The Atlanta weekly intelligencer. (Atlanta, Ga.) 184?-1855, June 07, 1855, Image 2

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TUESDAY, JUNE T The Telegraph. We learn from the Athens Banner, that there was a meeting of the Augusta, Atlan ta and Nashville Telegraph Company, some time since, at Athens, at which Wm. L. Mitchell, Esq., was elected President, and Geo. Young, W. P. Pbintup, C. E. Norton, A. Clark, E. W. Holland, A. D. Hammet and H. F. Phillips, Directors. At the re quest of the President, an executive board was also appointed consisting of J. II. New ton, H. Hull, jr. and Albon Chase. We sincerely trust that this new administration may succeed in resuscitating the sinking condition of the line. For the lost 12 months it has been of no conceivable service either to the business community or to thecompany, and during much the greater portion of this time it has not been in operation at all.— Let the line be completed between Augusta and Nashville and let skillful and reliable operators be placed at the different stations along the route, and there is little doubt but that the line may be made to yield a fair profit, particularly if the endeavors to remove the relay office of the Washington and N. O. Telegrali Company from Columbia to Augus ta, shall succeed. And we would here take occasion to give our hearty endorsement to the position of the Savannah aud Augusta press in regard to the advisability of the lo cation of the relay office and the "disfcribut- ing agency of the associated press in Au gusta. The latter place has, unquestionably, all the advantages in point of centrality and convenience, over either Charleston or Co lumbia, and if the convenience of the South ern press and the Southern business com munity, generally, is consulted, the location will be made at Augusta. The Virginia Election. The Richmond Enquirer of Friday morn ing publishes returns from 139 counties, which give Wise a majority of 10,159 over Flournoy. There are but six counties j et to hear from, which gave Gen. Pierce a majority of 90. Returns from the Congres sional Districts show the election of the entire Democratic Delegation. They are as fol lows: John S. Caskie, John S. Millson, Thos., II. Bayly, Chas., J. Faulkner, Poulus Powell, Wm. 0. Goode, Thos., S. Boeoch, II. A. Edmonson, John Letcher, Zedekiah Ividwell, Fayette McMullen, Wm. Smith. The Convention. The Democratic State Convention, for the nomination of a candidate for Governor, as sembles in Milledgeville to day. Its action is awaited with much more than the ordina ry interest felt on similar occasions, by all parties and political interests throughout the State, as it isthcsignal for thecommence- ment of what promises to be one of the most interesting and exciting political campaigns that Georgia has seen for many a day. The Democracy will be well represented from all parts of the State, and we have an abi ding confidence that the deliberations of the assembled delegates will be of such a char acter as to bring to the support of the nom inee even more than the wonted strength of the party, and ensure a glorious Democratic and anti- Know Nothing victory in October next. [Correspondence of the Atlanta Daily Intelligencer .J New York Affairs. New York, May 2‘J, 1855. To be sure our agricultural operations here in town arc on n small scale, hut in point of time they are in advance of our country cousins. Our inlying season is over, and the weather being highly propitious the entire crop is under cover. One morning last week, before the dews were ex haled, tho click of a whetstone upon a solitary scythe might have been heard by an early lounger in the Park, and before tho dews of the next eve ning fell diminutive liny ceoks dotted the chain- enclosed plats, and weary John Smith, taking an omnibus from his shop in Front street to his house in 25th, actually caught a smell like to the smell of the meadows of his infancy and wasycmindcil, like Mrs. Slcinton, of “nature and cows.’’ All this brushing up was merely preparatory (o a novelty—the review of some J,000 of the police by tho Mayor on Saturday last—a. thing never be fore done in this city. About 15,000 spectators were on the ground who testified a lively interest in tlie proceedings and lost no chance to exalt Mayor Wood by approving demonstrations of all sorts. He (the Mayor) inspected every man of the whole posse, taking the name and address •*f those who particularly pleased or disploascd him—made a speech sensible and to the point, urging each member to feel he occupied a responsi ble situation and < ( uito plainly intimatod that each man must do his duly, aud hotter than ail the rest, he gave medals to those who, during his adminis tration, have dono deserving acts. The idea of tho medal is his own and it is intended to form a sort of legion of honor by its hestowment. The police made a fine show ; much in contrast, 1 am of opinion, to what it would have been one year ago. Tho stars of tho old and new regime are of very different magnitude. instead of loafing slovens, dozing on the “shady side" in summer and toasting their shins in subterranean groggcr- ics iu winter, we have active vigilant men who, if they want the stimulus of pride, are not insensible to that of fear of the Mayor. I noticed, as the ranks filed past, rather more than a fair propor tion of Irish profiles, but so long as they keep awake on beat and get upon the ground within 15 minutes after a row is over, I will uphold them, and show no K. N. propensities. Apropos of foreigners the K. N’s. might find some strong arguments in the number of aliens who figure in the courts of justice. Of forty “ Cyprians ” who were arrested one evening recently upon the street, 37 were Irish and Eng lish and only 2 Americans, licccnt disclosures also show that the most dangerous of our rogues are from London, who, driven to a new field by the energy of the English police, have selected this as the most promising. But these gentry will find their plans of operation thwarted by a police sys tem which is now fast becoming to tiiis city what the French has been to Paris, an almost certain safeguard to life and property. The anti-prohibitionists arc skillfully perfecting their organizations to oppose the operation of the now law. On the 23d inst. the Liquor Dealers Society passed resolutions for ward organizations, and instructing their officers to employ counsel to defend any member charged with violating the law. Their means arc said to he ample and fight ing ; with the desperation of men whose pockets are in peril they will no doubt die hard. We alluded in a recent letter to the ridiculous practice of paying foreign singers such exhorbi- tant salaries as we are doing. Notwithstanding the tightness of tho times and the alleged want of patronage of the fine arts on this side the water, Madame LaGrange, the present Primn Donna of the Academy troupe, is securing $4,000 per month, equal to $18,000 per year ! The lesser lights get from 2j to 3J. thousand per month, making tho aggregate expenses of the Academy not less than $25,000 per month. And because we do not com placently fork over this “ tribute of acknowledge ment to deserving merit,” we must figure in the court and literary journnls of our trans-ni'. .tic neighbors as a nation of barbarians with no . .dti- vaied taste, no refinement, no love of the beauti ful. Well, bo it so. While wo educate even tho poorest of our citizens, and extend the blessings of our manifold inventions to these same natious whose highest products are sixpenny princes and an occasional artist, we can afford to laugh in our national sleeve at sucli fustian pomposity. Tho “ very nice business,” which our friend Burton calls it iu the Wandering