dially recommend the Calhtotn Pills. The efficacy of this Remedicul Agent, I tested for the first time d u ring my recent sojourn with you, and bavo used it f t , quently since, an.l have found, experimentally, that it subserves m my case a most excellent purpose! pi r t; c ,‘ larlyin its effects upon the Liver, the sympathy between which and the stomach is too intimate to require ton mentj Sincerely glad to learn that you are making arrange ments to give more extended dissemination to your Pi]; s I am truly your friend and obedient servant JOS. HENRY LUMPKIN Dr. E. N. Calhopx, 1 Decatur, Georgia. / CovixGTON, October 13 1353 HDr. E. N. Cxlhocx—Dear Sir. 1 am gratified to learn that it is your purpose to disseminate the improved CU- houn Pills more generally than you have heretofore done have occasionally, when sojourning at your house used them when indisposed, and having found them Bo mild yet so efficaciousin cases of derangement of the digestif organs, I most cheerfully commend them anil their ueeto the public, and especially to gentlemen having largefam- files, as a most excellent preventive of fixed and pern,, nent disease arising from indigestion. Truly yours, ftc., JOHN J. F1.0YD. IuGra.xue, October 22, 1853, Dr. E. N. Calhoun—Dear Sir: 1 am gratified to learn that vou iiave come to the conclusion to create Jg»nciei for the Calhoun Pills in different parts of the countrj- is it no less an act of justice to yourself than to the world at large. Since the year ISJfi. I have been in the habit of using your Pills individually, and as a Kauiillj Medicine. Observation and experience prove ir an inval- uable specific for nearly allirregualvitie of tbe Digestive Apparatus, performing its office with little or no pain or nausea ; it leaves the patient with a good appetite, in creased strength and greatlyimprovedandelevatedepir- Its—properly used. itwillcureliyspepRiaandexpelallof II Solon ill ,v concomitants. In Chills and Fevers, and even Bilious Fevers. 1 have found it equally efficient Trusting that you may find the world as ready to com pensate you as to benefit itself, the result of your ski! and labor, I am sincerelv your friend. Ac- EDW. YOUNG HILL Starkviluk, Leo County, October 25,1863. Dr. E. N. Calroux—Dear Sir. While at Decatur, I had as I consider, a fair opportunity of testing the Cal. houn Pills, prepared by yourself, and 1 am so much plesed with their action upon the Liver, and as a meant of breaking up Bilious predisposition, that I hope as jou are now preparing to offer them to the public, that jet will create an Agency at Starkville, that maybeeai. bled at any time to procure them. J expect to use then with white and hlackin all cases threatening attacks,, f, Biilous character. I would be gratified, not only or tout ownaccouut, but also for the benefit of the public it large, that you would place them in the reach of evert person, for I feel confident that there has not yetbeei offered to the public any preparation of Medicine that will compete with your Pills as agcneral Family Medicine, or • traveling companion. Very sincerely your friend, ftc., JOHM H. POPE. Augusta, October 29, 1853. Dr.JE.JN. Calhoun—Dear Sir This is to certify that before I had the pleasure of meeting you, I was frequent ly attacked by some Bilious derangement producing pros tration, loss of appetite, Nausea and Head-ache. Frum tho use of your (Calhoun) Pills, administered according to yonrmstructions. I was immediately aod permanent ly relieved It affords me much gratification to ac knowledge the advantage I derived from your judicious treatment. 1 remain with high esteem, your obedient servant, CHRISTOPHER LOW. For sale by J. M Raxtin, J. Norcross, a. Aihav. der, Kay ft Ramsay and R. Rogers, Agts.. Atlanta. July 27, 1854. 9—ly. tl'ilaniels, Mitchell & WARE-HOUSE & COMMISSI^ BIBRCHANTft Atlanta, Georgia. --rrw THEIR Ware-house isconvemenUKV^u ly situated to the business part Whitehall street, and i» " tlot Y/‘ r ;!Totlie' Proof—usual advance* on cotton an gupte produce in store. Also, Dealers in Fancy 0 th«r Dry Goods. Groceries, Iron, BagguW, R°P« articles of prime necessity. 1 v Y» UcPA 1 *S’ A W. MITCHELL, *; ^ Mt nANig r S J. HUL8KY. ”* ***