Minstrel, which numerous vagabonds about the city aro in the hnbit of driving “in tho dog way,” consisting in stealing poodles, etc., and when a reward is of fered in tho morning papers, returning them “like an honest man,” being rather unprofitable just now, the same busy citizens, abhorring idleness, have taken to follow tho newspaper carriers at adventurers a profit of full cent per cent, to say nothing of the entire absence of risk in the in vestment, but if the line of business be closely followed wc fear that many a breakfast will prove indigestible from .the egg and coffee lacking the flavor of the morning news. Wc arc to have more markets, up-town markets, perhaps on a grand scale like those of the olden cities of Europe. We cannot boast of any very splendid markets here, although the supply of food is always equal to the demand, nor do the muni cipal relations respecting them keep in view with half care enough the health of the people. We hope soon to sec our city in this respect rival any in the world. Tho late attempt on the turf to trot twenty miles an hour, which resulted in the permanent [For the Atlanta Daily Intelligencer.] The Principle of Naturalization. ings of experience could ever convince the rulers of mankind that in national as indi vidual concerns, unauthorized meddling is .... » .. v always presumptuous and may be dangerous. the appearance of the Know Nothing History in many instances confirms my P ar ^J in fi^fi of American politics, words, and to go no further back than three opens for discussion a subject not directly score years and ten, what have the inhabi- involved in any mere question of policy, tants of Great Britain gained by Quixoti- still less in any appeal to the generous and cally and always m a thankless cause launch- , . ‘ . ... . ing themselves upon the broad sea of battle, I huraanc feelings of our natures; and th.s is , day. In 1790, three years after the adop tion of our constitution, tho population of the United States was estimated to he about 4,000,000; these were distributed on an area of territory comprising 1,000,000 square miles, an average of 4 inhabitants to the square mile. By the returns of the last census we find the population of the United murder'^nd Sudden "^death^but a°crushiiig ! the right of the foreigner to naturalization, j States to be 23,000,000, on a territory em- debt which it dizzies the brain to reckon, j and the consequent duty on the part of the bracing 3,-3C,5i_ square miles, an average and a continental unpopularity which fifty Government to administer it. The discus- alliances can never extinguish. sion of this subject will be mainly assisted Be persuaded then in time, that all tor- , . ,, , , ,. , eign interference is an ill paid trade, that I b ? considering the mode by which our an- the sooner it is abandoned in the East the ! testers gained a title to tne country, which better it will be for you, and that the less it | we now occupy. This view of it will, per- injury of the noble animal entered for tho cruel | is practised in the West the more prospe-; haps, be all sufficient for the determination feat, smacks so much of barbarism that it ought ! rous will be your condition to bo classed among tho bull-baiting and cock fights of older times and less civilized countries. A fair race between two trained horses, to test the comparative speed and bottom of the candidates, within certain limits which insures the safety of life and limb, finds something to excuse it even now, but to set a Herculean labor for a dumb beast to perform and then urge it ou till its overstrained veins absolutely burst from the exertion, is sav age atrocity indeed. *** The United States and Russia. The following is the letter to the London Times, which called forth the bitter remarks of that Journal on American sympatny.— The authorship is ascribed by the Philadel phia Ledger to Mr. Cliilde, an American residend of Paris: To the editor of the London Times. Sir: Since the commencement of the war with Russia there has now and then ap peared in the English papers an expression of surprise, real or affected, that the Amer icans in their sympathies are not on your side. It has been attemped to be shown how by every calculation of self-interest they ought to set their faces against the Czar and pray for blessings on his enemies. They have been repeatedly told how poor and limited is their commerce with the barbarians of the North, and how rich and boundless is their intercourse with those who are fighting the battles of liberty and civilization. On the one hand, motives the most mercenary are presented to a people who if greedy of gain are lavish of expense, and on the other, the most Jesuitical war nings are uttered against the c'ontagion of a despotic Government, when the English themselves are in closest contack with an other Government which is not a whit less despotic either in theory or in practice. Without stopping to decide whether Amer- cans are more benevolently inclined to Rus sia than to those who, in spite of negative protestations, are evidently straining every nerve to humiliate her, it is not difficult to comprehend why such disposition should he not uncommon throughout the States.— Respectfully your obedient servant, Paris A “States” Man. The Grand Eruption ot VeauTiu*. A letter dated Naples, May 10, gives a thrilling account of the progress of the eruption of Vesuvius, of which we have al ready had accounts, and which was absorb ing general attention, the king, ministers, | of the American people. We, the children, density of 7.2 to the square mile. Here, although the number of inhabitants to the square mile has, during this period, nearly doubled, yet has the increase been immate rial, as we shall see by considering the number on those parts of the earth consid ered densely populated. Massachusetts has people, and all being on the spot. The lava nas advanced ten miles from its source, and is doing immense damage. The lettersays: Just at the base of it, a lake of fire has been formed, which looks like a red sea in can never disavow the acts of our fathers, j * population of 127.49 to the square mile, on that occasion ; nor can the government j Rhode Island, 112.97 ; Ireland, - > e ' abnigatea principle to which it owes its ! gium, 345. With the density of Massa- very existence. Rights are, or are supposed j chusetts, the population of the United States to be, determinable, otherwise than by the j would be 411,897,517 ; of Ireland, 694,06b,- sword, and the rights under which the ear- j 019 ; of Belgium,. 1,111,060,184, excelling lier settlers planted a foothold in this coun- j ^ho entire population of the globe, and 49 of two years, which period of disability seems to be attached rather for the purpose of testing the genuineness of the residences than any other. The subsequent acts ren dering it incumbent in the foreigner to de clare his intention of becoming a citizen, three years before admission, tacity allows the right of citizenship, when a bona fide residence shall have been, by this means established. But leaving this matter aside, it must be admitted by all, who have any knowledge of the meaning of terms, that the individual who has fixed his residence in a country, is an inhabitant of that coun try, and if there be a community extending its influence over him, he is one of the people who composed that commu nity, and if on the other hand ours is a government of the people, as the preamble of our constitution and the very meaning of the term expressly declare, it then follows as an inevitable consequence, that resident foreigners—and naturalization, we contend, is nothing more then the proof of residence—are an integral part of our WEDNESDAY, JUNE 6. try, rests on other foundations, or it rests ! t> mes g reat€r than ouf owu - Probably our not at all: if on none, then arc we usurpers j territories may never be able to sustain a in the land, and any act by which we ex- j population so dense as any of these. Yet elude others from it, admits of no defence, j * needs n0 ‘ fi S u , res satlsf > ever y lnte h ' , . . an undulatory state. In the very centre of j if, on the other hand, our fathers had a I g ent man that the Y have not uow their du , e tho essential basis of our institutions. De- this has opened another crater, which is w cla i m to settlement here it remains to proportion. Until the happening of such j mocracy is a government of the people. The zi : * *i,o J “ ’ ... c an occurrence, or at least something nearer ! existence of a large body of the people with- be seen how far the acceded principles ot |. , , , , J . v ... , r • , , it than our present state, we see no excuse ; m a government, who are not allowed to Retaliatory Legislation. We notice in our Now Orleans exchanges a suggestion made by tho Bulletin, endorsed by the Picayune, and copied approvingly by many Southern papers, recommending a general system of non-intercourse with Massachusetts, in view of the late nullifica tion of the Fugitive Slave Law by the Leg islature of that State. The article alluded to urges Southern merchants, shippers and importers to hold public meetings, pledging themselves not to ship freight in Massachu setts vessels, or to buy any kind of manu factured articles from that State, or in any manner to pay money into the pockets of Massachusetts capitalists. In short, it is the old song of non-intercourse revived, to be effected through the bluster of indigna tion meetings and the voluntary pledges of individuals,— a course of proceeding utter ly powerless to accomplish the object of its design. The remedy is in no wise adapted to the disease. We may hold indignation in it. Any principle in contradiction of this, must, in its influence, be subversive of throwing out red hot stones. On the morn ing of the 7 th, thecrater at the very summit fired, as it were, two heavy cannonades ; and after sending forth lightning, flames and stones, broke up altogether. In the been 1 Ju°71 * 0t arG C ° j S1B T ' for the existence of the Know Nothing par- j participate in it is directly contradictive of ' Tlt ., ,, a * V .^ n omiaranfl nnhnh’ ! country is sufficiently broad and j the very name and essential features of a 1 middle of the cone ten craters have been j t ° . sessions on the North American ; fertlle > without inconvenience to those al- ■ Demociacy. Under such circumstances, it formed, and from these the lava pours forth j . . . . , * ., . j ready here, to support, for years to come, all , becomes an aristocracy, or at best, if we like a river, and runs on the side of the i lnen > T15 [' 1 ® J conques , i e J who may be forced by hunger and oppres- I may be allowed to form a term, a merocacy. Cavallo as far as the Minatore. Here four : discovery, and another more subtle, but no ; gion t0 flee from other lands , Vattel lays it ! We have thus briefly attempted to explain other craters have been formed, which ! less valid, which, upon the principle that , . • , , , , ... , , t , throw up bitumen in the manner of pyra-; the earth wa , made f or man allows him to j d °.™ a9 v P riDC1 P le ’ thafc a ma 1 b Y be “S what we believe to be a correct principle. | Massachusetts is not the crazy mids and resemble cieantic exhibitions of; . - ’ . , exiled or banished does not lose his quanty | We have very possibly failed m establish- -.P art T ? 7 , fire-works. The whole of the summit of the ' S 3 - 1 " a sustenance rom any unoccupi per- j ag a man and consequently his right to j ing our position, if so, it is we who are at i y avings of aboll * lon n ’ obs ’ but that tb ? leg ' crater is, therefoie, like a sponge, and must j t.on of it. By the first of these it can with ; dweU on any other part of the earth.”- ! fault, the principle is as immutable as the i lslatlve P ower of the State has been wielded inevitably fall in. The thin crust trembles : scarcely a show of reason be pretended, that ; Thig right Qn the part of the individua i | soM earth which we treadj it has its i against the South in such a manner as to tremendous^movement — ! ^ ^ “ "j ^ ^ i” 2 , i necessarily implies a corresponding duty on j foundation in truth and human rights. This ! destr0 ? the reraotest <*anee of a Southern government, and are entitled to participate ; meet ‘ n S s by tbe score adopt the most ' threatening of paper resolutious, and tume and fret and vow all manner of individual non-intercourse, and yet all this will fall far short, in its effects, of the end aimed at, and the same old system of aggression and insult will go on as heretofore. The difficul ty lies in the utter impossibility, in any such way, of bringing about that entire unanimity and concert of purpose, and we may add, certainty of action, among the people, which would be absolutely necessa ry to make the movement at all effectual. What we have now to complain of, on THURSDAY, JUNE 7. FOR GOVERNOR, HERSCHEL V. JOHNSON, OF BALDWIN. under your feet, dance wi ' The part dance ' vlU | m tb gd ^® n J a aan “ 0 t ^ n ^ ter j of conquest, in its best condition, can beue- the part of the nation among whom he j it is which a wise and just philanthropy, in j man getting the rights, which all allow are - , , ) tinon fn riA nntmnrr mnrp than fl kind OI : t . r* _ _ a.. • i • iiti , .... . . . ! minvnnfian frt him r\xr tna (inncfitnturn nf tnA looks like the sides of a heated copper boiler.! fined to be noth,n g more than a kind of appiies f or adm i S sion to receive him. What j opposition to tyrany and political casuistry, ! guarantied to him by the Constitution of the Such is a true statement of what is going on j compensation ‘'detained as an equivalent ; difference will any but a mere casuist find j f ias through all ages of the world, endeav- United States, within the limits of that at the summit. There are reports of an ! for what is due by the enemy, for expenses ; between the condition and rights of those opening towards Pompeii, which is not un- j and damages w liich he has occasioned.” In | who are exiled by law and those whose des . likely, and of another toward Russia, butl J this case there was no W ar, nor consequent- ; perate condition is thus described in an ar- have not been up for some days, as the dan ger is now very great, over the other, crackling, and grinding, and grating: and when from the very face of it, a large lump fell off, the appearance was that of an iron furnace when the iron is being drawn. To make the resemblance more complete T , T ^ ~. , . , ders of the village had fallen; in one, thirty If I mistake not, there exists a strong Qr peop i e ij ved- A small chapel was general conviction among disinterested per-1 r „ r i — sons that the present frightful struggle be tween Christain nations inarms is a disgrace to the 19th century; that the object of it is as unattainable and unwise as it is indefen sible, that no contingent or prospective danger to Europe or to India was sufficiently menacing tojustify in the sight of God the slaughter of His chief handiwork on earth at the rate of two hundred thousand souls a year, or in the sight of man the destruction of hard earnings, so as to outstrip the almost miraculous productiveness of the present day ; and that when Russia consents, as she has (lone, to the demands of the Allies con cerning the Sultan’s Greek subjects, the protectorate of the Principalities, and the navigation of tho Danube, to require her, in the plenitude of her strength and the height of her pride to assist in tying herown hands is an indignity to which none wouM submit save a fool who is more than one half cow ard, Is it, to be wondered at, then, if among other impartial observers some Americans be found who seeing Russia banned as an annexationist by the Allies, call upon these, as another set of self-rightous accusers were once exhorted, to “cast the first stone.” If American sympathies do indeed lean toward him against whom, single handed as he flights, are handed the hosts of the West, some good reasons may perhaps be suggested for what is in your esteem an unnatural state of feeling.* While English diplomatists and Consuls have been unwearied in their efforts to circumvent and destroy American influence on American territory, the Rus sian Government has not only always main tained amicable relations with that of the U. S. but it has never attempted to thwart American agents in the performance of their duties. Nor has Russian Minister of For eign Affairs at any time ever formally and deliberately enunciated, as did Lord Claren don, an intention to undertake the super vision of matters on the other side of the At lantic, itwas not Russian, but englisli accred ited agents who, aided by French officials, have within a few years succeeded in baf fling the U. S. Government in disigns which if accomplished, would have benefitted the commerce of all nations. The Sandwich Islands, St. Domingo, and the State of Ecuador on the Pacific, bear witness to their mischievous and clever machinations. England, likewise, through her representative, tried to force upon the Central American Government of Guate mala a Belgian colonization treaty, execrat ed and repudiated by that Government, she herself being under bonds to the United Stales not to settle any of her own subjects in that quarter of tlie world. Then again the English Press, not to be slack in offending those whom it is bound by duty and interest to conciliate, never lets slip an opportunity for abusing and ridicul ing tlie Americans, not even when to do so it is necessary to confound a few outlawed men, aliens for the most part, with the whole nation. Whether it be tlie atrocious seizure of a harmless trading-ship by Cuban underlings or the untoward arrest of a ]y damage sustained, for which to claim The^writer,* after an absence of two days, j such compensation. Not only did no cause revisited, after night the vicinity of the i for dispute exist, between the American natives and the European people, prior to the latter establishing themselves in the country of the former, but the existence of each was almost unknown to the other. At no time have our fathers, or we after them, pretended to a title derived in this eruption, and thus describes what he saw : Where I walked on Sunday night was now a sea of fire. The side road by which I had come down into the main stream from Pollena and Mussa di Somme, was now full of blackened coke. The houses on the bor- ticle iu a late Irish paper. Extermination of the Irish Race.—A Scotch millionaire, named Pollock, purchas ed two immense estates in the county Gal way, under the Incumbered Estates Court, and one of the first acts of the be nevolent gentleman was to serve all the hapless tenants with a notice to quit. There are 2,700 men, women and children of the Irish race living upon the — .. — i j manner, but on the contrary, have repeat- | esta tes Mr Pollock prefers stocking his swallowed up, a gentleman 8 villa, and a sad ; .... , . . , x , t property with bullocks and sheep : the pres- extent of vineyard and garden ground. On j et ^y disowned it, as in every instance w en - gta ^ e 0 f } aw enables him “to do what the other side of the great lava bed, another ! we have remunerated the Indians for their , be i;jj eg with his own:” and so the unhap- stream branched off to San Sebastiano. The j l a nds. Still less was legal possession in j pv wretches must follow many a thousand fire had begun to enter the burial ground of j t j dg CftSe to bc established on the “-round 0 f of their kindred to the poorhouse, the emi- the little town, but was diverted from its | _ ,. , „ ..., , ” j grant ship, the bridewell, or the grave. course by a wall. On the opposite side of j f rst dl ^ ov f? ’ a law * A ye to the Bridewell or the grave, but the stream, were the King and all the royal j have defined to exist only when a nation . emigrant shiD In connection family. The banks on either side were J finds a country uninhabited, and without a j ® 4 0 , thronged with curious and anxious multi- \ master.” Upon the third ground alone, can j ' wl “ 1 tals wc copy the following trom the tudes, whose faces were lighted up with the j be justified the occupancy of this continent ! Bost °n Post : blaze of hundreds of torches and with the ; the EuropeanS) and here we have a title ! Sent Back.—A poor Irish woman was more resplendent flame of the rapidly de- r , . v A v . v A i yesterday sent on board the ship Daniel seending iava. Since the morning it had clearly valid in law and ethics Vattel ad- ^ ebster f for Liverpool> to be ret P rned to moved a mile. It was like a vast river of nuts this right m the following language:— 1 - - - — - glowing coke. As it moved on, the tens of “We have already observed,” says that thousands of lumps ^rolled and tumbled one w - r jter, “in establishing the obligation to cultivate the earth, that these nations can not exclusively appropriate to themselves more land than they have occasion for, and which they are unable to settle and culti vate. * * * * We have already said State. Why should we not, then, rely on legislative power at home for our defence ?— If our Legislatures are made of the right at such times, men darted forward with : tbat tbe ear t b be longs to the human race in long poles taken trom the neighboring , ,rl - yards, and pulled out great masses of lava, in which they imbedded money for sale.— What struck me at first, and still strikes me as the most majestic feature in the whole scene, is the slow, silent, irresistable motion of that fiery flood. Active almighty power without an effort!^ Sweeping everything be fore it, overcoming every obstaclo, growing up against intervening walls or houses, aud devouring them bodily, and then marching on in the same silent, unrelenting, irresis tible manner as before. There was a spot beneath my feet where a fall of mason work had been built to break the violence uf the winter floods ; to this spot all eyes were di rected. The fiery river would fall over it in an hour: as yet it was distant from it seventy yards, perhaps. Gradually it rose in bight, and swelled out its vast propor tions, and then vast masses fell off and rolled forward; then it swelled again as fresh matter came pressing down behind, and so it broke, and on it rolled again and again, till it had arrived at the very edge. There was a general buz and murmur of voices. The royal family stood opposite to me, look ing on with intense anxiety. At last it j broke, not hurriedly, still with a certain ! show of majesty. At first a few small lumps fell down ; j general, and was designed to furnish it with subsistence ; if each nation had resolved i from the beginning, to appropriate to itself a vast country, that the people might live only by hunting, fishing, and wild fruits, our globe would not be sufficient to main tain one-tenth part of its present inhabi tants.” This principle based as it is upon the inherent rights of man to the occupancy of the earth, can never be effected by any question of civilization or barbarism, govern ment or no government. Our ancestors in beginning, found the North American In dians possessed of a more extensive ter ritory than their wants required; they properly came iu and occupied tbe sur plus, and without interfering with the welfare of others, subjected the earth to its natural design, the sustenance of man; but they in their turn, becoming masters of the soil, found themselves placed in a similar situation, the same causes of the right un der which they gained possession of the land of the New World, still existed with reference to others who might wish to come upon them, i. e., a vast territory with an then poured over a pure liquid of metal, like thick treacle, clinging sometimes mass ■ insufficient population. What better right to mass, from its glutinous character, and j had they, than had the original inhabit- b ^j Is . a ^| ants, to exclusively appropriate the entire i continent to themselves? If savage barba rians were unjustifiable indevotingto them- scorioe. Then on it moved once more in its silent, regular course, swelling up and spreading over the vinyards on either side, and now there was a rush for the road which traverses this lava-bed. Houses and the bridge border the road, the carriages were ordered off, and the bridge was being broken down—we were being cut off com pletely. We had therefore to retrace our steps and make a long circuit through the open country, and over walls, came round selves a needless amount of the earth’s sur face, so also, will an honest judgment an swer, would be civilized Christians; such a policy adopted by either, would result in the same ruinous consequences to the hu man races. In either case, in the words of Vattel, “ Our Globe might not be ^suffi- to the top of the bridge “run,’’said the sen- j c j en t to maintain one tenth part of itspres- tinels, “or you will be too late.” We | . ] ,. crossed the narrow parapet which was still 1 en in ia ^ au s The European colonists Plenipotentiary, the occasion is pounced j remaining, and soon afterwards down went! came i n on a vast an( I almost uninhabited upon with a rapidness which shows how ; the whole fabric. In this way it is hoped ; tract of land, and established themselves venomous is the intent which lies behind. | the lava will be diverted from the town- j into a nation; having done so, a vast and I know your reply will be, as it has been, j ships of St, Sebastian, Massa di Somme, a i mos t uninhabited tract of land still re- tliat you arc iu the habit ot roughly band- • and Pollena, which stand on either side, line your own Government and Governors, j and have as yet suffered partially. Cerco- lo, through which, however, the stream is rolling, will be sacrificed. The expectation not excepting even royalty itself, when by chance a “truant disposition” untimeously appears, and that therefore you are quite at liberty to speak your mind about others.- • But there is a wide difference between one who is at liberty to answer and one who has no organ of communication. Some people have fancied that there is another good cause for loving you less and the Russians more. They believe that be fore now had you and the French Emperor bad Russia on your hands Spain, like Tur key, would have become a stalking horse of tlie two first maritime powers of Europe for the prosecution of a Crimean expedition in the Western Hemisphere. Whatever credit may have been due to the surmise matters very little at present, with your impossible task before you, since it is pretty clear that no contrivance and no application of physi cal force can permanently deprive Russia of a predominance in the Black Sea, for which she is indebted to nature and circumslances that aro independent of the durable control of her enemies. Austria, you may be sure, will never draw a sword to destroy it, her own constitution and condition of existence being too dependent on Russian influence to encourage her in an act so bold. From the beginning, not thorough wantonness but weakness, she lias been playing fast and loose with the two Allies of the West, whose diplomatic agents, however, to do them just ice. knowing the ticklish and dangerous na ture of tlie party, adroitly humored her, as one does a nervous horse who may do as he is bid or free himself of the harness at a jump. Whatever may be the cause there is no denying that Austria has never gone heartily with you, and at your utmost need, rely upon it, she will be found wanting. If Russia were not sure of this, do you imag ine that she would dare to reject your con ditions of peace?—that she would be mad enough to resist a world in arms such as would he Austria, England, France and Tur key united in head, hand and heart? Allow me to repeat, in tlie only journal whose universal currency tempts one to ad dress it, that if there he any hostile senti ment in America towards the allies, apart from the justice or injustice of their cause, it is in a great measure owing to the intri- roapectable distance, in tboir rounds through the : gues of foreign agents and to the calumnies more retired streets, and raking after all that is } of a foreign press. In the course of time littered by the way. The gleanings sold in tho j the latter bane may furnish its own appro- fcusier thoroughfares must pay tho enterprising i priate antidote; hut it seems as if QO teach* mained: under such circumstances, with out a direct repudiation of the justice of their own acts, they could not refuse to is that the lava, should the eruption eontin-1 other people likewise to establish themselves i-U~ Y> TIT . J ’ 1 : I _ r 1 ue, will flow down to the Ponte Madualoni, and into the sea. So grand and so destruc tive an eruption has not been known for many years, and even now we cannot tell how it will terminate. The mountain is literally seamed with lava, and many fear a violent explosion as the final scene of the tragedy. Mr. Ericcson, the “caloric” engine in-1 venter, is out in a long letter denying the truth of the report that he has abandoned liis invention as impracticable. He says : “The late British Association in England discussed the matter at length, the inferiori ty of steam as a moter being fully establish ed.” It is a curious commentary on the j coming populated, and this territory, under faith that Mr. Ericcson has in his invention ] thefostering careof the republic, wouldsoon- that his caloric ship has had the air heaters | er become the cultivated honje of man _ a reason ridiculously absurd had we confined into a nation, or receive them into the folds of their own : they did the latter, and the naturalization law was an act not less of wisdom than justice. However lost sight of amid the increasing grandeurs of a great empire, the principle which we have endeav ored to explain lias been tacitly admitted, and acted upon during every stage of our government. In that constant acquisition of territory, which has marked our course through its whole progress, we have given it as a sufficient reason for thus extending our boundaries, that America was fast be- converted into steam boilers. Baltimore, May 31.—The boiler of the i that population to decendants of the origi- engine attached to the freight tram on the nal three mmio ns who composed the inhab- Ireland. She was from the town of Mon- son, in this State, where she was probably a pauper. Iler cries were piteous, and her reluctance to be sent away was of the most extreme character. “She went, hut not alone”—a little child a few weeks old, a na tive of Massachusetts, has been sent with her into the horrors of poverty, a doom worse than slavery, and not one interposing native American voice was raised to prevent it. Several other paupers were sent back in the vessel. Literally, yet we hope not irreverently, man we say “the foxes have holes, the birds of the air have nests, but the son of man hath no where to lay his head.” We are aware that it will be objected, to what we have hitherto said on this subject; that the policy of the Know Nothing party is not to prevent emigration, but by a repeal of the naturalization laws, to exclude for eigners from a participation in the govern ment. Their acts disprove such assertions ; for leaving entirely out of view the action of the Massachusetts Legislature, by which, under a specious law against paupers, infe rior magistrates are armed with extraordi nary power to return, from whence they came, emigrants who land upon their shores, the general tone of the press, and the indi vidual action of many who compose the party, display a rancorous and malignant hatred against the entire foreign popula tion, which far from contenting itself with excluding them from the government, would carry the spirit of persecution into ail the social relations of life. The effect of their policy—nor do they scruple to declare such to be their intent—is to discourage and im pede emigration to our shores; and their in fluence has, in a great measure, already ef fected their object; for not only has emigra tion almost entirely ceased, but thousands, who were already here, disgusted an<^ hor rified, have returned, preferring the politi cal oppression of a tyranical government to actual social wrongs, though perpetrated under the standard of a Republic. What can he the difference between two acts, the effects of which are the same, with the only exception that one is declared and the other obvious ? The policy of the Know Nothing party as effectually excludes emigration, as would any act passed with that direct de sign. If foreigners have a right to settle in this country, as we believe, and have en deavored to prove they have, any act which impedes the free exercise of that right, is in violation of it. One other view of this subject—Naturali zation—we contend, is necessary to the per fection of the right of residence in a foreign country. Since the abolition of villanage, a system under which man was regarded rather as a part of the soil upon which he was born, than an intellectual being en dowed with social rights, tbe principle of expatriation has been gradually developing itself; it remained, however, for the Ameri can people to recognize it in its fullest and most beneficial extent. Under the opera tion this law—and a more correct one civi lization never introduced—man becomes a part—not of the government under which he was born—but of that under which he lives. This was but reverting to the prin- ored to establish : the right of the man in the government. So long as the cause for the support of which our fathers pledged their , , „ , . . , “lives” their “fortunes” and their “sacred ! f T uff ’ ™ have ampie means of bringing the honor,” is espoused by us their children, j Massachusetts fanatics to their senses, and long is the government of the United States : that > too > Wltll0ut followm S tbe ' 1 ' ? sam P le hound to extend to all, over whom it may ; and S oing into unconstitutional legislation, extend its influences, the right of a free and ! But even on the score of constitutionality, fair representation in it. M. 1 ma J weil be doubted whether justice —— ; would demand that tlie Southern States Libel Siuit. Lhe suit of Mathews vs. the sbou [ d square their legislation to the strict Beachs of the New York thin newspaper, : lett6r of the com p a ct (already violated by to recover damages for an alleged libel, in i the ag g re ssor) in their work of self defence publishing a report some five years ago, was ) aga j ngt t he unconstitutional acts of a State concluded on Thursday morning in the Su- i wb ; cb ba8 virtually placed herself beyond perior Court, by a verdict for the defend- tbe pale of tbc Confederacy. When Mas- ants - sachuselts repudiates the compact she for- Issue of Land Warrants.— I he Pension j f e ;t s b g r claims to its protection. But we Office was to have issued on Thursday last, ; do uot propose to go beyond the limits of two thousand land warrants, under the late tlie constitution. We do, however, propose law of Congress, and afterwards at the rate ; that every Southern State in this emergency of two hundred a day. Voice from the Sontli West. Sam was brought to a showing in the Early County, on Wednesday the 28th inst. At an election held then and there for the office of Sheriff, the Democratic candidate received considerably over two hundred votes —the Know Nothing getting just thirty five in the whole county. In two precincts where the Whigs usually poll about fifty votes, the Know Nothings found not one supporter. We receive this information from a resident of the County. Well done for Early.—Macon Telegraph. A Dilemma. In the capture of Constantina, in Algiers, a French sub-lieutenant, who fought by the side of General Dumremont, was returned as killed, and a certificate of his death was j should rely upon her Legislature for pro tection, and not indignation meetings, or other inefficient demonstrations. Our remedy, and wc believe it to be the only effectual remedy short of disunion, is, that the Legislature of every Southern State that feels itself aggrieved by tho action of Massachusetts, should go quietly to work and pass a law suspending the use of the State Courts for the collection of all liabili ties on the part of citizens of the State to citizens of Massachusetts, incurred after a certain date subsequent to the passage of the act, the operation of the law to continue until the obnoxious law shall be repealed by tho Massachusetts Legislature. Let the same course bo pursued towards every other sent to the widow, who resided at Nantes | Northern State that may choose to try its Two years afterwards she married a wood . . * . . engraver, and went to reside with him at hand at repudiation ot the Constitution. Turin. Some months ago she had occasion We will stake our reputation as prophets, to take up her residinee at Lyons, on busi- that a single session of the Massachusetts ness. After a stay of two months in that ; Legislature would uot pass by without ef- city, she was astonished at receiving a let- c - u „. c .. ^ , , . , facing the “nullification law trom the ter from her second husband, announcing t that the first had appeared to claim her.— ! statute books, after such action had been She hastened hack, and found at Turin the j taken, even by the single State of Georgia, ex-lieutenant. It was determined, after ! discussion between the parties, that the tri bunals should be appealed to, to decide whose wife she really is: and until judge ment slial be given the ex-lieutenant was invited to take up his residence in the house of the engraver. The woman and her two husbands have since continued to live together on the very best terms. France and Poland.—M. de Persigny has been appointed the French Ambassador at tho Court of St. James, in the place of Count Walewski. Tlie new minister to England is understood to be friendly to the resuscitation of the kingdom of Poland as a bulwark against Russian encroachments.— This change in the council of Napoleon III. is regarded as a triumph by tho friends of Polish nationality. The steps recently road between Baltimore and Philadelphia, burst this afternoon at Havre de Grace, kil ling the Engineer and Fireman. There was no mail through from Phila- itants of this country at the time of the formation of the government. But within the last twelve months a new and powerful delphia this afternoon, in consequence of j party has gained a foothold in this country, obstruction caused by the accident Hartford, Ct., May 31.—The bill allow ing an extension of sufirage to negroes, was defeated in the House of Representatives to day by a majority of 20. Home Squadron.—The Secretary of the Navy has appointed Commodore Paulding to the command of the Home Squadron in place of Commodore McCauley who has had temporary command. The United States Expedition for the re lease of Dr. Kane left the New York Navy Yard at 1, P. M., on Thursday, the Release in tow of her coDsort, the propeller Arctic. As the two vessels sailed jiway on their mer ciful errand, the crews of the South Caro lina and Congress manned the rigging, and the result of the ascendancy of whose prin ciples will be an entire revolution in the past policy of this government, an open repudi ation of the uci- iji' our ancestors—classing them with marauders and thieves—and a denial that we, their progeny, have any ti tle to the soil upon which wo live—under the specious pretence that Americans shall rule America, they ignore the just existence of such a people. We say that these are tho unavoidable results of the ascendaucy of the Know Nothing party to power, unless we can be shown that a new state of affairs have sprung into existence inconsistent with the exercise of that right under which the first emigrants established themselves in this continent. That principle, wo will remem ber, is this : that no small body of people [From the Savannah Rupublican.] Messrs. Steplicns aud Cobb, aud Know Nothings. Tlie reader have failed to notice several i taken for the organization of a Polish legion articles which we have published within ' arc regarded as pointing to the same con- the last few days, from diflerent portions of j clusion Bufc as the ^-establishment of the State, reviewing the late letter ot the : . , ,, , „ . . lion. Alexander H Stephens against the : Poland would be a “revolutionary move- American party. We observe with pleas- I inent,” these inferences are to be taken ure the tone of respect, and the freedom I with several grains of allowance. from personal invective, which character- ! ——; :—;—— ise these communications, and trust that ! Barnum s baby show isn t quite so popu- the example set by the writers who have j lar with the abolitionists since they have already occupied our columns, will be im- j learned that he has decided to exclude the Hon. Howell Cobb, Will address the people of the Sixth 0 gressional District, at the following tiiji° & ' and places: a 01e8 > Saturday, June 16th, Monroe, Walton p Monday, June 18th, Lawrenceville nett county. ’ ltl- Wednesday, June 20th, Oummino-, p syth county. 0t ' Friday, Juno 22d, Dahlonega, Lumpy county. 11 ln Monday, June 2oth, Blairsville, Um county. ’ on Telegraphic Relay Station.—At a meet ing of the Savannah Chamber of Commerce on the 1st inst., it was resolved that the President be instructed to address a l etter to the lion. Amos Kendall at Washington setting forth the general advantages which would ensue from tlie removal of the I e ] e graphic Relay Office from Columbia, S f> to Augusta, Ga. Betting on Elections.—Among thegra^ jury presentments before the Circuit Comt of Petersburg are the Allowing: F. C. Stain, back, Esq., Flour Inspector of Petersburg and Alex. Leak, Esq., of Washington Cit- for betting on the chances of Henry Wise and Thomas S. Flournoy to the Gov ernorship of Virginia. Busted cp !—We learn, says the M 01U . gomery (Ala.) Journal, that a Know Noth ing council in Autauga county, went by the board a few days ago. At its last meeting the members had a hot discussion on the question of dissolving, and it was tin ally carried by an almost unanimous vote.— Thereupon the book was brought out and each member came forward and expunged his name from tlie roll—when an amusing scramble took place to get to the “f ou [ record” first, some not awaiting for a pen but dipping their fingers to the ink to draw the biaclc line over their autographs. J8@P*The Presbytery of Shenago, Wis., of the Associate Presbyterian Church, at a meeting held on the ITtli ultimo, adopted the following resolution with reference v, secret societies. Resolved, That in the judgment of this Pres- bytery, the principles of our church exclude from communion the members of the secret society called Know Nothings, and the members of all such secret societies, and that the Presbytery direct sesssons to enforce this opinion. Expected Decline in Flocr.—The Au gusta Constitutionalist says :—A letter from Rome, Ga., saysthatthe wheat is now beiim cut in many places. So you may expect a rapid decline in flour. The article can he purchased by the single sack, of one hun dred pounds at this market, for 84 50. We of Augusta pay ?G and over. An inferior article of corn is SI 50, though none offer ing. Bacon 9 to 1L cents. In 1834, the State of Georgia appropria ted S15.000 for the erection of a Lazaretto in Savannah, but no measures were taken by the corporate authorities of the city to carry into effect the purposes of the Legisla ture. At a meeting of the Council on Thursday last, it was resolved to apply this $15,000, together with the interest which has accrued upon it since 1834, to the pur poses designed. A Great Pile of Specie.—The steamer Baltic took out from New York on Wednes day evening for Europe, an enormous spe cie export—1,700,000 : a cargo such as the old Spanish galleons used to carry—hut we have nothing else to export justnow. Better export specie than flour or any other kind of food. Newspaper Change.—We have inadver tantly omitted to notice that Dr. James R. Smith has retired from the Editorial chair of the Atlanta Republican. Messrs. J. Norcross, W. G. Forsyth aud L. Dean are the new proprietors. The paper will con tinue to advocate the claims of the Tem perance candidate, Mr. B. II. Overby. [From the N T . O. Picayune, 31it ult.] Mr. Soule ou Mr. Perry. An omission having occurred in our pub lication last evening of the subjoined letters we repeat them in this morning’s paper: To the Editors of tlie Picayune: New Orleans, May 29, 1855. Gentlemen :—You will much oblige the undersigned by inserting in your next num ber the enclosed letter, which I have just transmitted by mail to the editors of the National Intelligencer and the New York Herald. Very Respectfully, &e., Pierre Soule. itated by others who may take part in the discussion, whether for or against the new party. We would express the hope in this con nection, that the American party will wage no war against Mr. Stephens, nor oppose his re election to Congress. Neither Geor gia nor the South can offord to lose the ser vices of such men at this time. It requires no ordinary sagacity to foresee the mani fold dangers now preparing for the Union and the South, or to appreciate the neces sity of bringing into tlie public service all the intellect, and patriotism, and curage, at our command. Tis true Mr. Stephens has dealt the party a heavy blow ; but let that go : if the party is as strong as it is repre sented to be, it would require several such blows to fell it to the ground. Besides, as between himself and the party, there is no reason to believe, liis letter has damaged the writer more than those at whom it was aimed “little niggers.” Barnum’s motto is that of Horace—“Ilic niger est, hunc caveto!” [For the Atlanta Daily Intelligencer.] Tlie Fourth of July! Messrs. Editors: Laying aside all politi cal prejudices, I propose that the citizens of Atlanta show their love for the independ ence of their country by celebrating the 4th of July in a manner becoming tho sons of their revolutionary sires; and, also, pro pose that the Mayor and Council call a meeting for the purpose of making suitable arrangements for tbe occasion. We all talk much of the love we have for our country and the reverence we have for the privileges we enjoy as freemen and re publicans, yet we have almost permitted the anniversaries of our independence topass together with a multitude of persons on the wharves and piers sent six hearty hurras i has a right, by an exclusive appropriation after them. These were returned with ■ of an unnecessary amount of territory to keep equal spirit by the gallant sailors of the Ex- it fro™ the general uses of mankind. pedition. J Let us see how stands the case in this cannot be questioned. Indeed, no member of either House of Congress, from the South, ciples upon which societies were formed— occupies so commanding a position as. he a community of individuals each free and | does ; nor have we acliampion so well suited ii. j x v a , e as he, to grapple with the difficulties now equal, bound together for the benefit of the | I(J0mi ^ u * p j^the distance, and to protect whole. Naturalization, we say, is an ele- ; and de f end us . The party, therefore, which mental part of expatriation; without it the prevents the return of such a man to Con- individual who leaves the government under gress, at so critical a period, takes upon it self a fearful responsibility. That the reader may not suspect us of being influenced by old Wihg attachments, we desire to express the hope, at the same time and for the reasons that no opposition will be made to the election of Mr. Cobb.— The welfare, not of Georgia alone, nor of the South, but of the whole Union, impera tively demand the return of these men to Congress. Indeed, we have never known a period when the country was threatened with greater dangers than it is at this time. The wild and rampant fanaticism of tbe North, the civil war in Kansas, and the question of the admission of slave States in the Union, will lead to an agitation at no distant day, the like of which lias never been witnessed in this country. Let South ern men then, bear and forbear. Let them off entirely unnoticed or unthought of. If Be this as it may, the party would inflict J there is a spark of the irue spirit of ’76 in a much greater injury on itself than Mr. | £ be breas (; g 0 f our citizens let us indicate it Stephens has done, by preventing his return j , . .. to Congress, especially if itshould send some h J an observance of the anniversary o' a second rate man in his place. It is this ! day made glorious by the Declaration of the very mistake—the election of inferior men, j Independence of our glorious Republic!— —that has damned the party in New Eng- j AYhat say you, Messrs. Editors? land ; and the same cause will produce the i " \ AYIIIG. same effect in Georgia, unless the common sense which so generally characterises the party, shall rule tlie hour instead of folly and passion. Mr. ‘Stephens has done the State some service.’ He is a man of great abilities, and his patriotism and devotion to the South The New Y'ork Herald has thonght i it worth while to put the biography of Geo. Law in four columns, after the manner of Plutarch ? Out of it all the Heiald deduces that as the hero has shown “ vast adminis trative ability” in managing rocks, bridges, railrords, steamboats and capitalists, he must therefore be the man who will manage the political concerns of the country to the country’s best advantage. which he was b rn. leaves society: he be comes an Mb- - ■ v rid, a condition of affairs totai ■ with the first principles of go\• ..iental union, a commu nity of interests when the rights of each are represented in the ruling power. The foreign emigrant arriving on our shores with an intent to remain, looses the rights and renounces the duties of a citizen or subject of the government from whence he came, and becomes a citizen or an inhabi tant of this country. This is his commu nity, and he is one of the people who com pose it, and as such he is entitled to be rep resented in it. Our various acts of legisla tion prescribing a term of years duriug which the emigrant must remain before he \ P u * tbe ‘ r aad wi ff f men at f tbobe i“’ becomes entitled to the right of naturaliza- f and lf tbo noble sh, P. of 8tate “ ust tion, so far from refuting, confirms our ar gument. The first act, passed on thiR sub ject, March 26,1840, prescribes a residence they cannot reproach themselves with her loss. Senator Toombs, of 6a., accompanied by bis family, arrived in Weehingtoa City on Thursday. The New Orleans Delta saj's that an extended system of fraud and forgery has been successfully carried out in Texas and Louisiana, in the fabrication of fictitious Texan Land Warrants, and that a large number of these warrants are now in circu lation, which, upon presentation, liaveproved to bo forgeries. The Weather and the Crofs.—Rain lias at last come I We had, on Sunday morning last a shower, and have had several show ers this morning, and judging from the prospects now, we think that we will have rain abundance. The oats crop through this country has been, up to the present time, very sorry, but we thinK that the present rains will bring them out, and make an average yield. The wheat crop looks as promising as we ever saw it in this country, and corn, not withstanding the dry weather which wehave had, is in a growing state, and looks well. Wo now have every prospect of a better crop in this country, than we have had for two years past .--Dalton Timet 81st ult. [Copy.] To the Editors of the National Intelligencer, and of the New York Herald: New Orleans, May 29, 1S55. Gentlemen—I do not intend at present to notice tbe letter published over the signa ture of Horatio J. Perry in your number of the22d (and 23d) inst., otherwise than by stating that there is not a word of truth » it. The baseness and tbe impudence of tie writer are only equaled by liis hypocrisy and cowardice. Indeed, this last production of liis, sweat? the Jesuit aud the felon all over. I shall take occasion to draw up a picture of this gentleman’s doing, during niy mis sion to Spain, in the history which I am pre paring of it for the press; and, while un sealing the secret of his treachery, give 3 clue to the encouragement and support which it has secured him in tlie State 1'^ partment at Washington. Your obedient servant, Pierre Soule. Tlie Law of Libel. A verdict of $800 damages, given again 5 ' the Sun, for copying a police report trom the regular returns, was set aside on T‘ iur :' day last, by the Supreme Court in Philadel phia, and judgement given for defendants). Remarking upon this, the Baltimore Aim n ' can says— In no point has the law been farther re moved from the boasted "perfection of coO) mon sense” than in all that relate-) to t law of libel. Its inconsistency and.injosn in this respect has been exposed time up time, but they have been clung to witn pertinacity that seemed to increase m PR portion to the clearness with which tlm absurdity was exposed. Latterly, Rwevep- the dogma that “the greater the truth greater the libel,” has failed to be « versal acceptance, and liberal judge* un intelligent juries have proved that tins mu> legal feature was not impregnable. blow has recently been struck at ithyJu o Bosworth, of the New York Superior Gt ‘ who, in deciding a libel case agamy . New York Sun, laid down with g ra ]' • J distinctness a most important princtpl • He said, “tlie rule is that a party "i'° .■' tifies the publishing of ajibel, I'V at e L ing to prove that what was pubhshe ^ true, must show that in its substance meaning tlie facts were as tlie article s ' and although every part of an article med to be libbllous as a whole, is yj to be true by the defence, yet if"’| ,at '\m e is not of itself libellous, the deft-me ls ‘ out. * * * * Tho law allows a ^ to publish anything of another—P r0 '-. ^ is true—and it is complete defence article is true.” Proposals.—The attention of roauer* invited to the card of Mr. J- Camac our advertising columns, by which t be seen that proposals for furnishing a amount of lumber are invited, the -“® to be delivered at the Fair Ground U by tbs lotb of July*